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<strong>EKATHERINA</strong> S.<br />


7. - 29. oktober 2006<br />


Dialogue 2006<br />

I believe, that in times when the world is divided in<br />

two polarized, opposite systems, it is very important<br />

to speak about dialogue and unity. “Dialogue” is the<br />

parallel exhibition of my project “Unity” and is shown<br />

in September 2006 in the Islamic world at Niavaran<br />

Museum, Tehran, Iran and in Western Europe in<br />

October at <strong>Galleri</strong> <strong>Pingvin</strong> in Oslo, Norway.<br />

The confrontation of Christianity and Islam shows a<br />

very dangerous development. Separation, intolerance<br />

and aggression seem to be the signs of modern times.<br />

My idea is to start a dialogue between these different<br />

cultural traditions and try to find common basics and<br />

parallels in them. Both of these different religions have<br />

the same origin in Judaism. The founder was Patriarch<br />

Abraham. There is no fundamental contrariety in<br />

these two religions at all. Even Mohamed believed in<br />

Jesus Christ as a prophet and in Mary, his mother, as<br />

a maiden. The Muslims believe, that also Mohamed<br />

was a prophet of the same God. Both of these religions<br />

speak about love and unity. Especially is Christianity<br />

the religion of love and Islam the religion of unity. Allah<br />

means not one person but a coexistence of all.<br />

In my Iranian exhibition, I show the painted photographs<br />

of the geometrical pattern of the Islamic architecture in<br />

combination with the western formulas of the Quantum<br />

Field Theory. This very modern theory follows the<br />

ideas of Albert Einstein and it believes, that everything<br />

is connected and only one perfect universal structure<br />


The Islamic patterns express the same concept of<br />

perfect divine structure, where every point is connected<br />

with one another.<br />

In the exhibition of the paintings in Oslo, I am speaking<br />

about love and spiritual development of the human<br />

being and society in general.<br />

I believe that art can build bridges of understanding and<br />

tolerance. I try to give inspiration to positive thinking<br />

and to use the possibility of the spiritual development to<br />

enjoy love and life for everybody. My goal is to reach as<br />

many people on earth as possible.<br />

It is statistically proven, that if ONE percent of the entire<br />

population will think positive, the human society will<br />

overcome separation, fears, violence and aggression.<br />

It will give civilization the chance to reach the higher<br />

step of development with combined forces.<br />

Ekatherina S.<br />

<br />


1. Adam and Eve A/L 81cm x 65cm x 2 (diptychon)<br />

Adam and Eve were seduced by the snake, which represents<br />

the spiral of the cosmic development, to get the secret<br />

knowledge of life and death from the tree of life. They fell in<br />

physical love and had to start the physical existence on earth.<br />

I believe that this process symbolizes the free human choice to<br />

take responsibility for their own lives.

2. Temple of Love A/L 70cm x 90cm<br />

Love, in my opinion, is the only force which can keep the whole<br />

universe together. The cosmos is for me the temple of love.<br />

Plus and minus, quarks, atoms, molecules and stars stick<br />

together and build the universal structure. Red symbolizes the<br />

material love, blue is the spiritual landscape, yellow is the light<br />

and wisdom.<br />

<br />


3. Loving Souls A/L 90cm x 70cm<br />

When loving souls are together, they fly in the spiritual<br />

dimension over the whole material world. They give the power<br />

to each other to overcome all obstacles and problems in life.<br />

Yellow is light, orange and red is love, the mountains symbolize<br />

the physical limits.

4. Angel of the Light A/L 90cm x 70cm<br />

Every subject in the material world has a special kind of energy,<br />

which holds it together. It can be symbolized by the angel of the<br />

light, which activates the connection between the human soul<br />

and the spiritual dimension. It also holds a protecting function.<br />

A spiral is the shape of development in the universe. Yellow<br />

symbolizes light and wisdom.<br />

<br />


5. Rain of Gold A/L100cm x 70cm<br />

After reaching the special level of the spiritual development, the<br />

human soul receives fulfillment, which is symbolized by the rain<br />

of the golden light. The way to this point is difficult and long. It is<br />

like climbing the tower of knowledge. Blue expresses spirituality,<br />

yellow the light and wisdom.

