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female ch~ldren showed that between 1971 and 1981, there was an Increase In the<br />

case <strong>of</strong> g~rls compared to boys (UNICEF,1990)<br />

(d) Influence <strong>of</strong> menarche on the air1 child<br />

The g~rls In rural areas are not helped by the educat~on they recelve to comprehend the<br />

phys~cal and hormonal changes that occur w~th puberty The self perception <strong>of</strong> a<br />

menstruating glrl IS one <strong>of</strong> ~mpunty She IS <strong>of</strong>ten restricted from entenng the kltchen<br />

The parents are equally Ignorant and are more concerned about the secunty <strong>of</strong> the~r<br />

daughters Thls att~tude leads to a severe restnctlon <strong>of</strong> her movements outs~de the<br />

house and <strong>of</strong>ten results In school dropout (UNICEF,1990)<br />

le) Marnaae<br />

In the early part <strong>of</strong> thls century, g~ds got mamed In thew early teens Thls was perhaps<br />

due to the fact that parents wanted to reduce the~r burden <strong>of</strong> hawng to pronde soclal<br />

securlty to a glrl The other reason for thls could be that early marnage prowded a<br />

longer chlld beanng penod The mean age at marnage at the turn <strong>of</strong> the century was<br />

13 0 years It had moved to 18 3 years by 1981 (UNICEF,1990) However, there was a<br />

w~de Inter and ~ntra state vanatlon<br />

In states l~ke B~har, Rajasthan and Madhya<br />

Pradesh, the mean age <strong>of</strong> rnamage was much below the nat~onal average <strong>of</strong> 16 7<br />

years (Vlr.1990, Gopalan1993). W~th a deslre and also the need to have a small<br />

farn~ly, the mean age at marnage IS also lncreaslng In 1981. 7 0% <strong>of</strong> girls In the age<br />

group 10-14 years and 43 0% In the age group 15-19 years were mamed In 1987-88.<br />

these f~gures were around 4 0% and 37 0% respect~vely (UNICEF.1990) It was<br />

observed that gender b~as was greater In areas where the economlc potentla1 <strong>of</strong><br />

females was low<br />

The h~gher cost lncuned In marrytng <strong>of</strong>f g~rls ~n the North and

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