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OMB Approval #: 2700-0042<br />



1<br />

2<br />


01 See Block 16C 4200177961<br />

6. ISSUED BY CODE BT / JPl 7. ADMINISTERED BY (If other than Item 6) CODE<br />

L<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center<br />

Attn: Caroline Marrs Root, CO, Mail Code BT<br />

2101 <strong>NASA</strong> Parkway<br />

Houston, TX 77058<br />

8 NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (No., street, county, State, and ZIp Code)<br />

~<br />


Lockheed Martin COIporation<br />

Attn: James Blackwell 9B DATED (SEE ITEM 11)<br />

P.O. Box 179 Mail Stop L3008<br />

Denver, Colorado 80201<br />

X<br />


<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

lOB. DATED (SECE ITEM16c)<br />

CODE 100141 I FACILITY CODE 04236 09/08/2006<br />

o The above numbered solicitation Is amended as set forth In Item 14. The hour and date specified for receipt of Offers Is extended, Is not extended.<br />

Offers must acknowledge receipt of this amendment p~or to the hour and date specified In the solicitation or as amended, by one of the following methods:<br />

(a) By completing Items 8 and 15. and returning __ copies of the amendment. (b) Byacknowledglng receipt of this amendment on each copy of the offer submitted; or (c) By<br />

separate letter or telegram which Includes a reference to the solicitation and amendment numbers FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE<br />


amendment you desire to change an offer already submitted. such change may be made by telegram or letter, provided each telegram or letter makes reference to the solicitation<br />

and this amendment. and Is received p~or to the opening hour and date speclfled.<br />


72-644423 FC400000 644423.01.30 72ZVll ESAX22006D<br />





X<br />





o OTHER (Specify type of modlflcatlon and authOrity)<br />

Pursuant to FAR 52.232-22, Limitation of Funds (ApnI1984)<br />

E. IMPORTANT: Contractor l8!is not, 0 Is required to sign this document and return __ copies to the Issuing office.<br />

14 DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENTIMODIFICATION (Organized by UCF section headings, Including soliCItation/contract subject matter where feasible)<br />

The puxpose of this Modtfication 1 is to add incremental funding to this contract.<br />

See Page 2 for a description of the modification.<br />

ExceDt as Drovlded herein all terms and conditions of the document referenced In Item 9A or lOA. as heretofore changed remains unchanged and In full force and effect.<br />


Caroline Marrs Root<br />

Contracting Officer<br />


(Signature of person authonzed to sign)<br />

NSN 7540.Q1-152-8070<br />


BY<br />

30-105<br />

Onglnal Signed by Caroline Marrs Root 9/21/2006<br />

(Signature of Contract/na Officer)<br />

STANDARD FORM 30 (Rev. 10-83)<br />

Presc~bed by GSA<br />

FAR (46 CFR) 53.243

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Modification 01<br />

Page 2 of2<br />

The purpose of this modification is to proVIde mcremental fundmg in the amount of$563,000,000; hereby increasing the allotted<br />

amount from $27,000,000 to $590,000,000. Funding recapitulation is shown below:<br />

Cost<br />

Fee<br />

Total<br />

Previous This Mod 1<br />

27,000,000 563,000,000<br />

New Total<br />

590,000,000<br />

The contract is changed in the following particulars:<br />

I. Clause B4. CONTRACT FUNDING (<strong>NASA</strong> 1852.232 81) (JUN 1990), is hereby deleted in its entirety and the revised clause B4<br />

shown below is substituted in lieu thereof:<br />

B.4 CONTRACT FUNDING (<strong>NASA</strong> 1852.232-81) (JUN 1990)<br />

a. For purposes of payment of cost, exclUSive of fee, m accordance with the Limitation of Funds clause in Section I, the total<br />

amount allotted by the Govermnent Schedule A is an estimate for the period of performance June 30, 2007.<br />

b. Schedule A contract funding summary:<br />

Schedule A<br />

TOTAL<br />

$590,000,000<br />

(End of clause)<br />

II. All other terms and conditions of the contract remain unchanged and in full force and effect.

OMB Approval #: 2700-0042<br />


PAGe OF, PAGES<br />



12 See Block 16C 4200202158<br />

S. ISSU~DBY CCCE BTfJPI 7. ADMlNlmRED BY (If other thIn Item 6) CODE<br />

I<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center<br />

Attn: Bradley J. Niese, Mail Code BT<br />

2101 <strong>NASA</strong>Parlc\vay<br />

Houston, TIC 77058<br />

8. NAME AND ADDREilS 01' CONl'RACTOR (No., """'" c:ounty, state, and ZIp Code)<br />

Lockheed Martin Corporation<br />

Attn: James Blackwell<br />

P.O. Sox 179 Mail Stop LJ008<br />

Denver, Colotado 80201-0719<br />

~<br />

X<br />

I<br />


98. DATED (SEE ITEM II)<br />


NNJ06TA2SC<br />

lOB. DATED (SECE lTEMI~)<br />

CODE 100141 I FACILITY CODE 04236 09f08/2006<br />


o The above numbenld ICIICItaIIOn IUmended ..... 1OIth In Item 14. The hour IIrId d .... p.olfteci for receipt of 0Ire" 0 ,,4IlCIendtd. 0 "nat extended.<br />

OIreIImuli aci

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Modification 12<br />

Page2of2<br />

The purpose of this modification is to provide incremental funding in the amount of $4.890.389; hereby increasing the allotted amount<br />

from $590.000.000 to $594.890.389. Funding recapitulation is shown below:<br />

Previous 1 TIdsModU I NewTotaJ I<br />

Cost<br />

'o~ b-\' i-ltf'<br />

1<br />

Fee<br />

L<br />

-'<br />

Total S 590.000.000 J $ 4.890.389 I $ 594.890.389 J<br />

The contract is changed in the following particulars:<br />

I. Clause 84. CONTRACT FUNDING (<strong>NASA</strong> 1852.23281) (1UN 1990). is hereby deleted in its entirety and the reVIsed clause 84<br />

shown below is substituted in lieu thereof:<br />

8.4 CONTRACT FUNDING (<strong>NASA</strong> 1852.232·81) (JUN 1990)<br />

a. For purposes of payment of cost, exclusive of fee. in accordance with the Limitation of Funds clause in Section I. the total<br />

amount allotted by the Government Schedule A is an estimate for the period of performance October 17. 2007.<br />

b. Schedule A contract funding summary:<br />

Schedule A<br />

COST<br />

bf<br />

FEE<br />

bf<br />

(End of clause)<br />

TOTAL<br />

$594.890.389<br />

II. All other terms and conditions of the contract remain unchanged and in full force and effect.

OMB Approva IN 0.27 ()O. 0042<br />



~. I NO. ~ : nAT!;' • J>I' lII«':IlAllli RM NO I ~ ""'" ,cr.T NO<br />

18 N1A I N/A<br />

6 ISSUEOUV I cooe 7 AOMIN1S1~neOIlV(!I""""_'_6J (COOE I<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> I.yndon B. Johllslln Spuw Ccnter<br />

Alln: LlT/J"~~lca Corley<br />

210 I <strong>NASA</strong> PUrllWllY<br />

1I0118tOIl. TX 1705f1<br />

~PP~D<br />

LL~~<br />

It ........ • 1 OJ: 11No .. ·""" ._ ...... J&"YI1'O( [l~ENT<br />

l.ockhL'Cd Marlin Corpol

I. (a). Clause 0.3, Estimated CQst and AWard Fee, for completion form work is<br />

summarized as follows:<br />

Elemcnt From I To Changc<br />

Estimated Cost I LL I JL _<br />

bf<br />

Fee<br />

PI<br />

4/{ ~<br />

-<br />

I<br />

Total I 54.270,600,905 I $4,329,791,521 559,190,616 -<br />

NNJ06TA2SC<br />

Modification 18<br />

Page 2<br />

(b). 0.3 Estimated Cost and Award Fee is deleted in its entirity and replaced with the<br />

following:<br />

"B,3 ESTIMATED COST AND A W AID FEE tNFS 1152.216-85> (SIP 1993)<br />

•• The estimated cost and award fee for Schedule A (base foe not applicable) of this contract<br />

is broken out as follows:<br />

Completion form work<br />

(all work not identified as 101Q) btj<br />

i<br />

Estimated Mgimwn ThIll S:QJl<br />

~ Award fee and Award Fee<br />

•<br />

he-I ht(<br />

IDlQ Oelivery Orders Issued·· &q- bY 01-<br />

Total hI{ Jo'{ 1.1..J,29.1.f1.z'f.Z<br />

•• NOTE! Work subje

· .'<br />

NNJ06TA2SC<br />

Modification 18<br />

Page 3<br /> Mechanisms<br />

n <strong>NASA</strong> wID provide the CEV to ISS dOSkinC adapter for ISS dgsking.<br />

I) The Contractor shaD Integrate the elv to ISS doddD,adapter for two adapter<br />

deUvea mllslons tq ISS. DI. fgtegr.tlOD Inslpm <strong>NASA</strong> provided avionk.<br />

required to operate Andromou. Peripheral A.sembly Systems.<br />

III. Section]. Attchment J-ll entitled "Government Furnished Property List". and<br />

Attachment 1-1, "Award Fee Plan, Schedule A" are deleted in their entirety and<br />

replaced with the attachments to this modification.




Contract NNJ08TA25C<br />

Schedule A<br />

Ayaytt 27· ~~1 ... _<br />

. _<br />

r,;:---------.---. .<br />

,~"!!!!... .. _-- .

NNI06Tmc Auachment1-7 Ii"=..-------.'~<br />

I L:C:;:.I'O:.:.w:.;Ex=PI::;oratio=·<br />

,::.D .:.V:::eh:::ic:::Ie;....-..:;(CBV)=.:.!.-___________<br />

--.:M:::od=ifi:::cati:::·:;;;OD::.:lII~ u..~ __ . ____ , __ JJ<br />

I. INDlQpUgnON<br />

In accordanCe with thl ptOvieIonI of the Federal AIlqulaltlon AlQulatIon (FAA), and <strong>NASA</strong> and JSC poIfcfll,<br />

a performanot Muatlon proctdu" Ie hMby aatabIlehlid tor dttetmlnatlon of award .... payable under<br />

th. oontract. Tk awant fee Ie deaIgned to provide aconomIo motIYatIon tor the Conhctor 10 PfOYIdI<br />

timely, high quality outpull that .xceed the minimum raqul~ 0/ the oontract. The Inttnt 01 this plan Is<br />

10 set up jIIOClldUNI tor evaluatIOn of Contractor ptIformanoe uaInO tIdItInQ data and syatamalO the<br />

maximum IXIiInt Whlle Impoalng minimum acfmlnletratl\lt llurdtn on the CiOvemment and ContIaotor. The<br />

payment of any aW8ld tee Is oontIngent upon eompIlanot with oonlIaotuaI requlrementa and pedonnance to<br />

the degreelf*lllac:t below.<br />

This ccntraot la a hybrid oontI'aot COIlIIIBllng 01 thf81 achtclUllI, SCIIIdUlII A, B, and C. AW8Id fee<br />

Muallon lor SclledulII A and C ." covered by attachmanta J.7 and J.17, rtapecllvely. Scheclule B<br />

c:ontaIna BipIltate 1nCentI\118 SIIICHIC to that oontlacl sc:hedule. and Is not lubject to a.i'd fH ptOVIeIona.<br />

Th. Contractor'. Interkn parfonnanol under Schedule A will be evaluated by <strong>NASA</strong> at the 8lCp1ra1ion 01<br />

I80h ptriod 8p11CIlIeclIn EncIoIIn II, Performance Mlleetonll. The Mluatlon to be performed by <strong>NASA</strong><br />

wli be baud on <strong>NASA</strong>' ....... IntrII'of the COnttacIoI'elCCOl'llpl/ahment 0/ the vadoua .... of WOIIt<br />

~ by the Sw.ment Of WorJc.ln accordance with the tao\OI8, ~n"" ptOCadurI8, and other<br />

(IIOVI8IcInIi8lt foIth below.<br />

The .mount of a~e Awant Fee In _ P*Iod Is 'ubliIOt to eqult8blt id/..unenlilarillng flOll'l chengee<br />

or otheroonrict 1fIOd1llclillOnl. The 8IIIOUIit 01 the Awant 1". to be paid Is determined by the<br />

GowIrIrntnI'a evaI~ 0/ the CcInIracIoft partarmanoe In '*"" 0/ the orItarilltated In .... oontraot. Thle<br />

determination and ttMi hIeIhocIOIOgy, rot d4ItermInlnO N AWIIII Fee .,. unllaterald.olelonl mede eo/ely at<br />

tha dIscINIIoh Of the Governrntnt. The eJovemment may unll&te!allY ChanQt any a_ of this plan nOl<br />

otherwlle Nqulrlng mutual agreement under the oontract. Such ctI8ngea wll be made prior to the<br />

beginning 0/ an llVllualiOn J*Ibd to which the changet eppIy by \IIT18Iy notice to the contfaotor In writing.<br />

The COrItt8CIDr will be Informed o/any changee to the llVlluatlon criteria or the welghtfnga prior 10 the<br />

affected AWIId Fee period.<br />

Each awald '" evaluation. with the m:aptiOn of the Iaat evaluatlon, will be an IntetIm evaluallon and 11\.<br />

COI'f8IPOIIdInO tee payment 18 pnlVIllonaI only. All Interim evalua~ and provisional tee paymente will be<br />

superseded by the llna! evaluation and fee deterrnlnltlon lor SchIIdIIIe A.<br />

Attachment J·7<br />


IL<br />

gRQANIZADONAb tmucnJM<br />

A. '-fotnIInce I!vaIlIItIon loan! IntegrltJon T_ (PEB-IT)<br />

The pEB-rr wtU be compoaad of aeIeded <strong>NASA</strong> technical and admlnlalrative pel8Ol1llei and headed by the<br />

ContraCtIiIa OffIceI'a Technical Repraaenta1lVe (COTR). The COTR Will be the roc.! point for the<br />

accumulatIOn and devt/Opmtnt 0/ A~' F .. evaluation reporII. rlVlewe. and preaantallolw. as weft aa<br />

dlllCU88lon!l with Contractct manaoament 011 Award F .. matte". The PEB-rr Will evaluate the

11L..,;~;.;.;rew;.;.;I06...;;ix.;.;o~;;;.;lo""~=n_v",,eh;.;.;iC....;,le_-.:..(CBV)....;....:,-___________<br />

~.;...~_ifi_C_atiOlI_·<br />

The FDO Win consider thl recommendation 01 thl PEl, PEB-IT Report, Information provided by th&<br />

CClnlraotor, If any, and any other pelllnent Information In d8l1IImInlng the ptIformance ecore. The FOOl<br />

delllrminalion 01 thl IICOrI will be lilted In a wrItlIIn Award F .. Dttennlnatlon and will be plOVlded 10 1111<br />

ContIICIOf by the contracting 0II1cer within 48 calendar days attar IhI end 0I1hI evaluation plllod.<br />

-7;...;..<br />

t_l lA<br />

....<br />

....<br />

, tL~_-==== D<br />


Schedule "AM DOTal<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> will evaluatIIlhiI contIMt IIChlduieln ~ with 1111 cIIuae NFS 1852,218-77, Award Fee For<br />

End "*" ContracfII. £ach award 'ee pl/lod wtU be baled on objectlw project mUeatortet IdentlfIad In !hie<br />

plan end CQ'l\r8CllIChed\lle. ElICh Inllrtm award fee period and provisIOnal payment Ie baIIId on the<br />

ConUacIDr'alucce.tul con\pI8IIon 01 the inHaatone(a) agreed 10 and aaldantifled In !he Contractor'a<br />

Integl'lllld Maatef8dMlcfull (IMa). The award fee dlstrlbultCn tIbIt contained In EncIoeure II, Performance<br />

MlIeemeI, pIOVid ... ,'" 01 p6I1omlll'lCe mUllion .. and availlblt provIalonal f .. for each mllellOne. In<br />

acconfance with NFS 1882.218-1'1. all award fie avaIuatlOnl. with lhIelllCtPllOn 011111 last evaluation. will<br />

be Inllrtm lYlluaIIonI.<br />

Ob/ICIIVII and I\I~ CrItIrIa<br />

NO later dIM 30 ca/endar daya ptIor 10 the 8tIrt of each Irrtellm Aweni P .. evaluation period (mll8lt«Mt),<br />

the Qo/ItIaCtOt may IIbnIt \0 the ContrIcIIng OffIcer rtoorMIended ~ perfolmlllCe mettlca.<br />

weIQhIIngt, and A,... 01 rtnphu/I (ACE) for CI;lI'IIIldtretion by <strong>NASA</strong> 10 be uI8d for the enau/ng evaluation<br />

period.<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> wit tttabIIeh performance rnauIoa and )OE for Hell lYaluatlan perIOd (m ___ ) and communlcatll<br />

thew \0 the ConIrtootcIt at .... 1 a cellI'Idar days ptIot to 1111 start 01 tadllYaluatton period. <strong>NASA</strong> may<br />

un ..<br />

terally changIIlhl walghlinga 0I1hI crIt8rIa from perIOd to peIfod. Howaver, coat conIIOI wli be<br />

waIgIMd at no '"' IhU\ 25 pII'CII\l<br />

Contraotor lilt EvaluatIOn and 8UbmIMIonI<br />

The Contractor Ihd fIlmllh a eaIf-evaJua1ion for Hell IYaIUIIIon perIOd. The eaIf.-Juation II1IIIt be<br />

~Ved by tht ConncIInIJ 0II1cer Holklng days prIOI' 10 !he end of the perIOd and IhaII be limited 10 no<br />

~ tIIIn 20 PIIJ". At the pEl 1I'IMIing., the ConttacIiof may (IIOvIdIa aeIf.tvaIuaIIon preMntltIon (a<br />

copy, of which IhaII be proyIded 10 the PEl) not to ellCHd 30 mlnutal.1n IIrIgIh.<br />

The CdnIIIIcIor will bt rum/lhld a copy 01 the ,PEl'. ~D', canoIUI/OnI, and fee recommandatloll. The<br />

ContracIDr wit be aI/oIIIId thl opportII'Ifty 10 allblnltfor COIIIIdatation of the FDO: (a) pIOJlO8ed evaluallona<br />

or conc!IuaiorIa or (b) 'liCIp~ 10 the evaluafione. concIueIona. or lee \'8CQIIIIII8Ind1ione 01 the PEl: and<br />

(0) lupportlnlJ reuorII for 1\ICh ~ or fII'OPOI*d evaluatlona or ccinoIUllonl. The ContraoIor'I<br />

.1iImIaaIonI m<br />

... be ~ In WIltIng I!Jd muit be IUbmItted IhrouOII the ContracIInIJ, OffIcer tel the FDO<br />

wflhIrI 5oWOll/lnlJdays fnIm !he date 01 the ~. ~ 01 the pEe fIrIdI~. If the ConIrIcIor doea<br />

not provId. ~ InfOrInaIIon 10 the CcInireotInO O/Ifcer within the time etat.d ab!Mt <strong>NASA</strong> wII<br />

oonoIucIe that the ContIactor oonoull WIth the .uaIIon and I'tCClI'IIIIIen 1COr&.<br />

In the event the FI)()"" not /I08IVed • submll8lon fnIm the Contrac\IQt, the per/omIanoe determlnatlOli<br />

wMl not be exeautad untilJlpilatlon of the &-worklng day period PlIlClIbeci abIMI for ConInIctor<br />

lJUbmilllOn. The COntraoIior 11181 ~ lIIe 5-worlclng day walIInlJ ptrIod by provldlnlJ • wrItlIIn etatement<br />

!hat no ~ wi. be IUbmIIied.<br />

Attachntent J-7<br />


Attachment 1-7<br />

L..:::::~==:::....;.;=:::.......:=~ ___________ Mod==ifi::::ca:;:;tio:.;:n~-.J (L ~_~ .____-:=~-D<br />

The Contractor ahaU submit to the Contracting OffIcer a Corrective ActIon Plan (CAP) lor any weakneaaea<br />

or tailing abj8c11v8 peI10lmlnce al'llllldenllflld by <strong>NASA</strong> II part 01 the evaluation. TIll CAP should<br />

lncIudl a d8lOrtptIon oIlI1e non-oonformance. determlnatlon of \h8 roof cause 011111 non-conformance.<br />

action raqull8d to correct the weakn ... and fjI'eVtnt *"1i'8nC8I, and the sohldull for compl*llon of tile<br />

action. The CAP IIhalI be auIlm/tIId to the ContractIng OffIcer within 30 calendar daY' after receipt 01 the<br />

eacIIlntIrIm peI10rmence dll8rmlnatlon lor the evaluation period. CoII'IcIIV8. ActIn \MIl be cIo8ed by<br />

__ Iram the Contrsotfng OffIcer and the com. FaQure to 8ubmlt a CAP within 1111 urnerraml<br />

stated above will reeult In 4 weakneaaln the next ev .. uatlon period.<br />

InI8rIm FI8dIII\Ck 110 the CoIl1rlOllOr<br />

During the OOUIM 0/ 4 perIodIo evaluatlqn I*fod. the PEB-IT wi! communlaate willi the evaluation monlto!I<br />

and 0Ihert II dlllnW ippIOpfIItIlIO IIOIIIIUl whether there ant any a ..... 01 the contraatoI'I perlormanoe In<br />

which eVIificant IrnpIo\ItI'IItI fa raquk'ld. TIle PSIT wi provide prompt wrllIIn notice II) till contJactor 01<br />

IWIY such 1IIgnIftcant ...... knOWn to him. and wII alIo hlghllQht oNr areu of BoYtrnll\ellt COIIC8m. For each<br />

such leIItr fIIuId. the contiIcIDt fa required io reepond In allmely 1TIIIMtr. aetIIng forth plane lor Inc:reaslng<br />

efIacIIveneas In the ...... Add! a ... d or 8lqlIeInfng why It II hOt taeelll810 do 10.<br />

TIle need for such IntIrIm I88dbII!.k wi! vary ICOOrdInIl to the oI~ IrwoIv8d, such II till I,""", of<br />

the 8VIlUItion I*fod. the COI'lbllClal'l ~ In pnwIoua perIOdt ... nature 0/ the WOIk baInG done<br />

during the period." Henoe. the ~ lain 10 Provide InIIIIm feedback to 1111 contractcr during<br />

the perliXt;Ht /lot PfICIuda 11'18 GowmnIent from coneIdIIIfng any dtIIcIfncy In the contnICID'" piI1oriMnoe<br />

In OOIII'1eotlcn with the cMIImlnstlon 01 the amount of. fee to be aWll/l$ld to the contracIor. TypIcally. the<br />

C30vernInent will prtwIde '''-to the CCI)IraoIor at M/y 3 I'IICII1II1Il durfnO the evalll4t1On perIOd. At a<br />

minimum. the ~ wi pItIvfde fMdbIok at Ihf· m/dpolnt of the evaJUItfon perIOd.<br />

IV.<br />


<strong>NASA</strong> will use the 1oI~ lubj8Clhle fIIcIors II a basis for arriving 411111 Inte~1II and final ,ward fee<br />

score:<br />

B. PnIgI .., ...... gement (20%)<br />

ThIs factor will Include an IVIIuation 0I1hI Contractor'8 perfolmlnOl In .., ...... 01 Program<br />

Management performanoe. both ~ end final. This Inciudel fdledule rnanaoement. 8ubcontraot<br />

AttachmentI-7<br />

PageS of8

~~~==~~~~~L_ ______________________<br />

~~~~~~<br />

Attachment 1·7<br />

management.1'lISflOI1IIIve88l, Innovation, life cycle coat management, and corporate commitment to<br />

capital illveslmentl and pel'llOnnei. (COrporate commitment to pellOl1nellnoludea tht quantity and<br />

quality of pet8OI'II1eI _",eel 10 the eEV Phaae 2 contracl QuantIty Includea rampoup and retention of<br />

qualified PlIIOI1I181 at adtqua1e I<br />

...... a to milt tchedule, coat and p8Ifonnance objllClivet. Quality of<br />

peI80IVIiI will be waluatad on the ContracIor's lU00M8 In maintainInG and repillOlng key ptllOlll1ei<br />

wI1hln the CEV PtIaM 2 contract.)<br />

Co COIIIllnIglIlMlflt (2ft)<br />

1'1111 faQIar wlllrioIudt an Muallon of the Contrsotor'l cost p8I'forINnce uncItr tht conttaGt. eamad<br />

Valua Manqerntnt 8yttem -. ooat performanot reporIIlI'Id other cost data sources will be uead In<br />

lilt COlt Managtmtnt IIi88Imant fOr til,. factor. COlt performance will be UI88ItCI by M1ua\lng the<br />

cost expendld on thtlClual wortc perlormld during tht perIOd btlng M1uat8d, Including quantitative<br />

..-amant of tht awaR! lie perfod cumulative COlt PIIIfoImlnoe Indtx COPl). In addition, a<br />

qualllltlll8 ......mam of app;opriate Mrneel value VlrIanctI. COlt Impllciallons or the SChedule<br />

Petformar'lce IndeX (SPI), and Other pertod"*PllDlflc cost management tnInd data will be considered.<br />

D. 8mI.~ID~luIlnlll.~Goa"(1"')<br />

The OontrICIOI'I ptIfonnance wli be lVlluatad againlt the CO/dIIICt goaJe for small/8mall<br />

dlasdvanlaald bUlln ... IUbCOntII.ctItIg.<br />

v. 'goBlNg<br />

The ptlWlliI" oJ IWt!'d _10 be pilei tot.pei'IOd Ie equat to the numerlaal80cn IIIIptd. In<br />

accoi'dlnce wIIfI the s.ctton G cIau8I for aW8ld IN, no awald fee will be paJd when ConfracIIlt<br />

perfolll1llllOl Is det8nn1ned 10 be PoorlUnlltllflCtoty.<br />

An overaY performance 8Vlluatlon and fee dlt8lmlnatfon or zenl eI1all be made for any -watlon pertod<br />

whIn there Is a mljor breach of 8Ifety or I80Urity ea dtftned In NFS 1".223-75. MIjor BIMCh of safety<br />

or Security.<br />


EncIoIIurel: NwnerlCal Ranges and Adjectlvt Deflnillonl<br />

I!:ncIoaurw II: PIIfcJrrname Mlleatonee<br />

Modification ~"'I.!....:= .----~.]<br />

Attachment 1-7<br />


AttacbmentJ·7<br />

L.,.;;;.;;.;;.;.;..;;.;.;£==;...;,.;;=~=~ ____________--,Mc.;;Od,,-=ifi;.;.;c.;.;;aao;.;.;· ""R-A.:-J ([D!!!~~_.~.~-_._-_-~-'-:I]<br />

EnClOaurel<br />

NumlflOli Ran .... II'Id AcI)eot1vt DIIInltlon.<br />

This encI08U18 sell forth the adjtCIMI ratings, dtflnl1lont, and I8IOCIattd nurntriotl rangae to be used to<br />

