British Commonwealth Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions LLC

British Commonwealth Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions LLC

British Commonwealth Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions LLC


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<strong>British</strong> <strong>Commonwealth</strong>: S.W. Africa - Zanzibar<br />


1374 1923, Set ting II over print on South Af rica<br />

KGV 5s & 10s KGV (13-14), o.g., lightly hinged, bright and<br />

fresh, Very Fine. SG 13-14; £650 ($1,030). Scott $735.<br />

Estimate $300 - 400<br />

TOGO<br />

1377 1927, out bound taxed cover to<br />

Westminister, Eng land, with type III ca chet, and "1-1/2d/<br />

123" handstamp due mark ing, sat is fied by Brit ish 1d & ½d<br />

post age dues added in Lon don on May 5, 1927, re di rected<br />

to Leicester and backstamped in Bue nos Ai res, Ar gen tina;<br />

mi nor re pairs on top not af fect ing ad he sives, F.-V.F.<br />

Estimate $150 - 200<br />

1375 S 1916, ½d-20s “ANGLO-FRENCH<br />

OCCUPATION” on Gold Coast, Lon don over prints<br />

over printed “Spec i men” (80S-91S), o.g., never hinged,<br />

re mark ably fresh, Very Fine. Nor mally found heavily hinged<br />

and of ten with out gum, this is a truly rare set in its orig i nal,<br />

never hinged state. SG H47/58; £350 for hinged ($560).<br />

Estimate $300 - 400<br />

UGANDA<br />


1376 a 1853, “Bri tan nia” en graved (1d) brown ish<br />

red on blued pa per (4var), block of 4, o.g., clear to am ple<br />

mar gins all around; light soil ing, oth er wise F.-V.F., Scarce<br />

mul ti ple. SG 7; £1,200 as sin gles ($1,910).<br />

Estimate $300 - 400<br />

1378 1896, Type set Is sue, reg u lar 1a black and<br />

over printed “L”, 2a black on cover, leaving Kampala<br />

April 15, 1899, with "prim i tives" 1 anna (SG #55) and 2<br />

annas with L over print (SG#71), mak ing 3 annas rate to<br />

Eng land. Dur ing tran sit in Uganda, a post age due mark ing<br />

was ap plied and then re scinded, with "T" mark ing ap plied,<br />

then crossed out in blue crayon. How ever since the let ter<br />

was re ceived open in Mboa post of fice, it was then of fi cially<br />

sealed with East Af rica Pro tec tor ate stamp sel vage on the<br />

16th May 1899, some 30 days later dur ing its tran sit across<br />

Uganda! The mark ing in red by the post mas ter of Mboa on<br />

the re verse of the en ve lope could well be in a di luted goat's<br />

blood, as was oc ca sion ally the case in Uganda as of ink of<br />

any color was a scarce com mod ity. A fab u lous cover, the<br />

"L" over print cats £120 with a min i mum pre mium rate x 12<br />

on cover in Gib bons, with out any pre mium af fixed to the<br />

fab u lous us age with sel vage used as of fi cial seals. An ex hi -<br />

bi tion item, full of character. SG 55, 71; £1,440 ++ ($2,290).<br />

Estimate $1,500 - 2,000<br />


1379 1908-09, Sul tan & Port, 1¢-5r com plete<br />

(99-112), o.g., hinge rem nants, F.-V.F. SG 225/38; £275<br />

($440). Scott $307 (photo on web site).<br />

Estimate $150 - 200<br />

<strong>Daniel</strong> F. <strong>Kelleher</strong> <strong>Auctions</strong> <strong>LLC</strong> www.kelleherauctions.com Sale 633 - Dec. 13, 2012 185

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