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<strong>EVALUATION</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>DIFFERENT</strong> <strong>CARBOHYDRATES</strong><br />

<strong>IN</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>DIET</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> PRAWN PENAEUS <strong>IN</strong>DlCUS<br />



The dlelary chammnmcs ol wvsn dinsrsnl camhydralea--pluc~lie, hucmlle. galastoaa mlllaae.<br />

lucmse Lvmgen. and ~mrth-wra svalualw br the Drawn Panmur mdh%e, mmyh IarmulaUan<br />

a1 m 4.8 r me MI k' 7s p m r mrrr .n: nr asa ra. 3~ j.mar 'szols ;as.mss<br />

1x9~ IW PICOOL" .U O*W ma? w g w 'warn h me >a' ?a, rp la., :amn.orre<br />

Sm em mm c?-cr ~s: ':R *as -m~ r ma - a- ale% is. nc -c-o-la-cs8 3-<br />

me omr hpm ma aes vlm manoose and .larch pmducsd ~an+mnny IP ; 001) superior o m<br />

&-earn ~h auwd OI mms IM *rm iilhid~s was are BY., sicspt 01 I~OW tea WII~<br />

plywn d~ mcn war only 29 B'# Amw m mjxa camhydnle wmneuona avluatd ms<br />

~b ranp 3,- mam-narc- lhre , > I ma rss ~ls m' am *la ~qn%aw.lr s.ps?e,<br />

D IC' 10~~m~ramnmo~rC.~ss*uth~rnm*~cn~qn7g1meryl~1m<br />

m ?I DCM WRI >e ;:P am hrmu oacwlsa, maw rm ncrerus n -*.me e.s<br />

up m loK 2.r *h;h my hrrmsr mmw lawid ma &dormnnes ol m dCI.<br />

&sides be~ns an lmwrtant source ol energy comwnenls In the diet. cabhydrates<br />

piai a slgntficant role In g~~ccgen-storage chltln synthests and the<br />

formahon of sterolds and fatty suds In prawns Antough the dlgesnon and the<br />

presence of digesbve enzymes of carbohydrates are demonstrated In prawns<br />

(Kwlman, 1964; Dall, 1964: Tyag and Prakash. 1967: Karunakaran and Dhage.<br />

19771, the capaaty to use diierenl carbohydrates seems to vary from m e s Vi<br />

wacms. In mme psnae~d prawns R has been demonstrated thal disaccharides<br />

and polysad~andes are more enluently utlllred than monosaccharides However,<br />

dlnerenaa eostsd In these fmndlnp In th~s study seven hflerent cabhydrates<br />

were W e d and evduated ~ndiv~duallv and alm in wmblnanons for understand-<br />

1% meir dietary charactWcs for the indian wh~e prawn Penaeus fndicus so as<br />

to b8 aMe to recommend S U M carbohydrates for lhe prawn. The efim of cel-

lulose In dlet on the growth and FCR 01 the prawn was also ~nvest~gated In me<br />

study<br />


Glucose fruclose galactose (monosacohandes). maltose, sucrose (daacchendes),<br />

and glycogen and starch (polysacchar~des) were selected for evaluation<br />

~n me dlet of P rndrcvs Elght punfled dtee were formulated, each mmaln-<br />

~ng one of the $elected cartohydratee at 30% level The lngredlent compose<br />

tlon of mese dlets. which are designated CE,. CE,. CE,. CE,. CE5. CE, CE,<br />

and CE, (havlng no cak~hydrate], IS glven In Tab@ 1 In the SecDnd expenment,<br />

seven diets (CE, to CE,,) were lormulaled wmprtslng seven comblnatlons<br />

of carbohydrates-glucoreglycogen. glucose-starch, glucose-maltose, gluwsesucrose.<br />

glucose-5ucrose-starch, glucose-maltose-starch. and sucrose-mltosestarch--wBh<br />

the objective of sludytng the eftem of mlxed carbohydra*? In dlet on<br />

growth, FCR and survival of prawn The detals of cornposltion of these dlets are<br />

Ing,.dl."fS<br />

T* 1 Isndlefi mmposnlon ol M d m C 4 IC CE.<br />

met<br />

C 4 CE, CE, CE, C 4 Cd C4 CE,<br />

Albumen iwl 700 400 400 100 100 400 400 100<br />

Cod-lMr oil 60 6.0 60 50 60 60 60 60<br />

01- 30.0 - - - - - -<br />

Fna0.e 3 0 0 - - - - -<br />

GlllUrme M O - - - -<br />

smmM 300 - - -<br />

Manow u.0 - starch - - - - - - 300 -<br />

G~Yw" - - - - - - - 300<br />

Cholamml 05 05 05 05 05 0.5 0.5 0.5<br />

Glumml~d HCI 08 08 05 08 08 08 0.8 0.8<br />

VlUmin mix' 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27<br />

Mlnanl mr" 56 8.5 66 86 86 56 8.6 8.6<br />

OWWBp WaMODBp Wne.WOMg wmnrIdd(clbumun]OWg para<br />

amlwm~.odOOIp ~ l l m h ~ ~ o 0 -owp 1 2 g rnumnwc&c&<br />

OaYp WnOWMYg 9urmumOW860 1m02p mmUcm0001g ~ o w r m<br />

n m n

glven In Table 2. In another expenment, e~ght more dlen were formulated havlnp<br />

