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<strong>Enlightenment</strong><br />

1.”Age of Reason” –Reason or logic was used<br />

to Improve society.<br />

2. Natural laws (Universal laws that are always<br />

true) were used to improve society<br />

3. Governments received their authority(power)<br />

from the people –Not from God. They believed<br />

in democracy.<br />

4. Scientific Rev and <strong>Enlightenment</strong><br />

encouraged spread of new ideas and use of<br />

reason.<br />


<strong>Enlightenment</strong> Thinkers<br />

1. Thomas Hobbes<br />

2. John Locke<br />

3. Baron de Montesquieu<br />

4. Jean-Jacques Rousseau<br />

5. Voltaire<br />


Leviathan<br />

A Leviathan is a huge<br />

“sea monster”<br />

represents the all<br />

powerful government<br />

Hobbes believed exist to<br />

avoid chaos<br />


Thomas Hobbes<br />

• English Philosopher<br />

• Published the Leviathan<br />

• In the beginning, people lived in anarchy<br />

• Life is violent and dangerous<br />

• People choose a leader to rule them and protect<br />

them<br />

• People give Monarch absolute power<br />

• A social contract creates stability<br />

• People only have the right to protect themselves<br />


Who wrote the Two Treatises of Government?<br />

The mystery<br />

author!<br />


John Locke<br />

• English Philosopher<br />

• Published Two Treatises of Government<br />

• People have made a social contract<br />

• But have kept:<br />

• The right to life, liberty and property<br />

• Rulers must preserve these rights<br />

• If not, people have the right to overthrow<br />

such ruler and replace him for breaking<br />

the social contract<br />


French agreed with his ideas…The people<br />

should rebel!<br />

The Storming of Bastille<br />

Liberty leading the<br />

People<br />

by Delacroix<br />


Locke vs. Hobbes<br />

•What was the<br />

differences in their<br />

ideas about Social<br />

Contracts?<br />


Baron de Montesquieu<br />

• Promoted the idea of a government with<br />

separation of powers.<br />

• Wrote a book The Spirit of the Laws,<br />

• Executive Branch: to enforce the laws<br />

• Legislative Branch: to make the laws<br />

• Judicial Branch: to interpret the laws, or<br />

make sure they are fair. (Supreme Court)<br />

• Thought that individual rights should be<br />

protected.<br />


Rousseau<br />

• French Author and thinker. Published The Social<br />

Contract- everyone works for common good of<br />

society<br />

• Believed that the (Popular Sovereignty) power<br />

to rule belonged to the people, and governments<br />

should receive their authority from the people.<br />

• Believed that people had the right to rise up<br />

against their government and carry out needed<br />

changes.<br />

• "Man is born free and everywhere he is in<br />

chains."<br />


Francis-Marie Arouet (1694-1778)<br />

(Voltaire)<br />

• Wrote Candide in 1759 in which he<br />

analyzes the problem of evil in the world<br />

and depicts the woes heaped upon the<br />

world in the name of religion<br />

• His battle cry against the Roman<br />

Catholic Church was ecrasez l’infame<br />

(“crush the damned thing”) Believed in<br />

religious freedom and freedom of<br />

speech.<br />

• "I disapprove of what you say but I<br />

will defend to the death your right<br />

to say it."<br />

• "It is dangerous to be right when the<br />

government is wrong.<br />

• French Author and thinker.<br />

• "Man is free at the moment he wishes to<br />

be”<br />


There should be “separation<br />

of church and state”<br />

This was Voltaire's belief<br />

Church State 12

<strong>Enlightenment</strong> Philosophers<br />

Thinker Main Ideas Type of Government<br />

Hobbes •Wrote the Leviathan (1651)<br />

•convinced that all humans were naturally selfish and wicked<br />

•Social Contract<br />

Absolute Monarchy<br />

Locke<br />

Voltaire<br />

Montesquieu<br />

Rousseau<br />

Beccaria<br />

•Humans are reasonable and could learn from mistakes<br />

•All people are born free and equal-life, liberty, & pursuit of happiness<br />

