
Enlightenment Enlightenment


Enlightenment 1.”Age of Reason” –Reason or logic was used to Improve society. 2. Natural laws (Universal laws that are always true) were used to improve society 3. Governments received their authority(power) from the people –Not from God. They believed in democracy. 4. Scientific Rev and Enlightenment encouraged spread of new ideas and use of reason. 1

<strong>Enlightenment</strong><br />

1.”Age of Reason” –Reason or logic was used<br />

to Improve society.<br />

2. Natural laws (Universal laws that are always<br />

true) were used to improve society<br />

3. Governments received their authority(power)<br />

from the people –Not from God. They believed<br />

in democracy.<br />

4. Scientific Rev and <strong>Enlightenment</strong><br />

encouraged spread of new ideas and use of<br />

reason.<br />


<strong>Enlightenment</strong> Thinkers<br />

1. Thomas Hobbes<br />

2. John Locke<br />

3. Baron de Montesquieu<br />

4. Jean-Jacques Rousseau<br />

5. Voltaire<br />


Leviathan<br />

A Leviathan is a huge<br />

“sea monster”<br />

represents the all<br />

powerful government<br />

Hobbes believed exist to<br />

avoid chaos<br />


Thomas Hobbes<br />

• English Philosopher<br />

• Published the Leviathan<br />

• In the beginning, people lived in anarchy<br />

• Life is violent and dangerous<br />

• People choose a leader to rule them and protect<br />

them<br />

• People give Monarch absolute power<br />

• A social contract creates stability<br />

• People only have the right to protect themselves<br />


Who wrote the Two Treatises of Government?<br />

The mystery<br />

author!<br />


John Locke<br />

• English Philosopher<br />

• Published Two Treatises of Government<br />

• People have made a social contract<br />

• But have kept:<br />

• The right to life, liberty and property<br />

• Rulers must preserve these rights<br />

• If not, people have the right to overthrow<br />

such ruler and replace him for breaking<br />

the social contract<br />


French agreed with his ideas…The people<br />

should rebel!<br />

The Storming of Bastille<br />

Liberty leading the<br />

People<br />

by Delacroix<br />


Locke vs. Hobbes<br />

•What was the<br />

differences in their<br />

ideas about Social<br />

Contracts?<br />


Baron de Montesquieu<br />

• Promoted the idea of a government with<br />

separation of powers.<br />

• Wrote a book The Spirit of the Laws,<br />

• Executive Branch: to enforce the laws<br />

• Legislative Branch: to make the laws<br />

• Judicial Branch: to interpret the laws, or<br />

make sure they are fair. (Supreme Court)<br />

• Thought that individual rights should be<br />

protected.<br />


Rousseau<br />

• French Author and thinker. Published The Social<br />

Contract- everyone works for common good of<br />

society<br />

• Believed that the (Popular Sovereignty) power<br />

to rule belonged to the people, and governments<br />

should receive their authority from the people.<br />

• Believed that people had the right to rise up<br />

against their government and carry out needed<br />

changes.<br />

• "Man is born free and everywhere he is in<br />

chains."<br />


Francis-Marie Arouet (1694-1778)<br />

(Voltaire)<br />

• Wrote Candide in 1759 in which he<br />

analyzes the problem of evil in the world<br />

and depicts the woes heaped upon the<br />

world in the name of religion<br />

• His battle cry against the Roman<br />

Catholic Church was ecrasez l’infame<br />

(“crush the damned thing”) Believed in<br />

religious freedom and freedom of<br />

speech.<br />

• "I disapprove of what you say but I<br />

will defend to the death your right<br />

to say it."<br />

• "It is dangerous to be right when the<br />

government is wrong.<br />

• French Author and thinker.<br />

• "Man is free at the moment he wishes to<br />

be”<br />


There should be “separation<br />

of church and state”<br />

This was Voltaire's belief<br />

Church State 12

<strong>Enlightenment</strong> Philosophers<br />

Thinker Main Ideas Type of Government<br />

Hobbes •Wrote the Leviathan (1651)<br />

•convinced that all humans were naturally selfish and wicked<br />

•Social Contract<br />

Absolute Monarchy<br />

Locke<br />

Voltaire<br />

Montesquieu<br />

