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A publication of the ZoroasTrian Association of Florida - WordPress ...

A publication of the ZoroasTrian Association of Florida - WordPress ...


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The most significant aspect <strong>of</strong> this event is <strong>the</strong> THEME: The Haft Sheen Table, thanks to Gulshan Dubash for this brilliant idea. The<br />

seven symbols <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> values and significance <strong>the</strong>re<strong>of</strong> are ever living in our daily lives and not just displayed at each Nowruz in March. We<br />

are sure that <strong>the</strong> three non-Zoroastrian judges felt <strong>the</strong> same way in making <strong>the</strong>ir choice.<br />

Claude & Roshan Moraes <strong>of</strong> ZAFsummed it all up: “Claude and I were <strong>the</strong>re and we wholeheartedly agree that ZAF was The<br />

Best Booth! What's more is that this ZAF team had great patriotic spirit and were a happy bunch. Congratulations to all <strong>the</strong><br />

hard working members <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> team.” Claude & Roshan<br />

Laminated Pocket-size Guidance Cards in <strong>the</strong> Event <strong>of</strong> a Death in a Family<br />

At times, <strong>the</strong> Board members are approached for suggestions and guidance in <strong>the</strong> event <strong>of</strong> a sudden or impending death in <strong>the</strong> family.<br />

While one can never be fully prepared for such an event, we think that it would be helpful to have a ready reference card with some basic<br />

guidance on <strong>the</strong> religious, medical and practical aspects <strong>of</strong> contacts, arrangements, documents and processes involved during such stressful<br />

times. This card is an abbreviated version. We are also working on a detailed pamphlet including more specifics on <strong>the</strong> religious aspects<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> ceremonies and prayers. This is provided as a community service in good faith and does not constitute any <strong>of</strong>ficial position on<br />

religious, medical or legal matters.<br />

We thank Dr. Burjis Shr<strong>of</strong>f and Ervad Soli Dastur in providing <strong>the</strong> input for preparing <strong>the</strong> text. The cards have been distributed to all<br />

addresses in <strong>the</strong> ZAF Directory (ZAF, ZATAMBAY & Orlando) at no cost. The contents are as follows:<br />

1. Important: It is advisable to decide on cremation or burial question and pre-arrange which funeral home you will use to assure<br />

that <strong>the</strong>y understand any special religious ceremonial requirements. You may want to consult with a local Mobed before this<br />

step is taken.<br />

2. Call family, close friends, as you wish.<br />

3. Call <strong>the</strong> Funeral Home. They will contact <strong>the</strong> Coroner's Office and obtain <strong>the</strong> original Death Certificate. Ask for 8 to15 copies<br />

(for a fee) depending on <strong>the</strong> assets held.<br />

4. Notify your Doctor so that he/she will decide & agree to sign <strong>the</strong> Death Certificate.<br />

5. Meet with Funeral Home Director to finalize Funeral arrangements and Cremation or Burial arrangements. Ask <strong>the</strong>m about<br />

State Laws which have to be followed.<br />

6. Important documents to have on hand:<br />

Life insurance policies, mortgage or rental documents, property deeds, last home appraisal, HUD statements from home<br />

purchase & each refinances, receipts for home improvements, vehicle title & any o<strong>the</strong>r information related to current assets,<br />

bank accounts & investments, IRS & state tax returns for past 3 years.<br />

7. Things to do<br />

(a) Notify local Social Security <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> death.<br />

(b) Inform <strong>the</strong> employer <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> death & ask about pension plans, survivor benefits, credit unions & union death benefits. A<br />

certified copy <strong>of</strong> death certificate for each claim is needed.<br />

(c) Inform <strong>the</strong> health insurance company (ies).<br />

(d) Inform life insurance company (ies) & give policy numbers, certified copy <strong>of</strong> death certificate and fill out a claim form. If <strong>the</strong><br />

deceased is listed as <strong>the</strong> beneficiary on any o<strong>the</strong>r policy, arrange to have <strong>the</strong> name removed.<br />

(e) Inform Credit Card company (ies) if you, as <strong>the</strong> survivor, want to retain use <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> deceased’s card, or return <strong>the</strong> credit card<br />

with a certified copy <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> death certificate.<br />

(f) Consult accountant/tax advisor for filing <strong>the</strong> deceased’s tax return for <strong>the</strong> year <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> death.<br />

(g) Arrange to change any joint bank accounts into your name. If <strong>the</strong> deceased's estate is in trust, check with <strong>the</strong> Trust Department<br />

or Customer Service at <strong>the</strong> bank.<br />

(h) Arrange with your bank or investment advisor to change stocks & bonds into your name. They will have <strong>the</strong> forms.<br />

(i) Assure that key bills like mortgage, loans, car-payments, utilities, etc. continue to be paid.<br />

(j) Consult with your Mobed about prayers & religious ceremonies upon and after death.<br />

ZAF Community News<br />

Welcome & Directory Change<br />

Deenaz Patel, Ph.D. As always, we are very happy to announce <strong>the</strong> newcomers to <strong>the</strong> area. Deenaz Patel, Ph.D. in Rehabilitation has<br />

relocated from Chicago area and will be working at <strong>the</strong> <strong>Florida</strong> Atlantic University as an Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor in <strong>the</strong> College <strong>of</strong> Education.<br />

We extend Deenaz our warm <strong>Florida</strong> welcome and wish her all <strong>the</strong> best in our midst and in <strong>the</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essional pursuits. Her e-mail and<br />

phone#: deenaz123@gmail.com , 847-722-6188.<br />

Pallan & Carol Katgara: We are very pleased to inform you that Pallan and Carol are <strong>the</strong> new members <strong>of</strong> ZAF and have relocated<br />

from Long Island, New York to <strong>Florida</strong> with <strong>the</strong>ir two children Tyler and Dina. Their phone/address are: 17510 Grand Estee Way, Boca<br />

Raton, FL 33496, 561-756-9900, pkatgara@yahoo.com. Please join us in extending a warm <strong>Florida</strong> welcome to Pallan, Carol and family<br />

and wish <strong>the</strong>m all <strong>the</strong> success in <strong>the</strong>ir business and in <strong>the</strong>ir new home, full <strong>of</strong> health and happiness.<br />

Pg. 8 <strong>of</strong> 12 Zor & More, Issue #3, September-2011

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