ISSUE 12 - Poledna | Boss | Kurer

ISSUE 12 - Poledna | Boss | Kurer ISSUE 12 - Poledna | Boss | Kurer




a closer look<br />

<strong>ISSUE</strong> <strong>12</strong> | JANUARY 31, 2013<br />























a closer look<br />

Global Tax Weekly – A Closer Look<br />

Using the unrivalled worldwide multi-lingual<br />

research capabilities of leading law and tax<br />

publisher Wolters Kluwer and its new acquisition<br />

BSI (The Lowtax Network), CCH has launched<br />

Global Tax Weekly – A Closer Look (GTW) as an<br />

indispensable up-to-the-minute guide to today's<br />

shifting tax landscape for all tax practitioners<br />

and international finance executives.<br />

Topicality, thoroughness and relevance are<br />

our watchwords: BSI's network of expert local<br />

researchers covers 130 countries and provides<br />

input to a US/UK team of editors outputting<br />

100 tax news stories a week. GTW summarizes<br />

and analyzes these stories under 20 headings,<br />

including industry sectors (e.g. manufacturing),<br />

subjects (e.g. transfer pricing), and regions (e.g.<br />

asia-pacific).<br />

Alongside the news analyses are a wealth of feature<br />

articles each week covering key current topics in depth,<br />

written by a team of senior international tax and legal<br />

experts. Supporting features include a round-up of<br />

tax treaty developments, a report on important new<br />

judgments, a calendar of upcoming tax conferences,<br />

and "The Jester's Column," a light-hearted but<br />

merciless commentary on the week's tax events.<br />

Read Global Tax Weekly – A Closer Look in<br />

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Intelliconnect, and you'll be a step ahead of your<br />

world on Monday morning!


a closer look<br />

<strong>ISSUE</strong> <strong>12</strong> | JANUARY 31, 2013<br />



The Final FATCA Regulations: Highlights<br />

by Alan Winston Granwell and Witold Jurewicz,<br />

DLA Piper LLP (US) 5<br />

The UK's GAAR: To Be Or Not To Be?<br />

by Stuart Gray, Managing Tax Editor, Global Tax Weekly 11<br />

Digital Invoicing In The EU And Brazil<br />

by Richard T Ainsworth, Boston University School<br />

of Law, Graduate Tax Program 20<br />

New Swiss Legislation On The Taxation<br />

Of Employee Shareholdings<br />

by Walter H. <strong>Boss</strong>, Attorney at Law, LL.M. and Andrea<br />

Scherrer, Attorney at Law, Certified Tax Expert,<br />

<strong>Poledna</strong> <strong>Boss</strong> <strong>Kurer</strong> AG, Zurich, Switzerland 23<br />

Why Japan Needs To Change PE Taxation Rules<br />

by ASATSUMA Akiyuki, Doctor of law in the<br />

University of Tokyo, Associate professor of tax law at<br />

College of Law and Politics, in Rikkyo University, Tokyo 32<br />

Latest Changes To The Brazilian<br />

Transfer Pricing Rules<br />

By Miguel A. Valdes, Lawyer and certified public<br />

accountant, partner of the law firm Valdes & Associates,<br />

LLC, in Chicago, Illinois 43<br />

Financial Transaction Taxes:<br />

Robin Hood Rides Again<br />

by Caroline Huggett, Senior Editor, Global Tax Weekly 46<br />


Financial Investments 55<br />

Financial Investments - Analysis<br />

Ecofin Gives Go-Ahead To FTT<br />

US Lawmakers Reintroduce FTT Bill<br />

Cayman Clarifies Fund Registration Rules<br />

Country Focus: Switzerland 58<br />

Country Focus: Switzerland - Analysis<br />

Austria To Wait For Revenues From Swiss Tax Deal<br />

Swiss Tax Administrative Assistance Act In Force Soon<br />

Switzerland Reorganizes 'Sin Tax' Collection<br />

Switzerland Extends VAT Perk For Hoteliers<br />

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Transfer Pricing 61<br />

Transfer Pricing - Analysis<br />

BRICS Countries Agree To Greater Cooperation<br />

In Tax Administration<br />

UK Cracking Down On Transfer Pricing Abuse<br />

Cameron Attacks Tax Avoidance At Davos<br />

Other Taxes 71<br />

Other Taxes - Analysis<br />

French Report Advocates Internet Tax<br />

Caribbean To Stand Its Ground On Rum Tax Dispute<br />

India Hikes Gold Import Duty<br />

Philippines Looks To Tax Online Traders<br />

Industry Update: Aerospace 65<br />

Industry Update: Aerospace - Analysis<br />

Flybe Looks To Free Itself From UK APD Stranglehold<br />

Jersey Minister Gives Channel Island Aircraft Registry Update<br />

Flat Year For Embraer In 20<strong>12</strong><br />



IN THE COURTS 88<br />


The unacceptable face of tax journalism 90<br />

Real Estate and Property Taxes 68<br />

Real Estate and Property Taxes - Analysis<br />

Hong Kong Considers Vacant Property Tax<br />

Shanghai Modifies Property Tax Threshold<br />

IRS Provides Guidance On Mortgage Reduction Incentive<br />

For article guidelines and submissions, contact


<strong>ISSUE</strong> <strong>12</strong> | JANUARY 31, 2013<br />

The Final FATCA Regulations:<br />

Highlights<br />

by Alan Winston Granwell and Witold Jurewicz,<br />

DLA Piper LLP (US)<br />

On January 17, 2013, the US Treasury Department<br />

issued final FATCA regulations (the “Regulations”).<br />

The Regulations, although simplified and clarified,<br />

are lengthy (544 pages) and over 150 pages longer<br />

than the Proposed Regulations.<br />

In drafting the Regulations, the US Treasury Department<br />

adopted a targeted, risk-based approach<br />

to implement FATCA by balancing policy considerations<br />

and administrative burdens and more fully<br />

incorporating local AML/KYC documentation<br />

practices. The Regulations detail the operational<br />

aspects of implementing FATCA – to reduce administrative<br />

burdens and clarify the interaction of<br />

the unilateral regulatory regime with the bilateral<br />

intergovernmental (“IGA”) regime. Of particular<br />

importance is that the Regulations fill in many of<br />

the gaps that foreign financial institutions (“FFIs”)<br />

had as to how to implement FATCA. Nevertheless<br />

FFIs, particularly global financial institutions, will<br />

have continuing challenges implementing the rules<br />

under the Regulations and IGAs within the current<br />

timelines among geographies, lines of business, clients<br />

and products.<br />

Headline Changes<br />

Withholding : grandfathered date extended for<br />

obligations outstanding on January 1, 2014 and<br />

for gross proceeds and foreign passthru payments<br />

occurring before January 1, 2017.<br />

Covered FFIs : clarified and scope limited; nonprofessionally<br />

managed passive entities now are<br />

non-fi nancial foreign entities (“NFFEs”), not<br />

FFIs; clarification of scope of depository institutions,<br />

insurance companies and investment funds.<br />

Financial Account : clarified and scope limited.<br />

Deemed Compliant : current category requirements<br />

relaxed and several new categories added.<br />

Retirement funds : exempted categories expanded<br />

and relaxed.<br />

Due Diligence/Documentation Rules : calibrated,<br />

based on value, risk profile; greater reliance on<br />

currently existing information, AML/KYC and<br />

local statements and self-certifications.<br />

Timing : delay timeframes to review existing accounts<br />

and implement FATCA's obligations in<br />

stages.<br />

Compliance and Verification : FFI obligations<br />

detailed with respect to establishing, reviewing<br />

and remediating compliance program.<br />

Local Law Conflicts with FFI Agreemen t: FFI's<br />

withholding and reporting obligations under an<br />

FFI Agreement and local law conflicts clarified.<br />

5<br />

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Regulation and IGA/Definitional Conformance:<br />

numerous definition variances and other items<br />

under Proposed Regulations and IGAs conformed.<br />

IGAs : details provided as to interaction of Regulations<br />

and IGAs.<br />

IRS Portal : details provided, including with respect<br />

to registration and applicable dates.<br />

Summary Overview of Highlights<br />

The Regulations contain myriad, detailed rules; this<br />

Alert focuses on a number of the important changes between<br />

the Regulations and the Proposed Regulations.<br />

Withholding:<br />

Grandfathering. Obligations outstanding on<br />

January 1, 2014, and associated collateral, are<br />

exempt from FATCA withholding.<br />

Foreign Passthru Payments . Exempted from<br />

FATCA withholding until the later of January 1,<br />

2017, or six months after the date of publication<br />

of final regulations defining the term “foreign<br />

passthru payments”.<br />

Dividend Equivalent Payments. Exempted from<br />

FATCA withholding with respect to obligations<br />

outstanding any time prior to six months after<br />

the final regulations published.<br />

US Source FDAP. January 1, 2014 for certain payees;<br />

then in subsequent years phases in for other payees.<br />

Gross Proceeds from US obligations . Exempted<br />

from FATCA withholding until January 1, 2017.<br />

Covered FFIs:<br />

Depository institution : precondition is accepting<br />

deposits in the ordinary course of its business with<br />

customers; in addition, the entity must regularly<br />

engage in one or more of the banking or financing<br />

activities enumerated in the Regulations; thus,<br />

finance companies that do not fund operations<br />

through deposits are excluded. The Regulations<br />

also clarify that an IGA controls as to whether a<br />

resident entity described in an applicable IGA is<br />

an FFI.<br />

Investment Entity : defi nition is clarifi ed and<br />

narrowed to exclude passive, non-commercial<br />

investment vehicles and trusts. Thus, passive, not<br />

professionally managed entities will generally be<br />

treated as passive NFFEs rather than FFIs, but<br />

entities that function or hold themselves out as<br />

mutual funds, hedge funds, or similar investment<br />

vehicles established with an investment strategy<br />

of investing, reinvesting or trading in financial<br />

assets will be investment entities.<br />

Certain Holding Companies and Treasury<br />

Centers : limit the circumstances under which a<br />

holding company or treasury center is treated as<br />

an FFI.<br />

Financial Account:<br />

The Regulations limit the scope of the term “depository<br />

account” in a number of ways and, in<br />

that regard, provide clarifying guidance with respect<br />

to equity or debt interests in different types<br />

of financial institutions.<br />

Th e Regulations simplify insurance definitions<br />

and contracts and clarify when an insurance<br />

company is an FFI or a NFFE.<br />

The Regulations expand the exception from financial<br />

account status for certain savings accounts to<br />

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accommodate savings vehicles used in a number<br />

of countries.<br />

funds and exempt beneficial owners identified<br />

in an IGA.<br />

Deemed Compliant:<br />

The Regulations generally retain the same deemed<br />

compliant categories included in the Proposed<br />

Regulations, subject to modification and clarification,<br />

and add new categories for certain credit<br />

card issuers, sponsored FFIs ( i.e. , where a trustee<br />

or fund manager manages trusts or funds on a<br />

consolidated basis) and limited-life debt investment<br />

entities.<br />

Insurance companies can now qualify as local<br />

FFIs and FFIs with only low-value accounts.<br />

Th e Regulations have relaxed various requirements<br />

for registered deemed compliant FFIs,<br />

including local FFIs, qualified collective investment<br />

vehicles and restricted funds.<br />

The Regulations have added a six month “cure”<br />

period to correct non-compliance with the<br />

deemed compliant requirements.<br />

Retirement fund deemed compliant categories<br />

have been moved to the “exempt beneficial<br />

owner” category.<br />

Non-profit entities have been moved from the<br />

deemed compliant category to the excepted<br />

NFFE category.<br />

IGA deemed compliant entities will be treated as<br />

deemed compliant entities under the Regulations.<br />

Retirement Funds:<br />

The Regulations expand the circumstances under<br />

which certain classes of entities qualify for exemption<br />

from FATCA, including certain retirement<br />

Due Diligence/Documentation Rules:<br />

The Regulations significantly modify and relax<br />

general requirements for identifying, documenting<br />

and retaining documentation of account<br />

holders and the interaction with AML/KYC rules.<br />

The Regulations in certain circumstances permit<br />

reliance on withholding certificates, written<br />

statements, elimination of the penalty of perjury<br />

requirements, substitute and non-IRS forms<br />

(including forms in a foreign language), reliance<br />

on pre-FATCA W-8 Forms; the treatment of a<br />

new account of a pre-existing customer as a preexisting<br />

account; curing inconsequential errors;<br />

the validity of documentation; how and when<br />

the changed circumstances rule applies and its<br />

impact on documentation; rules with respect to<br />

reliance on documentation from other parties and<br />

in a “bulk acquisition”; and reliance on electronic<br />

transmission of documentation.<br />

Timing:<br />

Th e Regulations provide delayed time frames for<br />

various actions; to include: effective date of FFI<br />

Agreement is December 31, 2013 for all Participating<br />

FFIs that receive a GIIN (defined below)<br />

prior to January 1, 2014 ; date new account due<br />

diligence procedures commence is January 1,<br />

2014; accounts maintained prior to January 1,<br />

2014 are pre-existing accounts; account holder<br />

documentation is delayed until December 31,<br />

2015 for other than prima facie FFIs and High<br />

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Value Individual Account holders; reporting account<br />

information to the IRS, on Form 8966,<br />

with respect to 2013 and 2014 is delayed until<br />

March 31, 2015 .<br />

FFI Agreement and Local Law Conflicts:<br />

The Regulations provide that an FFI may enter<br />

into an FFI Agreement if it can meet the following<br />

requirements: (i) if foreign law prohibits a<br />

Participating FFI from fulfilling its withholding<br />

obligations with respect to an account, the Participating<br />

FFI must close the account within a<br />

reasonable time or, if local law prohibits closing<br />

the account, the Participating FFI must block of<br />

transfer the account; and (ii) if a Participating FFI<br />

is prohibited by foreign law, absent a waiver, from<br />

reporting information on an account that it must<br />

treat as a US account, the Participating FFI must<br />

request a waiver of foreign law from the account<br />

holder and if such waiver is not obtained within<br />

a reasonable period of time, the Participating FFI<br />

must close or transfer such account. If an FFI<br />

cannot meet the foregoing requirements, it is not<br />

eligible to enter in an FFI Agreement but may obtain<br />

status as a “limited FFI” or “limited branch”<br />

if conditions are satisfied. That status causes the<br />

limited FFI or limited branch to be subject to<br />

FATCA withholding but does not disqualify the<br />

expanded affiliated group from becoming noncompliant<br />

FFI through 2015.<br />

Caveat . After December 31, 2015, under the<br />

Regulations, all FFIs within an expanded affiliated<br />

group must be compliant. Thus, non-IGA FFIs/<br />

branches will not be treated as compliant and will<br />

become subject to the FATCA withholding tax<br />

unless the local country changes its laws to allow<br />

compliance with FATCA or the country enters<br />

into an IGA (IGA country FFIs/branches can<br />

remain compliant if certain conditions are met<br />

under the IGA).<br />

Compliance and Verification:<br />

The Regulations provide detailed rules with respect<br />

to Participating FFI compliance, to include appointment<br />

of a responsible officer, establishment of<br />

a compliance program that includes policies, procedures<br />

and processes sufficient for the Participating<br />

FFI to satisfy the FFI Agreement requirements,<br />

responsible officer periodic review of the compliance<br />

program, material failures, events of default,<br />

certification and remediation, and IRS review.<br />

A responsible officer may be any officer of the<br />

Participating FFI or reporting Model 1 FFI in<br />

the Participating FFI's expanded affiliated group<br />

with sufficient authority to fulfill the duties of a<br />

responsible officer as described in the Regulations.<br />

Regulation/IGA Conformance:<br />

The Regulations conform the definition of many<br />

FATCA terms to those contained in IGAs to avoid<br />

disparities that were contained in the Proposed<br />

Regulations. The Regulations also conform various<br />

items related to due diligence, such as timing and<br />

when changed circumstances must be reported.<br />

IGAs:<br />

FFIs covered by, and compliant with, Model 1<br />

IGAs do not need to comply with the Regulations<br />


for purposes of avoiding FATCA withholding,<br />

but must register, as discussed below.<br />

In certain cases, the laws of a FATCA Partner<br />

jurisdiction may allow an FFI to elect to apply<br />

the provisions of the Regulations instead of IGA.<br />

FFIs covered by Model 2 IGA will be required<br />

to implement FATCA in manner prescribed by<br />

Regulations except to the extent expressly modified<br />

by the Model 2 IGA but must register, as<br />

described below.<br />

IRS Portal:<br />

The Portal will be the primary means for FFIs to interact<br />

with the IRS to complete and maintain their<br />

FATCA registrations, agreements and certifications.<br />

The Portal will be a paperless, secure online web<br />

portal.<br />

The Portal will be used for registration, electronic<br />

communication between the IRS and FFIs and other<br />

registrants and other FATCA communications.<br />

Registered FFIs designated as leads of an expanded<br />

affiliated group will be able to use the<br />

Portal to manage the registration status of group<br />

members. Thus, an FFI in a Model 1 country can<br />

register and enter into FFI Agreements on behalf<br />

of branches in jurisdictions covered by Model 2<br />

IGA and in non-IGA countries .<br />

The Portal will be accessible to FFIs NLT than<br />

July 15, 2013 . At that time, FFIs will be able to<br />

register as Participating FFIs, sponsoring entities<br />

or as limited FFIs or registered deemed compliant<br />

FFIs (including reporting Model 1 FFIs, which<br />

are treated as registered deemed compliant FFIs<br />

under the Regulations).<br />

Once an FFI has registered, the IRS will approve<br />

its registration and issue a GIIN (Global<br />

Intermediary Identifi cation Number) to each<br />

Participating FFI and registered deemed compliant<br />

FFI.<br />

Model 1 FFIs or an FFI described as a Reporting<br />

Financial Institution under the Model 2 IGA will<br />

also be required to register so long as the FATCA<br />

Partner jurisdiction is identified on a list published<br />

by the IRS of countries treated as having<br />

in effect an IGA, even if any necessary ratification<br />

of such IGA in the jurisdiction has not yet been<br />

completed.<br />

Th e IRS currently contemplates that the GIIN<br />

may also be used by reporting Model 1 FFIs to<br />

satisfy reporting requirements under local law<br />

and is discussing this possibility with its Model<br />

1 IGA partners.<br />

Under a transitional rule, for payments made<br />

prior to January 1, 2015, it will not be necessary<br />

for a Model 1 FFI to have a GIIN provided that<br />

the Model 1 FFI's withholding certificate specifies<br />

that it is a Model 1 FFI and identifies its IGA<br />

jurisdiction.<br />

A GIIN will be assigned beginning no later than<br />

October 15, 2013 and will be used as the ID<br />

number for satisfying the FFI's reporting obligations<br />

and identifying its status to a withholding<br />

agent.<br />

Th e IRS will electronically post the fi rst IRS<br />

list of Participating FFIs and registered deemed<br />

compliant FFIs (including Model 1 FFIs) on<br />

December 2, 2013 , and will update the list on<br />

a monthly basis.<br />

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The last date by which a FFI can register with the<br />

IRS to ensure inclusion on the December 2013<br />

IRS FFI list is October 25, 2013.<br />

Forthcoming IRS Guidance to Include:<br />

IRS will issue a Revenue Procedure before the Portal<br />

opens containing all the terms and conditions<br />

of an FFI Agreement, including administrative<br />

provisions such as those relating to termination,<br />

renewal and modification of the agreement.<br />

A revision of the requirements for a QI agreement<br />

for external audit procedures to verify a<br />

QI's compliance with its QI agreement.<br />

New forms (and instructions) relating certification,<br />

reporting and withholding FATCA<br />

requirements.<br />

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<strong>ISSUE</strong> <strong>12</strong> | JANUARY 31, 2013<br />

The UK's GAAR: To Be Or Not To Be?<br />

by Stuart Gray, Managing Tax Editor,<br />

Global Tax Weekly<br />

Introduction<br />

Th is article examines some of the key existing and<br />

proposed measures to tackle the problem of aggressive<br />

tax planning in the United Kingdom, with a<br />

focus on the forthcoming general anti-abuse rule<br />

(GAAR) and the existing tax avoidance scheme<br />

disclosure regime, in addition to other recent antiavoidance<br />

legislation.<br />

Th e UK is certainly not alone in its desire to crack<br />

down on tax evasion and avoidance, and governments<br />

all over the world are strengthening their<br />

legislative arsenals to prevent individuals and businesses<br />

playing fast and loose with the tax laws as<br />

they attempt to reduce the “tax gap” and replenish<br />

depleted treasury coffers. The UK government<br />

has, however, been particularly active in this area<br />

lately as reports continue to flood the airwaves and<br />

written media about the aggressive tax planning<br />

techniques employed by some wealthy individuals<br />

and businesses. Such reports reveal how marketed<br />

schemes have enabled some high-profile and wellremunerated<br />

entertainers to reduce their overall tax<br />

rate to single digit figures, sometimes to as low as<br />

1% or 2%; and on the corporate side, some large<br />

multinationals have come in for severe criticism<br />

from lawmakers and the general public for using tax<br />

mitigation strategies that have led to them paying<br />

very little – in some cases nothing – in income tax<br />

in the UK over several years.<br />

In most jurisdictions, including the UK, the line between<br />

legal tax avoidance and criminal tax evasion is<br />

quite clearly defined, and in the case of the recently<br />

described extreme tax minimization techniques used<br />

by individuals most would agree that a boundary<br />

between “acceptable” tax avoidance and “unacceptable”<br />

(some would say “immoral”) tax avoidance had<br />

been crossed. In the corporate sector, things are not<br />

so clear. The companies that have been pilloried in<br />

the UK argue, quite rightly, that they are only following<br />

the law as it is written, and that they have a duty<br />

to their shareholders to reduce costs, including tax,<br />

and maximize profits, even if many think that such<br />

activity falls into the “unacceptable” category. So it<br />

is not always easy to define the difference between<br />

acceptable and unacceptable tax planning, and separating<br />

the two in legal terms almost always involves<br />

somebody’s own subjective judgment – usually the<br />

government’s or the legislature’s. If large amounts of<br />

revenue are at stake, many would think that governments<br />

can't always be trusted to exercise their judgment<br />

in the best interests of taxpayers.<br />

11<br />

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Traditionally, Parliament has reacted to examples of<br />

“unacceptable” tax planning by approving sticking<br />

plaster anti-avoidance bills which are tacked onto<br />

the main tax statutes when they become aware of a<br />

new scheme. As a result, over the last ten years, there<br />

have been dozens of changes in UK law to shut down<br />

avoidance schemes. While the government boasts that<br />

this has protected billions of pounds in tax revenue,<br />

it has had the undesirable effect of making an already<br />

complicated tax system practically unfathomable to<br />

most people – including, in some cases, the tax authority<br />

itself – and has filled up the court system with<br />

complex pieces of tax litigation –, something Graham<br />

Aaronson referred to in his report on a UK GAAR<br />

(see below) as a “sort of fiscal chess game, but with an<br />

ever increasing number of moves and pieces.”<br />

Over the last few years however, there have come<br />

to be signs that the government wants to take a<br />

more strategic approach to tackling unacceptable<br />

tax avoidance, to reduce the administrative burden<br />

on taxpayers and HM Revenue and Customs<br />

(HMRC), foster more certainty in fiscal affairs and<br />

improve the business environment generally. This<br />

led to the creation of a disclosure regime in 2004,<br />

although reports suggest that this has only been<br />

partially successful in tackling the problem (indeed,<br />

many of the tax law changes mentioned above stem<br />

from this regime). More recently, the government<br />

has proposed a general anti-abuse rule, which it<br />

hopes will be a panacea for the problem of aggressive<br />

tax avoidance, and will simplify the process of<br />

dealing with avoidance cases when they reach the<br />

courts. Both of these aspects are explored below.<br />

The Disclosure Of Tax Avoidance Schemes<br />

(DOTAS)<br />

The Disclosure of Tax Avoidance Schemes (DOT-<br />

AS) regime is a statutory disclosure regime which<br />

was enacted as part of the Finance Act 2005, and it<br />

was introduced with effect from August 1, 2004. It<br />

places an obligation on promoters of tax avoidance<br />

schemes to disclose details of the arrangements to<br />

HMRC. Initially, DOTAS was limited to arrangements<br />

concerning employment or the use of certain<br />

financial products, but it was widened with effect<br />

from August 1, 2006, to cover income tax, corporation<br />

tax and capital gains tax. Under the legislation,<br />

a scheme must be disclosed when: it will, or might<br />

be expected to, enable any person to obtain a tax advantage;<br />

that tax advantage is, or might be expected<br />

to be, the main benefit or one of the main benefits<br />

of the arrangement; and it is a tax arrangement that<br />

falls within any description prescribed in the relevant<br />

regulations. With regards to the third point,<br />

these descriptions, known as “hallmarks,” include:<br />

wishing to keep the arrangements confidential<br />

from a competitor;<br />

wishing to keep the arrangements confidential<br />

from HMRC;<br />

arrangements for which a premium fee could<br />

reasonably be obtained;<br />

arrangements that are standardized tax products;<br />

arrangements that are loss schemes; and<br />

arrangements that are certain leasing arrangements<br />

In most situations where a disclosure is required it<br />

must be made by the scheme “promoter” within<br />

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five days of one of three trigger events, the first<br />

of which coincides with actively marketing the<br />

scheme. However, the scheme user may need to<br />

make the disclosure in cases where: the promoter is<br />

based outside the UK; the promoter is a lawyer and<br />

legal privilege applies; and there is no promoter.<br />

Upon disclosure, HMRC issues the promoter with<br />

an eight-digit scheme reference number for the disclosed<br />

scheme. By law the promoter must provide<br />

this number to each client that uses the scheme,<br />

who in turn must include the number on their tax<br />

return or on a special form created as part of the<br />

DOTAS disclosure process. A person who designs<br />

and implements their own scheme must disclose it<br />

within 30 days of it being implemented.<br />

A disclosure regime was also introduced on 1 August<br />

2004 in relation to arrangements that are intended to<br />

give any person a value-added tax (VAT) advantage.<br />

The main obligation for disclosure rests with those<br />

taxable persons who are party to the scheme. However,<br />

disclosure is limited to two broad categories: listed<br />

VAT avoidance schemes and hallmarked schemes.<br />

The listed schemes are certain arrangements<br />

that involve:<br />

the first grant of a major interest in a building;<br />

payment handling services;<br />

value shifting;<br />

leaseback arrangements;<br />

extended approval periods;<br />

groups and third party suppliers;<br />

education and training by a non-profit making body;<br />

education and training by a non-eligible body;<br />

cross-border face-value vouchers; or<br />

a surrender of a relevant lease<br />

Th e hallmarks are:<br />

confidentiality agreements;<br />

agreements to share a tax advantage;<br />

contingent fee agreements;<br />

prepayments between connected parties;<br />

funding by loans, share subscriptions or subscriptions<br />

in securities;<br />

off-shore loops;<br />

property transactions between connected persons;<br />

and<br />

issue of face-value vouchers<br />

Th e obligation to disclose is triggered by:<br />

the submission of a VAT return that shows an<br />

amount that is different (higher or lower) from<br />

what would have been shown had the scheme not<br />

been entered into;<br />

the submission of a claim for VAT (for example,<br />

by the making of a voluntary disclosure of an<br />

error) that is higher than what would have been<br />

claimed had the scheme not been entered into; or<br />

incurring at any time less non-deductible VAT<br />

than would have been incurred had the scheme<br />

not been entered into<br />

Th e disclosure regime has been extended on a number<br />

of occasions to other taxes, including Stamp<br />

Duty Land Tax in 2005, national insurance contributions<br />

from May 1, 2007 and inheritance tax<br />

from April 6, 2011.<br />

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The government has also used successive finance<br />

bills to tighten various aspects of the disclosure<br />

regime.<br />

Following consultation, the March 2010 budget<br />

announced a package of five measures to strengthen<br />

and improve the DOTAS regime. Briefly these<br />

measures included:<br />

A new 'trigger point ' for the disclosure of actively<br />

marketed schemes – the point at which a promoter<br />

first communicates information (including<br />

information about the expected tax advantage)<br />

about a substantially designed scheme to a third<br />

party with a view to obtaining clients for that<br />

scheme;<br />

An information power which gives HMRC the<br />

power to require a scheme “introducer” (an intermediary<br />

whose function is to introduce clients<br />

to the promoter) to identify the promoter;<br />

Increased penalties for failure to comply with a<br />

disclosure obligation;<br />

A new requirement for promoters to provide<br />

HMRC with periodic information about clients<br />

who implement a notifiable scheme; and<br />

Revised and extended hallmarks.<br />

Th e first four of these measures were included in<br />

the 2010 Finance Act, while HMRC’s work to extend<br />

and revise the hallmarks has been ongoing.<br />

In a speech 1 to the Policy Exchange think tank in<br />

July 20<strong>12</strong>, Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury, David<br />

