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~~flh-We~t reglons Of the country was also responsible for the low economlc status<br />

,nached to females in these areas. Reciprocity and bride wealth which were common<br />

in the South enhanced the value <strong>of</strong> women in these areas (Bardhan,l988) The extent<br />

and quality <strong>of</strong> gender dlscnmination are known to vary from place to place even wthln a<br />

small geograph~cal area. Therefore, one has to be cautious ~n generailzing such<br />

lnformat~on (Sen and Sengupta. 1983).<br />

7 3 Methodology<br />

As mentioned earller (Chapter 1 Introduction) soclal context for the purpose <strong>of</strong> this<br />

study considered school age chtldren ~n thew home mllleu The Issues that were<br />

considered were gender preferecce ~n hawng chlldren by the community nutrltlon and<br />

health care gtven to them Importance glven to the~r educat~on acttv~ty pattern <strong>of</strong><br />

children ~n thetr dally llfe menarche and ~ts lmpllcatlon on the glrl chlld and the<br />

cornnlurllty s attltude towards the mamage <strong>of</strong> a chid These Issues were addressed to<br />

bring out the drfferences ~n the soctal status between glrls and boys<br />

The actlvtty<br />

pattern tn thls study referred to analysls <strong>of</strong> actiwtles that reflected the soclal status <strong>of</strong><br />

chlldren In thew home context Data on the above Issues were collected by both<br />

ethnographlc and otner ep~dem~ologlcal methods The methods relevant to vanous<br />

Issues and the Issues addressed by dlfferenl methods are glven ~n Tables 7 ?A-7 1C<br />

7.3.1 Description <strong>of</strong> methods<br />

la) Ethnoqraphic methods<br />

The detatls <strong>of</strong> ethnographlc methods have already been descnbed In the chapter on<br />

tlealth (Chapter 5 3) 1 l ~e method applled here was malnly ln-depth lnte~tew~, slnce it

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