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Cohort study<br />

A total <strong>of</strong> 54 glrls and 89 boys In the cohort who were In school were followed for one<br />

year The common causes <strong>of</strong> absentee~sm In them were adverse weather condlt~ons In<br />

50 9%, illness In 14 5%, ws~ts outs~de the wllage In 12 7%, and playfulness In 4 5%<br />

The mean number <strong>of</strong> ep~sodes <strong>of</strong> absentee~srn/ch~ld/year was 1 6 (a 6) and the mean<br />

number <strong>of</strong> school days lost was 15 (11 4) dayslch~ldlyear The mean number <strong>of</strong><br />

ep~sodes <strong>of</strong> school absentee~sm due to ~llness was 0 221ch1ldlyear and that due to work<br />

was 0 12lch1ldlyear The mean number <strong>of</strong> days lost due to ~llness was 3 2 (G 2)<br />

daysleplsode and due to work was 1 0 (a 5) dayslep~sode No s~gn~ficant d~fference<br />

was observed between g~rls and boys as regards the magn~tude or causes <strong>of</strong> school<br />

absentee~sm (p > 0 05) It was also observed that out <strong>of</strong> 110 ep~sodes <strong>of</strong> absentee~sm,<br />

73 (66 3%) occurred dunng the monsoon penod, 10 (9 1%) In the post-monsoon, 19<br />

(17 3%) In the pre-monsoon and 8 (7 5%) In the summer penods<br />

jc) School dropout<br />

(I) Ethnograph~c methods<br />

Most <strong>of</strong> Ihe parents wanted the~r ch~ldren to complete school~ng They (1491160, 93 8%)<br />

felt that poor performane In school was the most common cause for dropouts They<br />

sa~d that the ch~ldren themselves dec~de not to go to school and there was noth~ng that<br />

the parents could do about ~t However. 80 6 % felt that poverty was also an Important<br />

factor In ch~ldren dropp~ng out <strong>of</strong> school Some felt that g~ds were generally taken away<br />

from school when another ch~ld was bom, In order to take care <strong>of</strong> the new arnval Most<br />

<strong>of</strong> them were <strong>of</strong> the oplnlon that menarche was not an Important cause for girls

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