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observed that the propohon <strong>of</strong> girls attending pnmary and m~ddle school was<br />

s~gnlflcantly less than the proport~on <strong>of</strong> boys attending the same (pnmary school 75 1%<br />

for girls, 00 5"X) lor boys, mrddle school 71 3'h for glrls, 81 7% for boys) Ilownvnr, nt<br />

the high school level, the attendance rate In girls and boys were comparable (54 4% vs<br />

52 4% respectively) The fall In attendance rate from m~ddle school to h~gh school was<br />

greater In boys than In girls Thls 1s l~kely to be due to lack <strong>of</strong> senousness w~th respect<br />

to stud~es on the part <strong>of</strong> boys, or, the need for them to contnbute to the Income <strong>of</strong> the<br />

famlly Whereas In the case <strong>of</strong> glrls, it 1s poss~ble that those who complete rn~ddle<br />

school are motrvated to continue wrth the~r educabon (~f they can afford), as they are<br />

senous about taklng up jobs The opportun~t~es for jobs for girls are better than before<br />

In many parts <strong>of</strong> lnd~ and the developing world, the dropout rate has been reported to<br />

be higher In glrls than in boys (UNICEF,1994a) In Rapsthan, the drop out rate In g~rls<br />

was as hlgh as 57 0% (UNICEF,1990) In Maharashtra, it has been reported, that the<br />

number <strong>of</strong> dropouts In g~rls was h~gher than boys at all levels <strong>of</strong> schooling<br />

(Nagpure,l992) In Tam11 Nadu, the dropout rate In girls (17 0%) was marginally h~gher<br />

than boys (14 9%, Anonymous,l996) In the study wllage, although the dropout rate In<br />

glrls (20 9%) was h~gher than boys (16 6%), the d~fference was not statlstlcally<br />

s~gn~f~cant (p > 0 05) The causes <strong>of</strong> dropout were however d~fferent for girls and boys<br />

Poverty was the most common cause for dropout In girls, whlle lack <strong>of</strong> Interest and poor<br />

performance were the chlef causes <strong>of</strong> dropout In boys<br />

Qual~tatlve <strong>research</strong> showed that most <strong>of</strong>ten boys stopped going to school on thelr<br />

own due to lack <strong>of</strong> motlvatlon and the deslre to earn, whrle girls were stopped because<br />

the parents could not afford or they were requlred for domestlc help<br />

Menarche was<br />

not an Important cause <strong>of</strong> dropout Occasionally, parents who could not afford, used ~t

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