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labor wh~le the~r slsters relaxed at home Most <strong>of</strong> the le~sure time was spent by boys ln<br />

going out or for clnemas, whlle g~rl stayed at home or went to the local temples<br />

The follow~ng are some <strong>of</strong> the statements made in th~s regard -<br />

1. "A glrl only has to do all the inside work. Then only she will be able to do<br />

these jobs well, when she goes to another house" (A 35 year old man In an ~n-<br />

depth Internew) Many people expressed a slmllar new<br />

2 "A boy should not do housework. I will not allow it. If he starts doing that, he<br />

will become lazy and will not go out and earn. His main duty is to go out and<br />

earn" (A 32 year old woman In an In-depth ~nte~ew)<br />

3. "Boys have to do all the outside work like getting things from the shop or<br />

outs~de the town. they will not do inside work. I will not permit them" (A 35<br />

years old woman tn an In-depth ~nterv~ew)<br />

4. '1 do all the work like going to the field, washing vessels, cooki~g and making<br />

pavu. My brother goes for field work and weaves. He doesn't do any<br />

housework. When I am not tired, I don't mind doing housework. Sometimes<br />

when I am tired I feel bad I have to do all the work. When I have children I will<br />

ask them to share the housework" (A 20 year old glrl ln an In-depth lntervlew)<br />

5. "What work do girls do? They just sit at home and gossip. We only have to go<br />

out and work in the hot sun" (A 19 year old boy In a group dlscusslon)<br />

-her<br />

epidemiolo~ical methods<br />

The duration and changlng pattern w~th lncreaslng age <strong>of</strong> important dally actlvltles llke<br />

work, study, leisure and play, and sleep are glven below These actlwt~es In g~rls and<br />

boys In the vanous age groups are compared ~n Tables 7.5-7.7 The durat~on <strong>of</strong> the<br />

danous actlv~t~es, expressed as a percentage <strong>of</strong> the total tlme penod ~n a day, for both<br />

girls and boys IS glven ~n Figures 7.lA-7.2 C

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