dellne the VlriouI IIVIII 01 ptIIotmll'a under the contJact.<br />


Excellent<br />

Very(3OOCl<br />


POINTS<br />

100·91<br />

90·81<br />


orelfCIPIIOnII mertt; extmplary<br />

perfolR1ll'a In • timely, effIcIent.nd<br />

economlcaI manner, vary minor (If any)<br />

d8llcltnc*i with no adveIu elf8CI on<br />

overall pt\'fOIrnaI1CI.<br />

80·71<br />

70·61<br />

iPQOriu-niiiiietacto--;y--- •--rao-.-o------neo.=-not.:=m:::c<br />

..<br />

M .... or IIId111v &XC\I8dI minimum<br />

~-ii8iicfard.l adtqua18 reeUla;<br />

rtpOIIatlIt dtftclenolal with IdtntHlablt,<br />

bill not 8Ubttlntial, efI8CIt 01'1 overall<br />

perIonnance.<br />

=mI:;::nIm=um=aoceptib/==r.:-.--­<br />

IIIIIndaIdIIn one or mort a,..; remedial<br />

IlGIlon required In one ot mont ....;<br />

~ .. In~.~.~ .... whlch<br />

adVIl1HIIV affect QWqJf I<br />

.'<br />

Attacbmentl·7<br />


Attachment J·7<br />

~~~~==~~==~~~ ____________________________ ~M=od~i~fi~ca=tro~n~-J ~~_13 __________ ~]<br />

Enclosure II<br />

Performance MillSton ..<br />

Performance Mlleetones will be established prior to contract award. Theae mlleetonee wYI be used u<br />

measurements of performance In accordance with Ih. Award Fee for End Item Contractl.<br />


I .. tone EvaluatIOn PerIod I AVIUlblaF ..<br />

Schedule<br />

.--- A TP to 8131107<br />

rr.<br />

7. 911107 to 7131108<br />

rr. 811108 to 6130109<br />

f-r. 711109 to 5131/10<br />

611/10 to 2126111<br />

fs.<br />

Ie:<br />

!t\<br />

311/11 to 212Q112<br />

~<br />

$<br />

$<br />

,-<br />

S<br />

r -<br />

$<br />

S<br />

--.<br />

ElmedF ..<br />

- -<br />

I-r, 311112 to 2128113<br />

T" JIIIIJ. mZ{JllJ.l13<br />

-- ......... -<br />

S . -<br />

s<br />

---<br />

-.<br />

. -<br />

-<br />

Attachment J·7<br />

Page 8of8

NNI06TA25C<br />

I Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment 1-11<br />

Modification 18<br />

ArrACHMENT J-11<br />



2.<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center<br />

Attn: Bradley J. Niese, Mail Code BT<br />

2101 <strong>NASA</strong> Parkway<br />

Houston, TX 77058<br />

Lockheed Martin Corporation<br />

Attn: Bethany Lane<br />

P.O. Box 179 Mail Stop W3004<br />

Denver, Colorado 80201-0719<br />

_<br />

The above numberecllOlldtatlOn Is amended II set rortIIln Item 14. The hOur end dale Ipec:Ifted for receipt of Orrtta Is ex1ended.<br />

Oft'ara muat ackmwIedge receipt of this _ment PrIor to the hour and dale IllilCllfIlll In the a:aIIcitaUon or as amended. bY one

NNJ06TAlSC<br />

Modifieation 29<br />

Page 2 of8<br />

(I)<br />

Definitization of Contract Change Order (CCO) 17 affects Schedule A of this contract as follows:<br />

(a) Clause B.3 Estimated Cost and Award Fee (NFS 1852.216-85) (SEP 1993) for C~mpletion<br />

Form Work is increased, based on the mutually agreed to negotiated price of! b'f I as<br />

follows:<br />

Estimated Maximum Total Cost<br />

Cost Award Fee and Award Fee<br />

. - -r---<br />

~ ~<br />

Previous<br />

1<br />

1---- I--<br />

This Modification<br />

~ bl{<br />

Iff<br />

I<br />

New Total ~I<br />

$4,392;682:5331<br />

(b) Contract Schedule A, Section B, Clause B.3 entitled "ESTIMATED COST AND A WARD<br />

FEE (NFS 1852.216-85) (SEP 1993)" is revised as set forth below.<br />


<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Modification 29<br />

Page30fS<br />

here identifies the current authorized work. The maximum potentiallDIQ contract value is<br />

identified in Clause 1.7 ORDER LIMITATIONS.<br />

(End of clause)"<br />

(c) Contract Attachment 1-1 entitled "Statement of Work - Schedule A" is revised as set forth<br />

below. Only changes (additions, deletions and revisions) to this con~ attachment are<br />

contained herein.<br />

(i) The following is added to paragraph 0) of Section 2.3(C):<br />


• ISS C3l Communications Adapter (ICCA)<br />

(ii) The following paragraph (p) is added to Section 2.3(C):<br />


p) The Cotrttactor shall develop and maintain the ISS Resident RF equipment to ICCA<br />

Interface Control Document in accordance with ORO CEV -T -029 Interface Control<br />

Documents.<br />

(iii) The following paragraph (t) is added to Section 2.6.1 :<br />


t) The Contractor shall lead the integration of the integrated resident RF communications<br />

hardware and the OFE provided ISS eJJ Communications Adapter (ICCA), with the ISS.<br />

(iv) The following paragraph (c) is added to Section 2.6.2:<br />


(c) The contractor shall participate with <strong>NASA</strong> in the integration ofCEV hard-line<br />

interface to the OPE ICCA onboard ISS.<br />

(v) The following replaces the first paragraphJn Section 2.6.3:<br />


The Contractor shall integrate the DDT &E efforts of the space-to-ground and space-tospace<br />

communication links, RF/optical tracking devices (excluding navigational aids),<br />

and audio and video/imagery equipment, ihcluding hardware to be installed on the ISS.<br />

(vi) The following paragraphs (f), (g), and (h) are added to Section 2.6.3:<br />


t) The Contractor shall design, develop. produce, integrate, verifY. validate, certifY,<br />

operate, maintain. document, and deliver ISS resident RF communications hardware<br />

(antenna, amplifiers, transponders, baseband processing. and other associated hardware).<br />

g) The Contractor shall integrate the resident RF communications hardware with the<br />

OFE proVided ISS C3I Communications Adapter (ICCA).<br />

h) The CEV Contractor shall participate with <strong>NASA</strong> and the Constellation Program in<br />

development of Radio Frequency (RF) spectrum management in compliance with the<br />

National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) Manual of<br />

Regulations & Procedures for Federal Radio Frequency Management (May 2003 Edition.<br />

May 2005 Revisions), Chapter 10. The Contractor shall provide RF spectrum<br />

management documentation in DR» CEV-T -026, Spectrum Management Docwnenls for<br />

the ISS CCA which is separate from the CEV stage 1,2 and 3 application.

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

ModifieatioD 29<br />

Page40fS<br />

(vii) The following paragraph (k) is added to Section 2.6.9:<br />

2.6.9 Structures Integratiou<br />

k) The ISS CCA will be hard mounted on a contractor provided isolation system for<br />

launch on Progress.<br />

(viii) The following paragraphs (h), (i) and (j) are added to Section 2.6.11:<br />

2.6.11 SuitltEVA and Survival Crew Equipment Support Systems Integration<br />

h) The ISS CCA primary assembly and the remotely located antennas will be mounted on<br />

the exterior of the ISS.<br />

i) The ISS CCA mOUDting design wi1l be passive.<br />

j) <strong>NASA</strong> provided 'brackets' will include any retention mechanism and latchinglbolting<br />

mechanism to secure the CCA to the ISS.<br />

(ix) The following paragraphs (b), (e) and (d) are added to Section 6.1.33:<br /> CM CommunieatioDS and Tracking<br />

b) The contractor shall provide the CEV to ISS CCA hardware and documentation<br />

necessary for CEV docking to ISS.<br />

c) The Contractor shall work with <strong>NASA</strong> on the integration of the CEV to ISS CCA<br />

hardware into the ISS.<br />

d) Any <strong>NASA</strong> provided components will be designed for environments consistent with<br />

ISS and Progress.<br />

(x) The following paragraph (h) is added to Section<br /> CM Mechanisms<br />

h) The ISS CCA OSR's will be mounted such that they have a clear view to deep space.<br />

(xi) The following paragraphs (1) and (m) are added to Section<br /> CM Fligbt Hardware AI&P<br />

1) The Contractor shall integrate, assemble, certify, acceptance test, and deliver flight<br />

hardware, for installation to the ISS meeting the requirements of CBV and the<br />

environments/requirements of ISS in accordance with the CEV to ISS IRD.<br />

m) ISS CCA qualification and acceptance testing will be conducted at the assembly level.<br />

(d) Contract Attachment J-3 entitled "Applicable, Guidance, and Informational Documents List" is<br />

revised as set forth below. Only changes (additions, deletions and revisions) to this contract<br />

attachment are contained herein.<br />

(i) All documents listed below are to be added as Applicable:<br />

I) CXP-70031 Revision A<br />

15 February 2008<br />

International Space Station (ISS) to CEV IRD<br />



2) 1132928-103<br />

Revised 10/071200]<br />

International Space Station Program<br />





<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Modification 29<br />

PageS ofS<br />

3) ClCP 70036A (rev A) with Errata (CEQATR)<br />



4) SSP-SOOOS International Space Station Flight Crew Integration Standard<br />



(e) Contract Attachment J-7 entitled "Award Fee Evaluation Plan Crew Exploration Vehicle<br />

Contract NNJ06T A2SC Schedule A" is revised as set forth below. Only changes (additions,<br />

deletions and revisions) to this contract attachment are contained herein.<br />

Enclosarell<br />

Performaaee Milestones<br />

Performance Milestones will be established prior to contract award. These milestones will be<br />

used as measurements of performance in accordance with the Award Fee for End Item<br />

Contracts.<br />


Available<br />

EvalaatioD Available Total<br />

Fee: IDIQ<br />

Period I Milestoae Period Fee:<br />

Available<br />

Delivery<br />

Schedule Milestones<br />

Fee<br />

Orden<br />

ATPto<br />

8/31107<br />

911/07 to<br />

7/31108<br />

811108 to<br />

6/30/09 ,<br />

7/1109 to<br />

5/311\0<br />

Interim<br />

EamedFee<br />

-<br />

...... .. - ..<br />

~<br />

611110 to<br />

2128111<br />

0 'v>~ ~ \-J~<br />

,<br />

3/1111 to<br />

2/29/12<br />

311112 to<br />

2/28113<br />

~<br />

..<br />

-<br />

~-<br />

311113 to<br />

10/31113<br />

£ ............<br />

,<br />

. -

NNJ06TAl5C<br />

Modifi~atioD 29<br />

Page 6 ofS<br />

(f) Contract Attachment J-8 entitled "Subcontracting Plan for Small Business Concerns" is revised<br />

as set forth below. Only changes (additions, deletions and revisions) to this contract attachment<br />

are contained herein.<br />

Table A-ScheduJe A is deleted in its entirety<br />

. r,'<br />

". •<br />

SclfeduJe A SumnrtII'Y is revised as set forth below.<br />

Contract VRlue' S 4. 413916803<br />

Total Dollar<br />

Schedule A SUIIfIIfIUY I % Total I<br />

% Total Contract<br />

Value Subcontract DoDan Value<br />

Total SB<br />

WOSBTotal<br />

SDBTotai<br />

SDVTotai<br />

)JX<br />

b~ ~<br />

-<br />

VOSBTotai<br />

HUBZone<br />


LaraeTotai<br />

-<br />

-<br />

Total Subcontracts<br />

I<br />

(g) Contract Attachment J-9 entitled "Deliverable Items List" is revised as set forth below. Only<br />

changes (additions, deletions and revisions) to this contract attachment are contained herein.<br />

(i) Add new section entitled "ISS COMMON COMMUNICATION ADAPTER (CCA)<br />

HARDWARE" after the HARDWARE section and prior to the ELECTRICAL<br />

GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT (EGSE) section of the Deliverable Items list as<br />

follows:<br />


2 ea - Shipse"* of ISS CCA Emulaton **<br />

1 ea - Shipset* of ISS CCA Engineeriug Vuit**<br />

1 ea - Shlpset* orISS CCA Qualification Unit<br />

1 ea - Shipset* of ISS CCA ISIL Vult<br />

1 ea - Sbipset* of ISS CCA DSIL Unit<br />

2 ea - Ship .. "* ofISS CCA FUght Uni ..<br />

1 ea - Shlpset* of ISS CCA Flight Uuit (Spare)<br />

1 ea - ISS Unique GSE Test Cart<br />

Hardware will be delivered to <strong>NASA</strong> via 00250<br />

Scheduled DeUvery Date<br />

11912009<br />

61112009<br />

41112010<br />

1/lI2011<br />

11112012<br />

41112011<br />

41112011<br />

101312009<br />

·A shipset consists of the following: I each Baseband Processor, S-band Transponder,<br />

Diplexer, High Power Amplifier (HPA), Low Noise Amplifier (LNA), I Antenna switch<br />

assembly, 3 low gain antennas. 120 Volt to 28 Volt Power Converter, cold plate, thermal<br />

protection Blankets and connective cabling exclusive of the RF connective cable between<br />

the antennas and the end item deliverables<br />

··There is no acceptance test for the Test Units - functional checkout is completion<br />

criteria for DD2S0

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Modifi~ation 29<br />

Page 7 ofs<br />

(h) Contract Attachment J-II entitled "Government Furnished Property List" is revised as set forth<br />

below. Only changes (additions, deletions and revisions) to this contract attachment are<br />

contained herein.<br />

(i) Add new item to Section 2.0 GovernmeDt Provided Property List as follows:<br />

, .<br />

,<br />

GoverDmeDt-Provided Property SOW RefereDu Due Date<br />

--<br />

~L1<br />

/3lf •<br />

. .<br />

B,/<br />

- - '"<br />

ion<br />

.....<br />

B'I . . "<br />

B'i<br />

I~ 'f"<br />

" .<br />

I- -<br />

IYf<br />

(Sf(<br />

) I /YI<br />

I<br />

I --::--<br />

I<br />

-<br />

(i) Contract Attachment J-12 entitled "List of Government Facilities" is revised as set forth below.<br />

Only changes (additions, deletions and revisions) to this contract attachment are contained<br />

herein.<br />

(i) Add new items and durations to List of Government Facilities:

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Modification 29<br />

Page 8 of8<br />

1<br />

(<br />

)<br />

0) In consideration of the modification agreed to herein as complete equitable adjustment for all<br />

claims arising out of or attributable to the issuancc of the contract changes andlor contractor<br />

proposals listed below, the contractor hereby releases the Government from any liability under<br />

this contract for further equitable adjustment attributable to such facts or circumstanccs giving<br />

rise to said contract changes andlor contractor proposals, and for such additional obligations as<br />

may be required by this modification.<br />

Contract Change:<br />

Contractor Proposal:<br />

Contract Change Order 17, dated August 14, 2007, and all<br />

updates provided thereto<br />

Firm proposal NS0029, dated November 8, 2007, and all updates<br />

provided thereto<br />

(2) Contract Attachment J-16, "Integrated Project Schedule" is revised to update Table J-16-1, ''CEV<br />

Project Schedule A Milestones" PA-I Test Flight Launch Date from 9/23/08 to 12111108.<br />

(3) All other terms and conditions of the contract remain unchanged and in full force and effect.

OMB Approval.: 2700-0042<br />

1. CONTRACT 10 CODE<br />

PAGE OF rGES<br />



65 MAY 282009 N/A N/A<br />


BT 1 JPI CODE l<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center<br />

~:PROVED<br />

.~...<br />

Attn: Bradley 1. Niese, Mail Code BT<br />

-'1"'1.......r.<br />

2101 <strong>NASA</strong> Parkway JSC P~Q~UREMENT<br />

Houston, TX 77058<br />

~:J..0FFICER<br />

$: L.:2 I".<br />

8. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (NO.. lInN( county. SII,., anti z;, Code)<br />

.J&. IIA.<br />

Ll 'AlE<br />

Lockheed Martin Corporation 9B. DATED (SEE ITEM 11)<br />

Attn: Linda Dozier<br />


Houston, TX 77058<br />

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

X<br />

108. DATED (SECE ITEM1IfC)<br />

CODE 100141 I FACIUTY CODE 04236 09/0812006<br />


g. The aboVe numtitnId IOI/CItatIoIIIt amended II aet forIh In IfIIm 1.. The hour lind CIIIt 8p1C1t!ed.1or ~ or ~ _ g _ It extended, g _<br />

Is nat.xtllnded.<br />

Oft'eq must of this ameolClment to the hour and dalupecHlId In tllualldtatlOn or. _ . one of the meIIIads!<br />

(a) By campIeIfng HernIa and IS. and leIIIm~ aapIea of the amend(ntnt; (b) By acIcnawI8dglng raceIpt 01 tIIlt ~nt an tIICh 0IJf1I or the affer aubmltllld; CIt (e) 8y<br />

aepetate IeIIet or_,.,.. WIII\:h In\lIllC'." to thIi IOIIc/t.IIon and arI1enCIrnirit numbels. FAIWRE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE<br />


amandment ycu deIIre to cIIanoe an aItet alreedy eubmltlld. eucII cllange may be mede by"""", or letter, plOvfded aacII telegram CIt IeIIar __..-.-to the<br />

.. nent. and Is ~ p!Ior to the opening hour and dale !l!IC!fted.<br />

8CII!c!!atIon lind this _<br />


N/A<br />


IN<br />

&. IMPORT,\NT: Contractor Olano!, ~ " required to sign !hili doc:urnent and retum.....J..... copies to the issuing oIfIce.<br />

14. DESCRIPTION OF AMeNDMENTiMODlFlCATION ~ by UCF HCtIott heetItntA IIrr:Iudlng ecIIt:ItiIfIonI subJ«;t /IIIIIfeI' w/Ier8 fHsIbIe.)<br />

The purpose of this modification is to defmitize Contract Change Order (CCO) 24, dated November 30, 2007.<br />

For a detailed description of the changes, see pages 2 -1.

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Modification 65<br />

Definitization of Contract Change Order (CCO) 24 affects Schedule A of this contract as<br />

follows:<br />

Page 2 of7<br />

(1) Based on the mutuaOy agreed upon negotiated price of 51,901,000,000 for this action,<br />

contraet value for Schedule A Completion Form Work is equitably adjusted as follows:<br />

Previous<br />

li'dimsat"d Cnd I Award Fee I Total I<br />

This Modification<br />

b.t. ~'k bl-f<br />

New Total I I $6,293,682,5331<br />

(2) Contract Schedule A, Section B, Clause 8.3 entitled "ESTIMATED COST AND<br />

A WARD FEE (NFS 1852.216-85) (SEP 1993)" is revised as set forth below:<br />

"8.3 ESTIMATED COST AND A WARD FEE tNFS 1852.216-85) (SEP 1993)<br />

The estimated cost and award fee for Schedule A (base foe not applicable) of this contract is<br />

broken out as follows:<br />

Completion Form Work'"<br />

IDIQ Delivery Orders"<br />

-<br />

Delivery Estimate Maximum Total Cost<br />

Order Number Cost Award Fee and Award Fee<br />

-----<br />

Not Applicable<br />

$6,293,682,533<br />

-I-<br />

-I-<br />

NNJ07TA26T<br />

-I-<br />

NNJ07TA27T<br />

-I-<br />

NNJ07TA28T<br />

-I-<br />

NNJ07fA29T<br />

~~<br />

NNJ07TA30T<br />

:--<br />

NNJ07TA3IT<br />

--<br />

I<br />

NNJ07TA32T 'o~ --<br />

NNJ07TA33T<br />

--<br />

I<br />

NNJ07TA34T<br />

--<br />

NNJ07TA35T<br />

I<br />

--<br />

NNJ08TA15T<br />

-I-<br />

'tJt<br />

--<br />

NNJ08TA16T<br />

-I-<br />

NNJ08TA17T<br />

--<br />

NNJ08TA18T<br />

I<br />

-I-<br />

NNJ08TA19T :.. I-<br />

NNJ08TA20T<br />

I<br />

-I-<br />

NNJ08TA21T :<br />

-I-<br />

NNJ09TAOlT<br />

,<br />

-f--<br />

NNJ09TA02T ... a._ .......<br />

.-.<br />

loll{<br />


NN.J06TA25C<br />

Modification 65<br />

Pagc40f7<br />

(b)<br />

(c) (1) Base fee, if applicable, will be paid in quarterly lI1stallments based on the percent of<br />

completion of the work as determined by the Contracting Officer.<br />

(2)<br />


NN.T06TA25C<br />

Modification 65<br />

PageS of7<br />

(4) All interim (mld provisional, ifapplieablc) fcc payments wIll be superseded by the fee<br />

determination made in tho final award fee evaluation. The Government will then pay the<br />

Contractor, or the Contractor will refund to the Government the difference between the final<br />

award fee determination and the cumulative interim (and provisional, if applicable) fee<br />

payments. lfthe final award fee evaluation is "poor/ullsatIsfactory", any base fee paid will bc<br />

refunded to the Government.<br />

(5) Payment of base fee, if applicable, will be made based on submIssion of an invoice by<br />

the Contractor. Payment of award fee will be made by <strong>NASA</strong> Accounts Payable based on an<br />

issuance of a unilateral modification by the Contracting Otlicer.<br />

(d) Award fcc determinations are unilateral decisions made solely at the discretion of the<br />

Government.<br />

(End of clause)"<br />

(5) Contract Schedule A, Clause G.11 entitled "LIST OF INSTALLATION·<br />


NN.J06T A25C<br />

Modification 65<br />

Page 6 of7<br />

(7) Contract Schedule A, Scction n, Clause H.28 cntitled "ORION REQUIREMENTS<br />

TAILORING" il; added to the contract as follows:<br />


(End of Clause)"<br />

(8) The folJowin/! contract J-Attachmcnts are delcted in thcir entircty and replaced with<br />

the updated attal!hments included with this modification:<br />

Title<br />

Stat-em-cnt of W(;rk - ._-<br />

--------<br />

- .. ._._--'--- - -----<br />

Data Procurement Document (DPJ») &<br />

DRD Submission Matrix<br />

---<br />

Applicable, Guidance and Inlormation<br />

Documents List<br />

------~.~~ ...... --- .-<br />

~~. _._ . Gloss~~ ______ _<br />

J-7 Award Fee Plan<br />

... J-8 _.___ Subc~£ting Plan fo~_Small Rusi_!.lE~~<br />

-- ------ - - ------.--~--<br />

J-9 Deliverables Items List<br />

J- t 0 List of Installation Accountable Property<br />

.---...~<br />

1nd Services<br />

-.'- .. --.-~-..-~. ---.<br />

Qovernmef!.~ Furnished Pr~2£rt.l. (GF~) __ .<br />

Government Facilities<br />

l-----''---- --- ---•. - ._-<br />

L....-._J_-_16_ .•..• _ [ntegrated J)!()ject Sc~c::2:.u,,-le,--__<br />

(9) The following new .J-Attachmcnt is hereby addcd to thc contract and included as an<br />

attachment to this moditication:

NNJ06T A25C Page 7 of 7<br />

Modification 65<br />

Attachment Title<br />

J-26 Orion Tailored Re uirements List<br />

(10) Contract Schedule A, Table of Contents, is hereby updated to incorporate the addition<br />

of Section H, Clause H.28 entitled "ORION REQmREMENTS TAILORING."<br />

(11) Contractor Release Statement<br />

In consideration ofthe modification agreed to herein as complete equitable adjustment for all<br />

claims arising out of or attributable to the issuance of the contract changes and/or contractor<br />

proposals listed below, the contractor hereby releases the Government from any liability under<br />

this contract for further equitable adjustment attributable to such facts or circumstances giving<br />

rise to said contract changes and/or contractor proposals, and for such additional obligations as<br />

may be required by this modification.<br />

Contract Change:<br />

Contract Change Order 24, dated November 30, 2007, and all<br />

updates provided thereto<br />

Contractor Proposal: Proposal NS0034, dated November 14, 2008, and all updates provided<br />


<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-1<br />

Modification 65<br />



May 2009<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-1<br />

Modification 65<br />


The Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV) IS the spacecraft that <strong>NASA</strong> plans to use to send human and<br />

cargo items into space and to return them to earth The CEV is an element of the overall<br />

Constellation Program that Includes launch vehicles, spacecraft, and ground systems needed to<br />

embark on a robust space exploration program This space exploration program will advance the<br />

Nation's scientifiC, security, and economic Interests.<br />

Scope<br />

The Contractor shall develop and certify the CEV System to meet the International Space Station<br />

(ISS) mission requirements. The Contractor shall develop and deliver a lunar block change plan<br />

that shows extensibility of the CEV System design to meet lunar sortie and lunar outpost mission<br />

requirements The lunar block change plan Will Identify those system deSign Items that have a<br />

development deferral to a future contract action. DUring lunar miSSions, the CEV IS used to carry<br />

the crew to low earth orbit (LEO) for rendezvous with other elements for the lunar missions and<br />

also serve as the return-to-earth vehicle for the crew. The Contractor will modify and certify the<br />

ISS CEV design as required to support lunar mission reqUirements The Contractor shall deliver<br />

the CEV spacecraft configurations below per requirements In the CXP-72000, System<br />

Requirements for the Crew Exploration Vehicle Element (CEV SRD)<br />

The following more clearly defines the different configuration variants of the CEV Spacecraft:<br />

1. Block 1A is a crewed, pressurized cargo vehicle for Low Earth Orbit (LEO) (including ISS crew<br />

change out) missions. This configuration includes.<br />

• A habitable Crew Module (CM)<br />

• A Service Module (SM) which also Includes the Spacecraft Adapter (SA) which Interfaces<br />

with the Crew Launch Vehicle (CLV)<br />

• A Launch Abort System (LAS) to provide a method for crew abort<br />

2Block 2 is a crewed, pressurized cargo vehicle for lunar missions It uses a habitable CM, LAS,<br />

SM, and SA to support lunar missions.<br />

CxP-70072-ANX 01, Constellation Systems Management Systems Plan, Annex 01. Common<br />

Glossary and Acronyms provides a detailed listing of terms used in this Statement of Work.<br />

CEV Implementation Strategy<br />

The CEV Implementation strategy reqUIres a detailed Implementation schedule to deSign the<br />

spacecraft, and implement, certify, and deliver It. <strong>NASA</strong> will work closely with the Contractor to<br />

develop the details of an Implementation strategy that maintainS the highest standards for safety,<br />

reliability, and mission assurance. Ways that <strong>NASA</strong> will work closely with the Contractor include<br />

the following. <strong>NASA</strong> will participate in daily management and deSign meetings and deCISions,<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> will work with the Contractor on the shop floor dUring development, <strong>NASA</strong> Will partiCipate In<br />

the Contractor Material Review Board (MRB) process, as described In CXP 70059-SR&QA<br />

ReqUirements, In order to help prevent stop-work conditions, and <strong>NASA</strong> will work with the<br />

Contractor In the test faCilities dUring integration and test activIties. The purpose of the level of<br />

participation IS for access to <strong>NASA</strong> for timely deciSions.<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> Will proVide the detailed oversight of all spacecraft deSign activities. However, the<br />

Contractor will retain responsibility for delivery of a design that meets the requirements The<br />

detailed process discussion to accomplish this can be found in CxP-72008, Crew Exploration<br />

Vehicle Project Plan. Some areas of spacecraft design will be provided by <strong>NASA</strong> and <strong>NASA</strong> will<br />

perform independent activities for requirements validation and design certification in other areas.<br />

In these areas <strong>NASA</strong> will establish design requirements teams to integrate the activities of <strong>NASA</strong><br />


<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-1<br />

Modification 65<br />

and the Contractor The Contractor will participate in and support these design requirements<br />

teams. <strong>NASA</strong> has responsibility for all GFE provided equipment.<br />

The Contractor will deliver a design that ensures simplicity, minimizes life cycle cost and<br />

addresses all aspects of human spacecraft development, production, certification and operations<br />

The Contractor will design, develop, certify, and deliver the hardware required to achieve ISS<br />

miSSion requirements In Schedule A. The Contractor shall develop a lunar block change plan that<br />

shows extensibility of the CEV System design to meet lunar sortie and lunar outpost mission<br />

requirements. The lunar block change plan will identify those system design items that have a<br />

development deferral to a future contract action The concept is to develop a "common" design<br />

for the spacecraft variants, where the vehicle can be utilized for both Lunar and ISS<br />

requirements. The common design and life cycle approaches will lead to an effective<br />

implementation of subsystem and spacecraft deliveries.<br />

The Contractor is expected to develop and verify ISS mission software during Schedule A, With<br />

lunar mission software being developed In future contract action With other lunar block upgrades<br />

However, lunar mission software requirements must be evaluated to ensure the command and<br />

data handling hardware can accommodate the additional software required for lunar missions, as<br />

well as other mission objectives The "common" vehicle design shall be configured to<br />

accommodate integrating the future lunar block upgrades to achieve the lunar mission objectives<br />

while remaining Within the vehicle requirements contstraints.<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> will perform the CEV ground, flight, and training operations; design and develop CEV<br />

ground operations facilities, faCIlity systems, and <strong>NASA</strong>-provided ground support equipment<br />

(GSE); and prOVide high-fidelity simulators and trainers. Further, <strong>NASA</strong> Will conduct flight testing<br />

to demonstrate vehicle performance characteristics <strong>NASA</strong> will lead a JOint <strong>NASA</strong> and Contractor<br />

Combined Test Team (CTT) that consists of representatives from all partiCipating test<br />

organizations. In support of the <strong>NASA</strong> operations, risk reduction flight testing, and safety and<br />

mission assurance activities, the Contractor must provide the necessary data products and<br />

expertise as detailed in the SOW.<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> Will use the technical Data Requirements Documents (DRDs) to sustain and operate the<br />

CEV over the life of the Project It IS <strong>NASA</strong>'s intent to use the technical DRDs to document the<br />

CEV requirements, design, and certification activities<br />

Contract Structure<br />

To help differentiate the type of activities that comprise the Phase 2 contract, <strong>NASA</strong> has<br />

developed multiple "schedules." These include:<br />

1 Schedule A (DDT&E). This includes all design, development, test and evaluation activities to<br />

certify variants 1 A and 1 B as well as the production activities for the first actual flight module of<br />

the 1A variant, along With other deliverables deSCribed In thiS SOW. Schedule A Incorporates<br />

completion form and Indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (IDIO) paragraphs All paragraphs are<br />

completion form unless speCifically marked as "IDIO."<br />

2 Schedule B (Production). This Includes production of all block variants<br />

3 Schedule C (Sustaining Engineering) This includes any new DDT&E effort required beyond<br />

the scope of Schedule A, such as the Block 2 variant<br />

This statement of work applies to Schedule A only. DeSCriptions of other contract schedules are<br />

provided for reference only.<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-1<br />

Modification 65<br />

f<br />


The Contractor shall develop, implement and maintain a set of common project management<br />

processes, systems and data deliverables to be utilized for all contract schedules (A, B and C)<br />

throughout the life of the contract.<br />

1.1 Project Management and Administration<br />

An anchoring capability of the Constellation Program is a human-rated CEV that will carry human<br />

crews from Earth into space and back again Coupled with transfer stages, landing vehicles, and<br />

surface exploration systems, the CEV will serve as an essential component of the architecture<br />

that supports human voyages to ISS, the Moon, and beyond.<br />

a) The Contractor shall design, develop, certify, and deliver the hardware and software reqUired<br />

to achieve the LEO and ISS mission requirements The Contractor shall develop a lunar<br />

block change plan that shows extensibility of the CEV System design to meet lunar sortie and<br />

lunar outpost mission requirements The lunar block change plan will Identify those system<br />

design items that have a development deferral to a future contract action.<br />

b) The Contractor should minimize life cycle cost In the design, development, certification, and<br />

delivery of the hardware and software required to achieve the LEO and ISS mission<br />

reqUIrements In accordance With paragraph 1.1 a<br />

c) The Contractor shall ensure crew/ground safety while meeting system performance<br />

requirements and achieving mission objectives<br />

d) The Contractor shall design the CEV System to accommodate all the design reference<br />

missions defined in CXP-70007, Constellation Design Reference Missions (DRM)<br />

e) The Contractor shall design the CEV System to the requirements and terms speCified In<br />

CXP-72000, System Requirements for the Crew Exploration Vehicle Element (CEV SRD).<br />

f) The Contractor shall implement designs for the CEV spacecraft and ground systems to<br />

achieve efficient and effective operations<br />

g) The Contractor shall perform to the negotiated cost, schedule, and technical baseline.<br />

h) Reserved<br />

I) The Contractor should maximize the use of eXisting technology in the design of the CEV,<br />

unless new technology is reqUired to meet <strong>NASA</strong> requirements.<br />

j) The Contractor shall base the vehicle design on an open system architecture<br />

k) The Contractor should qualify components, subsystems, modules, and systems by test, to<br />

the maximum extent possible.<br />

I) The Contractor shall provide a CEV System that shall have a lifecycle that ends no less than<br />

20 years after the first human flight<br />

M) Contractor shall develop and document a lunar block change plan that shows extenSibility of<br />

the CEV System design to meet lunar sortie and lunar outpost mission requirements in<br />

accordance with ORO CEV-M-006 Lunar Block Upgrade Plan. The plan will identify those<br />

system design Items that have a development deferral to a future contract action The Lunar<br />

Block Upgrade plans hall be presented at each major design review. The Lunar Block<br />

Upgrade activities to be conducted In a future contract action include.<br />

• Lunar Software (Non C 3 1)<br />

• Lunar C 3 1 Software<br />

• LSAM Power Transfer Unit<br />

• Phase Change Matenal<br />

• M-5 Parachute Matenal Change<br />

• Ultra Thin Solar Array Cells<br />

• Structures Optimization<br />

• Avionics Technology Insertion<br />

• Lithium Polymer Battenes<br />

• Lunar Navigation Targets<br />

• Harnessing<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-1<br />

Modification 65<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s).<br />

• ORO CEV-M-006. Lunar Block Upgrade Plan<br />

1.1.a Project Management, Systems, Planning and Reporting<br />

a) The Contractor shall implement an organizational structure for the management,<br />

coordination, and control of contract activities including the project's cost, schedule,<br />

performance, risks, contracts, and subcontracts uSing as gUidance ISO 14300-1, Space<br />

Systems - Program Management - Part 1: Structuring of a Program The Contractor shall<br />

develop and implement a project management plan that covers all aspects of project<br />

management for the CEV Project in accordance with ORO CEV-M-001, CEV Prime Project<br />

Management Plan. The contractor shall incorporate the proposed Streamlining Plan in ORO<br />

CEV-M-001, Prime Project Management Plan<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s)'<br />

• ORO CEV-M-001 : CEV Prime Project Management Plan<br />

1.1.b Performance Management Reviews and Performance<br />

Metrics<br />

a) The Contractor shall conduct quarterly Performance Management Reviews (PMRs) with the<br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle Project Office (CEVPO) In accordance with ORO CEV-M-002,<br />

Performance Assessment Plan, Reports and Management Reviews The reviews shall<br />

provide insight Into the Contractor's, subcontractors', and vendors' overall technical,<br />

schedule, and cost performance and status<br />

b) The Contractor shall define the metrics, to be approved by government, in accordance with<br />

the ORO CEV-M-002, Performance Assessment Plan, Reports and Management Reviews.<br />

The Contractor shall update the metrics and performance data monthly and make it available<br />

for <strong>NASA</strong> review In the Contractor's collaborative enVIronment and during working-level<br />

discussions. The Contractor shall present the metrics and performance data at the PMRs.<br />

c) The Contractor shall recommend the technical performance parameters, to be approved by<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>, In the Performance Assessment Plan. The Contractor shall status the technical<br />

performance parameters quarterly in their Performance Assessment Reports<br />

d) The Contractor shall report on each SOW and SRO "should" statement at the PMR until the<br />

"shoulds" are satisfactorily accomplished.<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s)'<br />

• ORO CEV-M-002 Performance Assessment Plan, Reports and Management Reviews<br />

1.1.c External Relationships<br />

1.1.c.1<br />

Associate Contractors<br />

a) When the working environment requires Interaction with other <strong>NASA</strong> contractors, the<br />

Contractor shall establish cooperative relationships with other <strong>NASA</strong> contractors, defined as<br />

associate contractor relationships Associate relationships are required for expeditious<br />

exchange of management and technical data among <strong>NASA</strong> contractors<br />

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Attachment J-1<br />

Modification 65<br />

1.1.c.2<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> Centers<br />

a} The Contractor shall establish cooperative relationships at the <strong>NASA</strong> centers to provide<br />

support (e g technical analyses, data, etc.) or understand <strong>NASA</strong> GFE and associated data<br />

deliverables (reference SOW paragraph 6.b), schedules, interfaces, and Interactions. The<br />

contractor shall work JOintly with <strong>NASA</strong> to establish contractor/<strong>NASA</strong> GFE integration teams.<br />

These relationships shall be documented in accordance with ORO CEV-M-001, CEV Prime<br />

Project Management Plan.<br />

b} The Contractor shall provide resident office space, Including phone, computer, and desk<br />

space, to accommodate <strong>NASA</strong> program office personnel.<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s}'<br />

• DRD CEV-M-001 : CEV Prime Project Management Plan<br />

1.1.d Internal/External Project Review Support<br />

a} The Contractor shall develop briefing materials and analyses for CEV System meetings with<br />

various internal and external review groups Examples of these Internal and external groups<br />

include the flight technique panels, Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel (ASAP), Inspector<br />

General/Government Accountability Office (IG/GAO), and cost assessments teams.<br />

b} The Contractor shall prepare and present various topics, such as CEV Project technical, cost,<br />

and schedule status, speCifiC safety or risk Issues, design and development Issues, and<br />

responses to external inquiries, as directed by <strong>NASA</strong><br />

1.1.e Security Management<br />

Security management includes management of information technology security, physical/facility<br />

security, personnel security, flight vehicle security and flight test article security.<br />

a} The contractor shall use the following standards and requirements documents for developing<br />

and executing all security management processes and products'<br />

CxP 70070-ANX05-01, CxP Program Management Plan Annex 5' Security Management Plan,<br />

Book 1 Information Technology Functional Security Requirements<br />

CxP 72008, CEV Project Plan, section 4.10 and associated children<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> will be responsible for encryption handling key management, storage, COMSEC custodial<br />

activities, and operational integration at KSC, CAlL and Plumbrook<br />

b} The following documents are prOVided for Informational purposes for the contractor to support<br />

development of all security management processes and products.<br />

CxP 70070-ANX05-Book2, Constellation Program Management Plan Annex 5. Security<br />

Management Plan, Book 2. Information Technology (IT) Security Architecture<br />


<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-1<br />

Modification 65<br />

1.2 Business Management<br />

1.2. (a) Financial Management<br />

Financial Management provides summary-level cost reporting by fund source, Work Breakdown<br />

Structure (WBS), elements of cost and workforce Including labor equivalent personnel (EP),<br />

overhead, and other direct and indirect costs.<br />

1) The Contractor shall develop, deliver, and implement monthly financial management<br />

reporting in accordance with ORO CEV-B-001, Financial Management Report (<strong>NASA</strong> Form<br />

533)<br />

2) The Contractor shall provide project-wide data once a year to be used In <strong>NASA</strong>'s budget<br />

planning process (e.g., program operating plan (POP) budget calls) The Contractor shall<br />

provide an annual Operating Plan (OP) update to that data for the upcoming fiscal year as<br />

requested by <strong>NASA</strong>. <strong>NASA</strong> will specify the format and content of the Contractor's inputs and<br />

rationale.<br />

3) Upon request by <strong>NASA</strong>, the Contractor shall provide project-wide budget data a maximum of<br />

three times per year. This data will be used for the purposes of gathering budget impacts for<br />

various re-plannlng scenarios <strong>NASA</strong> will specify the format and content of the Contractor's<br />

inputs and rationale.<br />

4) The Contractor shall provide property financial reports in accordance with ORO CEV-B-004,<br />

Property Financial Reporting<br />

5) The Contractor shall provide Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) estimates as requested to<br />

support the <strong>NASA</strong> decision making process. ROM estimates shall be delivered to <strong>NASA</strong><br />

within 7 days of the formal request unless the contractor notifies <strong>NASA</strong> within 2 days of<br />

request receipt that the ROM will requires more time due to effort reqUired to bound the<br />

scope, additional reviews required, or significant complexity. The contractor shall use best<br />

available estimating techniques given the groundrules and assumptions provided by <strong>NASA</strong>.<br />

Prior to delivery to <strong>NASA</strong>, ROM estimates will be reviewed by the contractor technical<br />

community<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the follOWing document(s)<br />

• ORO CEV-B-001. Financial Management Report (533)<br />

• ORO CEV-B-004. Property Financial Reporting<br />

1.2.(b)<br />

Workforce Reporting<br />

Workforce Reporting provides workforce Information by geographic location<br />

1) The Contractor shall develop, deliver and implement workforce data in accordance with ORO<br />

CEV-B-002, Workforce Reporting<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s).<br />

• ORO CEV-B-002' Workforce Reporting<br />

1.2. (c) Integrated Baseline Review (IBR)<br />

1) The Contractor shall perform an Integrated Baseline Review (lBR) with <strong>NASA</strong> to establish the<br />

contract baseline Subsequent baseline reviews Will be reqUired by <strong>NASA</strong> to update the<br />

performance measurement baseline when the contract has a significant restructure or<br />

change in cost phasing. The IBR shall include the following accomplishment criteria and<br />

subsequent baseline reviews should identify only changes.<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-1<br />

Modification 65<br />

o Project organization fully established with cost control accounts and<br />

organization members Identified, Including interfaces and interactions with<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>. Organization and teaming roles and responsibilities defined.<br />

o Organizational staffing plans in place<br />

o IMS review<br />

o Risk management system and process review<br />

o Metrics baselined<br />

o Earned value management system and process review<br />

2) The Contractor shall ensure the technical contents of work packages and control accounts<br />

are consistent With the scope of work defined in the W8S, SOW and SRO.<br />

3) The Contractor shall work jointly with <strong>NASA</strong> to develop and document an integrated<br />

performance measurement baseline This baseline consists of all contract work Including the<br />

integration of GFE<br />

4) <strong>NASA</strong> will proVide agreed-to specific GFE performance measurement baseline data.<br />

5) The Contractor shall proVide a logical, resource-loaded, integratedflnterdependent sequence<br />

(Le. predecessor/successor network) of tasks supporting the contract schedule.<br />

6) The Contractor shall demonstrate to <strong>NASA</strong> that metnc collection methods are in place to<br />

mOnitor agreed-to requirements of the contract.<br />

1.2.(d)<br />

Cost Performance Report<br />

The Cost Performance Report (CPR) will be used to provide information for' (1) Integrating cost<br />

and schedule performance data with technical performance measures, (2) assessing the<br />

magnitude and impact of actual and potential problem areas causing Significant cost and<br />

schedule variances, and (3) providing valid, timely status Information to the CEV Project.<br />

1) The Contractor shall establish, maintain, and use In the performance of this contract, an<br />

integrated earned value management system In accordance with ANSI/EIA-748-98, Earned<br />

Value Management Systems<br />

2) The Contractor Will perform earned value analysis and shall capture, maintain, and provide<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> access to the earned value analYSIS data The earned value analysis data, at both the<br />

cost account and overall proJect-level, shall be presented as part of the quarterly PMR.<br />

Reference ORO CEV-M-002, Performance Assessment Plan, Reports and Management<br />

Reviews In addition, the contractor shall proVide electronic access to the Contractor's<br />

weekly earned value data<br />

3) The Contractor shall develop, deliver and implement CPR data In accordance with ORO<br />

CEV-B-003, Cost Performance Report, and shall support informal working-level discussions<br />

on the content<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the follOWing document(s).<br />

• ORO CEV-8-003' Cost Performance Report<br />

1.2.(e)<br />

Life Cycle Cost Management<br />

1) The Contractor shall capture, maintain, and prOVide access to life cycle cost analYSIS data in<br />

the <strong>NASA</strong> ICE as it evolves through the project life cycle Life cycle cost definitions to be<br />

used In the analYSIS are defined In Attachment J-5, AppendiX 1, Life Cycle Cost Analysis<br />

Life cycle cost analysis data for OOT&E and operability shall be generated and presented at<br />

each major deSign review (e.g. SOR, POR, CDR) and at each quarterly PMR. These<br />

presentations shall include the latest LCC estimate, as well as a detailed diSCUSSion of the<br />

Impact from the current design, design and operations changes since the last review, and the<br />

rationale for the changes. In addition, the contractor shall utilize an integrated management<br />

assessment tool to perform affordability analYSIS to support life cycle cost management<br />

Reference SOW paragraph 2.4 Integrated Analysis<br />

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1.2.(f) Contracts Management<br />

1) The Contract Management organization shall develop, reView, Interpret, negotiate, modify<br />

and administer the Project Orion contract Contracts Management is the primary point of contact<br />

with the Orion <strong>NASA</strong> Contracting Offlcer(s), the delegated Defense Contracting Management<br />

Agency (DCMA) and the delegated Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) Contracts<br />

Management shall resolve and document contract Issues. Contracts Management shall ensure<br />

that Contract reqUirements are fully defined and implemented by the contractor team.<br />

1.3 Configuration Management and Data Management<br />

1.3.(a) Configuration Management<br />

1) The Contractor shall develop and implement Configuration Management (CM) processes and<br />

systems.<br />

o The Contractor CM process and system shall use MIL-HDBK-61A, MIlitary<br />

Handbook Configuration Management GUidance, as gUidance<br />

o The Contractor's CM process and system shall provide the following' (1)<br />

configuration identification, (2) configuration control, (3) configuration status<br />

accounting, and (4) configuration management verification and audits.<br />

o The Contractor CM plan shall define how the Software Configuration<br />

Management Plan (see ORO CEV-T-006) supports this CM process and<br />

system<br />

o<br />

The Contractor shall work with <strong>NASA</strong> to develop a configurallon management<br />

process that also integrates with the Constellation Program and complies with<br />

the CXP-02007, Constellation Nomenclature Plan. The Contractor CM process<br />

and system will be approved by <strong>NASA</strong>.<br />

2) The Contractor shall Integrate the CM system across all CEV project elements including<br />

modeling and simulation, engineering drawing development and release, manufacturing, test<br />

equipment and test articles, operations, and quality, as well as acquisition organizations<br />

including customer and vendor CM systems.<br />

3) The Contractor shall Implement and maintain a configuration status accounting system that<br />

provides information defining and maintaining the as-designed and as-built configuration of<br />

the system hardware and software and the status of changes to this configuration.<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s)<br />

• ORO CEV-M-003. Configuration Management Plan and Reports<br />

1.3.(b) Data Management<br />

a) The Contractor shall develop and Implement Data Management (DM) processes and<br />

systems<br />

o The Contractor's DM process and system shall provide the following' (1) data<br />

identification, (2) data control, (3) data status accounting, and (4) data<br />

management verification and audits.<br />

o The Contractor shall work With <strong>NASA</strong> to develop a data management process<br />

that also Integrates With the Constellation Program The Contractor DM<br />

process and system will be approved by <strong>NASA</strong>.<br />

b) The Contractor shall Integrate the DM system across all CEV project elements such as<br />

modeling and simulation, engineering drawing development, manufacturing, test equipment<br />

and test articles, operations, and quality, as well as acquisition organizations including<br />

customer and vendor DM systems.<br />


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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-1<br />

Modification 65<br />

De/iverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s).<br />

• DRD CEV-M-004 Data Management Plan<br />

1.4 Risk Management<br />

a) The Contractor shall Identify, evaluate, manage, and control the safety, technical, cost, and<br />

schedule-related risks associated with all aspects of the CEV Project in accordance with<br />

CXP-72091 Orion Integrated Risk Management Plan<br />

b) The Contractor shall provide substantiating data for each risk identified in accordance with<br />

ORO CEV-M-005, Risk Management Plan and Reports.<br />

c) The Contractor shall substantiate each identified risk In the form of historical information, and<br />

analysis. These analyses and Information may be Integrated with Probabilistic Risk<br />

Assessment (PRA) analysIs, as appropriately applied to high risk hardware/software<br />

development and operations Reference S&MA ORO CEV·S·010, Probabilistic Risk<br />

Assessment Results.<br />

d) The Contractor shall commUnicate and elevate multi-element and external interface risks to<br />

the CEV Project office for the purpose of multi-element risk Integration<br />

e) The Contractor shall perform integrated risk analysis, mitigation, tracking/control for the CEV<br />

Project office ThiS effort is for the purpose of communication of external Interface and multielement<br />

risk integration data for the Constellation-level risk management process<br />

f) The Contractor shall manage risks utilizing a risk management tool The Contractor shall<br />

integrate their risk management tool with ICE.<br />

De/iverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s)<br />

• ORO CEV·M·005 Risk Management Plan and Reports<br />

1.5 Information Technology Management<br />

For IT applications, other than mission-specific software, the Contractor shall.<br />

o Where cost effective to <strong>NASA</strong>, use Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) and<br />

eXisting Government Off-The-Shelf (GOTS) products.<br />

o Ensure compatibility with existing <strong>NASA</strong> applications and systems<br />

o Comply with <strong>NASA</strong> reqUIrements for NPR 7150 2, <strong>NASA</strong> Software Engineering<br />

ReqUirements for the appropriate software classes, limited to classes E, F, and<br />

G<br />

1.5.(a)<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> Integrated Collaborative Environment (ICE)<br />

The <strong>NASA</strong> Integrated Collaborative Environment (ICE) IS the primary means of sharing, reporting,<br />

collecting, recording, and accessing project Information between <strong>NASA</strong>, the CEV Contractor,<br />

subcontractors and authOrized Government personnel connected with the CEV Project ICE<br />

prOVides secure, real-time collaborative access to a Single source of management Information,<br />

product information, and technical data. ICE IS the prinCipal mechanism for Integrating a project's<br />

digital information management environment.<br />

1} The Contractor shall use ICE for delivery of all data.<br />

2) The Contractor shall use the Interactive collaborative configuration management and<br />

document management enVIronments of ICE for configuration management of CEV project<br />

directives and change control activities<br />

3) The Contractor shall comply With Attachment J-14, ICE Operating Environment.<br />


<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-1<br />

Modification 65<br />

4) The Contractor shall implement the ICE Interface uSing one of the two options described in J-<br />

14, ICE Operating EnVIronment, Section II, Data Access Requirements.<br />

5) The Contractor's collaborative environment shall be available within 30 days of contract<br />

award<br />

6) The Contractor's collaborative environment shall be updated with the latest status Information<br />

based on the Contractor-determined Interval(s) and as approved by <strong>NASA</strong>.<br />

7) Non Deliverable Information such as week to week coordination, working level analysis,<br />

action Item responses, etc shall be transmitted via an LM established data sharing system<br />

(eg project link).<br />

1.6 Reserved<br />

1.7 Integrated Schedule Management<br />

1.7.(a)<br />

Integrated Master Plan (IMP)<br />

a) The Contractor shall develop and maintain an Integrated Master Plan (IMP), as Attachment J-<br />

15 of this contract, which delineates Schedule A, Band C activities. All changes to the IMP<br />

shall be via bilateral modification<br />

b) The Contractor shall manage the execution of the CEV System using the IMP. The<br />

Contractor shall report on contract progress in accordance with the IMP at each PMR<br />

1.7.(b)<br />

Integrated Master Schedule (IMS)<br />

a) The Contractor shall develop, maintain, and provide <strong>NASA</strong> access to an Integrated Master<br />

Schedule (IMS). The Contractor shall use this schedule for day-to-day management of the<br />

contract tasks Reference contract Clause H .12, Electronic Data Access<br />

b) The Contractor shall create and maintain a schedule that supports automated time phasing of<br />

tasks, and is a resource loaded, predecessor/successor structured, networked schedule, with<br />

critical path Identification and schedule assessment capability The Contractor shall<br />

Incorporate delivery schedules for <strong>NASA</strong> products and data Into their IMS and provide an<br />

integrated IMS that reflects the entire CEV project scope.<br />

c) The Contractor shall maintain and update the IMS to reflect changes in the IMP and deliver It<br />

in accordance with Section 13.1 of ORO CEV-B-003, Cost Performance Report<br />

d) The Contractor shall utilize the IMS as the source for schedule data delivered to <strong>NASA</strong><br />

e) The Contractor shall integrate all risk mitigation activities Into the IMS<br />

f) The contractor shall provide monthly reporting of risk-based critical path analysIs (via CEV-B-<br />

003, CPR, Format 5 Explanations and Problem AnalysIs) Including but not limited to Monte<br />

Carlo based analysis, analyst Judgment and proposed mitigation strategies for line items that<br />

drive the risk-based critical path The contractor shall perform validation of logiC links within<br />

the schedule uSing an automated tool<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the follOWing document(s)<br />

• DRD CEV-B-003: Cost Performance Report<br />

1.8 Special Studies (IDIQ)<br />

a) The Contractor shall perform special CEV-related studies and analyses as directed by <strong>NASA</strong><br />

The Contractor shall define the resources required as part of their response to <strong>NASA</strong>'s<br />

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Modification 65<br />

request for a task order plan The trade studies and analyses resulting from special studies<br />

shall also Include the Impact to system safety and life cycle cost.<br />

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Attachment J-1<br />

Modification 65<br />


CEV Vehicle Integration consists of the technical and management efforts of directing and<br />

controlling the integrated CEV System Engineering and Integration effort to achieve a solution<br />

that satisfies all CEV Project requirements and otherwise balances performance,<br />

cost/affordability, schedule, and risk This effort Includes the development of upgrade paths for<br />

future missions and integration of the CEV System with all elements of the Constellation<br />

Program. This element also Includes task efforts in managing Technical Reviews required by<br />

<strong>NASA</strong><br />

2.1 VI Management and Administration<br />

Vehicle Integration Management and Administration consists of the efforts for planning,<br />

organizing, directing, coordinating, controlling, and approval processes used to accomplish<br />

Vehicle Integration objectives. Vehicle Integration consists of the efforts to manage the<br />

Contractor's systems engineering and integration activities and to manage the Contractor's<br />

participation in <strong>NASA</strong>-led Constellation Program systems engineering and Integration activities in<br />

accordance With <strong>NASA</strong> requirements and the Contractor's documented plans<br />

a) The Contractor shall manage their systems engineering and integration actiVities consistent<br />

with CxP-72008, Crew Exploration Vehicle Project Plan<br />

b) The Contractor shall participate in Crew Exploration Vehicle Project and Constellation<br />

Program systems engineering and integration activities in accordance With CxP-72008, CEV<br />

Project Plan<br />

c) The Contractor shall Implement plans for managing technical data products, processes and<br />

organizational roles and responsibilities used to accomplish their systems engineering and<br />

integration activities and document their plans In the Contractor's PMP (DRD CEV-M-001,<br />

CEV Prime Project Management Plan)<br />

2.1.(a) Technical Reviews<br />

1) The Contractor shall support the planning and execution of technical Integration reviews<br />

conducted by <strong>NASA</strong>. The Contractor shall support Integrated analysis and assessment efforts<br />

In support of the integration reviews to identify and resolve Integration issues with other<br />

Constellation elements, as reqUired<br />

2) The reviews conducted by <strong>NASA</strong> are contained In the Integrated Master Plan as defined in<br />

Attachment J-15 At these reviews, the Contractor shall develop and present data and<br />

respond to Review Item Discrepancies (RIDs) and Identified CoFR exceptions<br />

2.2 CEV Requirements Definition and Management<br />

a) The Contractor shall address all life cycle processes including development, manufacturing,<br />

test, distribution, operation, support, training, and disposal to derive a complete requirements<br />

(functional) baseline and functional architecture<br />

b) The Contractor, in conjunction With <strong>NASA</strong>, shall allocate the CXP-72000, Systems<br />

ReqUirements for the Crew Exploration Vehicle Element (CEV SRD), and External IRDs to<br />

the Spacecraft and ground support equipment. The Contractor shall document the<br />

requirements developed from thiS process In the Spacecraft Requirements<br />

Specification and the Ground Support Equipment ReqUirements SpeCification per<br />

ORO CEV-T-031, CEV Requirements Specification, and In ORO CEV-T·032, CEV<br />

Specification and Drawmg Trees. The Contractor shall Integrate Module SpecifiC Drawing<br />

Trees Identified in Sections 6.1.2, 6 2 2, 6 4 2 Into the Integrated Stack Drawing Tree.<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-1<br />

Modification 65<br />

c) The Contractor shall document the funcllonal decomposition, requirements allocation, and<br />

design to the component level in ORO CEV-T-033, Architecture Design Document.<br />

d) The Contractor shall provide a reqUirements database Within CRAOLE® to maintain bidirectional<br />

requirements traceability from the CEV System level/EIRDs and the CEV<br />

subsystem level requirements throughout the requirements allocallon process to the<br />

component level. The CRAOLE® database shall also Include a functional model to which the<br />

requirements are linked The Contractor shall provide <strong>NASA</strong> access to thiS capability<br />

through <strong>NASA</strong> ICE and proVide traceability reports at all milestone reviews to verify<br />

requirements traceability This traceability shall be maintained and continue through the<br />

design, procurement specifications, hardware and software configuration items reqUirements,<br />

and verification of the requirements and results Traceability shall be documented per ORO<br />

CEV-T-034, Requirements Traceability Report<br />

e) The Contractor shall conflgurallon manage the allocated requirements baseline and<br />

architecture throughout the performance period of this contract In accordance with Section<br />

1 3 (a) Configuration Management<br />

f) The Contractor shall perform Iterative and on-going analyses to validate the allocation of<br />

requirements and document the results In ORO CEV-T-010, System Performance Analysis<br />

Report.<br />

g) The Contractor shall assign each reqUirement an owner who is responSible for ensuring that<br />

the requirement is 1) consistent With evolVing requirements and the design baseline; 2)<br />

complete and suffiCient relative to similar requirements; 3) correctly and clearly written; 4)<br />

verifiable via test or other approved method; 5) mapped to specific verification event(s); 6) if<br />

appropriate, tracked with a TPM for ItS predicted compliance within allocated resources, 7)<br />

decomposed, allocated, and linked to related requirements, 8) assigned a valldallon method<br />

and validation plan cross-reference, and 9) properly represented in trade studies, analysis,<br />

and risk assessment<br />

h) The Contractor shall support the CEV SRR and develop, deliver and maintain the following<br />

documents: In addition to standard products delivered as part of 2 4 Integrated AnalYSIS<br />

CEV-S-003, System Safety Hazard Analyses, ORO CEV-T-031, CEV Spacecraft System<br />

Requirements Specification, ORO CEV-T-032, CEV Specification and Drawing Trees, and<br />

ORO CEV-T-034, Requirements Traceability Report.<br />

I) The Contractor shall define the modules, subsystems, components, and software Units that<br />

make up the CEV Spacecraft per the reqUirements and dellverables included in this section<br />

j) The Contractor shall allocate CEV Spacecraft requirements down to the component level for<br />

the deSign of flight articles and maintain the allocations/specifications over the life of the<br />

contract.<br />

k) The Contractor shall document module-level requirements uSing ORO CEV-T-031, CEV<br />

Requirements Specifications The Contractor shall produce a reqUirements<br />

document for each module<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s)·<br />

• DRD CEV-T-031: CEV Spacecraft Requirements Specification<br />

• DRD CEV-T-031 CEV Requirements SpeCifications<br />

• DRD CEV-T-032: CEV Specification and DraWing Trees<br />

• DRD CEV-T-033: CEV Architecture DeSign Document<br />

• DRD CEV-T-034. CEV ReqUirements Traceability Report<br />

2.3 CEVand Program Integration and Interfaces Management<br />

CEV and Program Integration and Interfaces Management consists of the efforts to integrate the<br />

CEV System and integrate the CEV System into the Constellation and International Space<br />

Station Programs<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-1<br />

Modification 65<br />

2.3.(a) Constellation Program Integration<br />

a} The Contractor shall support <strong>NASA</strong> In the performance of all work necessary to successfully<br />

Integrate the CEV System Into the Constellation Program, as defined by the follOWing<br />

documents.<br />

o CXP-70026, Orion to Crew launch Vehicle (ClV) IRD<br />

o CXP-70028, Orion to Ground Systems IRD<br />

o CXP-70029, Orion to MiSSion Systems IRD<br />

o CXP-70035, Portable EqUipment, Payloads, and Cargo IRD<br />

o CXP-70033, Orion to Extravehicular ActiVity (EVA) System IRD<br />

o<br />

o<br />

CXP-70034, Orion to lunar Surface Access Module (lSAM) IRD<br />

CxP-70118-1 Constellation Program Systems to Communications and Tracking<br />

Network Interface ReqUirements Document, Volume 1: Orion.<br />

Support shall include'<br />

o Coordination of the development, allocation, maintenance, and Implementation<br />

of integration requirements between the CEV System and other Constellation<br />

elements.<br />

o Development and maintenance of the CEV to other Constellation element<br />

External Interface Control Documents per ORO CEV-T-029, Interface Control<br />

Documents.<br />

o DeSign, development, test, and evaluation of the Interfaces between the CEV<br />

System and other Constellation Program elements and the integrated<br />

performance of the CEV with the other Constellation Program elements for<br />

nominal, as well as Critical, contingency deSign cases including abort design<br />

cases as appropriate <strong>NASA</strong> will provide, aerodynamic and<br />

aerothermodynamlc analyses for the CEV while mated to its launch vehicle and<br />

while unmated. The Contractor shall deSign the CEV for the resultant induced<br />

structural and thermodynamiC loads The Contractor shall use the applicable<br />

requirements In Contract Attachment J-3, Table 1 2, Applicable EnVironmental<br />

Data Documents, for loads analysis of the CEV while mated to its launch<br />

vehicle<br />

o Participation In the Constellation Program and other Project System Reviews.<br />

Participation In the requirements reconCiliation actiVities that will occur after the<br />

Constellation Program and other Project ReViews.<br />

b} The Contractor shall perform analyses and tests and provide reports and engineering data<br />

supporting Integration and operation of CEV and other Constellation elements such as:<br />

o Structural models and analyses for static, dynamiC and coupled-loads analyses<br />

o Mass properties, dimenSions and phYSical (material, thermal, etc) properties<br />

o Rendezvous, proximity operations, and abort mode trigger condition and<br />

Implementation assessments<br />

o Integrated compatibility analyses (EMC, RF, etc.)<br />

o Interface and integration drawings and buildltest procedures<br />

The reports and engineering data shall be provided In ORO CEV-T-010, System Performance<br />

Analysis Reports<br />

c) The Contractor shall perform analyses and support Integrated assessments in support of<br />

periodic Constellation Program Integration Reviews conducted in conjunction With other<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> elements as deSCribed in ORO CEV-M-001, CEV Prime Project Management Plan<br />

Analyses and assessments performed in support of Constellation Integration Reviews shall<br />

be documented In accordance With ORO CEV-T-030, CEVIConstellation Integrated<br />

Assessment Document.<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following(s)<br />

• DRD CEV-T-029' External Interface Control Documents for Constellation Elements<br />

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Attachment J-1<br />

Modification 65<br />

• DRD CEV-T-030 CEV/Constellation Integrated Assessment Document<br />

Constellation Program Integration related information IS Incorporated Into the follOWing documents<br />

delivered under Section 2.4, Integrated AnalysIs:<br />

• DRD CEV-T-010. System Performance AnalysIs Report<br />

2.3.(b) CEV to International Space Station Program Integration<br />

a) The Contractor shall support <strong>NASA</strong> in the performance of all work necessary to successfully<br />

Integrate the CEV System with the ISS Program Support shall include.<br />

o Coordination of the development, allocation, maintenance, and implementation<br />

of integration requirements between the CEV System and the ISS Program.<br />

o Development and maintenance of the CEV to ISS External Interface Control<br />

Documents per ORO CEV-T-029, Interface Control Documents.<br />

o The Contractor shall use CXP-70031, Orion to International Space Station<br />

(ISS) IRD to assist in the development of CEV to ISS Interfaces<br />

o DeSign, development, test, and evaluation of the interfaces between the CEV<br />

and ISS and the Integrated performance of the CEV With the ISS for nominal as<br />

well as critical contingency deSign cases<br />

b) The Contractor shall perform analyses and tests and provide reports and engineering data<br />

supporting Integration and operation of CEV and ISS appropriate to such integration, such as:<br />

o Structural models and analyses for statiC, dynamic and coupled loads analyses<br />

o Mass properties, dimensions and phYSical (material, thermal, etc) properties<br />

o Rendezvous, proximity operations, and abort trigger condition and<br />

Implementation assessments<br />

o Integrated compatibility analyses for all Impacted systems<br />

o Interface and integration draWings and bUild/test procedures<br />

The reports and engineering data shall be provided in ORO CEV-T-010, System Performance<br />

Ana/ysis Reports<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the follOWing document(s):<br />

• DRD CEV-T-029 External Interface Control Documents for ISS Elements<br />

ISS Program Integration related information is incorporated Intothe following documents delivered<br />

under Section 2 4, Integrated AnalYSIS.<br />

• DRD CEV-T-010: System Performance AnalYSIS Report<br />

2.3.(c) Spacecraft Integration<br />

Spacecraft Integration Incorporates the efforts required to define and manage the internal<br />

spacecraft Interfaces Spacecraft Integration includes tasks to perform analyses and provide<br />

reports and engineering data supporting integration, verification and operation of CEV and<br />

provide technical data, and models required to perform Integrated CEV level analyses<br />

a) The Contractor shall develop, maintain, and deliver all draWings and technical Computer<br />

Aided Design (CAD) models of the CEV Spacecraft system, modules, subsystems and<br />

components<br />

b) The Contractor shall develop and maintain models and simulations for the CEV Spacecraft,<br />

modules, subsystems, and components using ORO CEV-T-001, Integrated Models,<br />

Simulations and Support Plan, and ORO CEV-T-002, CEV Engineering Models<br />

c) The Contractor shall document and maintain Interface requirements using ORO CEV-T-035,<br />

Internal Interface Requirement Document (IRD) The Contractor shall produce an IRD for<br />

each module that interfaces With another module.<br />

d) The Contractor shall perform the system Integration effort required to manage and control the<br />

Internal spacecraft interface definition process<br />

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Attachment J-1<br />

Modification 65<br />

e) The Contractor shall perform analyses required to validate the allocation of requirements and<br />

shall document the results In ORO CEV-T-010, System Performance Analysis Report.<br />

f) The Contractor shall document all internal interface design details uSing ORO CEV-T-029,<br />

CEV Interface Control Documents. The Contractor shall produce an ICD (CEV-T-029) for<br />

each Module that interfaces with another Module<br />

g) The Contractor shall develop and maintain the overall vehicle system design which ensures<br />

all subsystems are integrated into the vehicle and that the total vehicle performance closes in<br />

compliance with the system requirements. The Contractor shall Include <strong>NASA</strong> personnel on<br />

all design teams established by the Contractor.<br />

h) The Contractor shall design and develop the spacecraft In compliance with the <strong>NASA</strong><br />

provided and maintained CxP-72085, Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV) Spacecraft Outer Mold<br />

Line (OML), and Center of Gravity (Cg) box definition. The Contractor shall submit changes<br />

to <strong>NASA</strong> against the Spacecraft OML baseline to accommodate maturing design features.<br />

i) The Contractor shall design and develop the spacecraft In compliance with the <strong>NASA</strong> CxP-<br />

72167, Orion Aerodynamic Database, CxP-72168, Orion Aerothermodynamic Database.<br />

j) <strong>NASA</strong> will provide the following products to the Contractor'<br />

o CxP-72085, Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV) Spacecraft Outer Mold Line<br />

(OML)<br />

o CxP-72167, Orion Aerodynamic Database (for all phases of flight)<br />

o<br />

o<br />

o<br />

CxP-72168, Orion Aerothermodynamic Database (for all phases of flight)<br />

CEV Spacecraft docking components (Androgynous Peripheral Assembly<br />

System (APAS) and Low Impact Docking System (LIDS» of the docking<br />

system for ISS and LSAM docking requirements<br />

Parachute system In support of nominal and abort entries (see Landing &<br />

Recovery Systems, section 6 1 314) with exception of pyrotechnic devices<br />

excluding pyrotechnic reefing line cutters in accordance with Attachment J-9<br />

Deliverable Items LISt.<br />

o Suit Vehicle Multiuse Connector<br />

o Pyrotechnics initiators<br />

o CEV to ISS Docking Adapter<br />

o ISS C31 Communications Adapter (ICCA)<br />

o Active and passive radiation Instrumentation<br />

All Government Furnished EqUipment (GFE) product teams Will produce data deliverables<br />

equivalent to the contractor furnished equipment product data deliverables<br />

k) The Contractor shall Integrate the <strong>NASA</strong>-provided products Into the spacecraft design and<br />

flight configurations to ensure that the Integrated spacecraft meets CXP-72000, Systems<br />

ReqUirements for the Crew Exploration Vehicle Element (CEV SRD). The Contractor shall<br />

integrate the <strong>NASA</strong>-provided products and documentation into applicable product<br />

deliverables Included in this SOW (these include requirements, drawings, certification<br />

packages, integrated analyses, and the spacecraft)<br />

I) <strong>NASA</strong> Will maintain detailed oversight of all spacecraft deSign activities. The Contractor shall<br />

maintain responsibility for delivery of a deSign that meets the requirements The detailed<br />

process diSCUSSion to accomplish this can be found In CxP-72008, Crew Exploration Vehicle<br />

Project Plan. The Contractor shall include <strong>NASA</strong> personnel on all deSign teams established<br />

by the Contractor<br />

m) The Contractor shall allocate requirements to the following government furnished products:<br />

o CEV Spacecraft docking components (APAS and LIDS) of the docking system<br />

for ISS and LSAM docking reqUirements<br />

o Parachute system in support of nominal and abort entries<br />

o Pyrotechnics initiators<br />

n) The Contractor shall ensure that traceability between the levels IS In accordance with the<br />

capability established in Section 2 2, ReqUirements Definition and Management<br />

0) The Contractor shall use the following standards for developing all subsystems'<br />

o<br />

AIAA-S-080, AIAA Standard for Space Systems - MetalliC Pressure Vessels<br />

Pressurized Structures, and Pressure Components<br />

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Modification 65<br />

o ANSI/AIM-S-081A-2006, AIM Standard for Space Systems - Composite<br />

Overwrapped Pressure Vessels<br />

p) The Contractor shall develop and maintain the ISS Resident RF equipment to ICCA Interface<br />

Control Document in accordance with DRD CEV-T-029 Interface Control Documents.<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the follOWing document(s):<br />

• DRD CEV-T-029' Internal Interface Control Documents<br />

• DRD CEV-T-029. Internal Interface Control Document for ISS Resident RF EqUipment to<br />

ICCA<br />

• DRD CEV-T -035' Internal Interface Requirements Document (for each Module that<br />

Interfaces with another Module)<br />

Spacecraft Integration related Information is incorporated intothe follOWing documents delivered<br />

under Section 24, Integrated AnalysIs:<br />

• DRD CEV-T -001: Integrated Models, Simulations, and Support Plan<br />

• DRD CEV-T-002. CEV Engineering Models<br />

• DRD CEV-T -010: System Performance AnalysIs Report<br />

2.4 Integrated Analysis<br />

Integrated AnalysIs Includes Systems Engineering and Integration AnalysIs activities to provide<br />

consistency across all aspects of the CEV System development efforts. This element includes<br />

the work to identify and conduct trade studies and cost-effectiveness analyses across the CEV<br />

System and the overall Constellation Program Architecture. It includes efforts to develop design<br />

and analysis tools, and models and Simulations It also includes tasks to define, control and<br />

verify CEV mass properties and other controlled technical margins across the CEV vehicle.<br />

a) The Contractor shall manage crosscutting englneenng issues within the spacecraft, such as<br />

the allocation of resources Into the design elements Including the management of margins<br />

and deSign and operational performance estimates for various modules and below This<br />

Information shall be documented in ORO CEV-T-036, Margins Management Plan/Report, and<br />

Implemented by the Contractor.<br />

b) The Contractor shall perform analyses reqUired to validate the allocation of requirements and<br />

shall document the results In ORO CEV-T-010, System Performance Analysis Report.<br />

c) The Contractor shall identify and conduct trade studies and cost-effectiveness analyses to<br />

ensure realistic options and alternatives are assessed for key CEV System requirements and<br />

deSign deCisions. The assessment of cost shall address all elements of life cycle cost<br />

significantly affected by the matters being traded.<br />

d) The Contractor shall develop and implement a CEV System Analysis Plan The Contractor<br />

shall deliver the analYSIS plan per ORO CEV-T-008, CEV System Analysis Plan. The<br />

Contractor shall include the relationship of all analysis cycles and their products to the major<br />

milestones, events, etc they are to support in the Integrated Master Schedule as part of ORO<br />

CEV-B-003, Cost Performance Report. The Contractor shall report results of the analysis<br />

performed per ORO CEV-T-009, CEV AnalYSIS Reports.<br />

e) The Contractor shall perform an Integrated system performance analYSIS and provide reports<br />

In accordance with ORO CEV-T-010, System Performance Analysis Report at major<br />

milestone reviews and at Intervals prescnbed In CxP-72008, Crew Exploration Vehicle<br />

Project Plan.<br />

f) The Contractor shall prOVide the analysis to validate all CEV System requirements through<br />

the lowest level of decomposition and document the validation per ORO CEV-T-009, CEV<br />

Analysis Reports<br />

g) The Contractor shall provide/receive various mathematical models, configuration data, and<br />

analytical data necessary to perform Integrated assessments and analysis to integrate With<br />

the Constellation Program<br />

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h) The Contractor shall provide/receive various mathematical models, configuration data, and<br />

analytical data necessary to perform Integrated assessments and analysIs to Integrate with<br />

the ISS Program<br />

I) The Contractor shall define a plan for managing mass properties and document thiS plan in<br />

ORO CEV-T-042, Mass Properties Control Plan The Contractor shall implement this plan<br />

and document the results In ORO CEV-T043, Mass Properties Reports.<br />

J) The Contractor shall develop, Implement, deliver and maintain a Modeling and Simulation<br />

Support Plan In accordance with ORO CEV-T-001, Integrated Models, Simulations and<br />

Support Plan.<br />

k) The Contractor shall deliver and maintain models supporting discipline-oriented engineering<br />

analysis and trade studies In accordance with ORO CEV-T-002, CEV Engineering Models<br />

These models shall be consistent with the coordinate system described In CxP 70138,<br />

Constellation Program Level 2 Coordinate Systems<br />

I) The Contractor shall deliver and maintain a system architecture model and discrete-event<br />

simulation to evaluate effectiveness and performance of the vehicle design In accordance<br />

with ORO CEV-T-001, Integrated Models, Simulations and Support Plan.<br />

m) The Contractor shall deliver and maintain modular, high-fidelity, time-stepped simulations of<br />

vehicle behavior for avionics hardware and software Integration and test In accordance with<br />

the IEEE 1516 3-2000 (High Level Architecture) standard and ORO CEV-T-001, Integrated<br />

Models, Simulations and Support Plan.<br />

n) The Contractor shall make available to <strong>NASA</strong> all Contractor-developed design and analysis<br />

tools, models and simulations used In the development of the CEV System, including sourcecode<br />

and geographic models/block diagrams from Computer Aided Software Engineering<br />

Tools, in accordance With the Electronic Data Access Clause (H.12)<br />

0) Every tool, model, and simulation delivery shall be accompanied by a meta-data document In<br />

accordance With CXP-70041, Constellation Program NExlOM Standard for Tool, Model and<br />

Simulation Deliveries<br />

p) The Contractor shall provide the configuration management data for all technical models and<br />

drawings to the <strong>NASA</strong> ICE per ORO CEV-M-003, Configuration Management Plan and<br />

Reports.<br />

q) The Contractor shall deliver all CAD models per ORO CEV-T-003, CEV CAD Models, and<br />

drawings per ORO CEV-T-004, CEV Drawings.<br />

r) The Contractor shall participate in the Verification, Validation and Accreditation process<br />

described in CXP-70076, Constellation Program Modeling and Simulation Management<br />

Requirements<br />

s) If the Contractor utilizes modeling and simulation to conduct analYSIS In support of verification<br />

specification compliance, the Contractor shall comply with ORO CEV-T-001, Integrated<br />

Models, SImulations and Support Plan, and ORO CEV-T-002, CEV Engineering Models.<br />

t) <strong>NASA</strong> will develop drawings and CAD models for all GFE <strong>NASA</strong> will use ORO CEV-T-003,<br />

CEV CAD Models, and ORO CEV-T-004, CEV Drawings, as the template for development<br />

and delivery of these items<br />

u) <strong>NASA</strong> will develop models and Simulations for all GFE <strong>NASA</strong> will use ORO CEV-T-001,<br />

Integrated Models, Simulations and Support Plan, and ORO CEV-T-002, CEV Engineering<br />

Models, as the template for development and delivery of these items<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s)'<br />

• DRD CEV-T -001. Integrated Models, Simulations and Support Plan<br />

• DRD CEV-T-002 CEV Engineering Models<br />

• DRD CEV-T-003: CEV CAD Models<br />

• DRD CEV-T-004' CEV Drawings<br />

• DRD CEV-T-008. CEV System AnalYSIS Plan<br />

• DRD CEV-T-009' CEV AnalYSIS Reports<br />

• DRD CEV-T-010' System Performance AnalYSIS Report<br />

• DRD CEV-T-036: Margins Management PlanlReport<br />

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• DRD CEV-T-042. Mass Properties Control Plan<br />

• DRD CEV-T-043. Mass Properties Reports<br />

2.5 Spacecraft Crew Cabin and Cockpit Layout Design<br />

Requirements<br />

a) <strong>NASA</strong> and the Contractor shall jointly participate in the development of detailed design<br />

requirements for the CEV crew cabin, and cockpit layout and functionality<br />

b) Reserved<br />

c) Reserved<br />

d) The Contractor shall provide materials (e.g., layout schematics, computer 3-D models) for<br />

two Crew Station Reviews The Contractor shall conduct these two Crew Station Reviews<br />

between System PDR and System CDR of the Contractor's CEV crew cabin Internal layout<br />

design utilizing <strong>NASA</strong>-Identified Crew Office representatives. After each Crew Station<br />

Review, the Contractor shall prepare and provide to <strong>NASA</strong> an impact assessment of<br />

quantifiable design Issues arising from each review.<br />

e) <strong>NASA</strong> will document the display format standards in CxP 72242, CEV Display Format<br />

Standards Document<br />

f) <strong>NASA</strong> and the Contractor shall jointly participate in prototyping the layout and behavior of the<br />

display formats, uSing CxP 72242, CEV Display Format Standards Document as an<br />

applicable document The Contractor shall develop and maintain a Display Format Dictionary<br />

in adccordance With DRD CEV-T-048, Software ReqUirement Specification. The Display<br />

Format Dictionary shall document the results of the protyping effort.<br />

g) The Contractor shall develop and maintain DRD CEV-T-048, Display & Control Software<br />

Requirements Specification appendix for the Display Format Dictionary.<br />

h) The contractor shall provide supplemental rapld-prototyplng tool operators to augment the<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> provided tool-operators The tool operators will provide assOCiated stub models to<br />

exercise the prototype display formats. (1010)<br />

I)<br />

2.6 CEV Systems Integration Management<br />

CEV Systems Integration Management consists of the discipline-specific efforts to manage the<br />

overall Integrated CEV system architecture definition and engineering functions including the<br />

interfaces with external Constellation Systems. This includes the technical and management<br />

efforts of directing and controlling the integrated engineering effort for the CEV spacecraft In all<br />

modes and configurations.<br />

Systems Integration Management consists of the efforts to manage the Contractor's systems<br />

integration activities and to manage the Contractor's participation In <strong>NASA</strong>-led Constellation<br />

Program systems integration activities in accordance with <strong>NASA</strong> requirements and the<br />

Contractor's documented plans.<br />

a) The Contractor shall manage their systems integration activities consistent with CxP-72008,<br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle Project Plan.<br />

b) The Contractor shall partiCipate In CEV Project and Constellation Program systems<br />

Integration activities in accordance with CxP-72008, Crew Exploration Vehicle Project Plan<br />

c) The Contractor shall Implement plans for managing technical data products, processes and<br />

organizational roles and responSibilities used to accomplish their systems integration<br />

actiVities and document their plans In the Contractor's PMP (ORO CEV-M-001, CEV Prime<br />

Project Management Plan)<br />

d) The Contractor shall perform reqUIrements development, design, analysis and trade studies,<br />

assemblyfproduction, Integration, testing, verification, validation, qualification, certification,<br />

and delivery for all CEV Spacecraft subsystems to the component level. A small number of<br />


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subsystems contain government furnished products These <strong>NASA</strong>-provided products will be<br />

detailed in each subsystem section.<br />

e) The Contractor shall hold subsystem design reviews prior to the system PDR and CDR.<br />

f) The Contractor shall perform analyses, trade studies, and developmental testing to determine<br />

the spacecraft architecture and component design that meets all requirements and best<br />

balances performance, cost, schedule, and risk The Contractor shall document this design<br />

information in each of the subsystem design and data books.<br />

g) The Contractor shall demonstrate how the design maps to and complies with the CEV<br />

System-level and external Interface reqUirements The Contractor shall document this<br />

requirements mapping in ORO CEV-T-034, Requirements Traceability Report.<br />

h) The Contractor shall support the documentation and delivery of the Master Verification Plan<br />

(ORO CEV-T-015). The Contractor shall document this information at the CEV Spacecraft<br />

system, module, subsystem, and component levels in the Spacecraft Master Verification<br />

Plan.<br />

I) The Contractor shall specify, produce and deliver integration testing assemblies and flight<br />

test articles necessary to Implement the Spacecraft Master Verification Plan. The Contractor<br />

shall document this information at the CEV Spacecraft system, module, subsystem, and<br />

component levels in ORO CEV-T-017, Certification Data Package. Note: Module, subsystem<br />

and component-level test and test documentation requirements are defined In Sections 6.1.5<br />

CM Test, Verification, and Certification, 6.2.5 SM Test, Verification, and Certification, 6.4.5<br />

LAS Test, Verification, and Certification and 6 5 4 CEV Software Test and Verification The<br />

contractor shall deliver Certification Approval Requests per ORO CEV-T-018 in preparation<br />

for design certification milestones.<br />

j) The Contractor shall perform acceptance testing at the Integrated spacecraft level using ORO<br />

CEV-T-039, Acceptance Test Procedures, and document the results using ORO CEV-T-040,<br />

Acceptance Data Package<br />

k) <strong>NASA</strong> has Identified subsystem-specific standards the Contractor shall follow dUring all<br />

design, development, and test activities The standards are listed in Subsection sections<br />

within Sections 6.1.3 (CM Subsystems), 62 3 (SM/SA Subsystems) and 6.4.3 (LAS<br />

Subsystems Crosscutting standards applYing to all subsystems are covered in Section 2.B,<br />

Specialty Engineering, sections 2 9 (Aerosciences), and 24 (Integrated AnalYSIS).<br />

I) The Contractor shall use the following standards and requirements documents for developing<br />

all subsystems'<br />

o JPR BOBO.5, JSC Design and Procedural Standards (and associated Children<br />

documents as speCified In Attachment J-3, Applicable, Guidance, and<br />

Informational Documents List) (exclusive of government "shalls")<br />

o CXP-70024, Constellation Human Systems Integration ReqUirements (HSIR)<br />

(and associated Children documents as specified In Attachment J-3,<br />

Applicable, Guidance, and Informational Documents List)<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the follOWing document(s):<br />

• DRD CEV-T-034. ReqUirements Traceability Report<br />

The following DROs for the integrated vehicle are collected in the OROs specified In Sectlon10.<br />

• ORO CEV-T -015. Master Verification Plan<br />

• ORD CEV-T-017 Certification Data Packages<br />

• DRD CEV-T-01B. Certification Approval Request<br />

• DRD CEV-T-039. Acceptance Test Procedures<br />

• ORO CEV-T-040' Acceptance Data Package<br />

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2.6.1 Avionics Integration<br />

The contractor shall integrate the efforts to design, develop, test, certify, and deliver the software,<br />

computers, firmware, and other electncal and electronic equipment used for commanding,<br />

monitoring, and communicating with CEV sUbsystems.<br />

AVIonics Integration includes the integration of the hardware and software components in the<br />

areas of Flight Software, Command & Data Handling (C&DH), Instrumentation, Communications<br />

and Tracking (C&T), Displays. & Controls (D&C), and all data/signal Interfaces between these<br />

functions and other CEV Spacecraft systems/modules/subsystems/components and external<br />

elements. This element also includes efforts to develop and implement an approach for modular<br />

open systems architecture in the design of the CEV System, and to define the collection and<br />

processing of vehicle transducer and sensor information and vehicle health monitoring data<br />

specified by other subsystems for use on the vehicle and ground.<br />

a) The Contractor shall use a modular, multi-use open systems approach In the design of the<br />

CEV System making the Impact to the overall modular, multi-use open systems architecture a<br />

primary conSideration In the selection of eqUipment to meet the CEV design functionality.<br />

ThiS approach shall be reflected In the architecture documented In the Architecture Design<br />

Document (ORO CEV-T -033)<br />

b) The Contractor shall use a modular, multi-use open systems approach and analYSIS of longterm<br />

supportability, Interoperabllity, and growth for future modifications in the final selection of<br />

CEV equipment and the Integration approach for future Constellation elements and<br />

equipment<br />

c) The Contractor's design shall permit future upgrades and incremental technology insertion to<br />

allow for incorporation of additional or higher performance components with minimal impact<br />

to the existing systems<br />

d) The Contractor shall report the results of an open systems architecture analysis for modular,<br />

multi-use systems that extends beyond CEV to other Constellation elements and equipment<br />

in accordance With ORO CEV-T -009, CEV Analysis Reports.<br />

e) <strong>NASA</strong> Will perform independent requirements validation and design certification in key areas.<br />

In these key areas <strong>NASA</strong> will establish design requirements teams Intended to integrate the<br />

activities of <strong>NASA</strong> and the Contractor. The Contractor shall participate In and support these<br />

design requirements teams for CEV AVIonics Integration Laboratory Requirements<br />

f) The Contractor shall define and Implement an integrated plan for CEV Spacecraft<br />

Instrumentation. The Contractor shall provide in thiS plan provIsions for the calibration of the<br />

instrumentation transducers and sensors to assure end-to-end error and tolerances are within<br />

required performance specifications The Contractor shall document these plans in ORO<br />

CEV-T-041, CEV InstrumentatIon Plan<br />

g) The Contractor shall define and document sensor range and calibration Information in ORO<br />

CEV-T-046, CEV Data and Command Dictionary, uSing the standards and formats called out<br />

in CxP 70022-4 Constellation Program Command, Control, Communication, and Information<br />

(C31) Interoperability Standards Books, Volume 4. Information Representation SpeCification<br />

(and associated children documents as speCified In Attachment J-3, Applicable, Guidance,<br />

and Informational Documents List).<br />

h) The Contractor shall develop, Implement, and maintain an Integrated Avionics Master<br />

Verification Plan, per ORO CEV-T-015, that details the Contractor's plan for verifying,<br />

certifying, and acceptance of the aviOniCS system<br />

I) The Contractor shall perform certification testing of the aVionics subsystem and document the<br />

results using ORO CEV-T-017, CertIfIcation Data Package-<br />

J) The Contractor shall develop and maintain a sortable CEV Data and Command Dictionary<br />

(ORO CEV-T-046), which Includes channelization information, calibration information,<br />

telemetry Information, and command Information reqUired to define, manage and record all<br />

data elements that Interface with the core aVionics software and hardware, the subsystem<br />

specifiC software, and the ground systems, using the standards and formats called out in CxP<br />

70022-4 Constellation Program Command, Control, CommUniCation, and Information (C31)<br />

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Interoperabllity Standards Books, Volume 4 Information Representation Speclflcation(and<br />

associated<br />

k) The Contractor shall develop an AVIonics Subsystem - Constellation C31 Interoperabllity<br />

Report (also see section 6.5.2) per ORO CEV-T-047, Avionics Design and Data Book Volume<br />

V - Avionics Subsystem - Constellation C3//nteroperability Report, to detail how the<br />

Contractor's design will adhere to CXP-70022, Constellation Command, Control,<br />

Communication, and Information (C31) Interoperabllity Standards Book, Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5<br />

and 8 (and associated Children documents as specified In Attachment J-3, Applicable,<br />

Guidance, and Informational Documents List).<br />

I) The Contractor shall develop ORO CEV-T-047, Avionics Design and Data Book Volume /­<br />

Avionics System-Level Data, which contains aVIOniCS architecture diagrams, results of trade<br />

studies and performance analyses, block diagrams, schematics, prototyplng results, design<br />

data, planned growth proviSions/margins/scarring, and discussion of fault tolerance and<br />

effects of failures on performance<br />

m) The Contractor shall utilize open architecture designs and Industry standards where feaSible<br />

and cost-effective in the avionics subsystem hardware and software designs, taking Into<br />

consideration long-term maintainability/availability and extensibility. The Contractor shall<br />

utilize modular hardware and common building blocks such as power supplies, chassis,<br />

processor cards, memory cards, network cards, etc where feasible and cost-effective<br />

n) The Contractor shall utilize standard compilers, operating systems, and software<br />

development tools/enVironments throughout the CEV software deSign and development<br />

process where feaSible and cost-effective<br />

0) Reserved<br />

p) For each avionics LRU that requires active cooling, the Contractor shall determine the<br />

maximum time that the LRU can be operated Without active cooling applied. The Contractor<br />

shall document this data in each volume of the aVionic design and data book<br />

q) The Contractor shall use the follOWing standards for designing the aVIOniCS subsystem:<br />

CxP 70022-1 Constellation Program Command, Control, Communication, and Information<br />

(C31) Interoperabllity Standards Books, Volume 1 Interoperabllity Specification (and<br />

associated Children documents as specified In Attachment J-3, Applicable, GUidance, and<br />

Informational Documents List)<br />

CxP 70022-2 Constellation Program Command, Control, CommUniCation, and Information<br />

(C31) Interoperability Standards Books, Volume 2: Spectrum and Channel Plan<br />

CxP 70022-3 Constellation Program Command, Control, Communication, and Information<br />

(C31) Interoperabllity Standards Books, Volume 3. Master Link Book<br />

CxP 70022-4 Constellation Program Command, Control, CommUniCation, and Information<br />

(C31) Interoperability Standards Books, Volume 4: Information Representation Specification<br />

(and associated Children documents as specified in Attachment J-3, Applicable, GUidance,<br />

and Informational Documents List)<br />

CxP 70022-5 Constellation Program Command, Control, CommUniCation, and Information<br />

(C31) Interoperability Standards Books, Volume 5: Data Exchange Protocol Specification<br />

CxP 70022-8 Constellation Program Command, Control, CommUniCation, and Information<br />

(C31) Interoperability Standards Books, Volume 8. Common Command and Control<br />

Functional Requirements (and associated Children documents as speCified in Attachment J-<br />

3, Applicable, Guidance, and Informational Documents List)<br />

r) The Contractor shall design, develop, produce, Integrate, verify, validate, certify, operate,<br />

maintain, document, and deliver a separate backup flight control system (BFCS), which<br />

houses an Independently developed subset of the primary flight software functions.<br />

s) The Contractor shall deSign, develop, produce, integrate, verify, validate, certify, operate,<br />

maintain, document, and deliver an avionics architecture based on fifth generation<br />


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commercial aircraft heritage, that IS of a high (greater than 6) technology readiness level<br />

(TRL)<br />

t} The Contractor shall lead the Integration of the integrated resident RF communications<br />

hardware and the GFE provided ISS C31 Communications Adapter (ICCA), with the ISS.<br />

u} The Contractor shall develop an Avionics Subsystem - Constellation Functional Security<br />

Report per ORO CEV-T -047, Avionics Design and Data Book Volume VI - Avionics<br />

Subsystem - Constellation Security Report, to detail how the Contractor's design will adhere<br />

to CxP 70070-ANX05, Book 1, Constellation Program Functional Security ReqUirements (and<br />

associated children).<br />

v) The Contractor shall develop and maintain ORO-CEV-T-031, CEV <br />

ReqUirements SpecificatIOn for the AVIOniCS Subsystem<br />

w) The Contractor shall develop and maintain ORO CEV-T-029, CEV Interface<br />

Control Documents and ORO CEV-T -035, CEV Interface Requirements<br />

Documents for the Avionics Subsystem interfaces to other subsystems.<br />

x) The Contractor shall document the AVIOniCS subsystem requirements traceability in ORO<br />

CEV-T-034, Requirements Traceability Report.<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s)<br />

• DRD-CEV-T-015: Integrated Avionics Volume Master Verification Plan (excluding GN&C)<br />

• DRD-CEV-T-029. AVioniCs Subsytem Interface Control Documents<br />

• DRD-CEV-T-031. Avionics Subsystem Requirements Specification<br />

• DRD-CEV-T-035: Avionics Subsytem Interface Requirements Documents<br />

• DRD CEV-T-041' CEV Instrumentation Plan<br />

• DRD CEV-T-046 CEV Data and Command Dictionary<br />

• DRD CEV-T-047: Avionics Design and Data Book Volume 1 AviOniCS, System-Level Data<br />

• DRD CEV-T-047: AVIOniCS DeSign and Data Book Volume VI, Avionics Subsystem­<br />

Constellation Security Report<br />

The following subsystem specific data is collected in the DRDs specified in Section 2.2:<br />

• DRD CEV-T-033: Architecture Design Document<br />

• DRD CEV-T-034. ReqUirements Traceability Report<br />

The following subsystem specific data is collected in the DRDs specified In Section 2.4:<br />

• DRD CEV-T-009 CEV AnalYSIS Reports<br />

The follOWing subsystem speCifiC information IS collected In the DRDs specified in Section 6.5.2.<br />

• DRD CEV-T-047. Avionics Design and Data Book Volume V, AVIOniCS - Constellation<br />

C31 Interoperabillty Report<br />

The following subsystem specific data is collected in the DRDs speCified In Sections 10.2:<br />

• DRD CEV-T-017. Certification Data Package<br />

2.6.2 Command and Data Handling (C&DH) Integration<br />

C&DH hardware includes data processing and computing resources including processors,<br />

memory, inpuVoutput devices, data multlplexersl demultiplexers, mass storage devices, intercomputer<br />

time-synchronization devices, and networking equipment<br />

(a) The contractor shall Integrate the DDT&E efforts of the C&DH hardware.<br />

(b) The Contractor shall document the design integration for all C&DH hardware as speCified in<br />

ORO CEV-T-047, AviOniCS Design and Data Book Volume /1- C&DHllnstrumentation<br />

Subsystem Data.<br />

(c) The Contractor shall partiCipate With <strong>NASA</strong> In the Integration of CEV hard-line interface to the<br />

GFE ICCA on board ISS.<br />

(d) The Contractor shall develop and maintain ORO CEV-T-031, CEV <br />

Requirements Specifications for the C&DH components<br />

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Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s).<br />

• DRD CEV-T-031: Command and Data Handling Component Requirements Specifications<br />

• DRD CEV-T-047. Avionics Design and Data Book Volume II C&DH/lnstrumentation<br />

Subsystem Data<br />

2.6.3 Communications and Tracking<br />

The Contractor shall integrate the DDT&E efforts of the space-to-ground and space-to-space<br />

communication links, RF/optlcal tracking deVices (excluding navigational aids), audio and<br />

videolimagery equipment and ISS resident RF communications hardware including hardware to<br />

be installed on the ISS<br />

(a) The Contractor shall prepare, deliver, and maintain ORO CEV-T-047, Avionics Design and<br />

Data Book Volume III - Communications and Tracking Subsystem Data.<br />

b) The Contractor shall participate in the development of Constellabon's Integrated<br />

communications and tracking concepts, architecture, and requirements. The Contractor shall<br />

comply with the design of the Constellation communications architecture according to CXP-<br />

70022 Constellation Program Command, Control, Communication, and Information (C31)<br />

Interoperabllity Standards Books Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8 (and associated Children<br />

documents as specified In Attachment J-3, Applicable, Guidance, and Informational<br />

Documents List)<br />

c) Subsystems other than C&T may contain RF/optlcal devices (Le., wireless sensors, GPS)<br />

The Contractor shall apply the standards In this section to those subsystems containing<br />

RF/opbcal deVices The Contractor shall proVide the same documentation required in ORO<br />

CEV-T-047, AVIOniCS DeSign and Data Book Volume III - Communications and Tracking<br />

Subsystem Data, for all subsystems containing RF/optlcal deVices The Contractor shall<br />

document this Information In that subsystems design and data book.<br />

d) The Contractor shall participate In the development of Radio Frequency/Optical ICDs and<br />

document the results In ORO CEV-T-058, Radio Frequency/OpticaIICDs.<br />

e) The Contractor shall use the following standards for deSigning the C&T subsystem:<br />

o 450-SNUG, Space Network Users' GUide<br />

o FIPS 140-2, Security Requirements for Cryptographic Module<br />

o FIPS-197, Advanced Encryption Standard<br />

o<br />

o<br />

ICD-GPS-200, Navstar GPS Space Segment/Navigation User Interfaces<br />

NTIA Manual, National Telecommunications and Information Administration<br />

(NTIA) Manual of Regulations & Procedures for Federal Radio Frequency<br />

Management (May 2003 Edition, May 2005 ReVISions) Chapter 10<br />

f) The Contractor shall deSign, develop, produce, Integrate, verify, validate, certify, operate,<br />

maintain, document, and deliver ISS resident RF communications hardware (antenna,<br />

amplifiers, transponders, baseband processing, and other associated hardware).<br />

g) The Contractor shall Integrate the reSident RF communications hardware with the GFE<br />

prOVided ISS C31 Communications Adapter (lCCA).<br />

h) The CEV Contractor shall participate with <strong>NASA</strong> and the Constellation Program in<br />

development of Radio Frequency (RF) spectrum management in compliance with the<br />

National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) Manual of Regulations &<br />

Procedures for Federal Radio Frequency Management (May 2003 Edition, May 2005<br />

ReVisions), Chapter 10 The Contractor shall provide RF spectrum management<br />

documentation In ORO CEV-T-026, Spectrum Management Documents<br />

I) The Contractor shall develop and maintain ORO CEV-T-031, CEV <br />

ReqUirements SpeCifications for the C&T components.<br />

Defiverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s).<br />

• DRD CEV-T-026, Spectrum Management Documents<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-1<br />

Modification 65<br />

• DRD CEV-T-031 Communication & Tracking Components Requirements Specifications<br />

• DRD CEV-T-047' AVionics Design and Data Book Volume 111- Communications and<br />

Tracking Subsystem Data<br />

• DRD CEV-T-058 Radio Frequency/OptlcallCDs<br />

2.6.4 Displays & Controls Integration<br />

The contractor shall integrate the DDT&E efforts of the crew interface with the on-board computer<br />

systems and the manual controls/feedbacks used by the crew to control the vehicle, Interact with<br />

ItS subsystems, and mOnitor automated processes. This work is done in concert with Human<br />

Engineering activities under Section 2 8, Specialty Engineering, and 2.5, Spacecraft Crew Cabin<br />

and Cockpit Layout Design Requirements.<br />

a) Reserved<br />

b) The D&C subsystem shall utilize naming conventions as established in CXP-02007,<br />

Constellation Nomenclature Plan.<br />

c) The Contractor shall prepare, maintain, and deliver Avionics Design and Data Book Volume<br />

IV - Displays and Controls Subsystem Data per ORO CEV-T-047<br />

d) The Contractor shall develop and maintain ORO CEV-T-031, CEV <br />

ReqUirements Specifications for the Displays and Controls components<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s)'<br />

• DRD CEV-T-031: Displays & Controls Components ReqUirements Specifications<br />

• DRD CEV-T-047: Avionics Design and Data Book Volume IV - Displays and Controls<br />

Subsystem Data<br />

2.6.5 Electrical Power Subsystem (EPS) Integration<br />

The contractor shall integrate the DDT&E efforts of the power generation, energy storage,<br />

electrical power distribution and control, and external/internal CEV lighting<br />

a) The Contractor shall participate with the Constellation Program In the development of ORO<br />

CEV-T-060, Electrical Power Quality Specification Requirements Document. The Contractor<br />

shall perform testing and analyses required to develop a power quality specification that will<br />

be compatible with the technology needed to generate, store, and distribute electrical power.<br />

The Constellation Program will provide oversight and guidance with an emphasis to tailor this<br />

specification to be compatible to both the CEV and other Similar Constellation EPS systems.<br />

b) The Contractor shall document the design for the Electrical Power Subsystem as specified in<br />

ORO CEV-T-059, Electrical Power System (EPS) Design and Data Book<br />

c) The Contractor shall develop, implement, and maintain an Integrated EPS Master Verification<br />

Plan, per ORO CEV-T-015, that details the Contractor's plan for verifying, certifying, and<br />

acceptance of the EPS system.<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s)<br />

• DRD CEV-T-059' Electrical Power System (EPS) Design and Data Book<br />

• DRD CEV-T-060: Electrical Power Quality SpeCification Requirements Document<br />

The follOWing subsystem specific information IS collected In the DRDs specified in Section 10.2<br />

• DRD CEV-T -015. EPS Volume - Master Verification Plan<br />

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Modification 65<br />

2.6.6 Mechanisms Integration<br />

The Contractor shall Integrate the DDT&E efforts of any mechanical or electromechanical devices<br />

that control the movement of a mechanical part of the spacecraft relative to another part. These<br />

devices Include latches, hatches, doors, and fasteners installed, removed, or adjusted dUring<br />

flight.<br />

a) The Contractor shall design develop, and verify safety or mission critical mechanisms in<br />

accordance with the follOWing standard:<br />

o <strong>NASA</strong>-STD-5017, Design and Development Requirements for Mechanisms,<br />

Sections 1-4<br />

b) The Contractor shall document the design for all CEV mechanisms as speCified In ORO CEV­<br />

T-061, Mechanical Systems Design and Data Book, and ORO CEV-T-062' Stress AnalysIs<br />

Report<br />

c) The Contractor shall develop, Implement, and maintain an Integrated Mechanisms Master<br />

Verification Plan, per ORO CEV-T-015, that details the Contractor's plan for verifying,<br />

certifying, and acceptance of the Mechanisms system<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the follOWing document(s).<br />

• DRD CEV-T-061' Mechanical Systems Design and Data Book<br />

• DRD CEV-T-062: Stress AnalysIs Report<br />

The following subsystem specific information IS collected in the DRDs specified In Section 10 2<br />

• DRD CEV-T -015' Mechanisms Volume - Master Verification Plan<br />

2.6.7 Passive Thermal Control Integration<br />

The Contractor shall integrate the OOT&E efforts of hardware, coatings, blankets, heaters, and<br />

other design accommodations that protect the vehicle, crew, and ItS constituent components from<br />

thermal environmental extremes dUring all mission phases.<br />

a) The Contractor shall develop thermal analytical models to support integrated Constellation<br />

vehicle analyses and CEV thermal analyses.<br />

b) The Contractor shall develop, implement, and maintain an Passive Thermal Control<br />

Subsystem Master Verification Plan, per ORO CEV-T-015, that details the Contractor's plan<br />

for verifying, certifYing, and acceptance of the PTC system.<br />

c) The Contractor shall document the design for the Passive Thermal Control subsystem as<br />

specified in ORO CEV-T-063, Passive Thermal Control Design and Data Book.<br />

d) The contractor shall deliver ORO CEV-T-064, Passive Thermal Control Mathematical Models<br />

and Documentation, which Will edliver and desCribe the mathematical models used In the<br />

PTC analyses<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s)'<br />

• DRD CEV-T-063. Passive Thermal Control Design and Data Book (PTCDDB)<br />

• DRD CEV-T-064: Passive Thermal Control Mathematical Models and Documentation<br />

The following subsystem specific information is collected In the DRDs speCified in Section 10.2<br />

• DRO CEV-T-015 PTC Volume - Master Verification Plan<br />

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2.6.8 Reserved<br />

2.6.9 Structures Integration<br />

The Contractor shall integrate the DDT&E efforts of the primary structure, secondary structure,<br />

and all structural components of vehicle equipment, including spacecraft and component loads,<br />

dynamics, and stress analysis<br />

a) The Contractor shall perform structural analysis on all spacecraft structures, including<br />

pressure vessels, to show that all elements of the design such as the strength, stiffness,<br />

structural stability, and life meet all specified criteria for the anticipated loads and<br />

environments<br />

b) The Contractor shall perform loads and dynamics analyses and document the results In ORO<br />

CEV-T-067, Structural Loads Data Book<br />

c) The Contractor shall perform stress and fatigue analyses and document the results In ORO<br />

CEV-T-062, Stress Analysis Report<br />

d) The Contractor shall develop models to support integrated Constellation vehicle analyses as<br />

well as CEV loads and stress analyses The Contractor shall deliver ORO CEV-T-068,<br />

Structures Mathematical Models and Documentation, which will deliver and describe the<br />

mathematical models used In the CEV Spacecraft system, module, subsystem, and<br />

component loads and stress analyses.<br />

e) The Contractor shall implement a fracture control program and Identify fracture critical parts<br />

to protect against catastrophic structural hazards associated With flaw presence, fatigue crack<br />

propagation and fracture. The Contractor shall deliver and implement ORO CEV-T-069,<br />

Fracture Control Plan, and ORO CEV-T-070, Fracture Control Summary Report<br />

f) The Contractor shall use <strong>NASA</strong>-HDBK-7005, Dynamic Environmental Criteria, as a guidance<br />

document to support the ORO CEV-T-015, Master Verification Plan DRD product<br />

development activity.<br />

g) The Contractor shall use the following standards for deSigning and analYZing the structures<br />

subsystem:<br />

o Contract Attachment J-3, Table 1.2, Applicable EnVironmental Data Documents<br />

o JSC-62550, Structural Design and Verification Criteria for Glass, Ceramics and<br />

Windows in Human Space Flight Applications<br />

o <strong>NASA</strong>-STD-5001, Structural Design and Test Factors of Safety for Space<br />

Flight Hardware<br />

o <strong>NASA</strong>-STD-5019, Fracture Control ReqUirements for Spaceflight Hardware as<br />

implemented by CEV-T-069<br />

o NSTS 08307, Space Shuttle Criteria for Preloaded Bolts<br />

o CxP-70135, Structural Design and Verification Requirements (SDVR)<br />

h) The contractor shall produce an engineering development Ground Test Article (GTA) for use<br />

in enVIronmental testing. The contractor shall perform environmental testing on the<br />

engineering development structure including, as a minimUm, modal testing, Vibration testing,<br />

and acoustic testing. The contractor shall include the engineering development structure<br />

testing activity as part of the ORO CEV-T-015, Master Verification Plan, and shall ensure that<br />

the testing IS completed In time to support component qualification testing. The contractor<br />

shall document the results of the engineering development structure testing in ORO CEV-T-<br />

067, Structural Loads Data Book, and ORO CEV-T-068, Structures Mathematical Models and<br />

Documentation.<br />

I) The Contractor shall deliver a CEV Structural Test Article (used for structural verification<br />

static and dynamic testing) after the Contractor completes the structural test program<br />

J) The Contractor shall support Integrated Vehicle Ground Vibration Test (IVGVT) at MSFC as<br />

defined In the Ares IVGVT & Orion Bilateral Exchange Agreement (BEA)<br />

k) The ISS CCA will be hard mounted on a contractor provided isolation system for launch on<br />

Progress<br />

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Modification 65<br />

I) The Contractor shall develop, implement, and maintain a Structures Master Verification Plan,<br />

per ORO CEV-T·015, that details the Contractor's plan for verifying, certifying, and<br />

acceptance of the Structures system.<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s)<br />

• ORO CEV-T-062.Stress AnalysIs Report<br />

• ORO CEV-T-067: Structural Loads Data Book<br />

• ORO CEV-T-068. Structures Mathematical Models and Documentation<br />

• ORO CEV-T-069: Fracture Control Plan<br />

• ORO CEV-T-070' Fracture Control Summary Report<br />

• Property transfer of Structural Test Article and Ground Test Article residual components<br />

• 00250 of IVGVT test article<br />

The following subsystem speCifiC data IS collected in the ORO specified in Sections 10.2'<br />

• ORO CEV-T -015. Master Verification Plan<br />

2.6.10 Propulsion Integration<br />

The Contractor shall integrate the OOT&E efforts of vehicle components that prOVide propulsive<br />

thrust used for trajectory Insertion, orbital maneuvering, and translation and rotation reaction<br />

control<br />

a) The Contractor shall perform deSign, development, test, certification and delivery of all<br />

propulsion systems and develop all propulSion related ORO products.<br />

b) The Contractor shall develop, document, Implement, and execute comprehensive verification<br />

activities and associated processes for all propulsion systems in order to certify the<br />

propulSion systems for compliance with CEV component, subsystem, module, Spacecraft<br />

system, and vehicle-level requirements The Contractor shall also design, fabricate and test<br />

Integrated propulSion systems in order to evaluate and certify Integrated propulSion system<br />

hot fire performance for each propulsion application The Contractor shall also design,<br />

fabricate, and test integrated propulSion systems to evaluate and certify integrated propellant<br />

system storage and conditioning deSigns and capabilities in order to evaluate and certify<br />

propellant conditioning performances The Contractor shall design and certify liquid<br />

propellant rocket engines for combustion stability, using CPIA 655, Guidelines for<br />

Combustion Stability SpeCifications and Verification Procedures for Liquid Propellant Rocket<br />

Engines.<br />

c) The Contractor shall develop, Implement, and maintain a PropulSion Master Verification Plan,<br />

per ORO CEV-T·015, that details the Contractor's plan for verifYing, certifYing, and<br />

acceptance of the Propulsion system<br />

d) The Contractor shall document the deSign for the Propulsion subsystem as specified in ORO<br />

CEV·T·071, Propulsion Systems DeSign and Data Book<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s)'<br />

• ORO CEV-T-071 Propulsion Systems DeSign and Data Book<br />

The following subsystem specific Information IS collected In the OROs speCified In Section 10.2<br />

• ORO CEV-T-015 Propulsion Systems Volume - Master Verification Plan<br />

2.6.11 Suits, EVA and Survival Crew Equipment Support<br />

Systems Integration<br />

a) The Contractor shall Integrate the OOT&E efforts of components that interface to Suits, EVA<br />

and Survival Crew EqUipment Support Systems.<br />

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b) <strong>NASA</strong> will provide the CEV suits and EVA support equipment (e g., EVA suits, launch and<br />

entry suits, helmets, gloves, undergarments, and standard EVA tools if applicable).<br />

c) <strong>NASA</strong> will provide crew equipment systems and gear for emergency egress and survival,<br />

crew/personnel post landing tracking systems, and crew/personnel post landing<br />

communications systems<br />

d) The Contractor shall perform requirements development, design, analysis and trade studies,<br />

assembly/production, integration, testing, verification, validation, qualification, certification,<br />

and delivery of the CEV Interfaces for the <strong>NASA</strong>-provided suits, EVA support equipment, and<br />

survival crew equipment<br />

e) The Contractor shall supply the vehicle resources to the <strong>NASA</strong>-provided SUitS with power,<br />

oxygen, water, cooling, contaminant control and communications as defined in the CXP-<br />

70033, Orion to EVA Systems IRD. The Contractor shall control/provide/analyze the vehicle<br />

side interface, and <strong>NASA</strong> Will control/provide the umbilical/support systems hardware and the<br />

suit-side interface<br />

e) The Contractor shall supply vehicle resources and Interfaces for vehicle depressurization/repressurization<br />

as defined In support of an EVA.<br />

f) The Contractor shall provide an IVA/EVA-operable CEV Spacecraft hatch and mechanisms,<br />

specialized CEV-speclflc EVA tools, and external deVices, restraints, and mobility aids<br />

g) The Contractor shall use the human engineering standards listed in section 2.8.7, Human<br />

Engineering, to design all interfaces to SUitS, EVA, and survival crew eqUipment systems.<br />

h) The contractor shall proVide EVA handling aids mounted to the exterior of the ISS CCA to<br />

support installation, activation, and check out<br />

i) RESERVED<br />

j) The Contractor shall develop, Implement, and maintain a SUitS, EVA, and Survival Crew<br />

Equipment Master Verification Plan, per ORO CEV-T-015, that details the Contractor's plan<br />

for verifying, certifying, and acceptance of theSUlte, EVA, and Survival Crew EqUipment<br />

Support Systems<br />

k) The Contractor shall document the deSign for the SUitS, EVA, and SurVival Crew EqUipment<br />

Support Systems as specified in ORO CEV-T-072, SUitS, EVA, and Survival Crew EqUipment<br />

Support Systems DeSign and Data Book<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s)'<br />

• DRD CEV-T-072' Suits, EVA and Survival Crew EqUipment Support Systems DeSign and<br />

Data Book<br />

The following subsystem speCifiC Information IS collected In the DRDs specified in Section 10.2<br />

• DRD CEV-T-015 SUitS, EVA, and Survival Crew Equipment Support Systems Volume­<br />

Master Verification Plan<br />

2.6.12 Environmental Control and Life Support (ECLS), Crew<br />

Health and Habitation Accommodations Integration<br />

The Contractor shall integrate the DDT&E efforts of the spacecraft subsystems for EnVironmental<br />

Control and Life Support (EClS), active thermal control, medical systems Interfaces, and<br />

habitation accommodations.<br />

a) <strong>NASA</strong> will provide food and food packaging The Contractor shall deSign the Interfaces for<br />

these <strong>NASA</strong>-provided Items.<br />

b) <strong>NASA</strong> will provide portable medical kits, equipment and supplies, and portable<br />

countermeasures systems The Contractor shall deSign the Interfaces for these <strong>NASA</strong>proVided<br />

Items.<br />

c) <strong>NASA</strong> Will prOVide additional FCE such as personal hygiene kitS, hygiene consumables, sleep<br />

restraints, portable supplemental lighting, portable vacuum cleaner, dust abatement system,<br />

disposable wipes, personal carry-on stowage, standard tools, crew clothing, and portable<br />

crew personal Items (e g , relaxation and entertainment systems) The Contractor shall<br />

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Modification 65<br />

design the interfaces for these <strong>NASA</strong>-provided Items In accordance with the following<br />

document<br />

o CXP-70035, Portable Equipment, Payloads, and Cargo IRD<br />

d) <strong>NASA</strong> will provide active and passive radiation instrumentation. The Contractor shall design<br />

the Interfaces for these <strong>NASA</strong>-provided Items<br />

e) The Contractor shall use the follOWing EClS, crew health and habitation accommodations<br />

standards and the Human Engineering Standards listed in Section 2 8.7, Human<br />

Engineering, for designing this subsystem:<br />

o JSC 20584, Spacecraft Maximum Allowable Concentrations for Airborne<br />

Contaminants<br />

f) The Contractor shall provide definition of the process to be used for cleanliness of<br />

components for use in oxygen, fuel, and pneumatic systems. The Contractor shall provide<br />

this information In ORO CEV-T-073, Environmental Control and Life Support Design and Data<br />

Book. The process must meet or exceed the requirements identified in the following<br />

documents'<br />

o<br />

o<br />

o<br />

o<br />

MSFC-SPEC-164B, Specification for Cleanliness of Components for Use in<br />

Oxygen, Fuel and Pneumatic Systems (and associated Children documents as<br />

specified In Attachment J-3, Applicable, Guidance, and Informational<br />

Documents list)<br />

MSFC-PROC-404, Gases, Drying and Preservation, Cleanliness level and<br />

Inspection<br />

MSFC-PROC-1831, The Analysis of Nonvolatile Residue Content<br />

MSFC-PROC-1832, Sampling and Analysis of Nonvolatile ReSidue Content<br />

on Critical Surfaces<br />

g) The Contractor shall identify the standard for test methods for environmental engineering In<br />

ORO CEV-T-073, Environmental Control and Life Support Design and Data Book. This<br />

standard shall meet or exceed the follOWing standard'<br />

o<br />

Mll-STD-810F, DOD Test Method Standard for Environmental Engineering<br />

ConSiderations and laboratory Tests, Section 5 and Part 2<br />

h) The Contractor shall develop, Implement, and maintain an EClS Master Verification Plan, per<br />

ORO CEV-T-015, that details the Contractor's plan for verifying, certifying, and acceptance of<br />

the EClS system.<br />

i) The Contractor shall document the design for the Habitation Accommodations as specified in<br />

ORO CEV-T-074, Habitation Accommodations DeSign and Data Book<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s):<br />

• DRD CEV-T-073. Environmental Control and life Support Design and Data Book<br />

• DRD CEV-T-074 Habitation Accommodations DeSign and Data Book<br />

The following subsystem specific information IS collected In the DRDs specified in Section 10.2<br />

• DRD CEV-T-015 EClS Volume - Master Verification Plan<br />

2.6.13 Pyrotechnics Integration<br />

The Contractor shall integrate all CEV mounted deVices and assemblies containing or<br />

operated/actuated/severed by, propellants and/or explOSives<br />

a) <strong>NASA</strong> will supply the pyrotechniC Initiators for all pyrotechniC events excluding mechanically<br />

initiated devices <strong>NASA</strong> will supply interface and performance requirements for the system<br />

used to fire the Initiators<br />

b) If the Contractor selects existing Shuttle pyrotechnic deVices for the CEV Spacecraft, then<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> will supply those pyrotechniC deVices<br />

c) <strong>NASA</strong> will supply pyrotechniC reefing line cutters used In the CPAS.<br />

d) The Contractor shall comply With all requirements In JSC 62809, Constellation Spacecraft<br />

PyrotechniC Specification and JPR 8080.5 Standards P1-P7<br />

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e) The Contractor shall perform preliminary design reviews and critical design reviews for each<br />

pyrotechnic device not provided by <strong>NASA</strong>. The Contractor shall conduct development,<br />

qualification, and acceptance testing on all other pyrotechnic devices selected for the CEV<br />

Spacecraft. The Contractor shall conduct Phase I, Phase II, and Phase III technical reviews<br />

on all other pyrotechnic devices selected for the CEV Spacecraft per the requirements of JSC<br />

62809, Constellation Spacecraft Pyrotechnic Specification<br />

f) The Contractor shall perform stress analysis and deliver stress analYSIS reports (ORO CEV-T-<br />

062, Stress Analysis Report) on all pyrotechniC devices selected for the CEV Spacecraft<br />

g) The Contractor shall develop, Implement, and maintain an PyrotechniCS System Master<br />

Verification Plan, per ORO CEV-T-015, that details the Contractor's plan for verifying,<br />

certifying, and acceptance of the pyrotechniCS system<br />

h) The Contractor shall use the follOWing standards for designing the pyrotechnics subsystem.<br />

o AFJMAN 24-204, Preparing Hazardous Materials for Military Air Shipments<br />

o<br />

o<br />

AFCPCMAN 91-710 Eastern and Western Range Safety User Requirements<br />

FED-STD-H28/20, Screw - Thread Standards for Federal Services Revision A<br />

or Later Inspection Section 20 Methods for Acceptability of UN, UNR, UNJ, M,<br />

and MJ Screw Threads<br />

o JSC 20431, <strong>NASA</strong> JSC Neutron Radiography Specification<br />

o JSC 62809, Constellation Spacecraft PyrotechniC SpeCification for Production<br />

Flight tests<br />

o JSC/SKD 26100132, Performance SpeCification for NSTS Use of Percussion<br />

Primers<br />

o <strong>NASA</strong>-STD-8739.3 Soldered Electncal Connections<br />

o MIL-DTL-398, RDX (Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine)<br />

o MIL-DTL-45444, HMX (Cyclotetramethylenetetranltramlne)<br />

o MIL-L-3055, Type I Lead Azide<br />

o MIL-L-46225, Lead Azide RD-1333<br />

o MIL-P-20444C, Primer, PerCUSSion, M42 Parts for and Loading, Assembling<br />

and Packaging<br />

o MIL-P-387, Pentaerythnte Tetranltrate (PETN)<br />

o JPR 8080.5 Standards P1-P7<br />

o MIL-STD-286, Military Standard Propellants, Solid: Sampling Examination and<br />

Testing; Method 8021<br />

o MIL-STD-810, EnVironmental Test Methods and Englneenng GUidelines<br />

o MIL-STD-2073-1, Department of Defense Standard Practice for Packaging<br />

o WS 5003F, Matenal SpeCification for HNS Explosive<br />

I) The Contractor shall Identify their standards for deSigning the pyrotechnics subsystem, in the<br />

follOWing areas ThiS standard shall meet or exceed the following standards:<br />

o AIA/NAS NASM20995, Wire, Safety or Lock<br />

o ANSI/ASOC Z1 4, Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by<br />

Attributes<br />

o ANSI/NCSL Z450-1, Calibration Laboratones and Measunng and Test<br />

EqUipment - General Requirements<br />

o ASME B46.1, Surface Roughness, Waviness and Lav<br />

o ASTM E1742, Standard Practice for Radiographic Examination<br />

o ASTM E8, Standard Test Methods of Tension Testing of Metallic Materials<br />

o DOD 4145 26-M, DOD Contractors' Safety Manual for AmmUnition and<br />

ExplOSives<br />

o MIL-P-116, Preservation, Methods of<br />

o MIL-STD-2073-1, Department of Defense Standard Practice for Packaging<br />

o MIL-S-22473, Sealing, Locking and Retaining Compounds, Single Component<br />

o MS20003, Indicator, Humidity, Card, Three Spot, Impregnated Areas<br />

J) The Contractor shall document the deSign for the Pyrotechnics Integration as specified in<br />

ORO CEV-T-075, PyrotechniCS Subsystem DeSign and Data Book.<br />

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Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s)'<br />

• DRD CEV-T-062: Stress AnalysIs Report<br />

• DRD CEV-T-075 Pyrotechnics Subsystem Design and Data Book<br />

The following subsystem specific Information IS collected in the DRDs specified in Section 10 2<br />

• DRD CEV-T -015' Pyrotechnics Volume - Master Verification Plan<br />

2.6.14 Reserved<br />

2.6.15 Guidance, Navigation, and Control (GN&C) Integration<br />

The Contractor shall integrate the DDT&E efforts of the Guidance, Navigation, and Control<br />

(GN&C) subsystem including the Integrated CEV Flight Dynamics design.<br />

a) The CEV GN&C requirements design and functional venflcation effort will be performed<br />

through the use of specialized mode teams <strong>NASA</strong> and the Contractor will co-lead the<br />

development of detailed design requirements for the CEV GN&C flight system. The<br />

Contractor shall document the GN&C requirements in ORO CEV-T-031, CEV GN&C<br />

Subsystem Requirements Specification, and ORO CEV-T-048, Software Requirements<br />

Specification The Contractor shall provide support to the following teams'<br />

o CEV Ascent/Abort Mode Team<br />

o Entry GN&C Mode Team<br />

o On-Orbit GN&C Mode Team<br />

o Flight Mechanics/MIssion Design Mode Team<br />

b) <strong>NASA</strong> will perform independent requirements validation and design certification in key areas.<br />

In these key areas <strong>NASA</strong> Will establish design requirements teams intended to integrate the<br />

activities of <strong>NASA</strong> and the Contractor. The Contractor shall partiCipate in and support these<br />

design requirements teams for GN&C Flight Software<br />

c) The Contractor shall develop, implement, and maintain an GN&C System Master Verification<br />

Plan, per ORO CEV-T-015, that details the Contractor's plan for verifying, certifying, and<br />

acceptance of the GN&C system<br />

d) The Contractor shall document the design for the GN&C subsystem as specified in ORO<br />

CEV-T-078, GN&C Subsystem Design and Data Book.<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the follOWing document(s):<br />

• DRD CEV-T-078' GN&C Design and Data Book<br />

The follOWing subsystem speCifiC information IS collected In the DRDs specifice in Section 6.1.2<br />

• DRD CEV-T-031 GN&C Requirements Specification<br />

• DRD CEV-T-031 GN&C Requirements SpeCification<br />

The following subsystem specific information is colledted in the DRD speCified In Section 6.5.2<br />

• DRD CEV-T-048' Software Requirements Specidfication<br />

The following subsystem specifiC Information IS collected In the DRDs speCified in Section 10.2<br />

• DRD CEV-T -015 GN&C Volume - Master Verification Plan<br />

2.6.16 Wiring Integration<br />

The Contractor shall integrate the DDT&E efforts of the wIring harnesses and optical cabling for<br />

both electncal and optical Signals and proVides the power, data, and command paths,<br />

connections, production breaks, and access points required to develop, assemble, test, operate,<br />

verify, certify, service and safeguard the CEV Spacecraft throughout ItS life cycle<br />

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a) The Contractor shall develop and document the process for defining, fabricating, testing,<br />

routing, installing, verifying, and maintaining the CEV wiring subsystem throughout the life<br />

cycle, including vehicle modifications, upgrades, and discrepancy resolution ThiS process<br />

shall be documented in the ORO CEV-T-079, CEV Wiring Plan.<br />

b) The Contractor shall develop a wiring database that provides definition down to the level of<br />

Pln-to-pin connectivity for all electrical harnesses and optical cables used on the CEV for<br />

ground, launch, flight, and recovery operations including testing, verification, calibration, and<br />

maintenance The Contractor shall deliver the wIring database to <strong>NASA</strong> as ORO CEV-T-OBO,<br />

CEV Wiring Database and Reports<br />

c) The Contractor shall develop, implement, and maintain a Wiring Master Verification Plan, per<br />

ORO CEV-T-015, that details the Contractor's plan for verifYing, certifYing, and acceptance of<br />

the wIring system.<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s)'<br />

• DRD CEV-T-079. CEVWiring Plan<br />

• DRD CEV-T -080: CEV Wiring Database and Reports<br />

The follOWing subsystem specific information IS collected In the DRDs specified In Section 10 2<br />

• DRD CEV-T-015: Wiring Volume - Master Verification Plan<br />

2.7 Flight and Ground Operations Integration<br />

CEV Operations is a <strong>NASA</strong>-led function With the Contractor providing the necessary data<br />

products, operational requirements, and support for <strong>NASA</strong> to develop the plans, processes,<br />

procedures, and tools to operate the CEV System. Operations Includes the development and<br />

Implementation of the processes, plans, system requirements, support and reference documents,<br />

training, procedures, and work associated With the preparation, launch and flight execution, and<br />

recovery of the CEV spacecraft. The scope of operations Includes use of the CEV System<br />

hardware/software after delivery to <strong>NASA</strong> in support of the preparation and execution of the Ares-<br />

1Y, Orion-1 and Orlon-2 operational flights.<br />

The two prinCiple areas of operations are ground operations and flight operations Ground<br />

operations are activities associated with the processing of the flight hardware using ground<br />

systems for the launch and post-landing operations These actiVities Include the planning, prelaunch<br />

processing, launch, and post-landing operations. Flight operations are activities performed<br />

to support the spacecraft and crew to accomplish the mission objectives The scope of flight<br />

operations includes the early preflight analyses and design, flight planning, flight product and<br />

procedure development, flight training, and flight execution by the crew and mission operations.<br />

2.7.1 Operational Analysis Supporting Design<br />

a) The Contractor shall participate With Constellation Operations In the development of<br />

operations plans involVing multiple systems across the Constellation Program.<br />

b) The Contractor shall provide a concept of operations for the CEV in accordance with ORO<br />

CEV-O-001, Contractor's CEV Concept of Operations, uSing ANSI/AIAA-G043-1992,<br />

GUidance for the Preparation of Operational Concept Documents, paragraph 4.0 and<br />

Appendix A, as guidance documents<br />

c) The Contractor shall perform and update operational analyses using operations requirements<br />

analYSIS and operations assessment analysiS processes for Implementation per SOW<br />

Sections 2 4, Integrated Analysis, 2 3 (a), CEV to Constellation Program Integration, and 2.3<br />

(b), CEV to ISS Program Integration in accordance With ORO CEV-T-010, System<br />

Performance Analysis Report, to ensure a balance of cost, schedule and risk between<br />

spacecraft design and ground and flight infrastructure needed to accomplish the operational<br />

mission These operational analyses Will produce an "operational view" that describes how<br />

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the system products serve the operators (e.g. flight crew, ground operations, and flight<br />

operations) The Contractor shall provide operational analyses that establish lifecycle<br />

operation and support requirements for the system. These operational analyses shall be<br />

sufficient for use by <strong>NASA</strong> to determine how best to provide operational support, determine<br />

under what environmental conditions the system products may be used, and how well they<br />

may perform under anticipated conditions The Contractor shall incorporate the applicable<br />

human-to-machine interface considerations for ground processing from the CXP-70024,<br />

Constellation Human System Integration Requirements (HSIR) and associated Children<br />

documents as specified in Attachment J-3, Applicable, Guidance, and Informational<br />

Documents List) Example subjects for operational analyses include:<br />

o Reduction and consolidation of flight-to-ground Interface pOints In addition to<br />

flight-element to flight-element interfaces;<br />

o Use of common/consistent fasteners, connectors, and<br />

consumables/propellants;<br />

o Use of non-toxIc consumables,<br />

o Design of Line Replaceable Units (LRUs) that allows for removal, replacement<br />

and retest throughout the ground processing flow;<br />

o<br />

o<br />

o<br />

Use of design that allows for in-space maintenance;<br />

Minimize operational constraints on vehicle in-space attitudes caused by<br />

design limitations In such systems as commUniCations, thermal, or power<br />

system, and<br />

DeSign of flight software architecture for less costly maintenance and<br />

certification following updates<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s):<br />

• DRD CEV-O-001 : Contractor's CEV Concept of Operations<br />

The following Operational Analysis specific data is collected in the DRD specified in Section 2.4<br />

• DRD CEV-T-010: System Performance AnalysIs Report<br />

2.7.2 Ground Operations Integration<br />

Ground Operations will be the responsibility of the <strong>NASA</strong>, however, it is essential that the<br />

Contractor participate with <strong>NASA</strong> in the overall planning and implementation of ground<br />

operations<br />

Ground Operations Integration Includes efforts reqUired to prOVide (1) plans for CEV stand-alone<br />

ground operations where the activities involve the CEV system and (2) requirements for<br />

integrated ground operations where the activities Involve the spacecraft With other Constellation<br />

flight elements. It also Includes tasks to develop concepts, requirements and plans for<br />

maintenance and logistics for CEV Project supportability for operations. These activities are<br />

generally performed in cooperation with the CxP Ground Operations Project.<br />

a) The Contractor shall develop, Implement and update ORO CEV-T-011, Integrated Logistics<br />

Support Plan, using the CXP-70064, Constellation Program Supportability Plan as<br />

informational.<br />

b) The Contractor shall perform a Logistics Support Analysis (ORO CEV-T-012) in accordance<br />

with the ORO CEV-T-011, Integrated Logistics Support Plan.<br />

c) The Contractor shall perform iterative design evaluations utiliZing the results of on-going<br />

reliability, maintainability, and supportability assessments to Identify logistiCS impacts and<br />

apply these evaluations to the deSign of the system In order to minimize the Identified<br />

logistics impacts<br />

d) The Contractor Will prOVide initial flight spares per Sections 2.10 CEV Assembly, Integration,<br />

and Production, 6 1 3 CM Flight Spares, 6 2 3 SM/SA Flight Spares, 6 4.3 LAS Flight Spares;<br />

initial ground support equipment spares per Section 2.7.2(e), Ground Support Equipment,<br />

and planning for storage of spares per Section 2.7.2 (b), Storage. The Contractor shall<br />

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participate in the Government-sponsored Provisioning Guidance Conference and lead CEV<br />

Provisioning Conferences<br />

e) The Contractor shall develop and maintain a launch site forecast of CEV propellants, fluids,<br />

and gases for the CEV Project life cycle per ORO CEV-T-013, Launch Site CEV Propellants,<br />

Fluids, and Gases Forecast<br />

f) The Contractor shall provide and maintain data to support a Logistics Management System<br />

(LMS) for the tracking and management of equipment, spares, repair parts, supplies,<br />

material, and shipping containers, and Identify excess or obsolete assets and initiate<br />

disposal. The LMS applies to both ground-based and space-stored assets.<br />

g) The Contractor shall develop the capability within the CEV spacecraft to Interface/utilize the<br />

LMS for on-board inventory management.<br />

h) The Contractor shall deliver all supportability data developed and acqUired for the deSign and<br />

manufacturing of CEV spacecraft to support flight hardware and Ground Support Equipment<br />

(GSE) reprocurement, remanufacturing, refurbishment, failure analysis, and repair In<br />

accordance with ORO CEV-T-014, Supportability Data Package<br />

I) The Contractor shall name CEV spacecraft components, assemblies, data products,<br />

applications and operations consistently In accordance with CXP-02007, Constellation<br />

Nomenclature Plan<br />

j) The Contractor shall test (acceptance test only) and deliver flight spares. The Contractor<br />

shall provide a spare parts list as part of the ORO CEV-T-012, Logistics Support Analysis<br />

(Recommended Spare Parts List). (lOIQ)<br />

k) The Contractor shall deliver one ship set of}lIght spares (Le., 1 copy of every line replaceable<br />

unit) (IOIQ)<br />

I) The Contractor shall support <strong>NASA</strong> ground operations in the development of a CEV ground<br />

operations plan addressing pre-launch processing, launch operations, and post-landing<br />

operations to ensure that ground operations activities are appropriately planned and<br />

implemented. Examples of Contractor support to <strong>NASA</strong> ground operations Include: provide<br />

flight and ground design data, provide technical assistance to the system integrated testing<br />

approach, identify support requirements for vehicle processing, provide technical expertise<br />

during the operations reviews, and prOVide work force resource loading forecasts for ground<br />

operations activities involVing Contractor-provided hardware and software. (IOIQ)<br />

m) The Contractor shall develop and update the flight hardware/software operations and<br />

maintenance plans and requirements for ground operations in accordance With ORO CEV-O-<br />

002, Flight Hardware/Software Operations and Maintenance ReqUIrements Development<br />

Plan and Requirements Document. The Contractor shall coordinate flight hardware/software<br />

operations and maintenance plans and requirements development With <strong>NASA</strong>.<br />

n) The Contractor shall provide flight and ground hardware/software technical assistance dUring<br />

ground operations phases to support ground operations activities, ensure operations and<br />

maintenance requirements Implementation, assist in element-to-element Integrated testing,<br />

assist in flight hardware/software corrective action disposition, ensure consistent, clear<br />

commUnications between the Contractor and <strong>NASA</strong> ground operations, and provide an<br />

advocate between the ground operations organizations and the spacecraft deSigners. (IOIQ)<br />

0) <strong>NASA</strong> will implement the requirements as defined In the ORO CEV-O-002, Flight<br />

Hardware/Software Operations and Maintenance Requirements Development Plan and<br />

Requirements Document, during ground operations. The Contractor shall assess and<br />

provide recommendations regarding changes to the <strong>NASA</strong>-developed ground operations<br />

procedures to assure that the changes are consistent With the CEV Spacecraft and GSE<br />

requirements, constraints, and capabilities (IOIQ)<br />

p) For work that IS to be accomplished by the Contractor at either KSC or CCAFS, the<br />

Contractor shall develop and update the support requirements In compliance With KSC-HB­<br />

GP60-3 ASRS Handbook and In accordance With ORO CEV-O-003, Launch Site Support<br />

Requirements Documentation.<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the follOWing document(s)<br />

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• DRD CEV-O-002: Flight Hardware/Software Operations and Maintenance Requirements<br />

Development Plan and Requirements Document<br />

• DRD CEV-O-003· Launch Site Support Requirements Documentation<br />

• DRD CEV-T-011. Integrated Logistics Support Plan<br />

• DRD CEV-T -012· Logistics Support AnalysIs<br />

• DRD CEV-T-012: Logistics Support AnalysIs (Recommended Spare Parts List). (IDIQ)<br />

• DRD CEV-T-013 Launch Site CEV Propellants, Fluids, and Gases Forecast<br />

• DRD CEV-T-014· Supportability Data Package<br />

2.7. 2. (a) Facilities and Facility Systems<br />

The ground facilities and facility systems encompass processing facilities, control rooms, landing<br />

and recovery facility systems and other monitoring systems.<br />

a) The Contractor shall develop and update end Item-level requirements in accordance with<br />

ORO CEV-O-008, Ground Systems Requirements, Plans, Reports, and Design Data, Volume<br />

I, Ground Systems End Item Requirements Document and Report<br />

b) The Contractor shall support <strong>NASA</strong> In the requirements development; and In the design,<br />

development, modification, and implementation activities for the facilities and facility systems<br />

that will be provided by <strong>NASA</strong>. Examples of Contractor support Include. prOVide flight<br />

hardware/software Interface deSign and data, participate In the deSign reViews, working<br />

groups, and technical Interchange meetings; ensure Contractor requirements are<br />

implemented appropriately; and participate In the activation and verification of <strong>NASA</strong> provided<br />

faCilities and faCility systems (IDIQ)<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s)·<br />

• DRD CEV-O-008 Ground Systems Requirements, Plans, Reports and DeSign Data<br />

• DRD CEV-O-007. Range Safety Requirements Documents<br />

2. 7. 2. (b) Storage<br />

Ground Systems Storage includes the development of requirements for storage facilities for flight<br />

and ground systems and logistical spares proVided by the CEV Contractor<br />

a) The Contractor shall develop the requirements for the storage of Contractor-provided flight<br />

hardware and logistical spares In accordance With ORO CEV-O-002, Flight<br />

Hardware/Software Operations and Maintenance Requirements Development Plan and<br />

Requirements Document.<br />

b) The Contractor shall develop the requirements for the storage of Contractor-provided ground<br />

systems and logistical spares In accordance With ORO CEV-O-008, Ground Systems<br />

Requirements, Plans, Reports, and Design Data, Volume I, Ground Systems End Item<br />

Requirements Document and Report<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s)<br />

• DRD CEV-O-002 Flight Hardware/Software Operations and Maintenance Requirements<br />

Development Plan and ReqUirements Document<br />

• DRD CEV-O-008 Ground Systems ReqUirements, Plans, Reports and Design Data<br />

Volume I, Ground Systems End Item ReqUirements Document and Report<br />

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2. 7. 2. (c) Transportation<br />

a) The Contractor shall perform the planning and implementation for government furnished<br />

transportation support of CEV spacecraft element or equipment other than that provided in<br />

Section 2 10 The Contractor shall work With the appropriate <strong>NASA</strong> Ground Operations<br />

organizations to coordinate the Implementation of government furnished transportation of<br />

CEVelements and equipment. These plans shall be included in ORO CEV-T-087 CEV<br />

Spacecraft Handling and Transportation Plan<br />

b) The Contractor shall develop and Implement plans detailing the design and construction of all<br />

CEV transportation support equipment, and the plans for transportation of the CEV<br />

Spacecraft elements to and from Government Furnished transportation locations, test faCility<br />

locations, processing Sites, and/or launch/landing sites. These plans shall be included in ORO<br />

CEV-T-087, CEV Spacecraft Handling and Transportation Plan<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s)<br />

• ORO CEV-T-087. CEV Spacecraft Handling and Transportation Plan<br />

2. 7. 2. (d) CEV Ground and Training Systems<br />

Ground Systems Include facilities, faCIlity systems, and support equipment hardware and<br />

software required for ground and flight operations <strong>NASA</strong> will provide all ground systems<br />

faCilities, faCIlity systems, and a portion of the support equipment<br />

Training Systems include facilities, hardware and software to support ground and flight operations<br />

training.<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> operations Will develop the training products and conduct the operations training and<br />

certification for ground and flight operations<br />

a) For ground operations, the Contractor shall provide support for <strong>NASA</strong> development of training<br />

materials Examples of Contractor support Include' proVide technical assistance In flight<br />

hardware processing, handling, and safety considerations; and provide an advocate between<br />

the ground operations' training organization and the spacecraft designers (1010)<br />

2.7. 2. (e) Integrated Ground Support Equipment<br />

Ground Support EqUipment (GSE) Includes hardware and software needed for ground<br />

operations<br />

a) The Contractor shall support <strong>NASA</strong> In developing the allocation list of GSE to be provided by<br />

the Contractor The allocation list Will Include GSE end Items required to support SOW<br />

Sections 6 5, CEV Software, 10.3 Integrated Test and Verification, 2.7.2, Ground Operations<br />

Integration, and 10.6, Flight Test. The Contractor shall Identify all Contractor-provided GSE<br />

In Attachment J-9, Deliverable Items LISt. The <strong>NASA</strong>-provided GSE deSCribed In Attachment<br />

J-11, Government Furnished Property LiSt, Will be delivered to <strong>NASA</strong> ground operations for<br />

the RRF and operational flights. Contractor use of the <strong>NASA</strong>-provided equipment Will be<br />

determined during the allocation list development Examples of the types of GSE to be<br />

provided by the Contractor include.<br />

o lifting DeVices - Contractor to proVide lifting slings and adapters from Hydraset<br />

down to spacecraft elements/components<br />

o Fluid and Gases Servicing Systems - Contractor to prOVide spacecraft<br />

Interfacing connections<br />

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o<br />

o<br />

o<br />

o<br />

o<br />

Command, Control and Monitoring System - Contractor to provide CEV<br />

standalone Command, Control and Monitoring System<br />

Facility Infrastructure Systems - Contractor to provide spacecraft specialty<br />

systems (Spacecraft specific special electrical power supplies, data handling,<br />

etc.)<br />

Access stands - Contractor to provide internal access equipment<br />

Special tools - Contractor to provide spacecraft specific special tools and<br />

ancillary equipment (LRU Installation and removal devices and tools, inspection<br />

tools, )<br />

Special Test equipment - Contractor to provide special test equipment (Cabin<br />

Leak test equipment, Data bus test equipment, etc.)<br />

b) The Contractor shall develop and update the GSE Specification In accordance with ORO<br />

CEV-T-031, CEV Requirements Specification, for Contractor-provided GSE. The<br />

Contractor shall ensure that the GSE Specification IS consistent with ORO CEV-O-001,<br />

Contractor's CEV Concept of Operations and balances performance, life-cycle cost,<br />

schedule, and risk The Contractor shall develop and update the ORO CEV-T-035, Internal<br />

Interface Requirements Document, for all interfaces with flight hardware, <strong>NASA</strong> and<br />

Contractor-provided GSE, facility systems, and faCilities. The Contractor shall develop and<br />

update the ORO CEV-T-029, Interface Control Document, for all interfaces with flight<br />

hardware, <strong>NASA</strong> and Contractor-provided GSE, faCility systems, and facilities.<br />

c) The Contractor shall develop and update the contractor provided GSE end Item-level<br />

requirements in accordance With ORO CEV-T-031, CEV Requirements<br />

Spaciflcatlons and CEV ReqUirements Specifications. The Contractor<br />

shall use the follOWing applicable documents<br />

o<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-5005S' <strong>NASA</strong> Standard for Ground Support EqUipment (and<br />

assOCiated Applicable Document Children as specified in Attachment J-3,<br />

Applicable, GUidance, and Informational Documents List).<br />

d) The Contractor shall develop and update the <strong>NASA</strong> provided GSE end Item-level<br />

requirements in accordance With ORO CEV-O-008, Ground Systems Requirements, Plans,<br />

Reports, and DeSign Data, Volume I, Ground Systems End Item ReqUirements Document<br />

and Report The Contractor shall use the follOWing applicable documents:<br />

o<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-5005S: <strong>NASA</strong> Standard for Ground Support EqUipment (and<br />

associated Applicable Document Children as specified in Attachment J-3,<br />

Applicable, Guidance, and Informational Documents List).<br />

e) The Contractor shall design, develop, produce, Integrate, verify, validate, certify, document,<br />

and deliver Integrated CEV GSE in accordance With all requirements In CXP-72000, Systems<br />

ReqUirements for the Crew Exploration Vehicle Element (CEV SRD), and In this SOW, and in<br />

accordance With ORO CEV-O-008, Ground Systems Requirements, Plans, Reports, and<br />

Design Data, Volume II, Ground Systems End Item Implementation Plan and Report. The<br />

Contractor shall provide common GSE for use dUring multiple phases including<br />

manufactUring, transport, processing, operations, and integration. The Contractor shall<br />

provide a common CM handling and transportation fixture The Contractor shall assess<br />

existing material eqUipment lists for eXisting programs for any GSE hardware Items that can<br />

be used for CEV. The Contractor shall plan for and deliver the GSE end Items 90 days prior<br />

to first need date. The Contractor shall use the follOWing applicable documents for deSign<br />

and development of Contractor-provided GSE:<br />

o<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-5005S' <strong>NASA</strong> Standard for Ground Support Equipment (and<br />

assOCiated Applicable Document Children as speCified In Attachment J-3,<br />

Applicable, GUidance, and Informational Documents List)<br />

f) The Contractor shall support <strong>NASA</strong> In the reqUirements development, deSign, modification,<br />

and implementation activities for the GSE that will be provided by <strong>NASA</strong>. Examples of<br />

Contractor support include proVide flight hardware/software Interface design and data;<br />

participate in design reViews, working groups, and technical interchange meetings; ensure<br />

Contractor requirements are Implemented appropriately; and participate In the test and<br />

verification of the <strong>NASA</strong>-provided GSE. (IDIO)<br />

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g) The Contractor shall develop and update ORO CEV-O-008, Ground Systems Requirements,<br />

Plans, Reports, and DeSign Data, Volume IV, Ground Systems Sustaining Engineering Plan,<br />

for the Contractor-provided GSE.<br />

h) <strong>NASA</strong> will perform the GSE sustaining engineering activities The Contractor shall support<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> sustaining engineering activities Examples of Contractor support Include' prOVide<br />

engineering support for problem resolution including Material Review Board (MRB) Items;<br />

provide engineering review and analYSIS of proposed upgrades and modifications; review<br />

FMEA-CIL and hazard analysis identified critical items for mitigation or elimination, and<br />

prOVide an advocate between the ground operations organizations and the GSE designers.<br />

(IDIO)<br />

i) The Contractor shall develop and deliver ORO CEV-T-040, Acceptance Data Package, for<br />

each Contractor-provided GSE end item.<br />

j) The Contractor shall provide initial spares, concurrent with the delivery of the GSE end items<br />

and in accordance With the provIsioning procedures In ORO CEV-T-011, Integrated Logistics<br />

Support Plan, and ORO CEV-T·012, Logistics Support AnalYSIS, for all Contractor-provided<br />

GSE. (IDIO)<br />

k) The Contractor shall complete the DD-250 for the Contractor-provided GSE and deliver the<br />

Contractor-provided GSE to the <strong>NASA</strong>-deSignated faCIlities<br />

I) The Contractor shall develop and update 2-D and 3-D Simulation models of the ContractorprOVided<br />

spacecraft and Contractor-provided GSE to assess clearances, placement, conflicts<br />

and the moving of hardware In accordance With ORO CEV-T-003, CEV CAD Models. The<br />

Contractor shall develop and deliver these models In accordance With SOW Section 2 4<br />

m) The Contractor shall develop, implement, and maintain an GSE Master Verification Plan, per<br />

ORO CEV-T-015, that details the Contractor's plan for verifYing, certifYing, and acceptance of<br />

GSE system.<br />

n) The Contractor shall develop and maintain ORO CEV-T·032, CEV SpeCification and Drawing<br />

Trees for GSE.<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s).<br />

• DRD CEV-O-008 Ground Systems Requirements, Plans, Reports, and DeSign Data<br />

• DRD-CEV-T-029. GSE Interface Control Documents<br />

• DRD-CEV-T-031' GSE Requirements SpeCification<br />

• DRD-CEV-T-031 GSE ReqUirements Specification<br />

• DRD-CEV-T-031. GSE ReqUirements SpeCification<br />

• DRD CEV-T-032 GSE SpeCification and DraWing Tree<br />

• DRD-CEV-T-035' GSE Intererface requiremetns Document<br />

• DRD-CEV-T-040' Acceptanc Data Package<br />

The following GSE data is incorporated in the DRD speCified In Section 24'<br />

• DRD CEV-T-003' CEV CAD Models<br />

The following GSE specifiC Information IS collected In the DRDs specified in Section 10 2.<br />

• DRD CEV-T -015: GSE Volume Master Verification Plan<br />

2.7.3 Flight Operations Integration<br />

Flight Operations include the plans, processes, schedules, and products required to perform the<br />

flight design, analyses, and flight planning actiVities, flight products and procedure development;<br />

and execution of Ares 1-Y, Orion 1, and Orion 2 operational flights. Flight operations Will be the<br />

responsibility of <strong>NASA</strong>, however, it is essential that the Contractor provide the data and support to<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> for the development of the flight operations products to prepare for and execute the CEV<br />

missions.<br />

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2.7.3.(a)<br />

Flight Operations Preparation<br />

Flight Operations Preparation is the development of the pre-flight plans, processes, schedules,<br />

flight design and analyses, flight plans, procedures, and support products necessary to prepare<br />

for the CEV mission execution The culmination of these activities will produce a complete,<br />

Integrated set of operations products and procedures necessary to execute a CEV mission.<br />

A single authoritative source of vehicle deSign and performance data IS reqUired to develop,<br />

produce, and Implement the flight deSign process, trade studies, analyses, simulations, and flight<br />

products and procedures<br />

a) The Contractor shall develop and update vehicle systems, flight deSign, and analysis data for<br />

the CEV spacecraft In accordance with ORO CEV-O-004, CEV Operations Data Book,<br />

a Volume I. CEV Spacecraft Systems Performance and Constraints Data<br />

a Volume II. CEV Spacecraft Systems Electrical EqUipment List<br />

a Volume III CEV Mission Mass Properties Data<br />

a Volume IV. CEV Spacecraft Systems Contingency AnalysIs Data<br />

a Volume V: CEV Aerodynamic and Astrodynamic Performance and Constraints<br />

Data<br />

a Volume VI: CEV Crew Module Landing and Emergency Rescue Data<br />

a Volume VII' CEV Flight Capability Envelopes<br />

a Volume VIII: CEV Ascent, Entry, and On-orbit Structural Envelopes<br />

b) The Contractor shall develop the Initial procedures inputs in accordance with ORO CEV-O-<br />

005, Flight Operations Procedures Data These provide nominal operations, maintenance,<br />

and nominal/off-nominal time critical response CEV spacecraft procedure inputs.<br />

c) The Contractor shall develop the CEV stowage procedures, and supporting documentation In<br />

accordance with ORO CEV-O-006, CEV Stowage CapabIlities and Services Handbook.<br />

d) The Contractor shall prOVide support to the <strong>NASA</strong> flight operation's systems, flight planning<br />

and cargo integration, and flight deSign and analysIs disciplines The Contractor shall ensure<br />

consistent, clear communications between the Contractor and <strong>NASA</strong> flight operations, and<br />

shall research and disseminate the necessary data and technical information from the<br />

spacecraft designers for <strong>NASA</strong> to develop ItS flight products Examples of Contractor<br />

support to <strong>NASA</strong> flight operations include' provide technical assistance dUring <strong>NASA</strong>'s<br />

development of the flight crew and flight controller procedures, flight rules, flight plans,<br />

system briefs, reference products, flight design and analysis tools, system analysIs tools,<br />

telemetry parameter selection, displays necessary to prepare for and execute CEV flight<br />

operations, and prOVide an advocate between the flight operations organizations and the<br />

spacecraft designers (1010)<br />

e) The Contractor shall assess and prOVide recommendations regarding flight rule change<br />

requests and procedures change requests to assure that changes are consistent with CEV<br />

spacecraft requirements, constraints, and capabilities. (1010)<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the follOWing document(s):<br />

• ORO CEV-O-004: CEV Operations Data Book<br />

• ORO CEV-O-005' Flight Operations Procedures Data<br />

• ORO CEV-O-006' CEV Stowage Capabilities and Services Handbook<br />

2. 7.3. (b) Flight Operations Execution (IDIQ)<br />

Flight Operations Execution encompasses real-time support for all phases of mission operations<br />

beginning with pre-launch activities through post-landing egress of the flight crew It IS the<br />

culmination of all of the earlier pre-flight flight deSign, mission planning, training, and ground<br />

operations activities.<br />

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a) The Contractor shall provide support dUring the execution of the CEV missions using the<br />

Contractor personnel supporting the <strong>NASA</strong> flight operation's systems, flight planning and<br />

cargo integration, flight design and analysis, and training disciplines.<br />

b) The Contractor shall provide engineering support dUring flight execution to provide technical<br />

Information, Interpret systems health data, and perform In-depth analysis in response to<br />

anomalous spacecraft conditions The Contractor shall support the <strong>NASA</strong> CEV SUb-system<br />

managers<br />

2.7.4 Range Safety Integration<br />

Test and operational flights of the CEV from U.S. airspace and ranges will require interaction with<br />

the agency responsible for the range. Support to Range Safety includes the technical and<br />

management efforts to assemble the appropriate team; develop and prepare plans for<br />

compliance with range safety requirements dUring deSign, development, preparation and<br />

execution of CEV test and operational flights, establish meetings and reviews with range safety<br />

personnel and the CEV subsystems personnel; coordinate with <strong>NASA</strong> operations personnel; and<br />

obtain range safety support to hazardous activities at the launch and test flight Sites, launch<br />

operations, and hazards analysIs for the launch/ascent and the descent/landing phases.<br />

a) In association with the ClV Project and the launch vehicle contractors, the Contractor shall<br />

define and resolve range safety issues in support of CEV system development, and provide<br />

data necessary to gain approval of the range safety requirements in accordance with ORO<br />

CEV-O-007, Range Safety ReqUIrements Documents. The Contractor shall Incorporate the<br />

requirements set developed In accordance With ORO CEV-O-007 into the appropriate CEV<br />

Spacecraft and GSE specifications delivered in ORO CEV-T-031, CEV System<br />

Requirements Specification and ORO CEV-T-031, CEV System Requirements<br />

Specification<br />

b) The Contractor shall use the following applicable standards for ORO CEV-O-007, Range<br />

Safety Requirements Documents<br />

• AFSPCMAN 91-710' Range Safety User Requirements Manual<br />

• NPR 8715.5, Range Safety Program<br />

• Range Commanders Councll- Range Safety Group - Standard 321-02. Common Risk<br />

Criteria for National Test Ranges<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s)<br />

• DRD CEV-O-007 Range Safety ReqUirements Documents<br />

The following GSE related Range Safety data IS collected In the DRD specified in Section 2 7 2<br />

• DRD CEV-T-031' CEV System Specification<br />

• DRD CEV-T-031. CEV System Specification<br />

2.7.5 Training Systems (IDIQ)<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> Will provide the Training Systems necessary to prepare the crew, ground, and flight<br />

operations personnel for successful execution of CEV missions.<br />

a) For ground operations training systems, the Contractor shall support <strong>NASA</strong> in the<br />

implementation of the training systems reqUirements Examples of the support Include:<br />

proVide flight hardware interface design and data, participate In the design reviews, working<br />

groups, and technical interchange meetings; and participate in the test and verification of the<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-provided training systems.<br />

b) The Contractor shall prOVide support to assist <strong>NASA</strong>'s development of the CEV Simulators<br />

and mockups used for crew and flight controller training, procedure verification, real-time<br />

support, and control center testing Examples of Contractor support include: prOVide flight<br />

hardware Interface deSign and data, participate in the deSign reViews, working groups, and<br />

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technical interchange meetings; and participation in the test and verification of the <strong>NASA</strong>provided<br />

training systems<br />

2.7.6 Training<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> operations will develop the training products and conduct the operations training and<br />

certification for ground and flight operations.<br />

a) The Contractor shall provide <strong>NASA</strong> operations access to all data products produced by the<br />

Contractor, Its subcontractors, and Its vendors for the purpose of their In-house training and<br />

familiarization of the CEV System and Its subsystems. The Contractor shall proVide the data<br />

products in accordance With SOW Section 1.5 (a), <strong>NASA</strong> ICE.<br />

b) For flight operations, the CEV Contractor shall provide support to the <strong>NASA</strong> training<br />

organization The Contractor shall ensure consistent, clear communications between the<br />

Contractor and the <strong>NASA</strong> training organization, and shall provide technical assistance during<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>'s development of the training materials necessary to prepare the flight crew, flight<br />

controllers, and other flight operations personnel for CEV missions. Examples of Contractor<br />

support Include research and dissemination of the necessary vehicle systems data and<br />

technical information from the spacecraft designers for <strong>NASA</strong> to develop its training products;<br />

provide preliminary vehicle deSign and test data, vehicle deSign rationale and drivers, and<br />

clarify vehicle reqUIrements, deSign, and Interfaces; and provide an advocate between the<br />

flight operations' training organization and the spacecraft deSigners (IDIQ)<br />

c) The Contractor shall be responSible for maintaining all trainer-delivered hardware for<br />

assurance that the hardware receives all upgrades and all fixes.<br />

D) <strong>NASA</strong> shall support the Contractor in "Test Participation" training and CAlL familiarization of<br />

Crew members for Contractor led Verifications taking place in the CAlL. <strong>NASA</strong> shall provide<br />

to the Contractor data products and Crew Operational Procedures.<br />

2.8 Specialty Engineering<br />

Specialty Engineering applies the crosscutting speCialty engineering diSCiplines of materials and<br />

processes, electromagnetic compatibility, Electrical, ElectrOnic, and Electromechanical (EEE)<br />

parts, and enVIronments to the CEV System.<br />

a) The Contractor shall apply specialty engineering throughout the life cycle of the CEV System<br />

b) The Contractor's approach to incorporating the engineering speCialties Into the systems<br />

engineering process and the technical effort reqUired shall be documented in ORO CEV-M-<br />

001, CEV Prime Project Management Plan<br />

Deliverables<br />

The following SpeCialty Engineering data IS collected In the DRD specified in Section 1.1<br />

• DRD CEV-M-001. CEV Prime Program Management Plan<br />

2.8.1 Natural and Induced Environments<br />

a) The Contractor shall deSign the CEV System for the speCifiC natural environments and<br />

Induced environments that the CEV System must operate within and for which the CEV<br />

System must be qualified, encompassing all phases of CEV System production, testing and<br />

operation In all modes through disposal in accordance with CXP-70023, Constellation<br />

Program DeSign SpeCification for Natural Environments (DSNE) (and associated Children<br />

documents as speCified In Attachment J-3, Applicable, Guidance, and Informational<br />

Documents List) utilizing the CxP-70044, Constellation Program Natural EnVIronment<br />

Definition for Design (NEDD) The Contractor shall use the applicable requirements in<br />

Contract Attachment J-3, Table 1 2, Applicable Environmental Data Documents<br />

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b) The Contractor shall derive, control and validate enVIronment data and analysIs models for<br />

the design, certification, and operation of the CEV System, subsystems, and components.<br />

2.8.2 Micrometeoroid and Orbital Debris (MMIOD) Environments<br />

a) The Contractor shall assess MMOD risk for loss of vehicle/crew and loss of mission based on<br />

the design MMOD enVIronments derived from CXP-70023, Constellation Program Design<br />

Specification for Natural Environments (DSNE) (and associated Children documents as<br />

specified in Attachment J-3, Applicable, Guidance, and Informational Documents List),<br />

utilizing CxP-70044,Consteliation Program Natural Environment Definition for Design<br />

(NEDD).<br />

b) In performing the analysis and providing the protection hardware, the Contractor shall comply<br />

with the following standards<br />

o <strong>NASA</strong> TP-2003-21 0788, Meteoroid/Debris Shielding, 2003, Section 2 for<br />

describing the MMOD risk assessment process using Bumper code<br />

o JPR 8080 5 M/S-11, JSC Design and Procedural Standards, Section M/S-11,<br />

Meteoroid and Orbital DebriS Protection Levels for Structures<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the follOWing document(s)'<br />

• DRD CEV-T-044: CEV MMOD Analysis Report<br />

2.8.3 Radiation Environments for Crew Exposure<br />

a) The Contractor shall use radiation analyses, including crew radiation exposure analYSIS<br />

(using analytical tools Integrated to structural models), to certify that the spacecraft meets the<br />

CEV radiation requirements for the space radiation environments deSCribed CXP-70023,<br />

Constellation Program DeSign SpeCification for Natural EnVIronments (DSNE) (and<br />

associated Children documents as specified in Attachment J-3, Applicable, Guidance, and<br />

Informational Documents LiSt), utilizing the CxP-70044, Constellation Program Natural<br />

EnVironment Definition for DeSign (NEDD) The Contractor shall document the certification<br />

results in ORO CEV-T-045, CEV Space Radiation Ana/ysis and Certification Report<br />

b) The Contractor shall use the following radiation protection reqUirements and applicable<br />

document(s) in the design of the CEV Spacecraft·<br />

a<br />

CXP-70024, Constellation Human Systems Integration Requirements (HSIR),<br />

Section 327 per the HSIR allocation matrix In Appendix J.<br />

o OSHA Standards 29 CFR, Supplementary Standards 1960.18<br />

a National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements Report No. 132:<br />

Radiation Protection Guidance for Activities in Low-Earth Orbit<br />

o<br />

National CounCil on Radiation Protection and Measurements Report No TBD:<br />

"Radiation Protection and Science Goals for Lunar Missions", to be published<br />

in 2006 (Note Upon completion, this document Will replace National Council on<br />

Radiation Protection and Measurements Report No 132: Radiation Protection<br />

GUidance for Activities In Low-Earth Orbit)<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the follOWing document(s).<br />

• DRD CEV-T-045 CEV Space Radiation AnalYSIS and Certification Report<br />

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2.8.4 Materials and Processes<br />

a) The Contractor shall ensure materials are selected, controlled, implemented and venfled to<br />

be consistent with their Intended usage environments.<br />

b) The Contractor shall select, treat, fabricate, inspect, test, and analyze matenals of<br />

construction to ensure the safety and success of the CEV System.<br />

c) The Contractor shall develop and Implement ORO CEV-T-019, Materials and Processes<br />

Selection, Implementation, and Control Plan that tailors the requirements and applicable<br />

documents of <strong>NASA</strong>-STD-(I)-6016, Standard Materials and Processes for Requirements for<br />

Spacecraft indicating the degree of conformance and method of Implementation for each<br />

requirement as well as providing rationale for any requirements altered or not Implemented.<br />

d) The Contractor shall develop and implement corona design criteria as gUided by MSFC-STD-<br />

531, High Voltage Design Criteria and JPR 8080.5, E-6, JSC Design and Procedural<br />

Standard E-6, Corona Suppression. The contractor shall document and Implement DRD<br />

CEV-T-024, Corona Design Criteria.<br />

e) The Contractor shall use the following applicable standards for Materials and Processes or<br />

demonstrate use of an equivalent standard.<br />

o IPC/EIA J-STD-001, Performance Class 3 with Space Addendum<br />

(Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies)<br />

o IPC-A-610, Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies - Performance Class 3<br />

o JPR 8080.5, E-6, JSC Design and Procedural Standard E-6, Corona<br />

Suppression<br />

o JPR 8080.5, E-14, JSC Design and Procedural Standard, E-14, Electncal Wire<br />

Harness Acceptance Testing<br />

o JPR 8080.5, E-24, JSC Design and Procedural Standard, E-24, Electrical Wire<br />

o<br />

and Cable Acceptance Test<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-(I)-6016, Standard Requirements for Matenals and Processes for<br />

Spacecraft.<br />

f) The Contractor shall develop and Implement DRD CEV-T-020, Materials Usage Agreements<br />

(MUA), DRD CEV-T-021, Contamination Control Plan (CCP), DRD CEV-T-022, Matenals<br />

Identification and Usage List (MUlL); DRD CEV-T-023, Nondestructive Evaluation Plan.<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s):<br />

• DRD CEV-T-019 Matenals and Processes Selection, Implementation, and Control Plan<br />

• DRD CEV-T-020' Materials Usage Agreements (MUA)<br />

• DRD CEV-T-021 Contamination Control Plan (CCP)<br />

• DRD CEV-T-022: Matenals Identification and Usage List (MIUL)<br />

• DRD CEV-T-023 Nondestructive Evaluation Plan<br />

• DRD CEV-T-024' Corona Design Criteria<br />

2.8.5 EMlfEMe<br />

a) The Contractor shall design, develop, venfy and deliver a CEV System that is<br />

electromagnetically compatible with internally generated electromagnetic energy, external<br />

electromagnetic energy environments, and the other elements of the Constellation System<br />

throughout ItS life cycle.<br />

b) The Contractor shall develop and Implement ORO CEV-T-025, CEV Electromagnetic<br />

Compatibility (EMC) Control and Venflcatlon Document to define the plans, processes,<br />

procedures, and test data that the Contractor will use to deSign, construct, and verify the CEV<br />

System electromagnetic compatibility requirements<br />

c) The Contractor shall tailor MIL-STD-461 E, ReqUirements for the Control of Electromagnetic<br />

Interference (EMI) Charactenstics of Subsystems and EqUipment and MIL-STD-464A,<br />

Electromagnetic Environmental Effects Requirements for Systems, to assist In establishing<br />

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the Contractor's documented requirements to meet the overall EMC requirements for CEV.<br />

This tailoring shall be documented in ORO CEV-T-025, CEV Electromagnetic Compatibility<br />

Control and Verification Document<br />

d) The Contractor shall develop and design the CEV System to control and mitigate hardware<br />

malfunction and damage throughout its life cycle that can be caused by lightning The<br />

Contractor's CEV lightning protection effort shall Include the Lightning Protection Plan, the<br />

Lightning Verification Plan, and the Lightning Protection Verification Report Information<br />

requested in ORO CEV-T-025, CEV Electromagnetic Compatibility Control and Verification<br />

Document<br />

e) The Contractor shall develop and Implement an Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) control<br />

program. The Contractor's electrostatic discharge control program and processes shall be<br />

documented In ORO CEV-T-025, CEV Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Control and<br />

Verification Document The CEV System shall be constructed and delivered in accordance<br />

with these ESD processes.<br />

f) The Contractor shall deSign and deliver a CEV System which complies with the requirements<br />

of <strong>NASA</strong>-STD-4003, Electrical Bonding for <strong>NASA</strong> Launch Vehicles, Spacecraft, Payloads,<br />

and Flight EqUipment The Contractor's processes for Implementing electrical bonding<br />

requirements shall be documented In ORO CEV-T-025, CEV Electromagnetic Compatibility<br />

(EMC) Control and Verification Document.<br />

g) The Contractor shall tailor ML0303-0014, Electrical Wire Harnesses and CoaXial Cables,<br />

Installation ReqUirements for Electromagnetic Compatibility; SSP 30240, Space Station<br />

Grounding Requirements, and SSP 30242, Space Station Cable/wire Design and Control<br />

ReqUirements for Electromagnetic Compatibility to establish the Contractor's documented<br />

requirements to meet the overall EMC reqUirements for the CEV System. This tailoring shall<br />

be documented In ORO CEV-T-025, CEV Electromagnetic Compatibility Control and<br />

Verification Document The CEV System shall be deSigned, constructed, and delivered In<br />

accordance with the Contractor's wlre/harness/cable installation processes.<br />

(h) The Contractor shall participate with <strong>NASA</strong> and the Constellation Program through the<br />

Constellation E3 Control Working Group. CxP 70141, Appendix A is provided for information<br />

to coordinate and ensure CEV meets overall Constellation Program Electromagnetic<br />

Compatibility. The Contractor support to this working group Will be tailored to support the<br />

functions defined In sections 4 2 and 4.3 of CxP 70141 and documented In ORO-T-025, CEV<br />

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Control and Verification Document.<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s):<br />

• DRD CEV-T-025. CEV Electromagnetic Compatibility Control and Verification Document<br />

2.8.6 Electrical, Electronic, and Electromechanical (EEE) Parts<br />

a) The Contractor shall develop, update, and implement ORO CEV-T-027, Electrical, Electronic,<br />

and Electromechanical Parts Management and Implementation Plan for the CEV System<br />

b) The contractor shall incorporate a control plan for ionizing radiation effects for all CEV<br />

electronics hardware as part of ORO CEV-T -027, Electrical, Electronics, and<br />

Electromechanical Parts Management and Implementation Plan, uSing informational<br />

document CxP 70144, Constellation Ionizing Radiation Control Plan.<br />

c) The Contractor shall use the follOWing applicable standards for EEE Parts<br />

o JPR 8080 5, E-7, JSC Design and Procedural Standards, Section E-7,<br />

Electrical Components - Restrictions on Use<br />

o JPR 8080 5, E-22, JSC Design and Procedural Standards, Section E-22,<br />

Ionizing Radiation Effects<br />

d) The Contractor shall develop and maintain DRD CEV-T-028, As-built EEE Parts List.<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s)·<br />

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• DRD CEV-T-027: Electrical, Electronic, and Electromechanical Parts Management and<br />

Implementation Plan<br />

• DRD CEV-T-028: As-Built EEE Parts List<br />

2.8.7 Human Engineering<br />

a) The Contractor shall participate with <strong>NASA</strong> In the human engineering of the CEV System as<br />

specified in Section 2 Vehicle Integration, Section 6, CEV Spacecraft Development and<br />

Section 2.7.2, Ground and Training Systems Human engineering processes will be used to<br />

ensure crew and ground personnel safety, and enhance performance, efficiency, productivity,<br />

and cost effectiveness throughout the system's expected life cycle for onboard crew, ground<br />

operators, and malntalners<br />

b) The Contractor shall perform all human engineering In accordance With CXP-70024,<br />

Constellation Human Systems Integration Requirements (HSIR) (and associated Children<br />

documents as specified In Attachment J-3, Applicable, Guidance, and Informational<br />

Documents List). The Contractor shall convert analYSIS data, Information on human<br />

capabilities and limitations, and system requirements into (a) detail design, and (b)<br />

development plans to create human system Integration concepts that operate Within human<br />

capabilities, and accomplish mission objectives<br />

c) The Contractor shall ensure Human Engineering personnel are Integrated Into the CEV<br />

development process, verify requirements for all human system Interfaces, participate in each<br />

Integrated Product Team, slgnoff all drawings and specifications involving human system<br />

Interfaces, support risk and engineering review boards, and participate in the <strong>NASA</strong>-led<br />

Cockpit Working Group<br />

d) The Contractor shall use the following applicable standards for DRD CEV-T-089, Orion Crew<br />

Interface Label Map.<br />

o CxP 70024, Constellation Human Systems Integration ReqUirements (HSIR)<br />

o CxP 70152, Constellation Program Crew Interface Labeling Standard<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the follOWing document(s):<br />

DRD CEV-T-089, Orion Crew Interface Label Map<br />

2.9 Aerosciences<br />

a) <strong>NASA</strong> will develop, update, and implement aerothermal and aerodynamic databases as part<br />

of the deSign and development of the CEV Spacecraft. <strong>NASA</strong> will maintain the CEV<br />

aerothermal and aerodynamic databases for the duration of contract performance.<br />

b) <strong>NASA</strong> will define the Initial Crew Module OML shape, including any flight control surfaces that<br />

might be required<br />

c) <strong>NASA</strong> will control all changes to the configuration of the Crew Module OML shape through a<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-led Crew Module OML Panel.<br />

d) <strong>NASA</strong> will document the development of the CEV databases with an explanation of the<br />

methodologies used to develop, populate, validate, and utilize the databases, including the<br />

following<br />

o Documentation of experimental testing, including descriptions of the model,<br />

instrumentation, facilities, test conditions, and results.<br />

o Computational tool documentation deSCribing the application of Computational<br />

FlUid DynamiCs (CFD) codes and engineering tools used to populate the<br />

databases Including code deSCriptions, gas dynamiC modeling assumptions,<br />

best practices followed In grid refinement and result validation<br />

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o Electronic files detailing solid model geometries, computational grids, and<br />

flowfield solutions used in creating the databases with complete descriptions of<br />

file formats and content.<br />

o Assumptions and extrapolations used to Incorporate experimental and<br />

computational data Into the database<br />

o Specification of aerodynamic and heating uncertainties and corresponding<br />

justification<br />

o Definition of constants, variables, functions, and engineering units.<br />

o Documentation of aerodynamic and aerothermodynamic verification analysIs<br />

e) The Contractor shall be responsible for uSing the aerothermal and aerodynamic databases<br />

for Implementing the spacecraft design.<br />

f) The Contractor shall participate In an aerodynamic technical panel, which will coordinate the<br />

development, implementation, maintenance, and delivery of the aerodynamic database<br />

g) The Contractor shall participate in an aerothermodynamlc technical panel, which Will<br />

coordinate the development, implementation, maintenance, and delivery of the<br />

aerothermodynamic database.<br />

h) The Contractor shall participate In the Crew Module OML Panel.<br />

I) The Contractor shall be responsible for developing all CAD models of the OML, subsequent<br />

to delivery of the initial <strong>NASA</strong>-defined OML.<br />

2.10 CEV Assembly, Integration, and Production<br />

CEV Assembly, Integration, and Production consists of all activities needed to plan for the<br />

production of an Integrated, verified, and validated vehicle and for the coordination of the<br />

accepted vehicle and all deliverable hardware, software, and documentation products. CEV AI&P<br />

includes Integrated CEV-Ievel Imagery and imagery archiving for the CEV Project.<br />

a) The Contractor shall Integrate, assemble, certify, acceptance test, and deliver flight<br />

