Gene gain and loss: aCGH ISA CGH

Gene gain and loss: aCGH ISA CGH

Gene gain and loss: aCGH ISA CGH


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Functional annotation of altered copy<br />

num ber regions<br />

Fu n ction al an n otation of ch rom osom al region s based on th e gen e on tology (GO)<br />

an n otation s.<br />

An n otation s for region s of <strong>gain</strong> or <strong>loss</strong> are com p ared to th e backgrou n d of<br />

an n otation s corresp on d in g to th e rest of gen es p resen t in th e array, in<br />

ord er to see wh eth er th is region h as an y ch aracteristic fu n ction ality or<br />

n ot.<br />

A Fish er exact test for con tin gen cy tables is p erform ed to look for GO<br />

term s sign ifican tly overrep resen ted in th e ch rom osom al region stu d ied<br />

com p ared to th e backgrou n d abu n d an ce of GO term s in th e rest of th e<br />

gen om e.<br />

P- valu es ad ju sted for m u ltip le testin g u sin g th e FDR m eth od .

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