British Commonwealth Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions LLC

British Commonwealth Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions LLC

British Commonwealth Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions LLC


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Asia and the Midlle East: China<br />

Asia and the Midlle East<br />


CHINA<br />

1660 1909, Chi nese Im pe rial Post, 3¢ slate green<br />

(125), tied on cover by light cir cu lar datestamp, ad dressed<br />

to Cam den, NJ, and backstamped Can ton & Shang hai Jan -<br />

u ary 1910 cir cu lar datestamps, plus part of Jap a nese tran -<br />

sit post mark, Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300<br />

1662 () 1955, Por traits min ia ture sheets com plete<br />

(245a-248a), with out gum as is sued, Very Fine. Scott $320.<br />

Estimate $300 - 400<br />

1661 1939, Halliburton Trans-Pa cific Chi nese<br />

Junk Ex pe di tion, Rich ard Halliburton sailed The Sea<br />

Dragon from Hong Kong to San Fran cisco and sent let ters<br />

re port ing prog ress: here are 4 cov ers: China, Macao and<br />

Hong Kong (2) from this ex pe di tion in clud ing a pro spec tus,<br />

scarce, Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200<br />

1663 1964, Peo ple's Re pub lic 15th An ni ver sary<br />

sou ve nir sheet (798a), used with CTO dou ble con cen tric<br />

post mark to the right neatly ty ing the stamp and sou ve nir<br />

sheet neatly; small faults, mi nor creas ing on re verse and if<br />

you look very care fully a 2mm tear at the bot tom left, nev er -<br />

the less, a very col lect able item of one of the scarcer min ia -<br />

ture sheets of PRC. Scott $2,100. Estimate $500 - 750<br />

<strong>Daniel</strong> F. <strong>Kelleher</strong> <strong>Auctions</strong> <strong>LLC</strong> www.kelleherauctions.com Sale 633 - Dec. 13, 2012 225

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