Gauke outlined further measures to strengthen<br />

the DOTAS regime. These included the granting of<br />

additional powers to HMRC to force promoters to<br />

disclose avoidance schemes and the details of their<br />

beneficiaries. Gauke revealed that rules would also<br />

be tightened to make it is easier to impose penalties<br />

for failure to provide information to HMRC about<br />

a scheme and that the government was also considering<br />

publishing warnings about tax avoidance<br />

schemes that are effectively being mis-sold.<br />

Doubts have been raised, however, over the effectiveness<br />

of DOTAS in deterring aggressive tax<br />

planning. The National Audit Office (NAO) was<br />

particularly critical of the disclosure regime in a<br />

report 2 tackling tax avoidance in November 20<strong>12</strong>.<br />

While this report noted that DOTAS has helped<br />

HMRC make important headway in reducing the<br />

opportunities for avoidance, it nevertheless saw little<br />

evidence that HMRC was making progress in<br />

preventing the sale of highly contrived tax avoidance<br />

schemes to a large number of taxpayers.<br />

On the plus side, the report found that in each of the<br />

previous four years, over 100 new avoidance schemes<br />

had been disclosed under DOTAS. It also concluded<br />

that DOTAS has helped to change the market for<br />

tax avoidance schemes, with the larger accountancy<br />

firms now less active in this area. But, in the view<br />

of the NAO there is little evidence to suggest that<br />

the usage of avoidance schemes is reducing. Since<br />

the introduction of DOTAS, HMRC has initiated<br />

93 changes to tax law designed to reduce avoidance.<br />

However, because tax avoidance is difficult to define<br />

in legal terms, it is still up to the tax authority<br />

to prove that a scheme is not consistent with tax law,<br />

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a resource-intensive process that has led to a backlog<br />

of 41,000 open cases relating to marketed avoidance<br />

schemes. While HMRC, concentrating on “lead<br />

cases,” has a good success rate when it litigates, its<br />

investigations can take many years to resolve and it<br />

cannot always successfully apply the rulings in lead<br />

cases to other cases. What’s more, observes the NAO,<br />

the costs of such a strategy are not counted, limiting<br />

the department’s ability to make informed decisions<br />

about where to direct its avoidance activity.<br />

"HMRC must push harder to find an effective way<br />

to tackle the promoters and users of the most aggressive<br />

tax avoidance schemes,” said Amyas Morse,<br />

head of the NAO. “Though its disclosure regime<br />

has helped to change the market, it has had little<br />

impact on the persistent use of highly contrived<br />

schemes which deprives the public purse of billions<br />

of pounds. It is inherently difficult to stop tax<br />

avoidance as it is not illegal. But HMRC needs to<br />

demonstrate how it is going to reduce the 41,000<br />

avoidance cases it currently has open."<br />

While the NAO’s report concentrated on the limitations<br />

of DOTAS and on the failings of HMRC to adequately<br />

manage its tax avoidance case load, another<br />

conclusion that could be drawn from it is that a more<br />

holistic approach to the problem of aggressive tax<br />

avoidance is needed, and this is to come in the form<br />

of the government’s proposed general anti-abuse rule.<br />

The Aaronson Report<br />

The Treasury announced its intention to proceed<br />

with a GAAR at the 20<strong>12</strong> Budget in March last<br />

year and it was scheduled for introduction in 2013<br />

as part of the government's "strategic approach" to<br />

the risk of avoidance. The inclusion of the proposals<br />

in the 20<strong>12</strong> Budget came partly in response to<br />

rising public anger at the unfairness of a tax system<br />

that lets the wealthy whittle their tax liability<br />

down to virtually nothing, while the vast swathes<br />

of working people have to pay up in full. However,<br />

the idea of bringing a GAAR to the UK is<br />

not new. The previous Labor administration under<br />

Prime Minister Gordon Brown toyed with the idea<br />

of a general anti-avoidance rule, but it eventually<br />

shelved the idea.<br />

Th en, in December 2010, the recently-elected<br />

coalition government commissioned tax barrister<br />

Graham Aaronson QC to lead a study that would<br />

consider the merits of a GAAR, and whether a law<br />

of this type could deter and counter tax avoidance,<br />

whilst providing certainty and minimizing<br />

costs for businesses and the tax authority. Aaronson<br />

put together a small committee consisting of<br />

experts from the field of UK tax law. Its members<br />

included: John Bartlett, Group Head of Tax at<br />

BP; Judith Freeman, Professor of Taxation Law,<br />

Oxford University Law Faculty; Sir Launcelot<br />

Henderson, Judge of the Chancery Division of<br />

the High Court of Justice; Lord Hoffman, Non-<br />

Permanent Judge of the Court of Final Appeal<br />

of Hong Kong; Howard Nolan, former Tax Partner<br />

at Slaughter and May and a part time Judge<br />

of the First-Tier Tribunal; and John Tiley QC,<br />

Emeritus Professor of the Law of Taxation and<br />

Founding Director of the Centre for Tax Law,<br />

Cambridge University.<br />

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When the Aaronson report 3 was published on November<br />

21, 2011, it did indeed make the case for<br />

a GAAR, but one that was narrowly-targeted to<br />

catch "abusive" tax avoidance schemes, because, it<br />

concluded, a broad-based rule would not be beneficial.<br />

Hence, it should be called a general anti-abuse<br />

rule, rather than a general anti-avoidance rule.<br />

This would be intended to ensure more certainty<br />

for “centre ground tax planning” while targeting<br />

“highly abusive, contrived and artificial schemes.”<br />

“I have concluded that introducing a broad spectrum<br />

general anti-avoidance rule would not be beneficial<br />

for the UK tax system,” wrote Aaronson in his<br />

report. “This would carry a real risk of undermining<br />

the ability of business and individuals to carry<br />

out sensible and responsible tax planning. Such tax<br />

planning is an entirely appropriate response to the<br />

complexities of a tax system such as the UK’s. To<br />

reduce the risk of this consequence a broad spectrum<br />

rule would have to be accompanied by a comprehensive<br />

system for obtaining advance clearance<br />

for tax planning transactions. But an effective clearance<br />

system would impose very substantial resource<br />

burdens on taxpayers and HMRC alike. It would<br />

also inevitably in practice give discretionary power<br />

to HMRC who would effectively become the arbiter<br />

of the limits of responsible tax planning.”<br />

settled is seen to be operating fairly and effectively,<br />

the report recommends extended the scope of the<br />

rule to other taxes, such as stamp duty land tax.<br />

However, Aaronson argued against including value-added<br />

tax within the ambit of the GAAR, because<br />

VAT law has its own set of anti-avoidance<br />

laws derived from European law, and applying a<br />

UK GAAR in parallel could clash with EU law.<br />

Aaronson’s GAAR includes a series of important<br />

safeguards to ensure that the centre ground of responsible<br />

tax planning is effectively protected. These<br />

safeguards are: an explicit protection for reasonable<br />

tax planning; an explicit protection for arrangements<br />

which are entered into without any intent<br />

to reduce tax; placing upon HMRC the burden of<br />

proving that an arrangement is not reasonable tax<br />

planning; having an Advisory Panel, with relevant<br />

expertise and a majority of non-HMRC members,<br />

to advise whether HMRC would be justified<br />

in seeking counteraction under the GAAR; giving<br />

taxpayers and HMRC the right to refer to material<br />

or information which was publicly available when<br />

the tax planning arrangement was carried out; requiring<br />

that potential application of the GAAR has<br />

to be authorized by senior officials within HMRC<br />

to ensure consistency and responsibility in its application<br />

by HMRC.<br />

Th e report recommended that a GAAR should initially<br />

apply to the main direct taxes – income tax,<br />

capital gains tax, corporation tax, and petroleum<br />

revenue tax, as well as national insurance contributions.<br />

In time, when the GAAR legislation had<br />

On the fundamental question of what should and<br />

should not be regarded as an “abusive” transaction<br />

under the GAAR, Aaronson considered that reasoning<br />

developed by the Court of Final Appeal in<br />

Hong Kong in dealing with the territory’s GAAR<br />

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offers the best approach for the UK. “That approach<br />

is to recognize that tax rules may give taxpayers<br />

a number of reasonable choices as to the sort<br />

of transactions which they may carry out and, depending<br />

on the choice, the tax result which could<br />

be achieved,” he wrote.<br />

To reduce uncertainty, Aaronson’s main recommendation<br />

is that HMRC apply a “double reasonableness<br />

test” when scrutinizing a tax avoidance<br />

scheme. This would be achieved by placing<br />

on HMRC the burden of demonstrating that the<br />

arrangement “cannot reasonably be regarded as a<br />

reasonable exercise of choice.”<br />

Publishing the Report, Aaronson said: “Responsible<br />

tax planning is an essential feature in a complex tax<br />

regime, such as the UK’s. But artificial and abusive<br />

tax avoidance schemes are widely regarded as an intolerable<br />

assault on the integrity of the tax regime.<br />

A general anti-abuse rule narrowly targeted to deter<br />

such schemes, while not affecting responsible tax<br />

planning, should lead to a fairer, more principled<br />

and ultimately simpler tax system; and I strongly<br />

recommend that such a rule should be introduced<br />

into our tax laws.”<br />

Although the proposals appeared to be welcomed<br />

by the government, which looked as if it was at<br />

least trying to stamp out the sort of schemes reported<br />

on frequently in the media, Aaronson’s report<br />

got mixed reviews from the tax community.<br />

The Chartered Institute for Taxation (CIOT) and<br />

Association of Taxation Technicians 4 for example,<br />

while welcoming Aaronson’s decision to opt for a<br />

narrowly-defined anti-abuse rule, said that the proposals<br />

overall pose more questions than answers.<br />

For instance, how would the GAAR affect the existing<br />

body of anti-avoidance laws? Would the narrow<br />

scope just cause further uncertainty over what<br />

is “abusive”; Who is to make the judgment about<br />

what is reasonable? How can the government ensure<br />

that the GAAR will not be wielded by HMRC to<br />

intimidate taxpayers/generate more revenue? Who<br />

will write the guidance, and would this not simply<br />

add yet another layer of rules onto the system? The<br />

CIOT also suggested that DOTAS could be just as<br />

effective as the proposed GAAR if it was given sufficient<br />

teeth.<br />

“We recognize there are concerns with aspects of the<br />

operation of the UK tax system that need to be addressed;<br />

we remain to be convinced that this GAAR<br />

is the right way to address them,” said the CIOT.<br />

The Government’s Proposals<br />

The government accepted the main recommendations<br />

of the Aaronson report, that a GAAR targeted<br />

at artificial and abusive tax avoidance schemes<br />

would improve the UK's ability to tackle tax avoidance,<br />

and put its draft proposals out to a threemonth<br />

consultation on June <strong>12</strong>, 20<strong>12</strong>. Under the<br />

government’s envisaged timeline, the GAAR is to<br />

apply to tax arrangements entered into on or after<br />

April 1, 2013 and it will also apply to inheritance<br />

tax, stamp duty land tax and annual residential<br />

property tax (due to be introduced in 2013),<br />

in addition to the taxes listed in Aaronson’s report.<br />

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Crucially, the government’s proposals differ in other<br />

ways too, and the language in the draft legislation<br />

suggests that it would be wider in scope than<br />

Aaronson’s GAAR.<br />

Over 14,000 consultation responses were received<br />

by the Treasury, and while these revealed support<br />

for the concept of a general anti-abuse rule, many<br />

respondents to the consultation expressed some<br />

alarm at certain key elements of the draft legislation.<br />

One of the main concerns is over the tests to be used<br />

to establish whether a tax scheme is "abusive" or "acceptable"<br />

avoidance, which deviate from the recommendations<br />

of the Aaronson report, and in particular,<br />

the government's "main purpose" test to be used<br />

to define a "tax arrangement." This clause would<br />

ensnare an arrangement if, “having regard to all the<br />

circumstances, it would be reasonable to conclude<br />

that the obtaining of a tax advantage was the main<br />

purpose, or one of the main purposes, of the arrangement.<br />

Suggestions by respondents that a more narrowly-targeted<br />

test, such as a "sole," "dominant" or<br />

"primary" purpose test would be preferable to a main<br />

purpose rule, so as to provide greater assurance to taxpayers<br />

that "centre ground planning" would not be<br />

caught, were rejected by the government, however.<br />

Respondents also pointed out flaws in the “reasonable”<br />

test. Indeed, this was a key concern for nearly<br />

all respondents, a large majority of whom considered<br />

that the proposed "double reasonableness" test<br />

is subjective and that the draft legislation may go<br />

beyond the stated policy aim, its scope potentially<br />

extending across a broad spectrum.<br />

Echoing the views of the CIOT, KPMG 5 says that<br />

the proposed anti-abuse rule, while sounding fine<br />

in principle, is far from perfect, and could end up<br />

merely adding more uncertainty to an already complex<br />

tax system. Consequently taxpayers entering<br />

into any planning at all will have a "sword of Damocles<br />

hanging over their head."<br />

"It's a real shame that the general anti-avoidance<br />

rule… is likely to lead to more, not less, uncertainty<br />

over where the line is drawn between ‘reasonable<br />

tax planning' and ‘unacceptable tax avoidance'<br />

which is often a key bone of contention between<br />

taxpayers and tax authorities when agreeing what is<br />

the ‘right' amount of tax due," commented Chris<br />

Morgan, head of tax policy at KPMG, upon the<br />

publication of the draft GAAR law. "The GAAR<br />

aims to target artificial and abusive tax planning<br />

and is not designed to be a broad spectrum rule<br />

that would sweep up arrangements made in the<br />

normal course of business. The government is to be<br />

applauded for following Graham Aaronson QC's<br />

Report recommending such a targeted approach.<br />

However, looking at the wording of the proposals,<br />

it could go much wider than this as it is based on<br />

what is and is not ‘reasonable' in both the wording<br />

and spirit of the legislation. What is reasonable<br />

to one person is unacceptable to another and ultimately<br />

the Courts will have to decide where the<br />

line is."<br />

Law firm Clifford Chance 6 also doubts that the<br />

"double reasonableness" test will achieve its objective,<br />

observing in a client briefing that: "When the<br />

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current wording of the test is examined against the<br />

backdrop of existing legislation and case law concerning<br />

the concept of reasonableness, it seems<br />

doubtful whether the test achieves its stated objective.<br />

The implication of this is that, unless the<br />

wording is strengthened, we may find ourselves<br />

drifting towards a more intrusive GAAR than what<br />

was originally proposed."<br />

Conclusion<br />

Ironically then, it seems as if the UK GAAR faces an<br />

uncertain future, with many questions on its scope,<br />

application and operation still to be fully answered<br />

by the government. However, the positive light in<br />

which the Aaronson report was received by the government<br />

suggests that it is intent on going through<br />

with an anti-abuse rule, partly to appease a large<br />

swathe of the electorate which thinks that HMRC<br />

lets far too many rich tax avoiders off the hook.<br />

Another point to bear in mind is that both Aaronson’s<br />

and the government’s proposals do not really<br />

attempt to tackle the issue of corporate tax avoidance,<br />

especially by multinationals. This is because<br />

when an international dimension is added to the<br />

tax planning equation, it is very hard for any single<br />

government to do anything about it. What’s more,<br />

as highlighted earlier in this piece, the Amazon’s<br />

and Google’s of this world have not actually broken<br />

any UK laws. So this particular can of worms will<br />

probably be kicked down the road for another day.<br />


1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br /><br /><br />

Avoidance_P1.pdf<br /><br /><strong>12</strong>/01/<strong>12</strong>0<strong>12</strong>7_GAAR_CIOT_ATT.pdf<br /><br />

articlespublications/newsreleases/pages/proposedgeneral-anti-abuse-rule-on-tax.aspx<br /><br />

publications/20<strong>12</strong>/09/the_draft_gaar_thedoublereasonablenesstest.html<br />

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<strong>ISSUE</strong> <strong>12</strong> | JANUARY 31, 2013<br />

Digital Invoicing In The EU And Brazil<br />

by Richard T Ainsworth, Boston University<br />

School of Law, Graduate Tax Program<br />

Baby-steps verses giant-steps; that's the difference<br />

between digital invoicing initiatives in the EU and<br />

Brazil. On January 1, 2013 the Second Invoicing<br />

Directive went into effect in the EU. 1 Brazil began<br />

a much more ambitious digital invoicing transformation<br />

2 on September 15, 2006 with a pilot project<br />

3 that went national by April 2009, and was considered<br />

fully implemented and complete by 2010. 4<br />

(3) Establishment of a common period during<br />

which invoices must be stored; and<br />

(4) Restriction of the right of Member States to<br />

impose further conditions on invoices drawn<br />

up by the customer.<br />

Th e difference between Brazil and the EU on digital<br />

invoicing is instructive. In Brazil a legally binding<br />

invoice is digital (only). It may have a paper<br />

replica, but in Brazil the digital invoice is the real<br />

deal. 5 It does not matter if the parties are domestic,<br />

or foreign. In the EU a legally binding invoice may<br />

be either paper or digital. There is no stated priority<br />

or preference, but there are practical difficulties in<br />

going digital in the EU.<br />

The EU's Second Invoicing Directive followed from<br />

a study, 6 a public consultation, 7 and a Commission<br />

Proposal. 8 The proposal focused on harmonization,<br />

but the result fell far short. The Commission sought<br />

to accomplish four things:<br />

(1) Removal of all differences between paper and<br />

digital invoices;<br />

(2) Establishment a common deadline for the<br />

issuance of invoices;<br />

Th e Council reached agreement in 2010, and adopted<br />

the Second Invoicing Directive on July 13,<br />

2010. Its provisions were not in force before December<br />

31, 20<strong>12</strong>. As a result, 20<strong>12</strong> has been an intense<br />

year on the invoicing side of EU tax-technology.<br />

Th e EU's invoicing effort is all about harmonization<br />

and natural processes. The assumption is that<br />

if all the barriers to digital invoices are removed,<br />

then by establishing legal equivalence between<br />

digital and paper invoices natural modernization<br />

and business efficiency efforts will push the EU to<br />

where Brazil is today.<br />

New Article 217 defines an e-invoice. It is, "… an<br />

invoice that contains the information required in<br />

this Directive, and which has been issued and received<br />

in electronic format." Thus, a PDF attached<br />

to an e-mail is an e-invoice. A faxed invoice is not<br />

20<br />

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an e-invoice. A scanned invoice is an e-invoice (if it<br />

is scanned before it is sent).<br />

The EU problem is that a number of old invoicing<br />

rules have survived. Two are notable. First, old Article<br />

232 required a seller to get his customer's acquiescence<br />

before issuing an e-invoice. This rule remains. The<br />

Commission had proposed its elimination. As a result,<br />

if some Member States retain their old rules requiring<br />

formal (explicit) acceptance of e-invoicing in advance<br />

of its use, many businesses will not "go digital."<br />

Secondly, the Commission proposed removing a<br />

requirement under Article 233 that e-invoices provide<br />

the tax administration with a "guarantee" of:<br />

the authenticity of the origin of the invoice, and<br />

the integrity of the contents of the invoice.<br />

Instead of removing this requirement, the Second Invoicing<br />

Directive extended it to all invoices. It is up<br />

to each business that sends or receives an invoice to<br />

determine how it will meet these requirements. The<br />

issue comes down to business controls over invoicing.<br />

New Article 233 indicates that the integrity of the<br />

content, and the legibility of invoices can be assured<br />

by "… any business controls which create a reliable<br />

audit trail between an invoice and a supply." Member<br />

States are sure to differ over the kinds of controls that<br />

will meet this requirement. Thus, without an Implementing<br />

Regulation there is a high risk that invoicing<br />

rules will differ significantly around the EU.<br />

In some areas there has been real simplification. For B2C<br />

transactions (provided the customer agrees to digital<br />

invoicing) only the sender (B) needs to meet the business<br />

control requirements. Thus, "going digital" is entirely<br />

within the grasp of any retail establishment. However,<br />

this B2C benefit only extends to EU businesses.<br />

The main rule on EU invoicing is that the applicable<br />

rules are those in the Member State where<br />

the goods or services are supplied. Derogation<br />

changes the main rule so that the invoicing rules in<br />

the Member State where the supplier is established<br />

control, but this only applies if the supplier is established<br />

in the EU. If a business is established outside<br />

the EU the main rule applies. Thus, an American<br />

business will be confronted with different invoicing<br />

rules based on where their customers are located.<br />

A lot of work has been done over the past year on<br />

digital invoicing in the EU. A lot more remains to<br />

be done, if the EU is to catch up with Brazil.<br />


1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

Council Directive 2010/45/EU of 13 July 2010 amending<br />

Directive 2008/1<strong>12</strong>/EC on the common system<br />

of value added tax as regards the rules on invoicing.<br />

2010 O.J. (L 189) 1.<br />

A constitutional amendment was needed to put the<br />

plan in place, because it required information sharing<br />

among the states. Constitutional Amendment No. 42<br />

of December 19, 2003 (See: Constitution of the Federal<br />

Republic of Brazil of October 5, 1988, Art. 37).<br />

Six Brazilian states participated in the pilot project,<br />

and 37 invoice-issuing commercial centers were involved.<br />

These companies were by and large the largest<br />

companies in Brazil.<br />

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4<br />

5<br />

Newton Oller de Mello, Eduardo Mario Dias, Caio Fernando<br />

Fontana & Marcelo Alves Fernandez, The Evolution<br />

of Electronic Tax Documents in Latin America, Proceedings<br />

of the 13 th World Scientific and Engineering<br />

Academy and Society (WSEAS) International Conference<br />

on Systems (2009) 449, 297, available at : http://<br /> .<br />

The Brazilian modernization program is called<br />

SPED. SPED is the acronym for Sistema Publico de<br />

Escrituracao Digital or Public System for Digital<br />

Accounting. The Electronic Invoice (NF-e; an acronym<br />

for Nota Fiscal Eletrônica ) and the Electronic<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

Waybill (CT-e; an acronym for Conhecimento de<br />

Transporte Eletrônico de Cargas ) are the two parts<br />

of this program that are important for comparative<br />

purposes. They are now firmly part of Brazilian<br />

commercial practice.<br />

PricewaterhouseCoopers, A Study on the Invoicing<br />

Directive (2001/225/EC) now incorporated in the VAT<br />

Directive (2006/1<strong>12</strong>/EC) November 3, 2008.<br />

The public consultation was launched on July 24,<br />

2008 and summarized in a report in November 2008.<br />

TAXUD/DI/GW/mveD(2008) 25115.<br />

COM(2009) 21.<br />

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<strong>ISSUE</strong> <strong>12</strong> | JANUARY 31, 2013<br />

New Swiss Legislation On The Taxation<br />

Of Employee Shareholdings<br />

by Walter H. <strong>Boss</strong>, Attorney at Law, LL.M. and<br />

Andrea Scherrer, Attorney at Law, Certified<br />

Tax Expert, <strong>Poledna</strong> <strong>Boss</strong> <strong>Kurer</strong> AG, Zurich,<br />

Switzerland<br />

I. Introduction<br />

On January 1, 2013 new Swiss legal provisions<br />

ensuring a more consistent taxation of employee<br />

shareholdings at the cantonal level entered<br />

into force.<br />

At the federal level the former taxation practice for<br />

employee shareholdings was mainly based upon<br />

two Circular Letters 1 of the Swiss Federal Tax Administration<br />

(“ FTA ”), whilst at the cantonal level<br />

the practices could differ from canton to canton.<br />

With the new Federal Law of December 17, 20<strong>12</strong><br />

on the taxation of employee shareholdings (“ new<br />

law ”) as part of the Federal Direct Tax Act (“ FDTA ”)<br />

and the Federal Tax Harmonization Act (“ FTHA ”)<br />

and the correspondent Ordinance of June 27, 20<strong>12</strong><br />

on employer's reporting obligations regarding employee<br />

shareholdings (“ Ordinance ”) the issue has<br />

now been regulated at the legislative level. This<br />

has improved the harmonization of the taxation of<br />

employee shareholdings significantly and granted<br />

more legal certainty for all involved parties, in particular<br />

regarding the timing of taxation and the tax<br />

assessment in international situations reflecting the<br />

rules provided by the Commentary of the OECD<br />

Model Tax Convention on Income and Capital.<br />

On December 14, 20<strong>12</strong>, the FTA has already issued<br />

a new (draft) Circular Letter No. 37 on the<br />

Taxation of Employee Shareholdings (“ Draft CL<br />

2<br />

37 ”) to give an overview of the tax consequences<br />

of the new law and to eliminate any gaps in the new<br />

law and the Ordinance. Said Circular Letter will<br />

replace the two aforementioned Circulars.<br />

This article provides an overview of the new<br />

legislation and describes in particular how and<br />

when income from employee shareholdings is<br />

taxed. It also addresses the timing of taxation of<br />

income deriving from employee shareholdings<br />

granted in Switzerland but exercised by the employee<br />

at the time after he has left Switzerland<br />

(so called export of employee shareholdings) or<br />

vice versa, i.e. granted abroad, but exercised in<br />

Switzerland (so called import of employee shareholdings).<br />

Finally, the reader's attention is drawn<br />

to the new reporting obligations of the employer<br />

towards the Swiss tax authorities regarding employee<br />

shareholdings.<br />

23<br />

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II. Time Of Taxation<br />

According to Swiss tax law all income deriving from<br />

employment, including income from employee<br />

shareholdings is subject to Swiss income tax. 3<br />

Th e timing of taxation depends on the type of employee<br />

shareholdings. The law makes a distinction<br />

between genuine employee shareholdings which<br />

include employee shares and employee stock options,<br />

and phantom employee shareholdings, i.e.<br />

entitlements to cash pay outs. 4<br />

A. Income From Genuine Employee<br />

Shareholdings<br />

1. Income From Employee Shares<br />

Income from employee shares – regardless of whether<br />

they are restricted (vested) or not and whether<br />

they are publicly listed or not – is subject to taxation<br />

at grant. The fair market value of the shares<br />

reduced by a possible issuance price is taxable. 5 The<br />

fair market value of publicly listed shares is generally<br />

the closing price at the day of grant. 6 The fair market<br />

value of unlisted shares is generally the intrinsic<br />

value calculated according to a recognized formula. 7<br />

Compared to unrestricted employee shares restricted<br />

employee shares are of lesser value. For this reason the<br />

new law provides for a discount on the fair market<br />

value of 6% per vested year as this was already the<br />

case under the former taxation practice. A discount is<br />

only possible for a maximum of 10 years. 8 Hence the<br />

difference between the reduced fair market value and<br />

the lower issuance price is subject to income tax. 9<br />

A capital gain resulting from the sale of employee<br />

shares, which the employee holds as private assets,<br />

qualifies as tax free capital gain. 10<br />

The new law reflects the former taxation practice,<br />

which was summarized in the aforementioned CL<br />

5. The taxation of income deriving from employee<br />

shares still takes place at the time of grant. What<br />

is more, for vested employee shares a discount is<br />

still provided as it was under the former practice.<br />

Hence, under the new law the taxation of income<br />

deriving from employee shares has actually not undergone<br />

any significant changes. 11<br />

2. Income From Employee Stock Options<br />

According to the former taxation practice (mainly<br />

in the German-speaking cantons of Switzerland)<br />

employee stock options with vesting clauses were<br />

normally not taxed at grant but at the time of exercise.<br />

The time of grant and the end of the vesting<br />

period were irrelevant from a tax point of view. <strong>12</strong><br />

Under the new law these taxation rules have been<br />

changed: as a general rule, employee stock options are<br />

now taxed at grant, i.e. the same taxation rules apply<br />

as for employee shares ( cf. section II.A.1). Namely, the<br />

fair market value of the shares reduced by the issuance<br />

price, if any, is subject to income tax. However, different<br />

rules apply for income deriving from restricted<br />

or unlisted employee stock options. According to the<br />

new law restricted or unlisted employee stock options<br />

are not taxed at grant but taxed at the time of exercise.<br />

The fair market value of the share at the time of<br />

exercise minus the exercise price is taxable. 13<br />

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In summary, only unrestricted publicly listed employee<br />

stock options are taxed at grant. Given that<br />

most employee stock options are usually either<br />

unlisted or have some restrictions not much has<br />

changed under the new law, i.e. most employee<br />

stock options will still be taxed at exercise. 14<br />

B. Income From Phantom Employee<br />

Shareholdings And Restricted Stock Units<br />

Income deriving from phantom employee shareholdings<br />

– i.e. cash pay outs – is taxed at the time<br />

the employee actually receives the cash. 15<br />

Generally, the issue, where income from employee<br />

shareholdings in an international situation is taxed, is<br />

only relevant for restricted or unlisted employee stock<br />

options, as only this kind of employee stock options is<br />

not taxed at grant. As mentioned employee shares and<br />

other employee stock options are taxed at grant, hence<br />

the question of proportional taxation does not arise. 17<br />

However, whether the income is taxed in Switzerland<br />

at source or ordinarily in international situations<br />

is a question which needs to be taken into<br />

account for all kinds of employee shareholdings.<br />

Regrettably the new law still does not provide explicit<br />

taxation provisions for entitlements to employee<br />

shares such as restricted stock units (“ RSUs ”).<br />

However – and in line with the former taxation<br />

practice – the FTA now mentions in Draft CL 37,<br />

section 5 that entitlements to employee shares are<br />

taxed at the time they are converted into employee<br />

shares. For the time of taxation one may therefore<br />

refer to section II.A.1. 16<br />

III. Taxation Of Employee Shareholdings<br />

In International Situations<br />

There are generally two issues regarding the taxation<br />

of employee shareholdings in international situations:<br />

(i) employees may move from one country<br />

to another between the grant and the exercise of the<br />

employee shareholdings and the question where the<br />

income is taxed in respect of which state gets the<br />

right to tax arises and (ii) in case Switzerland gets the<br />

right to tax, how is the income taxed, i.e. whether it<br />

is taxed at source or whether it is taxed ordinarily.<br />

A. Taxation Of Employee Shares And<br />

Unrestricted Publicly Listed Employee<br />

Stock Options<br />

As mentioned because income from employee<br />

shares and unrestricted publicly listed employee<br />

stock options is taxed at grant the question of proportional<br />

taxation does not arise; i.e. the entire income<br />

is taxed at grant.<br />

With regard to the question how the income is<br />

taxed the following applies: in case Switzerland has<br />

the right to tax, Switzerland will levy the relevant<br />

income tax at source at the time of grant regardless<br />

of whether the recipient of the income is a tax resident<br />

of either Switzerland or a foreign state, if the<br />

conditions for taxation at source are met, in particular<br />

if (i) the foreign employee is a foreign citizen<br />

without a residence permit in Switzerland (so called<br />

C-permit) and (ii) is either a tax resident in Switzerland<br />

or (iii) is not a tax resident in Switzerland,<br />

but is working in Switzerland. 18<br />

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B. Taxation Of Restricted Or Unlisted<br />

