Royal Marines Fitness Tests - Royal Navy PDev Portal

Royal Marines Fitness Tests - Royal Navy PDev Portal

Royal Marines Fitness Tests - Royal Navy PDev Portal


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<strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Marines</strong> <strong>Fitness</strong> <strong>Tests</strong><br />

RM Advanced Combat <strong>Fitness</strong> Test<br />

c. Traffic guides are to ensure they adhere to current road safety regulations.<br />

d. The medic is responsible for the care of any casualty.<br />

e. The safety vehicle is to be in contact either by communications or sight, with<br />

the main body or troops at all times.<br />

f. The sweepers are responsible for keeping the Conducting Officer and medic<br />

informed of any casualties or stragglers that require assistance.<br />

g. The recorder is responsible for accurately recording test results.<br />

Test procedure<br />

11 The Conducting Officer is to:<br />

Results<br />

a. Brief all supervisory staff on their responsibilities for the safe conduct of the<br />

test.<br />

b. Read the procedural brief to all ranks conducting the test.<br />

c. Check the positioning of supervisory staff before the start of each test.<br />

d. Withdraw ranks who fail to maintain the required pace of the main body.<br />

e. Withdraw ranks that show signs of illness or injury.<br />

f. Ensure all supervisory staff carry out their responsibilities during the test.<br />

g. Ensure the correct pace is set and maintained.<br />

h. Make a record of the results on completion of endurance phase.<br />

i. Give a demonstration and briefing on each RMT assessment.<br />

j. Administer a cool-down for all ranks on completion of the RMT phase.<br />

k. Record all test results.<br />

12 Personnel who complete all the components of the test (Day 1 and Day 2) to<br />

the standard required will be recorded as a PASS. This is to be recorded on<br />

JPA. Personnel who fail to keep with the required pace on the endurance<br />

phases of the test are to be withdrawn from the test by the Conducting Officer<br />

and will be recorded as FAIL. Personnel who fail one or more RMT on day 2<br />

Part 2 will be recorded as FAIL for the RM ACFT (2).<br />

13 Personnel who show signs of illness or injury are to be withdrawn from the<br />

test. All ranks that are withdrawn from tests on grounds of illness/injury are<br />

to be referred to the MO and recorded as FAIL.<br />


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