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on the Issue <strong>of</strong> school age g~rls (UNICEF,1990) Ch~ldren s poslt~on In soclety IS largely<br />

dependent on thelr status In the home context The importance glven to the~r nutntlon<br />

health educat~on and other actlvltles w~thln thew homes 15 a measure <strong>of</strong> thelr status<br />

Therefore In the current stud!<br />

these Issues were addressed marly to assess the<br />

status <strong>of</strong> school age chlldren In the~r home m~l~eu w~th emphasls on bnnglng out the<br />

difference between girls and boys These Issues have also been addressed uslng both<br />

qual~tatlve and quantltatlve ethnograph~c methods, whlch have not been used In earl~er<br />

stud~es from lnd~a to the best <strong>of</strong> the ~nvest~gatots knowledge The Issues cons~dered<br />

were as follows -<br />

7 5. I Gender preference in having children<br />

lnd~a IS known to be one <strong>of</strong> the countr~es w~th a h~gh Index for son preference<br />

(Oduntan 1995) Thls IS posslbly because <strong>of</strong> the fact that people In states I~ke. Punjab<br />

Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh are known to have a strong preference<br />

for boys In these states, the under flve mortal~ty <strong>of</strong> the female chlld 15 much htgher than<br />

the males (UNICEF.1990) Further, the lower sex ratlo In these states compared to the<br />

natlonal average <strong>of</strong> 927, also lndlrectly reflected the better care glven to males<br />

However, there IS a heterogene~ty <strong>of</strong> gender preference In lnd~a as shown by a h~gher<br />

sex ratio ~n the Southern states <strong>of</strong> Tam11 Nadu, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh. Karnataka and<br />

the Eastern state <strong>of</strong> Orlssa, where ~t IS<br />

more than 950 (Potdar.1992) Some<br />

lnvest~gators were <strong>of</strong> the oplnlon that the gender b~as was greater In areas where the<br />

economlc potent~al <strong>of</strong> females was low<br />

Rec~proc~ty and br~de wealth whlch were<br />

common In the South, enhanced the value <strong>of</strong> women In these areas (Bardhan,1988)

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