Employee Stock Options<br />

1. Pro Rata Taxation<br />

As mentioned restricted or unlisted employee<br />

stock options are taxed at exercise. In case a taxpayer<br />

is not a tax resident of Switzerland during<br />

the entire period between the grant and the time<br />

he has the right to exercise the restricted employee<br />

stock options, the taxation of the income<br />

derived from the employee stock options is only<br />

taxed in Switzerland on a pro rata basis in proportion<br />

of the vesting period to the time the employee<br />

has spent in Switzerland according to Art.<br />

17d FDTA respectively Art. 7f FTHA. Either the<br />

employee has moved to Switzerland after he was<br />

granted employee stock options but before he exercised<br />

them (so called import of employee shareholdings)<br />

or the employee left Switzerland after<br />

he was granted the employee stock options but<br />

before he exercised them (so called export of employee<br />

shareholdings). In both cases the employee<br />

stock options are granted in a different country<br />

than the one in which they are exercised. Art. 7<br />

and 8 of the Ordinance list the employer's reporting<br />

obligations in the relevant cases.<br />

According to the various Double Tax Treaties Switzerland<br />

has concluded in international cases generally<br />

Switzerland may not tax the full monetary<br />

benefit from the realization of the employee shareholdings.<br />

The right to tax is to be spread amongst<br />

the various states according to the number of days<br />

the employee was a resident of those states between<br />

the time at grant and the time of exercise. The<br />

relevant criterion, whether a state has the right to<br />

tax, is therefore whether the state has the right to<br />

tax the income of the underlying employment. 19<br />

Th e income taxable in Switzerland is to be calculated<br />

on a pro rata basis according to the formula<br />

set out in Art. 7 section 2 or Art. 8 section 2 of<br />

the Ordinance.<br />

2. Taxation At Source<br />

Th e recipient 20 of the income from employee<br />

stock options, which is taxed at the time of exercise,<br />

may have his tax residence at that time either<br />

in Switzerland or abroad. The taxation in Switzerland<br />

will take place at source, if the conditions<br />

for taxation at source are met. 21 In particular if<br />

Switzerland has the right to tax the income and<br />

(i) the foreign employee is either a tax resident 22<br />

in Switzerland or (ii) the foreign employee is not<br />

a tax resident in Switzerland, but is working in<br />

Switzerland. 23 Further, it must be distinguished<br />

whether the recipient is still an employee of the<br />

employer who granted the employee shareholdings,<br />

at the time of exercise, or not:<br />

2.1 Recipient Is An Employee At Time Of Exercise<br />

In case the recipient is still an employee of the<br />

employer and a tax resident in Switzerland at the<br />

time of exercise, pro rata taxation according to<br />

Art. 17d FDTA respectively Art. 7f FHTA can<br />

only take place if the employee has not been subject<br />

to tax in Switzerland during the whole relevant<br />

period, i.e. between grant and exercise of<br />

the employee stock options.<br />

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In case the recipient is still an employee of the employer<br />

and therefore Switzerland has the right to tax<br />

the income from employee shareholdings, although<br />

he is not a tax resident in Switzerland at the time<br />

of exercise, the source tax is levied from the gross<br />

income. Pro rata taxation is excluded and those<br />

employees are subject to source tax in Switzerland<br />

for the entire income from employee stock options,<br />

unless a different provision in a Swiss Double Tax<br />

Treaty provides otherwise. 24 The ordinary source<br />

tax rates apply. 25<br />

2.2 Recipient Is Not An Employee At Time<br />

Of Exercise<br />

In case the recipient is not an employee of the employer<br />

who granted the employee shareholdings<br />

anymore but he is a Swiss tax resident at the time<br />

of exercise the income derived from the employee<br />

stock options is taxed at source and pro rata taxation<br />

takes place if the employee has not been subject<br />

to tax in Switzerland during the whole relevant<br />

period, i.e. between grant and exercise of the employee<br />

stock options. 26<br />

If at the time of exercise the recipient of the income<br />

deriving from the employee stock options is no longer<br />

an employee of the employer who granted the employee<br />

shareholdings and he is a tax resident abroad,<br />

the income from the “exported” employee stock options<br />

is taxable in Switzerland at source on a pro rata<br />

basis according to Art. 97a FDTA. The source tax<br />

rate on the federal level amounts to 11.5 % of the<br />

monetary benefit. On the cantonal level the cantons<br />

are free to determine their own source tax rates.<br />

IV. Employer's Reporting Obligations<br />

A. In General<br />

Simultaneously with the new provisions in the<br />

FDTA and the FTHA a new ordinance entered<br />

into force that ensures the implementation of the<br />

new federal law by providing minimum standards,<br />

with which the employers have to comply due to<br />

their reporting obligations with respect to employee<br />

shareholdings under the new law. 27<br />

Under the new law the employer is obliged to issue a<br />

confirmation for each tax period in which he issues<br />

employee shareholdings or in which the employee<br />

realizes taxable income from employee shareholdings.<br />

The employer may determine the reporting<br />

form as he chooses. 28<br />

The purpose of the confirmation in particular is to<br />

provide a calculation basis for the income to be declared<br />

in the salary statement of the employees. However,<br />

the confirmation must not be sent to the tax<br />

authorities directly. In general it is sufficient if the<br />

employer issues the confirmation to the employee<br />

as an enclosure with his annual salary statement, referring<br />

to the source tax statements. 29 However, it is<br />

necessary to provide the cantonal tax authorities of<br />

the canton of which the former employee is a resident<br />

with the confirmation directly in cases where the employment<br />

has been terminated before the income<br />

from employee shareholdings has been realized. 30<br />

For employee shares a confirmation must be issued<br />

at the time of grant. It must include all the<br />

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information stated in Art. 4 of the Ordinance. 31<br />

For other employee stock options, which are taxed<br />

at the time of realization of the income, two confirmations<br />

are necessary. The first one has to be issued<br />

at the time the employee stock option is granted<br />

and the second one at the time of realization. The<br />

information which must be included in the confirmations<br />

is listed in Art. 5 of the Ordinance. 32 For<br />

unrestricted listed employee stock options, which<br />

are taxed at grant a sole confirmation is generally<br />

sufficient. It has to be issued in the tax period in<br />

which the employee acquires the employee stock<br />

options and must also include the aforementioned<br />

information stated in Art. 4 of the Ordinance. 33<br />

Th e tax authorities can require additional information<br />

regarding the granted employee shareholdings<br />

from the employer. 34<br />

B. In International Situations<br />

As mentioned, in international situations the income<br />

from employee shareholdings may only partially<br />

be subject to taxation in Switzerland.<br />

In the case of an import of employee shareholdings<br />

the employer is obliged to issue a confirmation to<br />

the employee at the time of realization of the income<br />

according to Art. 7 of the Ordinance. 35 It is<br />

important to note that the entire income derived<br />

from the employee shareholdings has to be reported<br />

in the salary statement. However, the employee<br />

may then deduct in his tax return the portion relating<br />

to the time spent outside of Switzerland as<br />

“income taxable abroad”.<br />

In the case of an export of employee shareholdings,<br />

the confirmation must be enclosed with the source<br />

tax statement according to Art. 8 of the Ordinance.<br />

Separate reporting directly to the tax authorities is<br />

not necessary. 36 In addition to the regular information<br />

to be included in the confirmation, the employer<br />

is obliged to report the realization of the income<br />

deriving from the employee shareholdings to<br />

the cantonal tax authorities in the canton in which<br />

he has his legal seat 37 , and include in the confirmation<br />

also (a) the numbers of days within the vesting<br />

period the employee was working in Switzerland<br />

and (b) the income received. Further, the employer<br />

is obliged to withhold and pay the proportional<br />

source tax. 38<br />

V. Ruling Confirmation Of Swiss<br />

Tax Authorities<br />

Switzerland has a long standing and established ruling<br />

practice in all possible tax matters. In particular<br />

for employee shareholdings, a written ruling confirmation<br />

by the Swiss tax authorities does not only<br />

grant legal certainty regarding the tax assessment<br />

of the employee but also guarantees the correct<br />

handling of the employee shareholding plan by the<br />

employer from a tax point of view in national and<br />

international situations.<br />

The cantonal tax authorities in the canton in which<br />

the employer has his legal seat are responsible for<br />

rulings regarding employee shareholdings. However,<br />

if employees are resident in various cantons it is<br />

advisable to require a ruling confirmation from the<br />

FTA as well. 39<br />

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VI. Conclusion<br />

Although the harmonization of the former somewhat<br />

uncertain situation in taxation of income<br />

deriving from employee shareholdings is much<br />

welcomed, the law still does not provide for solutions<br />

to various issues on the taxation of employee<br />

shareholdings. For example as mentioned the<br />

taxation of RSUs is still not explicitly regulated at<br />

the legislative level. Many questions therefore are<br />

still unanswered. It remains to be seen whether<br />

the practice of the FTA and the cantonal tax authorities<br />

will head in the same direction or whether<br />

differences will remain. Considering this, it is<br />

still advisable to obtain a ruling for legal certainty<br />

if an employer decides to grant employee shareholdings<br />

to his employees.<br />

Further, employers are well advised to amend their<br />

employee shareholding plans in accordance with<br />

the new legislation and renew ruling confirmations<br />

in place with the competent cantonal tax authorities<br />

in due time.<br />

Finally, employers need to implement processes<br />

to comply with their reporting obligations under<br />

the new law. In particular with respect to<br />

internationally mobile employees, Swiss employers<br />

should be aware of the practical challenge of<br />

staying informed about the exercise time of their<br />

former employees' stock options, because of their<br />

reporting obligations and liability to pay the withheld<br />

income tax.<br />

* * * * *<br />

For further information or to discuss any of the issues<br />

raised, please contact Walter H. <strong>Boss</strong> ( boss@<br /> ) or Andrea Scherrer ( scherrer@pbklaw.<br />

ch ) on +41 44 220 <strong>12</strong> <strong>12</strong>.<br />


1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

10<br />

11<br />

<strong>12</strong><br />

13<br />

14<br />

Circular Letter No. 5 of April 30, 1997 on the Taxation<br />

of Employee Shares (“ CL 5 ”; Kreisschreiben Nr. 5 vom<br />

30. April 1997 über die Besteuerung von Mitarbeiteraktien)<br />

and Circular Note of May 6, 2003 on the Taxation<br />

of Employee Stock Options with Vesting Clauses<br />

(Rundschreiben vom 6. Mai 2003 über die Besteuerung<br />

von Mitarbeiteroptionen mit Vesting-Klauseln).<br />

Entwurf Kreisschreiben Nr. 37 Besteuerung von Mitarbeiterbeteiligungen<br />

vom 14. Dezember 20<strong>12</strong>.<br />

Art. 17 FDTA. Art. 7 of the FTHA.<br />

Art. 17a FDTA, Art. 7c FTHA.<br />

Art. 17b section 1 FDTA, Art. 7d ection 1 FTHA.<br />

Draft CL 37, section 3.2.1.<br />

Draft CL 37, section 3.2.2.<br />

Art. 17b section 2 FDTA, Art. 7d section 2 FTHA.<br />

Draft CL 37, section 3.3.<br />

Art. 16 section 3 FDTA; Art. 7 section 4 lit. b FTHA.<br />

Instead of many: Mario Kumschick/Miriam Kaufmann,<br />

Neues Bundesgesetz über die Besteuerung von Mitarbeiterbeteiligungen,<br />

Beseitigt das neue Bundesgesetz<br />

Rechtsunsicherheiten bei der Besteuerung von Mitarbeiterbeteiligungen?,<br />

in: Der Schweizer Treuhänder,<br />

Heft 6-7, 2011, section 513-518, section 513.<br />

Instead of many: Kumschick/Kaufmann, loc. cit. , section<br />

514.<br />

Art. 17b section 3 FDTA, Art. 7d section 3 FTHA.<br />

Instead of many: Kumschick/Kaufmann, loc. cit. , section<br />

514.<br />

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15<br />

Art. 17c FDTA, Art. 7e FTHA.<br />

24<br />

Art. 91 in connection with Art. 84 FDTA and Art. 13<br />

16<br />

Draft CL 37, section 5. See also instead of many: Kum-<br />

of the Ordinance. See also Draft CL 37 section 7.3.4.<br />

schick/Kaufmann, loc. cit ., section 516.<br />

25<br />

Art. 13 of the Ordinance in connection with Art. 85<br />

17<br />

Draft CL 37, section 7.<br />

FDTA.<br />

18<br />

Draft CL 37 section 7.2.2. In case the employee is a tax<br />

26<br />

Art. 83 FDTA, Art. 32 FTHA, Draft CL 37 section 7.3.4.<br />

resident in Switzerland, income from employee share-<br />

27<br />

Art. <strong>12</strong>9 section 1 lit. d FDTA, Art. 45 lit. e FTHA.<br />

holdings is taxed at source together with any other<br />

28<br />

The FTA provides model confirmations in the annexes<br />

income from employment according to Art. 83 FDTA<br />

to the Draft CL 37.<br />

and Art. 32 FHTA. In case the employee is a tax resident<br />

29<br />

Art. 10 of the Ordinance; caveat different provisions<br />

abroad, income from employee shareholdings is taxed<br />

in cantonal tax law.<br />

at source together with any other income from employ-<br />

30<br />

Art. 15 of the Ordinance.<br />

ment according to Art. 91 FDTA and Art. 35 FHTA.<br />

31<br />

The confirmation must include namely (a) the name<br />

19<br />

Draft CL 37 section 7.1.<br />

of the employee shareholdings plan, (b) the date of<br />

20<br />

Besides the tax provisions for employees as outlined<br />

acquisition, (c) the fair market value of the shares, (d)<br />

in this article there exist several additional tax provi-<br />

possible vesting periods and the duration of possible<br />

sions, in particular regarding the taxation at source of<br />

obligations to return the shares, (e) the agreed ac-<br />

e.g. employee shareholdings granted to the directors<br />

quisition price, (f) the number of the acquired shares<br />

of the board, etc., which – due to the lack of space –<br />

and (g) the income deriving from the employee shares<br />

are not described in this article. Reference is made to<br />

as declared in the salary statement referring to the<br />

the relevant provisions in the FDTA and FTHA as well<br />

source tax statement<br />

as the relevant sections in Draft CL 37.<br />

32<br />

The first confirmation at grant must include namely<br />

21<br />

Draft CL 37 section 7.3.4.<br />

(a) the name of the employee shareholdings plan, (b)<br />

22<br />

Please note that only foreign employees without a<br />

the date of acquisition, (c) the date as per which the<br />

residence permit (so called C-permit) may be taxed<br />

employee stock option can be exercised and (d) the<br />

at source. Foreign employees with a residence permit<br />

number of the acquired stock options. The second<br />

(C-permit) are taxed ordinarily.<br />

confirmation at exercise must include (a) the name<br />

23<br />

In case the employee is a tax resident in Switzerland,<br />

of the employee shareholdings plan, (b) the date of<br />

income from employee shareholdings is taxed at<br />

acquisition, (c) the date of exercise, (d) the fair market<br />

source together with any other income from employ-<br />

value of the underlying share, (e) the agreed acquisi-<br />

ment according to Art. 83 FDTA and Art. 32 FHTA. In<br />

tion price, (f) the number of the exercised employee<br />

case the employee is a tax resident abroad, income<br />

from employee shareholdings is taxed at source<br />

together with any other income from employment<br />

according to Art. 91 FDTA and Art. 35 FHTA.<br />

33<br />

stock options and (g) the income deriving from the<br />

employee shares as declared in the salary statement<br />

referring to the source tax statement.<br />

Art. 5 section 1 of the Ordinance.<br />

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34<br />

Art. 17 of the Ordinance.<br />

36<br />

Draft CL 37, section<br />

35<br />

In addition to the aforementioned information to be<br />

37<br />

Art. 8 section 1 lit. a of the Ordinance in connection<br />

included in the confirmation, the confirmation must<br />

with Art. 107 section 2 FDTA.<br />

also state (a) the numbers of days within the vesting<br />

38<br />

Art. 8 section 1 lit. d of the Ordinance in connection<br />

period the employee has been working in Switzerland<br />

with Art. 100 section 1 lit. d FDTA.<br />

and (b) the income received.<br />

39<br />

Draft CL 37, section 9.<br />

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<strong>ISSUE</strong> <strong>12</strong> | JANUARY 31, 2013<br />

Why Japan Needs To Change PE Taxation<br />

Rules<br />

by ASATSUMA Akiyuki, Doctor of law in the<br />

University of Tokyo, Associate professor of tax<br />

law at College of Law and Politics, in Rikkyo<br />

University, Tokyo<br />

1. Income Tax Rules For Foreign<br />

Corporations Were Made In 1962<br />

Japanese income tax rules on non-resident individuals<br />

and foreign corporations were legislated in 1962. 1 At<br />

that time, Japan tried to participate in the OECD,<br />

and Japanese bureaucrats of Ministry of Finance studied<br />

the draft version of the OECD Model Tax Convention.<br />

2 As seen below, Japanese PE taxation rules<br />

resemble Articles 5 and 7 of the OECD Model Tax<br />

Convention. However, the source of income rules<br />

resemble a pre-1966 version of the American rules.<br />

Japanese tax practitioners call the pre-1966 version of<br />

the American source rules the “entire income principle,”<br />

and call the after-1966 version of the American<br />

source rules the “effectively connected income principle:”<br />

3 Japanese source rules are also called the “entire<br />

income principle.” Now the government 4 is discussing<br />

changes of Japanese source rules and PE taxation rules<br />

from the “entire income principle” to the “attributed<br />

income principle” which is adopted in the German<br />

EStG (Einkommensteuergesetz: Income Tax Act).<br />

1.1. Source rules<br />

The ITA (Income Tax Act), 5 , 6 Art. 161 7 and<br />

CTA (Corporation Tax Act), 8 Art. 138 describe<br />

“Domestic Source Income” on an item-by-item<br />

basis.<br />

ITA, Art. 161 (i) to (xii) describe sources of income<br />

approximately as follows:<br />

(i) income from a business conducted in Japan<br />

or from the utilization, holding or transfer<br />

of assets located in Japan, including:<br />

(i)-2 profi t from a business conducted in Japan<br />

under a partnership contract 9<br />

(i)-3 consideration for the transfer of land or any<br />

right on land, or any building and auxiliary<br />

equipment or structure thereof<br />

(ii) income from the provision of independent<br />

personal services 10<br />

(iii) payment for the lending of real estate<br />

(iv) interest on Japanese national and local government<br />

bonds and interest on deposits or savings etc<br />

(v) dividends etc<br />

(vi) interest on a loan provided to a person who<br />

performs operations in Japan<br />

(vii) royalties for an industrial property right etc,<br />

and copyright royalties<br />

(viii) salary, compensation, wages, annual allowance,<br />

bonus and remuneration paid to<br />

32<br />

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individuals in respect of employment undertaken<br />

in Japan<br />

(ix) amounts paid in respect of advertising<br />

(x) pensions received under a life insurance contract,<br />

casualty insurance contract etc<br />

(xi) miscellaneous profit margins<br />

(xii) distribution of profit received under a silent<br />

11 , <strong>12</strong> , 13<br />

partnership contract<br />

CTA, Art. 138 (i) to (xi) describe sources of income<br />

approximately as follows:<br />

(i) income from a business conducted in Japan<br />

or from the utilization, holding or transfer<br />

of assets located in Japan<br />

(ii) income from the provision of personal services<br />

(iii) payment for the lending of real estate<br />

(iv) interest on Japanese national and local government<br />

bonds and interest on deposits or<br />

savings etc<br />

(v) dividends etc<br />

(vi) interest on a loan provided to a person who<br />

performs operations in Japan<br />

(vii) royalties for an industrial property right etc,<br />

and copyright royalties<br />

(viii) amounts paid in respect of advertising<br />

(ix) pensions received under a life insurance contract,<br />

casualty insurance contract etc<br />

(x) miscellaneous profit margins<br />

(xi) distribution of profit received under a silent<br />

14 , 15 , 16<br />

partnership contract<br />

ITA, Art. 161 and CTA, Art. 138 are roughly similar,<br />

excepting ITA, Art. 161 (viii) in respect of wages<br />

which could not be earned by a corporation and<br />

ITA, Art. 161 (i)-2 to (i)-3. It might be confusing,<br />

however, that items of income listed in ITA,<br />

Art. 161 (i)-2 to (i)-3 earned by a foreign corporation<br />

can be taxed, as seen below. ITA, Art. 161 (i)<br />

to (vii) and CTA, Art. 138 (i) to (vii) are roughly<br />

equivalent and ITA, Art. 161 (ix) to (xii) and CTA,<br />

Art. 138 (viii) to (xi) are roughly equivalent.<br />

Taxable income of a foreign corporation is provided<br />

for under ITA, Art. 7 and CTA, Art. 141. ITA, Art.<br />

7 (v) defines taxable income of a foreign corporation<br />

as:<br />

(v) A foreign corporation: Domestic source income<br />

listed in Article 161(i)-2 to (vii) and (ix)<br />

to (xii) (in the case of a foreign corporation<br />

listed in Article 141(iv) of the Corporation<br />

Tax Act (Foreign Corporations Having No<br />

Permanent Establishments in Japan); excluding<br />

that listed in Article 161(i)-2)”<br />

Why is the taxable income of a foreign corporation<br />

provided for in ITA? ITA, Arts. 178 to 180-<br />

2 covers “Tax Liabilities of Foreign Corporations”<br />

and ITA, Art. 2<strong>12</strong> covers “Withholding Liability.”<br />

When items of income listed in ITA, Art. 161 (i)-2<br />

to (vii) and (ix) to (xii) are paid to a foreign corporation<br />

which has no PE in Japan, these items of<br />

income are subject to withholding tax. Items of<br />

income listed in ITA, Art. 161 (i) and CTA, Art.<br />

138 (i) are not subject to withholding tax. When a<br />

foreign corporation which has a PE in Japan earns<br />

domestic source income including as under CTA,<br />

Art. 138 (i), such income is taxed in the hands of<br />

the PE, as is seen in next section.<br />

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1.2. PE taxation rules<br />