•Government comes from consent of people<br />

•Thought to be the most brilliant of the philosophes<br />

•Believed in freedom of speech-used literature as his weapon<br />

•Separation of powers (checks and balances)<br />

•United States used his ideas as basis for government<br />

•Believed that civilization corrupted people’s natural goodness<br />

•Believed that man was born free but governments hinder peoples<br />

freedom<br />

•Laws exist to preserve order not to avenge crimes<br />

•Ideas became basis of US Bill of Rights-outlawed torture, speedy<br />

trials, etc.<br />

Self-Government<br />

(Democracy)<br />

Democracy<br />

Democracy<br />

Direct Democracy<br />

Democracy<br />

(Greatest good for the<br />

greatest number of<br />

people)<br />

Wollstonecraft •Argued for women’s rights Democracy (Equal<br />


Copy these quotes into your notebook and draw a small image next to each to<br />

illustrate it!<br />

All mankind... being all equal and<br />

independent, no one ought to harm<br />

another in his life, health, liberty or<br />

possessions. – John Locke<br />

Without governments, there would be<br />

“war….of every man against every man”-<br />

Thomas Hobbes<br />

I do not agree with a word you say but<br />

will defend to the death your right to say<br />

it- Voltaire<br />

Power should be a check to power-<br />

Montesquieu<br />

Man is born free, and everywhere he is in<br />

chains- Rousseau

Key effects(results) 0f the<br />

<strong>Enlightenment</strong><br />

• 1. Believed could overthrow unfair<br />

governments-led to revolutions in<br />

U.S., France and Latin America.<br />

• 2. Enlightened Despots –European<br />

monarchs who ruled using<br />

<strong>Enlightenment</strong> principles (ideas)<br />


Salons Spread <strong>Enlightenment</strong> ideas :Mme. Geoffrin entertains.<br />


<strong>Enlightenment</strong> Ideas affect the<br />

culture<br />

Desire for geometric shapes, orderly<br />

repetition in mathematical patterns<br />

Dislike for “messiness” and “Chaos”<br />

Preference for Democracy<br />

Preference for civilized, polite<br />

discussion of ideas. Intellectual<br />

debate not force.<br />

Desire to create social standards<br />

based on reason not tradition.<br />


Gardens -Straight lines, 90 degree corners, the stuff to<br />

warm the heart of an <strong>Enlightenment</strong> thinker. Thus,<br />

hedge--mazes appear across Europe.<br />


Even the untidiness of natural hair disturbs <strong>Enlightenment</strong> society. Thus, the tradition of the<br />

perfectly coiffed wig appears in the age of Washington and Jefferson and Marie Antoinette.<br />

Powdered porcelain make-up and other cosmetics become fashionable and artificial<br />

“beauty” patches (bits of black cloth with adhesive) are used to create artificial moles or<br />

freckles (or to hide natural ones.) It is an age of artifice.<br />


Architecture-studied<br />

the ideas and art of<br />

ancient Greece and<br />

Rome.”Neoclassical”<br />


Whose house is this and what architecture<br />

inspired it?<br />


ART-Rococo Style-Painting<br />

Softer, more delicate style than<br />

baroque shell-like decoration<br />

used in gardens.<br />

Art as happy, witty, frivolous,<br />

playful<br />


What famous <strong>Enlightenment</strong><br />

painting is this?<br />


Liberty Leading the<br />

People<br />

Lady Liberty<br />


Changes In music and<br />

Literature<br />

• Lighter and more<br />

elegant sound.<br />

• 3 Great composers<br />

were from Vienna<br />

• Franz Haydn<br />

• Wolfgang Mozart<br />

• Beethoven<br />

• Literature –novels<br />

• Growing Middle class<br />

made novels and<br />

fiction popular<br />

• Dictionary-Samuel<br />

Johnson 1755<br />


Jonathan Swift<br />

A Modest Proposal recommended<br />

that poor Irish children be butchered,<br />

roasted and served for Sunday<br />

dinners. It would reduce population<br />

and provide income.<br />

Gulliver’s Travels Horses put humans<br />

to shame. Mocked humans as Yahoos<br />


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