indian council of medical research - Pondicherry University DSpace ...

indian council of medical research - Pondicherry University DSpace ...

indian council of medical research - Pondicherry University DSpace ...


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(a) The village population was reported to be around 3,000 which was consldered<br />

adequate.<br />

(b) There was a government school with pnmary, middle and high school sections and<br />

hence school age children would be available for the study in the village.<br />

(c) The village had a primary health center and a sub-center which could be useful In<br />

canying out the study<br />

(d) Availability <strong>of</strong> the village health nurse who had been working there for over 7 years,<br />

and who had a good rapport with the villagers.<br />

(e) The villagers were cooperative. Many <strong>of</strong> them were weavers and would be available<br />

for study during field visits<br />

(f) Studies on school age children had not been done earlier In the vlllage.<br />

(g) The village was accessible by road in all seasons.<br />

After dlscusslons wlth the local <strong>medical</strong> <strong>of</strong>flcer and golng through the records<br />

malntalned at the pnmary health center (PHC) and by the v~llage health nurse (VHN) ~t<br />

was found that the date were Inadequate to reflect the extent <strong>of</strong> occurrences <strong>of</strong> acute<br />

and chronlc illnesses In chlldren In the vlllage Hence ~t was declded to collect<br />

addltlonal data from a tertlary care hospltal (Jawaharalal lnstltute <strong>of</strong> Postgraduate<br />

Med~cal Education And Research JIPMER) at Pondlcherry and the Government Chest<br />

Cllnlc Pondlcherry Althougli JIPMER hospltal and the Government Chest Cllnlc are<br />

located In an urban area, the patlents are ma~nly from the surrounding rural areas For<br />

overall morbldlty all chlldren attending the tertiary care hospltal were consldered<br />

However, for health seeklng behavlour only data on chlldren from a rural background<br />

were taken rnto account

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