spacecraft meeting the requirements for the configurations Identified In Sections 2.3, 6 1 6,<br />

6.2.6, and 6.4 6 for Spacecraft, CM, SM/SA, and LAS, respectively<br />

b) Reserved<br />

c) The Contractor shall provide to <strong>NASA</strong> test equipment, facilities, tooling or fixtures reqUired for<br />

producing and testing miSSion-cycle flight articles<br />

d) The Contractor shall develop and implement an Imagery plan to prOVide imagery (e. g., still<br />

photo, motion picture, digital imagery, or video) of the CEV Spacecraft system, modules,<br />

subsystems, and components during manufactUring, assembly, test, Integration, and closeout<br />

to document the hardware configuration. The Contractor shall include the plan and<br />

Imagery in ORO CEV-T-088, CEV Imagery Plan/Imagery DellVerables.<br />

e) The Contractor's delivery plans shall include the planned method of manufacturing (including<br />

the Contractor's plans for deSign for manufacturabillty) and assembly of the flight articles(s)<br />

and assOCiated unique tooling, fixtures and support and test equipment In accordance with<br />

ORO CEV-T-086, Manufacturing and Assembly Plan.<br />

f) The Contractor shall deliver 1 CEV for the Ares-1Y with the requirements speCified In Section<br />

10.6, Flight Test for the Ares 1Y (minimum functionality to support LAS abort capability, suborbital<br />

test)<br />

g) The Contractor shall deliver 2 additional production CEVs for Orion-1 (orbital test) and Orion<br />

2 (Crewed Mission).<br />

h) The Contractor shall prOVide and maintain the non-standard ODIN hardware and software<br />

reqUired for production activities.<br />

I) The Contractor shall perform faCIlity modifications and/or upgrades as required for facility<br />

production operations. (IDIQ)<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s):<br />

• ORO CEV-T-086: Manufacturing and Assembly Plan<br />

• ORO CEV-T-088: CEV Imagery Plan/Imagery Dellverables<br />

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Safety, Reliability and Quality Assurance Includes integration of Safety and Mission Assurance<br />

Into the CEV System design, development, risk identification and mitigation, test, ground and<br />

flight operations, and ground processing activities<br />

3.1 SR&QA Management and Administration<br />

a) The Contractor shall demonstrate and document compliance with requirements stated in the<br />

CXP-70059, Constellation Program Integrated Safety, Reliability and Quality Assurance<br />

Requirements for safety, reliability, maintainability, supportability, manufacturabillty, hardware<br />

and software quality assurance, industrial safety, and environmental safety for all aspects of<br />

the CEV System<br />

b) The Contractor shall develop, Implement and maintain an Safety and Mission Assurance<br />

(S&MA) Plan in accordance with (ORO CEV-S-001). The S&MA Plan encompasses the<br />

System Safety Plan, Industrial, Environmental and Range Safety Plan, Reliability,<br />

Maintainability and Supportability Plan, Quality Assurance Plan and the Software Assurance<br />

Plan. Each of these plans shall define the key processes and describe the methodology for<br />

accomplishment of and adherence to these processes<br />

c) The Contractor shall Incorporate and maintain in the Integrated Master Schedule all<br />

Constellation Safety Engineering Review Panel (CSERP) meetings and Technical<br />

Interchange Meetings (TIMs) where Orion production and Flight Test Article hazards are<br />

addressed The Contractor shall also Incorporate the S&MA ORO deliveries, including the<br />

Interim deliveries of Probabilistic Risk Assessment models, hazard reports and FMEAlCILs.<br />

d) The Contractor shall support concurrent engineering by providing S&MA representation at<br />

program technical and management meetings, milestones and reviews (e.g., technical<br />

interchange meetings, Integration meetings, review boards, safety review panels, and change<br />

control boards) and provide POSitions, analYSIS results and decision support.<br />

e) The Contractor shall provide S&MA representation for Constellation Safety Engineering<br />

Review Panel (CSERP) meetings and TIMs where Orion flight, ground, Flight Test Article, or<br />

integrated hazards are addressed<br />

f) The Contractor shall provide an S&MA evaluation of flight rules, change requests,<br />

procedures, and contingency operations for both ground and flight operations.<br />

g) The Contractor shall provide S&MA support for the CEV System integrated project risk<br />

assessment for the Constellation Program.<br />

h) The Contractor shall generate, document, analyze and Incorporate lessons learned for<br />

incorporation Into <strong>NASA</strong>'s Lessons Learned database<br />

I) The Contractor shall provide an S&MA evaluation of all waivers, deviations, and changes With<br />

an emphasis on impacts to safety and mission success<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the follOWing document(s)<br />

• ORO CEV-S-001. Safety and MIssion Assurance (S&MA) Plan<br />

3.2 System Safety<br />

a) The Contractor shall develop and maintain the hazard reports In accordance With CXP-<br />

70038, Methodology for Conduct of Project Constellation Hazard Analysis (Section 6, Hazard<br />

Reports). The Contractor shall deliver all CEV System hazard reports to the Constellation<br />

Hazards Database<br />

b) The Contractor shall deliver flight safety data packages per ORO CEV-S-003, Flight System<br />

Safety Hazard Analyses, (which include the flight operations Hazard AnalYSIS, mitigations and<br />

controls, design drawings, schematiCs, systems descriptions and system analysis) at all flight<br />

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phased safety reviews in accordance with the project schedule and CXP-70038, Methodology<br />

For Conduct of Project Constellation Hazard Analyses<br />

c) The Contractor shall deliver ground safety packages per ORO CEV-S-005, Ground System<br />

Safety Hazard AnalYSIS, (which Include the ground operations Hazard Analysis, mitigations<br />

and controls, design drawings, schematiCs, systems descriptions, hazardous operations<br />

descriptions, and launch site processing plans and procedures) at all ground phased safety<br />

reviews In accordance With the project schedule, and CXP-70038, Methodology for Conduct<br />

of Project Constellation Hazard Analysis<br />

d) The Contractor shall develop and maintain fault trees analyses to identify, mitigate and<br />

control the hazards of the CEV System throughout the CEV System life cycle using FTH,<br />

Fault Tree Handbook With Aerospace Applications, August 2002, version 1.1 (Chapters 1-9),<br />

as guidance, and, shall document and deliver the results per ORO CEV-S-002, Fault Tree<br />

Analysis. The FTAs shall address hardware, software and human failures and shall be used<br />

to faCilitate the hazard analyses<br />

e) Reserved.<br />

f) The Contractor shall use Spacecraft Survivability Engineering (SSE) to address the deSign<br />

and Implementation of opportunities to Increase spacecraft survival to ensure all threats and<br />

hazard consequences to the completion of the mission are analyzed, and that all sources of<br />

uncertainty are Identified and minimized As part of SSE, Damage Modes and Effects<br />

AnalYSIS (DMEA) shall be used to Identify the vulnerabilities and areas where the spacecraft<br />

can incorporate robustness into the design and operation, and the results submitted as part<br />

of ORO CEV-S-003.<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s).<br />

• DRD CEV-S-002' Fault Tree Analysis<br />

• DRD CEV-S-003 Flight System Safety Hazard AnalYSIS<br />

• DRD CEV-S-005 Ground System Safety Hazard AnalYSIS<br />

3.3 Industrial, Environmental, Processing Site, Launch Site<br />

and Range Safety<br />

a) The Contractor shall develop and deliver a mishap prevention plan per ORO CEV-S-<br />

004,Mishap Plan and Safety Statistics.<br />

b) The Contractor shall provide immediate verbal notification (upon discovery) and prompt<br />

written reporting (within 24 hours) to the <strong>NASA</strong> safety office and contracting officer of any<br />

aCCident, inCident, or exposure resulting In fatality, lost-time occupational injury, disease,<br />

contamination of property beyond any stated acceptable limits, or property loss of $1 ,000 or<br />

more In addition, the Contractor shall proVide mishap, close calls, and safety statistiCS<br />

including trend items per ORO CEV-S-004, Mishap Plan and Safety Statistics, and shall<br />

assist the <strong>NASA</strong> investigating authority, as requested, in investigating these InCidents<br />

c) Reserved<br />

d) Reserved<br />

e) The Contractor safety organization shall actively participate In Test Readiness ReViews to<br />

ensure personnel and hardware safety.<br />

f) The Contractor shall provide, In ORO CEV-O-007 Range Safety Requirements Documents,<br />

safety and reliability data to support a range safety flight termination system (FTS)<br />

determination analysis per NPR 8715.5, Range Safety Program, and AFSPCMAN 91-710,<br />

Range Safety User Requirements Manual, or Range Commanders CounCil - Range Safety<br />

Group - 321-02 In accordance With the requirements In SOW Section 2.7.4, Range Safety<br />

Integration.<br />

g) The Contractor shall furnish a list of all hazardous operations to be performed and a list of<br />

key operations planned in the performance of the contract per ORO CEV-S-006,<br />

Hazardous/Key OperatIOns List<br />

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h) The Contractor shall provide safety and reliability data to support the range safety analYSIS<br />

per ORO CEV-S-003, System Safety Hazard Analysis, and ORO CEV-S-010, Probabilistic<br />

Risk Assessment Results, to meet all local test range safety reqUirements<br />

I) The Contractor shall coordinate With the CEV Project and the Constellation Program to<br />

develop and implement operational range safety requirements, plans, procedures, and check<br />

lists including mission rules and flight commit criteria, pertaining to Range Safety aspects of<br />

the CEV, In accordance With ORO CEV-O-007, Range Safety Requirements Document.<br />

J) The Contractor shall provide support to the joint Constellation Program and Air Force Eastern<br />

Range tailOring process for the Integrated CEV/CLV and NPR 8715 5, Range Safety<br />

Program, with supporting technical expertise, analYSIS and requirements review to support<br />

CEV/CLV processing and launch<br />

k) The Contractor shall provide technical expertise, supporting analysis and requirements<br />

review for the Constellation-led tailOring process of NPR 8715.5, Range Safety Program with<br />

respect to CEV entry and landing phases, In accordance With DRD CEV-O-007, Range<br />

Safety ReqUirements Documents<br />

I) The Contractor shall perform an orbital debriS assessment on the CEV system per ORO<br />

CEV-S-007, Orbital Debris Assessment, to determine the amount of orbital debris that may<br />

be generated both In nominal and malfunction operations and for colliSions In orbit.<br />

m) The Contractor shall proVide a safety and health program which Identifies, eliminates,<br />

mitigates and controls hazards and risks in all Contractor activities and document the plan in<br />

ORO CEV-S-008, Safety and Health Plan.<br />

n) The Contractor and their subcontractors (If any) shall follow applicable OSHA, <strong>NASA</strong>, and<br />

CEV safety and health requirements. The Contractor and their subcontractors shall document<br />

thiS "flow down" of safety and health responsibility In the Safety and Health Plan (ORO CEV­<br />

S-008)<br />

0) The Contractor shall prOVide a debriS catalog for the LAS to <strong>NASA</strong> to be used by the test<br />

range flight safety office to determine LAS debriS Impact areas<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s):<br />

• DRD CEV-S-004 Mishap Plan and Safety Statistics<br />

• DRD CEV-S-006. Hazardous, Key Operations List<br />

• DRD CEV-S-007. Orbital DebriS Assessment<br />

• DRD CEV-S-008' Safety and Health Plan<br />

The following Range Safety Implementation specifiC data IS collected In the DRD speCified In<br />

Section 2.7.4<br />

• DRD CEV-O-007. Range Safety ReqUirements Documents<br />

3.4 Reliability, Maintainability, and Supportability (RMS)<br />

a) The Contractor shall develop, implement, and maintain an RMS Plan per ORO CEV-S-001,<br />

Safety and MISSIon Assurance (S&MA) Plan, which defines the implementation of RMS within<br />

their organization Including processes, required Skills, tasks and products for the CEV<br />

System<br />

b) The Contractor shall perform Failure Modes Effects Analyses ICrltlcalltems Lists (FMENCIL)<br />

per CxP-70043, Constellation Program Hardware Failure Modes and Effects AnalYSIS and<br />

Critical Itesm List Methodology and document the results per ORO CEV-S-009, Failure Mode<br />

and Effects Analysis & Critical Items List (FMEAlCIL). The Contractor shall establish and<br />

maintain the results in a common database that integrates the FMENCIL document, Hazard<br />

Analysis, Problem Reporting and Corrective Action (PRACA) data, Risk data and the<br />

Reliability Block Diagram Analysis. This common database shall prOVide the capability to<br />

Interactively query, search, and sort the data to generate worksheet and Index reports These<br />

reports shall be used as part of the validation of the PRA models and R&M analysis used to<br />

show compliance to the CEV SRD requirements<br />

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c) The Contractor shall perform CEV System Probabilistic Risk Assessments for each Design<br />

Reference Mission as defined in CxP 70007, Constellation Design Reference Missions and<br />

Operational Concept, In support of risk-informed deSign. The PRAs will identify and prioritize<br />

the primary risk drivers and shall be conducted in accordance with CxP 70017. The results<br />

will be documented In ORO CEV-S-010, Probabilistic Risk Assessment Results The<br />

Contractor shall also perform focused CEV PRAs to support necessary design trade studies<br />

or hazard analyses<br />

d) The Contractor shall perform Reliability, Maintainability, and Supportability analyses for the<br />

reliability and maintainability requirements for the CEV System and shall document the<br />

results per the ORO CEV-S-011, Reliability, Maintainability, and Supportability Integrated<br />

Report These results will be used to support the maintenance concept.<br />

e) The Contractor shall identify where DeSign for MInimum Risk (DFMR) is used in lieu of fault<br />

tolerance, where adding additional redundancy IS not technically feasible or where<br />

redundancy would negatively impact overall system safety and reliability The Contractor<br />

shall identify the rationale for acceptance of these DFMR functions deSigns The Contractor<br />

shall document the above In ORO CEV-S-011, Reliability, Mamtainability, and Supportability<br />

Integrated Report<br />

f) The Contractor shall develop Reliability and Maintainability Planning Document(s) using the<br />

gUidance of CxP 70087, Constellation Program Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability<br />

Plan.<br />

g) The Contractor shall participate In the GIDEP and <strong>NASA</strong> Alerts process employing ORO<br />

CEV-S-012, Government-Industry Data Exchange Program and <strong>NASA</strong> Advisories/Alerts.<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s):<br />

• DRD CEV-S-009' Failure Modes Effects AnalYSIS & Critical Items List (FMEAlCIL)<br />

• DRD CEV-S-010' Probabilistic Risk Assessment Results<br />

• DRD CEV-S-011 Reliability, Maintainability, and Supportability Integrated Report<br />

• DRD CEV-S-012: Government-Industry Data Exchange Program and <strong>NASA</strong><br />

AdviSOries/ALERTS<br />

3.5 Hardware Quality Assurance<br />

a) The Contractor shall develop, implement and maintain a quality management system and<br />

Quality Assurance Plan per ORO CEV-S-001, Safety and Mission Assurance (S&MA) Plan,<br />

and in accordance With CXP-70059, Constellation Program Integrated Safety, Reliability &<br />

Quality Assurance (SR&QA) Requirements The Quality Assurance Plan shall define their<br />

Quality Assurance organization including processes, required skills, tasks and products for<br />

the CEV project<br />

b) The Contractor shall Implement and document a Problem Reporting and Corrective Action<br />

(PRACA) system and provide all reportable problems, their status, and corrective actions, for<br />

both hardware and software software in accordance with CxP 70068, Constellation Program<br />

Problem Reporting, Analysis and Corrective Action (PRACA) Requirements, Volumes 1, 2<br />

and 3. PRACA Reports shall be delivered per ORO CEV·S·013, Problem Reporting and<br />

Corrective Action (PRACA) Reports.<br />

c) The Contractor shall identify, track, and disposition all hardware and software nonconformances,<br />

anomalies, and discrepancies In a Contractor database and provide <strong>NASA</strong><br />

with access to these records, for the life of the Project<br />

d) The Contractor shall perform Internal and subcontractor audits per the Safety and Mission<br />

Assurance (S&MA) Plan (ORO CEV·S·001) The Contractor shall document the findings and<br />

results of the Internal and subcontractor audits per ORO CEV·S·014, Quality Assurance Audit<br />

Reports.<br />

e) The Contractor's S&MA organization shall review design specifications and designs to<br />

determine compliance with required materials specifications<br />

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f) The Contractor's S&MA organization shall review Materials and Special Processes activities<br />

in the CEV Spacecraft Manufacturing process, to ensure compliance with materials and<br />

process control specifications (including welding and brazing assurance, and NDE expertise<br />

to assure proper methods, techniques and standards are being used 'In the performance of<br />

NDE upon the hardware).<br />

g) The Contractor's S&MA organization shall participate In the Fracture Control Board for the<br />

CEV System to evaluate fracture-critical hardware.<br />

h) The Contractor shall document the controls for any process that cannot be verified by a<br />

reliable and repeatable inspection or test, and if not precisely applied and controlled within its<br />

defined limits, could result in hardware failure that results In loss of human life or serious<br />

injury/illness to the flight crew, ground crew, or general public; or results In loss of mission, or<br />

loss of a significant mission resource These processes and their controls shall be<br />

documented in ORO CEV-S-015, Critical Processes.<br />

i) The Contractor shall develop, implement, and document a Mechanical Parts Assurance Plan<br />

for flight and critical ground support equipment hardware per ORO CEV-S-016, Mechanical<br />

Parts Management and Implementation Plan.<br />

j) The Contractor shall document its workmanship standards/specifications to ensure that they<br />

meet or exceed applicable <strong>NASA</strong> and Program Standards per ORO CEV-S-017,<br />

Workmanship Standards.<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the follOWing document(s):<br />

• DRD CEV-S-013: Problem Reporting and Corrective Action (PRACA) Reports<br />

• DRD CEV-S-014 Quality Assurance (QA) Audit Report<br />

• DRD CEV-S-015: Critical Processes<br />

• DRD CEV-S-016: Mechanical Parts Management and Implementation Plan<br />

• DRD CEV-S-017' Workmanship Standards<br />

The following Quality Assurance Plan specifiC data IS collected Inthe DRD specified in Section<br />

3.1.<br />

• DRD CEV-S-001' Safety and MISSion Assurance Plan<br />

3.6 Software Safety and Assurance<br />

a) The Contractor shall develop, implement, and maintain a Software Assurance Plan per ORO<br />

CEV-S-001, Safety and Mission Assurance (S&MA) Plan, Chapter 6.<br />

b) The Contractor shall demonstrate and document software assurance functions for all<br />

software in the CEV System In accordance With <strong>NASA</strong>-STD 8739.8 <strong>NASA</strong> Software<br />

Assurance Standard<br />

o Chapter 6, ProVider Software Assurance<br />

o Chapter 7, Software Assurance Disciplines<br />

c) The Contractor shall audit its own and any software suppliers Internal software assurance<br />

activIties to allow evaluation of both the progress and effectiveness of software assurance<br />

tasks and the need for adjustments or changes and document the results in ORO CEV-S-<br />

018, Software Quality Assurance (SQA) Audit Reports<br />

d) The Contractor shall implement a systematic approach to software safety as an Integral part<br />

of the project's overall system safety program, per ORO CEV-S-001, Safety and Mission<br />

Assurance (S&MA) Plan, Chapter 2 - System Safety Plan<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the follOWing document(s).<br />

• DRD CEV-S-018 Software Quality Assurance (SQA) Audit Report<br />

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Spacecraft development Includes the tasks required for the design, development, production,<br />

assembly, test, and certification efforts to deliver the completed Spacecraft for integration with the<br />

launch vehicle and other mission elements<br />

6.1 Crew Module<br />

The Crew Module includes the tasks required for the deSign, development, production, assembly,<br />

test, and certification of the Crew Module (CM) and efforts to deliver the completed Crew Module<br />

for Spacecraft Integration<br />

6.1.1 CM Management and Administration<br />

CM Management and Administration includes the efforts for planning, organizing, directing,<br />

coordinating, controlling, and approval processes used to accomplish Crew Module Development<br />

objectives. ,<br />

a) <strong>NASA</strong> will maintain detailed oversight of all Crew Module deSign activities. The Contractor<br />

shall maintain responsibility for delivery of a deSign that meets the requirements. The<br />

detailed process diSCUSSion to accomplish this can be found In CxP-72008, Crew Exploration<br />

Vehicle Project Plan The Contractor shall include <strong>NASA</strong> personnel on all deSign teams<br />

established by the Contractor.<br />

6.1.2 CM System Engineering and Integration<br />

CM Systems Engineering and Integration consists of the efforts to lead the Crew Module's overall<br />

system architecture definition and engineering functions. ThiS Includes the technical and<br />

management efforts of directing and controlling the Integrated engineering effort for the CM This<br />

also Includes the effort to coordinate CM integration with the CEV integration functions described<br />

In Section 2.<br />

a) The Contractor shall define the modules, subsystems, components, and software Units that<br />

make up the Crew Module per the requirements and dellverables included in this section.<br />

b) The Contractor shall develop, maintain, and deliver all draWings and technical Computer<br />

Aided Design (CAD) models of the Crew Module system, subsystems and components. The<br />

Contractor shall use ORO CEV-T-003, CEV CAD Models, and ORO CEV-T-004, CEV<br />

Drawmgs, as the template for development and delivery of these items<br />

c) The Contractor shall develop and maintain models and simulations for the Crew Module<br />

system, subsystems, and components uSing ORO CEV-T-002, CEV Engineering Models.<br />

d) The Contractor shall document ICD(s) for the government furnished products below:<br />

o CEV Spacecraft docking components (APAS and LIDS) of the docking system<br />

for ISS and LSAM docking requirements<br />

o Parachute system In support of nominal and abort entries<br />

o Pyrotechnics initiators<br />

e) The Contractor shall document Crew Module subsystem requirements using ORO CEV-T-<br />

031, CEV ReqUirements Specifications.<br />

f) The Contractor shall document component-level requirements Within the Crew Module uSing<br />

ORO CEV-T-031, CEV Requirements Specifications.<br />

g) The Contractor shall document all hardware Interfaces requirements uSing ORO CEV-T-035,<br />

Internal Interface Requirement Document (IRD) The Contractor shall produce an IRD for<br />

each subsystem that Interfaces With another subsystem.<br />

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h) The Contractor shall develop and maintain the Crew Module portion of the CEV Specification<br />

and Drawing Trees, ORO-CEV-T-032. The top drawing shall be incorporated into the CEV<br />

System Drawing Tree Identified In Section 2 2<br />

I) The contractor shall provide a CEV stowage interface design document In accordance With<br />

ORO CEV-T-029<br />

J) The contractor shall document all Crew Module internal subsystem Interface deSign details<br />

uSing ORO CEV-T-029, Interface Control Documents<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s).<br />

• DRD-CEV-T-029' Crew Module Internal Interface Control Documents<br />

• DRD CEV-T-029' Crew Module Internal Interface Control Documents<br />

• DRD CEV-T-029. Crew Module Internal Stowage Interface Contreol Documents<br />

The follOWing Module speCifiC data IS collected in the DRD specified in Section 2 2<br />

• DRD CEV-T-031' Crew Module ReqUirements SpeCifications<br />

• DRD-CEV-T-031 Crew Module ReUirements SpeCifications<br />

• DRD CEV-T-032 CEV Specification and Drawing Tree for the Crew Module<br />

• DRD CEV-T-035 Crew Module Internal Interface Requirements Documents<br />

The follOWing Module speCifiC data IS collected In the DRDs speCified In Section 2 4<br />

• DRD CEV-T-002 CM Engineering Models<br />

• The following deliverables areseparate Module deliverables and are integrated by<br />

reference into the System level submittal in 2 4.<br />

• DRD CEV-T-003' CM CAD Models<br />

• DRD CEV-T-004 CM DraWings<br />

6.1.3 eM Subsystems<br />

This Section includes the work required to design, develop, produce, and test through certification<br />

and acceptance all Crew Module subsystems required to meet CEV module-level and interface<br />

requirements.<br />

a) The Contractor shall deSign, develop, test, certify, and deliver Crew Module subsystem<br />

hardware complying with all requirements in CXP-72000, Systems Requirements for the<br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle Element (CEV SRD) (including the listed applicable documents and<br />

those included in this Statement of Work (SOW) See section 2 2)<br />

b) In support of the Crew Module avionics development effort, the Contractor shall prOVide the<br />

following for each subsystem.<br />

o<br />

o<br />

Validation of the subsystem's software requirements<br />

Validation of subsystem models/simulations used for flight software and<br />

integrated aviOniCS verification<br />

c) The Contractor shall proVide system and CM-Ievel deSign definition data in the ORO CEV-T-<br />

033, Architectural Design Document and deSign definition and data down to the component<br />

level In the Subsystem DeSign and Data Books. (See Section 2 2)<br />

d) The Contractor shall hold subsystem design reviews prior to the system PDR and CDR<br />

e) The Contractor shall test (acceptance test only) and deliver flight spares for the Crew Module<br />

subsystems. (IDIQ) The Contractor shall proVide a spare parts list as part of DRD-CEV-T-<br />

012 (See Section 2.7 2)<br />

f) The Contractor shall deliver Flight Spacecraft Crew Modules for Orion 1 and Orion 2.<br />

g) The Contractor shall deliver one ship set of Crew Module flight spares (I.e., 1 copy of every<br />

line replaceable unit) (IDIQ)<br />

h) The Contractor shall use the following standards and requirements documents for developing<br />

all CM subsystems<br />

o<br />

JPR 8080.5, JSC DeSign and Procedural Standards (and assOCiated Children<br />

documents as specified in Attachment J-3, Applicable, GUidance, and<br />

Informational Documents List) (exclUSive of government "shalls")<br />


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o CXP-70024, Constellation Human Systems Integration Requirements (HSIR)<br />

(and associated Children documents as specified In Attachment J-3,<br />

Applicable, GUidance, and Informational Documents List)<br />

i) The Contractor shall use the following standards for developing all CM subsystems:<br />

o AIAA-S-OBO, AIAA Standard for Space Systems - Metallic Pressure Vessels<br />

Pressurized Structures, and Pressure Components<br />

o ANSI/AIAA-S-OB1A-2006, AIAA Standard for Space Systems - Composite<br />

Overwrapped Pressure Vessels<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s)'<br />

The following module specific Information is collected in the DRDs specified In Section 2.7 2<br />

• ORO CEV-T -012. Logistics Support AnalysIs<br />

The following module specific Information IS collected in the DRDs specified In Section 2.2<br />

• ORO CEV-T-033: Architecture Design Document<br /> Reserved<br /> CM Command & Data Handling<br />

a) The Contractor shall document the design for all Crew Module C&DH hardware as specified<br />

in ORO CEV-T-047, AVionics Design and Data Book Volume 1/- C&DHllnstrumentation<br />

Subsystem Data.<br />

b) The Contractor shall deliver three ship sets offlight eqUivalent unit C&DH hardware (for the<br />

trainer).<br />

Deliverables<br />

The following module specific Information IS collected In the DRDs specified in Section 2.6.1<br />

• ORO CEV-T-047: Avionics Design and Data Book, Volume 11- C&DHllnstrumentation<br />

Subsystem Data<br /> CM Communications & Tracking<br />

a) For the Crew Module, the Contractor shall prepare, deliver, and maintain ORO CEV-T-047,<br />

Avionics Design and Data Book Volume III - Communications and Tracking Subsystem Data.<br />

b) The contractor shall provide the CEV to ISS CCA hardware and documentation necessary for<br />

CEV docking to ISS<br />

c) The Contractor shall work with <strong>NASA</strong> on the integration of the CEV to ISS CCA hardware Into<br />

the ISS<br />

d) Any <strong>NASA</strong> provided components will be designed for environments consistent with ISS and<br />

Progress<br />

Deliverables<br />

The following module specific Information IS collected In the DRDs specified In Section 2.6.3<br />

• DRD CEV-T-047 AVIonics Design and Data Book, Volume 111- Communications and<br />

Tracking Subsystem Data Book<br /> CM Displays and Controls<br />

a) The Contractor shall prepare, maintain, and deliver AVionics Design and Data Book Volume<br />

IV - Displays and Controls Subsystem Data per ORO CEV-T-047<br />

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b) The Contractor shall deliver one ship set of flight equivalent unit D&C hardware (for the<br />

trainer).<br />

Defiverables<br />

The follOWing module speCifiC Information is collected in the DRDs specified in Section 2 6.4<br />

• DRD CEV-T-047: AVIonics Design and Data Book, Volume 111- Displays and Controls<br />

Subsystem Data Book<br /> CM Electrical Power System<br />

a) The Contractor shall document the design for all Crew Module EPS Hardware as specified in<br />

ORO CEV-T-059, Electrical Power System (EPS) Design and Data Book<br />

b) The Contractor shall participate with the Constellation Program In the development of DRD<br />

CEV-T-060, Electrical Power Quality Specification ReqUirements Document.<br />

Deliverables<br />

The following module specific Information IS collected In the DRDs speCified in Section 2.6.5<br />

• DRD CEV-T-059 CM Electrical Power System (EPS) Design and Data Book<br />

• DRD CEV-T-060' CM Electrical Power Quality SpeCification ReqUirements Document<br /> CM Mechanisms<br />

a) <strong>NASA</strong> will provide the Androgynous Peripheral Assembly System (APAS) and associated<br />

data products as necessary to support ISS docking.<br />

b) The Contractor shall Integrate ATLAS Into the CEV Spacecraft configuration necessary to<br />

support specified ISS docking missions<br />

c) <strong>NASA</strong> will prOVide the Low Impact Docking System (LIDS) and associated data products.<br />

d) The Contractor shall integrate LIDS Into the CEV Spacecraft design as necessary to support<br />

ISS and Lunar docking.<br />

e) The Contractor shall document the design for all Crew Module mechanisms as specified in<br />

ORO CEV-T-061, Mechanical Systems DeSIgn and Data Book, and ORO CEV-T·062: Stress<br />

Analysis Report<br />

f) <strong>NASA</strong> Will prOVide the CEV to ISS Docking Adapter for ISS docking<br />

g) The Contractor shall integrate the CEV to ISS docking adapter for two adapter delivery<br />

missions to ISS. ThiS Integration Includes <strong>NASA</strong> provided avioniCS reqUired to operate<br />

Androgynous Peripheral Assembly Systems<br />

h) The ISS CCA OSR's will be mounted such that they have a clear view to deep space<br />

Deliverables<br />

The following module specifiC Information IS collected In the DRDs specified In Section 2.6 6<br />

• DRD CEV-T-061 :CM Mechanical Systems DeSign and Data Book<br />

• DRD CEV-T-062' CM Stress AnalYSIS Report<br /> CM Passive Thermal Control<br />

a) The Contractor shall develop thermal analytical models to support Crew Module thermal<br />

analyses<br />

b) The Contractor shall document the deSign for all Crew Module Passive Thermal Control as<br />

speCified in ORO CEV-T-063, PTC Systems Design and Data Book, and ORO·CEV-T-064,<br />

Passive thermal Control Mathematical Models and Documentation<br />

Deliverables<br />

The follOWing module specific information IS collected In the DRDs specified in Section 2.6.7<br />

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Modification 65<br />

• DRD CEV-T-063. CM Passive Thermal Control Design and Data Book (PTCDDB)<br />

• DRD CEV-T-064' CM Passive Thermal Control Mathematical Models and Documentation<br /> eM Thermal Protection System<br />

a) <strong>NASA</strong> will perform advanced development of two designs for the TPS forebody heat shield<br />

component through the Onon PDR. The forebody heat shield component includes both the<br />

TPS matenals or matenal system, the underlYing support structure to which the TPS material<br />

is mounted, and the attachment or bonding agents or system These two advanced<br />

development design options are as follows'<br />

o Primary Lunar Return capable<br />

o Alternate Lunar Return capable<br />

b) <strong>NASA</strong> Will produce the follOWing subsystem products for PDR<br />

o TPS Component (Forebody Heatshleld) Requirements SpeCification (ORO<br />

CEV-T-031)<br />

o TPS Component (Forebody Heatshleld) section of the Thermal Protection<br />

System Design and Data Book (TPSDDB) (ORO CEV-T-065)<br />

o TPS Component (Forebody Heatshleld) Math Models as part of Thermal<br />

Protection System Mathematical Models and Documentation (ORO CEV-T-<br />

066) and CEV CAD Models (ORO CEV-T-003)<br />

o Inputs to Integrated Contractor products<br />

c) The contractor shall produce the following subsystem products post-transition.<br />

o TPS Component (Forebody Heatshield) Requirements Specification (ORO<br />

CEV-T-031)<br />

o TPS Component (Forebody Heatshield) section of the Thermal Protection<br />

o<br />

System Design and Data Book (TPSDDB) (ORO CEV-T-065)<br />

TPS Component (Forebody Heatshield) Math Models as part of Thermal<br />

Protection System Mathematical Models and Documentation (ORO CEV-T-<br />

066) and CEV CAD Models (ORO CEV-T-003)<br />

d) The Contractor shall participate in advanced development activities to the extent necessary<br />

to execute the efforts described in this SOW.<br />

e) The Contractor shall produce all remaining subsystem PDR products not produced by <strong>NASA</strong>.<br />

f) FollOWing the TPS subsystem design review that occurs pnor to Onon PDR, the Contractor<br />

shall perform detailed design, test, and analYSIS of the two TPS heat shield designs<br />

g) The Contractor shall establish a milestone for selecting one of the two TPS heat shield<br />

designs based on test and evaluation of the two designs The Contractor shall recommend<br />

the TPS heat shield design to be used for final Implementation at this milestone. The<br />

Contractor shall document thiS milestone In the Integrated Master Plan (IMP) <strong>NASA</strong> Will<br />

select the final TPS heat shield design<br />

h) The Contractor shall develop one engineering development unit (EDU) for the selected heat<br />

shield design for use in Contractor and <strong>NASA</strong> testing<br />

i) The Contractor shall complete design, development, test, certification, and delivery of the<br />

selected TPS heat shield and all post-PDR DRD products<br />

J) The Contractor shall design, develop, test, certify, and deliver all other CEV Spacecraft TPS<br />

components and DRD products<br />

k) The Contractor shall develop thermal analytical models to support Integrated Constellation<br />

vehicle analyses and CEV thermal analyses.<br />

I) <strong>NASA</strong> will lead, and the Contractor shall participate in, joint advanced development activities<br />

for the CEV thermal protection system through the Preliminary Design Review (PDR) The<br />

Contractor shall develop and Implement plans, which detail the transition from development<br />

to insertion Into the pnmary design path, for these advanced technologies The Contractor<br />

shall document these plans in the design and data books for each subsystem.<br />

Deliverables<br />

• DRD CEV-T-065 Thermal Protection System Design and Data Book (TPSDDB)<br />

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• DRD CEV-T-066: Thermal Protection System Mathematical Models and Documentation<br />

The following subsystem documentation IS collected In the DRDs specified in Section 6 1 2, Post<br />

PDR<br />

• DRD CEV-T-031 CM Thermal Protection System Requirements<br />

Specification<br />

• DRD CEV-T-031 CM Thermal Protection System Requirements<br />

Specification<br />

The following module specific information is collected In the DRDs specified In Section 2 4, Post<br />

PDR<br />

• DRD CEV-T-002 CM TPS Engineering Models<br />

• DRD CEV-T-003 CM TPS CAD Models<br />

• DRD CEV-T-004' CM TPS DraWings<br /> eM Structures<br />

a) The Contractor shall perform structural analYSIS on all Crew Module structures, including<br />

pressure vessels, to show that all elements of the deSign such as the strength, stiffness,<br />

structural stability, and life meet all speCified criteria for the anticipated loads and<br />

environments<br />

b) The Contractor shall perform Crew Module loads and dynamics analyses and document the<br />

results in ORO CEV-T-067, Structural Loads Data Book.<br />

c) The Contractor shall perform Crew Module stress and fatigue analyses and document the<br />

results in ORO CEV-T -062, Stress Analysis Report.<br />

d) The Contractor shall develop Crew Module models to support Integrated Constellation vehicle<br />

analyses as well as CEV loads and stress analyses The Contractor shall deliver ORO CEV­<br />

T-06S, Structures Mathematical Models and Documentation, which Will deliver and describe<br />

the mathematical models used in the Crew Module system, subsystem, and component loads<br />

and stress analyses.<br />

e) The Contractor shall implement a fracture control program and identify fracture critical parts<br />

to protect against catastrophic structural hazards associated With flaw presence, fatigue crack<br />

propagation and fracture The Contractor shall deliver and Implement ORO CEV-T-069,<br />

Fracture Control Plan, and ORO CEV-T-070, Fracture Control Summary Report.<br />

f) The Contractor shall use <strong>NASA</strong>-HDBK-7005, DynamiC Environmental Criteria, as a guidance<br />

document to support the ORO CEV-T-015, Master Verification Plan DRD product<br />

development activity.<br />

g) The Contractor shall use the follOWing standards for deSigning and analYZing the Crew<br />

Module structures subsystem.<br />

o Contract Attachment J-3, Table 1.2, Applicable EnVironmental Data<br />

DocumentsJSC-62550, Structural Design and Verification Criteria for Glass,<br />

Ceramics and Windows in Human Space Flight Applications<br />

o <strong>NASA</strong>-STD-5001, Structural DeSign and Test Factors of Safety for Space<br />

Flight Hardware<br />

o<br />

o<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-5002, Loads Analyses of Spacecraft and Payloads<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> STD-(I)-5019, Fracture Control Requirements for Space Flight<br />

Hardware<br />

h) The contractor shall produce an engineering development Crew Module structure (Ground<br />

Test Article) for use In environmental testing (See Section 2 6.9)<br />

I) The Contractor shall deliver a CM Structural Test Article (used for structural verification static<br />

and dynamiC testing) via DD1149 process<br />

Deliverables<br />

The follOWing module speCifiC information IS collected In the DRDs speCified In Section 2 6 9<br />

• DRD CEV-T -015 Master Verification Plan<br />

• DRD CEV-T-062 CM Stress AnalYSIS Report<br />

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• DRD CEV-T-067: CM Structural Loads Data Book<br />

• DRD CEV-T-068. CM Structures Mathematical Models and Documentation<br />

• DRD CEV-T-070: CM Fracture Control Summary Report<br /> Crew Module Propulsion<br />

a) The Contractor shall perform design, development, test, certification and delivery of all Crew<br />

Module propulsion systems and develop all propulsion related DRD products<br />

b) The Contractor shall develop, document, Implement, and execute comprehensive verification<br />

activities and associated processes for all Crew Module propulsion systems In order to certify<br />

the propulsion systems for compliance with CEV component, subsystem, module, Spacecraft<br />

system, and vehicle-level requirements The Contractor shall also deSign, fabricate and test<br />

Integrated Crew Module propulsion systems in order to evaluate and certify Integrated<br />

propulSion system hot fire performance for each propulsion application. The Contractor shall<br />

also deSign, fabricate, and test integrated Crew Module propulsion systems to evaluate and<br />

certify integrated propellant system storage and conditioning designs. (See Section 2 6 10)<br />

c) The Contractor shall document the design for all Crew Module propulsion as specified in<br />

DRD CEV-T -071, Propulsion Systems Design and Data Book.<br />

Deliverables<br />

The follOWing module specific Information is collected in the DRDs specified In Section 2.6.10<br />

• DRD CEV-T-071' CM PropulSion Systems Design and Data Book<br /> Suits, EVA, and Survival Crew Equipment Support<br />

Systems<br />

a) <strong>NASA</strong> Will proVide the CEV SUitS and EVA support equipment per Orion to EVA SystemsCEV<br />

IRD, CxP 70033 (e g , EVA SUitS, launch and entry suits, helmets, gloves, undergarments,<br />

and standard EVA tools If applicable)<br />

b) <strong>NASA</strong> Will provide portable crew equipment systems and gear as defined in CxP-70035<br />

Portable Equipment, Payloads and Cargo IRD requirements for emergency egress and<br />

survival, crew/personnel post landing tracking systems, and crew/personnel post landing<br />

commUnications systems.<br />

c) The Contractor shall perform requirements development, design, analysis and trade studies,<br />

assembly/production, integration, testing, verification, validation, qualification, certification,<br />

and delivery of the CEV interfaces for the <strong>NASA</strong>-prOVided SUitS, EVA support equipment, and<br />

survival crew equipment as defined in CxP-70035 Portable Equipment, Payloads and Cargo<br />

IRD requirements.<br />

d) The Contractor shall provide specialized CEV-speclfic EVA tools, and external deVices,<br />

restraints, and mobility aids<br />

e) The Contractor shall use the human engineering standards listed in section 2 8 7, Human<br />

Engineering, to design all interfaces to SUitS, EVA, and survival crew equipment systems<br />

f) The contractor shall proVide EVA handling aids mounted to the exterior of the ISS CCA to<br />

support installation, activation, and check out<br />

g) <strong>NASA</strong> Will prOVide the Vehicle Multiple Connector (MC) shipsets, and associated data<br />

products<br />

h) The contractor shall support and integrate the <strong>NASA</strong> developed Vehicle Multiuse Connector<br />

Deliverables<br />

The following module speCifiC Information IS collected in the DRDs speCified In Section 2.6.11<br />

• DRD CEV-T-072. CM SUitS, EVA and Survival Crew EqUipment Support Systems DeSign<br />

and Data Book<br />

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Modification 65<br /> Crew Module Environmental Control and Life Support<br />

(ECLS), Crew Health and Habitation Accommodations<br />

a) <strong>NASA</strong> will provide food and food packaging The Contractor shall design the Crew Module<br />

Interfaces for these <strong>NASA</strong>-provided items<br />

b) <strong>NASA</strong> will provide portable medical kits, equipment, and supplies, and portable<br />

countermeasures systems The Contractor shall design the Crew Module Interfaces for these<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-provided items<br />

c) <strong>NASA</strong> will provide additional FCE such as personal hygiene kits, hygiene consumables, sleep<br />

restraints, portable supplemental lighting, portable vacuum cleaner, dust abatement system,<br />

disposable wipes, personal carry-on stowage, standard tools, crew clothing, and portable<br />

crew personal items (e.g, relaxation and entertainment systems) The Contractor shall<br />

design the Crew Module Interfaces for these <strong>NASA</strong>-provided Items.<br />

d) <strong>NASA</strong> will provide active and passive radiation Instrumentation. The Contractor shall design<br />

the interfaces for these <strong>NASA</strong>-provided Items<br />

e) The Contractor shall use the following EClS, crew health and habitation accommodations<br />

standards and the Human Engineering Standards listed in section 287, Human Engineering,<br />

for designing this subsystem.<br />

o<br />

JSC 20584, Spacecraft Maximum Allowable Concentrations for Airborne<br />

Contaminants<br />

f) The Contractor shall provide definition of the process to be used for cleanliness of<br />

components for use In oxygen, fuel, and pneumatic systems. The Contractor shall prOVide<br />

this information in ORO CEV-T-073, Environmental Control and Life Support Design and Data<br />

Book. The process must meet or exceed the requirements identified In the following<br />

documents:<br />

o<br />

o<br />

o<br />

o<br />

MSFC-SPEC-164B, SpeCification for Cleanliness of Components for Use in<br />

Oxygen, Fuel and Pneumatic Systems (and associated Children documents as<br />

speCified In Attachment J-3, Applicable, GUidance, and Informational<br />

Documents list)<br />

MSFC-PROC-404, Gases, Drying and Preservation, Cleanliness level and<br />

Inspection<br />

MSFC-PROC-1831, The AnalysIs of Nonvolatile Residue Content<br />

MSFC-PROC-1832, Sampling and AnalysIs of Nonvolatile ReSidue Content<br />

on Critical Surfaces<br />

g) The Contractor shall identify the standard for test methods for enVIronmental engineering in<br />

ORO CEV-T -073, Environmental Control and Life Support Design and Data Book. This<br />

standard shall meet or exceed the follOWing standard'<br />

o<br />

Mll-STD-810F, DOD Test Method Standard for Environmental Engineering<br />

ConSiderations and laboratory Tests, Section 5 and Part 2<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s)<br />

The following module speCifiC information is collected in the DRDs specified in Section 2.6.12<br />

• ORO CEV-T-073: GM Environmental Control and Life Support DeSign and Data Book<br />

• ORO CEV-T-074: CM Habitation Accommodations Design and Data Book<br /> CM Pyrotechnics<br />

a) The Contractor shall perform deVice level preliminary design reviews and Critical design<br />

reviews for each Crew Module pyrotechnic devices not proVided by <strong>NASA</strong> The Contractor<br />

shall conduct development, qualification, and acceptance testing on all other pyrotechniC<br />

devices selected for the Crew Module The Contractor shall conduct Phase I, Phase II, and<br />

Phase III technical reviews on all other pyrotechnic deVices selected for the Crew Module per<br />

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the requirements of JSC 62809, Constellation Spacecraft Pyrotechnic Specification and JPR<br />

8080 5 Standards P1-P7<br />

b) Crew Module specific stress analysis reports will be collected In the DRD (ORO CEV-T-062,<br />

Stress Analysis Report) specified in Section 2.6.13 for all pyrotechnic deVices selected for the<br />

Crew Module.<br />

c) The Contractor shall document the design for the Crew Module pyrotechnic subsystem as<br />

specified in ORO CEV-T-075, Pyrotechnic Subsystem Design and Data Book<br />

d) <strong>NASA</strong> will supply pyrotechnic reefing line cutters used in the CPAS architecture<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s)<br />

The following Module specific data IS collected In the DRD specified in Section 2.4<br />

• DRD CEV-T-002: CM Engineering Models<br />

• DRD CEV-T-003 CM CAD Models<br />

• DRD CEV-T-004 CM Drawings<br />

The following Module specific data is collected In the DRD specified In Section 3.4<br />

• DRD CEV-S-009 FEMA Cil<br />

The following Module specific data is collected in the DRD specified In Section 2 8 4<br />

• DRD CEV-T-022 MIUl<br />

The follOWing module specific Information IS collected in the DRDs specified in Section 2.6.13<br />

• DRD CEV-T-062: CM Stress Analysis Report<br />

• DRD CEV-T-075: CM Pyrotechnic Subsystem Design and Data Book<br /> Landing and Recovery Systems<br />

a) <strong>NASA</strong> Will proVide the parachute system<br />

b) The contractor shall provide the pyrotechnic deVices with the exception of the reefing line<br />

cutters, and select Parachute Test Vehicle hardware (Parachute Bays and Forward Bay<br />

Covers) In support of the parachute system.<br />

c) <strong>NASA</strong> Will perform advanced development of the landing attenuation system leading up to the<br />

landing attenuation subsystem deSign review<br />

d) <strong>NASA</strong> will produce the following landing attenuation system PDR products that are derived<br />

from landing and Recovery System Subsystem ReqUirements Specification (ORO CEV-T-<br />

031)<br />

o landing Attenuation System Subsystem ReqUirements Specification (ORO<br />

CEV-T-031, CEV Requirements Specification)<br />

o landing Attenuation System Component Requirements Specification (ORO<br />

CEV-T-031, CEV Requirements Specification)<br />

o<br />

o<br />

Input to ORO CEV-T-076, Recovery Systems Design and Data Book<br />

Input to ORO CEV-T-077, Recovery Systems Simulation Models and<br />

Documentation<br />

e) The Contractor shall participate in the advanced development activities to the extent<br />

necessary to execute the efforts described in this SOW<br />

f) The Contractor shall produce all remaining PDR products not produced by <strong>NASA</strong><br />

g) The Contractor shall complete design, development, test, certification, and delivery of the<br />

selected landing attenuation system and all post-PDR DRD products.<br />

o<br />

o<br />

o<br />

o<br />

landing Attenuation System Subsystem ReqUirements Specification (ORO<br />

CEV-T-031, CEV Requirements Specification)<br />

landing Attenuation System Component Requirements Specification (ORO<br />

CEV-T-031, CEV Requirements Specification)<br />

ORO CEV-T-076, Recovery Systems DeSign and Data Book<br />

ORO CEV-T-077, Recovery Systems Simulation Models and Documentation<br />

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h) The Contractor shall perform the requirements development, trade studies, design, analysis,<br />

production, assembly, integration, testing, verification, validation, qualification, certification,<br />

and maintenance for Contractor-provided CEV recovery hardware as specified by the CEV<br />

Project<br />

i) The Contractor shall develop models and simulations for Contractor-provided hardware and<br />

Integrate with the models and simulations for the <strong>NASA</strong>-provided hardware to support<br />

recovery systems development (ORO CEV-T-077, Recovery System Simulation Models and<br />

Documentation)<br />

j) <strong>NASA</strong> will lead, and the Contractor shall participate In, JOint advanced development activities<br />

for the CEV landing attenuation through the system Preliminary Design Review (PDR). The<br />

Contractor shall develop and Implement plans, which detail the transition from development<br />

to Insertion Into the primary design path, for these advanced technologies. The Contractor<br />

shall document these plans In the design and data books for each subsystem.<br />

k) The Contractor shall develop, Implement, and maintain an Landing and recovery Systems<br />

Master Verification Plan, per ORO CEV-T-015, that details the Contractor's plan for verifying,<br />

certifying, and acceptance of the Landing and Recovery System.<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s)<br />

• DRD CEV-T-076' CM Recovery Systems Design and Data Book<br />

• DRD CEV-T-077' CM Recovery Systems Simulation Models and Documentation<br />

The following subsystem documentation is collected in the DRDs specified in Section 6 1 2, Post<br />

PDR<br />

• DRD CEV-T-031 CM Landing Attenuation System Requirements<br />

SpeCification<br />

• DRD CEV-T-031 CM Landing Attenuation System Requirements<br />

SpeCification<br />

The following module specific information IS collected In the DRDs speCified In Section 102, Post<br />

PDR<br />

• DRD CEV-T -015' CM Recovery Systems Volume - Master Verification Plan<br /> Crew Module Guidance, Navigation, and Control<br />

(GN&C)<br />

a) The Crew Module GN&C requirements design and functional verification effort will be<br />

performed through the use of specialized mode teams <strong>NASA</strong> will co-lead with the Contractor<br />

the development of detailed design requirements for the Crew Module GN&C flight system.<br />

The Contractor shall document the Crew Module GN&C requirements in ORO CEV-T-031,<br />

CEV GN&C Subsystem Requirements Specification, and ORO CEV-T-048, Software<br />

Requirements Specification The Contractor shall prOVide support to the follOWing teams<br />

o CEV Ascent/Abort Mode Team<br />

o Entry GN&C Mode Team<br />

o On-Orbit GN&C Mode Team<br />

o Flight Mechanics/Mission Design Mode Team<br />

b) The Contractor shall document the design for the Crew Module GN&C subsystem as<br />

speCified In ORO CEV-T-078, GN&C Systems Design and Data Book<br />

Deliverables<br />

The following module specific information is collected in the DRDs specified in Section 6.1.2<br />

• DRD CEV-T-031:CM GN&C Requirements Specification<br />

• DRD CEV-T-031 CM GN&C Requirements SpeCification<br />

The follOWing module speCifiC information IS collected In the DRDs speCified In Section 6.5.2<br />

• DRD CEV-T-048. Software Requirements Specification<br />

The follOWing module speCifiC information IS collected In the DRDs speCified In Section 2.6.15<br />


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Attachment J-1<br />

Modification 65<br />

• DRD CEV-T-07B: CM GN&C Design and Data Book<br /> CM Wiring<br />

a) The Contractor shall develop a wiring database that provides definition down to the level of<br />

pin-to-pin connectivity for all electrical harnesses and optical cables used on the Crew<br />

Module for ground, launch, flight, and recovery operations Including testrng, verrflcatlon,<br />

calibration, and maintenance. The Contractor shall deliver the wiring database to <strong>NASA</strong> as<br />

ORO CEV-T-080, CEV Wiring Database and Reports The Contractor shall provide a<br />

hierarchical path/signal structure which links the wiring database to ORO CEV-T-046, CEV<br />

Data and Command Dictionary<br />

b) The Contractor shall develop, manufacture/fabrrcate, test, install, and certify all Crew Module<br />

wiring in accordance with ORO CEV-T-079, CEV Wiring Plan, and ORO CEV-T-080, CEV<br />

Wiring Database and Reports.<br />

Deliverables<br />

The following module specific Information IS collected In the DRDs specified rn Section 2 6 1<br />

• DRD CEV-T-046: CEV Data and Command Dictionary<br />

The following module specific Information IS collected In the DRDs specified in Section 2.6.16<br />

• DRD CEV-T-079 CM Wlrrng Plan<br />

• DRD CEV-T-OBO: CM Wiring Database and Reports<br />

6.1.4 Reserved<br />

6.1.5 CM Test. Verification. and Certification<br />

a) The Contractor shall execute the Spacecraft Master Verification Plan for the verification,<br />

qualification, certlflcatron, and acceptance of the Crew Module, subsystems, and<br />

components.<br />

b) The Contractor shall perform qualiflcatron tests uSing ORO CEV-T-037, Qualification Test<br />

Procedures, and document the test results In ORO CEV-T-038, Qualification Test Report, and<br />

ORO CEV-T-017, Certification Data Package. The Contractor shall perform qualification<br />

testing at component, CM and intermediate levels of assembly as necessary to accumulate<br />

the data necessary for certification The Contractor shall produce a Certification Data<br />

Package for the component, each subsystem in the Crew Module, the Crew Module, and the<br />

Spacecraft. Note. Software test documentation IS handled In SOW section 6.5, CEV<br />

Software. The contractor shall develop a dedicated qualification Crew Module for systemlevel<br />

qualification testrng Followrng the completion of system-level qualification testing, the<br />

contractor shall maintain configuration control of the dedicated qualification CM and store it in<br />

an environmentally-controlled and access-controlled area.<br />

c) The Contractor shall perform acceptance testing at the Crew Module and CM component<br />

level using ORO CEV-T-039, Acceptance Test Procedures, and document the results using<br />

ORO CEV-T-040, Acceptance Data Package. An Acceptance Data Package shall be<br />

produced for the production flight Crew Modules (Orion 1 and 2)<br />

d) The Contractor shall hold Test Readiness Reviews (TRRs) before all formal verrflcatlon<br />

activities The Contractor shall make subsystem and module test procedures available to<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>. The Contractor shall invite <strong>NASA</strong>, to witness all formal verification activities, including<br />

TRRs and test executions<br />

e) The Contractor shall conduct verification testing of all rnterface designs and requirements<br />

within the Crew Module (between subsystems, and between components)<br />

f) If the Contractor utilizes modeling and slmulatron to conduct analysIs In support of verification<br />

specification compliance, the Contractor shall comply with ORO CEV-T-001, Integrated<br />

Models, Simulations and Support Plan, and ORO CEV-T-002, CEV Engineering Models<br />

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Modification 65<br />

g) The Contractor shall provide the Integration, test, & verification facilities required to test and<br />

certify the Crew Module and all CM subsystems and components The Contractor shall invite<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> to witness all subsystem faCility design reviews, test, verification, and certification<br />

activities<br />

h) The Contractor shall provide the Integration, Test, & Verification (IT&V) facilities required to<br />

complete Integrated verification of the Crew Module The requirements for the IT&V faCilities<br />

shall be derived from the products developed under Section 10 1, Test, Verification<br />

Management and Administration<br />

i) The Contractor shall develop, Implement, and maintain an CM Master Verification Plan, per<br />

ORO CEV-T-01S, that details the Contractor's plan for verifying, certifying, and acceptance of<br />

Crew module<br />

j) The Contractor shall provide support in order to conduct verification testing of all Interface<br />

deSigns and requirements within the CM Module for those verification activities that are<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> led in <strong>NASA</strong> facilities<br />

Defiverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s)'<br />

The following module specific Information IS collected In the DRDs specified in Section 10.2:<br />

• DRD-CEV-T-015: Crew Module Volumen Master Verification Plan<br />

The Contractor shall deliver the follOWing DRDs for the Qualification Vehicle CM, Incorporating all<br />

lower level element Qualification data. These DRDs will be also collected Into the DRD specified<br />

in Sections 10.2 and 10 3 for the Integrated CEV<br />

• DRD CEV-T-017 Certification Data Package<br />

• DRD CEV-T-037 Qualification Test Procedures<br />

• DRD CEV-T-038: Qualification Test Report<br />

The Contractor shall deliver the following DRDs for the Production Vehicle CM, Incorporating all<br />

lower level element acceptance data These DRDs will be also collected into the DRD specified<br />

In Sections 10.2 and 10.3 for the integrated CEV.<br />

• DRD CEV-T-039 Acceptance Test Procedures<br />

• DRD CEV-T-040. Acceptance Data Package<br />

6.1.6 eM Assembly, Integration, and Production (AI&P)<br />

a) The Contractor shall Integrate, assemble, certify, acceptance test, and deliver flight Crew<br />

Modules meeting the requirements for the configurations below<br />

b) The Contractor shall develop and Implement an Imagery plan to proVide Imagery (e g, still<br />

photo, motion picture, digital Imagery, or Video) of the Crew Module, subsystems, and<br />

components during manufacturing, assembly, test, integration, and close-out to document the<br />

hardware configuration The Contractor shall Include the plan and Imagery In ORO CEV-T·<br />

088, CEV Imagery Plan/Imagery Deliverables<br />

c) The Contractor shall develop and Implement plans detailing the deSign and construction of all<br />

Crew Module transportation support equipment, and the plans for transportation of the Crew<br />

Module to the processing andlor launch sites These plans shall be included in ORO CEV·T·<br />

087, CEV Spacecraft Handling and Transportation Plan<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s)<br />

The following module specific information is collected in the DRDs specified in Section 2 7 2'<br />

• DRD CEV·T·087· CEV Handling and Transportation Plan<br />

The following module specific information is collected in the DRDs specified in Section 2.10:<br />

• DRD CEV-T-086: Manufacturing and Assembly Plan<br />

• DRD CEV-T-088 CEV Imagery Plan/Imagery Deliverables<br />


<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-1<br />

Modification 65<br /> eM Flight Hardware AI&P<br />

a) The Contractor shall Integrate, assemble, certify, acceptance test, and deliver flight Crew<br />

Modules meeting the requirements for configurations below<br />

b) The Contractor shall develop and Implement plans detailing the design and construction of all<br />

Crew Module transportation support eqUipment, and the plans for transportation of the Crew<br />

Module to the processing and/or launch sites These plans shall be included In ORO CEV-T-<br />

087, CEV Spacecraft Handling and Transportation Plan.<br />

c) The Contractor shall deliver a production CM for Orion 1 and a production CM for Orion 2.<br />

d) The Contractor shall be responsible for post-flight refurbishment of any reusable Items<br />

delivered under Schedule A. (IDIO)<br />

e) The Contractor shall design, develop, produce, Integrate, verify, validate, certify, document,<br />

and deliver Crew Module GSE In accordance with all requirements in CXP-72000, Systems<br />

Requirements for the Crew Exploration Vehicle Element (CEV SRD), and in this SOW, and in<br />

accordance with ORO CEV-O-008, Ground Systems Requirements, Plans, Reports, and<br />

Design Data, Volume II, Ground Systems End Item Implementation Plan and Report. The<br />

Contractor shall plan for and deliver the GSE end items in accordance with Attachment J-9<br />

The Contractor shall use the follOWing applicable documents for design and development of<br />

Contractor-provided GSE:<br />

o<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-5005B' <strong>NASA</strong> Standard for Ground Support EqUipment (and<br />

associated Applicable Document Children as specified in Attachment J-3,<br />

Applicable, Guidance, and Informational Documents list).<br />

f) The Contractor shall develop and update ORO CEV-O-008, Ground Systems Requirements,<br />

Plans, Reports, and Design Data, Volume III, Systems Operations and Maintenance Plan and<br />

ReqUIrements Documentation, for the ground support equipment provided for the Crew<br />

Module.<br />

g) The Contractor shall develop, maintain and deliver all technical models and draWings of the<br />

GSE associated with the Crew Module In accordance With ORO CEV-T-003, CEV CAD<br />

Models, and ORO CEV-T-004, CEV Drawings.<br />

h) The Contractor shall develop and update 2-D and 3-D Simulation models of the Contractorprovided<br />

Crew Module and Contractor-provided Crew Module GSE to assess clearances,<br />

placement, conflicts and the moving of hardware In accordance With ORO CEV-T-003, CEV<br />

CAD Models. The Contractor shall develop and deliver these models in accordance with<br />

SOW Section 2.4.<br />

i) The Contractor shall develop and deliver ORO CEV-T-040, Acceptance Data Package, for<br />

each Contractor-provided Crew Module GSE end item.<br />

J) The Contractor shall prOVide Initial spares, concurrent With the delivery of the GSE end Items<br />

and in accordance with the provisioning procedures in ORO CEV-T-011, Integrated Logistics<br />

Support Plan, and ORO CEV-T-012, Logistics Support Analysis, for all Contractor-provided<br />

Crew Module GSE. (IDIO)<br />

k) (reserved)<br />

I) The Contractor shall integrate, assemble, certify, acceptance test, and deliver flight hardware,<br />

for installation to the ISS meeting the requirements of CEV and the<br />

environments/requirements of ISS in accordance with the CEV to ISS IRD.<br />

m) ISS CCA qualification and acceptance testing will be conducted at the assembly level.<br />

n) For Orion 1, the Government shall provide a Developmental Flight Instrumentation (DFI)<br />

system and installation engineering, Installed by the Contractor<br />

0)<br />

Deliverables<br />

The following CM GSE data is incorporated in the DRD specified in Section 2 4<br />

• DRD CEV-T-003 CEV CAD Models<br />

• DRD CEV-T-004' CEV DraWings<br />

The follOWing CM GSE data is Incorporated in the DRD specified in Section 2.7.2:<br />

• DRD CEV-O-008' Ground Systems Requirements,Plans, Reports, and DeSign Data<br />

• DRD CEV-T-040 Acceptance Data Package<br />

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Attachment J-1<br />

Modification 65<br />

• DRD CEV-T-087' CEV Handling and Transportation Plan<br /> Test Article Design and Production<br />

a) The CM primary structure for PA1 and AA1 will be provided by <strong>NASA</strong><br />

b) For PA1 and AA1, the Contractor shall design, develop, procure, build, assemble, integrate,<br />

and verify the CM avionics and mechanisms kits per the requirements and specifications<br />

developed in Section 10.64, Flight Test Article (FTA) DDT&E<br />

c) RESERVED<br />

d) For PA2, and AA2, the Contractor shall design and develop the prototype CMs uSing the<br />

system, module, sub-system, and component level requirements and specifications<br />

developed in section 10.6.4, Flight Test Article (FTA) DDT&E; documented In ORO CEV-O-<br />

002, Flight Test Article Specification<br />

e) For PA2, and AA2, the Contractor shall procure, build, assemble, integrate, and test the<br />

prototype CMs under this section of the SOW. Prototype FTAs must meet the production<br />

standards as specified in section 1064, FTA DDT&E, paragraph u, documented in ORO<br />

CEV-O-004, Flight Test Article (FTA) Design and Data Book.<br />

f) For PA2, and AA2, ,the Contractor shall validate and verify the flight test unique design as<br />

specified in CEV- T-015, Volume VII, Master Verification Plan, Flight Test Volume and<br />

documented in accordance with section 10.6.4, FTA DDT&E, paragraph y *'<br />

g) For PA2, and AA2, the Contractor shall deliver three (3) two (2) prototype CMs. (+ DD250 for<br />

each CM)<br />

h) For Ares-1 Y~ the Contractor shall deliver one production like CM With elements removed<br />

(and replaced with simulators) that are not required to meet mission objectives defined in<br />

CXP-72166.<br />

I) The Contractor shall design, develop, produce, Integrate, verify, validate, certify, document,<br />

and deliver CM FTA GSE in accordance with all requirements in CXP 72000, Systems<br />

ReqUIrements for the Crew Exploration Vehicle Element (CEV SRD), and In thiS SOW, and In<br />

accordance With ORO CEV-O-008, Ground Systems ReqUIrements, Plans, Reports, and<br />

Design Data, Volume II, Ground Systems End Item Implementation Plan and Report. The<br />

Contractor shall use the following applicable documents for design and development of<br />

Contractor-provided GSE<br />

o <strong>NASA</strong>-STD-5005B. <strong>NASA</strong> Standard for Ground Support EqUipment (and<br />

associated Applicable Document Children as specified in Attachment J-3,<br />

Applicable, Guidance, and Informational Documents List).<br />

J) The Contractor shall deliver a CM test article for a Ground Vibration Test at MSFC in<br />

accordance With CxP 72234, Integrated Vehicle Ground Vibration Test Task Plan. This CM<br />

test article can either be simulated modules or residual test articles refurbished to support<br />

specific requirements of the test. Support for Integrated Vehicle Ground Vibration Test shall<br />

be in accordance with the Ares IVGVT & Orion Bilateral Exchange Agreement (BEA).<br />

k) The Contractor shall develop ORO-CEV-T-031, CEV FTA Requirements Specification for<br />

Flight Tests Ares 1-Y as defined In Section 1064<br />

I) The Contractor shall develop and maintain ORO CEV-O-005, Flight Test Article (FTA)<br />

Validation and Verification Data Book, Identified In Section 106, for the CM FTA.<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the follOWing document(s)<br />

The follOWing CM FTA data IS Incorporated In the DRD specified in Section 10.2.<br />

DRD-CEV-T-015. FTAVolume Master Verification Plan (per Section 10.6)<br />

The following Module specific information IS collected In the DRDs specified In Section 10.6.4.<br />

• DRD CEV-D-002. Flight Test Article Specification for Pad Abort and Ascent<br />

Abort Flight Tests.<br />

• DRD CEV-D-004: Flight Test Article (FTA) Engineering Design and Data Book<br />

• DRD CEV-D-005. Flight Test Article (FTA) Validation and Verification Data Book<br />

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Attachment J-1<br />

Modification 65<br />

• DRD CEV-T-031 CEV Requirements Specification, for the Flight Test Articles<br />

for Ares 1Y<br />

The following Module specific information IS collected In the DRDs specified In Section 2.7.2<br />

• DRD CEV-O-OOB. Ground Systems Requirements, Plans, Reports, and Design Data,<br />

Volume II, Ground Systems End Item Implementation Plan and Report<br />

6.2 Service Module<br />

Service Module (which Includes the Spacecraft Adapter) includes the tasks required for the<br />

design, development, production, assembly, test, and certification of the Service Module, and<br />

efforts to deliver the completed SM for Spacecraft Integration<br />

6.2.1 SM Management and Administration<br />

SM Management and Administration includes the efforts for planning, organizing, directing,<br />

coordinating, controlling, and approval processes used to accomplish Service Module<br />

development objectives.<br />

a) <strong>NASA</strong> will maintain detailed oversight of all Service Module design activities The Contractor<br />

shall maintain responsibility for delivery of a design that meets the requirements. The<br />

detailed process diSCUSSion to accomplish thiS can be found In CxP-7200B, Crew Exploration<br />

Vehicle Project Plan. The Contractor shall include <strong>NASA</strong> personnel on all design teams<br />

established by the Contractor<br />

6.2.2 SM System Engineering and Integration<br />

SM Systems Engineering and Integration consist of the efforts to lead the Service Module's<br />

overall system architecture definition and engineering functions This includes the technical and<br />

management efforts of directing and controlling the integrated engineering effort for the SM. ThiS<br />

also Includes the effort to coordinate SM integration with the CEV Integration functions described<br />

In Section 2<br />

a) The Contractor shall define the modules, subsystems, components, and software units that<br />

make up the Service Module per the requirements of thiS section<br />

b) The Contractor shall define the modules, subsystems, components, and software units that<br />

make up the Service Module per the requirements and dellverables Included In thiS section.<br />

c) The Contractor shall develop, maintain, and deliver all drawings and technical Computer<br />

Aided Design (CAD) models of the Service Module system, subsystems and components.<br />

The Contractor shall use ORO CEV-T-003, CEV CAD Models, and ORO CEV-T-004, CEV<br />

Drawings, as the template for development and delivery of these items.<br />

d) The Contractor shall develop and maintain models and Simulations for the Service Module<br />

system, subsystems, and components uSing ORO CEV-T-002, CEV Engineering Models.<br />

e) The Contractor shall document and maintain ICD(s) for the government furnished products<br />

below'<br />

o PyrotechniCS Initiators<br />

f) The Contractor shall document Service Module- level requirements using ORO CEV-T-031,<br />

CEV Requirements Specifications.<br />

g) The Contractor shall document component-level requirements within the Service Module<br />

using ORO CEV-T-031, CEV Requirements Specifications.<br />

h) The Contractor shall document all hardware interfaces requirements uSing ORO CEV-T-035,<br />

Internal Interface Requirement Document (lRD). The Contractor shall produce an IRD for<br />

each subsystem that Interfaces With another subsystem<br />

i) The Contractor shall develop and maintain the Service Module portion of the CEV<br />

Specification and Drawing Trees, ORO-CEV-T-032. The top drawing shall be Incorporated<br />

into the CEV System Drawing Tree identified in Section 2.2<br />

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Modification 65<br />

J) The contractor shall document all Service Module internal subsystem interface design details<br />

using ORO CEV-T-029, Interface Control Documents<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the follOWing document(s)'<br />

• DRD-CEV-T-029' Service Module Internal Interface Control Documents<br />

• DRD CEV-T-031: Service Module Requirements Specifications<br />

• DRD-CEV-T-031: Service Module ReUirements Specifications<br />

• DRD CEV-T-032' CEV Specification and Drawing Tree for the Service Module and<br />

Spacecraft Adapter<br />

• DRD CEV-T-035 Service Module Internal Interface Requirements Documents<br />

The following Module specific data IS collected in the DRDs specified in Section 2.,4 3<br />

• DRD CEV-T-002: SM Engineering Models<br />

• The following deliverables are separate Module deliverables and are Integrated by<br />

reference into the System level submittal In 2.3.<br />

• DRD CEV-T-003 SM CAD Models<br />

• DRD CEV-T-004' CM Drawings<br />

6.2.3 SM Subsystems<br />

This section Includes the work required to design, develop, produce, and test through certification<br />

and acceptance all Service Module subsystems required to meet CEV module-level and interface<br />

requirements. Spacecraft Adapter Subsystems deliverables Will be developed as appropriate<br />

a) The Contractor shall design, develop, test, certify, and deliver Service Module subsystem<br />

hardware complying with all requirements In CXP-72000, Systems Requirements for the<br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle Element (CEV SRD) (including the listed applicable documents and<br />

those included in this Statement of Work (SOW) See Section 2 2).<br />

b) In support of the Service Module aVIOniCS development effort, the Contractor shall provide the<br />

following for each subsystem.<br />

o<br />

o<br />

Validation of the subsystem's software requirements<br />

Validation of subsystem modelslslmulatlons used for flight software and<br />

Integrated aVionics verification<br />

c) The Contractor shall provide system and LAS-level design definition data In the ORO CEV-T-<br />

033, Architectural Design Document and design definition and data down to the component<br />

level in the Subsystem Design and Data Books.<br />

d) The Contractor shall hold subsystem design reviews prior to the system PDR and CDR<br />

e) The Contractor shall test (acceptance test only) and deliver flight spares for the Service<br />

Module subsystems. The Contractor shall provide a spare parts list as part of the ORO CEV­<br />

T-012, Logistics Support Analysis (Recommended Spare Parts List) (IDIO)<br />

f) The Contractor shall deliver 1 Flight Spacecraft Service Module (including the Spacecraft<br />

Adapter) for Orion 1 and 1 Flight Spacecraft Service Module for Orion 2.<br />

g) The Contractor shall deliver one ship set of Service Module flight spares (Le , 1 copy of every<br />

line replaceable unit) (IDIO)<br />

h) The Contractor shall use the follOWing standards and requirements documents for developing<br />

all SM subsystems<br />

o<br />

JPR 8080 5, JSC DeSign and Procedural Standards (and associated Children<br />

documents as specified in Attachment J-3, Applicable, Guidance, and<br />

Informational Documents List) (exclusive of government "shalls")<br />

o CXP-70024, Constellation Human Systems Integration ReqUirements (HSIR)<br />

(and associated Children documents as specified in Attachment J-3,<br />

Applicable, GUidance, and Informational Documents List)<br />

i) The Contractor shall use the following standards for developing all SM and SA subsystems:<br />

o<br />

AIM-S-080, AIM Standard for Space Systems - Metallic Pressure Vessels<br />

Pressurized Structures, and Pressure Components<br />

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Attachment J-1<br />

Modification 65<br />

o<br />

ANSIIAIM-S-081A-2006, AIM Standard for Space Systems - Composite<br />

Overwrapped Pressure Vessels<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s)'<br />

The following module specific information is collected in the DRDs specified In Section 2.7.2<br />

• DRD CEV-T-012. Logistics Support Analysis<br />

The following module specific information is collected in the DRDs specified In Section 2 2<br />

• DRD CEV-T-033. Architecture Design Document<br /> Reserved<br /> SM Command and Data Handling (C&DH)<br />

a) The Contractor shall document the design for all Service Module C&DH hardware as<br />

specified in ORO CEV-T-047, Avionics Design and Data Book Volume /1-<br />

C&DHllnstrumentation Subsystem Data<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s) as applicable:<br />

• DRD CEV-T-047: AVIonics Design and Data Book, Volume II - C&DHllnstrumentation<br />

Subsystem Data<br /> SM Communications and Tracking (C& T)<br />

a) For the Service Module, the Contractor shall prepare, deliver, and maintain DRD CEV-T-047,<br />

AVIOniCS DeSign and Data Book Volume III - Communications and Tracking Subsystem Data.<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the follOWing document(s) as applicable:<br />

The following module specific Information IS collected In the DRDs specified In Section 2.6.3<br />

• DRD CEV-T-047 Avionics Design and Data Book, Volume 111- Communications and<br />

Tracking Subsystem Data Book<br /> Reserved<br /> SM Electrical Power System<br />

a) The Contractor shall document the deSign for all Service Module EPS Hardware as speCified<br />

In ORO CEV-T-059, Electrical Power System (EPS) Design and Data Book<br />

b) The Contractor shall participate With the Constellation Program In the development of DRD<br />

CEV-T-060, Electrical Power Quality SpeCification ReqUirements Document.<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s) as applicable<br />

The following module specific information is collected in the DRDs specified in Section 2.6 5<br />

• DRD CEV-T-059. SM Electrical Power System (EPS) DeSign and Data Book<br />

• DRD CEV-T-060 SM Electrical Power Quality SpeCification Requirements Document<br />

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Attachment J-1<br />

Modification 65<br /> SM Mechanisms<br />

a) The Contractor shall document the design for all Service Module mechanisms as specified in<br />

ORO CEV-T-061, Mechanical Systems Design and Data Book, and ORO CEV-T-062: Stress<br />

AnalysIs Report<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s) as applicable.<br />

The following module specifiC information is collected in the DRDs speCified In Section 2.6.6<br />

• ORO CEV-T-061 :SM Mechanical Systems Design and Data Book<br />

• ORO CEV-T-062 SM Stress Analysis Report<br /> SM Passive Thermal Control<br />

a) The Contractor shall develop thermal analytical models to support Service Module thermal<br />

analyses.<br />

b) The Contractor shall document the design for all Service Module Passive Thermal Control as<br />

specified in ORO CEV-T-063, PTC Systems Design and Data Book, and ORO-CEV-T-064,<br />

PassIVe thermal Control Mathematical Models and DocumentatIOn<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s) as applicable<br />

The following module speCifiC information is collected in the DRDs speCified In Section 2.6.7<br />

• ORO CEV-T-063. SM Passive Thermal Control Design and Data Book (PTCDDB)<br />

• ORO CEV-T-064. SM Passive Thermal Control Mathematical Models and Documentation<br /> Reserved<br /> SM Structures<br />

a) The Contractor shall perform structural analysIs on all Service Module structures, including<br />

pressure vessels, to show that all elements of the deSign such as the strength, stiffness,<br />

structural stability, and life meet all speCified criteria for the anticipated loads and<br />

environments<br />

b) The Contractor shall perform Service Module loads and dynamics analyses and document<br />

the results In ORO CEV-T-067, Structural Loads Data Book<br />

c) The Contractor shall perform Service Module stress and fatigue analyses and document the<br />

results In ORO CEV-T-062, Stress Analysis Report.<br />

d) The Contractor shall develop Service Module models to support Integrated Constellation<br />

vehicle analyses as well as CEV loads and stress analyses. The Contractor shall deliver<br />

ORO CEV-T-068, Structures Mathematical Models and Documentation, which will deliver and<br />

describe the mathematical models used In the Service Module system, subsystem, and<br />

component loads and stress analyses<br />

e) The Contractor shall implement a fracture control program and identify fracture Critical parts<br />

to protect against catastrophic structural hazards associated With flaw presence, fatigue crack<br />

propagation and fracture. The Contractor shall deliver and implement ORO CEV-T-069,<br />

Fracture Control Plan, and ORO CEV-T-070, Fracture Control Summary Report.<br />

f) The Contractor shall use <strong>NASA</strong>-HDBK-7005, DynamiC Environmental Criteria, as a gUidance<br />

document to support the ORO CEV-T-015, Master Verification Plan ORO product<br />

development activity.<br />

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Attachment J-1<br />

Modification 65<br />

g) The Contractor shall use the follOWing standards for designing and analYZing the Service<br />

Module structures subsystem'<br />

o CXP-15002, Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV)/Crew Launch Vehicle (CL V)<br />

Loads Requirements Data Book<br />

o JSC-62550, Structural Design and Verification Criteria for Glass, Ceramics and<br />

Windows In Human Space Flight Applications<br />

o <strong>NASA</strong>-STD-5001, Structural DeSign and Test Factors of Safety for Space<br />

Flight Hardware<br />

o <strong>NASA</strong>-STD-5002, Loads Analyses of Spacecraft and Payloads<br />

o <strong>NASA</strong> STD-(I)-5019, Fracture Control Requirements for Space Flight Hardware<br />

h) The contractor shall produce an engineering development Service Module structure for use<br />

In environmental testing (Ground Test Article). (See Section 2.6.9)<br />

i) The Contractor shall deliver an SM Structural Test Article (used for structural verification<br />

static and dynamic testing), via DD1149 process<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s) as applicable:<br />

The following module specifiC Information IS collected In the DRDs specified in Section 2.6.9<br />

• DRD CEV-T-062' SM Stress AnalYSIS Report<br />

• DRD CEV-T-067' SM Structural Loads Data Book<br />

• DRD CEV-T-068: SM Structures Mathematical Models and Documentation<br />

• DRD CEV-T-070' SM Fracture Control Summary Report<br />

• DRD CEV-T-015. Structures Subsystem Volume Master Verification Plan<br /> SM Propulsion<br />

a) The Contractor shall perform deSign, development, test, certification and delivery of all<br />

Service Module propulSion systems and develop all propulsion related DRD products.<br />

b) The Contractor shall develop, document, implement, and execute comprehenSive verification<br />

activities and associated processes for all Service Module propulsion systems In order to<br />

certify the propulsion systems for compliance With CEV component, subsystem, module,<br />

Spacecraft system, and vehicle-level requirements The Contractor shall also deSign,<br />

fabricate and test Integrated Service Module propulsion systems in order to evaluate and<br />

certify integrated propulsion system hot fire performance for each propulsion application. The<br />

Contractor shall also deSign, fabricate, and test Integrated Service Module propulsion system<br />

to evaluate and certify integrated propellant system storage and conditioning deSigns and<br />

capabilities In order to evaluate and certify propellant conditioning performances (See<br />

Section 2610)<br />

c) The contractor shall incorporate Single-fault tolerance Into the blpropellant valves and<br />

pneumatic system of the CEV Service Module main engine<br />

d) The Contractor shall document the design for all Service Module propulsion as speCified In<br />

ORO CEV-T-071, Propulsion Systems Design and Data Book.<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the follOWing document(s)<br />

• DRD CEV-T-071. SM PropulSion Systems DeSign and Data Book<br /> Suits, EVA, and Survival Crew Equipment Support<br />

Systems<br />

a) The Contractor shall prOVide speCialized CEV-speciflc EVA tools, and external devices,<br />

restraints, and mobility aids as necessary in the Service Module design<br />

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Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s)'<br />

The following module specific information is collected In the DRDs specified In Section 2.6.11<br />

• DRD CEV-T-072' EVA and Survival Crew Equipment Support Systems Design and Data<br />

Book<br /> Service Module and Spacecraft Adapter Environmental<br />

Control and Life Support (ECLS), Crew Health and<br />

Habitation Accommodations<br />

a) The Contractor shall use the following EClS, standards and the Human Engineering<br />

Standards listed in section 2 8 7, Human Engineering, for designing this subsystem:<br />

o JSC 20584, Spacecraft Maximum Allowable Concentrations for Airborne<br />

Contaminants<br />

b) The Contractor shall provide definition of the process to be used for cleanliness of<br />

components for use in oxygen, fuel, and pneumatic systems. The Contractor shall prOVide<br />

this Information In ORO CEV-T-073, Environmental Control and Life Support Design and Data<br />

Book. The process must meet or exceed the requirements identified In the following<br />

documents<br />

o<br />

o<br />

o<br />

o<br />

MSFC-SPEC-164B, Specification for Cleanliness of Components for Use in<br />

Oxygen, Fuel and Pneumatic Systems (and associated Children documents as<br />

specified In Attachment J-3, Applicable, Guidance, and Informational<br />

Documents list)<br />

MSFC-PROC-404, Gases, Drying and Preservation, Cleanliness level and<br />

Inspection<br />

MSFC-PROC-1831, The Analysis of Nonvolatile ReSidue Content<br />

MSFC-PROC-1832, Sampling and AnalysIs of Nonvolatile Residue Content on<br />

Critical Surfaces<br />

c) The Contractor shall Identify the standard for test methods for environmental engineering In<br />

ORO CEV-T-073, Environmental Control and Life Support Design and Data Book. This<br />

standard shall meet or exceed the following standard'<br />

o<br />

Mll-STD-810F, DOD Test Method Standard for EnVIronmental Engineering<br />

ConSiderations and laboratory Tests, Section 5 and Part 2<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the follOWing document(s)<br />

• The following module speCifiC Information is collected in the DRDs speCified in Section<br />

2612<br />

• DRD CEV-T-073: Environmental Control and life Support Design and Data Book<br /> SM Pyrotechnics<br />

a) The Contractor shall perform device level preliminary design reviews and critical design<br />

revlews- for each Service Module pyrotechnic device not provided by <strong>NASA</strong> The Contractor<br />

shall conduct development, qualification, and acceptance testing on all other pyrotechnic<br />

devices selected for the Service Module. The Contractor shall conduct Phase I, Phase II,<br />

and Phase III technical reviews on all other pyrotechnic devices selected for the Service<br />

Module per the reqUirements of JSC 62809, Constellation Spacecraft Pyrotechnic<br />

Specification and JPR 8080 5 Standards P1-P7 '<br />

b) Service Module specific stress analYSIS reports Will be collected in the DRD (ORO CEV-T-<br />

062, Stress Analysis Report) speCified In Section 2 6 13 for all pyrotechnic devices selected<br />

for the Service Module.<br />

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c) The Contractor shall document the design for the Service Module Module pyrotechnic<br />

subsystem as specified in DRD CEV-T-075, Pyrotechnic Subsystem Design and Data Book<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s) as applicable:The following<br />

module specific Information IS collected in the DRDs specified in Section 2 4<br />

• DRD CEV-T-002 SM Engineering Models<br />

• DRD CEV-T-003: SM CAD Models<br />

• DRD CEV-T-004' SM Drawings<br />

The following Module specific data IS collected in the DRD specified in Section 3.4<br />

• DRD CEV-S-009 FMEA Cil<br />

The following Module specific data IS collected In the DRD specified in Section 2.8.4<br />

• DRD CEV-T-022 MIUl<br />

The following module specific information is collected In the DRDs specified in Section 2.6.13<br />

• DRD CEV-T-062: SM Stress AnalysIs Report<br />

• DRD CEV-T-075' SM PyrotechniC Subsystem Design and Data Book<br /> Reserved<br /> SM Guidance, Navigation, and Control (GN&C)<br />

a) The Service Module GN&C requirements design and functional verification effort will be<br />

performed through the use of specialized mode teams. <strong>NASA</strong> will co-lead with the<br />

Contractor the development of detailed design requirements for the Service Module GN&C<br />

flight system. The Contractor shall document the Service Module and Spacecraft Adapter<br />

GN&C requirements In ORO CEV-T-031, CEV GN&C Subsystem Requirements<br />

Specification, and ORO CEV-T-048, Software Requirements Specification. The Contractor<br />

shall provide support to the following teams<br />

o CEV AscenVAbort Mode Team<br />

o On-Orbit GN&C Mode Team<br />

o Flight Mechanics/MIssion Design Mode Team<br />

b) The Contractor shall document the design for the Service Module GN&C subsystem as<br />

speCified In ORO CEV-T·078, GN&C Systems Design and Data Book<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the follOWing document(s)'<br />

The follOWing module speCifiC Information IS collected in the DRDs specified in Section 6.1 2<br />

• DRD CEV-T-031:SM GN&C Requirements Specification<br />

• DRD CEV-T-031 SM GN&C Requirements SpeCification<br />

The following module specific information is collected In the DRDs speCified In Section 6 5 2'<br />

• DRD CEV-T-048: Software Requirements SpeCification<br />

The following module specific Information IS collected In the DRDs speCified In Section 2 6 15'<br />

• DRD CEV-T-078. SM GN&C Design and Data Book<br /> SM Wiring<br />

a) The Contractor shall develop a wIring database that provides definition down to the level of<br />

pin-to-pin connectivity for all electrical harnesses and optical cables used on the Service<br />

Module for ground, launch, flight, and recovery operations including testing, verification,<br />

calibration, and maintenance The Contractor shall deliver the wIring database to <strong>NASA</strong> as<br />

ORO CEV-T·080, CEV Wiring Database and Reports. The Contractor shall provide a<br />

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hierarchical path/signal structure which links the wiring database to ORO CEV-T-046, CEV<br />

Data and Command Dictionary<br />

b) The Contractor shall develop, manufacture/fabricate, test, Install, and certify all Service<br />

Module wiring in accordance with ORO CEV-T-079, CEV Wiring Plan and ORO CEV-T-080,<br />

CEV Wiring Database and Reports<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s) as applicable:<br />

The following module specific Information is collected in the DRDs specified In Section 2.6 1<br />

• DRD CEV-T-046' CEV Data and Command Dictionary<br />

The following module specific information is collected In the DRDs specified In Section 2.6.16<br />

• DRD CEV-T-079: SM Wiring Plan<br />

• DRD CEV-T-080' SM WIring Database and Reports<br />

6.2.4 Reserved<br />

6.2.5 SM Test, Verification, and Certification<br />

a) The Contractor shall execute the Spacecraft Master Verification Plan for the verification,<br />

qualification, certification, and acceptance of the Service Module, subsystems, and<br />

components.<br />

b) The Contractor shall perform qualification tests uSing ORO CEV-T-037, QualificatIon Test<br />

Procedures, and document the test results In ORO CEV-T·038, Qualification Test Report and<br />

ORO CEV-T-017, Certification Data Package. The Contractor shall perform qualification<br />

testing at component, SM and Intermediate levels of assembly as necessary to accumulate<br />

the data necessary for Service Module certification. The Contractor shall produce a<br />

Certification Data Package for each component and each subsystem In the Service Module,<br />

and the Service Module . The contractor shall develop a dedicated qualification Service<br />

Module for system-level qualification testing FollOWing the completion of system-level<br />

qualification testing, the contractor shall maintain configuration control of the dedicated<br />

qualification SM and store It In an enVIronmentally-controlled and access-controlled area<br />

c) The Contractor shall perform acceptance testing at the Service Module and Spacecraft<br />

Adapter and SM component level using ORO CEV-T-039, Acceptance Test Procedures, and<br />

document the results using ORO CEV-T-040, Acceptance Data Package An Acceptance<br />

Data Package shall be produced for Service Modules for Orion 1 and 2.<br />

d) The Contractor shall hold Test Readiness Reviews (TRRs) before all formal verification<br />

activities. The Contractor shall make subsystem and module test procedures available to<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> The Contractor shall invite <strong>NASA</strong> to witness all formal verification activities, including<br />

TRRs and test executions.<br />

e) The Contractor shall conduct verification testing of all interface designs and requirements<br />

within the Service Module (between subsystems, and between components).<br />

f) If the Contractor utilizes modeling and Simulation to conduct analysIs In support of verification<br />

specification compliance, the Contractor shall comply with ORO CEV-T-001, Integrated<br />

Models, SimulatIons and Support Plan, and DRO CEV-T-002, CEV Engineering Models<br />

g) The Contractor shall provide the integration, test, & verification facilities required to test and<br />

certify the Service Module and all SM subsystems and components The Contractor shall<br />

invite <strong>NASA</strong> to witness all subsystem facility deSign reviews and certification activities<br />

h) The Contractor shall provide the Integration, Test, & Verification (IT&V) facilities reqUired to<br />

complete integrated verification of the Service Module The requirements for the IT&V<br />

facilities shall be derived from the products developed under Section 10.1, Test, Verification<br />

Management and Administration<br />

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I) The Contractor shall develop, Implement, and maintain an SM Master Verification Plan, per<br />

ORO CEV-T -015, that details the Contractor's plan for verifYing, certifYing, and acceptance of<br />

Sevice Module system.<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the follOWing document(s)<br />

The following module specific information IS collected In the DRDs specified In Section 10.2<br />

• DRD-CEV-T-015 Service Module Volume Master Verification Plan<br />

The Contractor shall deliver the following DRDs for the Qualification Vehicle SM, incorporating all<br />

lower level element Qualification data. These DRDs will be also collected into the DRD specified<br />

in Sections 10 2 and 10 3 for the Integrated CEV<br />

• ORO CEV-T-017 Certification Oata Package<br />

• ORD CEV-T-037 Qualification Test Procedures<br />

• ORO CEV-T-038: Qualification Test Report<br />

The Contractor shall deliver the follOWing DROs for the Production Vehicle SM, incorporating all<br />

lower level element acceptance data. These DRDs will be also collected Into the DRD specified<br />

In Sections 10.2 and 10 3 for the Integrated CEV<br />

• ORO CEV-T-039' Acceptance Test Procedures<br />

• ORO CEV-T-040: Acceptance Data Package<br />

6.2.6 SM Assembly, Integration, and Production<br />

a) The Contractor shall Integrate, assemble, certify, acceptance test, and deliver flight Service<br />

Module meeting the requirements for configurations below<br />

b) The Contractor shall develop and Implement an imagery plan to proVide Imagery (e g, still<br />

photo, motion picture, digital Imagery, or Video) of the Service Module, subsystems, and<br />

components dUring manufactUring, assembly, test, integration, and close-out to document the<br />

hardware configuration. The Contractor shall Include the plan and imagery In ORO CEV-T-<br />

088, CEV Imagery Plan/Imagery Deliverables<br />

c) The Contractor shall develop and implement plans detailing the design and construction of all<br />

Service Module transportation support equipment, and the plans for transportation of the<br />

Service Module and Spacecraft Adapter to the processing and/or launch sites These plans<br />

shall be Included in ORO CEV-T-087, CEV Spacecraft Handlmg and Transportation Plan<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the follOWing document(s).<br />

The following module speCifiC Information IS collected in the DRDs specified In Section 2.7.2:<br />

• ORD CEV-T-087. CEV Handling and Transportation Plan<br />

The following module specific Information IS collected In the DRDs specified in Section 2.10<br />

• ORD CEV-T-086' Manufacturing and Assembly Plan<br />

• ORD CEV-T-088 CEV Imagery Planllmagery Deliverables<br /> SM Flight Hardware AlP<br />

a) The Contractor shall integrate, assemble, certify, acceptance test, and deliver flight Service<br />

Module meeting the requirements for the configurations below.<br />

b) The Contractor shall develop and implement plans detailing the design and construction of all<br />

Service Module transportation support equipment, and the plans for transportation of the<br />

Service Module to the processing and/or launch sites These plans shall be included in ORO<br />

CEV-T-087, CEV Spacecraft Handling and Transportation Plan<br />

c) The Contractor shall deliver 1 production SM (Including the SA) for Orion 1 and 1 production<br />

SM for Orion 2 (inclUding the SA)<br />

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d) The Contractor shall design, develop, produce, integrate, verify, validate, certify, document,<br />

and deliver Service Module GSE in accordance with all requirements in CXP-72000 04002,<br />

Systems Requirements for the Crew Exploration Vehicle Element (CEV SRD), and in this<br />

SOW, and In accordance With ORO CEV-O-008, Ground Systems Requirements, Plans,<br />

Reports, and Design Data, Volume II, Ground Systems End Item Implementation Plan and<br />

Report The Contractor shall plan for and deliver the GSE end Items In accordance with<br />

Attachment J-9. The Contractor shall use the following applicable documents for design and<br />

development of Contractor-provided GSE:<br />

o<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-5005B <strong>NASA</strong> Standard for Ground Support EqUipment (and<br />

associated Applicable Document Children as specified in Attachment J-3,<br />

Applicable, GUidance, and Informational Documents List).<br />

e) The Contractor shall develop and update ORO CEV-O-008, Ground Systems Requirements,<br />

Plans, Reports, and Design Data, Volume III, Systems Operations and Maintenance Plan and<br />

Requirements Documentation, for the ground support equipment provided for the Service<br />

Module.<br />

f) The Contractor shall develop, maintain and deliver all technical models and draWings of the<br />

GSE associated With the Service Module in accordance with ORO CEV-T -003, CEV CAD<br />

Models, and ORO CEV-T-004, CEV Drawings<br />

g) The Contractor shall develop and update 2-0 and 3-0 Simulation models of the Contractorprovided<br />

Service Module and Contractor-provided Service Module GSE to assess<br />

clearances, placement, conflicts and the moving of hardware In accordance with ORO CEV­<br />

T-003, CEV CAD Models. The Contractor shall develop and deliver these models In<br />

accordance with SOW Section 2.4.<br />

h) The Contractor shall develop and deliver ORO CEV-T-040, Acceptance Data Package, for<br />

each Contractor-provided Service Module GSE end item.<br />

I) The Contractor shall proVide Initial spares, concurrent with the delivery of the GSE end Items<br />

and in accordance With the provIsioning procedures in ORO CEV-T-011, Integrated Logistics<br />

Support Plan, and ORO CEV-T-012, LogIstics Support Analysis, for all Contractor-provided<br />

Service Module GSE (IDIQ)<br />

j) The Contractor shall complete the DD-250 for the Contractor-provided Service Module GSE<br />

and deliver the Contractor-provided Service Module GSE to the <strong>NASA</strong>-designated facilities.<br />

K) For Orion 1, the government shall provide a Developmental Flight Instrumentation system<br />

(DFI) and installation engineering to be installed by the Contractor (IDIQ)<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s)'<br />

The following SM & SA GSE data IS Incorporated in the DRD specified In Section 2.4:<br />

• DRD CEV-T-003 CEV CAD Models<br />

• DRD CEV-T-004 CEV DraWings<br />

The following SM &SA GSE data IS Incorporated In the DRD specified in Section 2 7 2'<br />

• ORO CEV-O-OOS' Ground Systems Requlrements,Plans, Reports, and Design Data<br />

• DRD CEV-T-040 Acceptance Data Package<br />

• DRD CEV-T-OS7' CEV Handling and Transportation Plan<br /> SM Test Article Design and Production<br />

For PA1, AA1, PA2, and AA2, the government Will provide the Separation Ring (SR) that<br />

performs the CM/SM Retention and Release (R&R) function and is the Interface to the Abort Test<br />

Booster. The following requirements only apply to contractor provided SR components, SMs and<br />

SAs.<br />

a) For AA 1, PA2, and AA2, the Contractor shall design, develop, and procure, bUild, verify, and<br />

deliver three (3) sets of CM/SM R&R mechanisms kits In accordance with the requirements<br />

and specifications developed in section 10.6.4, Flight Test Article (FTA) DDT&E, documented<br />

in ORO CEV-O-004, Flight Test ArtIcle (FTA) Design and Data Book.<br />

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b) For AA 1, PA2 and AA2 the Contractor shall deliver three (3) CMISM Umbilical Mechanism<br />

Kits, as defined in Attachment J-9.<br />

c) For AA1, PA2, and AA2, the Contractor shall validate and verify the mechanisms kit design<br />

as speCified In ORO- CEV- T-015, Volume VII, Master Verification Plan, Flight Test Volume<br />

and documented in accordance with section 1064, FTA DDT&E, paragraph y<br />

d) For AA1 the Contractor shall design, develop, procure, and bUild a harness kit between the<br />

TO interface, CM/SR interface, and Contractor-provided mechanisms kit with the<br />

requirements and specifications developed In section 1064 FTA DDT&E; documented in<br />

ORO CEV-O-004, Test Article (FTA) Design and Data Book.<br />

e) For PA2 and AA2, the Contractor shall deSign, develop, procure, and bUild a harness kits<br />

between the T-O Interface, and Contractor-provided mechanisms kit with the requirements<br />

and specifications developed in section 10.6.4 FTA DDT&E; documented in ORO CEV-O-<br />

004, Test Article (FTA) Design and Data Book<br />

f) For Ares-1-Y, the contractor shall deliver one (1) production representative SM with mass<br />

simulators and ballast which supports meeting flight test objectives defined in CxP-72166.<br />

This SM and SA is unique In that it will be configured with the minimum functionality required<br />

to execute a LAS abort within 30 seconds of 1 st to 2 nd stage staging. The SM and SA are<br />

configured to achieve flight representative OMLlgeometry, mass, and dynamiC<br />

characteristics.<br />

g) Reserved<br />

h) Reserved<br />

I) The Contractor shall deSign, develop, produce, integrate, verify, validate, certify, document,<br />

and deliver SM FTA Unique GSE in accordance With all requirements In CxP 72000, Systems<br />

Requirements for the Crew Exploration Vehicle Element (CEV SRD), and in this SOW, and in<br />

accordance With ORO CEV-O-008, Ground Systems Requirements, Plans, Reports, and<br />

Design Data, Volume II, Ground Systems End Item Implementation Plan and Report. The<br />

Contractor shall use the follOWing applicable documents for deSign and development of<br />

Contractor-provided GSE.<br />

o<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-5005B' <strong>NASA</strong> Standard for Ground Support EqUipment (and<br />

associated Applicable Document Children as specified In Attachment J-3,<br />

Applicable, Guidance, and Informational Documents List).<br />

j) The Contractor shall deliver a SM test article for a Ground Vibration Test at MSFC in<br />

accordance With CxP 72234, Integrated Vehicle Ground Vibration Test Task Plan. ThiS SM<br />

test article can either be simulated modules or residual test articles refurbished to support<br />

speCifiC reqUirements of the test Support for Integrated Vehicle Ground Vibration Test shall<br />

be in accordance with the Ares IVGVT & Orion Bilateral Exchange Agreement (BEA).<br />

k) The Contractor shall support and provide SM and SA ground test articles for a Ground<br />

Vibration Test at MSFC In accordance With CxP 72234, Integrated Vehicle Ground Vibration<br />

Test Task Plan. I) The Contractor shall develop ORO-CEV-O-002, Flight Test Article<br />

Requirements for Pad Abort and Ascent Abort tests.<br />

m) The Contractor shall develop and maintain ORO CEV-O-005, Flight Test Article (FTA)<br />

Validation and Verification Data Book, Identified In Section 10.6, for the SM FTA.<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s)<br />

• DRD-CEV-T-015. FTA Volume Master Verification Plan (per Section 106)<br />

The following Module speCifiC Information IS collected in the DRDs speCified In Section 10.6.4.<br />

• DRD-CEV-D-002, Flight Test Article Requirements<br />

• DRD CEV-D-004' Flight Test Article (FTA) Engineering Design and Data Book<br />

• DRD CEV-D-005 Flight Test Article (FTA) Validation and Verification Data Book<br />

• DRD CEV-T-031. CEV ReqUirements Specification, for the Flight Test Article<br />

The following Module speCifiC information IS collected in the DRDs specified In Section 2.7<br />

• DRD CEV-O-008. Ground Systems ReqUirements, Plans, Reports, and Design Data,<br />

Volume II, Ground Systems End Item Implementation Plan and Report<br />

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6.3 Reserved<br />

6.4 Launch Abort System<br />

Launch Abort System includes the tasks required for the design, development, production,<br />

assembly, test, and certification of the Launch Abort System (LAS) and efforts to deliver the<br />

completed LAS for Spacecraft Integration. Development of unique launch abort system<br />

components and integration of all other subsystem components that make up the abort system is<br />

the responsibility of the launch abort system team<br />

6.4.1 LAS Management and Administration<br />

LAS Management and Administration Includes the efforts for planning, organizing, directing,<br />

coordinating, controlling, and approval processes used to accomplish Launch Abort System<br />

Development objectives<br />

a) <strong>NASA</strong> will maintain detailed oversight of all Launch Abort System design activities The<br />

Contractor shall maintain responsibility for delivery of a design that meets the requirements.<br />

The detailed process discussion to accomplish this can be found in CxP-72008, CEV Project<br />

Plan. The Contractor shall Include <strong>NASA</strong> personnel on all design teams established by the<br />

Contractor.<br />

6.4.2 LAS System Engineering and Integration<br />

LAS Systems Engineering and Integration consists of the efforts to lead the Launch Abort System<br />

overall system architecture definition and engineering functions. This includes the technical and<br />

management efforts of directing and controlling the Integrated engineering effort for the LAS<br />

ThiS also Includes the effort to coordinate LAS integration With the CEV integration functions<br />

desCribed In Section 2<br />

a) The Contractor shall define the modules, subsystems, components, and software Units that<br />

make up the Launch Abort System per the requirements and deliverables included in thiS<br />

section.<br />

b) The Contractor shall develop, maintain, and deliver all drawings and technical Computer<br />

Aided Design (CAD) models of the Launch Abort System, subsystems and components<br />

The Contractor shall use ORO CEV-T-003, CEV CAD Models, and ORO CEV-T-004, CEV<br />

Drawings, as the template for development and delivery of these Items<br />

c) The Contractor shall develop and maintain models and Simulations for the Launch Abort<br />

System, subsystems, and components uSing ORO CEV-T-002, CEV Engineering Models.<br />

d) The Contractor shall document and maintain ICD(s) for the government furnished products<br />

below'<br />

o Pyrotechnics Initiators<br />

e) Reserved<br />

f) The Contractor shall document Launch Abort System subsystem-level requirements using<br />

ORO CEV-T-031, CEV ReqUIrements Specifications.<br />

g) The Contractor shall document component-level requirements within the Launch Abort<br />

System uSing ORO CEV-T-031, CEV Requirements SpeCifications.<br />

h) The Contractor shall develop and use Integrated models With suffiCient fidelity to allow<br />

accurate trades to be performed for the design and development of the launch abort system<br />

to meet the requirements speCified by the CEV Project.<br />

i) The Contractor shall document all hardware Interfaces requirements using ORO CEV-T-035,<br />

Internal Interface ReqUIrement Document (IRD). The Contractor shall produce an IRD for<br />

each module that interfaces With another module The Contractor shall produce an IRD for<br />

each subsystem that Interfaces With another subsystem<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-1<br />

Modification 65<br />

j) The contractor shall develop ORO CEV-T-081 Launch Abort System Design and Data Book<br />

which contains detailed design descriptions for the LAS module, subsystems and major<br />

components, subsystem definitions, reqUirements analyses, operational analyses, as well as<br />

maintainability and testmg data.<br />

k) The Contractor shall develop and maintam the Launch Abort System portion of the CEV<br />

Specification and Drawing Trees, ORO-CEV·T·032. The top drawing shall be incorporated<br />

into the CEV System Drawmg Tree IIdentlfied in Section 2.2<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the follOWing document(s)'<br />

• DRD CEV-T-031: Launch Abort System Requirements Specification<br />

• DRD-CEV-T-031' LAS Requirements Specifications<br />

• DRD CEV-T-032: CEV Specification and Drawing Tree for the Service Module and<br />

Spacecraft Adapter<br />

• DRD CEV-T-035 LAS Subsystem Internal Interface Documents<br />

• DRD CEV-T-OS1 LAS Design and Data Book<br />

The follOWing Module specific information IS collected m the DRDs specified m Section 2.4-3<br />

• DRD CEV-T-002' LAS Engineering Models<br />

• DRD-CEV-T-032 LAS Specification and Drawing Trees<br />

• The following dellverables are are separate Module dellverables and are Integrated by<br />

reference into the System level submittal in 2 3<br />

• DRD CEV-T-003.LAS CAD Models<br />

• DRD CEV-T-004' LAS Drawmgs<br />

6.4.3 LAS Subsystems<br />

This Section mcludes the work required to design, develop, produce, and test through certification<br />

and acceptance all Launch Abort System subsystems required to meet CEV module-level and<br />

interface requirements<br />

a) The Contractor shall design, develop, test, certify, and deliver Launch Abort System<br />

subsystem hardware complymg With all requirements in CXP-72000, Systems Requirements<br />

for the Crew Exploration Vehicle Element (CEV SRD) (including the listed applicable<br />

documents and those included m thiS Statement of Work (SOW) See Section 2.2).<br />

b) In support of the Launch Abort System avionics development effort, the Contractor shall<br />

provide the follOWing for each subsystem<br />

o<br />

o<br />

Validation of the subsystem's software requirements<br />

Validation of subsystem models/simulations used for flight software and<br />

integrated aVionics verification<br />

c) The Contractor shall provide system and LAS-level design definition data m the ORO CEV·T·<br />

033, Architectural Design Document and design defmltion and data down to the component<br />

level m the Subsystem DeSign and Data Books.<br />

d) The Contractor shall hold subsystem deSign reviews prior to the LAS system PDR and CDR<br />

e) The Contractor shall test (acceptance test only) and deliver flight spares for the Launch Abort<br />

System subsystems The Contractor shall provide a spare parts list as part of the ORO CEV·<br />

T·012, Logistics Support AnalYSIS (Recommended Spare Parts List). (IDIQ)<br />

f) The Contractor shall deliver one ship set of Launch Abort System flight spares (i e , 1 copy of<br />

every line replaceable Unit) (IDIQ)<br />

g) The Contractor shall deliver 2 production LAS for Onon 1 and Orion 2.<br />

h) The Contractor shall use the followmg standards and reqUirements documents for developmg<br />

all LAS subsystems'<br />

o<br />

JPR SOSO 5, JSC Design and Procedural Standards (and associated Children<br />

documents as specified m Attachment J-3, Applicable, GUidance, and<br />

Informational Documents List) (exclUSive of government "shalls")<br />


<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-1<br />

Modification 65<br />

o CXP-70024, Constellation Human Systems Integration Requirements (HSIR)<br />

(and associated Children documents as specified In Attachment J-3,<br />

Applicable, Guidance, and Informational Documents List)<br />

i) The Contractor shall use the following standards for developing all LAS sUbsystems.<br />

o AIAA-S-080, AIAA Standard for Space Systems - Metallic Pressure Vessels<br />

Pressurized Structures, and Pressure Components<br />

o ANSIlAIAA-S-081A-2006, AIAA Standard for Space Systems - Composite<br />

Overwrapped Pressure Vessels<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s)<br />

The following module specific information IS collected In the DRDs specified In Section 2.7.2<br />

• DRD CEV-T-012' Logistics Support AnalYSIS<br />

The following module speCific information is collected In the DRDs specified in Section 2 2<br />

• DRD CEV-T-033 Architecture DeSign Document<br /> Reserved<br /> LAS Command & Data Handling (C&DH)<br />

a) The Contractor shall document the deSign for all Launch Abort System C&DH hardware as<br />

speCified In ORO CEV-T-047, Avionics Design and Data Book Volume 1/­<br />

C&DHllnstrumentation Subsystem Data<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s):<br />

The following module speCific Information is collected In the DRDs specified In Section 2.6.1<br />

• DRD CEV-T-047. AVioniCs Design and Data Book, Volume 11- C&DHllnstrumentation<br />

Subsystem Data<br /> LAS Communications and Tracking (C& T)<br />

a) For the LAS, the Contractor shall prepare, deliver, and maintain DRD CEV-T-047, Avionics<br />

DeSign and Data Book Volume III - Communications and Tracking Subsystem Data<br />

Deliverables<br />

The following module speCifiC Information IS collected In the DRDs speCified In Section 2 6.1<br />

• DRD CEV-T -047: Avionics DeSign and Data Book, Volume III - Communications and<br />

Tracking Subsystem Data Book<br /> Reserved<br /> LAS Electrical Power System<br />

a) The Contractor shall document the deSign for all Launch Abort System EPS Hardware as<br />

speCified in ORO CEV-T-059, Electflcal Power System (EPS) Design and Data Book<br />

b) The Contractor shall participate with the Constellation Program in the development of DRD<br />

CEV-T-060, Electrical Power Quality SpecifIcation Requirements Document.<br />

Deliverables<br />

The following module speCifiC information IS collected In the DRDs speCified In Section 2.6.5<br />

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Attachment J-1<br />

Modification 65<br />

• DRD CEV-T-059: LAS Electrical Power System (EPS) Design and Data Book<br />

• DRD CEV-T-060 LAS Electrical Power Quality Specification Requirements Document<br /> LAS Mechanisms<br />

a) The Contractor shall document the design for all Launch Abort System mechanisms as<br />

specified in DRD CEV-T-061, Mechanical Systems Design and Data Book, and ORO CEV-T-<br />

062, Stress Analysis Report<br />

Deliverables<br />

The following module specific information IS collected In the DRDs specified in Section 2.6.6<br />

• DRD CEV-T-061 LAS Mechanical Systems Design and Data Book<br />

• DRD CEV-T-062' LAS Stress Analysis Report<br /> LAS Passive Thermal Control<br />

a) The Contractor shall develop thermal analytical models to support Launch Abort System<br />

thermal analyses<br />

b) The Contractor shall document the deSign for all Launch Abort System Passive Thermal<br />

Control as specified in ORO CEV-T-063, PTC Systems Design and Data Book, and ORO­<br />

CEV-T-064, Passive thermal Control Mathematical Models and Documentation<br />

Deliverables<br />

The following module speCifiC Information IS collected In the DRDs specified in Section 2.6.7<br />

• DRD CEV-T-063' LAS Passive Thermal Control DeSign and Data Book (PTCDDB)<br />

• DRD CEV-T-064.LAS Passive Thermal Control Mathematical Models and Documentation<br /> Reserved<br /> LAS Structures<br />

a) The Contractor shall perform structural analysIs on all Launch Abort System structures,<br />

including pressure vessels, to show that all elements of the design such as the strength,<br />

strffness, structural stability, and life meet all speCified criteria for the anticipated loads and<br />

environments.<br />

b) The Contractor shall perform Launch Abort System loads and dynamiCs analyses and<br />

document the results In ORO CEV-T-067, Structural Loads Data Book<br />

c) The Contractor shall perform Launch Abort System stress and fatigue analyses and<br />

document the results In ORO CEV-T-062, Stress Analysis Report.<br />

d) The Contractor shall develop Launch Abort System models to support Integrated<br />

Constellation vehicle analyses as well as CEV loads and stress analyses. The Contractor<br />

shall deliver ORO CEV-T-068, Structures Mathematical Models and Documentation, which<br />

Will deliver and deSCribe the mathematical models used In the Launch Abort System system,<br />

subsystem, and component loads and stress analyses<br />

e) The Contractor shall Implement a fracture control program and Identrfyfracture critical parts<br />

to protect against catastrophic structural hazards associated with flaw presence, fatigue crack<br />

propagation and fracture The Contractor shall deliver and Implement ORO CEV-T-069,<br />

Fracture Control Plan, and ORO CEV-T -070, Fracture Control Summary Report.<br />

f) The Contractor shall use <strong>NASA</strong>-HDBK-7005, Dynamic Environmental Criteria, as a guidance<br />

document to support the ORO CEV-T-015, Master Verification Plan DRD product<br />

development actrvlty<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-1<br />

Modification 65<br />

g) The Contractor shall use the following standards for designing and analYZing the Launch<br />

Abort System structures subsystem:<br />

o The Contractor shall use the applicable requirements In Contract Attachment J-<br />

3, Table 1 2, Applicable EnVIronmental Data Documents Requirements Data<br />

Book<br />

o JSC-62550, Structural Design and Venflcatlon Criteria for Glass, Ceramics and<br />

Windows In Human Space Flight Applications<br />

o <strong>NASA</strong>-STD-5001, Structural DeSign and Test Factors of Safety for Space<br />

Flight Hardware<br />

o<br />

o<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-5002, Loads Analyses of Spacecraft and Payloads<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> STD-(I)-5019, 9-12-2006, Fracture Control Requirements for Space<br />

Flight Hardware _(children documents are to be used by the contractor as a<br />

level of standards that must be met or exceeded If alternative standards are<br />

recommended by the contractor)<br />

h) The contractor shall produce an engineering development Launch Abort System structure for<br />

use in environmental testing (Ground Test Article) (See Section 2.6.9 h)<br />

i) The Contractor shall deliver an LAS Structural Test Article (used for structural venflcation<br />

static and dynamiC testing) via the DD149 process.<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s)<br />

The follOWing module speCifiC Information is collected In the DRDs specified In Section 2 6 9<br />

• DRD CEV-T-062 LAS Stress Analysis Report<br />

• DRD CEV-T-067: LAS Structural Loads Data Book<br />

• DRD CEV-T-068. LAS Structures Mathematical Models and Documentation<br />

• DRD CEV-T-070. LAS Fracture Control Summary Report<br />

• DRD CEV-T -015 Structures Subsystem Volume Master Verification Plan<br /> LAS Propulsion<br />

a) The Contractor shall perform design, development, test, certification and delivery of all<br />

Launch Abort System propulSion systems and develop all propulSion related DRD products.<br />

b) The Contractor shall develop, document, Implement, and execute comprehensive verification<br />

activities and associated processes for all Launch Abort System propulSion systems in order<br />

to certify the propulsion systems for compliance with CEV component, subsystem, module,<br />

Spacecraft system, and vehicle-level requirements. The Contractor shall also design,<br />

fabricate and test Integrated Launch Abort System propulsion systems In order to evaluate<br />

and certify Integrated propulsion system hot fire performance for each propulsion application<br />

The Contractor shall also deSign, fabricate, and test integrated Launch Abort System<br />

propulsion systems to evaluate and certify Integrated propellant system storage and<br />

conditiOning designs and capabilities In order to evaluate and certify propellant conditiOning<br />

performances (See Section 2.6.10)<br />

c) The Contractor shall document the deSign for all LAS propulsion as speCified in ORO CEV-T-<br />

071, Propulsion Systems Design and Data Book<br />

Defiverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the follOWing document(s)'<br />

The follOWing module specific information IS collected in the DRDs speCified in Section 2.6.10<br />

• DRD CEV-T-071 LAS PropulSion Systems DeSign and Data Book<br />


<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-1<br />

Modification 65<br /> Reserved<br /> Reserved<br /> Pyrotechnics<br />

a) The Contractor shall perform device level preliminary design reviews and cntlcal design<br />

reviews for each Launch Abort System pyrotechnic device not provided by <strong>NASA</strong>- The<br />

Contractor shall conduct development, qualification, and acceptance testing on all other<br />

pyrotechniC devices selected for the Launch Abort System. The Contractor shall conduct<br />

Phase I, Phase II, and Phase III technical reviews on all other pyrotechnic devices selected<br />

for the Launch Abort System per the requirements of JSC 62809, Rev C Constellation<br />

Spacecraft PyrotechniC Specification and JPR BOBO 5 Standards P1-P7.<br />

b) Launch Abort System specific stress analysis reports will be collected in the DRD (ORO CEV­<br />

T -062, Stress Ana/ysls Report) specified In Section 2.6.13 for all pyrotechnic devices selected<br />

for the Launch Abort System<br />

c) The Contractor shall document the design for the Launch Abort System Module pyrotechnic<br />

subsystem as specified in ORO CEV-T-075, Pyrotechnic Subsystem Design and Data Book.<br />

Deliverables<br />

The follOWing module specific information IS collected In the DRDs specified in Section 2.6.13<br />

• DRD CEV-T-062 Stress AnalysIs Report<br />

• DRD CEV-T-075 Pyrotechnic Subsystem Design and Data Book<br /> Reserved<br /> LAS Guidance, Navigation, and Control (GN&C)<br />

a) The Launch Abort System GN&C requirements design and functional venflcatlon effort Will be<br />

performed through the use of specialized mode teams <strong>NASA</strong> Will co-lead with the Contractor<br />

In the development of detailed design requirements for the Launch Abort System GN&C flight<br />

system. The Contractor shall document the Launch Abort System GN&C reqUIrements In<br />

ORO CEV-T-031, CEV GN&C Subsystem Requirements Specification, and ORO CEV-T-048,<br />

Software Requirements Specification. The Contractor shall provide support to the following<br />

teams.<br />

o CEV Ascent/Abort Mode Team<br />

o Flight Mechanics/Mission Design Mode Team<br />

b) The Contractor shall document the design for the LAS propulsion subsystem as specified in<br />

ORO CEV-T-078, GN&C Systems DesIgn and Data Book<br />

Deliverables<br />

The following module specific information is collected in the DRDs specified in Section 6 1 2<br />

• DRD CEV-T-031:LAS GN&C Requirements Specification<br />

• DRD CEV-T-031 LAS GN&C Requirements Specification<br />

The follOWing module specific Information IS collected in the DRDs specified in Section 6.5.2<br />

• DRD CEV-T-04B Software Requirements Specification<br />

The follOWing module specific Information is collected in the DRDs specified in Section 2.615<br />

• DRD CEV-T-07B: LAS GN&C Design and Data Book<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-1<br />

Modification 65<br /> LAS Wiring<br />

a) The Contractor shall develop a wiring database that proVides definition down to the level of<br />

pin-to-pin connectivity for all electrical harnesses and optical cables used on the Launch<br />

Abort System for ground, launch, flight, and recovery operations Including testing, verification,<br />

calibration, and maintenance The Contractor shall deliver the wIring database to <strong>NASA</strong> as<br />

ORO CEV-T-080, CEV Wiring Database and Reports The Contractor shall provide a<br />

hierarchical path/signal structure which links the wIring database to ORO CEV-T-046, CEV<br />

Data and Command Dictionary<br />

b) The Contractor shall develop, manufacture/fabricate, test, install, and certify all Launch Abort<br />

System wiring In accordance with DRD CEV-T-079, and ORO CEV-T-080, CEV Wiring<br />

Database and Reports<br />

Deliverables<br />

The follOWing module specific information is collected in the DRDs specified In Section 2.6.1<br />

• DRD CEV-T-046: CEV Data and Command Dictionary<br />

The following module specific Information IS collected In the DRDs speCified In Section 2.6.16<br />

• DRD CEV-T-079. LAS Wiring Plan<br />

• DRD CEV-T-080: LAS WIring Database and Reports<br />

6.4.4 Reserved<br />

6.4.5 LAS Test, Verification, and Certification<br />

a) The Contractor shall execute the Spacecraft Master Verification Plan for the verification,<br />

qualification, certification, and acceptance of the Launch Abort System, subsystems, and<br />

components<br />

b) The Contractor shall perform qualification tests uSing ORO CEV-T-037, Qualification Test<br />

Procedures, and document the test results In ORO CEV-T-038, Qualification Test Report, and<br />

ORO CEV-T-017, Certification Data Package The Contractor shall perform qualification<br />

testing at component, LAS and intermediate levels of assembly as necessary to accumulate<br />

the data necessary for Launch Abort System certification. The Contractor shall produce a<br />

Certification Data Package for each component and each subsystem In the Launch Abort<br />

System, the Launch Abort System, and spacecraft Note. Software test documentation is<br />

handled In SOW section 6 2 1 1, Flight Software. The contractor shall develop a dedicated<br />

qualification inert Launch Abort System for system-level qualification testing. FollOWing the<br />

completion of system-level qualification testing, the contractor shall maintain configuration<br />

control of the dedicated qualification LAS and store it in an environmentally-controlled and<br />

access-controlled area<br />

c) The Contractor shall perform acceptance testing at the Launch Abort System and LAS<br />

component level using ORO CEV-T-039, Acceptance Test Procedures, and document the<br />

results uSing ORO CEV-T-040, Acceptance Data Package. An Acceptance Data Package<br />

shall be produced for Launch Abort Systems for Orion 1 and 2<br />

d) The Contractor shall hold Test Readiness ReViews (TRRs) before all formal verification<br />

activities The Contractor shall make subsystem and module test procedures available to<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> two weeks prior to each TRR. The Contractor shall invite <strong>NASA</strong> to witness all formal<br />

verification actIVIties, Including TRRs and test executions<br />

e) The Contractor shall conduct verification testing of all interface designs and requirements<br />

within the Launch Abort System (between modules, between subsystems, and between<br />

components)<br />

f) If the Contractor utilizes modeling and simulation to conduct analysis in support of verification<br />

specification compliance, the Contractor shall comply with ORO CEV-T-001, Integrated<br />

Models, Simulations and Support Plan, and ORO CEV-T-002, CEV Engineering Models.<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-1<br />

Modification 65<br />

g) The Contractor shall provide the integration, test, & verification facilities required to test and<br />

certify the Launch Abort System and all LAS subsystems and components. The Contractor<br />

shall inVite <strong>NASA</strong> to witness all subsystem facility design reviews, test, venflcatlon, and<br />

certification activities.<br />

h) The Contractor shall provide the Integration, Test, & Venflcatlon (IT&V) facilities required to<br />

complete Integrated venfication of the Launch Abort System. The requirements for the IT&V<br />

facilities shall be derived from the products developed under Section 10.1, Spacecraft Test,<br />

Venflcatlon and Certification. LAS Master Verification Plan, per ORO CEV-T·015, that details<br />

the Contractor's plan for verifying, certifYing, and acceptance of Launch Abort System.<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s)'<br />

The follOWing module specific information is collected In the OROs specified In Section 10.2<br />

• ORO-CEV-T-015. LAS Volume Master Venflcatlon Plan<br />

The Contractor shall deliver the follOWing OROs for the Qualification Vehicle LAS, Incorporating<br />

all lower level element Qualification data. These OROs will be also collected Into the ORO<br />

specified in Sections 10.2 and 10.3 for the Integrated CEV<br />

• ORO CEV-T -017 Certification Data Package<br />

• ORO CEV-T-037. Qualification Test Procedures<br />

• ORO CEV-T-038' Qualification Test Report<br />

The Contractor shall deliver the following OROs for the Production Vehicle LAS, incorporating all<br />

lower level element acceptance data. These OROs Will be also collected Into the ORO specified<br />

in Sections 10.2 and 10 3 for the integrated CEV.<br />

• ORO CEV-T-039 Acceptance Test Procedures<br />

• ORO CEV-T-040: Acceptance Data Package<br />

6.4.6 LAS Assembly, Integration, and Production (AlP)<br />

a) The Contractor shall integrate, assemble, certify, acceptance test, and deliver flight Launch<br />

Abort System meeting the requirements configurations below<br />

b) The Contractor shall develop and Implement an imagery plan to provide Imagery (e. g., still<br />

photo, motion picture, digital Imagery, or video) of the Launch Abort System, and components<br />

dunng manufacturing, assembly, test, Integration, and close-out to document the hardware<br />

configuration. The Contractor shall Include the plan and imagery in ORO CEV-T-088, CEV<br />

Imagery Plan/Imagery Deliverables.<br />

c) Reserved<br />

d) The Contractor shall provide the launch abort system for the CEV launch abort flight tests<br />

and flight vehicles<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s)<br />

The follOWing module specific information is collected In the OROs specified in Section 2.7 2<br />

• ORO CEV-T-087: CEV Handling and Transportation Plan<br />

The following module specific Information IS collected in the OROs specified In Section 2.10<br />

• ORO CEV-T-086 Manufactunng and Assembly Plan<br />

• ORO CEV-T-088' CEV Imagery Plan/Imagery Oeliverables<br /> LAS Flight Hardware AI&P<br />

a) The Contractor shall Integrate, assemble, certify, acceptance test, and deliver flight Launch<br />

Abort Systems meeting the requirements for the configurations below<br />

b) The Contractor shall develop and Implement plans detailing the design and construction of all<br />

Launch Abort System transportation support equipment, and the plans for transportation of<br />

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Attachment J-1<br />

Modification 65<br />

the Launch Abort System to the processing and/or launch sites These plans shall be<br />

included in ORO CEV-T-OS7, CEV Spacecraft Handling and Transportation Plan.<br />

c) The Contractor shall deliver a production LAS for Orion 1 and a production LAS for Orion 2.<br />

d) The Contractor shall design, develop, produce, Integrate, verify, validate, certify, document,<br />

and deliver Launch Abort System GSE in accordance with all requirements in CXP-72000,<br />

Systems Requirements for the Crew Exploration Vehicle Element (CEV SRD), and in this<br />

SOW, and In accordance with ORO CEV-O-OOS, Ground Systems Requirements, Plans,<br />

Reports, and Design Data, Volume II, Ground Systems End Item Implementation Plan and<br />

Report. The Contractor shall plan for and deliver the GSE end items in accordance with<br />

Attachment J-9 -The Contractor shall use the following applicable documents for design and<br />

development of Contractor-provided GSE'<br />

o<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-5005B <strong>NASA</strong> Standard for Ground Support Equipment (and<br />

associated Applicable Document Children as specified In Attachment J-3,<br />

Applicable, GUidance, and Informational Documents List).<br />

e) The Contractor shall develop and update ORO CEV-O-OOS, Ground Systems Requirements,<br />

Plans, Reports, and DeSign Data, Volume III, Systems Operations and Maintenance Plan and<br />

Requirements Documentation, for the ground support eqUipment provided for the Launch<br />

Abort System<br />

f) The Contractor shall develop, maintain and deliver all technical models and drawings of the<br />

GSE associated with the Launch Abort System in accordance with ORO CEV-T-003, CEV<br />

CAD Models, and ORO CEV-T-004, CEV Drawings.<br />

g) The Contractor shall develop and update 2-0 and 3-0 Simulation models of the ContractorprOVided<br />

Launch Abort System and Contractor-provided LAS GSE to assess clearances,<br />

placement, conflicts and the moving of hardware in accordance with ORO CEV-T-003, CEV<br />

CAD Models. The Contractor shall develop and deliver these models in accordance with<br />

SOW Section 2 4<br />

h) The Contractor shall develop and deliver ORO CEV-T-040, Acceptance Data Package, for<br />

each Contractor-provided Launch Abort System GSE end Item.<br />

i) The Contractor shall proVide Initial spares, concurrent with the delivery of the GSE end items<br />

and In accordance with the provIsioning procedures In ORO CEV-T-011, Integrated Logistics<br />

Support Plan, and ORO CEV-T-012, Logistics Support Analysis, for all Contractor-provided<br />

Service Module GSE (1010)<br />

j) For Orion 1, the Contractor shall provide the installation deSign, assOCiated hardware and<br />

installation of <strong>NASA</strong> provided LAS Development Flight Instrumentation (DFI) elements<br />

J) The Contractor shall complete the 00-250 for the Contractor-provided Launch Abort System<br />

GSE and deliver the Contractor-provided LAS GSE in accordance with Attachment J-9. to the<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-deSignated faCilities<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s)<br />

The follOWing LAS GSE data IS Incorporated in the ORO speCified In Section 2 4'<br />

• DRD CEV-T-003' CEV CAD Models<br />

• DRD CEV-T-004' CEV Drawings<br />

The following LAS GSE data IS Incorporated in the DRD specified in Section 2 7 2<br />

• DRD CEV-O-OOS' Ground Systems Requirements,Plans, Reports, and DeSign Data<br />

• DRD CEV-T-040. Acceptance Data Package<br />

• DRD CEV-T-OS7' CEV Handling and Transportation Plan<br /> LAS Test Article Design and Production<br />

The Contractor shall prOVide all the LASs<br />

a) For PA 1 and AA 1, the Contractor shall deSign and develop the developmental LAS's using<br />

the system, module, sub-system, and component level requirements and speCifications<br />

developed in Section 10.6.4, Flight Test Article (FTA) DDT&E ; documented in ORO CEV-O-<br />

002, Flight Test Article Specification<br />

b) For PA 1 and AA 1, the Contractor shall deliver two (2) prototype LAS.<br />


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c) For PA2, and AA2, the Contractor shall design and develop the developmental LAS's uSing<br />

the system, module, sub-system, and component level requirements and specifications<br />

developed in Section 1064, Flight Test Article (FTA) DDT&E, documented In ORO CEV-O-<br />

002, Flight Test Article Specification<br />

d) For PA2 and AA2, the Contractor shall deliver two (2) development LAS<br />

e) For PA1, AA1, PA2 and AA2, and Ares 1Y the Contractor shall provide the installation<br />

design, associated hardware and installation of <strong>NASA</strong> provided LAS Development Flight<br />

Instrumentation (DFI) elements.<br />

f) For Ares-1 Y the Contractor shall deliver a production LAS<br />

g) The Contractor shall design, develop, produce, Integrate, verify, validate, certify, document,<br />

and deliver LAS FTA unique GSE In accordance With all requirements In CXP 72000<br />

Systems Requirements for the Crew Exploration Vehicle Element (CEV SRD), and In this<br />

SOW, and In accordance with ORO CEV-O-008, Ground Systems Requirements, Plans,<br />

Reports, and Design Data, Volume II, Ground Systems End Item Implementation Plan and<br />

Report. The Contractor shall use the following applicable documents for deSign and<br />

development of Contractor-provided GSE.<br />

o<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-5005B <strong>NASA</strong> Standard for Ground Support Equipment (and<br />

associated Applicable Document Children as speCified in Attachment J-3,<br />

Applicable, Guidance, and Informational Documents List)<br />

h) The Contractor shall prOVide the LAS Side of a LAS to CM mechanical interface simulator<br />

(MIS) to be used for LAS/CM Retention and Release (R&R) mechanism fit checks, and<br />

functional tests<br />

i) The Contractor shall provide LAS propulsion data and an LAS OML in the post-Jettison<br />

configuration for the test range flight safety office to determine the nominal LAS Impact area.<br />

j) The Contractor shall perform/support a structural calibration test of the LAS/CM R&R<br />

structural Interface<br />

k) The Contractor shall deliver a LAS test article for a Ground Vibration Test at MSFC In<br />

accordance With CxP 72234, Integrated Vehicle Ground Vibration Test Task Plan. ThiS LAS<br />

test article can either be Simulated modules or residual test articles refurbished to support<br />

specific requirements of the test. Support for Integrated Vehicle Ground Vibration Test shall<br />

be In accordance With the Ares IVGVT & Orion Bilateral Exchange Agreement (BEA).<br />

I) The Contractor shall develop ORO-CEV-T-031, CEV FTA Requirements Specification for<br />

Flight Tests Ares 1 Y as defined In Secetion 10 6 4<br />

m) The Contractor shall design, develop, produce, integrate, verify, validate, document, and<br />

deliver LAS FTA Unique GSE In accordance with all requirements in CxP 72000, Systems<br />

Requirements for the Crew Exploration Vehicle Element (CEV SRD), and in this SOW, and in<br />

accordance with ORO CEV-O-008, Ground Systems Requirements, Plans, Reports, and<br />

Design Data, Volume II, Ground Systems End Item Implementation Plan and Report. The<br />

Contractor shall use the follOWing applicable documents for deSign and development of<br />

Contractor-provided GSE.<br />

o<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-5005B. <strong>NASA</strong> Standard for Ground Support EqUipment (and<br />

associated Applicable Document Children as specified In Attachment J-3,<br />

Applicable, Guidance, and Informational Documents List).<br />

n) The Contractor shall validate and verify the flight test unique design as specified in ORO<br />

CEV- T-015, Volume VII, Master Verification Plan, Flight Test Volume<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the follOWing document(s)'<br />

• DRD-CEV-T-015. FTA Volume Master Venflcatlon Plan (per Section 10.6)<br />

The following Module specific information IS collected In the DRDs specified in Section 10.6.4<br />

• DRD CEV-O-002: Flight Test Article Specification for Pad Abort and Ascent<br />

Abort FTAs<br />

• DRD CEV-T-031. CEV ReqUirements SpeCification, for the Flight Test Article for<br />

Ares-1Y<br />

The follOWing Module speCifiC Information is collected in the DRDs speCified In Section 2 7<br />

• DRD CEV-O-008 Ground Systems ReqUirements, Plans, Reports, and Design Data,<br />

Volume II, Ground Systems End Item Implementation Plan and Report<br />

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6.5 CEV Software<br />

CEV Software includes the tasks required for the design, development, production, assembly,<br />

test, and certification efforts to deliver the completed software for Spacecraft integration This<br />

element includes all aspects of software production from the early stages of system specification<br />

through maintenance of the system in the field<br />

6.5.1 CEV Software Management and Administration<br />

a) The Contractor shall design, develop, produce, Integrate, verify, validate, certify, operate,<br />

malntarn, document, and deliver CEV flight and accompanying ground and test/simulation<br />

software In accordance with all Block 1 A and Block 1 B requirements and in thiS SOW.<br />

6.5.2 CEV Software System Engineering<br />

a) The Contractor shall define, design, develop, test, qualify, integrate, verify, validate, deliver,<br />

and maintain all CEV software The plans for accomplishing this work shall be documented in<br />

ORO CEV-T-005, Software Development Plan.<br />

b) The Contractor shall justify the reuse of existing software, modification of existing software,<br />

and the development of new software In ORO CEV-T -005, Software Development Plan<br />

c) The Contractor shall, under CEV Project direction, participate rn coordinating with the <strong>NASA</strong><br />

IV&V Facility in accordance with <strong>NASA</strong>-STD-8739.8, <strong>NASA</strong> Software Assurance (Chapter 6<br />

and 7) to plan for the participation of the <strong>NASA</strong> IV&V FacIlity in the software development<br />

lifecycle activities<br />

d) The Contractor and ItS subcontractors' organrzations associated with CEV software<br />

development responsibilities shall be at Software Engineering Institute Software Capability<br />

Maturrty Model Integration (CMMI) - SE/SW/lPPD Maturity Level III (Staged Representation)<br />

or higher prror to the CEV Preliminary Design Review This requirement does not apply to<br />

commerclal-off-the-shelf software procured for the CEV ProJect.<br />

e) The Contractor shall develop, update, and marntaln all software and software development<br />

tools under configuration management In accordance with the ORO CEV-T-006, Software<br />

Configuration Management Plan<br />

f) The Contractor shall develop and maintain electronic Software Development Folders for all<br />

flight, ground, and test software per ORO CEV-T-007, Software Development Folder.<br />

g) The Contractor shall develop and malntarn the Display Software Requirements Specification,<br />

usrng CxP 72242, Display Format Standards, and the CEV Display Format Dictionary, as<br />

applicable documents. This requirement specification shall be developed in accordance with<br />

DRD CEV-T-048, Software Requirements Specification. The display format dictionary shall<br />

be documented as an Appendix to DRD CEV-T-048, Software Requirements Specification<br />

h) The Contractor shall use the following standards for designing, developing, and testing all<br />

software.<br />

o NPR 7150.2 <strong>NASA</strong> Software Engrneerrng Requirements<br />

o <strong>NASA</strong>-STD-8739.8, <strong>NASA</strong> Software Assurance Standard (chapters 6 and 7)<br />

I) The Contractor shall allocate CEV Spacecraft requirements (section 2.2, Requirements<br />

Definition and Management) to the Computer Software Configuration Item (CSCI) level for<br />

the design of flight software and flight test software and maintain the allocations/requirements \<br />

over the life of the system as development transltrons to production (Schedule B) and<br />

sustaining englneerrng (A future contract action). The Contractor shall produce a Software<br />

Requirements Specification (SRS) for each CSCI, using ORO CEV-T-048, Software<br />

Requirements Specification<br />

j) The Contractor shall allocate the requirements of each CSCI to the Computer Software<br />

Components (CSCs) and Computer Software Units (CSUs) levels ThiS design breakdown<br />


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shall be documented In the Interface Control Documents (ORO CEV-T-029) and Software<br />

Design Description (ORO CEV-T-050) documents<br />

k) The Contractor shall plan, execute and document trade studies to identify criteria and prOVide<br />

resolution data for flight software Issues related to the selection of software, software tools,<br />

and hardwarelsoftware architectures (e g , operating system selections and bus<br />

architectures) The Contractor shall determine the ability of the CEV system to be<br />

upgradeable to the Block 2 configuration and perform trade studies to determine that<br />

memory, throughput, and processing margins are adequate to meet the Block 2 configuration<br />

requirements Trade study reports shall be documented per the requirements captured in<br />

ORO CEV-T-009, CEV Analysis Reports<br />

I) The Contractor shall perform configuration management of the flight and flight support<br />

software Within their configuration management system and prOVide "mirror Imaging" of all<br />

software development folders, source code, and documentation into ICE on a weekly baSIS<br />

m) The Contractor shall develop a flight software mission reconflguration process that details the<br />

Contractor's plan for flight-to-flight reconflguratlon of the flight software and ground facility<br />

software to meet miSSion-specific requirements The Contractor's process shall address the<br />

changing of software parameters to account for vehicle modifications, vehicle differences, or<br />

to specify values for mission-specific requirements The Contractor shall document the<br />

reconfiguration process plans, reqUirements, and design in ORO CEV-T-005, Software<br />

Development Plan, ORO CEV-T-048, Software Requirements Specification, and ORO CEV­<br />

T -050, Software Design Description The Contractor shall develop tools to support the<br />

reconflguratlon process.<br />

n) The Contractor shall design, develop, produce, Integrate, verify, validate, certify, operate,<br />

maintain, document, and deliver a space-time partitioned real time operating system as part<br />

of the contractor's flight software implementation.<br />

0) The Contractor shall use a modular software architecture that evolves With the vehicle's<br />

capabilities. The Contractor's flight software architecture shall be deSigned to support system<br />

evolution through incremental enhancements Introduced within each block cycle. Each<br />

Incremental enhancement shall add supplemental functional capabilities including selectable<br />

autonomy, miSSion management, and systems management In a time frame compatible with<br />

the increaSing maturity of requirements and mission needs<br />

p) The Contractor shall ensure that ground systems software complies With Software<br />

Engineering standards identified Within thiS section. For ground operations, the Contractor<br />

shall develop and update the software and interface reqUirements specifications for<br />

Contractor-provided ground systems software In accordance with ORO CEV-T-048, Software<br />

Requirements Specification, and Implement the design processes and plans documented in<br />

the ORO CEV-T-005, Software Development Plan.<br />

q) The Contractor shall allocate the requirements of each Computer Software Configuration<br />

Item (CSCI) to the Computer Software Components (CSCs) and Computer Software Units<br />

(CSUs) levels for Contractor-provided GSE The Contractor shall document the software<br />

design breakdown in accordance With the ORO CEV-T-029, Interface Control Documents,<br />

and ORO CEV-T-050, Software Design Description.<br />

r) For FTA efforts, the Contractor shall develop and update the software and Interface<br />

requirements speCifications for Contractor-provided flight support software in accordance With<br />

ORO CEV-O-002, FlIght Test Article (FTA) SpecifIcatIOns<br />

s) For FTA Efforts, the Contractor shall allocate the requirements of each Computer Software<br />

Configuration Item (CSCI) to the Computer Software Components (CSCs) and Computer<br />

Software Units (CSUs) levels for FTA software The Contractor shall document the software<br />

deSign breakdown in accordance with the ORO CEV-O-004, Flight Test Article (FTA)<br />

Engineering Design Data Book defined in Section 10.64, FTA DDT&E.<br />

t) The contractor shall perform software build planning for each Identified build and shall<br />

document the bUild planning results in accordance With CEV-T-005, Software Development<br />

Plan, Volume 6 Software Build Plan<br />

u) The Contractor shall develop, maintain, and deliver ORO CEV-T-049, Monthly Software<br />

Metrics Report<br />

v) The Contractor shall develop, maintain, and deliver ORO CEV-T-056, Software User Manual<br />

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Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s).<br />

• DRD CEV-T-005: Software Development Plan<br />

• DRD CEV-T-006 Software Configuration Management Plan<br />

• DRD CEV-T-007. Software Development Folder<br />

• DRD CEV-T-029' Interface Control Documents<br />

• DRD CEV-T-04B. Software Requirements Specifications<br />

• DRD CEV-T-049: Monthly Software Metrics Report<br />

• DRD CEV-T-050: Software Design Description<br />

• DRD CEV-T-056 Software User Manual<br />

The following software specific information IS collected in the DRDs specified In Section 10.6.4.<br />

• DRD CEV-D-002' Flight Test Article (FTA) Specifications<br />

• DRD CEV-D-004: Flight Test Article (FTA) Engineering DeSign Data Book<br />

6.5.3 CEV Software Production<br />

a) The Contractor shall develop all flight and ground support equipment software following the<br />

plans, processes, and standards outlined in DRO CEV-T-005, Software Development Plan,<br />

and section 6 5 2, Software System Engineering<br />

b) The Contractor shall develop and deliver the FTA software and accompanying test software<br />

(source code, executables, build procedures, and graphical models/block diagrams from<br />

Computer Aided Software Engineering Tools) per NPR 7150.2, <strong>NASA</strong> Software Engineering<br />

ReqUirements uSing class C and class D definitions and, requirements for thiS software.<br />

c) The Contractor shall maintain the FTA software and accompanying test software until the<br />

completion of testing as determined by the flight test matrix.<br />

d) The Contractor shall deliver Flight software (source code, executables, graphical models,<br />

block diagrams from Computer-Aided Software Engineering tools, and build procedures).<br />

Flight software deliveries shall start occurring at CDR and occur at a frequency of no more<br />

than every SIX months thereafter<br />

e) The Contractor shall develop, maintain and deliver ORO CEV-T-007, Software Development<br />

Folder, ORO CEV-T-050, Software Design Description; ORO CEV-T-051, Software Inspection<br />

and Peer Review Report, ORO CEV-T-055, Software Maintenance Plan, and ORO CEV-T-<br />

057, Version Description Document in support of the CEV Software production and delivery.<br />

f) In support of the Flight Test Program, the Contractor shall maintain ORO CEV-O-004, FTA<br />

Engineering Design and Data Book for Flight Test Article related software.<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s)<br />

• DRD CEV-T-007: Software Development Folder<br />

• DRD CEV-T-050 Software Design Description<br />

• DRD CEV-T -051. Software Inspection and Peer ReView Report<br />

• DRD CEV-T-055 Software Maintenance Plan<br />

• DRD CEV-T-056: Software User Manual<br />

• DRD CEV-T-057 Version Description Document<br />

The following software speCifiC Information IS collected In the DRDs speCified In Section 10.6.4.<br />

• DRD CEV-D-004' Flight Test Article (FTA) Engineering Design Data Book<br />

6.5.4 CEV Software T&V<br />

a) The Contractor shall perform Unit testing of the flight software Unit test procedures (CSUlevel),<br />

CSU-to-CSU Interface, CSC-Ievel, and CSC-to-CSC interface tests will not be a<br />

deliverable to <strong>NASA</strong>; however, they shall be made available to <strong>NASA</strong> upon request via ORO<br />

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CEV-T-007, Software Development Folders The Contractor's software test plan shall be<br />

documented in ORO CEV-T-052, Software test Plan All CSCI-Ievel test procedures shall be<br />

documented In ORO CEV-T-053, Software Test Descnption The Contractor shall document<br />

test results in ORO CEV-T-054, Software Test Report. The Contractor shall develop and<br />

deliver ORO CEV-T-017, Certification Data Package for each CSCI and for the integrated<br />

flight software. The Contractor shall develop and deliver ORO CEV-T-040, Acceptance Data<br />

Package for each flight software deliverable.<br />

b) The Contractor shall perform unit testing of the Flight Support software. Unit test procedures<br />

(CSU-Ievel), CSU-to-CSU interface, CSC-Ievel, and CSC-to-CSC Interface tests will not be a<br />

deliverable to <strong>NASA</strong>, however, they shall be made available to <strong>NASA</strong> upon request via ORO<br />

CEV-T-007, Software Development Folders The Contractor's software test plan shall be<br />

documented In ORO CEV-T-052, Software test Plan. All CSCI-Ievel test procedures shall be<br />

documented in ORO CEV-T-053, Software Test Description The Contractor shall document<br />

test results In ORO CEV-T-054, Software Test Report. The Contractor shall develop and<br />

deliver ORO CEV-T-017, Certification Data Package, for each GSE software CSCI and the<br />

integrated GSE softwar&. The Contractor shall develop and deliver ORO CEV-T-040,<br />

Acceptance Data Package, for each Flight Support GSE software deliverable.<br />

c) The Contractor shall perform unit testing of the FTA software. Unit test procedures (CSUlevel),<br />

CSU-to-CSU interface, CSC-Ievel, and CSC-to-CSC Interface tests Will not be a<br />

deliverable to <strong>NASA</strong>; however, they shall be made available to <strong>NASA</strong> upon request via ORO<br />

CEV-T-007, Software Development Folders<br />

d) The Contractor shall develop and maintain ORO CEV-T-057, Software Verion Description<br />

Document.<br />

e) In support of the Flight Test Program, ORO CEV-T-0005, FTA ValidatIOn and Verification<br />

Data Book, for Flight Test Article related software<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the follOWing document(s):<br />

• DRD CEV-T-007. Software Development Folder<br />

• DRD CEV-T-040, Acceptance Data Package<br />

• DRD CEV-T-051: Software Inspection and Peer ReView Report<br />

• DRD CEV-T-052' Software Test Plan<br />

• DRD CEV-T-053: Software Test DeSCription<br />

• DRD CEV-T-054: Software Test Report<br />

• DRD CEV-T-057 Version DeSCription Document<br />

The foillowing software specifiC information IS collected in the DRDs idenified in Section 10.2<br />

• DRD CEV-T-017: Certification Data Package<br />

The follOWing software specifiC information is collected in the DRDs specified in Section 10.64<br />

• DRD CEV-D-005 Flight Test Article (FTA) Validation and Verification Data Book<br />

6.5.5 Independent Validation and Verification<br />

ThiS Contractor shall plan, coordinate and conduct Independent software validation and<br />

verification throughout the software development lifecycle.<br />

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Test and Verification Includes the activities, hardware, and software required to manage the CEV<br />

Project verification, certification, and acceptance processes and execute the Integrated<br />

spacecraft and multi-system testing and verification, including flight testing. Planning and<br />

execution (including the hardware and software used for execution) of testing and verification at<br />

the module, subsystem and component levels is contained In Sections 2 and 6<br />

10.1 Test and Verification Management and Administration<br />

CEV Test and Verification Management and Administration includes the efforts for planning,<br />

organizing, directing, coordinating, controlling, and approval processes used to accomplish CEV<br />

Test and Verification objectives.<br />

a) The Contractor shall provide information and technical data to support <strong>NASA</strong>'s completion of<br />

a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) analYSIS for the CEV project In accordance with<br />

NPR 8580.1, Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act and Executive Order<br />

12114.<br />

10.2 Verification Management<br />

CEV Verification Management consists of defining and managing the policy, requirements, and<br />

processes for verifying that the CEV meets Project requirements This covers the work to certify<br />

the CEV System by Inspection, demonstration, simulation, analYSIS and/or test Verification<br />

Management Includes development of a plan for the verification and certification of the CEV<br />

System (hardware, firmware, and software) and associated subsystems and components. For<br />

Orion verification tests involving significant government furnished assets and in some case<br />

crewmembers, the testing roles and responSibilities Will be as listed In table 10 1<br />

Test Type <strong>NASA</strong> responsibilities Contractor Responsibilities<br />

Leads testing event • Provides test engineering data,<br />

• Integrates test<br />

necessary design data, Orion mockup<br />

objectives<br />

hardware specific to Orion EVA<br />

• Provides test crew, EVA verification requirement testing, and<br />

SUitS, EVA umbilicals, engineering support dUring test<br />

NBL basIc Orion mockup preparation and execution<br />

Demonstrations structure • Provides procedures With use of Crew<br />

• ResponSible for cost of test partiCipants specific to Orion<br />

test facility time<br />

verification test objectives<br />

• Responsible for engineering analysis<br />

necessary for verification requirement<br />

closure<br />

JSC Orion • Provides flight and • Leads testing event, integrates test<br />

Mockup Testsl ground crew for test, objectives, and provides crew training<br />

Demonstrations EVA/pressure SUitS, for test assets<br />

EVA umbilicals, and • Provides procedures With use of Crew<br />

Orion Qual. basic Orion mockup test participants specific to Orion<br />

Vehicle Tests structure verification test objectives.<br />

(Plumbrook SPF) • ResponSible for cost of • Provides high fidelity hardware specific<br />

CAlL Testing with<br />

Crew-in-the-Loop<br />

test facility time<br />

to verification test objectives and not<br />

already intrinsIc to the test article, such<br />

as high fidelity hatches on a mockup or<br />

non-GFE stowage Items.<br />


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(Orion Project<br />

testing only)<br />

Attachment J-1<br />

Modification 65<br />

• Responsible for engineering analysis<br />

necessary for verification requirement<br />

closure<br />

• Provides flight and •<br />

ground crew for test,<br />

EVA/pressure SUitS,<br />

Post-landing EVA umbilicals, and •<br />

Tests/Oemonstrati baSIC Orion mockup<br />

ons with Crew-in- structure •<br />

the-Loop (Orion • ResponSible for cost of<br />

Project testing test facility time<br />

only)<br />

•<br />

Leads testing event •<br />

• I ntegrates test<br />

objectives<br />

Post-landing • Provides flight and<br />

Tests/Oemonstrati ground crew for test,<br />

ons with Crew-in- EVA/pressure suits,<br />

the-Loop (CxP EVA umbilicals, and •<br />

Integrated testing) basic Orion mockup<br />

structure<br />

•<br />


Testing involving<br />

other Cx Projects<br />

• ResponSible for cost of<br />

test facility time<br />

• Leads testing event<br />

• Integrates test<br />

objectives<br />

• Provides flight and<br />

ground crew for test,<br />

EVA/pressure SUitS,<br />

EVA umbilicals, ESTL<br />

and CAlL faCilities<br />

• ResponSible for cost of<br />

test facility time<br />

Table 10 1 CEV Verification Roles and ResponSibilities<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

Leads testing event, integrates test<br />

obJectives, and provides crew training<br />

specific to the test event<br />

Provides crew procedures specific to<br />

Orion verification test objectives<br />

Provides high fidelity hardware specific<br />

to verification test obJectives, such as<br />

high fidelity hatches or non-GFE<br />

stowage items.<br />

ResponSible for engineering analysIs<br />

necessary for verification requirement<br />

closure<br />

Provides test engineering data,<br />

necessary deSign data, Orion hardware<br />

specific to Orion post-landing<br />

verification requirement testing, and<br />

engineering support during test<br />

preparation and execution<br />

Provides crew procedures speCifiC to<br />

Orion verification test objectives<br />

Responsible for engineering analysis<br />

necessary for verification requirement<br />

closure.<br />

PrOVides crew training and crew<br />

procedures specific to the Orion test<br />

objectives<br />

PrOVides test configuration data and<br />

reqUired Orion test hardwarEHl9t<br />

s~eGlfleEl as G~e eR J ~ ~, J ~ 2 mF<br />

GFieR veFifiGatieR test e9jeGtives<br />

Provides engineering support dUring<br />

test preparation and execution, and<br />

closure of verification requirement<br />

satisfied by the Orion test objectives.<br />

10.2.1 Verification Requirements and Integration<br />

a) The Contractor shall develop a plan for the verification and certification of the CEV System<br />

(hardware and software) and associated subsystems and components by inSpection,<br />

demonstration, analYSIS, and test In accordance With ORO CEV-T-015, Master Verification<br />

Plan. The plan shall address the requirements defined in CXP-72097, Constellation Master<br />

Integration and Verification Plan.<br />

b) The Contractor shall document the verification method for each CEV System level<br />

requirement and all lower-level requirements In a verification matrix. The matrix will be<br />

Included as part of the corresponding specification, requirements, or interface document<br />

c) The Contractor shall develop and execute a Spacecraft Master Verification Plan for the<br />

Verification, qualification, certification, and acceptance of the CEV Spacecraft system,<br />

modules, subsystems, and components The Contractor shall use ORO CEV-T-015, Master<br />

Verification Plan, to develop the Spacecraft Master Verification Plan The Contractor may<br />

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use multiple volumes In the development of the Spacecraft Master Verification Plan to<br />

document the module, subsystem, and component level verification plans.<br />

d) The Contractor shall develop, update, and implement a GSE MVP for the approach,<br />

requirements, implementation strategies and associated test documentation to test, verify,<br />

activate, and qualify Contractor-provided GSE in accordance with ORO CEV-T-015, Master<br />

Venfication Plan<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the follOWing document(s).<br />

• DRD CEV-T -015. Master Verification Plan<br />

10.2.2 Integrated Vehicle Certification and Acceptance<br />

a) The Contractor shall develop Certification Plans per ORO CEV-T-016 for CEV equipment.<br />

The Contractor shall deliver Certification Data Packages per ORO CEV-T-017 and<br />

Certification Approval Requests per ORO CEV-T-018 in preparation for deSign certification<br />

milestones<br />

b) The Contractor shall accomplish qualification of the CEV System and its hardware and<br />

software elements In accordance with CXP-70036, Constellation Environmental Qualification<br />

and Acceptance Testing Requirements (CEQATR) Document as defined In ORO CEV-T-015,<br />

Master Verification Plan. Through rigorous testing, the Contractor shall confirm that the CEV<br />

System can deliver the planned performance over its expected service life when exposed to<br />

levels of stress with qualification margin above that defined in the predicted non-operating<br />

and operating enVIronments and conditions. Qualification by methods other than test shall be<br />

described in the Certification Plan and be approved by the Government.<br />

c) The Contractor shall accomplish acceptance testing of each flight hardware Item delivered In<br />

accordance with the CXP-70036, Constellation Environmental Qualification and Acceptance<br />

Testing ReqUirements (CEQATR) Document, including functional testing of each hardware<br />

and software operating mode at the most stressing operating conditions, enVIronmental<br />

testing at the maximum predicted non-operating and operating environments and final<br />

functional testing<br />

d) The Contractor shall define pass-fall criteria or acceptance tolerance bands, based on<br />

requirements.<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the follOWing document(s)'<br />

• DRD CEV-T-016: Certification Plans<br />

• DRD CEV-T-017' Certification Data Package<br />

• DRD CEV-T-01S' Certification Approval Request<br />

The following integrated vehicle certification and acceptance Information IS collected in the RD<br />

specified In Sectlon10 2 1<br />

• DRD CEV-T -015 Master Verification Plan (MVP)<br />

10.2.3 Program Integrated Verification Support<br />

a) The Contractor shall partiCipate With Constellation Program SE&I in the development of<br />

integrated verification plans involVing multiple systems across the Constellation Program<br />

b) The Contractor shall participate in integrated verification activities InvolVing multiple systems<br />

across the Constellation Program including necessary in-space communication systems In<br />

accordance with CXP-7000S, Constellation Master Integration and Verification Plan<br />

c) The Contractor shall partiCipate In the development of Integrated verification plans with the<br />

ISS Program.<br />

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d) The Contractor shall partiCipate In Integrated verification activities with the ISS Program and<br />

in-space communication systems as required in the CXP-70031, International Space Station<br />

(ISS) to Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV) IRD.<br />

10.3 Integrated Test and Verification<br />

Integrated Test and Verification consists of all tasks associated With ground testing at the<br />

Integrated vehicle (multiple modules or multiple subsystems) level and verifying that the<br />

integrated vehicle meets applicable Project requirements The test facilities and labs include<br />

hardware and software produced for Integrated ground testing of high-fidelity hardware provided<br />

by the CM and SM development teams (see Section 6). The test faCIlities and labs also provide<br />

for internal and external interface testing for risk reduction.<br />

10.3.1 Integrated Vehicle Hardware Testing<br />

a) The Contractor shall plan and conduct integration and Interface checkout testing to assure<br />

the assembly has been completed successfully and that hardware and software functional<br />

performance meets requirements<br />

b) The Contractor shall use flight-qualified software dUring verification testing of all subsystems<br />

and components<br />

c) The Contractor shall perform qualification tests using ORO CEV-T-037, Qualification Test<br />

Procedures, and document the test results In ORO CEV-T-038, Qualification Test Report, and<br />

ORO CEV-T-017, Certification Data Package The Contractor shall perform qualification<br />

testing at the CEV Spacecraft system, and intermediate levels of assembly as necessary to<br />

accumulate the data necessary for CEV Spacecraft certification. The Contractor shall<br />

produce a Certification Data Package for the spacecraft. The Contractor shall produce a<br />

Certification Data Package for each subsystem (end-to-end) The Contractor shall deliver<br />

Certification Approval Requests per ORO CEV-T-018 In preparation for design certification<br />

milestones. Note: Software test documentation is handled In SOW section 6.5.4, CEV<br />

Software T&V The contractor shall develop a dedicated qualification vehicle (CM/SM/lnert<br />

LAS) for system-level qualification testing FollOWing the completion of system-level<br />

qualification testing, the contractor shall maintain configuration control of the dedicated<br />

qualification vehicle and store It In an environmentally-controlled and access-controlled area.<br />

d) The Contractor shall perform acceptance testing at the spacecraft level using ORO CEV-T-<br />

039, Acceptance Test Procedures, and document the results uSing ORO CEV-T-040,<br />

Acceptance Data Package An Acceptance Data Package shall be produced for the<br />

spacecraft.<br />

e) The Contractor shall hold Test Readiness ReViews (TRRs) before all formal verification<br />

activities. The Contractor shall make spacecraft-level test procedures available to <strong>NASA</strong> two<br />

weeks prior to each TRR The Contractor shall Invite <strong>NASA</strong> to witness all formal verification<br />

actiVities, including TRRs and test executions.<br />

f) <strong>NASA</strong> Will prOVide faCilities with the capabilities to conduct, performance/functional,<br />

EMI/EMC, Shock, Sinusoidal/Random Vibration Vlbro-acoustics and System Thermal<br />

Vacuum testing to expected maximum predicted environment levels with appropriate<br />

margins.<br />

g) The Contractor shall verify software-controlled interfaces using flight-qualified software<br />

h) The Contractor shall conduct systems tests of the total spacecraft with the flight-qualified<br />

hardware and software.<br />

I) The Contractor shall conduct tests of ground-based CEV software/hardware systems that<br />

interface With flight systems uSing interface test equipment that has been shown to be a valid<br />

emulation of the flight systems before connecting With the flight systems.<br />

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j) The Contractor shall conduct tests using flight-qualified hardware and software for final<br />

acceptance of the ground-based CEV software/hardware systems used to perform launch<br />

and flight operations<br />

k) The Contractor shall include the following types of tests in their program: (1) ground, (2) flight,<br />

(3) development, (4) item, (5) functional, (6) Integration, (7) Hardware-In-the-Loop (HWIL), (8)<br />

Software-In-the-Loop (SIL), (9) Human-In-the-Loop, (10) nonoperating environment, (11)<br />

operating conditions & environment, (12) acceptance, and (13) qualification The Contractor<br />

shall document the test and verification program In the ORO CEV-T-015, Master Verification<br />

Plan.<br />

I) The Contractor shall provide support In order to conduct verification testing of all interface<br />

designs and requirements within the Spacecraft for those verification activities that are <strong>NASA</strong><br />

led in <strong>NASA</strong> facilities with <strong>NASA</strong> Mockups and Contractor supported.<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s)<br />

• ORO CEV-T-037. Qualification Test Procedures<br />

• ORO CEV-T-038: Qualification Test Report<br />

• ORO CEV-T-039' Acceptance Test Procedures<br />

• ORO CEV-T-040. Acceptance Oata Package<br />

The following Integrated Vehicle Hardware Testing specific information IS collected in the ORO<br />

specified in Section 10.2.2.<br />

• ORO CEV-T -015: Master Verification Plan (MVP)<br />

• ORO CEV-T-017. Certification Oata Package<br />

• ORO CEV-T-018 Certification Approval Requests<br />

10.3.2 Avionics and Software Testing<br />

Avionics and Software Testing consists of all tasks associated with Integrated testing of CEV<br />

avionics and software conducted In the CEV Avionics Integration Laboratory (CAlL), including<br />

hardware/software integration (HSI) testing The element Includes all hardware and software<br />

produced exclusively to support CAlL testing, with the exception of high-fidelity hardware<br />

provided by the Module development teams<br />

a) <strong>NASA</strong> will lead, and the Contractor shall participate In, the development of detailed<br />

reqUirements for the CEV AVIOniCS Integration Lab (CAlL) The purpose of the CAlL IS to<br />

perform integration testing of the CEV aVIOniCS hardware and software and associated<br />

internal and external CEV interfaces using flight aVIOniCS hardware, flight software, and an<br />

appropriate sUite of certified ground support tools/systems and software The Contractor<br />

shall document the CAlL reqUirements In ORO CEV-T-082, Spacecraft Test & Verification<br />

Facility System Requirements Document, the CAlL design in ORO CEV-T-083, Spacecraft<br />

Test & Verification Facility System Design Document, the CAlL certification plan In ORO<br />

CEV-T-084, Spacecraft Test & Verification Facility Certification Plan, and the CAlL<br />

certification results In ORO CEV-T-085, Spacecraft Test & Verification Facility Certification<br />

Package<br />

b) The Contractor shall develop a CAlL that at a minimum Includes the following:<br />

o A certified flight hardware sUite representing the CEV Spacecraft avionics<br />

(down to the firmware-level).<br />

o A simulator (inclUding hardware, software, and Interfaces) certified to represent<br />

the flight environment needed to verify the end-to-end performance of the data<br />

processing system.<br />

o Test capabilities to perform Integrated verification<br />

o PrOVide connectiVity to the ElectrOnic Systems Test Laboratory (ESTL) to<br />

support CaT RF testing<br />

o Integration of the above items<br />

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o Interfaces to Constellation element emulators.<br />

o Integration of the above items<br />

c) The Contractor shall develop, Install, certify, and deliver the CAlL, including all applicable<br />

operating procedures, instructions, and drawings, to <strong>NASA</strong>. The CAlL shall include two full<br />

operational rigs and a third development rig<br />

d) The Contractor shall deSign the CAlL to be reconfigurable for all spacecraft configurations.<br />

e) The Contractor shall deliver the follOWing<br />

o CAlL<br />

Acceptance Data Packages (ORO CEV-T-040)<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s).<br />

• DRD CEV-T-040, Acceptance Data Package<br />

• DRD CEV-T-082' Spacecraft Test & Verification Facility System ReqUirements Document<br />

• DRD CEV-T-083 Spacecraft Test & Verification Facility System DeSign Document<br />

• DRD CEV-T-084: Spacecraft Test & Verification FaCIlity Certification Plan<br />

• DRD CEV-T-085 Spacecraft Test & Verification Facility Certification Package<br />

10.3.3 Integrated EPS Testing<br />

System-level Integrated EPS Testing consists of all tasks assoCiated With Integrated test and<br />

verification of the CEV CM/SM Electrical Power System (EPS) in the Exploration EPS Testbed<br />

(EEST) The EEST includes all hardware and software produced exclusively for testing hardware<br />

provided by the CM and SM development teams<br />

a) The Contractor shall develop capabilities for testing power quality of the total CM/SM EPS,<br />

from power source outputs to electrical load connections, when Interfaced with CM/SM<br />

Internal and external hardware emulators, an EPS subset of ground support equipment, and<br />

EPS software.<br />

b) The Contractor shall perform reqUirements development (with <strong>NASA</strong> partiCipation and<br />

concurrence), design, integration, certification, and delivery of the EEST The Contractor<br />

shall document the CEV EEST requirements In ORO CEV-T-082, Spacecraft Test &<br />

Verification Facility System Requirements Document, CEV EEST design in ORO CEV-T-083,<br />

Spacecraft Test & Verification Facility System Design Document, CEV EEST certification<br />

plan In ORO CEV-T-084, Spacecraft Test & Verification Facility Certification Plan, and tRe<br />

CEV EEST certification results in ORO CEV-T-085, Spacecraft Test & Verification Facility<br />

Certification Package.<br />

c) The Contractor shall develop an EEST that at a minimum includes the follOWing.<br />

o CEV electrical test bed deSign for Integrated power quality testing In a <strong>NASA</strong>proVided<br />

and -operated facility.<br />

o Flight-like power generation, storage, and distribution/control hardwarer<br />

however, emulators that provide flight-like performance can be substituted for<br />

the power generation and storage hardware as defined by test objectives.<br />

o Flight-like CEV power interfaces to the EPS (includes interfaces with<br />

flight/flight-like electrical loads).<br />

o Electrical load emulators (Including hardware, software, and interfaces) that<br />

provide flight-like performance<br />

o Test capabilities to perform integrated verification and-accommodate the<br />

electrical testing of the follOWing<br />

• CEV contractor-provided equipment<br />

• Integrated or portable Internal/external GFE and payload electrical<br />

equipment<br />

• CEVelectrical interfaces required for ground maintenance, launch<br />

support, and other in-flight vehicles<br />

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• Capabilities for nominal and off-nominal testing (includes destructive<br />

testing with provIsions to isolate and protect the integrity of the test-bed)<br />

• CEV-Integrated EPS with critical test-point measurements without<br />

adversely affecting flight-like performance<br />

• Integration of the above items<br />

• Capabilities for command/control and testing of CM/SM Subsystems<br />

power quality within the scope of capabilities developed for CM/SM EPS<br />

testing.<br />

d) The Contractor shall develop, Install, certify, and deliver the certified EEST with all applicable<br />

operating procedures, instructions, and drawings, to <strong>NASA</strong>.<br />

e) The Contractor shall design the EEST to be reconflgurable for all spacecraft configurations.<br />

f) The Contractor shall deliver the follOWing.<br />

o EEST<br />

o Acceptance Data Packages (ORO CEV-T-040)<br />

o EEST DD250<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s):<br />

• DRD CEV-T-040, Acceptance Data Package<br />

• DRD CEV-T-082 Spacecraft Test & Verification FaCIlity System Requirements Document<br />

• DRD CEV-T-083: Spacecraft Test & Verification Facility System Design Document<br />

• DRD CEV-T-084. Spacecraft Test & Verification FaCIlity Certification Plan<br />

• DRD CEV-T-085' Spacecraft Test & Verification FaCility Certification Package<br />

10.3.4 Other Integrated Subsystem Testing<br />

a) The Contractor shall conduct verification testing of all Interface designs and requirements<br />

within the spacecraft (between modules, between subsystems, and between components).<br />

10.3.5 Interface Testing<br />

Interface testing consists of risk reduction testing for both external (With other Constellation<br />

elements), and internal (inter-module) Interfaces Interface verification testing is conducted by the<br />

modules (see Section 6). The element Includes development, maintenance, and management of<br />

unique test hardware<br /> Internal Interface Testing<br />

Internal Interface testing consists of risk reduction testing for Internal (inter-module) interfaces.<br />

Interface verification testing IS conducted by the modules (see Section 6).<br />

a) The Contractor shall conduct verification testing of all interface designs and requirements<br />

Within the spacecraft (between modules, between subsystems, and between components).<br /> External Interface Testing<br />

External Interface testing consists of risk reduction testing for external (with other Constellation<br />

elements) interfaces. Interface verification testing IS conducted by the modules (see Section 6).<br />

a) The Contractor shall support the Government In defining test objectives.<br />

b) The contractor shall support <strong>NASA</strong> In the development of BI-Lateral Exchange Agreements<br />

and Joint Test Plans.<br />

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c) The Contractor, In conjunction with <strong>NASA</strong>, shall allocate the functional, performance and<br />

Operational requirements contained in CEV System Requirements Document, CxP 72000,<br />

and Constellation External Interface ReqUirements.<br />

d) The Contractor shall support the Government In the development and maintenance of all<br />

detailed documentation for test activities to include specifications, design, implementation,<br />

Interface definitions, test and qualifications documentation on test articles and draWing trees.<br />

e) For the JOint Constellation element tests, the Contractor shall support periodic Technical<br />

Reviews, Plan and Procedure ReViews, and Test Readiness ReViews<br />

f) The Contractor shall support the Government In the development and maintenance of the<br />

test procedure documentation for test activIties<br />

g) The Contractor shall support the Government dUring test preparation, execution, and posttest<br />

tasks. The Contractor shall proVide support for the test execution. ThiS Includes console<br />

support at the launch site for all training events reqUIred to certify console operators,<br />

combined systems tests in support of test preparation, and test preparation through test<br />

configuration break operations. The Contractor shall be available real time with technical and<br />

quality resources to provide test execution and resolve deviations or anomalies as they may<br />

occur<br />

h) The Contractor shall support the Government in the development and maintenance of the<br />

test reporting documentation including data assessment and archive for test activities.<br /> Interface Test Equipment/Emulators<br />

a) The Contractor shall conduct tests of ground-based CEV software/hardware systems that<br />

Interface With flight systems using interface test equipment that has been shown to be a valid<br />

emulation of the flight systems before connecting with the flight systems.<br />

b) The Contractor shall develop, deliver, and sustain CEV System functional and physical<br />

interface slmulator(s) and emulator(s) in compliance with the relevant Interface Control<br />

Document (ICD) requirements for use by other Constellation projects (Including ClV and<br />

lSAM) to produce and evaluate the element Interfaces to the CEV. The Contractor shall<br />

Include operating instructions for the Interface slmulator(s) and emulator(s) in the ORO CEV·<br />

T·040, Acceptance Data Packagers) delivered with the Simulators and emulators<br />

c) The Contractor shall verify the CEV spacecraft with physical and functional Simulators and<br />

emulators prior to Integration with the other Constellation elements The Contractor shall<br />

define requirements for Constellation element-provided physical and functional interface<br />

simulators and emulators PhYSical and functional interface simulator and emulator<br />

requirements shall be delivered in accordance With ORO CEV·T·031, CEV <br />

Requirements Specification and ORO CEV·T·029, Interface Control Documents for ground<br />

support equipment The Contractor shall develop and maintain ORO CEV·T·035, Interface<br />

Requirements Document for each ORO CEV·T·029, Interface Control Document.<br />

d) The Contractor shall develop, deliver, and sustain functional and phYSical Interface<br />

slmulator(s) and emulator(s) in compliance with the relevant ICD reqUIrements for use by the<br />

ISS Program to produce and evaluate ISS Interfaces to the CEV The Contractor shall<br />

include operating instructions for the Interface slmulator(s) and emulator(s) in the ORO CEV·<br />

T·040, Acceptance Data Packagers) delivered with the Simulators and emulators<br />

e) The Contractor shall verify the CEV spacecraft With phYSical and functional Simulators and<br />

emulators prior to integration With the ISS The Contractor shall define requirements for ISSprOVided<br />

physical and functional interface simulators and emulators. PhYSical and functional<br />

interface simulator and emulator requirements shall be delivered in accordance with ORO<br />

CEV·T·031, CEV Requirements Specification, and ORO CEV·T·029, Interface<br />

Control Documents for ground support equipment.<br />

f) The Contractor shall deliver CEV emulators, and 00250, (Including target processor and<br />

flight software) for Interface testing, as required in Section 2.3.<br />

g) <strong>NASA</strong> will lead and the Contractor shall participate In the Post landing verification activities.<br />

h) The Contractor shall verify the CEV spacecraft with physical and functional joint test activities<br />

with Crew in suits in simulated operational donning and doffing of suits and egress /ingress<br />

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and suit retrieval events with both contractor and GFE supplied equipment prior to<br />

integration with the ISS<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the following document(s):<br />

• ORO CEV-T-040: Acceptance Data Packages<br />

• ORO CEV-T-031, CEV Requirements SpeCification for ground support<br />

equipment simulators and emulators<br />

• ORO CEV-T-029, Interface Control Documents for ground support equipment sinulators<br />

and emulators<br />

• ORO CEV-T-035 Interface Requirements SpeCifications<br />

10.3.6 Program Integrated Test Support<br />

a) The Contractor shall support Level 2 (Constellation) Inter-project testing for CARD<br />

requirements verification and Program-level risk mitigation<br />

b) The Contractor shall support an integrated stack Ground Vibration Test (GVT) at MSFC in<br />

accordance with CxP 72234, Integrated Vehicle Ground Vibration Test Task Plan.(and<br />

associated Children documents as specified in Attachment J-3, Applicable Guidance and<br />

Informational Documents List). Support for Integrated Vehicle Ground Vibration Test<br />

shall be in accordance with the Ares IVGVT & Orion BEA.<br />

10.3.7 Verification Analysis and Trades<br />

a) If the Contractor utilizes modeling and Simulation to conduct analysis in support of verification<br />

specification compliance at the Integrated spacecraft level (Sections 2 and 6 address module<br />

and subsystem levels), the Contractor shall com ply with ORO CEV-T -001, Integrated Models,<br />

Simulations and Support Plan, and ORO CEV-T-002, CEV Engineering Models.<br />

10.4 Facilities<br />

ThiS section consists of all actiVities needed to prOVide the Integration, Test, & Verification<br />

facilities required to complete Integrated verification of the spacecraft. This consists of test and<br />

verification facility hardware and software needed to support integrated CEV testing involving<br />

multiple subsystems and modules. This does not Include test article and test support hardware<br />

and software. Outfitting, test article and test support hardware and software IS contained in<br />

Sections 10.3 and 6<br />

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10.4.1 Reserved<br />

10.4.2 Reserved<br />

10.4.3 Other Facilities<br />

a) The Contractor shall provide the integration, test, & verification facIlities required to test and<br />

certify the integrated CEV spacecraft The Contractor shall inVite <strong>NASA</strong> to witness all<br />

subsystem facIlity design reviews and certification activities<br />

b) The Contractor shall provide the Integration, Test, & Verification (IT&V) facIlities required to<br />

complete Integrated verification of the Integrated CEV spacecraft The requirements for the<br />

IT&V facilities shall be derived from the products developed under Section 10.1, Test and<br />

Verification Management and Administration<br />

c) Reserved<br />

d) The Contractor shall perform requirements development (with <strong>NASA</strong> participation and<br />

concurrence), deSign, integration, delivery of manufacturing, assembly and test equipment,<br />

verification, validation, qualification, and certification of manufacturing, assembly, and<br />

contractor test facilities The Contractor shall document the CEV facility requirements In ORO<br />

CEV-T-082, Spacecraft Test & Verification Facility System Requirements Document, the<br />

facility design in ORO CEV-T-083, Spacecraft Test & Verification Facility System Design<br />