6. Towers of the Dreams, red A/L 70cm x 90cm<br />

Dreams have a connection to the spiritual dimension.<br />

Subconsciously, they build the structure or towers of our soul.<br />

If we will start to learn to take them seriously, we can be able to<br />

know the future in the material reality. Red is the material world.<br />

7 is the number of spiritual development.<br />

<br />


7. Towers of Love, blue A/L 100cm x 70cm<br />

In my opinion, love is not just a sexual attraction or a romantic<br />

emotion but also the building or the tower of tolerance,<br />

understanding and forgiveness. Blue symbolizes spirituality.<br />

Body, soul and mind should be in harmony.<br />


8. Hand of Divine A/L 120cm x 100cm<br />

Every action of the human being has two sides. One is<br />

programmed from the divine destiny, the other expresses the<br />

free human will. Blue is the color of spiritual dimension. Soul,<br />

mind and body should be in harmony if human beings want to<br />

reach their goals.<br />

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9. Hidden Traveller A/L 120cm x 100cm<br />

The artist or the spiritual seeker is a kind of shaman, who<br />

represents the bridge between the divine dimension of light and<br />

the material world. The color blue represents spirituality, the<br />

water symbolizes the soul, the mountains symbolize the body.<br />


10. Garden of Eden A/L 120cm x 100cm<br />

The garden of Eden symbolizes the ideal word of light, where all<br />

is in harmony. As a consequence of taking the forbidden fruit from<br />

the tree of knowledge, humans were separated from the light and<br />

came into the material world of darkness and chaos. I believe that<br />

through real love, tolerance and understanding, human beings<br />

are able to come back to the stage of harmony and peace.<br />

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11. Red Lotus A/L 100cm x 120cm<br />

The Lotus is the flower that in eastern philosophy symbolizes<br />

the human soul. The 7 leaves are the 7 stages of the spiritual<br />

development. The color red symbolizes reality. Love is the<br />

central point or core of the soul. Giving and receiving love is the<br />

only way to reach fulfillment and harmony.<br />


12. Atlantis A/L 100cm x 120cm<br />

The myth of Atlantis by Plato, tells about the divine civilization<br />

of beauty and intelligence, which was destroyed and flooded by<br />

the Gods because of the citizens` greed, arrogance and abuse<br />

of power. This story can remind us of the political development<br />

of today and serve as a warning signal for modern societies.<br />

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13. Enlightenment A/L 120cm x 100cm<br />

The human being is a part of nature. When we start to trust the<br />

perfect system of the universe, we will see the light, love and<br />

unity everywhere. Our soul will transform into the light. Red<br />

symbolizes the body, blue the spirit and yellow the light and<br />

wisdom.<br />


14. Fires of Pompeii A/L 120cm x 100cm<br />

The Roman city Pompeii was destroyed by the eruption of the<br />

volcano Vesuv. The beautiful red fresco of the House of Mystery<br />

tells us of the secret rituals for the Bacchus- God of Wine,<br />

dances, music, orgies and soul transformation. Red is the color<br />

of physical love.<br />

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15. Fruit of Love A/L 100cm x 120cm<br />

Every spiritual love-connection is like a tree, which brings fruits.<br />

The Bible says that the fruit will say all about the tree. Growing<br />

through the blue spiritual dimension of the soul, real love<br />

manifests itself in the orange-red physical reality, in harmony<br />

and understanding between loving souls.<br />


16. Way of Harmony A/L 100cm x 120cm<br />

On their way to harmony, three figures that represent body, soul<br />

and mind should be together. This is the way to overcome the<br />

difficulties in the real world; it is like a bridge over chaos and<br />

darkness in the direction of the light.<br />

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17. Melting in Volcano A/L 100cm x 120cm<br />

The four elements, water, air, earth and fire melt completely in<br />

the volcano of love. This mixture creates everything material on<br />

earth. Blue symbolizes the spiritual dimension, yellow the light<br />

and red the material world.<br />


18. Universe of Love A/L 100cm x 120cm<br />

Our universe is created by love. The attraction between plus<br />

and minus create electricity, tension between quarks in the atom<br />

creates a strong atomic power, love between people creates<br />

societies and civilizations. Yellow symbolizes the light, green<br />

symbolizes nature and blue the universe.<br />

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19. Pilgrims of the Light A/L 120cm x 100cm x 2 (diptychon)<br />

