Wateen HY Report Dec 2010.pdf

Wateen HY Report Dec 2010.pdf

Wateen HY Report Dec 2010.pdf


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business combination are measured initially at their fair values at the acquisition date. The excess of<br />

the cost of acquisition over the fair value of the parent share of the identifiable net assets acquired<br />

is recorded as goodwill. If the cost of acquisition is less than the fair value of the net assets of the<br />

subsidiary acquired, the difference is recognised directly in the income statement.<br />

All significant intercompany transactions and balances between group entities are eliminated on<br />

consolidation.<br />

The group applies a policy of treating transactions with non-controlling interests as transactions with<br />

parties external to the group. Disposals to non-controlling interests result in gain and losses for the<br />

company and are recorded in the income statement if the parent losses control of the subsidiary and<br />

in the statement of changes in equity if the change in ownership of subsidiary does not result in loss<br />

of control. Purchases from minority interests results in goodwill, being the difference between any<br />

consideration paid and the relevant share acquired of the carrying value of the assets of the subsidiary.<br />

2. Statement of compliance<br />

The presentation of this condensed consolidated interim financial information of the Company<br />

for the six months period ended <strong>Dec</strong>ember 31, 2010 has been prepared in accordance with the<br />

requirements of the International Accounting Standard 34 - Interim Financial <strong>Report</strong>ing and provisions<br />

of and directives issued under the Companies Ordinance, 1984. In case where requirements differ, the<br />

provisions of or directives issued under the Companies Ordinance, 1984 have been followed.<br />

3. Accounting policies<br />

The accounting policies and methods of computation adopted for the preparation of this condensed<br />

consolidated interim financial information are the same as those applied in preparation of the published<br />

financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2010.<br />

4. Net current liabilities<br />

Net current liabilities as at <strong>Dec</strong>ember 31, 2010 were Rs 18.272 billion of which Rs 10.613 billion<br />

relate to loan installments due for repayment after <strong>Dec</strong>ember 31, 2011 and Rs 4.660 billion relates<br />

to current portion of long term finance and short term finance. A shareholder of the Company has<br />

provided financial support in the form of long term finance amounting to Rs 2.063 billion to meet<br />

the requirements of the Company and this arrangement is expected to continue. Subsequent to the<br />

period end, the Company has negotiated with the lenders to restructure long term finance and convert<br />

short term finance, except for short term running finance from Bank Alfalah Limited amounting to<br />

Rs 1.795 billion, into long term finance facilities. The tenure of the restructured facilities is eight years<br />

w.e.f January 1, 2011 (inclusive of grace period of three years). The principal amount of restructured<br />

facilities will be repayable in 10 semiannual installments commencing July 1, 2014. Compliance with<br />

financial covenants is required after the grace period except for the Long Term Debt to Equity Ratio<br />

of 80:20, which should not be breached during the grace period. The Company is in the phase of<br />

finalizing addendum agreements to restructure term finance facilities with lenders.<br />

The Company has also negotiated with associated company Taavun (Pvt) Limited to reschedule its<br />

medium term finance facility. The associated company has agreed to reschedule its facility. Principal<br />

will be repayable in semi-annual equal installments within two years after the expiry of grace period<br />

(from January 01, 2011 to <strong>Dec</strong>ember 31, 2019). The rate of markup will be 6 months KIBOR, subject<br />

to the approval of the Board of Directors of Taavun (Pvt) Limited, the Company will finalize addendum<br />

agreement to restructure the term finance facility with lender.<br />

36<br />

WATEEN TELECOM LIMITED half yearly report dec ‘10

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