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indian council of medical research - Pondicherry University DSpace ...

indian council of medical research - Pondicherry University DSpace ...


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The follow~ng were some <strong>of</strong> the statements made In this regard .-<br />

I. "In my house, children eat first, then my husband; I eat last" (A 32 year old<br />

woman tn an ~n-deplh interview) Stmilar statement was made by many women<br />

2. "My son will not have 'koozh". I have to cook something special for him.<br />

My daughter will not say anything.<br />

She will feel sony for me and eat<br />

whatever I cook" (A 35 year old woman In a group d~scuss~on)<br />

3. "It depends on how you have trained them. I will not cook anything special<br />

for my son. He has to eat what I cook. If he doesn't like he has to starve"<br />

(A 36 year old woman ~n a group dtscuss~on)<br />

jb) Other epidemioloaical methods<br />

The cornpanson <strong>of</strong> the actual Intake <strong>of</strong> d~fferent nutnents wlth he RDA, by age and<br />

gender has already beer1 presented in the chapter on health aspects (Chapter 5 4,<br />

Tables 5.10A-5.11E) There was no d~etary dlscnmlnatton between the genders as per<br />

the data<br />

7.4.3 Health care and the girl child<br />

la) Ethnographic methods<br />

People generally felt that attentton should be glven to a slck chlld, whether a glrl or a<br />

boy They d~d not glve d~fferential care for girls and boys The type <strong>of</strong> treatment they<br />

gave depended upon the money they had w~th them at that t~me Dunng a group<br />

dlscuss~on, the pnmary school teacher sa~d."ln this village, they do not differentiate<br />

between a sick girl and a sick boy. I have noticed that they have a lot <strong>of</strong> affection<br />

for girls. Whenever a child falls sick, whether it is a girl or a boy, they take them to<br />

a doctor immediately." Of the respondents to the structured questlonnalre, some<br />

(531160, 33 I%.) said that they would go to a pr~vate doctor for mlnor allmenis and

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