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indian council of medical research - Pondicherry University DSpace ...


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so However, some (22 5O/0) were w~ll~ng to send them w~th an escort Selvl once sa~d,<br />

dc<br />

lt is so much better now. So many girls go to school and take up jobs outside<br />

the village also. About 5 years ago, very few girls went to school outside the<br />

village. My father had to face a lot <strong>of</strong> criticism from his relatives and neighbors for<br />

sending my slster to Dind~gul for nurslng training." Most people (80 0%) were w~lllng<br />

10 borrow money for the~r son's educat~on On the other hand, not many were w~lllng to<br />

do so for the~r daughter's educat~on Only about 65 0% sa~d that they would borrow<br />

money for thew daughter's educat~on, and, that too, only ~f she d~d well In school Slnce<br />

they had to spend on her rnarrlage any how, they were not keen to spend on her<br />

educatlon Many (60 6%) felt that educat~on would not make a girl's mamage easler or<br />

less costly Only 39 4% felt that ~t was easler for a g~rl w~th a job to get marr~ed Most<br />

<strong>of</strong> them (99 4%) thought that menarche these days would not Interfere w~th a glrl's<br />

educatlon<br />

The follow~ng are some <strong>of</strong> the statements made m th~s regard<br />

1. "I think it will be good if girls read and take up jobs. Then even if her husband<br />

leaves her, she can earn and look after her family" (A 33 year old woman In an<br />

In-depth ~nte~ew) A s~m~lar statement was made by many people<br />

2. "1 wish I had educated my daughters. At that time I was thinking how I was<br />

going to get them married and did not think about sending them to school.<br />

Now I see so many girls reading and getting jobs and having status in society.<br />

I wish I had also educated them" (A 45 year old woman In an In-depth lntervlew)<br />

3 "My daughter has studied upto the Vlll standard only. I wanted her to become<br />

a nurse. She was not reading well. We could have sent her for tuition. But<br />

her father said we can't afford to educate all our children. It is more important<br />

to educate boys. Anyway she is not reading well. Let her stay at home and<br />

learn housework. So, we got her married" (A 40 year old woman ln an In-depth<br />


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