CTA, Art. 141 provides a definition of a PE (permanent<br />

establishment) and the taxable income of a<br />

foreign corporation simultaneously. CTA, Art. 141<br />

is key to understanding Japanese PE taxation rules;<br />

a literal translation is as follows:<br />

“Article 141 The tax base of corporation tax imposed<br />

on a foreign corporation for income for<br />

each business year shall be the amount of income<br />

categorized as domestic source income listed in<br />

each of the following items for the category of<br />

foreign corporation listed in the relevant item.<br />

(i) A foreign corporation that has, in Japan,<br />

branch offices , factories or any other fixed places<br />

for conducting a business which are specified by a<br />

Cabinet Order: All domestic source income<br />

(ii) A foreign corporation that has carried out construction<br />

, installation, assembly or any other work or provided<br />

services for directing and supervising such work<br />

(hereinafter referred to as "construction work, etc." in<br />

this item) in Japan for more than one year (excluding<br />

a foreign corporation that falls under the preceding<br />

item): Any of the following domestic source income<br />

(iii) A foreign corporation that has, in Japan, a<br />

person who is authorized to conclude a contract<br />

on its behalf or any other person equivalent to<br />

such an authorized person specified by a Cabinet<br />

Order (hereinafter referred to as an "agent, etc."<br />

in this item) (excluding a foreign corporation<br />

that falls under item (i)): Any of the following<br />

domestic source income:<br />

(a) Domestic source income listed in Article<br />

138(i) to (iii)<br />

(b) Domestic source income listed in Article<br />

138(iv) to (xi), which is attributed to the business<br />

conducted by the foreign corporation in<br />

Japan via the said agent, etc.<br />

(iv) A foreign corporation other than one listed in<br />

the preceding three items: Any of the following<br />

domestic source income:<br />

(a) Domestic source income listed in Article<br />

138(i) which has arisen from the utilization or<br />

holding of assets located in Japan or the transfer<br />

of real estate located in Japan, or any such<br />

income which is specified by a Cabinet Order<br />

(a) Domestic source income listed in Article<br />

138(i) to (iii) (Domestic Source Income)<br />

(b) Domestic source income listed in Article<br />

138(ii) and (iii)” [emphases added by the author]<br />

(b) Domestic source income listed in Article<br />

138(iv) to (xi), which is attributed to the business<br />

involving construction work, etc. that is<br />

conducted by the foreign corporation in Japan<br />

The type of PE listed in CTA, Art. 141 (i) is called<br />

an “ ichigou PE ” (meaning first type of PE), 17 which<br />

resembles OECD Model Tax Convention, Art.<br />

5(2). The type of PE listed in CTA, Art. 141 (ii) is<br />

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called a “ nigou PE ” (meaning second type of PE),<br />

which resembles OECD Model Tax Convention,<br />

Art. 5(3). The type of PE listed in CTA, Art. 141<br />

(iii) is called a “ sangou PE ” (meaning third type of<br />

PE), which resembles OECD Model Tax Convention,<br />

Art. 5(5) and (6). 18<br />

CTA, Art. 141 (i) provides that a foreign corporation<br />

which has the first type of PE (say, a branch PE)<br />

in Japan is subject to comprehensive income taxation<br />

concerning “all” its domestic source income<br />

regardless of whether the income is attributable to<br />

the PE or not. This tax result is called a “ force of<br />

attraction. ” Comprehensive income taxation of a<br />

foreign corporation resemble taxation of a domestic<br />

corporation. The tax base is net income.<br />

CTA, Art. 141 (ii)(b) and (iii)(b) provides that a<br />

foreign corporation which has the second or third<br />

type of PE (say, a construction PE or an agent PE)<br />

in Japan is subject to comprehensive income taxation<br />

on domestic source income which is attributable<br />

to the PE. There is a small possibility of “force<br />

of attraction” concerning construction PEs and<br />

agent PEs in CTA, Art. 141 (ii)(a) and (iii)(a), but<br />

it is insignificant.<br />

CTA, Art. 141 (iv) provides that a foreign corporation<br />

which has no PEs in Japan is subject to comprehensive<br />

income taxation on domestic source income<br />

arising from domestic assets as in Art. 138<br />

(i), independent personal services income as in Art.<br />

138 (ii), and rental income of real estate as in Art.<br />

138 (iii). Please look carefully at Art. 138 (i) and<br />

Art. 141 (iv)(a). Art. 138 (i) covers business income<br />

and asset income but Art. 141 (iv)(a) only covers asset<br />

income; therefore business income is not taxed<br />

if a foreign corporation has no PE in Japan. In this<br />

sense, Art. 141 (iv) roughly adopts “no taxation on<br />

business income without PEs” which is roughly<br />

(not strictly 19 ) equivalent to the OECD Model Tax<br />

Convention, Art. 7(1), first sentence.<br />

CTA, Art. 141 (i) to (iv) provides for comprehensive<br />

income taxation of a foreign corporation whether it<br />

has a PE in Japan or not. That means, the foreign<br />

corporation must file a corporation income tax return.<br />

By the way, there is another type of income<br />

taxation: separate income taxation under ITA,<br />

Arts. 7 (v), 178 to 180-2, and 2<strong>12</strong> which is applied<br />

through withholding as seen in the last section.<br />

Nexus for source taxation is as follows:<br />

Type of foreign corporation threshold<br />

CTA, Art. 141: comprehensive<br />

income taxation<br />

ITA, Arts. 178 to 180-2:<br />

separate income taxation<br />

CTA, Art. 141 (i)<br />

PE as threshold full force of attraction no separate taxation<br />

branch PE<br />

Art. 141 (ii)<br />

PE as threshold limited force of attraction separate taxation on gross income<br />

construction PE<br />

Art. 141 (iii)<br />

agent PE<br />

PE as threshold limited force of attraction separate taxation on gross income<br />

Art. 141 (iv)<br />

no PE<br />

half of threshold<br />

There is a small possibility of<br />

taxation<br />

separate taxation on gross income<br />

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1.3. Comparison with German rules<br />

Please compare with German business income taxation<br />

rules. EStG Code-section 49 provides “Beschränkt<br />

steuerpflichtige Einkünfte” (limited tax<br />

liability income). Domestic business income is described<br />

in Code-section 49(2)(a) as follows:<br />

EStG Code-section 49 (2) Einkünfte aus Gewerbebetrieb<br />

( Code-section 15 bis 17),<br />

(a) für den im Inland eine Betriebsstätte unterhalten<br />

wird oder ein ständiger Vertreter bestellt ist,<br />

Th at mean, income of domestic business which<br />

is carried out with a domestic PE or an agent<br />

PE is domestic income (Inländische Einkünfte),<br />

which is subject to limited tax liability. German<br />

source rules refer to PEs, and German domestic<br />

business income is, by necessity, income attributed<br />

to domestic PEs.<br />

By contrast, Japanese source rules, especially CTA,<br />

Art. 138 (i), do not refer to PEs.<br />

“CTA, Art. 138 (i) Income from a business<br />

conducted in Japan or from the utilization,<br />

holding or transfer of assets located in Japan<br />

(excluding the types of income falling under<br />

the next item to item (xi)) or any other income<br />

specified by a Cabinet Order as arising from<br />

sources within Japan”<br />

Japanese domestic business income is not automatically<br />

income attributed to domestic<br />

PEs. Taxable income for a foreign corporation<br />

is limited to domestic source income; therefore<br />

even if a certain amount of income is attributable<br />

to PEs in Japan but the source of<br />

the income is not domestic, then the income<br />

is not subject to tax in Japan in the context of<br />

domestic tax law. 20<br />

Many Japanese legal codes had followed German<br />

or French style before the World War II.<br />

Japanese ITA and CTA had followed German<br />

EStG and KStG (Körperschaftsteuergesetz); after<br />

World War II, American economic professor,<br />

Carl Shoup visited Japan and the Shoup<br />

Mission made recommendations for Japanese<br />

tax system, and in 1962, Japanese source rules<br />

followed American source rules before 1966. Although<br />

American rules on taxation on a foreign<br />

corporation were drastically changed in 1966<br />

from “entire income principle” to “effectively<br />

connected income principle,” American source<br />

rules in Code-section 861 also define source of<br />

income on an item-by-item basis, not on an attributed-to-PEs<br />

basis.<br />

1.4. Tax Treaties<br />

As of October 20<strong>12</strong>, Japan has concluded 54 tax<br />

treaties with 65 countries and jurisdictions. One<br />

convention, with the old URSS now applies to<br />

many countries. CTA, Art. 141 provides “force of<br />

attraction” but no tax treaties concluded by Japan<br />

provide “force of attraction.” As more and more<br />

tax treaties have been concluded, “force of attraction”<br />

is applied less and less.<br />

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2. What Is The Problem With Japanese<br />

“Force Of Attraction”Rules?<br />

2.1. Logical Problems: Incompatibility<br />

Between PE Threshold And Domestic<br />

Source Rules<br />

As mentioned before, the Japanese threshold of<br />

taxation on a foreign corporation is the existence<br />

of a PE, not only in tax treaties but also in domestic<br />

tax law. In this sense, the Japanese threshold is<br />

not equivalent to the American threshold: “trade<br />

or business in the US.” Although there is a minor<br />

possibility of taxation without a PE with CTA, Art.<br />

141 (v) as seen in Reg-section 1.2 , the Japanese<br />

threshold of taxation is roughly equivalent to the<br />

threshold under the OECD Model. However, Japanese<br />

source rules do not refer to attribution-to-PEs<br />

as in German EStG as seen in Reg-section 1.3 .<br />

Some Japanese domestic source business income of a<br />

foreign corporation can be untaxed when the corporation<br />

has no PE in Japan. Some business income of<br />

a foreign corporation attributed to a PE of the corporation<br />

can be untaxed when the income does not<br />

have a source within the meaning of CTA, Art. 138.<br />

Some tax law scholars have long argued that Japanese<br />

source rules and PE taxation rules are incompatible.<br />

However, there are some source rules with reference<br />

to attribution-to-PEs. CTA, Art. 138 (i) defines domestic<br />

source business income, and OECTA, Art.<br />

176 describes domestic source business income in<br />

more detail. Especially, OECTA, Art. 176 (5) has<br />

been extensively discussed.<br />

“OECTA, Art. 176 (5) Income arising from a<br />

money loan, investment or any other act equivalent<br />

thereto conducted vis-a-vis a person who is<br />

outside Japan by a corporation prescribed in paragraph<br />

(1) via a place prescribed in Article 141(i)<br />

of the Act that the corporation holds in Japan, if<br />

it is attributable to the business conducted at the<br />

said place, shall be treated, notwithstanding the<br />

provision of paragraph (1), as the said corporation's<br />

income from a business conducted in Japan<br />

as prescribed in Article 138(i) of the Act; provided,<br />

however, that this shall not apply where the<br />

corporation has attached, to its final return form,<br />

a document proving the fact that, in the foreign<br />

state where the said act has been conducted (excluding<br />

the state where the corporation's head office<br />

or principal office is located), foreign corporation<br />

tax prescribed in Article 141(1) (Scope of<br />

Foreign Corporation Tax) has been imposed or is<br />

to be imposed on any income from the said act.”<br />

Suppose a foreign corporation, named F-Co, conducting<br />

banking business has a branch doing business<br />

in Japan and F-Co is treated as having a PE in<br />

the sense of CTA, Art. 141 (i) ( ichigou PE , a branch<br />

PE). When the PE of F-Co makes a money loan<br />

to another foreign corporation, named T-Co, while<br />

doing business in the third country, interest income<br />

from the money loan to T-Co is not domestic<br />

source interest income in the meaning of CTA, Art.<br />

138 (vi) because this provision refers to the borrowing<br />

person doing its business in Japan. However,<br />

the interest income can be seen as business<br />

income of the PE of F-Co in the meaning of CTA,<br />

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Art. 138 (i), and OECTA, Art. 176 (5) provides as<br />

such, unless the interest income has been taxed in<br />

the third country. It might seem strange, but OEC-<br />

TA, Art. 176 (5) provides that when the interest<br />

income from the third country is taxed in the third<br />

country, then the income is not Japanese domestic<br />

source income; while if the interest income from<br />

the third country is not taxed in the third country,<br />

the income is Japanese domestic income.<br />

Th ere have been some discussions as to whether<br />

OECTA, Art. 176 (5) is compatible with CTA,<br />

Arts. 138 and 141 among tax law scholars. OECTA<br />

has legally binding effect, but OECTA is a Cabinet<br />

Order within the scope of delegation of CTA,<br />

so some Articles of OECTA might be illegal if the<br />

Articles are outside the delegation of CTA. 21 But<br />

in practice, OECTA, Art. 176 (5) has long been in<br />

effect, even though, looked at logically, it has been<br />

a question as to whether OECTA is covered by the<br />

delegation of CTA or not.<br />

2.2. Practical Problems: Co-Location<br />

Services In The Tokyo Securities Exchange<br />

And Server PEs<br />

Although CTA. Art. 141 (i) provides for “force<br />

of attraction” as seen in Reg-section 1.2 , practical<br />

problems related to “force of attraction” have became<br />

fewer and fewer as Japan has concluded more<br />

and more tax treaties, as seen in Reg-section 1.4 .<br />

However, there have been cases in which the “force<br />

of attraction” is a significant barrier for a foreign<br />

corporation earning income in Japan. Suppose<br />

that a foreign investment corporation in a country<br />

or jurisdiction (for example, Cayman Islands)<br />

with which Japan has concluded no tax convention<br />

makes an investment through the Tokyo Securities<br />

Exchange. Modern investment decision-making is<br />

automated with clever software. The corporation<br />

has its own computer servers nearby the Tokyo Securities<br />

Exchange and the servers issue buying or<br />

selling instructions for stocks and securities. Such<br />

a service provided through the servers is known as<br />

a co-location service. Time delay of the investment<br />

decisions is critical, so the servers must be located<br />

nearby the Tokyo Securities Exchange.<br />

Th e servers used in co-location services can be regarded<br />

as PEs in the sense of paragraph 42.2 of the<br />

OECD Commentary on Article 5. Therefore the<br />

servers can be PEs in the sense of CTA, Art. 141<br />

22<br />

(i) ( ichigou PE ). If an investment corporation in<br />

Cayman Islands has server PEs in Japan, “force of<br />

attraction” of CTA, Art. 141 (i) can be applied, so<br />

all Japanese domestic source income of the corporation<br />

must be filed in the tax return. The finance<br />

sector and the Financial Services Agency of Japan<br />

strongly recommend abolishing “force of attraction”<br />

or at any rate that co-location servers should<br />

not be treated as PEs. 23<br />

However, readers might feel that these demands<br />

are odd. Although investors in the Cayman Islands<br />

or other tax havens can be caught by “force of attraction,”<br />

Japan has concluded treaties with many<br />

countries, so that investors in the US, UK, Germany,<br />

French or other countries will not be caught by<br />

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Japanese “force of attraction.” Why then do investors<br />

use jurisdictions such as the Cayman Islands or<br />

other tax havens and still demand change in Japanese<br />

tax rules? In reply, tax practitioners in the financial<br />

sector explain that fund managers naturally<br />

utilize the Cayman Islands; Japanese source rules<br />

and PE taxation rules are difficult to understand for<br />

foreign fund managers and the fund managers thus<br />

tend to avoid making investment into Japan.<br />

In my view, “force of attraction” under CTA, Art.<br />

141 (i) is easy to avoid. Even if servers can be PEs,<br />

a foreign investment corporation can have a subsidiary<br />

in Japan which owns servers. When the<br />

Japanese subsidiary is independent in the sense of<br />

the OECD Model Tax Convention, Art. 5(6), the<br />

subsidiary is not an agent PE in the terms of CTA,<br />

Art. 141 (iii). Even if the subsidiary can be seen<br />

as an agent PE, “force of attraction” of CTA, Art.<br />

141 (iii) is limited. However, tax practitioners in<br />

the finance sector explain that foreign fund managers<br />

fear the possibility of establishing PEs in Japan.<br />

2.3. Japan's Situation Is Similar To That In<br />

The US Before The 1966 Amendments<br />

In the US, there were two problems before the<br />

1966 amendments. First, when a foreign corporation<br />

carried out trade or business in the US, not<br />

only the business income but also domestic source<br />

investment income was taxed as if earned by domestic<br />

corporations, and such taxation constituted<br />

a disincentive for foreign investors to make investments<br />

into the US. Second, the PE attribution rules<br />

conflicted with "source of income" rules. 24<br />

Japan's situation is similar to that in the US before<br />

the 1966 amendments. First, “force of attraction”<br />

under CTA, Art. 141 (i) creates a disincentive for<br />

foreign investors to make investments into Japan.<br />

Second, attribution-to-PE rules and source rules<br />

are not compatible.<br />

2.4. Justification For Change<br />

What is the justification for changing Japanese<br />

source rules and PE taxation rules? It is sometimes<br />

said that justification can be found in the OECD<br />

Model Tax Convention, Art. 7 as of July 22, 2010,<br />

which adopted the so-called AOA (Authorized<br />

OECD Approach) in which taxation of business<br />

profits of a PE is limited to the profits attributable<br />

to the PE, treating it as a separate and independent<br />

enterprise. It is said that Japanese PE taxation rules<br />

should also follow AOA and Japanese PEs should<br />

be treated as separate and independent enterprises.<br />

However this conceptual explanation is not persuasive<br />

to me. Tax treaties concluded by Japan have<br />

already followed the OECD Model in which PEs<br />

are treated as separate and independent enterprises.<br />

Moreover, the OECD Model has no bearing on domestic<br />

tax rules. The justification for change should<br />

stem from practical considerations rather than being<br />

doctrinal, as seen in Reg-section 2.3 .<br />

3. How To Change Japanese Source Rules<br />

And PE Taxation Rules<br />

The Government Tax Commission: Sub-Commission<br />

on International Taxation (Chair: Prof. Nakazato<br />

Minoru) is discussing how to change Japanese<br />

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source rules and PE taxation rules, with amendment<br />

set for 2014, although discussions have been<br />

paused since the national election on December 16,<br />

20<strong>12</strong>. 25 Thus the proposals mooted below are only<br />

the forecast and opinion of the author.<br />

If the practical problems are limited to “force of<br />

attraction” applied to server PEs in co-location services<br />

as seen in Reg-section 2.2 , the most simple<br />

solution is to deem servers in co-location services<br />

as not being PEs. Even though the OECD Commentary<br />

includes the possibility of deeming servers<br />

as PEs, Japan can choose to legislate in a way<br />

that reduces the possibility of server PEs. However,<br />

the Cabinet Council Decision on December 10,<br />

2011 26 clearly refers to a change from the “entire<br />

income principle” to the “attributed income principle,”<br />

so the option of changing only the scope of<br />

server PEs will not be adopted.<br />

I have said that Japan's situation is similar to that in<br />

the US before the amendment in 1966 in Reg-section<br />

2.3 . Is there then a possibility for Japan to adopt<br />

the American style of “effectively connected income<br />

principle”? I don't think so. Source rules and effectively<br />

connected income rules in the US seem to be<br />

complicated to an extreme degree, so the amendment<br />

in the US in 1966 seems to be a negative example.<br />

Should Japanese source rules follow the German<br />

EStG? It is difficult question. If CTA, Art. 138<br />

were to be drastically changed, issues linked to the<br />

change of source rules will be too many. “Force of<br />

attraction” under CTA, Art. 141 (i) to (iii) might<br />

be abolished and CTA, Art. 138 (i) might refer to<br />

a permanent establishment like EStG Code-section<br />

49 (2)(a) as seen in Reg-section 1.3 .; but the government<br />

might not want to change source rules so<br />

drastically. Tax rules on foreign corporations having<br />

no PEs in Japan under ITA, Arts. 178 to 180-2 and<br />

2<strong>12</strong> will be mostly maintained. 27<br />

Th e Author: ASATSUMA Akiyuki, Doctor of law<br />

in the University of Tokyo, Associate professor of<br />

tax law at College of Law and Politics, in Rikkyo<br />

University, Tokyo.<br />


1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

The number of Articles of ITA and CTA were renumbered<br />

in 1965, but the main structures of income tax<br />

rules on non-resident individuals and foreign corporations<br />

have been maintained.<br />

The first version of the OECD Model Tax Convention<br />

was made in 1963.<br />

Code-section 864 .<br />

Cabinet Council Decision on December 10, 2011:<br />

“Large Package of Tax Revisions in 20<strong>12</strong>” in http://<br /><br />

pdf (Japanese), page 74. At that time, DPJ (the<br />

Democratic Party of Japan) was the governing party<br />

and LDP (the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan) won<br />

against the DPJ in the national election on December<br />

16, 20<strong>12</strong>. The LDP will continue to discuss changes<br />

of Japanese source rules and PE taxation rules. The<br />

newest "Large Package of Tax Revisions in 2013"<br />

of the governing parties (The LDP and Komeito) as<br />

of January 24, 2013 (<br />

policy_topics/pdf/pdf085_1.pdf Japanese), page 91<br />

also refers the changes of source rules and PE taxation<br />

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ules from "entire income principle" to "attributed<br />

Arts. 279 to 288. Some Articles of OEITA concerning<br />

income principle" in accordance with the Authorized<br />

international income tax rules are also unofficially<br />

OECD Approach.<br />

translated. See note 6.<br />

5<br />

Law No. 33 of 1965.<br />

14<br />

A corporation can be a silent partner ( tokumei ku-<br />

6<br />

Unofficial translation is available in http://www.japa-<br />

miaiin ) of a silent partnership in Article 535 of the<br /> (Japanese Law Translation).<br />

Commercial Code. See note 11.<br />

Not all articles of CTA and ITA are translated into Eng-<br />

15<br />

CTA, Art. 139 provides that source rules in a tax con-<br />

lish, but the main provisions concerning international<br />

vention are superior to domestic rules.<br />

income taxation rules are translated.<br />

16<br />

More detail rules on source of income are provided<br />

7<br />

Source rules and PE taxation rules in the Corporate<br />

in OECTA (Order for Enforcement of the Corporation<br />

Tax Act and the Income Tax Act are similar. This article<br />

Tax Act), Arts. 176 to 184. See note 6.<br />

is mainly based on the CTA, unless otherwise noted.<br />

17<br />

OECTA, Art. 185(1) and (2) is roughly equivalent to<br />

Some of the international income taxation rules in ITA<br />

the OECD Model Tax Convention, Art. 5(2) and (4).<br />

are illustrated in IFA 20<strong>12</strong> Boston Congress: cahiers<br />

18<br />

OECTA, Art. 186.<br />

de droit fiscal international, volume 97a, Enterprise<br />

19<br />

Independent personal services income listed in CTA,<br />

services, pp. 413-435 (20<strong>12</strong>) (written by ASATSUMA,<br />

Art. 138 (ii) is subject to tax in Japan even when a<br />

Akiyuki).<br />

foreign corporation has no PE in Japan under Japanese<br />

8<br />

Law No. 34 of 1965.<br />

domestic tax rules, although we don't know how<br />

9<br />

[A] partnership contract” in Article 667(1) of the Civil<br />

the Japanese tax authority can capture such service<br />

Code is called in Japanese “ nin’i kumiai. ” Not only an<br />

income; but if the foreign corporation is a resident<br />

individual but also a corporation can be a partner<br />

corporation of a country which has concluded a tax<br />

( nin’i kumiaiin ) of a partnership<br />

convention equivalent to the OECD Model, then the<br />

10<br />

There is no definition of “independent” or “depen-<br />

foreign corporation is protected by the “no taxation<br />

dent” in this Article, but independent and dependent<br />

without PE” rule.<br />

character is easy to understand when comparing with<br />

20<br />

However, there is a discussion concerning CTA, Art.<br />

ITA, Art. (viii).<br />

139 which provides that the source rule contained in<br />

11<br />

[A] silent partnership” in Article 535 of the Com-<br />

by tax treaties has priority over Art. 138 (ii) to (xi).<br />

mercial Code is also called “a sleeping partnership”<br />

21<br />

There have not been many cases in the court in which<br />

or “stille Gesellschaft,” but the Japanese “ tokumei<br />

OECTA or OEITA is regarded as incompatible with CTA<br />

kumiai ” is also used.<br />

or ITA, but one case is Supreme Court judgment on<br />

<strong>12</strong><br />

13<br />

ITA, Art. 162 provides that source rules in a tax convention<br />

are superior to domestic rules.<br />

More detail rules on source of income are provided in<br />

OEITA (Order for Enforcement of the Income Tax Act),<br />

July 6, 2010, reported in Minshû , vol. 64, no. 5, p. <strong>12</strong>77.<br />

In this case, the tax authority imposed income tax on<br />

life insurance annuities which had been contracted by<br />

a husband who died and were received by a wife, in<br />

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22<br />

23<br />

OEITA, Art. 183. However, the court said that the life<br />

insurance annuities had been subject to inheritance<br />

tax and a part of the annuities were exempt income<br />

in the meaning of ITA, Art. 9 (1)(xvi).<br />

When tax lawyers discussed whether computer servers<br />

can be seen as PEs at the end of the last century,<br />

technical engineers laughed: computer servers can be<br />

located all over the world in a business sense, so it<br />

is ridiculous that servers can be a threshold of taxation.<br />

Ironically, history has shown that the location<br />

of computer servers is critically important in some<br />

types of business.<br />

Financial Services Agency, Demands of tax system<br />

24<br />

25<br />

26<br />

27<br />

revision in 2013,<br />

sonota/20<strong>12</strong>0907-2/01.pdf (September 20<strong>12</strong>, Japanese),<br />

page 22.<br />

Cf. Fowler Task Force Report, reprinted in Legislative<br />

History of H.R. 13103, 89th Cong., 2nd Sess. Foreign<br />

Investors Tax Act of 1966. See also Harvey P. Dale,<br />

Effectively Connected Income, 42 Tax Law Review<br />

689, 719 (1987).<br />

See note 4.<br />

See note 4.<br />

There is a little possibility of taxation without PEs under<br />

CTA, Art. 141 (iv) as seen in Reg-section 1.2 . It is not<br />

predictable whether CTA, Art. 141 (iv) will be changed.<br />

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<strong>ISSUE</strong> <strong>12</strong> | JANUARY 31, 2013<br />

