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jcl Education and the g~rl child<br />

A g~rls educat~on faces a number <strong>of</strong> economlc cultural sxlal and psycholog~cal<br />

barriers especially ~n the context <strong>of</strong> rural lndla The female l~leracy rate IS 37 7% as<br />

aga~nst the male llteracy <strong>of</strong> 65 5% (Park 1997)<br />

The percentape <strong>of</strong> enrollment In<br />

pnmary and m~ddle school for girls IS<br />

79 9% and 35 6% respedlvely and the<br />

conespondlng f~gures for males are 106 4% and 60 6% (UNICEF,1990) It has been<br />

estimated that <strong>of</strong> all the g~rls enrolled only 58 0% reach grade V in India agalnst a<br />

global average <strong>of</strong> 68 0% (UNICEF 1994b)<br />

In all the states ~n India includ~rig Kerala, girls had a lower attendance rate than boys.<br />

1 tie d~ffererice between the attendance rate <strong>of</strong> g~rls and boys was reported to be very<br />

w~de In some states l~ke Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Rajasthan The lowest difference was<br />

reported frorn Kerala (UNICEF.1990). A survey <strong>of</strong> teenage girls in Pune showed that<br />

g~rls received almost equal educational opportunities as boys (Kanitkar, 1996)<br />

However, the results <strong>of</strong> the study cannot be generalized particularly since. ~t was<br />

conducted in a populat~on <strong>of</strong> middle and high income status, and the sample slze was<br />

also low<br />

llle dropout rate was also very h~gh In g~rls particularly In those from rural areas In<br />

Rajasthan the dropout rate In girls was as h~gh as 57 O%(UNICEF,1990) In rural lnd~a<br />

girls who were l~kely to be withdrawn from school would belong to famllles wlth little or<br />

no land resources These chlldren joln the unorganized chlld labor force Work force<br />

Dartlc~patlon rate for girls ~n the age group 11-13 years was h~gher than that <strong>of</strong> boys In<br />

both rural and urban areas Cornpanson <strong>of</strong> the work partlclpat~on rate <strong>of</strong> male and

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