0, 1, 3, 5, 8. 10, 15, and 20% of cellulose replacing an squlvalent amount 01<br />

carbahydrale in order to evaluate me mfe of cellulose as roughage (flbre) In d~et.<br />

The comwsinon of these diets ICE,, to CE,) 1s ulven in Table 3<br />

The diets were oreoared - bv . mlilna - 1nd;edlents " that were ~nd~v~duallv wwmrea<br />

1 r eqeccnca pr~nae~ arm s.evr tnmugn 250 ,m sere Hater &as aooeo<br />

30 m for 100 c an, 38' tc the oer m mre ana nomogen zec tnro a oo.gr .<br />

was steamed for 10 mm and pelletized uslng a laboratory model hand pelletlzer<br />

havlna 3 mm diameter d~e The Dellets were drled In an electrical oven at 60°C<br />

lor 12 nr Tne cn, ps en *ere genur cures to ootan oe 81s 2 :o 3 ? i ~ onp<br />

Dsrs were 'ea to ear f )."en les of P mdgc~s Mtr ar aterage nfna engt- an0<br />

dry welght of ebout 30 mm and 0 04 g respenlvely In a 30day Ieedlng experlment<br />

In whlch e~aht anlrnais were held In 10 I caDacltv clrcular tanks In tnDllcate<br />

The pra*ns ~ers ofterea *apnea q~a,tly 2C0. 01 &, reg01 01 teec w ce a<br />

aay n me morn ig anc even na Faecss *ere co lmea sareCI, #In a ppe'le<br />

*as'ea gel!, ntr o sn ec *ater ano 0: ea at 60-C lor d aesno ny si.o.es 7%<br />

water used In these feedlng expenments had a sallnily of 16 5110x0. d~ssolved<br />

oxvaen 4 0 mlfl IemDerature 28 0 i 0 5°C and oH 8 0 1 0 2 Carbhvdrale In<br />

oten ana 'aeces was ceterm nea of swflropnotcmernc metiw .s.nG artnroie<br />

reagent Cn-ov .m oxae *as aia ysed c, tqe netnoc c' McG rn s an0 Gas'.<br />

np '961 bVn e ne proten uas es:lmatea 3, Keoai retrcc aia oc cy<br />

chlomform.methanoi (2 1) extraction, dlgestlble energy was computed uslng the<br />

eneroy sqUIvalen15 of nutnenls At the end of the feedtng expenment the prawns<br />

TPMe 2 Inpredhnt mmwmn 01 me dl- C4 m CE .<br />

iwem<br />

Dm,<br />

CE. C& CE,, CE,, CE, CE,, CE,

...vimrni mimm am mnarar mwre are me ram as mom UM in diem C6 m CE, pame 11<br />

were dned in an oven 8160°C and the grow In dry welght was calculated using<br />

the following reiatlon<br />

Fna a.eraQe a? N: - fnma a.erape 09 w<br />

G,outr<br />

. loo<br />

Insa a,erage an, vt<br />

The dgertibllity of carbohydrate was determined uslng the follow~np formula<br />