Document, the facility certification plan in ORO CEV-T-084, Spacecraft Test & Venflcation<br />

Facility Certification Plan, and the facility certification results in ORO CEV-T-085, Spacecraft<br />

Test & Venflcation Facility Certification Package<br />

e) The Contractor shall provide support to <strong>NASA</strong> for development, deSign, Integration, delivery<br />

of manufacturing, assembly and test equipment, verification, validation, qualification, and<br />

certification of manufacturing, assembly, and contractor test facilities (IDIO).<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the follOWing document(s)'<br />

• DRD CEV-T-082' Spacecraft Test & Verification Facility System Requirements Document<br />

• DRD CEV-T-083 Spacecraft Test & Verification Facility System DeSign Document<br />

• DRD CEV-T-084: Spacecraft Test & Verification FacIlity Certification Plan<br />

• DRD CEV-T-085' Spacecraft Test & Verification Facility Certification Package<br />

10.5 Ground Test Pathfinder Hardware<br />

Reserved<br />

10.6 Flight Test<br />

All flight test activities Will be managed and conducted by <strong>NASA</strong>, as a <strong>NASA</strong>-provided service to<br />

the Contractor, with support from the Contractor, for the Design, Development, Test, and<br />

Evaluation (DDT&E) phase. As the lead for this activity, <strong>NASA</strong> has defined flight tests for the Pad<br />

Abort (PA) and Ascent Abort (AA) testing of the Launch Abort Vehicle (LAV) In Table 10 1, and<br />

Ares sub-orbital and orbital flight tests In Table 102 The PA and AA tests are considered part of<br />

the Abort Flight Test Project (AFTP), and Ares 1 Y test is considered part of the I ntegrated Flight<br />

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Test Project (IFTP). Although it is anticipated that flight test planning, monitoring, and reporting<br />

will continue past the Ares flights, the scope of Section 10.6 of this SOW is all abort and<br />

integrated Ares flights prior to the first human launch (FHL). Tables 10.1 and 10.2 provide<br />

conceptual gUidance for the complexity required for each test article, and the primary supplier of<br />

the hardware. The actual compleXity required for each test vehicle will be determined by the<br />

vehicle design and the reqUired test objectives for each test<br />

SOW Section 10 6 covers the work associated With pre-production fidelity test hardware furnished<br />

by the Contractor and Contractor support requirements for Government-furnished test hardware.<br />

For thiS effort, the Contractor will support <strong>NASA</strong> In the development of test-unique non-production<br />

and production CEV requirements as appropriate. Per Table 10.1 and 102, the Contractor Will<br />

deSign, manufacture, verify, and deliver the Flight Test Articles (FTAs) appropriate for these tests.<br />

For PA-1 and AA-1, <strong>NASA</strong> shall provide the CM primary structure. The contractor shall provide<br />

the CM primary structure for PA-2, AA-2, and the remainder of the flight test program. For PA-1<br />

and AA-1, <strong>NASA</strong> will lead the systems engineering and integration (SE&I) effort, and the<br />

assembly, Integration and test/production (AIT/P) to be performed at Dryden Flight Research<br />

Center (DFRC).<br />

Figure 10.1, Abort Flight Test Matrix, shows the components to be used for the PAlAA flight test<br />

vehicles, and where appropriate, the primary supplier of the hardware. For the AA aborts flown<br />

on the ATB, the Interface between the FTA and the ATB is between the Sep Ring and the service<br />

module sub-section (SMSS) The SMSS IS an integral part of the ATB and Will be provided by<br />

the government The Sep Ring IS an Integral part of the FTA and is the minimum hardware<br />

required to perform the CM/SM retention and release (R&R) and umbilical disconnect functions.<br />

PA tests Will consist of the FTA components Without the ATB <strong>NASA</strong> will supply the ATB used in<br />

AA tests 1-3 as Identified in Table 10 1 An ATB will be supplied for the high altitude abort if the<br />

Ares launch vehicle IS not available.<br />

A test team led by <strong>NASA</strong>, With Contractor support, Will coordinate the development and<br />

implementation of the AFTP and IFTP. SOW Section 10.6 also Includes the Contractor support<br />

effort associated With PA-1 and PA-2, AA-1 thru AA-23, and Ares 1 Y flight tests<br />

For the Ares 1 Y flight tests, the Contractor will support <strong>NASA</strong> in the development of the test<br />

unique production CEV reqUIrements. ThiS requirement set will contain requirements that vary<br />

from the production CEV requirements set and configuration changes from the production CEV<br />

configuration. The requirement definition activity IS covered in this section of the SOW. The<br />

design, production, assembly, checkout and delivery of the spacecraft for these tests are covered<br />

in SOW Section 6, CEV Spacecraft Development, using the modified requirements developed in<br />

this sectlon.The Contractor operations support effort for the Orion/Ares flight tests is covered in<br />

SOW Section 2.7, Flight and Ground Operations Integration.<br />

The test unique GSE for the flight tests IS covered in SOW Section 10669 Flight Test Ground<br />

Support Equipment; SOW section, 6262, Flight Test Article Design and<br />

Production All GSE that is non-Flight Test unique IS covered in Sections 2.7 2 e, 6 1.6.1,,<br />

6.4 6.1.<br />

The Contractor shall perform acceptance testing of Flight Test Articles document the results<br />

uSing ORO CEV-T-040, Acceptance Data Package<br />

Deliverables<br />

• The Contractor shall deliver the follOWing document(s):<br />

• ORO CEV-T-040: Acceptance Data Package Type 4 as tailored in J-2 DPD<br />

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10.6.1 Project Management and Tech Planning<br />

Reserved<br />

10.6.2 Flight Test Vehicle (FTV) SE&I<br />

Reserved<br />

10.6.3 Abort test Booster (ATB) DDT&E<br />

Reserved<br />

10.6.4 Flight Test Article (FTA) DDT&E<br />

ThiS consists of the effort to define the number, fidelity, system and interface requirements, and<br />

specifications of the FTAs necessary to complete the flight test effort. ThiS also Includes the<br />

design, development, systems engineering, integration, test, and verification of unique FTAs not<br />

provided by Section 6, CEV Spacecraft Development. Unique FT hardware manufactUring,<br />

production, and delivery IS contained In Section 10 6 6<br />

a) The Contractor shall refine the PA and AA tests defined In Table 10 1 The Contractor shall<br />

document the configurations in ORO CEV-O-001, FTA Defmition<br />

b) The Contractor shall support the Government in defining AFTP and IFTP flight test<br />

objectives.<br />

c) Based on the flight tests outlined In Table 10 1, Abort Flight Test Matrix, and Table 10.2, Ares<br />

Flight Test Matrix, the Contractor shall document the proposed fidelity of Contractor-furnished<br />

FTAs to complete the flight test effort and document the configurations in ORO CEV-O-001,<br />

FTA Definition.<br />

d) The contractor shall support <strong>NASA</strong> in the development of FTO-AFT-FTA-004, Flight Test<br />

Article System ReqUirement Document, for PA1 and AA1<br />

e) The Contractor, in conjunction With <strong>NASA</strong>, shall allocate the functional, performance and<br />

operational requirements contained In FTO-AFT-FTA-004, Flight Test Article System<br />

Requirement Document to the Flight Test Articles and Ground Support Equipment The<br />

Contractor shall document the requirements developed from this process In the FTA <br />

Specifications, ORO CEV-O-002, Flight Test Article (FTA) Specifications.<br />

f) Reserved<br />

g) The Contractor shall develop and maintain system requirements for PA2, and AA-2 as<br />

identified in Table 10 1, Abort Flight Test MatriX, and ORO CEV-O-001, FTA Definition. The<br />

Contactor shall deliver the requirements in ORO CEV-O-002, FTA SpecificatIOns.<br />

h) The Contractor shall develop and maintain module, subsystem, and component requirement<br />

specifications appropriate for Contractor-furnished hardware configuration based on the flight<br />

test objectives Identified In CxP-72166, Flight Test Vehicle Mission and Flight Objectives, in<br />

ORO CEV-O-002, FTA Specifications. The Contractor shall make available bidirectional<br />

traceability for these requirements<br />

i) The Contractor shall develop and maintain FTA specifications in ORO CEV-O-002, FTA<br />

Specifications and draWing trees for Contractor-furnished hardware and deliver them<br />

In ORO CEV-O-004, FTA Engineering Design Data Book.<br />

j) The Contractor shall develop and maintain all detailed documentation for Contractorfurnished<br />

flight test articles to Include speCifications, design, implementation, interface<br />

definitions, test and qualifications documentation on modules, subsystems, components and<br />

draWing trees and deliver them In ORO CEV-D-004, FTA Engineering Design Data Book.<br />

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The Contractor shall support the Government in the maintenance and development of all<br />

similar related detailed documentation for Government-furnished test articles<br />

k) The Contractor shall support the development of module, subsystem, and component<br />

reqUirement specifications appropriate for each <strong>NASA</strong>-furnished FT A configuration based on<br />

the flight test obJectives.<br />

I} The Contractor shall develop and maintain system specifications for the FTAs for Ares/Orion<br />

flight test articles. It is expected that these FTAs will have configuration changes from the<br />

CEV System ReqUirements as defined in Section 2.2 CEV Requirements Definition and<br />

Management and Sections 2 2, ReqUirements Definition and Management 6 1 2 CM System<br />

Engineering and Integration, 622 SM and SA System Engineering and Integration, 6.4.2<br />

LAS System Engineering and Integration The Contractor shall document the requirements<br />

in ORO CEV-T -031, CEV Requirements Specification.<br />

m) The Contractor shall define and proVide the internal Interfaces requirements between each<br />

module, subsystem, and computer software configuration Item as identified in ORO CEV-O-<br />

002, Flight Test Article (FTA) SpeCifications<br />

n) The Contractor shall develop the module-to-module and sUbsystem-to-subsystem IRDs/lCDs<br />

and document in ORO CEV-O-002, Flight Test Article (FTA) Specifications.<br />

0) <strong>NASA</strong> will prOVide the follOWing products to the Contractor.<br />

o CxP-72167, Orion Aerodynamic Database (for all phases of flight)<br />

o<br />

o<br />

CxP-72168, Orion Aerothermodynamic Database (for all phases of flight)<br />

FTO-AFT -FTV-011-PA 1, Orion Launch Abort Vehicle (LAV)Development Flight<br />

Instrumentation (DFI) Master Measurement List for PA-1<br />

p) The Contractor shall provide the installation deSign, associated installation hardware and<br />

installation of <strong>NASA</strong>-provided Development Flight Instruments (DFI) for the PA-1 LAS in<br />

accordance With FTO-AFT -FTA-024-PA 1, FTA-to-DFI Interface Control Document.<br />

q) <strong>NASA</strong> Will prOVide the Contractor the ATB-Induced enVIronments as defined in FTO-AFT­<br />

FTA-001, Flight Test Article Environmental Requirements Document<br />

r) The Contractor shall provide <strong>NASA</strong> the CEV LAS Induced environments.<br />

s) The Contractor shall design the FTAs for the specific natural environments and Induced<br />

environments that the FTA must operate within and for which the FTA must be qualified,<br />

encompassing all phases of FTA production, testing and operation In all modes through<br />

disposal in accordance with FTO-AFT -FTA-001, Flight Test Article Environmental<br />

Requirements Document<br />

t) The Contractor shall define the FTA System Command, Control, Communications, and<br />

Information (C31) interoperabillty Interfaces to be compatible with the range and document<br />

these interfaces per ORO CEV-O-004, FTA Engineering Design Data Book.<br />

u) For the Abort Test Flights identified In Table 10 1, the Contractor shall support FTA Periodic<br />

Technical Reviews, and Flight Test Readiness Reviews.<br />

v) The Contractor shall document production and SR&QA standards per ORO CEV-O-004, FTA<br />

Engineering Design Data Book<br />

w) The Contractor shall ensure that the FTAs are built and tested In accordance With the<br />

Contractor's product assurance requirements and standards as documented in ORO CEV-O-<br />

004, FTA Engineering Design Data Book<br />

x) The Contractor shall document the as-bUilt FTAs per ORO CEV-O-004, FTA Engineering<br />

Design Data Book<br />

y) The Contractor shall verify the design as specified and documented In ORO CEV-O-005, FTA<br />

Validation and Verification Data Book, documenting the FTA validation and verification effort.<br />

z) For each Flight Test Article, the Contractor shall deliver to the <strong>NASA</strong> deSignated Integration<br />

faCility In accordance With Attachment J-9<br />

aa) <strong>NASA</strong> Will prOVide the Contractor the WSMR natural environments as defined in FTO-AFT­<br />

FTA-001, Flight Test Article Environmental Requirements Document<br />

ab) The Contractor shall develop the Master Verification Plan Volume for the Flight Test Articles,<br />

ORO-CEV-T-015, Master Venflcation Plan<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the follOWing document(s)<br />


<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-1<br />

Modification 65<br />

• DRD CEV-D-001: Flight Test Article (FTA) Definition<br />

• DRD CEV-D-002 Flight Test Article (FTA) Specifications<br />

• DRD CEV-D-004: Flight Test Article (FTA) Engineering Design Data Book<br />

• DRD CEV-D-005' Flight Test Article (FTA) Validation and Verification Data Book<br />

• DRD CEV-T -031. CEV ReqUIrements Specification for the FTA<br />

• DRD-CEV-T -015 Flight Test Article Volume Master Verification Plan<br />

10.6.5 Flight Test Operations DDT&E (IDIQ)<br />

Flight Test Operations DDT&E consists of the generic concepts, plans, procedures, and training<br />

for flight test operations and the design, development, systems engineering, integration, test, and<br />

verification of the ground hardware and software associated with flight test execution. The<br />

element includes all non-recurring costs associated With establishing and maintaining the flight<br />

test operations infrastructure. (IDIO)<br />

10.6.6 Flight Test Hardware Production<br />

Reserved<br /> Reserved<br /> Reserved<br /> Reserved<br /> Reserved<br /> Reserved<br /> Reserved<br /> Reserved<br /> Reserved<br /> Flight Test GSE Production<br />

Flight Test Article Ground Support Equipment (GSE) covered in this section includes the design,<br />

production, and delivery of the FTA-unique Mechanical GSE (MGSE) and Electrical GSE (EGSE),<br />

both hardware and associated software, needed for ground and flight operations to support all<br />

FTA components furnished by the Contractor In addition, the GSE covered in this section<br />

includes all LAS GSE<br />

Note. Work associated With GSE common With the production vehicle is covered In Section<br />

2 7 2 (e), Integrated Ground Support Equipment<br />


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a) The Contractor shall manufacture, deliver, and accept (including acceptance testing) the flight<br />

test GSE required for the Flight Test Program<br />

b) The Contractor shall design, develop, certify, produce, and deliver GSE for FTAs for the flight<br />

test defined in ORO CEV-O-002, FTA System Requirements, and the requirements in this<br />

SOW<br />

c) The Contractor shall design the GSE to support FTA C311nteroperability Interfaces to be<br />

compatible With the range and document these interfaces per ORO CEV-O-006, FTA GSE<br />

Data Book.<br />

d) The Contractor shall design and produce the FTA GSE required for all phases of FTA<br />

production, transportation, integration and checkout, and ground and launch processing<br />

e) The Contractor shall include FTA GSE in FTA PeriodiC Technical Reviews, FTA System<br />

Acceptance Reviews, and Flight Test Readiness Reviews.<br />

f) The Contractor shall document production and S&MA standards per ORO CEV-O-006 FTA<br />

GSE Data Book.<br />

g) The Contractor shall ensure that the GSE is bUilt and tested In accordance with the<br />

Contractor's product assurance requirements and standards as documented in ORO CEV-O-<br />

006 FTA GSE Data Book.<br />

h) The Contractor shall document the as-built FTA GSE per ORO CEV-O-006, FTA GSE Data<br />

Book<br />

i) The Contractor shall design and produce the FTA GSE reqwred for post-test FTA safing and<br />

recovery.<br />

j) The Contractor shall include FTA GSE requirements In ORO CEV-O-002, FTA <br />

Specifications and FTA GSE design in ORO CEV-O-006, FTA GSE Design Data Book.<br />

k) The Contractor shall complete the DD250 for the FTA GSE and deliver the FTA GSE to the<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>- designated test faCIlity In accordance with Attachment J-9<br />

I) The Contractor shall operate, maintain and update the FTA GSE for the duration of the flight<br />

test activity.<br />

m) The Contractor shall provide procedures for the FTA GSE.<br />

n) The Contractor shall provide training for the use of FTA GSE.<br />

0) The Contractor shall use a ground command, telemetry, and display system that IS<br />

compatible with the host range Use of data converters is unacceptable.<br />

p) The Contractor shall develop a common ground telemetry and data network that allows for<br />

software updates via the network Sites include the Contractor's home Site, the host range,<br />

and DRFC<br />

q) The Contractor shall provide the deSign of the ground transportation and handling (GT&H)<br />

equipment to <strong>NASA</strong><br />

Note: <strong>NASA</strong>-LaRC will build the GT&H eqUipment to ship the LaRC provided CMs and LAS<br />

pathfinders<br />

r) The Contractor shall deliver the EGSE to the DFRC<br />

Deliverables<br />

The Contractor shall deliver and maintain the follOWing document(s).<br />

• DRD CEV-D-002: Flight Test Article (FTA) Data Book<br />

• DRD CEV-D-006' Flight Test Article (FTA) GSE DeSign Data Book<br />

10.6.7 Abort Test Booster Production<br />

Reserved<br />


<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

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Attachment J-1<br />

Modification 65<br /> Reserved<br /> Reserved<br /> Reserved<br /> Reserved<br /> Reserved<br /> Reserved<br />

10.6.8 Flight Test Operations (IDIQ)<br />

Flight Test operations includes the Contractor support for the flight test activities<br />

Flight Test Operations include the plans, processes, schedules, and products required to perform<br />

the flight design, analyses, and flight planning activities, flight products and procedure<br />

development; and execution of flight tests through Ares-1Y. Flight Test Operations will be the<br />

responsibility of <strong>NASA</strong>; however, it is essential that the Contractor provide the data and support to<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> for the development of the flight test operations products to prepare for and execute the<br />

CEV missions.<br />

Note. Flight Test Support for Orion flight tests are covered In Section 2.7.<br />

a) For PA-1 and AA-1, the Contractor shall provide side-by-slde support for the LAS, the<br />

avionics sub-system, the MGSE and the EGSE. As FTAs Increase In functionality and<br />

complexity (PA-2 and beyond), additional support shall be provided as appropriate Support<br />

Includes, but is not limited to, EGSE OFI telemetry database updates, EGSE software<br />

updates, and EGSE hardware spares and troubleshooting support AVionics and LAS flight<br />

software updates, regression testing, and troubleshooting support<br />

Note: ConSideration should be given to uSing Ground Operations personnel from KSC to<br />

augment the Ground Operations team at WSMR for training purposes.<br />

b) For PA-1 and AA-1, the Contractor shall provide initial training to <strong>NASA</strong> test team personnel<br />

on the LAS module, the CM aVIOniCS, the MGSE and the EGSE As FTAs increase in<br />

functionality and compleXity (PA-2 and beyond), additional training shall be prOVided as<br />

appropriate.<br />

c) The Contractor shall provide support for the test execution. ThiS Includes console support at<br />

the test range for all training events required to certify console operators, combined systems<br />

tests in support of launch preparation, and launch through recovery operations ThiS also<br />

Includes the Contractor operations and maintenance of the EGSE at the test range<br />

d) Reserve<br />

e) The Contractor shall proVide support for the Post Flight Test Report<br />

f) The Contractor shall proVide data to <strong>NASA</strong> for range safety in accordance With Section 2.7.4,<br />

Range Safety, and ORO CEV-O-007, Range Safety ReqUirements Documents.<br />

g) The Contractor shall support <strong>NASA</strong>-provided parachute and pyrotechnic Initiator integration<br />

into the FT A.<br />

h) The Contractor shall provide support for flight test planning, to Include module and subsystem<br />

procedures, ground processing, checkout, launch, recovery and refurbishment procedures,<br />

flight rules, launch commit criteria, and minimum eqUipment list required for launch.<br />

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10.7 Special Projects/Studies - T&V<br />

This section addresses unique projects or studies needed to support, faCIlitate, Improve, or<br />

enhance CEV test and verification completeness or effectiveness.<br />

a) The Contractor shall perform special CEV-related studies and analyses as directed by <strong>NASA</strong>.<br />

The Contractor shall define the resources required as part of their response to <strong>NASA</strong>'s<br />

request for a task order plan The trade studies and analyses resulting from special studies<br />

shall also Include the impact to system safety and life cycle cost<br />

10.7.1 TPS Flight Test<br />

This is a study to determine the value, feasibility, and necessity of performing a flight test to prove<br />

the effectiveness of the TPS materials and application for lunar-return entries.<br />

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Education and Public Outreach Incorporates the development of the Education and Public<br />

Outreach portion of the CEV Project Provide for the EPO responsibilities In alignment with<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>'s Strategic plan for Education This includes management and coordinated activIties,<br />

formal education, informal education, public outreach, media support, and web site development.<br />

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May 2009<br />


AND<br />


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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />


1 1 Scope: Subject to the Rights In Data clause, this Data Procurement Document (DPD)<br />

sets forth the data requirements In each Data Requirements Description (DRD) and<br />

shall govern that data required by the DPD for the contract The Contractor shall<br />

furnish data defined by the DRD's listed on the Data Requirements List (DRL) by<br />

category of data, attached hereto, and made a part of this DPD. Such data shall be<br />

prepared, maintained, and delivered to <strong>NASA</strong> In accordance with the requirements set<br />

forth within this DPD In cases where data requirements are covered by a Federal<br />

Acqulsitron Regulation (FAR) or <strong>NASA</strong> FAR Supplement (NFS) regulation or clause,<br />

the regulation will take precedence over the DPD, per FAR 52.215-8.<br />

1.2 DPD Description: This DPD consists of an Introduction, a Statement of General<br />

Requirements, DPD maintenance procedures, a DRL, and the DRD's<br />

1.2 1 General Requirements The general requirements, as specified in paragraph 2.0 of this<br />

DPD, prescrrbe those requirements applicable to the preparation, maintenance, and<br />

delivery of data that are better defined in aggregate than in the individual DRD's<br />

1 22 Data Requirements List

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

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Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br /> To facilitate the usage and maintenance of the DPD, the DRD's have been divided Into<br />

sections In accordance with the above data categories<br />

1 2.3 5 The DRD's are filed by data category and are In alpha-numeric sequence as listed on<br />

the DRL pages that precedes the DRD's<br />

1 2 4 DPD Maintenance Procedures. Maintenance procedures define the detailed methods<br />

to be employed in maintaining the DPD. Detailed maintenance procedures are<br />

specified in paragraph 3 0 of thiS DPD.<br />

1.3 Data Types for Contractual Efforts' The types of data and their contractually applicable<br />

requirements for approval and delivery are'<br />

TYPE<br />


1 All issues and Interim changes to those issues require written approval from the<br />

requiring organization before formal release for use or Implementation<br />

2 <strong>NASA</strong> reserves a time-limited right to disapprove In writing any issues and<br />

interim changes to those Issues Data shall be submitted to the procuring activity<br />

for review not less than 45 calendar days prior to ItS release for use or<br />

Implementation. The Contractor shall clearly identify the release target date in<br />

the "submitted for review" transmittal. If the Contractor has not been notified of<br />

any disapproval prior to the release target date, the data shall be considered<br />

approved. To be an acceptable delivery, disapproved data shall be revised to<br />

remove causes for the disapproval before ItS release<br />

3 These data shall be delivered by the Contractor as required by the contract and<br />

do not require <strong>NASA</strong> approval However, to be a satisfactory delivery, the data<br />

must satisfy all applicable contractual requirements<br />

4 These data are produced or used during performance of the contract and are<br />

retained by the Contractor They shall be delivered when <strong>NASA</strong> requests it<br />

according to instructions In the request. The Contractor shall maintain a list of<br />

these data and shall furnish copies of the list to <strong>NASA</strong> when requested to do so<br />

5 These data are InCidental to contract performance and are retained by the<br />

Contractor In those cases where contracting parties have agreed that formal<br />

delivery is not required However, the Contracting Officer or the Contracting<br />

Officer's Representative shall have access to and can Inspect thiS data at its<br />

location In the Contractor's or subcontractor's faCilities, or In an electronic<br />

database acceSSible to the Government<br />


2.1 Applicable/Reference Documents' Documents Included as applicable documents In<br />

this DPD are the issue specified In the Statement of Work, and form a part of the DPD<br />

to the extent specified herein. Applicable documents listed in Item 13.2 of a DRD are<br />

applicable only to the preparation of the deliverable documentation described by that<br />

DRD.<br />

References to documents other than applicable documents In the data requirements of<br />

thiS DPD may sometimes be utilized, and shall be Indicated In 11, Remarks of the<br />

DRD These do not constitute a contractual obligation on the Contractor. They are to<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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be used only as a possible example or to provide related information to assist the<br />

Contractor in developing a response to that particular data requirement<br />

2.2 Subcontractor Data Requirements<br />

2 2 1 The Contractor shall specify to subcontractors and vendors, if any, the availability<br />

source of all data reqUired for the satisfactory accomplishment of their contracts. The<br />

Contractor shall validate these requirements for documents when appropriate; where<br />

the requirement concerns other Contractor data, the Contractor shall provide his<br />

subcontractor or vendor with the necessary documents All such requests shall be<br />

accomplished under the auspices of the Contractor<br />

2 2 2 Reference to subcontractor data In the Contractor's responses IS permissible, providing<br />

the references are adequate and Include such Identification elements as title, number,<br />

reVISion, etc, and a copy of the referenced data is supplied with the response<br />

document at time of delivery to <strong>NASA</strong><br />

2 3 Data Distribution. Format and Transmittal<br />

2 3.1 Distribution Distribution of required documentation shall be in quantities determined by<br />

the Contracting Officer Recipient names and email addresses shall be noted on a<br />

separate distribution list to be furnished by the Contracting Officer. The Contracting<br />

Officer's letter may Include other information pertinent to delivery of data, as reqUired<br />

23.2 Format<br /> Electronic Format: ElectroniC submission of data deliverables is reqUired. Electronic<br />

deliverables shall be printable where pOSSible The Contractor will not be required to<br />

deliver the data in a printable format for data deliverables such as binary executables,<br />

CAD models, mathematical models, etc which are not printable The versions of all<br />

submittals shall be confirmed prior to delivery such that the delivered version<br />

corresponds to the Intended delivered version<br />

Data Deliverables outlined by each DRD shall be delivered to <strong>NASA</strong> In the format<br />

specified by the NExlOM standard when the follOWing conditions are met:<br />

1) Modeling and Simulation data Input and output are used to support an analYSIS,<br />

2) thiS M&S data is presented Within a DRD document or deliverable report and does<br />

not exist in an Industry standard native format (I e NASTRAN).<br />

3) the data support analytical and test conclusions In analysis and test related<br />

deliverables and the delivered data are sufficient to support the conclusions made in<br />

the deliverable.<br />

NExlOM formats will be governed by the NExlOM Working Group NExlOM will govern<br />

both acceptable formats for the applicable data deliverables called out In each DRD as<br />

well as metadata that must accompany each delivery product NExlOM mandated<br />

meta-information will be expressed In XML and be governed by the NExlOM Working<br />

Group This accompanying metadata must be conformant to the follOWing standard:<br />

CXP-70041, Constellation Program NExlOM Standard for Tool, Model, and Simulation<br />

Data All applicable deliverables Will consist of at least the deliverable itself and<br />

accompanying meta-Information Model and Simulation (M&S) output data sufficient to<br />

support deliverable conclusions as defined above shall be delivered in NExlOM format<br />

for non-developed and heritage M&S tools as applicable and input data In native format<br />

that is used to generate the data shall be retained to support the conclusions Where<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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new development M&S is utilized, input data shall also be supplied in NExlOM format<br />

as applicable relative to the above conditions. Any NExlOM data products that are<br />

required In addition to the applicability defined above will be managed through the<br />

Constellation Model and Simulation Working Group (CxMSWG).<br />

Software tools, models, or simulations made available to <strong>NASA</strong> shall be accompanied<br />

by an XML metadata document conformant to the following schema. CxP-70041,<br />

Constellation Program NExlOM Standard for Tool, Model, and Simulation Data. When<br />

a tool, model or simulation IS used to produce or support a ORO-governed deliverable<br />

or CEV program milestone, an Indication of the tools, models and simulations used<br />

shall be supplied conform ant to the CxP-70041, Constellation Program NExlOM<br />

Standard for Tool, Model, and Simulation Data metadata document accompanying the<br />

ORO or milestone data<br />

Data submittals in MS Word, MS Project, Excel or PowerPoint shall consist of a single,<br />

searchable Adobe Acrobat PDF file in addition to the native Word, Excel, Project, or<br />

PowerPoint electronic file(s).<br />

Where a single native format file is not possible, multiple files may be Integrated Into a<br />

Single ZIP file for submiSSion With the concurrence of <strong>NASA</strong>. The organization of the<br />

contents of the integrated ZIP file must be made readily apparent to the reader, and<br />

each file within the integrated product shall be clearly identifiable and traceable Within<br />

the organization of the integrated product<br />

All native format files delivered by the Contractor shall be readable by COTS software.<br />

Where the native file formats are not readable by COTS software, and With the<br />

concurrence of the <strong>NASA</strong> COTR, the Contractor shall deliver the application (source<br />

code and executable) required In order to read the native file format The preferred<br />

format for CAD data Will be Pro Engineer. The Contractor may request an alternative<br />

format<br /> Hardcopy Format In addition to the electroniC submittal, one hardcopy package of<br />

specific data<br />

dellverables shall be delivered to the <strong>NASA</strong> Contracting Officer for the Government<br />

contract file ORO's which require hardcopy submittals will indicate this in Item 13.4,<br />

Format. The hardcopy package shall consist of the Contractor's Transmittal Memo and<br />

one copy of the data deliverable<br />

2.33 Transmittal<br />

2331 Data shall be transmitted to <strong>NASA</strong> via the Integrated Collaborative Environment (ICE)<br />

in accordance with Attachment J-14, hardcopy, or other mechanism agreed to by the<br />

Contracting Officer, COTR, and Project representatives who are responsible to receive,<br />

Index, and store the data deliverables.<br /> Data Transmittal Package Each data transmittal package shall include.<br />

a. Transmittal memorandum that specifies the meta-data below for each data<br />

transmittal<br />

1. Contract number<br />

2 Data ReqUirements DeSCription (ORO) number<br />

3. ORO data type (speCified In Item 3 on the ORO)<br />

4 SubmiSSion date or milestone being satisfied.<br />

5 Document number and revision.<br />

6 Document title.<br />

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7 File names of all files being delivered, multiple files per document must be<br />

clearly related to the document<br />

8. Distnbutlon (as defined by the Contracting Officer's letter).<br />

9 Requested response date<br />

b. Printable electronic files or hardcopy data<br />

c. NExlOM meta-data document per section 2 3 2 1<br />

234 Use of the ICE Repository See J-14, ICE Operating Environment for details on using<br />

the ICE repository<br />

2.4 Pnntlng All printing, duplicating, or binding shall be in accordance with NFS 1852.208-<br />

81, Restrictions on Pnntlng and Duplicating Printing of formal reports and Type 1 and<br />

2 data In book format shall be in accordance with the following general specifications:<br />

a. Method of reproduction - offseVxerography<br />

b. Finished size - 81/2" X 11".<br />

c. Paper - 20-pound opaque bond.<br />

d. Cover - Litho cover stock<br />

e. Pages will be pnnted on both sides, blank pages will be avoided when possible.<br />

f<br />

Oversize pages will be avoided when possible, but if necessary will be folded<br />

to 81/2" X 11"<br />

g. Binding shall be the most economical method commensurate with the size of the<br />

report and ItS Intended use.<br />

2 5 Contractor's Internal Documents. The Contractor's internal documents shall be used to<br />

meet the data requirements of this DPD unless a specific format is required by the<br />

applicable DRD The format being used by the Contractor's Internal documents shall be<br />

readable by COTS tools<br />

2 6 Document Identification. Type 1 and 2 documents published by the Contractor and<br />

submitted In response to the data requirements of this DPD shall be identified within an<br />

organized identification numbenng system prescribed to <strong>NASA</strong> by the Contractor and, If<br />

applicable, as approved by <strong>NASA</strong>. This number, change legend, date, and title<br />

constitute the minimum identification of the specific document and shall appear on the<br />

cover and title page. The contract number shall also appear on the cover and title page<br />

as separate markings The originator and organization shall be Included on the title<br />

page. The document number, change legend, and date shall appear on each page of<br />

the document In the front matter of each document, Identify the DPD number and<br />

applicable DRD number(s} required for document preparation. Successive Issues or<br />

revisions of documents shall be Identified in the same manner as the basIc Issue and<br />

shall have appropriate change Identification Drawings and ECP's are excluded from<br />

the marking provIsions of this paragraph. All Type 1 documentation, excluding<br />

configuration management requirements, will be marked "PRELIMINARY PENDING<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> APPROVAL," and once approved shall be reissued with "APPROVED BY<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>" and the date and approval authonty annotated on the cover only.<br />

2 7 Reference to Other Documents and Data Deliverables In Data Submittals All<br />

referenced documents shall be made readily available to the cognizant <strong>NASA</strong><br />

organization upon request The Contractor should make sure that the references are<br />

available to <strong>NASA</strong> In a manner which does not incur delays in the use of the response<br />

document. Reference may be made, Within one data submittal, to other data submittals<br />

delivered In response to this DPD in those cases where the data reqUired by one DRD<br />

may have been delivered by the Contractor in response to another DRD. The<br />

reference to previously-submitted data shall Include the applicable DRD number, data<br />

submittal version date, and location Within the referenced document.<br />

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2.8 Maintenance of Type 1 Document Submittals<br />

2.8.1 Revisions of Type 1 documentation may be accomplished either by Individual page<br />

revision or by a complete reissue of the document Identified In accordance with<br />

requirements of 2 7 above, with the exception of drawings (which shall be revised in<br />

accordance with contract configuration management requirements).<br />

2.8 2 Individual page revisions shall be made as deemed necessary by the Contractor or as<br />

directed by the Contracting Officer.<br />

2.8.3 A Type 1 document shall be completely reissued when, In the opinion of the Contractor<br />

and/or <strong>NASA</strong>, the document has been revised to the extent that It IS unusable in its<br />

present state, or when directed by the Contracting Officer. When complete reissues<br />

are made, the entire contents of the document shall be brought up to date and shall<br />

incorporate revised pages. All revisions shall be recorded. A revision log shaliidenbfy<br />

complete reissues except for periodiC reports and documents which are complete<br />

within themselves as final<br />

284 Changes of a minor nature to correct obvious typing errors, misspelled words, etc.,<br />

shall only be made when a technical change is made, unless the accuracy of the<br />

document is affected.<br />

2.8.5 All revised pages shall be Identified by a revision symbol and a new date. Each<br />

document shall contain a log of revised pages that will identify the revIsion status of<br />

each page with the revision symbol. This list shall follow the table of contents in each<br />

document The line or lines revised on a given page shall be designated by the use of<br />

vertical line In the margin of the page, and the change authority shall be indicated<br />

adjacent to the change<br />

2.8.6 Contractor Type 1 documents shall not be submitted containing pen and ink markups<br />

which correct, add to, or change the text, unless schedule problems exist and approval<br />

IS obtained In writing from the Contracting Officer. Such markups, however, shall not<br />

exceed 20 percent of the page content and shall be acceptable provided that the<br />

reproduced copies are legible In addition, hand-drawn schematics, block diagrams,<br />

data curves, and Similar charts may be used in original reports in lieu of formally<br />

prepared art work, as long as legibility of copies IS not Impaired. Acceptability will be<br />

determined by the Contracting Officer<br />


3 1 <strong>NASA</strong>-Initiated Change. New and/or revised data requirements Will be Incorporated by<br />

contract modification to which the new or revised portion of the DPD will be appended<br />

The Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer in the event a deliverable data<br />

requirement is imposed and is not covered by a DRD, or when a DRD IS changed by a<br />

contract modification and for which no revIsion to DPD IS appended. In such cases, the<br />

Contractor shall submit the requested changes to <strong>NASA</strong> for approval See paragraph<br />

3 3 1 for change procedures<br />

32 Contractor-Initiated Change' Contractor-proposed data reqUirements, or proposed<br />

changes to existing requirements shall be submitted to <strong>NASA</strong> for approval.<br />

3 3 DPD Change Procedures<br />

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3.3.1 Changes to a contractual issue of this DPD will be Identified by <strong>NASA</strong> on the Document<br />

Change Log and Page Revision Log. The actual revised material on the DPD page will<br />

be identified by placing a heavy vertical line in the right-hand margin extending the<br />

entire length of the change In addition, the numerical control number of the<br />

contractual direction authorizing the change shall be placed adjacent to the vertical<br />

revision line These revIsion Identifiers shall be used to reflect the current revIsion only;<br />

any prevIous symbols on a page will be deleted by the current revIsion.<br />

3.3.2 The date of the contractual direction paper, e g., Change Order, Supplemental<br />

Agreement, or Contracting Officer's letter shall be entered under the "Status" column<br />

of the Page RevIsion Log adjacent to the affected page or DRD number, and in the "as<br />

of' block The date that was In the "as of' block Will be entered In the "Superseding"<br />

block.<br />

3.3.3 The Document Change Log entitled "Incorporated Revisions" will be changed to<br />

Indicate the number, portions affected, and associated Supplemental Agreement<br />

number, if applicable.<br />

3 3.4 The Document Change Log entitled "Outstanding Revisions" is changed periodically to<br />

indicate outstanding Change Orders and Contracting Officer notification letters<br />

3.4 DPD Reissues<br />

3.4.1 When conditions warrant, the DPD will be reissued by <strong>NASA</strong> and will supersede the<br />

eXisting DPD In its entirety. Reissues will be issued by contractual direction.<br />

3.4.2 All reviSion symbols (vertical lines and contractual direction control numbers) will be<br />

removed from all pages; revIsion dates shall remain In the Date ReVised block on DRD's<br />

that have been revised. The Issue symbol, which Will commence With "A" and progress<br />

through "Z," Will be entered In the DPD Identification block of each DRD page of the DPD<br />

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1.<br />

3.<br />

6.<br />

7.<br />

PROGRAM: CEV 2. DRDNO.: CEV-B-003<br />

DATA TYPE: 3 4. DATE REVISED: May 2009<br />

5 PAGE. 1<br />

TITLE. Cost Performance Report<br />


This Data Requirements Descr~ption (DRD) contains the format and content<br />

preparation instructions for the data product generated by the specific<br />

and d~screte task requirement as delineated in the contract. This report<br />

consists of two maJor sections. The first section is the Contractor<br />

Integrated Management Schedule and the second section contains the cost<br />

reporting formats.<br />

a. The Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) is an integrated schedule<br />

containing the networked, detailed tasks necessary to ensure successful<br />

project execution. The IMS is vertically traceable to the Integrated<br />

Master plan (IMP) the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) , and the Statement<br />

of Work (SOW). The IMS shall be used to verify attainab~lity of contract<br />

objectives, to evaluate progress toward meeting project objectives, and<br />

to integrate the proJect schedule activities with all related components.<br />

This DRD is applicable to development, major modification, and low rate<br />

initial production efforts; ~t ~s not typically applied to full rate<br />

production efforts.<br />

a.1. The pr~me Contractor is required to include significant<br />

external interfaces and critical items from suppliers, teammates, or<br />

other detailed schedules that depict significant and/or critical elements<br />

and Government furnished equipment or information dependencies for the<br />

entire contractual effort ~n a single ~ntegrated network. The<br />

determ~nation of significant and critical shall be defined and<br />

documented, and agreed to by <strong>NASA</strong>.<br />

a.2. The IMS shall be statused according to the Contractor's<br />

management control system and shall be submitted no less frequently than<br />

monthly. If a Contract Performance Report (CPR) ~s requ~red, the IMS<br />

shall be statused and subm~tted to the procuring act~vity prior to or<br />

concurrently with CPR Formats 1-5 (as applicable) The IMS may reflect<br />

data either as of the end of the calendar month or as of the Contractor's<br />

accounting period cutoff date, provided it is consistent and traceable to<br />

the CPR (if applicable). When subcontractor schedule data reflects a<br />

different status date than the prime Contractor's schedule status date,<br />

these status dates shall be descr~bed in the analysis section of the IMS.<br />

b. The five cost report~ng formats contain data for measuring<br />

contractors' cost and schedule performance on the <strong>NASA</strong> Crew Exploration<br />

Veh~cle (CEV) acqu~sition contract. Format 1 provides data to measure<br />

cost and schedule performance by product-oriented Work Breakdown<br />

Structure (WES) elements, the hardware, software, and services the<br />

Government ~s buy~ng. Format 2 prov~des the same data by the<br />

Organization Breakdown Structure (OBS) elements. Format 3 provides the<br />

budget baseline plan against which performance is measured. Format 4<br />

provides staffing forecasts for correlation with cost estimates. Format<br />

5 is a narrative report used to explain significant cost and schedule<br />

variances and other identified contract problems and topics. CPR data<br />

shall be used by <strong>NASA</strong> project management to: (1) integrate cost and<br />

schedule performance data w~th technical performance measures, (2)<br />

identify the magnitude and impact of actual and potential problem areas<br />

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causing significant cost and schedule variances, and (3) provide valid,<br />

timely project status information to higher management. The CPR is a<br />

management report. It provides tlmely, reliable summary-level data with<br />

which to assess current and projected contract performance. The CPR's<br />

primary value to <strong>NASA</strong> is its ability to reflect current contract<br />

performance measurement status and reasonably project future contract<br />

performance. It lS important that the CPR be as accurate as possible so<br />

it may be used for its intended purpose, which is to facilitate informed,<br />

timely decisions. It will be used by the <strong>NASA</strong> component staff, including<br />

project and program managers, engineers, cost estimators, and financial<br />

management personnel, to confirm, quantify, and track known or emerging<br />

contract problems and serve as a basis for communicatlng wlth the<br />

contractor. The CPR data shall accurately reflect how work is being<br />

planned, performed, and measured and shall be consistent with the actual<br />

contract status.<br />

c. The CPR shall be used to obtaln cost and schedule performance<br />

information Refer to the Federal Acquisltlon Regulation (FAR) or<br />

Federal Acquisition Regulatlon Supplement clause on contract. The CPR<br />

data elements shall reflect the output of the contractor's integrated<br />

management system which shall be complaint wlth the American National<br />

Standards Institute/Electronic Industries Alliance Standard 748<br />

(ANSI/EIA-748), Earned Value Management Systems (EVMS) (current version<br />

in effect at time of contract award)<br />

c.l The CPR is a crucial element of <strong>NASA</strong>'s Continuous Cost-Risk<br />

Management (CCRM) process (Step 9) providing the <strong>NASA</strong> ProJect Manager<br />

high quality, tlmely cost-risk feedback for cost management lmprovement.<br />

Whereas the level of detail to be reported in Format 1 normally will be<br />

at level three of the WBS, for CCRM lmplementation purposes earned value<br />

cost performance data for medium and hlgh-risk WBS elements listed below<br />

shall be reported on CPR Formats 1 & 2 until such time as both government<br />

project management and the contractor agree that they no longer represent<br />

medium or high risks. This reporting should be at a level that is<br />

adequately sensitive to performance measurement indicators to ensure<br />

earliest identification of cost and schedule problems caused by the<br />

source rlsks. The Contractor shall identify known risks if not provided<br />

in the list above and track their performance measurement in the same<br />

manner. <strong>NASA</strong> reserves the right to amend the above list at the<br />

appropriate time during source selectlon, at Final Proposal Revision<br />

(FPR) , and at any time during the effort as new information on risks<br />

becomes available. <strong>NASA</strong> and the Contractor shall periodlcally review and<br />

adjust as necessary WES reporting levels on Format 1 to ensure they<br />

continue to provlde appropriate visibility without requiring excessive<br />

information. If there lS a slgnlficant problem at a lower level, detailed<br />

reportlng for that WBS element shall be required until the problem is<br />

resolved.<br />

c.2 All five formats are mandatory in all cases.<br />

c.3 Slgnificant variances require problem analysis. The thresholds for<br />

significant varlances are:<br />

Cum-to-Date Current Month At Completion<br />

Schedule Varlance +/-10% and +/-$100k +/-10% and +/-$50k<br />

Cost Variance +/-10% and +/-$100k +/-10% and +/-$50k +/ -$5M<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION: As determined by the Contracting Officer<br />

9. INITIAL SUBMISSION' Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

10. SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matrix.<br />

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11. REMARKS'<br />

The Cost Performance Report shall be available for online viewing at any<br />

time during the effort by <strong>NASA</strong> using appropr1ately protected<br />

Internet/Intranet technologies.<br />

The CPR shall be subm1tted monthly by the 10th to 12th working day of the<br />

month following the month being reported.<br />

The time increments to be used 1n Format 3 will correspond (within the<br />

limits of the Contractor's disclosed fiscal calendar) with the government<br />

fiscal year.<br />

CPR reporting shall reflect costs at WES Level 3 with the exception of<br />

Systems Engineering and Integrat10n, which shall be reported at Level 4,<br />

and Spacecraft, which shall be reported at Level 5.<br />

CPR reporting shall include the flow down of EVM requirements to<br />

subcontractors as well as any re1rnbursable agreements with other<br />

government agencies.<br />

For a detailed discuss10n of CCRM, see www.ceh.nasa.gov<br />

The following document(s) may be used as reference:<br />

533 DRD-eCCR: 533 Electronic Submiss10n Example<br />

CPR Formats 1-5: CPR Formats 1 through 5<br />

12 INTERRELATIONSHIP: Parent sow Paragraph(s): 1.2. (d), 1. 7. (b).<br />

Referenced in sow Paragraph: 2.4<br />


131 SCOPE:<br />

The Cost Performance Report (CPR) includes data to measure cost and<br />

schedule performance. The CEV Integrated Master Schedule provides data<br />

for the assessment of contract schedule and logic network of the tasks to<br />

be performed.<br />


ANSI/EIA-748-98: Earned Value Management Systems<br />

NPD 9501.3A: Earned Value Management<br />

NPR 9501.3: Earned Value Management Implementation Plan on <strong>NASA</strong> Contracts<br />

13 3 CONTENTS:<br />

13.3.1 The integrated master schedule shall contain the contract<br />

milestones, accomp11shments, and discrete tasks/activities (1ncluding<br />

planning packages where applicable) from contract award to the completion<br />

of the contract. The schedule shall be an integrated, logical networkbased<br />

schedule that correlates to the CWES, and is vertically and<br />

horizontally traceable to the cost/schedule reporting instrument used to<br />

address variances such as the CPR. The schedule shall have a numbering<br />

system that provides traceab1l1ty to the IMP and sow. It shall contain<br />

contractual mllestones and descriptions and display summary,<br />

intermediate, and detailed schedules, and periodic analysis of progress<br />

to date. It shall 1nclude f1elds and data that enable the user to access<br />

the information by product, process, or organizational lines.<br />

13.3.2 Contract M1lestones and Definitions. Key project events, which<br />

define progress and complet1on for each CWES element, along with the<br />

definition for successful completion of the milestone.<br />

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13.3.3. Summary Master Schedule. A top-level schedule of key<br />

tasks/activ~ties and milestones at the summary level of the CWES and IMP<br />

(if applicable). It shall be an integrated roll up of the intermediate<br />

and detailed schedules (see 13.3.3 and 13.3.4) (vertical integration).<br />

13.3.4. Intermediate Schedules. Midlevel contract schedules that include<br />

key tasks/activities and m~lestones and all associated accomplishments in<br />

the summary master schedule, traceable to the CWES element or IMP event<br />

as necessary to display work effort at the intermediate level of<br />

summarization. There may be several intermediate schedules that depict<br />

varying levels of detail. They shall be integrated roll ups of the<br />

detailed schedules (see 13.3.4 below) (vertical integrat~on).<br />

13.3 5. Deta~led Schedules. The lowest level of contract<br />

tasks/activities that form the network. The detailed schedules shall<br />

contain horizontal and vertical integration, as a minimum, at the work<br />

package and planning package level The detailed schedules shall include<br />

all tasks/activities, work packages, and planning packages identified in<br />

the contract Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB). Every discrete<br />

task/activity, work package, and planning package shall be clearly<br />

identified and directly related to a control account. Work packages and<br />

planning packages shall be individually represented and summarize to or<br />

reconc~le with the total budget for that control account. If Level of<br />

Effort (LOE) control accounts, work packages, or planning packages are<br />

included as tasks in the IMS, they shall be clearly identified as such.<br />

The detailed tasks/activities, work packages, and plann~ng packages shall<br />

be traceable to only one CWBS, IMP, and performing organizational<br />

element, as applicable. The level of detail ~n the IMS (including number<br />

and duration of tasks/activities) shall follow the Contractor's EVM<br />

process as documented ~n the EVMS system description, project directives,<br />

etc. Shorter-term work packages (ideally equal in length to the<br />

statusing interval) are preferred because they provide more accurate and<br />

reliable measures of work accomplished.<br />

13.3.6. Key Elements of Detailed Schedules. The key elements of the<br />

detailed schedules include the following:<br /> Task/Activity. An element of work with durat~on.<br /> Milestone. A specific definable accomplishment in the contract<br />

network, recognizable at a particular point in time. Milestones have zero<br />

durat~on and do not consume resources.<br /> Durat~on. The length of t~me estimated (or realized) to<br />

accomplish a task/activity.<br /> Percent Complete (Schedule). The proportion of an activity or<br />

task that has been completed to time now. This usually involves updating<br />

or statusing the activity or task ut~lizing one of two methods: (1)<br />

update the remaining time to complete (remaining duration) and the<br />

scheduling software will then automat~cally update the schedule percent<br />

complete or (2) update the schedule percent complete and allow the<br />

scheduling software to calculate the t~me remaining (remaining duration)<br />

to complete. Either method will use the follow~ng formula: Percent of<br />

Duration Completed = (Actual Duration / Total Durat~on) X 100.<br /> Task/Activity and Milestone Descript~ons. These are descriptive<br />

titles that are concise, complete, and clearly identify the work effort<br />

being accomplished. Abbreviations may be used to shorten the descriptive<br />

titles.<br /> Task/Activity Codes and Data Dictionary. A list of field<br />

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definit10ns and code structures. Th1S 11St shall be provided to the<br />

procuring activ1ty.<br /> Relationsh1p/Dependency. These identify how predecessor and<br />

successor tasks/activities and milestones are logically linked.<br />

Relationships, also called network logic, are modeled in four ways:<br /> Finish to Start (FS). A predecessor task/activity or<br />

milestone that must finish before a succeeding task/activity or milestone<br />

can start. FS relationships shall be used whenever possible.<br /> Start to Start (SS). A predecessor task/activity or milestone<br />

that must start before a succeeding task/activity or milestone can start.<br /> Finish to Finish (FF). A predecessor task/activity or<br />

milestone that must f1n1sh before a succeeding task/activity or milestone<br />

can fl.n1sh.<br /> Start to Finish (SF) A predecessor task/activity or<br />

milestone that must start before a succeeding task/activity or milestone<br />

can finish.<br /> Total Float/Slack. The amount of time a task/activity or<br />

milestone can slip before it delays the contract or project finish date.<br /> Free Float/Slack. The amount of time a task/activity or<br />

milestone can slip before it delays any of its successor tasks/activities<br />

or milestones.<br /> Lag. An interval of tl.me that must occur between a predecessor<br />

and successor task/activity or milestone. Since negative time is not<br />

demonstrable, negat1ve lag 1S not encouraged. (Note: Lag should not be<br />

used to manipulate float/slack or constrain schedule.)<br /> Early Start (ES) The earliest start date a task/activity or<br />

milestone can begin the precedence relationships. A computer-calculated<br />

date.<br /> Early F1n1sh (EF). The earliest finish date a task/activity or<br />

milestone can end. A computer-calculated date.<br /> Late Start (LS). The latest start date a task/actl.vity or<br />

milestone can start without delaying the contract or project target<br />

completion date. A computer-calculated date.<br /> Late Fl.n1Sh (LF) The latest date a task/activity or milestone<br />

can finish without delaying the contract or project target completion<br />

date. A computer-calculated date.<br /> Critical Path. A sequence of discrete tasks/activities 1n the<br />

network that has the longest total duration through the contract or<br />

project. Discrete tasks/activities along the cr1tical path have the<br />

least amount of float/slack. The crit1cal path and near-critical paths<br />

(report1ng requ1rements for near-cr1tical paths shall be a total float of<br />

5 days or less) are calculated by the scheduling software application.<br />

Note: Total float is the amount of time that an activity can be<br />

lengthened or slipped without delaying the project completion or<br />

mandatory critical milestone completion, assuming that all other<br />

activities are done in their normal time. The guidelines for critical<br />

path and near-critical path reporting are as follows:<br /> Methodology. The IMS software application computes a<br />

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critical path and near-crit~cal paths based on precedence relationships,<br />

lag times, durations, constraints, and status. Artificial constraints<br />

and incorrect, incomplete, or overly constrained logic shall be avoided<br />

because they can skew the critical path and near-critical paths.<br /> Identification. The critical path shall be easily<br />

identified.<br /> Constraints. Limits applied to network start and finish dates<br />

(e.g., "finish no later than'). (Note: Certain types of constraints<br />

should be used judiciously because they may impact or distort the network<br />

critical path.)<br /> Current Schedule. The IMS reflects the current status and<br />

forecast. It ~ncludes forecasted starts and finishes for all rema~ning<br />

tasks/activities and milestones Significant variances to the baseline<br />

schedule shall be explained in the periodic analysis. Thresholds for<br />

reporting shall be specified in the Performance Assessment Plan. The<br />

Performance Assessment plan shall be delivered in accordance with DRD<br />

CEV-M-002.<br /> Baseline Schedule. Baseline dates in the IMS shall be<br />

consistent with the baseline dates in the PMB for all work packages,<br />

planning packages, and control accounts (if applicable). The guidelines<br />

for maintaining the basel~ne schedule are as follows:<br /> Schedule Changes. Changes to the schedule shall be baselined<br />

when ~ncorporated into the schedule.<br /> 2 Baseline Schedule Changes. Changes to the baseline schedule<br />

shall be made in accordance with the Contractor's EVM process. Any<br />

movement of contractual milestones in the baseline schedule requires the<br />

approval of the procuring act~v~ty.<br /> Schedule Progress. The IMS shall reflect actual progress and<br />

maintain accurate start and finish dates for all tasks/activities and<br />

milestones. The guidelines for reflecting schedule progress are as<br />

follows:<br /> Actual Start and Fin~sh Dates. Actual start and actual<br />

finish dates shall be recorded ~n the IMS. Actual start and actual<br />

finish dates, as recorded, shall not be later than the status date.<br /> Progress Line. The progress line dep~cted in a Gantt chart<br />

shall be applied to the current schedule.<br /> Retention of Data for Completed Tasks/Activities. Historical<br />

performance on completed tasks/activities shall be maintained<br />

electronically for analytical use. Data to be retained includes logic,<br />

actual and baseline durations, actual and baseline start and finish<br />

dates, and the three-point est~mates that were used before the<br />

task/activity started. The retention of the IMS data shall be identified<br />

in the Contractor Data Management Plan.<br />

13 3.6.21 External Dependencies. The IMS shall identify significant<br />

external dependencies that ~nvolve a relationship or interface with<br />

external organizat~ons, ~ncluding all Government furnished items (e.g.,<br />

decisions, facilities, equipment, information, data, etc.). The<br />

determ~nat~on of s~gnificant shall be defined and documented, and agreed<br />

to by <strong>NASA</strong>. The required or expected del~very dates shall also be<br />

identified in the IMS.<br />

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schedule contingencies. It ~s a designated buffer and shall be<br />

identified separately and considered part of the baseline. Schedule<br />

margin is the difference between contractual milestone date(s) and the<br />

Contractor's planned date(s) of accomplishment.<br /> Schedule Risk Assessment. A schedule risk assessment predicts<br />

the probability of project completion by contractual dates. Three-point<br />

estimates shall be developed for remaining durations of remaining<br />

tasks/activities that meet any of the following criteria: (1) critical<br />

path tasks/activities, (2) near-critical path tasks/activities (as<br />

specified in the CDRL) , (3) moderate to high risk tasks/activities in the<br />

project's risk management plan. These est~mates include the most likely,<br />

best case, and worst case durations. They are used by the Contractor to<br />

perform a probability analysis of key contract completion dates. The<br />

cr~teria for estimated best and worst case durations shall be applied<br />

consistently across the entire schedule and documented in the<br />

Contractor's schedule notes and management plan. The guidelines for<br />

est~mates are as follows:<br />

13.3.6 23.1 Most Likely Estimate. Schedule durations based on the most<br />

likely estimates.<br /> Best/Worst Case Estimates. Best and worst case assumptions<br />

shall be disclosed. The Contractor schedule risk assessment shall<br />

explain changes to the critical path, margin erosion, and m~t~gat~on<br />

plans. It shall be incorporated into the Contractor's project risk<br />

management process. The schedule risk assessment shall be submitted as<br />

specified in the CDRL and prior to the Integrated Baseline Review. The<br />

r~sk analysis may be performed within the IMS or within a separate risk<br />

tool as appropr~ate based on the capability of the automated sCheduling<br />

tool.<br /> User Defined Fields. All user defined fields in the IMS shall<br />

be identified by providing a mapp~ng of all fields used ~n the scheduling<br />

software application.<br /> Reserved Fields. <strong>NASA</strong> may reserve some fields and/or<br />

the Contractor to use certain fields for spec~fic information.<br />

requirement for reserved fields shall be specified in the CDRL.<br />

require<br />

The<br /> Calendar. The arrangement of normal working days, together<br />

with non-working days, such as holidays, as well as special work days<br />

(i.e., overt~me periods) used to determine dates on which project work<br />

will be completed.<br />

13.3.7. Monthly Analys~s. Monthly analys~s ~s a monthly assessment of<br />

schedule progress to date and includes changes to schedule assumptions,<br />

variances to the basel~ne schedule, causes for the variances, potential<br />

~mpacts, and recommended correct~ve actions to minimize schedule delays.<br />

The analysis shall also identify potential problems and an assessment of<br />

the cr~t~cal path and near-cr~t~cal paths. Thresholds for reporting<br />

significant variances to the baseline schedule and near-critical paths<br />

shall be specified in the CDRL. If a CPR Format 5 is required, the<br />

monthly analys~s shall be subm~tted to the procuring act~vity prior to or<br />

concurrently with the CPR Format 5.<br />

13.3.8. Format for the Cost Performance Report. Use the relevant DD<br />

Forms as listed above. All formats shall be submitted electronically in<br />

accordance with the follow~ng requ~rements. All formats shall be in a<br />

readable digital format (e.g., PDF files are not acceptable).<br />

Amer~can Nat~onal Standards Inst~tute (ANSI) X12 standard (839<br />

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transaction set), the United Nations Electronic Data Interchange for<br />

Adm1nistrat10n, Commerce and Transport (UN/EDIFACT) standard (PROCST<br />

message), the XML equ1valent or any other equ1valent or better electronic<br />

format shall be used to submit data electronically to the procuring<br />

activity. Contractor formats may be substituted whenever they contain<br />

all of the required data elements at the specified reporting levels and<br />

are compliant with the X12 standard, XML schema, or equivalent. On-line<br />

access to the data may be provided to augment formal CPR submission.<br />

(Note: Until the ANSI X12/XML standards are redefined to incorporate the<br />

changes to the forms, the new data elements shall be reported in Format<br />

5.) The final decision of the acceptable format shall be made by the<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> COTR.<br />

13.3.9. Content. The CPR shall conta1n the follow1ng:<br /> Heading Information - Formats 1 - 5. Preparation instructions<br />

for Heading Information (Blocks 1 through 4) apply to Formats 1 through<br />

5.<br />

13.3 9.1.1. Contractor. Enter in Block 1.a the Contractor's name and<br />

division (if appI1cable). Enter 1n Block 1 b the fac111ty location and<br />

mailing address of the reporting contractor.<br /> Contract. Enter the contract name in Block 2.a, the contract<br />

number (and the applicable Contract Line Item Number(s) (CLINs)) in Block<br />

2.b, the contract type in Block 2.c, and the contract share ratio (if<br />

applicable) in Block 2.d.<br /> Project. Enter in Block 3.a the project name, number,<br />

acronym, type, model, and series, or other designation of the prime<br />

item(s) purchased under the contract. Indicate the project phase<br />

(development, production, etc) in Block 3.b. Ind1cate whether the<br />

Contractor's EVMS has been accepted by <strong>NASA</strong> and the date of the<br />

acceptance.<br /> Report Period. Enter the beginning date 1n Block 4.a and the<br />

ending date in Block 4.b of the period covered by the report.<br /> Security Classification. Enter the appropriate security<br />

classification at the top and bottom of each page.<br /> Dollars in _ (to be filled in by Offeror) ____ . If reported<br />

dollar amounts are in thousands, millions, or billions, enter the factor<br />

at the top of each page.<br /> 1 - Work Breakdown Structure. Submission of Format 1<br />

using a product-oriented WBS is mandatory and shall be 1n accordance with<br />

the Center WBS standard. If there are deviations, a mapping shall be<br />

provided.<br /> Contract Data.<br />

13.3 9.2.1 1. Quantity. Enter in Block 5.a the number of principal items<br />

to be procured on this contract.<br /> Cost. Enter in Block 5.b the dollar value<br />

(excluding fee or profit) on which contractual agreement has been reached<br />

as of the cutoff date of the report. For an incentive contract, enter<br />

the definitized contract target cost. Amounts for changes shall not be<br />

included in this item until they have been priced and incorporated in the<br />

contract through contract change order or supplemental agreement. For a<br />

cost plus fixed fee, award fee, or 1ncent1ve fee contract, enter the<br />

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estimated cost negotiated. changes to the estimated cost shall consist<br />

only of estimated amounts for changes in the contract scope of work, not<br />

for cost growth ('overrun') above the original est1mated cost.<br /> Cost of Authorized, Unpriced Work. Enter in Block<br />

S.c the amount (excluding fee or profit) estimated for that work for<br />

which wr1tten authorization has been received, but for which definitized<br />

contract prices have not been incorporated in the contract through<br />

contract change order or supplemental agreement.<br /> Target Profit/Fee. Enter 1n Block S.d the fee or<br />

percentage of profit that shall apply if the negotiated cost of the<br />

contract is met. (See 13.3.9 2.1.2 above.)<br />

13 Target Price. Enter in Block 5.e the target price<br />

(negotiated contract cost plus profit/fee) applicable to the definitized<br />

contract effort.<br /> Estimated Price. Based on the most likely estimate of cost<br />

at completion for all authorized contract work and the appropriate<br />

profit/fee, incentive, and cost sharing provisions, enter in Block S.f<br />

the estimated final contract price (total est1mated cost to the<br />

Government). This number shall be based on the most llkely management<br />

EAC in Block 6.c 1 and normally will change whenever the management<br />

estimate or the contract 1S rev1sed.<br /> Contract Ce1l1ng. Enter in Block 5.g the contract ceiling<br />

pr1ce applicable to the def1n1t1zed effort.<br /> Estimated Contract Ceiling. Enter in Block 5.h the<br />

estimated ceiling price appl1cable to all authorized contract effort<br />

includ1ng both definitized and undefin1tized effort.<br /> Over Target Basel1ne/Over Target Schedule.<br />

S.i the date the last over target baseline or over target<br />

implemented (if applicable).<br />

Enter in Block<br />

schedule was<br /> Est1mated Cost at Completion. These blocks shall present the<br />

Contractor's range of estimated costs at completion. The range of<br />

estimates 1S 1ntended to allow contractor management flexibility to<br />

express possible cost outcomes. Contractors shall provide the most<br />

accurate Estimates at Completion (EACs) possible through project-level<br />

assessments of factors that may affect the cost, schedule, or technical<br />

outcome of the contract. Such project-level assessments shall include<br />

consideration of known or ant1cipated risk areas, and planned risk<br />

reductions or cost conta1nment measures. EACs shall be reported without<br />

regard to contract ceiling.<br /> Management Est1mate at Completion - Best Case. Enter in<br />

Block 6.a.1 the Contractor's best case EAC. The best case estimate is<br />

the one that results in the lowest cost to <strong>NASA</strong>. This estimate shall be<br />

based on the outcome of the most favorable set of circumstances. If this<br />

estimate is different from the most likely EAC (Block 6.c.1), the<br />

assumptions, conditions, and methodology underlY1ng th1S est1mate shall<br />

be explained briefly in Format 5. Th1s estimate is for informational<br />

purposes only; it is not an official company estimate. There is no<br />

requirement for the Contractor to prepare and maintain backup data beyond<br />

the explanation prov1ded 1n Format 5.<br /> Management Estimate at Completion -<br />

Block 6.b.1 the Contractor's worst case EAC. The<br />

the one that results in the highest cost to <strong>NASA</strong>.<br />

Worst Case.<br />

Enter in<br />

worst case estimate is<br />

This estimate shall be<br />

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based on the outcome of the least favorable set of circumstances. If<br />

this estimate is different from the most likely EAC (Block 6.c.1), the<br />

assumptions, conditions, and methodology underlying this estimate shall<br />

be explained briefly 1n Format 5 This estimate is for informational<br />

purposes only; it is not an official company estimate. There is no<br />

requirement for the Contractor to prepare and maintain backup data beyond<br />

the explanation prov1ded in Format 5.<br /> Management Estimate at Completion - Most Likely. Enter in<br />

Block 6.c.1 the Contractor's most 11kely EAC. Th1s estimate is the<br />

contractor's official contract EAC and, as such, takes precedence over<br />

the est1mates presented in Column (15) of Formats 1 and 2 and Blocks<br />

6.a.1 and 6.b.1. This EAC is the value that the Contractor's management<br />

believes is the most 11kely outcome based on a knowledgeable estimate of<br />

all authorized work, known risks, and probable future conditions. This<br />

value need not agree with the total of Column (15) (Block S.e). However,<br />

any difference shall be explained in Format 5 in such terms as risk, use<br />

of Management Reserve (MR), or higher management knowledge of current or<br />

future contract conditions The assumptions, conditions, and methodology<br />

underlying this estimate shall be expla1ned briefly in Format 5. This<br />

EAC need not agree with EACs conta1ned in the Contractor's internal data,<br />

but must be reconcilable to them. The most likely EAC shall also be<br />

reconcilable to the Contractor's latest statement of funds required as<br />

reported in the CFSR, or its equivalent.<br /> Contract Budget Base. Enter in Block 6.c.2 the total of<br />

negot1ated cost (Block 5.b) and est1mated cost of authorized, unpriced<br />

work (Block 5.c).<br /> Variance Enter in Block 6.c.3 the contract Budget Base<br />

(Block 6.c.2) minus the most likely estimate at complete (Block 6.c.1).<br />

This value shall be explained in Format 5 according to applicable<br />

contractual requirements.<br /> Authorized Contractor Representative. Enter in Block 7.a the<br />

name of the authorized person (project manager or higher level designee)<br />

signing the report. Enter that person's t1tle in Block 7.b. The<br />

authorized person shall s1gn in Block 7.c. Enter the date s1gned in<br />

Block 7.d. Electronic signatures are encouraged.<br /> Performance Data.<br /> Column (1) -Work Breakdown Structure Element. Enter in<br />

Column (1) of Block S.a the noun description of the CWES items for which<br />

cost 1nformation is be1ng reported. CWBS elements and levels reported<br />

shall be those specif1ed in the contract. (See d.1 above.)<br />

13.3 Cost of Money. Enter in Columns (2) through (16) of Block<br />

S.b the Facilities Cap1tal Cost of Money applicable to the contract.<br /> 4.3. General and Administrative Enter in Columns (2) through<br />

(16) of Block S.c the appropr1ate General and Administrative (G&A) costs.<br />

If G&A has been included 1n the total costs reported in Block S.a above,<br />

G&A shall be shown as a non-add entry on this line w1th an appropriate<br />

notation. However, if these contracts require CCDRs, the Contractor must<br />

report costs without G&A for CWES elements reported in Block S.a if the<br />

Government requests such information on an exception basis. If a G&A<br />

classification is not used, no entry shall be made other than an<br />

appropriate notation to that effect.<br /> Undistributed Budget (UB). Enter the amount of budget<br />

applicable to contract effort that has not yet been identified to CWES<br />

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elements at or below the reporting level. For example, if contract<br />

changes were authorized late in the report~ng per~od, they should have<br />

received a total budget; however, assignment of work and allocation of<br />

budgets to ~ndividual CWES elements may not have been accomplished as of<br />

the contractor's accounting period cutoff date. Budgets that can be<br />

identified to CWBS elements at or below the specified reporting level<br />

shall be included in the total budgets shown for the CWES elements in<br />

Block 8.a and shall not be shown as UB. Enter in Column (15) of Block<br />

8.d the EAC for the scope of work represented by the UB in Column (14) of<br />

Block 8.d. Enter in Column (16) of Block 8.d the variance, if any, and<br />

fully explain it in Format 5. The reason(s) for UB shall be fully<br />

explained in Format 5<br /> of Undistributed Budget. UB is used to accommodate<br />

temporary situations where t~me constraints prevent adequate budget<br />

plann~ng or where contract effort can only be defined in very general<br />

terms. UB shall not be used as a substitute for adequate contract<br />

planning. Formal budgets shall be allocated to contract effort and<br />

responsible organ~zat~ons at the earliest possible time, preferably<br />

within the next reporting period.<br /> Subtotal (Performance Measurement Baseline). In Columns<br />

(2) through (16) of Blocks 8.a through 8 e, enter the sum of the costs<br />

and budgets for direct, indirect, cost of money, and G&A. This subtotal<br />

represents the dollars in the allocated budget (less MR), which is the<br />

Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB) against which performance is<br />

measured.<br /> 6. Management Reserve (MR). MR is an amount of the overall<br />

contract budget withheld for management control purposes and is held for<br />

project unknowns (realized risks on authorized work scope). Reserve is<br />

held for future needs and shall not be used to offset cumulat~ve cost<br />

variances. It shall not be eliminated from contract prices by the<br />

Government during subsequent negotiations nor used to absorb the cost of<br />

contract changes. In Column (14) of Block 8.f enter the total amount of<br />

budget identified as MR as of the end of the current reporting period.<br />

The amounts shown as MR in Formats 1, 2, and 3 should agree. Amounts of<br />

MR applied to CWES elements during the reporting period shall be listed<br />

in Block 6.b of Format 3 and explained in Format 5.<br /> Negative Management Reserve. Negative entries shall not<br />

be made in Management Reserve (Column (14) of Block 8.f). There is no<br />

such thing as ' negat~ve MR.' If the contract ~s budgeted in excess of<br />

the Contract Budget Base (the negotiated contract cost plus the estimated<br />

cost for authorized, unpriced work), the provisions applicable to formal<br />

reprogramm~ng and the ~nstruct~ons ~n paragraphs,<br />,, and apply.<br /> 4.7. Total. Enter the sum of all direct, indirect, cost of<br />

money, and G&A costs, and UB and MR (if applicable) in columns (2)<br />

through (14) of Block B.g. The Total lines of Format 1 (Block B.g) and<br />

Format 2 (Block 5.g) should agree. The total of Column (14), Block B.g,<br />

should equal the Total Allocated Budget shown in Block 5.f on Format 3.<br /> Reconc~l~at~on to Contract Budget Base.<br /> Formal Reprogramming. In exceptional cases, the<br />

Contractor, with the approval of the Government, may establish<br />

performance measurement budgets that exceed the Contract Budget Base.<br />

This process is called formal reprogramming.<br />

The Contractor and the<br />

Government shall agree on how the results of a formal reprogramming will<br />

be reported ~n the CPR before the formal reprogramming is initiated.<br />

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This agreement and any other pertinent details on the reporting of the<br />

formal reprogramming shall be ~ncluded in Format 5. Blocks 9.a and 9.b<br />

are used to reconcile the higher performance measurement budgets, also<br />

called an 'Over Target Baseline,' to the Contract Budget Base.<br />

(See13." 13, and below for<br />

more information on reporting Over Target Baselines (Formal<br />

Reprogramming) .)<br /> Variance Adjustment. In a formal reprogramming (Over<br />

Target Baseline), the Contractor may: (1) apply the additional budget to<br />

completed work, thereby eliminat~ng some or all of the existing cost or<br />

schedule variances, (2) apply the additional budget to remaining work,<br />

(3) apply some of the additional budget to completed work and some to<br />

remaining work, and/or (4) apply some of the additional budget to MR. If<br />

the Contractor uses a portion of the additional budget to eliminate<br />

variances appl~cable to completed work, the total adjustments made to the<br />

cost and schedule variances shall be shown ~n Columns (10) and (11) of<br />

Block 9.a The total cost variance adjustment entered in Column (11) of<br />

Block 9.a should be the sum of the individual cost variance adjustments<br />

shown in Column (12) of Block 8.g.<br /> Total Contract Variance. In Columns (10) and (11) of Block<br />

9.b, enter the sum of the cost and schedule variances shown on the Total<br />

line (Block 8.g) and on the Variance Adjustment line (Block 9.a). In<br />

Column (14) enter the Contract Budget Base from Block 6.c.2. In Column<br />

(15) enter the management EAC from Block 6.c.1. In Column (16) of Block<br />

9.b enter the difference between Columns (14) and (15) of Block 9.b.<br /> Columns (2) Through (16) Since compliance with the<br />

ANSI/EIA-748 (current version in effect at time of contract award) is<br />

contractually required, the data in Columns (2) through (16) shall<br />

reflect the output of the contractor's ANSI/EIA-748 compliant integrated<br />

management system.<br /> Column (2) and Column (7) - Budgeted Cost - Work Scheduled.<br />

For the t~me period indicated, enter the Budgeted Cost for Work Scheduled<br />

(BCWS) in these columns.<br /> Column (3) and Column (8) - Budgeted Cost - Work Performed.<br />

For the time period indicated, enter the Budgeted Cost for Work Performed<br />

(BCWP) in these columns<br /> 3. Column (4) and Column (9) - Actual Cost - Work Performed.<br />

For the time period indicated, enter the Actual Cost of Work Performed<br />

(ACWP) w~thout regard to ceiling. In all cases, costs and budgets shall<br />

be reported on a comparable basis.<br /> Column (5) and column (10) - Variance - Schedule (i.e.,<br />

accomplishment). For the time period indicated, these columns reflect<br />

the differences between BCWS and BCWP. For the current period column,<br />

column (5) (schedule variance) is der~ved by subtracting Column (2)<br />

(BCWS) from Column (3) (BCWP). For the cumulative to date column, Column<br />

(10) (schedule variance) is der~ved by subtracting Column (7) (BCWS) from<br />

Column (8) (BCWP). A pos~t~ve number ~n Column (5) and column (10)<br />

indicates a favorable variance. A negative number (indicated by<br />

parentheses) indicates an unfavorable var~ance. Significant variances as<br />

spec~f~ed in the contract shall be fully explained in Format 5. If the<br />

contract does not spec~fy variance analysis thresholds, the Contractor<br />

shall provide appropriate variance analyses.<br />

13.3.9 2.6.5. Column (6) and Column (11) - Variance - Cost. For the time<br />

period indicated, these columns reflect the difference between BCWP and<br />

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ACWP. For the current per~od column, Column (6) (cost variance) is<br />

der~ved by subtracting Column (4) (ACWP) from Column (3) (BCWP). For the<br />

cumulative to date column, Column (11) (cost variance) ~s derived by<br />

subtracting Column (9) (ACWP) from Column (8) (BCWP). A positive value<br />

indicates a favorable variance. A negative value (~ndicated by<br />

parentheses) indicates an unfavorable variance. significant variances as<br />

specif~ed in the contract shall be fully explained in Format 5. Since<br />

the contract does not specify variance analysis thresholds, the<br />

contractor shall provide appropriate variance analyses.<br /> Column (12a) and Column (12b) Reprogramming Adjustments -<br />

Cost Variance and Schedule Variance. Formal reprogramm~ng (Over Target<br />

Baseline) results in budget allocations in excess of the Contract Budget<br />

Base and, in some instances, adJustments to previously reported<br />

variances. If previously reported variances are being adjusted, the<br />

adjustment applicable to each reporting line item affected shall be<br />

entered in Column (12a) ~f for a cost variance and Column (12b) if for a<br />

schedule variance. The total of Column (12a) and Column (12b) should<br />

equal the amount shown on the Var~ance Adjustment line (Block 9.a) in<br />

Column (10) and Column (11).<br />

13.3.9 2.6.7. Column (13) Reprogramming Adjustments - Budget Enter the<br />

total amounts added to the budget for each reporting line item as the<br />

result of formal reprogramming (Over Target Baseline). The amounts shown<br />

shall consist of the sum of the budgets used to adJust cost variances<br />

(Column (12)) plus the additional budget added to the CWES element for<br />

remaining work. Enter the amount of budget added to MR in the space<br />

provided on the Management Reserve line (Block 8.f of Column (13)). The<br />

total of Column (13) should equal the budget amount by which the Total<br />

Allocated Budget exceeds the Contract Budget Base as shown in Block 5.g<br />

of Format 3. An explanation of the reprogramming shall be provided in<br />

Format 5.<br /> Formal Reprogramming Reporting. Columns (12) and (13)<br />

are intended for use only in situat~ons ~nvolv~ng formal reprogramming<br />

(Over Target Baseline). Internal replanning actions within the Contract<br />

Budget Base do not requ~re entries in these columns. Where contractors<br />

are submitting CPR data directly from automated systems, the addition of<br />

Columns (12) and (13) as shown may not be pract~cal due to computer<br />

reprogramming problems or space limitations. In such cases, the<br />

information shall be prov~ded in Format 5. Contractors shall not be<br />

required to abandon or modify existing automated reporting systems to<br />

~nclude Columns (12) and (13) if significant costs will be associated<br />

with such change. Nor shall contractors be required to prepare the<br />

report manually solely to include this information.<br /> Formal Reprogramm~ng T~mel~ness. Formal reprogramming<br />

(Over Target Baseline) can be a significant undertaking that may require<br />

more than a month to ~mplement To preclude a disruption of management<br />

visibility caused by a report~ng h~atus, formal reprogramming shall be<br />

implemented expeditiously. If a report~ng h~atus ~s needed, the<br />

Contractor and the Government shall agree on the date and duration of the<br />

h1atus before the formal reprogramming is initiated.<br />

13.3 (14) - At Complet~on - Budgeted. Enter the budgeted<br />

cost at completion for the ~tems l~sted in Column (1). This entry shall<br />

consist of the sum of the original budgets plus or minus budget changes<br />

resulting from contract changes, ~nternal replanning, and application of<br />

MR. The total (Block 8.g) should equal the Total Allocated Budget shown<br />

in Block 5.f on Format 3.<br /> Column (15) - At Completion - Estimated. Enter the latest<br />

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revised estimate of cost at completion including estimated<br />

overrun/underrun for all authorized work. If the subtotal (Block 8.e)<br />

does not agree with the most likely management EAC (Block 6.c.1), the<br />

difference shall be explained in Format 5.<br /> 10 Column (16) - At Completion - Variance. Enter the<br />

d~fference between the Budgeted - At Completion (Column (14)) and the<br />

Estimated - At Completion (Column (15)) by subtracting column (15) from<br />

Column (14). A negative value (indicated by parentheses) reflects an<br />

unfavorable variance. S~gnificant variances as specified in the contract<br />

shall be fully explained ~n Format 5. If the contract does not specify<br />

variance analysis thresholds, the contractor shall provide appropriate<br />

variance analyses.<br /> Format 2 - Organizational Categories<br /> Performance Data.<br /> Column (1) - Organ~zat~onal Category. In Block 5.a list<br />

the organizational categories that reflect the contractor's internal<br />

management structure. The level of detail to be reported normally will<br />

be limited to the organizational level immediately under the operating<br />

head of the facility. The contractor may report this information<br />

according to its own ~nternal management structure. If the contractor is<br />

organized by product teams, th~s format may not be needed because it may<br />

resemble Format 1.<br /> Cost of Money. Enter ~n Columns (2) through (16) of Block<br />

5.b the Facilities Cap~tal Cost of Money applicable to the contract.<br /> General and Administrative. Enter ~n Columns (2) through<br />

(16) of Block 5.c the appropriate G&A costs. If G&A has been included in<br />

the total costs reported in Block 5.a above, G&A shall be shown as a nonadd<br />

entry on this line with an appropr~ate notation. If a G&A<br />

classificat~on is not used, no entry shall be made other than an<br />

appropriate notation to that effect<br /> Und~str~buted Budget. Enter in Column (14) of Block 5.d the<br />

budget applicable to contract effort that cannot be planned in sufficient<br />

detail to be assigned to a responsible organizational area at the<br />

reporting level. The amount shown on this format may exceed the amount<br />

shown as UB on Format 1 if budget is identified to a task at or below the<br />

CWES reporting level but organizat~onal ~dentification has not been made;<br />

or may be less than the amount on Format 1 where budgets have been<br />

assigned to organizations but not to CWBS elements. Enter in Column (15)<br />

of Block 5.d the EAC for the scope of work represented by the UB in<br />

Column (14) of Block 5.d. Enter in Column (16) of Block 5.d the<br />

variance, if any, and fully explain it in Format 5.<br /> Subtotal (Performance Measurement Baseline). Enter the sum<br />

of the direct, indirect, cost of money, and G&A costs and budgets in<br />

Columns (2) through (16) of Blocks 5.a through 5.e.<br /> Management Reserve.<br />

amount of budget ~dentif~ed as MR.<br />

amounts shown in Formats 1 and 3.<br />

In Column (14) of Block 5.f enter the<br />

The MR entry should agree with the<br /> Total. Enter the sum of all direct, indirect, cost of<br />

money, and G&A costs and budgets, UB, and MR (if applicable) in Columns<br />

(2) through (14) of Block 5.g. The totals on this page should equal the<br />

Total line on Format 1. The total of Column (14) should equal the Total<br />

Allocated Budget shown ~n Block 5.f on Format 3.<br />

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Modification 65<br /> (2) Through (16). The instructions applicable to<br />

these columns are the same as the instructions for corresponding columns<br />

on Format 1.<br /> Format 3 - Basel~ne.<br /> Contract Data.<br /> Or~ginal Negotiated Cost. Enter in Block 5.a the dollar<br />

value (excluding fee or profit) negotiated in the original contract. For<br />

a cost plus fixed fee, incentive, or award fee contract, enter the<br />

estimated cost negot~ated. For an incentive contract, enter the<br />

definitized contract target cost.<br /> Negotiated Contract Changes. Enter in Block 5.b the<br />

cumulative cost (excluding fee or prof~t) applicable to definitized<br />

contract changes that have occurred since the beginning of the contract.<br /> Current Negotiated Cost. Enter in Block 5.c the sum of<br />

Blocks 5.a and 5.b. The amount shown should equal the current dollar<br />

value (excluding fee or profit) on which contractual agreement has been<br />

reached and should be the same as the amount in Negotiated Cost (Block<br />

5.b) on Format 1.<br /> Estimated Cost of Author~zed, Unpriced Work. Enter ~n<br />

Block 5.d the estimated cost (excluding fee or profit) for contract<br />

changes for which authorization has been received from the contracting<br />

officer, but for which contract prices have not been ~ncorporated in the<br />

contract, as shown in Block 5.c of Format 1.<br /> Contract Budget Base. Enter in Block 5.e the sum of Blocks<br />

5.c and 5.d.<br /> Total Allocated Budget. Enter in Block 5.f the sum of all<br />

budgets allocated to the performance of the contractual effort. The<br />

amount shown shall include all MR and UB. Th~s amount should be the same<br />

as that shown on the Total line in Column (14) on Format 1 (Block 8.g)<br />

and Format 2 (Block 5.g).<br /> Difference. Enter in Block 5.g the difference between<br />

Blocks 5.e and 5.f. In most cases, the amounts shown in Blocks 5.e and<br />

5.f w~ll be identical. If the amount shown in Block 5.f exceeds that<br />

shown in Block 5.e, ~t usually is an indication of a formal reprogramming<br />

(Over Target Baseline). The difference shall be explained ~n Format 5 at<br />

the time the negative value appears and subsequently for any changes in<br />

the difference between Contract Budget Base and the Total Allocated<br />

Budget.<br /> Contract Start Date. Enter in Block 5.h the date the<br />

Contractor was authorized to start work on the contract, regardless of<br />

the date of contract def~nitization. (Note: Long-lead procurement<br />

efforts authorized under prior contracts are not to be considered.)<br /> 1.9. Contract Definitization Date. Enter ~n Block 5.i the date<br />

the contract was definitized.<br /> Planned Completion Date. Enter in Block 5.j the<br />

completion date to which the budgets allocated in the PMB have been<br />

planned. This date represents the planned completion of all significant<br />

effort on the contract. The cost associated w~th the schedule from which<br />

th~s date ~s taken is the Total Allocated Budget (Block 5.f of Format 3).<br />

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Modification 65<br /> Performance Measurement Schedule Inconsistent With<br />

Contractual Schedule. In exceptional cases, the Contractor may determine<br />

that the existing contract schedule cannot be achieved and no longer<br />

represents a reasonable basis for management control. With Government<br />

approval, the contractor may rephase its performance measurement schedule<br />

to new dates that exceed the contractual milestones, a condition known as<br />

'Over Target Schedule.' These new dates are for performance measurement<br />

purposes only and do not represent an agreement to modify the contract<br />

terms and conditions.<br /> Over Target Schedule Agreement. The Government and the<br />

Contractor shall agree on the new performance measurement schedule prior<br />

to reporting it in the CPR. The Contractor shall provide pertinent<br />

information in Format 5 on any schedule milestones that are inconsistent<br />

w~th contractual m~lestones, beginning the month the schedule is<br />

implemented and each month thereafter.<br /> Indicators of a Performance Measurement Schedule<br />

Inconsistent With the Contractual Schedule. Formal reprogramming or<br />

internal replann~ng may result in performance measurement milestones that<br />

are inconsistent with the contractual m~lestones (Over Target Schedule).<br />

A d~fference between the planned completion date (Block 5.j) and the<br />

contract completion date (Block S.k) usually indicates that some or all<br />

of the performance measurement milestones are inconsistent with the<br />

contractual milestones.<br />

13 Contract Completion Date. Enter in Block 5.k the<br />

contract scheduled completion date in accordance with the latest contract<br />

modification. The cost assoc~ated with the schedule from which this date<br />

is taken is the Contract Budget Base (Block 5.e of Format 3).<br /> Estimated Completion Date. Enter in Block 5.1 the<br />

Contractor's latest revised est~mated completion date. This date<br />

represents the est~mated completion of all significant effort on the<br />

contract. The cost associated with the schedule from which this date is<br />

taken ~s the 'most likely' management EAC (Block 6.c.1 of Format 1).<br /> Performance Data.<br /> Column (1) -Performance Measurement Baseline (Beginning of<br />

Period). Enter in Block 6.a the time-phased PMB (including G&A) that<br />

existed at the beginning of the current report~ng period. Most of the<br />

entries on this line (e.g., for Columns (4) through (9)) are taken<br />

directly from the PMB (End of Period) line on the previous report. For<br />

example, the number in Column (4) on the PMB (End of Period) line from<br />

the last report becomes the number in Column (3) on the PMB (Beginning of<br />

Period) line on this report. The number in Column (5) (End of Period)<br />

last report becomes Column (4) (Beginning of Period) on this report, etc.<br />

(if each of the two columns covers the same length of t~me).<br /> Basel~ne Changes. In Block 6.b, list all significant<br />

baseline changes that have occurred during the reporting period. This<br />

listing shall include the contract changes and supplemental agreements<br />

authorized during the reporting per~od, allocations from MR and VB, and<br />

any sign~ficant rephasing of budgets. All significant authorized<br />

baseline changes shall be listed whether priced or unpriced.<br /> Performance Measurement Baseline (End of Period). Enter in<br />

Block 6.c the time-phased PMB as it exists at the end of the reporting<br />

period. The difference between this line and the PMB (Beginning of<br />

Period) represents the effects of all sign~f~cant<br />

changes, including the<br />

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authorized changes, allocations of MR made during the period, and changes<br />

to time phasing due to ~nternal replanning or formal reprogramming. The<br />

reasons for these changes shall be explained in Format 5.<br /> Management Reserve. Enter in Block 7 the total amount of<br />

MR remaining as of the end of the reporting period. This value should<br />

agree with the amounts shown as MR in Formats 1 and 2.<br /> 2.5. Total. Enter in Column (16) of Block 8 the sum of Column<br />

(16) of Block 6.c {PMB (End of Period)) and column (16) of Block 7<br />

(Management Reserve). This amount should be the same as that shown on<br />

the Total line (Block 8.g) in column (14) on Format 1.<br /> Column (2) - BCWS - Cumulative To Date. On the PMB<br />

(Beginning of Period) l~ne (Block 6.a), enter the cumulative BCWS as of<br />

the first day of the reporting period. This should be the same number<br />

reported as BCWS -Cumulative To Date on the Total line (Column (7) of<br />

Block 8.g) of Format 1 of the previous CPR. On the PMB (End of Period)<br />

line (Block 6.c), enter the cumulative BCWS as of the last day of the<br />

reporting period. This should be the same number reported as BCWS -<br />

Cumulative to Date on the Total line (Column (7) of Block 8.g) of Format<br />

1 for this CPR<br /> Column (3) - BCWS For Report Period. On the PMB (Beginning<br />

of Period) line (Block 6.a), enter the BCWS planned for the reporting<br />

period. This should be the number in Column (4) on the PMB (End of<br />

Period) line (Block 6.c) on the previous CPR.<br /> Columns (4) Through (14). Enter the names of each month for<br />

the contract period of performance ~n the headings of each of the Columns<br />

(4) through (9), and the names of the appropriate periods in the headings<br />

of each of the Columns (10) through (14) of Block 6. Columns beyond (14)<br />

may be added when necessary or desirable. In the PMB (Beginning of<br />

Period) line (Block 6.a), enter the BCWS projection reported in Format 3<br />

of the previous CPR as PMB (End of Period) (Block 6.c). In the PMB (End<br />

of Period) l~ne (Block 6.c) of this report, enter the projected BCWS by<br />

month for the next s~x months and for periodic increments (monthly,<br />

quarterly, or annually) thereafter for the remainder of the contract.<br />

The time phasing of each item listed in Column (1) of Block 6.b need not<br />

be shown ~n Columns (4) through (14) It is useful to show the time<br />

phasing of any baseline changes. (Note: For the purposes of<br />

illustration, Sample Format 3 has Columns (4) through (14) for reporting<br />

BCWS. The actual number of columns w~ll vary from contract to contract.)<br /> Column (15) - Undistributed Budget. On the PMB (Beginning of<br />

Period) line (Block 6.a), enter the number from Column (15) on the PMB<br />

(End of Period) line (Block 6.c) from the previous CPR. On the PMB (End<br />

of Per~od) line, enter the UB shown ~n Column (14) of Block 8.d on Format<br />

1 of this report.<br /> Column (16) - Total Budget. On the PMB (Beginning of Period)<br />

line (Block 6.a) enter the number from Column (16) on the PMB (End of<br />

Period) line (Block 6.c) from the previous CPR. In the section where<br />

basel~ne changes that occurred dur~ng the per~od are listed (Column (1)<br />

of Block 6.b), enter the amount of each of the changes listed. On the<br />

PMB (End of Period) line (Block 6.c), enter the sum of the amounts in the<br />

preceding columns on this line. On the Management Reserve line (Block 7),<br />

enter the amount of MR available at the end of the per~od. On the Total<br />

line (Block 8) enter the sum of the amounts in this column on the PMB<br />

(End of Period) line and the Management Reserve line. (Note: This should<br />

equal the amount in Block 5.f on th~s format and also the amount of the<br />

Total line in Column (14), Block 8.g, of Format 1.)<br />

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Modification 65<br /> Format 4 - Staff~ng.<br /> Performance Data. For those organizational categories shown<br />

in Column (1) of Block 5, equivalent months shall be indicated for the<br />

current reporting period (Column (2)), cumulative through the current<br />

period (Column (3)), forecast to completion (Columns (4) through (14)),<br />

and at completion (Column (15)). Direct equivalent months shall be shown<br />

for each organizational category for the contract. An equivalent month<br />

is defined as the effort equal to that of one person for one month.<br />

Values shall be reported in whole numbers. (Note: Partial months, .5 and<br />

above, shall be rounded to 1; below .5 to 0.) When the Government and the<br />

contractor agree, staffing may be reported in equivalent days or hours.<br /> 1.1. Column (1) -Organizational Category. In Block 5, list the<br />

organizational categories that reflect the contractor's internal<br />

management structure. Format 4 categories may differ from those reported<br />

in Format 2. If the Government needs different categories in Formats 2<br />

and 4, the Format 4 categories shall be addressed during negot~at~ons.<br />

(See f.4 above.)<br /> Total Direct. In Block 6, Columns (2) through (15) enter<br />

the sum of all direct equ~valent months for the organizational categories<br />

shown in Column (1).<br /> Column (2) - Actual - Current Period. Enter the actual<br />

equ~valent months incurred during the current reporting period.<br /> 3. Column (3) - Actual End of Current Period (Cumulative).<br />

Enter the actual equ~valent months incurred to date (cumulative) as of<br />

the end of the reporting period.<br /> 4. Columns (4) Through (14) - Forecast (Non-Cumulative). Enter<br />

the names of each month for the contract period of performance in the<br />

headings of each of the Columns (4) through (9), and the names of the<br />

appropriate periods in the headings of each of the Columns (10) through<br />

(14) of Block 5. Enter a staffing forecast by month for the next six<br />

months and for periodic increments (monthly, quarterly, or annually)<br />

thereafter for the remainder of the contract. The staffing forecast<br />

shall reflect the same staffing estimate used as the basis for the EAC in<br />

Column (15) on both Formats 1 and Format 2. (Note: For the purposes of<br />

illustration, Sample Format 4 has Columns (4) through (14) for reporting<br />

staffing forecast. The actual number of columns will vary from contract<br />

to contract.)<br /> Column (15) - Forecast at Completion. Enter the estimate of<br />

equivalent months necessary for the total contract in Column (15) by<br />

organizational category. This estimate shall be consistent with the<br />

'most likely' management EAC shown in Column (15) of Block 8.e of Format<br />

1. Any significant change in the total number of equ~valent months at<br />

complet~on of the contract (~.e., Column (15) Total) shall be explained<br />

in Format 5.<br /> Format 5 - Explanations and Problem Analyses.<br />

13.3.9 6.1. General. Format 5, Explanations and Problem Analyses, is a<br />

narrative report prepared to amplify and explain data in the other CPR<br />

formats. Format 5 shall normally address the following: (1)<br />

contractually required cost, schedule, and EAC variance analyses, (2) MR<br />

changes and usage, (3) UB contents, (4) differences between the best<br />

case, worst case, and most likely management EAC, if any, (5) the<br />

difference between the most likely management EAC and the estimate in<br />

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Block 8.e of Column (15), if any, (6) significant differences between<br />

beginning of per~od PMB time phasing and end of period PMB time phasing<br />

~n Format 3, (7) performance measurement m~lestones that are inconsistent<br />

with contractual milestones (Over Target Schedule), (8) formal<br />

reprogramming (Over Target Baseline) ~mplementation details, and (9)<br />

significant staffing estimate changes in Format 4. Any other topic<br />

relevant to contract cost, schedule, or technical performance may be<br />

addressed in this format. The date(s) of the Integrated Baseline<br />

Review(s) may also be addressed in this format. Contractors may elect to<br />

attach subcontractor Format 5 reporting and cross reference this analysis<br />

in the Format 5 reporting submitted to the Government to gain time<br />

efficiencies and meet submiss~on dates.<br /> Total Contract. Prov~de a summary analysis that identifies<br />

sign~f~cant problems affecting performance. Indicate corrective actions<br />

required, including Government act~on where applicable. Significant<br />

changes since the previous report shall be highlighted. Discuss any<br />

other ~ssues affecting successful attainment of contract cost, schedule,<br />

or technical object~ves that the Contractor deems s~gn~ficant or<br />

noteworthy. This section is brief, normally one page.<br /> Cost and Schedule Variances. Exp1a~n all variances that<br />

exceed specified variance thresholds. Explanations of variances shall<br />

clearly identify the nature of the problem, significant reasons for cost<br />

or schedule variance, effect on the immediate task, impact on the total<br />

contract, and the corrective action taken or planned. Explanations of<br />

cost variances shall identify amounts attributable to rate changes<br />

separately from amounts applicable to hours worked; amounts attributable<br />

to material price changes separately from amounts appl~cable to material<br />

usage; and amounts attributable to overhead rate changes separately from<br />

amounts applicable to overhead base changes or changes in the overhead<br />

allocat~on basis To reduce the volume of variance analysis<br />

explanations, the Contractor may refer to a prior CPR's variance analysis<br />

explanations if the explanation for the current CPR's variance has not<br />

changed significantly. The contractor shall classify and document all<br />

variances as either 'risk-driven cost & schedule growth' or 'externallydriven<br />

cost & schedule growth' (see below for def~nit~ons) in Format 5 as<br />

source informat~on for the CADRe. The source of this ~nformation shall<br />

be at the Control Account level, however, the consolidation and customer<br />

reporting can be done at higher levels w~thin the performing organization<br />

'Risk-Driven Cost & Schedule Growth' (RDCG & RDSG) is that cost and<br />

schedule growth caused by overruns and funded or unfunded changes, linked<br />

to technical risks identified in paragraph 7.c.1 above. 'Externally­<br />

Driven Cost & Schedule Growth' (EDCG & EDSG) is that cost and schedule<br />

growth caused by overruns and funded or unfunded changes, linked to<br />

external factors (e.g., requirements changes, techn~cal enhancements not<br />

driven by risk, perturbations to budgets by external agents causing<br />

schedule changes, etc.) over which the contractor has little, if any,<br />

control. (NOTE: The EDCG & EDSG drivers shall be specifically<br />

identified in variance analysis reporting). Explanations of schedule<br />

variances and the ~mpact on the contract shall be performed 1n parallel<br />

with the schedule analys~s called out by the IMS DID.<br /> Sett~ng Variance Analysis Thresholds. In Format 5, the<br />

Government will require only that amount of variance analysis that<br />

satisfies its management information needs. Excessive variance analysis<br />

~s burdensome and costly, and detracts from the CPR's usefulness, while<br />

too l~ttle ~nformation is equally undesirable.<br /> 4. Other Analyses. In addition to var~ance explanations, the<br />

following analyses are mandatory:<br />

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Modification 65<br /> Management Estimate at Completion. If the best or worst<br />

case management EACs differ from the most l~kely estimate (Column (1) of<br />

Block 6 of Format 1), a brief explanation of the difference shall be<br />

provided. Also, if the most l~kely management EAC differs from the total<br />

entered in Column (15) of Format 1 or 2, the difference shall be<br />

explained. The explanations shall focus on such areas as a<br />

knowledgeable, real~st~c risk assessment; projected use of MR; estimate<br />

for DB; and higher management's knowledge of current or future contract<br />

conditions. The assumptions, conditions, and methodology underlying all<br />

management EACs shall be explained. (See to,<br />,, and 13.3 above.) The reasons for<br />

significant sh~fts in time phasing of the EAC shall also be explained.<br /> Undistributed Budget. Identify the effort to which the DB<br />

applies. Also, expla~n any variance between the DB and the est~mate for<br />

UB ~n Formats 1 and 2. (See, and 13.3<br /> Management Reserve Changes. Identify the sources and uses<br />

of MR changes during the reporting period. Identify the CWES and<br />

organizat~onal elements to which MR is applied, and the reasons for its<br />

application. (See 13 above.)<br /> Baseline Changes. Explain reasons for significant shifts<br />

in time phasing of the PMB shown on Format 3. (See above.)<br /> Staffing Level Changes.<br />

total staffing EAC shown on Format 4.<br />

significant shifts in time phasing of<br />

above. )<br />

Explain significant changes in the<br />

Also, explain reasons for<br />

planned staffing. (See<br /> Formal Reprogramming (Over Target Baseline). If the<br />

difference shown in Block 5.g on Format 3 becomes a negative value or<br />

changes in value, provide information on the following.<br /> Author~zat~on Procuring activity authorization for the<br />

baseline change that resulted in negat~ve value or change.<br /> Reason. A discussion of the reason(s) for the change.<br /> CPR Report~ng. A discussion of how the change affected CPR<br />

reporting (i.e., amount allocated to MR, adJustments to cost or schedule<br />

variances, etc.). (See 13.3,, and<br />

above. )<br /> Schedule. Indicate whether the contract schedule was<br />

retained for performance measurement or was replaced with a schedule that<br />

exceeds the contractual schedule (Over Target Schedule).<br /> Over Target Schedule. If a performance measurement<br />

schedule exceeding the contractual schedule (Over Target Schedule) has<br />

been implemented, provide a d~scuss~on of the pertinent information, such<br />

as authorization, reasons, and significant dates. (See<br />

above. )<br />

13.4 FORMAT: CPR formats shall be completed according to the instructions<br />

outlined in th~s DRD:<br />

The IMS shall be created using a network capable scheduling software<br />

application. The IMS shall be del~vered in native digital format (i.e.,<br />

an electron~c file produced by the Contractor's scheduling tool). The<br />

IMS shall be submitted electronically per Section J-2 and 3. The<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Xl2 standard (806<br />

transaction set), the Unlted Nations Electronlc Data Interchange for<br />

Adminlstration, Commerce and Transport (UN/EDIFACT) standard (PROTAP<br />

message) ,or the XML equivalent shall be used to submlt data<br />

electronically to the procuring activity with on-line access to the data.<br />

Those CPR Forms are reproduced at the end of this document and can also<br />

be found in the Bidder's Reference Library. Contractor formats shall be<br />

substituted for CPR formats whenever they contain all the required data<br />

elements at the specified reporting levels in a form suitable for <strong>NASA</strong><br />

management use.<br />

13 5 MAINTENANCE: Changes shall be lncorporated by complete relssue.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />


Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

1.<br />

3<br />

6.<br />


DATA TYPE 3<br />

TITLE' Property Financial Reporting<br />

2<br />

4.<br />

5.<br />

DRDNO.: CEV-B-004<br />

DATE REVISED' May 2009<br />

PAGE: 1<br />

The only change to this DRD is in #3:<br />

From "Data Type 2"<br />

To Data "Type 3"<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong> Attachment J-2<br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Modification 65<br />


1.<br />

3.<br />


DATA TYPE: 2<br />

2.<br />

4.<br />

5.<br />

6. TITLE. Flight Test Article (FTA) Definition<br />

DRDNO.:<br />


PAGE:<br />

CEV-D-001<br />

May 2009<br />

1<br />


The DRD describes the FTA design concept based on the objectives<br />

specified in SOW Tables 10 1 Abort Flight Test Matr1x and 10.2<br />

Integrated Flight Test Matrix. Based on the object1ves identified in<br />

these tables, the DRD descr1bes the FTA configuration proposed for each<br />

test. The DRD is a precursor to a more definitive FTA System<br />

Requirements document.<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION: As determined by the Contracting Officer.<br />

9 INITIAL SUBMISSION' Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

10 SUBMISSION FREQUENCY Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

11. REMARKS:<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSHIP: Parent SOW Paragraph(s): 10.6.4.<br />


13.1 SCOPE<br />


13 3 CONTENTS:<br />

The FTA Configuration Definition DRD describes the arch1tecture of each<br />

FTA, and for which flight test the FTA will be used.<br />

Each FTA includes the following·<br />

- FTA Number.<br />

- The relationship of th1s FTA to tables 10.1 Abort Flight Test Matrix<br />

and 10.2 Ares Flight Test Matr1x that 1dentify which test the FTA is<br />

linked to.<br />

- The flight specific flight test objectives that are designated as a<br />

primary or secondary objective and whether the objective is to<br />

Demonstrate l Determiner or Obtain.<br />

- Description of FTA proposed architecture:<br />

o Launch Abort System (LAS) Concept<br />

- Passive vs Active<br />

- Hardware and software<br />

- F1de11ty compared to Flight LAS (Concept, Proto Type, Flight)<br />

o Structures and mechanisms<br />

o Avionics and power scheme<br />

o Software arch1tecture, 1nclud1ng its relationship to the production<br />

vehicle software<br />

o Ground Support Equipment architecture<br />

o Ground Support Equipment hardware and software architecture<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

o Guidance Navigat10n & Control scheme<br />

o Vehicle System Management (VSM) scheme (as applicable)<br />

o Estimated Software Lines of Code (SLOC) (new and reused, including<br />

software reused from prior FTA releases)<br />

o Redundancy scheme<br />

o Instrumentation plan<br />

o Ground support equ1pment requirements<br />

o Reusability plans<br />

o Spares plan.<br />

For each area, describe plans for the use of COTS hardware and Software<br />

as well as new hardware and software development<br />

13.4 FORMAT. Documents shall be electronic format per Section J -2<br />

13.5 MAINTENANCE: Changes shall be identified and complete re-1ssue of the<br />

document is required.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Modification 65<br />


1.<br />

3<br />

6.<br />

7.<br />

PROGRAM. CEV 2 DRDNO.: CEV-D-002<br />

DATA TYPE: 2/3* 4. DATE REVISED: May 2009<br />

5. PAGE' 1<br />

TITLE: Flight Test Artl.cle (FTA) Specifications<br />


The FTA Specificatl.on DRD documents the allocation of the:<br />

- Flight Test Ml.ssion and Flight Objectl.ves (CxP 72166) to the FTA System<br />

Requirements Specificatl.on.<br />

- FTA System Level requirements to the FTA Module level & Contractor<br />

provided Ground Support Equipment (GSE) Module level requirements<br />

specification<br />

- FTA & GSE module requirements to the FTA &GSE subsystem level<br />

- FTA & GSE subsystem requirements to the hardware component and software<br />

CSCI level, and GSE End Item level<br />

To specify the interface requl.rements between each module, between<br />

Contractor-provided GSE & FTA, between each subsystem, and between<br />

Computer Software Configuration Items (CSCls). Also to specify<br />

requl.rements imposed upon or by manual operations, or other system<br />

components to achieve one or more interfaces among the modules,<br />

subsystems, and CSCls. To be used l.n conjunction with the Software<br />

Requirements Specification as a basl.s for design and proto-qualification<br />

testing of software systems and CSCls.<br />

To provide documentatl.on in the form of drawings and/or written records<br />

to identify for each side of an interface those necessary design<br />

definitions between one or more systems, modules, subsystems, computer<br />

software configuration items (CSCI's), manual operations, contractors<br />

and/or Government agencies to provide control of and ensure an agreeable<br />

and compatible interface. The Interface Control Document (ICD) provides<br />

the design solutions to the requirements found l.n the system<br />

specifications and/or the Interface Requirements Document (IRD); these<br />

companion documents serve to communicate and control interface design<br />

decisions.<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION: As determined by the Contractl.ng Officer.<br />

9. INITIAL SUBMISSION: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

10. SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

11. REMARKS:<br />

For PA-1 and AA-1 Contractor-provided FTA & GSE, all module, subsystem,<br />

hardware component-level and software CSCI-Ievel, and end-item-Ievel<br />

requirement documents have FTO-AFT-FTA-004, FTA SRD, as their parent<br />

document For PA-2, and AA-2, Contractor-provided FTA & GSE, all<br />

module, subsystem, hardware com[ponent-level and software CSCI-level, and<br />

end item-level requirements documents wl.II have DRD CEV-D-002, FTA SRD as<br />

their parent document. A common format shall be used across the module,<br />

subsystem, hardware component end item-level, and software CSCI-level<br />

requirements documents.<br />

In naming each document, should be replaced with the appropriate<br />

name (e.g., FTA Crew Module Requirements Specification, etc.).<br />

All system level, subsystem level, LAS abort motor, jettl.son motor and<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

attitude control motor level, LAV, CM, and GSE module level requirement<br />

documents are type 2 documents. All external interface and subsystem<br />

level interface documents are type 2 documents.<br />

All hardware component-level, end ~tem-Ievel requirements and SRS<br />

documents are type 3 documents. All internal interface documents are type<br />

3 documents.<br />

The following document(s) may be used as guidance:<br />

IEEE/EIA 12207.1-1997: Industry Implementation of International<br />

Standard ISO/IEC 12207; 1995, Standard for Information Technology -<br />

Software life cycle processes - Lifecycle data.<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSHIP: Parent sow Paragraph(s): 10.6 4.<br />

Referenced from sow Paragraph(s):,<br />


13.1 SCOPE: The FTA Specification DRD establishes the format and<br />

contents of the follow~ng requirements specifications:<br />

- Contractor-provided FTA & GSE Module Requirements Specifications<br />

- The subsequent Cotractor-prov~ded subsystem, hardware component-level<br />

and software CSCI-Ievel, and end item-level requirements specifications,<br />

including GSE components and CSCIs.<br />

The Internal Interface Requirements Document (IRD) shall contain the<br />

interface requirements between each of the CEV modules, subsystems, and<br />

CSCI ~nterfaces within the FTA & GSE. This specification also details<br />

provisions for qualification and requirements traceability. An IRD shall<br />

be produced for each CSCI that ~nterfaces to another CSCI and for each<br />

CSCI that interfaces directly to a hardware component. The corresponding<br />

interface verification requirements for the IRDs will be contained in the<br />

applicable Interface Control Document (ICD).<br />

The Interface Control Documents (lCD's) identify design definitions for<br />

each side of an interface that shall ensure design control and<br />

compatibility. An ICD may describe any number of software interfaces.<br />


FTO-AFT-FTA-004, FTA SRD<br />

CxP 72166, Flight Test Vehicle Mission and Flight Objectives document,<br />

Version: Baseline<br />

FTO-AFT-OPS-001, Concept of Operat~ons<br />

FTO-AFT-FTA-001, FTA Environmental Requirements document<br />

FTO-AFT-FTA-003, FTA Geometry and Mass Properties document<br />

The following documents may be used for Reference:<br />

RCC Standard 321-02, Common Risk Criteria for Nat~onal Test Ranges<br />

White Sands Missile Range Regulation 385-17, Missile Flight Safety<br />

Department of the Army Pamphlet 385-64, Ammunition and Explosives Safety<br />

Standards<br />

Army Test and Evaluation Command (ATEC) Regulation 385-1, ATEC Safety<br />

Program<br />

NPR 7150.2' <strong>NASA</strong> Software Engineering Requirements<br />

13 3 CONTENTS.<br />

The FTA Systems Requirements Specificat~on shall be the allocation of the<br />

"Mission and Flight Objectives" document, CxP 72166, to the Flight Test.<br />

The FTA module requirements spec~f~cations shall decompose the FTA system<br />

functional, performance, and operational requirements to the module<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J·2<br />

Modification 65<br />

level. A FTA module is defined as a self-contained unit of a spacecraft<br />

that performs a specific task or class of tasks in support of the major<br />

function of the craft. For example, a FTA may be broken up into a crew<br />

module, a service module, etc.<br />

The GSE module requirments specification shall decompose FTA System GSE<br />

functional, performance, and operat1onal requirements to the GSE<br />

Subsystem level.<br />

The FTA & GSE subsystem requirements spec1fications shall decompose the<br />

FTA & GSE module functional, performance, constraints and design<br />

requirements to def1ne the design and arch1tecture of the total<br />

subsystem, includ1ng software.<br />

The FTA component & GSE end item requirements specifications shall<br />

contain the decomposition of the requirements from the FTA & GSE<br />

subsystem level through the lowest level of the decomposition. This<br />

specification will document the allocated funct1onal, performance,<br />

constraints and des1gn requirements for the FTA & GSE subsystem to the<br />

component/end item-level. For the purposes of this DRD, 'component' will<br />

be used to describe each level of the decomposit10n below the subsystem<br />

level as defined by the Contractor. The decomposition of the subsystem<br />

is continued until a procurement or build-to specificat10n has been<br />

developed. A component is defined as an aggregate of hardware and/or<br />

software that can be characterized by one specification, is designed by a<br />

single activity to be functionally tested, and 1S verified as a unit.<br />

The Software Requiremetns Specification (SRS) details the software<br />

functional, performance, interface, operational, and quality assurance<br />

requirements. SRSs are produced for each CSCI. At the contractor's<br />

discretion, SRSs can be produced as a single document with a section for<br />

each CSCI.<br />

Each document shall contain a sect10n titled 'Verification'. For each<br />

requirement in the documents, there shall be a corresponding verification<br />

requirement. The document shall contain, in addition to the verification<br />

requirements, a ver1f1cation traceability matrix that establishes the<br />

relationship between each requirement and its verification requirements,<br />

and contains the methods that will be used to accomplish the indicated<br />

verification actions.<br />

The Internal Interface Requirements Document (IRD) shall define all<br />

physical, functional and procedural interface requirements to ensure<br />

system, hardware, GSE, and software compat1b1lity. The IRDs shall<br />

include the following:<br />

a. Physical - Interface requirements involving physical mating and<br />

spatial relationships between interconnecting parts of interfacing end<br />

1tems, including clearance envelopes established to avoid interferences<br />

and to permit access.<br />

b Functional - Interfaces involving the interaction or influence<br />

of condit10ns imposed by one subsystem or component upon another or by<br />

external sources such as fluids, thermal, electrical, environmental,<br />

data, and loads.<br />

c. Procedural - Interfaces involving cr1t1cal sequence of events<br />

occurring in assembly, disassembly, alignment, service operations, and<br />

computer programs.<br />

For software, using IEEE/EIA 12207.1-1997 as guidance, IRD shall include:<br />

d. Requirements imposed on one or more modules, subsystems,<br />

conf1guration items, manual operations or other system components to<br />

achieve one or more software interfaces among these entities.<br />

1. Interface identification and diagrams.<br />

2. ProJect-unique identifier of interface.<br />

Attachment J·2<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong> Attachment J-2<br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV) Modification 65<br />

3. Precedence and criticallty of requirements.<br />

e. proto-qualification provlsions.<br />

f. Requirements traceablllty.<br />

The Interface Control Document (ICD) shall document the physical,<br />

functional, and procedural interface design. The ICD shall provide the<br />

descriptive text and diagrams to fully describe the interface<br />

implementation. The ICD shall address all of the engineering disciplines<br />

associated with the interface design. The ICD shall identify all<br />

applicable workmanship and applicable standards being utilized as part of<br />

the interface design. The ICD shall provide traceability from the<br />

Interface Requirements Document (IRD) to document design compliance with<br />

the requirements.<br />

The ICD shall address the following class of interfaces:<br />

(a) Physical - Interfaces invo1vlng physical matlng and spatial<br />

relationships between interconnecting parts of interfaclng end items,<br />

including clearance envelopes established to avold interferences and to<br />

permit access.<br />

(b) Functl0na1 - Interfaces lnvo1ving the interaction or influence of<br />

conditions imposed by one subsystem or component upon another or by<br />

external sources such as fluids, thermal, electrical, environmental,<br />

data, and loads.<br />

(c) Procedural - Interfaces involving critical sequence of events<br />

occurring in assembly, dlsassemb1y, alignment, service operations, and<br />

computer programs.<br />

For software, in accordance with NPR 7150.2 <strong>NASA</strong> Software Engineering<br />

Requirements (class C & D definitions & requirements, only), and using<br />

IEEE/EIA 12207.1-1997 as guidance, the ICD shall include:<br />

(d) Priority assigned to the interface by the lnterfacing entity(ies).<br />

(e) Type of interface (e.g., real-time data transfer, storage-andretrieval<br />

of data) to be lmp1emented.<br />

(f) Specification of lndividua1 data elements, format, and data content<br />

including bit-level descrlptions of data interface that the interfacing<br />

entity(ies) will provlde, store, send, access, receive.<br />

(g) Specification of data element assemblies, format, and data content<br />

including bit-level descriptions of data interface that the interfacing<br />

entlty(ies) will provide, store, send, access, recelve.<br />

(h) Specification of communication methods that the interfacing<br />

entity(ies) will use for the interface.<br />

(i) Specificatl0n of protocols the interfaclng entity(ies) will use for<br />

the interface.<br />

(j) Other specifications, such as physical compatibility of the<br />

lnterfacing entity(ies) .<br />

(k) Traceability from each interfacing entity to the system or CSCI<br />

requirements addressed by the entity's interface design, and traceability<br />

from each system or CSCI requirement that affects an interface.<br />

(1) Interface compatibility, e.g., little endian vs. big endian.<br />

13.4 FORMAT: Documents shall be electronic format per Section J-2<br />

13.5 MAINTENANCE: Changes shall be ldentified and complete re-issue of the<br />

document is requlred.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong> Attachment J-2<br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Modification 65<br />

I.<br />

3<br />


DATA TYPE' 2<br />


2.<br />

4.<br />

5.<br />

DRDNO ..<br />


PAGE:<br />

6. TITLE: Flight Test Article (FTA) Engineering Design Data Book<br />

CEV-D-004<br />

May 2009<br />

1<br />


Documents the FTA design in adequate detail for FTA integration with the<br />

Abort Test Booster (ATB) , Test Range, Test Facility. Documents the<br />

design in adequate detail for final assembly, integration, and test<br />

activities performed at the designated <strong>NASA</strong> facility for PA-1 and AA-1.<br />

Provides adequate technlcal documentation to satisfy safety reviews and<br />

test readiness reviews.<br />

8<br />

9.<br />

10<br />

II.<br />

12<br />

13<br />

13.1<br />

13.2<br />

DISTRIBUTION As determined by the Contracting Officer.<br />

INITIAL SUBMISSION: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

REMARKS:<br />

INTERRELATIONSHIP' Parent sow Paragraph(s): 10.6.4,<br />

Referenced from sow Paragraph:<br />


SCOPE'<br />


133<br />

1.<br />


Launch Abort System LAS, Engineering Design Data Book<br />

a. Contractor specified design and production standards for the LAS.<br />

b. All data necessary to support compliance to the contractor<br />

speclfled design and production standards for the LAS.<br />

c. All LAS Diagrams, Drawings, Analysis & Models for the specific<br />

FTA.<br />

d. Any supporting data needed to completely understand the operation<br />

of the LAS.<br />

e. Identificatlon of lift points and description of lifting<br />

operations expected prior to the fllght test and during post test<br />

recovery.<br />

f. detailed description of each mechanism, including a description of<br />

their functional requirements and operating environments.<br />

g. A llst of mandatory inspection points<br />

2. Crew Module CM, Engineering Design Data Book<br />

a. Contractor specified design and productlon standards for the CM.<br />

b. All data necessary to support compllance to the contractor<br />

speclfled design and production standards for the CM.<br />

c. All CM Diagrams, Drawings & Models for the specific FTA.<br />

d. Any supporting data needed to completely understand the operation<br />

of the CM.<br />

e<br />

Identification of lift points and descrlption of lifting<br />

operations expected prior to the flight test and during post test<br />

recovery<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

f. detailed description of each mechanism, includ~ng a description of<br />

their functional requirements and operat~ng environments.<br />

g. A list of mandatory inspection po~nts.<br />

3. Contractor-provided Spacecraft Adapter/Service Module SA/SM, Engineering<br />

Design Data Book<br />

a. Contractor specified design and production standards for the<br />

SA/SM.<br />

b. All data necessary to support compliance to the contractor<br />

specified design and production standards for the SA/SM.<br />

c. All SA/SM Diagrams, Drawings & Models for the specific FTA.<br />

d. Any support~ng data needed to completely understand the operation<br />

of the SA/SM<br />

e. Identification of l~ft points and description of l~ft~ng<br />

operations expected prior to the flight test and during post test<br />

recovery.<br />

f. detailed description of each mechan~sm, including a description of<br />

their funct~onal requ~rements and operating environments.<br />

g. A list of mandatory inspection points.<br />

4. Avionics and Power, Engineering Design Data Book<br />

a. Contractor specified requirements and design and production<br />

standards for Avionics and Power systems.<br />

b. All data and analyses necessary to support compl~ance to the<br />

Contractor specified requirements and design and production<br />

standards.<br />

c. Electrical Power System Circuit Protection and Isolation Plan.<br />

Plan and provisions for establishing, and maintaining electrical<br />

circuit protection for the FTA and FTA interfaces (including human<br />

safety) with ground maintenance/test facilities, Abort Test<br />

Booster, recovery, and refurb~shment facilities (if applicable) .<br />

d. Functional schematics<br />

e. Electrical Power System Grounding Analysis. Documents the<br />

electrical grounding des~gn. Documents the analysis results of<br />

the electr~cal grounding.<br />

f. Electrical Power System Voltage Drop Analysis. Documents the<br />

analysis results using circuit res~stance values based On wire<br />

size, wire length, temperature conditions, circuit element<br />

resistances, and varying load conditions. Documents voltage drops<br />

on all major circu~ts, loads, and interfaces at varying load<br />

cond~tions.<br />

g. Electr~cal Power System Transient Analyses. Documents the<br />

analysis results us~ng normal and worst case subsystem and system<br />

interface cond~t~ons (voltage and bus transient and ripple) ,<br />

evaluates the design for proper performance and compatibility, and<br />

assures adequate margins between the source and the loads. Also<br />

documents the evaluation of power on/off sw~tching transient<br />

generat~on for adverse (out-of-spec.) impacts to the interfacing<br />

bus<br />

h. Electrical Power System Equipment Description, Design, Drawings<br />

and Performance Data. Comprehens~ve equ~pment documentation of the<br />

electrical power system that will provide detailed reference<br />

~nfor.mat~on for supporting Engineering and Operations including<br />

funct~onal block diagrams.<br />

i. Av~on~cs Equ~pment Description, Design, Drawings and Performance<br />

Data. Comprehensive equipment documentation of the Avion1cs<br />

subsystem that will provide detailed reference 1nformation for<br />

supporting Engineering and Operations including functional block<br />

diagrams.<br />

5. Fl~ght Software, Engineering Design Data Book<br />

a. Flight Software Development Plans.<br />

b. Flight Software Descriptions.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehic1e - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

c. Flight Software Dictionary.<br />

d. CSC! architectural design<br />

e. CSC! decomposition and lnterrelationship between software<br />

components, includlng lts evolution path to the production vehicle<br />

software.<br />

f. Any Additional Flight Software documentation of the subsystem that<br />

will provide detailed reference information for supporting<br />

Engineering and Operatlons including functional block diagrams.<br />

6. Systems Analysis, Engineering Design Data Book<br />

a. Loads & Environments Analyses<br />

b. GN&C Analyses<br />

c. AeroSClences Analyses<br />

d. Thermal Analyses<br />

e. Mission Analyses<br />

13 4 FORMAT: Contractor may divide into volumes/books if necessary. Models<br />

and code shall be submltted in their native format. Electronic format<br />

requlrements per Section J-2 shall be followed as well.<br />

13.5 MAINTENANCE· Changes shall be ldentified and complete re-issue of the<br />

document or other product is required.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehic1e - (CEV)<br />

Modification 65<br />

1.<br />

3.<br />


DATA TYPE: 1/3/3 *<br />


2.<br />

4.<br />

5.<br />

DRDNO ..<br />


PAGE'<br />

CEV-M-002<br />

May 2009<br />

1<br />

6 TITLE: Performance Assessment plan, Reports and Management Reviews<br />


The Performance Assessment Plan provides the overall contract performance<br />

measurement approach. The initial submittal will be used in developing<br />

the Surveillance Plan.<br />

The Performance Assessment Reports are a key component of quarterly and<br />

semi-annual performance assessments.<br />

The Performance Management Review packages that support the quarterly<br />

management reviews of costs, schedule, and technlcal performance. The<br />

format provides a standardlzed approach for review materials.<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION As determined by the Contracting Officer<br />

9 INITIAL SUBMISSION Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

10. SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

11. REMARKS:<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> Data Management will send notification to the following:<br />

Financial Office<br />

Assessment Office<br />

Contractlng Officer<br />

Contracting Offlcer's Technical Representative (COTR)<br />

* Plan is Type 1, Reports are Type 3, Review Packages are Type 3<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSHIP: Parent SOW Paragraph(s): 1.1.b<br />

Referenced from SOW Paragraph: 1.2. (d)<br />


131 SCOPE.<br />

The Performance Assessment plan shall descrlbe the Contractor's overall<br />

approach to contract performance assessment and the implementation<br />

process for accomplishing metrlc evaluation and reporting.<br />

The Performance Assessment Reports shall provide a self-assessment for<br />

quarterly and semi-annual performance assessments reporting periods.<br />

Performance Management Review data packages document the integrated<br />

management reviews of the cost, schedule, and technical performance on<br />

the contract. The reviews are held quarterly. These packages must be<br />

reconcilable with Financlal Management Report (533) reporting, DRD CEV-B-<br />

001.<br />


CXP-72000: Crew Exploratl0n Vehicle System Requirements Document (CEV<br />

SRD)<br />

NPR 9501.2D. <strong>NASA</strong> Contractor Financial Management Reporting<br />

13.3 CONTENTS:<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

The Performance Assessment Plan shall conslst of the following:<br />

(a) Description of the Contractor's approach and rationale for assessing<br />

performance, lncluding reporting on the status of 'should' requirements<br />

in CXP-72000, Crew Exploration Vehicle System Requirements Document (CEV<br />

SRD) and the sow.<br />

(b) Description of the methods the Contractor plans to use to assess<br />

performance, systems used, reporting mechanisms, and how the data will be<br />

used to lmprove future performance and adjust to changing requirements.<br />

(c) Description of management systems and processes used to implement the<br />

plan includlng the developing, timely gathering, compiling, maintainlng,<br />

audlting, analyzing, reporting, and provlding management reVlew of<br />

performance metrics.<br />

(d) Descript10n of the performance metrics including references to SOW<br />

paragraphs.<br />

(e) Description of the Technlcal Performance Parameters (TPPs) selected<br />

by the Contractor, and approved by <strong>NASA</strong>, for monitoring during the design<br />

and development. The Performance Assessment Plan shall identify a subset<br />

of the data included in the Margins Management Plan as TPPs. The TPPs<br />

will be proposed in the initial Performance Assessment Plan and<br />

'selected' via approval of the Plan. Examples of TPPs are margins for<br />

mass properties, power allocatlon, volume, CPU utilization,<br />

bandwidth/throughput.<br />

(f) Descriptlon of any metrics used to address the performance toward IMP<br />

events, including the rationale for the development process and linkage<br />

between the metrics and the IMP events.<br />

The metric descrlption shall consist of at least the following for each<br />

metric:<br />

(a) Definition and descrlptlon of the metric<br />

(b) Graphical representatlon<br />

(c) Algorlthm (if calculated)<br />

(d) Assessment criteria for expected (standard) performance and excellent<br />

performance<br />

The Performance Assessment Reports for metrics shall consist of the<br />

following:<br />

(a) Contractor's summary assessment ('metric score card') for all metrics<br />

(b) Status of all Technical Performance Parameters and their margin<br />

growth/loss and forecast<br />

(c) Metrics as described in the plan updated to reflect actual<br />

performance and quality durlng the period<br />

(d) Narrative performance assessment by month for each metric<br />

(e) Historical performance data<br />

(f) Index of any changes to metrlcs since the last period<br />

(g) Recommended action (i.e performance improvement lnitiatives, lessons<br />

learned)<br />

The Performance Management Review data packages support the quarterly<br />

management review of cost, schedule, and technical performance. Metrics<br />

for the lnitial submittal, including the Technical Performance Parameters<br />

(TPP) , shall come from Contractor's approved Performance Assessment plan.<br />

These metrics shall provide linkage to CEV Project-level metrlCS and<br />

Constellation Program-level metrics in the Integrated Collaborative<br />

Environment. The cost baseline 18 the Performance Measurement Baseline<br />

(PMB). The format provides a standardized approach for review materials.<br />

The quarterly Performance Management Review package consists of:<br />

(a) Summary section<br />

(b) Pertlnent performance/outcome based metrics (as requested by the PM,<br />

COTR)<br />

(c) Technical performance parameters (including margin growth/loss and<br />

forecast)<br />

(d) Stoplight status of fiscal year project cost, schedule, and technical<br />

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Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

performance<br />

(e) Summary status of fiscal year reserves, risks and opportunities, and<br />

earned value performance<br />

(f) Fiscal year cost and workforce summarles (including attrition<br />

metrics)<br />

(g) Cumulative variance explanations (to fiscal year plan) and end-ofyear<br />

trend variance explanations (if threshold criteria exceeded)<br />

(h) SOW reconciliation (i.e., special projects, etc. that need to be<br />

accounted for) (as required)<br />

(i) Status of CXP-lOOOl, Systems Requirements for the Crew Exploration<br />

Vehicle Element (CEV SRD) and SOW 'shoulds'<br />

(J) Areas of emphasis summary<br />

(k) Major contract milestone schedule - 90 Day lookahead<br />

(1) Component Sections (done at major element/organization/subsystem<br />

level) :<br />

Include all Summary Section items<br />

Significant achlevements<br />

• Pertinent next level performance/outcome based metrics (include any<br />

other yellow or red metrics)<br />

• Details of technlcal, cost and schedule risks and opportunities<br />

(m) Total contract plannlng assumptions for budget horizon estimates (5<br />

years) (e.g., assumed launch sequence of Constellation elements), work<br />

content summary, workload drivers<br />

(n) Cost and workforce estimates through the budget horizon (5 years)<br />

(updates to work packages or their plannlng packages)<br />

(0) Major project milestone schedule - 5 Year lookahead (updated as<br />

required)<br />

(p) Life cycle cost analysis update since last major design review<br />

(q) Summary risks and opportunities (unique to the project, the budget<br />

for the extended horlzon)<br />

13.4 FORMAT: Electronic format per Section J-2<br />

13.5 MAINTENANCE: Contractor-proposed changes shall be submitted to <strong>NASA</strong><br />

for approval. Complete re-issue of the documents are required. The<br />

Performance Assessment plan, lncluding metrics, shall be reviewed<br />

annually and updated as required. Metrics shall be evaluated, updated<br />

and reported on a monthly basis on the web. Performance Management<br />

Review data packages shall be updated for quarterly Performance<br />

Management Revlews<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Modification 65<br />


1.<br />

3.<br />


DATA TYPE: 2/3*<br />

6. TITLE: Risk Management plan and Reports<br />

2<br />

4.<br />

5.<br />

DRDNO.:<br />


PAGE'<br />

CEV-M-005<br />

May 2009<br />

1<br />


To provide the Contractor and the Government a baseline document for<br />

planning, management, control, and implementation of the Contractor's<br />

risk management program. To implement a risk management process that is<br />

consistent with the government provided guidelines. To develop and<br />

maintain risk management waterfall charts.<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION: As determined by the Contracting Officer<br />

9. INITIAL SUBMISSION: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

10. SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requuements Matrix<br />

11. REMARKS:<br />

* The Risk Management Plan shall be data type 2. All other submissions<br />

are type 3.<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSHIP: Parent SOW Paragraph(s): 1. 4.<br />

Related DRD(s): CEV-S-001<br />


13 1 SCOPE.<br />

The Risk Management Plan addresses how <strong>NASA</strong> risk management requ~rements<br />

are to be implemented throughout the proJect's life cycle. The Risk<br />

Management Report provides a status of risks and risk mitigation plans<br />

and activities.<br />


CxP 72091, Constellation Integrated Risk Management<br />

13.3 CONTENTS:<br />

The Risk Management Report shall contain the following data (Monthly):<br />

(a) Risk ID #, R~sk Statement, Risk Context, L~kelihood of Occurrence<br />

score and rationales, Consequence of Occurrence score (with cost,<br />

schedule, and techn~cal rationale), and T~meframe. Risk Consequence and<br />

Risk Likelihood shall be def~ned and scored consistent with the risk<br />

management requirements.<br />

(b) The Risk Waterfall chart for all high and med1um rated risks. The<br />

R1sk Waterfall chart is a graphical representat10n of the risk mitigation<br />

planning when a task plan is required.<br />

(c) Status of all risk mitigation plans and metrics.<br />

(d) Summary of risk mitigation activity and progress including objective<br />

evidence of exit criteria accomplishments.<br />

(e) Cost est1mate, applicable schedule, and allocated resources for<br />

mitigation activity<br />

(f) Documentation of contingency planning for risks that could not be<br />

successfully mitigated, accepted, or closed.<br />

(g) Summary of risk analyses.<br />

Identified unfunded risks will conta1n the following data (Monthly):<br />

(a) Risk ID#, R1sk Statement, Risk Context, Likelihood of Occurrence<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

score and rationales, Consequence of Occurrence score (with cost,<br />

schedule and technical rationale) and Timeframe. Risk Consequence and<br />

Risk Likel1hood shall be defined and scored consistent with the risk<br />

management requirements. For Unfunded risks a Change<br />

Request will be written containing the Contractor's proposal for<br />

mitigation, cost est1mates and justificat1on.<br />

(b) Cost estimate, applicable schedule, and allocated resources for<br />

mitigation activity.<br />

(c) Documentation of cont1ngency planning<br />

(d) Integrated prioritized r1sk listing (including funded and unfunded<br />

risks) based on System needs.<br />

The Contractor shall use a database tool compatible with the Integrated<br />

Collaborative Environment (ICE) Active R1sk Manager Database to track<br />

identification and treatment of risks. If the ICE Active Risk Manager<br />

Database itself is not ut111zed, then the Contractor database shall be<br />

capable of exporting all required risk data to an Excel-based flat ICE<br />

Active Risk Manager database format file compatible with the ICE Active<br />

Risk Manager Database and delivered monthly with the risk management<br />

report.<br />


The plot of Risk Level vs. Calendar Time will be divided 1nto three<br />

colored areas.<br />

Risk Exposure Level<br />

High<br />

Moderate<br />

Low<br />

Color<br />

Red<br />

Yellow<br />

Green<br />

Determination of r1sk level is the qualitative combination of the<br />

likelihood of occurrence and the consequences of occurrence. The steps on<br />

the waterfall chart (Activities) are called gates. When a gate is<br />

completed, a downward step 1n Risk Level is achieved. As progress is made<br />

1n completing the risk reduct10n plan, the line showing Risk Level is<br />

thickened to the point in time where activities have been completed. The<br />

chart will also contain the follow1ng features:<br />

(a) Gates will be denoted with activity numbers.<br />

(b) The chart will contain labels for the activit1es and exit criteria.<br />

(c) The three colored areas are labeled High, Moderate, and Low.<br />

(d) The risk identification title 1S at the top of the page.<br />

(e) The risk file name and date of last update are shown in the bottom<br />

right corner.<br />

(f) Project milestones such as major tests and project and applicable<br />

program reviews are placed along the Calendar time axis.<br />

If gate completion is delayed, and the completion date is not known, the<br />

risk level 11ne 1S extended past the step to the current p01nt in time.<br />

If an activity completion date changes, the or1ginal plan will be shown<br />

as a dashed line and the new plan denoted with a sol1d line. Activity<br />

numbers should be shown on both the original and new steps on the<br />

waterfall chart<br />


The risk recovery plan describes actions to be taken if act1vit1es in the<br />

risk reduction plan on the waterfall chart are not successfully<br />

completed. Recovery act10ns should be outlined for all gates, but at a<br />

minimum, they should be completed for any gate associated with a change<br />

in Technical Risk Level from High to Moderate or Moderate to Low and for<br />

gates associated w1th important testing. This plan will be attached to<br />

the waterfall chart and w1ll contain the following features:<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

(a) Risk title.<br />

(b) Gate numbers.<br />

(c) Activities names.<br />

(d) Exit criteria associated with the activities.<br />

(e) Actual and planned activity completion dates.<br />

(f) Recovery plan for the gate. If the gate is completed successfully,<br />

the recovery actions are removed from the chart. For completed<br />

activities, which required some or all of the recovery actions, those<br />

actions should remain on the chart<br />

(g) Recovery plan activities outside of the project's scope should be<br />

flagged.<br />

(h) The appropriate proprietary markings are placed at the top and bottom<br />

of the chart.<br />

13.4 FORMAT: Electronic format per Section J-2<br />

13 5 MAINTENANCE: Contractor-proposed changes to document shall be<br />

submitted to <strong>NASA</strong> for approval. Complete re-issue of the document is<br />

required.<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />


1. PROGRAM: CEV 2 DRDNO.:<br />


5 PAGE:<br />

6. TITLE: Lunar Block Upgrade Plan<br />

CEV-M-006<br />

May 2009<br />

1<br />


The Lunar Block Upgrade plan prov~des an approach and detailed listing of<br />

those requirements and planned configurat~on changes which are being<br />

deferred to a future contract act~vity.<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION: As determined by the Contracting Officer<br />

9 INITIAL SUBMISSION: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

10. SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

11. REMARKS:<br />

None<br />

12 INTERRELATIONSHIP Parent SOW Paragraph(s): 1.1.m<br />


13.1 SCOPE'<br />

The Lunar Block Upgrade Plan shall describe the Contractor's approach to<br />

support <strong>NASA</strong> in the management of contract requirements which are being<br />

deferred to a future contract activity.<br />


13.3 CONTENTS<br />

The Lunar Block Upgrade Plan shall contain the following:<br />

(a) The Contractor's approach to ~mplementing a Lunar Block Upgrade plan<br />

(b) Future contract Lunar Block Upgrade content:<br />

i) Specif1c Contract applicable document reference<br />

ii) Recommended conf1guration change defined to lowest known level<br />

iii) Level and type of verifcation required<br />

iv) Projected Schedule for Implementation<br />

13.4 FORMAT: Electronic format per Section J -2<br />

13.5 MAINTENANCE: Contractor-proposed changes shall be subm1tted to <strong>NASA</strong><br />

for approval. Complete re-issue of the document is required.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong> Attachment J-2<br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Modification 65<br />


1.<br />

3.<br />


DATA TYPE: 2<br />

2.<br />

4.<br />

5<br />

6. TITLE' Contractor's CEV Concept of OperatJ.ons<br />

DRDNO.·<br />


PAGE.<br />

CEV-O-001<br />

May 2009<br />

1<br />


ThJ.s document descrJ.bes the contractor-recommended life cycle operations<br />

concepts for the entire CEV System. This document is necessary to provide<br />

a mechanism for <strong>NASA</strong> to understand and assess the Contractor's CEV<br />

Concept of Operations (CONOPS) for J.ntegration with <strong>NASA</strong>'s CEV concept of<br />

operations. It also provJ.des an integration mechanism with the CEV<br />

design process to assure operational needs and attributes are<br />

appropriately implemented in the design. While the CONOPS does not<br />

represent explicit design-to requirements, it is expected that the CONOPS<br />

wJ.ll be reflected in the allocated requJ.rements baseline derived using<br />

the CONOPS as a source.<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION. Per ContractJ.ng Officer's letter<br />

9. INITIAL SUBMISSION' Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

10. SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data RequJ.rements Matrix<br />

11 REMARKS:<br />

The following document(s) may be used as guidance:<br />

ANSI/AIAA G043-1992: Guidance for Preparation of Operational Concept<br />

Documents<br />

CxP-70007: Constellation Design Reference Missions and Operational<br />

Concepts<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSIDP: Parent sow Paragraph (s): 2 7.1.<br />

Referenced from sow Paragraph(s): 2.7.2. (e)<br />


131 SCOPE:<br />

The Contractor's CEV Concept of Operations describes operations for the<br />

entire CEV System from delivery of the spacecraft to the launch site,<br />

through pre-launch processing, pre-mission flight design and planning,<br />

launch, flight , re-entry, landing, and dJ.sposal and/or refurbishment for<br />

a future flight. It addresses operations from the flight crew, ground<br />

operations, and flight operations perspectives. It is expected that<br />

the depth and breadth of information contained in the Contractor CEV<br />

CONOPS will increase over time and with subsequent deliveries.<br />


CxP-72000: System Requirements for the Crew Exploration VehJ.cle Element<br />

13.3 CONTENTS'<br />

This plan consists of the CEV Contractor plan and recommendations for CEV<br />

operations includJ.ng Contractor Support to OperatJ.ons.<br />

Contractor CEV Concept of Operations<br />

The Contractor CEV CONOPS shall provide gUJ.dance to the CEV System<br />

developers on how the CEV System is to be used, operated, and maintained<br />

in a given environment so that their designs, development, integration,<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

and tests will accommodate CEV goals, missions, and operational<br />

philosophy. The document shall describe the contractor's concept of the<br />

'what, where, when, who, why, and how' of CEV System operations from<br />

dellvery to KSC through disposal of assets.<br />

The Contractor CEV CONOPS shall address the followlng:<br />

(a) qescription of operations concept. This includes scenarios from CEV<br />

spacecraft dellvery to the launch site, through pre-launch processing,<br />

pre-mission flight design and plannlng, launch, fllght, re-entry,<br />

landing, and disposal and/or refurbishment for a future flight.<br />

(b) Fundamental spacecraft capabilities.<br />

(c) Description of the operational environment.<br />

(d) Operations constraints due to spacecraft design. Including, but not<br />

limited to, attitude constraints, consumables (prop and non-prop) ,<br />

thermal constraints, power constraints, processing constraints, and<br />

facility constraints.<br />

(e) Roles and Responslbilities of the Flight Crew, Ground Operations, and<br />

Flight Operations. Include descrlption of automation.<br />

(f) Nominal, off-nomlnal, and emergency operational scenarios in<br />

narrative and graphical form.<br />

(g) Provlde a comparlson of the CXP-700074, Constellation Operations<br />

Concept Document and the CEV-O-001, CEV Concept of Operations. Also<br />

provide evidence that the Contractor's specifications and design support<br />

the concepts and provide the supporting rationale for any deviations.<br />

(h) Identify and provide supporting rationale for the CEV spacecraft<br />

limlting factors (e.g systems' performance, consumables, etc.) for each<br />

DRM and across all DRMs.<br />

(i) Description of CEV System integration with the Constellation flight<br />

and ground systems.<br />

(j) CEV Contractor Support to Operations<br />

(1) Proposed organlzational infrastructure, personnel and Contractorprovided<br />

equipment needed to support both the sustaining engineering<br />

effort and the continued safe operation of the CEV through the completion<br />

of its life cycle; includes a llst of critical activitles with supporting<br />

rationale requiring contractor support; and an approach for interactions<br />

wlth <strong>NASA</strong> operations;<br />

(2) Descriptlon of proposed activities to continually improve operational<br />

processes throughout the CEV System life-cycle to decrease operations<br />

costs and improve efficlency and how the identlfied improvements wlII be<br />

incorporated into those operational processes.<br />

13 4 FORMAT: The CONOPS shall be narrative and delivered in electronic format<br />

per Section J-2 2.3 2.1.<br />

13 5 MAINTENANCE: Changes shall be incorporated by complete reissue.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Modification 65<br />


1.<br />

3<br />


DATA TYPE' 3<br />

2.<br />

4<br />

5.<br />

DRDNO.·<br />


PAGE.<br />

6. TITLE: Launch Site Support Requirements Documentation<br />

CEV-O-003<br />

May 2009<br />

1<br />


This document shall be used to coordinate the identified resources to<br />

enable the hardware developer and ground operations to complete the<br />

necessary work on the flight hardware during pre-launch and post-launch<br />

operations. Support requlrements include shared services and facilities<br />

provided by KSC, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station (CCAFS), and the<br />

landing and recovery site<br />

8 DISTRIBUTION' Per Contracting Ofhcer's letter<br />

9 INITIAL SUBMISSION: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

10. SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

11. REMARKS:<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSHIP: Parent sow Paragraph (s): 2 7.2.<br />


13.1 SCOPE:<br />

Provides the launch site support requlrements needed by the hardware<br />

developer and ground operations for work to be done at either KSC or<br />

CCAFS.<br />


KSC-HB-GP60-3: ASRS Handbook<br />

13 3 CONTENTS:<br />

The Launch Site Support Requlrements Documentatlon shall identify the<br />

operations resources (e.g., commodotles, office space, special flight<br />

hardware access requirements, telephones, fax machines) required by the<br />

CEV Contractor to process the CEV System at KSC/CCAFS in accordance wlth<br />

KSC-HB-GP60-3, ASRS Handbook.<br />

The Launch Slte Support Requirements Documentation shall identify the<br />

operations resources required by the fllght vehile during ground<br />

operations and landing and recovery operations.<br />

13.4 FORMAT. Electronic format per Section J -2 2 3.2.1.<br />

13 5 MAINTENANCE: Changes shall be incorporated by complete reissue.<br />

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1.<br />

3.<br />


DATA TYPE' 2(3<br />

6. TITLE.CEV Stowage Capabilities and SerVlces Handbook<br />

2. DRDNO.. CEV-O-006<br />

4. DATE REVISED' May 2009<br />

5. PAGE. 1<br />

The only change to this DRD is in #3:<br />

From "Data Type 2"<br />

To Data "Type 2/3" to match the DRD Matrix<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Modification 65<br />


1.<br />

3<br />

6.<br />

7.<br />


DATA TYPE: 1 4 DATE REVISED: May 2009<br />

5. PAGE: 1<br />

TITLE: Range Safety Requirements Documents<br />


Provide CEV analyses and data products as required by Range Safety<br />

Requirements Documents which lnclude the AFSPCMAN 91-710, Range Safety<br />

User Requirements Manual (Volume 2 and 4) and/or equivalent test range<br />

standards that satlsfy NPR 8715.5, Range Safety Program. These Range<br />

Safety Requirements Documents are to be tailored for CEV by the <strong>NASA</strong><br />

Constellation Program. These tailored Range Safety Requirements Documents<br />

address CEV ascent, earth entry, and landing operational phases.<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION' Per Contracting Officer's letter<br />

9. INITIAL SUBMISSION. Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

10. SUBMISSION FREQUENCY. Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

11. REMARKS:<br />

The <strong>NASA</strong> Constellation Program will lead the development of the tailored<br />

Range Safety Requirements and obtaln Range approval of these tailored<br />

Range Safety Requirements.<br />

12 INTERRELATIONSHIP: Parent sow Paragraph (s): 2.7.4<br />

Referenced from sow Paragraph(s): 2.7.2(a), 3.3<br />

Referenced from SOW Paragraph(s)' 10.6 8<br />


131 SCOPE:<br />

(a) For flights conducted at the Eastern Range, analyses and data<br />

products addressing the tailored AFSPCMAN 91-710 Volume 2 shall be<br />

provided. These analyses and data products shall address tailored<br />

versions of AFSPCMAN 91-710, Vol 2 for two different flight<br />

configurations:<br />

1. Unmanned CEV/CLV flight test missions (such as the Ares 1-Y mlssion)<br />

2. Crewed CEV/CLV misslons<br />

(b) For fllght tests conducted at White Sands Mlsslle Range (WSMR) ,<br />

analyses and data products consistent with Range Commanders Council -<br />

Range Safety Group - Standard 321-02, Common Risk Criteria for National<br />

Test Ranges shall be provlded Speclfic analyses to be defined by WSMR<br />

Flight Safety Office (FSO) Fllght dynamics data products in support of<br />

fllght safety for WSMR are covered by DRD CEV-D-004.<br />

(c) For flight tests conducted at other test ranges involving CEV<br />

elements, analyses and products conslstent with NPR 8715.5, Range Safety<br />

Program, or those specified by the applicable range safety requirements<br />

of the host test range shall be provided<br />


Attachment J-2<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong> Attachment J-2<br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Modification 65<br />

• AFSPCMAN 91-710, volume 2 and 4: Range Safety User Requirements<br />

Manual (as tailored for CEV)<br />

• NPR 8715.5: Range Safety Program (as tailored for CEV)<br />

• Range Commanders Council - Range Safety Group - Standard 321-02:<br />

Common Risk Criteria for Natlonal Test Ranges<br />

13.3 CONTENTS:<br />

1. CEV analyses or other data products required to satisfy tailored<br />

AFSPCMAN 91-710 Volume 2 requirements. Applies to flights conducted at<br />

the Eastern Range. Examples of anticipated analyses are included in<br />

Table 13.3-1.<br />

Table 13.3-1 AFSPCMAN 91-710 Candidate Analyses<br />

AFSPCMAN 91-710. Vol. Requirement Potential Analysis Support<br />

2 Requirement number<br />

1.2.1 No launch vehicle, payload, or<br />

jettisoned body shall be<br />

intentionally impacted on land<br />

Confirmation or analysis<br />

showing there are no planned<br />

land touchdowns for pad or<br />

unless approved by the Chief of ascent abort cases<br />

Safety and meets the public<br />

risk criteria in Volume 1, 3.2 of<br />

this publication.<br />

Proposed flights shall be<br />

planned and trajectories shaped<br />

so that normal impact<br />

dispersion areas for such items<br />

do not encompass land.<br />

1.2.2 If any jettisoned body remains<br />

buoyant after impact and<br />

presents a hazard to maritime<br />

vessels or platforms, a means<br />

of sinking or recovering the<br />

body shall be provided.<br />

Analysis showing that the LAS<br />

and the ejected panels on the<br />

SM sink or float.<br />

1.6.8 Providing hazard assessments<br />

(the process of identifying<br />

operation-related hazards,<br />

assessments<br />

of those hazards, and<br />

quantification of risk to<br />

establish operation constraints.)<br />

The CEV will have hazardous<br />

elements that will play into the<br />

into the overall analysis -<br />

example: hypergolic<br />

propellants in the service<br />

module<br /> General description<br />

oflaunch vehicle and payload<br />

in sufficient detail for hazard<br />

assessment providing the<br />

following information:<br /> Type, weight, and<br />

TNT equivalency of all<br />

propellants.<br />

"Payload" items will have to<br />

be addressed by Orion (prop,<br />

ordnance, pressure vessels,<br />

etc.)<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

CEV-O-007 Page 2 of5

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br /> Description of<br />

ordnance items.<br /> Description of toxic<br />

and radioactive materials.<br /> Characteristics of<br />

high pressure vessels, lasers,<br />

and batteries.<br /> Description of<br />

materials, thickness, and safety<br />

factors of pressure vessels.<br /> Thrust and burn<br />

times of motors and thrusting<br />

devices.<br /> Description of<br />

guidance and control system.<br /> Drawings and<br />

diagrams showing structural<br />

arrangement and layout of<br />

significant components in each<br />

stage or payload.<br /> Telemetry measurement listing<br />

and data word definitions.<br /> Estimates of the nominal<br />

impact point and the threesigma<br />

drag-corrected<br />

dispersion area for each<br />

jettisoned body.<br /> Buoyancy analysis of all<br />

jettisoned bodies that impact<br />

water; for bodies that remain<br />

buoyant after impact and<br />

present a hazard to mantlme<br />

vessels or platforms, a means<br />

of sinking or recovering the<br />

body is required. If recovery is<br />

desired, a recovery procedure<br />

shall be identified.<br /> Reliability and Malfunction<br />

Analysis Data Requirements.<br />

Reliability of each stage<br />

and probability of a normal<br />

mission or failure rate data for<br />

each stage shall be provided.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

Orion telemetry may be used<br />

as an independent source of<br />

vehicle state data, therefore the<br />

range will require specifics on<br />

the OFI<br />

Orion provides the IP for the<br />

LAS and the SM panels<br />

LAS and SM panels<br />

Orion elements could<br />

conceivably fail in such a way<br />

as to contribute to CL V failure<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

CEV -0-007 Page 3 of 5

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br /> Propellant Description. If a<br />

vehicle has the capability of<br />

exploding as a result of<br />

self-initiation, FTS activation,<br />

or ground or water impact or if<br />

a vehicle uses propellants that<br />

are toxic in gaseous or vapor<br />

states due to combustion or<br />

release to the atmosphere, the<br />

following data shall be<br />

provided ... (long list of data)<br /> Solid Propellant Data<br />

Requirements. The following<br />

data are required for solid<br />

propellants: (long list of data)<br />

3.1.2 Trajectory Analysis<br />

Products:<br />

3.3 Debris Analysis. These<br />

requirements apply to the<br />

following programs: ballistic<br />

missiles, space vehicles, cruise<br />

missiles, RPVs, small unguided<br />

rockets, and probe launch<br />

vehicles.<br />

3.3.1. General. The Range<br />

User shall perform a debris<br />

analysis that identifies inert,<br />

explosive, and other hazardous<br />

vehicle debris resulting from a<br />

vehicle malfunction and from<br />

any planned jettison of vehicle<br />

components for orbital and<br />

suborbital launches. (more<br />

specific requirements follow)<br />

3.4 Debris Risk Analysis These<br />

requirements apply to the<br />

following programs: ballistic<br />

missiles and<br />

space vehicles, cruise missiles<br />

and RPV s, and small unguided<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

Orion propellants will fall in<br />

this category - particularly the<br />

SM.<br />

LAS components<br />

Orion elements will require<br />

inputs for the overall trajectory<br />

package. Examples include<br />

IP's and flydowns of the LAS<br />

and SM panels. Pad and<br />

ascent abort flyouts of Orion<br />

elements. Orbit insertion data<br />

for the CM/SM<br />

Orion elements that are<br />

nominally jettisoned (LAS and<br />

SM panels) are included here.<br />

For early aborts, the SM itself<br />

stays with the CL V and<br />

becomes part of the debris.<br />

The LAS is also debris<br />

For a total catastrophic failure<br />

of the CEV/CLV stack without<br />

an abort, the entire Orion<br />

component might be included<br />

as debris<br />

For early aborts, the SM itself<br />

stays with the CL V and<br />

becomes part of the debris.<br />

The LAS is also debris<br />

For a total catastrophic failure<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong> Attachment J-2<br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Modification 65<br />

3.7<br />

3.8<br />

rockets and probe launch of the CEV /CL V stack without<br />

vehicles. (more specific an abort, the entire Orion<br />

requirements follow)<br />

component might be included<br />

as debris<br />

FTS Determination Analysis. Analysis is needed for the LAS<br />

These requirements apply to to waive addition of an FTS<br />

ballistic missiles, space for this component. Successful<br />

vehicles, cruise missiles, small exclusion of an FTS will mean<br />

unguided rockets, probe launch that there are no Orion related<br />

vehicles, and air-launched inputs for Vol 4.<br />

vehicles.<br />

3.7.1. General. The threat from Analysis is also required waive<br />

any payload or stage without an extension of the FTS to the SM<br />

FTS shall be analyzed to (which has toxic propellants)<br />

determine the risk associated<br />

with a malfunctioned vehicle<br />

whose payload or stage may<br />

separate prematurely. (more<br />

specific requirements follow)<br />

Post-Flight Vehicle<br />

Orion elements will need to be<br />

Performance Analysis. These included in the postflight<br />

requirements apply to all report<br />

programs identified in this<br />

volume.. (more specific<br />

requirements follow)<br />

2. CEV analyses and other data products requ~red to address Range<br />

Commanders Council - Range Safety Group - Standard 321-02, Common Risk<br />

Cr~ter~a for Nat~onal Test Ranges. Specific analyses and other data<br />

products are defined by the WSMR FSO for all flight test conducted at<br />

WSMR<br />

3. CEV analyses and data products requ~red to satisfy NPR 8715.5 (as<br />

tailored for CEV) or other applicable host range range safety<br />

requirements.<br />

13.4 FORMAT: Format shall follow documented processes and procedures in<br />

AFSPCMAN 91-710 and Range Commanders Council - Range Safety Group -<br />

Standard 321-02 or other pertinent and applicable Range Safety<br />

Requirements Documents. Electronic format per Section J-2<br />

13.5 MAINTENANCE: Changes shall be incorporated by complete re~ssue.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong> Attachment J-2<br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Modification 65<br />


1.<br />

3<br />

6.<br />

7<br />


DATA TYPE' 2/3* 4 DATE REVISED May 2009<br />

5. PAGE: 1<br />

TITLE: Ground Systems Requirements, Plans, Reports and Design Data<br />


Volume I: Define CEV requlrements for <strong>NASA</strong>-provided facilities, facility<br />

systems, <strong>NASA</strong>-provided support equipment to support ground operations in<br />

preparation for flight.<br />

Volume II: Deliver plans and design data for CEV Contractor-provided<br />

support equipment end items to support ground operations in preparation<br />

for flight.<br />

volume III: Deliver an operations and maintenance plan and requirements<br />

for Contractor-provided support equipment necessary for CEV ground<br />

operations<br />

Volume IV: Dellver a sustainlng engineering plan for Contractor-provided<br />

support equipment necessary for CEV ground operatlons.<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION' Per Contractlng Ofhcer's letter<br />

9. INITIAL SUBMISSION: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

10. SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

11. REMARKS:<br />

* Plan submitted at SDR wll1 be Data Type 2. Reports will be Data Type 3.<br />

As part of the Quarterly PMR, the ground system project report addresses<br />

design, acquisition, bUlldlmodification and certification activities of<br />

CEV Contractor-provided support equipment including schedules,<br />

procedures, progress to date, expenditures, and cost forecast.<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSIDP: Parent sow Paragraph(s)' 2.7.2. (a), 2.7.2. (b).<br />

Related DRD(s): CEV-T-005, CEV-T-029, CEV-T-031, CEV-T-035, CEV-T-04S,<br />

CEV-T-OS7<br />


131 SCOPE:<br />

Provide design and development details of CEV Contractor-provided ground<br />

systems, the CEV design requirements for Government-provided ground<br />

systems, and operations and maintenance requirements for Contractorprovided<br />

GSE.<br />


<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-5005B: <strong>NASA</strong> Standard for Ground Support Equipment (and<br />

associated Applicable Document Children as specified in Attachment J-3,<br />

Appllcable, Guidance, and Informatlonal Documents L1St)<br />

13.3 CONTENTS:<br />

CEV Ground Systems Requirements, Plans, Reports and Design Data shall<br />

consist of four volumes, each providing the Contractor's requirements,<br />

plan or approach to a dlfferent aspect of ground systems.<br />

I. Ground Systems End Item Requirements Document and Report<br />

II. Ground Systems End Item Implementation Plan and Report<br />

III. Ground Systems Operatl0ns and Maintenance plan and Requirements<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

IV.<br />

Documentation<br />

Ground Systems Sustaining Engineering Plan<br />

The volumes are to include detail at the level commensurate with the<br />

state of the des~gn at the time of document delivery.<br />

1. Volume I: Ground Systems End Item Requirements Document and Report<br />

The document shall def~ne the requirements for <strong>NASA</strong> provided facilities,<br />

facility systems, and <strong>NASA</strong> prov~ded Ground support equipment and<br />

associated software. This volume shall flowdown the requirements from the<br />

Ground Support Equipment SRD (DRD CEV-T-031) and the Software<br />

Requirements Spec~f~cat~on (DRD CEV-T-048) for GSE.<br />

Requirements for <strong>NASA</strong> Provided facilities and facility systems shall<br />

include:<br />

(a) Narrative descript~on of the purpose and/or function of the facility,<br />

room, system, and/or equipment item.<br />

(b) Physical dimensions of the item(s) or area including any required<br />

l~ft~ng weight, center of gravity, and ce~l~ng hook height<br />

(c) Number and sk~ll of personnel assigned to a facility or area by<br />

discipline (e.g., managers, engineers, accountants, secretaries, and<br />

administrative personnel requ1r1ng office space; technic1ans, mechanics,<br />

inspectors, requiring break rooms and lab space) .<br />

(d) Hazard identificat~on (e.g., class~fication of hazards, type of<br />

propellants, types of vents, types of purges, max~mum fuel/ox~d~zer<br />

propellant quantities, types of ord~nance, power voltages and<br />

frequenc~es, no~se levels, RF radiation levels).<br />

(e) Environmental requirements (e.g., temperature, humidity, particle<br />

counts, radio frequency shielding, noise attenuation, etc.).<br />

(f) Power, grounding and lighting, including the use of uninterruptible<br />

power systems and supplies for ground operations activit~es.<br />

(g) Plumb~ng/venting and commod~ties for ground operations activities.<br />

(h) Fire and hazard protection.<br />

(i) communications, data networking systems.<br />

(j) Special structural needs (e.g., v~brat~on controls, floor loading,<br />

etc.) .<br />

(k) Security (e.g., facilities, facility systems, personnel, hardware,<br />

software, badging, and access control).<br />

(1) Material handling requirements (e.g., crane or hoist requirements).<br />

(m) Env~ronmental pollut~on controls.<br />

(n) Backup power and other backup or contingency requirements (chilled<br />

water, hot water, etc.).<br />

(0) Internal IRD (DRD CEV-T-035) for all interfaces with flight hardware,<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> and Contractor-provided ground support equipment, facility systems,<br />

and facilities.<br />

(p) References to any special studies and analyses that influenced the<br />

requirements.<br />

(q) Cons~deration of human engineering requirements.<br />

(r) Special operational requ~rements.<br />

Requirements for <strong>NASA</strong> Provided ground support equipment and associated<br />

software shall include:<br />

(a) Narrative description of the purpose and/or function of the support<br />

equipment item.<br />

(b) Phys~cal d~mens~ons of the item(s) including any required lifting<br />

weight, center of grav~ty, and ceiling hook height.<br />

(c) Number and sk~ll of personnel assigned to operate the Contractorprovided<br />

support equipment.<br />

(d) Hazard identification (e.g., classification of hazards, type of<br />

propellants, types of vents, types of purges, max~mum fuel/oxidizer<br />

propellant quantities, types of ordinance, power voltages and<br />

frequencies, noise levels, RF radiat~on levels).<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

(e) Environmental requirements (e.g., temperature, humidity, particle<br />

counts, radio frequency shield1ng, noise attenuation, etc.).<br />

(f) Power, grounding and lighting, including the use of uninterruptible<br />

power systems and supplies for ground operations activ~ties.<br />

(g) Communications, data networking systems.<br />

(h) Special structural needs (e.g., vibration controls, etc.).<br />

(i) Material handling requirements.<br />

(j) Environmental pollution controls.<br />

(k) Backup power and other backup or cont~ngency requirements.<br />

(1) Storage requirements.<br />

(m) Internal IRD (DRD CEV-T-035) for all interfaces with flight hardware<br />

and support equipment.<br />

(n) Internal IRD (DRD CEV-T-035) for all ~nterfaces with facilities and<br />

support equipment.<br />

(0) References to any special studies and analyses that influenced the<br />

requirements.<br />

(p) Cons~deration of human engineering requirements.<br />

(q) Special operational requirements.<br />

The volume shall identify and include the Contractor's researched<br />

innovative technologies and methodologies for infusion into ground<br />

systems to ~mprove safety, efficiency and life cycle costs.<br />

The quarterly ground system project report addresses requirements<br />

development act~vities of CEV Contractor-<strong>NASA</strong> provided ground systems<br />

including schedules, procedures, progress to date, expenditures, and cost<br />

forecast.<br />

2. Volume II: Ground Systems End Item Implementation Plan and Report<br />

For Contractor-provided support equipment and associated software, the<br />

implementation plan provides the detailed hardware and software<br />

implementation approach and preliminary designs. This volume shall be in<br />

accordance with the ground systems requirements defined in the Volume I<br />

of this document.<br />

The follow~ng elements are ~ncluded as appropr~ate:<br />

(a) Provide descriptions, approaches, and prelim~nary designs with the<br />

intent to satisfy each of the requirements End Item Specification per DRD<br />

CEV-O-008, Volume I.<br />

(b) Environmental assessments, hazards abatements, analyses, and impact<br />

statements, as required.<br />

(c) Proposed site locat~ons for activat~on and operational use<br />

(d) Support equipment projected cost analyses.<br />

(e) Project design, acqu~s~tion and build/mod~fication approaches,<br />

concepts, and schedules.<br />

(f) ICD (DRD CEV-T-029) for all interfaces with flight hardware and<br />

support equipment.<br />

(g) Proposed initial spares to be purchased for each support equipment<br />

item.<br />

(h) plans to maintain and reconf~gure these ground systems to be<br />

consistent with each configurat~on unique to the hardware/software<br />

characteristics of the test or flight.<br />

(i) Plans for the manufacture, assembly, ~nspection, test, calibration,<br />

certificat~on and acceptance of ground system end items.<br />

The quarterly ground system project report addresses design, acquisition,<br />

build/modif~cation and certif~cat~on activities of CEV Contractorprovided<br />

ground systems including schedules, procedures, progress to<br />

date, expenditures, and cost forecast.<br />

The volume shall identify and ~nclude<br />

the Contractor's researched<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

innovative technologies and methodolog~es for infusion into ground<br />

systems to improve safety, eff~c~ency and life cycle costs.<br />

3. Volume III: Ground Systems Operations and Maintenance Plan and<br />

Requirements Document<br />

For Contractor-provided support equipment and associated software, this<br />

volume shall include:<br />

(a) Plans and requ~rements necessary for safe and effective operation and<br />

maintenance, including calibration and val~dation intervals, for ground<br />

systems that support ground and flight operations.<br />

(b) Plans and requ~rements for requ~red maintenance intervals, techniques<br />

and implementation.<br />

(c) Preventive and predictive technologies used, ~ncluding the equipment<br />

and labs required<br />

(d) Plans and requ~rements for systems and equipment required to perform<br />

maintenance<br />

4. Volume IV: Ground Systems Sustaining Engineering Plan<br />

For Contractor-provided support equipment and associated software, this<br />

volume shall include:<br />

(a) Planning for engineering support for problem resolution including<br />

Material Review Board (MRB) ~tems.<br />

(b) The approach for engineering review and analysis of proposed upgrades<br />

and modifications.<br />

(c) The approach for maintaince and updates of all system documentation<br />

(d) The approach for reviewing all FMEA-CIL and hazard analysis<br />

identified critical items for mitigation or elimination.<br />

13.4 FORMAT: Electronic format per Section J-2<br />

13 5 MAINTENANCE: Changes shall be incorporated by complete reissue.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong> Attachment J-2<br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Modification 65<br />


1. PROGRAM: CEV 2. DRDNO.: CEV-S-OOl<br />

3. DATA TYPE. 1 4. DATE REVISED: May 2009<br />

5. PAGE' 1<br />

6. TITLE: Safety and Misslon Assurance (S&MA) Plan<br />

The only change to this DRD is in #13.2 to update the Applicable Document #:<br />


CxP-70059: constellation Program Integrated Safety, Rellability & Quality<br />

Assurance (SR&QA) Requirements (and associated Chlldren documents as specified<br />

in Attachment J-3, Applicable, Guidance, and Informational Documents List).<br />


1.<br />

3.<br />


DATA TYPE: 1<br />

6. TITLE' Flight System Safety Hazard Analyses<br />

2<br />

4.<br />

5.<br />

DRDNO ..<br />


PAGE:<br />

CEV-S-003<br />

04/09/2009<br />

1<br />


The Contractor shall perform a safety/hazard analysis per Constellation<br />

hazard analysis requlrements. The intent of the hazard analysls is to<br />

reduce safety risk and to establish the acceptable risk of the program<br />

through the iterative process. Early analysis provides insight to either<br />

allow hazards to be designed out of the spacecraft or to allow for early<br />

identification of hazards to aid in early identification of required<br />

controls for incorporation into the design. The hazard analysis shall<br />

facilitate and support a hazard control and risk management program for<br />

the CEV System and Constellation programs and provide information to the<br />

Government regardlng hazards identlfled through analysis techniques and<br />

the status of their resolution and level of control. The safety review<br />

panels will use the hazard reports to assess the design and operation of<br />

the CEV System as well as to whether or not lt meets the program<br />

requirements for safety.<br />

The contractor will develop and document a Verification Tracking L1St to<br />

document the Contractor's open items from the Phase 3 safety review<br />

process, includlng those open hazard control verifications that are not<br />

complete at the time of the phase 3 safety reviews. This 11St will be<br />

used to track the status, completion, and the method of verification for<br />

these hazard controls.<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION: As determined by the Contracting Officer<br />

9 INITIAL SUBMISSION. Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

10. SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requlrements Matrix<br />

11 REMARKS:<br />

During the preliminary analysis and defintion phases, a preliminary<br />

hazard analysis shall be performed to aid designers in identifying<br />

potential controls for the identified hazards. In the preliminary and<br />

final design phases, the hazard analyses shall be updated as the program<br />

progresses, providing continuity and covering the interrelated areas of<br />

design, operatl0ns, and spacecraft subsystem integration. Software<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

CEV -8-003 Page 1 of 5

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

Hazards shall be included in the submission of the Hazard Analysis during<br />

this contract period, as causes for credible hazards are determined.<br />

CxP 70038, Constellation Program Hazard Analysis Methodology, defines the<br />

level of matur~ty required for major design rev~ews and CSERP phase<br />

levels.<br />

At FRR the following level of maturity is required:<br />

(a) System Hazard Analysis (SHA) / Subsystem Hazard Analysis (SSHA)<br />

complete.<br />

After the phase 3 Safety Review, new hazard reports that result in<br />

increased risk shall be submitted at least 30 days prior to a mission'S<br />

Flight Readiness Review.<br />

