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hlgher than In boys, the difference was slgnlflcantly hlgher only between 510 years<br />

<strong>of</strong> age<br />

2. About 45 0% <strong>of</strong> the work wmpnsed housework for girls, whlle for boys more than<br />

90 0% <strong>of</strong> the work lnduded outslde and Income generabng work Boys were also<br />

found to help In housework although to a small extent<br />

3. Girls spent slgnlficantly more bme than boys In studles In spite <strong>of</strong> dong more work<br />

(p c 0 05) Both glrlr and boys had enough leisure and t~me to sleep<br />

In Influence <strong>of</strong> menarche on the status <strong>of</strong> the girl child.<br />

(I) Ethnographic methods<br />

People felt that a girl should be restricted In her actlvltles and controlled In her behawor<br />

after menarche Most (115/160. 72 5%) people thought that restnd~on was needed<br />

because others will say sornethlng ~f she was not, and a few felt that her rnarnage<br />

rnlght be affected The average age <strong>of</strong> menarche was 14 3(11 3) years After<br />

attalnrnent <strong>of</strong> rnenarche, the girl's movements outslde the house were very much<br />

restricted<br />

(11) Other epidem~olog~cal methods<br />

Dunng the cross sechonal morbldlty survey, ~t was observed lhat out <strong>of</strong> 248 girls who<br />

were 13 years <strong>of</strong> age and above, 42 3% had attalned menarche and were wntlnulng In<br />

school Thls showed that menarche d~d not wnslderably affect a girl's schoollng<br />

(I) Ethnographic methods<br />

Most <strong>of</strong> the respondents to the structured questlonnalre (121/160,75 6%) felt that a gld<br />

should get marned after the age <strong>of</strong> 20 yean A few (24 4%) felt that they should marry

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