The way of the spiritual development is difficult and long. The<br />

seekers are like the Pilgrims, looking for their goal, the sacred<br />

place of the palace of light and wisdom. Yellow is the light<br />

and wisdom, red is the physical world and blue is the spiritual<br />

dimension.<br />


20. Passion of the Universe A/L 140cm x 100cm<br />

The dualistic principle of the development of the cosmos is<br />

possible to describe symbolically, like a passion between<br />

masculine and feminine powers. There is a confrontation<br />

of these opposite poles and their unity. Distraction and<br />

transformation, life and death, man and woman, light and<br />

shadow. Red is the color of love and passion.<br />

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21. Love Vibrations A/L 100cm x 120cm<br />

When two people for the first time see each other, vibrations<br />

start to move between them. If these vibrations get very strong<br />

and develop a resonance, people fall in love with each other.<br />

This is the way how souls can recognize each other.<br />


22. Flame of Love A/L 100cm x 120cm<br />

In the flame of real love, all negativities burn out. Darkness<br />

and chaos disappear and make room for the light. Clarity<br />

and wisdom come into life. Love activates the process of the<br />

transformation and purification of the soul.<br />

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23. One World - One Love A/L 120cm x 200cm<br />

The whole world is created as a union of love between spiritual<br />

dimensions of heaven and material reality. Blue symbolizes<br />

the divine, red the physical world, yellow the light and wisdom,<br />

green is life and nature. The circle means endless eternity.<br />


24. Spiral 4 A/L 150cm x 200cm<br />

The spiral is the most important sign of cosmic development.<br />

It is the shape of the DNA inside of human genome and the<br />

shape of our Milky Way galaxy. Personal relationships and<br />

the development in human society also have circles in time.<br />

My understanding of this process is the growing from material<br />

separation to unity, love and light.<br />

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25. Bridge of Understanding A/L 150cm x 200cm<br />

On the bridge between the physical, material reality and the light,<br />

all living souls are connected. They are dancing and celebrating<br />

the understanding and the love. Red is the color of love.<br />


26. Birth of Aphrodite A/L 150cm x 200cm<br />

The goddess of beauty and love, Aphrodite was born in the<br />

water. Water symbolizes the soul and a very deep connection to<br />

the creator. It is the beauty and love inside of every soul, which<br />

is the expression of the divine. Blue is the color of spirituality.<br />

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27. Romeo and Juliet A/L 150cm x 200cm<br />

For Romeo and Juliet it was more important to enjoy love and<br />

die, than to suffer the whole life without love. They did not want<br />

to be separated by the hatred in their families. They sacrificed<br />

their lives for love to overcome the limitations and aggressions<br />

in society. I believe that love is much stronger than death. Blue<br />

is the color of spiritual love.<br />


28. Power of Dialogue A/L 150cm x 200cm<br />

Two opposite powers are attracted to each other and create the<br />

explosive energy of development. This energy can be used in<br />

the dialogue in a very constructive and creative way. The light in<br />

the middle symbolizes wisdom.<br />

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29. Mystery of Dionysus A/L 200cm x 150cm<br />

Dionysus is the Greek God of wine, dance, music and<br />

erotic pleasure. His mysterious ritual was the celebration<br />

of the transformation of the soul. Through extreme physical<br />

experiences of the material body it was possible for the soul to<br />

be reborn at a higher stage of development. Red symbolizes<br />

love, passion and sexual energy.<br />


30. Tower of Knowledge A/L 200cm x 150cm<br />

The tower symbolizes the personal development and spiritual<br />

knowledge. Step by step, by encountering people and<br />

experiencing new situations in life, we can reach wisdom on top<br />

of the building. Love is the key to understand the universe. Blue<br />

is the color of spirituality.<br />

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31. Medusa A/L 200cm x 150cm<br />