All open Hazard Reports will be forwarded for status tracking.<br />

For the Verification tracking List:<br />

(a) Initial submission: 60 days prior to the phase 3 Safety Review of the<br />

subject hardware.<br />

(b) Final mission submission: 30 days prior to fl~ght.<br />

Depending on the control verificat~on status, this del~verable will be<br />

required for each mission until all hazard control ver~fications are<br />

complete.<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSHIP: Parent sow Paragraph(s): 3 2.<br />

Related DRD(s): CEV-S-OOl, CEV-S-002, CEV-S-005, CEV-O-007, CEv-S-009<br />


13.1 SCOPE·<br />

System Safety Hazard Analyses identify hazards, evaluate risk, and<br />

establish verification methods for the CEV Project. hazard analysis will<br />

be performed in accordance w~th the appropriate sections of Appendix C,<br />

entitled Hazard Analys~s Types and Techniques, of CxP 70038.<br />

Hazard analys~s shall consider all catastrophic events, and critical<br />

events, and the need for highly reliable shut down features (such as,<br />

h~gh speed laser shut down) should such events occur.<br />

Hazard reports shall be created or updated as a result of the safety<br />

review or analysis to show any identified r~sk change.<br />

The Ver~fication Tracking L~st ~s to be used to track hazard control<br />

verifications st~ll open after the phase 3 safety review. This list<br />

contains:<br />

The number of the hazard control still open<br />

The description of the action required for closure<br />

The status of each open item<br />

The scheduled and actual completion dates<br />

The Contractor will keep the Verification Tracking List up-to-date.<br />

At the phase 3 flight safety review meetings, the Contractor will present<br />

all flight hazards, respectively, their controls, the verification method<br />

for the controls, and proof that the verification has been completed.<br />

These are all required for approval of the hazards reports. In some<br />

cases, the control verificat~on methods may not be complete. In these<br />

cases, the hazard reports will be held open and tracked in the<br />

verification tracking list. This allows the hazard reports to be<br />

presented to the Project/Program managers along with the open control<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

verification actions. Final, formal approval of the hazard reports is<br />

complete when the verification tracking list shows that the control<br />

verificat~on has been successfully completed.<br />


CxP 70038 - Constellation Program Hazard Methodology<br />

13.3 CONTENTS:<br />

The contractor shall perform Hazard Analysis to ~dentify hazards and<br />

ensure their appropriate disposition, tracking and resolution. Hazard<br />

Analyses shall address the flight hazards that arise in the design,<br />

development, manufacturing, construction, facilities, operations, and<br />

disposal associated with the hardware, software, operations and<br />

environment.<br />

The analyses shall identify flight hazards, evaluate risk, and establish<br />

verification methods applicable to design, development, manufacturing and<br />

assembly, testing, inspect~on, integration, and the operation of flight<br />

system. Similarly for ground hazards, DRD CEV-S-005 shall address<br />

contractor-provided portable CEV ground support equipment (GSE) ,<br />

facilities interfaces, env~ronments and ground operat~ons, as well as<br />

software, in accordance w~th 13.2, Appl~cable Documents.<br />

Preparation of Hazard Analyses shall beg~n at the concept phase of a<br />

project to evaluate different concepts and develop appropriate safety<br />

requirements for early risk management decisions. The safety analysis<br />

and review process is a phased process as docuemnted in CxP 70038.<br />

The CEV System Hazard Analysis shall be l~nked to a structured<br />

methodology such as a fault tree analysis and pertinent FMEA/CIL entries<br />

to show the interrelationship of hazards to system and subsystem failure<br />

mechanisms.<br />

Hazard reports are the means of formally presenting hazards identified in<br />

the hazard analyses to the CEV Project. The development of flight Hazard<br />

Reports involves the conveyance of basic informat~on about the hazard and<br />

the means of satisfying the applicable safety requirements. It shall<br />

provide sufficient information to allow the PrOJect to analyze the hazard<br />

reports within the context of other aspects of the ProJect. Each hazard<br />

report shall describe a single hazardous condition and shall contain the<br />

data elements specified in CXP-70038.<br />

The CEV Flight System Safety Hazard Analysis Reports shall contain, as a<br />

minimum, the data required for the appropriate flight phase review<br />

according to CXP-70038, Section 5.0, Hazard Reports, in order to<br />

comprehensively identify and document hazards and related controls.<br />

Hazard reports shall reference applicable areas from the Failure Mode and<br />

Effects Analysis/Critical Items List to help identify the primary causes<br />

of an identified hazard.<br />

Hazards shall be mitigated according to the following stated order of<br />

precedence:<br />

1. Eliminate hazards<br />

2. Design for minimum hazards<br />

3. Incorporate safety devices<br />

4. Provide caution and warning devices<br />

5. Develop administrative procedures and training<br />

Hazard Reports shall be prepared as a means of reporting the results of<br />

formal flight hazard analys~s process. Once prepared, they shall be<br />

maintained to reflect changes ~n the design, operations, verifications,<br />

etc. In the event of a signif~cant anomaly during any test or system<br />

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Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

operation, all related hazard reports shall be re-opened and<br />

reconsidered. Negative failure history trends in flight hardware or in<br />

flight-like hardware will result 1n associated hazard reports being<br />

reopened and reconsidered.<br />

Hazard reports will be formally reviewed through a series of Phased<br />

reviews w1th the Safety Review Panel.<br />

For those controls that cannot be verif1ed as complete by the phase 3<br />

Safety Review process, the Contractor shall document these open actions<br />

in a Verif1cation Tracking List.<br />

The Verification Tracking List will contain the following columns:<br />

* Log Number<br />

* Hazard Report Number<br />

* Cause<br />

* Description/Hardware (Control)<br />

* Operation(s) Constrained<br />

* Independent Verification Requ1red? (Y/N)<br />

* Scheduled Date<br />

* Completion Date<br />

* Method of Closure, Comments/Ver1f1cation Complet10n Notice<br />

Informal reV1ews with <strong>NASA</strong> Project S&MA personnel will occur on a<br />

continuing basis prior to and before phase SRP reviews.<br />

Spacecraft Survivability Analyses<br />

Damage Modes and Effects Analysis (DMEA) The contactor shall document<br />

damage mechanisms and the damage processes with the potential component<br />

or subsystem failures identified in the FMEA, as well as other possible<br />

damage-caused failures. The DMEA shall also document secondary hazard or<br />

cascading damage that can occur from the pr1mary damage mode. The format<br />

of the DMEA shall start with the immed1ate effects on the function and<br />

operation of the component, then progressing to the fl1ght and mission<br />

essential functions<br />

13.4 FORMAT: Electronic format per Section J -2<br />

13.5 MAINTENANCE: Contractor-proposed changes to document shall be<br />

submitted to <strong>NASA</strong> for approval. Complete re-1ssue of the document is<br />

required.<br />

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Modification 65<br />


1.<br />

3.<br />

6.<br />

7.<br />

PROGRAM: CEV 2. DRDNO.: CEV-S-004<br />

DATA TYPE: 2/3 4. DATE REVISED: May 2009<br />

5 PAGE: 1<br />

TITLE' Mishap Plan and Safety Statistics<br />


The Contractor shall perform investlgations, generate mishap<br />

investlgatl0n reports, and provide notlflcation and reportlng of mishaps<br />

and related information. In addition, the Contractor shall also develop a<br />

project mishap plan that is consistent with the CEV Project's mishap<br />

plan.<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION: Mishap and close call reports will be recorded in the <strong>NASA</strong><br />

IRIS/EX3 database or by submittal of <strong>NASA</strong> form 1627 and distributed to<br />

the CEV Project and Center Safety and Missl0n Assurance Office.<br />

9. INITIAL SUBMISSION: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

10. SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

11. REMARKS:<br />

Plan is Type 2 and Reports are Type 3.<br />

The Contractor shall perform mishap investigatlons, generate mishap<br />

reports and provide monthly status reports documenting monthly mishaps<br />

and safety statlstics starting wlth contract approval. The objective of<br />

mishap and close call lnvestigations is to lmprove safety by identifying<br />

what happened, where it happened, when it happened, why it happened, and<br />

what should be done to prevent recurrence and reduce the number and<br />

severity of mishaps. These lnvestigations shall be independent, unbiased,<br />

and non-punitive. These investigations shall be performed by trained<br />

investigators. The Contractor shall also support all <strong>NASA</strong> mishap and<br />

close call investigations. All mishap and close call reports are<br />

consldered the property of <strong>NASA</strong>.<br />

The Contractor shall submit reports for all of the following:<br />

(a) Notification of mishaps and closes calls.<br />

(b) Reporting of mishaps and close calls in EX3 (<strong>NASA</strong>'s on-line reporting<br />

system)or on <strong>NASA</strong> Form 1627.<br />

(c) Mishap reports, wlthln 75 days of the mlshap or close call.<br />

Monthly updates of the investigation status in IRIS/EX3 or by a revised<br />

Form 1627 or by letter to <strong>NASA</strong> JSC SR&QA.<br />

- Monthly updates of the corrective action plan status in IRIS/EX3 EX3<br />

or by a revised Form 1627 or by letter to <strong>NASA</strong> JSC SR&QA.<br />

(d) Monthly status reports documenting mishap/close call and safety<br />

statistics.<br />

The monthly statistics report format shall be <strong>NASA</strong> JSC Form 288.<br />

(a) QUlck Incident Report for Safety (into the <strong>NASA</strong> IRIS/EX3 Data<br />

Management System or by letter to <strong>NASA</strong> JSC SR&QA or using JSC FORM 288)<br />

(b) Quick Incident Report for Injury & Illness (into the <strong>NASA</strong> IRIS/EX3<br />

Data Management System or by letter to <strong>NASA</strong> JSC SR&QA or using JSC FORM<br />

288)<br />

~Tracklng Report (into the <strong>NASA</strong> IRIS/EX3 Data Management System or by<br />

letter to <strong>NASA</strong> JSC SR&QA or uSlng JSC FORM 288)<br />

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Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSHIP. Parent sow Paragraph(s): 3.3.<br />

Related DRD(s): CEV-S-001<br />


131 SCOPE:<br />

The Contractor's mishap plan shall include, but not be limited to,<br />

special procedures for safing, handl~ng, or containing hazardous<br />

chemicals present in proJect hardware; ~nclude special procedures for<br />

emergency response personnel; include procedures to impound records,<br />

data, equipment, facilities; list nat~onal, state, and local<br />

organizations which are likely to take part in debris collection<br />

(including ~dentifying the roles and responsibilities of each<br />

organization), and document how off-site debris will be collected,<br />

transported and stored.<br />

The scope of the contractor team ~s the major project Orion contractors,<br />

defined as Lockheed Mart~n Space Systems, Lockheed Martin Michoud<br />

Operations, Lockheed Martin M~ssion Systems, Aerojet, Hamilton<br />

Sundstrand, Honeywell, Orbital Sciences Corporation, and USA work on<br />

Project Orion.<br />

The Contractor shall report unplanned events that result in the<br />

follow~ng:<br />

(a) Injury to non-<strong>NASA</strong> personnel caused by <strong>NASA</strong> ops<br />

(b) Damage to public or pr~vate property caused by <strong>NASA</strong> ops or <strong>NASA</strong><br />

funded development or research projects<br />

(c) Occupat~onal injury or ~llness to <strong>NASA</strong> personnel<br />

(d) <strong>NASA</strong> mission failure<br />

(e) Damage or destruct~on of <strong>NASA</strong> property<br />

Test failures involving damage to equipment or property as a result of<br />

testing are not considered mishaps if:<br />

(a) The test article ~s not flight hardware<br />

(b) The testing ~s part of an authorized<br />

research/development/qualificat~on/certification program<br />

(c) Damage is lim~ted to the test article and test ~nstrumentation<br />

(d) Risk of damage to the test article was accepted explicitly by<br />

program/project management<br />

(e) The test team performs a test failure analysis and generates a<br />

techn~cal report instead of treating ~t as a mishap<br />

Close Calls: An occurrence or condition of employee concern in which<br />

there is no injury or only minor ~nJury requiring first aid and no<br />

significant equipment/property damage, but which possesses a potential to<br />

cause a mishap.<br />

The severity of the personnel inJury and the direct cost of the mishap<br />

shall determine the classif~cation level of the mishap or close call per<br />

the information below:<br />

1. Type A Mishap<br />

Property Damage:<br />

Total direct cost of mission failure and property damage is<br />

$1,000,000 or more OR<br />

Crewed aircraft hull loss has occurred, OR<br />

Occurrence of an unexpected aircraft departure from controlled flight<br />

(except high performance Jet/test aircraft such as F-15, F-16, F/A-18,<br />

T-38, and T-34, when engaged in flight test activities).<br />

Injury:<br />

Occupational injury and/or illness that resulted in:<br />

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Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

A fatality OR<br />

A permanent total disability OR<br />

The hospitalization for inpatient care of 3 or more people within 30<br />

workdays of the mishap.<br />

2. Type B Mishap<br />

Property Damage:<br />

Total direct cost of miss10n failure and property damage of at least<br />

$250,000 but less than $1,000,000.<br />

Injury:<br />

Occupational injury and/or illness has resulted in permanent partial<br />

Disability OR<br />

The hospitalization for inpatient care of 1-2 people within 30<br />

workdays of the mishap.<br />

3. Type C Mishap<br />

Property Damage:<br />

Total direct cost of mission fa1lure and property damage of at least<br />

$25,000 but less than $250,000.<br />

Injury:<br />

Nonfatal occupational 1njury or illness that caused any workdays away<br />

from work, restricted duty, or transfer to another job beyond the<br />

workday or shift on wh1ch it occurred.<br />

4. Type D Mishap<br />

Property Damage:<br />

Total direct cost of mission failure and property damage of at least<br />

$1,000 but less than $25,000.<br />

Injury:<br />

Any nonfatal OSHA recordable occupational injury and/or illness that<br />

does not meet the def1nition of a Type C mishap.<br />

5. Close Call<br />

Property Damage:<br />

Total direct cost of mission failure and property damage is less than<br />

$1,000 OR<br />

An occurrence or cond1tion of employee concern in which there is no<br />

property damage but possesses the potential to cause a mishap.<br />

Injury:<br />

Minor injury requiring first aid which possesses the potential to cause<br />

a mishap OR<br />

An occurrence or condition with no injury but possesses the potential<br />

to cause a mishap.<br />


13.3 CONTENTS:<br />

The Contractor's mishap plan shall include, but not be limited to,<br />

plans and special procedures for safing, handl1ng, or containing<br />

hazardous chemicals present in project hardware;<br />

include procedures for not1fication of, reporting to, investigating, and<br />

recording to <strong>NASA</strong>;<br />

include the procedures to appoint contractor personnel to investigative<br />

boards; include spec1al procedures for emergency response personnel;<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

include procedures to impound records, data, equipment, facilities; list<br />

national, state, and local organizations which are likely to take part in<br />

debris collection (including identifYlng the roles and responsibillties<br />

of each organization;<br />

document how off-site debris will be collected, transported and stored;<br />

and identlfy personnel who shall perform and control the lrnpounding<br />

process.<br />

For mishap notification, notlfy (by phone) the <strong>NASA</strong> Center Safety Office<br />

and Project wlthin one hour of the occurrence of the following:<br />

(a) Type A mishaps<br />

(b) Type B mishaps<br />

(c) High visibillty mishaps<br />

(d) High visibillty close calls<br />

(e) Non-Occupational Fatality, Permanent or Partial Disability or Lost­<br />

Tlme Injury that Occurred on a <strong>NASA</strong> Center or Facllity<br />

Information to include, location of the incldent, time of incident,<br />

number of fatalities, number of hospitalized employees, type of injury,<br />

type of damage, contact person, contact person's phone number, br1ef<br />

description of the mishap.<br />

Within 24 hours, for all Mlshaps and close calls submit an electronic<br />

report with.<br />

(a) Author of the report<br />

(b) Author's phone number and mail code<br />

(c) Location of author<br />

(d) Date report submitted<br />

(e) Time reported submitted<br />

(f) Incident date,<br />

(g) incident time<br />

(h) incident general location<br />

(i) exact location<br />

(j) responsible organization<br />

(k) organlzation's point of contact<br />

(1) point of contacts phone number and mail code<br />

(m) missl0n affected<br />

(n) program impact (if known)<br />

(0) number and type of injuries or fatalities<br />

(p) type of damage to equipment<br />

(q) flight hardware<br />

(r) flight software<br />

(s) facilities<br />

(t) estlmate direct cost of damage<br />

(u) brief description of mishap or close call<br />

The contractor shall email this lnformation to the Center Safety Office<br />

and enter this information into the IRIS/EX3 Data Management System<br />

listed in 13.4 to comply with notification, and reporting requirements<br />

The monthly statlstics report content shall include the total number of<br />

hours worked by the ProJect Orion major contractors dur1ng the previous<br />

month.<br />

13 4 FORMAT: The following formats shall be submitted electronically:<br />

(a) Q,lie], IHeiEieHt R8j!lsrt fsr Safet}<br />

(e) Q"ie], IHeiEieHt R8j!lsrt fsr 1H301r} & IIIHess<br />

(e) 'f'raelEil'lg R8j!lsrt<br />

(d) Mishap Report (Microsoft Word compatible lnto the <strong>NASA</strong> IRIS/EX3 Data<br />

Management System and sent via email to the Center Safety Office)<br />

(e) Correctlve Action Plan<br />

(f) Lessons Learned<br />

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Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

(g) Mlshap completion Statement indicatlng that the investigation was<br />

performed, the corrective action plan was developed, implemented and<br />

closed, and the lessons learned were entered into the <strong>NASA</strong> Lessons<br />

Learned Information Systems<br />

13.5 MAINTENANCE: Contractor-proposed changes to document shall be<br />

submitted to <strong>NASA</strong> for approval. Complete re-lssue of the document is<br />

required.<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Modification 65<br />


1.<br />

3<br />


DATA TYPE' 1<br />

2.<br />

4.<br />

5<br />

6. TITLE: Ground System Safety Hazard Analysls<br />

DRDNO.:<br />


PAGE:<br />

CEV-S-005<br />

May 2009<br />

1<br />


The Contractor shall provide ground safety data packages, including<br />

hazard analyses, applicable to the CEV Spacecraft, CEV Flight Test<br />

Artlcle(FTA) & associated CEV Ground Support Equlpment (GSE) designs and<br />

operations (from arrival at the launch site through liftoff and during<br />

post-landing activities) per Constellation and launch site documentation<br />

requirements. The ground safety review panel will review the ground<br />

safety data package to address the safety impacts and risks that CEV/CEV<br />

FTA and CEV GSE deslgns and operations will have on the launch site's<br />

processing facilities, personnel and other spacecraft. This document will<br />

be used by the CEV Project to qualify the CEV/CEV FTA System and<br />

associated CEV GSE for safety certificatl0n to the Processing/Launch Site<br />

Safety Offlce.<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION' Per Contracting Officer's letter<br />

9. INITIAL SUBMISSION. Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

10. SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

11. REMARKS.<br />

The ground safety data package documentation requirements and the ground<br />

phase safety reviews will be based upon the hazardous nature and degree<br />

of complexity of the CEV, CEV FTA and CEV GSE designs and operatlons.<br />

When flight payload safety reviews and ground payload reVlews are<br />

separate reVlews, an assessment shall be made by the CEV Project to<br />

assure hazards identlfled in each package are assessed for applicability<br />

to the other; e.g., if a ground safety hazard report on inadvertent<br />

thruster firing does not eXlst, the flight safety hazard report must be<br />

referenced in the ground safety package and it must contain a discussion<br />

of the applicability of the flight safety controls to ground safety.<br />

This document wll1 apply to:<br />

a. All organizatl0ns processing the CEV Spacecraft or CEV FTAs at the<br />

ER/KSC, the White Sands Missile Range(WSMR) or other test ranges. This<br />

includes all contractor organizations.<br />

b. Contractors in direct support of the above organizations.<br />

c. Other organizations providing direct personnel and equipment interface<br />

to CEV Spacecraft or CEV GSE support.<br />

d. Any of the above organizations required to support CEV Spacecraft post<br />

landing operations at any landing site.<br />

The 'CEV Contractor' refers to the Contractor unless otherw1se stated.<br />

12 INTERRELATIONSHIP Parent SOW Paragraph(s): 3.2;<br />

Related DRDs: DRD-O-007, DRD CEV-S-003<br />


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13.1 SCOPE.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

ThlS document supports the ground safety reVlew and approval process<br />

required by the launch site and CxP 70038. Documentation submitted shall<br />

be consistent wlth the CEV ProJect phase level under review and shall be<br />

approved prior to completion of the phase III Ground Safety Review.<br />


CxP 70038, Constellation Program Hazard Analysis Methodology<br />

13 3 CONTENTS'<br />

The document shall contain the Contractor's procedures for:<br />

1) phase Safety Reviews<br />

2) Ground Safety Documentation<br />

For Phase Safety Reviews<br />

The CEV Contractor shall document ltS plan for support of the ground<br />

phase safety review process per Constellation document Program Hazard<br />

Analysis Methodology, CxP 70038. This procedure provides for an early<br />

safety interface to be established between the CEV Contractor and the<br />

processing/Launch site.<br />

For Ground Safety Documentation<br />

General:<br />

Documentation shall be provided that describes the Contractor's procedure<br />

for ldentifying, documenting and sUbmitting the data required by the<br />

Constellation Program and the launch site for the ground phase safety<br />

reVlew process. plans and procedures that address the ground safety<br />

analysis and review process, safe conduct of operations and mishap<br />

reporting shall be submitted to the PSSO / LSSO for review and comment.<br />

Documentation shall include.<br />

For Phase Safety Review Documentatl0n:<br />

The CEV Contractor shall prepare ground safety data packages packages in<br />

accordance with CxP 70038. These reviews (see Data Submission Matrix)<br />

align with maJor program mllestones and provlde for the delivery and<br />

presentation of safety documentatlon required by the Processing/Launch<br />

site prior to delivery of the CEV Spacecraft/FTA and GSE to that site.<br />

The documentation shall include verification to the PSSO/LSSO that<br />

hazards that are not ellminated by deslgn exist for valid technical<br />

reasons and are not for operational convenlence or cost savings. These<br />

hazards can cause operational restrictions that could limit personnel<br />

numbers, require a specific sequence of operations, or limit operations<br />

to specific facilities. As a result of this information presented at the<br />

ground safety reV1ew, the PSSO/LSSO will communicate, 1n writing, to the<br />

CEV Contractor, the rat10nale for any restr1ctions imposed on the CEV<br />

Spacecraft or CEV GSE design as early as possible. The PSSO/LSSO will<br />

also assist the CEV Project and Contractor in determining the course of<br />

actl0n which can best serve operational efficiency.<br />

This document shall include.<br />

1. Block diagrams, schematics, and descriptions of safety critical<br />

subsystems. This includes tables of deslgn and operating parameters for<br />

such items such as liftlng equipment, pressure systems, ordnance, and<br />

batteries.<br />

2. Launch site processing plan including timelines for handling, storage,<br />

assembly, servicing, and checkout operations.<br />

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Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

3. List of Technical Operating Procedures (TOP's), a synopsis of each<br />

procedure, and their preliminary classifications, i.e., hazardous or non<br />

hazardous. TOP interrelationships to hazard controls shall be 1ndicated<br />

in the hazard reports. This list1ng may be provided as an appendix to<br />

the ground safety data package.<br />

4. Documentat10n certifying compliance with 10nizing radiation control<br />

requirements.<br />

5. Failure/accident summary reports.<br />

6. Copies of all noncompliance (waiver and deviation) reports.<br />

7. Ordinance storage and handling data requirements.<br />

8. A list of all hazardous mater1als and physical agents. Material Safety<br />

Data sheets (MSDS's) shall be provided to the PSSO/LSSO for all material<br />

and agents brought by the CEV contractor.<br />

9. A list of all plastic films, quantity, and location of use.<br />

10. List of the CEV Spacecraft T-O umb111cal functions, 1f any.<br />

11. Identification of cr1tical software commands and verification of how<br />

they are managed. These critical software commands include commands<br />

which, if executed or executed out of sequence, would create a hazardous<br />

condition or would remove a safety inhibit.<br />

12. Potent1al hazards result1ng from the human 1nterface shall be<br />

addressed by the CEV contractor during the phase review process.<br />

13. Mechan1cal or electromechanical devices that must be failure tolerant<br />

shall be identified in the operational hazards analysis with the<br />

requirement for caution and warning notations incorporated in the TOP's<br />

For Processing site & Launch Site Documentation:<br />

The Contractor shall provide Fac1lity Safety Plans and Emergency<br />

Procedure Documents (EPD's) for all CEV facility/area users. These<br />

Facility Safety Plans and Emergency Procedure Documents (EPD's) developed<br />

for the processing/Launch sites, contain specific requirements for<br />

hazardous processing fac1lities/areas and w111 be mandatory for all<br />

facil1ty/area users. The plans may be submitted as appendices to the<br />

ground safety data package or under separate cover for review and<br />

approval by the CEV Project and the ground safety review panel.<br />

For CEV Contractor Processing/Launch Site Safety plan:<br />

The CEV Contractor shall provide a Processing/Launch Site Safety Plan<br />

that demonstrates the means by which the Contractor manages, conducts and<br />

1nterfaces safety w1thin its organization and how it applies the<br />

Processing/Launch s1te safety requirements. The specifics of the plan<br />

contents shall be identified by the CEV Contractor early in the phase<br />

safety review process. The plan may be submitted as an appendix to the<br />

ground safety data package or under separate cover for review and<br />

approval by the CEV Project and the ground safety review panel.<br />

13.4 FORMAT: Electronic format per Section J-2<br />

13.5 MAINTENANCE: Changes shall be incorporated by complete re1ssue.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong> Attachment J-2<br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Modification 65<br />


1. PROGRAM: CEV<br />

2. DRDNO.. CEV-S-009<br />

3 DATA TYPE. 1<br />

4. DATE REVISED' May 2009<br />

5. PAGE: 1<br />

6. TITLE: Failure Modes Effects Analysis & Critical Items List (FMEA!CIL)<br />


The Failure Modes Effects Analysis and Critical Items List is a design<br />

and operations tool and will be used to a1d design engineering,<br />

operations, and manufacturing of the CEV. The Contractor shall perform<br />

Fa1lure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and the Critical Items List in<br />

accordance with the Constellation Program requ1rements for preparation of<br />

hardware fa1lure modes and effects analysis and cr1tical items list<br />

(FMEA/CIL) - This analys1s shall be performed - to identify possible<br />

failure modes and effects including all hardware failures and integrated<br />

system failure modes and effects. Software failures and effects analysis<br />

shall be performed according to the govern1ng Constellation Requirements<br />

for Software product Assurance<br />

1) Additional design action<br />

2) Safety analysis<br />

3) Test plann1ng<br />

4) Mission Planning<br />

5) Preparation of mandatory inspection points<br />

6) Fault detection and 1solation<br />

7) Maintainability Design Character1stics<br />

8) Maintenance Planning<br />

9) Logist1cs Planning.<br />

The purpose of the Cr1t1cal Items List (CIL) is to 1dentify those items<br />

or hardware that do not meet failure tolerance requ1rements (CXP-10001,<br />

Systems Requirements for the Crew Exploration Vehicle Element (CEV SRD) ,<br />

para's,,, 3 3.7.4) and, in addition, those items<br />

that do not pass the redundancy screens (screening to determine if an<br />

item's redundant path can be functionally verified or 1f a redundant path<br />

failure can be detected prior to use, or if all redundant paths can be<br />

lost as a result of single credible common failure cause) that require<br />

special attention when establishing hardware spec1f1cations and<br />

qualification requirements.<br />

The CIL shall consist of all failure modes with Criticalities (relat1ve<br />

measure of the consequence of the failure,) identified in the FMEA in<br />

accordance with the Constellation criticality cr1teria (see CXP-02019,<br />

Program Requirements for Preparat10n of Hardware FMEA/CIL, Table 4.6-1:<br />

Crit1cality Categories). The FMEA and CIL analysis shall cover Common<br />

Cause Failure (CCF) Analysis at the subsystems (i.e., Environmental<br />

Control and Life Support Subsystem, Guidance, Navigation, and Control<br />

Subsystem, Reaction Control Subsystem, etc.) level and be proof that the<br />

design is free from CCF Each CIL item, via its documented 'retention<br />

rationale' (proposed rationale for Project acceptance of the Risk, see<br />

CXP-02019, Program Requirements for Preparation of Hardware FMEA/CIL,<br />

section 5 2 ), drives the development and implementation of inspection,<br />

process control, and test and verification requirements for the critical<br />

items. The CIL item also influences operations planning (including<br />

mission planning, procedure development, and logist1cal and maintenance<br />

support requirements), and includes failure h1story.<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION: As determined by the Contracting Ofhcer<br />

9. INITIAL SUBMISSION: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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10. SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

11. REMARKS:<br />

At System Definition Review the following level of matur~ty is required:<br />

(a) The contractor shall develop and document preliminary System level<br />

Reliability Block Diagrams (RBDs) (Logic Diagrams which graphically<br />

depict items, configured in s~ngle or redundant paths, that must work for<br />

the def~ned function to be completed successfully and to assess the<br />

System fa~lure tolerance) of the CEV System, its modules, the subsystems,<br />

and their functions, major mission phases or modes identified.<br />

(b) Master logic diagrams, functional failure modes defined, preliminary<br />

high level (System and Spacecraft level) failure effects identified.<br />

At Preliminary Design Review the follow~ng level of maturity is required:<br />

(a) Detailed Subsystem and component level REDs matching the detail of<br />

equipment lists from the CEV System Contractor.<br />

(b) Failure mode effects will describe the out-of-spec outputs (including<br />

higher level spacecraft and System effects) required to support failure<br />

propagation assessments.<br />

(c) Lowest level effects (subsystem and component level) accurately<br />

propagated to the high level (System and spacecraft) effects.<br />

(d) Failure causes sufficiently developed to a level commensurate with<br />

the design.<br />

(e) Failure effects developed to a level consistent with design detail,<br />

for both hardware and software.<br />

Note: To enable more timely evaluation to the design effort, informal<br />

FMEA and CIL submittals to Technical Interchange Meetings (TIMs) with<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> subsystem eng~neers will be provided per~odically prior to the PDRs,<br />

outside of the PDR rev~ew process.<br />

At Critical Design Rev~ew (CDR) the following level of maturity is<br />

required:<br />

(a) System and Component Level FMEA and CIL complete<br />

(b) Detailed subsystem and component level REDs complete.<br />

(c) FMEA and CIL completed analysis to the deepest level of indenture<br />

(component level) for the analysis.<br />

(d) Failure mode effects complete to the lowest level (component level).<br />

(e) Failure Causes sufficiently developed to a level commensurate with<br />

the design.<br />

Following CDR, the FMEA and CIL results shall be of sufficient quality,<br />

level of detail and timeliness to be used to develop test plans and to<br />

troubleshoot test failures. The FMEA database shall be maintained as<br />

needed to document des~gn and operational changes, to document new<br />

content as well as to capture belatedly recognized failure modes and<br />

effects.<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSmp: Parent sow Paragraph (s): 3.4.<br />

Related DRD(s): CEV-S-001, CEV-S-002, CEV-S-003, CEV-S-010, CEV-S-011<br />


13.1 SCOPE'<br />

The FMEA is an analys~s for the CEV System to determine possible modes of<br />

failure and their effects on the crew, spacecraft and mission success,<br />

w~th the provisions for ~dentifying each failure mode by its Criticality<br />

category number. A FMEA shall be prepared for each CEV System and<br />

subsystem to the component level (described ~n 13.3).<br />

The CIL is a l~st of hardware identif~ed in the FMEA categorized as being<br />

'Critical', i.e., those ~tems whose failure could result in a loss of<br />

life, the vehicle, and the mission. The Critical Items List shall<br />

consist of those failure modes identified by the FMEA that are<br />

Criticality 1, Cr~ticality 2, all Crit~cality 1R items where the next<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

failure of any redundant item could cause loss of the crew, and all<br />

Criticality lR and 2R ~tems that fail one or more redundancy screens.<br />

The FMEA and CIL worksheet documents (object~vely) the 'retention<br />

rationale' for the design features, test~ng, and inspections, operational<br />

use, mainta~nability, and includes the fa~lure history of the item to<br />

help minimize the failure occurrence probability.<br />

CIL worksheets shall be documented as open (not approved by the <strong>NASA</strong><br />

Project) until the request for CEV Project acceptance has been approved.<br />

Maintenance of the CEV FMEA and CIL w~ll be limited to changes of the<br />

System, subsystem, or components as required! to a~d in design,<br />

operation, and manufacturing decisions, to document new content as well<br />

as to capture belatedly recognized failure modes and effects.<br />


CxP 70038, Constellation Program Hazard Analysis Methodology<br />

13.3 CONTENTS:<br />

a A brief System and subsystem overview shall be provided along with a<br />

subsystem level Reliab~lity Block Diagram (RBD) to reflect the<br />

configuration and deta~ls of the systems.<br />

b. FMEA worksheets shall be prepared at the lowest level (component<br />

level) required to support potential uses (redesign, testing, failure<br />

report~ng or corrective act~on, preparation of mandatory inspection<br />

points), in accordance with Document CXP-02019, Constellation Program<br />

Requirements for Preparation of Hardware FMEA/CIL.<br />

c. FMEA and CIL worksheets shall be prepared as appropriate (with regard<br />

to Cr~ticality) with 'retention rationale' that contains data that<br />

supports the premise that the risk presented by inclusion of the item in<br />

the assembly/subsystem/spacecraft/System/CEV has been minimized by proper<br />

design controls, inspections, tests, critical processes and maintenance<br />

controls, and that no adverse failure history exists. The rationale shall<br />

also contain data, which describes operational constraints caused by<br />

occurrence of the failure, and describe the measures taken to ensure that<br />

the function is restorable. The contractor shall also prepare as part the<br />

verification activity, an entry on the worksheet, that lists the methods<br />

for verifying CIL 'retention rationale' and hazards control activity.<br />

Ground rules shall be consistent with sections 4 and 5 of CXP-02019,<br />

Constellation Program Requirements for Preparat~on of Hardware FMEA/CIL.<br />

d The fidelity of the FMEA and CIL shall reflect the latest hardware<br />

and software designs and identify risks for all flight software and<br />

hardware and its interactions during various phases of the program per<br />

the scope as listed in par. 13.1. If the contractor determines that<br />

future FMEA and CIL submissions should separate hardware and software,<br />

th~s can be accompl~shed by separate chapters within the analysis,<br />

however, there must be a final system FMEA and CIL that ties the hardware<br />

and software interactions together as often the two are used in concert<br />

to obtain adequate fault and failure tolerance.<br />

e. A 'single point' failure summary shall be provided as a section of the<br />

CIL. An independent redundant items failure analysis shall be done for<br />

critical Items to evaluate the potential effects for latent defects and<br />

other process ~ssues including potential human errors. The FMEA and CIL<br />

analysis shall cover Common Cause Failure (CCF) Analysis at the Systems<br />

and subsystems level and CCF shall be designed out to an acceptable risk<br />

level (as approved by the <strong>NASA</strong> Project) and residual risks shall be<br />

documented and controlled.<br />

f. The FMEA and CIL analys~s shall cover Common Cause Failure (CCF)<br />

Analysis at Systems and subsystems level and CCF shall be designed out to<br />

an acceptable risk level (as approved by the <strong>NASA</strong> Project) and residual<br />

risks shall be documented and controlled.<br />

13.4 FORMAT: Electronic format per Section J-2 2.3.2 1.<br />

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13.5 MAINTENANCE: Contractor-proposed changes to document shall be<br />

submitted to <strong>NASA</strong> for approval. Only changes or updates to the baselined FMEA<br />

and ClLs shall be resubmltted for <strong>NASA</strong> approval.<br />

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1.<br />

3.<br />


DATA TYPE: 1/4<br />

2.<br />

4.<br />

5<br />

6. TITLE' Probabilistic Risk Assessment Results<br />

DRDNO.<br />


PAGE:<br />

CEV-S-010<br />

May 2009<br />

1<br />


To define and document the contractor's data and findings ln implementing<br />

and performlng a Probabilistlc Risk Assessment (PRA) per the<br />

Constellation PRA Methodology Document<br />

8 DISTRIBUTION' As determined by the Contracting Officer<br />

9. INITIAL SUBMISSION Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

10 SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

11. REMARKS'<br />

Dellveries of Probabilistic Risk Assessments at design milestones are<br />

Type 1 documents.<br />

Preliminary PRAs are due at System Definitlon Review to current design<br />

level of detail. Event trees, fault trees, model integration &<br />

quantification, and uncertainty analysis shall be under development<br />

Included wlth the PRAs, ground rules, mission success criteria, end<br />

states shall be ready to basellne.<br />

At Preliminary Design Review (PDR) the following level of maturity is<br />

required:<br />

(a) Changes to Event trees, fault trees, model integration &<br />

quantification, and uncertainty analysls from System Definition Review<br />

statused.<br />

(b) Risk scenarlO development complete.<br />

(c) Event sequence Diagram complete.<br />

(d) Master Logic diagrams complete.<br />

(e) Initiating events updated to PDR level of detail using available<br />

hazard analysis.<br />

At Crltlcal Design ReVlew (CDR) the following level of maturity is<br />

requlred:<br />

(a) Initiating events updated to CDR level of detail using available<br />

hazard analysis.<br />

(b) Event trees, fault trees, model integration & quantification, and<br />

uncertainty analysls development continued.<br />

(c) Changes to previous submittals addressed.<br />

Following CDR, updates shall lnclude the following:<br />

(a) Analyses complete and should be high level of detall and maturity<br />

with accurate test-supported input data.<br />

(b) Update with changes to the deslgn.<br />

(c) Changes to preVl0US submittals addressed.<br />

Type 4 Reports shall be dellvered every 6 months after the PDR delivery.<br />

The Type 4 Reports are "interim" status deliveries, which shall contain<br />

the following:<br />

• List of model changes from previous delivery (software, human<br />

rellability, common cause methodology,uncertainty, etc.)<br />

List of upcoming PRA components for the next delivery<br />

(software, human reliability, common cause methodology,<br />

uncertainty, etc.)<br />

• Updates to the model from the previous delivery.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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• Identification of data and assumption changes.<br />

• Updated schematics and design information<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

The following documents may be used as guidance documents:<br />

(a) Probabilistic Risk Assessment Procedures Guide for <strong>NASA</strong> Managers and<br />

Practitioners, (August 2002), Chapters 4-14<br />

(b) Fault Tree Handbook with Aerospace Applications (August 2002), <strong>NASA</strong><br />

HQ OSMA, Chapters 1-9<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSIDP: Parent SOW Paragraph (s). 3.4.<br />

Referenced from SOW Paragraph(s): 1.4.<br />

Related DRD(s)' CEV-S-001, CEV-S-002, CEV-S-009, CEV-S-Oll<br />


13.1 SCOPE.<br />

The Contractor shall develop the CEV PRA per CxP 70017, Constellation PRA<br />

Methodology Document and the Probabilistic R1Sk Assessment Procedures<br />

Guide for <strong>NASA</strong> Managers and Practitioners, (August 2002), chapters 4-14.<br />

The CEV probabilistlc Risk Assessment Results shall include the models,<br />

basis for the models, analysis results, detalled descriptions of the<br />

analysis, justifications for assumptions, data, and basis for the data.<br />

The models, analysis, and data used will comply with the requirements in<br />

the Constellatl0n PRA plan.<br />

(a) Probabilistic Risk Assessments (PRAs) shall be used to model<br />

potential accident scenarlOS during each Design Reference Mission to<br />

determine the rellabllity and risk of each CEV deslgn concept.<br />

(b) Success or failure of a CEV mission shall be directly related to 'end<br />

states' ln the PRA analyses. Additional end states can be included in<br />

the analysis as desired by the program.<br />

(c) Perform comprehensive function analysis to identify all system<br />

functions necessary for the system to achieve its operational objectlves<br />

for the Des1gn Reference Miss10ns in the specified miss10n environments.<br />

Function analysis should include functions that will be performed by<br />

hardware, software, and people.<br />

(d) Develop Function Flow Diagrams to illustrate flow of information and<br />

processing requlred. The functlonal flow diagrams shall illustrate all<br />

interrelationships between function interfaces. The interrelationships<br />

shall be evaluated to determine if an lnterface failure results in a PRA<br />

end state.<br />

(e) PRA models shall be graphically lllustrated ln top-level fault trees<br />

called Master Logic Dlagrams (MLD) , ln which the top level blocks are the<br />

end states (or FOM) , the intermediate blocks represent the chain of<br />

events necessary to produce the end states, and the bottom blocks are the<br />

inltiating events.<br />

(f) The CEV PRA shall identlfy important lnitiating events that can<br />

trigger failures/events for each series of end states. Initiating events<br />

shall include hardware fallures, software failures, human errors, and<br />

naturally occurring phenomena. Internal lnltiators as well as external<br />

initiators (e.g., MMOD) shall be considered.<br />

(g) The CEV PRA shall lnclude human reliability analysis (HRA) for both<br />

pre-inltlating events and post-initlating events, including those modeled<br />

ln support system initiating event fault tress. The HRA should comply, at<br />

a minimum, w1th the high level requirements as outlined 1n ASME RA-SlQQl:<br />

Standard for Probabillstic Risk Assessment for Nuclear Power Plant<br />

Applications or an equivalent document.<br />

(h) The CEV PRA shall include quantitatlve evaluations of the probability<br />

that the initiating events will lead to end states corresponding to CEV<br />

success or failure.<br />

(i) The CEV PRA analyses shall lncorporate parametric common-cause<br />

failure techniques in the system failure analysis models and failure<br />

probability evaluations.<br />

(j) The CEV PRA analyses shall include an evaluation and description of<br />

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Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

quantitative uncertainties.<br />

(k) To the extent feasible, CEV Probabilistic Risk Assessments shall<br />

include analys~s of software system safety, rel~ability and qual~ty.<br />

(1) The processes and techniques provided in the PRA Guidebook for <strong>NASA</strong><br />

Managers and Practioners and further defined by CxP 70017 Constellation<br />

PRA Methodology Document shall be used for conducting PRAs.<br />

(m) Uncertainty analysis shall be performed on the CEV Project PRA to<br />

provide the decision maker with a full appreciation of the overall degree<br />

of uncerta~nty about the PRA results and an understanding of which<br />

sources of uncertainty are critical to the results that guide decisions.<br />

(n) Results and Insight from the CEV PRA shall be utilized to update the<br />

design, operating, and implementation plans.<br />

(0) All mission scenarios leading to crew fatality or permanent<br />

disability shall have a quantitative r~sk assessment developed.<br />

(p) The CEV risk assessment model shall be maintained throughout the<br />

system life cycle.<br />


CxP 70017 Constellation PRA Methodology Document<br />

13.3 CONTENTS:<br />

1. The CEV Probabilistic Risk Assessment Results shall use the applicable<br />

document processes and techniques in CxP 70017 Constellation PRA<br />

Methodology Document to provide the following:<br />

a. Groundrules and assumptions (inputs).<br />

b. ModelS/Data sources.<br />

c. Miss~ons, phases Analyzed.<br />

d Values calculated.<br />

e. Model/Data Sources.<br />

f. Analys~s results.<br />

g. Risk estimates.<br />

h. Risk breakdown with relative contr~butions.<br />

i. Sensitiv~ty analyses.<br />

j. Validation or benchmark of methodology and code.<br />

2. The CEV PRA shall be performed per the processes and techniques<br />

provided in the CxP 70017 Constellation PRA Methodology Document andPRA<br />

Procedures Guide for <strong>NASA</strong> Managers and Practioners, chapters 4-14.<br />

3.The Contractor shall ident~fy the major contributors to r~sk as<br />

determined by the CEV PRA.<br />

4. The CEV PRA shall be balanced, comprehensive and tailored.<br />

5. The Contractor shall perform uncertainty analysis on their PRA as part<br />

of their reporting of the PRA results and identify those sources which<br />

are critical to Program/Project risk decisions.<br />

6. The CEV PRA shall identify and evaluate potential scenarios leading to<br />

undesired consequences.<br />

7. The CEV PRA shall evaluate the failure (type and probability) of each<br />

event ~n the potential scenarios lead~ng to undesired consequences (see<br />

4. )<br />

8. The CEV PRA shall quantify the scenarios establ~shed for the CEV by<br />

the CEV Project PRA plan.<br />

9. The Contractor shall ~nclude the degree of uncerta~nty about the CEV<br />

PRA results and an understanding of which sources of uncertainty are<br />

critical.<br />

10. The Contractor shall supply all data analyses in support of the<br />

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quantification of the CEV PRA.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

11. The Contractor shall use term~nology that is cons~stent with that<br />

used by the CEV Project ~n the CEV PRA.<br />

13 4 FORMAT: Electronic format per Sect~on J -2<br />

13.5 MAINTENANCE: Contractor-proposed changes to document shall be<br />

submitted to <strong>NASA</strong> for approval. Complete re-issue of the document is<br />

required.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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l.<br />

3.<br />


2<br />

DATA TYPE. 1/2* (See Data Requ~rements 4.<br />

Matrix)<br />

5<br />

DRDNO.:<br />


PAGE:<br />

6. TITLE: Government-Industry Data Exchange Program and <strong>NASA</strong><br />

Advisor~es/ALERTS<br />

CEV-S-012<br />

May 2009<br />

1<br />


To provide a controlled method for CEV Project and Contractor ALERT<br />

initiation, investigat~on, resolution, and response. The types of data<br />

include:<br />

(a) Contractor and subtier implementation procedures.<br />

(b) Preperation and submittal of GIDEP documents.<br />

(c) Coordinat~on<br />

of potential <strong>NASA</strong> Advisories (<strong>NASA</strong> unique items) with<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> (JSC <strong>NASA</strong> Advisory Coordinator) .<br />

(d) Task managemnt, control, and tracking status.<br />

(e) Cost data on special problems (involving crim~nal<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION: As determined by the Contract~ng Officer<br />

9. INITIAL SUBMISSION' Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

investigations).<br />

10. SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matrix and as fOllows:<br />

a) Contractor and subtier implementation procedures (60 days after<br />

contract award)<br />

b) Release of GIDEP documents (in compliance with S0300-BT-PRO-010)<br />

c) Release of <strong>NASA</strong> Advisories (in coordination with the <strong>NASA</strong>-JSC Advisory<br />

Coordinator per <strong>NASA</strong> policy)<br />

d) GIDEP/<strong>NASA</strong> Advisory problem data assessment (30 days after receipt of<br />

GIDEP/<strong>NASA</strong> Advisory problem data)<br />

e) Cost data on special problems (involving criminal investigations)<br />

11 REMARKS'<br />

Contractor must provide <strong>NASA</strong> the name and contact details of the<br />

Contractor's ALERT Coordinator, w~thin 30 days of contract award.<br />

12 INTERRELATIONSHIP: Parent sow Paragraph(s): 3.4.<br />

Related DRDs: CEV-S-001<br />


13.1 SCOPE.<br />

The CEV project ALERT System Documentation provides informat~on relative<br />

to unexpected failures or discrepant conditions of parts, components,<br />

mater1als, specifications, software, facilities, manufacturing processes<br />

or test equipment used in equipment and to safety problem of general<br />

concern.<br />

This appl~es to failures or discrepant conditions encountered when such<br />

parts, components, materials, specifications, software, facilities,<br />

manufacturing processes or test equipment are applied within the limits<br />

of the applicable specificat~on.<br />

Generic problems experienced by the project or by program assests shall<br />

be reported in the GIDEP or <strong>NASA</strong> Adv~sory Network, as appropriate.<br />

Management documentation shall be adequate to ensure that:<br />

(a) the subject problem data are received, properly distr~buted, and<br />

thoroughly assessed for potential impact<br />

(b) ~dentified impact issues are resolved or corrected with <strong>NASA</strong> program<br />

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managenement concurrence<br />

(c) cost data for special problem issues are accumulated and reported<br />

(d) all this information is captured and retained in a database.<br />

The Contractor and ltS subcontractors shall partlcipate in the Exchanging<br />

Parts, Materials, and Safety Problem Data Utilizing the Government<br />

Industry Data Exchange Program (GIDEP) and ensure that all applicable<br />


Action Notices, and <strong>NASA</strong> Advisories are:<br />

1) reviewed and dispositioned,<br />

2) ensure that all significant parts, components, materials,<br />

specifications, software, facilities, manufacturing processes or test<br />

equipment, and safety problems of a general concern are identified and<br />

corresponding data are exchanged wlth this system, and<br />

3) present the status of all applicable items for review at program<br />

milestones and readiness reviews in accordance with the S&MA Plan (DRO<br />

CEV-S-001) .<br />


S0300-BT-PRO-010: Government-Industry Data Exchange Program (GIDEP)<br />

Operations Manual<br />

NOTE: GIDEP Operations Manual identifies the GIDEP Requirements<br />

Guide as Appendix E.<br />

13.3 CONTENTS'<br />

A. Implementation Procedures:<br />

The contractor and sub contractor implementation procedures shall provide<br />

details that will ensure that the contractor understands and wlll<br />

implement these procedures, which cover the scope; task importance;<br />

management responsibillties; technical expertise to identify and resolve<br />

any impacts; 'special problem' information sensitivity; and documentation<br />

necessary to comply with GIDEP and <strong>NASA</strong> policles.<br />

B. GIDEP ALERTs and <strong>NASA</strong> Advisories shall be prepared and responded to in<br />

accordance with the GIDEP Operations Manual, <strong>NASA</strong> Policies, and include:<br />

(a) Contractor initiated GIDEP Documents - The proposed GIDEP Document<br />

shall include, but not be limlted to:<br />

1. Essential details required ldentifying problem by types and/or<br />

manufacturer's name, special requirements and environments, the problem<br />

situation (conditlon) and cause, actions taken and recommendations. Such<br />

data shall be restrlcted to objective, factual information.<br />

2. Names of responsible lndividuals and organizations that may be<br />

contacted for further technical details.<br />

3. Upon CEV Project approval, contractor initiated ALERTs that are of<br />

general concern shall be coordinated wlth <strong>NASA</strong> (JSC <strong>NASA</strong> Advisory<br />

Coordinator) identfying the GIDEP document type (GIDEP ALERT, GIDEP SAFE­<br />


determined that a GIDEP document is required, the Contractor shall<br />

prepared the appropriate GIDEP document and submit to GIDEP, in<br />

accordance with the GIDEP Operations Manual.<br />

4. If it is determined in coordination with <strong>NASA</strong> (JSC <strong>NASA</strong> Advisory<br />

Coordinator) that the potentla1 problem lnformation lS limited to <strong>NASA</strong><br />

only, the contractor will be provided JSC <strong>NASA</strong> Advisory Form, JSC Form<br />

1159 for completion.<br />

(b) Response reports for ALERT/Advisory disseminated by CEV Program (JSC<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> Advlsory Coordlnator) :<br />

1. The contractor shall respond to GIDEP Documents and <strong>NASA</strong><br />

Advisories dlsseminated by the CEV Program (JSC <strong>NASA</strong> Advisory<br />

Coordinator) with one of the following three categories:<br />

Attachment J-2<br />


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Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

(a) No Impact<br />

(b) Usage w1th No Impact<br />

(c) Usage with Impact<br />

2. If the response is 'Usage with No Impact' or 'Usage with Impact',<br />

rationale/justification shall be provided to <strong>NASA</strong> (JSC <strong>NASA</strong> Advisory<br />

Coordinator) for continued usage. The "Usage with Impact" shall also<br />

require Contractor completion of the <strong>NASA</strong> Form 1544. Some items addressed<br />

in the <strong>NASA</strong> Form 1544 shall 1dentify the ALERT/Advisory number, the<br />

hardware which the response applies, identify the the part numbers<br />

affected, the system affected, give an analysis of the problem, and a<br />

narrative recommendation and/or corrective actions accomplished.<br />

3. Follow-up reports provide results of investigations, analyses,<br />

etc. extended beyond the 21 working days allowed for the initial report<br />

(may closeout if no corrective act10n required) .<br />

4. No response required on GIDEP Documents/<strong>NASA</strong> Advisories marked<br />

'Information Only' unless an impact 1S identified.<br />

134 FORMAT.<br />

(a) The Contractor's format is acceptable for the1r internal<br />

implementation procedures.<br />

(b) GIDEP docuements are to be prepared on the appropriate GIDEP form<br />

found in the GIDEP operations Manual.<br />

(c) <strong>NASA</strong> Advisories are to be prepared on the JSC <strong>NASA</strong> Advisory Form, JF<br />

1159.<br />

(d) The contractor's format is acceptable for providing the 'Task<br />

Management, Control, and Tracking Status' as long as it includes all the<br />

necessary information. An electronic database with access permission to<br />

the appropriate <strong>NASA</strong> personnel is preferred, especially the <strong>NASA</strong> JSC<br />

Advisory Coordinator.<br />

(e) Cost data are to be provided as required by the financial management<br />

reporting system and as necessary to substant1ate the data being<br />

submitted in support of criminal 1nvestigations<br />

(f) Contractor initiated GIDEP Document, - The Contractor proposed GIDEP<br />

Document shall be submitted to the project's S&MA representative with a<br />

copy to the CEV ProJect ALERT Coord1nator (JSC <strong>NASA</strong> Advisory<br />

Coordinator). Preliminary GIDEP Documents on the appropriate GIDEP Form<br />

shall also be coordinated. When 1mmediate <strong>NASA</strong> community notification is<br />

identified as urgent but time and/or complete technical detail is being<br />

gathered, a <strong>NASA</strong> AdV1sory, <strong>NASA</strong> Form 1159 may be utilized by coordinating<br />

with the <strong>NASA</strong> JSC Advisory Coordinator. Upon approval and technical data<br />

evaluation, the Contractor initiator shall follow-up with the appropriate<br />

GIDEP Document in accordance with the GIDEP Operations Manual.<br />

13.5 MAINTENANCE: Data shall be maintained as required to:<br />

(a) Document the current implementat10n procedures and GIDEP and <strong>NASA</strong><br />

Advisory Policies.<br />

(b) Ensure that the released GIDEP 1nformation is complete, factual,<br />

accurate and up to date.<br />

(c) Ensure that the released <strong>NASA</strong> Adv1sory informat1on is complete,<br />

factual and up to date.<br />

(d) Tracking status provided periodically to demonstrate complete<br />

accomplishment of the task.<br />

(e) Stay current and accurate or as requested to support management<br />

activitJ.es.<br />

(f) Substantiate submitted costs or to include additional costs as they<br />

are 1ntended.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong> Attachment J-2<br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Modification 65<br />


1.<br />

3.<br />


DATA TYPE' 1/2/3*<br />

2.<br />

4.<br />

5<br />

DRDNO ..<br />


PAGE:<br />

6. TITLE. Problem Reporting and Correctlve Action (PRACA) Reports<br />

CEV-S-013<br />

May 2009<br />

1<br />


The Contractor shall report, evaluate, track, trend, process and<br />

disposition CEV-related hardware and software problems into the <strong>NASA</strong><br />

Constellatlon problem data system.<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION' As determined by the Contracting officer<br />

9. INITIAL SUBMISSION: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

10. SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matnx<br />

11 REMARKS:<br />

*Data Type<br />

Initial Report is Data Type 2<br />

Preliminary Report is Data Type 3<br />

Close-Out/Explanatlon is Data Type 1<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSHIP: Parent sow paragraph(s): 3.5.<br />


13.1 SCOPE:<br />

This data requirement establlshes a standard closed-loop process for<br />

handling CEV Project process, hardware, software, and ground support<br />

equlpment problems.<br />


cxP 70068 Constellation Program Problem Reporting Analysls and Corrective<br />

Actlon Requirements, Volume 1, 2, and 3.<br />

13.3 CONTENTS<br />

This DRD establishes requirements for reportlng of nonconformance/Problem<br />

data in accordance with the requirements provided in<br />

CxP 70068 Volumes 1, 2, and 3.<br />

a. Non-conformance/Problem documentatlon, data fields, and data field<br />

content shall be ln accordance wlth CxP 70068, Constellation Program<br />

Problem Reporting, Analysis and Corrective Action (PRACA) Requirements,<br />

Volume 3: Appendlces, and in accordance with thlS DRD. (as specified<br />

below) .<br />

Additional Data Elements:<br />

1 ProJect Element-CEV element<br />

2. System-CEV System<br />

3. Detected During Number- document number and type descrlbing this<br />

operation when problem was detected<br />

4. Subsystem-CEV Element subsystem<br />

5. Element location- Physical location on the CEV where the problem<br />

occurred<br />

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Modification 65<br />

6. End Item Control Number-An end-ltem control number is a sequential<br />

identifier contained in an implementing organization instructions<br />

Each problem entered into the PRACA information system that meets one or<br />

more of the conditions below shall have the data fields listed below<br />

completed:<br />

a. The problem is a functional failure of an item (explalned or<br />

unexplained)<br />

b. The problem occurs after the first instance of Acceptance<br />

Testing for an item<br />

c. The problem occurs after the first instance of Qualification<br />

Testing for an item<br />

1. prevailing Condition-Environment type when detected (hardware<br />

only)<br />

2. FMEA number-FMEA number which addresses the failure mode of failed<br />

elements (to the lowest level possible)<br />

3. Failure mode-A descrlption of the manner in which an item failed<br />

4. elL Ratlonale-Yes/No indicator that tells whether a elL is<br />

affected<br />

5. Materlal Defect, A-Defect-Indicates the defect that resulted in<br />

the failure (hardware only)<br />

6. Material Defect, B-Material-Indlcates the materlal that failed<br />

(hardware only)<br />

7. Correctlve Action/Recurrence Control Code-Classification of the<br />

primary recurrence control actions (hardware only)<br />

8. Baa Item 0satrsl !!~er :~ eaa item 8satrsl auffi8er is a se~eatial<br />

iaeseiEieF sOlitaiRes iR as im~lemeRt1Rg orgaaiBatisR 1Rstr~e6ieRs<br />

9. Expected date or mission of Interim disposition-Date that last<br />

interim disposltlon occurred<br />

10 Latest Interim D1Sposition Date-Date that last interim disposition<br />

occurred<br />

11. Hazard Report Number-Number assoclated with the approved hazard<br />

report<br />

12. Hazard Report Cause Identifier-Unique number of hazard report<br />

hazard cause<br />

13. Operating tlme/Cycle-total operating time on the hardware when the<br />

problem occurred, may be number of cycles (hardware only)<br />

14. Fallure Detection-How the problem was lnitially detected<br />

15. Time to repair-Time taken to complete repairs on the original<br />

failed unit (from problem detectlon, until full operation restored)<br />

(hardware only)<br />

16. Assembly Level-Level of maintenance where the repair took place<br />

(hardware only)<br />

17. Number of maintenance crew-number of persons required to perform<br />

the Repair (hardware only)<br />

b. Processing of non-conformances and determination of PRACA<br />

reportable status shall be in accordance with CxP 70068, Volume 1.<br />

c. All problem data from the CxP contractor shall be transferred into<br />

CxP PRACA system in accordance with CxP 70068, Volume 1 TABLE<br />


Interim Dispos1tion<br />

Temporary disposltlon of problems for time frames not to exceed 6 months<br />

shall be permitted.<br />

Additional Documentation Requirements for Problem Disposltion<br />

Requlred documentation for problem dlsposition shall be as follows:<br />

Closed Problem - Documentation shall include the root cause(s), remedial<br />

and/or correctlve action (if required) or ratlonale for no corrective<br />

action required. If the problem is dispositloned by explanation with no<br />

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corrective action required, the consequences of the problem occurring inservice<br />

and possible work-around shall also be documented.<br />

If problem analyses reveal inaccuracies or omissions in the FMEA/CIL,<br />

human factors process FMEA, software fault analysis, or Hazard Analysis,<br />

the contractor responsible for contlnuing engineering support on the<br />

system shall update the involved document(s) to correct the deficiency.<br />

Trending<br />

The Contractor shall periodlcally perform and report trend results and<br />

also on a timely, ad hoc basis in response to identified significant<br />

adverse trends. The Contractor shall use nonconformance/problem data,<br />

production parameters (such as Statlstical Process Control), and<br />

performance data to identify hardware, software, and/or human interface<br />

processes that are not in control, need additional review, and/or require<br />

correction. The Contractor will also report trends based on failure<br />

recurrence, risk measure, and/or cost. This will include<br />

effectiveness/concerns resulting from use of standard repairs. Where<br />

possible, trend tracking technologles such as Integrated Vehicle Health<br />

Monitoring Trending shall be incorporated to proactlvely measure trends.<br />

Trending and/or data mining mechanlsms/systems shall also to be employed<br />

to preemptively isolate impending failures/fal1ure conditions and support<br />

recommendations for corrective actions to mltigate critical failures or<br />

reduce risk. As a mlnimum, the trending data shall show problem<br />

occurrence frequency by subsystem, by LRU, by fal1ure mode, and by cause.<br />

Trend results shall be normalized into failure rates based on wear (as<br />

run tlme or starts) and/or opportunities for error detection (as<br />

inspections, tests, or units delivered). Trending results and related<br />

problem analyses shall be provided to the CEV Project on a regular basis<br />

(at least quarterly) and to the Constellation Program when significant<br />

results are determined<br />

13.4 FORMAT: Electronic format per Section J-2 2.3 2.1.<br />

13 5 MAINTENANCE: PRACA Reports shall be maintained and processed in<br />

accordance with CxP 70068 Volumes 1 and 3.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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1.<br />

3<br />


DATA TYPE. 1<br />

6. TITLE Cn.tical Processes<br />

2.<br />

4.<br />

5.<br />

DRDNO.:<br />


PAGE'<br />

CEV-S-015<br />

May 2009<br />

1<br />


The Contractor shall document the controls that they shall use for those<br />

manufacturing processes where uniform high quality cannot be ensured by<br />

inspectlon or test alone and the failure would be of a critical nature.<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION' As determined by the Contracting Officer<br />

9. INITIAL SUBMISSION Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

10 SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

11. REMARKS'<br />

The Contractor should demonstrate and verify control of the quality of<br />

the operation by employing process controls throughout all phases of<br />

hardware manufacture. The intent of this standard is to ensure that<br />

manufacturing quality requirements are defined and that designs permit<br />

and facilitate the quality consideratlons of producibillty,<br />

repeatability, and refurbishabillty/maintainability.<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSHIP: Parent SOW Paragraph(s): 3.5.<br />


13.1 SCOPE:<br />

Any process that can not be verlfied by a reliable and repeatable inspection<br />

or test, and if not precisely applied and controlled within its defined<br />

limits, could result in hardware failure that results in loss of human life<br />

or serious inJury/illness to the flight crew, ground crew, or general<br />

public; or results in loss of mlSS10n, or loss of a significant mission<br />

resource.<br />


CXP 70059: Constellation Program Integrated Safety, Reliability, and<br />

Quality Assurance Requirements (and assoclated Children documents as<br />

specified in Attachment J-3, Applicable, Guidance, and Informational<br />

Documents List)<br />

13.3 CONTENTS'<br />

The Critical Processes document shall include as a minimum:<br />

1. Process controls'<br />

(a) Applicable manufacturing processing requirements with detailed<br />

performance and control prov~s~ons.<br />

(b) Process preparatlon requirements.<br />

(c) Detalled processing operations.<br />

(d) Conditions to be maintained during each phase of the process<br />

including environmental controls.<br />

(e) Methods for verlfying the adequacy of the processing materials,<br />

solutions, equipment, environments, and their assoclated control<br />

parameters.<br />

(f) Required records for documenting the results of the process<br />

~nspection, test, and verification.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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2. Equipment certlfication:<br />

(a) Manufacturing equipment tests and thelr results shall be recorded,<br />

certified, and maintained.<br />

(b) Plans for recertifying equipment as required by quality surveys,<br />

inspections or tests, or when changes are made which may affect process<br />

integrity.<br />

13.4 FORMAT' Electronic format per Section J -2<br />

13.5 MAINTENANCE: Contractor-proposed changes to document shall be<br />

submitted to <strong>NASA</strong> for approval. Complete re-issue of the document is<br />

required.<br />

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Modification 65<br />


1.<br />

3.<br />


DATA TYPE' 2<br />

6. TITLE' Mechanical Parts Management Plan<br />

2.<br />

4<br />

5.<br />

DRDNO ..<br />


PAGE:<br />

CEV-S-016<br />

May 2009<br />

1<br />


To define and document the contractor's plan for acquisition, testing,<br />

handling, packaging, storing, and malntaining traceability for Mechanical<br />

Parts (including fasteners, bearings, studs, pins, rings, shims, valves,<br />

springs, brackets, clamps, and spacers) for flight and critical ground<br />

support equipment.<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION: The contractor's Mechanical Parts Control Plan shall be<br />

provided to the <strong>NASA</strong> CEV S&MA organization as a minimum for approval.<br />

9. INITIAL SUBMISSION' Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

10. SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

11. REMARKS'<br />

12 INTERRELATIONSmp: Parent SOW Paragraph (s): 3.5.<br />

Related DRD(s): CEV-T-019, CEV-T-069<br />


131 SCOPE:<br />

The Mechanical Parts Management Plan defines the contractor's approach<br />

for acquisitlon, testing, handllng, packaging, storing and maintaining<br />

the traceability of mechanical parts Fasteners shall be subject to<br />

additional requirements per <strong>NASA</strong>-STD-6008.<br />


<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-I-6016: Standard Materials and Processes Requlrements for<br />

Spacecraft<br />

CxP 70135: Structural Deslgn and Verificatlon Requirements<br />

CxP 70059: Constellation Program Integrated Safety, Reliability, and<br />

Quality Assurance (SR&QA) Requirements<br />

NPD 8730.2B. <strong>NASA</strong> Parts Pollcy<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-5019: Fracture Control Requirements for Spaceflight Hardware<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-6008: <strong>NASA</strong> Fastener Management and Control Practices<br />

13.3 CONTENTS:<br />

The Contractor's Mechanical Parts Management Plan shall include the<br />

following:<br />

1. Acquisition:<br />

plan shall def~ne a process that specifles which mechanlcal parts<br />

must be procured from an approved manufacturer or a distributor.<br />

Plan shall define a process for certifying manufacturers and<br />

distributors of mechanlca1 parts.<br />

• Plan shall define a process to avoid procurlng defective<br />

mechanical parts as identlfied in a <strong>NASA</strong> Advisory or Government­<br />

Industry Data Exchange Program (GIDEP) Alert.<br />

Plan shall define a process for ldentifying replacements for<br />

mechanical parts that become obsolete.<br />

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Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

Plan shall define a process for tracking the usage of limited life<br />

items.<br />

plan shall def1ne a process for 1dentification and disposition of<br />

mechanical parts that have exceeded their life limit.<br />

2. Testing:<br />

plan shall def1ne a process for acceptance testing of mechanical<br />

parts.<br />

plan shall def1ne how nonconform1ng mechanical parts shall be<br />

dispositioned according to the contractor's qua11ty management<br />

system (QMS).<br />

• Plan shall define a process to report generic nonconformances<br />

and/or counterfeit part 1ssues to GIDEP.<br />

3. Handling, Packaging and Storage:<br />

Plan shall describe how mechanical parts w111 be maintained in<br />

the appropr1ate environment and controlled access storage.<br />

• plan shall describe how reuse of mechanical parts will be<br />

controlled.<br />

• Plan shall describe how mechanical parts will be issued and<br />

returned to storage for proper account1ng.<br />

4. Traceability:<br />

Plan shall describe how commingling of mechanical parts, and<br />

specific lots of mechanical parts (when lot control requirements<br />

are requ1red) will be prevented.<br />

• plan shall describe when Manufacturer's Tset Reports (MTRs) or<br />

equ1valent are required MTRs are always required for fracturecr1tical<br />

items per <strong>NASA</strong>-STD-5019. MTRs are always requ1red for<br />

fracture-crit1cal, low-risk, and fail-safe fasteners per <strong>NASA</strong>-STD-<br />

6008.<br />

Plan shall describe when Certificates of Compliance or equivalent<br />

are required.<br />

5. Compliance:<br />

• Plan shall, for fasteners, define an implementation approach<br />

consistent w1th the applicable sections of <strong>NASA</strong>-STD-6008.<br />

• Plan shall define an approach consistent with CxP 70059, Appendix<br />

A, to verify compliance with this Mechanical Parts Control Plan at<br />

the contractor and subcontractor level.<br />

13.4 FORMAT: Electronic format per section J -2 2.3.21<br />

13 5 MAINTENANCE: Contractor-proposed changes to document shall be<br />

subm1tted to <strong>NASA</strong> for approval. Complete re-issue of the document is<br />

requ1red.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Modification 65<br />


1.<br />

3.<br />

6<br />

7.<br />

PROGRAM: CEV 2. DRDNO.: CEV-T-001<br />

DATA TYPE: 2 4 DATE REVISED: May 2009<br />

5 PAGE: 1<br />

TITLE: Integrated Models, Simulations and Support Plan<br />


Th1s DRD defines the period1c delivery of a group of related models and<br />

s1mulations and a Modeling and Simualtion Support Plan. The DRD<br />

includes:<br />

1. Architectural models and system diagrams developed using an<br />

architectural modeling tool;<br />

2. A full system, discrete-event simulation model runnable on an<br />

analyst's desktop;<br />

3. High-fidelity simulations implemented as HLA federations;<br />

4. A Modeling and Simulat10n Support Plan<br />

These deliveries provide <strong>NASA</strong> with detailed funct10nal and behavioral<br />

views of the CEV design as it matures and with a modular simulation<br />

capability to support trade studies, system engineer1ng and integration,<br />

flight software development and testing, and operations planning.<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION' As determined by the Contracting Officer.<br />

9. INITIAL SUBMISSION. Per Data Reqmrements Matrix.<br />

10. SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matrix.<br />

11. REMARKS<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSHIP. Parent SOW Paragraph (s): 2.4.<br />

Referenced from SOW Paragraph{s): 2.3. (c), 6.1.5, 10.3.7<br />

Related DRD{s): CEV-T-002<br />


13.1 SCOPE:<br />

The Modeling and Simulation Support Plan and associated model deliveries<br />

includes all the planning and effort necessary to perform analysis of<br />

integrated vehicle performance, environmental effects and reSOurce<br />

management plus all simulat10n models needed for test1ng system hardware<br />

and software. It is expected that all deliveries will cover the full<br />

vehicle and that detail, accuracy and scenar10 coverage will increase as<br />

the CEV design matures.<br />


CxP-70041 Constellation Program NExIOM Standard for Tool, Model and<br />

S1mulation Data<br />

CxP 70076 Constellation Program Modeling and Simulation Management<br />

Requ1rements - Level II<br />

IEEE 1516 -2000: IEEE Standard for Modeling and S1mulation (M&S) High<br />

Level Architecture (HLA) -- Framework and Rules<br />

IEEE 1516.1-2000: IEEE Standard for Modeling and S1mulation (M&S) High<br />

Level Architecture (HLA) .Federate Interface Specification<br />

IEEE 1516.2-2000: IEEE Standard for Modeling and Simulation (M&S) High<br />

Level Architecture (HLA). Object Model Template (OMT) Spec1fication<br />

IEEE1516.3-2000· IEEE Recommended Practice for High Level Architecture<br />

(HLA) Federat10n Development and Execution Process (FEDEP)<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

13.3 CONTENTS:<br />

Coverage: Delivered models shall represent all CEV subsystems listed in<br />

sow section 6.2 plus (a) any ground systems and communications models<br />

required to simulate intended system function, (b) any relevant vehicle<br />

environment models (e.g. gravltational, thermal, electromagnetic,<br />

radiation) utilized to evaluate nominal and off-nominal system<br />

performance and (c) models of other Constellation elements at a fidelity<br />

appropriate to enable evaluation of integrated CEV performance.<br />

The models will emulate nominal performance over a range of inputs<br />

corresponding to design parameters to support trade studies as well as<br />

off-nominal operations to support safety analysis and flight software<br />

testlng. Scope of variability for trade studies and off-nominal<br />

scenarios will be determined by the Integrated Modellng and Simulation<br />

(IM&S) Working Group.<br />

Each delivery for this DRD shall consist of:<br />

1. A revision of the Modeling and Simulation Support plan<br />

2. An Excel-based manifest listing each model included in the delivery<br />

along with the model version and a brief description.<br />

3. A revision of the System Architecture Model. This model shall<br />

represent vehicle function, structure and behavior via:<br />

(a) Function and component hierarchies<br />

(b) An allocatlon of functions to components<br />

(c) Functlonal models (Functional Data Flow Diagram, IDEFO, extended<br />

Function Flow Block Diagram)<br />

(d) Dynamic models (State Transition Diagram)<br />

(e) UML diagrams (e.g., sequence diagrams, state charts)<br />

(f) Architectural (Physlcal Architecture Diagram, Architecture<br />

Interconnect Diagrams)<br />

(g) Process (Process Flow Diagram)<br />

The System Architecture Model and its components shall be delivered in an<br />

electronic format readable by Cradle.<br />

4. A revision of the full-system, desktop, Discrete-Event Simulation that<br />

can be run in a COTS tool (e.g., COREsim) or a non-COTS simulation<br />

package. If a non-COTS simulation package is used, then the Contractor<br />

shall also dellver source code, bUlld files and a compiled version.<br />

(a) For the discrete-event slmulation model, no constraint is placed on<br />

the units of simulation other than good software engineering practice.<br />

(b) The Discrete-event Simulation Models be capable of running full<br />

vehicle, full-mission scenarios in less than one hour and narrower<br />

simulations In 10-20 minutes.<br />

5. Starting at subsystem PDR, an HLA federation wlth coverage described<br />

above and including documentation<br />

(a) HLA federates shall be modeled at levels that support modularity,<br />

effective reuse and unit testing and that support the needs of software<br />

and hardware-ln-the-loop testing.<br />

(b) The HLA federation shall simulate system performance at least as fast<br />

as realtime. When this is not achievable via the HLA protocol, a solution<br />

(e g. Mil-Std 1553) that corresponds to the flight enVlronment will be<br />

agreed upon Vla the Integrated Modeling and Simulation (IM&S) Working<br />

Group.<br />

(c) Plannlng and development of HLA federates shall be coordinated with<br />

development of the Engineerlng CEV models speclfied in DRD CEV-T-002.<br />

The HLA models shall reuse code or algorithms from the Engineering CEV<br />

models where approprlate.<br />

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6. Documentation for each model or federate<br />

7. Source code, data files and bUlld files for each model or federate<br />

8. Compiled versions of each model that runs under one of Windows,<br />

Maclntosh, Linux or another Unix distribution.<br />

9. Source code for tools used to create data used by or included in the<br />

models, unless they were created with COTS software<br />

Each revisl0n of the Modeling and Slmulation Support Plan shall contain<br />

at least these sections:<br />

1. An overview of the Contractor's approach to managing the development<br />

of models and simulations<br />

2. A manifest briefly describing each planned model and simulation, what<br />

analyses it will help support, the date the model or simulation will be<br />

dellvered and an indication of which DRD-governed deliverables (if any)<br />

the model or simulation contributes to. It lS expected that thlS<br />

manifest will contaln TBDs. This manlfest can optionally be combined<br />

with the Excel-based manifest of models actually delivered in this DRD<br />

delivery.<br />

The Contractor can include additional sections that further describe<br />

thelr modeling and simulatlon support process or can substitute a<br />

document template used internally if it contains thlS information.<br />

Documentation for each model shall include:<br />

1. An XML document conformant to the CXP-70041, Constellation Program<br />

NExIOM Standard for Tool, Model and Simulation data.<br />

2. System and Federation Object Models for the HLA federation;<br />

3. Written documentation for each model sufficient for knowledgeable<br />

engineers to conduct trade studies or to build models that correctly<br />

interface to this one where additional detail is needed over the HLA<br />

System and Federation Object Models and NExIOM portl0ns of this delivery.<br />

13.4 FORMAT. ElectronlC format per Section J -2<br />

13 5 MAINTENANCE: A11 models sha11 be utllized for CEV system maturation<br />

through operatl0n and therefore maintalned to the as-built configuration.<br />

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1.<br />

3.<br />

6.<br />

7.<br />

PROGRAM' CEV 2. DRDNO.: CEV-T-002<br />

DATA TYPE: 2 4. DATE REVISED: May 2009<br />

5. PAGE 1<br />

TITLE:CEV Engineering Models<br />


This DRD defines the per~odic delivery of engineering models of the CEV<br />

system, modules, subsystems, and components These models will be<br />

discipline (e.g. aerothermal, structural loads, trajectory), mission<br />

(e.g. logistics planners, sequence planners) and system (e.g. sizers,<br />

cost estimators, risk est~mators) oriented and will be implemented using<br />

many different tools and data formats. These models are different in<br />

nature than models addressed in CEV-T-001 (Integrated Models, simulations<br />

and Support Plan) in that they do not represent strict mission-time-line<br />

simulations. CEV-T-001 should be referred to for all mission time-stepped<br />

models and simulations.<br />

These models provide <strong>NASA</strong> and the Contractor with des~gn and operational<br />

trade study results that guide system and mission design decisions. These<br />

models are used by <strong>NASA</strong> and the Contractor in day-to-day design and<br />

analysis activ~t~es. <strong>NASA</strong> requires ~nformed application of available<br />

tools and models based on their capability and applicability to CEV<br />

design ~ssues as they arise.<br />

Models of th~s type are called out in several DRDs, including CEV-T-009<br />

(CEV Analysis Report) as well as discipl~ne and system oriented data<br />

books and mathematical model DRDs. <strong>NASA</strong> intends to have insight and<br />

understanding ~nto the applicabil~ty and provenance of these models. <strong>NASA</strong><br />

intends to own a searchable electronic store of CXP-70041, NExIOM<br />

Standard for Tool, Model and Simulation Deliveries conformant documents<br />

for each tool, model or simulation util~zed in the development of the<br />

CEV.<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION: As determined by the Contracting Officer.<br />

9. INITIAL SUBMISSION Per Data Requirements Matrix.<br />

10. SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matrix.<br />

11. REMARKS:<br />

12 INTERRELATIONSHIP: parent sow Paragraph (s): 2.4.<br />

Referenced from sow Paragraph(s): 2.3. (c), 6.1.5, 10.3.7; 6.1.2 (and<br />

subparagraphs), 6.2.2 (and subparagraphs), 6.4.2 (and subparagraphs),<br />

6.1.3 (and subparagraphs), 6.2 3 (and subparagraphs), 6.4.3 (and<br />

subparagraphs),,,<br />

Related DRD(s): CEV-T-001, CEV-T-009<br />


13.1 SCOPE'<br />

This DRD appl1es to tools, models and simulat10ns that are:<br />

a) Not covered by CEV-T-001, Integrated Models, Simulations and<br />

Support plan.<br />

b) Direct or ind1rect sources of data delivered in any other DRD<br />

c) Direct or ind1rect sources of data utilized 1n a CEV Project<br />

reV1ew milestones.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Models covered by this DRD are exemplified by system sizers, performance<br />

estimators, environmental models, scenario planners, failure calculators,<br />

and cost estimation utillties. Models of other types are also covered per<br />

the requirements of SOW section 2.1 2.<br />


CxP-70041 constellation Program NExIOM Standard for tool, Model and<br />

Simulation Data.<br />

CxP 70076 Constellation Program Modeling and Simulation Management<br />

Requirements - Level II<br />

13 3 CONTENTS:<br />

Each CEV Model delivery shall consist of:<br />

a. An XML document conformant to CxP-70041.<br />

b. Any pre-existing technical documentation lncluding user manuals and<br />

technical publications.<br />

c. Source code and build flIes for all models.<br />

d. Compiled versions that run under one of Windows, Macintosh, Linux and<br />

UNIX variants.<br />

e Source code for tools used to create lookup tables within the models,<br />

unless they were created with COTS software.<br />

f. Lookup tables utlllzed within the models.<br />

13.4 FORMAT: Model format shall be the native format associated with the<br />

model being dellvered. When other DRDs callout a specific format (e.g.<br />

NASTRAN, etc ... ) then the delivery format requirements called out in that<br />

DRD shall be adhered to. Electronlc format requirements per Section J-2<br />

2.3.2 1 shall be followed as well.<br />

13.5 MAINTENANCE: All models shall be utllized for CEV system maturation<br />

through operation and therefore maintained to the as-built configuration.<br />

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1.<br />

3.<br />


DATA TYPE: 2<br />

6. TITLE: Software Development Plan<br />

2<br />

4<br />

5.<br />

DRDNO.: CEV-T-005<br />

DATE REVISED. May 2009<br />

PAGE 1<br />


A plan for conductlng the software development effort. This DRD develops<br />

and records the plans for all software development activities.<br />

8 DISTRIBUTION: As determined by the Contractmg Officer.<br />

9. INITIAL SUBMISSION: per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

10 SUBMISSION FREQUENCY Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

11. REMARKS:<br />

The term 'software development' is meant to include new development,<br />

modification, reuse, reengineering, maintenance, and all other activities<br />

resulting in software products.<br />

The following document(s) may be used as guidance:<br />

CxP 70065, Constellation Program Computing System Requirements,<br />

Appendix C (Software Types by Classification Matrix)<br />

IEEE/EIA 12207.0-1996: Industry Implementation of International<br />

Standard ISO/IEC 12207: 1995, Standard for Informatl0n Technology -<br />

Software life cycle processes<br />

IEEE/EIA 12207.1-1997: Industry Implementation of International<br />

Standard ISO/IEC 12207; 1995, Standard for Information Technology -<br />

Software life cycle processes - Lifecycle data<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSHIP' Parent SOW Paragraph (s): 6.5.2.<br />

Referenced from SOW Paragraph(s): 6.5.3<br />

Related DRD(s): CEV-O-008, CEV-S-001,CEV-T-006<br />


13.1 SCOPE:<br />

The Software Development plan provides inslght into, and a tool for<br />

monitorlng, the processes to be followed for software development, the<br />

methods to be used, the approach to be followed for each activity, and<br />

project schedules, organizatlon, and resources. This plan details the<br />

system software, project documentation, project schedules, resources<br />

requirements and constraints, and general and detailed software<br />

development activities.<br />


NPR 7150.2: <strong>NASA</strong> Software Englneering Requirements (all shall<br />

statements/the compliance matrix only, excluding the software safety<br />

requiremen t)<br />

13.3 CONTENTS:<br />

In accordance wlth NPR 7150.2, <strong>NASA</strong> Software Engineerlng Requirements,<br />

and using IEEE/EIA 12207.1-1997 as guidance, the Software DevelopmentPlan<br />

shall conslst of seven volumes.<br />

Volume 0 Software Development Plan shall contain.<br />

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(a) Project organizational structure showing authority and responsibility<br />

of each organizational unit, including external organizations (i.e.,<br />

Safety and Mission Assurance, Independent Verification and Validation<br />

(IV&V)) .<br />

(b) Engineering environment (for development, operation or maintenance,<br />

as applicable), includ1ng test environment, library, equipment,<br />

facilities, standards, procedures, and tools.<br />

(c) Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) of the life cycle processes and<br />

activities, 1ncluding the software products, software services, and nondeliverable<br />

items to be performed. The WBS also includes budgets,<br />

staffing, physical resources, software size, and schedules associated<br />

with the tasks.<br />

(c) Management of safety, security, privacy, and other critical<br />

requirements of the software products or services.<br />

(d) Subcontractor management, including subcontractor selection and<br />

involvement between the subcontractor and the acquirer, if any.<br />

(e) Quality assurance.<br />

( f) RESERVED<br />

(g) Verification and validation, including the approach for interfacing<br />

with the independent verificat10n and validat10n agent.<br />

(h) Acquirer involvement.<br />

(i) User involvement.<br />

(j) Risk management.<br />

(k) Security policy.<br />

(1) Approval required by such means as regulations, required<br />

certifications, proprietary, usage, ownership, warranty and licensing<br />

rights.<br />

(m) Process for scheduling, tracking, and reporting.<br />

(n) Training of personnel.<br />

(0) Software life cycle model including description of development<br />

methodology and approach, software integration and hardware/software<br />

1ntegration processes, software delivery, and maintenance/regression<br />

testing.<br />

(p) Configurat10n management process of all software products, 1ncluding<br />

this document.<br />

(q) Software documentation tree.<br />

(r) Peer review/inspect10n/walkthrough process of all software work<br />

products.<br />

(s) Process for early identificat10n of testing requirements that drive<br />

software design decisions, e.g., special system level timing<br />

requirements/checkpoint restart.<br />

(t) Content of software documentation to be developed on the project.<br />

(u) Justification for reuse of exist1ng software, modification of<br />

existing software, and the development of new software. For reuse of<br />

exist1ng software, a map must be developed which shows the original<br />

requirements associated w1th the existing software matrixed against the<br />

CEV requ1rements to demonstrate that the reuse is appropr1ate.<br />

Volume 1 Software Process Improvement Plan (SPIP)<br />

The software process improvement plan describes the plan for performing<br />

continuous process improvement of the software development, configuration<br />

management, test and verification, build and release management, and<br />

maintenance processes used to produce, control and mainta1n the software<br />

products and artifacts.<br />

The Software Process Improvement plan shall contain:<br />

a. Purpose and scope of document volume<br />

b. Introduction/overview of software process improvement<br />

c. Relationsh1p to other software and project plans<br />

Volume 2 software Measurement Plan (SNP)<br />

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The software measurement plan defines the software measurements, or<br />

metrices, that will be collected and reported. The plan will also<br />

include the process used to collect software metrics and the relationship<br />

to software metrics collected by subcontractors.<br />

The Software Measurement Plan shall contain:<br />

a. Purpose and scope of document volume<br />

b. Introduction/overview of software metrics and collection process<br />

c. Relationshipt to other software and project plans<br />

d. Description of the software measurement process, goals and<br />

objectives, organization, roles and responsibilities, planning<br />

and collection activ1tes<br />

e. Description of the relationship of the software measurement plan<br />

to the project performance and measurement plan<br />

f. Description of software metrics to be collected, including (but<br />

not limited)<br />

i) Metric collection category<br />

ii) Metric name<br />

iii) Purpose/scope of metric<br />

1V) Collection frequency<br />

v) Collection method<br />

vi) Analysis cr1ter1a<br />

Volume 3 Software Development Plan Tailoring<br />

The software development plan tailoring describes the process tailor1ng<br />

that has been approved by CEV software management. It shall also<br />

descr1be any approved subcontractor ta1loring of the standard processes<br />

descr1bed in the Software Development or Configuration Management Plans.<br />

It shall also describe any NPR 7150.2 waivers approved by the <strong>NASA</strong><br />

Independent Technical Authority.<br />

The Software Development Plan Tailoring shall contain:<br />

a. Purpose and scope of document volume<br />

b. Introduction/overview of software reconfiguration process<br />

c Relationship to other software and project plans<br />

d Descript10n and guidelines for SDP tailoring<br />

e. Separate section for each project orgainizational unit or<br />

subcontractor providing SDP tailoring to include:<br />

i) Descr1pt1ons of each tailored process or product to the<br />

equ1valent level of detail contained in the SDP<br />

ii) List of all tools used that are not part of the standard<br />

software development tool chain as listed in the SDP<br />

1ii) List of all additional programming languages and<br />

associated programming language coding standards used<br />

Volume 4 Software Reconfiguration process Plan<br />

The software reconfiguration process plan provides a descr1ption of the<br />

plans to to collect, process, vaI1date/verify, and produce<br />

reconfiguration data products.<br />

The Software Reconfiguration Process plan shall contain:<br />

a. Purpose and scope of document volume<br />

b. Introduct10n/overview of software reconf1guration process<br />

c. Relat~onship to other software and project plans<br />

d. Descriptions of the follow1ng software reconfiguration process<br />

areas:<br />

i) Flight Software Mission reconfiguration<br />

i1) Ground Software Mission reconfiguration<br />

11i) Simulation software reconfiguration<br />

e. Description of the tools and support software developed used to<br />

produce the reconfiguration products for each of the above<br />

areas (d.)<br />

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f~ Description of the review process for reconfiguration products<br />

produced by each of the above areas (d.)<br />

Volume 5 Software Classification and NPR 7150.2 Mapping<br />

The Software Classification and NPR 7150.2 Mapping shall contain:<br />

a. Purpose and scope of the document<br />

b. Introduction/overview of NPR 7150.2 software class1fication<br />

activites and process mapping<br />

c. Relationship to other documents<br />

In accordance with NPR 7150.2, <strong>NASA</strong> Software Engineering Requirements the<br />

contractor shall<br />

d. Provide a table that lists the following:<br />

1) Classification all software developed or used by the<br />

project at a level that allows appropriate process rigor<br />

to be applied<br />

ii) Determ1nation of the safety criticality of the software<br />

(yes/no)<br />

iii) Assessment of the appropriate level of software<br />

assurance based on classifact10n and safety criticality<br />

e. Provide a set of tables that map the appropriate processes to<br />

each requirement in the NPR 7150.2 for each software<br />

classification level<br />

Provide add1tional tables, based on software classificat10n, for any<br />

approved tailoring or waivers from 7150.2 for a specific software<br />

classification level.<br />

CxP 70065, Constellation Program Computing System Requirements, Appendix<br />

C (Software Types by Classification Matrix) shall be used as guidance in<br />

prepar1ng the software classification sect10n of this volume.<br />

Volume 6 Software Build Plan<br />

The Software Build Plan shall contain:<br />

a Scope, includ1ng system identification, system overview, and<br />

relationship to other plans.<br />

b. ProJect organization structure showing authority and<br />

responsibility of each organization unit, including external<br />

organizations, and any organization unique to a software bU11d.<br />

c. Software bU11d planning process applied to all software builds.<br />

d. Mapping of software components (CSCI/CSC) to software builds.<br />

e. Traceability between software builds and the software requirements<br />

being implemented<br />

For each software build, the following contents shall be provided:<br />

f. a description of the software build.<br />

g. Assumptions and ground rules.<br />

h. Necessary process tailoring from the SDP or SCMP.<br />

i. An integrated software load schedule including major milestones,<br />

external dependencies, and customers who need the software load.<br />

j. A 11st of the software components in terms of CSCI/CSC<br />

incorporated in the software load, including flight software,<br />

ground software, simulation software, and data service software.<br />

k. A list of COTS/GaTS/MOTS incorporated into the software build.<br />

1. A description of the evolution of software components of the<br />

software load, including capability addltlon and deletlon for each<br />

software component, and software classification and criticality<br />

changes of software components.<br />

m Software load building instructions and procedures.<br />

n. A list of all Change Requests (CRs) , Software Problem Reports<br />

(SPRs) incorporated into the SW build.<br />

o. A list of deliverable products of the build, or a reference to the<br />

deliverable list. The deliverable products shall include the<br />

build software package and the associated documentation.<br />

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p. A description of the software build delivery mechanism and a<br />

descript~on of the maintenance of the software build prior to the<br />

next software build.<br />

q. Lessons learned.<br />

13.4 FORMAT: Electron~c format per Section J-2<br />

13.5 MAINTENANCE: Contractor-proposed changes to document shall be<br />

submitted to <strong>NASA</strong> for approval. Changes shall be ~dentified and complete<br />

re-issue of the document is required<br />

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Modification 65<br />


1.<br />

3.<br />


DATA TYPE: 2<br />

6 TITLE:CEV System Analysis Plan<br />

2<br />

4.<br />

5<br />

DRDNO.:<br />


PAGE'<br />

CEV-T-008<br />

May 2009<br />

1<br />


The purpose of th~s document is to describe the overall plan/approach the<br />

contractor shall ~mplement for completing all analyses and trade studies<br />

required for the development and delivery, as an end product, of the Crew<br />

Exploration Veh~cle (CEV) to <strong>NASA</strong>. The plan should be formulated based<br />

on Requ~rement Analysis Cycles (RACs) , Design Analysis Cycles (DACS), and<br />

Verification Analysis Cycles (VACs) that tie directly to major<br />

milestones, major events (e.g., verification tests), etc. of the CEV<br />

development/delivery. Note, this plan should ~nclude assessments for the<br />

operational use of the CEV, but does not ~nclude studies/updates to be<br />

completed after delivery of the CEV which will be addressed in another<br />

product.<br />

This plan is updated prior to each RAC/DAC/VAC and should serve as a<br />

single-source catalog of information to personnel performing the analyses<br />

and trade studies as a part of the upcoming analysis cycle, for <strong>NASA</strong><br />

personnel responsible for monitoring the contractor's activities, and for<br />

overall implementat~on of the CEV program<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION: As determ~ned by the Contract~ng Officer.<br />

9. INITIAL SUBMISSION' Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

10. SUBMISSION FREQUENCY· Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

11 REMARKS:<br />

Contractor may propose the use of task sheets or other formats inclusive<br />

to the plan.<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSHIP: Parent SOW Paragraph(s): 2.4<br />

Referenced from SOW Paragraph 6 1.6.2<br />


13 1 SCOPE.<br />

See 13.3 Contents below.<br />


13.3 CONTENTS'<br />

The minimum content for this plan is described below.<br />

1. A descrlptlon of the contractorls methodology for lmplementation of<br />

the overall CEV Master Analysis Plan and Schedule, to include issue<br />

resolution, change requests, etc.<br />

2. A descr~pt~on of the contractor's methodology for ensuring compliance<br />

w~th the overall CEV development/design requirements and schedule(s)<br />

3. The contractor's methodology to use this plan and its implementation<br />

to provide an understanding of the CEV performance as a part of an<br />

integrated vehicle system (e.g., CEV mated to CLV, CEV docked with the<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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ISS, etc.)<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

4. A description of the contractor's methodology for ensuring consistency<br />

among assessments, analyses and trade studies<br />

5 Clearly ident~fied roles and responsibilities between the contractor<br />

organization and <strong>NASA</strong> relat~ve to implement~ng the CEV Master Analysis<br />

Plan and Schedule, the supporting RACs, DACs, and VACs, etc. Note, this<br />

can include required reviews/concurrences of the plan and updates,<br />

required information exchange/dependencies, contractual obligations, etc.<br />

6. A description of the contractor's methodology for completion/closeout<br />

of all activit~es within an analysis cycle; note, may include planned<br />

presention(s), solicitation for comments/feedback, action item closures,<br />

final report(s), etc.<br />

The minimum content for each RAC/DAV/VAC update is described below.<br />

1. Identif~cation of the analyses to be completed, with an ~dentifier for<br />

each cycle (e.g., number, letter).<br />

2. For each RAC/DAC/VAC planned,<br />

(a) A listing and descr~ption of all analyses, assessments and trade<br />

studies to be completed as a part of this cycle. Note, the description<br />

may ~nclude the fidel~ty of the product to be prov~ded (e.g., draft,<br />

initial baseline, update).<br />

(b) A description or matrix of the interdependencies between the analyses<br />

etc. completed as a part of this cycle and/or other cycles.<br />

(c) A description of the configuration(s) assumed/to be utilized for the<br />

CEV for the analyses of this cycle. Note, this is meant to provide<br />

supporting information for the analyses and ensure the CEV is capable of<br />

performing in the planned operational scenarios.<br />

(d) A descr~pt~on of the common assumptions and input data for all<br />

personnel performing the analyses and trade studies to use as a part of<br />

th~s cycle, with rationale and/or the source for this information<br />

identified.<br />

(e) Any required matrices or other assessment tools to ensure the<br />

products for any cycle satisfy the requirements of the overall CEV<br />

program (e.g , matrix cross-referencing the analyses to the CEV<br />

verification plan) .<br />

(f) A list~ng of all products/deliverables required for this spec~fic<br />

cycle, including the proposed format for each or identification of a 'goby'<br />

as an example. Note, where possible the contractor should strive for<br />

s~mplicity and clarity in the delivered products (e.g., short analyses<br />

summaries and/or executive summaries with supporting data, internal<br />

documents available on request, use of web site or share area rather than<br />

paper distributions, etc.).<br />

(g) A matrix or description of which products are to be provided by the<br />

contractor versus <strong>NASA</strong> personnel, with rationale for the proposed<br />

approach. Note, this can include redundant assessments if required for<br />

verificat~on/validation of the contractor's products of the problem or<br />

objective that motivated the innovation's development.<br />

13.4 FORMAT: Electron~c format per Section J-2 2 3.2.1.<br />

13.5 MAINTENANCE: Contractor-proposed changes to document shall be<br />

submitted to <strong>NASA</strong> for approval. Updates to the plan that is baselined at<br />

SDR must be provided for each cycle, and the contractor must account for<br />

the time required for <strong>NASA</strong> review and approval in their outl~ned<br />

schedule.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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1.<br />

3.<br />


DATA TYPE: 3<br />

6. TITLE. System Performance Analysis Report<br />

2.<br />

4.<br />

5<br />

DRDNO ..<br />


PAGE:<br />

CEV-T-010<br />

May 2009<br />

1<br />


This deliverable is used to verify the integrated system performance of<br />

the CEV Spacecraft through analysis of the spacecraft requirements in the<br />

relevant design environments. This deliverable provides a summary of the<br />

findings for each analysis cycle, showing progress along the trade tree<br />

and giving key data backing up those flndings. This DRD is used to<br />

archive the rationale for decisions made in the project during each of<br />

these analysls cycles, and can be used to provide key decision summaries<br />

to project management.<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION. As determlned by the Contracting Officer.<br />

9 INITIAL SUBMISSION' Per Data ReqUlrements Matrix<br />

10. SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

11. REMARKS.<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSHIP: Parent sow Paragraph(s): 2.4.<br />

Referenced from sow Paragraph(s)' 2.7.1<br />


131 SCOPE:<br />

The System Performance Analysls Report will serve as an integration and<br />

analysis tool for determlning that the CEV System will meet its<br />

performance and operational requirements and for documenting the<br />

rationale on all analysis cycle decisions.<br />


13 3 CONTENTS.<br />

Each report shall include the following sections:<br />

(a) Executive Summary<br />

(b) Analysis Cycle Objectives<br />

(c) Analysis Cycle Requirements and Constraints<br />

(d) Inltializing Data References<br />

(e) Summary Results<br />

(f) Key Flndings/Recommendatlons.<br />

Summary Results shall lnclude integrated performance analysis of the<br />

following products:<br />

(a) Thermal analysis of the spacecraft including components and habitable<br />

volume to ensure adequate heat rejection capability and passive thermal<br />

control.<br />

(b) Power analysis to ldentify peak and average power for all scenarios.<br />

(c) Mass properties analysls for the spacecraft throughout all mission<br />

phases.<br />

(d) Aerodynamlc and aero thermal analysis.<br />

(e) Micrometeorold and orbital debrls lmpact/penetratlon analysis.<br />

(f) Communications coverage analysis.<br />

(g) Propulsion system analysls including propellant margins and on-orbit<br />

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maneuverability.<br />

(h) Guidance, navigation and control analysis including rendezvous,<br />

proximity operations, and mating.<br />

(i) Thermal analysls for safing upon landlng.<br />

(j) Delta-v budget for CEV<br />

(k) Deceleration/ landing system performance.<br />

(1) EMI/EMC analysis.<br />

(m) Descent trajectory analysis including any orbltal phasing to increase<br />

landing cross-range, heating, aerodynamic loads, stability, accelerations<br />

and safe disposal of expendable elements.<br />

(n) Attitude determination and navigation state accuracy analysis.<br />

(0) Radiation assessment for crew health and spacecraft performance.<br />

(p) CEV performance assessment when subjected to environments.<br />

(q) Thermal Protection System integrity.<br />

(r) Human factors assessment for all CEV crew operations including crew<br />

time estimation and habitability assessments.<br />

(s) Analyses of fllght and ground operational attributes to include a<br />

description of how the systems products serve the operators (e.g., flight<br />

crew, ground operations, and flight operations) .<br />

(t) Integrated abort performance assessment.<br />

(u) CEV computer resource estimation.<br />

(v) Internal volume allocatlon of the CEV cabin.<br />

(w) Consumable analysis including CEV spacecraft systems, food and<br />

drinking water.<br />

(x) Flammability, toxic off gassing and materials compatibility analysis.<br />

The summary results for each product of the System Performance Analysis<br />

Report shall address the following if applicable:<br />

(a) provide the detailed analysis of the lntegrated performance for all<br />

mission phases (including operations) of the CEV Spacecraft in the<br />

relevant design environments.<br />

(b) document analysis cycle and document the resulting key findings,<br />

performance metrics, and selectl0n recommendations, with rationale.<br />

(c) document in summary fashlon the trades conducted, recommended changes<br />

wlth associated rationale, and lnterface and interoperability issues and<br />

recommendat10ns.<br />

(d) evaluate operational sequences/scenarios which include utilization<br />

environments, measures of effectiveness (MOEs), and how the system<br />

producrs should be used.<br />

13.4 FORMAT: Electronic format per Section J-2 Requirements<br />

traceablllty (including decision support and requirements valldation<br />

data) must be maintained wlthin the requirements database.<br />

13.5 MAINTENANCE. Changes shall be ldentified and complete re-lssue of the<br />

document is required.<br />

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1<br />

3<br />


DATA TYPE. 1<br />

6. TITLE: Master Verifl.cat~on plan (MVP)<br />

2.<br />

4.<br />

5.<br />

DRDNO.:<br />


PAGE:<br />

CEV-T-015<br />

May 2009<br />

1<br />


The MVP documents the ver~fication planning and ~mplementation activities<br />

that will provide evidence that the CEV System meets the identified<br />

system, module, subsystem, and component requirements.<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION: As determined by the Contracting Officer.<br />

9 INITIAL SUBMISSION: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

10. SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matnx<br />

11. REMARKS:<br />

The following applicable documents: CXP-70135 applies to the<br />

static/strength test plan and dynamic test plan volumes only.<br />

The follow~ng document(s) may be used as guidance:<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-HDBK-7005: Dynamic Environmental Criter~a<br />

• CXP-70008: Constellation Program Master Integration and Verification<br />

plan<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSHIP: parent sow Paragraph(s): 2.1.7.<br />

Referenced from SOW Paragraph(s): 6.1.4, 6.2, 6.2.1, 6.2.6, 6.2.7<br />

Related DRD(s): CEV-T-052, CEV-T-031<br />

CXP-72097: Crew Exploration Vehicle Master Verification Plan<br />


131 SCOPE:<br />

The Master Verif~cation plan shall discuss all disciplines and activities<br />

required for the verification of deliverable hardware and software. The<br />

Master Verification plan provides a thorough description of the approach<br />

and structure for implementing the verificat~on program, as well as<br />

detailed descriptions of the planned verification act~v~ties for each<br />

requirement.<br />


CXP-72097: Crew Exploration Vehicle Master Ver~fication plan<br />

CXP-70135: Constellation Program Structural Design And Ver~fication<br />

Requirements<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-5017: Des~gn and Development Requirements for Mechanisms,<br />

Sections 1-4<br />

13.3 CONTENTS'<br />

The Master Verification plan shall comply with the CEV Master<br />

Verif~cation plan (CXP-72097). This plan shall define the verificat~on<br />

planning and implementation activities that provide evidence that the<br />

system waS bu~lt to meet design and performance requ~rements. Component,<br />

subsystem, module, and system testing shall be planned as an integrated<br />

program; i e., test plans for an individual element shall be tailored to<br />

that element's operational requirements, consider~ng all testing to be<br />

performed from development through System acceptance testing and<br />

integrated test~ng. These plans shall be subject to <strong>NASA</strong> approval and be<br />

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configuration controlled in accordance with DRO CEV-M-003, Configuration<br />

Management Plan and Reports.<br />

The Master Verification Plan shall define the verification and<br />

cert1fication process for the design, functional, interface and specialty<br />

engineering requirements for CEV hardware and software at the end-to-end<br />

system, subsystem assembly and component levels including interface<br />

requirements with other Constellation systems and equipment.<br />

The verification program shall include the tests, demonstrations,<br />

analyses, and 1nspections requ1red to meet Critical Items List (CIL)<br />

retention rationale and to control hazards.<br />

The Master Verification Plan shall be organized to include system-level<br />

and subsystem-level verification discussions, to facilitate its<br />

distribution and review. Addit1onally, for each subsystem, a detailed<br />

overview of verification object1ves, scope and extent of associated<br />

verification activities, including the verification configuration and its<br />

relationship to the flight configurat1on, will be defined at the module,<br />

integrated subsystem, subsystem assembly, and major components levels.<br />

The Master Verification Plan shall include verification requirements that<br />

are specific to performance and operational parameters. These<br />

Verification requirements w111 be satisfied using the methods of test,<br />

analysis, inspection or demonstrat1on for compliance.<br />

In addition to demonstration, analysis and inspect10n, the Master<br />

Verificat10n plan shall address the following types of testing: (1)<br />

Ground Tests, (2) Flight Tests, (3) Development Tests, (4) Component<br />

Tests, (5) Functional Tests, (6) Integration Tests, (7) Hardware-in-theloop<br />

(HWIL) Tests, (8) Software-1n-the-Ioop (SIL) Tests, (9) Human-inthe-loop<br />

Tests, (10) Nonoperating Environment Tests, (11) Operating<br />

Conditions & Environment Tests, (12) Acceptance Tests, and (13)<br />

Qualification Tests<br />

The Master Verification Plan shall include:<br />

1. Overview of the Project's verification program (i.e.,<br />

qualif1cation/acceptance vs. protoflight, verification of spares,<br />

refurb1shrnent/reverificat1on/recertificat1on plans) .<br />

2. Description of the Project's organizational structure for implementing<br />

the ver1f1cation program (1.e., organizat1on's involved in component vs.<br />

system tests, review and signoff authority for compliance data) .<br />

3. Verification matrix that clearly documents the verification method or<br />

methods employed for each System level requirement and each allocated<br />

requirement. For each major test (i.e. formal verification, acceptance<br />

article, etc.), a test plan shall be subm1tted to <strong>NASA</strong> for approval and<br />

final signature authority. Test objectives shall be planned to verify<br />

compl1ance with the design and specif1ed requirements involved, including<br />

interfaces.<br />

4. For each ver1fication act1v1ty identified 1n the verification matrix,<br />

a detailed description of the activity including the verification<br />

configuration and its relat10nship to the flight configuration as well as<br />

the associated prerequisites, constraints, object1ves, procedures,<br />

relevant environmental conditions, pass/fail cr1teria, and analysis<br />

models, if applicable. Verification requirements shall be individually<br />

defined for each component or assembly consider1ng 1ts function,<br />

complexity, redundancy, design, and maintenance requirements.<br />

5. Acceptance tests ground-rules that assure Acceptance Test Procedures<br />

(ATPs) will demonstrate conformance to specificat10n requirements and<br />

provide quality control assurance against workmanship or material<br />

deficienc1es<br />

6. Ground-rules assur1ng qualificat10n test (or demonstration) hardware<br />

and software test articles shall be of the same configuration and<br />

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manufacturer, and be manufactured under the same production processes as<br />

the flight hardware and software, unless variances are approved formally<br />

by the contractors and <strong>NASA</strong> and adequately documented according to the<br />

test article supplier's established configuration management procedures.<br />

(a) Identlficatlon of selected software verification procedures and<br />

criteria across the I1fe cycle (e.g., peer review procedures, inspection<br />

procedures, re-inspection criteria, testlng procedures) .<br />

(b) Identification of selected software work products to be verified<br />

(e.g., peer reviews of requirements and test plans, peer<br />

reviews/inspections of critical code, testlng code against requirements<br />

and design)<br />

(c) Description of software verlfication environments that are to be<br />

established for the proJect (e.g., software testing environment, system<br />

testing environment, regression testing envlronment) .<br />

(d) Identiflcation of where the actual software verification records and<br />

analysis of the results will be documented (e.g., test records, peer<br />

review records, inspectl0n records), and where software verification<br />

corrective actl0n wll1 be documented.<br />

7. Qualification re-veriflcatlon analysis shall be requlred when any of<br />

the following occur.<br />

(a) Design or manufacturing process changes have been made which affect<br />

function or reliability.<br />

(b) Inspection, test, mission change, or other data indicate that a more<br />

severe environment or operating condltion exists than that to which the<br />

hardware/software was originally qualified.<br />

(c) Changes are made ln procurement source.<br />

(d) Changes are made ln specification, manufacturlng processes or<br />

procurement sources for fluids or other materials used in processing or<br />

operating the hardware/software<br />

(e) Software changes occur that affect requirements or fllght software<br />

capabilities.<br />

(f) Based on the results of the analyses, re-verification type and scope<br />

shall be subject to government approval.<br />

8. Retest for those activltles in the Acceptance Phase will be required<br />

when any of the following occur:<br />

(a) A previously mated and verifled interface has been de-mated<br />

(b) Modificatl0n, repair, replacement, or rework occurs after inspection<br />

or testing.<br />

(c) The article or material is subJect to drift or degradation during<br />

storage or handling.<br />

(d) Software changes occur that affect requirements or flight software<br />

capabllitles.<br />

Based on the results of the analyses, re-verification type and scope<br />

shall be subject to government approval.<br />

9. Functional compliance matrix that identifies all safety-critical<br />

functions and provides detailed descrlptl0ns of the associated<br />

verification methods(s) for each safety-critical function including the<br />

verification configuratl0n and its relationshlp to the flight<br />

configurat1on, as well as the associated prerequisites, constraints,<br />

objectlves, procedures, relevant environmental conditlons, pass/fail<br />

criteria, and analysis models, if applicable.<br />

10. A fault-tolerance dlagram or matrix that demonstrates the design and<br />

functional compllance of the CEV System wlth the fault-tolerance<br />

requirements decomposed through the system, module I subsystem, and<br />

component levels.<br />

11. Detalled time-correlated sequence of verification activities.<br />

12. Description, planned usage, and certification plans of the support<br />

equipment, software, faclilties, and tools necessary to execute the<br />

system verification actlvlties.<br />

13. Identification of the resources required to perform the required<br />

verification actlvities as well as resource owners and/or provlders.<br />

These resources (e.g., facilities, software, simulators) lnclude those<br />

that do not currently exist or existing resources that need to be<br />

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upgraded.<br />

14. Certification plans for ground systems (reference SOW section 9).<br />

A Structural Verif1cation plan (SVP)shall be included as an additional<br />

volume of the Master Verif1cation plan. The SVP shall:<br />

1. Include a requirements applicability matrix that identifies which<br />

paragraphs in section 3.0 of CXP-70l35 are applicable to the system or<br />

hardware being delivered.<br />

2. Identify the the methods of structural ver1fication for each hardware<br />

element.<br />

3. Identify the methods of verificat10n for the structural and dynamic<br />

math models.<br />

4. Identify the proposed development, qualification and acceptance<br />

tests.<br />

The SVP shall 1nclude information for the following special tests:<br />

static/strength test plan and dynamic test plan.<br />

The following information shall be included in the static/strength test<br />

plan port10n of the SVP:<br />

1. Description and sketches of the structure.<br />

2. Identification of mater1als that are used, material allowables which<br />

will be used for strength analysis, and a description of manufacturing<br />

processes that are used.<br />

3. Comparison of the test article, including boundary conditions, to the<br />

flight article. Explain and provide justification as to why any<br />

differences are acceptable for stat1c testing.<br />

4. D1SCUSS the derivation of the static test loads and their comparison<br />

to the design/flight loads.<br />

5. Description and sketches of test setup, includ1ng load application<br />

techniques, load magnitudes and locations, instrumentation layout, and<br />

data recording system.<br />

6. Provide the pretest analysis for deflections, internal loads and<br />

stresses of the test configurat10n to predict critical deflections, and<br />

stress regions for test measurement locations.<br />

7. Planned correlation analys1s to verify the stat1c math model.<br />

8. Describe plans for vehicle handling and transportation.<br />

9. Description of special materials (i.e., composites, beryllium, and<br />

glass) and the correspond1ng measures which w1ll be taken to verify their<br />

strength and reliability.<br />

The following information shall be included 1n the dynamic test plan<br />

portion of the SVP:<br />

1. Description of test article in relat10n to the flight article.<br />

Include a summary of dummy masses that will not be included in test and<br />

components that will not be 1ncluded in test.<br />

2. Comparison of test and flight article mass properties.<br />

3. Descript10n and sketches of test setup includ1ng:<br />

(a) Description and sketches of the instrumentation location on the test<br />

article and test f1xture.<br />

(b) Description of and rationale for selection of excitation method,<br />

levels, and applicat10n points.<br />

4. Description of test article boundary conditions:<br />

(a) For the test article support structure, provide evidence that the<br />

support structure does not participate 1n the test frequency range.<br />

Otherwise, descr1be how a 'test verif1ed' model of the support structure<br />

w111 be obtained, as well as how it will be instrumented during testing.<br />

(b) For 'free-free' test, describe how the interface modes will be<br />

ver1fied. Describe the suspension system and predicted suspension modes.<br />

5. Summary of steps which will be taken to investigate linearity.<br />

6. Derivation of test specimen math model which will be used for<br />

correlation analys1s.<br />

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7. Summary of pretest analysis and results including:<br />

(a) Identification of the target modes and the rationale for their<br />

selection.<br />

(b) Description and plots of the target mode shapes.<br />

(c) Assessment of the test fixture/test article interaction including<br />

work done in correlat1ng the test fixture itself.<br />

(d) comparison of the test article modes installed 1n the test fixture<br />

with the flight article modes.<br />

(e) Evaluation of the instrumentat10n locations including a comparison of<br />

the full model modes to the modes from the model reduced to the<br />

instrumentation locations (cross-orthogonality comparison) .<br />

8. Description of the planned correlation analysis.<br />

9. Describe plans for veh1cle handling and transportation.<br />

A Mechanical Systems verification Plan (MSVP) shall be included as an<br />

additional volume of the Master Verification Plan. The MSVP shall<br />

identify the inspect10n, analyses and tests that will be performed to<br />

meet the requ1rements of Sections 1 through 4 of <strong>NASA</strong>-STD-5017.<br />

134 FORMAT. Electronic format per Section J-2<br />

13.5 MAINTENANCE: Contractor-proposed changes to document shall be<br />

subm1tted to <strong>NASA</strong> for approval Only volumes with content changes require<br />

a complete re-issue. If utilized, appendices with content changes<br />

require a complete re-issue.<br />

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1<br />

3.<br />

6<br />

7.<br />

PROGRAM: CEV 2. DRDNO.: CEV-T-016<br />

DATA TYPE: 2 4. DATE REVISED: May 2009<br />

5. PAGE 1<br />

TITLE: Certification Plans<br />


TO document the plans for certifying the capability of fl~ght hardware<br />

and software Each cert~f~cation plan describes the work to be performed<br />

to create the certified capability baseline for the flight hardware or<br />

software it addresses.<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION: As determined by the Contracting Officer<br />

9 INITIAL SUBMISSION: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

10. SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

11. REMARKS:<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSHIP. Parent sow Paragraph(s): 10.2.1, 10.2.2.<br />

Referenced from sow Paragraphs: 2.7.2<br />

Related DRD(s): CEV-T-017, CEV-T-018<br />


13.1 SCOPE.<br />

A Certification Plan prov~des the detailed description of flight hardware<br />

or software certificat~on requirements, work plans, source and product<br />

documentation, and data to be supplied for establishing an as-certified<br />

baseline and informing subsequent integrat~on, operation, and problem<br />

resolution activit~es.<br />


Cxp-72097 : Crew Exploration Vehicle Master Verification Plan<br />

13 3 CONTENTS'<br />

A Certification Plan shall include the following:<br />

a. A descr~ption of the flight hardware or software covered by the plan.<br />

For assemblies, include a list of items integrated into the assembly<br />

which are individually certified.<br />

b. A description of the character~stics, capab~l~ties, and limits that<br />

will be addressed in the certification record(s) produced in accordance<br />

with the plan.<br />

c. A discussion, reference, and example of requirements and standards<br />

(including verificat~on matrix) that will be fully or partially verif~ed<br />

using the plan.<br />

d. A discuss~on, reference, and example of detailed requirements for<br />

tests, analyses, etc., that will be performed to verify the design's<br />

compliance with spec~fications, qualify the design for ~ts intended<br />

purpose, and create the certification records needed to baseline the<br />

certified capabilities and limits of the flight hardware or software.<br />

e. A discussion, reference t and example of accessible, verS1oncontrolled,<br />

engineering data or reports used to derive, define, or<br />

predict the detailed funct~ons, performance ranges, service (nonoperating,<br />

operating, and test) environments and operating behaviors of<br />

the design that will be certified by the plan.<br />

f. A discussion, reference, and example of test articles, support<br />

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equipment, software, facilities, or models to be used.<br />

g. A discussion, reference, and example of safety and quality provisions<br />

applied in the plan.<br />

h. An undated Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) schedule<br />

for implementing the plan identifying the critical path and any<br />

prerequisites, constraints or dependencies in the plan.<br />

13.4 FORMAT: Electronic format per Section J -2 2.3 2.1.<br />

13 5 MAINTENANCE: Changes shall be incorporated by change page or complete<br />

reissue.<br />

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1.<br />

3.<br />

6<br />

PROGRAM' CEV 2.<br />

DATA TYPE. 1/3 (Type 1 for Spacecraft, 4.<br />

Module and Subsystem, Type 3 for 5.<br />

Components)<br />

TITLE: Certification Data Package<br />

DRDNO.:<br />


PAGE:<br />

CEV-T-017<br />

May 2009<br />

1<br />


To provide the ev~dence and audit trail required by <strong>NASA</strong> to establish an<br />

as-certified baseline for the CEV and it's components, and to confirm<br />

that verification act~vities indicate all requirements were met.<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION: As determined by the Contracting Officer.<br />

9. INITIAL SUBMISSION. Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

10. SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

11. REMARKS:<br />

Certification data are produced in accordance w~th the certification<br />

plans to create a record of qualification and integration activities that<br />

together create a certified capability description.<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSHIP. Parent sow Paragraph(s)' 10.2.1, 10.2.2.<br />

Referenced from sow Paragraph(s): 2.6, 2.6.1, 6.1.5, 6.2.5, 6.4.5, 6.5.4,<br />

10.3.1<br />

Related DRD(s). CEV-T-016, CEV-T-018<br />


13.1 SCOPE:<br />

The Certification Data Package contains the elements of documentation<br />

required to establish that all requirements have been met by the<br />

integrated systems, hardware, and/or software.<br />


13 3 CONTENTS'<br />

A Certification Data Package shall contain the following:<br />

1. Current version of the spacecraft system, module, subsystem, or<br />

component requ~rements document for the integrated system, hardware, or<br />

software that is be~ng certified.<br />

2. Current version of the certification plan for the spacecraft system,<br />

module, subsystem, or component.<br />

3. Verificat~on compliance report I including the verification matrix<br />

mapped to all verif~cation data. This report shall include:<br />

(a) Qualificat~on report, includ~ng test, analys~s, inspection, and<br />

demonstration reports.<br />

(b) Acceptance report for the qualification unit or the first flight<br />

unit.<br />

(c) Summary of and references to Failure Mode and Effects Analysis<br />

(FMEA) , hazard analysis and controls reports, and Critical Items List<br />

(CIL) rationale for retent~on, including residual risk ~nformation.<br />

(d) List of approved operational controls.<br />

(e) Ver~f~cation track~ng log.<br />

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4. A certification data summary, whlch contains the following·<br />

(a) Englneering drawings<br />

(b) Operational informatlon and relevant documentation<br />

(c) Materials information<br />

(d) Electrical informatlon<br />

(e) Electromagnetlc compatibility informatlon<br />

(f) EEE parts informatlon<br />

(g) Natural and induced environment reports<br />

(h) Software/flrmware Version Descriptlon Document (VDD)<br />

5. Manufacturing and acceptance testing standards, procedures and<br />

processes now qualified<br />

6. Wa1vers, deviations, non-conformance reports and problem closure<br />

reports<br />

7. Limits on run time, ldle time, age, cycle, or storage shelf life<br />

13.4 FORMAT: Electronic format per Section J-2<br />

13.5 MAINTENANCE: Contractor-proposed changes to this document shall be<br />

submitted to <strong>NASA</strong> for approval. Changes to the Certification Data<br />

Package shall be made with a Certification Approval Request detailing the<br />

portions of the current version that is ammended, revised, or replaced<br />

with new certlflcation data.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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1.<br />

3<br />


DATA TYPE: 1<br />

6. TITLE: Certification Approval Request<br />

2 DRDNO.:<br />


5 PAGE:<br />

CEV-T-018<br />

May 2009<br />

1<br />


A request for <strong>NASA</strong> approval of the certification records that establish,<br />

amend, revise, or replace the cert~fied capability baseline for flight<br />

hardware and software.<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION' As determined by the Contract~ng Officer<br />

9. INITIAL SUBMISSION' Per Data Requirements Matnx<br />

10 SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

11 REMARKS:<br />

A Certif1cation Approval Request (CAR) 1S delivered in support of design<br />

certification m1lestone.<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSHIP Parent sow Paragraph(s): 10.2.1, 10.2.2.<br />

Related DRD(s): CEV-T-016, CEV-T-017<br />


13.1 SCOPE:<br />

A CAR may cover one or more flight hardware and software items at the<br />

levels of assembly covered by the certified capability baseline<br />

description and the supporting certification records delivered in<br />

accordance with CEV-T-017<br />


13.3 CONTENTS:<br />

A CAR provides a request for <strong>NASA</strong> approval of the certified capability<br />

baseline - the detailed description and recognized definition of<br />

equipment capab1l1ties, limits, and constraints for the purposes of<br />

establishing flight rules/crew procedures, documenting and resolving nonconformances,<br />

and susta1ning equipment design. Qualification marg1ns are<br />

not be intruded upon by production hardware in service and should not be<br />

reflected by the certified basel1ne.capability.<br />

A CAR shall 1nclude:<br />

1. A definition of the flight hardware and software covered by the<br />

request, including<br />

a. Supplier<br />

b. Part numbers<br />

c. Drawing references<br />

d. Used-on location(s) (next higher assemblies)<br />

2. Reference to a detailed descr1pt10n of the performance capabilities,<br />

behaviors, limits and constra1nts being certified, including<br />

a. Operational signatures.<br />

b. Order of operations requirements.<br />

c. Limits on operating time, cycles, age or shelf life.<br />

Capabilities, llm1ts, behaviors, etc. shall be expressed in terms<br />

of measurable, observable indications ava1lable to operators and data<br />

evaluators.<br />

3. A list of the Certification Data Packages (CEV-T-017) supporting the<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

CAR<br />

4. Reference to the Certlfication Plan(s) implemented for this<br />

certification<br />

13.4 FORMAT. Electronic format per Section J-2<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

13.5 MAINTENANCE: Changes shall be incorporated by submittal of a "delta"<br />

certification approval request in accordance with thls DRD.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Modification 65<br />

1.<br />

3<br />


DATA TYPE. 2<br />


2.<br />

4.<br />

5.<br />

DRDNO.:<br />


PAGE'<br />

CEV-T-019<br />

May 2009<br />

1<br />

6. TITLE: Materials and Processes Selection, Implementation, and Control<br />

plan<br />


Each organization respons~ble for the design and fabr~cation of<br />

spacecraft flight hardware shall provide a Materials and Processes<br />

Selection, Control, and Implementation plan. This plan shall document the<br />

degree of conformance and method of implementation for each requirement<br />

in <strong>NASA</strong>-STD-(I)-6016 Standard Materials And Processes Requirements For<br />

spacecraft, identifying appl~cable specifications used to comply with the<br />

requirement. It shall also describe the methods used to control<br />

compliance with these requirements by subcontractors and vendors.<br />

The Materials and Processes Selection, Control, and Implementation Plan,<br />

upon approval by the procuring activity shall become the Materials and<br />

Processes ~mplementation document used for verification.<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION: As determined by the Contractmg Officer.<br />

9. INITIAL SUBMISSION: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

10. SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requuements Matrix<br />

11. REMARKS:<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSHIP: Parent sow Paragraph(s):<br />

Related DRD(s): CEV-S-001, CEV-T-020, CEV-T-021, CEV-T-022, CEV-T-023<br />


13.1 SCOPE.<br />

The Materials and Processes Selection, Implementat~on, and Control Plan<br />

defines the objectives, procedures, log~c, reporting, and management<br />

controls for materials and processes selection, implementation,<br />

verification, and control for use in the product~on of space flight<br />

hardware, support hardware, and associated ground support equipment. In<br />

addition, this plan shall be used to tailor the requirements identified<br />

in <strong>NASA</strong>-STD-(I)-6016.<br />


<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-(I)-6016: Standard Mater~als<br />

Spacecraft<br />

And Processes Requirements For<br />

13.3 CONTENTS:<br />

The plan shall describe the hardware developer's act~v~ties involved in<br />

the identificat~on, evaluation, documentation, and reporting of materials<br />

and processes usage in space fl~ght hardware, support hardware and ground<br />

support equipment. The necessary interfaces with procuring activity in<br />

the operation of this plan shall be defined. The method for materials<br />

control and verification of subcontractors and vendors shall be included<br />

in the hardware developer's plan. As a minimum and as applicable, the<br />

plan shall address the following:<br />

1. Conformance - The plan shall address each applicable paragraph of<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-(I)-6016 and describe the method of implementation and<br />

degree of conformance for each applicable requirement. If<br />

tailoring of the requirements is planned or necessary, the<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

alternate approaches to <strong>NASA</strong>-STD-(I)-6016 may be submitted in this<br />

plan, which meet or exceed the stated requirements. This tailoring<br />

approach will allow for <strong>NASA</strong> approval of alternate requirements.<br />

2. Hardware Developer's Organization - Authority shall be assigned to<br />

an individual or group who shall be responsible for review and<br />

approval of all M&P specified prior to release of engineering<br />

documentatl.on.<br />

3. Materials and Processes Identification - Identification and<br />

documentation of the M&P used, both in the original design and in<br />

any changes shall be contained in the Material & Process<br />

Identification and Usage List DRD (CEV-T-022).<br />

4. Testing - Logic, procedures and data documentation for any<br />

proposed test program to support the certl.fication of<br />

materials/processes for use in spaceflight hardware shall require<br />

prior <strong>NASA</strong> approval.<br />

5. Material Usage Agreement (MUA) Procedures - Logic, procedures and<br />

documentatl.on l.nvolved l.n documentl.ng and approving<br />

materials/processes as indicated in <strong>NASA</strong>-STD-(I)-6016 shall be<br />

defined, including those that do not meet the established<br />

requl.rements, but are proposed for use due to lack of replacement<br />

materials/processes or other considerations. MUA shall be<br />

contained in the Materials Usage Agreement DRD (CEV-T-020)<br />

6. Material Design Properties - The plan shall contain the philosophy<br />

describing how material properties will be determined, and if<br />

those properties do not exist, how the material properties will be<br />

developed including, but not limited to the statistical approaches<br />

to be employed.<br />

7. Process Controls - The plan shall identify all process<br />

specificatl.ons used to l.mplement specl.fic requirements in <strong>NASA</strong>­<br />

STD-(I)-6016. All materials processes used in manufacturing shall<br />

be documented in process specificatl.ons and all applicable process<br />

specifications shall be identified on the engineering drawing.<br />

Each processing step l.n the process specification shall be<br />

identified in a level of detail that ensures the process is<br />

repeatable.<br />

13.4 FORMAT. Electronic format per Sectl.on J-2 For each paragraph<br />

in sections 4 and 5 of <strong>NASA</strong>-STD-(I)-6016, the plan shall state the<br />

requirement from <strong>NASA</strong>-STD-(I)-6016, identify the degree of conformance<br />

under the subheading "Degree of Conformance," and identify the method of<br />

implementatl.on under the subheading "Method of Implementation."<br />

13.5 MAINTENANCE: Contractor-proposed changes to document shall be<br />

submitted to <strong>NASA</strong> for approval. Complete re-issue of the document is<br />

required.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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1.1.<br />

3<br />


DATA TYPE: 1 (Category I and II MUM)<br />

2 (Category III MUAs)<br />

6. TITLE: Materials Usage Agreements (MUA)<br />

2. DRDNO.: CEV-T-020<br />

4. DATE REVISED: May 2009<br />

5. PAGE. 1<br />


MUAs shall be submitted for all mater~als and processes that are<br />

technically acceptable but do not meet the technical requirements of<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-(I)-6016, as ~mplemented by the approved Materials and Processes<br />

Selection, Implementation, and Control Plan (DRD CEV-T-019) . [The use of<br />

materials and processes that do not comply with the technical<br />

requirements of th~s standard may be technically acceptable if hardware<br />

rel~ab~lity and vehicle safety are not affected 1<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION: As determined by the Contracting Officer.<br />

9 INITIAL SUBMISSION Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

10. SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

11 REMARKS.<br />

The DRD type ~s dependent on the nature of the MUA being submitted. For<br />

Category I and II MUAs the type shall be 1. For Category III MUAs the<br />

type shall be 2.<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSIDP. Parent sow Paragraph (s): 2.8.4<br />

Related DRD(s): CEV-T-019, CEV-T-022<br />


13.1 SCOPE:<br />

MUAs shall be submitted as described below.<br />

Category I MUAs - Category I MUAs are those that involve<br />

material/processes usage that could affect the safety of the mission,<br />

crew, or vehicle or affect the mission success, but must be used for<br />

funct~onal reasons. Approval by the respons~ble <strong>NASA</strong> Materials and<br />

Processes organization and the <strong>NASA</strong> Program/Project Office shall be<br />

required.<br />

Category II MUAs - Category II MUAs are those that involve<br />

material/processes usage that fa~ls a screening of Material and Processes<br />

requirements and is not cons~dered a hazard in ~ts use application but<br />

for which no Category III rationale code exists. Approval by the<br />

responsible <strong>NASA</strong> Materials and Processes organization shall be required.<br />

Category III MUAs - Category III MUAs are those that involve materials or<br />

processes that have not been shown to meet these requirements but have an<br />

approved rationale code listed in Append~x B of <strong>NASA</strong>-STD-(I)-6016. They<br />

are evaluated and determined to be acceptable at the configuration/part<br />

level. Category III MUAs shall be reported in the Materials<br />

Identification and Usage List (MIUL, DRD CEV-T-022) system or electronic<br />

data system utilizing the approved rationale codes in Appendix B. A key<br />

may be provided to correlate contractor Category III MUA database codes<br />

to the codes in Appendix B No MUA form is submitted.<br />

MUAs shall be revised and resubmitted whenever design modifications<br />

affect the part numbers ~dentified on the MUA or the MUA rationale.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />


- <strong>NASA</strong>-STD-(I)-6016: Standard Materials And Processes Requirements For<br />

Spacecraft (and assoc~ated Children documents as specified in<br />

Attachment J-3, Applicable, Guidance, and Informational Documents<br />

List)<br />

- MSFC-STD-3029: Guidelines for the Selection of Metallic Materials for<br />

Stress Corrosion Cracking Resistance in Sodium Chloride Environments<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-(I)-5019: Fracture Control Requirements For Spaceflight<br />

Hardware<br />

13 3 CONTENTS'<br />

The MUA package shall include all technical information required to<br />

justify the application. MUAs for stress corrosion shall include a<br />

Stress Corrosion Crack~ng Evaluation Form per MSFC-STD-3029 (see <strong>NASA</strong>­<br />

STD-(I)-6016) and a stress analysis.<br />

13 4 FORMAT. Electronic format per Sect~on J -2 A sample MUA form is<br />

provided in <strong>NASA</strong>-STD-(I)-6016; however, contractor format is acceptable.<br />

The complete MUA package shall be provided in Adobe PDF searchable<br />

format; the MUA data shall also be provided in a format that is<br />

compatible with the <strong>NASA</strong> Materials and Processes Technical Information<br />

System (MAPTIS) database. The MUA data shall be delivered to ICE in<br />

accordance w~th Append~x 2.<br />

13.5 MAINTENANCE· Contractor updates to the Category I and Category II MUAs<br />

shall be submitted to <strong>NASA</strong> for approval. Complete re-issue of the MUA is<br />

required<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

CEV -T -020 Page 2 of 2

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong> Attachment J-2<br />

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Modification 65<br />


1.<br />

3.<br />


DATA TYPE: 2<br />

6. TITLE. Contaminatl.On Control plan (CCP)<br />

2.<br />

4<br />

5<br />

DRDNO.:<br />


PAGE:<br />

CEV-T-021<br />

May 2009<br />

1<br />


The contaminat10n control plan defines implementation measures to control<br />

contaminat1on of flight hardware/GSE and fluid systems during<br />

manufacturing, assembly, test, transportation, launch site processing,<br />

during the mission and post-flight refurbishment.<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION. As determined by the Contracting Officer.<br />

9. INITIAL SUBMISSION: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

10. SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

11. REMARKS.<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSHIP: Parent sow Paragraph(s): 2.8, 2.8.4.<br />

Related DRD(s): CEV-S-001, CEV-T-019<br />


131 SCOPE:<br />

The contamination control plan shall be generated in accordance with the<br />

CxP 70145 using the guidelines of ASTM E1548, Standard Practice for<br />

Preparation of Aerospace Contam1nation Control Plans (as specified by<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-(I)-6016) and shall include:<br />

a. A Foreign Object Debr1s (FaD) control plan to prevent damage to<br />

flight hardware/GSE and injury to the flight and ground crews by FaD<br />

during manufacture, assembly, test, transportation, launch site<br />

processing, operation, repair, modification, refurbishment and<br />

maintenance. The FaD prevention program shall conform to NAS 412, Foreign<br />

Object Damage/ Foreign Object Debris (FaD) Prevention, as specified by<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-(I)-6016.<br />

b Definition of cleanliness level acceptance limits and verif1cation<br />

methods for fluid systems, for general CEV fl1ght hardware and GSE,<br />

internal and external surfaces, and airborne particulate. The plan shall<br />

also contain a 11st identifying all system fluids, together with the<br />

fluid specificat10ns (for procurement or custom mixing) and the required<br />

cleanliness levels for the fluid system. Gases are included under fluid<br />

systems.<br />

c. The contamination control plan shall also comply with the requirements<br />

in CxP 70145. Although it is the responsibility of the contractor to<br />

identify requ1red hardware cleanl1ness levels, cleanl1ness level<br />

definitions shall be consistent with CxP 70145 (i.e., visual and<br />

precision cleanliness levels shall be selected from the levels defined in<br />

CxP 70145).<br />


<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-(I)-6016: Standard Materials And Processes Requirements For<br />

Spacecraft<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

ASTM E1548, standard Practice for Preparation of Aerospace<br />

Contamination Control Plans (Informational)<br />

NAS 412: Foreign Object Damage/ Foreign Object Debris (FOD)Prevention<br />

CxP 70145, Constellation Program Contamination Control Requirements<br />

13.3 CONTENTS'<br />

The CCP shall include:<br />

1. The FOD control plan.<br />

The FOD Control plan shall address the following elements:<br />

(a) Identification of probable FOD sources<br />

(b) Early design cons~derations for FOD prevention, resistance to damage,<br />

foreign object entrapment, etc<br />

(c) Manufacturing plann~ng for minimizing FOD generation and cleaning up<br />

whatever FOD is generated.<br />

(d) FOD control methods.<br />

(e) FOD Awareness and Prevent~on Training.<br />

(f) Metrics - Measuring techniques for analysis, trending, and feedback.<br />

(g) Incident investigation/reporting, 'lessons learned.'<br />

(h) Awareness/Employee Feedback.<br />

(i) Updates to plan based on results of Metric and lessons learned.<br />

2. Cleanliness level acceptance lim~ts definition and verification<br />

methods.<br />

The document shall define cleanliness level acceptance limits and<br />

ver~fication methods for fluid systems, for general CEV fight hardware<br />

and GSE, internal and external surfaces, and airborne particulate. The<br />

document shall also include a l~st identifying all system fluids,<br />

together with the fluid specifications (for procurement or custom mixing)<br />

and the required cleanliness levels for the flu~d system. Gases are<br />

~ncluded under flu~d systems. Update document as required based on any<br />

updated limits, verification methods, flight hardware changes, GSE<br />

changes, and environmental changes.<br />

13.4 FORMAT: Electronic format per Section J-2<br />

13.5 MAINTENANCE: Contractor-proposed changes to document shall be<br />

submitted to <strong>NASA</strong> for approval. Complete re-issue of the document is<br />

required<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong> Attachment J-2<br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Modification 65<br />


1. PROGRAM: CEV<br />

2 DRDNO.: CEV-T-022<br />

3. DATA TYPE: 2<br />

4 DATE REVISED: May 2009<br />

5. PAGE. 1<br />

6. TITLE. Materials IdentLfication and Usage List (MIUL)<br />


The MIUL lS an electronic searchable parts list or separate electronic<br />

searchable materials identLflcation and usage list. The MIUL identifies<br />

all Material and Processes (M&P) usages contalned in the end item,<br />

excluding piece part electronics, for evaluation of the acceptability of<br />

M&P selected and utillzed.<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION' As determined by the Contracting Officer.<br />

9 INITIAL SUBMISSION' Per Data Requuements Matrix<br />

10. SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

11 REMARKS.<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSmp Parent sow Paragraph (s): 2.1. 9.1.<br />

Related DRD(s): CEV-T-019, CEV-T-020<br />


13.1 SCOPE:<br />

Materials and processes usage shall be documented in an electronic<br />

searchable parts list or separate electronic searchable Materials<br />

Identification and Usage List (MIUL). The procedures and formats for<br />

documentation of materials and processes usage will depend upon specific<br />

hardware but shall cover the final design. The system used shall be an<br />

integral part of the engineer Lng configuration control/release system. A<br />

copy of the stored data shall be provided to <strong>NASA</strong> in a form compatible<br />

with the Materials and Processes Technical Information System (MAPTIS).<br />


<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-(I)-6016: Standard Materials And Processes Requirements For<br />

Spacecraft<br />

13 3 CONTENTS:<br />

The parts list or MIUL shall identify the following applicable<br />

information:<br />

- Detail drawing and dash number<br />

- Next assembly and dash number<br />

- Change letter designation<br />

- Drawing source (contractor or vendor)<br />

- Mater~al form<br />

- Material manufacturer<br />

- Material manufacturer's deslgnation<br />

- Material specif1cation<br />

- Process specification<br />

- Environment<br />

- Weight<br />

- Material code<br />

- MAPTIS Rating<br />

- Standard/commercial part number<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

CEV-T-022 Page 1 of2

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

- Contractor<br />

- System<br />

- Subsystem<br />

- Maximum temperature<br />

- Minimum temperature<br />

- Fluid type<br />

- Surface Area<br />

- Associate contractor number<br />

- Project<br />

- Document title<br />

- Criticality<br />

- Line number<br />

- Overall evaluation<br />

- Overall configurat~on test<br />

- Maximum pressure<br />

- Minimum pressure<br />

- Test MUA Document<br />

- Cure codes<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

13.4 FORMAT: Electronic format per Section J-2 However, Contractor<br />

format for electronic subm~ttal of MIUL data shall be compatible with the<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> Materials and Processes Technical Information System (MAPTIS)<br />

database. MIUL data shall be delivered to ICE ~n accordance with<br />

Appendix 2.<br />

13 5 MAINTENANCE: Contractor updates to the MIUL shall be submitted to <strong>NASA</strong><br />

for approval Complete re-issue of the document is not required.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

CEV-T-022 Page 2 of2

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong> Attachment J-2<br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Modification 65<br />


1.<br />

3.<br />

6.<br />

7.<br />

PROGRAM: CEV 2. DRDNO.: CEV-T-023<br />

DATA TYPE. 2 4. DATE REVISED' May 2009<br />

5 PAGE. 1<br />

TITLE: Nondestructive Evaluation Plan<br />


The Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) plan shall address the NDE<br />

requirements necessary to assure the health and integrity of the CEV<br />

System includlng Flight and GSE hardware throughout its life cycle. This<br />

plan shall identify all NDE and nondestructive testing procedures and<br />

speciflcations employed in the inspection of materials.<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION. As determined by the Contractmg Officer.<br />

9. INITIAL SUBMISSION: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

10. SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

11 REMARKS'<br />

12 INTERRELATIONSHIP' Parent sow Paragraph (s):<br />

Related DRD(s): CEV-T-019, CEV-T-069, CEV-T-070<br />


13.1 SCOPE:<br />

The NDE plan shall address the process for establlshment, implementation,<br />

execution, and control of NDE. The plan shall meet the intent of MIL­<br />

HDBK-6870A, Inspection Program Requirements, Nondestructive for Aircraft<br />

and Mlssile Materlals and Parts and <strong>NASA</strong>-STD-5009, Nondestructive<br />

Evaluation Requirements for Fracture Control Programs as specified by<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-(I)-6016.<br />


- <strong>NASA</strong>-STD-(I)-6016: Standard Materlals And Processes Requlrements For<br />

Spacecraft<br />

- MIL-HDBK-6870A: Inspection Program Requirements Nondestructive for<br />

Aircraft and Misslle Materials and Parts<br />

- <strong>NASA</strong>-STD-5009: Nondestructive Evaluation Requirements for Fracture<br />

control Programs<br />

- <strong>NASA</strong>-STD-(I)-5019: Fracture Control Requirements For Spaceflight<br />

Hardware<br />

- NAS 410: Certificatlon and Qualification of Nondestructive Test<br />

Personnel<br />

13 3 CONTENTS:<br />

13.3.1 NDE Specifications and Standards: The NDE plan shall address the<br />

selection and the order of precedence of appllcable Government, Industry<br />

and prime contractor NDE specifications and standards and how the<br />

requirements contained therein are implemented through internal<br />

procedures and how-to documents. The oversight of subcontractor<br />

implementatl0n and flow down of the NDE requirements shall also be<br />

addressed. The plan shall address commonly used aerospace lndustry NDE<br />

methods lncluding, but not limlted to, dye penetrant, radiographic (film<br />

radiography, digltal radiography, computed tomography), ultrasonic,<br />

neutron radiography, magnetic partlcle, eddy current, infrared<br />

thermography, and visual lnspection. The plan shall address how all NDE<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

CEV -T -023 Page 1 of 3

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

specifications and standards for the Constellation program will be<br />

approved by the appropriate government authority.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

13.3 2 NDE Requirements During Hardware Deslgn: The NDE plan shall<br />

address how the processes are implemented to ensure that all deslgns are<br />

reviewed to establish NDE inspection requirements and to ensure that the<br />

parts are inspectable. The plan shall address how the areas or zones of<br />

the part to be inspected are identified on the drawing. The plan shall<br />

address how the operations and maintenance NDE requirements will be<br />

integrated in the design of the hardware.<br />

13.3.3 Part Classlfication: The plan shall address appropriate flight<br />

hardware and GSE part classification In accordance with MIL-HDBK-6870A<br />

and <strong>NASA</strong>-STD-(I)-5019.<br />

13.3.4 NDE Sensitivlty Levels: NDE sensitivlty levels shall be classified<br />

as Standard NDE, Special NDE, Custom NDE and Visual Inspection in the NDE<br />

plan. The plan shall address minimum detectable flaw size for Standard<br />

NDE for each materlal group of Constellatlon hardware in compliance with<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-5009 where appllcable. The plan shall address procedures for<br />

defining NDE acceptance criteria for each of the sensitivity levels and<br />

identify organizatlons and their responsibillties in establishing NDE<br />

acceptance criteria, NDE drawing call outs, NDE Operations and<br />

Maintenance criteria Note: Custom sensitivity level refers to an NDE<br />

sensitivity level that is not covered under the other three NDE<br />

sensitivity levels and lS applicable to non-fracture critical parts<br />

13.3.5 NDE Acceptance Crlterla: The plan shall address how NDE acceptance<br />

criteria are determined and implemented for each sensitivity level. For<br />

flight hardware, the plan shall require rejection of any cracklike flaw<br />

irrespective of the sensltlvity level of the inspection. The plan shall<br />

address how significant flaw indications, irrespective of the acceptance<br />

criteria, will be dispositioned.<br />

13.3.6 NDE During Manufacturing: The plan shall address establishment of<br />

mlnimum NDE acceptance requlrements in terms of NDE sensitivity level,<br />

methods of inspectlon (dye penetrant, ultrasonic etc.), sampling<br />

frequency, NDE inspection coverage (e.g. 100% surface area or selected<br />

area) for manufactured hardware as grouped by classification of the part,<br />

material type and form. The NDE plan shall address how NDE is sequenced<br />

such that inspection rellablllty is optimized by performing NDE before<br />

manufacturing processes that may significantly reduce flaw detectlon<br />

capabllity. The requirements for etching of metal parts prior to<br />

penetrant inspectlon shall be specifically addressed in the plan.<br />

13.3.7 NDE Material Compatlblllty: The plan shall address compatibillty<br />

of NDE materials and processes with the Constellation hardware especially<br />

liquid oxygen systems<br />

13.3.8 Fracture critlcal Parts: The Plan shall address how the listing of<br />

all Fracture Critical parts, created accordlng to the Fracture Control<br />

plan, will be integrated with NDE requirements. The plan shall address<br />

Special NDE and Standard NDE methods in accordance with <strong>NASA</strong>-STD-5009.<br />

13.3.9 NDE During Operations and Maintenance: The NDE plan shall address<br />

the NDE requirements necessary to assure the health and lntegrity of the<br />

Constellation hardware throughout ltS life cycle. The NDE plan shall<br />

address NDE requlrements during operations and maintenance of those parts<br />

that are susceptible to damage such as impact, corrosion, material<br />

degradation and wear, etc. The NDE plan shall address NDE requirements<br />

for inspecting repaired parts. The plan shall address the NDE procedures<br />

and physical standards required to perform the operatlons and maintenance<br />

NDE inspectlons.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

13.3.10 NDE Reporting and Record<br />

the NDE nonconformance reporting<br />

traceability.<br />

Retention: The NDE plan shall describe<br />

system, record retention and<br />

13.3.11 Process Audit: The plan shall address periodic auditing of NDE<br />

processes at prime contractor, vendors and subcontractors to verify<br />

compliance with the NDE requirements established in the plan.<br />

13.3.12 Personnel Tra1ning: The NDE plan shall identify formal training<br />

and certification requirements for NDE Inspection in accordance with NAS<br />

410.<br />

13 4 FORMAT· Electronic format per Section J-2 2 3.2.1.<br />

13.5 MAINTENANCE: Contractor-proposed changes to document shall be<br />

submitted to <strong>NASA</strong> for approval. Complete re-issue of the document is<br />

required.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Modification 65<br />


1 PROGRAM: CEV<br />

2 DRDNO.: CEV-T-025<br />

3. DATA TYPE' 1<br />

4. DATE REVISED: May 2009<br />

5. PAGE: 1<br />

6. TITLE: CEV Electromagnetic Compatibility Control and verification<br />

Document<br />


To define the plans, processes, procedures and test data the CEV System<br />

Contractor will use to ensure that the design, construction, and<br />

verification of CEV System wlil result in the delivery of a System which<br />

satisfies the specified Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) requirements.<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION. As determined by the Contractlng Officer.<br />

9. INITIAL SUBMISSION. Per Data Requuements Matrix<br />

10. SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

11. REMARKS:<br />

This DRD lncorporates Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (EME)<br />

information which must be addressed to design, develop, assemble and<br />

deliver a CEV which is electromagnetically compatible.<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> will use the information in thls DRD to integrate other<br />

Constellation space elements to the CEV.<br />

The following document(s) may be used as guidance:<br />

ANSI/ESD S20.20-2007: ESD Association Standard for the Development of<br />

an Electrostatic Discharge Control Program for Protection of Electrical<br />

and Electronic Parts, Assemblies and Equlpment (Excluding Electrically<br />

Initiated Explosive Devices)<br />

RTCA/DO-160D: Environmental Condltions and Test Procedures for<br />

Airborne Equlpment (Section 22: Lightning Induced Transient<br />

Susceptibility and Section 23:Lightning Direct Effects)<br />

SAE-ARP-54l2: Aircraft Lightning Environment<br />

SAE-ARP-54l3: Certification of Alrcraft Electrical/Electronic Systems<br />

for the Indirect Effects of Lightnlng<br />

SAE-ARP-54l4 Aircraft Lightning Zoning<br />

SAE-ARP-54l5: Users Manual for Certification of Aircraft<br />

Electrical/Electronlc Systems for the Indirect Effects of Lightning<br />

SAE-ARP-54l6: Alrcraft Lightning Test Methods<br />

SAE-ARP-5577: Aircraft Llghtning Direct Effects Certification<br />

SSP 30240: Space Statlon Grounding Requirements<br />

SSP 30242: Space Station Cable/Wlre Design and Control Requirements<br />

for Electromagnetic Compatibillty<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSmp. Parent sow Paragraph(s). 2.8.5.<br />


13.1 SCOPE:<br />

The CEV Electromagnetic Compatlbillty Control and verification Document<br />

includes all of the planning and effort necessary to for the Contractor<br />

to control the generation and absorption of electromagnetic energy in<br />

every part of the CEV for the complete life cycle of its components. The<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

Contractor is expected to use this DRD as a management document to the<br />

meet the overall EMC requ~rement to be electromagnetically compatible.<br />


MIL-STD-l576: Electro Explos~ve Subsystem Safety Requirements and Test<br />

Methods for Space Systems<br />

MIL-STD-46lE: Requirements for the Control of Electromagnetic<br />

Interference (EMI) Characteristics of Subsystems and Equipment<br />

MIL-STD-464A: Electromagnetic Environmental Effects Requirements for<br />

Systems<br />

ML0303-00l4: Electrical Wire Harnesses and Coaxial Cables, Installation<br />

Requ~rements for Electromagnetic Compat~b~lity<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-4003. Electrical Bonding for <strong>NASA</strong> Launch Vehicles, Spacecraft,<br />

Payloads, and Flight Equipment<br />

13 3 CONTENTS:<br />

The CEV Electromagnet~c Compatibility Control and Verification Document<br />

shall consist of 7 Sect10ns:<br />

SECTION 1: The Electromagnetic Env~ronmental<br />

Effects Control plan<br />

SCOPE:<br />

The Electromagnetic Environmental Effects Control plan defines the<br />

approach for implementation of an electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)<br />

control program. It describes the Contractor control program organization<br />

and responsibilit~es. It also includes interpretation of EMC requirements<br />

and a descr1ption of additional EMC requ1rements levied by the Contractor<br />

on subsystems and equipment to meet CEV Project EMC requirements.<br />

Additionally, this section addresses specific design measures to meet EMC<br />

requirements as well as addressing EMC design, test, and analysis<br />

requJ.rements.<br />


The Electromagnetic Env1ronmental Effects Control Plan shall document the<br />

Contractor's approach for implementation of an EMC control program for<br />

the CEV System. General and detailed requirements for systems EMC are<br />

contained in MIL-STD-464A. The detailed plan shall include.<br />

(a) Internal organization and responsibility<br />

(b) System compatibility<br />

(c) Subsystem compatib11~ty<br />

(d) Subsystem and equipment requirements<br />

(e) Electromagnetic interference safety margins for critical equipment.<br />

Critical equ1pment is defined as that equipment of which the loss of<br />

normal or expected functional~ty would result in loss of life or vehicle.<br />

(f) Interference and susceptibility control<br />

(g) Degradation criteria<br />

(h) Subsystem interconnection and routing<br />

(i) Electrical power and electrical interface, transients, and ripple<br />

(j) Power frequency leakage current<br />

(k) Bonding<br />

(1) Grounding and Isolation<br />

(m) Static electricity, both ESD and veh1cle charging<br />

(n) Personnel hazards<br />

(0) Pyrotechnics and br1dge W1re actuated devices (BWAD's)<br />

(p) Spacecraft charging controls<br />

(q) EMC analys1s methods and techn~ques<br />

(r) EMC verification plann1ng and methodology (ver1fication flow to lower<br />

level specifications)<br />

The plan shall include des1gn and test approach that will ensure<br />

compatibility within the CEV System as well as with all external<br />

interfaces. This includes modif1cation of equipment level requirements to<br />

be compat1ble with special element requirements and the EMC sections of<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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applicable Interface Control Documents (lCD's).<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

SECTION 2: Electromagnetic Environmental Effects Requirements for Systems<br />

SCOPE:<br />

This section establ~shes the Contractor's requirements for<br />

Electromagnetic Environmental Effects Requirements for Systems.<br />


The requirements and considerations of MIL-STD-464A shall be tailored by<br />

the contractor for use on the CEV Project to meet the contractual EMC<br />

Requirements. The Contractor's tailored version shall include the<br />

following sections:<br />

(a) Contents<br />

(b) Scope<br />

(c) Applicable Documents<br />

(d) Definitions<br />

(e) General Requirements<br />

(f) Detailed Requirements<br />

(g) Notes<br />

(h) Tables<br />

(i) Figures<br />

SECTION 3: Cable/Wire Design & Control Requirements Section for<br />

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)<br />

SCOPE:<br />

The Cable/Wire Design and Control Requirements Section for<br />

Electromagnet~c Compatibility (EMC) shall provide uniform specifications<br />

and methodologies for cabling and wiring requirements to ensure the<br />

electromagnetic compatibil~ty of subsystems, equipment, and the overall<br />

CEV Project. These requirements minimize the effects of electric and<br />

magnetic field coupl~ng between the wiring and circuits associated with<br />

the wiring.<br />


The Cable/Wire Design and Control Requirements section for<br />

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) sect~on shall provide detailed<br />

information regarding cable and W1re design character1stics necessary to<br />

ensure electromagnetic compatibility. The tailoring of ML0303-0014,<br />

'Electrical Wire Harnesses and Coaxial Cables, Installation Requirements<br />

for Electromagnetic Compatibility', SSP 30242 'Space Station Cable/Wire<br />

Design and Control Requirements for Electromagnetic Compatibility', and<br />

SSP 30240 'Space Station Grounding Requ~rements' will assist ~n<br />

establishing the Contractor's requirement to meet the overall EMC<br />

requirements for CEV. These tailored requirements shall be documented in<br />

this sect~on and shall also address as a minimum, the following:<br />

(a) Circuit Classification<br />

1. Operating Frequency and/or Rise and Fall Times<br />

2. Loop and/or Circuit Impedance<br />

3. Loop and/or Circuit Voltage and Current<br />

4. Loop and/or Circuit Suscept1bility<br />

5. Signal and Wire Type<br />

6. An installat~on specification that complies with e~ther ML0303-<br />

0014, or a <strong>NASA</strong>-accepted alternative that will achieve quality consistent<br />

with ML0303-0014, Electr~cal Wire Harnesses and Coaxial Cables,<br />

Installation Requirements for Electromagnetic Compatibility.<br />

(b) Classification and Wiring Procedure<br />

(c) Determinat~on of Interface Wir~ng Requirements<br />

(d) Signal and Wire Types<br />

(e) Shield Termination<br />

(f) Implementation of Signal/Circuit Type Cod~ng<br />

(g) Implementation of Harness Installation<br />

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1. Physical Separation Requirements<br />

2. Shield Termination<br />

3. Breakouts<br />

4. pyrotechnic Devices.<br />

(h) Clrcuit Grounding<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

SECTION 4· Electromagnetic Environmental Effects Design Analysis Reports<br />

SCOPE<br />

This section of the CEV Electromagnetic Compatlbility Control and<br />

Verification Document defines the content that will be dellvered in the<br />

Electromangetic Environmental Effects Design Analysis Reports that will<br />

be delivered In accordance with other DRDs for the delivery of CEV<br />

evaluation, verification and certification documents. The Electromagnetic<br />

Environmental Effects (E3) Design Analysis Reports describes the design,<br />

analyses, tests and results of efforts to ensure individual equipment<br />

meets the E3 requirements and the entire system lS compatible.<br />


The Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E3) Design Analysls Reports<br />

shall describe the approach taken to ensure E3 requirements are met in<br />

accordance with Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E3) Control plan<br />

and the results of that effort. The reports are delivered in accordance<br />

with requlrements to provide evaluation, verification and certification<br />

data for developed and integrated hardware. Reports shall include the<br />

following informatlonal items (where appllcable) for hardware:<br />

(a) Electrical bonding<br />

(b) Circuit grounding and lsolation<br />

(c) Cable design and routlng<br />

(d) Connector separation and shield termlnation<br />

(e) Frequency management<br />

(f) Emission and susceptlblilty control<br />

(g) Crltical circuit identiflcation<br />

(h) Lightning protectlon<br />

(i) Electrostatlc dlscharge protection<br />

(j) Analyses results<br />

(k) Test results<br />

SECTION 5: Requirements for the control of Electromagnetic Interference<br />

(EMI) characteristics of subsystems and equipment intended for use by the<br />

CEV ProJect<br />

SCOPE:<br />

This section establishes interface and associated verification<br />

requirements for the control of electromagnetic lnterference (emissions<br />

and susceptibility) characteristics of hardware procured for use by the<br />

CEV Project. Such hardware may be used independently or as an lntegral<br />

part of other hardware. This section is directly applicable to items such<br />

as electronlc enclosures and electromechanical systems and electrical<br />

interconnections composed of discrete wiring harness between enclosures.<br />


MIL-STD-461E shall be tailored to descrlbe the interface and associated<br />

verification requirements for the control of electromagnetic interference<br />

(emissions and susceptibility) characteristics of electrical, electronic,<br />

and electromechanlcal equipment and subsystems designed or procured for<br />

use by the CEV Project. As a mlnimum the following sections of MIL-STD-<br />

461E shall be addressed:<br />

(a) Scope<br />

(b) Applicable Documents<br />

(c) Definitions<br />

(d) General Requirements<br />

(e) Detailed Requlrements<br />

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Modification 65<br />

SECTION 6: Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Control Plan<br />

SCOPE:<br />

The Electrostat~c D~scharge Control plan defines the tasks, activities<br />

and procedures necessary to protect CEV Project ESD sensitive items at or<br />

above the ESD sensitivity levels defined for the CEV Project. The Plan<br />

outlines strategies for meeting administrative and technical<br />

requirements, and shall ~nclude information about organizational<br />

respons~bil~t~es, methods for measuring ESD control effectiveness, and<br />

the approach to be used for utilizat~on of CEV Project data and<br />

documentation. The plan shall address training, compliance verification,<br />

facility grounding & bond~ng, personnel grounding, protected areas,<br />

packaging, marking, and handling.<br />


The Electrostatic Discharge Control plan establishes methods and<br />

procedures to be ~mplemented for system, subsystem, and component<br />

protection from the deleterious effects of ESD, and shall address the<br />

follow1ng areas as a m1nimum:<br />

(a) Administrative Requirements<br />

1 ESD Control Program plan<br />

(a) Scope<br />

(b) Tasks, Activities and Procedures Necessary for Protection of<br />

ESD Sensitive Items<br />

(c) Organizat~onal Responsibilities<br />

(d) Methods Used to Determ~ne ESD Sens~tivity assessment<br />

2. Employee Training<br />

(a) Initial Training<br />

(b) Recurrent Training<br />

(c) Procedures for Recording Tra~ning<br />

3. Compl~ance Ver~f~cat~on plan<br />

(a) Identifies Requirements to be ver~f~ed<br />

(b) Frequency of Verification<br />

(b) Technical Requirements<br />

1. Grounding/Bond~ng Systems<br />

2. Personnel Grounding<br />

3. Protected Areas<br />

4. Packaging<br />

5. Marking<br />

6 Equipment<br />

7 Handling Procedures<br />

8. Implications for other system elements<br />

SECTION 7: CEV ProJect Lightning Protection<br />

SCOPE:<br />

This Section spec~f~es the CEV lightning protection evaluation and design<br />

requirements, and defines the analysis and testing used to demonstrate<br />

CEV systems meet their performance requirements while operating in the<br />

defined external lightning environment<br />


A) The CEV Lightning Protect~on plan (LPP): The LPP describes the<br />

considerations that must be addressed by the Contractor in carrying out<br />

overall design, planning, demonstration, and management of lightning<br />

protection for the CEV spacecraft, modules, subsystems, and components.<br />

The LPP provides means for <strong>NASA</strong> evaluation and judgment of acceptability<br />

of the Contractor's proposed lightning protection program and shall<br />

conta~n the following elements:<br />

(a) Management control<br />

(b) Lightning zone identificat~on<br />

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(c) Vehicle lightning environment<br />

(d) Lightning criticality<br />

(e) Hazards assessment<br />

(f) Direct effects protection<br />

(g) Indirect effects protection<br />

(h) Vehicle Lightning Detection Instrumentation<br />

(i) Cumulative effects<br />

(j) Electrical bonding and corrosion control<br />

(k) Des~gn analys~s/development test~ng<br />

(1) Verification criteria<br />

1. Applicable documents<br />

2. Description of test articles<br />

3. Pass/fail criteria<br />

4. Test hardware definition<br />

5. Pertinent test/analysis details<br />

6. Set up details<br />

7. Test schedule<br />

(m) Life cycle aspects<br />

(n) Configuration/documentation control<br />

(0) Protection of facilities and ground support equipment<br />

(p) Lightning protection survey<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

B) The CEV Lightning Protection verification plan (LPVP): The LPVP shall<br />

include the test/analyses data and methods to be used as well as the<br />

pass/fa~l definitions for each subsystem/component to verify lightning<br />

protection designs for those designated as Catastrophic,<br />

Hazardous/Severe-MaJor, or Major. The plan shall contain the following:<br />

(a) Applicable documents.<br />

(b) Description of test articles.<br />

(c) Pass/fail criteria.<br />

(d) Test hardware def~n~t~on.<br />

(e) Pertinent test/analysis details.<br />

(f) Set-up details.<br />

(g) Test schedule.<br />

(h) Final Lightning protection survey<br />

C) Lightning Protection Verification Report (LPVR): The CEV<br />

Electromagnetic Compatib~l~ty Control and Verification Document shall<br />

define the data content required in the LPVR that is delivered in<br />

accordance with with requirements to prov~de verification and<br />

certif~cat~on data for developed and integrated hardware. The LPVR<br />

presents the results of analyses, tests, and other data needed to verify<br />

the adequacy of lightning protection designs for all systems, subsystems,<br />

and/or components whose failure is designated as Catastrophic,<br />

Hazardous/Severe-Major, or Major. The LPVR provides the means for <strong>NASA</strong><br />

evaluation and judgment of the acceptab~l~ty of the contractor's<br />

lightning protection designs and hardware/software.<br />

The report shall contain the following:<br />

(a) Descr~pt~on and photographs of test set-up, including associated load<br />

impedances.<br />

(b) Date, personnel performing test, and location of test.<br />

(c) Test current ampl~tude and waveforms.<br />

(d) Conducted and induced voltages and currents measured.<br />

(e) Measurement records of the instrumentation noise level.<br />

(f) Test results.<br />

(g) Statement of qualif~cat~on.<br />

13.4 FORMAT: ElectronlC format per Section J-2<br />

13 5 MAINTENANCE: Maintained through formal Program change process after<br />

initial basel~ning.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Modification 65<br />


1.<br />

3<br />


DATA TYPE' 1<br />

6. TITLE: Spectrum Management Documents<br />

2<br />

4<br />

5<br />

DRDNO ..<br />


PAGE:<br />

CEV-T-026<br />

May 2009<br />

1<br />


Spectrum Management documentation is required to request frequency<br />

authorization for each communication link in accordance with NTIA Manual<br />

of Regulations & Procedures for Federal Radio Frequency Management (May<br />

2003 Edition, May 2005 Revisions) Chapter 10. <strong>NASA</strong> w~ll use this<br />

information to request frequency authorization for all RF/optical<br />

devices. Authorization is requested by <strong>NASA</strong> with contractor's<br />

participation.<br />

8 DISTRIBUTION: As determined by the Contracting Ofhcer.<br />

9 INITIAL SUBMISSION: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

10 SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matnx<br />

11. REMARKS:<br />

These documents shall be cons~stent with the Constellation Program's<br />

integrated plans such as CXP-70022, Constellation Command, Control,<br />

Communication, and Information (C3I) Interoperability Specification (and<br />

associated Children documents as specified in Attachment J-3, Applicable,<br />

Guidance, and Informational Documents L~st)<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSHIP: Parent sow Paragraph(s): 2.6.3.<br />


13.1 SCOPE.<br />

Spectrum Management documentation is required for all RF/Optical devices<br />

in the Crew Explorat~on Vehicle.<br />


CxP 70022-1 Constellation Program Command, Control, Communication, and<br />

Information (C3I) Interoperability Standards Books, Volume 1:<br />

Interoperability Specification (and assoc~ated Children documents as<br />

specified in Attachment J-3, Applicable, Gu~dance, and Informational<br />

Documents List)<br />

CxP 70022-2 Constellation Program Command, Control, Communication, and<br />

Informat~on (C3I) Interoperability Standards Books, Volume 2: Spectrum<br />

and Channel plan<br />

CxP 70022-3 Constellation Program Command, Control, Communication, and<br />

Information (C3I) Interoperability Standards Books, Volume 3: Master Link<br />

Book<br />

CxP 70118, Volume 1: Constellation to Communications and Tracking<br />

Networks Interface Requ~rements Document, Volume 1-CEV<br />

CxP 70034, CEV to LSAM IRD<br />

CxP 70028, CEV to GS IRD<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

CxP 70029, CEV to MS IRD<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

CxP 70031, CEV to ISS IRD<br />

NTIA Manual: National Telecommunicatlons and Information Administration<br />

(NTIA) Manual of Regulatl0ns & Procedures for Federal Radio Frequency<br />

Management (May 2003 Edition, May 2005 Revlslons) Chapter 10<br />

13.3 CONTENTS'<br />

The Spectrum Management Report shall lnclude:<br />

Forms NTIA-33 - Transmitter Equipment Characteristics, NTIA-34 -Receiver<br />

Equipment Characterlstics, & NTIA-35 -Antenna Equipment Characteristics<br />

shall be completed by the contractor for each RF system for operational<br />

vehicle.<br />

RF link compatibility analyses - Documents the RF compatibility between<br />

CEV communication links and between CEV communlcatlon links and other<br />

interfacing elements.<br />

Power Flux Density analysis - Analysis that shows that all modes of<br />

operation meet Interdepartmental Radio Advisory Committee flux density<br />

requirements according to NTIA Manual: NTIA Manual of Regulations &<br />

Procedures for Federal Radio Frequency Management (May 2003 Edition, May<br />

2005 Revisions) Chapter 8 (paragraph 8 2.36) for RF radiation impinging<br />

on the Earth.<br />

13 4 FORMAT: Electronic format per Section J -2<br />

13.5 MAINTENANCE: Contractor-proposed changes to document shall be<br />

submitted to <strong>NASA</strong> for approval. Complete re-issue of the document is<br />

required, with changes clearly identified.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Modification 65<br />


1.<br />

3.<br />


DATA TYPE: 1<br />

2.<br />

4.<br />

5.<br />

DRDNO.:<br />


PAGE:<br />

CEV-T-027<br />

May 2009<br />

1<br />

6 TITLE: Electrlcal, Electronlc, and Electromechanical Parts Management and<br />

Implementatl0n Plan<br />


To deflne and document the contractor's requirements, system and<br />

implementation plan for controlling the selection, acquisition,<br />

traceability, testlng, handllng, packaging, storage and application of<br />

Electrical, Electronic and Electromechanical (EEE) Parts for flight and<br />

critlcal ground support equipment ..<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION: As determlned by the Contracting Officer<br />

9. INITIAL SUBMISSION: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

10. SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

11. REMARKS.<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSHIP: Parent SOW Paragraph (s): 2.8.6.<br />


131 SCOPE:<br />

The EEE Parts Management and Implementation Plan def~nes Contractor'S<br />

approach to accomplishing the electrical, electronic, and<br />

electromechanical parts control requirements and tasks. This DRD also<br />

includes the ionizing radiation control plan for all CEV EEE Parts.<br />


JPR 8080.5, E-22: JSC Design and Procedural Standards, Section E22,<br />

lonizing Radiation Effects<br />

JPR 8080.5, E-7: JSC Design and Procedural Standards, Section E-7,<br />

Electrical Components - Restrictions on Use<br />

13.3 CONTENTS:<br />

The contractor's EEE Parts Management and Implementation plan shall<br />

include the following:<br />

1. Parts Selectlon: The Parts Management and Implementation plan shall<br />

describe a concurrent engineering process, integrated with hardware<br />

deslgn, ln which parts are selected for use on the basis of suitability<br />

for the intended application. The plan shall identify application grades,<br />

parts that are considered standard for each grade (i.e. 'class B), the up<br />

screening requirements to use a lower grade part in a higher grade<br />

application, and how other (nonstandard) parts w~11 be evaluated,<br />

approved for fllght and controlled. The plan shall describe how EEE parts<br />

