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children had lower contact rates than all other demographic groups tncludtng adult<br />

females A study carried out in Ludhiana revealed the followng (UNICEF,1994b)-<br />

. Out <strong>of</strong> 20,407 children who attended the outpattent department. 65.2% were boys<br />

and the rest (34 890) were girls<br />

Out <strong>of</strong> 3,773 children adm~ned In hospital. 83 5% were boys and only 16.5%<br />

were girls<br />

. Out <strong>of</strong> the ch~ldren admitted, the proportion <strong>of</strong> female children dying exceeded<br />

that <strong>of</strong> male children.<br />

In another study from the same place it was shown that males had a lower mortality<br />

than females after the first month <strong>of</strong> llfe (Pebley and Amin.1991). Preferential<br />

hospitalization <strong>of</strong> boys in the ratio <strong>of</strong> 60:40 was reported from a study In Bihar<br />

(Snvastava and Nayak.1995) The male: female hosp~talization ratio vaned from 2:l to<br />

1 3 1, the latter being malnly from South India (Ghosh,1986). The health care glven to<br />

girls was found to be better in South lnd~a Basu (1989) observed that the probabtlily <strong>of</strong><br />

surv~val for girls was much lower than that <strong>of</strong> boys in the districts <strong>of</strong> Utlar Pradesh,<br />

whlle ~t was roughly equal for gtrls and boys in Tamil Nadu. A survey from Pune<br />

revealed that sisters recelved equal treatment as compared to their brothers with<br />

respect to nutrit~on and health care (Kanrtkar,l996). However, a study from Salem<br />

d~stnct In Tarn11 Nadu showed that 90.0% <strong>of</strong> the low and 25.0% <strong>of</strong> middle income<br />

famlltes showed<br />

btas In glving <strong>medical</strong> attention to daughters, practictng self<br />

rrled~caliutt for dauyhle~s atid hospital atletittoll lor sons (Satnantaray and Jerla.lY9b).<br />

though nutnt~onally the girls were better than boys Overall, the gender discnm~nation<br />

In health care was higher in the Northern stales than the Southern states Of<br />

India, and<br />

over the years thts dlscrtm~natory practice appears to be on the decllne (SdvaStava and<br />

Nayak 1995)

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