Latest Changes To The Brazilian<br />

Transfer Pricing Rules<br />

By Miguel A. Valdes, Lawyer and certified public<br />

accountant, partner of the law firm Valdes &<br />

Associates, LLC, in Chicago, Illinois<br />

Introduction<br />

This is a follow-up to the article published last year<br />

[see Global Tax Weekly, Issue No. 1, November 15,<br />

20<strong>12</strong> ] regarding the latest changes to the Brazilian<br />

transfer pricing rules. We will continue to follow<br />

up with future articles as more transfer pricing developments<br />

relating to the new law in Brazil occur.<br />

Once again, the Brazilian tax authorities have recently<br />

published more changes to the transfer<br />

pricing legislation as follows: 1) Law Nº <strong>12</strong>,766<br />

(published in the Official Gazette of December<br />

28, 20<strong>12</strong>) changing the rules applicable to financial<br />

transactions, and 2) Regulatory Instruction Nº<br />

1,3<strong>12</strong> (published in the Official Gazette of December<br />

31, 20<strong>12</strong>) with the regulations applicable to the<br />

transfer pricing rules.<br />

Th e main changes brought about by the new regulations<br />

are as follows.<br />

Effective Dates And Benchmark Interest<br />

Rate And Spread<br />

All financial contracts entered into or modified as<br />

of January 1, 2013, must comply with the transfer<br />

pricing rules. In other words, the new rules provide<br />

that on the effective date of the transaction, the<br />

agreed-upon interest rate should be no higher (for<br />

loans to Brazilian parties) or lower (for loans granted<br />

by Brazilian parties) than a benchmark interest<br />

rate plus a spread.<br />

Regulatory Instruction Nº 1,3<strong>12</strong> has been altered,<br />

as of January 18, 2013, to provide the benchmark<br />

interest rate and the spread.<br />

Regulatory Instruction Nº 1,3<strong>12</strong> Substantial<br />

Restriction on the Profitability Safe Harbor<br />

It will be recalled that in order to be outside the<br />

scope of the transfer pricing rules, a taxpayer needed<br />

to demonstrate that it had at least 5% profitability<br />

on its export sales. However, now, in order to<br />

qualify for the safe harbor, two requirements must<br />

be met:<br />

(1) The net revenues derived from export transactions<br />

to related parties shall not exceed 20%<br />

of the net revenues from all export transactions;<br />

and<br />

(2) The company shall have a profitability of at<br />

least 10%, based on an average of the current<br />

year and the two previous years (the previous<br />

43<br />

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5% profitability requirement had similar<br />

wording; however, the tax authorities issued<br />

instructions allowing for transactions from a<br />

single year to be utilized.)<br />

If a taxpayer does not satisfy both requirements, it<br />

must then comply with the transfer pricing rules<br />

and utilize one of the export methods set forth in<br />

the Brazilian law.<br />

Definition of Commodities<br />

As previously discussed, Law Nº <strong>12</strong>,715 requires now<br />

the use of certain specific methods for transactions involving<br />

commodities. Those methods will compare<br />

transactions subject to the transfer pricing rules with<br />

those carried out in the applicable exchanges. However,<br />

Law º <strong>12</strong>,715 left it to the tax authorities to regulate<br />

the application of the methods and the relevant<br />

exchanges for purposes of defining the benchmark.<br />

Such regulation now is set forth in the Regulatory Instruction<br />

º 1,3<strong>12</strong>, and it has defined commodities very<br />

broadly. Consequently, many more products than the<br />

obvious ones could be subject to the commodities rules<br />

since the tax authorities have included whole chapters<br />

of the Mercosur Common Nomenclature book. It is<br />

very probable that the application of these rules to certain<br />

products will be challenged in the courts.<br />

Controversies with the Import Resale<br />

Minus (PRL) Method<br />

Th e regulations also covered the new PRL Method,<br />

and the guidance was clear on some aspects,<br />

was not so self evident in others, and even illegal in<br />

one specific point.<br />

Total Cost: This is clearly defined as the total<br />

cost of the item without any exclusion. This<br />

clarification, however, comes as a cost to taxpayers<br />

since it will raise the price against which the<br />

benchmark will be compared and likely increase<br />

the tax adjustments.<br />

Period of Comparison: Not so clearly defined was<br />

the period that should be taken into consideration<br />

for the calculation of the benchmarks and therefore<br />

the taxable adjustments. Regulatory Instruction Nº<br />

1,3<strong>12</strong> states that the benchmark calculation shall<br />

take place when the items are written-off. It also<br />

seems to indicate that beginning inventory should<br />

be included, and that the whole year should be taken<br />

into consideration for the calculation. However,<br />

there are no other clarifications on how to make<br />

these procedures operational, or how to change<br />

from one option to another, or even what adjustments<br />

will be required if a taxpayer elects to use a<br />

method other than the PRL in a later period.<br />

Basis for Calculating the Profit Margin: The Regulatory<br />

Instruction provides two different forms of<br />

calculating the profit margin as follows:<br />

(1) In item IV of Article <strong>12</strong>, the profit margin<br />

is calculated over the share of the controlled<br />

item in the sales price, net of taxes, discounts<br />

and commissions, and<br />

(2) In paragraph 13 of the same Article <strong>12</strong>, the<br />

profi t margin is calculated over the total<br />

price, net only of discounts, and without<br />

taking into consideration the share of the<br />

imported item.<br />

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Th is second calculation will give rise to litigation,<br />

since it can be interpreted as an increase in taxation<br />

without the applicable legal grounds.<br />

Changes in Profit Margins<br />

Regulatory Instruction Nº 1,3<strong>12</strong> states that all the<br />

rules applicable to ruling requests are also applicable<br />

to profit margin change requests. However,<br />

ordinance Nº 222/08 clearly states that the ruling<br />

requests rules do not apply to profit margin change<br />

requests. Consequently, this contradiction is likely<br />

to generate controversies in the future.<br />

Drop Shipment Transactions<br />

Regulatory Instruction Nº 1,3<strong>12</strong> provides that<br />

these transactions are subject to the transfer pricing<br />

rules as if they were separate import and export<br />

transactions. Furthermore, the regulations also require<br />

that the overall profitability of the transaction<br />

be compatible with market practices. However, the<br />

regulations do not provide any explanation as to<br />

how to determine the adequacy of the overall profitability<br />

of the transactions.<br />

Presentation of Second Method<br />

Law Nº <strong>12</strong>,715 permits taxpayers to present a second<br />

transfer pricing method, if the first method is<br />

disregarded by the tax authorities or some other circumstances.<br />

Now, Regulatory Instruction Nº 1,3<strong>12</strong><br />

has indicated that, if the presentation of the second<br />

method results in a tax liability, the tax authorities<br />

could levy fines up to 75%.<br />

Concluding Comment<br />

As shown by all the recent activity, there are three<br />

conclusions that can be preliminarily arrived at:<br />

(1) The Brazilian tax authorities will not be<br />

switching the transfer pricing rules to the<br />

OECO rules in the near future.<br />

(2) There will be a lot more litigation in the<br />

transfer pricing area in the near term.<br />

(3) The Brazilian tax authorities, and others in<br />

the region, are keeping up with developments<br />

and implementing similar rules, i.e. , new<br />

commodities rules in Brazil and Peru while<br />

Argentina has been litigating those rules for<br />

a number of years.<br />

The Author:<br />

Miguel A. Valdes, Lawyer and certified public accountant,<br />

is a partner of the law firm Valdes &<br />

Associates, LLC, in Chicago, Illinois; he is also a<br />

consultant with the law firm of Koury Lopes Advogados<br />

based in Sao Paulo, Brazil.<br />

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<strong>ISSUE</strong> <strong>12</strong> | JANUARY 31, 2013<br />

Financial Transaction Taxes: Robin<br />

Hood Rides Again<br />

by Caroline Huggett, Senior Editor,<br />

Global Tax Weekly<br />

Introduction<br />

Although it has been in the news in various forms<br />

for some time, the financial transaction tax (FTT)<br />

concept had its moment in the sun recently, with<br />

the issue coming to the fore in both the European<br />

Union and the United States.<br />

could not be achieved. Those who want to move<br />

ahead, and who appreciate the merits of working<br />

more closely on taxation at EU-level, can do so. This<br />

is a highly significant and very welcome advance.”<br />

In the EU, the FTT was authorized for implementation<br />

by a qualified majority of EU member states<br />

at a meeting of the European Council of Economic<br />

and Financial Affairs (Ecofin), meaning that the<br />

European Commission can now present a concrete<br />

proposal on plans for an FTT, allowing negotiations<br />

to begin on the details of the tax.<br />

Th e significance of the decision was underlined by<br />

the governments concerned, as it represented the<br />

first act of enhanced cooperation in the history of<br />

the European Union in the area of taxation.<br />

EU Tax Commissioner Algirdas Šemeta called the<br />

agreement to allow eleven member states to move<br />

ahead with a harmonized FTT a “major milestone.”<br />

Š emeta observed that: “It is a milestone for EU tax<br />

policy, as it paves the way for more ambitious member<br />

states to progress on a tax file, even when unanimity<br />

He concluded: “For the first time ever, the financial<br />

transactions tax will be applied at regional level. A<br />

block representing around two thirds of EU GDP<br />

will implement this fair tax together, answering the<br />

long-time calls of their citizens. And in doing so,<br />

they can pave the way for others to do the same.”<br />

In the United States, meanwhile, responding to<br />

the EU announcement, Senator Tom Harkin (D -<br />

Iowa) and Representative Peter DeFazio (D - Oregon),<br />

announced this week that they had decided<br />

to reintroduce their bills to impose such a tax<br />

in the United States, first proposed in November<br />

2011, with a planned introduction date of January<br />

1, 2013.<br />

The Wall Street Trading and Speculators Tax would<br />

place a levy of 0.03% on most non-consumer financial<br />

trading transactions, including stocks, bonds<br />

and other debts, except for their initial issuance.<br />

46<br />

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The tax would also cover all derivative contracts,<br />

options, puts, forward contracts, swaps and other<br />

complex instruments at their actual cost. It would<br />

exclude retirement and education savings.<br />

“Our FTT proposal raises considerable revenue (estimated<br />

at USD352bn over 10 years) with little impact<br />

on economically beneficial transactions,” Harkin<br />

explained, continuing: “It is a tax that does not<br />

harm small businesses or the middle class and Wall<br />

Street can certainly afford it. I applaud the action<br />

taken by the EU today and hope that we will soon<br />

have US action on this issue.”<br />

“In the coming months, our country will need<br />

to make hard decisions to get back on sound fiscal<br />

footing. Our financial transaction tax should<br />

be a no-brainer,” DeFazio added. “I, too, applaud<br />

the EU. (Its) action mean(s) there will be less opportunity<br />

to shift US trading overseas to avoid a<br />

US FTT. Wall Street's criticisms of an FTT are<br />

rapidly shrinking.”<br />

Equivalent bills were launched by Democrats in<br />

the last, 1<strong>12</strong>th, Congress but gained no traction. It<br />

seems wildly unlikely that any such measure would<br />

be passed by a Republican House of Representatives,<br />

but . . . never say never.<br />

An FTT Primer<br />

Th e Financial Transaction Tax in its current format<br />

was first formally proposed within the EU following<br />

an examination in October 2010 of the importance<br />

of developing a financial transaction tax<br />

(FTT) in an EC Communication on taxation of<br />

the financial sector, although it has its roots much<br />

earlier than that.<br />

The Commission reasoned in 2010 that: “In the<br />

context of the economic and financial crisis, it is<br />

more and more commonly accepted that the financial<br />

sector should make a fairer contribution,<br />

this sector having been under-taxed to date given<br />

the exemption from VAT of most financial services.<br />

This Proposal for a Directive is therefore aimed<br />

at developing a common tax reserved for financial<br />

transactions, the main objectives of which are to<br />

ensure that financial institutions make a fair contribution<br />

to covering the costs of the crisis and to<br />

avoid fragmentation in the internal market for financial<br />

transactions.”<br />

Summarizing the " Proposal for a Council Directive<br />

of 28 September 2011 on a common system<br />

of financial transaction tax and amending Directive<br />

2008/7/EC ", the EC explained that:<br />

“This Proposal is aimed at establishing a common<br />

system of financial transaction tax...It concerns all<br />

financial transactions, namely the purchase and sale<br />

of a financial instrument, such as company shares,<br />

bonds, money-market instruments, units of undertakings<br />

for collective investment, structured products<br />

and derivatives and the conclusion or modification<br />

of derivatives agreements, on condition that at<br />

least one party to the transaction is established in a<br />

Member State and that a financial institution (such<br />

as investment firms, organized markets, credit institutions,<br />

insurance and reinsurance undertakings, collective<br />

investment undertakings and their managers,<br />

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pension funds and their managers, and certain other<br />

undertakings where transactions constitute a significant<br />

part of their activity) established in a Member<br />

State is party to the transaction, acting either for its<br />

own account or for the account of another person, or<br />

is acting in the name of a party to the transaction.”<br />

“In general, a financial institution shall be deemed to<br />

be established in the Member State of authorization<br />

in order to act as such but it should be noted that,<br />

under certain conditions, a financial institution not<br />

established in a Member State, for example where<br />

it is a party to a financial transaction with a party<br />

established in the territory of a Member State, shall<br />

also be deemed to be established in the territory of a<br />

Member State (of the latter mentioned in this case).”<br />

Th e EC went on to reveal that certain types of entities<br />

and transactions would be excluded from the<br />

scope of the proposed Directive. In terms of excluded<br />

entities, these included:<br />

Th e European Financial Stability Facility (established<br />

in 2010 in order to safeguard financial<br />

stability in the eurozone by providing financial<br />

assistance — via the issuing of bonds or other<br />

debt instruments on the capital markets);<br />

Any international financial institution established<br />

by two or more Member States, with the purpose<br />

of mobilizing funding and providing financial<br />

assistance for the benefit of members that are<br />

experiencing severe financing problems;<br />

Central Counter Parties (legal entities that interpose<br />

themselves between the counterparties to a<br />

financial transaction); and<br />

National or international Central Securities Depositories.<br />

Excluded transactions included:<br />

Primary market transactions in principle, relating<br />

to the issue of company shares or bonds;<br />

Transactions with the European Union, the European<br />

Atomic Energy Community, the European<br />

Central Bank, the European Investment Bank,<br />

bodies set up by the European Union or the European<br />

Atomic Energy Community and other<br />

international organizations and bodies (under<br />

certain conditions); and<br />

Transactions with the central banks of Member<br />

States.<br />

The EC explained that:<br />

“The FTT shall become chargeable from the moment<br />

the transaction occurs. Subsequent cancellation<br />

or rectification of a financial transaction shall<br />

have no effect on chargeability, except for cases of<br />

errors. In the case of transactions other than those<br />

concerning derivatives agreements, the taxable<br />

amount of the FTT shall be, in principle, everything<br />

which constitutes consideration paid or owed,<br />

in return for the transfer, from the counterparty or<br />

a third party.”<br />

“In the case of transactions concerning derivatives<br />

agreements, the taxable amount of the FTT<br />

shall be the notional amount (i.e. the underlying<br />

nominal or face amount that is used to calculate<br />

payments made on a given derivatives agreement)<br />

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of the derivatives agreement at the time of the<br />

financial transaction.”<br />

payment of the tax due by a financial institution on<br />

account of that transaction.”<br />

Th e minimum rates of FTT are to be 0.1 % for all<br />

financial transactions other than those concerning<br />

derivatives agreements, and 0.01 % for all financial<br />

transactions relating to derivatives.<br />

In terms of payment procedures, obligations and<br />

prevention of evasion, avoidance and abuse, the EC<br />

stated that:<br />

“FTT shall be payable by each financial institution<br />

(deemed to be established in a Member State)<br />

which fulfils any of the following conditions:<br />

it is party to the transaction, acting either for its<br />

own account or for the account of another person;<br />

it is acting in the name of a party to the transaction;<br />

the transaction has been carried out on its account.”<br />

And continued: “It should be noted, therefore, that<br />

any financial institution which is party to a transaction<br />

or is involved in a transaction shall be liable for<br />

the tax. A single financial transaction may therefore<br />

result in payment of the tax on both sides of the<br />

transaction, at the rate applicable in the Member<br />

State of establishment of the financial institution<br />

concerned. However, where a financial institution<br />

acts in the name of or for the account of another financial<br />

institution, only the latter shall be required<br />

to pay FTT. Moreover, each party to a transaction<br />

shall become jointly and severally liable for the<br />

Under the proposed framework, the FTT will<br />

be payable at the moment when the tax becomes<br />

chargeable (where the transaction takes place electronically),<br />

and within three working days from the<br />

tax becoming chargeable in all other cases.<br />

The EC concluded by reminding participating<br />

countries that: “Member States may not introduce<br />

or maintain taxes on financial transactions other<br />

than FTT or value added tax (DA) (VAT) provided<br />

for by the VAT Directive.”<br />

Predecessors Of The FTT<br />

The financial transactions tax in the format in which<br />

it is currently proposed has been several years in the<br />

making, but the concept dates back much further<br />

than that. Keynes himself may have been the first to<br />

suggest such a tax in modern times; then in 1972,<br />

American economist and disciple of Keynes, James<br />

Tobin proposed a currency conversion tax in order<br />

to counter the exchange rate volatility which followed<br />

the collapse of the post-war Bretton Woods<br />

system of monetary management, under which<br />

the US dollar was directly convertible to gold (at<br />

USD35 per ounce), and all participating countries<br />

were required to peg their currency to the dollar, in<br />

order to maintain exchange rates.<br />

The rather unimaginatively-named "Tobin Tax"<br />

was revived as a concept by then French Prime Minister,<br />

Lionel Jospin in 2001 (following a spate of<br />

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currency-related crises in various countries around<br />

the world in the 1990s), who suggested that Tobin's<br />

proposed levy of 0.5% on currency exchange<br />

transactions, or something similar, would help to<br />

prevent such situations from arising again.<br />

UK, where the campaign's website suggested that<br />

“a tiny tax on the financial sector” could generate<br />

“GBP20bn annually in the UK alone” which could<br />

go towards protecting the public services being cut<br />

as part of the government's austerity measures.<br />

Th is caused controversy, with critics arguing that<br />

there was not the international political consensus<br />

necessary for such a bold move, and that currency<br />

speculation could be more effectively curbed in<br />

other ways, for example by improving regulation of<br />

such transactions, particularly where they involved<br />

the use of complicated derivatives.<br />

Problems were also raised relating to the implementation<br />

of such a levy, for example what types<br />

of instrument it should take in, how the tax should<br />

be collected, whether collection should include<br />

transactions involving offshore jurisdictions, and<br />

how best to enforce the tax. It was further suggested<br />

that reducing currency speculation might<br />

actually increase volatility in the currency markets,<br />

and opponents of such a levy suggested that<br />

if it was designed to redress the favored position<br />

enjoyed by global financial capital vis-a-vis other<br />

sources of capital, ought it not to be applied to all<br />

financial transactions?<br />

Th is idea was seized upon by campaigners as a potential<br />

solution to the global economic woes caused<br />

by the more recent banking crisis, and the idea of<br />

a "Robin Hood Tax" on the financial sector began<br />

to gather momentum. As might be expected from<br />

its name, such a tax had its strongest backing in the<br />

Th e campaigners explained that: “As a result of the<br />

financial crisis, the International Monetary Fund<br />

(IMF) has calculated UK government debt will be<br />

40% higher. That 40% equates to GBP737 billion,<br />

or GBP28,000 for every taxpayer in the country.<br />

Having to pay back that debt means cuts in vital<br />

services on which millions of people around the<br />

country rely. Total cost to the UK of the financial<br />

crisis in terms of lost output according to the IMF<br />

was 27% of 2008 GDP.”<br />

And argued: “So it's time for justice. It's time for<br />

justice for ordinary families and businesses. For the<br />

one in five British families faced with a choice between<br />

buying food or paying the heating bill. For<br />

the millions of people around the world forced<br />

into poverty by a financial crisis they did absolutely<br />

nothing to bring about.”<br />

“The Robin Hood Tax is justice. The banks can<br />

afford it. The systems are in place to collect it. It<br />

won't affect ordinary members of the public, their<br />

bank accounts or their savings. It's fair, it's timely,<br />

and it's possible.”<br />

However, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth leaves<br />

everyone blind and toothless, and while the campaign<br />

has enjoyed a degree of popular and celebrity support<br />

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since its launch, and various “redistributive” taxes have<br />

been considered (including the so-called “mansion tax<br />

” proposed by the Liberal Democrat coalition partners),<br />

the "Robin Hood" tax concept has never really<br />

gotten off the ground in the UK.<br />

FTT EU Background<br />

Nor, it seems, will its idealogical descendant, the financial<br />

transactions tax. While France and Germany<br />

(and to a slightly lesser extent Austria) have been<br />

behind the driving forces behind the introduction<br />

of the tax for more than a decade, the United Kingdom<br />

and various other EU member states have expressed<br />

their distaste for it in the strongest terms.<br />

In November 2011, during a parliamentary budget<br />

debate in the National Council, Austrian Chancellor<br />

Werner Faymann underlined the need for better<br />

regulation of international financial markets in<br />

Europe, and stressed the importance of a financial<br />

transactions tax in achieving this goal.<br />

Speaking on the subject of introducing a debt<br />

brake rule in Austria and elsewhere in Europe,<br />

Chancellor Faymann explained that in order to reduce<br />

the deficit and to create scope for investment,<br />

in addition to a binding framework for reducing<br />

the debt ratio, increased regulation of the financial<br />

markets in Europe was essential, and stated<br />

that Austria would continue to push for a tax on<br />

financial transactions, Faymann said.<br />

And then, around this time last year, then French Finance<br />

Minister François Baroin revealed government<br />

plans to impose a domestic financial transactions tax<br />

on shares, securities and derivatives (although government<br />

bonds were to remain unaffected, Baroin<br />

confirmed), and drew parallels with ongoing discussions<br />

on a wider EU tax. In the event, the domestic<br />

transaction tax came into force in August 20<strong>12</strong>, applying<br />

to transactions in the securities of publiclytraded<br />

companies with capitalization over EUR1bn,<br />

initially at a rate of 0.1%, later increased to 0.2%.<br />

Initial collections from the tax were however well below<br />

the government's expectations.<br />

Commenting more recently, the German Finance<br />

Ministry argued that the introduction of an FTT<br />

in eleven EU member states is a first key step in the<br />

direction of the introduction of a global tax, and<br />

suggested that the tax complements other regulatory<br />

measures taken by the coalition government, notably<br />

Germany's draft high frequency trading law.<br />

In the opposite corner, however, stands the United<br />

Kingdom, backed by various others, including<br />

Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands. The UK's<br />

objection is based around its traditional reluctance<br />

to surrender any degree of fiscal sovereignty to the<br />

European Union beyond the powers already held<br />

by the EU, and the fact that, given the nature of its<br />

financial center, an FTT would arguably have an especially<br />

adverse effect, unless it was applied evenly<br />

worldwide, something that is completely infeasible.<br />

A report published by think-tank the Adam Smith<br />

Institute in late 2011 argued that in addition to<br />

costing the UK economy dear, the introduction of<br />

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a transaction tax in the United Kingdom would increase<br />

rather than reduce market volatility, reduce liquidity,<br />

increase tax avoidance, and lead to job losses,<br />

while failing to generate any significant revenue gains.<br />

transaction tax. Osborne was responding to chairman<br />

Andrew Tyrie’s query on the impacts of a euro<br />

area only FTT on the volume of trading in the UK<br />

and on UK firms trading with the eurozone.<br />

“If the FTT was only introduced in the EU or G20,<br />

many traders currently operating in the UK would<br />

relocate to places like Hong Kong, Singapore or<br />

Zurich. There is little scope for a worldwide FTT<br />

– even types of trades that are affected in a minor<br />

way by the FTT would likely move en masse to<br />

other jurisdictions that would flourish as FTT-free<br />

zones,” the Institute warned, going on to suggest<br />

that the cost is likely to be even higher once the<br />

UK’s disproportionate share of financial trading in<br />

the EU is factored in.<br />

It pointed out that the City of London currently<br />

accounts for 74.4% of interest rate derivatives turnover<br />

within the EU, and cautioned that an FTT<br />

would nearly eliminate derivatives trading in the<br />

UK. This would hit tax revenue and other parts of<br />

the City by preventing traders from hedging against<br />

real-world risks.<br />

UK Chancellor George Osborne went further, calling<br />

the proposals “suicidal” and suggesting in an<br />

article in the UK media at the time that they were<br />

“a bullet aimed at the heart of London.”<br />

He suggested that it was “possible that the tax<br />

might raise no additional money at all for the Exchequer.”<br />

Osborne argued that any gains in direct<br />

revenue would be offset by losses in other taxes, and<br />

predicted that an FTT would result in lower stamp<br />

duty revenues, and reduced levels of corporate tax<br />

from the financial services sector.<br />

Furthermore, some FTT payments from financial<br />

institutions headquartered in other EU member<br />

states would be made to their home government,<br />

instead of the UK, Osborne argued, explaining that<br />

this would mean further revenue losses for the UK,<br />

and also have an indirect impact on other taxes, due<br />

to the negative growth impacts of the EU’s plans.<br />

UK Prime Minister David Cameron subsequently<br />

refused to accept the EU plans, arguing that they<br />

did not adequately safeguard the UK's interests,<br />

which led Irish Finance Minister Michael Noonan<br />

to warn of his concerns over a financial transactions<br />

tax that excludes the City of London, suggesting<br />

that Ireland would be at a disadvantage if such a<br />

levy was applied in Dublin but not in London.<br />

In a somewhat more measured letter sent to the<br />

chairman of the parliamentary Treasury Select Committee,<br />

the Chancellor argued that the UK could<br />

expect to see revenue losses as a result of a financial<br />

The irony of the Irish heading the EU Council during<br />

the period in which the issue is front and center<br />

(despite not having signed up to the initiative) will<br />

no doubt not have been lost on Mr. Noonan.<br />

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Denmark, which held the role for the first half of<br />

20<strong>12</strong>, had expressed its opposition to a solely EUbased<br />

levy, and announced in January 20<strong>12</strong> that<br />

moving the issue forward would not be a priority<br />

during its presidency, while the Dutch central bank<br />

(DNB) condemned the plan as “undesirable.”<br />

The DNB argued that the European Commission’s<br />

planned levy would merely slow down economic<br />

growth, and suggested that a “negative impact on<br />

the economy is a certainty”.<br />

Commenting in February 20<strong>12</strong>, the central bank<br />

observed that: “The Netherlands will be affected<br />

relatively severely by an FTT on account of its<br />

large financial sector, including pension funds. The<br />

negative effects in terms of economic growth and<br />

arbitrage will be stronger, moreover, if tax is not<br />

levied on a global scale. Therefore the introduction<br />

of an FTT as proposed by the Commission is<br />

undesirable.” It continued: “While an FTT might<br />

for instance counteract forms of arbitrage, such as<br />

high-frequency trading, it may also cause traders to<br />

relocate or to increase their risk appetite. Pursuing<br />

a riskier trading strategy to protect one’s margins<br />

would run exactly counter to what the Commission’s<br />

proposal aims to achieve. Which of the two<br />

possible effects would win out is unpredictable.<br />

Moreover, it is questionable that an FTT would be<br />

effective in counteracting market volatility – which<br />

is one of the frequently cited benefits of an FTT.”<br />

“Moreover, the Commission’s draft proposal raises<br />

several questions. The lower rate on derivatives<br />

compared to shares may provoke arbitrage. Secondly,<br />

it is uncertain what the per-transaction rate will turn<br />

out to be. Since the tax also applies to intermediaries<br />

in a transaction, the result may be a ‘cascade effect’<br />

that will multiply the taxation rate. Thirdly, the<br />

effects of the FTT will include implications for the<br />

repo market, currently a major source of short-term<br />

funding for banks. To sum up, hard evidence that the<br />

FTT would yield a net stabilizing effect is lacking.”<br />

And Sweden? Well, its own failed financial transactions<br />

tax experiment (which took place between<br />

1984 and 1991, and effectively saw off a significant<br />

portion of the country's foreign investment, while<br />

causing domestic investors to reduce their trading<br />

frequency) has meant that it has a severe case of<br />

“once bitten, twice shy.”<br />

In Conclusion<br />

The EU now, as never before, is in a state of flux, with<br />

David Cameron pledging a referendum on the UK's<br />

place within the Union if the Conservatives are returned<br />

to power at the next election, while the French<br />

and German governments continue their mutual admiration<br />

society, pushing for greater economic and<br />

policy integration across the entire EU (although there<br />

has been trouble in paradise over the use of revenue derived<br />

from the tax, with Germany wanting it to flow to<br />

national budgets, while the French prefer to see it used<br />

to finance development policy or to be used as own<br />

revenues to support the European Union budget).<br />

However, thanks to the enhanced cooperation<br />

mechanism, whereby a group of EU member states<br />

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(a minimum of nine) can launch coordinated action<br />

on a proposal in the event that a consensus is<br />

not possible among all twenty-seven EU member<br />

states, it seems that the FTT juggernaut will roll<br />

on regardless, crushing the UK and other objectors<br />

under its wheels.<br />

One aspect of the proposed EU tax which is likely<br />

to generate an increasing amount of resistance and<br />

may contain within it the seeds of its own destruction<br />

is its extra-territoriality. Any country or small<br />

group of countries introducing an FTT has little<br />

choice but to include extra-territoriality, or it is<br />

just too simple for trades to skip across borders. It's<br />

not clear that the extra-territorial provisions in the<br />

EU's FTT are going to be effective, even if they are<br />

not resisted, because it is probably simple to dodge<br />

the FTT by utilizing offshore structures, at least for<br />

any larger transaction. That remains to be seen. But<br />

resistance there will be: the US is particularly prickly<br />

on such issues, and once Wall Street banks find<br />

that they are having to pay a tax to the EU on any<br />

trade they make with a French, German or Italian<br />

counter-party, or even with a subsidiary of such a<br />

counter-party, it will be a matter of microseconds<br />

before there is a bill in Congress to make such payments<br />

illegal. So, let the fun begin! It should be<br />

worth watching.<br />

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<strong>ISSUE</strong> <strong>12</strong> | JANUARY 31, 2013<br />

