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indian council of medical research - Pondicherry University DSpace ...


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ecords <strong>of</strong> 34 girls and 44 boys<br />

The case records were so selected that the<br />

background seventy and durat~on <strong>of</strong> ~llness, and souoeconomlc<br />

status were<br />

comparable In both the groups Out <strong>of</strong> 34 g~rls. 9 (26 5%) d ~d not come for any follow<br />

up at all while the correspond~ng f~gure for boys was 16 out <strong>of</strong> 41 (36 4%) It was also<br />

observed that 15 out <strong>of</strong> 34 glds (44 1%) and 9 out <strong>of</strong> 44 boys (20 5%) had completed<br />

thelr full course <strong>of</strong> followup In those who dld not come for followup, no slgnlf~cant<br />

d~fference was observed between the 2 groups (p > 0 05) In those who completed the<br />

full followup, there were s~gn~f~cantly more g~rls than boys (p < 0 05)<br />

(111) Data from Government Chest Clln~c, <strong>Pondicherry</strong><br />

Treatment <strong>of</strong> tuberculos~s<br />

Dunng a 1 year penod between January 1994 and December,l994. 145 g~rls and 155<br />

boys less than 15 years <strong>of</strong> age recelved treatment for tuberculos~s at the Chest Cl~n~c.<br />

Pondcherry<br />

Out <strong>of</strong> 145 g~rls 107 (73 8%) and out <strong>of</strong> 155 boys 106 (684%) had<br />

completed full treatment, no s~gn~flcant d~fference belng observed between the two<br />

genders (p > 0 05)<br />

7 4 4 Education and the g~rl ctlild<br />

(a1 Ethnoqraph~c methods<br />

The villagers were unanimous In the~r oplnlon that educat~on was equally necessary for<br />

glds as much as for boys<br />

Out <strong>of</strong> the 160 people who responded to the St~ctured<br />

questlonnalre, 96 3% felt that g~rls should take up jobs wh~le only 3 8% thought that<br />

lobs wore not essent~al for them Although most people (71 9%) were wtll~ng to send<br />

the11 daughters outs~de the v~llage for study or work, a few (5 6%) were unwllllng to do

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