The Greek myth about Medusa tells about subconscious fears<br />

of the masculine society and the feminine power. In Indian<br />

tradition, there are higher feminine beings, who give inspiration<br />

to men; to lift up, transform and develop the consciousness to a<br />

higher level. Yellow symbolizes light and wisdom.<br />


Curriculum Vitae<br />

1965 Born in St. Petersburg (Russia)<br />

1981-89 Study of computer-science in St. Petersburg (graduated)<br />

1989-90 Activity as a computer engineer<br />

1990-92 Study at the Academy of Fine Arts in St. Petersburg<br />

1992-94 Lives as free artist in St. Petersburg<br />

1994-98 Study at the Academy of Fine Arts in Düsseldorf (Germany)<br />

under prof. Michael Buthe and prof. A.R. Penck as master student.<br />

Graduated.<br />

Since 1994 lives and works in Düsseldorf (Germany)<br />

Solo exhibitions (selection)<br />

2006 Unity, Niavaran Artistic Creations foundation, Tehran (Iran) –<br />

Catalogue<br />

Unity, with Reng Rong, Imperial City Art Museum, Beijing<br />

(China) – Catalogue<br />

Unity, Museum Viehmarktthermen, Trier (Germany) –<br />

Catalogue<br />

Unity, Artforum GAP 15, Düsseldorf (Germany) – Catalogue<br />

Dialog, <strong>Galleri</strong> <strong>Pingvin</strong>, Oslo (Norway) – Catalogue<br />

2005 Unity, United Nations Building, New York (USA) – Catalogue<br />

Unity, PAN Kunstforum Niederrhein, Emmerich (Germany) -<br />

Catalogue<br />

Illusion, Westwood Gallery, New York (USA)<br />

Mystery of Man, Gallery Casteel, Mönchengladbach (Germany)<br />

Catalogue<br />

2004 Unity, State Russian Museum, St Petersburg (Russia) – Catalogue<br />

Unity, State Museum of Montenegro, Tivat (Serbia-Montenegro) –<br />

Catalogue<br />

2003 Stop, Gallery Casteel, Mönchengladbach (Germany)<br />

Energy, <strong>Galleri</strong> <strong>Pingvin</strong>, Oslo (Norway) – Catalogue<br />

2002 Dreams, Gallery GNG, Paris (France)<br />

Tra sogna a realta, Forum Artis Museum, Modena (Italy) –<br />

Catalogue<br />

Prime Universe, Gallery Westwood, New York (USA) – Catalogue<br />

1999 Fire, State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg (Russia) – Catalogue<br />

1998 Fire, Museum of Contemporary Art, Washington D.C. (USA) –<br />

Catalogue<br />

1997 Kunstmuseum in der Tonhalle, Düsseldorf (Germany)<br />

1994 Puschkin Museum, St. Petersburg (Russia) – Catalogue<br />

1992 Museum of Russian History, St. Petersburg (Russia)<br />

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Group exhibitions (selection)<br />

2006 Moscow, International Art Fair (Russia)<br />

Art Miami, International Art Fair, Miami (USA)<br />

2005 Museo Laboratorio de Arte Contemporaneo de Roma, Rome (Italy) –<br />

Catalogue<br />

Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea Castello Colonna Genazzano,<br />

Rome (Italy) – Catalogue.<br />

Plakas Art Center, Athens (Greece)<br />

Art Frankfurt, International Art Fair (Germany)<br />

Bayenalle, San Fransisco, (USA)<br />

Kunst Köln, International Art Fair, Cologne (Germany)<br />

2004 4Women Group, Pallazo dell’Arenale, Verona (Italy)<br />

Foreign Affairs, PAN – Kunstforum Niederrhein, Emmerich<br />

(Germany) Catalogue.<br />

International Graphic Biennale, St Petersburg (Russia) – Award for<br />

the best work – Catalogue<br />

Millenia Gallery, Orlando, Florida (USA)<br />

2003 Museum Castle Rheydt (Germany) – Catalogue<br />

2002 International Bienale Liverpool (Great Britain) – Catalogue<br />

2000 Museum of Art, Orlando, Florida (USA)<br />

International Fair Art Miami, Florida (USA)<br />

1999 Museum of Motion, d’Ars, Milano (Italy) Catalogue<br />

1998 International Sculpture Trienale, Osaka (Japan) – Catalogue<br />

1997 Museum Karawanserei, Tiflis (Georgia)<br />

1995 Landesmuseum, Düsseldorf (Germany) – Catalogue<br />

1990 Museum of Modern Art, Riga, Tallin (Lettland, Estland)<br />

<strong>Galleri</strong> <strong>Pingvin</strong><br />

Møllergata 13<br />

Tlf. 22 42 12 22<br />

www.galleripingvin.no<br />

Ma-fre: 11-18<br />

Lø: 11-16<br />

Søn: 12-16<br />


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