Analysis<br />

The Financial Transaction Tax was front and center<br />

this week, with the European Union announcing<br />

that — despite strong objections from member states<br />

such as the UK and Sweden — it would be going<br />

ahead with the implementation of such a levy in at<br />

least eleven countries, with more potentially to follow,<br />

using the “enhanced cooperation” mechanism.<br />

Th is move prompted US lawmakers Senator Tom<br />

Harkin (D - Iowa) and Representative Peter De-<br />

Fazio (D - Oregon) to reintroduce their own legislation,<br />

which would impose a similar levy on the<br />

majority of non-consumer financial transactions.<br />

In the Cayman Islands, meanwhile, the authorities<br />

were less concerned with taxing financial transactions<br />

and more with their regulation, introducing new legislation<br />

to clarify registration requirements for certain<br />

types of mutual fund, seen in many parts of the<br />

world as a major step towards greater transparency.<br />

Ecofin Gives Go-Ahead To FTT<br />

Th e European Council of Economic and Financial<br />

Affairs (Ecofin) has authorized European Union<br />

(EU) member states to push ahead with plans for a<br />

financial transactions tax (FTT) within the framework<br />

of enhanced cooperation.<br />

Th e European Commission can now present a concrete<br />

proposal on plans for an FTT, allowing negotiations<br />

to begin.<br />

Th is is the first act of enhanced cooperation in the<br />

history of the European Union in the area of taxation,<br />

and follows the European Parliament's approval<br />

of the proposal on December <strong>12</strong>, 20<strong>12</strong>.<br />

Enhanced cooperation is a procedure enabling a<br />

group of EU member states (a minimum of nine)<br />

to launch coordinated action on a proposal in the<br />

event that a consensus is not possible among all 27<br />

EU member states.<br />

In October 20<strong>12</strong>, eleven EU member states – Germany,<br />

France, Austria, Belgium, Spain, Estonia,<br />

Greece, Italy, Portugal, Slovakia and Slovenia – requested<br />

the use of enhanced cooperation to press<br />

forward with the FTT.<br />

Germany and France have championed the levy<br />

from the outset. According to the German Finance<br />

Ministry, the introduction of an FTT in eleven EU<br />

member states is a first key step in the direction of<br />

the introduction of a global tax. Emphasizing that<br />

the aim of the tax is to ensure a fair and equitable<br />

contribution from the financial sector to the costs<br />

of the banking crisis, the ministry pointed out that<br />

the tax complements other regulatory measures<br />

taken by the coalition government, notably Germany's<br />

draft high frequency trading law.<br />

Insisting that the future financial transactions tax<br />

must include all possible financial instruments,<br />

have a wide base and a low tax rate, the Finance<br />

55<br />

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Ministry warned that the levy should not merely<br />

be limited to financial transactions carried out on<br />

the stock markets and regulated trading platforms<br />

but should also apply to trading taking place outside<br />

of this sphere.<br />

EU Tax Commissioner Algirdas Šemeta said that<br />

the agreement to allow eleven member states to<br />

move ahead with a harmonized FTT represented a<br />

“major milestone.”<br />

Š emeta stated: “It is a milestone for EU tax policy,<br />

as it paves the way for more ambitious member<br />

states to progress on a tax file, even when unanimity<br />

could not be achieved. Those who want<br />

to move ahead, and who appreciate the merits<br />

of working more closely on taxation at EU-level,<br />

can do so. This is a highly significant and very<br />

welcome advance.”<br />

He concluded: “For the first time ever, the financial<br />

transactions tax will be applied at regional<br />

level. A block representing around two thirds of<br />

EU GDP will implement this fair tax together,<br />

answering the long-time calls of their citizens.<br />

And in doing so, they can pave the way for others<br />

to do the same.”<br />

US Lawmakers Reintroduce FTT Bill<br />

Senator Tom Harkin (D - Iowa) and Representative<br />

Peter DeFazio (D - Oregon), while welcoming<br />

the news that a group of 11 European Union<br />

(EU) countries have been given the go-ahead to<br />

implement a financial transaction tax (FTT), have<br />

decided to reintroduce legislation to impose such a<br />

tax in the United States.<br />

The Wall Street Trading and Speculators Tax would<br />

place a levy of 0.03% on most non-consumer financial<br />

trading transactions, including stocks, bonds<br />

and other debts, except for their initial issuance.<br />

The tax would also cover all derivative contracts,<br />

options, puts, forward contracts, swaps and other<br />

complex instruments at their actual cost. It would<br />

exclude retirement and education savings.<br />

This compares with the proposed EU FTT, which<br />

could be levied on the exchange of shares and bonds<br />

at a rate of 0.1% and on derivative contracts at a<br />

rate of 0.01%.<br />

“Our FTT proposal raises considerable revenue (estimated<br />

at USD352bn over 10 years) with little impact on<br />

economically beneficial transactions,” Harkin explained,<br />

continuing: “It is a tax that does not harm small businesses<br />

or the middle class and Wall Street can certainly<br />

afford it. I applaud the action taken by the EU today and<br />

hope that we will soon have US action on this issue.”<br />

“In the coming months, our country will need to<br />

make hard decisions to get back on sound fiscal<br />

footing. Our financial transaction tax should be a<br />

no-brainer,” DeFazio added.<br />

“I, too, applaud the EU. (Its) action mean(s) there<br />

will be less opportunity to shift US trading overseas<br />

to avoid a US FTT. Wall Street's criticisms of an<br />

FTT are rapidly shrinking.”<br />

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Cayman Clarifies Fund Registration<br />

Rules<br />

The Cayman Mutual Funds (Amendment) Law,<br />

20<strong>12</strong>, became effective on January 10, 2013, clarifying<br />

registration requirements for some master funds.<br />

The Cayman Islands introduced registration requirements<br />

for master funds in The Mutual Funds<br />

(Amendment) Bill, 2011, which was passed by the<br />

Cayman Islands' legislative assembly in December<br />

2011. The registration requirements impact openended<br />

master funds, where investors can buy into<br />

the scheme directly from the fund on an ongoing<br />

basis, rather than purchasing equity from existing<br />

investors, as would be the case after the initial offering<br />

of shares in a closed-ended fund.<br />

The newly-effective Mutual Funds (Amendment)<br />

Law 20<strong>12</strong> seeks to clarify the definitions<br />

of feeder fund, regulated feeder fund and<br />

master fund to eliminate any uncertainty as to<br />

whether the registration requirements apply to<br />

a master fund. It also introduces a provision<br />

that requires non-resident mutual fund administrators<br />

to file an annual declaration with the<br />

Financial Services Authority and pay the prescribed<br />

fee before January 31 each year in respect<br />

of any regulated mutual fund that that<br />

person administers.<br />

Prior to the change in 2011, master funds with fewer<br />

than 15 feeders/investors were exempt from having<br />

to register with the Financial Services Authority.<br />

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<strong>ISSUE</strong> <strong>12</strong> | JANUARY 31, 2013<br />

Switzerland - Analysis<br />

Th e emphasis in Switzerland this week was very<br />

much on cooperation, as it was announced that<br />

the new Tax Administrative Assistance Act (which<br />

governs the execution of administrative assistance<br />

under double taxation agreements) will be coming<br />

into force on February 1, 2013.<br />

Separately it emerged that although the treaty between<br />

Austria and Switzerland has entered into<br />

force, the Austrian authorities must wait to get their<br />

hands on the additional revenue to be generated by<br />

the withholding tax on undisclosed assets.<br />

Still on the subject of vices, it was also reported this<br />

week that the Swiss authorities are planning to reorganize<br />

the collection of “sin taxes,” to bring them<br />

under one department, in the interests of reducing<br />

costs and improving the efficiency of collection.<br />

Austria To Wait For Revenues From<br />

Swiss Tax Deal<br />

Austria will have to wait for around six months before<br />

revenues start to flow from the bilateral withholding<br />

tax deal concluded with Switzerland.<br />

Based on the tax treaties concluded between Switzerland<br />

and the UK and Switzerland and Germany,<br />

the Swiss-Austrian tax deal signed in April, 20<strong>12</strong>,<br />

provides for a withholding tax levied on undisclosed<br />

assets held by Austrian residents in Swiss<br />

banks to regularize the accounts. The agreement<br />

also contains plans to impose an annual withholding<br />

tax on future investment income.<br />

Th e treaty entered into force as planned on January<br />

1, 2013.<br />

The Austrian Finance Ministry is anticipating income<br />

from one-off withholding tax payments<br />

of around EUR1bn (USD1.3bn), and a further<br />

EUR50m annually from the 25% tax on future<br />

capital gains, the same rate as applied in Austria.<br />

Despite the fact that the accord entered into force<br />

at the beginning of the year, revenues will not flow<br />

to Austria straight away as taxpayers have until May<br />

31 to decide whether to settle the withholding tax<br />

due on capital or to elect to report their investments<br />

via a voluntary tax declaration. The taxation of illiquid<br />

assets, such as shares and bonds, may delay<br />

expected income yet further, as this process will undoubtedly<br />

prove more complicated.<br />

Th e withholding tax rates provided for in the<br />

agreement vary between 15% and a maximum<br />

of 38% for large banking deposits. According<br />

to the Austrian Finance Ministry, the actual rate<br />

of the withholding tax imposed will depend in<br />

part on whether the money placed in Switzerland<br />

since 2003 was the result of a one-off deposit<br />

or of continuing payments, referred to as<br />

“black sources,” and indicative of efforts aimed<br />

at avoiding corporation or income tax.<br />

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Opponents of the bilateral deal lament the fact that<br />

the provisions are too lenient, and allow tax evaders<br />

to preserve their anonymity.<br />

Swiss Tax Administrative Assistance<br />

Act In Force Soon<br />

Th e Swiss Federal Council has recently resolved to<br />

bring the new Tax Administrative Assistance Act<br />

into force on February 1, 2013.<br />

Switzerland's Tax Administrative Assistance Act<br />

(TAAA) governs the execution of administrative<br />

assistance under double taxation agreements. Approved<br />

by Parliament on September 28, 20<strong>12</strong>, the<br />

referendum deadline expired on January 17, 2013<br />

without a referendum being called.<br />

The existing ordinance governing the implementation<br />

of double taxation agreements will be repealed<br />

when the TAAA comes into force.<br />

Group requests in accordance with the international<br />

standard are also permitted with the entry<br />

into force of the TAAA. Such requests require a<br />

description of the action taken by bank clients to<br />

avoid taxation and must be clearly distinct from<br />

“fishing expeditions.”<br />

In accordance with the Ordinance on Administrative<br />

Assistance in the Case of Group Requests According<br />

to International Tax Agreements, group requests<br />

for information are admissible from the date<br />

that the law enters into force.<br />

Switzerland Reorganizes 'Sin Tax'<br />

Collection<br />

Switzerland has announced plans to reorganize the<br />

taxes on beer, tobacco, and spirits, and to regroup<br />

the departments involved in tax collection into one<br />

single organizational unit.<br />

Within the framework of a total revision of the<br />

law on alcohol, the Swiss Federal Department<br />

of Finance (FDF) intends to integrate the Swiss<br />

Alcohol Board into the Swiss Customs Administration<br />

(SCA), transferring competencies relating<br />

to the taxes on beer, tobacco and spirits, as<br />

well as regulations governing the alcohol market,<br />

to the SCA.<br />

The decision is to be implemented following entry<br />

into force of the revised legislation on alcohol.<br />

According to the FDF, the regrouping of the<br />

different consumption taxes within the SCA<br />

opens up a number of opportunities, notably<br />

as regards the collection of taxes. It will also reduce<br />

administrative costs for businesses and for<br />

the authorities themselves.<br />

Switzerland Extends VAT Perk<br />

For Hoteliers<br />

The Swiss Federal Council has recently approved<br />

plans to extend until 2017 the special value-added<br />

tax (VAT) rate of 3.8% accorded to the hotel industry<br />

for accommodation services.<br />

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Th e decision is in accordance with an initiative submitted<br />

by the Committee for Economic Affairs and<br />

Taxation (CEAT) of the Swiss National Council.<br />

Introduced in 1996, the special VAT rate benefiting<br />

the hotel industry, currently in force until the<br />

end of 2013, has already been extended four times.<br />

The last time was within the framework of the total<br />

revision of Switzerland's VAT law.<br />

reduced VAT rate and will no longer benefit<br />

from a special VAT rate. However, given the<br />

need to modify the constitution, necessitating<br />

the approval of both the Swiss people and cantons,<br />

the new model is not expected to enter<br />

into force before 2016.<br />

As an interim measure, it was agreed that the current<br />

special VAT rate be extended.<br />

On December 21, 2011, the Swiss National Council<br />

rejected plans for the introduction of a single<br />

VAT rate, as recommended by the Federal Council.<br />

The National Council requested instead that the<br />

future VAT model be based on two VAT rates.<br />

Consequently, in accordance with the reform,<br />

the hotel sector will in future be subject to a<br />

According to the Swiss Federal Department of<br />

Finance (FDF), this decision will lead to a shortfall<br />

of tax revenue of CHF180m (USD193m) a<br />

year, representing a total shortfall of EUR720m<br />

over four years. Given the size of the sum, the<br />

measure will have to be compensated by a reduction<br />

of expenditure or by a rise in taxes, the<br />

FDF states.<br />

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<strong>ISSUE</strong> <strong>12</strong> | JANUARY 31, 2013<br />

Analysis<br />

Although very different in terms of their cultures<br />

and economies, the BRIC countries (Brazil,<br />

Russia, India and China) have a number of<br />

areas of common interest, including the development<br />

of up-to-date, comprehensive and fit for<br />

purpose transfer pricing rules, and it emerged<br />

this week that the heads of revenue of the four<br />

countries have identified a number of areas of<br />

tax policy and administration in which a cooperative<br />

approach would be useful in advancing<br />

their cause.<br />

In the UK, meanwhile, the government was<br />

very much on the warpath with regard to businesses<br />

avoiding or illegally minimizing their tax<br />

liabilities using transfer pricing, as it emerged<br />

that HM Revenue and Customs' Large Business<br />

Service is chasing almost 50% more tax relating<br />

to such abuses than it sought to recover the<br />

previous year.<br />

Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos,<br />

Prime Minister David Cameron sought to hammer<br />

the government's stance on this issue home, while<br />

having a sneaky dig at Starbucks (which was caught<br />

in the tax-dodging act by the Public Accounts<br />

Committee late last year, and committed to paying<br />

an additional GBP20m (USD31.3m) in extra<br />

tax over the next two years) by suggesting that tax<br />

dodging businesses “need to wake up and smell the<br />

coffee because the public who buy from them have<br />

had enough.”<br />

BRICS Countries Agree To Greater<br />

Cooperation In Tax Administration<br />

The heads of revenue of the BRIC countries (Brazil,<br />

Russia, India and China) have identified seven areas<br />

of tax policy and administration where they can<br />

extend their mutual cooperation, and have agreed<br />

to establish a central point of contact in each jurisdiction<br />

for further coordination on tax issues.<br />

Th e commitments are outlined in a joint communique<br />

issued by the BRICS countries following a<br />

two day meeting in India. Representatives of the<br />

various tax administrations met “to discuss the potential<br />

areas of cooperation based on our existing<br />

commitment to openness, solidarity, mutual understanding<br />

and trust.”<br />

Among the topics covered were international taxation,<br />

transfer pricing, the prevention of cross-border<br />

tax evasion and avoidance, the exchange of information,<br />

the sharing of best practices in tax system<br />

administration and the resolution of disputes.<br />

Last year, the BRICS Finance Ministers and Central<br />

Bank Governors declared that all countries<br />

would develop a cooperative approach on issues<br />

relating to international taxation, transfer pricing,<br />

the exchange of information and tax evasion<br />

and avoidance. The communique sets out<br />

the heads of revenues' agreement to extend this<br />

cooperation on the following issues of tax policy<br />

and tax administration:<br />

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To contribute to the development of international<br />

standards on international taxation and transfer<br />

pricing, taking into account the aspirations of<br />

developing countries in general and the BRIC<br />

countries in particular;<br />

To strengthen enforcement processes by taking appropriate<br />

actions for non-compliance and putting<br />

more resources into international cooperation;<br />

The sharing of best practices and capacity building;<br />

The sharing of anti-tax evasion and non-compliance<br />

practices, including abuse of treaty benefits<br />

and the shifting of profits;<br />

Th e development of a joint mechanism to facilitate<br />

the countering of abusive tax avoidance<br />

transactions, arrangements, shelters and schemes;<br />

The promotion of effective exchange of information;<br />

and<br />

Any other issues of common interest and concerns<br />

related to taxation.<br />

Participants also committed to preventing tax base<br />

erosion through practices including the abuse of<br />

tax treaty benefits, the incomplete disclosure of information<br />

and fraudulent claims. They pledged to<br />

work together to produce a paper on these subjects.<br />

A central point of contact will be established in<br />

each of the BRIC countries for coordination on<br />

tax issues. These contacts will identify issues of<br />

common interest in international taxation and<br />

transfer pricing, and will interact and meet regularly,<br />

including pre-meeting before important<br />

multilateral meetings, with the aim of setting out<br />

a common response.<br />

Th e agreed common response will then be communicated<br />

to those international organizations working<br />

on the creation of standards on international<br />

taxation and transfer pricing.<br />

UK Cracking Down On Transfer<br />

Pricing Abuse<br />

The UK's revenue agency has stepped up its crackdown<br />

on businesses it suspects are using transfer<br />

pricing to avoid taxes, new research has shown.<br />

Research by international law firm, Pinsent Masons<br />

found that HM Revenue and Customs'<br />

(HMRC's) Large Business Service is going after<br />

GBP1bn (USD1.57bn) of tax linked to transfer<br />

pricing issues. This is up 47% on last year's figure<br />

of GBP680m.<br />

The Service is responsible for the taxes paid by the<br />

770 largest businesses in the UK. Pinsent Masons<br />

believes that the figures are indicative of the increased<br />

compliance activity being undertaken by<br />

HMRC and of the interest taken in where multinationals<br />

with UK operations pay their taxes.<br />

Heather Self, Partner at Pinsent Masons, explained<br />

that: “With increased pressure from the<br />

government to bring in more revenue, and more<br />

resources to investigate potential avoidance and<br />

evasion, HMRC has been investigating more<br />

and more tax payments. This doesn't necessarily<br />

mean there is more avoidance or evasion taking<br />

place, but that HMRC is being more thorough<br />

with its investigations.”<br />

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Transfer pricing can affect the profits reported in<br />

different markets, because it concerns the charges<br />

made between the different parts of an international<br />

business for goods, services, or intangible assets.<br />

Transfer pricing has come under the microscope to<br />

a greater extent in the UK in recent months, with<br />

a number of multinationals, including Amazon,<br />

Google, and Starbucks, facing sustained criticism<br />

late last year from lawmakers.<br />

In December, Parliament's Public Accounts Committee<br />

(PAC) issued a highly critical report on<br />

HMRC's ability to deal with large corporations<br />

which generate significant income in the UK but<br />

which appear to pay little or no tax there. In an<br />

unprecedented move, Starbucks offered to pay<br />

HMRC around GBP20m in extra tax over the next<br />

two years after coming under fire over the figures it<br />

revealed in PAC hearings.<br />

Pinsent Masons is however warning against what it<br />

calls knee-jerk reactions, and Self argued that the UK<br />

“has to accept that it cannot change the law on transfer<br />

pricing or the taxation of revenues unilaterally.”<br />

Th e concern is that if the government “followed<br />

through on the calls by MPs and campaigners to<br />

change unilaterally tax laws governing multinationals,<br />

the UK’s reputation as a stable place to do business<br />

would be put at risk,” Self stressed.<br />

The government is committed to the introduction of a<br />

General Anti-Abuse Rule (GAAR), which is expected<br />

to enter into force this coming financial year. The aim is<br />

for the GAAR to apply to the main direct taxes (income<br />

tax, corporation tax, capital gains tax and petroleum<br />

revenue tax) and to National Insurance. An Advisory<br />

Panel will be charged with giving opinions on specific<br />

cases and approving HMRC guidance on the new rule.<br />

Cameron Attacks Tax Avoidance<br />

At Davos<br />

Britain's Prime Minister has taken aim at tax avoidance,<br />

using a speech at the World Economic Forum<br />

in Davos to attack the way “some companies navigate<br />

their way around legitimate tax systems” and<br />

explaining that the UK has committed hundreds of<br />

millions to cracking down on avoidance.<br />

David Cameron argued that it was “corrosive of<br />

the public trust” when businesses weren't seen to<br />

be paying tax, and that businesses who think they<br />

can continue to dodge their “fair share” of tax “need<br />

to wake up and smell the coffee because the public<br />

who buy from them have had enough.”<br />

He added that: “After years of abuse, people across<br />

the planet are rightly calling for more action, and<br />

most importantly, there is gathering political will to<br />

actually do something about it.”<br />

Responding to a question about whether the “enormous<br />

moral and public pressure to pay more tax”<br />

would discourage investment in the UK, Cameron<br />

stated that “Britain has got a great offer for business.”<br />

He explained that corporation tax was coming down<br />

close to 20%, and that the “patent box” would slash<br />

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this to 10% for items that are invented in the UK.<br />

In return, companies should pay their fair share.<br />

observing that this could be worth around USD-<br />

70bn to the global economy.<br />

Cameron also called for more multilateral deals on<br />

automatic information exchange, including with<br />

developing counties, observing that: “The fact is,<br />

the poorer the nation, the more they need tax revenues,<br />

but often the weaker the capacity they have<br />

to collect them. But we must not let them off the<br />

hook – it can be done.”<br />

Cameron cited the example of Ethiopia, explaining<br />

that UK involvement in tax collection there has led<br />

to a seven-fold increase in tax collection over the<br />

last decade.<br />

Along with tax, Cameron's speech also emphasized<br />

the issues of trade and of transparency within the<br />

developing world. He complained that trade is still<br />

choked off by barriers and bureaucracy, and he noted<br />

negotiations with the European Union and with<br />

Canada, Singapore, and Japan, as well as the beginning<br />

of negotiations on an EU-US trade agreement.<br />

The UK Prime Minister further expressed a hope<br />

that the Ministerial Conference in Bali in December<br />

2013 would “sweep away trade bureaucracy,”<br />

As regards transparency, Cameron explained that “we're<br />

going to push for more transparency on who owns companies,<br />

on who's buying up land and for what purpose,<br />

on how governments spend their money, on how gas,<br />

oil and mining companies operate, and on who is hiding<br />

stolen assets and how we recover and return them.”<br />

John Cridland, Director-General of the Confederation<br />

of British Industry, expressed support for<br />

Cameron's attack on tax avoidance, observing that:<br />

“The majority of businesses pay the right amount of<br />

tax, and for the small minority which do not, times<br />

are getting tougher, and rightly so. The CBI does not<br />

condone highly abusive avoidance schemes which<br />

serve no commercial purpose other than the minimization<br />

of tax, even if they are legal. In some cases the<br />

tax system is lagging behind commercial reality, particularly<br />

around the taxation of the digital economy<br />

and transfer pricing. As the Prime Minister highlights,<br />

the UK needs to work together with other countries,<br />

including the G8, to change the rules where appropriate,<br />

so that they are fit for the global business age.”<br />

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<strong>ISSUE</strong> <strong>12</strong> | JANUARY 31, 2013<br />

Aerospace - Analysis<br />

The news was not great this week for budget airline,<br />

Flybe, which — blaming the UK's Air Passenger<br />

Duty (APD) — revealed that it will be cutting its UK<br />

employee roster significantly in order to cut costs.<br />

However, things were a bit more optimistic in<br />

Jersey, where the Minister for Economic Development,<br />

Alan Maclean was able to discuss the<br />

tax benefits likely to be afforded by registration<br />

with the forthcoming new joint Channel Islands<br />

Aircraft Registry, and to point to possible<br />

schemes under consideration to make the Registry<br />

uniquely attractive.<br />

Flybe Looks To Free Itself From<br />

UK APD Stranglehold<br />

Budget airline Flybe has announced that it<br />

will slash its UK workforce by 300, and has<br />

blamed the UK's Air Passenger Duty (APD)<br />

for its declining profitability.<br />

“Today’s announcement of a turnaround strategy<br />

for the UK business is a clear indication that Flybe<br />

has a plan not only to address the challenges we face,<br />

but also one to exploit the opportunities available,<br />

particularly in Europe,” he explained, continuing:<br />

“It is the first time in almost 30 years of business<br />

that we have had to take such action. However,<br />

faced with the brutal impact of a 160% rise in Air<br />

Passenger Duty over the past six years and the consequent<br />

20% decline in domestic traffic over the<br />

same period, we have to recalibrate the business.<br />

There is no escape from the GBP68m per year APD<br />

tax burden which Flybe has to pay as a result of<br />

increases successive governments have levied on the<br />

industry. Flybe now pays more than 18% of our<br />

ticket revenues to the government in APD, whilst<br />

other UK-based carriers who operate a greater proportion<br />

of their business outside of the UK pay less<br />

than 6%.”<br />

According to a filing with the London Stock Exchange<br />

on January 23, 2013, Flybe is to cut approximately<br />

300 jobs in the UK, from its Exeter,<br />

Manchester and Newcastle operations, to help<br />

achieve cost savings of GBP35m (USD55m).<br />

Flybe's Chief Executive, Jim French, revealed that<br />

the company's “turnaround plan” will involve an<br />

increased presence in Europe, where the tax burden<br />

on airlines is less onerous, and fewer flights in the<br />

United Kingdom.<br />

Concluding, French stated that: “Recognizing that<br />

any significant change to either the UK economy<br />

or the redistribution of APD is likely to be some<br />

way off, this announcement represents a clear and<br />

realistic plan with a measurable timescale and<br />

benchmarks, based upon significant restructuring<br />

and cost reduction to return Flybe to profitability.”<br />

UK APD is the most draconian tax of its type<br />

worldwide, and critics have said that the government<br />

has transformed the environmental levy into<br />

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a crisis-time “cash cow.” APD on fares has risen<br />

markedly since the levy was first introduced in<br />

1994, from rates of between GBP5-10, to GBP13-<br />

184 at present. APD is to rise again on April 1,<br />

2013, and business jets will also be brought into<br />

the tax net.<br />

Jersey Minister Gives Channel Island<br />

Aircraft Registry Update<br />

Responding to the findings of a Scrutiny Panel review<br />

of progress towards the new joint Channel<br />

Islands Aircraft Registry, Jersey's Minister for Economic<br />

Development, Alan Maclean has begun to<br />

address the unique selling points the Registry will<br />

offer in tax terms.<br />

In discussing the proposed registry, the Scrutiny<br />

Panel, which acts as an independent government<br />

oversight panel, noted that companies that register<br />

aircraft in the Isle of Man are in a unique position<br />

which enables them to become registered for valueadded<br />

tax (VAT), and through corporate ownership<br />

structures to claim back VAT on purchases.<br />

Jersey is not in such a position, and will need to<br />

determine its own unique selling proposition, the<br />

Panel pointed out.<br />

Maclean responded: “The issue of competitive disadvantage<br />

to the Isle of Man and other Registries<br />

presented by VAT is a challenge, but does not appear<br />

to be insurmountable.”<br />

He pointed out that the Channel Islands Strategic<br />

Case report established that, due to the different<br />

VAT regimes, it was likely that different clients<br />

would be attracted to the Channel Islands Registry<br />

than those using the Isle of Man, depending upon<br />

their place of business and the planned base of activity<br />

for their aircraft.<br />

“Discussions are currently ongoing with Economic<br />

Development and Guernsey’s Commerce and Employment<br />

Department. Officials from both islands<br />

are working together to seek to identify the best<br />

way to proceed and hope to be able to make an announcement<br />

on a final decision very shortly.”<br />

He agreed with the Panel's suggestion that allowing<br />

the registration of aircraft under fractional ownership<br />

could present a viable unique selling point for<br />

the Registry and revealed that the two governments<br />

are considering the option.<br />

Reviewing progress towards the registry, which is<br />

expected to be launched this year, Maclean confirmed<br />

that it had been agreed that due to Guernsey's<br />

pro-active leadership in spearheading the development<br />

of the necessary legislation, the Registry<br />

will be based in Guernsey.<br />

Jersey will benefit from its establishment through an<br />

increase in retail sales, and associated financial services<br />

and wealth management business, Maclean suggested.<br />

Responding to additional feedback from the Scrutiny<br />

Panel on the competitive disadvantage Jersey<br />

faces in terms of the island's 5% Goods and Services<br />

Tax, Maclean explained that the government<br />

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was looking at measures to mitigate the potential<br />

impact of the island's sales tax on visitor numbers<br />

and associated business flows.<br />

Lastly, Maclean confirmed that the governments<br />

had abandoned immediate plans to jointly develop<br />

a Category 1 Shipping Registry, but highlighted<br />

there were no barriers to Jersey considering a move<br />

to Category 1 in isolation, to establish a Category 1<br />

Channel Islands Registry to be based in Jersey.<br />

Flat Year For Embraer In 20<strong>12</strong><br />

Brazilian jet manufacturer Embraer saw almost<br />

no increase in aircraft deliveries in 20<strong>12</strong> in the<br />

commercial and business jet market, after seeing<br />

deliveries of its flagship E-Jet family model<br />

jump 28% in 2011, but will benefit from Brazilian<br />

tax breaks.<br />

Th e manufacturer reported that a strong fourth<br />

quarter of 20<strong>12</strong> helped push up volumes, with<br />

106 airplanes delivered to the airline market (105<br />

in 2011) and 99 to executive aviation (level with<br />

2011). Suggesting a slowdown in sales, the company's<br />

firm order backlog fell from USD15.4bn to<br />

USD<strong>12</strong>.5bn, despite a major deal concluded with<br />

an Irish lessor, Aldus Aviation Limited in the final<br />

quarter of 20<strong>12</strong>.<br />

Embraer confirmed on January 17, 2013, that Aldus<br />

had signed a contract to purchase 20 E-Jets -<br />

five EMBRAER 175s and 15 EMBRAER 190s.<br />

The contract also includes 15 purchase rights for<br />

any E-Jet family model. The deal can reach a total<br />

of USD1.56bn.<br />

Since 2004, Embraer has delivered over 900 E-Jets.<br />

The aircraft, which seats between 70 and <strong>12</strong>0 passengers,<br />

is used by 63 airlines in 43 countries.<br />

Founded in 1969, Embraer is the world's largest<br />

manufacturer of commercial jets up to <strong>12</strong>0 seats,<br />

and one of Brazil's leading exporters. Embraer's<br />

headquarters are located in Sao Jose dos Campos,<br />

Sao Paulo, and it has offices, industrial operations<br />

and customer service facilities in Brazil, China,<br />

France, Portugal, Singapore, and the US. Embraer's<br />

profits dropped in the first half of 20<strong>12</strong>, partly due<br />

to a higher tax charge, but will have benefited in<br />

the second half from a payroll tax holiday, part of<br />

the Brazilian government's support package for domestic<br />

industries.<br />

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<strong>ISSUE</strong> <strong>12</strong> | JANUARY 31, 2013<br />

