Royal Marines Fitness Tests - Royal Navy PDev Portal

Royal Marines Fitness Tests - Royal Navy PDev Portal

Royal Marines Fitness Tests - Royal Navy PDev Portal


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<strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Marines</strong> <strong>Fitness</strong> <strong>Tests</strong><br />

Declaration of Health Questionnaire<br />

Family Medical History:<br />

YES / NO<br />

a. Has anyone in you family under 50 years of age:-<br />

(1) Died suddenly and unexpectedly?<br />

(2) Been treated for recurrent fainting?<br />

(3) Had unexplained seizure problems?<br />

(4) Had unexplained drowning while swimming?<br />

(5) Had unexplained car accident?<br />

(6) Had heart transplant?<br />

(7) Had pacemaker or defibrillator implanted?<br />

(8) Been treated for irregular heart beat?<br />

2. Should you have any concerns over any of the above issues it is recommended you<br />

visit the Sickbay to ascertain your suitability to undertake physical training.<br />

3. Action By The Candidate. I have read and am aware of the above questions. I have<br />

no doubts or concerns over my current state of health, medical suitability or my ability to<br />

train in preparation for the RMBFT and/or to carry out the RMBFT. I am aware that should<br />

I have any such concerns I am to refer them immediately to the Sickbay and inform the<br />

PT Staff. (The PT Staff require no detail of any referral).<br />

I have been given the option to undertake the standard RMBFT or the RMBFT 40+<br />

I have undertaken regular, rigorous exercise prior to the test and am fully aware that<br />

exercise at high intensities (maximal or close to maximal) particularly in older age groups<br />

( 40 years +) increases the risk of a cardiovascular event (e.g. dysrrthmia, heart attack or<br />

sudden cardiac death) during or immediately after the exercise period in all individuals.<br />

I accept this risk as a personal choice.<br />

Signed ,<br />

Date<br />

4. Action By The PT Staff:<br />

Suitable for RM BFT<br />

Referred for medical advice<br />

YES / NO<br />

YES / NO<br />

Name:<br />

Rank/Rate:<br />

Date:<br />


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