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as an excuse to stop thelr girls from gotng to school In Indla, some <strong>of</strong> the reasons<br />

quoted for stopplng a glrl's education were -i) daughters get mamed and go away, 11)<br />

they were more useful In household work, 111) ~t was unacceptable to send daughters to<br />

a dlstanl place or to read under a male teacher, IV) ~t was easler to marry a less<br />

educated glrl (UNICEF,l990) Further, the qual~tabve <strong>research</strong> showed that mamage<br />

for educated girls becomes d~ff~wlt In terms <strong>of</strong> the cost as well as f~nd~ng a groom It<br />

also revealed that an unmamed g~rl was a soual burden The parents therefore wanted<br />

to reduce the burden by gettlng her marned as early as posslble In the late adolescent<br />

age the pnonty for a girl In her soclal context 1s mamage and not educatlon<br />

Education was not golng to make a glrl's marnage easy or less costly On the other<br />

hand, formal schooilng as a prospective avenue for employment was more Important<br />

for a son In lnd~a Th~s IS an Important motlvatlng factor for most <strong>of</strong> the parents wantlng<br />

to give thelr sons the best poss~ble educat~on In some states l~ke Maharashtra and<br />

Tam11 Nadu, there are lncentlves for promoting female educatlon In Maharashtra, girls<br />

are glven free educat~on up to XI1 standard (Nagpure,1992) In Tam11 Nadu, there 15 a<br />

speclal marnage grant for g~rls educated up to standard Vlll (Anonymous,l996)<br />

Although these rncent~ves have Improved the enrollment and attendance rates <strong>of</strong> glrls<br />

over the years, the rates have st111 not become equal to boys Thls 15 because <strong>of</strong> the<br />

cultural practices and pressures that st111 keep the educat~onal status <strong>of</strong> a girl chlld at a<br />

lower level<br />

7.5.5 Daily activitypattern<br />

Studles have shown that In children behveen 514 years <strong>of</strong> age, the mean work load In<br />

Qlrrv was greater than that In boys In rural areas, whereas, In urban localltles, boys had

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