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Revisiting the MDG’s: Exploring a Multidimensional Framework for Human Development sufficient internal consistency to shape and dictate the direction of its targets for accomplishing the set objectives. To Robeyns (2005), “capability approach is a broad normative framework for the evaluation and assessment of individual well-being and social arrangements, the design of policies, and proposals about social change in society” (p. 94). It visualizes well being in terms of broadening the space of ‘functioning’ and ‘capabilities’, to achieve greater ‘freedoms’. Functionings are the various states of being or doing relevant to the assessment of a person’s wellbeing (Sen 1985). Capabilities are the various combinations of these functionings which a person achieves/commands. The various commodity bundles that a person commands are termed entitlements which help people acquire capabilities (Nafziger 2006). Wiebke Kuklys (2005) summarises the conceptual framework of the CA as under, In its most basic form the capability approach conceptualises welfare as standard of living, and measures it as functionings. Functionings are defined as the achieved states of being and activities of an individual, e.g. being healthy, being well-sheltered, moving about freely, or being wellnourished. Welfare measurement in the functioning space takes into account the presence of nonmarket goods and services in an economy, home production, and adjusts for non-monetary constraints in decision making, because functionings are outcome-based (as opposed to resource based) welfare measures. [p. 5 (emphasis and parenthesis in original)] An additional feature of the CA is its responsiveness to the social milieu in which human capabilities operate. Its conceptualization of the agency aspect of well-being allows for paying proper heed to the role a social context plays in shaping the welfare matrix of an individual. ….it can be said that the well-being aspect of a person is important in assessing a person's advantage, whereas the agency aspect is important in assessing what a person can do in line with his or her conception of the good. The ability to do more good need not be to the person's advantage. [Sen 1985 p. 206 (Emphasis in original)] 152

Nasir Khan, University of Auckland, New Zealand A person’s acquired state of wellbeing is, therefore, not the sole concern of the CA. In her/his agential capacities, the state to which a person aspires as a sensible human being is also accounted for in the capabilities space. An individual is therefore not seen only in her/his capacity as a passive recipient but also as an active agent who commands control over the things she/he values (Sen 2000). The spectrum of human development, seen through the lens of CA encompasses the enhancement of people’s entitlements and capabilities by broadening the scope of their functionings. The presence of various impediments to functionings is seen as obstacles in the exercise of their latent abilities. An all-encompassing development process sufficiently broadens the domain of freedoms for each individual to accord opportunity for transforming latent capacities into the desired achievements (Sen 2000). Capabilities could therefore be seen as the space of available choices, both exercised and potential, which enables to live a life as one values, in accordance with the prevailing personal circumstances. The following figure elaborates the informational space envisaged by the CA. The ovals in the figure represent the structural components of the capabilities space while the rectangles depict the 153

Revisiting the MDG’s: Exploring a Multidimensional Framework for Human<br />

Development<br />

sufficient internal consistency to shape and dictate the<br />

direction of its targets for accomplishing the set objectives.<br />

To Robeyns (2005), “capability approach is a broad<br />

normative framework for the evaluation and assessment of<br />

individual well-being and social arrangements, the design of<br />

policies, and proposals about social change in society” (p.<br />

94). It visualizes well being in terms of broadening the space<br />

of ‘functioning’ and ‘capabilities’, to achieve greater<br />

‘freedoms’. Functionings are the various states of being or<br />

doing relevant to the assessment of a person’s wellbeing (Sen<br />

1985). Capabilities are the various combinations of these<br />

functionings which a person achieves/commands. The<br />

various commodity bundles that a person commands are<br />

termed entitlements which help people acquire capabilities<br />

(Nafziger 2006). Wiebke Kuklys (2005) summarises the<br />

conceptual framework of the CA as under,<br />

In its most basic form the capability approach<br />

conceptualises welfare as standard of living, and<br />

measures it as functionings. Functionings are<br />

defined as the achieved states of being and<br />

activities of an individual, e.g. being healthy, being<br />

well-sheltered, moving about freely, or being wellnourished.<br />

Welfare measurement in the functioning<br />

space takes into account the presence of nonmarket<br />

goods and services in an economy, home<br />

production, and adjusts for non-monetary<br />

constraints in decision making, because<br />

functionings are outcome-based (as opposed to<br />

resource based) welfare measures. [p. 5 (emphasis<br />

and parenthesis in original)]<br />

An additional feature of the CA is its responsiveness to the<br />

social milieu in which human capabilities operate. Its<br />

conceptualization of the agency aspect of well-being allows<br />

for paying proper heed to the role a social context plays in<br />

shaping the welfare matrix of an individual.<br />

….it can be said that the well-being aspect of a<br />

person is important in assessing a person's<br />

advantage, whereas the agency aspect is important<br />

in assessing what a person can do in line with his<br />

or her conception of the good. The ability to do<br />

more good need not be to the person's advantage.<br />

[Sen 1985 p. 206 (Emphasis in original)]<br />


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