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(iii) Proportion <strong>of</strong> children in the relevant age group attending school<br />

The relevant age group for the pnmary school level was taken as 5-11 years; 12-14<br />

years for the mlddle school and 1517 years for the h~gh school levels. The proporbon<br />

<strong>of</strong> chlldren in each group who were attending school is gtven in Figure 6.4. The<br />

<strong>of</strong> boys studying In the pnmary and middle school was significantly more<br />

than girls (p < 0.05) whlle there was no difference ~n the proportfon <strong>of</strong> girts and boys<br />

studying in the hlgh school (p > 0 05)<br />

6.4.2 School Absenteeism<br />

(a) Causes<br />

(I) Ethnographic methods<br />

During group dlscuss~ons many parents felt that the common cause lor staylng away<br />

from school was playfulness They said that the chlldren found the school bonng and<br />

preferred to play w~th thelr fnends However, structured questtonnalre showed that only<br />

8 8% (141160) felt that playfulness was a cause <strong>of</strong> school absenteelsm Some (30 0%)<br />

considered illness to be an Important cause for school loss About 8 8% felt that local<br />

functions lead to school absenteelsm whlle 4 4% felt that housework was a common<br />

cause for absenting from school<br />

hlng fleld vls~ts the lnvestfgator came across many chlldren who had absented<br />

themselves from school for vanous reasons There were<br />

53 such chlldren over a<br />

Period <strong>of</strong> one year and on being questtoned, 33 sald they d ~d not go lo school because<br />

Of work. 6 because <strong>of</strong> vlslts to other places, 6 because <strong>of</strong> ram. 5 because <strong>of</strong><br />

Playfulness, 2 because <strong>of</strong> some funct~on at home end 1 because <strong>of</strong> illness On further<br />

9uestlonlng about the nature <strong>of</strong> work that caused them to absent from school, 24

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