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indian council of medical research - Pondicherry University DSpace ...

indian council of medical research - Pondicherry University DSpace ...


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"eglected the smaller <strong>of</strong> the twlns<br />

She just abandoned the chlld and took her other<br />

children and went away to another vlllage Neelavathy felt sorry for the neglected girl<br />

ch~ld She brought the baby home, fed her and took care <strong>of</strong> her The baby repeatedly<br />

fell s~ck Neelavattly took her to the local PHC and bought medlclnes to the best <strong>of</strong> her<br />

capac~ty She sald. "What can we do ~f 11 IS a girl It IS not In our hands I just could not<br />

bear to see my own grand chlld be~ng neglected I am do~ng my best for her" Afler 3<br />

months the baby Improved and the baby s mother came and took back her ch~ld Thls<br />

case study shows that a g~rl chlld can be neglected under pressure by the mother The<br />

qrand mothers att~tudr rrflrrted that !tie q~rl chlld was st111 a ch~ld for the (am~ly In the<br />

study area<br />

7 4 2 Nutrition and the girl child<br />

[a) Ethnographic methods<br />

The villagers dlci not seem to glve any spec~al preference to thelr sons. In glvlng food<br />

Structured obselvatlon focused on thls Issue dunng vls~ts to the vlllage In the study<br />

penod also conf~rmed th~s The food that was prepared was d~stnbuted according to<br />

each ones need among the fam~ly members About 53 0%, (851160) sa~d that whoever<br />

was hunqry ate flrst In the house and 43 0% sa~d that the~r ch~ldren ate flrst<br />

However.1 9% sa~d that they gave food flrst to the male ch~ldren A few women In the<br />

group dlscuss~on felt that boys were fussy about food and were dlfflcult to please whlle<br />

glrls were more accommodat~ve The adolescents who partlupated In the group<br />

~ISCUSSIO~S were unanimous In saylng that there was no d~etaiy dlscnmlnat~on In the~r<br />

houses Anandh~ once sa~d, " We are three daughters and one son. Whenever my<br />

father br~ngs home anything to eat, he dlv~des Into four equal parts and glves us."

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