selection shall be driven by the performance demands, environmental and<br />

circuit applications, reliablllty (necessary for the satisfactory<br />

performance of the systems in which they are used) and maintenance<br />

allocations defined by the equipment specifications, how EEE parts shall<br />

be selected based on the suitability for thelr applications and proven<br />

qualifications to the requlrements of their specifications.<br />

2. Non-standard EEE Parts Documentation: The EEE Parts Management and<br />

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Implementation Plan shall document the process for non-standard parts<br />

requests. This process shall include supporting documentation including<br />

specificatlons, and shall be submltted for <strong>NASA</strong> approval prior to<br />

procurement Non-standard parts requests shall identify and provide<br />

rationale for non-standard EEE part selections, clearly documenting<br />

justification for use, suitablllty for the appllcation and envlronment,<br />

and qualification status.<br />

3. EEE Parts Obsolescence Management: The EEE Parts Management and<br />

Implementation Plan shall address the Contractor's approach to mitigating<br />

EEE parts obsolescence.<br />

4. Audits and Survey's' The EEE Parts Management and Implementation Plan<br />

shall include a process for surveying suppliers and manufacturers for the<br />

value-added services or products. In addition, a process documenting<br />

pre-award surveys shall be lncluded. Pre-award survey shall, as a<br />

minimum, include sites performing :<br />

a. Screening and testlng,<br />

b. Destructive Physlcal Analysis (DPA) ,<br />

c. Failure analysis,<br />

d. Radiation laboratories.<br />

5. Destructive Physical Analysis: The EEE Parts Management and<br />

Implementation Plan shall describe the requirements for performing<br />

Destructive Physical Analysis (DPA) on EEE parts to qualify or screen<br />

batches of parts to be utilized. This plan shall deflne when DPA will be<br />

performed, the DPA requlrements by part type, and the process to<br />

disposition parts with anomalies.<br />

6. Part Stress Analysis: The EEE Parts Management and Implementation Plan<br />

shall document the derating criteria for worst case environments,<br />

operating conditions, and duty cycle, by part type (i.e. Integrated<br />

Circults (ICs), resistors, capacitor, etc) to be applied to the hardware,<br />

and actions necessary to correct any deficiencies.<br />

7. Controlling speciflcations: The EEE Parts Management and<br />

Implementation Plan shall define parts that are to be controlled by<br />

specifications and the minlmum specification contents. As a mlnimum the<br />

contents shall include:<br />

a. Complete ldentification of the part.<br />

b. Physical, environmental, and performance specifications.<br />

c. Rellability requirements, including inspections and tests for<br />

quallfication, acceptance, and lot sampllng.<br />

d. Special explicit requirements such as screening and burn-in, X-ray,<br />

ionizing radiation, single event effects, and positive particle<br />

protection (e.g., coating, Particle Impact Noise Detection (PIND)).<br />

e. Special handling, packaging, and storage requirements.<br />

f. Documentation, data retention, and submittal requirements.<br />

8. AS Designed (Where Used) Parts L1St: The EEE Parts Management and<br />

Implementation plan shall define how to prepare, submit and maintain an<br />

as-designed (e.g., where-used) EEE parts list. The list contents shall<br />

include, as a minimum:<br />

a. Gener~c part type and name,<br />

b. Common designation,<br />

c. Controlllng specificatl0n number,<br />

d Identification of authorized sources,<br />

e. Quantity used,<br />

f. Package type,<br />

g. Qualification and Non-Standard status, and<br />

h. Next higher assembly.<br />

9 Part Qualiflcation: The EEE Parts Management and Implementation Plan<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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shall define how EEE parts w~ll be qualified, when parts shall be<br />

requalified, and the qualification status of the parts will be<br />

documented.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

10. Design Configuration Acceptability and Control: The EEE Parts<br />

Management and Implementat~on Plan shall address how the selected parts<br />

for a design are rev~ewed for application and environment suitability,<br />

how the parts quality and rel~ability will meet the operational<br />

performance requirements, and ~f the parts are being used within the<br />

specific dev~ce ratings. The selection process, technical acceptability<br />

of devices, application documentation and review results shall be<br />

available to <strong>NASA</strong> to support hardware design reviews, certification,<br />

acceptance reviews, problem resolutions, and ground and flight<br />

operations. Key elements are as-designed-parts lists, application stress<br />

analyses (includ~ng radiation effects), and nonstandard parts<br />

acceptability assessments.<br />

11. Parts Procurement: The EEE Parts Management and Implementation Plan<br />

shall address how the Contractor will select, qual~fy, control, and<br />

monitor parts manufacturers. The plan shall address the Contractor's<br />

source inspections, rece~ving inspection (including destructive physical<br />

analysis), and stocking and handling procedures prior to and during<br />

assembly. These procedures shall address how the Contractor w~ll avoid<br />

the procurement and any subsequent installation of parts or 'lots' of<br />

parts subject to conditions identif~ed in Government-Industry Data<br />

Exchange Program (GIDEP) and <strong>NASA</strong> ALERT's. This section of the plan shall<br />

ensure that the selection and use of the parts will not have an<br />

'obsolescence' issue to the greatest extent possible.<br />

12. Commercial Off-The-Shelf/Off the Shelf (COTS/OTS)) hardware: The EEE<br />

Parts Management and Implementation Plan shall address the use of COTS<br />

sub-assemblies, and shall define screen~ng, non-standard parts request,<br />

and risk assessment requirements The analysis of COTS/OTS subassemblies<br />

shall include as a minimum:<br />

a. A rev~ew of the as-designed and as-built EEE parts list (or<br />

equivalent) as applicable, and supporting documentation (e.g.,<br />

procurement spec~flcations, upgrade specifications I waivers, deviations,<br />

etc.) .<br />

b. A review of fabrication processes, history, GIDEP, and ALERTS.<br />

c. Identificat~on of EEE parts that are obsolete or which may be nearing<br />

obsolescence.<br />

d. An application/derating analysis at the EEE part level shall be<br />

developed<br />

f. A test or assessment of the OTS hardware and/or associated EEE parts<br />

for susceptibility to the space radiation, micro-gravity and vacuum<br />

environment.<br />

g. A review process considering and ~dentifying any ava~lable prior<br />

h~story of successful operations, previous space fl~ght history,<br />

failures, and causes of failures for EEE parts in the proposed hardware.<br />

h. Identification of any known l~fe limiting factors that may affect the<br />

~ntended useful l~fe of the hardware in the appl~cation, such as use of<br />

aluminum electrolytic capac~tors.<br />

i. Rationale and plan for the cert~fication of OTS hardware.<br />

j. Any other available data that may be pert~nent to the rev~ew process.<br />

The EEE Parts Management and Implementation Plan shall also address the<br />

use of COTS sub-assemblies for which ~nsufficient parts information is<br />

available. In these cases, the plan shall ~dentify how parts used in COTS<br />

sub-assemblies may be qualified (~.e. by environmental and accelerated<br />

life testing at the COTS sub-assembly level) .<br />

13. Parts Problem Reporting and Corrective Action: The EEE Parts<br />

Management and Implementation Plan shall address a formal and controlled<br />

closed-loop system for the report~ng, analysis, correction/prevention,<br />

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and data feedback of SRU end item failures.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

14. Ionizing Radiation Effects:<br />

The EEE Parts Management and Implementation Plan shall require a<br />

Contractor Ionizing Radiation Control Plan. Thls plan must define the<br />

processes and methodology used to insure that all EEE parts will<br />

successfully operate in the CEV radiation enVlronments as described in<br />

CxP 70023, Constellation Program Design Specificat~on for Natural<br />

Environments. The Ionlzlng Radiation Control plan shall define the<br />

required content of all radlatlon test plans, test procedures, and test<br />

reports & analyses. The CxP 70144, Constellation Ionizing Radiat~on<br />

Control Plan shall be used to provide guidance for defining radiation<br />

test protocols and analysis methodology used.<br />

15. Data Retention Requirements: The EEE Parts Management and<br />

Implementatlon Plan shall define all EEE parts data retention<br />

requirements. Data retention requirements shall as a mlnlmum be required<br />

for:<br />

a. Non-Standard Parts Requests<br />

b. EEE Part Specifications<br />

c. Qualification Reports<br />

d. Audit and Survey Reports<br />

e. Destructive Physlcal Analysis (DPA)<br />

f. EEE Parts Stress Analysis and Application Reviews<br />

g. Ionizing Radiation test plans, procedures and reports<br />

h. EEE Parts llsts<br />

i. Data used to evaluate COTS/OTS Hardware<br />

13.4 FORMAT: Electronic format per Section J -2<br />

13.5 MAINTENANCE: Contractor-proposed changes to document shall be<br />

submitted to <strong>NASA</strong> for approval. Complete re-issue of the document is<br />

required<br />

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1.<br />

3.<br />


DATA TYPE' 1/3*<br />

6. TITLE: Interface Control Documents<br />

2.<br />

4<br />

5<br />

DRDNO.:<br />


PAGE.<br />

CEV-T-029<br />

May 2009<br />

1<br />


To provide documentation in the form of drawings and/or written records<br />

to identify for each side of an 1nterface those necessary design<br />

definitions between one or more systems, modules, subsystems, computer<br />

software configuration items (CSCI's)r or computer software components<br />

(CSC's), manual operations, contractors and/or Government agencies to<br />

provide control of and ensure an agreeable and compatible interface. The<br />

Interface Control Document (ICD) provides the design solutions to the<br />

requirements found in the system specifications and/or the Interface<br />

Requirements Document (IRD); these companion documents serve to<br />

communicate and control interface design decisions. The 11st of CEV<br />

internal IRDs requr1ed are specif1ed 1n the DRD for CEV-T-035, Internal<br />

Interface Requirements Documents.<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION. As determ1ned by the Contracting Officer.<br />

9 INITIAL SUBMISSION: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

10 SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requnements Matrix<br />

11 REMARKS'<br />

The following document(s) may be used as guidance:<br />

IEEE/EIA 12207.1-1997: Industry Implementation of International<br />

Standard ISO/IEC 12207; 1995, Standard for Information Technology -<br />

Software 11fe cycle processes - Lifecycle data.<br />

The Contents sect10n of this DRD calls out the need to identify<br />

Functional and Procedural interfaces. Functional interfaces pertain to<br />

interactions between two entities across an interface. Procedural<br />

interfaces are functional 1nterfaces that also include sequence<br />

dependencies. A good example of th1s is an arm-fire interface between<br />

two entities. The entities share two functional interfaces, namely arm<br />

and fire. However, they also share a procedural interface, namely the<br />

arm function must be invoked before the fire function.<br />

*Subsystem ICDs, Module and External ICDs = Type 1. Avionics & Software<br />

IDDs = Type 3<br />

12 INTERRELATIONSHIP: Parent sow Paragraph (s): 2 2, 2.3, 6.1. 2, 6.2.2,<br />

6.4.2, 6.5.2,<br />

Related DRD(s): CEV-O-008, CEV-T-035<br />


13.1 SCOPE<br />

The Interface Control Documents (lCD's) identify des1gn definitions for<br />

each s1de of an interface that shall ensure des1gn control and<br />

compat1b1lity. An ICD may describe any number of software interfaces.<br />


NPR 7150.2: <strong>NASA</strong> Software Engineering Requirements (all shall<br />

statements/the compliance matrix only, excluding the software safety<br />

requirement) .<br />

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Modification 65<br />

13.3 CONTENTS:<br />

The Interface Control Document (ICD) shall document the physical,<br />

funct~onal, and procedural ~nterface design as applicable. The ICD shall<br />

provide the descr~pt~ve text and diagrams to fully describe the interface<br />

implementation. An ICD shall be produced for each software element<br />

(flight, ground, s~mulat~on and data services) to document the design of<br />

each interface ~dentif~ed in the associated IRD. The ICD shall address<br />

all of the engineering disciplines associated with the interface design.<br />

The ICD shall identify all applicable workmanship and applicable<br />

standards being utilized as part of the interface design. The ICD shall<br />

provide traceability from the Interface Requirements Document (IRD) to<br />

document design compliance with the requirements.<br />

The ICD shall address the following class of ~nterfaces:<br />

For hardware<br />

(a) Phys~cal - Interfaces involving physical mating and spatial<br />

relationships between ~nterconnect~ng parts of interfacing end items,<br />

including clearance envelopes established to avo~d ~nterferences and to<br />

permit access. Other examples ~nclude power before connector mate and<br />

order of connector mate.<br />

(b) Functional - Interfaces involving the ~nteraction or influence of<br />

conditions imposed by one subsystem or component upon another or by<br />

external sources such as flu1ds, thermal, electrical, environmental,<br />

data, and loads.<br />

(c) Procedural - Interfaces involving cr~t~cal sequence of events<br />

occurring in assembly, disassembly, alignment, service operations, and<br />

computer programs.<br />

For software, in accordance with NPR 7150.2 <strong>NASA</strong> Software Engineering<br />

Requ~rements, and us~ng IEEE/EIA 12207.1-1997 as guidance, each software<br />

ICD shall include:<br />

(a) Physical - Interfaces involving CSCI's or CSC's that ~nteract<br />

through:<br />

1) software to hardware interfaces, including but not limited to<br />

hardware reg~ster ~nterfaces and memory interfaces.<br />

2) network interfaces or external communications bus interfaces<br />

between software CSCI's or CSC's execut~ng on separate computer processor<br />

modules within separate hardware components.<br />

3) backplane ~nterfaces or ~nternal communications bus interfaces<br />

between software CSCI's or CSC's executing on separate computer processor<br />

modules within the same hardware component.<br />

4) memory based interfaces between software CSCI's or CSC's executing<br />

on the computer processor module of any hardware subsystem.<br />

(b) Functional - Interfaces involving the interaction (data exchange,<br />

function invocation, or signal generation) or influence of conditions<br />

imposed by one CSCI or CSC upon another.<br />

(c) Procedural - Interfaces involving critical sequence of events<br />

performed through collaboration between software CSCI's or CSC's (as<br />

applicable). (e.g., an "arm" signal must always be provided prior to the<br />

"fire" signal for any pyrotechnic event.)<br />

(d) Priority assigned to the interface by the interfac~ng entity(ies) .<br />

(e) Type of functional/procedural interface (e.g., function invocation,<br />

send real-time data, send data for informat~on management, generate event<br />

or signal for control) to be 1mplemented.<br />

(f) Specification of individual data elements (command and data<br />

dictionary ident~fer / mnemon~c, class attributes, record/structure<br />

const~tuents or passed parameters), data type, range of values (e.g., the<br />

numeric range for integer or real types and the integer mapping for<br />

enumerated values), un~ts of measure, size (in bits), and bit-level<br />

descriptions of data elements that the interfac~ng entity(ies) will<br />

provide, store, send, access, receive.<br />

(g) Specification of protocols the interfacing ent~ty(ies) will use for<br />

the ~nterface(e.g., the unique identifer of a specif~c hardware register,<br />

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Modification 65<br />

network bus, backplane bus or memory interface) .<br />

(h) Other specifications, such as physical compatibility of the<br />

interfacing entitY(1es) (synchronous or asynchronous, frequency of<br />

exchange, FIFO or LIFO, buffered queue or non-buffered sample, etc.).<br />

(1) Traceability from each interface des1gn to the associated software<br />

interface requirement(s)in the software Interface Requirements Document<br />

(IRD) .<br />

(j) Interface compatibility, e.g., l1ttle endian vs. big endian.<br />

(k) Error Handling, such as synchronous error handling (error handling<br />

assoc1ated with indications explicitly passed over the interface) and<br />

asynchronous error handling (error handling associated with failure to<br />

communicate over the interface) as appl1cable.<br />

13.4 FORMAT: Electronic format per Section J -2<br />

13.5 MAINTENANCE: Contractor-proposed changes to this document shall be<br />

subm1tted to <strong>NASA</strong> for approval. Complete re-issue of the document is<br />

required with changes clearly identified.<br />

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1.<br />

3.<br />

6.<br />

7.<br />

PROGRAM: CEV 2. DRDNO.: CEV-T-031<br />

DATA TYPE: 1/3* 4. DATE REVISED' May 2009<br />

5 PAGE. 1<br />

TITLE: CEV Requirements Specificatlon<br />


The CEV Requirements Specl£ication DRD documents the allocation<br />

of the following:<br />

- CEV System requirements to the Spacecraft and Contractor-provided<br />

Ground Support Equipment System Requirements Specifications<br />

- CEV Spacecraft requirements to the module level<br />

- CEV module requirements to the subsystem level<br />

- CEV subsystem requirements to the component level<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION' As determined by the Contractlng Officer.<br />

9. INITIAL SUBMISSION' Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

10. SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

11. REMARKS.<br />

All system, module, subsystem, and component-level requirement documents<br />

have CXP-10001, Systems Requlrements for the Crew Exploratlon Vehicle<br />

Element (CEV SRD), as their parent document. A common format shall be<br />

used across the system, module, subsystem, and component-level<br />

requirements documents. CEV configuration items will be determined<br />

during CEV Project phases and wlll be documented in the Contractor's<br />

Configuration Management plan.<br />

In naming each document, should be replaced wlth the appropriate<br />

name (e.g., CEV Spacecraft System Requlrements Specification, CEV Crew<br />

Module Requirements Specification, etc.)<br />

All CEV System, module, subsystem, MGSE and EGSE level requirements<br />

documents are type 1 documents.<br />

All CEV component and CEV GSE End Item level requirements documents are<br />

type 3 documents.<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSHIP' Parent sow Paragraph(s): 22,2.7.2,2.7.4,6.1,<br />

6.2, 6.4, 10.6.4.<br />

Related DRD(s): CEV-O-008, CEV-D-002, CEV-D-005<br />


13.1 SCOPE'<br />

The CEV Requirements Specificatlon DRD establishes the format and<br />

contents of the following system-level requirements specifications:<br />

- Spacecraft Systems Requirements Speclfication<br />

- Contractor-provided Ground Support Equipment Systems Requlrements<br />

Specification and the subsequent module, subsystem MGSE, EGSE, component<br />

and GSE End Item level requirements specifications.<br />


CXP-72000: Systems Requirements for the Crew Exploration Vehicle Element<br />

(CEV SRD)<br />

13 3 CONTENTS.<br />

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The system requirements specifications shall allocate the CEV System<br />

functional, performance and operational requirements and constraints to<br />

define the des1gn and arch1tecture of the total System, 1nclud1ng<br />

software, between the Spacecraft and Ground Systems. Two (2) documents<br />

shall be produced comprising the next level of decomposition from the CEV<br />

System level requirements. The requirements shall be allocated between<br />

Spacecraft and Ground Support Equipment<br />

The module requirements specificat10ns shall decompose the CEV spacecraft<br />

system functional, performance, and operat10nal requirements to the<br />

module level. A module is defined as a self-contained unit of a<br />

spacecraft that performs a specific task or class of tasks in support of<br />

the major function of the craft For example, a spacecraft may be broken<br />

up into a crew module, a service module, etc.<br />

The subsystem requirements specifications shall decompose the CEV module<br />

functional, performance, constra1nts and design requirements to define<br />

the des1gn and architecture of the total subsystem, including software.<br />

The component requirements specifications shall conta1n the decomposition<br />

of the requirements from the subsystem level through the lowest level of<br />

the decomposition. This specification will document the allocated<br />

functional, performance, constra1nts and des1gn requirements for the CEV<br />

subsystem to the component level. For the purposes of this DRD,<br />

'component' will be used to describe each level of the decomposition<br />

below the subsystem level as defined by the Contractor. The<br />

decomposition of the subsystem is cont1nued until a procurement or buildto<br />

spec1ficat1on has been developed. A component is defined as an<br />

aggregate of hardware and/or software that can be characterized by one<br />

specification, is designed by a single activity to be funct10nally<br />

tested, and is verified as a un1t.<br />

The MGSE & EGSE functional grouping requ1rements specifications shall<br />

decompose the CEV GSE system functional, performance, constraints and<br />

design requirements to define the design and arch1tecture of the total<br />

MGSE & EGSE functional group1ngs.<br />

The end item requirements specifications shall contain the decomposition<br />

of the requirements from the MGSE & EGSE requirements through the lowest<br />

level of the decomposition, including associated software per the<br />

Software Requirements Specification (DRD CEV-T-048) for MGSE and EGSE.<br />


<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-5005B: <strong>NASA</strong> Standard for Ground Support Equipment (and<br />

assoc1ated Ch1ldren documents as specified in Attachment J-3, Appl1cable,<br />

Guidance, and Informat1onal Documents List)<br />

Each document shall conta1n a sect10n titled 'verification'. For each<br />

requirement 1n the documents, there shall be one or more verification<br />

methods identified. The document shall contain a definition of each<br />

verification method that identifies the general verification approach,<br />

and is consistent w~th identification of the verification methods used in<br />

the Master Verification Plan, T-015. The document shall also contain a<br />

verif1cation traceability matrix that establishes the relationship<br />

between each requ1rement and the verification methods that will be used<br />

to accomplish the indicated ver1f1cat10n actions.<br />

13.4 FORMAT. Electron1c format per Section J-2 As required by ICE,<br />

the Contractor shall also include th1s data in a requirements management<br />

tool for easy data entry.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

13.5 MAINTENANCE: Contractor-proposed changes to document shall be<br />

submitted to <strong>NASA</strong> for approval. Complete re-issue of the document is<br />

required.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Modification 65<br />


1.<br />

3.<br />


DATA TYPE: 2<br />

6. TITLE: Archltecture Deslgn Document<br />

2<br />

4.<br />

5.<br />

DRDNO.·<br />


PAGE.<br />

CEV-T-033<br />

May 2009<br />

1<br />


To describe the functional design of CEV and its operational and support<br />

environments. To identify an approprlate set of resources to satisfy the<br />

system/mission performance, and the driving requirements that provide a<br />

sound basis for the system's des~gn or select~on. To describe the<br />

organlzatlon of a CEV as composed of hardware configuration items<br />

(HWCI'S), computer software conflguration items (CSCI'S), CSCI groupings,<br />

and manual operations. To describe the CEV physical architecture for<br />

purposes of guiding horizontal integration, requlrements engineering,<br />

functional analyses, trade studies and system analyses activities across<br />

the CEV Project.<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION' As determined by the Contracting Officer.<br />

9. INITIAL SUBMISSION: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

10 SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data ReqUlrements Matrix<br />

11 REMARKS'<br />

Informatlon provlded In other DRD's is anticipated to be used in the<br />

preparation of data items In response to this DRD. This information may<br />

be included by reference in this data item. The Architecture Design<br />

Document (ADD) provides the functional and physical description of CEV.<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSHIP. Parent SOW Paragraph(s): 2.3.<br />

Referenced from SOW Paragraph(s): 2.1.3, 6.2<br />


13.1 SCOPE:<br />

In the early development phase, through completion of preliminary design<br />

work, the systems engineering activity focuses on identificatlon of the<br />

technical requirements for the system that define what the modules,<br />

subsystems, and components must do and how well they must do it. During<br />

the detalled design phase the systems engineering activity emphasis<br />

switches to identification of requirements for the acceptance of the<br />

physical product elements by the Constellation Program and logistics<br />

requirements.<br />

The Architecture Design Document provldes the functional design and<br />

associated design rationale for the system's driving requirements that<br />

shall ensure proper testability and performance over the entire range of<br />

operations.<br />


13.3 CONTENTS<br />

The Architecture Design Document shall contain:<br />

a. Introduction. ThlS sectlon shall establish the context for the<br />

remainder of the document. In particular, it defines the scope of<br />

this document, and the relationship of thls document to other key<br />

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CEV documents; change authortiy, convention and notation and overall<br />

document organization<br />

b. Applicable and Reference Documents. This section shall outline the<br />

reference and applicable documents. This section shall list the<br />

number, title, revision, and date of all documents referenced in this<br />

document. This section shall also identify the source for all<br />

documents not available through normal <strong>NASA</strong> stocking activities.<br />

c. CEV Missions Overview. This section shall briefly state the purpose of<br />

the CEV System and summarizes the CEV architecture evolution in<br />

relation to the Design Reference Missions. These missions will serve<br />

as the basis for describing the CEV Architecture throughout the<br />

document. The architecture descriptions in the rest of the document<br />

are outlined according to each of the CEV DRMs.<br />

d. CEV Funct10nal Architecture. This section shall provide the general<br />

funct10nal architecture desciption. This section shall provide a<br />

summary of CEV internal and external functional interfaces and a<br />

summary of the funct10nal architecture for each DRM.<br />

e. CEV Physical Architecture Description. This sect10n shall describe<br />

the CEV Physical Arch1tecture and shall provide a summary of CEV<br />

internal and external physical interfaces and a summary of the<br />

physical architecture for each DRM. The physical architecture<br />

descriptions shall be broken down into the CEV modules and<br />

subsystems. The level of detail prov1ded 1n th1s document varies<br />

depending on the maturity of the baseline for each CEV module.<br />

Critical design decisions that were based upon trades and/or analysis<br />

shall be addressed. This section shall also address any block<br />

configuration deltas, mass properties, Master Equ1pment List (MEL),<br />

and power allocations. Design convent10ns needed to understand the<br />

design shall be presented or referenced.<br />

NOTE: This section shall be divided into subsections that decribe<br />

the CEV System Module Architecture Design and the modules associated<br />

subsystems. Each subsection shall cover the follow1ng areas:<br />

1. Identify the major components of the subsystems.<br />

2. Show the static (such as 'consists of')<br />

components. Multiple relationships may be<br />

the selected design methodology.<br />

relationship(s) of the<br />

presented, depending on<br />

3. State the purpose of each module/subsystem and identify the key<br />

driving requirements (if applicable).<br />

4. Ident1fy each module/subsystem development status/type, if<br />

known (such as new development, exist1ng component to be reused as<br />

is, existing design to be reused as is, existing design or<br />

component to be reengineered, component to be developed for reuse,<br />

component planned for Build N, etc.) For existing design or<br />

components, the descr~ption shall provide identifying information,<br />

such as name, version, documentat10n references, locat10n, etc.<br />

5. Include diagrams and descriptions showing the dynamic<br />

relationship of the components, that is, how they will interact<br />

during System operation, including, as applicable, flow of<br />

execution control, data flow, dynamically controlled sequencing,<br />

state transition diagrams, timing diagrams, priorities among<br />

components, hand11ng of interrupts, timing/sequencing<br />

relationsh1ps, except10n handling, concurrent execution, dynamic<br />

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allocation/deallocation, dynamic creatlon/deletion of objects,<br />

processes, tasks, and other aspects of dynamic behavior.<br />

6.Include interface design characteristics between subsystems. One<br />

or more interface diagrams shall be provided, as appropriate, to<br />

depict the interfaces. Characteristics may include:<br />

a) Type of interface<br />

b) Data elements<br />

c) Communication methods<br />

d) Physical compatlbiltiy<br />

f. Spacecrate Software Architecture Description. This section shall<br />

describe the functional design of Spacecraft Software Architecture.<br />

To describe the organization of a CEV as composed of computer<br />

software configuratlon ltems (CSCI'S), CSCI groupings, and manual<br />

operations. To describe how the functional design and the SWCIs, and<br />

interfaces between them comprise an architecture consistent with a<br />

modular open systems approach. Critical design declsions that were<br />

based upon trades and/or analysis shall be addressed.<br />

NOTE: This section shall be divided into subsections that decribe<br />

the componenents of the CEV Spacecraft Software Architecture. Each<br />

subsection shall cover the following areas:<br />

1 Identlfy the major software components of the Software<br />

Architecture subsystems<br />

2. Show the static (such as 'consists of') relationship(s) of the<br />

components. Multiple relationships may be presented, depending<br />

on the selected design methodology.<br />

3. State the purpose of each component and identlfy the Key<br />

driving system requirements (if applicable)<br />

4. For each computer system or other aggregate of computer<br />

hardware resources identified for use in the System, describe<br />

its computer hardware resources (such as processors, memory,<br />

input/output devices, auxlllary storage, and communications/<br />

network equipment) Each description shall, as applicable,<br />

identlfy the configuration items that will use the resource,<br />

describe the allocation of resource utilization with associated<br />

margin to each CSCI that will use the resource<br />

5. Include diagrams and descrlptlons showing the relationship of<br />

the components, including, as applicable, flow of execution<br />

control, data flow, dynamlcally controlled sequencing, state<br />

transltl0n diagrams, timing diagrams, priorltles among<br />

components, handling of interrupts, tlming/sequencing<br />

relatlonships, exception handling, concurrent execution,<br />

dynamic allocation/deallocatlon, dynamic creation/deletion of<br />

objects, processes, tasks, and other aspects of dynamic<br />

behavior.<br />

6. Include lnterface design characteristics between software<br />

componenets One or more interface diagrams shall be provided,<br />

as appropriate, to depict the interfaces. Characteristics may<br />

lnclude:<br />

a) Type of interface (such as real-time data transfer,<br />

storage-and-retrieval of data, etc.) to be implemented.<br />

b) Characteristics of lndlvidual data elements that the<br />

interfaclng entity(ies) will provide, store, send,<br />

access l receive, etc. (e.g., ldentlflers, data type,<br />

Slze, format, range, accuracy, etc.).<br />

c) Characteristics of data element assemblies (records,<br />

messages, files, arrays, displays, reports, etc.) that<br />

the lnterfacing entity(ies) will provide, store, send,<br />

access, receive, etc. (e.g., identifiers, data elements,<br />

medium, visual and auditory characteristics, etc.).<br />

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d) Characteristics of communication methods that the<br />

interfacing entity(ies) will use for the Interface<br />

(e.g., identifiers, links/bands, formatting, transfer<br />

rates, etc.).<br />

e) Characteristics of protocols that the interfacing<br />

ent~ty(~es) w~ll use for the interface (e.g.,<br />

~dent~fiers, priority/layer, error control, packeting,<br />

synchronization, etc.).<br />

g Requ~rements traceab~l~ty. Th~s paragraph shall contain (if<br />

1nfor.mation is contained in Requirements Traceability Matrix, or<br />

elsewhere, it may be referenced) :<br />

1. Traceability from each system identif~ed ~n this Architecture<br />

Definition Document to the system requirements allocated to it.<br />

2. Traceability from each system requirement to the System<br />

components to wh~ch ~t ~s allocated.<br />

3. Traceability from design decision data to the requirements to<br />

support validation of the requirements<br />

h. Notes. Th~s section shall contain any general informat~on that aids<br />

in understanding this document (e.g., background information,<br />

glossary, rationale). Th~s section shall contain an alphabetical<br />

listing of all acronyms, abbreviations, and their meanings as used in<br />

this document and a list of any terms and def~nitions needed to<br />

understand this document<br />

i. Appendices. Appendices may be used to provide information published<br />

separately for conven~ence in document maintenance (e.g., charts,<br />

class~fied data). As applicable, each append~x shall be referenced<br />

in the main body of the document where the data would normally have<br />

been prov~ded. Appendices may be bound as separate documents for<br />

ease in handling. Append~ces shall be lettered alphabetically (A, B,<br />

etc.) .<br />

The appendices may contain any general informat~on that aids in<br />

understanding this document (e.g., background information, glossary,<br />

rationale). This section shall contain an alphabetical listing of all<br />

acronyms, abbreviations, and their meanings as used in this document and<br />

a list of any terms and definitions needed to understand this document.<br />

13.4 FORMAT. Electron~c format per Section J-2 Requirements<br />

(including decision support and requirements validation data) must be<br />

maintained within the requ~rements database.<br />

13.5 MAINTENANCE: Contractor-proposed changes to document shall be<br />

submitted to <strong>NASA</strong> for approval. Complete re-issue of the document is<br />

required.<br />

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1.<br />

3<br />


DATA TYPE' 1<br />

6. TITLE' Requ~rements Traceabil~ty Report<br />

2<br />

4.<br />

5.<br />

DRDNO.:<br />


PAGE:<br />

CEV-T-034<br />

May 2009<br />

1<br />


To ensure traceability and visibility that program/project requirements<br />

and that they have been completely and properly flowed down to<br />

appropriate lower level requirements documents<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION: As determined by the Contracting Officer.<br />

9. INITIAL SUBMISSION: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

10 SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

11. REMARKS:<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSHIP: Parent SOW Paragraph (s): 2.3<br />

Referenced from SOW Paragraph(s): 6 2<br />

Related DRDs: CEV-T-031, CEV-T-032<br />


13.1 SCOPE'<br />

The Requirements Traceability Report documents the flow down of<br />

requirements starting with the CEV System requirements down through<br />

subsequent levels as determined by the Specification Tree.<br />


CXP-72000: Systems Requirements for the Crew Exploration Vehicle Element<br />

(CEV SRD)<br />

13.3 CONTENTS:<br />

The Requirements Traceability Report shall 1dentify and provide bidirectional<br />

traceability for all tier 1 level CEV Project requirements<br />

from the CEV System requirements as documented in the Spec1fication Tree.<br />

Traceability must be established for all requ~rements sources. The<br />

report shall be produced from the requirements database as part of the<br />

Contractor's system eng~neering tool. The report shall state the<br />

requirement numbers and requ1rements to be met at each level. Higherlevel<br />

requ~rements that are not flowed down shall be identified.<br />

13 4 FORMAT: Electron~c format per Section J -2<br />

13 5 MAINTENANCE: Contractor-proposed changes to document shall be<br />

submitted to <strong>NASA</strong> for approval. Complete re-1ssue of the document is<br />

required.<br />

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1.<br />

3.<br />


DATA TYPE: 1<br />

6. TITLE: Internal Interface Requirements Document<br />

2.<br />

4<br />

5.<br />

DRDNO.<br />


PAGE:<br />

CEV-T-035<br />

May 2009<br />

1<br />


To spec~fy the ~nterface requirements between each module, between each<br />

subsystem, and between Computer Software Configuration Items (CSCls) or<br />

Computer Software Components (CSCs). Also to spec~fy requirements<br />

imposed upon or by manual operations, or other system components to<br />

achieve one or more interfaces among the modules, subsystems, and CSCls<br />

(and/or CSCs). To be used in conjunction with the Software Requirements<br />

Specification as a basis for des~gn and qualification testing of software<br />

systems and CSCIs.<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION: As determined by the Contracting Officer.<br />

9. INITIAL SUBMISSION. Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

10. SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

11. REMARKS.<br />

The following document(s) may be used as guidance:<br />

IEEE/EIA 12207.1-1997: Industry Implementation of International<br />

Standard ISO/IEC 12207; 1995, Standard for Information Technology -<br />

software life cycle processes - L~fecycle data<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSHIP' Parent sow Paragraphs: 2.2, 2.7.2, 2.7.4, 6.1, 6.2,<br />

6.4, 10.6.4<br />

Related DRD(s): CEV-O-008, CEV-T-029, CEV-T-048<br />


13.1 SCOPE:<br />

The Internal Interface Requirements Document (IRD) shall contain the<br />

interface requirements between each of the CEV modules, subsystems, and<br />

CSCI or CSC interfaces within the spacecraft as applicable. This<br />

specification also details provisions for verification and requirements<br />

traceability. An IRD shall be produced for each software element<br />

(flight, ground, simulation, and data services) to document the interface<br />

between each CSCI or CSC that interfaces to another CSCI or CSC, and each<br />

CSC to CSC interface within a CSCI (~f applicable), and for each CSCI or<br />

CSC that interfaces directly to a hardware component.<br />


13.3 CONTENTS:<br />

The Internal Interface Requirements Document (IRD) shall define all<br />

physical, functional and procedural interface requirements to ensure<br />

system, hardware, and software compatibility. The IRDs shall include the<br />

following:<br />

For hardware:<br />

a. Phys~cal - Interface requirements involving phys~cal<br />

mating and spatial relationships between interconnect~ng parts of<br />

~nterfacing end items, including clearance envelopes established to<br />

avoid interferences and to permit access.<br />

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b. Functional - Interfaces involving the interaction or<br />

influence of conditions imposed by one subsystem or component upon<br />

another or by external sources such as fluids, thermal, electrical,<br />

environmental, data, and loads.<br />

c. Procedural - Interfaces involving critical sequence of<br />

events occurr~ng ~n assembly, d~sassembly, alignment, service<br />

operations, and computer programs.<br />

d. Each document shall contain a section titled 'Ver~fication'.<br />

For each requirement in the document, there shall be one or more<br />

verification methods identified. The document shall contain a<br />

definition of each verification method that identifies the general<br />

verif~cat~on approach, and is consistent with identification of the<br />

verification methods used in the Master Verification plan, CEV-T-015.<br />

The document shall also contain a verification traceability matrix<br />

that establishes the relationship between each requirement and the<br />

ver~f~cat~on methods that w~ll be used to accomplish the indicated<br />

verification actions.<br />

In addition, for software, us~ng IEEE/EIA 12207.1-1997 as guidance, IRD<br />

shall ~nclude:<br />

a. Requirements imposed on one or more systems, subsystems,<br />

configurat~on ~tems, manual operations or other system components to<br />

achieve one or more software interfaces among these entities.<br />

1 Interface ident~f1cation and diagrams. One or more<br />

diagram shall be provided to depict the interfaces between<br />

the CSCIs or CSCs and between each CSCI or CSC that<br />

interfaces directly to hardware. (e.g., a UML Domain Chart<br />

Diagram with dependencies depicted between each domain and<br />

or a context d~agram dep~cting the interfaces between<br />

unique software and or hardware elements) .<br />

2. Project-unique identifier of interface. A project<br />

un~que ~dent~fier shall be assigned to each interface w~th<br />

the ~dent1fier constructed by concatenating the following<br />

strings separated by an underscore character: "ORN", _<br />

"FSW" for a flight software interface used for software<br />

verification, "GSW" for a ground software interface, "SSW"<br />

for a simulation software interface or "DSW" for a data<br />

serv~ces software interface, _ the UML KEY letter string<br />

for the source CSCI, CSC or hardware interface, _ and the<br />

UML KEY letter string for the dest~nation CSCI, CSC or<br />

hardware interface. (e.g., ORN_FSW_GNC_CDH for a flight<br />

software interface between the GNC software entity and the<br />

CDH software entity). The project-unique identifier shall<br />

be annotated on the interface diagram(s). Note, by<br />

def~n~t~on, interfaces between one software element<br />

(flight, ground, simulation or data services) and another<br />

are hardware interfaces which are represented on the<br />

software ~nterface diagram for each element as a software<br />

to hardware interface at the final point where the software<br />

interfaces with the hardware interface that provides<br />

communications between the fl~ght, ground, simulation or<br />

data services systems.<br />

3. One pair of requirements shall be documented for each<br />

unique form of interaction that occurs over each interface.<br />

One requirement of each pair shall state what the source of<br />

the 1nterface "provides" to the dest1nation of the<br />

~nterface, and one requirement of each pair shall state<br />

what the destination of the l.nterface "receives'I<br />

from the<br />

source of the interface. (e.g., if software entity A<br />

provides data to software entity B and software entity A<br />

invokes a funct~on of software entity B, then two pairs of<br />

interface requirements shall be written; one pair<br />

describing the data exchange, and one pair descr~bing the<br />

funct~on invocation). For the spec~al case of a broadcast<br />

type of interface where there is a single "provider" and<br />

mUltiple "receivers", a pair of requirements shall be used<br />

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Attachment J-2<br />

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to document each interface for which the requirements,<br />

design or implementation of the interface differs between<br />

the provider and one receiver and the provider and any<br />

other receiver (e.g., one pair of requirements is written<br />

for the single provlder and the list of all receivers only<br />

if the interfaces between the provider and all receivers<br />

are ldentlcal in requirements, design and implementation,<br />

for all other conditions a pair of requirements is written<br />

for each combination of provlder and receiver) .<br />

Requlrements associated with synchronous error handling<br />

(indications explicitly passed over the interface) and<br />

asynchronous error handllng (indications associated with<br />

failure to communicate over the interface) shall be<br />

documented for each lnterface as applicable.<br />

4. Precedence and crlticality of requirements. The IRD<br />

shall document the precedence of the lnterface requirements<br />

(as applicable). The criticality of the interface<br />

requirements shall be determined and documented using the<br />

same approach applied to software requirements.<br />

b. Qualification provisions The quallfication provisions for<br />

interface requirements shall be determined and documented using the same<br />

approach applied to software requirements.<br />

c Requlrements traceabllity shall be documented between the<br />

software interface requirements and the assoclated software, subsystem or<br />

system level requirement(s).<br />

13.4 FORMAT: Electronic format per Section J-2 As required by ICE,<br />

the Contractor shall also lnclude this data in a requirements management<br />

tool for easy data entry.<br />

13.5 MAINTENANCE: Contractor-proposed changes to this document shall be<br />

submitted to <strong>NASA</strong> for approval. Complete re-issue of the document is<br />

required with changes clearly identified.<br />

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1<br />

3.<br />


DATA TYPE' 2/3*<br />

6. TITLE' Margins Management Plan/Report<br />

2.<br />

4<br />

5<br />

DRDNO ..<br />


PAGE:<br />

CEV-T-036<br />

May 2009<br />

I<br />


The Margins Management plan is the unified system level approach to<br />

margin/contingency control. It defines the system design resources,<br />

their budgets, subsystem allocations, and current properties. The<br />

Margins Management Report includes margin properties reports for all<br />

managed design margins.<br />

8 DISTRIBUTION. As determined by the Contractmg Officer.<br />

9 INITIAL SUBMISSION Per Data Requirements Matnx<br />

10. SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

11 REMARKS:<br />

The Marg~ns Management Plan shall be Data Type 2, Margins Management<br />

Reports shall be Data Type 3.<br />

12 INTERRELATIONSHIP: Parent SOW Paragraph(s): 2.4.<br />


131 SCOPE:<br />

The Margins Management Plan is a statement of the contractor's margin<br />

management philosophy The Margins Management plan and Marg~ns<br />

Management Reports prov1de the CEV ProJect with detailed 1dentification<br />

of all resource margins and embedded margins necessary to ensure mission<br />

success and system robustness.<br />


13.3 CONTENTS:<br />

This DRD consists of two products:<br />

Marg1ns Management Reports.<br />

The Margins Management Plan and<br />

The CEV Margins Management plan shall include:<br />

a. Identif1cation of system level margins by SDR (e.g. mass,<br />

power, etc).<br />

b. Identification of subsystem level margins by PDR.<br />

c Plan for system level margins management, including depletion.<br />

d. Plan for subsystem margins management, including depletion.<br />

e. Quant1fication of system level marg1ns (preliminary by SDR,<br />

final by PDR) .<br />

f. Quantification of subsystem level margins (final by PDR).<br />

The CEV Margins Management Reports shall include.<br />

a. Margins status, includ1ng current margin values and margin<br />

targets based on depletion plan.<br />

b. Rationale for unplanned deplet~on.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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13.4 FORMAT: Electronic format per Section J -2<br />

13.5 MAINTENANCE: Contractor-proposed changes to this document shall be<br />

subm~tted to <strong>NASA</strong> for approval. Complete re-issue of the document is<br />

required.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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1.<br />

3.<br />

6.<br />

7.<br />

PROGRAM' CEV 2. DRDNO.: CEV-T-040<br />

DATA TYPE. 1/3/4* (See Data Requirements 4 DATE REVISED' May 2009<br />

Matrix) 5. PAGE: 1<br />

TITLE. Acceptance Data Package<br />


To provide the documentation needed by <strong>NASA</strong> to establish the<br />

acceptability of lntegrated systems/hardware/software for their intended<br />

use.<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION: As determined by the Contracting Officer.<br />

9. INITIAL SUBMISSION. Per Data Requirements Matnx. Acceptance data shall<br />

be prepared and electronically dellvered for each inltial delivery of<br />

Production hardware or software meeting the criteria established in CxP<br />

70146. Acceptance data shall be prepared and electronically delivered for<br />

each initial delivery of Flight Test hardware or software in Contractor<br />

Format.<br />

10 SUBMISSION FREQUENCY . Per Data Requirements Matnx.<br />

shall be prepared and electronically delivered for each<br />

delivery of Production hardware or software meeting the<br />

established in CxP 70146.<br />

Acceptance data<br />

subseql.\ent recriteria<br />

11. REMARKS'<br />

To support hardware or software deliveries to the CEV Project, specific<br />

data, which identlfies and represents the status of the item being<br />

delivered, must be provided to the receiving organization. The<br />

accumulation of this data, originally delivered for acceptance and<br />

subsequently maintained throughout the life of the item, is known as the<br />

Acceptance Data Package (ADP).<br />

The ADP provides a complete and verlfied status, including the as-built<br />

configuration, of hardware or software, contains information pertinent to<br />

acceptance, identifies information unique to the item, and enables the<br />

continuatl0n of required actlvities by the uSlng organization. The ADP<br />

is prepared as part of the hardware or software acceptance/delivery<br />

criteria and will be malntained throughout the hardware or software life<br />

cycle after government acceptance. The ADP must be maintained throughout<br />

lntegrated testing, ground processing, launch site processing, on-orbit<br />

or in-flight operation, post landing, and<br />

malntenance/modificatlon/refurbishment activities until the hardware or<br />

software is decommissioned.<br />

Flight Test ADPs are Data Type 4<br />

12 INTERRELATIONSHIP: Parent sow Paragraph(s)' 10.3.1,10.3.2,10.3.3,<br /><br />

Referenced from sow Paragraph(s): 2.6, 2.7.2. (e), 6.1.5, 6.5.4<br />

Related DRD(s): CEV-T-014, CEV-T-039<br />


13.1 SCOPE'<br />

An ADP shall contain the lnformation necessary for <strong>NASA</strong>, or its delegate,<br />

to determine the acceptability of delivered hardware, software, and<br />

integrated systems for their intended use The acceptabllity of the<br />

delivered item is based on whether the acceptance data provides<br />

sufflClent evidence that acceptance requirements have been satisfied for<br />

the corresponding hardware or software delivery. The term "delivery"<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

CEV-T-040 Page 1 of2

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Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

applies to the initial delivery of an item at the time of acceptance, as<br />

well as any subsequent delivery resulting from modifications,<br />

maintenance, refurbishment, or any other activity that produces new data<br />

for the delivered item.<br />

The ADP requirements estab11shed by th1s DRD shall apply to hardware<br />

[Production flight hardware, and ground support equipment (GSEll,<br />

software, and integrated systems.<br />


CxP 70146 Constellation Program Acceptance Data Package (ADPl<br />

Requirements for production Units only.<br />

13.3 CONTENTS:<br />

This DRD estab11shes the requ1rements for the m1n1mum acceptance data<br />

which is required for Production hardware, software, and integrated<br />

systems delivered to <strong>NASA</strong> for the CEV Project. These requirements are<br />

documented in CxP 70146, Constellation Program Acceptance Data Package<br />

(ADPl Requ1rements.<br />

Flight Test Program ADPs utilize Contractor Format Contents (Excel<br />

spreadsheet l<br />

Flight Test Hardware Excel spreadsheet conta1ns the following data:<br />

a. Running/operating time and cycle<br />

b. Test history log<br />

c Inspect10n records<br />

d. Transfer records<br />

e. Alignment data for cr1t1cal 1tems<br />

f. Component logbook<br />

g We1ght & balance logs<br />

h. Configuration records<br />

i. Accumulated component time and/or cycles at time of shipment<br />

j. Software acceptance data and summary status<br />

k. Copy of proposed DD Form 250<br />

1. Operations & maintenance documents<br />

13.4 FORMAT: Electronic format per Section J -2 Single searchable PDF<br />

requirement not applicable.<br />

13.5 MAINTENANCE: Contractor-proposed changes to this document shall be<br />

submitted to <strong>NASA</strong> for approval. Complete re-issue of the document is<br />

required<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

CEV -T -040 Page 2 of 2

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong> Attachment J-2<br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Modification 65<br />


I.<br />

3.<br />

6.<br />

7<br />

PROGRAM' CEV 2. DRDNO.· CEV-T-041<br />

DATA TYPE' 2 4. DATE REVISED: May 2009<br />

5. PAGE' 1<br />

TITLE:CEV Instrumentation plan<br />


This DRD develops and records the plans and processes for all<br />

instrumentation development and implementation activities.<br />

8 DISTRIBUTION' As determined by the Contractl.ng Officer.<br />

9. INITIAL SUBMISSION' Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

10 SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matnx<br />

11. REMARKS:<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSHIP: Parent sow Paragraph(s): 2.6.1.<br />

Related DRD(s). CEV-T-047<br />


13.1 SCOPE:<br />

The instrumentation plan provl.des insl.ght into, and a tool for<br />

monitoring, the processes to be followed for CEV spacecraft<br />

instrumentation development and l.mplementation activities. This DRD will<br />

include the provisions for the calibration of the instrumentation<br />

transducers and sensors to assure end-to-end error and tolerances are<br />

within required performance. All technical informatl.on related to the<br />

instrumentation requirements allocation, trade studies, system analysis,<br />

design, test, verficatl.on, certification and sustaining engineering shall<br />

be documented in DRD-T-047, AVl.onics Design and Data Book Volume II -<br />

Command and Data Handling/Instrumentatl.on Subsystem Data.<br />


13.3 CONTENTS'<br />

The CEV Instrumentation plan shall include the following processes and<br />

plans:<br />

a. A process that identifies and allocates instrumentation and sensor<br />

requirements across the CEV System includl.ng subsystem engineering and<br />

operational needs. The process shall l.nclude the roles and<br />

responsibilities for sensors interface design and the approval of the<br />

subsystem sensor requirements definition, procurement and testing, and<br />

the definition and provisioning for the calibration of the<br />

instrumentation transducers and sensors to assure end-to-end error and<br />

tolerances are within required performance.<br />

b. A development process that addresses long lead parts procurement,<br />

potential obsolescence issues, determl.natl.on of required trade studies,<br />

prototypl.ng approach and development test, modeling, and analysis aimed<br />

at reducing technical risks.<br />

c. A plan that addresses the necessary facl.ll.ties and equipment for<br />

developing and certifying the CEV instrumentation across the vehicle<br />

system and wl.thin each subsystem.<br />

d A ground data reduction process including a description of the<br />

hardware/software required to support this capability.<br />

e A metrl.CS plan to measure key aspects of these processes.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong> Attachment J-2<br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV) Modification 65<br />

13.4 FORMAT: Electronic format per Section J-2 Microsoft® Wordcompatible.<br />

13 5 MAINTENANCE· Contractor-proposed changes to this document shall be<br />

submitted to <strong>NASA</strong> for approval. Complete re-issue of the document is<br />

required, with changes clearly identified.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Modification 65<br />


1.<br />

3.<br />


DATA TYPE: 2<br />

DRDNO.:<br />


PAGE:<br />

1<br />

6. TITLE.CEV Space.Radiation Analysis and Certification Report<br />

2.<br />

4.<br />

5.<br />

CEV-T-045<br />

May 2009<br />


Radiation Analyses w111 be used to describe the internal crew radiation<br />

exposure resulting from exposure of the CEV to both nomlnal space<br />

radiation environments and solar particle events. ThlS analysis will be<br />

used by <strong>NASA</strong> to ensure that the CEV provides for crew exposures which are<br />

both below established design limits and which are further maintained As<br />

Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA). For ionizing radiation effects on<br />

electronic hardware, refer to DRD CEV-T-027, Electrical, Electronic, and<br />

Electromechanical Parts Eanagement and Implementation Plan.<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION' As determined by the Contracting Officer.<br />

9. INITIAL SUBMISSION: Per Data Reqmrements Matrix<br />

10. SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

11. REMAJUKS:Active radlatlon lnstrumentation for the vehicle is contractor<br />

-provided equipment. Passive dosimeters for CEV missions are provided by<br />

the government.<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSHIP. Parent SOW Paragraph(s): 2.8.3.<br />

Related DRD: CEV-T-027<br />


13.1 SCOPE:<br />

The contractor shall provide <strong>NASA</strong> with radiation analyses that describes<br />

the projected crew radiation exposure based on the vehicle design.<br />

These analyses will also provide information about the internal CEV<br />

radiation enviornment relevant to electronic subsystem hardware.<br />


CXP-70023: Constellation Design Specification for Natural Environments<br />

(DSNE) (and associated Children documents as specified in<br />

Attachment J-3, Appllcable, GUldance, and Informatlonal Documents<br />

List)<br />

CXP-70024, Section 3.2.7: Constellation Human System Integration<br />

Requirements (HSIR), Section 3.2.7<br />

CxP-70044: Constellation Program Natural Environment Definition for<br />

Design (NEDD)<br />

National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements Report No. 132:<br />

Radiation Protection Guidance for Activities in Low-Earth Orbit<br />

National Councll on Radiatlon Protection and Measurements Report No. TBD:<br />

Radiation Protection and Science Goals for Lunar Missions (to be<br />

published in 2006)<br />

OSHA Standards 29 CFR: Supplementary Standards 1960.18<br />

13 3 CONTENTS'<br />

The Space Radiation Analysis and Certification Report shall use the space<br />

radiation environments descrlbed ln the CXP-70023, Constellation Design<br />

Specification for Natural Environments (DSNE) (and associated Children<br />

documents as specified in Attachment J-3, Applicable, Guidance, and<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

Informational Documents Llst) , utlllzlng cxP-70044, Constellation Program<br />

Natural Environment Definition for Design (NEDD), and determine the doses<br />

and particale spectrums lnternal to the CEV habitable area during<br />

enhanced space weather conditions (significant solar particle events),<br />

and nomlnal solar maximum and solar minlmum conditions.<br />

The Space Radiation Analysis and Certification Report shall detail the<br />

following:<br />

- Radiation analysis performed including structural models, materials<br />

selection, stowage planning (including worst case scenarios where the<br />

plan is not followed), and design decisions.<br />

- Transport models<br />

- Human models<br />

13.4 FORMAT· Electronic format per Section J-2 Microsoft®<br />

Word/Excel® or Adobe® Acrobat® PDF for textual and graphics information,<br />

or ASCII dellmited for data.<br />

13.5 MAINTENANCE. Contractor-proposed changes to this document shall be<br />

submitted to <strong>NASA</strong> for approval. Complete re-issue of the document is<br />

required.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Modification 65<br />


1.<br />

3.<br />


DATA TYPE: 1<br />

6 TITLE:CEV Data and Command Dictionary<br />

2.<br />

4.<br />

5.<br />

DRDNO ..<br />


PAGE.<br />

CEV-T-046<br />

May 2009<br />

1<br />


Used to define, manage, and record all data elements that interface with<br />

the core av~onics software and hardware, the subsystem specific software,<br />

and the ground systems. Specif~c data elements include: end-to-end<br />

channelization infor.mat~on, calibration information, sensor range,<br />

telemetry formats, and command information required to define the entire<br />

software system/architecture. Th~s DRD must be sortable for use by<br />

multiple end-user functions, and includes all data used by the flight<br />

crew, ground operations, and flight operators.<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION: As determined by the Contracting Officer.<br />

9 INITIAL SUBMISSION' Per Data Requnements Matrix<br />

10 SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

11. REMARKS:<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSHIP: Parent SOW Paragraph(s): 2.6.1.<br />


13.1 SCOPE.<br />

The CEV Data and Command D~ctionary appl~es to all flight, ground,<br />

simulation, and test software and hardware on the CEV Project.<br />


CxP 70022-4 Constellation Program Command, Control, communicat~on, and<br />

Information (C3I) Interoperab~l~ty Standards Books, Volume 4: Information<br />

Representation Specif~cation (and assoc~ated Children documents as<br />

specif~ed in Attachment J-3, Applicable, Guidance, and Informational<br />

Documents L~st)<br />

13.3 CONTENTS'<br />

The CEV Data and Command Dictionary shall be a sortable database that<br />

includes:<br />

a. Channelizat~on data (e.g., bus mapping, veh~cle wiring mapping, endto-end<br />

hardware channelizat~on (from sensor/transducer, through signal<br />

conditioning, and multiplexing, to f~nal destination of measurement) ,<br />

etc.) .<br />

b. I/O variables.<br />

c. Rate group data.<br />

d. Raw and calibrated cal~bration sensor data<br />

e. Telemetry format/layout and data.<br />

f. Data recorder format/layout and data.<br />

g. Command defin~t~on (e.g., on-board, ground, test specific).<br />

h. Effector command information.<br />

i. Operational limits (e.g., max1mum/minimum values, launch commit<br />

criter~a information, etc.).<br />

j. Mapping to the CEV Nomenclature document.<br />

k. Sensor reference ~nformation (e.g.. measurement type, signal type,<br />

subsystem, installation drawing number, part number) .<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

13.4 FORMAT: Electronic format per section J -2 Electronic,<br />

XML/XTCE-compatible.<br />

13.5 MAINTENANCE: Contractor-proposed changes to this document shall be<br />

submitted to <strong>NASA</strong> for approval. Complete re-issue of the document is<br />

requl.red.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong> Attachment J-2<br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Modification 65<br />


1<br />

3.<br />


DATA TYPE 3<br />

6. TITLE: Avionics Design and Data Book<br />

2.<br />

4.<br />

5<br />

DRDNO.:<br />


PAGE'<br />

CEV-T-047<br />

May 2009<br />

1<br />


This DRD covers design lnformation for the CEV Avionics subsystems,<br />

including the Command and Data Handling, Instrumentatlon, Communication<br />

and Tracking, and Displays and Controls subsytems. Software design<br />

documentation is provided in a separate DRD. This documentation will<br />

provide insight into the contractor's design and analysis data, as well<br />

as detailed reference information to support Engineering and Operations<br />

throughout the life of the CEV.<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION' As determined by the Contracting Officer<br />

9. INITIAL SUBMISSION Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

10. SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requlrements Matrix<br />

11. REMARKS:<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSHIP: Parent sow Paragraph(s): 2.6.1, 2.6.2, 2.6.3, 26.4.<br />

Referenced from sow Paragraph(s):,,,,<br />

6.1.3 4<br />

Related DRD(s): CEV-T-033, CEV-T-041<br />


13.1 SCOPE:<br />

Design and analysis data related to the AVlonics subsystem from the<br />

initial trade studles, requlrements analysis, architecture, math<br />

modeling, functional and performance analyses, detailed deslgn, deslgn<br />

analysis, and operations and maintenance strategies. Document also<br />

covers interfaces with other CEV subsystems, software interfaces,<br />

external interfaces, and interfaces wlth ground/users Separate volumes<br />

shall be provided for each avionics subsystem, as specified below.<br />


CxP 70022-1 Constellation Program command, Control, Communication, and<br />

Information (C3I) Interoperability Standards Books, Volume 1:<br />

Interoperability Specification (and associated Children documents as<br />

specified in Attachment J-3, Applicable, Guidance, and Informational<br />

Documents List)<br />

CxP 70022-2 Constellation Program Command, Control, Communication, and<br />

Information (C3I) Interoperability Standards Books, Volume 2: Spectrum<br />

and Channel Plan<br />

CxP 70022-3 Constellation Program Command! Control, Communication, and<br />

Information (C3I) Interoperability Standards Books, Volume 3: Master Link<br />

Book<br />

CxP 70022-4 Constellation Program Command, Control, Communication, and<br />

Information (C3I) Interoperability Standards Books, Volume 4: Information<br />

Representation Specification (and associated Children documents as<br />

specified in Attachment J-3, Applicable, Guidance, and Informational<br />

Documents List)<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

CEV-T-047 Page 1 of6

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong> Attachment J-2<br />

Crew ExploratlOn Vehic1e - (CEV) Modification 65<br />

CxP 70022-5 Constellation Program Command, Control, Communication, and<br />

Information (C3I) Interoperability Standards Books, Volume 5: Data<br />

Exchange Protocol Specification<br />

CxP 70022-8 Constellation Program Command, Control, Communicat1on, and<br />

Information (C3I) Interoperability Standards Books, Volume 8 Common<br />

Command and Control Functional requirements (and associated Children<br />

documents as specified 1n Attachment J-3, Applicable, Guidance, and<br />

Informational Documents List)<br />

CxP 70070-ANX05, Book 1, Constellation Program Functional Security<br />

Requirements (and associated children)<br />

13 3 CONTENTS:<br />

The Avionics DRO shall contain seven volumes as follows:<br />

Volume I: Avionics System-Level Data<br />

Volume II: Command and Data Handling/Instrumentation Subsystem Data<br />

Volume III: Communications and Track1ng Subsystem Data<br />

Volume IV: Displays and Controls Subsystem Data<br />

Volume V: Avionics Subsystem - Constellation C31 Interoperability Report<br />

Volume VI: Avionics Subsystem - Constellation Security Report<br />

Volume VII. Software Architecture Design Data<br />

Volumes I - IV shall include, as applicable to the subsystem, the<br />

information listed below:<br />

1) Assumpt10ns and groundrules<br />

2) Subsystem Definition including architecture d1agrams and GFE vs.<br />

contractor-supplied assumptions<br />

3) Subsystem Requirements Analyses<br />

a. Funct10nal decomposition<br />

b. Funct10nal, performance and interface requirements<br />

c. Derived requ1rements on other systems/subsystems with analysis<br />

that yields the requirements<br />

d. Trade study results<br />

e. Analysis to show the subsystem meets the requirements<br />

4) Detailed Design Description<br />

a. Hardware element descr1pt10ns and principles of operation<br />

including description of system modes<br />

b. Math models<br />

c. Mass and volume properties<br />

d. Power and Thermal prof1les<br />

e. Schematics layouts, drawings, and 3-D solid geometric<br />

representat10ns of components<br />

f. Interface Requirements and description (internal and external<br />

hardware interfaces 1ncluding mechanical, electrical and thermal<br />

interfaces, software interfaces, and human interfaces; includes necessary<br />

Interface Control Documents)<br />

g. Bandwidth/throughput/memory/link margin analysis for hardline,<br />

RF, and optical data systems and processors as app11cable to subsystem<br />

h. Telemetry/instrumentation<br />

i. Consumables list<br />

j. Reconfiguration process<br />

5) Operational Analyses<br />

a. Operational scenarios and modes including the subsystem/s<br />

limitations on any aspect of vehicle flight<br />

b Performance and Margin analyses<br />

c Operating EnV1ronments (natural and induced)<br />

d. Fa1lure modes and redundancy operations including vehicle<br />

failure modes accommodated by subsystem and failure modes reacting to<br />

vehicle failures<br />

e. Fault Detection, Isolation and Recovery<br />

f. Diagnostic strategies including plans for 1n-flight maintenance<br />

g. Initialization procedures and parameters<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

h. Day of launch parameters and late-load requirements<br />

i. Abort analysis<br />

j. Launch scrub turnaround plan<br />

k. Labeling strategy (consistent with overall CEV labeling<br />

strategy)<br />

1. Independent design and performance analyses including worst<br />

case timing analysls, fault tolerance and hazard<br />

identificatlon/mltlgatlon.<br />

6) Maintainability and testlng data<br />

a. Test requirements including information on Special Test<br />

Equipment design, operatlons and maintenance, if applicable.<br />

b. Maintainability strategies including sparing provisions, growth<br />

and scarring provisions, shelf-life, and long-term storage provisions<br />

c. Deliverable end item or equipment identification (part number)<br />

d. Predicted reliability assessment<br />

e. Component reusability/refurblshment analysis<br />

7) References and indication of any changes from the previous<br />

submission<br />

8) Additional Communications and Tracking Subsystem Analyses Data<br />

(Volume III)<br />

a. In addition to the information specified above, Volume III<br />

shall lnc1ude the following analyses reports, with each report provided<br />

In a separate section. Each report shall contain the following:<br />

1. Brief description of the analysis discipline and its<br />

overall function.<br />

2. Summary performance matrix listlng each quantitative<br />

parameter requirement the discipline is to satisfy against a concise<br />

statement of the analytically predicted performance of the parameter,<br />

whether or not the parameter requirement is met, and a reference to the<br />

location in the text where the supporting analysis is described.<br />

3. Supporting analyses which shall discuss all boundary<br />

condltions, inputs (including test data), and assumptions used;<br />

analytical approaches (models, equations, algorithms) used; results; and<br />

conclusions.<br />

4 In cases where computer math models or programs are<br />

utilized, a descrlptlon of the program along with the source code are to<br />

be delivered.<br />

b. Required Analysis Reports:<br />

1. Radio Frequency/Optlcal Link Margin Data book -<br />

Documents link margin for each RF link.<br />

2. RF/Optical Coverage Analysis Report - Report of RF link<br />

availability considerlng vehicle trajectory, antenna patterns, structural<br />

blockage, planet blockage, and llnk margin.<br />

3 Radiation Patterns - Documents planned performance at<br />

PDR and test measurements as available.<br />

4. Emitter/Receiver pOlntlng analysis - Analysls of<br />

antenna/laser pointing accuracy and stability considering all sources of<br />

pointing errors.<br />

5. RF/Optical Radiation analysis - Analysis to show<br />

RF/Optical system compliance relating to RF/Optical operations and<br />

constraints with the launch site, vehicles and facilities.<br />

6. Tracking analysis - Analysis to show that RF/Optical<br />

tracking systems meet system requirements.<br />

7. RF/Optical Interference Analysis - Prov~de analysis or<br />

measured data showing that no other vehicle subsystems or components<br />

prevent the recept10n, transmission, or operat10n of RF communication<br />

subsystems and components. Similarly, provlde analysis or measured data<br />

showing that no RF communlcatlon subsystem or components interfere with<br />

the proper operation of other vehlcle subsystems or components.<br />

8 RF link compatibility analyses - Documents the RF<br />

compatibility between CEV communication links and between CEV<br />

communication links and other interfacing elements.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

9. Power Flux Density analysis - Analysis that shows that<br />

all modes of operation meet Interdepartmental Radio Advisory Committee<br />

flux density<br />

volume v shall include:<br />

1) Description of how the CEV contractor plans to implement:<br />

CxP 70022-1 Constellation Program Command, Control, Communication,<br />

and Information (C3I) Interoperabil~ty Standards Books, Volume 1:<br />

Interoperability Specification (and associated Children documents as<br />

specified in Attachment J-3, Applicable, Guidance, and Informational<br />

Documents List)<br />

CxP 70022-2 Constellation Program Command, Control, Communication,<br />

and Information (C3I) Interoperability Standards Books, Volume 2:<br />

Spectrum and Channel Plan<br />

CxP 70022-3 Constellation Program Command, Control, Communication,<br />

and Information (C3I) Interoperability Standards Books, Volume 3:<br />

Master Link Book<br />

CxP 70022-4 Constellation Program Command, Control, Communication,<br />

and Information (C3I) Interoperability Standards Books, Volume 4:<br />

Information Representation Specification (and associated Children<br />

documents as specified in Attachment J-3, Applicable, Guidance, and<br />

Informational Documents List)<br />

CxP 70022-5 Constellation Program Command, Control, Communication,<br />

and Information (C3I) Interoperability Standards Books, Volume 5:<br />

Data Exchange Protocol Specification(and associated Children<br />

documents as specified in Attachment J-3, Applicable, Guidance, and<br />

Informational Documents List).<br />

CxP 70022-8 Constellation Program Command, Control, Communication,<br />

and Information (C3I) Interoperability Standards Books, Volume 8<br />

Common Command and Control Functional Requirements (and associated<br />

Children documents as specified in Attachment J-3, Applicable,<br />

Guidance, and Informational Documents List).<br />

2) Provides a summation and targeted details of designs for vehicle<br />

systems that support command, control, and monitoring, including:<br />

a. Communications protocols<br />

b. Informat~on model content related to command, control,<br />

communications, and monitoring<br />

c. Communications framework supporting collaborative data sharing<br />

and distribution<br />

Volume VI shall include:<br />

1) Descript~on of how the CEV contractor plans to implement:<br />

- CxP 70070-ANX05, Book 1, Constellation Program Functional Security<br />

Requirements (and associated children)<br />

2) Provides a summation and targeted deta~ls of des~gns for veh~cle<br />

systems that support command t control, and mon~tor1ng, 1ncluding:<br />

a. Communications protocols<br />

b. Information model content related to command, control,<br />

communications, and monitoring<br />

c. Communications framework supporting collaborative data<br />

sharing and distribution<br />

Volume VII shall include:<br />

System arch~tectural des~gn. Th~s sect~on shall be divided into<br />

the following paragraphs to describe the CEV System architectural design.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

CEV-T-047 Page 4 of6

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

If part or all of the design depends upon CEV System states or modes,<br />

this dependency shall be indicated. If design information falls into<br />

more than one paragraph, it may be presented once and referenced from the<br />

other paragraphs. Design convent~ons needed to understand the design<br />

shall be presented or referenced.<br />

NOTE: For brevity, this sect~on is written in terms of organizing a<br />

system directly into Computer Software Configuration Items (CSCIs), and<br />

manual operations, but shall be interpreted to cover organizing a system<br />

into subsystems, organlzlng a subsystem into CSCIs, and manual<br />

operations, or other variations as appropriate.<br />

1. System components. This paragraph shall:<br />

(a) Identify the components of the system (CSCIs and manual<br />

operations). Each component shall be assigned a project-unique<br />

identif~er. Note: a database may be treated as a CSCI or as part of a<br />

CSCI.<br />

(b) Show the static (such as 'consists of') relationship(s) of the<br />

components. Mult~ple relationships may be presented, depending on the<br />

selected design methodology.<br />

(c) State the purpose of each component and ~dentlfy the System<br />

requirements and systemwide design declsions allocated to it.<br />

(d) Identify each component's development status/type, if known<br />

(such as new development, existing component to be reused as is, existing<br />

design to be reused as is, existing deslgn or component to be<br />

reengineered, component to be developed for reuse, component planned for<br />

Build N, etc.) For existlng design or components, the description shall<br />

provide 1dentifying information, such as name, version, documentation<br />

references, location! etc.<br />

(e) For each computer system or other aggregate of computer<br />

hardware resources identlf~ed for use in the System, describe its<br />

computer hardware resources (such as processors, memory, input/output<br />

devices, auxiliary storage, and communications/ network equipment). Each<br />

description shall, as applicable, identify the configuration items that<br />

will use the resource, descrlbe the allocation of resource util~zation<br />

with associated margin to each CSCI that will use the resource (for<br />

example, 20% of the resource's capacity allocated to CSCI 1, 30% to CSCI<br />

2), describe the conditions under which utilization will be measured, and<br />

describe the characterlstlcs of the resource.<br />

2. Concept of execut~on. This paragraph shall describe the concept of<br />

execution among the system components. It shall include diagrams and<br />

descriptions showing the dynamic relationship of the components, that is,<br />

how they will interact during System operation, including, as applicable,<br />

flow of execution control, data flow, dynamically controlled sequencing,<br />

state transition diagrams, tlm~ng diagrams, priorities among components,<br />

handllng of interrupts, timing/sequenclng relat~onships, exception<br />

handling, concurrent execution, dynam~c allocation/deallocation, dynamic<br />

creation/deletion of objects, processes, tasks, and other aspects of<br />

dynamic behavior.<br />

3. Interface design. Th~s paragraph shall be divided into the<br />

followlng subparagraphs to describe the interface characteristics of the<br />

system components. It shall include both interfaces among the components<br />

and their interfaces with external entities such as other systems,<br />

configuration items! and users. Note: There is no requirement for these<br />

interfaces to be completely designed at this level; this paragraph is<br />

provlded to allow the recording of ~nterface design decisions made as<br />

part of system architectural design. If part or all of this information<br />

is contained elsewhere, these sourCes may be referenced.<br />

(a) Interface ident~f~cation and diagrams. This paragraph shall<br />

state the project-unique identifier ass~gned to each interface and shall<br />

identify the interfacing entities (systems, configurat~on items, users,<br />

etc.) by name, number, version, and documentation references! as<br />

applicable. The identification shall state which entities have fixed<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

interface characteristics (and therefore impose interface requirements on<br />

interfacing entities) and which are being developed or modified (thus<br />

hav~ng interface requirements ~mposed on them). One or more ~nterface<br />

diagrams shall be provided, as appropriate, to depict the interfaces.<br />

(b) project-unique ~dentifier of interface. Th~s paragraph shall<br />

ident~fy an interface by project-unique identifier, shall briefly<br />

identify the interfacing entities, and shall be divided into<br />

subparagraphs as needed to describe the interface characteristics of one<br />

or both of the interfac~ng entities. If a given ~nterfacing entity is<br />

not covered by this ADD (for example, an external system) but its<br />

interface characteristics need to be mentioned to describe interfacing<br />

entities that are, these characteristics shall be stated as assumptions<br />

or as 'When [the ent~ty not covered] does this, [the entity that is<br />

covered] w~ll .... ' This paragraph may reference other documents (such<br />

as data dictionaries, standards for protocols, and standards for user<br />

interfaces) in place of stating the information here. The design<br />

description shall include the following, as applicable, presented in any<br />

order suited to the information to be provided, and shall note any<br />

differences in these characteristics from the point of view of the<br />

interfacing ent~t~es (such as different expectations about the size,<br />

frequency, or other characteristics of data elements) :<br />

(1) priority assigned to the interface by the interfacing<br />

entity(ies) .<br />

(2) Type of interface (such as real-time data transfer, storageand-retrieval<br />

of data, etc.) to be implemented.<br />

(3) Characteristics of indiv~dual data elements that the<br />

interfacing entity(ies) will prov~de, store, send, access, receive, etc.<br />

(e.g., identifiers, data type I size, format! range, accuracy, etc.).<br />

(4) Characteristics of data element assemblies (records, messages,<br />

files, arrays, displays, reports, etc.) that the ~nterfacing entity(ies)<br />

will provide, store, sendt access, recelve, etc. (e.g., identifiers, data<br />

elements, medium, visual and auditory characteristics, etc.).<br />

(5) Characteristics of commun~cation methods that the interfacing<br />

entity(ies) will use for the Interface (e.g., identifiers, links/bands,<br />

formatting, transfer rates, etc.)<br />

(6) Characteristics of protocols that the interfacing entity(ies)<br />

will use for the interface (e.g., identifiers, priority/layer, error<br />

control, packet~ng, synchronizat~on, etc.).<br />

(7) Other characteristics, such as physical compatibility of the<br />

interfacing entity(ies) (dimensions, tolerances, loads, voltages, plug<br />

compatibility, etc.).<br />

13.4 FORMAT: Electronic format per section J-2<br />

13.5 MAINTENANCE· Changes shall be ~dentified and complete re-issue of the<br />

document is required.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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1.<br />

3.<br />


DATA TYPE. 1<br />

2.<br />

4.<br />

5<br />

6 TITLE: Software Requlrements Specification<br />

DRDNO.:<br />


PAGE<br />

CEV-T-048<br />

May 2009<br />

1<br />


A document which defines and records the software requirements to be met<br />

by a computer software configuration item (CSCI). This document<br />

specifies the requirements for a CSCI and the methods to be used to<br />

ensure that each requlrement has been met. This document forms the basis<br />

for design and qualification testing of a CSCI. In addition, this<br />

document wlll lnclude the display format dictionaries in the display<br />

software SRS as speclfled in section 13.3 below.<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION: As determlned by the Contracting Officer.<br />

9 INITIAL SUBMISSION: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

10. SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

11. REMARKS:<br />

Requirements pertaining to the CSCI's external interfaces may be<br />

presented in the Software Requirements Specification (SRS) or in one or<br />

more Interface Requirements Speclflcations (IRS's) referenced from the<br />

SRS.<br />

The following document(s) may be used as guidance:<br />

IEEE/EIA 12207.0-1996: Industry Implementation of International<br />

Standard ISO/lEe 12207: 1995, Standard for Information Technology -<br />

Software life cycle processes<br />

IEEE/EIA 12207.1-1997 Industry Implementatlon of International<br />

Standard ISO/IEC 12207; 1995, Standard for Information Technology -<br />

Software life cycle processes - Llfecycle data<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSHIP: Parent SOW Paragraph(s): 6.5.2.<br />

Referenced from SOW Paragraph(s): 2.5, 2.6.15,,,<br /><br />

Related DRD(s): CEV-O-008, CEV-T-035<br />


13.1 SCOPE:<br />

The Software Requlrements Specification detalls the software functional,<br />

performance, interface, operational, and quality assurance requirements.<br />


NPR 7150.2: <strong>NASA</strong> Software Engineering Requirements (all shall<br />

statements/the compllance matrix only, excluding the software safety<br />

requiremen t)<br />

13.3 CONTENTS.<br />

In accordance with NPR 7150 2 <strong>NASA</strong> Software Englneering Requirements, and<br />

using IEEE/EIA 12207.1-1997 as gUldance, the Software Requirements<br />

Specification shall contain.<br />

a. System overview.<br />

b. CSCI requirements.<br />

1. Functional requirements.<br />

2. Required states and modes.<br />

3. External lnterface requirements.<br />

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4. Internal interface requirements.<br />

5. Internal data requirements.<br />

6. Adaptation requirements.<br />

7. Safety requirements.<br />

8. Performance and timing requirements<br />

9. Security and privacy requirements.<br />

10. Environment requirements.<br />

11. computer resource requirements.<br />

(a). Computer hardware resource utilization requirements.<br />

(b). Computer software utilization requirements.<br />

(c). Computer communications requirements.<br />

12. Software qual1ty characteristics.<br />

13. Design and implementation constraints.<br />

14. Personnel-related requirements<br />

15. Training-related requ1rements.<br />

16. Logistics-related requirements.<br />

17. Packaging requ1rements.<br />

18. Precedence and criticality of requirements.<br />

19. Operations requirements, including flight-to-flight<br />

reconfiguration.<br />

c. Qualification provisions.<br />

d Requirements traceability and verification method data.<br />

e. Requirements partition1ng for phased del1very.<br />

f. Testing requirements that dr1ve software design decis10ns; e.g.,<br />

special system level timing requirements/checkpoint restart.<br />

In addit10n to the above requirements, the display software SRS shall<br />

contain an appendix that serves as the display format dictionary to<br />

document the results of the d1splay format prototyping activity. At the<br />

discretion of the contractor, each format may be documented in a separate<br />

appendix. The Display Format Dictionary Appendix shall document the<br />

results of the display proto typing effort which includes the following<br />

information at a minimum:<br />

• Scope<br />

• Introduction<br />

• The following information for each display format:<br />

o General d1scuss10n on the purpose of the display format and its<br />

associated operat1onal concept (i.e. applicable mi~sion phase or<br />

scenario) .<br />

o Graphical representation of each format (may include multiple<br />

images to cleary reflect mission/phase tailoring or other moding<br />

behavior) .<br />

o<br />

o<br />

o<br />

Detailed description of each graphical object<br />

Description of the dynamic behavior of each dynamic graphical<br />

object and/or command on the format 1nclud1ng states, limits,<br />

modes, decluttering, etc, as applicable.<br />

Required input and output data parameters and data rates,<br />

including source/destination for each input/output parameter.<br />

13.4 FORMAT: Electron1c format per Section J-2<br />

13 5 MAINTENANCE: Contractor-proposed changes to this document shall be<br />

submitted to <strong>NASA</strong> for approval. Complete re-issue of the document is<br />

required with changes clearly identif1ed.<br />

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Modification 65<br />


1.<br />

3.<br />

6.<br />

7.<br />

PROGRAM: CEV 2. DRDNO.: CEV-T-058<br />

DATA TYPE' 1 4 DATE REVISED. May 2009<br />

5. PAGE 1<br />

TITLE: Radlo Frequency/Optical ICDs<br />


RF/Optical Interface Control documents define the end to end<br />

communlcations interfaces between CEV and other Constellation Systems<br />

(lncluding CEV equipment on ISS, and Communlcation and Tracklng Networks<br />

(CTN) under Space Communicatlons and Navigation (SCAN)). <strong>NASA</strong> will use<br />

these ICDs to ensure that all interfaces are compatible and interoperable<br />

with other Constellation Systems, ISS and communications infrastructure.<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION: As determined by the Contracting Officer.<br />

9. INITIAL SUBMISSION: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

10. SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

11. REMARKS:<br />

These documents shall be conslstent with the Constellation Program's<br />

integrated plans such as CXP-70022, Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 8,<br />

Constellation Command, Control, Communication, and Information (C3I)<br />

Interoperablllty Specificatlon (and associated Children documents as<br />

specified in Attachment J-3, Appllcable, Guidance, and Informational<br />

Documents List).<br />

12 INTERRELATIONSIDP: Parent sow Paragraph (s): 2.6.3.<br />

Referenced from SOW Paragraphs:,<br />


13.1 SCOPE'<br />

RF/Optical ICDs shall be developed for all communlcations links (Space to<br />

Space and Space to Ground). <strong>NASA</strong> will lead the development of the<br />

RF/Optical ICDs with participation from other Constellation Systems, ISS<br />

and SCAN. Contractor shall participate in the development of the<br />

RF/Optlcal ICDs. The Contactor shall generate, maintain and<br />

configuration manage the ICD. After the ICD is baselined, the Contractor<br />

shall generate change requests for any changes and submit for <strong>NASA</strong><br />

approval.<br />

At the contractor's discretion, the lCD's can be delivered in different<br />

volumes - For example, a volume for CEV-CTN lnterface, a volume for CEV­<br />

LSAM interface, etc.<br />


450-SNUG. Space Network Users' GUlde<br />

CxP 70022-1 Constellation Program Command, Control, Communication, and<br />

Information (C3I) Interoperability Standards Books, Volume 1:<br />

Interoperability Specification (and associated Children documents as<br />

specified in Attachment J-3, Applicable, Guidance, and Informational<br />

Documents List)<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

CEV-T-058 Page 1 of2

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong> Attachment J-2<br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Modification 65<br />

CxP 70022-2 Constellation Program Command, Control, Communication, and<br />

Information (C3I) Interoperability Standards Books, Volume 2: Spectrum<br />

and Channel plan<br />

CxP 70022-3 Constellation Program Command, Control, Communication, and<br />

Information (C3I) Interoperability Standards Books, Volume 3: Master Link<br />

Book<br />

CxP 70022-4 Constellatl0n Program Command, Control, Communication, and<br />

Information (C3I) Interoperability Standards Books, Volume 4: Information<br />

Representation Specification (and assoclated Children documents as<br />

specified in Attachment J-3, Applicable, Guidance, and Informational<br />

Documents List)<br />

CxP 70022-5 Constellation Program Command, Control, Communication, and<br />

Informatlon (C3I) Interoperablllty Standards Books, Volume 5: Data<br />

Exchange Protocol Specification<br />

CxP 70022-8 Constellation Program Command, Control, Communication, and<br />

Information (C3I) Interoperability Standards Books, Volume 8: Common<br />

Command and Control Functional Requirements (and associated Children<br />

documents as speclfied in Attachment J-3, Applicable, GUldance, and<br />

Informational Documents L1St)<br />

CxP 70118, Volume 1: Constellatl0n to Communicatl0ns and Tracking<br />

Networks Interface Requlrements Document, Volume 1 - CEV.<br />

CxP 70028 CEV to GS IRD<br />

CxP 70029 CEV to MS IRD<br />

CxP 70031 CEV to ISS IRD<br />

CxP 70034 CEV to LSAM IRD<br />

ICD-GPS-200: Navstar GPS Space Segment/Navigation User Interfaces<br />

13.3<br />


The RF/Opticals ICD shall start at Layer 2 (Data Link Layer) for<br />

transmisSlon end and end at Layer 2 (Data Link Layer) on receivlng end.<br />

RF link compatibility analyses - Documents the RF compatibility and<br />

detalled communication lnterfaces between CEV communication links and<br />

between CEV communication links and other interfacing elements<br />

The RF/Opticals ICD shall detail the characteristics of the RF<br />

communication channel between the CEV, ground stations, Communication and<br />

Tracking Network, (ISS) and other Constellation Systems including:<br />

- Frequencies of operation<br />

- Modulation & Channel Coding<br />

- Transmitter powers, receiver noise temperatures and antenna<br />

polarization and performance<br />

- Data formats, frame synchronization, forward error correction coding<br />

- Data link layer consisting of framlng and link establishment, and<br />

negotiation protocols.<br />

13.4 FORMAT: Electronic format per Section J -2<br />

13.5 MAINTENANCE: Contractor-proposed changes to document shall be<br />

submitted to <strong>NASA</strong> for approval. Complete re-issue of the document is<br />

required, wlth changes clearly identified.<br />

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Modification 65<br />


1<br />

3.<br />

6.<br />

7<br />

PROGRAM: CEV 2 DRDNO.: CEV-T-059<br />

DATA TYPE: 3 4 DATE REVISED: May 2009<br />

5. PAGE 1<br />

TITLE: Electrical Power System (EPS) Deslgn and Data Book<br />


Documents the power system deslgn, including the lnput assumptions, the<br />

analytical methods used, the results of the analyses and the comparison<br />

to appllcable quantitatlve requirements. The comprehensive equipment<br />

documentation will provide detailed reference information to support<br />

Engineering and Operations throughout the life of the CEV.<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION As determined by the Contractlng Officer.<br />

9. INITIAL SUBMISSION' Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

10 SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

11 REMARKS'<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSHIP: Parent SOW Paragraph(s): 2.6.5 ..<br />

Referenced from SOW Paragraphs:, 6.2.3 5,<br />


13.1 SCOPE.<br />

The Electrical Power System Deslgn and Data Book documents the results of<br />

design, development, and other pertinent studies relating to the<br />

electrical power system, includlng all power generation, storage, and<br />

distribution/control equlpment, circuit protection, interior and exterior<br />

vehicle lighting, and interfaces for ground, mated vehicles, payloads,<br />

and portable equipment End-to-end functl0nal schematics, engineering<br />

drawings, and associated lists shall be utilized to the maximum extent<br />

possible in performing and providing analysis reports.<br />


13.3 CONTENTS:<br />

volume 1 - Electrical Power System Circuit Protectlon and<br />

Isolation Plan<br />

plan and provisions for establlshing, and maintalnlng electrical<br />

circuit protection for the CEV and CEV interfaces (including human<br />

safety) with ground maintenance/test facilities, launch<br />

facilities, in-flight vehicles, recovery, and re-furbishment<br />

facilitles. Crewed, EVA, and uncrewed operations for both<br />

'ground' and 'in-fl1ght' activities such as monitoring, testing,<br />

diagnostlc, safing, fault recovery, and maintenance shall be<br />

addressed.<br />

Volume 2 - Electrlcal Power System Requlrements and Design<br />

Analys2s Reports<br />

The deliverable shall 2nclude'<br />

1) Assumptions, groundrules<br />

2) Subsystem Definit20n<br />

3) Subsystem Requirements Analyses<br />

a. Functional decomposit2on<br />

b. Functional, performance, and interface requirements<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

CEV -T -059 Page 1 on

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong> Attachment J-2<br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV) Modification 65<br />

c. Derived requirements on other systems with analysis that<br />

yields the requirements<br />

d. Trade studies results<br />

e. Analysis to show the subsystem meets the requirements.<br />

In cases where computer math models or programs are utilized, a<br />

description of the program along with the source code shall be<br />

made available to <strong>NASA</strong>. The following analyses shall also be<br />

documented:<br />

1. Electrical Power System Circuit Protection and<br />

Fault Analyses - Documents the circuit protection analys~s results<br />

to determine correct circuit protection size and trip<br />

characteristics. Documents the proper circuit protection sizing<br />

that is verified by comparing source fault current with wiring and<br />

c~rcu~t protection specifications. Documents the fault analysis<br />

in which worst case faults are considered from the standpoint of<br />

safety or mission compromise to determine if power and circuit<br />

redundancy is adequate and to assure that there are adequate<br />

circuit protection margins to preclude upstream fault propagation.<br />

Documents the analys~s of both line-to-ground and line-to-line<br />

faults.<br />

2. Electrical Power System Grounding Analysis -<br />

Documents the electrical grounding design. Documents the analysis<br />

results of the electrical grounding design and consistency with<br />

the performance specifications of the various interfacing elements<br />

during all phases of ground testing and mission flights.<br />

3. Electrical Power System Voltage Drop Analysis -<br />

Documents the analysis results using circuit resistance values<br />

based on w~re s~ze, wire length, temperature conditions, circuit<br />

element resistances, and varying load conditions. Documents<br />

voltage drops on all major c~rcu~ts, loads, and interfaces at<br />

varying load conditions<br />

4. Electr~cal Power System Transient Analyses -<br />

Documents the analys~s results using normal and worst case<br />

subsystem and system interface conditions (voltage and bus<br />

transient and ripple), evaluates the design for proper performance<br />

and compatibility, and assures adequate margins between the source<br />

and the loads. Also documents the evaluation of power on/off<br />

switching transient generation for adverse (out-of-spec.) impacts<br />

to the interfac~ng bus.<br />

Volume 3 - Electr~cal Power System Architectural Notebook<br />

Documents the EPS architectural connectivity for all vehicle<br />

configurations.<br />

1) This volume shall ~nclude connectivity schematics of:<br />

a. Power generation, power storage, and<br />

distribution/control equipment to each other and to each<br />

electrical consuming equipment, including interior and exterior<br />

l~ght~ng<br />

b. Internal and external interfaces for ground<br />

support, portable equipment, payloads, mated vehicles, and human<br />

interfaces<br />

c. Activation/deactivation architecture, dead-facing<br />

term~nat~on, as well as any temporary or contingency EPS jumpers<br />

(includes hardware utilizat~on descrlptlon)<br />

d. Thermal and command/data connectivity to the EPS<br />

devices.<br />

e. CEV Electrical Power Consum~ng Equipment List with associated<br />

power mode and ~ntegration of power channel connectivity data to<br />

wiring database.<br />

Volume 4 - Electrical Power System Equipment Description and Performance<br />

Data<br />

Comprehensive equipment documentation of the EPS hardware to provide<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

detailed reference informatlon for supporting Engineering and Operations.<br />

1) Detailed Design Description of each EPS devlce shall include:<br />

a. Hardware descrlption with functional block diagrams<br />

b. Internal and external hardware interfaces including mechanical,<br />

optical, electrical, thermal interfaces, software lnterfaces, and human<br />

interfaces<br />

c. Mass and volume properties<br />

d. Equipment location<br />

e. Hardware math model (where applicable)<br />

f. Consumables (if applicable)<br />

g Data bandwidths (data rates); Telemetry; Instrumentation<br />

descriptlon<br />

2) Operational Description of each EPS ORU shall include:<br />

a. Operatlonal modes including default and commanded states<br />

b Power and thermal profile for each operational mode<br />

c. Performance and margin capablilty<br />

d. Natural and lnduced operating and non-operatlng environments<br />

(examples: min/max pressure and temperature)<br />

e. Basic summary of operational activation/deactivation procedures<br />

and limitations<br />

f. Initialization procedures and parameters<br />

g. Day of launch parameters and late-load requirements<br />

h. Launch scrub turnaround procedures<br />

l. Failure modes and redundancy operations including vehicle<br />

failure modes accommodated by subsystem and failure modes reacting to<br />

vehicle failures (includes abort saflng procedures)<br />

j. Fault Detection, Isolation and Recovery<br />

k. Diagnostlcs strategies including plans for In-fllght<br />

maintenance<br />

1. Labeling strategy (consistent with overall CEV labellng<br />

strategy)<br />

3) Maintainability and testlng data shall include:<br />

a. Test requirements including informatlon on Special Test<br />

Equipment deslgn, operations and maintenance.<br />

b. Maintainability strategles lncluding sparing provisions, growth<br />

and scarring provisions, shelf-life, and long-term storage provisions<br />

c. Deliverable end item or equipment identification (part number)<br />

d. Predicted rellablilty assessment<br />

e. Component reusabillty/refurbishment analysis<br />

13.4 FORMAT: Electronlc format per Section J-2<br />

13 5 MAINTENANCE: Contractor-proposed changes to this document shall be<br />

submitted to <strong>NASA</strong> for approval. Complete re-issue of the document is<br />

required.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong> Attachment J-2<br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Modification 65<br />


1.<br />

3.<br />


DATA TYPE. 1<br />

2<br />

4<br />

5.<br />

DRDNO.·<br />


PAGE:<br />

CEV-T-060<br />

May 2009<br />

1<br />

6. TITLE: Electrical Power Quality Specification Requirements Annex<br />

Documents<br />


Establishes the unique electrical power quality and compat~bility<br />

requirements for the power source interfaces and for the<br />

~ntegrated/portable electrical load interfaces for the CEV. The<br />

electrical power quality specification requirements annexes define CEV<br />

specific power characteristics and the m~n~mum performance and test<br />

requirements for loads to be compatible w~th these characteristics.<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION: As determined by the Contracting Officer.<br />

9. INITIAL SUBMISSION: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

10. SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

11. REMARKS:<br />

This document must be consistent with the Constellation program's<br />

integrated plans.<br />

12 INTERRELATIONSHIP: Parent SOW Paragraph(s): 2.6.5.<br />

Referenced from SOW Paragraphs:,,<br />


13.1 SCOPE:<br />

The electrical power quality and compatibility specification requirements<br />

establish the unique power quality interface requirements for the CEV and<br />

the CEV power ~nterfaces to ground test facilities, portable loads, and<br />

other mated vehicles<br />


CxP 70050-01 Volume 1: Electrical Power Quality Performance for 28 Vdc<br />

and CxP 70050-02 Volume 2: User Electr~cal Power Quality Performance for<br />

28 Vdc.<br />

13.3 CONTENTS<br />

For each major type of distributed power, two electr~cal power quality<br />

and compatibil~ty specification requirement volumes shall be generated as<br />

Annexes to the CxP 70050-01 volume 1: Electrical Power Quality<br />

Performance for 28 Vdc and CxP 70050-02 Volume 2' User Electrical Power<br />

Quallty Performance for 28 Vdc. The f~rst volume shall define the power<br />

source interface(s) and compatibility requirements, and the second volume<br />

shall define the integrated/portable load

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong> Attachment J-2<br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Modification 65<br />


1.<br />

3.<br />


DATA TYPE. 2<br />

6 TITLE Fracture Control plan<br />

2.<br />

4<br />

5.<br />

DRDNO.:<br />


PAGE'<br />

CEV-T-069<br />

May 2009<br />

1<br />


The Fracture Control Plan shall define the elements of the fracture<br />

control program and the associated management and control<br />

responsibilities.<br />

8 DISTRIBUTION: As determined by the Contracting Officer, and at a minimum<br />

shall include the Responsible Fracture Control Authority (RFCA).<br />

9 INITIAL SUBMISSION: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

10. SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

11. REMARKS:<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSHIP' Parent sow Paragraph(s): 6.2.6<br />

Related DRD(s): CEV-T-070, CEV-T-020, CEV-T-023<br />


13.1 SCOPE:<br />

The Fracture Control plan will provide hardware-specific ~nformation<br />

detail~ng how applicable fracture control requirements w~ll be<br />

implemented to prevent catastrophic failure of hardware associated with<br />

the propagation of cracks or crack-like defects.<br />


- <strong>NASA</strong>-STD-(I)-5019: Fracture Control Requirements For Spaceflight<br />

Hardware<br />

13.3 CONTENTS'<br />

The fracture control plan shall provide hardware-specific details<br />

explaining how fracture control requirements and procedures will be<br />

implemented. The plan shall describe the various fracture control<br />

approaches that will be applied to all relevant hardware and shall<br />

address cracks and crack-like defects that may be present during<br />

fabrication, testing, handling, transportation, and operational life. The<br />

plan shall contain a listing of all Fracture Critical hardware and parts<br />

in accordance with <strong>NASA</strong>-STD-(I)-5019. The plan shall address how<br />

fracture critical parts that are susceptible to damage such as impact,<br />

corrosion, material degradat~on, and wear, etc. will be identified. The<br />

plan shall identify organizational elements and their responsibilities<br />

for activities required to ~mplement the Fracture Control Plan, including<br />

reVlews of design and structural lntegrity analyses, configuratl0n<br />

control, and generation of required documentation such as DRD CEV-T-070,<br />

Fracture Control Summary Report.<br />

13.4 FORMAT: Electronic format per Section J-2 Microsoft®<br />

Word/Excel® based, XML, and ASCII, del~mited for data.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

CEV-T-069 Page 1 of2

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Crew Exploration Vehic1e - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

13.5 MAINTENANCE: contractor-proposed changes to this document shall be<br />

submitted to <strong>NASA</strong> for approval. Complete re-issue of the document is<br />

required.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

CEV-T-069 Page 2 of2

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong> Attachment J-2<br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Modification 65<br />


1.<br />

3.<br />


DATA TYPE' 2<br />

6. TITLE: Fracture Control Summary Report<br />

2<br />

4.<br />

5.<br />

DRDNO ..<br />


PAGE:<br />

CEV-T-070<br />

May 2009<br />

1<br />


The Fracture Control Summary report is used to demonstrate compliance<br />

with fracture control requirements<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION' As determined by the Contracting Officer, and at a minimum<br />

shall include the Responsible Fracture Control Authority (RFCA).<br />

9. INITIAL SUBMISSION: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

10. SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

11 REMARKS.<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSHIP' Parent SOW Paragraph(s): 6.2.6<br />

Related DRD(s): CEV-T-069, CEV-T-023<br />


131 SCOPE'<br />

The Fracture Control Summary Report will provide detailed hardwarespecific<br />

fracture control analyses and test reports, demonstrating<br />

compliance with all applicable fracture control requirements.<br />


<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-(I)-5019: Fracture Control Requirements For Spaceflight Hardware<br />

13.3 CONTENTS'<br />

The report shall comprlse an accounting of all assessed hardware and the<br />

basls for determinlng fracture control acceptabillty for each.<br />

Supporting detailed documentatlon such as drawings, calculations,<br />

analyses, data printouts, inspection plans, records, specifications,<br />

certifications, reports, and procedures should be submitted as a part of<br />

the FCSR, but shall be made available for review if requested.<br />

As a minimum, the following lnformation shall be provided in the FCSR:<br />

a. Identification of fracture-crltlcal parts and low-risk fracture<br />

parts, showing the material and heat treatment used and the basis for<br />

part acceptability (i.e., damage tolerant analysis, test, acceptable<br />

durability, insignlficant fatigue loading), including the referencing<br />

of documents which contaln and describe the supporting data required<br />

to demonstrate fracture control requ~rements of the Agency,<br />

responsible Center, and Program:<br />

(1) Fracture-crltlcal parts that are limited life shall be<br />

specifically identified.<br />

(2) A statement to the effect that all other parts were examined<br />

and determined to be non-fracture critical shall be included.<br />

b A statement as to whether or not the hardware contains pressure<br />

vessels or fracture-critical rotating equipment.<br />

c. Identification of the NDE and/or tests applied for fracture<br />

control purposes to each fracture-critlcal part.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

d Identification of fail-safe parts and a brief statement of the<br />

basis for classlflcation. Re-flown fall-safe hardware shall have<br />

verification that any required "between mission" inspections have<br />

been performed.<br />

e. A statement that inspections or tests specified for fracture<br />

control were applied.<br />

f. A statement that the flight hardware configuration has been<br />

controlled and verified for all fracture-critical parts.<br />

g. A statement that materlals usage has been verified for fracturecritical<br />

parts.<br />

h. Copies of MUAs for fracture-critical or low-risk parts and a<br />

summary of the dlscrepancy reviews, or equivalent reviews, of<br />

anomalies that could affect the performance of fracture-critical<br />

parts.<br />

i. If applicable, a summary dlscussion of alternative approaches or<br />

specialized assessment methodology applied, but not specifically<br />

covered by guidelines.<br />

J. If applicable, identlflcation of any special considerations<br />

involving fracture mechanics properties or data, inspections,<br />

analysis, or other parameters not covered by the requirements set<br />

here.<br />

k. If during the program, no parts or procedures are identifled that<br />

require informatlon as listed above, a statement to that effect with<br />

reference to supporting documentation shall be submitted as the FCSR.<br />

The Contractor shall keep documents supporting the Fracture Control<br />

Summary Report for the life of the hardware.<br />

13.4 FORMAT: Electronic format per Sectlon J -2 Microsoft®<br />

Word/Excel® based, XML, and ASCII, dellmited for data.<br />

13.5 MAINTENANCE: Contractor-proposed changes to this document shall be<br />

submitted to <strong>NASA</strong> for approval. Complete re-lssue of the document is<br />

required<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Modification 65<br />


1.<br />

3.<br />


DATA TYPE. 3<br />

2.<br />

4.<br />

S.<br />

6. TITLE: Propulsion Systems Design and Data Book<br />

DRDNO.·<br />


PAGE.<br />

CEV-T-071<br />

May 2009<br />

1<br />


This documentation is requlred For each unique prop systems (LAS, SM,<br />

CM), which includes compilation of requirements, design, analysis, test<br />

reports and operational lnformation: including abort & abort reorientation,<br />

separation, trajectory insertion, orbital maneuvering, and<br />

translation and rotation reaction control. This documentation will<br />

provide insight into the contractor's designs, as well as detailed<br />

reference informatlon to support Engineering and Operations throughout<br />

the life of the CEV.<br />

8 DISTRIBUTION: As determined by the Contractlng Officer.<br />

9. INITIAL SUBMISSION: Per Data Requlrements Matrix<br />

10 SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matnx<br />

11. REMARKS<br />

The following document(s) may be used as guidance:<br />

CPIA 655: Guidelines for Combustion Stabillty Specifications and<br />

Verification Procedures for Liquid Propellant Rocket Englnes<br />

CPIA 469: Principles of Solid Propellant Development.<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSHIP. Parent sow Paragraph(s): 2.6.10.<br />

Referenced from sow Paragraphs:,,<br />

Related DRD(s): CEV-T-OS1<br />


13.1 SCOPE:<br />

This set of documents contains the results of design, development, and<br />

other pertinent studles relating to the various propulsion systems.<br />

Separate volumes shall be developed and maintained for each unique<br />

propulsion system on the CEV.<br />


AIAA-S-OSO: AIAA Standard for Space Systems - Metallic Pressure Vessels,<br />

Pressurized Structures, and Pressure Components<br />

AIAA-S-OS1 AIAA Standard for Space Systems - Composite Overwrapped<br />

Pressure vessels<br />

13.3 CONTENTS:<br />

Each volume shall include propulsion subsystem information including, but<br />

not limited to<br />

1. Subsystem Requlrements Analysis<br />

(a) Assumptions and groundrules<br />

(b) Functional decomposition<br />

(c) Functional, performance, life and interface requirements<br />

(d) Integrated system level trade studies and subsystem models lncluding<br />

model assumptions, model technique, input and output data and resulting<br />

wet/dry mass, power, and volume allocations<br />

(e) Performance of CEV durlng operation of propulsion sub-systems<br />

2. Detailed Design Description<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

(a) Fluid, electrical, and instrumentation schematics and layouts<br />

(b) Propulsion performance calculations including fluid, ballistics,<br />

propellant mean bulk temperature, manufacturing & processing variations,<br />

thermal and pressure varlation effects. These data need to provided over<br />

the full range of operational enVlroments for the given system.<br />

(c) Propulsion Pressure System description: document the design,<br />

analysis, fabrication, test, inspectlon, operation and maintenance of all<br />

vessels, lines/ducts/fittings and components, (including external<br />

components required for operation of the systems such as initiators &<br />

associated cables for solid motors), as well as the integrated subsystem<br />

and its assemblies. Included shall be a complete description, material<br />

properties, drawings, schematlcs, flnite element analysis results (static<br />

and dynamic loads), factor of safety margins, debris generation & impact<br />

assessment/mitigation plan, deslgn verification plan and damage control<br />

plan as appllcable<br />

(d) Thruster/Engine/Motor deslgn descrlptions and combustion stability<br />

assessments addressing cycle life and accumulated hot fire duration,<br />

thermal soak-back wlth environmental effects, restart capability, bubble<br />

ingestion, propellant saturation effects, propellant formulations;<br />

mechanical properties of propellants, liner, & lnsulation; ballistics<br />

propertles of propellants (including but not limited to temperature &<br />

pressure sensitivities, burn rates, applicable solid propellant<br />

coefficients & exponents, etc.); definition of types of non-metallic<br />

materials & their formulas for various appllcations (including but not<br />

limited to throat inserts, insulation, liner); graln geometries;<br />

manufacturlng & processing plans for solid motors, valve cycle life, and<br />

engine/thruster duty cycles limitations as well as required operational<br />

duty cycle spectrums with associated accumulated durations, fulfilment of<br />

mission derived detailed performance and operational capabilities<br />

(including, but not limited to vibration, shock, temperature, aging,<br />

humidity, salt fog, steady-state and pulse mode Isp and impulse bit<br />

capablllty over all possible operational conditions) with adequate<br />

margins for the full range of expected and possible operating conditions<br />

and life capabilities, and combustion stability, all with correlations to<br />

test results and corrections for the flight design application<br />

(e) Component/line sizing including system pressure flow loss<br />

calculations, nozzle / bore / eXlt area ratio calculations including<br />

analyses of internal ballistics & fluid flow, pressurant blow down models<br />

and filtration capacity/sizing analysis, with correlations to test<br />

results and corrections for the flight design application<br />

(f) Propellant acquisition and tank discharge analyses under all expected<br />

operating and mission environments, with correlatlons to test results and<br />

corrections for the flight design application<br />

(g) Fluid and solid system transient analyses including activation,<br />

ignition interval (time to steady state thrust), firing, and safing for<br />

nominal and contingency modes, with correlations to test results and<br />

corrections for the flight design application<br />

(h) Thermal condltioning and maintenance analysis including propellant<br />

storage quality, feed system and motor/engine/thruster/igniter thermal<br />

condltlonlng, and bOll off losses for the allowable hot and cold<br />

envlronmental conditlons as applicable, with correlations to test results<br />

and corrections for the flight design application<br />

(i) Component design information including vendor component drawings and<br />

cross-sections, material usage list, stress analysis and thermal analysis<br />

(including safety factors, derating factors, safety margins and<br />

rationale), any test reports (including addressing adequate margin for<br />

required life capabilities), mill reports, NDE reports, or burst article<br />

or qualification test reports that may be available, as well as<br />

development, qualification, and production schedules and associated<br />

information<br />

(j) Propellant compatlbillty assessment and associated data lncluding<br />

exposure duration, propellant vapor migration, corrosion, embrittlement,<br />

decomposition and leaching effects, hardening, aging effects, humidity<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

effects, deterioration of sol1d propellant to liquid phase, with<br />

correlations to test results and corrections for the flight design<br />

appl1cat10n<br />

(k) Instrumentation l1st for flight system and support equipment include<br />

sensor, range, units accuracy, drift, and sample rate. Provide details,<br />

models, flight algorithms and associated uncertaint1es for calculated<br />

quant1ties such as fluid quantity gauging, with correlations to test<br />

results and corrections for the flight design application<br />

(1) Overpressure protection design and analysis addressing worst case<br />

failure conditions and thermal environments, define MDP/MEOP for the<br />

system with associated rationale and analyses, with correlations to test<br />

results and corrections for the f11ght design application<br />

(m) Interface definition (internal and external hardware and subsystem<br />

interfaces including physical, mechan1cal, electrical and thermal<br />

interfaces, software interfaces)<br />

(n) Propulsion system requirements vs. capabilities summary with<br />

supporting rat10nale and explanations<br />

(0) Reliability assessment process overview and assumptions as well as<br />

reliability analysis and process for verifying reliability<br />

(p) Shelf life and long term storage assessment and rationale<br />

(q) Useful life assessment and rationale, and disposal approach as<br />

applicable<br />

(r) Simulation tool description, source algorithms/code and validation<br />

report, including benchmarks of test results against model prediction(s),<br />

cross system operational 1mpacts design, analyses, & performance<br />

assessments including but not limited to translation of structural<br />

frequencies, effects of solid motor plume impingement, etc.<br />

3. Verification Activities not already 1ncluded in the Master<br />

Verification DRD(s)<br />

(a) Subassembly, assembly, and system verification article(s) detailed<br />

design description(s), addressing all engineering deliverables (drawings,<br />

models, schematics, hardware configuration and selection, interface<br />

requirements and designs, associated analyses and results, manufacturing,<br />

assembly, process1ng plans (including non-metallic components such as<br />

propellants), 1nstallation, and checkout plann1ng, schedules and<br />

requirements, test instrumentation, etc.), differences from the flight<br />

configuration and operat10nal conditions and associated rationale(s)<br />

(b) Flight propulsion system(s) checkout sequencing and associated<br />

checkout requirements, setup cond1tions, constraints and details, and<br />

pass/fail criteria as well as associated verification results<br />

(c) Interface verification approaches and verif1cation results<br />

(d) Fracture control reports for all propulsion system fracture critical<br />

hardware, in accordance w1th the Fracture Control Plan DRD<br />

(e) Cross system operational impacts verification approaches & results<br />

4. Test plans and Reports not already included in the Master<br />

Verification DRD(s)<br />

(a) Development test plans and test reports at the component, assembly<br />

and system levels<br />

(b) Propuls1on System Hot Fire and Thermal Conditioning Test Plants) and<br />

Test Report(s) 1ncluding the test scope, required schedule milestones,<br />

test obJectives and rationale, test article architecture, 1nstrumentation<br />

requirements, data acqu~s1t10n requirements, fac111ty requirements, fluid<br />

requirements, participant roles and responsibilities, a test matrix<br />

identifying test art1cle configurations, test parameters, test durations,<br />

number of tests, success criteria, data format requirements, and a<br />

discussion of how the test data will be interpreted to satisfy the test<br />

objectives. Raw test data shall be made available to <strong>NASA</strong>. Reports shall<br />

document the results of the tests and an assessment of integrated system<br />

performance, d1fferences from the flight configuration and operat1onal<br />

conditions and associated rationale(s) and and corrections for the flight<br />

des1gn application.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

CEV -T -071 Page 3 of 4

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

(c) Acceptance test data not<br />

Package capturing all flight<br />

component level.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

already included in the Acceptance Data<br />

system acceptance results down to the<br />

5. Operatlonal Analyses<br />

(a) operational scenarlOS and modes including the subsystem's<br />

llmltations on any aspect of vehicle fllght<br />

(b) Performance and Margln analyses<br />

(c) Operatlng Environments (natural and induced)<br />

(d) Failure modes and redundancy operations including vehicle failure<br />

modes accommodated by subsystem and failure modes reacting to vehicle<br />

failures<br />

(e) Failure detectlon, isolation and recovery design details including<br />

diagnostic methods and controls with supporting data, correlations to<br />

test results and corrections for the fllght design application and<br />

rationale<br />

(f) Component reusability/refurbishment/recertification analysis and<br />

maintainability strategy (if applicable)<br />

(g) Dlagnostic strategies includlng plans for in-flight malntenance<br />

(h) Initiallzation procedures and parameters<br />

(l) Day of launch parameters and late-load requirements<br />

(j) Abort analysis<br />

(k) Launch scrub turnaround plan<br />

6) Maintainability and testing data<br />

(a) Test requirements including lnformation on Special Test Equipment<br />

design, operations and malntenance.<br />

(b) Maintainabillty strategies including sparing provisions, growth and<br />

scarring provisions, shelf-life, and long-term storage provisions<br />

(c) Deliverable end item or equipment identification (part number)<br />

(d) Predlcted reliability assessment<br />

(e) Component reusability/refurbishment analysis<br />

(f) A record of all test failures, anomalies, and accldents involving<br />

qualification or potential flight hardware that are not documented in<br />

PRACA reports.<br />

(g) The results of all verification testing, analyses, and inspections<br />

not documented in other test or certlfication reports, lncluding a<br />

narrative explanation of how the testlng, analysis and inspection results<br />

obtained satisfy the verificatlon requirements<br />

Content of each submittal must be sufficient to satlsfy the objectives of<br />

the milestone review for which it is submitted.<br />

13.4 FORMAT· Electronic format per Section J -2<br />

13.5 MAINTENANCE: Changes shall be identifled and complete re-issue of the<br />

document is required.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong> Attachment J-2<br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Modification 65<br />


1.<br />

3.<br />


DATA TYPE' 3<br />

2.<br />

4.<br />

5.<br />

DRDNO ..<br />


PAGE:<br />

CEV-T-073<br />

May 2009<br />

1<br />

6. TITLE: Environmental Control and Life Support Design and Data Book<br />


Documentation for design information for vehicle Environmental Control<br />

and Life Support systems (ECLSS) including vehlcle Active Thermal Control<br />

Systems (ATCS). <strong>NASA</strong> will use this information as a source for insight<br />

into the contractor's design of the vehicle ECLSS and ATCS.<br />

8 DISTRIBUTION' As determined by the Contractlng Offlcer.<br />

9. INITIAL SUBMISSION: Per Data Requuements Matrix<br />

10 SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

11. REMARKS.<br />

The following document(s) may be used as guidance:<br />

MIL-STD-810F: DOD Test Method Standard for Environmental Engineering<br />

Considerations and Laboratory Tests, Section 5 and Part 2<br />

MSFC-PROC-1831: The Analysis of Nonvolatile Residue Content<br />

MSFC-PROC-1832: Sampllng and Analysis of Nonvolatile Residue Content<br />

on Critical Surfaces<br />

MSFC-PROC-404: Gases, Drying and Preservation, Cleanliness Level and<br />

Inspection<br />

MSFC-SPEC-164B: Speclflcatlon for Cleanliness of Components for Use in<br />

Oxygen, Fuel and Pneumatic Systems (and associated Children documents as<br />

specified in Attachment J-3, Applicable, Guidance, and Informational<br />

Documents List)<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSHIP Parent sow Paragraph(s): 2.6 12.<br />

Referenced from SOW Paragraph:,<br />


13.1 SCOPE:<br />

The Environmental Control and Life Support Systems Design and Data Book<br />

provides a summation and targeted details of the contractor's data,<br />

analysis and selections developed for the designs for vehicle systems<br />

that provlde and manage the following:<br />

1. Active thermal control (cabln temperature/humidity, heat acquisition,<br />

transport and rejection, equipment and vehicle systems active thermal<br />

control, thermally-controlled storage)<br />

2. Breathable atmosphere<br />

3. Cabin pressure<br />

4. Contaminant control (In the alr, ln fluids and on surfaces)<br />

5. Emergency oxygen<br />

6 Fire/smoke detection and suppression<br />

7. Environmental monltorlng (including active radiation monitoring,<br />

atmospheric and combustion products monitoring, atmosphere thermal<br />

properties monitoring and cabin pressure monitorlng)<br />

8. Water (potable and non-potable)<br />

9. Waste and trash collection, storage, processing and disposal<br />

10. Food supply interfaces, processing, preparation and storage<br />


Attachment J-2<br />

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Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

JSC 20584: Spacecraft Maximum Allowable Concentrations for Airborne<br />

Contaminants<br />

13.3 CONTENTS:<br />

1 The deliverable shall include, as applicable, the information listed<br />

below:<br />

(a) Assumptions and groundrules<br />

(b) Subsystem Definition including GFE vs. contractor-suppl~ed<br />

assumptions<br />

(c) Subsystem Requirements Analyses<br />

1. Functional decomposition<br />

2. Functional, performance and interface requirements<br />

3 Derived requirements on other systems with analys~s that yields<br />

the requirements<br />

4. Trade study results<br />

5. Analysis to show the subsystem meets the requirements<br />

(d) Detailed Design Description<br />

1. Hardware element descriptions<br />

2. Hardware math models<br />

3. Mass and volume properties<br />

4. Power and thermal profiles<br />

5. Schematic layouts, drawings and 3-D solid geometr~c<br />

representations of components<br />

6. Interfaces (internal and external hardware interfaces including<br />

mechanical, electrical and thermal interfaces, software interfaces, and<br />

human ~nterfaces; ~ncludes necessary Interface Control Documents)<br />

7. Consumables list<br />

8. Data bandwidths (data rates); Telemetry; Instrumentation<br />

(e) Operational Analyses<br />

1. Operational scenarios and modes ~ncluding the subsystem's<br />

lim~tations on any aspect of vehicle flight<br />

2. Performance and Marg~n analyses<br />

3. Operating Environments (natural and induced)<br />

4. Failure modes and redundancy operations including vehicle failure<br />

modes accommodated by subsystem and failure modes reacting to vehicle<br />

failures<br />

5 Fault Detection, Isolation and Recovery<br />

6 Diagnost~c strateg~es including plans for ~n-flight maintenance<br />

7. Initialization procedures and parameters<br />

8. Day of launch parameters and late-load requirements<br />

9. Abort analysis<br />

10. Launch scrub turnaround plan<br />

(f) Maintainabil~ty and test~ng data<br />

1. Test requirements including ~nformation on Special Test Equipment<br />

design, operations and ma~ntenance<br />

2. Maintainability strategies including sparing provisions, growth<br />

and scarring provisions, shelf-life, and long-term storage prov~sions<br />

3. Deliverable end item or equipment ~dentification (part number)<br />

4. Pred~cted reliab~l~ty assessment<br />

5. Component reusabil~ty!refurb~shment analysis<br />

(g) References and Ind~cation of any changes from the prev~ous submission<br />

2. By PDR, the Contractor shall provide to <strong>NASA</strong> definition of the process<br />

to be used for cleanliness of components for use in oxygen, fuel and<br />

pneumatic systems. The process must meet or exceed the requ~rements<br />

identif~ed in the following documents:<br />

(a) MSFC-SPEC-164B, Spec~fication for Cleanliness of Components for Use<br />

in Oxygen, Fuel and Pneumatic Systems (and associated Children documents<br />

as specified in Attachment J-3, Applicable, Guidance, and Informational<br />

Documents List)<br />

(b) MSFC-PROC-404, Gases, Drying and Preservation, Cleanliness Level and<br />

Inspect~on<br />

(c) MSFC-PROC-1831, The Analysis of Nonvolatile Res~due<br />

Content<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

(d) MSFC-PROC-1832, Sampling and Analysis of nonvolatile Residue Content<br />

on Critical Surfaces<br />

3. By PDR, the Contractor shall ident~fy the standard they intend to use<br />

for test methods for environmental engineering. Th~s standard shall meet<br />

or exceed the following standard:<br />

(a) MIL-STD-810F, DOD Test Method Standard for Environmental Engineering<br />

Considerations and Laboratory Tests, Section 5, and Part 2<br />

4 The following special analyses, design and plan development shall be<br />

performed and documented by the Contractor and delivered to <strong>NASA</strong> by PDR<br />

and updated, if needed, by CDR:<br />

(a) Act~ve thermal control design approach, analyses and models<br />

(b) An analys~s of atmosphere mixing within the crew cabin and the ISS<br />

interconnecting module for Block lA and IB; to include an assessment of<br />

CEV atmosphere control accommodat~ons for the var~at~ons in air flow<br />

systems of the ISS docking nodes<br />

(c) An analysis of C02 and humid~ty removal rates vs. airflow rate<br />

descr~ption of the pp02 control logic<br />

(d) Trace contaminant control system and CO oxidation system sizing<br />

analysis and design<br />

(e) Odor and contaminant removal rate and s~z~ng analysis and design<br />

(f) Environmental control strategy for Earth entry and post landing<br />

phases; including off-nominal landing contingencies and environments<br />

(g) Potable water quality control plan and associated analysis<br />

13.4 FORMAT Electronic format per Section J -2 Microsoft®<br />

Word/Excel® based and ASCII, delimited for data; SINDA/FLUINT ASCII file,<br />

Thermal Desktop®/RadCAD®, and XML.<br />

13.5 MAINTENANCE: Changes shall be identified and complete re-issue of the<br />

document is requ~red.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

CEV-T-073 Page 3 of3

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong> Attachment J-2<br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Modification 65<br />


1.<br />

3<br />

6.<br />

7.<br />

PROGRAM: CEV 2. DRDNO .. CEV-T-075<br />

DATA TYPE. 3 4 DATE REVISED: May 2009<br />

5 PAGE 1<br />

TITLE: Pyrotechnic Subsystem Design and Data Book<br />


The pyrotechnic Subsystem Deslgn and Data Book shall provide<br />

documentation of the development, design, testlng, integration,<br />

verification and operation of the pyrotechnic subsystem for the CEV.<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> will use thlS information as a source for insight into the<br />

Contractor's design of the CEV pyrotechnic subsystem, especially with<br />

respect to reliability and safety. In addition, this documentation will<br />

provide detailed reference information to support Engineering and<br />

Operations throughout the life of the CEV.<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION. As determined by the Contracting Officer.<br />

9. INITIAL SUBMISSION: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

10 SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

11. REMARKS.<br />

The Contractor shall plan pyrotechnic systems to be deslgned, fabricated,<br />

verified, and operated ln accordance with JSC 62809, Constellation<br />

Spacecraft pyrotechnic Specification.<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSHIP. Parent SOW Paragraph(s)' 2.6.13.<br />

Referenced from SOW Paragraphs 6 1.3.13,,<br />


13.1 SCOPE:<br />

The Pyrotechnics subsystem includes all explosively-operated devices,<br />

explosive initiators/detonators, pressure cartridges, firing<br />

units/controllers, and energy transmission lines (excluding vehicle<br />

wiring) as described in JSC 62809, Constellation Spacecraft Pyrotechnic<br />

Specificatlon.<br />


JSC 62809: Constellatlon Spacecraft Pyrotechnic Specification<br />

13 3 CONTENTS:<br />

The Pyrotechnic Subsystem Design and Data Book shall provide<br />

documentation of the development, design, testing, integration,<br />

verification and operatl0n of the pyrotechnic subsystem.<br />

It shall lnclude the following data as applicable:<br />

1) Assumptions and groundrules<br />

2) Subsystem Definition including GFE vS. contractor-supplied assumptions<br />

3) Subsystem Requirements Analyses<br />

a. Functional decomposition<br />

b. Functional, performance and interface requirements<br />

c. Derived requirements on other systems with analysls that yields<br />

the requirements<br />

d. Trade study result<br />

e. Analysis to show the subsystem meets the requirements<br />

4) Detailed Design Description<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

CEV-T-075 Page 1 of2

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

a. Hardware element descriptions including sourcing approach for<br />

initiators<br />

b. Mass and volume properties<br />

c. Power and thermal profiles<br />

d. Schematic layouts, drawings and 3-D solid geometric<br />

representations of components<br />

e. Interface requirements and description (internal and external<br />

hardware interfaces including mechanical, electrical and thermal<br />

interfaces, software interfaces, and human ~nterfaces, including safing<br />

provisions for ground processing, servic~ng and pre-flight operations;<br />

~ncludes necessary Interface Control Documents)<br />

f. Consumables list<br />

g. Data Bandwidth<br />

h. Telemetry/instrumentation<br />

5) Operational Analyses<br />

a. Operational scenarios and modes including the subsystem's<br />

limitations on any aspect of vehicle fl~ght<br />

b. Subsystem operational plan and description including command<br />

and control (arming/firing) approach, nominal and off-nominal operational<br />

scenarios, servicing and safing procedures, and Day of Launch/Day of<br />

Landing activities<br />

c. Performance and Margin analyses<br />

d. Operating Environments (natural and induced)<br />

e. Failure modes and redundancy operations ~ncluding vehicle<br />

failure modes accommodated by subsystem and failure modes reacting to<br />

vehicle failures<br />

f. Fault Detect~on, Isolat~on and Recovery<br />

g. D~agnost~c strategies including plans for in-flight maintenance<br />

h Init~al~zation procedures and parameters<br />

i. Abort analysis<br />

j. Launch scrub turnaround plan<br />

6) Mainta~nability and testing data<br />

a. Test requirements and ground test reports and results.<br />

b. Ma~nta~nability strategies including sparing provisions, shelflife,<br />

and long-term storage provisions<br />

c. Deliverable end item or equipment ident~fication (part number)<br />

d. Pred~cted reliability assessment/analysis<br />

7) References and Indication of any changes from the previous submission<br />

13.4 FORMAT' Electronic format per Section J -2 Microsoft® Officecompatible<br />

for data and reports, PDF for drawings/schematics, and XML.<br />

13 5 MAINTENANCE: Changes shall be identified and complete re-issue of the<br />

document is required.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

CEV-T-075 Page 2 of2

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong> Attachment J-2<br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Modification 65<br />


1.<br />

3.<br />


DATA TYPE 3<br />

6. TITLE: CEV Wiring Database and Reports<br />

2.<br />

4.<br />

5.<br />

DRDNO.:<br />


PAGE:<br />

CEV-T-080<br />

May 2009<br />

1<br />


The CEV Wiring Database stores information defining the electrical and<br />

optical data, command, and power connect1v1ty 1n the CEV System, and<br />

enables the export and d1str1but1on of this 1nformation in support of CEV<br />

design, integration, testing, certification and documentation activities.<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> will utilize the CEV Wiring Database and Reports to ensure that the<br />

contractor's plan for collecting, storing, controlling, implementing and<br />

reporting W1re harness data 1S acceptable for the accomplishment of CEV<br />

Project objectives.<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION: As determined by the Contract1ng Officer.<br />

9. INITIAL SUBMISSION: Per Data Requuements Matnx<br />

10. SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

11. REMARKS.<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSHIP' Parent sow Paragraph(s) :2.6.16<br />

Referenced from SOW Paragraphs:,,<br />


13.1 SCOPE.<br />

The CEV Wiring Database is a key component in the implementation of the<br />

CEV Wiring Plan. The design of the CEV W1r1ng Database must provide for<br />

the storage, update, retrieval, querying, tracking, reporting and<br />

exporting of key wiring information for the CEV System as well as its<br />

electrical and optical interfaces with other Constellation elements and<br />

external equipment. The CEV Wiring Database will be the primary source of<br />

information for the fabrication, installation and verification of the<br />

electrical and optical connections for the spacecraft.<br />


13.3 CONTENTS:<br />

The CEV Wiring Database and Reports shall include the following<br />

provisions:<br />

a) Security provis10ns to 11mit access and change authority to designated<br />

personnel<br />

b) User interface to support the storage, update, retrieval, querying,<br />

tracking, reporting and exporting of key wiring-related information as<br />

defined by the contractor in the development of the CEV Wiring Plan.<br />

c) Fields for the storage of functional and signal path connectivity for<br />

the wiring Subsystem including signal type, signal description, connector<br />

designation, signal des1gnat10n and def1n1tion of signal end points by<br />

component, connector and pin<br />

d) Fields for the storage of wire harness manufacturing data including<br />

wire/cable type, wire/ cable length, terminations of conductors and<br />

shields, parts/materials information, and special manufacturing<br />

instructions.<br />

e) L1nkage between the CEV Wiring Database and the CEV Data and Command<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

CEV -T -080 Page 1 of 2

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

Dictionary to support integration of CEV Wiring Database signal paths<br />

with software channelization and command data.<br />

f} Ability to export signal path diagrams in standard drawing formats and<br />

in PDF.<br />

g} Ability to export manufacturing drawings and instructions ~n PDF.<br />

h} Ability to produce harness status reports describing the current<br />

progress of CEV harness definition, fabrication, installation and<br />

verification for electr~cal and optical connectivity including<br />

comparisons with an historical metrics record.<br />

i} Ability to produce connectivity reports and user-defined reports to<br />

support the design, test, troubleshoot~ng and operation of the CEV<br />

System.<br />

J} Abil~ty to produce status reports describing the progress of CEV<br />

harness drawing definition, release and modification including<br />

compar~sons with an historical metr~cs record.<br />

k} Ab~l~ty to produce connector conf~guration reports that support<br />

verification of requ~red connector mate/demate status for powered<br />

test~ng.<br />

l} Ability to produce harness verification documentation to support<br />

manual pin-to-p~n continuity checks<br />

m} Linkage with an automated harness testing system to generate the<br />

automated harness testing programs, test adapter cables and test<br />

instructions using the information stored in the wiring database.<br />

n} Linkage between the CEV Wiring Database and the CEV Spacecraft<br />

Electrical Equ~pment Loads Dictionary to support integration of CEV<br />

Wiring Database power paths channelization.<br />

134 FORMAT:Electronic format per Section J-2, native database<br />

format defined by the Contractor with the ab~lity to export the ent~re<br />

contents of the database in an industry standard database exchange<br />

format. Ability to export drawings in standard drawing formats and in<br />

PDF. Ability to produce manufacturing instructions in PDF. Abil~ty to<br />

produce connectivity reports ~n Microsoft Excel-compatible format.<br />

Ability to produce status reports ~n M~crosoft Word-compatible format.<br />

13 5 MAINTENANCE: Contractor-proposed changes to the database structure or<br />

report~ng capabilities shall be submitted to <strong>NASA</strong> for approval. Complete<br />

re-issue of this document ~s required with changes clearly identified.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

CEV-T-080 Page 2 of2

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong> Attachment J-2<br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Modification 65<br />

1.<br />

3.<br />


DATA TYPE: 1<br />


2. DRDNO.: CEV-T-082<br />

4. DATE REVISED: May 2009<br />

5. PAGE: 1<br />

6. TITLE: Spacecraft Test & Verification Facility System Requirements<br />

Document<br />


Define requ~rements for all Contractor-provided test and verification<br />

facilities, facility systems, support equipment, and associated software<br />

needed to support module and spacecraft-level qualification,<br />

certificat~on, and acceptance test activities.<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION. Per Contract~ng Officer's letter<br />

9. INITIAL SUBMISSION Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

10. SUBMISSION FREQUENCY· Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

11. REMARKS:<br />

12 INTERRELATIONSHIP. Parent sow Paragraph(s): 10.3.2, 10.3.3.<br />

Referenced from sow Paragraphs: 6.1.5, 6.2.5, 6.4.5<br />

Related DRD(s): CEV-T-083, CEV-T-084, CEV-T-085<br />


13.1 SCOPE'<br />

Provide requirements for all Contractor-provided test and verification<br />

facilities, facility systems, support equipment, and associated software<br />

needed to support module and spacecraft-level qualification,<br />

certification, and acceptance test act~vities.<br />


13.3 CONTENTS:<br />

The Spacecraft Test & Verification Facility Requ~rement Document shall<br />

contain the follow~ng.<br />

a. Narrative description of the purpose and function of the facility,<br />

room, and systems.<br />

b. Hazard ident~fication requirements (e.g. classification of hazards,<br />

type of propellants, types of vents, types of purges, maximum<br />

fuel/oxidizer propellant quantities, types of ordinance, power voltages<br />

and frequencies, noise levels, RF radiation levels).<br />

c. Env~ronmental requirements (e.g temperature, humidity, particle<br />

counts, radio frequency shielding, noise attenuation, etc.).<br />

d. Environmental pollution controls.<br />

e. Power, ground~ng and lighting requirements, includ~ng the use of<br />

uninterruptible power systems and supplies for ground operations<br />

activities.<br />

f. Backup power and other backup or cont~ngency requirements (chilled<br />

water, hot water, datal etc.).<br />

g. Plumbing/venting and commodities requirements for test operations<br />

activities.<br />

h. Fire and hazard protection requirements.<br />

i. communications and data networking systems requirements (e.g.,<br />

required connections to other test and operations facilities needed) .<br />

j. Special structural needs requirements (e.g. vibration controls, floor<br />

loading, etc.).<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

CEV -T -082 Page 1 of 2

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

k. Security requirements (e.g. facllities, facility systems, personnel,<br />

hardware, software, data, badglng, and access control).<br />

1. Materlal handling requlrements (e g. crane or hoist requirements).<br />

m. Consideration of human engineering requirements.<br />

n. Conflguration management requirements.<br />

o. Scheduling requirements.<br />

p. Functional capabilities requirements.<br />

q. Facillty, facility systems, and support equipment certlfication<br />

requirements.<br />

r. Operations requirements, includlng number and type of personnel<br />

required to operate facility.<br />

s. Maintenance requirements.<br />

t. Sustaining engineering and obsolescence planning requ~rements.<br />

Each document shall contain a section titled 'Verification'. For each<br />

requirement in the documents, there shall be a corresponding verification<br />

requirement The document shall contain, in addition to the verification<br />

requirements, a verification traceability matrix that establishes the<br />

relationshlp between each System requirement and its verification<br />

requirements, and contains the methods that will be used to accomplish<br />

the indicated verification actlons.<br />

13.4 FORMAT: Electronic format per Section J -2<br />

13.5 MAINTENANCE: Changes shall be incorporated by complete reissue.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

CEV-T-082 Page 2 of2

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong> Attachment J-2<br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Modification 65<br />


1 PROGRAM' CEV<br />

2 DRDNO.: CEV-T-085<br />

3 DATA TYPE: 1<br />

4 DATE REVISED: May 2009<br />

5. PAGE. 1<br />

6. TITLE Spacecraft Test & Verification Facllity Certification Package<br />


To provide the evidence and audit trail requlred by <strong>NASA</strong> to verify that<br />

the results from the facility verlfication activities indicate that all<br />

requirements were met.<br />

8. DISTRIBUTION Per Contractlng Officer's letter<br />

9. INITIAL SUBMISSION' Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

10. SUBMISSION FREQUENCY· Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

11 REMARKS'<br />

The Contractor shall provide certification results for all Contractorprovided<br />

test and verification facillties, facility systems, support<br />

equipment and associated software needed to support module and<br />

spacecraft-level qualification, certification, and acceptance test<br />

activities<br />

12. INTERRELATIONSHIP Parent SOW Paragraph(s): 10.3.2, 10.3.3.<br />

Referenced from SOW Paragraphs: 6.1.5, 6.2.5, 6.4 5<br />

Related DRD(s). CEV-T-082, CEV-T-083, CEV-T-084<br />


13.1 SCOPE'<br />

The Spacecraft Test & Verification Facility Certificatlon Package<br />

contains the elements of documentation required to establish that all<br />

requirements have been met by facillties, facility systems, support<br />

equipment and associated software.<br />


13.3 CONTENTS:<br />

The Spacecraft Test & Verification Facility Certification Package shall<br />

contain the following:<br />

1. Current version of the Spacecraft Test & Verification Facility<br />

Requirement Document for the facilities, facility systems, support<br />

equipment and associated software that is being certified<br />

2. Current verSlon of the Spacecraft Test & Verification Faclilty<br />

Certification Plan for the facilities, facility systems, support<br />

equipment and assoclated software that is being certified, including the<br />

verification matrix<br />

3. Verification compllance report, including the verlfication matrix<br />

mapped to all verificatl0n data. This report shall lnclude:<br />

a) Test report<br />

b) List of approved operational controls<br />

c) Structural integrity verification<br />

d) Materials lnformation<br />

e) Electrlcal information<br />

f) Electromagnetic compatibility information<br />

g) Temperature valldatlon information<br />

h) Structural validation information<br />

i) Pressure systems information<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

CEV-T-085 Page 1 of2

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

j) Performance verification information<br />

k) Verification tracklng log<br />

1) Inspections reports<br />

m) Demonstrations reports<br />

4. Risk informatlon obtained from the FMEA and hazard analysis<br />

5. Waivers, deviations and non-conformance reports<br />

6. Dlscrepancy reports and problem closure reports relevant to<br />

certification<br />

7. Limited life items list<br />

8. Engineerlng drawlngs<br />

9. Software Version Description Document (VDD)<br />

13.4 FORMAT Electronic format per Section J -2 2.3.2 1.<br />

13.5 MAINTENANCE: Changes shall be incorporated by complete reissue.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

CEV-T-085 Page 2 of2

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong> Attachment J-2<br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Modification 65<br />


1.<br />

3.<br />


DATA TYPE' 2<br />

6 TITLE' orion Crew Interface Label Map<br />

2.<br />

4.<br />

5.<br />

DRDNO.:<br />


PAGE:<br />

CEV-T-089<br />

May 2009<br />

1<br />


The Orion Crew Interface Label Map w1ll detail the content, design (font,<br />

label size, material, etc.), locat1on, and orientation of all crew<br />

interface labels for the Orion project (i.e., not all vehicle labels,<br />

only crew interface labels). This data w1ll be used by <strong>NASA</strong> to ensure<br />

that all crew interface labels on the Or1on meet the Constellation<br />

Program Crew Interface Labeling Standard (CxP 70152) when integrated into<br />

the design of the vehicle It is not 1ntended to be the approval process<br />

for every crew interface label drawing One draw1ng can represent<br />

multiple crew interface labels. The Orion Crew Interface Label Map<br />

documents the content, orientation, location and drawing number reference<br />

for each crew interface label.<br />

8 DISTRIBUTION. As determmed by the Contracting Officer.<br />

9 INITIAL SUBMISSION. Per Data Requnements Matrix<br />

10. SUBMISSION FREQUENCY: Per Data Requirements Matrix<br />

11. REMARKS:<br />

12 INTERRELATIONSHIP: Parent sow Paragraph(s)' 2.8.7<br />


131 SCOPE:<br />

The Orion Crew Interface Label Map provides a "map" of technical labeling<br />

informat10n, including content, design (font, label size, material,<br />

etc.), location, and orientation, for all crew interface labels as<br />

integrated into the design of the veh1cle. This includes crew 1nterface<br />

labels at the vehicle, module, subsystem, and component level. This also<br />

includes informat10n on ground labeling that 1S in the vicinity of flight<br />

crew interface label1ng, only for the purpose of showing non-interference<br />

with the flight labels The Orion Crew Interface Label Map does not<br />

include information on part-marking, on ground labels not 1n the vicinity<br />

of flight labels, or any other labels not used by the flight crew during<br />

nominal operations and maintenance activ1ties.<br />


CxP 70024, Constellation Human Systems Integration Requirements (HSIR)<br />

(and associated Ch1ldren documents as specif1ed 1n Attachment J-3,<br />

Applicable, Guidance, and Informational Documents List).<br />

CxP 70152, Constellation Program Crew Interface Labeling Standard (This<br />

document is also an HSIR child document.)<br />

13.3 CONTENTS:<br />

The Orion Crew interface Label Map shall use the label1ng standards<br />

defined 1n CxP 70152 to provide crew interface labels for the Orion<br />

vehicle. The contents of the Crew Interface Label Map shall include, but<br />

not be limited to, 1) label content (including approved Operations<br />

Nomenclature), 2) label design details (font, label size, material,<br />

etc.), 3) label location on the hardware, vehicle, etc., and 4) label<br />

orientat10n when integrated into the flight vehicle design. The Crew<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

CEV-T-089 Page 1 of2

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

Modification 65<br />

Interface Label Map shall include both textual descriptions of the labels<br />

used, as well as figures that show the label design, and the label<br />

location and orlentatl0n on the hardware. The Crew Interface Label Map<br />

shall also contain details on any labeling standards that are not met by<br />

the Orion design, as well as justlflcatlon for the deviation. Deviations<br />

should be limited to instances where the implementation of a specific<br />

labeling standard is not feasible because of limitations created by the<br />

design (e.g. label real-estate limitations), or a unique implementation<br />

is agreed upon between <strong>NASA</strong> and the Contractor for the overall benefit of<br />

the Crew interface.<br />

13.4 FORMAT' Electronic format per Section J -2 Microsoft®<br />

Word/Excel® or Adobe® Acrobat® PDF for textual and graphics information,<br />

or ASCII dellmited for data.<br />

13.5 MAINTENANCE: Contractor-proposed changes to thlS document shall be<br />

submitted to <strong>NASA</strong> for approval. Complete re-issue of the document is<br />

required with changes clearly identified.<br />

Attachment J-2<br />

CEV -T -089 Page 2 of 2



-Refer to Volume VII, Part 2 of 2-<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Modification 65<br />

"<br />

Submission Events<br />

..<br />

Q,<br />

iii<br />

III<br />

0 0::<br />

0:: 0::<br />

co.<br />

0-<br />

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>-<br />

ORO Tille l- II. !;;: !!! II) ~<br />

CEV- Financial 3 I<br />

B-001 Management 30<br />

Report (533)<br />

Days<br />

After<br />

f------ ---------- ------ 1-----<br />

CEV- Workforce 3 I<br />

B-002 Reporting 30<br />

Days<br />

After<br />

------ _._,,_._._. ----- ---_...<br />

---~------- .. .. --~---- ~----<br />

-<br />

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------- _ __ .._--_. .. ------<br />

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« ~ S Noles<br />

U<br />

-_.. ._.H_.H__.----- 1------_ .._----------_.._<br />

The Initial (baseline) NF533Q report shall be<br />

submitted within 30 days after authonzatlon<br />

to proceed In addition, NF533 reporting<br />

shall begin no later than 30 days after the<br />

Incurrence of cost Submission frequency IS<br />

monthly for NF533M and Quarterly for<br />

NF533Q An electrOniC 533M shall be<br />

delivered 10 working days after calendar<br />

month end One hardcopy 533M shall be<br />

delivered two working days later to the<br />

specified <strong>NASA</strong> contracts representative<br />

.._--_.._------ - - ---..-<br />

U The Initial report shall be submitted within 30<br />

days after authorization to proceed<br />

SubmiSSion frequency IS Quarterly for the first<br />

year, and Annually thereafter<br />

SubmiSSion shall be by the twelth working<br />

day of the month follOWing the month end<br />

----- -------- ---- - --- -------- ------<br />

I<br />

I ,<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Page 1 of43

__ ' ____ H _", ... """'_'''_' ___________ • ____<br />

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matnx<br />

Modification 65<br />

-<br />

Submission Events<br />

.. Q.<br />

'iii<br />

l!l<br />

iii::<br />

iii:: iii::<br />

... D-<br />

e a: c :c<br />

DRD Tille ~ D.. !;t !!! II) II)<br />

-iii::<br />

i2'<br />

c<br />

C<br />

D.. 0<br />

- -<br />

iii::<br />

iii::<br />

C iii:: C iii::<br />

II) II)<br />

c Q<br />

II)<br />

II)<br />

D..<br />

0<br />

iii::<br />

«<br />

..<br />

~<br />

iii::<br />

iii:: .c<br />

IL 5 Noles<br />

CEV· Cost 3 I F<br />

8-003 Performance 30<br />

Report<br />

Days<br />

Prior<br />

----- ---_._-- 1----f--- -------- ----1-----<br />

CEV· Property 3 I<br />

8-004 Financial<br />

Reporting<br />

--------_ .. _-- - r-"'-'--- ----_._.<br />

----<br />

U<br />

.....__.- 1------<br />

_."<br />

U<br />

Proposal submission shall be the IMS portion<br />

only, per Instructions In Section L<br />

Initial CPR submission shall be 8 days prior<br />

tolBR<br />

Monthlyelectronlc CPR submission shall be<br />

12 working days after the calendar month<br />

end following the month being reported<br />

Format 1 shall be delivered 10 working days<br />

after calendar month end In conjunction with<br />

the 533M Formats 2 thru 5 shall be<br />

delivered within 12 working days following the<br />

calendar month end being reported<br />

Slgmflcant EVM system changes shall be<br />

submitted within 5 worl(lng days of such<br />

change<br />

The due date for the first Monthly Property<br />

Financial Reporting submiSSion IS the 21 st<br />

day after the close of the month, beginning at<br />

the first month after contract start<br />

Subsequent monthly reports shall be due the<br />

21 st day after the end of the month, for<br />

example, August 21 for the month ending<br />

July 31<br />

"<br />

The due date for for the first Annual Property<br />

Reporting via <strong>NASA</strong> Form (NF) 1018 IS<br />

November 30 Subsequent annual reports<br />

shall always be due on November 30<br />

----------<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Page 2 of43

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attaclnnent J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Modification 65<br />

,-'<br />

':<br />

"<br />

,.'<br />

. Submission EventS'<br />

';i'",<br />

"I,<br />

; ~ ,-,'<br />

ORO<br />

CEV·<br />

0-1101<br />

Tille<br />

.. 'iii:: ' 0:: '0::<br />

"<br />

ii<br />

II><br />

J<br />

'~,J ") '0::<br />

,e<br />

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III<br />

0:: ~~,~;',~u;.<br />


<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Modification 65<br />

Submission Events<br />

-- - - -<br />

-<br />

---<br />

I<br />

I<br />

c<br />

(;j<br />

., !:..<br />

0<br />

., a:<br />

Co a: a:<br />

a:<br />

a.<br />

c a:<br />

e ... a: c := I/)<br />

>-<br />

c<br />

~ !!!<br />

ORO Tille I- D- I/) I/) I/) D-<br />

~<br />

~<br />

c<br />

~<br />

a:<br />

c a:<br />

I/)<br />

c<br />

I/)<br />

o<br />

~<br />

a: .,<br />

a: a:<br />


~ ~<br />

~<br />

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attaclnnent J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Modification 65<br />

----<br />

Submission Events<br />

iii<br />

II><br />

0 II::<br />

., t:I. II:: II::<br />

a. e<br />

a.. II::<br />

>- C ~<br />

ORO Title I- D.. !;( !!! II) II)<br />

CEV· Flight Test 2/3-<br />

0-002 Article (FTA)<br />

<br />

Requirements<br />

(cont)<br />

-II::<br />

Cl<br />

c<br />

C<br />

D.. ~<br />

~<br />

II::<br />

II::<br />

C II:: C II::<br />

II)<br />

II)<br />

C<br />

C<br />

II) II)<br />

D.. 0<br />

II:: l;;<br />

II:: II::<br />

« II.. 5 Notes<br />

I,F,U<br />

Software ReqUirements Specifications<br />

Imtlal 30 days pnor to Applicable PTR (PDR<br />

Level) for all tests (Type 3)<br />

Final 30 days pnor to Applicable PTR (CDR<br />

Level) for all tests (Type 3)<br />

Software Interface ReqUirements<br />

Specifications<br />

Imtlal 30 days prior to Applicable PTR (PDR<br />

Level) for all tests (Type 3)<br />

Final 30 days prior to Applicable PTR (CDR<br />

Level) for all tests (Type 3)<br />

f.---- -------- -_.- -<br />

CEV· Reserved<br />

..._... _._-- .- .._.._...._.. _._._._-- .._<br />

.. _._ .... _<br />

D-003<br />

[----- .._.H._ ---- --,,-,,_..- [----- -.~.---.. ~~-<br />

CEV· FlightTest 2<br />

D-004 Article (FT A)<br />

Englneenng<br />

Design Data<br />

Book<br />

'--~<br />

.._..<br />

----.- -_._.._...- - -- ---- -- --.--<br />

-.-- _._ ... __ ._--_._----- _. __ . __ ._.-<br />

All Levels Update as reqUired<br />

----------- ------- - - - -------- -_. __ . __ ... ,,_.- -- - - --<br />

[---._.._.._. ---- ,,---- -- - - -- - - -------------<br />

I,F,U<br />

Imllal 30 days prior to Applicable PTR (PDR<br />

Level) for all tests (PA-1 - AA-3)<br />

Update 30 days pnor to Applicable PTR<br />

(CDR Level) for all tests<br />

Final 30 days prior to Respecllve Flight Test<br />

Article System Acceptance ReViews for all<br />

tests<br />

Update as required<br />

---------------<br />

Attaclnnent J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Page 5 of43

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Modification 65<br />

.,<br />

DRD Title<br />

Q.<br />

?:" ~s..)'<br />

:.>.~ e<br />

Ci:<br />

;;<br />

, ,<br />

CEV· FlightTest<br />

0-005 Article (FT A) "<br />

Validation and<br />

Venflcatlon<br />

Data Book<br />

------- ---- -.-~- ------<br />

CEV· I FlightTest 2<br />

'~> ':-.<br />

D-006 ArtIcle (FT A)<br />

,,'<br />

Ground<br />

Support<br />

;<br />

EqUipment<br />

(GSE) Design<br />

Data Book<br />

CEV· I CEVPnme 3 rl<br />

I .~ ti'*" t<br />

{,t, 1>",<br />

M.Q01 Project<br />

Management ~~, - ii~~ , /'-.:...<br />

V!"p>:l'k~~,..,t'<br />

Plan "- ~\ ~" _., ,"01':,.\<br />

,<br />

,".f.JV<br />

I"~<br />

'" ;f~~;:~;:~~~;:r<br />

':-'. ,"~: ' ,<br />

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"<br />

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,j ,~ , ,'''' - ,1<br />

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,> _<br />

',," j !~~ ", •<br />

~v ,.,!..<br />

"<br />

~<<br />

~ ,.<br />

«<br />

----<br />

F<br />

0 Notes<br />

Final 30 days pnorto Respective FlightTest<br />

Article Test Readiness Review for all tests<br />

(PA-1 - AA-3)<br />

--------------<br />

I,F,U Initial 30 days prior to Applicable PTR (PDR<br />

, :' Level) for all tests (PA-1 - AA-3)<br />

',. A<br />

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Modification 65<br />

L ;~---I<br />

ORO<br />

CEV·<br />

M-002<br />

Title<br />

Performance<br />

Assessment<br />

Plan, Reports<br />

and<br />

Management<br />

ReViews<br />

1.<br />

" • } "'r.<br />

~.! '<br />

~ ,,,,,'k<br />

~.'~<br />

~S,.t<br />

8. "go<br />

>- (.....' l<br />

I-- 'a:.'" '<br />

!'~~L I<br />

1/3/3 '~~:'I/,<br />

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1 ~1<br />

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, .<br />

"<br />

I..<br />

'\'<br />

" ~. I ' 'IJ ~<br />

0-<br />

!;:<br />

U<br />

90<br />

Days<br />

After<br />

" ,<br />

V'1i::<br />

"~Ie:!<br />

,'\-""'}'<br />

I','>'F'<br />

0::<br />

C<br />

I/)<br />

-,4; •<br />

1,;~~:3:,'<br />

I "'.1~·'1 '<br />

1 'i I,. "0::"<br />

1:1::~~~~~~:':<br />

I.,", "<br />

,:;~'. '~<br />

-~ .;'<br />

Submisii~~: ~vents<br />

~<br />

c<br />

e:­<br />

o::<br />

c<br />

I/)<br />

I/)<br />

, 1~'" '1 .... ,'<br />

"<br />

;,1'-' ''','<br />

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-':;<br />

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~ :~' ;.~~~ ~;~~<br />

tn ' i Q'.t' ,<br />

tn r ,:t~·:,. -<br />

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"":! fl,."<br />

> ,,1,<br />

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",,'<br />

", '<br />

. ,i<br />

j<br />

s<br />

U'<br />

Notes<br />

Performance Assessment Plan delivery shall<br />

beat IBR<br />

The first Monthly Input should support a<br />

review 20 working days after the Imtlal<br />

financial month end The first Quarterty Input<br />

should support a review 20 working days<br />

after the end of the Imtlal GFY quarter under<br />

contract Submission frequency IS Monthly<br />

Reports are due on the 4th Monday of the<br />

month, and ReView data packages are due<br />

Quarterty.<br />

• Plan= Type 1, Reports= Type 3, ReView<br />

,,<br />

" ?,.<br />

Packages=Type3<br />

;:".' :;J;~,J,,'<br />

--t<br />

,I,:, :' ,',. as necessary to Incorporate changes<br />

Imtlal submiSSion IS ATP + 9O.days, update<br />

as necessary to Incorporate changes<br />

't. . "f'I'<br />

.,<br />

------ '7;::;t. i~' -- S::-::::.; U Imtlal submission IS ATP:;:-OO daYs~~~d-;e-'<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Page 7 of43

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Modification 65<br />

ORO Tille<br />

..<br />

...<br />

>-<br />

l-<br />

"1<br />

~~?~(~ U I Updates as required<br />

Monthly risk management reports shall be<br />

submitted by the 15 111 shOWing the status of all<br />

risk managemenVnsk mitigation efforts The<br />

report shall highlight new risks that have<br />

been added smce the last month as well as<br />

the up to date status of all "high' & "medium"<br />

nsks<br />

• Plan= Type 2, Reports= Type 3<br />

CEV· Contractor's 2<br />

0-001 CEVConcept<br />

of Operations<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Page 8 of43

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Modification 65<br />

..<br />

,~1'<br />

co. ,~B;F~ l!- \,!{~:.,' e<br />

ORO Title ~ ~~;g,<br />

!;: "":,'?;!!;I.• II)<br />

a()J~,:I';: ~<br />

I~\?<br />

.,,);,(, "<br />

CEV· Flight 2 I<br />

0-002 Hardware/Soft c' ''[0 '<br />

~ ,<br />

45<br />

ware<br />

Days<br />

i'( " ~~<br />

Operallons<br />

Prior<br />

.~...<br />

, ",<br />

and<br />

Maintenance<br />

p,<br />

ReqUirements<br />


<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Modification 65<br />

... ..<br />

ORO Title ~<br />

,I<br />

r<br />

CEV· CEVStowage 2/3-<br />

0-0Q6 Capabilities<br />

and Services<br />

-m-<br />

Handbook and<br />

IDD<br />

CEV· Range Safety<br />

0-007 Requirements<br />

Documents<br />

CEV· I Ground I 2/3-<br />

0-008 Systems<br />

Requirements,<br />

Plans, Reports<br />

and Design<br />

Data<br />

1 '<br />

1 o!s<br />

Prior<br />

,------~-<br />

~<br />

u<br />

"<br />

u<br />

Notes<br />

Update as required after Final delivery<br />

Services Handbook IS Type 2<br />

Interface Design Document IS Type 3<br />

DRD IS also required for flight tests, and thiS<br />

submiSSion frequency Will be directed by<br />

COTR<br />

--+-.. -:,.-.-.+----j- ·-.. T .. ..,: .. +----+---------------.--.-<br />

Ground Systems Requirements, Plans,<br />

Reports and Design Data Volume I, Ground<br />

Systems End Item Requirements Document<br />

and Report Part 1 of 2 <strong>NASA</strong> PrOVided<br />

FaCIlities & FaCIlity System ReqUirements &<br />

Part 2 of 2 <strong>NASA</strong> ProVided Ground Support<br />

Equipment (GSE) Requirements, Volume III,<br />

Ground Systems Operations and<br />

Mamtenance Plan and Requirements<br />

Documentation, and Volume IV' Ground<br />

Systems Sustaining Engineering Plan'<br />

Update 45 days pnor to PDR<br />

All other volumes of CEV-o-OO8 Will not be<br />

delivered at PDR<br />

- Reports = Type 3 All other dellvenes =<br />

Type 2<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Page 10 of43

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Modification 65<br />

ORO<br />

Title<br />

..<br />

.<br />

~<br />

~<br />

5 Notes<br />

CEV-S- Safety and<br />

001 MIssion<br />

-----r:---<br />

Assurance<br />

(S&MA) Plan<br />

CEV-S- FaultT ree<br />

Proposal - deliver high level plan and<br />

schedule of DR dellvenes<br />

------- ---<br />

002 AnalysIs<br />

CEV-S-<br />

003<br />

Flight System<br />

Safety Hazard<br />

Analyses<br />

70ays<br />

After<br />

SOR<br />

Board<br />

U<br />

70ays<br />

After<br />

SOR<br />


<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attaclnnent J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Modification 65<br />

ORO Title {:' :£i:~.~

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Modification 65<br />

DRD<br />

Tille<br />

CEV-S- Orbital Debns<br />

007 Assessment<br />

t-i t- i' r ~;: r t' ~pij~t;, r<br />

_.__________ :. --: ___ .._._._____ "'-,,________ C_'_d,-,,-_____<br />

CEv-s-1 Sf<br />

ae<br />

ty<br />

an<br />

d 1 "I:<br />

"_<br />

F :.<br />

. ' "<br />

,',,"<br />

,)<br />

'," ,';, ," ~\,~<br />

008 Health Plan "" ',', ,.;;~ , ' .' , Y' "r :<br />

Noles<br />

;"p~o;r-f 'r-t:<br />

";~;~0 -, ,-:-' The ~o~tr';;;~ may re;;;-se the plan at any<br />

, "', time or at the direction of the Government<br />

ReVISions are subject to Govemment review<br />

and approval Dlstnbutlons of approved<br />

reViSions will be as descnbed above,<br />

ffi 1 '1~ t t ~'+:1 t"'J t' It' I ~<br />

CEV-S- Fallu~;Mod';; --;- {'>~ --',-:-'-' -I~~:;~" '-»---',-;'(j(;k: -"--.;.~~~~.J)~iA'Il(,-I<br />

~i;.f'i~:l' i:.<br />

CEV-S- Reliability,<br />

Itfl I;:' ':3~~,1 I ~(I~~;~I<br />

011 Maintainability<br />

'""W:;:- f· ~ "' ";',~ 7 Davs ffJ ~i&L}<br />

, and<br />

Supportability<br />

Integrated<br />

Report<br />

1~\iI~"1 1'( :;'il:tfit~, 1<br />

~>, 'It<br />

..... ,:>,~ ,.'On·<br />

;~,-" ,~.. ?, ,~WS,'<br />

~~ > ,~<br />

_I l'lI,q'l<br />

"'".c/ ~ _ ".<br />

~t}~~""': i:<br />

-,,' .-~,,>;.. ,......"<br />

1;~{i~":;~1 See 1*lntenm delivenes (Type 4) every 6 months<br />

';',l!IL~ notes after PDR<br />

r iIf01 (ii' 'I<br />

~lr§r.~~~<br />

I Initial? days after SDR Board, prOViding<br />

high-level system allocations,<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Page l3 of43

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Modification 65<br />

CI)<br />

IX<br />

Q.<br />

>-<br />

C<br />

::'~!j~l<br />

, , ~"<br />

ORO Tille l- I/)<br />

CEV-S· Govemment- 112' '> ~<br />

'"<br />

012 IndustlY Data<br />

Exchange<br />

Program and<br />

~ ',"<br />

<strong>NASA</strong><br />

AdVisonesfAL<br />

,l~", I ...

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Modification 65<br />

.,<br />

r::L<br />

DRD Title ~<br />

CEV-S- Cntlcal<br />

015 Processes<br />

CEV-S- Mechamcal 2<br />

016 Parts<br />

Management<br />

and<br />

Implementatlo<br />

n Plan<br />

+-----+----+-:--+_<br />

CEv..s.i Wo~anshlp<br />

017 Standards<br />

, ~ , j"<br />

~<br />

.c:<br />

S I Notes<br />

---f--,.-;'-""-f----I--.-\f'i'-~I-----+.·",';_"-. +--1-'--'--+-----1-----------------<br />

I<br />

45<br />

Days<br />

Prior<br />

~J r<br />

.' u Update as required after Final delivery<br />

I ..... -+---\-. -.·~T-+----I_,_,'·+_'_·-+--,___+' .. -~-. -'I---+"'-'-'-+-----l-----<br />

:~~~ri~:~j:<br />

CEV-S- I Software 3<br />

018 Quality<br />

Assurance<br />

~--' <<br />

(SQA) Audit t: ",~: :ir;;~J{~~/:<br />

Report<br />

CEV-T- Integrated 2<br />

r<br />

.••<br />

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Modification 65<br />

DRD<br />

,"<br />

" ,<br />

",' ; ,)'iI<br />

, '<br />

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, .'<br />

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f~:: ~,·:"t::;~; I 0::<br />

-? , '.-1 ~~-,------;i",,""T:;-----~~l";I-'''¢ < '_,,~,<br />

, .", 'SubinissJon,Events"< . ', ..'"<br />

'. ._ , .'H-- , "{ ". ",<br />

; -~~ ,i/::' ~:;:,~~~<br />

,,~ ,_~;' \,,~':t:..:!;,<br />

-1' ',~.: .,tf''_ < • - ;:":~~:~ ",'<br />

1/" "'~- ,~ ~ ~:-\\_' "~ ~~~"";\;~"~~<br />

'it' " ~ t?:Ji:~< ~ :~~~}~(', r~~~~:,<br />

n \".~ II) I' 'V' Q ' II) ,,' :,"'IQ;~l* __ ~; :~'~p~~' 1;.,:::"<br />

L ___ -'-_________ -'_--'--<br />

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___ --' _'~" _ _ __ ~',~ ____ • ___ ' ,? !:.2~::: . __ _~~:':"'::':' __ ...1. ____ .L ____ ---L-____ ....... ___________________ _<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Page 16 of43

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Modification 65<br />

,; ''r<br />

I, " ',/<br />

..<br />

,,~~<br />

0:: -<br />

...<br />

.~~~ ~.,<br />

~~ F '~l;~;~\ _I~<br />

006 Configuration<br />

Management<br />

Plan<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Modification 65<br />

ORO Title .=- 1<br />

~::r,.,,h'<br />

~J"(.<br />

, '.

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Modification 65<br />

r ,.-,<br />

ORO<br />

I Title<br />

CEV-T- Master<br />

015 Venficatlon<br />

Plan (MVP)<br />

CD<br />

a.<br />

>-<br />

I-<br />

I<br />

'"' .1 l, "'f<br />

".:' <<br />

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CEV-T- I Certification 2<br />

~-," ":" If,,::<br />

016 Plans I '.,,}_ ", ,\l<br />

CEV-T-I Certification<br />

017 Data Package<br />

rm·<br />

1"1<br />

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~f,~t}~~ ~t~r;" :-" ~~M·\i~'''!~~~~·'' ~~:~1:~!~>/:<br />

I ,';" ':::' .. ,:.1<br />

.' , I ·Volume 5 ONLY, CEV Software & AVlomcs<br />

'-,.' ~''''o~_ . 1'1 - -,<br />

Venflcatlon Plan<br />

~~;~.,<br />

'e-' ,<br />

Update at PDR + 3 months<br />

Update at 45 days pnor to CDR<br />

, ' Final at CDR + 3 months to Include Software<br />

Venflcatlon Plan updates<br />

,<br />

"<br />

._-----------'<br />

I ",,'" ;;7i~~;- -, "1<br />

Imtlal 45 days pnor to PDR for the equipment<br />

~4S(navs; I - I' " "'<br />

.Lr '.',<br />

or facility It addresses Final 45 days pnor to<br />

,m""r<br />

CDR for the equipment or facility It<br />

addresses<br />

';flti~~~~;:~i: F - ~'~<br />

,~,t0~{':'i ~ F Certification Data Pacakges shall be<br />

o i)j.,~,,,~tl1'"~ I, 45 ~:I- .:;l~~/, ,.;;~<br />

~ ""~'('.(': -, ~""."<br />

completed at the spacecraft, module,<br />

.. -<br />

subsystem, and component levels.<br />

Certification reviews shall be held at each<br />

level<br />

·Spacecraft, Module and Subsystem level =<br />

Type 1<br />

Component level = Type 3<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Page 19 of43

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attaclnnent J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Modification 65<br />

CD<br />

a.<br />

>-<br />

ORO Title I-<br />

~~:~,,' Ci II) in '~V:;'; :'b,' ,'\;: ' any lime after final approval Complete re-<br />

," , , ' .'~ 1. " ' !', , : ~ , "."<br />

Implementatlo , , ", Pnor" ' '" ' ' " , " ' \ "_:,: '<br />

Issue of the document IS required<br />

CEV-T'I """;-fr-n-i-r-1-1-'T-n-nr--------------<br />

l .. ~t -. :J,<br />

n, and Control<br />

Plan<br />

",c ';,',r, ~!" 'I";;' \: ,',' "OF' ' 'V~1F,!1:!: Although the vast maJonty of MUAs will be<br />

fIt... j '~~" J:. \,.... ~i~,I[,."<br />

020 Usage ," i',',<br />

r:"i )\~,; "~,~ts" :,~:,~~: :.I"i~:~ Identified after PDR, the contractor shall<br />

Agreements 'L J ,<br />

'"" ji:;!,,',~"i;~ ' ~1':", , M" ~,' ,;,,:.1 "~.",,, ,!/~~!~, I""" " -' Id(~ I d entl 'Iy an d prOVide pre I Imlnary MUA s 45<br />

(MUA) ,~/ '<br />

CEv-:r.1 Contamination<br />

021 Control Plan<br />

(CCP)<br />

CEV-T- Materials 2<br />

022 Identification<br />

and Usage<br />

list (MIUL)<br />

2<br />

K",cf,.1<br />

~f§;\:;<br />

1f.f~"~~1<br />

y,' , '", >.i\ ""~'

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Modification 65<br />

,'( ,<br />

c' ~,' :l,: ..<br />

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~ )\":' ~~~~~s~t~)~~o~;~~vijnts_ ~(:,> ',; -~-~;St~-::':'<br />

ORO<br />

Title<br />

f f[~f ~I;' f ~~~ g ¥::;'~ ii~<br />

~" ';\<br />

,<br />

CD ~!a., ,"t;"H~' ;.!">!/l'l~«r'-'" C 1>,~,,},,\, ~~'i" Q!~ ,'" J')."It"r~ ~'5rlIfJ~<br />

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,i"';1~;~~,,-1'~~<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Modification 65<br />

'><br />

.',.,.<<br />

",'<br />

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Subnil\il.iJii:E~~~ts<br />

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~>, ',~<br />

" , ~'<br />

,_ I • t<br />

,~ ,:<br />

ORO<br />

CEV-T-<br />

026<br />

Title<br />

Spectrum<br />

Management<br />

Documents<br />

.~ ?,<br />

I\~,~~<br />

,--<br />

I;~;~'<br />

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II::<br />

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attaclnnent J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Modification 65<br />

ORO<br />

CEV-T-<br />

027<br />

Tille<br />

Electneal,<br />

ElectrOniC,<br />

and<br />

Electromecha<br />

nleal Parts<br />

Management<br />

and<br />

Implementatlo<br />

n Plan<br />

CD<br />

a.<br />

~<br />

~Ev-T- As-BUilt EEE ,-3<br />

028 Parts List<br />

J.,<br />

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The As-Built EEE Parts list shall be<br />

submitted With each acceptance data<br />

L _____ -L ____ H _______ ~_ ....J. ____ ...J._ .. __ . ___ I ______ .-1_.-.:. __ .. .:.._._1 _______ 1 __ ~ __ .. _ .. L-__ --1._. _____ L-__ -.l-.. __ .H_H • .l-____ _<br />

" ~\<br />

Iii<br />

(5 =<br />

Noles<br />

package (CEV-HI40)<br />

Attaclnnent J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Page 23 of43

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Modification 65<br />

.,<br />

DRD Title<br />

Q.<br />

~<br />

CEV-T- Interface 113<br />

029 Control see<br />

Documents notes<br />

I;;<br />

.c<br />

5 I Notes<br />

I,F,U<br />

I Onon-GS Volume 5 Onon to CCCE lCD,<br />

Onon Vehicle to MIssion Systems External<br />

lCD, Onon Vehicle to ISS Extemal Software<br />

ICD ISS GN&C MOM Passthru Interface to<br />

ICCA, Onon Vehicle to ISS Extemal Software<br />

ICD ISS PCS to Onon Ethemet lCD, Onon<br />

Vehicle to ISS Extemal Software ICD ISS to<br />

Onon ICCA Ethemet lCD, Onon Vehicle to<br />

Lander Extemal ICD (Vol 2), and Onon<br />

Vehicle to Ares Launch Vehicle Extemal ICD<br />

(Volume 2) .<br />

Imtlal PDR + 3 months (Type 1) I,F,U<br />

Final 45 Days pnorto CDR (Type 1)<br />

All other Module and ExtemallCDs (Type 1).<br />

Imtlal 45 days pnor to PDR<br />

Final 45 days pnor to CDR.<br />

Subsystem (Includes MGSE, GFE, EGSE &<br />

Simulator) ICDs (Type 1).<br />

GFE secllons only of Subsystem ICDs Will be<br />

delivered at PDR - 45 days<br />

Final 45 days pnor to CDR<br />

Software IDDs<br />

Imtlal PDR + 3 months (Type 3)<br />

Final CDR + 3 months (Type 1)<br />

All levels. Update as required after Final<br />

delivery<br />

(CEV-T -035)<br />

J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Page 24 of 43

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Modification 65<br />

ORO<br />

CEV·T·<br />

030<br />

Title<br />

CEV/Constella<br />

tlon Integrated<br />

Assessment<br />

Document<br />

r..~"<br />

:;':'<br />

i'" ~",<br />

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I- :'iir<br />

II:: 1;-' -"0: " ;<br />

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Modification 65<br />

..<br />

c-<br />

ORD Title ~<br />

CEV-T- CEV 1/3'<br />

031 ReqUIrements<br />

Specification<br />

Notes<br />

Ground and Spacecraft System-level<br />

Requirements Specifications<br />

Initial 50 days pnor to CEV SRR<br />

Final 45 days pnor to SDR<br />

Module-level Requirements Specifications<br />

Final 45 days pnor to SDR<br />

Subsystem-level Reqts Specs (Includes<br />

GSE)<br />

Initial 45 days pnor to SDR<br />

Final 45 days pnor to PDR<br />

Component-level Reqmts Specs (Includes<br />

GSE)<br />

Final concurrent with the Specification<br />

approval by Lockheed Martin Program<br />

Management.<br />

Alileveis Update as required after Final<br />

delivery<br />

• System-level, Module-level, and<br />

Subsystem-level ReqUirements<br />

Specifications = Type 1 Component-level<br />

ReqUirements Specifications = Type 3<br />

(CEV-T-032, CEV-T -(34)<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Page 26 of43

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Modification 65<br />

:t<br />

>-<br />

DRD Title<br />

.... ~~:~ :.r:<br />

,III"" U) .l.f ~'l((ji:'t 'j '~7~~' ,;~<br />

rn ;t,~~ F~tl';('\;~ «<br />

, I"\':'~' ~~2:~t~~<br />

0 Notes<br />

~h':'~-'4,,~~,. ,.r.,h'~";:.ii\I\+l"" I)~ h ~ \rk~,J ('<br />

' ' , "0"<br />

CEV-T- CEV<br />

U<br />

Ir~~H<br />

«- ;;\'i/l;!'/tli:·V·,l\ J\\(~"~i=1~ -. ~ ';~tj;~ ~~':" ,~. {,"':t\~~/ with each delivery of the requirements,<br />

including CEV SRR. (CEV-T-031. CEV-T-<br />

032)<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Page 27 of43

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Modification 65<br />

ORO<br />

CEV-T-<br />

035<br />

Title<br />

Intemal<br />

Interface<br />

Requirements<br />

Document<br />

(IIRD)<br />

»'<br />

I~' '<br />

l/i~: ;;,;,<br />

\ ",'<br />

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, ':'-,

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Modification 65<br />

CD<br />

ry;,<br />

~),';\'fD:' .,<br />

D::<br />

?:?!l};;1 r' ' ' , I'<br />

'5,<br />

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~~,~~\,,}~, ,<br />

1 "',

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehic1e - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Modification 65<br />

ORO Tille<br />

CEV·T· Acceptance 11314'<br />

040 Data Package<br />

CD<br />

a.<br />

>-<br />

I-<br />

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Modification 65<br />

DRD Title r= lji;i/I U'<br />

,<br />

..' Radiation<br />

45 " ' '"4s"Days '''45illiSi , ...... J ,.<br />

AnalYSIS and ~ : "' Days 'Pr,ior: . : JP.tior<br />

Certification<br />

Prior<br />

11,1 !,,<<br />

~, r~,"<br />

Report<br />

\r:,~j '~, ~ \<br />

, ' '---",'"-\<br />

CEV·T· I CEV Data and ,.~ ~. : .:~' I ' ,. 'U. :<br />

046 Command '4S'/lav .. I;,45lDays :,<br />

Dictionary<br />

3 '~-~~:':.<<br />

-ft-~'m-t1t-~~~<br />

,:~:~l~~.:~' ,.': ~ ~

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Modification 65<br />

G><br />

a.<br />

...<br />

ORO Title<br />

....<br />

CEV-T- Software<br />

048 Requirements<br />

I ',I I<br />

., no .<br />

~,-, - ~~<br />

.\, I ,';" ~~ •<br />

Specification<br />

1 ',>;",- 4' ,;.: ':: ,~,(: ' mo~l6\i,<br />

r _, j<br />

-:-, '- ~ ,<br />

CEV-T-T Monthly<br />

049 Software<br />

Metnes Report<br />

,"'~"' I I~"~::~'\ ',I I,' J~;::':)I I" '''~i I r~,::': '1<br />

I SRS Final Three (3) months after PDR<br />

Updates as required to display format<br />

dlctlonalY though AR<br />

The Display format and associated<br />

Simulation Software SRSs to be proVIded In<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> approved Increments between PDR<br />

and CDR The 75% complete verSions of<br />

these SRSs shall be proVIded by CDR, with<br />

the final versions provided at 60 days post<br />

CDR<br />

Update as reqUired after Final dehvelY<br />

(CEV-S-018, CEV-T-057)<br />

13f 3", n";'~n7"i;",)r-r''''''';-r----T-;-;;-;"-r--li'\;'7i7;'r----i:----<br />

?:" ,~ ; :'tl\;)~ " ,,~;>'l' ,,,". " ~"':~,' i\; ,. U Other = Monthly by the 22nd of the reporting<br />

, j _ ;}: i ! ;

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Modification 65<br />

CI.<br />

>-<br />

ORO Title I-<br />

CEV·T· Software 5 ;~:,I';(;:<br />

.,l<br />

'<br />

051 Inspection and "<br />

Peer ReView<br />

Report<br />

..<br />

'~J/ .::~/,r I/)<br />

'~~?I~;~~ J<br />

" , '}'~;;': ,~~<br />

"<br />

052 Plan ~>o , '.' -- ", '; "~'5~1'; .<br />

CEV:r:tsOftware i~'-r-2Tr--l--' T---r~r1--rJt I<br />

til<br />

'"<br />

Iv "F.:',<br />

',tseet "<br />

I<br />

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Modification 65<br />

DRD<br />

CEV-T-<br />

054<br />

CEV-T-<br />

055<br />

CEV-T-<br />

056<br />

Tille<br />

Software Test<br />

Report<br />

Software<br />

Maintenance<br />

Plan<br />

Software User<br />

Manual<br />

!<br />

2<br />

-t--+<br />

2<br />

2<br />

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Noles<br />

One document delivered per CSCI<br />

Redellvered In conjunction with each formal<br />

software release<br />

(CEV-T-053)<br />

1;';;:t~lI'\ I"~<br />

~>~+~~:~~'j",<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Page 34 of43

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Modification 65<br />

ORO<br />

Tille<br />

~<br />

Noles<br />

CEV·T·<br />

057<br />

Software<br />

Version<br />

Descnptlon<br />

Document<br />

3<br />

-,<br />

U,F<br />

Redelivered m conjunction with each formal<br />

software release (CEV·T -0(8).<br />

Radio<br />

FrequencylOp<br />

tlcallCDs<br />

Update as required after Final delivery<br />

CEV·T·<br />

059<br />

Electncal<br />

Power System<br />

(EPS) Design<br />

and Data<br />

Book<br />

CEV·T· I Electrical<br />

060 Power Quality<br />

Specification<br />

Requirements<br />

Document<br />

Design and data books are Intended to be<br />

liVing documents mamtalned throughout the<br />

design and development process By<br />

acceptance review the design and data<br />

books should transition to operational data<br />

books<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Page 35 of43

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Modification 65<br />

'-,'I<br />

~<br />

.[' ....<br />

)<br />

~O;,' D-<br />

>- ,tt" ' !;(<br />

DRD Title ....<br />

il-1~ ','<br />

CEV·T· Mechanical 3 (~.';<br />

061 Systems<br />

Design and<br />

Data Book<br />

----r----- CEV·T· Stress I --2<br />

062 AnalYSIS<br />

Report<br />

--t-----<br />

063 Thermal 7<br />

, ,P'DJIi;'<br />

. '!&Jiif'<br />

" /, :;<br />

CEV·T· Passive 3 I<br />

:d;::k,;,<br />

Control<br />

Design and<br />

Data Book<br />

(PTCDDB)<br />

CEV· T·I Passive 3<br />

064 Thermal<br />

Control<br />

Mathematical<br />

Models and<br />

Documentatlo<br />

n<br />

Days<br />

Prior<br />

t ,~)~'~,~'~ ;::J~~<br />

~lii;!~)':<br />

u {;';:~"~: ,~<br />

:.iJf~<br />

,',~<br />

7 Days 'i/p'~~ '"t~ .\ ,<br />

,,~ ,<br />

Prior ~\~~~~~9~"1 _<br />

~"'i .<br />

'f"l , :sr~" ";<br />

:¥ ~.,' ,~~, ;,'~<br />

tstr~:~1W,! ~ ,<br />

o::<br />

«<br />

U<br />

45<br />

Days<br />

Prior<br />

Prior<br />

u<br />

45<br />

Days<br />

Prior<br />

