Gene gain and loss: aCGH ISA CGH

Gene gain and loss: aCGH ISA CGH

Gene gain and loss: aCGH ISA CGH


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Array <strong>CGH</strong><br />

Adv antage<br />

●<br />

An alysis of wh ole- gen om e in a sin gle exp erim en t<br />

●<br />

High er resolu tion th an con ven tion al <strong>CGH</strong> (5- 10 Kb)<br />

Lim itations :<br />

●<br />

In ability to d etect m osaicism , balan ced<br />

ch rom osom al tran slocation s, in version s an d wh olegen<br />

om e p loid y ch an ges<br />

●<br />

Dep en d in g on th e p lataform ch osen :<br />

- cDNA: lim ited by th e gen es en cod ed on<br />

ch rom osom es, cross- h ybrid iz ation s<br />

- BACs, PACs: DNA am p lification s are n ecessary

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