British Commonwealth Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions LLC

British Commonwealth Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions LLC

British Commonwealth Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions LLC


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Europe and Colonies: French Offices Abroad<br />


1443 1915, military cover to Alexandria, franked<br />

with a wing mar ginal millésimes block of four of Scott #112,<br />

sent to Al ex an dria with "Trésor et Postes 18 Oct 15 *410*"<br />

mil i tary post mark, as well as a very vi sual blue cen sor mark<br />

“Controlé par l' autorité militaire”. Un usual com mer cial mul -<br />

ti ple us age, es pe cially with the cen sor mark over the<br />

stamps rather than the cover; ad dressee par tially erad i -<br />

cated, Very Fine cover. Estimate $200 - 300<br />

1446 1868, folded lettersheet from Salonica to<br />

Lyon (27), with an at trac tive sin gle us age, franked with<br />

France Scott #27 with dot ted loz enge 5084 can cel, as well<br />

as PD (paid to des ti na tion) and manu script Clyde (name of<br />

the paquebot) all on face. Sent to Lyon via "Les<br />

Dardanelles-Turquie" 23rd Sep tem ber 1868, then on to<br />

"Mar seille A Lyon" 29th Sep tem ber be fore fi nally ar riv ing in<br />

Lyon the same day. An un usual sin gle us age, cor rectly<br />

rated cover, a very nice ex am ple; mi nor cover folds,<br />

otherwise Very Fine. Estimate $100 - 150<br />

1444 1915, military cover to Alexandria, franked<br />

with a stun ning block of four of Scott #27, post marked and<br />

tied by mil i tary can cel la tion “Trésor et postes 8 Oct 15<br />

*410*” with a sec ond mil i tary post mark “Corps d'Armées<br />

Alexandrie, FR.” on re verse. A most at trac tive item.<br />

Estimate $250 - 350<br />

1445 1905, two post cards Smyrne to Mon treal,<br />

Canada, two charm ing post cards from Lev ant, ap peal ing<br />

20th cen tury duo, the first from Smyrna to Mon treal with pair<br />

of Scott #25 on a post card dis play ing "tour juilare de Sa<br />

Majeste J. le Sul tan". The sec ond post card also sent from<br />

Smyrna to Mon treal, this time with Scott #26 and a view of<br />

the Smyrna wa ter front (photo on web site).<br />

Estimate $100 - 150<br />

1447 1898, Box ing Day reg is tered cover from<br />

Con stan ti no ple to Paris, France, an eye-catch ing cover<br />

which has been opened for ex hi bi tion on three sides,<br />

franked with Scott #2 in com bi na tion with Scott #78, con -<br />

sist ing of 3 sin gle 5cts with millesimes, as well as two hor i -<br />

zon tal pairs in clud ing interpanneau and two sin gles on<br />

re verse, with the stamps on the back ar ranged to en sure<br />

the cover would not be tam pered with dur ing tran sit; with<br />

"Con stan ti no ple 26 Dec. 98 Turquie" post mark and ar riv ing<br />

29th De cem ber with "Paris Etranger 29 Dec 98<br />

Chargements", on re verse. A very at trac tive and un usual<br />

ex hi bi tion item, full of char ac ter with its own story to tell,<br />

Very Fine. Estimate $300 - 400<br />

196 <strong>Daniel</strong> F. <strong>Kelleher</strong> <strong>Auctions</strong> <strong>LLC</strong> info@kelleherauctions.com Sale 633 - Dec. 13, 2012

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