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8, "During groundnut picking season, many children will not come. The whole<br />

family will be in the field picking groundnuw (A pnrnary school teacher In a<br />

group d~scussion).<br />

jii) Other epidemioloaical methods<br />

Data on this issue were obta~ned from cohort study and cross secbonal school survey.<br />

2 Cohort Study<br />

1" the cohort there were 54 glrls and 89 boys who were In school Dunng a one year<br />

fo~lowup. it was observed that Inclement weather wndlbon was the maln cause <strong>of</strong><br />

school absenteelsm followed by ~llness, nslts outs~de the nllage, work, playfulness, and<br />

fam~lylcommun~ty functlon (Tables 6.8 and 6.9). The gender speclflc proportlon <strong>of</strong><br />

school days lost by cause IS glven In F~gure 6 5 The proportlon <strong>of</strong> school days lost due<br />

to Illness and work was more for boys when compared to glrls Adverse weather<br />

condltlons resulted In a hlgh degree <strong>of</strong> school absence, particularly In the pnmary<br />

school chlldren<br />

Cross sectional school survey<br />

Data on the causes <strong>of</strong> absenteelsm was obtalned from 226 children dunng school<br />

wslts This Included 95 girls, <strong>of</strong> whom 28, 58 and 9 girls were from the primacy, middle<br />

and high school levels respectively and 131 boys <strong>of</strong> whom 28, 80 and 23 boys were In<br />

respectwe school levels. The causes <strong>of</strong> absenteeism as revealed from the school<br />

survey are given in Tables 6.10 and 6.11. The most wmrnon cause <strong>of</strong> school<br />

absentee~srn in girls was found to be illness, while in boys it was work. Apart from<br />

lliness and work which were the major causes <strong>of</strong> school absence, other important<br />

causes were local festivals and visits to other places. The propomon <strong>of</strong> chlldren with

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