Analysis<br />

Many Western countries would like to have the<br />

Asian problem of excessive property prices. Singapore,<br />

China and Hong Kong have all been lining up<br />

to try to throttle back exuberant real estate markets.<br />

So this week's real estate and property tax focus has<br />

something of an Asian flavor, with the authorities<br />

in Hong Kong threatening developers with a tax on<br />

unsold properties. And in Shanghai, one of only<br />

two cities in China currently piloting a property<br />

tax, it was announced that the threshold for the top<br />

rate of property tax had been adjusted for 2013.<br />

in order to produce homes and reduce their current<br />

shortage for Hong Kong’s residents.<br />

A construction completion date is specified in development<br />

land leases, but property developers are<br />

not restricted by any stipulation on when the sales<br />

of the new flats must be held. There are, presently,<br />

4,000 unsold new flats, and a 4% overall vacancy<br />

rate, in the private sector. It is estimated that, of<br />

the 6,100 flats built by the private sector last year,<br />

2,000 remain unsold, while, of the 9,400 flats built<br />

in 2011, 1,000 are still vacant.<br />

In the United States, however, the focus was on<br />

property owners in financial distress, with the<br />

Internal Revenue Service providing guidance<br />

on the Home Affordable Modification Program<br />

(HAMP), which helps homeowners to lower their<br />

mortgage payments.<br />

Hong Kong Considers Vacant<br />

Property Tax<br />

During a radio interview, Hong Kong’s Chief Executive<br />

Leung Chun-ying has warned that the government<br />

could introduce a tax on unsold new homes,<br />

in order to prevent developers hoarding them for<br />

resale at higher prices.<br />

Leung stressed that the government could not sit<br />

and do nothing if there was evidence of properties<br />

being held back by developers, purely for capital<br />

gain. Property is released to developers, he added,<br />

It is likely that a “vacancy” tax would be levied as a percentage<br />

(as yet unspecified) of a flat's rental value. A tax<br />

rate has not yet been indicated, but it has been pointed<br />

out that it would need to be greater than the developers'<br />

prospective investment return to be effective.<br />

The suggestion has been criticized, however, with<br />

opponents arguing that it was likely, by forcing developers<br />

to sell flats immediately, to reduce future<br />

interest in development applications, and would<br />

also be a further example of the government interfering<br />

in the operation of the free-market economy.<br />

The Chief Executive's warning comes not long after<br />

the government raised all levels of the Special<br />

Stamp Duty for properties resold within 24 months<br />

of purchase, and introduced a 15% Buyer's Stamp<br />

Duty for buyers of residential properties who are<br />

not Hong Kong permanent residents.<br />

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Th e government has said that it intends to assess<br />

the impact of those measures, and that further<br />

additions and readjustments could be made<br />

if necessary.<br />

Shanghai Modifies Property<br />

Tax Threshold<br />

In China, Shanghai's municipal government has<br />

announced an increase to the threshold over which<br />

its property tax will be paid at a higher rate.<br />

In 20<strong>12</strong>, property tax was levied at a preferential<br />

rate of 0.4% on homes purchased at no more than<br />

RMB26,896 (USD4,325) per square meter, but that<br />

will now be increased marginally to RMB27,740<br />

this year. Homes costing more than RMB27,740<br />

per square meter will pay the standard rate of 0.6%.<br />

The adjustment was necessary as, under Shanghai's<br />

property tax regulations, the 0.4% preferential rate<br />

is restricted to homes with a price per meter of not<br />

more than twice the average sale price of new homes<br />

in the city for the year before. In fact, new homes<br />

were sold at an average price of RMB13,870 per<br />

square meter in 20<strong>12</strong>.<br />

Chongqing, the only other city in China to levy a<br />

property tax, also increased its threshold this month.<br />

The Chinese government approved a property tax<br />

pilot scheme in 2011, to be imposed, initially, on<br />

luxury residential properties in the two cities, as<br />

part of its effort to try to bring under control the<br />

rapid increases that have been seen in the country's<br />

real estate prices.<br />

It is expected that there will be an increasing use of<br />

property taxation in China this year. However, the<br />

government appears to be continuing its study of<br />

the effect of the two property tax pilots before deciding<br />

on the appropriate tax structure to be rolled<br />

out in other cities.<br />

IRS Provides Guidance On Mortgage<br />

Reduction Incentive<br />

The United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS)<br />

has announced tax guidance for borrowers, mortgage<br />

loan holders and loan servicers who are participating<br />

in the Principal Reduction Alternative (PRA)<br />

investor incentive payments made through the<br />

Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP).<br />

To help financially distressed homeowners lower<br />

their monthly mortgage payments, the Treasury Department<br />

and Department of Housing and Urban<br />

Development have established HAMP, under which<br />

the principal of a borrower's mortgage may be reduced,<br />

over three years, by a predetermined amount<br />

called the PRA Forbearance Amount, if the borrower<br />

satisfies certain conditions over a trial period.<br />

More specifically, if the loan is in good standing on<br />

the first, second and third annual anniversaries of<br />

the effective date of the trial period, the loan servicer<br />

reduces the unpaid principal balance of the<br />

loan by one-third of the initial PRA Forbearance<br />

Amount on each anniversary date. This means that<br />

if the borrower continues to make timely payments<br />

on the loan for three years, the entire PRA Forbearance<br />

Amount is forgiven.<br />

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To encourage mortgage loan holders to participate,<br />

the HAMP program administrator will make an incentive<br />

payment to the loan holder (called a PRA<br />

investor incentive payment) for each of the three<br />

years in which the loan principal balance is reduced.<br />

The guidance issued by the IRS provides that PRA<br />

investor incentive payments made by the HAMP<br />

program administrator to mortgage loan holders are<br />

treated as payments on the mortgage loans by the<br />

US government on behalf of the borrowers. These<br />

payments are generally not taxable to the borrowers<br />

under the general welfare doctrine.<br />

On the other hand, if the principal amount of a<br />

mortgage loan is reduced by an amount that exceeds<br />

the total amount of the PRA investor incentive<br />

payments made to the mortgage loan holder,<br />

the borrower may be required to include the excess<br />

amount in gross income as income from the discharge<br />

of indebtedness. However, many borrowers<br />

will qualify for an exclusion from gross income.<br />

For example, a borrower may be eligible to exclude<br />

the discharge of indebtedness income from gross<br />

income if the discharge of indebtedness occurs (in<br />

other words, if the loan is modified) before January<br />

1, 2014, and the mortgage loan is qualified principal<br />

residence indebtedness, or the discharge of indebtedness<br />

occurs when the borrower is insolvent.<br />

Borrowers receiving aid under the HAMP–PRA<br />

program may report any discharge of indebtedness<br />

income, whether included in, or excluded<br />

from, gross income, either in the year of the permanent<br />

modification of the mortgage loan or ratably<br />

over the three years in which the mortgage<br />

loan principal is reduced on the servicer's books.<br />

Borrowers who exclude the discharge of indebtedness<br />

income must report both the amount of<br />

the income and any resulting reduction in basis<br />

or tax attributes.<br />

Th e guidance explains that mortgage loan holders<br />

are also required to file a form with respect to<br />

a borrower who realizes discharge of indebtedness<br />

income of USD600 or more for the year in which<br />

the permanent modification of the mortgage loan<br />

occurs. This rule applies regardless of when the borrower<br />

chooses to report the income, and regardless<br />

of whether the borrower excludes some or all of the<br />

amount from gross income.<br />

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<strong>ISSUE</strong> <strong>12</strong> | JANUARY 31, 2013<br />

Analysis<br />

Never one to shy away from the introduction of<br />

new or heavier taxes, and wanting to teach Google<br />

and its profit shifting peers a lesson, the French<br />

government is reported to be considering a recommendation<br />

for a new levy on “the exploitation<br />

of personal data”, such as is carried out by the<br />

search giant in order to direct targeted advertising<br />

to its users.<br />

In Barbados, meanwhile, there has been a storm in a<br />

rum glass this week. The jurisdiction, together with<br />

fellow CARICOM members, is in dispute with the<br />

United States over the latter's long-standing arrangement<br />

to route (or pour?) excise tax revenue<br />

relating to rum imported into the United States to<br />

the US Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico.<br />

And finally, the Indian authorities (never averse to<br />

a bit of tweaking), have announced import duty increases<br />

with regard to gold and platinum imports,<br />

in an attempt to moderate what Finance Minister<br />

P. Chidambaram has called a “huge drain on the<br />

current account.”<br />

French Report Advocates Internet Tax<br />

Th e French Finance Ministry has recently unveiled<br />

details of a report on taxation of the digital economy,<br />

submitted by state councilor Pierre Collin and<br />

government auditor Nicolas Colin.<br />

Commissioned in July last year, the report “offers a<br />

detailed and striking vision” of the rise in the digital<br />

economy and the importance of “the exploitation<br />

of personal data” in this growing sector. The report<br />

exposes the problem of profit relocation or shifting<br />

by companies, warning that this phenomenon will<br />

only increase if nothing is done to tax their activity<br />

in France.<br />

The report calls for a new tax to be introduced as a<br />

matter of urgency, based on the amount of personal<br />

information collected by internet companies such<br />

as Google which is used to direct personalized advertising<br />

and other services to users.<br />

As recommended in the report, the government intends<br />

to act within the G20, the Organization for<br />

Economic Cooperation and Development, and the<br />

EU to adapt existing international rules governing<br />

the taxation of profits to the realities of the digital<br />

economy, notably by championing plans to modify<br />

the definition of “permanent establishment.”<br />

Alluding to a preliminary report due to be presented<br />

to the G20 in mid-February, dealing with the issue<br />

of profit relocation, the French finance ministry<br />

emphasized that the so-called “BEPS” (Base Erosion<br />

and Profit Shifting) initiative offers a historic<br />

opportunity for France and its partners to make<br />

rapid advances in this area.<br />

At national level, the French government aims to<br />

pursue efforts to detect and to combat fraudulent<br />

behavior supported by digital technologies.<br />

71<br />

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Th e government has made clear that the idea of a<br />

national tax based on the use of personal data is<br />

to be explored in detail in parallel with other proposals<br />

that have already been put forward aimed at<br />

resolving the issue, including notably the idea of<br />

taxing electronic trade.<br />

Also, the USVI has controversially provided some<br />

USD2.7bn in tax breaks to enable the company to<br />

export its Captain Morgan Rum to the United States<br />

at a price significantly lower than offered by other<br />

Caribbean territories, prompting complaints from<br />

CARICOM countries about unfair competition.<br />

Caribbean To Stand Its Ground On<br />

Rum Tax Dispute<br />

Barbados's Prime Minister, Freundel Stuart, has<br />

stated that the government, and its peers in the<br />

Caribbean Community, will not back down in the<br />

rum tax dispute with the United States until business<br />

conditions are fair between the US Virgin Islands,<br />

Puerto Rico, and the rest of the Caribbean.<br />

The dispute relates to long-standing tax provisions<br />

in the United States, dating back to 1917 for Puerto<br />

Rico and 1954 for the US Virgin Islands, which<br />

provide that any excise tax collected on rum imported<br />

into the United States is transferred to or<br />

“covered-over” to the treasuries of Puerto Rico and<br />

the USVI. The law does not impose any restrictions<br />

on how the two territories can use the transferred<br />

revenues, and historically both territories have used<br />

some portion of the revenue to promote and assist<br />

their rum industries.<br />

Recently, the USVI has dedicated a larger share of<br />

current and future covered-over revenue to help finance<br />

public and private infrastructure that would<br />

directly benefit the rum industry, in particular industry<br />

giant Diageo.<br />

Freundel reassured local rum producers that the<br />

governments are still working towards a solution,<br />

explaining that: “The government of Barbados has<br />

had to take a stand on this issue, and under my instructions,<br />

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign<br />

Trade has communicated with the US government.<br />

And, of course, very recent discussions have<br />

taken place between CARICOM countries, the<br />

Dominican Republic and the United States Trade<br />

Representative with a view to addressing the more<br />

pressing concerns of rum producers, not only here<br />

in Barbados, but in other parts of the Caribbean.”<br />

While CARICOM and the Dominican Republic<br />

hope to achieve an amicable resolution in consultations<br />

with the United States, Freundel underscored<br />

that the territories would not “relax [their] persistence<br />

on this issue. We do not intend to allow rum<br />

producers in the Caribbean to be so severely disadvantaged<br />

by this market distortion which has resulted<br />

from these overwhelming, if I may use that<br />

word, subsidies being extended to producers in the<br />

US Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico.”<br />

In August, CARICOM members warned of the<br />

potential long-term damage to their rum industries<br />

as a result of the measures and warned that if the<br />

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matter could not be resolved with US officials, the<br />

bloc would consider taking the matter to the World<br />

Trade Organization.<br />

India Hikes Gold Import Duty<br />

The Indian government has hiked the import duty<br />

on gold and platinum with immediate effect, in a<br />

bid to moderate demand and rein in the current<br />

account deficit.<br />

Th e initiative forms part of a package of reforms<br />

to India's treatment of gold imports announced by<br />

Finance Minister P. Chidambaram.<br />

Earlier this month, Chidambaram labeled gold<br />

imports a “huge drain on the current account.”<br />

Imports in the 2011-<strong>12</strong> financial year were worth<br />

USD56.5bn, and estimates for the current year to<br />

end-December, 20<strong>12</strong> put the value at USD38bn.<br />

The levy was doubled last year, from 2% to 4%.<br />

Chidambaram's latest hike of 2% places the new<br />

duty rate at 6%.<br />

Philippines Looks To Tax Online Traders<br />

As part of its efforts to increase revenue while improving<br />

tax compliance, the Philippines Bureau of<br />

Internal Revenue (BIR) has indicated that it will<br />

increase its focus on online traders and the websites<br />

that they use.<br />

As it looks to widen further the Philippines tax base,<br />

the BIR is focusing not only on the regular online<br />

traders using so-called “buy and sell” websites without<br />

registering with the BIR to pay their taxes, but<br />

also on the website operators themselves (said to<br />

include eBay, Sulit and AyosDito) that allow them<br />

to do so without checking their tax credentials.<br />

BIR Commissioner Kim Henares has confirmed recently<br />

that cases can be filed against both the sellers<br />

of the goods and also the websites that allow individuals<br />

to trade online, as the latter act in much the<br />

same way as mall operators that lease commercial<br />

space to entrepreneurs and, under the country's tax<br />

code, have to ensure that their tenants are issuing<br />

receipts and are registered with the tax authority.<br />

Th e government says that consequential changes<br />

in additional customs duty and excise duty will be<br />

implemented via notifications dealing with the import<br />

duty/excise duty on gold ore bars, gold ores<br />

and refined gold. These duties will be reviewed if<br />

there is a drop in import quantities.<br />

She also confirmed that the BIR could move immediately<br />

against the online traders and websites<br />

under existing tax regulations which state that, for<br />

each sale of goods or service provided valued at or<br />

above PHP25, receipts have to be issued by the seller<br />

or provider.<br />

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<strong>ISSUE</strong> <strong>12</strong> | JANUARY 31, 2013<br />


Signature<br />

China and Ecuador signed a DTA on January 21,<br />

2013.<br />


Signature<br />

Croatia and Georgia signed a DTA on January 18, 2013.<br />


Negotiations<br />

According to preliminary media reports, the Czech<br />

Republic and Kazakhstan are holding negotiations<br />

on a protocol to their existing DTA on January 28-<br />

31, 2013.<br />


Draft<br />

Ecuador's Ministry for Foreign Affairs said that it<br />

expects to sign a new DTA with Qatar on February<br />

15, 2013, following meetings that concluded<br />

on January 17, 2013.<br />


Signature<br />

Guernsey signed Comprehensive DTAs with the<br />

Isle of Man and Jersey on January 24, 2013.<br />


Ratified<br />

Argentina on January 14, 2013 completed the nation's<br />

ratification of the TIEA signed with India,<br />

with the publication of legislation to this end in its<br />

Official Gazette,.<br />


Signature<br />

Th e United States and Japan signed a Protocol to<br />

the existing DTA on January 24, 2013.<br />


Signature<br />

Jersey signed new comprehensive DTAs containing<br />

tax information exchange provisions with the other<br />

Crown Dependencies on a trilateral basis, on January<br />

24, 2013.<br />

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Signature<br />

Jersey signed new TIEAs with Brazil and Latvia on<br />

January 28, 2013.<br />


Initialed<br />

According to preliminary media reports, Lithuania<br />

and Qatar initialed a DTA on January 24, 2013.<br />


Effective<br />

The DTA and an accompanying Protocol signed<br />

between Malta and Saudi Arabia on January 4,<br />

20<strong>12</strong>, became effective on January 1, 2013, after<br />

coming into force on December 1, 20<strong>12</strong>.<br />


Effective<br />

According to information published by Mexican<br />

authorities on January 17, 2013, three new DTAs,<br />

with Bahrain, Lithuania, and Ukraine, as well as a<br />

Protocol to the 1994 Mexico-Singapore DTA signed<br />

in 2009, became effective on January 1, 2013.<br />


Effective<br />

According to information published by the Mexican<br />

government on January 17, 2013, new TIEAs between<br />

Mexico and Costa Rica, and Mexico and the Cayman<br />

Islands, became effective on January 1, 2013.<br />


Ratified<br />

The Philippines Senate ratified three double tax<br />

agreements signed by the Philippines with France,<br />

Qatar and Kuwait on January 22, 2013.<br />


Ratified<br />

Russia's lower house of Parliament approved a law<br />

on January 18, 2013, ratifying a Protocol amending<br />

the 1996 DTA between Russia and Armenia.<br />


Signature<br />

Sri Lanka and India signed a new DTA to replace<br />

their existing pact on January 22, 2013.<br />


Effective<br />

The new DTA between Hong Kong and Switzerland<br />

became effective in Switzerland on January<br />

1, 2013, and will be effective in Hong Kong from<br />

April 1, 2013.<br />

A new Protocol to the DTA between Switzerland<br />

and South Korea, signed on December 28, 2010,<br />

also became effective on January 1, 2013, for<br />

both parties.<br />

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Legislation<br />

Turkey's parliament on January 17, 2013, endorsed<br />

legislation approving the new DTA signed between<br />

Turkey and Australia.<br />


Into Force<br />

Turkey completed its domestic ratification procedures<br />

in respect of the TIEA signed with Bermuda, publishing<br />

an Order in its Official Gazette on January<br />

17, 2013. Consequently, the TIEA is now in force.<br />


Effective<br />

Th e new Turkey-Brazil DTA signed on December<br />

16, 2010, became effective on January 1, 2013, following<br />

the publication of legislation to this effect in<br />

Turkey's Official Gazette.<br />


Into Force<br />

According to preliminary media reports, the TIEA<br />

Agreement signed between Uruguay and Argentina<br />

will enter into force on February 7, 2013.<br />

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<strong>ISSUE</strong> <strong>12</strong> | JANUARY 31, 2013<br />

A guide to the next few weeks of international tax<br />

gab-fests (we're just jealous - stuck in the office).<br />




Deloitte<br />

Venue: Disney's Grand Floridian Resort & Spa, 4401<br />

Grand Floridian Way, Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830<br />

Chairs: Michael A. Lampert (Chair, Tax Section of<br />

The Florida Bar), James W. Wetzler (Director, Deloitte<br />

Tax LLP), Jerry Gattegno (Senior Partner, Deloitte<br />

Tax LLP), Robert Vonick (Vice President and<br />

Senior Tax Counsel, The Walt Disney Company)<br />

2/6/2013 - 2/8/2013<br /><br />

loitte/e2c6c1c8684d9310VgnVCM2000003356f70aR-<br />

CRD.htm?id=us_furl_tax_mts_2013symp_0918<strong>12</strong><br />


Bloomberg BNA<br />

Venue: Treasure Island Hotel, 3300 S. Las Vegas<br />

Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89109<br />

Key Speakers: Ernest F. Aud, Jr. (Ernie Aud LLC),<br />

Chris Booth (Deloitte), Rick Buggy (Saslow, Lufkin<br />

& Buggy LLP), Fred Chilton (McDermott Will &<br />

Emery LLP), Ward S. Connolly (PricewaterhouseCoopers<br />

LLP), George Craven (Mayer Brown LLP),<br />

James P. Fuller (Fenwick & West LLP), Elvin Hedgpeth<br />

(Ernst & Young LLP), Tom Jones (McDermott<br />

Will & Emery LLP), Art Koritzinsky (Marsh USA<br />

Inc), Charles “Chaz” J. Lavelle (Bingham Greenebaum<br />

Doll LLP), Larissa Neumann (Fenwick & West<br />

LLP), James M. O’Brien (Baker & McKenzie LLP),<br />

Joshua D. Odintz (Baker & McKenzie LLP), John M.<br />

Peterson, Jr. (Baker & McKenzie LLP), Roy Sedore<br />

(Baker & McKenzie LLP), William R. Skinner (Fenwick<br />

& West LLP), and Bruce Wright (Sutherland,<br />

Asbill & Brennen LLP)<br />

2/11/2013 - 2/<strong>12</strong>/2013<br /><strong>12</strong>/captive.html<br />



Lorman Education Services<br />

Venue: Independence, Ohio, US TBA<br />

Chair: Robert J. Misey (Reinhart Boerner Van<br />

Deuren)<br />

2/15/2013 - 2/15/2013<br /><br />


2013<br />

Practising Law Institute<br />

Venue: PLI New York Center, 810 Seventh Avenue<br />

at 53rd Street (21st floor), New York, New York<br />

10019<br />

77<br />

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Chair: Bryan Skarlatos (Kostelanetz & Fink LLP)<br />

3/1/2013 - 3/1/2013<br /><br />

Bolts_of_Tax_Penalties_2013_A_Primer/_/N-<br />

4kZ1z<strong>12</strong>pjx?ID=159980<br />



STEP Calgary<br />

Venue: Devonian Room, Calgary Petroleum Club, 3319<br />

5 Avenue Southwest Calgary, AB T2P 0L6, Canada<br />

Key Speaker: Nadja Ibrahim (PwC)<br />

2/20/2013 - 2/20/2013<br /><br />

00009JLGUMA4<br />



Captive Insurance Companies Association<br />

Venue: Westin Mission Hills Resort, 71333 Dinah<br />

Shore Drive, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270, USA<br />

Panel Moderators: Michael C. Meehan (Consultant,<br />

Milliman, Inc); Anne Marie Towle (Senior Consultant,<br />

Willis Global Captive Practice); Erich A Brandt<br />

(Consulting Actuary, Pinnacle Actuarial Resources,<br />

Inc); and Les Boughner (Executive Vice President &<br />

Managing Director, Willis Captive Consulting)<br />

3/10/2013 - 3/<strong>12</strong>/2013<br /><br />

EventsIntConf/ProgramSchedule.aspx<br />



TolleyConferences<br />

Venue: The Hilton, Barbados, St Michael, BB11000<br />

Chair: James Corbett QC (Kobre & Kim LLP)<br />

3/<strong>12</strong>/2013 - 3/13/2013<br />

http://www.conferencesandtraining.<br />

com/en/Browse-Events/tax-conferences/<br />

International-Tax-And-Trust-Congress-Barbados/<br />



Offshore Investment<br />

Venue: Waldorf Astoria, 47th St. & Uruguay Street,<br />

Panama City, Panama<br />

Chair: Derek R. Sambrook (Managing Director,<br />

Trust Services SA)<br />

3/13/2013 - 3/14/2013<br /><br />

asp?title=The_2nd_Offshore_Investment_Conference_Panama&catID=9913<br />



Bloomberg BNA<br />

Venue: Marriott Union Square, 480 Sutter Street,<br />

San Francisco, CA. 94108<br />

Key speakers: Barton Bassett (Morgan, Lewis &<br />

Bockius LLP), Anthony Cipriano (Morgan, Lewis<br />

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& Bockius LLP), Kirsten Malm (Baker & McKenzie),<br />

