Gene gain and loss: aCGH ISA CGH

Gene gain and loss: aCGH ISA CGH Gene gain and loss: aCGH ISA CGH
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Array CGH

ISA CGH ISACGH allows visualiz in g array CGH d ata or/ an d exp ression arrays on to h u m an or m ou se ch rom osom al coord in ates (au tom atically fou n d th rou gh th eir stan d ard id en tifiers) an d rep resen ts th e cop y n u m ber alteration s fou n d by u sin g d ifferen t m eth od s. Correlation s between cop y n u m ber an d gen e exp ression level can easily be observed in a p lot. Th e p rogram allows fin d in g m in im al com m on region s with altered cop y n u m ber across d ifferen t arrays.

Array <strong>CGH</strong>

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