- W CrlO, In diet % carbohydrate In faeces<br />

DlgeStlb,lltY =<br />

carbohydra,e % CrZO3 ~n faeces % carbohydrate ~n diet<br />

ThB FCR was caicu!atated as follows:<br />

FCR = Aver- w of food mnsurned m dry vt<br />

Averape Qsn In live wt.<br />

Tle 08m obwlUYI n me Mmnp experiments were wqmed to analysis ot<br />

variance lo w np Sneoemr afm Cocnran (1973, The means were cornparea o)<br />

cakulaunp me least signiftcant diierenca.<br />


The repub of walwbon of I~WW carbohydrates are d e w In FQ. 1 Amow<br />

the difbrml mW7@%m tested, he abb havinp gluccse, fru*ooe, gaWme<br />

waose, and plycqen showed pwr growth whjdi was lMver than G-m growth<br />

mcd%i by G-m diet haw% ra carbohydrate. On G-m &r hard, tlm W mn-

--,.-..<br />

Fa 1 WMn~amiuraUPmdaut.d*rmdttlc6mCEi CE,~ocam4Wau<br />

CE pnmu CE, mxD8. CE, www CE. vrrov CE, rmhOY1 CE, mm C4 ow$en<br />

Dnlnq manw and starch showed slgndranny (p < 0 01) supenor prm. The<br />

awaent diaeaWiIii of an me mydrates was abcve 8890 (Fig. 2) ard there<br />

was m 51abs5al differems €monc lkem lhe mwmacchandea shcved dish&<br />

mrer FCR man ~- UM . dl. - end . mkandes iFm 21 whrlr *are mndraml;<br />

~ - .- . - -~ - -,<br />

,p < 001 wvamr Wh.le FCR of me dm hawnp sxmw was apmy ,n)%<br />

w, a?e FCRs oi bm *nm rrmcs. m, arm gg-n were mm ncwwa<br />

It10 WWaI of Wamu lsd gWwm &was poor 129.9"19"1), while t was Bm-

<strong>DIET</strong>S<br />

In caw of dl the omer dem. The mula ham demonsnated mat the pawn<br />

P. 1- utilizes dim* and polysacdandes better than momsaxhs<br />

ri&s and emphasued that mtohydrate In pnvn diet IF wassary and benelUd

-<br />

FQ 3 . E n M L n o l d X l m t ~ d ~ k d . s C 4 b C E , . ~ ~ P . ~<br />

1.1 Omnn h W 4 C FCR. C4 -. CC Ourourtron. CE,. (Lmruxm.<br />

CE,, R, CE,, -, CE,, -, CE,, -

Z 200<br />

$ 50<br />

L<br />

0<br />

12 0 IS 0 20 0<br />


F@ r lm- d E.U- M h &I m 1.1 m m hy wk$? (bl FCR .nd Ic) wnh..i ol<br />


shown that cellulose either was a nutnenl or a~ded In bener utillzatlon of other nu<br />

lrients The role of dletaq cellulose was lnvetbgated In other speues of prawns<br />

(Venkatarama~ah 81 a1 1975 Forster and Gabban 1971 Far el a1 1980) and<br />

Ihe resuns found were slmllar to those obse~ed m P Indws In the present study<br />

The lad that the prowh of prawns 16 largely unaffmed by the addttlon of wlluiose<br />

tn the dlet up to a level 01 10% suggests that t 15 pamy asslmllatad Indlcabng<br />

l~mtted cellulose actlvlty Though the presence of mls enzyme is demonslrated<br />

!n Candean orawns Palaemon senatus iForster and Gabtun 19711 and Macm<br />

o-ac*.~rn msermrg Far era. 19801 em mlry n wna8.a prams s not known<br />

Ce .OSB we r me ae, 38)ono lCCo s n3r wnefca Tne sdrufra. cl prawns<br />

no*eier nproseo wlr ncleaSe n .r,.<br />

ose em 0' se ofe' wylno lo0. It nay<br />

be concluded that d~etary cellulose 1s requlrad for efflcaent food converscon and<br />

bener surv!val It 16 recommended that sufficient roughage (cellulose) should be<br />

present ~n pradlcal feeds for prawns wth a maximum Ilmlt of 10%<br />


The author a gratehl lo Dr. P Vadavyasa Rao. Prinupd Sc~entlst. Central Ma<br />

rlne Flsherles Research Institute. Cochin, iar h!s valuable pubdance for this work<br />

Thanks are due to Dr E G Silas. former Dlrmr. and Dr P.S.8 R James. present<br />

Dlrector of CMFRI. Cochtn, for thelr encouragement.<br />


M I Renmv, S H Kanueva A and T.sn8ma S (19791<br />

am lev- ol au hsp.wnws& qlmen and w<br />

EfMolMeOryurbohydrrle.ongmrmi<br />

m q!- on warn Bull JP & Sa<br />

Nlh MI121 1491-1491<br />

wlvs v n sm PWUU F P (jsn camonmt. ~ummnta ol &WYY m- (FME~US)<br />

luvenlua 40mmrs 81 211-217<br />

Anan*# J W Wk LV m WUt G J 119721 TM inn- ol d l w pmn Md ensmy kv&<br />

On 0- and lurviv.l d meld Mnmp 4-m 1 34147<br />

~.n w IIW! SM~~S m ma phwdopy r! *amp M ~ ap (ciuama M kc+& P%<br />

~eldsel IV CBmOhydmIe met*x*lm Ausf J Mar F R M m Ru 18 1&MMi<br />

Dnhimsru 0 and Yom Y 11976! Ella ol urmnyhm wm on au orrmh ma (sed moq<br />

olpm Bull Jm Sos Sd fish W10) 1161-1iW<br />

Fdr PH kmr AR UlUllvn MR MSZL LV itBB(l! EO.Ootd!dqmamqm*m<br />

lurmlimnand &i~~~~.didwny.Im.pn*n i~~m&rn- ~ms WMM~M<br />

Sos 11 366-381<br />

Fwler J R M .nd Gsbmh PA I19711 The ~4mU.m 01 nYmlm horn mmpwmd by<br />

r n e m ~ m ~ ~ r n M r r d P m U I ~ h s mUK J H51 lw4e.1<br />

r ~ ~

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