Timothy Fitzgibbon (PwC), Joel Slavonia<br />

(PwC), Roy Crawford (McDermott Will & Emery),<br />

Alan Appel (Bryan Cave LLP), Rafic Barrage (Mayer<br />

Brown LLP), Arthur Walker (Mayer Brown LLP)<br /><br />


C5<br />

Venue: Intercontinental Hotel, Alameda Santos,<br />

1<strong>12</strong>3 - Jardim Paulista, São Paulo, 01419-001,<br />

Brazil<br />

Key Speakers: Carlos Alberto Freitas Barreto (Secretariat<br />

of the Federal Revenue, Brazil), Maria Elisa Sabatel<br />

Giordano (International Tax Manager, Maersk<br />

Line), Robert Goulder (Editor-in-Chief, Tax Analysts),<br />

Anderson Rocha (Legal Director Taxation,<br />

Unilever Brasil), Augusto Flores (Tax Director, DAF<br />

Caminhões Brasil), Anderson Rocha (Legal Director<br />

Taxation, Unilever Brasil), Andrea Anjos (Brazil<br />

Tax & Customs Director, Cargill), Ivan Ferreira<br />

(Latam Tax Director, MWV Group), among others.<br />

3/18/2013 - 3/19/2013<br /><br />

transfer-pricing-brazil<br />



Bloomberg BNA<br />

Venue: Marriott Union Square, 480 Sutter Street,<br />

San Francisco, CA 94108<br />

Co-chairs: Deborah Lee (PwC), Michael O’Laughlin<br />

(O’Laughlin & Co)<br />

3/18/2013 - 3/19/2013<br /><br />



Bloomberg BNA<br />

Venue: Luxe Sunset Boulevard, 11461 Sunset Boulevard,<br />

Los Angeles, CA 90049<br />

Chair: TBA<br />

3/21/2013 - 3/21/2013<br /><strong>12</strong>/film.html<br />




Th e Tax Institute, Australia<br />

Venue: Hyatt Regency Sanctuary Cove, Manor Circle,<br />

Sanctuary Cove, Queensland 42<strong>12</strong>, Australia<br />

Key speakers: Richard Vann (Challis Professor of<br />

Law, University of Sydney); David Russell (QC,<br />

Ground Floor Wentworth Chambers); Phil Cole (JP<br />

Morgan); John Brodgden, (Australia's Financial Services<br />

Council), and others<br />

2/13/2013 - 2/15/2013<br /><br />

EVENTID/1130202M1<br />

79<br />

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CCH Malaysia<br />

Venue: Traders Hotel, Magazine Road, Georgetown,<br />

Penang Island 10300, Malaysia<br />

Chair: Vincent Josef (former Assistant Director<br />

General of Malaysia's Inland Revenue Board)<br />

2/25/2013 - 2/25/2013<br /><br />

ExecutiveEventDetails.aspx?PageTitle=FasTax-<br />

Series-Managing-Tax-Compliance-Essentials-<br />

Right&ID=1548&Source=EEHome<br />



CCH Malaysia<br />

Venue: Traders Hotel, Magazine Road, Georgetown,<br />

Penang Island 10300, Malaysia<br />

Chair: Kularaj K. Kulathungam (former Assistant<br />

Director of Malaysia's Inland Revenue Board)<br />

3/5/2013 - 3/5/2013<br /><br />

ecutiveEventDetails.aspx?PageTitle=FasTax-Series-<br />

Maximising-Tax-Incentives-Essentials&ID=1553<br />

&EETopicID=3&Source=EETopic<br />


STEP South Australia<br />

Venue: The Hilton Hotel, Victoria Square, Adelaide,<br />

Australia<br />

Key Speakers: Christopher Kourakis (Honourable<br />

Chief Justice, Supreme Court of South Australia),<br />

John Basten (Supreme Court of New South Wales),<br />

Professor Gino Dal Pont (University of Tasmania),<br />

William Gummow (Gummow AC Former Justice<br />

of the High Court of Australia), Arlene Macdonald<br />

(Edmund Barton Chambers and Chair of the South<br />

Australian Branch of STEP), Anthony Besanko (Federal<br />

Court of Australia (South Australia)), Margaret<br />

White (Supreme Court of Queensland), and Richard<br />

White (Supreme Court of New South Wales)<br />

3/8/2013 - 3/8/2013<br /><br />

SYMPOSIUM%202013%20pdf.pdf<br />



International Fiscal Association, Tax Academy of<br />

Singapore<br />

Venue: Shangri-La Hotel, 22 Orange Grove Rd,<br />

Singapore 258350, Singapore<br />

Key Speakers: Alan Ross (PwC Singapore), Aliff Fazelbhoy<br />

(ALMT Legal), Andy Baik (Ernst & Young<br />

Singapore), Anna Chan (Singapore Economic Development<br />

Board), Chai Sui Fun (Inland Revenue<br />

Authority of Singapore), Eric Roose (Morrison<br />

Foerster), Gurbachan Singh (KhattarWong LLP),<br />

Kari Pahlman (KPMG Hong Kong), Koh Soo How<br />

(PwC Singapore), Lawrence Sussman (O’Melveny<br />

& Myers LLP Beijing), Liu Hern Kuan (Inland<br />

Revenue Authority of Singapore), Luis Coronado<br />

(Ernst & Young Singapore), Ong Sim Ho (Drew &<br />

80<br />

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Napier), Peter Barnes (General Electric Company),<br />

Pieter De Ridder (Loyens & Loeff), Professor Kees<br />

Van Raad (Loyens & Loeff), Professor Roy Rohatgi,<br />

Ram Kishan (Goldman Sachs), Sharon Tan (Nike<br />

Inc), Teoh Lian Ee (Inland Revenue Authority of<br />

Singapore), WH Baik (Kim & Chang), Yeoh Lian<br />

Chuan (Allen & Overy)<br />

4/2/2013 - 4/4/2013<br /><br />



IBFD<br />

Venue: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, TBA<br />

Key Speakers: Tarun Arora (PwC), Sockalingam<br />

Murugesan (Head of Transfer Pricing, E&Y Malaysia)<br />

Vinay Nichani (Director, E&Y Malaysia's<br />

Transfer Pricing Practice)<br />

4/8/2013 - 4/10/2013<br /><br />


WealthMatters<br />

Venue: Four Seasons Hotel, No.8 Finance Street,<br />

Central, Hong Kong, China<br />

Key Speakers: TBA<br />

4/9/2013 - 4/9/2013<br /><br />

php?id=49166<br />




Adam Smith Conferences<br />

Venue: Hotel Baltschug Kempinski, 1 Ulitsa Balchug,<br />

Moscow 115035, Russia<br />

Key Speakers: Petr Terekhin, (Vice-President, Head<br />

of Private Banking, Promsvyazbank), Svetlana Le<br />

Gall (Head of GHP GROUP Wealth Management),<br />

Andrei Movchan (CEO, Third Rome Group), Dr.<br />

Issaak Bekker (International Financial Consultant,<br />

FCP (Financial Management) Ltd)<br />

4/9/2013 - 4/11/2013<br /><br />

wealth-management-private-banking-russia<br />




STEP Dubai<br />

Venue: One & Only Royal Mirage Hotel, Al Soufoh<br />

Road | Jumeirah Road, PO Box 37252, Dubai,<br />

United Arab Emirates<br />

Key Speakers: TBA<br />

3/5/2013 - 3/6/2013<br /><br />

dubai13/<br />

81<br />

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IBFD<br />

Venue: Cape Town, South Africa, TBA<br />

Key speakers: Belema Obuoforibo (Director of the<br />

IBFD Knowledge Centre, IBFD), Shee Boon Law<br />

(Manager of Tax Research Services, IBFD)<br />

3/11/2013 - 3/11/2013<br /><br />

IBFD-75th-Jubilee-Workshop-Cape-Town#tab_<br />

program<br />



IBFD<br />

Venue: Johannesburg, South Africa, TBA<br />

Key Speakers: Shee Boon Law (Manager of Tax Research<br />

Services, IBFD), Belema Obuoforibo (Director,<br />

IBFD Knowledge Centre)<br />

3/13/2013 - 3/15/2013<br /><br />

Treaty-Aspects-International-Tax-Planning<br />



TAX <strong>ISSUE</strong>S IN CROSS-BORDER<br />



International Bar Association/ The Chartered Institute<br />

of Taxation<br />

Venue: Holborn Bars, 138-142 Holborn London<br />

EC1N 2NQ, United Kingdom<br />

Co-chairs: Jack Bernstein (Aird & Berlis); Jonathan<br />

Schwarz (Temple Tax Chambers)<br />

2/11/2013 - 2/<strong>12</strong>/2013<br /><br />

TAXPRO-2013<br />

BOSCO Conference<br />

Venue: Shakhtar Plaza Hotel, Germana Titova Avenue,<br />

15, Donetsk, Ukraine<br />

Speakers: TBA in March<br />

4/18/2013 - 4/18/2013<br /><br />

upcoming/donetsk-2013<br />

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TolleyConferences<br />

Venue: London, UK, TBC<br />

Chair: Sue Laing (Partner, Boodle Hatfield LLP)<br />

2/<strong>12</strong>/2013 - 2/<strong>12</strong>/2013<br />

http://www.conferencesandtraining.<br />

com/en/Browse-Events/tax-conferences/<br />

Tax-Planning-For-Landed-Estates/<br />


CONFERENCE 2013<br />

The Chartered Institute of Taxation<br />

Venue: The Royal Garden Hotel, 2-24 Kensington<br />

High Street Kensington, London W8 4PT<br />

Chairs: Christine Barwell (CIOT); Peter Dylewski,<br />

(Vice Chair Indirect Tax, CIOT Technical<br />

Committee)<br />

2/14/2013 - 2/14/2013<br /><br />

Indirect Taxes Conference 2013<br />


STEP Jersey<br />

Venue: Pomme d’Or Hotel, Liberation Square, St<br />

Helier JE1 3UF<br />

Key Speakers: Alex Jones (Deloitte), Paul Woodman<br />

(Deloitte)<br />

2/21/2013 - 2/21/2013<br /><br />

An%20Update.pdf<br />




British Bankers' Association<br />

Venue: Pinners Hall, 105-108 Old Broad Street,<br />

London, EC2N 1EX<br />

Chair: Moorad Choudhry (Treasurer, Corporate<br />

Banking Division, Royal Bank of Scotland and Visiting<br />

Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences,<br />

Brunel University)<br />

2/21/2013 - 2/21/2013<br /><br />



IBFD<br />

Venue: IBFD Head Office, H.J.E. Wenckebachweg<br />

210, 1096 AS Amsterdam, The Netherlands<br />

Key Speakers: Roberto Bernales (Senior Research<br />

Associate, European Team, and Research Manager,<br />

IBFD Knowledge Centre); Walter van der Corput<br />

(Editor, IBFD International VAT Monitor and EU<br />

VAT Compass); Hans Pijl (Partner, Deloitte); Bart<br />

Kosters (Senior Principal Research Associate, IBFD<br />

Tax Services Department)<br />

2/25/2013 - 2/28/2013<br />

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83<br />

Amsterdam-Netherlands<br />



Lexis Nexis<br />

Venue: London, United Kingdom, Venue TBC<br />

Chair: David Campkin (Group Tax Director, BBC)<br />

2/26/2013 - 2/26/2013<br />

http://www.conferencesandtraining.<br />

com/en/Browse-Events/tax-conferences/<br />

CITP/?displayControl=agenda<br />



Osney Media<br />

Venue: Marriott Regents Park Hotel, <strong>12</strong>8 King<br />

Henry's Road, London NW3 3ST, England<br />

Chair: Jorge Morley Smith (Head of Tax, Investment<br />

Management Association)<br />

2/27/2013 - 2/28/2013<br /><br />

agenda-2/<br />




International Bar Association<br />

Venue: Claridge's, 49-55 Brook Street Mayfair,<br />

London, United Kingdom, W1K 4HR<br />

Chairs: Leigh-Alexandra Basha (Partner, Holland &<br />

Knight); Helen Darling (Private Client Partner, Macfarlanes);<br />

Christopher Potter (Senior Counsel, Sete)<br />

3/4/2013 - 3/5/2013<br /><br />

aspx?ArticleUid=1d1eebee-f28c-4496-ac6b-f6cad-<br />

03266da<br />



Academy and Finance<br />

Venue: Dolder Grand Hotel, Kurhausstrasse 65,<br />

Zurich 8032, Switzerland<br />

Chair: Olga Boltenko (Partner, Withers LLP)<br />

3/5/2013 - 3/7/2013<br /><br />

AF455.html<br />



TolleyConferences<br />

Venue: London, United Kingdom, TBC<br />

Key speakers: Freddie Huxtable (Private Client and<br />

International Tax Director, RSM Tenon); Charles<br />

Bradbrook (Partner, Deloitte); Robert Hartley;<br />

Adrian Shipwright (Judge of the First Tier and<br />

Deputy Judge of the Upper Tier Tax Tribunals);<br />

Peter Fairchild (Partner, Smith & Williamson Tax<br />

LLP)<br />

3/7/2013 - 3/7/2013<br />

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Browse-Events/tax-conferences/sports-entertainers/<br />




The International Tax Planning Association<br />

Venue: Hotel Phoenicia, The Mall, Valletta, Island<br />

of Malta FRN 1478, Malta<br />

Chair: Milton Grundy (Gray's Inn Tax Chambers)<br />

3/10/2013 - 3/<strong>12</strong>/2013<br /><br />


IBC<br />

Venue: London, UK, TBA<br />

Chair: Ashley Crossley (Baker & McKenzie)<br />

3/<strong>12</strong>/2013 - 3/<strong>12</strong>/2013<br /><br />

High-Growth-Economies<br />



IBC<br />

Venue: London, UK, TBA<br />

Key speakers: Peter Steeds (Deputy Director, and<br />

Head of Transfer Pricing & Business International,<br />

HMRC), Dmitry Volvach, (Head of Transfer<br />

Pricing and International Cooperation Directorate,<br />

Federal Tax Service, Russia), Alexey Overchuk<br />

(Deputy Comissioner, Federal Tax Service, Russia),<br />

Annie Devoy (UK Transfer Pricing Leader, PwC),<br />

Glyn Fullelove (Group Tax Director, Informa Plc),<br />

Wendy Nicholls (Head of Transfer Pricing, Grant<br />

Thornton), Anton Hume (Global Head of Transfer<br />

Pricing, BDO), Stig Sollund (Director General,<br />

Tax Law Department, Norweigan Ministry of Finance),<br />

Joseph Andrus (Head of Transfer Pricing<br />

Unit, OECD), Michael Lennard (Chief of International<br />

Tax Cooperation in the Financing for Development<br />

Office, United Nations)<br />

3/<strong>12</strong>/2013 - 3/13/2013<br /><br />

FKW52469_TP_Summit_2013_Draft_Programme.pdf<br />


Academy and Finance<br />

Venue: Hotel Beau Rivage, Quai du Mont-Blanc<br />

13, <strong>12</strong>01 Geneva, Switzerland<br />

Key Speakers: Manuel Santa Maria (Garrigues), Pablo<br />

Alarcon Espinosa (Alarcon-Espinosa Abogados),<br />

Josefina Garcia Pedroviejo (Uría Menéndez Abogados),<br />

Matias Jimenez-Brito (Jiménez-Brito Abogados<br />

& Asesores Tributarios), Eduardo Martínez-Matosas<br />

Ruiz de Alda (Gomez Acebo & Pombo)<br />

3/13/2013 - 3/13/2013<br /><br />

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STEP Jersey<br />

Venue: Pomme d'Or Hotel, Liberation Square, St<br />

Helier, Jersey<br />

Key Speakers: Michael Cushing (Partner, Appleby),<br />

and Naomi Rive (Partner, Appleby)<br />

3/14/2013 - 3/14/2013<br /><br />

00009Qg11MAC<br />


SUMMIT<br />

INTAX Group<br />

Venue: Westin Dragonara Hotel, Dragonara Road,<br />

St.Julian's, STJ 3134, Malta<br />

Key Speaker: Erich Baier (Bilanz-Data), others<br />

TBA.<br />

3/18/2013 - 3/19/2013<br /><br />



The Law Society<br />

Venue: The Law Society, 113 Chancery Lane, London,<br />

United Kingdom<br />

Key Speakers: TBA<br />

3/19/2013 - 3/19/2013<br /><br />

node/56891<br />



InfoLine<br />

Venue: London, UK, TBA<br />

Chair: Kevin Charlton (Head of Tax Advisory and<br />

Control, UBS Global Asset Management)<br />

3/20/2013 - 3/20/2013<br /><br />

Collective-Investment-Securities-Tax-Conference/<br />

FKM62542_Latest_Agenda_21.<strong>12</strong>.<strong>12</strong>.pdf<br />




InfoLine<br />

Venue: London, UK, TBA<br />

Chair: John Stevens (Finance Director & SORP<br />

Project Co-Coordinator, Association of Investment<br />

Companies)<br />

3/21/2013 - 3/21/2013<br /><br />

Investment-Trust-Accounting-Taxation-Regulation/FKM62543_Latest_Agenda_20.<strong>12</strong>.<strong>12</strong>.pdf<br />

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<strong>12</strong>TH ANNUAL TAX PLANNING<br />


American Bar Association Section of Taxation<br />

Venue: Hofburg Congress Center, Heldenplatz<br />

1010 Vienna, Austria<br />

Co-chairs: Elinore J. Richardson (Institute for International<br />

Taxation, Inc), Joan C. Arnold (Pepper<br />

Hamilton LLP), Dirk J.J. Suringa (Covington<br />

& Burling LLP), Christian Wimpissinger (Binder<br />

Grosswang), Gerald Gahleitner (Leitner Leitner),<br />

Clemens Philipp Schindler (Wolf Theiss)<br />

3/29/2013 - 3/30/2013<br /><br />

DON13/media/Vienna20<strong>12</strong>_program_FINAL.pdf<br />




IBFD<br />

Venue: Amsterdam, The Netherlands, TBA<br />

Key Speakers: Rens Bondrager (Allen & Overy<br />

LLP), Piet Boonstra (Van Campen Liem), Marcello<br />

Distaso (Van Campen Liem), Napoleão Dagnese<br />

(Head of International Tax, Oerlikon Group), Paulus<br />

Merks (DLA Piper LLP), Roberto Penati (Head<br />

of the Fiscal Affairs Department, Maire Tecnimont),<br />

Alfonso Rivolta (Director, UBS AG), Fabiola Rossi<br />

(Bonelli Erede Pappalardo), Jan-Pieter van Niekerk<br />

(KPMG)<br />

4/10/2013 - 4/<strong>12</strong>/2013<br /><br />



IBC and Mourant Ozannes<br />

Venue: Old Government House Hotel, Saint Ann's<br />

Place Saint Peter Port GY1 2NU, Guernsey<br />

Chair: Keith Corbin (Nerine Trust Company)<br />

4/16/2013 - 4/16/2013<br /><br />

iddownload/8892<br />


Informa<br />

Venue: Central London, UK, TBA<br />

Chair: David Maxwell (Director, Classic Technology<br />

and Member of the IASB/FASB Working Group<br />

on Leasing)<br />

4/17/2013 - 4/17/2013<br /><br />

accounting-leases-asset-finance-conference<br />

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<strong>ISSUE</strong> <strong>12</strong> | JANUARY 31, 2013<br />


India<br />

Th e Supreme Court of India ruled that the lessor<br />

of vehicles for hire remains the legal owner and is<br />

therefore entitled to claim tax depreciation. Additionally,<br />

the vehicles are being used by the lessor for<br />

business purposes which provides a higher rate of<br />

depreciation. The Revenue failed to argue that the<br />

lessee is registered as the owner under the Motor<br />

Vehicles Act, because ownership would revert back<br />

to the lessor upon expiry of the lease.<br />

Th e judgment was delivered on January 14, 2013.<br /><br />

A listing of key international tax cases in the<br />

last 30 days<br />

Supreme Court: I.C.D.S. Ltd vs. CIT<br />


Denmark<br />

The European Court of Justice disallowed the appeal<br />

by rejecting all three of the appellant's contentions<br />

with the judgment of the EU General Court (Case<br />

T-30/03). The appellant failed to argue that the length<br />

of the Commission's preliminary examination of Denmark's<br />

tax scheme was unjustified, or that it was not<br />

carried out under the principle of good administration.<br />

Th e judgment was delivered on January 24, 2013.<br />

European Court of Justice: Falles Fagligt Forbund<br />

(3F)v. European Commission (C-646/11 P)<br /><br />

jsf?text=&docid=132764&pageIndex=0&docla<br />

ng=EN&mode=lst&dir=&occ=first&part=1&c<br />

id=2497619<br />

Netherlands<br />

Th e European Court of Justice ruled that the VAT<br />

Directive does not allow exemption from VAT for<br />

the supply of land that had not been built upon<br />

after the previous building had been demolished,<br />

despite the intention of the parties to build upon<br />

the land. Whether the party receiving the land<br />

has such an intention is a matter for the national<br />

courts to decide.<br />

Th e judgment was delivered on January 17, 2013.<br />

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?text=&docid=132561&pageIndex=0&doclang=EN<br />

&mode=lst&dir=&occ=first&part=1&cid=<strong>12</strong>08192<br /><br />

ext=&docid=132763&pageIndex=0&doclang=EN&<br />

mode=lst&dir=&occ=first&part=1&cid=2494990<br />

Poland<br />

The European Court of Justice ruled that the leasing<br />

of property and the providing of insurance on<br />

such property are independent supplies and subject<br />

to VAT separately.<br />

The Court also ruled that insurance on the leased<br />

property arranged by the lessor and re-invoiced to<br />

the lessee is an insurance transaction and therefore<br />

exempt from VAT.<br />

The judgment was delivered on January 17, 2013.<br /><br />

jsf?text=&docid=132522&pageIndex=0&docla<br />

ng=EN&mode=lst&dir=&occ=first&part=1&c<br />

id=<strong>12</strong>18160<br />

European Court of Justice: Frucona Kosice v.<br />

European Commission (C-73/11 P)<br />

Spain<br />

The European Court of Justice decided that Spain is providing<br />

a reduced VAT rate on a range of medical goods<br />

and services that is incompatible with EU legislation.<br />

Th e judgment was delivered on January 17, 2013.<br /><br />

jsf?text=&docid=132525&pageIndex=0&docla<br />

ng=EN&mode=lst&dir=&occ=first&part=1&c<br />

id=<strong>12</strong>16266<br />

European Court of Justice: Commission v.<br />

Spain (C-360/11)<br />

European Court of Justice: BGZ Leasing v.<br />

Director of Warsaw Tax Chamber (C-224/11)<br />

Slovakia<br />

The European Court of Justice accepted the appeal<br />

and sent the case back to the EU General Court for<br />

it to consider the pleas of the appellant on which it<br />

did not rule (Case T-11/07).<br />

The Court of Justice based its decision on the failure<br />

of the General Court to recognise the need to include<br />

the duration of the bankruptcy procedure in the assessment<br />

by the Commission of the private creditor test.<br />

The judgment was delivered on January 24, 2013.<br />

United Kingdom<br />

The Supreme Court ruled that legal advice privilege<br />

cannot be extended to advice received from an<br />

accountant regarding a tax avoidance scheme. The<br />

Lords agreed that whether such a privilege should<br />

be made available to a profession other than lawyer<br />

is not a matter for a court to decide.<br />

Th e judgment was delivered on January 23, 2013.<br /><br />

docs/UKSC_2010_0215_Judgment.pdf<br />

Supreme Court: Prudential plc v. Special<br />

Commissioner of Income Tax (2013 UKSC 1)<br />

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THE<br />


<strong>ISSUE</strong> <strong>12</strong> | JANUARY 31, 2013<br />

Dateline January 31, 2013<br />

As an ex-conference organizer myself, I can only eat<br />

my heart out at the franchise that Klaus Schwab has<br />

constructed on a snowy Swiss mountain; but now,<br />

as a humble journalist, I have to thank him for his<br />

annual newsfest. This year, the best moment may<br />

have been David Cameron's carefully calculated<br />

challenge to the EU. Let's leave aside the ritual attack<br />

on corporate tax avoidance; by now it's about<br />

equivalent to saying grace before a meal, and about<br />

as effective, some might think. More important is<br />

that he has been brave enough to throw down the<br />

gauntlet to the mad dogs of Brussels , who are systematically<br />

destroying Europe' competitive advantage,<br />

and need to be stopped. Of course everyone<br />

says that he is doing it for selfish political purposes,<br />

but it can happen that politics, national advantage<br />

and economic sanity may inhabit the same place at<br />

the same time; and that's the role that the UK can<br />

play in the next five years, if Cameron sticks to his<br />

last. Naturally the Continentals are throwing every<br />

kind of negative propaganda at him; but they more<br />

they do it, the more I think he must be right. After<br />

50 years of corporatist, social partner gibberish, the<br />

EU has become hidebound, trapped in its own sententious<br />

verbiage. So, go for it, David!<br />

If David Cameron and his euro-skeptic legions<br />

want a semi-detached UK, the terrible twins Angela<br />

Merkel and Francois Hollande want to complete<br />

the roofing of their half-finished euro-house. Again,<br />

we'll have to shut our ears to the twaddle about<br />

transaction taxes and corporate tax unification and<br />

focus just on the fiscal charter, which will submit EU<br />

members to some sort of budgetary harmonization<br />

under the control of Brussels and Dragon Draghi.<br />

You may be surprised to hear this coming from me:<br />

how can I support Cameron's dash for freedom at<br />

the same time as euro-unification? Because Europe<br />

has to go one way or the other: a Brexit accompanied<br />

by a Grexit and a few other exits would lead<br />

to an outcome of a sort - a Europe of competing<br />

nation states, but it is against the grain of history. A<br />

better outcome would be a united Europe with one<br />

currency and a single economic budgetary policy,<br />

on the model (OK, not quite) of the USA, which<br />

could then live or more likely die in competition<br />

with other major blocs. But that's not going to be<br />

the result: instead, we will have something like a<br />

re-creation of EFTA led by the UK, with a unitary<br />

euro-zone, which may have been forced to become<br />

more competitive by the UK's antics. That's how I<br />

can have my cake and eat it!<br />

Europe's systemic lack of competitive advantage<br />

is revealing itself, day-by-day, in its terrible and<br />

worsening unemployment figures, while the US<br />

demonstrates some underlying resilience during<br />

difficult times. There may even be an outbreak of<br />

bipartisanship in the Congress, with the passage<br />

by the House and its rapid acceptance by the Senate<br />

and the President of a temporizing bill to push<br />

off the next section of the fiscal cliff . It is tempting<br />

to equate the relative health of the US economy<br />

to its lower level of public spending and taxation;<br />

90<br />

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ut this may be an illusory equation. It is horribly<br />

difficult to compare such figures across borders.<br />

Apparently, US public spending is about 5% less<br />

than the UK's and 10% less than higher-spending<br />

EU economies (percentages of GDP); and taxation<br />

provides a lower proportion of spending, hence the<br />

worries over the debt cap. But there are so many<br />

other factors: the regulatory environment; the level<br />

of education; the "entitlement" canvas. All one can<br />

say with some certitude, at least, all I can say, is that<br />

less government spending is better than more, and<br />

less taxation is better than more. That puts me in<br />

the tea-pot, probably!<br />

I can't believe that the Greek government is behaving<br />

so badly over its new gaming laws and the state<br />

gambling monopoly, OPAP. It's as if the minister<br />

responsible and the whole state gambling apparatus<br />

are inhabiting a parallel universe with no communication<br />

passing between them and the rest of the<br />

administration. They are flagrantly breaking settled<br />

EU law despite repeated complaints from Brussels<br />

and the European gaming industry. Just this last<br />

week the European Court of Justice ruled against<br />

the regime, even as it was before the latest law was<br />

passed, which actually makes the situation worse.<br />

I can only imagine that the government is so fixated<br />

on spending the money foolishly donated to it<br />

by the troika that it has no time for anything else.<br />

What else can explain it?<br />

Bermuda is becoming the latest in a line of "offshore"<br />

island jurisdictions to fall foul of the economic<br />

downturn , although it's not clear yet whether<br />

the solution will be more taxes or less government,<br />

nor whether the UK will so to speak stick its oar in,<br />

as it has done in the case of the Cayman Islands and<br />

Turks and Caicos. At least there has been no suggestion<br />

of skullduggery; it's always a problem in these<br />

small places that government can be captured by<br />

undesirable elements. It's their smallness that lies<br />

at the root of all their problems, from one perspective,<br />

although it's also their quasi-invisibility that<br />

allowed them to flourish for decades as the home<br />

for foot-loose money on the run from the tax man.<br />

But then they got noticed, big-time, and they have<br />

had to grow up quickly, learning how to be respectable<br />

world citizens. And that's not easy, when you're<br />

small. So now we have the spectacle of a number,<br />

let's say a dozen, of mini-states with vast financial<br />

sectors, tiny populations and large, cumbersome<br />

bureaucracies. A linked problem is that they are<br />

mostly ex-colonies, with racially mixed populations<br />

which have taken over their own governance without,<br />

at first, really knowing how to do it. All of this<br />

is very expensive for them, which was just about<br />

bearable in the good times, but has now brought<br />

one after another of the islands to their knees. Really<br />

it's illogical for these over-grown governmental<br />

and regulatory apparatuses to exist in such numbers;<br />

they ought to merge, to make more sense of it.<br />

How about Bermuda and the BVI? There would be<br />

a power-house. Of course that's not going to happen;<br />

CARICOM shows you how it goes when a<br />

group of such jurisdictions tries to create a bigger<br />

unit: 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 doesn't = 6, it equals 7.<br />

Or however many it is, plus one extra government,<br />

just as in Europe. Bermudians are much too proud<br />

to consider such a thing, anyway.<br />

Th e Jester<br />

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