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indian council of medical research - Pondicherry University DSpace ...


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namely school records and census It was understood that the data obta~ned by these<br />

twc methods would be dtfferent because <strong>of</strong> the ~nherent dtfference ~n the methodology<br />

The data from the school record was collected for the prevlous one year<br />

whlle the<br />

data from the census constdered dropout ln ch~ldren between 5-20 years <strong>of</strong> age<br />

,iiespectlve <strong>of</strong> the ttme <strong>of</strong> dropout (For example a chlld who had dropped out 7 years<br />

ago would have been tncluded for analys~s ~n the census but not ~n the school data<br />

wt~~ch was restr~cted to orie prevtous year)<br />

(111) Cross sect~onal survey <strong>of</strong> school ch~ldren<br />

School ch~ldren were Intew~ewed about absentee~sm dunng school vlslts The school<br />

was vts~ted on 10 consecuttve work~r~g days Each day one class was ws~ted ~n the<br />

rnornlng<br />

Dur~ng the vls~t the reason for absentee~sm was obta~ned from all those<br />

students In that class who were absent the prevlous day but were present on that day<br />

The data so obta~ned were entered tn a structured form<br />

(tv) Cohort<br />

School golng chtldren tn the selected households for the cohort study were quest~oned<br />

for school absenteetsm<br />

For a per~od <strong>of</strong> one year, these children were wsited once ~n<br />

15 days and tnforrnat~on was obtatned about thelr school attendance and reasons for<br />

absenteelsm, ~f any. The source <strong>of</strong> information was the student, sibling or parent The<br />

dropouts ~n the cohort were a source <strong>of</strong> infonat~on for reasons for dropout.<br />

6 3 2 Organization and analyses <strong>of</strong> date<br />

Both ethnography and other ep~demtologtcal data were organ~zed and analyzed tn a<br />

manner stm~lar to that descr~bed ~n the chapter on health (Chapter 5 3) Stat~st~cal tests<br />

Were applted on the same prlnc~ples as those for Issues under the aspect <strong>of</strong> health

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