~~~i$<br />

",.af~".).~",<br />

,,";'$~!"<br />

!'lf~. '!,.t~ ~'"<br />

;.~~:~}f:~<br />


<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attaclnnent J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Modification 65<br />

ORO<br />

Title<br />

~<br />

.c<br />

S I Notes<br />

CEV·T· Thermal<br />

065 Protection<br />

System<br />

Design and<br />

Data Book<br />

(TPSDDB)<br />

I<br />

3<br />

' .<br />

Iv<br />

':<br />

, '<br />

1<br />

I_ 'f<br />

CEV·T· I Thermal 3 I<br />

066 Protection 45<br />

System<br />

Days<br />

Mathemallcal<br />

Prior<br />

Models and<br />

.'<br />

Documentatlo<br />

n<br />

"<br />

.<br />

1<br />

I:<br />

"<br />

1<br />

I<br />

7<br />

Davs<br />

I"~"; )'1<br />

u<br />

,', ;~" , 7 D~ys<br />

: . Pnor I "._<br />

, ~ :'L'- , :J):.<br />

",~'~!IyS, .<br />

:'~rior<br />

Design and data books are Intended to be<br />

hVlng documents maintained throughout the<br />

design and development process By<br />

acceptance reVIew the design and data<br />

books should transition to operational data<br />

books<br />

-"--.-."---"-----+--''74-----1---------.--------------<br />

~!)ay,s<br />

_'I!ii~r.<br />

-';' "<br />

F<br />

45<br />

Days<br />

Prior<br />

I '<br />

"<br />

CEV·T· Structural 2<br />

067 Loads Data<br />

Book<br />

CEV·T· Structures 3<br />

068 Mathematical<br />

Models and<br />

Documentatlo<br />

n<br />

CEV.T·I Fracture 2<br />

069 Control Plan<br />

Attaclnnent J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Page 37 of43

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Modification 65<br />

ORO<br />

Title<br />

CEV·T· Fracture<br />

070 Control<br />

Summary<br />

Report<br />

-1-' .,....;:1';;--,.,... 071 Systems n-r-n;T~<br />

. " , '"'.''' 7 "<br />

Design and " ' "', Days,<br />

Data Book " ',' Prior' ,"<br />

CEV·T· TSUIts. EVA 3<br />

I,"<br />

I<br />

072 and Survival 7Days<br />

Crew '\ Prior<br />

EqUipment<br />

Support<br />

,,'<br />

---n:--r<br />

' -~ ~<br />

Systems<br />

Design and<br />

Data Book<br />

r<br />

CEV· T· EnVIronmental 3<br />

I<br />

~~\,<br />

073 Control and<br />

f/'<br />

7 ~W~"lI<br />

~~' ~p'~\~.~~~' '~'""<br />

• ',1 .~<br />

,)1'J?, 1,,)/,,(<br />

life Support<br />


<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Modification 65<br />

.. ...<br />

ORO Title ~ ~:~~~<br />

';1 ,~,j<br />

CEV-T- Habitation 3<br />

074 AccommodatJ<br />

ons Design<br />

.2:'<br />

and Data<br />

Book<br />

CEV-T-/ Pyrotechnic 3 J.<br />

075 Subsystem<br />

,<br />

7<br />

Design and<br />

~ ~ j'<br />

,<br />

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Modification 65<br />

DRD<br />

CEV·T·<br />

078<br />

Tille<br />

GN&CDeslgn<br />

and Data<br />

Book<br />

:t<br />

?::<br />

3<br />

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;~~ " :,'1,<br />

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"','<br />

•• ",<br />

1]"<br />


<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Modification 65<br />

.. ~~~v<br />

0:: ;" ~£~ac;)\ ~<br />

"0::<br />

>- C<br />

ORO Title IE;"" !;;c III-<br />

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, ~;'~"\'<br />

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", ,\ ~' "\ ,t't, ...'i('{~",",h<br />

",<br />

CEV·T· launch Abort 3 ,<br />

y\:>':j;-:<br />

' j':i<br />

081 System Fi?'<br />

\ ,,,.,'<br />

Design and<br />

" t<br />

Data Book<br />

'"<br />

a. hO>" .<br />

a..<br />

, -, I/)<br />

~,.'<br />

,<br />

,.".<br />

," . .. . ,<br />

,.,!"; )<br />

CEV·T· I Spacecraft<br />

I<br />

1:;'1,;; 'I<br />

082 Test & Ie<br />

I, ·1<br />

1-.. "<br />

.,""<br />

45 ,t~:t~~i.~y~:;~<br />

~I,.-,<br />

Venflcatlon<br />

FaCIlity<br />

System<br />

ReqUirements<br />

Dccument<br />

,~ ., .<br />

'!f'i<br />

tf'!~%j .. ,- 'I<br />

c<br />

I/)<br />

I/)<br />

See<br />

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f~6~~:<br />

I/)<br />

,?~;~~:~~<br />

1 ~'-'~~,~~~j~<br />

~ ~" ::i,::~:. ~, See<br />

f~' J;="~~~;' ,\<br />

notes ~457QiVs:, notes ,l45oays<br />

' Prior,'<br />

,; ;~ndr)<br />

."<br />

'.<br />

·1<br />

I'<br />

~<br />

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Prior<br />

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' i;, 0::. .c<br />

':/t'~h;:<br />

S<br />

Notes<br />

" ,<br />

.. ,' .F Design and data books are Intended to be<br />

liVing documents maintained throughout the<br />

design and development process By<br />

acceptance reView the design and data<br />

books should transition to operational data<br />

I books<br />

1<br />

; I<br />

, ~'!<br />

t<br />

._- ----- ----------------_.<br />

. " . F* *T·082·200 (EEST) Only<br />

L. '., > Final delivery 22 weeks after PDR Board<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Page 41 of43

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Modification 65<br />

DRD Title .:=<br />

CEV-T- Spacecraft 3<br />

083 Test &<br />

Venflcatlon<br />

Facility<br />

System<br />

Design<br />

Document<br />

CEV-T-I Spacecraft 2<br />

084 Test &<br />

Ven~cafion<br />

Facility<br />

Certification<br />

Plan<br />

CEV-T-I Spacecraft<br />

085 Test &<br />

Verification<br />

FaCIlity<br />

Certification<br />

Package<br />

CEV-T- I Manufactunng 2<br />

086 and Assembly<br />

Plan<br />

CEV-T- CEVHandling 2<br />

087 and<br />

Transportation<br />

Plan<br />

'!il';:, :;( .", j~W\,,'~<br />

in en ~~ ~~;:~;~~.; ',:<br />

If'''';:;: _~<br />

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In<br />

i:~C.4t~s\ « Notes<br />

~:q :',~;~~::' ,'''I;" Y<br />

U<br />

Update as reqUired after Final delivery<br />

I -1-----t-c---:l---t.c~--'-r------~~----l--t-' -I--~--:t--li-------------<br />

~-,_, ',": 1-';,-;: :': ': ';: _~: " '-':-, ,~ :; , " :,: -: ,~", U Update as reqUired after Final delivery<br />

~~'''''''<br />

[\2';-;'Y<br />

r<br />

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~::i~l~;~<br />

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I- ~/, 'f~W':t\lrlt\1}~~~<br />

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1,;;'''-_ 1:>:lit~ 'I<br />

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~~M:~\l<br />

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r~'<br />

~,<br />

F* *EEST FacIlity Certification Package Only<br />

NI·, ••:!t-~~<br />

45 'i~:;T:~:1:~~~ Final @ EEST 00250<br />

Days F ':"1, ~-k'i.;ff;'!1f<br />

. ~:~~;'1JfN~~<br />

Prior i>:<br />

All other FacIlity Certification Packages<br />

,c,';'f.;"<br />

,iJ~f(~~<br />

Due 45 days pnor to the vehicle acceptance<br />

~'~;f~;r,'~<br />

review<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Page 42 of43

,~,~ ,<br />

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-2 DRD Submission Matrix<br />

Modification 65<br />

,l-.<br />

:: 'slilf.¥ii~lron;EventS<br />

,::l:' V'~, ~-<br />

)~ .<br />

.,., ,<br />

eo"~ " ' r ,-,<br />

~. ,".<br />

DRD<br />

CEV·T·<br />

088<br />

CEV·T·<br />

089<br />

Title<br />

CEV Imagery<br />

Plan/Imagery<br />

Dehverables<br />

".,«:'<br />

:..;;~~<br />

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />


May 2009<br />


LIST<br />

Note - DRD and reference columns for updated documents are<br />

not fully defined<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

1 of 73

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />


1.0 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS............. . ...................... .<br />



2.0 GUIDANCE DOCUMENTS .................. ..<br />

3.0 INFORMATIONAL DOCUMENTS ............. ..<br />

.. ...................................... 3<br />

............... .. .... 20<br />

.. ........... .. .... 59<br />

.................. .. .. 60<br />

.. ................ 70<br />

Attachment J-3<br />


<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />


In addition to the regulations and procedures identified elsewhere In this contract, the Contractor<br />

shall comply with the following regulations and procedures to the extent that they are employed in<br />

the Statement of Work (SOW) or Data Requirements Documents (DRDs). Applicable document<br />

versions that are in effect at CFI release constitute reqUIrements for this contract. Any applicable<br />

and reference documents embedded in the applicable and gUidance documents listed In this<br />

attachment shall not be applicable unless overtly specified as applicable in the SOW or DRDs.<br />

After contract award, the Contractor may request use of alternate applicable documents instead<br />

of the ones specified in this list, provided the change is in the best Interests of the Government.<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> approval is required for a change In applicable documents after review of the contractor's<br />

rationale A request for a change in applicable documents will be documented in a contract letter.<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> approval or disapproval will also be documented In a contract letter. Since <strong>NASA</strong> cannot<br />

fully define all engineering and workmanship standards based on program and requirement<br />

maturity at thiS time, the contractor shall define recommended additional standards to apply to<br />

Level 3 specifications. The contractor shall Identify these additional standards to <strong>NASA</strong> for<br />

approval via contract letter and make these standards available to <strong>NASA</strong> for review. <strong>NASA</strong><br />

approval or disapproval will also be documented in a contract letter<br />

Items listed In the Applicable, Guidance, and Informational Documents will contain some items<br />

that have been determined as export controlled documents. These documents are so marked<br />

and anyone With access to the documents must comply with the export control law. This includes<br />

both control and disclosure of any said documents Other documents and data listed may not<br />

contain any restrictions, however before the release of any Information or data the Contractor<br />

shall make a determination as to the applicability of U.S. export control laws and regulations.<br />

Attachment J-3<br />


0-<br />

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

10<br />


Document<br />


--<br />

450-SNUG<br />

AFJMAN 24-204<br />

AFSPCMAN 91-710,<br />

Volume 2 and Volume 4<br />

--<br />

AIAA-S-080<br />

------------<br />

ANSIIAIAA-S-081 A-2006<br />

ANSIIEIA-748-98<br />

ASMEB46.1<br />

--<br />

--<br />

ASMEY14.100<br />

f--<br />

ASMEY14.24<br />

1-- --<br />

ASME Y14.34M<br />

ASME Y14.35M<br />

CxP-02007<br />

1----<br />

CXP-70017<br />

Rev 9 Space Network Users' GUide CEV-T-058 2.6.3<br />

Aug. 2007-<br />

Aug. 2012<br />

12 Oct 2004 Prepanng Hazardous Matenals for MIlitary Air Shipments 2.613<br />

Suppl1 -1<br />

Dec 2004<br />

---~-------- ------------------- -------------<br />

1 July 2006 Range Safety User Requirements Manual, Volume 2 and Volume 4 CEV-O-007<br />

- ----------<br />

1999 AIAA Standard for Space Systems - MetalliC Pressure Vessels, CEV-T-071<br />

Pressunzed Structures, and Pressure Components<br />

--------------------------------------------<br />

2006 AIAA Standard for Space Systems - Composite Overwrapped CEV-T-071<br />

Pressure Vessels<br />

-------1-- --------------------<br />

1998 Earned Value Management Systems<br />

1-------c-------------<br />

CEV-B-003<br />

--------------<br />

Surface Roughness, Wavlnes, and LAV<br />

f------------------------------------------------ -<br />

2004<br />

i--<br />

Englneenng Drawing Practices CEV-T-004<br />

--- -------<br />

---<br />

Types and Applications Of Englneenng DraWings<br />

1----------- -<br />

CEV-T-004<br />

--------<br />

Associated Lists<br />

CEV-T-004<br />

-+--- --<br />

Englneenng DraWings and Associated Documents<br />

CEV-T-004<br />

Draft21 Dec Constellation Nomenclature Plan<br />

2005<br />

--r-- -<br />

Baseline Constellation Program Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) CEV-S-002,<br />

Release Methodology Document CEV-S-010<br />

17 Sept. 2007<br />

+ Errata<br />

11 Jan. 2008<br />

26.13,33,<br />

27.4<br />

-------<br />

2 3.(c), 6 1.3,<br />

6.2.3,643<br />

1----<br />

2.3 (c), 6 1 3,<br />

6.23,64.3<br />

1---------<br />

1------------<br />

26.13h) ----<br />

--_._-----<br />

1.3 (a), 2.6.4,<br />

2.7.2<br />

Attachment J-3<br />


<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

ID<br />

CxP-70022-01<br />

CXP-70022-02<br />

--------------<br />

CXP-70022-03<br />

Document<br />

Version/Date<br />

Revision A<br />

Release<br />

20Sep 2007<br />

+ Errata Rev<br />

0018/11/08<br />

Baseline,<br />

Change 001<br />

Release<br />

23Aug 2007<br />

+ Errata Rev<br />

001 8/11/08<br />

Basehne<br />

Release<br />

03 Oct 2007<br />

+ Errata<br />

1/11/08<br />

CXP-70022-04<br />

RevIsion A<br />

Includes Applicability (Draft)<br />

Matrix VOL4-REVA- Release<br />

APPLICABILITY-072118 16 Nov 2007<br />

CXP-70022-05<br />

+ Errata<br />

1/11/08<br />

Basehne<br />

Release<br />

09 Jul 2007<br />

+ Errata<br />

8/11/08<br />


Constellation Program Command, Control, CommUnication, and<br />

Information (C31) Interoperablhty Standards Book, Volume 1:<br />

Interoperablhty SpeCification<br />

_.<br />

Constellation Program Command, Control, CommUnication, And<br />

Information (C31) Interoperablhty Standards Book, Volume 2:<br />

Spectrum And Channel Plan<br />

----------_._----<br />

Constellation Program Command, Control, Communication, and<br />

Information (C31) Interoperablhty Standards Book, Volume 3· Master<br />

Link Book<br />

-<br />

Constellation Program Command, Control, Communication and<br />

Information (C31) Interoperablhty Standards Book, Volume 4·<br />

Information Representation Specification<br />

Constellation Program Command, Control, Communication, and<br />

Information (C31) Interoperablhty Standards Book, Volume 5. Data<br />

Exchange Protocol SpeCification<br />

DRD<br />

CEV-T-026,<br />

CEV-T-047,<br />

CEV-T-058<br />

CEV-T-047,<br />

CEV-T-058,<br />

CEV-T-026<br />

CEV-T-047,<br />

CEV-T-058,<br />

CEV-T-026<br />

-----<br />

CEV-T-046,<br />

CEV-T-047,<br />

CEV-T-058<br />

-<br />

CEV-T-047,<br />

CEV-T-058<br />


SOW<br />

2.61,2.6.3<br />

261,263<br />

r------ - ----<br />

261,263<br />

-------<br />

2.61,2.63<br />

2.6.1,2.63<br />

Attachment J-3<br />


<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

Document<br />

10 Version/Date<br />


ORO<br />


SOW<br />

CXP-70022-08<br />

_.-<br />

CXP-70023<br />

Baseline<br />

Release<br />

09 Nov. 2007<br />

+ Errata Rev<br />

001 8/11/08<br />

Baseline,<br />

Change 001<br />

18 Jul. 2007<br />

+ Errata<br />

1/11/08<br />

CXP-70024 RevIsion A,<br />

CxP-70026<br />

--<br />

CXP-70028<br />

Change 001<br />

Release<br />

30 Oct 2007<br />

+ Errata Rev<br />

0018/11/08<br />

-------1--_._--------------<br />

Baseline<br />

Release<br />

8 Oct 2007<br />

+ Errata Rev<br />

001 8/11/08<br />

Baseline<br />

Release<br />

09 Oct 2007<br />

+ Errata<br />

1/11/08,<br />

Rev 001<br />

8/11/08<br />

Constellation Program Command, Control, Communication, and<br />

Information (C31) Interoperability Standards Book, Volume 8<br />

Common Command and Control Functional Requirements<br />

--<br />

Constellation Design SpeCification for Natural Environment<br />

--<br />

CEV-T-047, 2.61,263<br />

CEV-T-048<br />

-<br />

CEV-T-044, 2.8.1,282,<br />

CEV-T-045 283<br />

-.-(----------_._---- - -+-----------------<br />

Constellation Human System Integration Requirements (HSIR<br />

CEV-T-045, 2.6,2.7.1,28.7, '<br />

CEV-T-089 2.8 3, 6.1.3,<br />

623,6.4.3<br />

anon to Ares I Interface ReqUirements Document<br />

anon to Ground Systems Interface Requirements Document<br />

--------~ ._-----<br />

CEV-T-026,<br />

CEV-T-058<br />

23.(a)<br />

2.3. (a)<br />

._---<br />

Attachment J-3<br />


<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />


ID<br />

Document<br />

Version/Date<br />


DRD<br />

SOW<br />

CXP-70029<br />

--<br />

CXP-70031<br />

-- _._----<br />

CXP-70033<br />

--<br />

CXP-70034<br />

Baseline<br />

Release<br />

9 Oct. 2007<br />

+ Errata-Rev<br />

001 8/11/08<br />

Baseline<br />

Release<br />

30 Nov. 2007<br />

+ Errata Rev<br />

0018/11/08<br />

Baseline<br />

Release<br />

10 Oct. 2007<br />

+ Errata Rev<br />

001 8/11/08<br />

Baseline Draft<br />

Release<br />

02 Oct 2007<br />

+ Errata<br />

1/11/08<br />

--<br />

CxP-70035 Baseline Draft<br />

02 Oct 2007<br />

+ Errata Rev<br />

0018/11/08<br />

Onon to MIssion Systems Interface Requirements Document<br />

---<br />

Onon to Intematlonal Space Stafion Interface Requirements<br />

Document<br />

- --------------<br />

Onon to EVA Systems Interface Requirements Document<br />

-------------_._------ -------<br />

On on to LSAM Interface Requirements Document<br />

Portable Equipment, Payloads, and Cargo Interface Requirements<br />

Document<br />

CEV-T-026,<br />

CEV-T-058<br />

CEV-T-026,<br />

CEV-T-058<br />

r--<br />

--------<br />

CEV-T-026,<br />

CEV-T-058<br />

2.3 (a)<br />

2.3. (b), 10.2 3<br />

---<br />

2.3 (a), 2.6 11<br />

-------<br />

2.3 (a)<br />

23 (a), 2 6.12<br />

-<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

7 of 73

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

Document<br />

10 Version/Date<br />


ORO<br />


SOW<br />

CXP-70036<br />

CXP-70038<br />

Revision A<br />

Release<br />

05 Sep.2007<br />

+ Errata<br />

1/11/08<br />

--_._----------<br />

RevIsion A<br />

15 Oct. 2007<br />

+ Errata<br />

11 Jan. 2008<br />

c----------------------- - ---<br />

CxP-70041<br />

Baseline<br />

Release<br />

14 Nov 2007<br />

I-<br />

CXP-70043 RevIsion A<br />

Release<br />

r---<br />

CxP-70044<br />

11 Oct 2007<br />

+ Errata<br />

1/11/08<br />

Baseline<br />

Release<br />

17 Aug 2007<br />

CXP-70050-01 Rev A, Chg 1<br />

CxP-70050-02<br />

30 Nov. 2007<br />

Rev A<br />

26Jul. 2007<br />

Constellation Environmental Qualification and Acceptance Testing<br />

Requirements (CEQATR) Document<br />

------<br />

Constellation Program Hazard Analyses Methodology<br />

._._---------------------------_._-----<br />

Constellation Program NExlOM Standard for Tool, Model, and<br />

Simulation Data Dellvenes<br />

-- -- .' ._-<br />

Constellation Program Hardware Failure Modes and Effects AnalySIS<br />

and Cntlcalltems List (FMEAlCIL) Methodology<br />

-<br />

Constellation Program Natural EnVironment Definition for DeSign<br />

(NEDD)<br />

Constellation Program Electncal Power System Specification Volume<br />

1 Electncal Power Quality Performance for 28VDC<br />

Constellation Program Electncal Power System Specification,<br />

Volume 2: User Electncal Power Quality Performance for 28VDC<br />

CEV-S-003,<br />

CEV-S-005,<br />

CEV-S-009,<br />

CEV-S-011,<br />

CEV-S-013<br />

----------<br />

CEV-T-001<br />

CEV-T-002<br />

-------<br />

CEV-S-009,<br />

CEV-S-011<br />

CEV-T-044,<br />

CEV-T-045<br />

-<br />

1021<br />

3.2,3.4<br />

--<br />

---------_.-<br />

24<br />

~--<br />

---<br />

28.1,28.2,<br />

28.3<br />

------<br />

Attachment J-3<br />


<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

Document<br />

10 Version/Date<br />

CXP-70059 Revision 001<br />

14 Oct. 2008<br />


Constellation Program Integrated Safety, Reliability & Quality<br />

Assurance (SR&QA) Requirements<br />

ORO<br />


SOW<br />

-----;------<br />

CXP-70065<br />

Section 3.5 Only<br />

Baseline<br />

Release<br />

11 Oct 2007<br />

+ Errata<br />

1/11/08<br />

-------------- -------<br />

CXP-70068-01<br />

Baseline<br />

CXP-70068-02<br />

------------<br />

CXP-70068-03<br />

-<br />

Change 002<br />

11/07/08<br />

Baseline<br />

Release<br />

6 Sep. 2007<br />

Baseline<br />

Release<br />

6 Sep. 2007<br />

-- --<br />

CXP-70070-ANX05-01 Baseline<br />

Release<br />

22 Aug. 2007<br />

+ Errata<br />

Rev 001<br />

8/11/08<br />

------<br />

Constellation Program Computing Systems Requirements Document<br />

- ------------_.._---- - -------------------<br />

Constellation Program Problem Reporting, AnalYSIS and Corrective<br />

Action (PRACA) Requirements, Volume 1, Problem Processing<br />

Requirements<br />

------ --<br />

(Constellation Program Problem Reporting, AnalysIs and Corrective<br />

Action (PRACA) Requirements, Volume 2, Information Management<br />

System Requirements<br />

---<br />

Constellation Program Problem Reporting, AnalYSIS and Corrective<br />

Action (PRACA) Requirements, Volume 3, Appendices<br />

--<br />

Constellation Program, Program Management Plan, Annex 5:<br />

Security Management Plan; Book 1 Information Technology (IT)<br />

Functional Secunty ReqUirements<br />

------1-. -<br />

CEV-T-005 112<br />

CEV-S-013<br />

_._--------<br />

CEV-S-013<br />

-------<br />

CEV-S-013<br />

-----------<br />

CEV-T-047<br />

-------._._-<br />

1-------------<br />

1.5 (b), 1.1 (e)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

9 of 73

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

ID<br />

CXP-70076<br />

Document<br />

Version/Date<br />

Baseline<br />

Release<br />

19 Dec. 2006<br />

+ Errata<br />

1/11/08<br />

-----------1--------<br />

CXP-70080<br />

Revision A<br />

Release<br />

30 Aug. 2007<br />

+ Errata<br />

8/11108<br />

-----------._- -----------<br />

CXP-70118-01<br />

CXP-70130<br />

CXP-70135<br />

CxP-70138<br />

RevIsion A<br />

Draft<br />

28 Nov. 2007<br />

+ Errata<br />

1/11/08<br />

Baseline<br />

27 Jul. 2007<br />

+ Errata<br />

1/11/08<br />

--- ---<br />

Baseline<br />

Release,<br />

Change 002<br />

05 Dec. 2007<br />

+ Errata<br />

Rev 001<br />

8/11/08<br />

Baseline<br />

Release<br />

25 Sep 2007<br />


Constellation Program Modeling and Simulation Management<br />

ReqUirements - Level II<br />

Constellation Program Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E3)<br />

Requirements Document<br />

1-------------<br />

Constellation Program Systems to Communications and Tracking<br />

Network Interface Requirements Document (IRD), Volume 1: Onon<br />

1------<br />

Constellation Program Extravehicular ActiVity DeSign and Construction<br />

SpeCification<br />

---_.<br />

Constellation Program Structural Design and Venficatlon<br />

ReqUirements<br />

Level 2 Coordinate Systems<br />

---<br />

DRD<br />

CEV-T-001,<br />

CEV-T-002<br />

1----<br />

CEV-T-026,<br />

CEV-T-058<br />

TBD<br />

CEV-8-016,<br />

CEV-T-015<br />

CEV-T-002<br />


2.3 (a)<br />

SOW<br />

------------<br />

TBD<br />

1------_.-<br />

24<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

10 of73

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

Document<br />

10 Version/Date<br />



---<br />

ORO<br />

SOW<br />

CXP·70145<br />

CxP-70146<br />

Baseline<br />

Change 001<br />

9/29/08<br />

Baseline<br />

Change 001<br />

9/29/08<br />

----_._._------------<br />

CXP·70152<br />

Baseline<br />

Release<br />

---------<br />

03 Oct 2007<br />

-<br />

CXP·72000<br />

RevIsion B<br />

-.-----------<br />

CxP·72008<br />

CxP·72085<br />

CxP 72095<br />

Release<br />

2/12/2008 +<br />

Errata Rev 001<br />

8/11/08<br />

Baseline Draft<br />

18 Dec. 2006<br />

Revision A<br />

06 Dec. 2007<br />

Baseline<br />

March 1, 2007<br />

--<br />

Constellabon Program Contamination Control Requirements<br />

Constellabon Program Acceptance Data Package (ADP)<br />

Requirements<br />

CEV-T-021<br />

CEV-T-040<br />

---- --------------------------<br />

Constellation Program Crew Interface Labeling Standard<br />

CEV-T-089<br />

- ---------_._-------- - --- --------------<br />

System Requirements for the Crew Exploration Vehicle Element<br />

CEV-M-001,<br />

CEV-M-002,<br />

CEV-O-001,<br />

CEV-S-009,<br />

CEV-T-031,<br />

CEV-T-034<br />

- ---------<br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle Project Plan<br />

CEV-M-005<br />

Constellation Program Crew Exploration Vehicle {CEV} Spacecraft<br />

Outer Mold Line (OML)<br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV) Thermal Protection System Design<br />

Standard<br />

TBD<br />

TBD<br />

--<br />

2 2.1c, 22 2c,<br />

61.4c, 61 4g,<br />

62.1.1f,64I,<br />

6 5j, 9.2p, 9.2s<br />

------_.<br />

2.8 7<br />

------<br />

Scope, 11,22,<br />

2.3 (c), 3.1,<br />

6.13,6.1.61,<br />

6.23,6.261,<br />

6.4 3, 6.4 61,<br />

65.3,2.6<br />

(b),2.7.2 (e),<br />

6 1.6.2,6 4.6 2<br />

Scope, 1 4, 2.1,<br />

2 3.(c), 24,2.6,<br />

61.1,62.1,<br />

64.1,11 (e),<br />

410<br />

2.3 (c), 106.6<br /><br />

Attachment J-3<br />

11 of73

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />


ID<br />

Document<br />

Version/Date<br />


DRD<br />

SOW<br />

CxP-72097<br />

f--------<br />

CxP-72166<br />

Baseline<br />

01 Mar 2007<br />

+ Errata<br />

1/11/08<br />

Baseline<br />

4Jan 2007<br />

----_._-_._-------------<br />

CxP-72167<br />

CxP-72168<br />

CxP-72213<br />

CXP-72242<br />

1---<br />

CXP-72091<br />

Latest CPCB<br />

Approved<br />

version<br />

-i---------<br />

Latest CPCB<br />

Approved<br />

version<br />

---------<br />

Baseline<br />

Release<br />

17 Aug 2007<br />

Draft Baseline<br />

Release<br />

14Dec.07<br />

Baseline<br />

Release,<br />

7/1/07<br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle Master Venficatlon Plan<br />

Flight Test Vehicle MIssion and Flight Directives<br />

-- ------<br />

Onon AerodynamiC Database (for all phases of flight)<br />

------- .. _._---------------------<br />

Onon Aerothennodynamlc Database (for all flight phases)<br />

.. ---- ----------------------<br />

Onon Ground Safety Requirements Document<br />

f----<br />

15 Oct 2007<br />

-----<br />

CxP-72234<br />

Baseline<br />

Release<br />

Integrated Vehicle Ground Vibration Test Task Plan<br />

CEV Display Fonnat Standards Document<br />

Constellation Integrated Risk Management Plan<br />

CEV-T-015<br />

1---_.-<br />

CEV-D-002<br />

--------<br />

-_._------<br />

10.6.4<br />

----_._--<br />

2 3.(c), 10.6.4<br />

----------<br />

2.3 (c), 106 4<br />

--.-<br />

----<br />

2.6.9,,<br />,,<br />

10.3.6<br />

2.5 (t), 6.5 2 (g)<br />

--<br />

Attachment J-3<br />


<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />


ID<br />

Document<br />

Version/Date<br />


DRD<br />

SOW<br />

FED-STD-H28/20 10 March 1994<br />

1---- ---c---<br />

FIPS 140-2 25 May 2001<br />

1-- -<br />

'FTO~Ai=T -FTA-004<br />

------------<br />

12 Apnl2004<br />

._.<br />

IEEE 1516 -2000 2000<br />

---._---1-----------<br />

IEEE 1516.1-2000 2000<br />

----_._._---<br />

IEEE 1516.2-2000 2000<br />

-<br />

IEEE1516.3-2000 2000<br />

--<br />

1132928-103 REVISED<br />

10/07/2001<br />

IPC-2221<br />

IPC-2222<br />

Screw Thread Standards for Federal Services RevIsion A or Later<br />

Inspection Section 20 Methods for Acceptability of UN, UNR, UNJ, M,<br />

and MJ Screw Threads<br />

Secunty Requirements for Cryptographic Module<br />

FIPS-197 26 Nov. 2001 Advanced Encryption Standard<br />

--<br />

RevF I-Flight Test Article System ReqUirements Document<br />

__ 6 Aug. 2008<br />

1--------- ---<br />

ICD-GPS-200 Rev 4<br />

Navstar GPS Space Segment/Navigation User Interfaces<br />

-- ------------<br />

IEEE Standard for Modeling and Simulation (M&S) High Level<br />

Architecture (HLA) - Framework and Rules<br />

-----<br />

IEEE Standard for Modeling and Simulation (M&S) High Level<br />

Architecture (HLA) Federate Interface Specification<br />

r--<br />

2.6.13<br />

2.6 3<br />

--<br />

263<br />

:---------1-----------<br />

CEV-D-002 10.6.4<br />

1---------<br />

CEV-T-058 263<br />

._------1--------<br />

CEV-T-001 2.4<br />

------I--------.-<br />

CEV-T-001 2.4<br />

- --------<br />

CEV-T-001 24<br />

IEEE Standard for Modeling and Simulation (M&S) High Level<br />

Architecture (HLA). Object Model Template (OMT) SpeCification<br />

- +--<br />

- ----<br />

IEEE Recommended Practice for High Level Architecture (HLA) CEV-T-001 24<br />

Federation Development and Execution Process (FEDEP)<br />

Intemational Space Station Program<br />





ADAPTER)<br />

Genenc Standard on Pnnted Board DeSign<br />

Sectional Design Standard for Rigid Organic Printed Boards<br />

CEV-S-015,<br />

CEV-8-017<br />

CEV-8-015,<br />

CEV-8-017<br />

--<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

13 of73

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />


ID<br />

Document<br />

Version/Date<br />


DRD<br />

SOW<br />

I<br />

IPC-6011, Performance<br />

Class 3<br />

IPC-6012<br />

------------- ~---_._----<br />

JPR8080.5<br />

Rev A<br />

15 March 2005<br />

f--------------- ---_<br />

JPR 8080.5, E-14<br />

Rev A<br />

JPR 8080.5, E-22<br />

r-----<br />

JPR 8080.5, E-24<br />

~-<br />

JPR 8080.5, E-6<br />

.. _--<br />

15 March 2005<br />

1--<br />

Rev A<br />

15 March 2005<br />

Rev A<br />

15 March 2005<br />

Rev A<br />

15 March 2005<br />

f--------------1--<br />

JPR 8080.5, E-7<br />

Rev A<br />

JPR 8080.5, M/S-11<br />

JSC20431<br />

15 March 2005<br />

Rev A<br />

15 March 2005<br />

Rev A<br />

7 Nov. 2002<br />

JSC20584 June 1999<br />

Genenc Performance Specification For Pnnted Wlnng Boards<br />

Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards<br />

r----<br />

IPC-A-610<br />

Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies, Performance Class 3<br />

1-------------1-------<br />

IPC/EIA J-STD-001<br />

Performance Class 3 with Space Addendum (Requirements for<br />

Soldered Electncal and Electronic Assemblies)<br />

1-- ----------------<br />

'-------------------------------<br />

JSC Design and Procedural Standards (and associated Children<br />

documents as specified In Attachment J-3, Applicable, GUidance, and<br />

Informational Documents List) (exclusive of govemment shalls)<br />

--<br />

JSC Design and Procedural Standard, E-14, Electrical Wire Hamess<br />

Acceptance Testing<br />

------------------.---<br />

JSC Design and Procedural Standards, Section E22, IOnizing<br />

Radiation Effects<br />

- --_._------------<br />

JSC Design and Procedural Standard, E-24, Electncal Wire and Cable<br />

Acceptance Test<br />

JSC Design and Procedural Standard E-6, Corona Suppression<br />

JSC Design and Procedural Standards, Section E-7, Electncal<br />

Components - Restnctlons on Use<br />

JSC Design and Procedural Standards, Section M/S-11, Meteoroid<br />

and Orbital Debns Protection Levels for Structures<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> JSC Neutron Radiography SpeCification<br />

Spacecraft Maximum Allowable Concentrations for Airbome<br />

Contaminants<br />

CEV-S-015,<br />

CEV-S-017<br />

CEV-S-015,<br />

CEV-S-017<br />

---<br />

---<br />

---------<br />

1--<br />

CEV-T-027<br />

-------<br />

CEV-T-024<br />

CEV-T-027<br />

CEV-T-044<br />

CEV-T-073,<br />

CEV-T-074<br />

2.84<br />

2.8.4<br />

--<br />

2.6, 2 8.4, 6 1 3, I<br />

6.2.3, 6.4.3<br />

._---------<br />

284<br />

2.86<br />

------<br />

-------------<br />

2.8.4 !<br />

---_._---<br />

28.4<br />

2.86<br />

2.8.2<br />

2.6.13<br />

2.612,613.9,<br />

6.2 3.9, 6 4 6.9<br />

i<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

14 of 73

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

Document<br />

10 Version/Date<br />


ORO<br />


SOW<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-(I)-6016 11 Sep. 2006<br />

JSC62550 Sept 2006<br />

------._.__.-------<br />

JSC62809<br />

RevC<br />

23 Jun 2006<br />

-------_._----------<br />

JSC/SKD 26100132<br />

RevB<br />

------------------_._---<br />

KSC-HB-GP60-3<br />

Rev- BaSIC<br />

9 Dec. 2004<br />

-- ----1---------<br />

MIL-DTL-398<br />

RevD:<br />

Part1-12<br />

Dec.1996;<br />

Part2-17<br />

Apnl1999<br />

-- --1--._----<br />

MIL-DTL-45444<br />

Rev C 17 April<br />

1996;<br />

Amend. 1: 17<br />

Apn, 1999<br />

MIL-HDBK-6870A 28 Aug. 2001<br />

MIL-L-3055<br />

RevC<br />

12 Jan 1993<br />

Amend. 1-19<br />

March 1993<br />

Standard Matenals and Processes RequIrements for Spacecraft<br />

Strength, DesIgn and Venficatlon Cntena for Glass, CeramIcs and<br />

Windows In Human Space Flight Applications<br />

----------<br />

Constellation Spacecraft Pyrotechnic SpeCIfication<br />

- --_._---- ---------------------_._----------r----.---------<br />

Performance SpeCIfication for NSTS Use of PercussIon Pnmers<br />

-----------_._-------------._-------<br />

ASRS Handbook<br />

._-<br />

----------_._-----------------_._-----_.-<br />

RDX (Cyclotnmethylenetnnltramlne)<br />

H MX (Cyclotetramethylenetetranitramlne)<br />

-------<br />

Inspection Program ReqUIrements Nondestructive for AIrcraft and<br />

MIssile Matenals and Parts<br />

Type I Lead AzIde<br />

CEV-T-019,<br />

CEV-T-020,<br />

CEV-T-021,<br />

CEV-T-022,<br />

CEV-T-023<br />

-----<br />

f---------<br />

CEV-T-075<br />

-------<br />

CEV-O-003<br />

---------<br />

1----<br />

CEV-T-023<br />

----_.-<br />

2.6.9<br />

2613,,<br />

62.313,<br />

6.4.313<br />

f-------<br />

2.613<br />

----_._.---<br />

2.72<br />

1--------<br />

26.13<br />

2.613<br />

2.6.13<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

15 of 73

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J -3<br />

Modification 65<br />

Document<br />

10 Version/Date<br />


ORO<br />


SOW<br />

MIL-L-46225<br />

RevC<br />

Aug. 1968<br />

Amend3-11<br />

May 1990<br />

-. ---<br />

MIL-P-20444C Amend. 1-31<br />

Aug 2000<br />

_._-----<br />

MIL-P-387<br />

Notice 1 -19<br />

March 1986<br />

Notice 2 -<br />

March 1997<br />

RevC<br />

8 Dec. 1976<br />

Amend. 1-26<br />

March 1990<br />

Amend 2-26<br />

July 1994<br />

------------<br />

MIL-STD-1576 31 July 1984<br />

--<br />

MIL-STD-286<br />

Notice 1-4<br />

Sept 1992<br />

RevC<br />

8 Aug 1991<br />

CN 1 -18 Jan<br />

1994<br />

MIL-STD-461 E 20 Aug. 1999<br />

MIL-STD-464A 19 Dec. 2002<br />

MIL-STD-810<br />

Lead Azide RD-1333<br />

2.613<br />

I-- - +----------1--------<br />

Pnmer, Percussion, M42 Parts for and Loading, Assembling and<br />

Packaging<br />

---_._-------------<br />

Pentaerythnte Tetramtrate (PETN)<br />

---"-------<br />

Electro ExplOSive Subsystem Safety Requirements and Test Methods<br />

for Space Systems<br />

- --<br />

MIlitary Standard Propellants, Solid: Sampling Examination and<br />

Testing; Method 802.1<br />

Requirements for the Control of Electromagnetic Interference (EM!)<br />

Charactenstlcs of Subsystems and Equipment<br />

Electromagnetic Environmental Effects ReqUirements for Systems<br />

Environmental Test methods and Engineering GUidelines<br />

---------<br />

--------1----------<br />

CEV-T-025<br />

-------<br />

CEV-T-025<br />

CEV-T-025<br />

26.13<br />

1---------_._._-<br />

2.6.13<br />

-------<br />

2.6.13<br />

2.85<br />

2.8.5<br />

2.6.13 g)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

16 of 73

oo-<br />

_______<br />

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

Document<br />

10 Version/Date<br />


ORO<br />


--c--<br />

SOW<br />

MIL-STD-2073-1<br />

ML0303-0014<br />

December<br />

1999<br />

RevN<br />

16June 2004<br />

r-- --<br />

MSFC-STD-3029<br />

Rev A<br />

24 Feb. 2005<br />

1----------------f----------<br />

NAS 412 1997<br />

1-------------1--------<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> TP-2003-21 0788 Apnl2003<br />

-- -----<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-4003 8 Sept. 2003<br />

-----<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-SOOSB 25 Aug. 2006<br />

r-<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-S009 6 Dec. 2005<br />

--- --<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-S017<br />

Baseline<br />

Version 13<br />

June 2006<br />

--<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-(I)-S019 12 Sep. 2006<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-8719.9 9 May 2002<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-8739.8 28 July 2004<br />

Department of Defense Standard Practice for Packaging<br />

Electncal Wire Harnesses and Coaxial Cables, Installation<br />

ReqUirements for Electromagnetic Compatibility<br />

-- --_._-<br />

GUidelines for the Selection of Metallic Matenals for Stress Corrosion<br />

1--- .._------_.._---<br />

Electncal Bonding for <strong>NASA</strong> Launch Vehicles, Spacecraft, Payloads,<br />

and Flight Equipment<br />

-<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> Standard for Ground Support Equipment (and associated<br />

Applicable Document Children as specified In Attachment J-3,<br />

Applicable, GUidance, and Informational Documents List)<br />

------ ------- "-------<br />

Nondestructive Evaluation ReqUirements for Fracture Control<br />

Programs<br />

r---------<br />

DeSign and Development ReqUirements for Mechanisms, Sections 1-4<br />

~- --<br />

Fracture Control Requirements for Space Flight Hardware<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> Standard for LIfting Devices and EqUipment<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> Software Assurance Standard (Chapter 6 and 7)<br />

CEV-T-025<br />

--------<br />

CEV-T-020<br />

Cracking Resistance In Sodium Chlonde Environments<br />

---------- ---------<br />

Foreign Object Damage/ Foreign Object Debns (FaD) Prevention CEV-T-021<br />

-------- - ----1--------<br />

Meterold/Debns Shielding, 2003, Section 2 for descnblng the MMOD CEV-T-044<br />

nsk assessment process uSing Bumper code<br />

---------<br />

CEV-T-025<br />

CEV-D-006,<br />

CEV-O-008<br />

---------<br />

CEV-T-015,<br />

CEV-T-023<br />

-------<br />

CEV-T-061,<br />

CEV-T-015<br />

--<br />

CEV-T-023,<br />

CEV-T-069,<br />

CEV-T-070<br />

CEV-S-005<br />

CEV-S-001,<br />

CEV-S-018<br />

2.613<br />

2.85 ,<br />

28.2<br />

21.92<br />

-<br />

--<br />

---------<br />

2.8 5<br />

-------<br />

2.72.(e),<br />

6.161,,<br />

6.461,1066<br />

1---------<br />

1--------<br />

2.6.6, 2.6.9<br />

3.6,6.5.2<br />

--<br />

I<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

17 of73

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J -3<br />

Modification 65<br />


ID<br />

Document<br />

Version/Date<br />


DRD<br />

SOW<br />

National Council on 2000<br />

Radiation Protection and<br />

Measurements Report<br />

No. 132<br />

National Council on 2006<br />

Radiation Protection and<br />

Measurements Report<br />

(TBP)<br />

No. TBD<br />

1--. -- -----<br />

NPD 8710.38<br />

National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements Report<br />

No. 132. Radiation Protection GUidance for ActivIties in Low-Earth<br />

Orbit<br />

Radiation Protection and Science Goals for Lunar MISSions (to be<br />

published In 2006)<br />

._--------------<br />

Subject <strong>NASA</strong> Policy for limiting Orbital Debns Generation<br />

(Revalidated 4/28/04)<br />

-----_._--- ---1--------1-- -------------<br />

NPD 9501.1G 22 May 2000- <strong>NASA</strong> Contractor Financial Management Reporting System<br />

22 May 2005<br />

------ --f--------------------------------- -- ---<br />

NPD 9501.3A<br />

3 Aug 2002-3 Earned Value Management<br />

Aug. 2007<br />

_._--------- ---<br />

NPR6000.1G 28 March 2005 ReqUirements for Packaging, Handling, and Transportation of<br />

-28 March Aeronautical and Space Systems, EqUipment, and ASSOCiated<br />

2008 Components<br />

---1----- --<br />

NPR 7150.2 27 Sept. 2004 <strong>NASA</strong> Software Engineering ReqUirements (all shall statements/the<br />

-27 Sept compliance matnx only, excluding the software safety requirement)<br />

2007<br />

NPR8580.1 26 Nov. 2001 - Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act and Executive<br />

26 Nov 2006 Order 12114<br />

-<br />

CEV-T-045<br />

CEV-T-045<br />

---------.<br />

CEV-B-001<br />

--------<br />

CEV-B-003<br />

1---------<br />

CEV-T-011<br />

-_._----<br />

CEV-T-005,<br />

CEV-T-006,<br />

CEV-T-029,<br />

CEV-T-048,<br />

CEV-T-049,<br />

CEV-T-050,<br />

CEV-T-051,<br />

CEV-T-052,<br />

CEV-T-053,<br />

CEV-T-054,<br />

CEV-T-055,<br />

CEV-T-056,<br />

CEV-T-057<br />

2.8.3<br />

2 8.3<br />

---<br />

----------<br />

---------<br />

---_._.------<br />

--------<br />

1 5- Class<br />

E,F,G only,<br />

6 5.2- Chapter 6<br />

& 7 only, 6 5.3<br />

ClassC&D<br />

10.1<br />

I<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

Document<br />

10 Version/Date<br />

NPR8715.5<br />

NPR9501.2D<br />

NPR9501.3 24 Nov. 2002 -<br />

24 Nov. 2007<br />

NSS-1704.14<br />

f-----.------ _.<br />

NSTS08307<br />

Rev A<br />

6 July 1998<br />

NTIAManual<br />

--------------<br />

May2003w/<br />

May 2004<br />

RevIsions<br />

S0300-BT-PRO-010 Nov. 1994<br />

SSP-50005<br />


Range Safety Program<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> Contractor Financial Management Reporting<br />

Earned Value Management Implementation Plan on <strong>NASA</strong> Contracts<br />

._-----<br />

GUidelines and Assessment Procedures for Limiting Orbital Debns<br />

--<br />

Space Shuttle Cntena for Preloaded Bolts<br />

c--- ------------------<br />

National TelecommUnications and Information Administration (NTIA)<br />

Manual of Regulations & Procedures for Federal RadiO Frequency<br />

Management (May 2003 Edition, May 2005 Revisions) Chapter 10<br />

OSHA Standards 29 CFR<br />

Supplementary Standards 1960 18<br />

-----------<br />

Range Commanders June 2002 Common Risk Cntena for National Test Ranges<br />

Council - Range Safety<br />

Group - Standard 321-02<br />

--<br />

f--- -------------------c----------<br />

Government-Industry Data Exchange Program (GIDEP) Operations<br />

Manual<br />

International Space Station Flight Crew Integration Standard<br />



ORO<br />


SOW<br />

CEV-O-007 2.7.4,33<br />

CEV-B-001,<br />

CEV-M-002<br />

CEV-B-003<br />

-------_._---<br />

CEV-S-007<br />

------_.- --<br />

2.6 9<br />

------_._-_. -----<br />

CEV-T-026<br />

---------<br />

Ce'l S QQa,<br />

CEV-T-045<br />

CEV-0-007<br />

-.-<br />

CEV-S-001,<br />

CEV-S-012<br />

263,285<br />

--<br />

28.3<br />

---------<br />

2.74, 33<br />

_._-------<br />

WS5003F<br />

VB_SSHM July 2007<br />

Ares IVGVT & Orion 7/17108<br />

BEA<br />

-- --<br />

Matenal Specification for HNS ExplOSive<br />

NeXIOM Data Schema<br />

Ares IVGVT & Orion Bilateral Exchange Agreement for IVGVT<br />

Support<br />

-<br />

J-2 DPD<br />

2.613<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

19 of 73

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />


Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

For the following applicable or gUidance documents, their embedded applicable children<br />

documents Identified in the Approved Children Table are also applicable or to be used as<br />

guidance depending on the parent document's category or as otherwise indicated:<br />

• <strong>NASA</strong>-STD-5005B, <strong>NASA</strong> Standard for Ground Support Equipment<br />

• <strong>NASA</strong>-STD-(l)-5019, Fracture Control Requirements for Space Flight Hardware<br />

• MSFC-SPEC-164B, Specification for Cleanliness of Components for Use In Oxygen, Fuel<br />

and Pneumatic Systems<br />

• CxP-70022, Constellation Program C31 Interoperabllity Standards Books Volumes 1 and 4<br />

o<br />

Attachment J-3a provides the phased applicability matrix for CxP-70022<br />

applicable children documents ..<br />

• CxP-70023, Constellation Program Design Specification for Natural Environments (DSNE)<br />

[The DSNE Invokes portions of CP-DOC-00004, Constellation Program Natural<br />

EnVironment Definition for DeSign (NEDD) where other children documents, models and<br />

datasets are then subsequently Invoked These NEDD children documents, models and<br />

datasets are listed as applicable children to the DSNE.]<br />

• CxP-70059, Constellation Program Integrated Safety, Reliability and Quality Assurance<br />

(SR&QA) Requirements<br />

• JPR 8080.5, JSC DeSign and Procedural Standards<br />

• CxP-70024, Constellation Human Systems Integration Requirements (HSIR)<br />

• CxP-72000, Systems Requirements for the Crew Exploration Vehicle Element<br />

• CxP-72008, Crew Exploration Vehicle Project Plan<br />

• CxP-72234, Integrated Vehicle Ground Vibration Test Task Plan<br />

• CxP-70026, Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV) to Crew Launch Vehicle (CLV) IRD<br />

• CxP-70076, Constellation Program Modeling and Simulation Management ReqUirements -<br />

Level II<br />

• CxP-70135 - Structural DeSign and Verification Requirements<br />

• FTO-AFT-FTA-004, Flight Test Article System Requirements Document<br />

• Note - Typically children section does not duplicate Section 1 0 Applicable Documents.<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

ID<br />

Document<br />

Version/Date<br />



DRD<br />


SOW<br />

,<br />



f---<br />

f--- - ----------1------ -<br />

'-ADM-"f--------- --_._----- -<br />

1--::=:-,------------<br />

A1SC 316-89<br />

f-----------<br />

1989<br />

f-=----------- - ------_._._--<br />

A1SC 325-01 2001<br />

'Arsl-SG:&n--- ---------<br />

'AMS H-6875<br />

AMS2770<br />

f-c--·---------<br />

AMS2771<br />

"AMs2772---<br />

AMS-H-81200<br />

ARP 1247<br />

AS 1097<br />

AS 8090<br />

ASMEA13.1<br />

ASME B30.1<br />

ASMEB31.3<br />

1-:=--------.------------------------<br />

Cold-Formed Steel Design Manual<br />

1-----_._--<br />

--------------- ----------- -----------<br />

f-Heat Treatment of Steel Raw Matenals<br />

----J-----.---- -<br />

-- -------_._- ._--------<br />

-HeatTreatment"ofWrought Aluminum Alloy Parts<br />

1--------<br />

----_._--- ---<br />

Heat Treatment of Alummum Alloy Casting<br />

--_.-<br />

. -.-t---------_.-._------<br />

Heat Treatment of Wrought Aluminum Alloy Raw Matenals<br />

- - ------------<br />

Heat Treatment ofTltamum and Tltamum Alloys<br />

-+-_.<br />

PARENT APPLICABLE DOCUMENT: <strong>NASA</strong>-STD-5005B, <strong>NASA</strong><br />

Standard for Ground Support Equipment<br />

CEV-D-006,<br />

CEV-O-008<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-50058 Approved Children<br />

------------_. ------------1---._._-----<br />

- ----------------------------- -- ------_ .. _._-<br />

Aluminum Design Manual<br />

- -------_._._---t----------<br />

Manual of Steel Construction - Vol. 1 (Reference 316-1989)<br />

AllQwa~e.§Jl!lss De~.!~ __________________<br />

LFRD Manual of Steel Construction - Third Edition<br />

General Requirements for Aerospace Ground Support Equipment,<br />

Motonzed and Nonmotonzed<br />

Seal Rmg 37-Degree Flared Tube Fitting End<br />

Mobility, Towed Aerospace Ground EqUipment, General<br />

Requirements for<br />

Scheme for the Identlficabon of Plpmg Systems<br />

Jacks - Safety Standard for Cableways, Cranes, Demcks, HOISts,<br />

Hooks, Jacks, and Slings<br />

Process Pipmg<br />

--<br />

--1--------<br />

272.(e),<br />

6 1 6 1, 6.2 6.1,<br />

6461,10.66<br />

---------<br />

-_._--------<br />

----------<br />

--<br />

--<br />

----_._-------<br />

-----<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

10<br />

Document<br />

Version/Date<br />




ASME Vessel Code,<br />

ASME Baller and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX' Welding and<br />

I Section IX Procedures Brazing Qualifications /----___-+<br />

ASME Vessel Code,<br />

ASME Bader and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII Pressure<br />

Section VIII, Divisions 1, Vessels DIvISions 1, 2, and 3<br />

I 2, and 3 ___ _ _________ +_ ________,<br />

ASTM A269<br />

Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded Austemtlc Stainless<br />

~ _ Steel Tubing for General Service ----t---____<br />

--------<br />

ASTM A325<br />

Standard Specification for Structural Bolts, Steel, Heat Treated,<br />

h-=---_______ ._ _________ 120/105 kSI Mlmmum Tensile Strength __________<br />

_ ._._-----1--------<br />

ASTM A36<br />

ASTMA490<br />

Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel<br />

------ --------------------+----------1--------<br />

Standard Specification for Structural Bolts, Alloy Steel, Heat Treated,<br />

~--- ------~ ~~n~~r~~~~~~::~~I~~;~~~~~eld-Strength-, -Quen-c-h-e-d-a-nd-----+-----------'---------·<br />

ASTM A514/A514M<br />

I . ________ .Iempered Allay Steel Plate, SUitable for Weld.!!!.9. __________ +- __ ___ 1 _.____<br />

ASTM A517/A517M<br />

Standard Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Hlgh-<br />

~--------l__-------..<br />

ASTM MANUAL 36<br />

Strength. Quenched and Tempered - --f----------1 I<br />

Safe Use of Oxygen and Oxygen Systems: GUidelines for Oxygen<br />

System Design, Matenals Selection, Operations, Storage, and<br />

::: ~~::/D1.2M__ T-----~---~---- :~:~_:rta_ :_tl_:n_::_:~_:_~::;_=_:~u::n~:e~ -------~-~-=----~-~-:~---f----- t--=---~~--I-<br />

AWS 01.6<br />

Structural Welding Code - Stainless Steel<br />

-- ----- ---- ------------- ------ --I<br />

AWS D1/D1.1M<br />

Steel - Structural Welding Code - Standard for<br />

____-j._____ I<br />

-+____<br />

eGA C-7 -+-----<br />

EIA310<br />

FED-STD-595<br />

IEEElASTM 5110<br />

GUide to the Preparation of Precautionary Labeling and Marking of<br />

Compressed Gas Containers<br />

Cabinets, Racks, Panels, and Associated Equipment<br />

Colors Used In Government Procurement<br />

American National Standard for Use of the Intemational System of<br />

Units (SI). The Modem Metric System<br />

ORO<br />

SOW<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J -3<br />

Modification 65<br />

ISO 2631-1<br />

-<br />

1503382<br />

ISO 15389<br />

KSC-C-123<br />

KSC-E-165<br />

ID<br />

KSC-SPEC-E-0029<br />

--<br />

Document<br />

Version/Date<br />

RevH<br />

r-~§ Sept. 1995<br />

RevD<br />

22 Feb 1995<br />

21 Apn11972<br />

KSC-SPEC-E-0031 --- Rev A<br />

_,1 0 Aug 1995<br />

KSC-SPEC-Z-0008 RevC<br />

13 June 1995<br />

KSC-SPEC-Z-0009 -- Rev A<br />

15 Jan. 1991<br />

~-STD-E-0004<br />

f--o-=-.= -<br />

KSC-STD-Z-0005<br />

KSC-STD-Z-0006<br />

KSC-STD-Z-0008<br />

MIL-C-22992<br />

MIL-DTL-16878<br />

Reve 14 Oct<br />

1996<br />

RevEAmend<br />

6<br />

8 March 2000<br />

RevG<br />

11 Aug. 2000,<br />

Suppl.1 -<br />

11 Aug. 2000;<br />

Amend. 1-<br />

2 July 2002<br />



International Standards Orgamzatlon (ISO) Standard 2631-11997 (E)<br />

"Measurement of the Reverberation Time of Rooms WIth Reference to<br />

Other Acoustical Parameters"<br />

Space systems - Flight-to-ground umbilicals<br />

Surface Cleanliness of FlUid Systems, Specification for<br />

Electrical Ground Support EqUipment, Fabncatlon, Specification for<br />

--;:-- -<br />

Compound, Potting and Molding, Elastomenc,<br />

,,--- ----------<br />

SpeCification fo!<br />

Cables, Electncal, General SpeCification for<br />

---_._---- ------------------<br />

--------<br />

Fabncation and Installation of Flared Tube Assemblies and<br />

Installation of Fittings and FI~ Assemblies, SpeCification for<br />

Lubncatlon, Thread, CorroSion-ReSistant Steel and Aluminum Alloy<br />

-- . - --<br />

Tube Fittings, Specification for<br />

Pneumatic and Hydraulic Mechamcal Components, Electncal DeSign,<br />

Standard for (IT AR Controlled)<br />

_<br />

Pneumatic Ground-Support EqUipment, DeSign of, Standard for (lTAR<br />

f-----..<br />

--<br />

----_._--<br />

Controlled)<br />

Hypergolic Propellants Ground Support EqUipment, DeSign of,<br />

1-------------------<br />

Standard for (IT AR Controlled)<br />

Design of Ground Life Support Systems and EqUipment, Standard for<br />

Connectors, Plugs and Receptacles, Electncal, Waterproof, QUick<br />

Disconnect, Heavy Duty Type, General SpeCification for<br />

Wire, Electncal, Insulated, General SpeCification for<br />

DRD<br />


SOW<br />

-----------<br />

-----------<br />

--<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J -3<br />

Modification 65<br />

MIL-DTL-38999<br />

MIL-DTL-5015<br />

MIL-HDBK-149<br />

MIL-HDBK-17/1<br />

MIL-HDBK-454<br />

Document<br />

10 Version/Date<br />

Rev K<br />

BasIc - 17 Dec<br />

1999;<br />

Amend 1-5<br />

May 2001,<br />

Amend. 2-9<br />

Apn12002;<br />

Amend. 3-22<br />

Aug.2003;<br />

Suppl. 1 -<br />

12 JulY 2002<br />

RevH<br />

Basic<br />

document &<br />

Supplement 1<br />

18 May 2000 __<br />

RevB<br />

~1984<br />

RevF<br />

17 June 2002 __<br />

Not In Library<br />



Connectors, Electncal, Circular, Miniature, High Density, QUick<br />

Disconnect (Bayonet, Threaded, and Breech Coupling), Environment<br />

Resistant, Removable Crimp and Hermetic Solder Contacts, General<br />

SpeCification for<br />

Connectors, Electncal, Circular Threaded, AN Type, General<br />

Specification for<br />

-Rubber<br />

Composite Matenals Handbook Volume 1: Polymer Matnx<br />

-:;:-<br />

Components GUidelines for Charactenzatlon of Structural Matenals<br />

-<br />

General GUidelines for Electronic Equipment<br />

MIL·HDBK-5961<br />

Rev A<br />

List of Standard Semiconductor Devices<br />

5 Nov 1999 __<br />

MIL·HDBK·5H 1 Dec. 1998 Metallic Materials and Elements for Aerospace Vehicle Structures<br />

--I---<br />

ORO<br />

----_._--<br />


SOW<br />

--_..._------<br />

----<br />

--_..-._---<br />

MIL·HDBK·6870A 28 Aug. 2001<br />

MIL·HDBK·700<br />

MIL·M-8609<br />

Rev A<br />

17 March 1975<br />

RevB<br />

26 July 1965;<br />

Notice 1 B -12<br />

Dec. 1987;<br />

Notice 2 B-<br />

28 Aug. 1996<br />

Inspection Program ReqUirements Nondestructive for Aircraft and<br />

Missile Matenals and Parts<br />

Plastics<br />

Motors, Direct-Current, 28 Volt System, Aircraft (Inactive for new<br />

design)<br />

--<br />

I--<br />

I<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

Document<br />


10 Version/Date DOCUMENT TITLE<br />

MIL-PRF-39012 RevE Connectors, Coaxial, Radio Frequency, General Specification for<br />

27 Aonl2005<br />

MIL-STD-1472 RevF Department of Defense Design Cntena Standard, Human Englneenng<br />

23Aug 1999<br />

MIL-STD-1576 13 July 1984 Electroexploslve Subsystem Safety Requirements and Test Methods<br />

Notice 1 -4 for Space Systems<br />

~IL-STD-171<br />

Se[!t. 1992<br />

RevE<br />

FInishing of Metal and Wood Surfaces<br />

23 June1989<br />

CN 1-19<br />

Nov 2001<br />

MIL-STD-461E 20 Aug. 1999 Requirements for the Control of Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)<br />

Charactenstlcs of Subsystems and Equipment<br />

----- --=--------- --<br />

MIL-STD-889 RevB Dissimilar Metals<br />

7 July 1976;<br />

Notice 1 - 21<br />

Nov. 1979;<br />

Notice 2-<br />

4 March 1988,<br />

Notice 3 - 17<br />

---<br />

May 1993 ----<br />

MIL-W-22759 RevE Wire, Electncal, Fluoropolymer-Insulated Copper or Copper Alloy<br />

31 Dec. 1990<br />

c----<br />

ORO<br />


------------------------------------- - ------------ -------------1----------<br />

-------<br />

--<br />

(-------<br />

--<br />

SOW<br />

- - - ---------<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

Document<br />

10 Version/Date<br />



ORO<br />


SOW<br />

I<br />

MIL-W-5086<br />

MSFC-STD-156<br />

RevC<br />

(5086C)<br />

2 Dec 1974,<br />

RevCAmend<br />

1 - 1 Dec<br />

1974<br />

(Note In<br />

Parent<br />

document title<br />

matches only<br />

basic 5086<br />

document<br />

rev/verslon C<br />

and Its Amend<br />

A 1 -Copper or<br />

Copper Alloy<br />

Wire<br />

specification.<br />

Appl and<br />

Parent<br />

document<br />

folders contain<br />

additional<br />

related<br />

documents-<br />

5086/1 B, 2C ,<br />

3B, 4B, 5C,<br />

6C,7Bwhlch<br />

are for<br />

different<br />

composItion<br />

Wires.)<br />

2 Apnl1962<br />

Wire, Electnc, PolYVinyl Chloride Insulated, Copper or Copper Alloy<br />

Riveting, Fabrication and Inspection, Standard for<br />

I<br />

i<br />

I<br />

I<br />

MSFC-SPEC-164B<br />

RevB<br />

(For GUidance only) Nov. 1994<br />

Specification for Cleanliness of Components for Use In Oxygen, Fuel<br />

and Pneumatic Systems, inclUSive of Specifications In Section 2 1 1<br />

-<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

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Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 6S<br />

Document<br />

10 Version/Date<br />

MSFC-SPEC-250A (1977) 1 Oct 1997<br />

MSFC-STD-486<br />

MSFC-STD-3029<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-HDBK-1001<br />

RevB<br />

Nov. 1992<br />

Rev A<br />

24 Feb.2005<br />

'"<strong>NASA</strong>-SPEC-5004<br />

--f-_-------<br />

Rev A<br />

-, 25 Aug 2003<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-5008<br />

Rev A<br />

21 Jan 2004<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-6001<br />

9 Feb. 199B<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-8719.9---- f-c--<br />

9 May 2002<br />

NBS HDBK-105-1 1990<br />

i-c,-------------~evls~(L---<br />

NEMA-ICS2<br />

NEMA-MG1<br />

NFPA496<br />

NFPA50<br />

NFPA50B<br />

NFPA 70<br />

NFPA 780<br />

No number/ASHRAE<br />

Handbooks<br />

No number/Brazing<br />

Manual<br />

-----r-<br />

--<br />



Protective Finishes for Space Vehicle Structures and Associated<br />

Flight EgUiement, General Seeclficatlon For<br />

Standard, Threaded Fasteners, Torque Limits for<br />

ORO<br />


SOW<br />

r--------<br />

GUidelines for the Selection of Metallic Matenals for Stress Corrosion<br />

Cracking Resistance In Sodium Chloride Environments<br />

Terrestnal Environment (Climatic) Critena Handbook for Use In<br />

.-<br />

Aerospace Vehicle Develoement<br />

__________<br />

-------f----------<br />

Welding of Aerospace Ground Support Equipment and Related<br />

f-~onconvential Facilities<br />

__ -------------------<br />

Protective Coating of Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel and Aluminum on<br />

Launch Structures, FacIlities and Ground Su~~ort EgUl~ment ___ ,<br />

Flammability, Odor, Offgasslng & Compatibility Requirements & Test<br />

-----<br />

Procedures for Matenals In Environments That SUQ[lort Combustion<br />

Standard for Lifting Devices and Equipment<br />

f-------- ------<br />

SpeCifications and Tolerances for Reference Standards a'nd Field<br />

--1---------- --- I--<br />

Standard Weights and Measures<br />

Industnal Control and Systems: Controllers, Contractors, and<br />

-----t--<br />

--<br />

Overload Relays, Rated Not More Than 2000 Volts AC or 750 Volts<br />

OC<br />

Information GUide for General Purpose Industnal AC Small and<br />

t--------- ------------<br />

Medium SgUirrel-Cage Induction Motor Standards<br />

Purged and Pressunzed Enclosures for Electncal EqUipment<br />

Bulk Oxygen Systems at Consumer Sites<br />

Liquified Hydrogen Systems at Consumer Sites<br />

National Electncal Code<br />

Installation of Lightning Protection Systems<br />

ASHRAE Handbooks<br />

Brazing Manual<br />

---<br />

--<br />

--<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

ID<br />

No number/Handbook<br />

Document<br />

Version/Date<br />

Handbook for Spnng DeSign<br />




I for S~ring Design I --+------1--------<br />

No numberlSoldering<br />

Soldenng Manual<br />

Manual<br />

NPD 8010.2 14 May 2002 - Use of Metnc System of Measurement In <strong>NASA</strong> Programs<br />

INPG =+:14 May 2009<br />

k~ 8715.3 <strong>NASA</strong> Safety Manual<br />

NSS 1740.16 Cancelled Safety Standard for 7 H;-y-;dr-o-g-en-an-d Hydrogen Systems GUidelines for ~------­<br />

Hydrogen System DeSign, Matenals Selectron, Operations, Storage<br />

and Transportation<br />

~~:~~~~o~y ANSI/AI~ I 2004 _______ 1 :~gl~~~~o~~n~y~~:~~ G-095-2004 GUide to Safety of Hydrogen ____________ , _______ _<br />

T9074-BD-G1B-010/300---t9Aug 2002 Base Matenals For Cntlcal Applications: ReqUirements For Low Alloy t­<br />

Steel Plate, Forgings, Castings, Shapes, Bars, And Heads Of HY-<br />

I----<br />

_____ +80/100/130 And HSLA-80/100 ------------------_-+ ________ 1-______ _<br />

I--PARENT GUIDANCE r-------1 PARENT GUIDANCE DOCUMENT: <strong>NASA</strong>-STD~O=5019, Fr;ct~-;-t -~--------,<br />


Control Requirements for Space Flight Hardware<br />

t=- I <strong>NASA</strong>-STD-(IJ-5019 Approved Children<br />

CEV-T-023,<br />

CEV-T-069,<br />

CEV-T-070<br />

--1 _<br />

---j------,-------,<br />

JSC23642<br />

(for gUidance only)<br />

MSFC-STD-2594<br />

(for Quidance only)<br />

22 Oct. 2001<br />

Jun. 1997<br />

JSC Fastener Integrity Testing Program<br />

MSFC Fastener Management and Control Pracoces<br />




Specification for Cleanliness of Components for Use in Oxygen,<br />

Fuel and Pneumatic Systems<br />

I CEV-T-073<br />

2.6.12<br />

MSFC-SPEC-164B Approved Children<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

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NNJ06TA2SC<br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

Document<br />

10 Version/Date<br />



ORO<br />


SOW<br />

BB-N-411<br />

Replaced by A-A-59503<br />

Cancelled<br />

KSC/MTB-402 Sept 1988<br />

MIL-P-27401D<br />

RevD<br />

30 Oct 1995<br />

MIL-T-27602 Notice 1<br />

20 May 2003<br />

(Cancellation<br />

Notice)<br />

Replaced by MIL-C- MIL-C-<br />

813020 81302D<br />

(Rev D) - 16<br />

Apnl1985<br />

Notice 1 28<br />

Oct. 1991<br />

'MfL-T-81533<br />

-- 'R"evA<br />

--<br />

26 Sept. 1967<br />

Notice 1<br />

29 Oct. 1991<br />

Type 1, Class 1, Nitrogen<br />

Replaced by: Commercial Item Descn[!tlon Nitrogen, Technical<br />

Physical and Chemical Test Results of Plastic Films<br />

Performance Specification Propellant Pressunzlng Agent, Nitrogen:<br />

Type 1, Grade A - Nltro~<br />

Tnchloroehtylene<br />

Replaced by. MIlitary Specification Cleaning Compound, Solvent,<br />

Tnchlorotnfluoroethane: Type 1 Tnchlorotnfluoroethane (CFC 113)<br />

---I--<br />

--<br />

--------------------<br />

----------- - ---------<br />

Military Specification 1,1,1-Tnchloroethane (Methyl Chloroform)<br />

Inhibited, Vapor Degreaslng<br />

NHB-8060.1 B Sept. 1981<br />

NHB-8060.1 C<br />

Apnl1991<br />

PPP-T-60<br />

Cancellation<br />

Notice 6 Dec.<br />

Replaced by ASTM STD 1995<br />

Spec 0 5486<br />

Flammability, Odor, And Offgasslng Requirements And Test<br />

Procedures For Matenals In Environments That SU[![!ort Combustion<br />

Flammability, Odor, Offgassing and Compatibility Requirements and<br />

Test Procedures for Matenals in Environments that Support<br />

Combustion<br />

Tape, Packaging, Waterproof<br />

Replaced by. Standard Specification for Pressure-Sensitive Tape for<br />

Packaging, Box Closure and Sealing<br />

I<br />

,<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

ID<br />



f------------.---<br />

RFC-4106<br />

RFC-4868<br />

---<br />

CUrEE 802.3-2005<br />

RFC-1918<br />

r-=,----------<br />

RFC-3171<br />

RFC-2131<br />

RFC-3927<br />

RFC-1812<br />

----<br />

Document<br />

Version/Date<br />

+------<br />

----<br />

--- --<br />

-<br />

---_.<br />



PARENT APPLICABLE DOCUMENT: CXP-70022, Constellation<br />

Program Command, Control, Communication, and Information<br />

(C31) Interoperability Standards Books, Volume 1<br />

CxP-70022 V1 Approved Children<br />

The Use of Gallos/Counter Mode (GCM) In Ipsec Encapsulating<br />

DRD<br />

CEV-T-026,<br />

CEV-T-047,<br />

CEV-T-058<br />

--_._------<br />


SOW<br />

2.61,26.3<br />

Secun!}! PaylQad (E~ _ __-----------------<br />

USing HMAC-SHA-256, HMAC-SHA-384, and HMAC-SHA-512 with<br />

losee<br />

------- ----------------<br />

IEEE Standard for Information Technology-Sectlon 3,<br />

Telecommunications and information exchange between systems--<br />

Local and metropolitan area networks--Specific requirements. Part<br />

3 Camer Sense Multiple Access with ColliSion Detection (CSMAlCD)<br />

access method an~!J~!2Y.slcal la:ler sQeclficatlons<br />

---<br />

Address Allocation for Pnvate Intemets (Internet Englneenng Task<br />

Force (IETF, http://www letf.org»<br />

.~ectlon 3 - Pnvate Address~ace) __----------- - --------<br />

lANA GUidelines for Ipv4 Multicast Address ASSignments (Internet<br />

Englneenng Task Force (lETF, http://wwwletforg))<br />

(Section 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)<br />

+--<br />

DynamiC Host Configuration Protocol (Internet Englneenng Task<br />

Force (lETF, http·//www.letforgl)<br />

I<br />

(Section 3 - The Client-Server Protocol<br />

Section 4 ~eclficatlon of the DHCP client-server Qrotocol)<br />

-<br />

Dynamic Configuration of Ipv4 Link-Local Addresses (Internet<br />

Englneenng Task Force (IETF, http://www.letf org»<br />

(Section 2 - Address Selection, Defense and Delivery<br />

Section 3 - ConSiderations for Multiple Interfaces)<br />

ReqUirements for IP Version 4 Routers (Internet Engineenng Task<br />

I<br />

Force (IETF, http·//www.ietf.org»<br />

(Section 3 - LINK LAYER<br />




_.<br />

_.-<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

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Modification 65<br />

Document<br />

10 Version/Date<br />

CCSDS 714.0-B-1 May 1999<br />

CCSDS 727.0-B-3 June 2005<br />

'5TD-OOOS-;-RFC-791--- --<br />

----- ------<br />

RFC:~------<br />

RFC-3246<br />

RFC-2474 ------<br />



Space Communlcabons Protocol Speclficabon (SCPS}-Transport<br />

Protocol (TP) and CCSDS 714.0-B-1 Cor 1, Technical<br />

COrrigendum 1 to CCSDS 714.0-B-1 (Blue Book, Issue 11.<br />

CCSDS File Dehvery Protocol (CFDP) - Recommended Standard<br />

(httr;l:IIr;lublic.ccsds.org/r;lubhcatlons/Sr;lacelntServ aSr;lx) Protocol<br />

(Consultative Committee for S[lace Data Systems<br />

Internet Protocol (IP) Specification, Vel'Slon 4 {Internet Engineering<br />

Task Force (IETF, httr;l:lIwww iett.org»<br />

(Section 1 - INTRODUCTION<br />

Section 2 - OVERVIEW<br />

Section 3 - SPECIFICATION<br />

~-endlx B - Data Transmission Order)<br />

Internet Control Message Protocol (Internet Englneenng Task Force<br />

(IETF, httr;l IIwwwlettorg»<br />

(Message Formats<br />

Destination Unreachable Message<br />

Time Exceeded Message<br />

Parameter Problem Message<br />

Source Quench Message<br />

Redirect Message<br />

Echo or Echo Reply Message<br />

Timestamp or Timestamp Reply Message<br />

Information Reguest or Information Re[lly Messag& -- --<br />

An Expedited Forwarding PHB (Per-Hop BehaVior) (Internet<br />

Englneenng Task Force (lETF, httr;l:/Iwww lett org»<br />

(Section 2 - Definlbon of EF PHB)<br />

Definition ofthe Differentiated Services Field (DS Field) In the Ipv4<br />

and Ipv6 Headers (Internet Engineering Task Force (lETF,<br />

httr;l·lIwww.lett.org»<br />

(Section 2 - Terminology Used In This Document<br />

Section 3 - Differenbated SelVlces Field Definition<br />

Section 4 - Histoncal Codepolnt Definitions and PHB ReqUirements<br />

Section 5 - Per-Hop BehaVior Standardization GUidelines)<br />


ORO<br />

SOW<br />

- -<br />

-----------<br />

--<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehic1e - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

ID<br />

Document<br />

Version/Date<br />



DRD<br />


RFC-2205 Version 1 Resource ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP) - Version 1 Functional<br />

Specification Specification (Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF,<br />

http·//www.lett.oro»<br />

(Section 2 - RSVP Protocol Mechamsms<br />

IETF STD-0013<br />

Section 3 - RSVP Functional Seeclficatlon)<br />

Domain Name System (Internet Engineenng Task Force (lETF,<br />

-----------------<br />

httB·lIwww.lett.org» (RFC-1034 and RFC-1035 onlYL<br />

1S071EC 15444-3 Part 3<br />

Motion JPEG 2000 (Part 3) (Intemabonal Standards Orgamzatlon,<br />

-- --<br />

l;CSDS 732.0.13-2--- Section 3---<br />

J'!~O, httB://W\'\iW.iso cl"!)l __<br />

AOS Space Data Link Protocol (Consultative Committee for Space<br />

-- ------ --------<br />

-- ~ta<br />

---------<br />

Systems, httB IIwww.ccsds.()r.9l- Sec!!Q!l..1 ______<br />

'cCSDS 131.0-B-1<br />

TM Synchronizabon and Channel Coding (Consultative Committee for<br />

f---------<br />

Space Data Systems, http://wwwccsds.org)(Sectlons 6 and 7.<br />

(Section 6 covers ASM and & covers randomizabon/derandomlzabon»<br />

__<br />

CCSDS f31.1-6~1---- f---<br />

--- -- -------f------.--<br />

Low Density Panty Check Codes for Use In Near Earth and Deep<br />

Space Applications (Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems<br />

http://www ccsds.ora)<br />

(Section 1 - An overview of LDPC.<br />

CCSDS 702.1~R--1---- f--------- Section 3 - The selected Rate V. AR4JA code )<br />

_______<br />

t---------------<br />

IP over CCSDS Space Links (Consultative Committee for Space Data<br />

Systems, http/Iwww.ccsdsoro)<br />

(Section 2 -IP datagrams over CCSDS links<br />

Section 3 2 - AOS data link protocol Implementations<br />

Section 4 7.2 - AOS Virtual Channel Access (VCA) octet-aligned<br />

-- I-streams)<br />

"RFc-4361<br />

Node-specific Client Idenbfiers for Dynamic Host Configuration<br />

1--<br />

Protocol Version Four (DHCPv4) (IETF, http://www lett.ora)<br />

(Section 6 - Imelementabon)<br />

RFC2211<br />

Specification of the Controlled-Load Network Element Service<br />

(Internet Englneenng Task Force (IETF, http://wwwlett.orgl)<br />

(Section 2 - End-to-End<br />

Section 4 - Network Element Data Handling ReqUirements<br />

Section 5 - Invocation Infonnatlon<br />

Section 7 - Policing<br />

Section 8 - Ordenng and Merging)<br />

SOW<br />

--<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

RFC-2213<br />

RFC2460<br />

RFC-4443<br />

RFC-2644<br />

Document<br />

10 Version/Date<br />

. --------_.<br />

----<br />

STD-0003, RFC-11-22--- ------<br />

RFC-4271<br />



Integrated Services Management Information Base uSing SMIv2<br />

(Internet Englneenng Task Force (IETF, http /IYNIW.letf org»<br />

(Section 3 - Definitions}<br />

Internet Protocol, Version 6 (lpv6) Specification (Internet Engineering<br />

Task Force (IETF, http/lYNlWletf.oro»)(Section 2 - Terminology<br />

Section 3 -lpv6 Header Format<br />

Section 4 - Ipv6 Extension Headers<br />

Section 5 - Packet Size Issues<br />

Section 6 - Flow Labels<br />

Section 7 - Traffic Classes<br />

Section 8 - Upper-Layer Protocol Issu~L __<br />

Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMPv6) for the Internet Protocol<br />

Version 6 (lpv6) Specification (Internet Englneenng Task Force (IETF,<br />

http /IYNIW letf.org»<br />

(Section 2 -ICMPv6 (ICMP for Ipv6)<br />

Section 3 -ICMPv6 Error Messages<br />

Section 4 -ICMPv6 Informational Messages)<br />

Changing the Default for Directed Broadcasts In Routers (IETF,<br />

http://YNIW.letf org)<br />

(Section 3 - Recommendation}<br />

__<br />

ReqUirements for Internet Hosts - Communications Layers (Internet<br />

Engineenng Task Force (IETF, http./IYNIWietf.oro})<br />

(Section 2 - LINK LAYER<br />


Section 4.1 - USER DATAGRAM PROTOCOL - UD~ _______<br />

A Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4) (Internet Englneenng Task<br />

Force (IETF, http://YNIW.letf.oro))<br />

(Section 4 - Message Formats<br />

Section 5 - Path Attnbutes<br />

Section 6 - BGP Error Handling<br />

Section 7 - BGP Version Negotiation<br />

Section 8 - BGP Finite State Machine (FSM)<br />

Section 9 - UPDATE Message Handling<br />

Section 10 - BGP Timers)<br />

ORO<br />


._---_._._--------<br />

-----------<br />

~-<br />

SOW<br />

--<br />

1----------<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploranon Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J -3<br />

Modification 65<br />

STD-0056, RFC-2453<br />

5TD~0054, RFC-2328<br />

RFC-2427<br />

Document<br />

10 Version/Date<br />



RIP Version 2 (Internet Englneenng Task Force (IETF,<br />

http IIwww ietf org»<br />

(SectIon 3 - BasIc Protocol<br />

__ ~~tion 4 - Protocol Extensions) _<br />

Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Version 2 {Internet Englneenng<br />

Task Force (IETF, http://wwwletf.org))<br />

(SectIon 2 - The Link-state Database: organizatIon and calculatIons<br />

SectIon 3 - Splitting the AS Into Areas<br />

Section 4 - Functional Summary<br />

Section 5 - Protocol data structures<br />

Section 6 - The Area Data Structure<br />

SectIon 7 - Bnnglng Up AdjacenCies<br />

Section 8 - Protocol Packet ProcesSing<br />

Section 9 - The Interface Data Structure<br />

SectIon 10 - The Neighbor Data Structure<br />

Section 11 - The RoutIng Table Structure<br />

Section 12 - Link State AdvertIsements (LSAs)<br />

Section 13 - The Flooding Procedure<br />

Section 14 - Aging The Link State Database<br />

Section 15 - Virtual Links<br />

SectIon 16 - There are three OSPF routers (RTA, RTB and RTC)<br />

Appendix A - OSPF data formats<br />

Appendix B - Architectural Constants<br />

Appendix C - Configurable Constants<br />

Appendix E - An algonthm for assigning Link State IDs<br />

Appendix F - MultIple Interfaces to the same network/subn~<br />

Multlprotocol Interconnect over Frame Relay (lETF,<br />

http://www.letf.org)<br />

(SectIon 3 - Frame Format<br />

SectIon 4 - Interconnect Issues<br />

SectIon 5 - Data Link Layer Parameter NegotiatIon<br />

SectIon 6 - Address ResolutIon for PVCs<br />

SectIon 7 -IP over Frame Relay)<br />

ORO<br />


SOW<br />

I<br />

I<br />

Attachment J-3<br />


<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

RFC-2784<br />

-RFC-3140<br />

RFC-3626---<br />

RFC-2080<br />

RFC-2740<br />

RFC-2473<br />

RFC-2508<br />

RFC-2734<br />

RFC-4292<br />

RFC-4293<br />

Document<br />

10 Version/Date<br />

------<br />

-+----.----<br />

--------------<br />

----<br />



Genenc Routing Encapsulation (GRE) (Internet Englneenng Task<br />

Force (IETF, http://www.lett.ora))<br />

(Section 2 - Structure of a GRE Encapsulated Packet<br />

Section 3 - Ipv4 as a Payload<br />

Section 4 - l[1v4 as a Delivel)' Protocol)<br />

Per Hop Behavior Identification Codes (Internet Engineenng Task<br />

Force (lETF, http //www.lett orgl)<br />

(Section 2 - Encoding<br />

Section 3 - Signaling the Class Selector CodepOints .<br />

Optimized Link State Routing Protocol (OLSR) (Internet Englneenng<br />

Task Force (LETF, httR/Iwww.lett.org»<br />

RIPng for Ipv6 (lETF, http//wwwlelf.org)<br />

(Section 2 - Protocol Specification<br />

Section 3 - Control Functlon~<br />

OSPF for Ipv6 (IETF, http://wwwlett.org)<br />

(Section 2 - Differences from OSPF for Ipv4)<br />

Genenc Packet Tunneling in Ipv6 SpeCification {IETF,<br />

http //www.lett.Q!:9L<br />

Compressing IP/UDP/RTP Headers for Low-Speed Senal Links<br />

{Internet Englneenng Task Force (IETF, http/lwwwlettorg»<br />

(Section 3 - The Compression Algonthm<br />

Section 5 - Negotiating Compression}<br />

Ipv4 over IEEE 1394 {Internet Englneenng Task Force (IETF,<br />

http·IIwww.lett.org»<br />



(1394ARP)<br />

Section 7 - IP UNICAST<br />

Section 8 -IP BROADCAST)<br />

IP Forwarding Table MIB (IETF, http Ilwwwlettorg)<br />

(Section 5 - Definitions)<br />

Management Information Base for the Internet Protocol (IP) (IETF,<br />

http://www lett.org)<br />

(Sec!ion 4 - Updating Implementations<br />

Section 5 - Definitions}<br />

-<br />

DRD<br />


---------<br />

-------- -<br />

SOW<br />

.. - ---------_. ------._--<br />

------------- ------- --------<br />

--------------------- ,<br />

---------<br />

..<br />

--<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

Document<br />

10 Version/Date<br />




ORO<br />

SOW<br />

RFC-4113<br />

RFC-4022<br />

~FC4301<br />

RFC-4302<br />

RFC-4303<br />

RFC-4835<br />

RFC-4306<br />

----<br />

. f------,-,.<br />

1-----<br />

Management Information Base for User Datagram Protocol (UDP).<br />

(Internet Englneenng Task Force (IETF, http://WWWietforg)) (Section<br />

3 - Definitions)<br />

Management Information Base for Transmission Control Protocol<br />

(TCP) (Internet Englneenng Task Force (lETF, http://www letf.org».<br />

(Section 3 - Definitions)<br />

__<br />

Secunty Architecture for the Internet Protocol (Intemet Englneenng<br />

Task Force (lETF, httpllwww.letf.org»<br />

(Section 4 - Secunty Associations<br />

Section 5 -IP Traffic Processing<br />

Section 6 - ICMP Processing<br />

Section 7 - Handhng Fragments (on the protected Side of the Ipsec<br />

Section 8 - Path MTu/DF ProceSSIni1L-<br />

IP Authentication Header (AH) (Internet Englneenng Task Force<br />

(IETF, httl:l//www.letf.org~ ________________<br />

f-.<br />

IP Encapsulating Secunty Payload (ESP) (Internet Engineenng Task<br />

Force (IETF, htt(:l:/Iwww letf org»<br />

Cryptographic Algonthm Implementation Requirements for<br />

Encapsulating Secunty Payload (ESP) and Authentication Header<br />

(AH) (Internet Engineering Task Force (lETF, http://www.ietf.org))<br />

Section 3.1 1:<br />

Systems must Implement AES-CTR (With 128 and 256-blt keys) and<br />

AES-CBC With 256-blt keys In addition to the encryption algonthms<br />

that the RFC states MUST be Implemented Tnple-DES encryption<br />

does not need to be Implemented.<br />

Systems must Implement NULL and AES_XCBC_96 authentication<br />

algonthms In addition to HMAC_SHA1_96 (and do not need to<br />

Implement HMAC MD5 96).<br />

Internet Key Exchange (IKEv2) Protocol {Internet Englneenng Task<br />

Force (IETF, http://WWW.ietf.org))<br />

(Section 2 - IKE Protocol Details and Vanatlons<br />

Section 3 - Header and Payload Formats<br />

Section 4 - Conformance Requirements)<br />

----f-.-------<br />

----<br />

-------<br />

;<br />

i<br />

I<br />

I<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Page 36 of?3

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J -3<br />

Modification 65<br />

RFC-4307<br />

'RFC-4309<br />

RFC-3289<br />

RFC-3747<br />

RFC-2959<br />

STD-0007, RFC-0793<br />

Document<br />

10 Version/Date<br />

-----<br />



Cryptographic Algonthms for Use in the Intemet Exchange (IKEv2)<br />

(Internet Englneenng Task Force (IETF, http//www.letf.org» Section<br />

3 - Algonthm Selection<br />

Mods to Section 3 1<br />

Systems must Implement RFC 3526 (2048 MODP group) In add Ilion<br />

to RFC2409 (1204 MODP group)<br />

Systems must Implement AES-128-CTR, AES-256-CTR, AES-128-<br />

CBC, and AES-256-CBC Instead of 3DES.<br />

Systems must Implement PRF _AES128_CBC In add Ilion to PRF<br />

HMAC SHA1 (and do not need to Implement PRF HMAC_MD5)<br />

Systems must Implement AUTH AES XCBC_96 In addition to AUTH<br />

HMAC SHA1 96 (and do not need to implement AUTH HMAC MD5<br />

96).<br />

USing Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) CCM Mode for Ipsec<br />

