Phone-Call Etiquette Checklist Landlines; Cell-Phones -

Phone-Call Etiquette Checklist Landlines; Cell-Phones - Phone-Call Etiquette Checklist Landlines; Cell-Phones -


D. BUSINESS ETIQUETTE: YOUR PERSONAL VOICE MAIL MESSAGE No Summary Detail Check 1 Outgoing message 1. Your outgoing message should be given in a friendly voice, stating your name and requesting that the caller leave a message and phone number. 2. Keep it brief and to the point. 3. Callers don’t want to spend time listening to where you may be or how sorry you are that you missed the call. 2 Avoid being flippant or cute on your voice-mail 3 Re-fresh your voice-mail message 4 On-leave or out-of-the office messages 5 Check your voice-mail messages regularly 1. While talking like Daffy Duck or Barry White may be funny at home, it does not convey a professional business image. 2. Humorous messages may seem charming at first, even perhaps the second time and then it gets irritating. 1. Change your voice-mail message every three months. 2. Occasionally, call your own number, to evaluate how a new customer, colleague, or vendor might perceive you. 1. Leave a voice message when on leave. 2. The voice message needs to be simple, stating the dates when you will be unavailable. 3. Include within your message an alternative contact number and or person, should the message be urgent. 4. Nobody needs to know where you are and what a fantastic time you are having! 1. Check your voice mail at least twice a day, and more than twice a day, if you receive sensitive information. 4

E. BUSINESS ETIQUETTE: LEAVING VOICE MAIL MESSAGES No Summary Detail Check 1 Identify yourself 1. Always identify yourself by leaving your name and company contact details. 2. Don’t assume that your voice will automatically be recognised. 2 Have your bullet points on hand 3 Content of voice-mail messages 1. Keep notes by the phone to jot down your main points prior to making a phone call. 2. If you reach your caller in person, you will be able to remember all your important issues. 3. If you are required to leave a voice-mail, you will be equally prepared. 1. Keep voice-mails friendly, short, and clear with an indication of next steps or action required. 2. If the voice-mail is lengthy, leave your phone number clearly and distinctly at the beginning and at the end of the message. 3. Never leave a harsh or negative voice-mail. It can be listened to over and over, forwarded, archived and put on a speakerphone to share with the office. 4 Quantity of messages 1. Consider the number and length of the messages that you leave for that person, in relation to the number of messages that the recipient may receive in a day. 2. Leaving 1 voice-mail message is sufficient. 5 Sharing confidential information 1. Due to the non-secured aspect of voice mail, confidential information is best shared in person. 6 Background noise 1. Don’t leave voice-mails where background noise from loud restaurants, jammed bars, parties or boisterous family gatherings can be heard. 7 Returning voice-mail messages 1. Return all voice mail the same day, even if you end up leaving a voice mail yourself. 5


No Summary Detail Check<br />

1 Outgoing message 1. Your outgoing message should be given in a friendly voice, stating your<br />

name and requesting that the caller leave a message and phone number.<br />

2. Keep it brief and to the point.<br />

3. <strong>Call</strong>ers don’t want to spend time listening to where you may be or how<br />

sorry you are that you missed the call.<br />

2 Avoid being flippant or<br />

cute on your voice-mail<br />

3 Re-fresh your<br />

voice-mail message<br />

4 On-leave or out-of-the<br />

office messages<br />

5 Check your voice-mail<br />

messages regularly<br />

1. While talking like Daffy Duck or Barry White may be funny at home, it<br />

does not convey a professional business image.<br />

2. Humorous messages may seem charming at first, even perhaps the<br />

second time and then it gets irritating.<br />

1. Change your voice-mail message every three months.<br />

2. Occasionally, call your own number, to evaluate how a new customer,<br />

colleague, or vendor might perceive you.<br />

1. Leave a voice message when on leave.<br />

2. The voice message needs to be simple, stating the dates when you will be<br />

unavailable.<br />

3. Include within your message an alternative contact number and or<br />

person, should the message be urgent.<br />

4. Nobody needs to know where you are and what a fantastic time you are<br />

having!<br />

1. Check your voice mail at least twice a day, and more than twice a day, if<br />

you receive sensitive information.<br />


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