Rousseau<br />

Beccaria<br />

•Humans are reasonable and could learn from mistakes<br />

•All people are born free and equal-life, liberty, & pursuit of happiness<br />

•Government comes from consent of people<br />

•Thought to be the most brilliant of the philosophes<br />

•Believed in freedom of speech-used literature as his weapon<br />

•Separation of powers (checks and balances)<br />

•United States used his ideas as basis for government<br />

•Believed that civilization corrupted people’s natural goodness<br />

•Believed that man was born free but governments hinder peoples<br />

freedom<br />

•Laws exist to preserve order not to avenge crimes<br />

•Ideas became basis of US Bill of Rights-outlawed torture, speedy<br />

trials, etc.<br />

Self-Government<br />

(Democracy)<br />

Democracy<br />

Democracy<br />

Direct Democracy<br />

Democracy<br />

(Greatest good for the<br />

greatest number of<br />

people)<br />

Wollstonecraft •Argued for women’s rights Democracy (Equal<br />


Copy these quotes into your notebook and draw a small image next to each to<br />

illustrate it!<br />

All mankind... being all equal and<br />

independent, no one ought to harm<br />

another in his life, health, liberty or<br />

possessions. – John Locke<br />

Without governments, there would be<br />

“war….of every man against every man”-<br />

Thomas Hobbes<br />

I do not agree with a word you say but<br />

will defend to the death your right to say<br />

it- Voltaire<br />

Power should be a check to power-<br />

Montesquieu<br />

Man is born free, and everywhere he is in<br />

chains- Rousseau

Key effects(results) 0f the<br />

<strong>Enlightenment</strong><br />

• 1. Believed could overthrow unfair<br />

governments-led to revolutions in<br />

U.S., France and Latin America.<br />

• 2. Enlightened Despots –European<br />

monarchs who ruled using<br />

<strong>Enlightenment</strong> principles (ideas)<br />


Salons Spread <strong>Enlightenment</strong> ideas :Mme. Geoffrin entertains.<br />


<strong>Enlightenment</strong> Ideas affect the<br />

culture<br />

Desire for geometric shapes, orderly<br />

repetition in mathematical patterns<br />

Dislike for “messiness” and “Chaos”<br />

Preference for Democracy<br />

Preference for civilized, polite<br />

discussion of ideas. Intellectual<br />

debate not force.<br />

Desire to create social standards<br />

based on reason not tradition.<br />


Gardens -Straight lines, 90 degree corners, the stuff to<br />

warm the heart of an <strong>Enlightenment</strong> thinker. Thus,<br />

hedge--mazes appear across Europe.<br />


Even the untidiness of natural hair disturbs <strong>Enlightenment</strong> society. Thus, the tradition of the<br />

perfectly coiffed wig appears in the age of Washington and Jefferson and Marie Antoinette.<br />

Powdered porcelain make-up and other cosmetics become fashionable and artificial<br />

“beauty” patches (bits of black cloth with adhesive) are used to create artificial moles or<br />

freckles (or to hide natural ones.) It is an age of artifice.<br />


Architecture-studied<br />

the ideas and art of<br />

ancient Greece and<br />

Rome.”Neoclassical”<br />


Whose house is this and what architecture<br />

inspired it?<br />


ART-Rococo Style-Painting<br />

Softer, more delicate style than<br />

baroque shell-like decoration<br />

used in gardens.<br />

Art as happy, witty, frivolous,<br />

playful<br />


What famous <strong>Enlightenment</strong><br />

painting is this?<br />


Liberty Leading the<br />

People<br />

Lady Liberty<br />


Changes In music and<br />

Literature<br />

• Lighter and more<br />

elegant sound.<br />

• 3 Great composers<br />

were from Vienna<br />

• Franz Haydn<br />

• Wolfgang Mozart<br />

• Beethoven<br />

• Literature –novels<br />

• Growing Middle class<br />

made novels and<br />

fiction popular<br />

• Dictionary-Samuel<br />

Johnson 1755<br />


Jonathan Swift<br />

A Modest Proposal recommended<br />

that poor Irish children be butchered,<br />

roasted and served for Sunday<br />

dinners. It would reduce population<br />

and provide income.<br />

Gulliver’s Travels Horses put humans<br />

to shame. Mocked humans as Yahoos<br />


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