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sectlon For each Issue, the observations by ethnographic methods are presented<br />

followed by results denved by other ep~demiological methods.<br />

7.4.1 Gender preference in having chlldren<br />

(a) Ethnoaraphlc methods<br />

In group d~scuss~ons, both women and men seemed to prefer hanng sons<br />

However<br />

structured questlonnalre revealed that only 25 6% (411160) wanted to have sons wh~le<br />

many (46 9%) preferred to have both a glrl and a boy About 15 0% d~d not mlnd a<br />

ch~ld <strong>of</strong> elther sex whlle 12 5% preferred to have g~fis About 56 3% thought that boj;<br />

were essential for economlc support and 52 5% wanted to have boys for canylng the<br />

famlly name The vanous reasons obtalned on the St~~t~red quest~onnalre for<br />

preferring a chlld <strong>of</strong> a part~cular gender are given In Tables 7.2A and 7.28 It was<br />

observed that people dld not dlsllke girls The value <strong>of</strong> glrls was appreciated by many<br />

people as regards look~ng after the parents when necessaly and helplng them In<br />

housework<br />

About 26 3% sald they would llke to have glds because they were<br />

affect~onate helped them In housework and looked afler them In old age The maln<br />

reason for not wantlng girls was the expense assouated w~th her mamage<br />

Some<br />

people (19 4%) considered that both g~rls and boys were equal these days and that<br />

there was no difference between them because both went to work and earned The<br />

lnvest~gator observed that In the study vlllage there were a couple <strong>of</strong> famll~es where<br />

the w~fe had undergone tubectomy after havlng two daughters One <strong>of</strong> the key<br />

lnfomlants mother remarked ' My ne~ghbour IS a sup&<br />

lady. She has only two<br />

daughters and has undergone family planning operat~on. She IS bnnglng them UP<br />

Well and 1s qulte happy " 'Super means very good In wlloqulal tenlnology

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