Encapsulating Secunty Payload (ESP) (lntemet Englneenng Task<br />

Force (IETF, httpflwwwletf.org»)<br />

(Section 2 - AES CCM Mode<br />

Section 3 - ESP Payload<br />

Section 4 - Nonce Format<br />

Section 5 - AAD Construction<br />

Section 6 - Packet Expansion<br />

Section 7 - IKE Conventions)<br />

MIB for the Differentiated Services (Internet Englneenng Task Force<br />

(IETF, http://wwwletf.org))<br />

(Section 4 - Convenlions used In thiS MIB<br />

Section 6 - MIB Definition =-:-<br />

1--<br />

Differentiated Services Configuration MIB (Internet Englneenng Task<br />

Force (lETF, http //www letf.orgl)<br />

(Section 5 - The Differentiated Services Configuration MIB Module<br />

Design<br />

Section 6 - Template Cloning<br />

Section 7 - Managed Objects Definitions (MIB Module)}<br />

Real Time Protocol MIB (Intemet Englneenng Task Force (lETF,<br />

httl1.:f1www.letf.o'll)) (Section 2 - Overview<br />

Transmission Control Protocol (Internet Engineering Task Force<br />

(IETF, http://www.letf.org))<br />


,--<br />

ORO<br />


SOW<br />

-- ----.- -----<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Page 37 of73

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

STD-0062<br />

RFC-1323<br />

ID<br />

---<br />

Document<br />

Version/Date<br />

51"0::0006, RFC-076S- f-----------<br />

STD::006(-RFC-3550<br />

f---- -----..<br />

RFC~3551-------- 1---------- - - _~ectlon 8 - SSRC Identifier Allocation and Use)<br />

DTN <br />

Draft<br />



Structure of Management Information Version 2 (SMIv2) (See rfc-<br />

3411-rfc3418)<br />

TCP Extensions for High Performance (Internet Englneenng Task<br />

Force (IETF, http.//wwwiett.org»<br />

(Section 2 - TCP WINDOW SCALE OPTION<br />



___.__<br />

User Datagram Protocol (Internet Englneenng Task Force (IETF,<br />

~BER~<br />

httR:/!'1NINw.lett:2!9JllForma!.f~..kl~ OnlyL _________________<br />

1------<br />

RTP: A Transport Protocol for Real-Time Applications (Internet<br />

Engineenng Task Force (IETF, http://www.lettorgl)<br />

(Section 3 - Defimtlons<br />

Section 4 - Byte Order, Alignment, and Time Format<br />

Section 5 - RTP Data Transfer Protocol<br />

RTP Profile for Audio and Video Conferences with Mlmmal Control<br />

(Internet Englneenng Task Force (lETF, http://www.lett Org))<br />

Section 4 1 Encoding Independent Rules<br />

Section 4.2 Operating Recommendations<br />

Section 4.3 GUidelines for Sample Based Audio Encoding<br />

Section 4.4 GUidelines for Frame-Based Audio Encoding<br />

Section 4.5.6 Audio Encoding - G279<br />

Section 7.0 RTP over TCP and Similar Byte Stream Protocols.<br />

Section 8.0 Port Assignments<br />

Section 10 0 Securi~ Assignments)<br />

DTN, Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networking, SpeCifications,<br />


<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment 1-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

ID<br />

Document<br />

VersionlDate<br />

RFC-1305 Version 3<br />

f-ytu G.729 ----- -------<br />

1-=-------.------------<br />

ITU H.264<br />

"FlPSPUB 197---- --------<br />

FIPS PUB 180-2 --- _. ----<br />

FIPS PUB 186-2<br />

'FIPS PUB 198<br />

--1-:-:-<br />

CIS T.OO1 Nov 2005<br />

ReVISion 7<br />

~RM.633--<br />



Network Time Protocol (NTP) Version 3<br />

(http://wwwletforg/rfc/rfc1305txt) (Internet Englneenng Task Force<br />

(IETF, http://www.ietforg))<br />

(Section 3 - Network Time Protocol<br />

Section 4 - Filtering and Selection Algonthms<br />

Section 5 - Local Clocks<br />

Coding of speech at 8 kbltls uSing conjugate-structure algebralccodeexcited<br />

linear prediction (CS-ACELP) (International<br />

Telecommunications Union, (ITU, http'//www itu ch» ______________<br />

Advanced Video Coding for Generic Audiovisual Services<br />

(http //www ItU intlrec/recommendatlon.asp?type=folders&lang=e&par<br />

ent=T-REC-H.264). (Intematlonal Telecommunications Union, (ITU,<br />

http:/~ ItU ch» . _______<br />

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) National I nstltute for Standards<br />

and Techno!.Q.gy (NIST, httll:/~,nlst 9.,0-'!1l --<br />

Secure Hash Algonthms (SHA), sections on Secure Hash Algonthms<br />

(SHA) SHA-1 and SHA-256 Nabonallnstitute for Standards and<br />

Technology (NIST, http://www nlst.gov»<br />

_ All sections except 4.1.3, 4 2.3, 5.1.-2, 5.2.2, 5.3.3, 53.4, 6 3~§_4 ___<br />

Digital Signature Standard (DSS), sections on Digital Signature<br />

Algonthm (DSA) National Institute for Standards and Technology<br />

(NIST, http //www.nlst gov», as amended by Change Notice 1.<br />

Sections 1 through 4 and Appendices 2 and 3.<br />

Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) method National<br />

Institute for Standards and Technq!QgY1NIST, http·//www.nlst.gov))<br />

Specification for Cospas-5arsat 406 MHz Distress Beacons (Sections<br />

2 and 3)<br />

TransmiSSion charactenstlcs of a satellite emergency posItion<br />

indicating radiO beacon (satellite EPIRB) system operating through a<br />

low polar-orbiting satellite system In the 406 MHz band (International<br />

TelecommUnications Union, (ITU, http://www itu.ch» (Sections 3 and<br />

4)<br />

DRD<br />


---------f---.-------<br />

----_._--f-.------ ---<br />

--------- --------------<br />

1------------<br />

c--'--<br />

SOW<br />

-------<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Page 39 of73

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

RFC-2507<br />

ID<br />

Document<br />

Version/Date<br />

f-;;:,...------ - --.----- -----------<br />

RFC-3986<br />

-iU=C-381 0--------- -;--_.<br />

RevIsion 2<br />

RFC-2858<br />

NPO 2570.50<br />

451-PN CODE-SNIP Revision 1<br />

MIL-STD-188-181<br />



IP Header Compression (Internet Englneenng Task Force (IETF,<br />

http:/twww.letf.ora)<br />

(Section 2 - Terminology<br />

Section 3 - Compression method<br />

Section 4 - Grouping packets Into packet streams<br />

Section 5 - Size Issues<br />

Section 6 - Compressed Header Formats<br />

Section 7 - Compression of subheaders<br />

Section 8 - Changing context Identifiers<br />

Section 9 - Rules for dropping or temporarily stonng packets<br />

Section 11 1 - Reordenng In non-TCP packet streams<br />

r?ectlon 13 - Demultlplexlng)<br />

Universal Resource Indicators (URI) - W3C Standard<br />

(http IIwww gblv.com/protocols/un/rfC/rfc3986 html) Internet<br />

Englneenng Task Force (IETF, http/twwwletforg)<br />

(Section 2 - Characters<br />

Section 3 - Syntax Components<br />

Section 4 - Usage<br />

Section 5 - Reference Resolution<br />

Section 6 - Normalization and Com~f!~Q.nL<br />

Multicast Listener Discovery Protocol (Internet Englneenng Task<br />

Force (IETF, http·/twww.letf.org})<br />

(Section 3 - The Service Interface for Requesting IP Multicast<br />

Reception<br />

Section 4 - Multicast Listening State Maintained by Nodes<br />

Section 5 - Message Formats<br />

Section 6 - Protocol Descnptlon for Multicast Address Listeners<br />

Section 7 - Protocol Descnptlon for Multicast Routers<br />

Section 9 - List of Timers, Counters, and their Default Values<br />

Multi-protocol Border Gateway Protocol (Internet Englneenng Task<br />

Force (lETF, htto:/~.letf.om)) (Sections 2 - 7)<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> Electromagnetic (EM) Spectrum Management<br />

Space Network PN Code Libraries<br />

Interoperability Standard for Dedicated 5 kHz and 25 kHz UHF<br />

Satellite Communications Channels<br />

DRD<br />


SOW<br />

. ---------- ----------<br />

--<br />

-----------<br />

-------<br />

Attachment J-3<br />


<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

ID<br />

IEEE 802.119<br />

IEEE Std 1394b - 2002 2002<br />

Document<br />

VersionlDate<br />

rsAE-AS5643------ -----------<br />

FAA TSOC91a<br />

-----.<br />

VV3C Rec.10 December:- 10 Dec. 2062--<br />

2002<br />

W3C Rec. 12 February 12 Feb 2002<br />

2002<br />

r-'<br />

f--<br />

ISOIIEC TR 9577: 1992 1992<br />

ITU-T Q.933,1995 1995<br />

--<br />

IEEE 80211g<br />



IEEE Standard for a High Performance Senal Bus - Amendment 2<br />

(Section 4 - Cable PHY Specification<br />

Section 6 - Link layer specification<br />

Section 7 - Transaction layer specification<br />

Section 8 - Senal Bus management specification<br />

Annex A - Cable environment system properties<br />

Annex B - External connector pos)!lve_ retention) ----<br />

IEEE-1394b Interface ReqUirements for MIlitary and Aerospace<br />

Vehicle ~tlons<br />

--------<br />

Emergency locator Transmitter (El T) EqUipment<br />

- -------_._----<br />

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) XMl Encyrptlon Syntax and<br />

Processing (httll:llwww w3 orgfTRl2002lREC-xmlenc-core-<br />

200212101) Chapter 3<br />

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) XMl Signature Syntax and<br />

Processing (httllllwww.w3.orgfTRl2002/REC-xmldsig-core-<br />

20020212/) Chapter 4 and 5<br />

-------<br />



ABOVE<br />

Information technology - Telecommunications and Information<br />

Exchange between systems - Protocol Identification in the Network<br />

layer, ISOIIEC TR 9577: 1992. - Annex C - Identification of Internet<br />

protocols<br />

"Signalling Specifications for Frame Mode SWitched and Permanent<br />

Virtual Connection Control and Status Momtonng", ITU-T<br />

Recommendation Q 933, 1995. - Annex E - Multlprotocol<br />

encapslJlation over frame relliY<br />

--<br />

DRD<br />


SOW<br />

--------_. r--------.-<br />

----------<br />

------------_._-------<br />

--------<br />

----------<br />

-_._-------<br />

----------<br />

---------<br />

---------<br />

--------<br />

--<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Page 41 of73

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

ID<br />

Q.922 1992<br />

Document<br />

Version/Date<br />

'P;f394a-2000 ---------2000,<br />

Amendment 1<br />

---------<br />

Std 1394-1995 1995<br />

RFC-1112<br />

RFC-1191<br />

RFC-1213<br />

--<br />

-<br />



"ISDN Data Link Layer Specification for Frame Mode Bearer<br />

Services", ITU-T Recommendation Q.922, 1992<br />

Peer-to-peer communication<br />

(Section 3 - Elements of procedures and formats of fields for data hnk<br />

layer peer-to-peer communication<br />

Section 4 - Elements of layer-to-Iayer communication<br />

Section 5 - Definition of the peer-to-peer procedures of the data hnk<br />

layer Annex A)<br />

IEEE P1394a-2000, Standard for a High Performance Senal Bus-<br />

Amendment 1<br />

(Section 4 - Cable PHY Specification<br />

Section 6 - Link layer specification<br />

Section 7 - Transaction layer specification<br />

Section 8 - Senal Bus management specification<br />

Annex A - Cable environment system properties<br />

Annex B - External connector posItive retention<br />

Annex C - Internal device physical Interface<br />

-~n~~~~11_;~:~;~~~~~~~~~~ro:~~~~~:kormance Senal Bus<br />

(Section 4 - Cable PHY Specification<br />

Section 6 - Link layer specification<br />

Section 7 - Transaction layer specification<br />

Section 8 - Senal Bus management specification<br />

Annex A - Cable environment system properties<br />

Annex B - External connector posItive retention)<br />

Host Extensions for IP Multicasting<br />

(Section 4 - HOST GROUP ADDRESSES<br />



Path MTU Discovery<br />

(Section 3 - Host specification<br />

Section 4 - Router specification<br />

Section 6 - Host Implementation)<br />

STD-0017 Management Information Base for Network Management<br />

of TCP/IP-based Internels: MIB-II (Sections 4 and 6)<br />

DRD<br />


----------<br />

SOW<br />

------_.---------<br />

Attachment J-3<br />


<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J -3<br />

Modification 65<br />

RFC-1519<br />

f-RFC-1981<br />

Document<br />

10 Version/Date<br />

-<br />

RFC-2113<br />

RFC-2119 -------<br />

~-2132<br />

RFC-2210<br />

RFC-2215<br />

RFC-2287<br />

-<br />

.. _------<br />

--<br />



Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR). an Address Assignment and<br />

Aggregation Strategy<br />

(Section 4 - Changes to Inter-

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

RFC-2385<br />

RFC-2461<br />

RFC-2462<br />

RFC-2578--------------------<br />

RFC-2580<br />

RFC-2711<br />

RFC-2790<br />

RFC-2863<br />


Document<br />


10 Version/Date<br />


ORO<br />

SOW<br />

Protection of BGP Sessions via the TCP MD5 Signature Option<br />

(Section 2 - Proposal<br />

Section 3 - Syntax)<br />

Neighbor Discovery for IP Version 6 (lpv6)<br />

-------<br />

(Section 2 - TERMINOLOGY<br />

Section 4- MESSAGE FORMATS<br />

Section 6 - Version Ipv6 nodes on the same link use Neighbor<br />

Discovery to<br />



Section 8 - REDIRECT FUNCTION<br />

---------- -;~ectlon 10 - PROTOCOL CONS1.~NTS)<br />

Ipv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration<br />

--- ---------_._------<br />

(Section 4 - PROTOCOL OVERVIEW<br />

Section 5 - PROTOCOL SPECIFICATIO~L _______________<br />

------------------<br />

Structure of Management Information Version 2 (SMIv2)<br />

(Section 2 - Definitions<br />

Section 3 - Information Modules<br />

Section 4 - Naming Hierarchy<br />

Section 5 - Mapping of the MODULE-IDENTITY macro<br />

Section 6 - Mapping of the OBJECT-IDENTITY macro<br />

Section 7 - Mapping of the OBJECT-TYPE macro<br />

Section 8- MapPing of the NOTIFICATION-TYPE macro)<br />

Conformance Statements for SMIv2<br />

---_ .._---_.<br />

(Section 2 - Definitions<br />

Section 3 - Mapping ofthe OBJECT-GROUP macro<br />

Section 4- MapPing of the NOTIFICATION-GROUP macro<br />

Section 5 - MapPing of the MODULE-COMPLIANCE macro<br />

Section 6 - MapPing ofthe AGENT-CAPABILITIES macro)<br />

Ipv6 Router Alert Option<br />

(Section 2 - Approach)<br />

Host Resources MIB<br />

(Section 4 - Definitions)<br />

The Interfaces Group MIB<br />

(Section 3 - Expenence With the Interfaces Group<br />

Section 6 -Interfaces Group Definitions)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />


<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

Document<br />

ID<br />

VersionlDate<br />

RFC-2983<br />

RFC-3315<br />

RFC-4291<br />

TFC-115S----- ---------<br />

RFC-1156<br />

~~3410-<br />

'RFC-3411<br />

'RFC-3412<br />

----_._-._-------<br />

---<br />

---<br />

-- ..<br />



Differentiated Services and Tunnels<br />

(Section 4 - Ingress Functionality<br />

Section 5 - Egress Functionality)<br />

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for Ipv6 (DHCPv6)<br />

(Sections 5,6,7,8,9,13,15, 17, 18~<br />

IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture<br />

(Section 2 - Ipv6 Addressing)<br />

Structure and Identification of Management Information for TCP/IPbased<br />

Intemets<br />

(Section 3 - Structure and Identification of Management Information<br />

Section 4 - Managed Objects<br />

Section 6 - Defimbons)<br />

Management Informabon Base for Network Management of TCP/lPbased<br />

mtemets<br />

(Section 4 - Objects<br />

Section 5 - Object Defimtions<br />

Section 6 - Definibons)<br />

Introduction and Applicability Statements for Intemet-Standard<br />

Management Framework<br />

(Section 2 - The Intemet Standard Management Framework<br />

Section 6 - SNMPv3 Framework Module Specifications)<br />

An Architecture for Descnbmg Simple Network Management Protocol<br />

(SNMP) Management Frameworks<br />

(Section 3 - Elements of the Architecture<br />

Section 5 - Managed Oblect Definitions for SNMP Management<br />

Frameworks)<br />

Message Processing and Dispatching for the Simple Network<br />

Management Protocol (SNMP)<br />

(Section 3 - Elements of Message Processing and Dispatching<br />

Section 4 - Dispatcher Elements of Procedure<br />

Secbon 5 - Definibons<br />

Section 6 - The SNMPv3 Message Format<br />

Section 7 - Elements of Procedure for v3MP)<br />

--<br />

DRD<br />


SOW<br />

--<br />

f-------------<br />

____________<br />

1------------r---·-----<br />

---<br />

------<br />

,<br />

- -<br />

----<br />

-------<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Page 45 of73

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

RFC-3413<br />

RFC-3414<br />

ID<br />

Document<br />

Version/Date<br />

-----------------<br />

RFC-3415 --------- -----<br />

--==::-:--------- 1--<br />

RFC-3416<br />

RFC-3417<br />

RFC-3418<br />

RFC-919<br />



Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Applications<br />

{Section 3 - Elements Of Procedure<br />

Section 4 - The Structure of the MIB Modules<br />

Section 5 - Identification of Management Targets In Notification<br />

Onglnators<br />

Section 6 - Notification Filtering<br />

Section 7 - Mangement Target Translation In Proxy Forwarder<br />

~2Q!!catlonsl<br />

User-based Security Model (USM) for version 3 of the Simple<br />

Network Management Protocol (SNMPv3)<br />

{Section 2 - Elements of the Model<br />

Section 3 - Elements of Procedure<br />

Section 4 - DlscovelY<br />

Section 5 - Definitions<br />

Section 7 - HMAC-SHA-96 Authentication Protocol<br />

Section 8 - CBC-DES Symmetnc EnclY~tlon Proto~..2!l ____-:--<br />

View-based Access Control Model (VACM) for the Simple Network<br />

Management Protocol (SNMP)<br />

{Section 2 - Elements of the Model<br />

Section 3 - Elements of Procedure<br />

Section 4 - DefinitionsL<br />

Version 2 of the Protocol Operations for the Simple Network<br />

Management Protocol (SNMP)<br />

(Section 3 - Definitions<br />

Section 4 - Protocol Specificatlol!.)<br />

Transport Mappmgs for the Simple Network Management Protocol<br />

(SNMP)<br />

(Section 2 - Definitions<br />

Section 3 - SNMP over UDP over Ipv4)<br />

Management Information Base (MIB) for the Simple Network<br />

Management Protocol (SNMP)<br />

(Section 2 - Definltions-)<br />

Broadcasting Internet Datagrams<br />

(Section 6 - Gateways and Broadcasts<br />

Section 7 - Broadcast IP AddreSSing - Proposed Standards)<br />

1---<br />

ORO<br />

------_..-<br />


______________<br />

---------<br />

---------_.__._---<br />

------<br />

SOW<br />

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----<br />

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Attachment J-3<br />

Page 46 of 73

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

RFC-922<br />

RFC-950<br />

RFC-1034<br />

RFC-1035<br />

RFC-2207<br />

RFC-24D4<br />

~C-2410<br />

RFC-2747<br />

RFC-3526<br />

RFC-3566<br />

RFC-3602<br />

ID<br />

--<br />

--<br />

Document<br />

Version/Date<br />

- -- --<br />

--_<br />

.. _-_._----<br />

-<br />



Broadcasting Intemet datagrams In the presence of subnets<br />

(Section 4 - Broadcast Classes<br />

Section 5 - Broadcast Methods<br />

Section 6 - Gateways and Broadcasts<br />

Section 7 - Broadcast IP Addressing - Conventions)<br />

Internet standard subnetting procedure<br />

(Section 2.1 -Interpretation of Internet Addresses<br />

Section 2.2 - Changes to Host Software t2....l?~ort _~ub~!&.<br />

Domain names - concepts and faCIlities<br />

------<br />

Domain names - implementation and specification<br />


Section 4 - MESSAGES<br />

Section 5 - MASTER FILESL _____ . ___ . _____________<br />

RSVP Extensions for IPSEC Data Flows<br />

(Section 3 - Object Definition<br />

..,gElctlon 4 - Processing Rules) _<br />

-------<br />

The Use of HMAC-SHA-1-96 Within ESP and AH<br />

(Section 3 - KeYing Matenal<br />

r-~ectlon 4 - Interaction With the ESP Clr:!her MechanlsIT!.L _____<br />

The NULL Encryption Algonthm and Its Use With Ipsec<br />

(Section 2 - Algorithm Definition<br />

Section 3 - ESP NULL Operational Reg~Jlrem.!l.!l~ _________<br />

RSVP Cryptographic Authentication<br />

(Section 2 - Data Structures<br />

Section 4 - Message Processing)<br />

More Modular Exponential (MODP) Diffie-Heilman groups for Internet<br />

Key Exchange (IKE) (Section 3 - 2048-blt MODP Group)<br />

The AES-XCBC-MAC-96 Algorithm and Its Use With Ipsec<br />

(Section 3 - BaSIC CBC-MAC With Obligatory 10' Padding<br />

Section 4 - AES-XCBC-MAC-96)<br />

AES-CBC Cipher Algorithm and Its Use With Ipsec<br />

(Section 2 - The AES Cipher Algorithm <br />

Section 3 - ESP Pa}lload} _._-<br />

DRD<br />


SOW<br />

--------_._------<br />

._------------<br />

._-------- ------------<br />

1--._----- ._------<br />

--------<br />

f------- ----------<br />

-<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

ID<br />

RFC-3686<br />

RFC-3748<br />

-RFC-3948<br />

RFC-4434<br />

FiPS-PUB 180-1<br />

FIPS PUB 197<br />

RFC-2104<br />

RFC-3629<br />

Document<br />

Version/Date<br />

----<br />

---------<br />

- ---.<br />

-----<br />

--<br />



USing Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Counter Mode With<br />

Ipsec Encapsulating Secunty Payload (ESP)<br />

(Section 2 - AES Block Cipher <br />

Section 3 - ESP Payload<br />

Section 4 - Counter Block Fonnat)<br />

---------<br />

Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP)<br />

(Section 2 - Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP)<br />

Section 3 - Lower Layer Behavior<br />

Section 4 - EAP Packet Fonnat<br />

Section 5 -Imtlal EAP Reguest/~~onse Types) _________.___.__<br />

UDP Encapsulation of Ipsec ESP Packets<br />

(Section 2 - Packet Fonnats<br />

Section 3 - Encapsulation and Decapsulation Proceduresl_<br />

The AES-XCBC-PRF-128 Algonthm for the Internet Key Exchange<br />

Protocol (IKE)<br />

~tion 2 - The AES-XCBC-PRF-128 AI99J1!L ______________<br />

FIPS PUB 180-1· Secure Hash Standard, Apn11995.<br />

(Section 3 - Message Padding<br />

Section 6 - Constants Used<br />

Section 7 - Computing the Message Digest) ____<br />

FIPS PUB 197, "Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)," November<br />

2001.<br />

(Section 2 - Defimtions<br />

Section 3 - Notation and Conventions<br />

Section 5 - Algonthm SpeCification)<br />

HMAC: Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication<br />

(Sections~<br />

UTF-8, a transfonnation fonnat of ISO 10646<br />

(Section 2 - Notational conventions<br />

Section 3 - UTF-8 defimtlon<br />

Section 4 - Syntax of UTF-8 Byte Sequences<br />

Section 5 - Versions of the standards<br />

Section 6 - Byte order mark (BOM))<br />

DRD<br />

r--------<br />


1--._._----------------<br />

1--------<br />

SOW<br />

-------<br />

----<br />

--_._------<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Page 48 of73

H-<br />

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attaclnnent J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

ID<br />

Document<br />

VersionlDate<br />

ISO/IEC 10646:2003, December<br />

December 2003 2003<br />



--<br />

1------------------------<br />

i-CCSDS 301.0-S::a----- _ --_._._----<br />

Issue 3,<br />

January 2002<br />

CCSDS 660.0-R-2<br />

-<br />

Draft<br />

----------- -<br />

IETF RFC 3280, Section<br />

4<br />

~EE-754-------r--------<br />

1-jso-1000:1992<br />

3'" edition,<br />

1992<br />

ISO 860f:2000 ----- 2 na edition,<br />

2000<br />

OASISXACML 2.0<br />


V20<br />



Informalton Technology - Universal Mulltple-Octet Coded Character<br />

Set (UCS)<br />

(Ap~endlx 0 - UCS TransformatIon Format 8 (UTF':!!)l<br />

PARENT APPLICABLE DOCUMENT: CxP-70022, Constellation<br />

C31 Interop-erabili!}, Standard Books, Volume 4<br />

--<br />

CXP-70022 V4 Approved Children<br />

- ----------<br />

I--<br />

DRD<br />


-<br />

SOW<br />

------<br />

1--------------_._---<br />

1---- --------- --I-- - - --- - --.. ---_._-----<br />

Time Code Formats. Recommendalton for Space Data System<br />

Standards, Blue Book Issue 3. Washmgton, 0 C. CCSDS, January<br />

2002<br />

httl,l:.t.lRllPhc_ ccs~s or,g/l,lubhcatlons/arc~l"e'_3q1 xOb3 Rdf ____<br />

i---<br />

--<br />

XML Telemetry and Command Exchange (XTCE)<br />

Red Book - Draft Recommendation Standard<br />

c--------------------<br />

-Internet X.509 Pubhc Key Infrastructure Certificate and -certifieate--<br />

Revocation List (CRL) Profile, Section 4 Cerlificate and Cerlificate<br />

Extensions Profile<br />

---- _._--<br />

_________ n_.<br />

IEEE Floatmg Pomt Standard<br />

htt(l/len.wlkl(ledia.orglwlkIIlEEE 754<br />

httl,l /lbabbage.cs.gc,edulcourseslcs341II EEE-754references.html<br />

SI Units and Recommendations for the Use of Their Multiples and of<br />

Certam Other Units. Internaltonal Standard, ISO 1000.1992. 3rd ed<br />

Geneva ISO, 1992.<br />

Data Elements and Interchange Formats, Information Exchange,<br />

RepresentatIon of Dates and Times InternatIonal Standard, ISO<br />

8601·2000. 2nd ed. Geneva ISO,<br />

htt(l:llwww.iso orgliso/en/(lrods-servicesl(lo(lstdsldatesandtlme html<br />

htto:/lwww cl.cam.ac.uk/-mak25/iso-ltme.html<br />

XACML 2.0 Speclficalton Set<br />

SAML V2.0 SpeCificatIon Set<br />

--<br />

~----------<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

ID<br />

Document<br />

Version/Date<br />

Unicode Standard Version 5 0,<br />

Fifth Edition,<br />

27 Oct 2006<br />



1----------<br />

1----<br />

~GM1996 1996<br />

1--=----------<br />

GRAM-99<br />

JWPD ----.--<br />

---,-,-,--_._-<br />

1999<br />

~:--------- ~--.-.<br />

LP100K<br />

MEM<br />

--<br />

____ H.<br />

--<br />

ORDEM2000 2000<br />

--<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-HDBK-1001<br />

~<br />

1---<br />

RTCAlDO-160D<br />

(For gUidance only)<br />

SAE-ARP-5412<br />

(For gUidance only)<br />

SAE-ARP-5414<br />

(For gUidance only)<br />



The Unicode Standard, Version 5.0, Fifth Edition, The Unicode<br />

Consortium, Addison-Wesley Professional, Oct. 27, 2006. ISBN<br />

0321480910<br />


Constellation Program Design Specification for Natural<br />

Environments (DSNE)<br />

------ -<br />

...-<br />

CXP-70023 Approved Children<br />

_._-- ------.---------------------._----<br />

f-.---------- - ----.--------------.-----<br />

Earth Gravitational Model 1996<br />

c-=~-.-------------------.-----------<br />

MeteorolQ.!=nglneenng Mode~EM)<br />

________ .. ______<br />

Orbital Debns Englneenng Model (ORDEM 2000}<br />

Terrestnal Environment (ClimatiC) Cntena Handbook for Use In<br />

I-~erospace Vehicle Development<br />

Range Reference Atmosphe.!:e (RRA) Model<br />

Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne<br />

Equipment (Section 22. Lightning Induced Transient Susceptibility<br />

and Section 23: Lightning Direct Effects)<br />

Aircraft Lightning Environment<br />

Aircraft Lightning ZOning<br />

DRD<br />


----<br />

SOW<br />

--p;=<br />

CEV-T-044, 2.81,28.2,<br />

CEV-T-045 2.8 3<br />

.._._----------t---- - -----<br />

--_.__ !<br />

.-._---- ------ - - -----<br />

--------------_._-----<br />

-------------<br />

Global Reference Atmosp!!.enc MO,gel, 1999 Version ~RAM-9~t ___<br />

..-<br />

---.------<br />

Jlmosphere Wind Profile Dataset<br />

._-----[--------------<br />

Lunar Pros~ctor 1001Ul::.P1 OO~L Gravl!y Model ._-_._- --- -------_.-<br />

f---.------<br />

--_._----<br />

r------<br />

- -----_<br />

.. _---<br />

---------<br />

--<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

f--.<br />

Document<br />

10 Version/Date<br />



AS9003<br />

~~---------<br />

AS9100B<br />

--<br />

AS91 02<br />

AS91 03<br />

AS9110<br />

AS9120 -<br />



ORO<br />


PARENT DOCUMENT: CXP-70059, Constellation Program<br />

Integrated Safety, Reliability, and Quality Assurance<br />

CEV-S-001,<br />

CEV-S-014<br />

3.5<br />

(SR&QA} Requirements<br />

CXP-70059 Approved Children<br />

-------- --------- 1-. ---- --------<br />

-------------<br />

-----<br />

---- ----<br />

~---.--.-------1---<br />

----<br />

Inspection and Test Quality System<br />

-- ----------<br />

Quality Management Systems - Aerospace Requirements (SAE)<br />

---"----- .-----<br />

Aerospace First Article Inspection Requirement<br />

--<br />

Variation Management of Key Charactenstlcs<br />

~- - ---------<br />

Quality Mamtenance Systems - Aerospace - ReqUirements for<br />

Maintenance Organizations<br />

----_.- -;- ~--------<br />

Quality Management Systems - Aerospace Requirements for Stockist<br />

Dlstnbutors<br />

--t--------<br />

--<br />

SOW<br />

--------<br />

-- - --------<br />

--------<br />

-----_._----<br />

------_._-<br />

---------_._-<br />



-<br />

-----<br />

PARENT DOCUMENT: JPR 8080.5, JSC Design and E-22 CEV-T-<br />

Procedural Standards 027;<br />

E-6 CEV-T-<br />

024 ;<br />

JPR 8080.5 Approved Children<br />

E-7 CEV-<br />

027 ;<br />

M/S-11 :CEV-<br />

T-044<br />

2.6, 2.8 4, 6 1.3,<br />

6.23,643<br />

-<br />

I<br />

,<br />

A1AA-S-080 1999<br />

AIM Standard for Space Systems - Metallic Pressure Vessels,<br />

Pressurized Structures, and Pressure Components<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

ID<br />

Document<br />

Version/Date<br />



DRD<br />


SOW<br />

ANSI/AIAA-S-OS1A-2006 2006<br />

ASME Vessel Code,<br />

Section VIII, Divisions 1,<br />

2, and 3<br />

f-ASTMA36<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-(I)-6016 09-11-2006<br />

(replaces JSC-49774A)<br />

-- --'---<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-3000, 30Dec_2005<br />

Volume VIII<br />

Replaced by CXP-70024<br />

----<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-5001 21 June 1996<br />

NAS 412 (1997) -- [-1997<br />

1---<br />

NSTSOS060<br />

Replaced by:JSC 62S09<br />

SAE-ARP-5412<br />

(For gUidance only)<br />

1-'--<br />

SAE-ARP-5413<br />

(For gUidance only)<br />

SAE-ARP-5414<br />

(For gUidance only)<br />

SAE-ARP-5415<br />

(For guidance only)<br />

RevC<br />

23 Jun 2006<br />

---f--<br />

AIM Standard for Space Systems - Composite Overwrapped<br />

Pressure Vessels<br />

ASME BOiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII : Pressure<br />

Vessels DIvIsions 1, 2, and 3<br />

Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel<br />

---- -----------f--------<br />

Standard Matenals and Processes ReqUirements for Spacecraft<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-3000, Volume VIII, Human Systems Integration<br />

Standards (HSIS), CEV Launch Segment (CEV and CEVLV)<br />

--<br />

-----<br />

Replaced by: Constellation Human Systems Integration<br />

ReqUirements (HSIR)<br />

-----------------------------<br />

Structural Design and Test Factors of Safety for Space Flight<br />

hardware<br />

Foreign Object Damage/Forelgn Object Debns (FOD) Prevention<br />

-------_._------------------------1------ -------<br />

Space Shuttle System Pyrotechnic SpeCification<br />

Replaced by Constellation Spacecraft PyrotechniC SpeCification<br />

Aircraft Lightning EnVironment<br />

-<br />

Certification of Aircraft Electrical/Electronic Systems for the Indirect<br />

Effects of Lightning<br />

Aircraft Lightning ZOning<br />

Users Manual for Cerbficatlon of Aircraft Electncal/Electronic Systems<br />

for the Indirect Effects of Lightning<br />

-<br />

_.- f-----------<br />

1------ f-------<br />

---------- f-----------<br />

------<br />

J<br />

--f--------____<br />

--_._---_._-<br />

------------.<br />

!<br />

-<br />

i<br />

i<br />

I<br />

I<br />

AttachmentJ-3<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

SAE-ARP-5577<br />

(For gUidance only)<br />

Document<br />

10 Version/Date<br />



Aircraft Llghtmng Direct Effects Certification<br />

ORO<br />


SOW<br />



-----------<br />

----------<br />

--=-=------------_._-----<br />

CxP 70152<br />

Baseline<br />

Release<br />

03 Oct. 2007<br />

JSC-20584 - June 1999<br />

JSC 63307 June 2007<br />

ANSIZ136.1<br />

FAA-HF-STD-001<br />

Sections 14.1 through<br />

14.5<br />

~guidance only)<br />

FED-STD-595<br />

(for guidance only)<br />

ISO 2631-1<br />

-------------_.-<br />

--<br />

ISO 3382<br />

(for guidance only)<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-3000<br />

(for guidance only)<br />

NCRP Report #132<br />

Table 4.2 and Table 4.3<br />

No Number<br />

PARENT DOCUMENT: CXP-70024, Constellation Human<br />

Systems Integration Requirements (HSIR)<br />

1------- - --<br />

CXP-70024 Approved Children<br />

I-;; --<br />

Constellation Program Crew Interface Labeling Standard<br />

Spacecraft Maximum Allowable Concentrations for Airborne<br />

Contaminants<br />

---<br />

Optical Design and Venficatlon Critena for Windows In Human<br />

~~fl!g!l.!...~hcabons (May 2007)<br />

Amencan National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard, ANSI Z136.1,<br />

"Amencan National Standard for Safe Use of Lasers" (2000)<br />

Federal AViation Admlmstrabon Human Factors DeSign Standard<br />

Colors Used in Govemment Procurement (12/15/89)<br />

International Standards Orgamzation (ISO) standard 2631-11997 (E)<br />

"Measurement of the reverberation time of rooms with reference to<br />

other acousbcal parameters"<br />

Volume I, Man-Systems Integration Standards (MSIS), ReVISion B,<br />

1995, Section 3.3.3.<br />

National Council on Radiation Protecbon and Measurements (NCRP)<br />

report number 132<br />

41-node man model for calculating stored body heat<br />

-<br />

Section 3.7<br />

CEV-T-045<br />

_. --<br />

--<br />

----.--------<br />

--<br />

2.6,2.71,287,<br />

3.1.6, 6 2.3,<br />

6.4.3 --------j<br />

I<br />

--------_.----_._--<br />

---------_-----------<br />

CEV-T-089 28.7<br />

------_._.<br />

----<br />

------<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J -3<br />

Modification 65<br />

No Number<br />

No Number<br />

No Number<br />

ID<br />

Document<br />

Version/Date<br />

--<br />

No Number<br />

~- -- ------1------<br />

c-- ------<br />



f--<br />

1--- --<br />

1--------<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-5005<br />

JPR8080.5<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-5017<br />

NPR8715.5<br />

JSC62550<br />

CxP-72085<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-(I)-5019<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-6001<br />

B<br />

September<br />

2006<br />



"Human Mental Workload" by Hart, S.G., and Staveland, L.E. (1988).<br />

Development of <strong>NASA</strong>-TLX (Task Load Index) results of empincal<br />

and theoretical research (pp. 139 -183).<br />

"Usability Engineenng" (1993) by Jakob Nielsen<br />

"The use of pilot rating In the evaluation of aircraft handling qualities"<br />

\--gY, Cooper, G E and Ha~er, R.P {1969) Report TN-D-5153<br />

Wissler model for calculating stored body heat<br />

PARENT DOCUMENT: CXP-72000, Systems Requirements<br />

for the Crew Exploration Vehicle Element<br />

--<br />

CxP-72000 Approved Children<br />

---<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> Standard for Ground Support EqUipment<br />

c--<br />

JSC DeSign and Procedural Standards'<br />

DeSign Development for Cntlcal Mechanical Systems<br />

Range Safety Program-<br />

Strength, Design and Verification Cntena for Glass, Ceramics and<br />

Windows In Human Space Flight Applications<br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV) Outer Mold Line<br />

Fracture Control ReqUirements for Spaceflight Hardware<br />

Flammability, Odor, Off-GaSSing and Compatibility ReqUirements &<br />

Test Procedures for Matenals in EnVironments that Support<br />

Combustion (Superseding NHB-8060 1 C)<br />

DRO<br />


------1----------<br />

CEV-M-001,<br />

CEV-M-002,<br />

CEV-O-001,<br />

CEV-S-009,<br />

CEV-T-031,<br />

CEV-T-034<br />

1---------<br />

1----------<br />

1---------<br />

1-----------<br />

SOW<br />

--<br />

Scope, 11,22,<br />

2 3.(c), 31,<br />

61.3,,<br />

6 2.3, 6.2 6 1,<br />

6 4.3, 6.4 6 1,<br />

65.3,1066<br />

----_._----<br />

----------<br />

------<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew ExploratIon Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

ID<br />

Document<br />

Version/Date<br />



DRD<br />


SOW<br />

NPR2810.1 26 Aug. 1999<br />

NPD 8710.3B<br />

f---- ----<br />

JSC 62809<br />

Rev C<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-(I)-6016<br />

23 June 2006<br />

-----_..-<br />

------------- -----------<br />

SAE-AS-5643<br />

SAE-AS-5643/1<br />

f-- -- ------ - -----<br />

ANSI/AIAA S-80 1998<br />

-----------<br />

ANSI/AIAA S-081A-2006 2006<br />

--<br />

-----<br />



--<br />

Secunty of Infonnational Technology<br />

Subject <strong>NASA</strong> Policy for Limiting Orbital Debns Generation<br />

(Revalidated 4/28/04)<br />

Constellation Spacecraft Pyrotechnic Specifications<br />

Standard Manned Spacecraft Requirements for Matenals and<br />

Processes<br />

--<br />

IEEE-1394b Interface Requirements for MIlitary and Aerospace<br />

Vehicle Applications<br />

-----------_. 1---._--- ----------------<br />

S400 Copper Media Interface Charactenstics Over Extended<br />

Distances<br />

Standard, Space Systems - MetalliC Pressure Vessels, Pressunzed<br />

Structures, and Pressure Components<br />

--<br />

Standard, Space Systems - Composite Overwrapped Pressure<br />

Vessels (COPVs)<br />

-- ---<br />

_._------ -------------------_.__._------<br />

PARENT DOCUMENT: CxP-72008, Crew Exploration<br />

Vehicle Project Plan<br />

- --<br />

CxP-7200B Approved Children<br />

H-20<br />

- - -------_.----------<br />

--_._-_.-------_._--<br />

------_.__..- .---------<br />

CEV-M-005<br />

-------------<br />

_.- ---------<br />

,<br />

-- --------<br />

Scope, 1 4, 2.1,<br />

23 (c), 2 4, 2.6,<br />

61 1,62.1,<br />

641<br />

ESMD-SBUWI1 Version 1.0<br />

1 Aug 2007<br />

Exploration Systems MIssion Directorate (ESMD) Sensitive But<br />

Unclassified (SBU) Work Instruction<br />



PARENT DOCUMENT: CxP-72234, Integrated Vehicle<br />

Ground Vibration Test (GVT) Task Plan<br />

TBD<br />

TBD<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attaclnnent J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

r-----'<br />

1---<br />

CxP-72226<br />

CxP-72228<br />

r--<br />

ID<br />

Document<br />

Version/Date<br />

Baseline<br />

Release,<br />

1218/07<br />

--<br />

Baseline<br />

Release,<br />

12/8/0L ___<br />


-_. DOCUMENT<br />

----------<br />

SSP 30240 -- --------_.<br />

RevE<br />

(For gUidance Q!!!y~ _ _ 25 July 2003 __<br />

MIL-STD-464A 19 Dec. 2002<br />

-- MIL-STD-461 E 20Aug 1999<br />

--<br />

ML0303-0014<br />

RevN<br />

16 June 2004<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-4003 8 Sept. 2003<br />

ASTM-E595-93 (re- 1993/2003<br />

al!~roved 2003)<br />

MSFC-SPEC-250A (1977) 1 Oct. 1997<br />

JPR8080.5<br />

SAE-ARP-5412<br />

liEc>r..guldallc~ only)<br />

-------------------<br />

Rev A<br />

15 March 2005<br />



CxP-72234 Approved Children<br />

Integrated Vehicle Ground Vibration Test (IVGVT) CEVlCLV Interface<br />

ReqUirements Document (lRD)<br />

----------<br />

IVGVT STEfOnon IRD<br />

~--------- ----------<br />

---PARENT DOCUMENT: CXP-70026, Crew Exploration Vehicle-<br />

_ ..____-..JCI§..~ Crew Launch Vehicle (CL~ IRD ________<br />

CxP-70026 Approved Children<br />

f--~----------.------------------------<br />

Space Station Grounding Requirements<br />

Electromagnetic Environmental Effects Requirements for Systems<br />

ReqUirements fu'r the Control o(Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)<br />

Characteristics of Subsystems and ~lQI!Ient _ ... -<br />

Electncal Wire Harnesses and Coaxial Cables, Installation<br />

ReqUirements for Electromagnetic Compatibility<br />

Electncal Bonding for <strong>NASA</strong> Launch Vehicles, Spacecraft, Payloads,<br />

and Fli!lht ~ulQment<br />

Standard Test Methods for Total Mass Loss and Collected Volatile<br />

Condensable Matenals from Outgassln!l In a Vacuum Environment<br />

Protective Finishes for Space Vehicle Structures and Associated<br />

Flight EqUipment, General Specification For<br />

JSC DeSign and Procedural Standards (and associated Children<br />

documents as speCified in Attachment J-3, Applicable, Guidance, and<br />

Informational Documents List) (exclusive of government shalls)<br />

Aircraft lightning EnVironment<br />

--<br />

DRD<br />


-<br />

SOW<br />

----------<br />

r-----.-----------"<br />

1------- ---------_.._-----<br />

23 (a)<br />

----------------<br />

---_.__._------- - ---------<br />

-----------------<br />

-----------------<br />

- -----._-----._--------<br />

1------------------<br />

--1--------<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

ID<br />

SAE-ARP-5413<br />

(For QUldance only}<br />

f--<br />

SAE-ARP-5414<br />

! (For gUidance onl}')<br />

SAE-ARP-5415<br />

, (For Quidance onl'll ___<br />

SAE-ARP-5416<br />

Document<br />

VersionlDate<br />

lJE9r guidance only} ____ -----_._--<br />

SAE-ARP-5577<br />

(For aUldance .QI:l.IU_._ ---------<br />

IEEElASTM SI10<br />

f------ ----<br />

--_. __ .<br />

PARENT APPLICABLE- --_._-----<br />


.N<br />

1------_._---___________<br />

f---------- --<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-(I)-7009<br />





Certification of Aircraft ElectncallElectronic Systems for the Indirect<br />

Effects of liQhtning<br />

Aircraft Lightning ZOning<br />

Users Manual for Certification of Aircraft Electrical/Electronic Systems<br />

for the Indirect Effects of Lightnll!ll...-<br />

Aircraft Lightning Test Methods<br />

'-,---- -------<br />

Aircraft Lightning Direct Effects Certification<br />

-Amencan NatiOmil Standard for Use of the International System of<br />

Units (§!) The Modem Metnc S},stem ---------<br />

Standards for Models and Simulations<br />

--<br />

I--PARENT DOCUMENT: CXP-70135, Constellation Program<br />

Structural Design and Verification Requirements<br />

--1----<br />

CXP-70135 Approved Children<br />

-<br />

-_.<br />

DRD<br />


SOW<br />

--<br />

----------<br />

1-- ---_.-<br />

-------------<br />

----------- -----_._--<br />

1------- ---- --------<br />

- PARENT DOCUMENT: CxP~70076, Constellation Program CEV-T-001,<br />

Modeling and Simulation Management Requirements - CEV-T-002<br />

--_.-<br />

Level II<br />

1--<br />

CxP-70076 Approved Children<br />

----t-----------------------<br />

1--------- ----<br />

--------------------<br />

--------_._----<br />

-~------<br />

f--<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-5012<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-(I)-6016 9/11/06<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-(I)-5019 9-12-2006<br />

Strength and Life Assessment Requirements for LiqUid Fueled Space<br />

PropulSion System EnQlnes<br />

Standard Manned Spacecraft Requirements for Matenals and<br />

Processes<br />

Fracture Control ReqUirements for Constellation Spaceflight<br />

Hardware<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Page5? of?3

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

JSC-62550<br />

20M02540<br />

ID<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-6008<br />

MSFC-STD-486<br />

TAEAS8879<br />

Document<br />

Version/Date<br />

--f-----<br />

NSTS08123<br />

MSFC-SPEC-626<br />

1-----------1-----<br />

--<br />

------<br />



Strength, Design and Verification Critena for Glass, Ceramics and<br />

Windows In Human S!:!ace Flight A!:!!:!lIcations<br />

Assessment of FleXible Lines for Flow Induced Vibration<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> Fastener Integnty<br />

Standard Torque Limits for Threaded Fasteners<br />

'-Screw Threads, UNJ Profile, Inch<br />

--------------c----------<br />

c---------<br />

"NsTS08307<br />

--------<br />

Cntena for Preloaded Bolts<br />

ANSIlAlAA-S-080=-1998 Standard for Space SystemS-Metallic Pressure Vessels, Pressunz~<br />

--<br />

Structures, and Pressure Com~onents<br />

- -------------<br />

ASTM E1417-95a<br />

Practice for LiqUid Penetrant Examination<br />

----_.--=-------------------<br />

'MsFC~RQMT-3479<br />

Fracture Control ReqUirements for Composite and Bonded Vehicle<br />

and Payload Structures ----<br />

Certification of Flex Hose and Bellows for Flow Induced Vibration<br />

--<br />

Test Control Document for Assessment of FleXible Lines for Flow<br />

Induced Vibration<br />

----<br />


-PARENT DOCUMENT: FTO-AFT-FTA-004, Flight Test<br />


Article Sllstem Requirements Document<br />

FTO-AFT-FTA-004 Approved Children<br />

1-- -- f---<br />

--<br />

DRD<br />

c-------------<br />

c------------<br />

--<br />

CEV-D-002<br />

c----<br />


SOW<br />

--------------<br />

--------<br />

----------<br />

--------1----------- -<br />

- ---------1------------<br />

--------<br />

--<br />

--<br />

---------<br />

-------<br />

FTO-AFT -OPS-001 Rev. A Concept of Operations<br />

19 Jan. 2007<br />

FTO-AFT -FTA-001 Rev. F Flight Test Arbcle EnVironmental Requirements Document<br />

25 Nov. 2008<br />

FTO-AFT-FTA-003 RevB Flight Test Arbcle Geometry & Mass Properties ReqUirements<br />

29AuQ 2007 Document<br />

FTO-AFT-FTV-011-PA1 Rev.C Orion Launch Abort Vehicle Developmental Flight Instrumentation<br />

(For auidance onlv) 22 Feb 2009 Master Measurement List for PA-1<br />

FTO-AFT-FT A-024-PA1 Rev A DFI to FTA Interface Control Document, PA-1<br />

27 Feb 2009<br />

10.6.4 I<br />

,<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J -3<br />

Modification 65<br />

ID<br />

Document<br />

Version/Date<br />




DRD<br />

I<br />

SOW<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />


The Contractor shall comply with the following applicable enVIronmental data documents.<br />

Document Title<br />

Trajectories<br />

CLV Reference Design Trajectones (3DOF Nominal)<br />

CLV Reference Design Trajectories (3DOF Dispersed)<br />

CL V Reference Design Trajectories (6DOF Nominal)<br />

CL V Reference Design Trajectories (6DOF Dispersed)<br />

Aerodynamics<br />

CAP Aero Database (CxP 72167)<br />

CAP Aerothermal Database (CxP 72168)<br />

CAP Aero Database (CxP 72214)<br />

CAP Aerothermal Database (CxP 72068)<br />

Loads<br />

SECO Max Acceleration<br />

Liftoff Acoustics<br />

Launch Loads<br />

Fatigue Spectra (Ascent, Rollout, pre-launch, and hft-off)<br />

ISS Mated Interface Loads<br />

Docking Loads<br />

TLILoads<br />

CEV Solar Array ISS Plume Loads<br />

EV AfiV A Loads<br />

EDS, Altair, CEV mated geometry/mass properties<br />

CM Water Landing Monte Carlo<br />

Drogue Chute Deployment Loads<br />

Document Version<br />

TR6<br />

TD6<br />

TR6<br />

TD6<br />

041<br />

0.501<br />

ADAC-2B<br />

TE3<br />

1-Nov-07<br />

CxP 72164 (Draft Aug '07)<br />

LA3<br />

Initial - DCI-TM-040308-1043-01<br />

TDS SIG-03-001<br />

TDS S IG-03-003<br />

CxP ZF-08-003<br />

E-mail "Re:Appendage Plume Interface<br />

Loads for Orion DAC 2 Kick-off"<br />

E-mail:"IVA loads"<br />

E-mail:"Re:TLI stack Mass properties",<br />

22-0ct-07<br />

3/12/2006; 2 Sigma skipped 1st stage<br />

drogue deployment<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />


Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

Guidance documents are listed for two purposes<br />

1) To be used by the contractor as a level of standards that must be met or exceeded If<br />

alternative standards are recommended by the contractor. If the alternative standards are<br />

approved by <strong>NASA</strong>, then the guidance document will no longer be tracked as a contractual<br />

document<br />

2) To be used or tailored per direction within a ORO description The resulting new or tailored<br />

document deliverable will take precedence over the associated guidance document once the new<br />

or tailored document deliverable is approved by <strong>NASA</strong>. After the new or tailored document is<br />

approved by <strong>NASA</strong>, the original "gUidance document "IS no longer a contractual document.<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

ID<br />

Document<br />

Version/Date<br />



DRD<br />

SOW<br />

533 DRD-eCCR<br />

A1A1NAS NA5M20995<br />

533 Electronic Submission Example<br />

Wire, Safety or Lock<br />

CEV-B-001<br />

12 (a)<br />

2613<br />

--<br />

AlA NA5 410<br />

Certification & Qualification of Nondestnctlve Test Personnel<br />

CEV-T-023<br />

I<br />

--<br />

._------_..-<br />

-----.---<br />

AN51/A1AA G043-1992 1992/2004 GUidance for Preparation of Operational Concept Documents<br />

CEV-O-001 27.1<br />

1--- -- ---------<br />

AN51/AlAA 5-080-1998<br />

Space Systems-Metallic Pressure Vessels, Pressunzed Structures,<br />

and Pressure Components<br />

1--------------1-------- -- ---<br />

----------------_._-----<br />

AN51/AlAA 5-081A-2006<br />

Space Systems-Composite OvelWrapped Pressure Vessels (COPVs)<br />

1--- ----------_.<br />

----------------<br />

AN51/A5QC Z1.4<br />

Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attnbutes<br />

2.6.13<br />

------f-----------.---.--------------------<br />

--- ---- ------_._._-<br />

AN51/A1AA 5-080-1998<br />

Space Systems-Metallic Pressure Vessels, Pressunzed Structures,<br />

and Pressure Components<br />

--------- --- -----------1--<br />

---'"<br />

AN51/AlAA 5-081A-2006<br />

Space Systems-Composite OvelWrapped Pressure Vessels (COPVs)<br />

1-------- -<br />

----f---------I<br />

AN51/E5D 520.20-2007 2007 ESD ASSOCiation Standard for the Development of an Electrostatic CEV-S-015,<br />

Discharge Control Program for Protection of Electncal and Electronic CEV-S-017,<br />

Parts, Assemblies and EqUipment (Excluding Electncally Initiated CEV-T-025<br />

Explosive DeVices)<br />

-_. 1----<br />

-------<br />

AN51/NC5L Z450·1<br />

Calibration Laboratones and Measunng and Test EqUipment - General<br />

2.613<br />

ReqUirements<br />

A5TME1742<br />

A5TM E8<br />

--<br />

Standard Practice for Radiographic Examination<br />

Standard Test Methods of Tension Testing of Metallic Matenals<br />

ATEC Regulation 385-1 16 Feb. 2005 Army Test and Evaluabon Command (ATEC) Regulation 385-1, ATEC<br />

Safety Program<br />

CPIA469 Pr~nc~ples of Sol~d Propellant Development<br />

CPIA655<br />

GUidelines for CombusUon Stability Specifications and Venficatlon<br />

Procedures for Liquid Propellant Rocket Engines<br />

'---_._------<br />

CEV-D-002<br />

CEV-T-071<br />

CEV-T-071<br />

------<br />

2.613<br />

2613<br />

2.6.10<br />

--<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

Document<br />

10 Version/Date<br />


ORO<br />


SOW<br />

CxP-70065<br />

Appendix COnly<br />

Baseline<br />

Release<br />

10/11/2007<br />

Constellation Program Computing System Requirements<br />

1-------<br />

CxP-72088<br />

Revision A<br />

1------------.<br />

10 Jul 2007<br />

--<br />

Dept. of the Army 15 Dec 1999<br />

Pamphlet 385-64 -------<br />

DOD 4145.26-M Sept 1997<br />

r-------------<br />

FTH<br />

L..<br />

FTO-AFT-FT A-036<br />

V11<br />

Aug. 2002<br />

Rev B<br />

18 Dec. 2008<br />

(Agreements<br />

and<br />

expectations<br />

are<br />

documented<br />

In FTO-AFT-<br />

FTA-048 PA-<br />

1 PyrotechniC<br />

ReqUirements<br />

Compliance<br />

Matnx<br />

Baseline, 6<br />

Jan 2009)<br />


f----- -----------------<br />

Department of the Army Phamplet 385-64, Ammunition and<br />

ExplOSives Safety Standards<br />

DOD Contractors' Safety Manual for Ammunition and ExplOSives<br />

-------_._---------------------------<br />

Fault Tree Handbook With Aerospace Applications, August 2002,<br />

version 1.1 (Chapters 1-9)<br />

-----<br />

Flight Test Article (FTA) Pyrotechnics Requirements for PA-1 and AA-<br />

1<br />

---<br />

--<br />

-----------<br />

--------<br />

CEV-S-002,<br />

CEV-S-010<br />

- ----_._----<br />

CEV-D-004<br />

---<br />

--------<br />

2.613<br />

----------<br />

3.2<br />

------<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

ID<br />

Document<br />

Version/Date<br />


r-<br />

ORO<br />


SOW<br />

IEEElEIA 12207.0-1996 1996<br />

------<br />

IEEE/EIA 12207.1-1997 1997<br />

ISO 14300-1 15 May 2001<br />

Industry Implementation of International Standard ISO/IEC 12207:<br />

1995, Standard for Information Technology - Software life cycle<br />

processes<br />

- ----------------<br />

Industry Implementation of International Standard ISO/IEC 12207,<br />

1995, Standard for Information Technology - Software life cycle<br />

processes - Llfecycle data<br />

-<br />

Space Systems - Programme Management - Part 1 Structunng of a<br />

Program<br />

CEV-D-002,<br />

CEV-T-005,<br />

CEV-T-006,<br />

CEV-T-04B,<br />

CEV-T-049,<br />

CEV-T-050,<br />

CEV-T-051,<br />

CEV-T-052,<br />

CEV-T-053,<br />

CEV-T-054,<br />

CEV-T-055,<br />

CEV-T-056,<br />

CEV-T-057<br />

------<br />

CEV-D-002,<br />

CEV-T-005,<br />

CEV-T-006,<br />

CEV-T-029,<br />

CEV-T-035,<br />

CEV-T-04B,<br />

CEV-T-049,<br />

CEV-T-050,<br />

CEV-T-051,<br />

CEV-T-052,<br />

CEV-T-053,<br />

CEV-T-054,<br />

CEV-T-055,<br />

CEV-T-056,<br />

CEV-T-057<br />

6.5.2<br />

._----- ----<br />

652<br />

1.1.(a)<br />

JPR 1700.1 Rev 1<br />

July 2002<br />

JSC Safety and Health Handbook<br />

CEV-S-OOB<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />


ID<br />

Document<br />

Version/Date<br />


DRD<br />

SOW<br />

JSC 17773<br />

f--<br />

JSC20793<br />

RevC<br />

Dec 2001<br />

r-----------------<br />

KHB 1700.7<br />

RevC<br />

19 Aug 1999<br />

--I--<br />

MIL-HDBK-61A 7 Feb 2001<br />

1-----------1--------_.-<br />

MIL-P-116<br />

1---<br />

8 Apnl1988<br />

--1-----_..-<br />

MIL-S-22473<br />

RevE<br />

12 Apnl1983<br />

1-------.-------------<br />

MIL-STD-81OF<br />

RevF<br />

1 Jan. 2000<br />

--.-1----------,------------<br />

MS20003 5 June 2003 Indicator, Humidity, Card, Three Spot, Impregnated Areas<br />

1----<br />

MSFC-PROC-1831 Jan 1990 The AnalYSIS of Nonvolatile ReSidue Content<br />

MSFC-PROC-1832 Jan 1990<br />

MSFC-PROC-404<br />

MSFC-SPEC-164B<br />

Rev A<br />

Oct. 1988<br />

RevB<br />

Nov 1994<br />

MSFC-STD-531 Sept 1978<br />

--<br />

Prepanng Hazard Analyses for JSC Ground Operations<br />

Crewed Space Vehicle Battery Safety Requirements<br />

Space Shuttle Payload Ground Safety Handbook<br />

Military Handbook Configuration Management GUidance<br />

--<br />

Preservation, Methods of<br />

_.--------_._._----------<br />

Sealing, Locking and Retaining Compounds, Single Component<br />

------<br />

DOD Test Method Standard for Environmental Englneenng<br />

ConSiderations and Laboratory Tests, Section 5 and Part 2<br />

Sampling and AnalYSIS of Nonvolatile ReSidue Content on Cntlcal<br />

Surfaces<br />

--<br />

Gases, Drying and Preservation, Cleanliness Level and Inspection<br />

Specification for Cleanliness of Components for Use In Oxygen, Fuel<br />

and Pneumatic Systems (and associated Children documents as<br />

speCified in Attachment J-3, Applicable, Guidance, and Informational<br />

Documents List)<br />

High Voltage Design Cnteria<br />

--<br />

---<br />

CEV-S-008<br />

CEV-S-001,<br />

CEV-S-005<br />

--1----------<br />

CEV-M-003 1.3 (a)<br />

-<br />

f--------<br />

2613<br />

--<br />

2613<br />

---_. 1-------------<br />

CEV-T-073 2612,<br />

61.312,<br />

62.312<br />

_._-----------------<br />

26.13<br />

-------------------<br />

CEV-T-073 26.13,<br />,<br />

62.3.12<br />

-----------------------<br />

CEV-T-073 2.6.12<br />

CEV-T-073<br />

CEV-T-073<br />

CEV-T-024<br />

-----------<br />

2.612,<br />,<br /><br />

2.612,<br />

61312,<br />

62.312<br />

28.4<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

ID<br />

Document<br />

Version/Date<br />


r---<br />

DRD<br />


SOW<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-HDBK-700S 13 Mar. 2001<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-8719.7 January 1998<br />

(applicable only to the<br />

PA-1 Test Flight)<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-8719.9 May 9, 2002<br />

(with change 1)<br />

(applicable on Iy to the<br />

PA-1 Test Flight)<br />

---------<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-8719.11 November 19,<br />

Revision A 2008<br />

(applicable only to the<br />

PA-1 Test Flight)<br />

----------- ............. _... - . ----------<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-8719.17 September<br />

(applicable only to the 22,2006<br />

PA-1 Test Flight)<br />

--_.--------<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-8739.1 6 Aug. 1999<br />

._.<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-8739.2 31 Aug. 1999<br />

1---<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-8739.3<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-8739.4 Feb. 1998<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-8739.S<br />

L-___<br />

Basic-Feb.<br />

1998<br />

App.1<br />

Dynamic Environmental Cnteria<br />

Facility System Safety Guidebook<br />

Standard for Lifting Devices and Equipment<br />

--" ------------------------<br />

Safety Standard for Fire Protection<br />

--- ........................ _.... _........_..._--------------------- ----------- ............................ _........_..._---------------------- ------<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> Requirements for Ground-Based Pressure Vessels and<br />

Pressunzed Systems (PV/S)<br />

Workmanship Standards' for Staking and Conformal Coating of<br />

Printed Wire Boards and Electncal Assemblies<br />

f-- --<br />

Workmanship Standard for Surface Mount Technology<br />

Soldered Electncal Connections<br />

Cnmplng, Interconnecting Cables, Harnesses, and Winng<br />

Fiber Optic Terminations, Cable Assemblies, and Installation<br />

-<br />

--<br />

CEV-T-015 26.9,6.139.<br />, 6 1 4 9<br />

CEV-S-001 31<br />

CEV-S-001<br />

-------+-<br />

-----_.-<br />

CEV-S-001<br />

------------------- --.--- . -....... . .....<br />

CEV-S-001<br />

---<br />

CEV-S-015,<br />

CEV-S-017<br />

---<br />

CEV-S-015,<br />

CEV-S-017<br />

CEV-S-015,<br />

CEV-S-017<br />

CEV-S-015,<br />

CEV-S-017<br />

CEV-S-015,<br />

CEV-S-017<br />

31<br />

_.---------<br />

31<br />

.. __ ._---_._--<br />

31<br />

-<br />

.<br />

I<br />

I<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attaclnnent J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

Document<br />

10 Version/Date<br />


ORO<br />


SOW<br />

NPD8710.2D Apnl 24,2002<br />

(applicable only to the<br />

PA-1 Test Flight)<br />

NPD8710.5C<br />

September<br />

(applicable only to the 26,2003<br />

PA-1 flight test)<br />

r-- -------<br />

NPR 7150.2 27 Sept 2004<br />

- 27 Sept.<br />

2007<br />

--------------<br />

NPR8715.1 August 9,<br />

(applicable only to the 1999<br />

PA-1 Test Flight) -------------<br />

NPR 8715.3A Chapters<br />

1,2,3,5,7,8, and 9 and 12,2006<br />

Appendix E<br />

Septemeber<br />

(applicable only to the<br />

PA-1 Test Flight)<br />

r---<br />

NSS 1740.12 August 1993<br />

(applicable only to the<br />

PA-1 Test Flight)<br />

----<br />

OSHA TED 8.4<br />

PRAPG Version 11<br />

Aug. 2000<br />

Range Commanders Sept 1999<br />

Council - Range Safety<br />

Group - Standard 319-99<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> Safety and Health Program Policy<br />

-<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> Safety Policy for Pressure Vessels and Pressunzed Systems<br />

f----<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> Software Engmeenng Requirements<br />

-----------------------------------<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> Occupational Safety and Health Programs WIth Change 3<br />

(2/13/06)<br />

f-----------------------------------------<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> General Safety Program Requirements<br />

------<br />

Safety Standard for Explosives, Propellants, and Pyrotechnlques<br />

-- --<br />

Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP) Policies and Procedures<br />

Manual<br />

---<br />

Probabilistic Risk Assessment Procedures GUide for <strong>NASA</strong> Managers<br />

and Practioners, Sections 4 - 14<br />

Flight Termination Systems Commonality Standard<br />

CEV-S-001<br />

CEV-S-001<br />

CEV-D-002<br />

CEV-S-001<br />

----------<br />

CEV-S-001<br />

CEV-S-001<br />

--<br />

CEV-S-008<br />

CEV-S-010<br />

CEV-D-002<br />

3.1<br />

-------<br />

3.1<br />

31<br />

f---------<br />

31<br />

------<br />

31<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

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Modification 65<br />


ID<br />

Document<br />

VersionlDate<br />


DRD<br />

SOW<br />

Range Commanders June 2002<br />

Council - Range Safety<br />

Group - Standard 321-02<br />

RTCAlDO-160D<br />

--<br />

----------f-----------<br />

SAE-ARP-5412<br />

-------------f----------<br />

SAE-ARP-5413<br />

f---<br />

SAE-ARP-5414<br />

f---<br />

SAE-ARP-5415<br />

I----.-------<br />

c-----------------------<br />

SAE-ARP-5416<br />

--<br />

SAE-ARP-5577<br />

----------- --------<br />

SSP 30240<br />

RevE<br />

--<br />

SSP 30242 RevG<br />

WSMR Reg. 385-17<br />

FAA-HF-STD-001<br />

Sections 14.1 through<br />

14.5<br />

(for guidance only)<br />

FED-STD-595<br />

(for guidance only)<br />

ISO 2631-1<br />

ISO 3382<br />

(for guidance only)<br />

25 July 2003<br />

25 July 2003<br />

Common Risk Cntena for National Test Ranges<br />

I---<br />

Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Alrbome<br />

Equipment (Section 22. Lightning Induced Transient Susceptibility<br />

and Section 23:Llghtnlng Direct Effects)<br />

--<br />

Aircraft Lightning Environment<br />

---------------------------<br />

Certification of Aircraft Electncal/Electronlc Systems for the Indirect<br />

Effects of Lightning<br />

-------------_._------ - -------_. __ . __ ._----<br />

Aircraft Lightning ZOning<br />

-----_<br />

Users Manual for Certification of Aircraft Electncal/Electronlc Systems<br />

for the Indirect Effects of Lightning<br />

.. _----------------------<br />

---------- -----<br />

Aircraft Lightning Test Methods<br />

------ -------------------<br />

Aircraft Lightning Direct Effects Certification<br />

--------------------------------<br />

Space Station Grounding Requirements<br />

---- ---<br />

Space Station CablelWire Design and Control ReqUirements for<br />

Electromagnetic Compatibility<br />

----<br />

White Sands MIsSile Range Regulations 385-17, Missile Flight Safety<br />

--<br />

~eral AViation Administration Human Factors Design Standard<br />

Colors Used In Govemment Procurement (12115/89)<br />

International Standards Organization (ISO) standard 2631-1 :1997 (E)<br />

"Measurement of the reverberation time of rooms with reference to<br />

other acoustical parameters"<br />

CEV-D-002<br />

CEV-T-025<br />

--<br />

CEV-T-025<br />

1------------<br />

CEV-T-025<br />

1------------<br />

CEV-T-025<br />

f------ --- - ----. -_._------<br />

CEV-T-025<br />

1--------1------------ -<br />

CEV-T-025<br />

1---------1---- -------<br />

CEV-T-025<br />

1-------- -_._---_.-<br />

CEV-T-025 285<br />

CEV-T-025<br />

CEV-D-002<br />

--------<br />

--------- -<br />

----------<br />

1------------<br />

2 8.5<br />

--------<br />

-------<br />

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Attaclnnent J-3<br />

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ID<br />

Document<br />

VersionlDate<br />


DRD<br />

SOW<br />

<strong>NASA</strong>-STD-3000<br />

(for guidance onlx)<br />

Volume I, Man-Systems Integration Standards (MSIS), Revision B,<br />

1995, Secbon 3.3 3.<br />

--<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

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Attaclnnent J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />


Informational documents are listed for information purposes only<br />

l<br />

ID Document Informational Document Title<br />

Version/Date<br />

CXP-70000 Revision A Constellation Architecture ReqUirements Document (CARD)<br />

Release<br />

13 Aug. 2007<br />

CXP-70007 Revision A Constellation Design Reference MIssions and Operational Concepts<br />

Change 002<br />

23 Jui. 2007<br />

CXP-70008 RevIsion A Constellation Program Master Integration and Venficatlon Plan (MIVP)<br />

Release<br />

31 Aug. 2007<br />

CXP-70009 Baseline Constellation Program Systems Integrated AnalYSIS Plan (SlAP)<br />

Change 001<br />

Release<br />

17 May 2007<br />

CXP-70012 Baseline Constellation Program Reference Architecture Document (RAD)<br />

Release<br />

10 May 2007<br />

CxP-70013 RevIsion A Constellation Program System Engmeenng Management Plan<br />

Release,<br />

30 Nov. 2007<br />

CXP-70014 Baseline Constellation Program Margin Management Plan (MMP)<br />

Release<br />

5 Dec. 2007<br />

CXP-70061 Baseline Constellation Program Command, Control, Communications, and<br />

Release Information (C31) Strategic Plan<br />

19 Dec 2006<br />

j<br />

I ,<br />

,<br />

References<br />

DRD<br />

SOW<br />

10.6.6,103.6<br />

CEV-T-015<br />

!<br />

,<br />

i<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

CXP-70064<br />

CXP-70065<br />

10 Document<br />

Version/Date<br />

Baseline<br />

Release<br />

5 Sep. 2007<br />

Baseline<br />

Release<br />

11 Oct 2007<br />

-----r----------<br />

!<br />

, CXP-70067 Baseline<br />

Release<br />

24 Jul. 2007<br />

! CXP-70067-ANX01-01 Baseline<br />

Release<br />

I<br />

24 Jul 2007<br />

--------_._- ---<br />

, CXP-70070-ANX05-02 Baseline<br />

Release<br />

12 Oct. 2007<br />

, CXP-70070-ANX08 BaselineSRR<br />

Release<br />

TBD<br />

Draft Matunty<br />

, 90% as of<br />

03 Jul. 2007<br />

i CxP-70072-ANX 01<br />

Baseline<br />

I 17 Jan. 2007<br />

CXP-70074<br />

Baseline<br />

Change 001<br />

16 May 2007<br />

! CXP-70077 Baseline Draft<br />

Release<br />

, 20 Nov. 2007<br />

Informational Document Title<br />

Constellation Program Supportability Plan<br />

Constellation Program Computing Systems ReqUirements Document<br />

-- --------------<br />

Constellation Program Human-Rating Plan<br />

------<br />

Constellation Program Human-Rating Plan, Annex 1 Initial Capability,<br />

Book 1 SRR Submittal<br />

1----------------------------<br />

Constellation Program, Program Management Plan, Annex 5<br />

Secunty Management Plan, Book 2. Information Technology (IT)<br />

Secunty Architecture<br />

Constellation Program Affordabllity Plan<br />

Constellation Program Management Systems Plan, Annex 1 Common I CEV-M-001<br />

Glossary and Acronyms<br />

Constellation Program Modeling and Simulation Integrated<br />

Management Implementation Plan<br />

Constellation Program Architecture Descnption Document<br />

I<br />

!<br />

I<br />

,<br />

,<br />

!<br />

,<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

,<br />

References<br />

ORO<br />

SOW<br />

2.72 I<br />

I<br />

Scope<br />

2.4<br />

,<br />

,<br />

,<br />

,<br />

!<br />

,<br />

,<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

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"-<br />

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

ID<br />

Document<br />

Version/Date<br />

, CXP-70077-ANX01 Baseline<br />

Change 003<br />

Release<br />

22 Jun 2007<br />

, CXP-70078 Baseline Draft<br />

Release<br />

14 Aug. 2007<br />

Draft Matunty<br />

80%<br />

17 Aug 2007<br />

i CXP-70085<br />

Baseline Draft<br />

i Oct 2006<br />

CR 160<br />

Version (not<br />

released)<br />

, CXP-70086 Baseline<br />

Release<br />

04 Oct 2007<br />

CXP-70087<br />

Baselinet<br />

Release<br />

22 Aug. 2007<br />

CXP-70132<br />

Baseline Draft<br />

CXP-70133<br />

CxP-70137<br />

CXP-70141<br />

CXP-70144<br />

Release<br />

TBD<br />

Baseline<br />

Release<br />

11 Sep.2007<br />

Baseline<br />

Release,<br />

18 Dec 2006<br />

Baseline<br />

Release<br />

23 Aug. 2007<br />

Baseline<br />

Release<br />

17 Jul 2007<br />

Informational Document Title<br />

Constellation Program Architecture Description (ADD), Annex l'<br />

Flight Manifest<br />

Constellation Program Computmg Systems Architecture Descnptlon<br />

Document (CSADD)<br />

Constellation Program Integrated Flight Test Strategy Document<br />

Constellation Program Software Venfication and Validation Plan<br />

Constellation Program Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability Plan<br />

Constellation Program Commonality Plan<br />

Electncal, ElectroniC, and Electromechanical (EEE) Parts Plan<br />

Constellation Program Structural Loads Control Plan<br />

Constellation Program Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E3)<br />

Control Plan<br />

Constellation Program 10nlzmg Radiation Control Plan<br />

! ,<br />

i<br />

i<br />

,<br />

References<br />

DRD<br />

SOW<br />

CEV-T-027<br />

28.5,28.6<br />

2.8.6<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

!<br />

i<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

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Attachment J-3<br />

Modification 65<br />

ID<br />

Document<br />

Version/Date<br />

CXP-70154<br />

Baseline<br />

! Release<br />

30 AUQ. 2007<br />

CxP-70158<br />

Baseline Draft<br />

!<br />

Release<br />

03 Jul 2007<br />

Informational Document Title<br />

Constellation Program Contamination Control Plan<br />

Constellation Program ReqUirements and Interfaces Management<br />

Plan<br />

--<br />

I<br />

I<br />

References<br />

DRD<br />

SOW<br />

---<br />

Attachment J-3<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-5<br />

Modification 65<br />



May 2009<br />

Attachment J-5<br />

Page 1 of 14

<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Glossary<br />

Attachment J-5<br />

Modification 65<br />

Acceptance - The activity perfonned on all production articles generally consistmg of<br />

inspections, measurements, and tests that demonstrate that each art1Cle was manufactured as<br />

designed and with acceptable quality and workmanship, perfonns in accordance with specified<br />

requirements, and is acceptable for delivery.<br />

Acceptance Review - The Acceptance ReVIew exammes the eqUipment, documentatlOn, and<br />

data that support verification. An acceptance review is accomplished to assure that equipment (at<br />

any level of assembly) IS ready to for transfer of ownershIp or custody, or IS ready for mtegration<br />

into a next-rugher assembly.<br />

Acceptance Tests - Tests perfonned on flIght hardware and software to confinn equipment<br />

perfonns as quahfied and IS generally free of latent manufactunng, matenal, or "workmanship"<br />

defects for delivery of products. For hardware, acceptance testing is typically perfonned at<br />

operating and non-operating perfonnance and environment limits WIthout intruding into<br />

quahficatlon margins. For software, acceptance testing ensures the software wi1110ad and<br />

execute on each serialized hardware platfonn.<br />

Analysis models - An Analysis Model is a set of one or more engineering analysis tools that<br />

operate in conjunctlon WIth one another. Analysis models may be capable of automated<br />

execution or may require user-in-the-loop/interactive operation. The models typically estimate<br />

system perfonnance accordmg to an engineenng dlsclplme such as aerodynamics or cost.<br />

However, because a model may involve an engineering analysis tool from more than one<br />

dlsclplme, the complete model may yield attributes across multlple dlsclplmes. Creatmg such<br />

multi-tool models IS particularly helpful when multiple dIsciplines within a system strongly<br />

mteract with each other. The fidehty level of analYSIS model results may be very low (conceptual<br />

level) or may be very rugh (detailed deSIgn level).<br />

Certification - A formal document signed by responsible parties (provider, integrator (if<br />

different), and the Project Office) attestmg to the satisfactory completion of specified<br />

qualification activities, supported by certification records, and authorizing the use of<br />

hardware/software for recorded purposes within certified limits. Certification can be<br />

accomplished at any level of assembly from the component to the integrated system.<br />

Certification of Flight Readiness - A cOmmltment SIgned by each <strong>NASA</strong> project manager and<br />

the respective element contractor stating their readmess for launch. Tills document is signed<br />

during the Flight Readiness Review (FRR). Prior to FRR, each project manager IS reqUIred to<br />

assess his readiness for launch by considering vehicle and facility hardware status, problems<br />

encountered during pre-launch preparation and their resolution, launch constramts, and open<br />

Items.<br />

Certification Record - A document or documents Identlfying the certified capability baseline,<br />

perfonnance limlts and operatlOnal constramts for a hardware/software configuration item. The<br />

certification record speCIfies the certIfied hmlts that govern usage during its life cycle. The<br />

certlficatlon record along with the signed certification establishes and illustrates the certified<br />

baselme.<br />

Certified Capability Baseline - (a.k.a. As-CertIfied Basehne) The perfonnance characteristics<br />

and conditions at a given point in time to which specified hardware/software IS certIfied to meet<br />

progralll reqUirements. The certIfied capablhty baseline is the recognized definition of equipment<br />

Attachment J-5<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-5<br />

Modification 65<br />

and its capabilities, limits, and constraints for the purposes of establishmg flight rules/crew<br />

procedures, documenting and resolving non-conformances, and sustaining equipment design.<br />

Qualification margms are not be mtruded upon by production hardware in service and should not<br />

be reflected by the certified baselme.<br />

Certified Limits - Parameters (e.g., input parameters such as current, voltage, load, force,<br />

torque, veloclty, dlsplacement, etc. or enVlronmental condltlons such as vibration, temperature,<br />

humidity, etc.) that define the bounds of certification of hardware performance or exposure<br />

during its life cycle. LlmitS may mclude operating time, cycles, or age. Limit conditions may be<br />

defined for both operational and non-operational hardware states and for individual eqUlpment<br />

operating modes or system IlliSSlon phases.<br />

CEV Engineering Models - A CEV Engineering Model is a set of one or more engineering<br />

analysis tools that operate in conjunction with one another. CEV Engineering Models may be<br />

capable of automated executlOn or may reqUlre user-m-the-loop/interactive operation. CEV<br />

Engineering Models typically estimate system performance according to an engineering<br />

dlsciplme such as aerodynamlCs or cost. However, because a model may mvolve more than one<br />

dlsclplme engmeenng analysls tool the complete model may Yleld attnbutes across multiple<br />

disciplines. Creatmg such multl-tool models lS partlCularly helpful when multiple disciplines<br />

within a system strongly interact wlth each other. The fidelity level of analysis model results may<br />

be very low (conceptual level) or may be very high (detailed design level). These models mayor<br />

may not incorporate time as an independent variable. They encompass sensitivity analysis, trade<br />

space exploration and performance envelope characterization<br />

CEV System - Includes the spacecraft and all CEV -uruque ground systems needed to support<br />

standalone and mtegrated operatlOns.<br />

CEV System Flight Tests - Operating flight tests during the development phase used to qualify<br />

that the integrated flight vehlcle system (mcludmg the launch vehicle) and ground support<br />

equipment, as procured and venfied by the acceptance test procedures, conform to the<br />

Constellatlon program reqUlrements.<br />

Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) - Commercially available products that can be purchased<br />

and integrated with little or no customization<br />

Component - An aggregate of hardware and/or software that can be characterized by one<br />

speclfication, lS designed by a single activity to be functionally tested, and is verified as a unlt.<br />

Computer Software Component (CSC) - A distinct part of a CSC!. A CSC may be further<br />

decomposed mto other CSC's and CSU's.<br />

Computer Software Configuration Item (CSCI) - A configuration ltem for computer software<br />

(l.e., an ldentlfiable, uruque, high-level part of the software that is under configuratlOn<br />

management). A CSCI may be further decomposed mto CSC's.<br />

Computer Software Unit (CSU) - An element (i.e., an elementary, basic, or primitive software<br />

part) speclfied m the design of a CSC that is separately testable.<br />

Conceptual model - An abstractlOn of the real world that serves as a frame of reference for<br />

federation development by documentmg slmulation-neutral views of important entities and their<br />

key actions and interactions. The federation conceptual model descnbes what the federation will<br />

Attachment J-5<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-5<br />

Modification 65<br />

represent, the assumptions limiting those representations, and other capabilities needed to satisfy<br />

the user's requirements. Federation conceptual models are bridges between the real world,<br />

requirements, and design.<br />

Control Board - The board, panel or forum chartered to have authority over a particular subject<br />

or Item (ex. Flight Rules Control Board, Crew Procedures Control Board, etc.)<br />

Crew Activity Scheduling Constraints - Constraints, restrictions or requirements on the<br />

scheduling of the flight crew. Includes such information such as required amounts of sleep,<br />

amount crew sleep can be shifted, amount of time for crew meals and exercise, etc.<br />

Crew Member - Human onboard the spacecraft or space system during a nnssion.<br />

Crew Operations - The actlVltles performed by the flIght crew willIe in the vehicle or during a<br />

llliSSlon. A subset of the Flight Operations Execution that begms WIth crew ingress into the CEV<br />

prior to launch and concludes with the crew egress from the CEV post landing.<br />

Critical Design Review (CDR) - The CDR discloses the complete system design in full detail,<br />

ascertains that technical problems and design anomalies have been resolved, and ensures that the<br />

design maturity justifies the decision to initiate fabrication/manufacturing, mtegratlon, and<br />

verification of mission hardware and software.<br />

Depot Operations - The operations performed offline to receive and accept new equipment, to<br />

perform maintenance, repairs and retests on equipment, or to refurbish and recertify expended<br />

(end of service life) equipment for reuse.<br />

Desktop Discrete Event Simulation - A Desktop Discrete Event Simulation varies the inputs to<br />

Analysis and Part Models in accordance with an anticipated portion of the concept nnsslon. TlIDe<br />

is the independent variable in a Desktop Discrete Event Simulation. Desktop DIscrete Event<br />

Simulations incorporate as many AnalYSIS and Part Models as IS needed to predict the total<br />

performance of a concept during a segment of the anticipated mission. These models are exposed<br />

to mput sets that represent events as a function oftime. A Desktop Discrete Event Simulation<br />

predicts the performance of multiple concept entities dunng multiple nnSSIon segments. This type<br />

of simulation predicts interactions between concept entities and therr enVIronment by<br />

incorporating the concept elements as well as external elements.<br />

Design for Manufacturability - The process of proactively designing products to (1) optimize<br />

all the manufacturing functions: fabrication, assembly, test, procurement, sillppmg, delivery,<br />

service, and repair, and (2) assure the best cost, quality, reliabIhty, regulatory comphance, safety,<br />

time-to-market, and customer satisfactIOn.<br />

Development Tests - Any test that proVIdes data needed to reduce risk, to design hardware or<br />

software, to define manufacturing processes, to define qualification or acceptance test procedures,<br />

or to investigate anomalies dIscovered durmg test or operatIOns.<br />

Engineering Development Unit - Hardware which meets the same functional reqUIrements and<br />

interfaces/cable connections as the Fhght Umt. The hardware is not required to meet form or fit<br />

and is not required to utilize flIght rated parts, manufacturing processes, and quality control.<br />

Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) - What occurs when electromagnetic fields from one<br />

device interfere WIth the operation of some other deVIce.<br />

Attachment J-5<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-S<br />

Modification 65<br />

Emulator - A device that replicates the command, monitoring, communications, data, and<br />

electrical power functions of a flight element, for use in interface verification of other flight or<br />

ground elements.<br />

Engineering Analysis Tool- An Engineering Analysis Tool is a single, self-contamed computer<br />

program that produces a smgle set of outputs for a single set of inputs. An Engmeenng Analysis<br />

Tool makes predictions of system performance or environmental parameters, typically as they<br />

pertains to a smgle engineering discipline. An Engineering AnalysIs Tool IS the smallest<br />

executable piece of an engineering computational framework.<br />

Engineering Simulations - Engmeenng Simulations expose Analysis and Part Models to a set of<br />

sequential inputs in order to characterize the performance of a concept. These simulations mayor<br />

may not incorporate time as an independent variable. They encompass senSitivity analysis, trade<br />

space exploration and performance envelope characterizatIOn.<br />

Equipment - A genenc term used to refer to hardware at any level-of-assembly from a<br />

component up through an integrated system.<br />

Evaluation Factors - Factors by whIch a contractor's proposal will be evaluated to make a<br />

contract award<br />

Export Control- U.S. export control laws and regulations, including the InternatIOnal Traffic in<br />

Arms RegulatIOns (IT AR), and the Export Administration RegulatIOns (EAR) (see FFS 1825)<br />

Export Licenses - Licenses or other approvals from the Department of State or the Department<br />

of Commerce related to export of hardware, technical data, or software, or prOVides technical<br />

assistance to a foreign destination or "foreign person" (see NFS 1852.225-70)<br />

Extensibility - The potential for a vehicle or system to be adapted or modified to provide<br />

additional capabilities.<br />

Facilities - Includes vehicle processmg facilities, mtegration facilities, launch pads, IIDSSlOn<br />

control centers, launch control centers, control rooms, traimng, test, checkout, and assembly<br />

facilities with associated data processing and commumcatlOn systems.<br />

Facility Loading - The level at which a facility is used. For example, if nominal usage is<br />

defined as 40 hours of simulatIOn support per week and 50 hours are reqUired dunng key periods,<br />

facility loading would be 125%. This nmnber is used to detennine If a faCIlity is over used and to<br />

help detenmne If an additional facility is needed to accommodate usage demands.<br />

Facility Systems - Systems necessary to support the operations of the facility. Examples are<br />

facility electrical power, water, pnemnatICs, cranes, etc. It does not include ground support<br />

equipment.<br />

Federate Application - An application that supports the High Level ArchItecture (HLA)<br />

interface to a nmtIme infrastructure (RTI) and that is capable of Joining a federation execution. A<br />

federate application may Jom the same federation execution multiple times or may join multiple<br />

federation executions. However, each time a federate application joins a federatIOn execution, it is<br />

creating a new joined federate.<br />

Attachment J-5<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-5<br />

Modification 65<br />

Federate - An applicatlOn that may be or IS currently coupled with other software applicatlons<br />

under a FederatlOn Object Model Document Data (FDD) and a runtime infrastructure (RT!).<br />

Federation - A named set of federate apphcations and a common Federation Object Model that<br />

are used as a whole to achieve some specific objective.<br />

Federation Execution - The actual operation, over time, of a set of Jomed federates that are<br />

interconnected by a runtlme infrastructure (RT!).<br />

Federation Object Model (FOM) - A specificatlon defining the information exchanged at<br />

runtIme to achieve a gIven set of federation objectives. This includes object classes, object class<br />

attributes, mteraction classes, mteraction parameters, and other relevant information.<br />

Federation Object Model (FOM) Document Data (FDD) - The data and information m an<br />

FOM document that is used by the Create Federation ExecutIon servIce to initialize a newly<br />

created federation execution.<br />

Fit Checks - An engineermg test, where hardware that is to be installed on a future mission, is<br />

brought together on the ground and structural interfaces are verified by physically mating the<br />

hardware.<br />

Flight Controller - A mission operations team member that supports the CEV verucle and flight<br />

crew anytIme from pre-launch through verucle recovery. A flight controller has a specIfied<br />

discipline of responsibility and a console from which helshe supports the flIght operations.<br />

Flight Design & Analysis - The activities performed to desIgn the vehicle flight trajectory, mass<br />

properties profile, consumables profiles, and other parameters to execute all phases of the ffilSSIon<br />

without violating any hardware, software, or operational constramts.<br />

Flight Equivalent Unit - Hardware wruch meets the fit, form and functional requirements as<br />

defmed in the product specification. The parts, manufactunng processes, and quality control are<br />

the same as on the Fhght Qualification Units with the exception that they have not been fully<br />

tested to all environmental acceptance or qualification requirements.<br />

Flight Operations Execution - Actlvitles associated with the plans, processes, and schedules<br />

reqUIred for the integrated test and operational flight executlOn. This encompasses real-time<br />

support for all phases and aspects of mission and crew operatlons beginning with pre-launch<br />

activities through post-Iandmg egress of the flight crew.<br />

Flight Operations Products - Documents and analyses used for flight preparation and<br />

execution.<br />

Flight Planning - The process of developmg a detailed mission flight plan that satisfies all<br />

ffilssion requIrements. The requirements are integrated mto a smgle plan for ground and crew<br />

executIon whIch mcludes flIght design requirements, vehicle operatlOnal constraints (thermal<br />

conditioning, communications, attitude maneuvers, antenna pointing etc), crew scheduhng<br />

constraints and payload requirements<br />

Flight Readiness Review (FRR) - The FRR exanunes tests, demonstrations, analyses, and audIts<br />

that detennine the system's readiness for a safe and successful launch and for subsequent flIght<br />

operatIons. It also ensures that all flight and ground hardware, software, personnel, and<br />

procedures are operationally ready.<br />

Attachment J-5<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-5<br />

Modification 65<br />

Flight Qualification Unit - Hardware which meets the fit, form and functional requirements as<br />

defmed in the product specification and has been fully tested to all acceptance and qualification<br />

requirements. The hardware uses the same parts, manufacturing processes, and quality control as<br />

used on the Fhght Unit.<br />

Flight Rules - A collection of preplanned decisions to mmimize the amount of real-time<br />

rationalization required for nominal and off-nominal situations affecting the mission or vehicle<br />

durmg a flIght.<br />

Flight Unit - Hardware which meets the fit, form and functional reqUlrements as defined in the<br />

product specification. The parts, manufacturing processes, and quality control are the same as<br />

used on the Flight Qualification Units with the exception that they have been fully tested to all<br />

acceptance requirements, but not all qualification requirements.<br />

Functional Tests - Operating tests that confirm that a particular hardware or software item<br />

functions in a way that will permit it to meet allocated requirements.<br />

Ground Planning - The preparatlOn activItIes for ground processmg and launch operations.<br />

Ground Processing - The activities performed to prepare the personnel, ground systems and<br />

flight vehicles during preflight and post-flight operations.<br />

Ground Systems - The facIhties and facihties systems, ground support equipment hardware and<br />

software which are required to support integrated test and operational flights. The ground<br />

systems include those needed for ground operations, and flight operations.<br />

Ground System Operations - The operation of facilities, facility systems, ground support<br />

equipment, and associated software when the flight hardware is not present. These operations<br />

typically include validation of ground systems, preventative mamtenance, and post-launch<br />

refurbishment operations. Also, mcludes the operatlOn of traming systems, whether for system<br />

mamtenance and vahdatIon, or for use to certIfY/train FlIght and Ground Operations personnel.<br />

For operations of Ground Systems when flight hardware is involved, see Ground Operations.<br />

Ground Tests - Any test performed on system elements or the complete system that does not<br />

involve flight. Ground testing includes development, functional, integration, qualification,<br />

acceptance, pre-flIght, and flight-worthiness tests.<br />

Guidance Document - A docUlllent that the Contractor will use as guidance in developing a<br />

Data Requirements DocUlllent (DRD) or a subsystem.<br />

Guidance and Control - The process of directmg the movements of a space vehicle, including<br />

selection of a flight path and makmg changes in attitude and speed.<br />

Habitable Volume - Free, pressurized volume, excluding the space required for equipment,<br />

fixtures, and stowage.<br />

Habitation - The proviSIon for and management ofthe crew environment (Le., through the use of<br />

life support systems, thermal control, etc.) in a crewed vehIcle or habItat.<br />

Attachment J-5<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-5<br />

Modification 65<br />

Hardware-in-the-Ioop (HWIL) Tests - Tests conducted with hardware under test, where a<br />

simulation forms part of the test support equipment.<br />

High-fidelity, Time-stepped Simulations - H1gh-fidelity, Time-stepped Simulations accomplish<br />

much the same goals as a Desktop D1screte Event SlmulatlOn, but utilize HLA as a higher fidelity<br />

1mplementation. The High-fidelity, Time-stepped Simulations slmulate system performance at<br />

least as fast as real-time.<br />

Integrated Collaborative Environment (ICE) - The primary means of sharing, reporting,<br />

collecting, recording and accessmg program information between <strong>NASA</strong>, CEV Contractor,<br />

major/cntical subcontractors and authonzed U.S. Government personnel connected w1th the<br />

Constellatlon Program and Projects. ICE prov1des real-tlme collaboratlve access to a single<br />

source of management information, product infonnation and technical data. ICE is the principal<br />

mechanism for mtegratmg a "program" d1g1tal infonnation management enviromnent.<br />

Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) - The IMS 18 an mtegrated, master schedule containing the<br />

networked, detailed tasks necessary to support the events, accompilshments, and criteria of the<br />

IMP. The IMS shall contam all of the contract IMP events, accomplishments, and criteria from<br />

contract award to completlon of the contract. The IMS shall be a logical network-based schedule<br />

that correlates to the program WBS, and is vertically and horizontally traceable to the<br />

cost/schedule reporting instrument used to address variances (such as Cost Performance Report<br />

(CPR) and 533 Cost Reporting (533M1533Q».<br />

Integrated Operations - The activities that involve the spacecraft and other flight elements or<br />

the resources of multlple orgaruzatlOns.<br />

Integrated Product and Process Development (IPPD) - A management techruque that<br />

slmultaneously mtegrates all essentlal product development activities through the use of multidisciplinary<br />

teams to optimize design, manufacturing and supportability processes. It 1S a<br />

systematic approach to the integrated, concurrent des1gn of products and related processes,<br />

including manufacturing and support. IPPD is intended to cause designers and developers to<br />

cons1der all relevant life-cycle elements during the initial and early phases of technology or<br />

product development<br />

Integration Tests - Tests conducted to venfy functional performance has been achieved after<br />

hardware and/or software items are assembled and mterfaces activated.<br />

Item Tests - Tests at the component or 1tem level (1.e., the lowest element of the system that is<br />

serialized or otherwise tracked).<br />

Joined Federate - A member of a federatlOn execution, actualized by a federate application<br />

invoking the Join Federation Execution service as prescnbed m IEEE Std 1516.1-2000.<br />

Large-scale System Simulations - A Large-scale System SlmulatlOn predlcts the performance<br />

of multiple concept entities during multiple misslOn segments. Tills type of simulation predicts<br />

interactions between concept entities and their enviromnent by incorporating the concept<br />

elements as well as external elements.<br />

Launch Operations - The final activities to prepare the ground systems and the integrated<br />

vehicle for launch, and the launch of the integrated stack.<br />

Attachment J-5<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Life Cycle Cost - See J-5 AppendIx 1.<br />

Attachment J-5<br />

Modification 65<br />

Logistics Support - An approach that enables disciplined, unified and iterative management of<br />

support consideratlOns mto system and eqUIpment deSIgn. Logistics support includes<br />

development of support requirements that are related to readiness objectives, to design, and to<br />

each other. Requirements in tum drive acqulSltlOn of required support; logIstics support is then<br />

employed during the operational phase.<br />

Mass Properties - The dIstnbution of mass within the component, subsystem, system, or<br />

vehicle, which can change throughout the nussion due to consumables usage and the transfer of<br />

hardware. The vehicle mass properties are tracked and managed to aVOld adverse impacts to the<br />

vehlCle's control characteristics.<br />

Micrometeoroid and Orbital Debris (MMOD) Penetration - MMOD damage causing loss of<br />

a critical function or string of functional redundancy that would lead to loss of vemcle or would<br />

lead to loss of crew.<br />

Mission Control Centers - The central command and control facIl1ty for MISSIon Operations.<br />

Mission Operations - The actiVlties performed to plan, direct, manage, and execute the flIght by<br />

the mission control management, flight controllers, and support orgamzatlOns A subset of the<br />

Flight Operations Execution that begins at liftoff and ends WIth crew egress after landing.<br />

Mission Segment Simulation - A Mission Segment Simulation vanes the inputs to Analysis and<br />

Part Models in accordance with an anticipated portion of the concept mission. Time is the<br />

mdependent variable m a Mission Segment Simulation. Mission Segment SImulations<br />

incorporate as many Analysis and Part Models as is needed to predIct the total performance of a<br />

concept during a segment of the anticipated mission. These models are exposed to input sets that<br />

represent events as a function of time.<br />

Mockups - A training system or other faCll1ty WIth a physlCal similarity to flight or ground<br />

systems hardware for the purpose of training, engineering evaluations, or other studIes.<br />

Module - A self-contamed unIt of a spacecraft that performs a specific task or class oftasks m<br />

support of the major function of the craft (e.g., SM, CM, LAS).<br />

Nominal Operational Scenarios - Cases that descnbe SItuations that are within the planned<br />

capabIlities of the vehicle (example, CEV docking with the lander across a range of lunar<br />

altitudes.)<br />

Non-operating Environment Tests - Tests in environments (shock, vibration, acoustic, and<br />

temperature) willie the hardware IS not in an operating mode (1.e., WIthout power, mechanical, or<br />

propulsion systems in operation). Environmental tests on non-operational hardware (Le., WIthout<br />

power, mechamcal, or propulsion systems in operatlOn) that IS outSIde the normal operating<br />

environment of the subject hardware (I.e. temperature extremes experienced by bertmng system<br />

during Earth Orbit to Destmation Vicinity Phase).<br />

Non Operational Environment - The environment (ground transportatlOn, etc.) in which the<br />

vehicle wlil be exposed to when it is not intended to be operatlOnal.<br />

Attachment J-5<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-5<br />

Modification 65<br />

Off-Nominal Operations Scenarios - Cases that describe situations that are outside the planned<br />

operations (example, inability to dock lander to CEV, resulting in a need to perfonn an EVA to<br />

re-enter the CEV).<br />

Open System Architecture - A system with common interfaces that facilitate products from<br />

multiple vendors to operate on.<br />

Operating Conditions & Environment Tests - Tests of the flIght and support assemblies in<br />

each operating mode and in the maXImum (worst case) predicted operating and environmental<br />

conditions.<br />

Operational Constraint - A limit on the operatIOn of equipment that avoids hazards, precludes<br />

damage or exceSSIve degradation, and observes the certIfied limits of the equipment.<br />

Operational Environment - The environment (thennal, pressure, radIation, etc.) in whIch the<br />

vehicle is intended to be operated<br />

Operational Flights - The actIVIty phase occurring after the design, development, test, transition<br />

and deployment of the ExploratIon System to Space Operations MISSIon Directorate for the<br />

purposes of space exploratIOn and pursuing the Vision.<br />

Operational Interfaces - Fonnal organizational and personnel interactions reqUIred to<br />

Implement contract responsibilities and the necessary interfaces to fully mtegrate and coordinate<br />

activities internal and external to the CEV program.<br />

Operations - The processes, plans, system requIrements, procedures, and work to be perfonned<br />

associated With the preparation, launch and flIght execution, and recovery ofthe CEV. The scope<br />

of Operations concern the activities with eqUipment once it has been delivered to the government<br />

and are in support of the integrated test and operational flights. ThIs IS applicable to all types of<br />

operations.<br />

Part Models - A Part Model descnbes a function-perfornnng component or system. In ItS most<br />

fundamental fonn, a part model describes the geometry of the part, component or system in<br />

question. Early in the design process, a part model may be a crudely defined vehicle sub-system.<br />

As concept development progresses, fidehty IS added regarding the characteristics and<br />

perfonnance of the part. The difference between a Part Model and an Analysis Model is that a<br />

Part Model tracks all discipline parameters that are relevant to a particular part/component, while<br />

an Analysis Model can be executed to detennine the perfonnance of several components for a<br />

particular discipline or group of disciplines.<br />

Part Task Trainers - Facilities and equipment that are highly specialized and serve to train a<br />

speCIfic subset of a larger system.<br />

Past Performance - The initiative to gather (and use in future source selection) factual<br />

infomtatlOn about the perfonnance of a contractor against the perfonnance reqUirements in the<br />

contract.<br />

Post Landing Operations - The activities required to plan, deploy, prepare the landing sites and<br />

landing aids for the flight vehicle, aid crew egress and transport, perfonn medical/emergency<br />

operations, safe flight hardware, and transport/retrieve appropriate parts of the flight system.<br />

Attachment J-5<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong> Attachment J-5<br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Modification 65<br />

Preflight Operations - All the activities perfonned prior to liftoff of the vehicle. Includes<br />

ground processing, training, flight deSign, analysis, planning and launch operations.<br />

Preliminary Design Review (PDR) - The PDR demonstrates that the preliminary design meets<br />

all system requirements With acceptable risk. It shows that the correct design option has been<br />

selected, interfaces identified, and verifications methods have been satisfactorily described. It<br />

also establishes the basis for proceeding With detailed design.<br />

Probabilistic Risk Assessment - A set of methodologies employed to deterrnme quantitative<br />

probability a given end state or states (e.g., Loss of Mission, Loss of Crew) Will occur<br />

Probabilistic Risk Assessment results can be used to develop or validate Fault Trees and Failure<br />

Modes analysis. They also can be used as a tool for making deSign and logistics decisions.<br />

Procedure - Set of detailed mstructIons used by the crew, ground operations and flight<br />

operations personnel to assess status, reconfigure, operate, trouble-shoot, safe, and maintain CEV<br />

systems under both nominal and off-nominal conditions. The procedures may also be executed<br />

by spacecraft executor software to fulfill specific tasks.<br />

Process Integrity Metrics - A measurement of how well a process IS meeting its intended goal.<br />

Qualification - The activity that proves deSign, manufacturing, and assembly have resulted in<br />

hardware/software that confonns to deSign and perfonnance reqUirements during or after<br />

exposure to speCific envIronmental conditions. The qualification activity consists of various tests,<br />

analyses, demonstratIOns, and mspections as required to verify confonnance of deSign to<br />

specified requirements.<br />

Qualification Margin - An increase in the tested, demonstrated, or analyzed conditions beyond<br />

the most severe occurrence expected during the service life (including acceptance testmg) in<br />

order to show suffiCient robustness in the deSign. A qualification margin may be an increase in<br />

operating or non-operatmg level, range, cycles or duration of exposure to environmental<br />

conditions (such as temperature or vibration) or parameters (such as voltage, current, load, or<br />

torque). Qualification margm requirements are intended to achieve robustness for:<br />

• Tolerance of the unit to unit differences m flight articles and the qualification article<br />

due to allowed or expected variations in parts, manufacturing tolerances, material<br />

properties, and manufacturing processes.<br />

• Immunity to degradation such as fatigue, wear, loss of properties, or functionality<br />

after experiencing a speCified maximum amount of acceptance testing and<br />

operational usage.<br />

Qualification Tests - Fonnal tests conducted with defined qualification margin as part of the<br />

certification program to qualIfy a design, rnanufacturmg process, and acceptance testing program<br />

to produce eqUipment able to accomplish the full range of perfonnance requirements in all<br />

predicted operating and non-operatmg service life environments (mcluding acceptance testing).<br />

Real-Time Support - Level of support that has the personnel, tools, and locale necessary to<br />

provide immediate response.<br />

Risk - The uncertainty of attaining a perfonnance outcome or result and IS the function of the<br />

probability and the consequence of failing to attain the perfonnance outcome or result.<br />

Attachment J-5<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-5<br />

Modification 65<br />

Risk Management (RM) - The processes for identlfymg, assessing, mitigating, and trackmg<br />

risks.<br />

Runtime Infrastructure (RTI) - The software that provides common interface servIces during a<br />

HIgh Level ArchItecture (HLA) federation execution for synchronization and data exchange.<br />

Safety-Critical Software - Software is safety-critical If It meets at least one of the followmg<br />

criteria:<br />

1. Resides in a safety-critical system (as detenmned by a hazard analysis AND at least one ofthe<br />

followmg.<br />

a. Causes or contributes to a hazard.<br />

b. Provides control or IllitlgatlOn for hazards.<br />

c. Controls safety-critical functions.<br />

d. Processes safety-cntical commands or data.<br />

e. Detects and reports, or takes corrective action, If system reaches hazardous state.<br />

f. Mitlgates damage if a hazard occurs.<br />

g. ReSIdes on the same system (processor) as safety-critical software.<br />

2. Processes data or analyzes trends that lead directly to safety declSlons (e.g., determining when<br />

to turn power off to a wmd tunnel to prevent system destruction.)<br />

3. Provides full or partIal venficatlOn or validation of safety-cntlcal systems, including hardware<br />

or software subsystems.<br />

Service Life - The life of an equipment Item startmg at the completion of fabncation and<br />

continuing through all levels of acceptance testing, handling, transportatlOn, storage, pre-launch<br />

processmg, all phases of flight (launch, on-orbIt, descent, landing), rework/refurbishment, retest,<br />

and reuse as required or specified.<br />

Simulator - A traimng system or facility that generates conditions approxlmatmg actual or<br />

operatlonal conditions to a level commensurate with the function it IS supporting (e.g. training,<br />

testmg, engineering evaluation).<br />

Software - Computer programs, procedures, rules, and associated documentation and data<br />

pertaining to the development and operation of a computer system. Software includes programs<br />

and operatIonal data. This also includes Commercial-Off-The-Shelf, Government-Off-The-Shelf,<br />

Mlhtary-Off-The-Shelf, reuse, auto code generated, finnware, and open source software<br />

components<br />

Software Requirements Review (SwRR) - A reqmrements review that decomposes the<br />

subsystem requirements into lower level flight and ground software reqmrements, which are<br />

documented in a senes of Software RequITements Specifications (SRSs).<br />

Standalone Operations - The activities that mvolve a single flight element.<br />

Statement of Work (SOW) - A document that expresses the tasks to be perfonned by the<br />

contractor.<br />

Subsystem - A system that is part of some larger system. A spacecraft is fITst broken up into<br />

modules (if needed), then mto subsystems, and finally mto components<br />

Attachment J-5<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-5<br />

Modification 65<br />

Sustaining Engineering - Long tenn design engineenng responsibilities and support associated<br />

with Operational flights.<br />

System - A set or arrangement of interdependent elements/segments that are used to accomplish<br />

nusslon objective(s). Exploration systems are Crew Transportation, Cargo Delivery, In-Space<br />

Support, Destination Surface, Robotic Precursor System, and Ground Support. These Systems<br />

comprise the ExploratlOn System of Systems.<br />

System Architecture Model - The combination and coupling of Analysis Model and Part Model<br />

results is one fonn of a System Architecture Model. It not only defines the complete physical and<br />

functional configuration, but it also defines composlte perfonnance and charactenstics of the<br />

system or architecture. A System Architecture Model contains analysis models that are used to<br />

assess perfonnance parameters. It can be thought of as everything that can be driven, visualized<br />

and observed in a large-scale system simulation. A second fonn of a System Architecture Model<br />

is a high-level, functional descnptlon of a system that may at a later date consist of Part and<br />

Analysis Models. System Architecture Models represents vehicle function, structure and behavior<br />

m the fonn of function and component hierarcrues, functlonal allocations, process flow diagrams<br />

and dynamic models.<br />

System Definition Review (SDR) - The SDR examines the proposed system arcrutecture/design<br />

and the flowdown to all functional elements of the system.<br />

System Engineering & Integration (SE&I) - The technical and management efforts for<br />

directing and controlling the mtegrated engineering effort for the System.<br />

System Engineering, Integration & Test (SEI&T) - The design, development, integration, and<br />

test of large and complex systems, where a system is understood to be an assembly or<br />

combmation of interrelated elements or parts working together toward a common obj ective.<br />

Systems Management Software - The subset of flight software performing integrated health<br />

management (mcludmg autOlnated vehicle-level fault detection, isolation and recovery,<br />

troubleshootmg, and prognostication), onboard resource management (including management of<br />

redundancy, power, data, thennal, and other finite items), and autonomous operations support.<br />

These disciplines provide the coordmatlOn of intersystem interactlons, management of<br />

mtersystem dependencies, monitonng of critical resources, a cautlon and warning data synthesis<br />

and identification capability, sequencing between distinct operatlOnal phases or system modes,<br />

and asslstmg the vehicle/crew in overcoming anomahes.<br />

Technical Performance Parameters (TPP) - Techmcal Perfonnance Parameters are identified<br />

by the CEV Program Manager for monitoring during the deslgn and development, such as<br />

margins for Mass Propertles, Power Allocation, Volume, CPU Utilization,<br />

BandwidthIThroughput.<br />

Technology Readiness Level (TRL) - A systematic metnc/measurement system that supports<br />

assessments of the lllaturity of a particular technology and the conslstent comparison of maturlty<br />

between different types of technology.<br />

TRL 1: Basic principles observed and reported<br />

TRL 2: Technology concept and/or application fonnulated<br />

TRL 3: Analytical and experimental critical functlOn and/or characteristic proof-of-concept<br />

TRL 4: Component and/or breadboard vahdatlOn in laboratory enVlronment<br />

Attachment J-5<br />

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Attachment J-5<br />

Modification 65<br />

TRL 5: Component and/or breadboard validation in relevant environment<br />

TRL 6: System/subsystem model or prototype demonstration m a relevant environment (ground<br />

or space)<br />

TRL 7: System prototype demonstration in a space environment<br />

TRL 8: Actual system completed and "flight qualified" through test and demonstration (ground or<br />

space)<br />

TRL 9: Actual system "flight proven" through successful mission operations<br />

Test-qualified Hardware/Software - Hardware/Software used to support testing of other<br />

hardware/software that is of sufficient fidelity and validation to conduct a valid test of the<br />

hardware/software bemg tested.<br />

Timeline - A sequential series of events that descnbe the CEV operatIOn. A timeline can<br />

represent the vehicles IlliSSlOn at different levels of detail (ex. overview, SUlllillarY and detailed<br />

timelines). The tlmelme mcludes mfonnation on trajectory events and scheduled crew activities<br />

as well as assOCiated ground activities.<br />

Training Systems - The hardware, software, and facilities reqUired to educate, test, certify,<br />

qualify, standboard, mamtam proficiency, and otherwise prepare the crew, ground and flight<br />

operations personnel for successful executIOn of Exploration missions.<br />

Transition - The handover of the CEV's operation, hardware and software responsibilities from<br />

the combined developing contractor team and <strong>NASA</strong> ExploratIOn Space Mission Directorate to<br />

the <strong>NASA</strong> Space Operations Mission Directorate's operatIOns, engmeering and management<br />

teams.<br />

Unit Testing - The testing of individual hardware components or software components (CSUs)<br />

to ensure that they operate correctly.<br />

Validation I - Assessment of a set of requirements demonstrating that the requrrements are<br />

feasible withm allowable means (cost/schedule/technical capability), are verifiable, and if fully<br />

met, will produce a product that accomplishes the intended objectives.<br />

Validation 2 - Proof that the product accomplishes the mtended purpose. May be determined by a<br />

combination of test, analysis, and demonstration.<br />

Vehicle MotionIFlight Simulations - A vehicle motion simulation couples a large-scale<br />

simulation to physical hardware. Tills typically consists of vehicle and facility interiors with flight<br />

controls, access points and sensory cues. These simulations are used to characterize the<br />

interaction between human operators and the concept in question.<br />

Verification - Proof of compliance With speCifications. May be detennmed by a combination of<br />

test, analysis, demonstration, and mspectton.<br />

Attachment J-5<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-7<br />

Modification 65<br />




Contract <strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Schedule A<br />

May 2009<br />

Note: All period of performance and milestone provisional and interim evaluations<br />

are subject to a final award fee determination to be made by the Government<br />

after completion of all interim evaluations for all milestones and periods of<br />

performance.<br />

Attachment J-7<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-7<br />

Modification 65<br />


In accordance with the provisions of the Federal AcqUisition Regulation (FAR), and <strong>NASA</strong> and JSC policies,<br />

a performance evaluation procedure IS hereby established for determination of award fees payable under<br />

this contract. The award fee IS designed to provide economic motivation for the Contractor to provide<br />

timely, high quality outputs that exceed the minimum reqUirements of the contract. The intent of this plan IS<br />

to set up procedures for evaluation of Contractor performance using eXisting data and systems to the<br />

maximum extent while imposing minimum administrative burden on the Government and Contractor. The<br />

payment of any award fee is contingent upon compliance with contractual reqUirements and performance to<br />

the degree speCified below<br />

This contract IS a hybrtd contract consisting of three schedules, Schedules A, S, and C. Award fee<br />

evaluation for Schedules A and C are covered by attachments J-7 and J-17, respectively Schedule S<br />

contains separate Incentives speCifiC to that contract schedule, and IS not subject to award fee provisions.<br />

Effective with Contract Modification 65, the available Award Fee for Schedule A has been divided Into two<br />

types of Award Fee pools The first pool is the Period of Performance Award Fee ThiS pool was<br />

established utilizing 36 4% of the available Award Fee for Schedule A and has set periods of performance<br />

for each Award Fee pertod In order to faCilitate the evaluation and billing process outlined in this attachment<br />

and Section G, Clause G.3, respectively The second pool IS the Performance Milestone Award Fee ThiS<br />

pool was established utilizing 63.6% of the available Award Fee for Schedule A Each Performance<br />

Milestone has a completion date associated with it as outlined in Enclosure II, Table B<br />

The Contractor's Intertm performance under Schedule A will be evaluated by <strong>NASA</strong> at the expiration of<br />

each pertod specified In Enclosure II, Table A, Pertod of Performance Fee Dlstrtbutlon The evaluation to<br />

be performed by <strong>NASA</strong> Will be based on <strong>NASA</strong>'s assessment of the Contractor's accomplishment of the<br />

various areas of work covered by the Statement of Work, In accordance with the factors, welghtlngs,<br />

procedures, and other proVISions set forth below<br />

The amount of available Award Fee in each period is subject to eqUitable adjustments arising from changes<br />

or other contract modifications as descrtbed In Enclosure III. The amount of the Award Fee to be paid is<br />

determined by the Government's evaluation of the Contractor's performance in terms of the crtterta stated in<br />

the contract ThiS determination and the methodology for determining the Award Fee are unilateral<br />

decisions made solely at the discretion of the Government The Government may unilaterally change any<br />

areas of thiS plan not otherwise reqUIring mutual agreement under the contract Such changes will be<br />

made prtor to the beginning of an evaluation pertod to which the changes apply by timely notice to the<br />

Contractor in writing. The Contractor Will be Informed of any changes to the evaluation criteria or the<br />

weightlngs prtor to the affected Award Fee period.<br />

Each award fee evaluation, with the exception of the last evaluation, will be an Intertm evaluation and the<br />

corresponding fee payment IS provisional only All interim evaluations and provisional fee payments Will be<br />

superseded by the final evaluatton and fee determination for Schedule A<br />

Attachment J-7<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-7<br />

Modification 65<br />

II.<br />


A. Performance Evaluation Board Integration Team (PEB-IT)<br />

The PEB-IT will be composed of selected <strong>NASA</strong> technical and administrative personnel and headed by the<br />

Contracting Officer's Technical Representative (COTR). The COTR will be the focal pOint for the<br />

accumulation and development of Award Fee evaluation reports, reviews, and presentations, as well as<br />

discussions with Contractor management on Award Fee matters The PEB-IT will evaluate the Contractor's<br />

performance as related to the criteria listed In paragraph III below<br />

The PEB-IT will furnish the Contractor performance evaluations at a minimum at the midpoint of the interim<br />

evaluation period. The purpose of these communications is to discuss any speCifiC areas where the<br />

Contractor has excelled and areas where future improvement IS necessary Routine and timely feedback<br />

will be provided to the contractor through the Technical Management Representatives (TMR). The routine<br />

feedback will also be reflected in the midpOint and interim evaluations The Government's failure to prOVide<br />

interim feedback to the contractor dUring the period shall not preclude the Government from considering<br />

any defiCiency In the contractor's performance In connection With the performance determination<br />

The PEB-IT Will prepare an evaluation report for review by the PEB for each evaluation period. This report<br />

will Include a recommendation to the PEB as to the adjective rating and numerical score (Enclosure 1) to be<br />

assigned for the Contractor's performance for the perIOd evaluated.<br />

B. Performance Evaluation Board (PEB)<br />

The Performance Evaluation Board (PEB) Will be comprised of selected technical and administrative<br />

personnel of <strong>NASA</strong> The PEB will assess the Contractor's performance after each evaluation period to<br />

determine whether, and to what extent, the Contractor's performance during the evaluation period<br />

(milestone) IS deserving of the interim payment of Award Fee The PEB, at the end of each evaluation<br />

period, will conSider the PEB-IT report (PEBR) and prepare a summary of the evaluations for review by the<br />

Fee Determination OffiCial (FDO) This summary Will Include a recommendation to the FDO as to the<br />

adjective rating and numerical score to be assigned for the Contractor's performance In the preceding<br />

evaluation period.<br />

C. <strong>NASA</strong> Constellation Program Manager (PM)<br />

After receiving any comments from the Contractor on the evaluation conducted by the PEB, and prior to<br />

presentation of evaluation results to the FDO, the PEB chairperson will brief the PM on the evaluation<br />

results. The PM will ensure that due consideration has been given to all programmatic aspects of the<br />

Contractor's performance, Including areas such as consistency In program assessment of contract<br />

performance across all Constellation contracts The PM may reqUire the PEB to reconvene to conSider<br />

additional programmatic Information If reconvened, the PEB Will determine that reviSions to the PEB report<br />

either are or are not necessary based upon the PEB's analYSIS of the additional information The PEB<br />

report Will then either be revised or It Will be noted that the PEB did reconvene and the programmatic advice<br />

received by the PM, along With the PEB dispOSItion of the additional information Will be provided to the<br />

FDO<br />

D. Fee Determination Official<br />

A senior <strong>NASA</strong> official will be the FDO After considering available pertinent information and<br />

recommendations, the FDO will make an interim performance determination for each period in accordance<br />

with the prOVIsions of thiS Attachment J-7 and G 3 "Award Fee for End Item contracts" per the applicable<br />

schedule The same process will be followed for the final performance evaluation period except the<br />

determination will be final as defined by the clause<br />

Attachment J-7<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J -7<br />

Modification 65<br />

The FDO will consider the recommendation of the PES, PES-IT Report, information proVided by the<br />

Contractor, If any, and any other pertinent information in determining the performance score The FDO's<br />

determination of the score will be stated In a written Award Fee Determination and Will be provided to the<br />

Contractor by the Contracting Officer within 45 calendar days after the end of the evaluation period.<br />

III.<br />


Award Fee Periods<br />

Schedule "A" DDT&E<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> will evaluate this contract schedule in accordance with the clause NFS 1852216-77, Award Fee for<br />

End Item Contracts Each award fee period Will be based on Enclosure II Table A periods of performance.<br />

Each interim award fee period and provIsional payment IS based on the period of performance of the<br />

evaluation period and the Contractor's successful completion of the mllestone(s) during the evaluation<br />

period as Identified In Enclosure II, Table B The award fee distribution tables contained In Enclosure II,<br />

Period of Performance Fee Distribution (Table A) and Performance Milestones (Table B), provide the<br />

Award Fee periods of performance and list of performance milestones along with the available provIsional<br />

and interim fee for each period of performance and milestone. The award fee distribution table contained in<br />

Enclosure II, Table C, Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Delivery Orders, provides a list of Issued<br />

delivery orders and the maximum award fee available. In accordance with NFS 1852.216-77, all award fee<br />

evaluations, with the exception of the last evaluation, Will be interim evaluations.<br />

Objective and Subjective Criteria<br />

No later than 30 calendar days prior to the start of each Interim Award Fee evaluation period, the Contractor<br />

may submit to the Contracting Officer recommended objective performance metrics, weightings, and Areas<br />

of EmphaSIS (AOE) for conSideration by <strong>NASA</strong> to be used for the ensuing evaluation period<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> will establish performance metrics and AOE for each evaluation period and communicate these to<br />

the Contractor at least 15 calendar days prior to the start of each evaluation period <strong>NASA</strong> may unilaterally<br />

change the welghtings of the cntena from penod to penod However, cost control Will be weighted at no<br />

less than 25 percent.<br />

Contractor Self Evaluation and Submissions<br />

The Contractor shall furnish a self-evaluation for each evaluation penod The self-evaluation must be<br />

received by the Contracting Officer 5-working days prior to the end of the penod and shall be limited to no<br />

more than 20 pages At the PEB meeting, the Contractor may proVide a self-evaluation presentation (a<br />

copy of which shall be prOVided to the PES) not to exceed 30 minutes in length.<br />

The Contractor Will be furnished a copy of the PES's findings, conclUSions, and fee recommendation The<br />

Contractor Will be afforded the opportunity to submit for conSideration of the FDO: (a) proposed evaluations<br />

or conclUSions or (b) exceptions to the evaluations, conclusions, or fee recommendations of the PEB; and<br />

(c) supporting reasons for such exceptions or proposed evaluations or conclusions The Contractor's<br />

submiSSions must be made In Writing and must be submitted through the Contracting Officer to the FDO<br />

within 5-working days from the date of the Contractor's receipt of the PES findings If the Contractor does<br />

not proVide additional Information to the Contracting Officer Within the time stated above <strong>NASA</strong> will<br />

conclude that the Contractor concurs With the evaluation and recommended score.<br />

In the event the FDO has not received a submiSSion from the Contractor, the performance determination<br />

will not be executed until expiration of the 5-working day period preSCribed above for Contractor<br />

submiSSion The Contractor may waive the 5-worklng day waiting period by providing a written statement<br />

that no response Will be submitted<br />

Attachment J-7<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J -7<br />

Modification 65<br />

The Contractor shall submit to the Contracting Officer a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) for any weaknesses<br />

or falling objective performance areas Identified by <strong>NASA</strong> as part of the evaluation. The CAP should<br />

Include a descnption of the non-conformance, determination of the root cause of the non-conformance,<br />

action required to correct the weakness and prevent recurrences, and the schedule for completion of the<br />

action. The CAP shall be submitted to the Contracting Officer within 30 calendar days after receipt of the<br />

each interim performance determination for the evaluation period. Corrective Actions will be closed by<br />

concurrence from the Contracting Officer and the COTR Failure to submit a CAP within the timeframe<br />

stated above will result In a weakness In the next evaluation period.<br />

Interim Feedback to the Contractor<br />

During the course of a periodic evaluation period, the PEB-IT will communicate with the evaluation monitors<br />

and others as deemed appropnate to ascertain whether there are any areas of the contractor's performance In<br />

which significant improvement is required. The PEB-IT will provide prompt written notice to the contractor of<br />

any such significant areas known to him, and will also highlight other areas of Government concern For each<br />

such letter Issued, the contractor IS reqUired to respond In a timely manner, setting forth plans for Increasing<br />

effectiveness in the areas addressed or explaining why It IS not feaSible to do so<br />

The need for such interim feedback will vary according to the circumstances Involved, such as the length of<br />

the evaluation penod, the contractor's performance In previous periods, the nature of the work being done<br />

during the period, etc Hence, the Government's failure to prOVide interim feedback to the contractor during<br />

the period shall not preclude the Government from consldenng any defiCiency In the contractor's performance<br />

In connection with the determination of the amount of fee to be awarded to the contractor. TYPically, the<br />

Government will prOVide feedback to the contractor at every 3 months during the evaluation penod At a<br />

minimUm, the Government Will proVide feedback at the midpoint of the evaluation penod.<br />

IV.<br />


<strong>NASA</strong> will use the follOWing subjective factors as a baSIS for arriving at the interim and final award fee<br />

score:<br />

Award Fee Evaluation Cntena<br />

Technical<br />

Program Management<br />

Cost<br />

Small BUSiness/Smail Disadvantaged BUSiness<br />

Subcontracting Goals<br />

Weight<br />

45%<br />

20%<br />

25%<br />

10%<br />

A. Technical (45%)<br />

ThiS factor will Include an evaluation of the Contractor's performance In all areas of Technical<br />

performance, both Intenm and final This includes.<br />

I Safety and mission assurance,<br />

II ReqUirements definition and flow down,<br />

iii. Risk management,<br />

IV Margin management, and<br />

v. Innovation. (Innovation, both here and In Program Management, is defined as innovations that<br />

reduce cost, benefit schedule both from a current and future perspective, or result In Improved<br />

design, coordination, or communication without adverse effects on performance, cost, or schedule)<br />

VI Life Cycle Cost<br />

B. Program Management (20%)<br />

This factor will Include an evaluation of the Contractor's performance in all areas of Program<br />

Management performance, both Intenm and final ThiS Includes schedule management, subcontract<br />

management, responsiveness, Innovation, life cycle cost management, and corporate commitment to<br />

Attachment J-7<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-7<br />

Modification 65<br />

capital Investments and personnel (Corporate commitment to personnel Includes the quantity and<br />

quality of personnel assigned to the CEV Phase 2 contract. Quantity includes ramp-up and retention of<br />

qualified personnel at adequate levels to meet schedule, cost and performance objectives Quality of<br />

personnel Will be evaluated on the Contractor's success In maintaining and replacing key personnel<br />

Within the CEV Phase 2 contract)<br />

C. Cost Management (25%)<br />

This factor will include an evaluation of the Contractor's cost performance under the contract. Earned<br />

Value Management System data, cost performance reports and other cost data sources will be used in<br />

the Cost Management assessment for this factor. Cost performance Will be assessed by evaluating the<br />

cost expended on the actual work performed during the period being evaluated, Including quantitative<br />

assessment of the award fee period cumulative Cost Performance Index (CPI) In addition, a<br />

qualitative assessment of appropriate earned value variances, cost implications of the Schedule<br />

Performance Index (SPI), and other period-specific cost management trend data will be considered.<br />

D. Small Business/Small Disadvantaged Business Subcontracting Goals (10%)<br />

The Contractor's performance will be evaluated against the contract goals for small/small<br />

disadvantaged business subcontracting<br />

V. SCORING<br />

The percentage of award fee to be paid for a period is equal to the numerical score assigned. In<br />

accordance with the Section G clause for award fee, no award fee Will be paid when Contractor<br />

performance IS determined to be Poor/Unsatisfactory.<br />

An overall performance evaluation and fee determination of zero shall be made for any evaluation period<br />

when there is a major breach of safety or security as defined In NFS 1852 223-75, Major Breach of Safety<br />

or Security.<br />

VI.<br />


Enclosure I.<br />

Enclosure II.<br />

Enclosure III<br />

Numencal Ranges and Adjective Definitions<br />

Award Fee Periods, Milestones and Award Fee Available for Payment and Earned<br />

Future Contract Changes - Award Fee Distribution Methodology<br />

Attachment J -7<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-7<br />

Modification 65<br />

Numerical Ranges and Adjective Definitions<br />

Enclosure I<br />

This enclosure sets forth the adjective ratings, definitions, and associated numerical ranges to be used to<br />

define the various levels of performance under the contract<br />


RANGE OF<br />

POINTS<br />


Excellent 100 - 91<br />

Of exceptional merit, exemplary<br />

performance In a timely, efficient and<br />

economical manner; very minor (if any)<br />

deficiencies with no adverse effect on<br />

overall performance.<br />

Very Good 90 - 81<br />

Very effective performance, fully<br />

responsive to contract, contract<br />

reqUirements accomplished In a timely,<br />

efficient and economical manner for the<br />

most part, only minor deficiencies<br />

Good 80 -71<br />

Effective performance; fully responsive to<br />

contract reqUirements; reportable<br />

defiCienCies, but with little identifiable<br />

effect on overall performance.<br />

Satisfactory 70 - 61<br />

Meets or slightly exceeds minimum<br />

acceptable standards; adequate results;<br />

reportable defiCienCies with identifiable,<br />

but not substantial, effects on overall<br />

performance<br />

Poor/Unsatisfactory 60 - 0<br />

Does not meet minimum acceptable<br />

standards In one or more areas, remedial<br />

action reqUired in one or more areas;<br />

deficiencies in one or more areas which<br />

adversely affect overall performance.<br />

Attachment J -7<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attaclunent J-7<br />

Modification 65<br />

Enclosure"<br />

Award Fee Periods. Milestones and Award Fee Available for Payment and Earned<br />

Provided within this Enclosure are the Tables A, Band C, which reflect, respectively, Period of Performance<br />

Award Fee Pool, Performance Milestone Award Fee Pool, and 10lQ Award Fee Available. The Award Fee<br />

periods and milestones, Award Fee available for payment and the Interim Award Fee earned.<br />

All period of performance and milestone provisional and interim evaluations are subject to a final award fee<br />

determination to be made by the Government after completion of all interim evaluations for all milestones<br />

and periods of performance.<br />

Table A: Period of Performance Award Fee Pool Fee Distribution<br />

Period of Performance Award Fee periods have been be established and reflected in Table A. These<br />

periods will remain set as the Award Fee periods to be used for interim award fee evaluations. These<br />

periods will be used as measurements of performance in accordance with the Award Fee for End Item<br />

Contracts.<br />

Available Period<br />

Award Fee Evaluation Period of Performance Available IDIQ Total Available Interim Earned<br />

Period Schedule Award Fee Award Fee"" Award Fee Award Fee<br />

1"<br />

2 9/1/07 - 4/30/09<br />

3 5/1109 - 4/30/10<br />

4 5/1/10 - 4/30/11<br />

b~<br />

5 5/1111 - 4/30/12<br />

6 5/1112 - 4/30/13<br />

7 5/1113 - 4/30/14<br />

8 5/1114 -12/31/14<br />

Total<br />

• At the time of Award Fee Period 1 evaluation, all Award Fee was based on Performance Milestones;<br />

therefore, all Period 1 Award Fee is reflected in Table B of this Enclosure.<br />

··Starting with Award Fee Period 2, 10lQ Fee is Included in Table A, Period of Performance Fee<br />

Determination.<br />

Table B: Performance Milestones Award Fee Pool<br />

Performance Milestones have been be established prior to contract award. These milestones will be used<br />

as measurements of performance in accordance with the Award Fee for End Item Contracts.<br />

For purposes of making provisional milestone award fee payments for completed milestones, this<br />

agreement recognizes milestone dates for each mission milestone are tied to the final hardware 00250<br />

dates, With the exception of PA-1, which has two milestones tied to specific hardware 00250 dates.<br />

Although provisional award fee payments will be made for mission milestones after the 00250 dates within<br />

whichever POP the hardware is accepted, the interim evaluation and resultant interim award fee payment<br />

for that same milestone will not be made until the conclusion of the actual POP during which the<br />

Government is reasonably able to perform a thorough evaluation of the actual mission performance of the<br />

delivered hardware.<br />

For purposes of making provisional milestone award fee payments for completed PORlCORlOCR, this<br />

agreement recognizes milestone completion dates based upon the submission of all OROs required to<br />

support the actual PORlCORlOCR meetings. Although provisional award fee payments will be made for<br />

Attaclunent J-7<br />

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-- --<br />

--<br />


<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-7<br />

Modification 65<br />

these milestones after submission of all required DROs, the interim evaluation and resultant interim award<br />

fee payment for that same milestone will not be made until all completion criteria for the actual<br />

PDRlCDRlDCR meetings have been met. If the actual review is held and the review's completion criteria<br />

met during the same period during which all required DRDs for that review were submitted, then the interim<br />

evaluation and award fee payment for that review milestone will be accomplished at the conclusion of that<br />

period of performance. However, if the actual review is held or its completion criteria met in a period<br />

subsequent to the one during which all required DRDs were submitted, the interim evaluation will be<br />

conducted at the end of the period of performance during which the completion criteria for that review<br />

milestone is completed.<br />

f--__ -.:.:.M;.:.:iestor:!~_____II___'M.:.:;i;;.;le:c::s.:..;;to:..:,n:..:;e-=D:;..:a:..:.te=-"__I--'-Avaiiable Fee<br />

8/31/2007<br />

IDIO Fee··<br />

4/21/2009<br />

4/18/2009<br />

8/21/2009<br />

10/8/2010<br />

6/1/2010<br />

8/11/2011<br />

9/7/2012<br />

6/3/2013<br />

1/18/2014<br />

12/2/2013 L<br />

6/2/2014<br />

Total<br />

"Dates correspond with final hardware DD250 per Attachment J-9, "Deliverable' items List"<br />

Interim Earned<br />

Fee<br />

" "Starting with Award Fee Period 2, 1010 Award Fee is included in Table A, Period of Performance Award<br />

Fee Pool<br />

Attachment J-7<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-7<br />

Modification 65<br />

Table C: Indefinite Delivery I Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Award Fee<br />

The maximum award fee available for 1010 delivery/task orders is as follows·<br />

l<br />

Delivery Order<br />

Number<br />

, NNJ07T A26T<br />

NNJ07TA27T<br />

NNJ07T A28T*<br />

NNJ07TA29T<br />

Award Fee Award Fee Award Fee Award Fee<br />

Period 1: Period 2: Period 3: Period 4:<br />

ATP - 8/31/07 9/1/07.4/30/09 5/1/09·4130/10 5/1/10 - 4130/11<br />

NNJ07TA30T<br />

NNJ07TA31T*<br />

NNJ07T A32T*<br />

NNJ07TA33T* ~ If"\'<br />

l,f<br />

NNJ07TA34T*<br />

NNJ07TA35T ,<br />

NNJ08TA15T*<br />

NNJ08TA16T<br />

NNJ08TA17T<br />

NNJ08TA18T<br />

NNJ08TA19T<br />

NNJ08TA20T<br />

NNJ08TA21T<br />

NNJ09TAOH<br />

NNJ09TA02T*<br />

Task Order 20-<br />

Task Order 21-<br />

Total Maximum<br />

Award Fee<br />

r<br />

., •<br />

-'-<br />

Award Fee Award Fee<br />

Period 5: Period 6:<br />

5/1/11 - 4130/12 5/1/12 - 4130/13<br />

Award Fee<br />

Period 7:<br />

511113 - 4130/14<br />

Award Fee<br />

Period 8:<br />

5/1/14 - 12131/14<br />

,<br />

Total<br />

kJ{<br />

I<br />

,<br />

*Oue to the period of performance for these dehvery/task orders. award fee IS reflected in multiple award fee periods.<br />

Attachment J-7<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-7<br />

Modification 65<br />

Enclosure III<br />

Future Contract Changes - Award Fee Distribution Methodology<br />

This enclosure sets forth the methodology for distributing Award Fee for future contract changes.<br />

Award Fee dollars will be split 40% to the POP Award Fee (Enclosure II, Table A) and 60% to the remaining<br />

incomplete Milestones (Enclosure II, Table 8) as described in paragraphs I and II below. 100% of the IDIQ<br />

Award Fee dollars will be allocated to POP Award Fee (Enclosure II, Table A) evenly by month based on<br />

the IDIQ period of performance.<br />

I. POP Award Fee (40%) (Enclosure II. Tables A and C)<br />

POP Award Fee will be spread among the remaining milestones, proportionately based on the percentage<br />

for each period. As a period is completed, the aggregate percentages are re-calculated using a ratio based<br />

on the percentage values of the remaining periods.<br />

All future IDIIQ Award Fee will be Included in the POP Award Fee pool and split evenly by month based<br />

upon the awarded Delivery/Task Order period of performance.<br />

Award Fee Period Period % of Fee Pool<br />

1* **<br />

2 9/1/07 - 4/30/09<br />

3 5/1109 - 4/30/10<br />

5/1/10 - 4/30/11 vi( -<br />

4<br />

5 5/1/11 - 4/30/12<br />

6 5/1/12 - 4/30/13<br />

7 5/1/13 - 4/30/14<br />

8 5/1114 -12/31/14<br />

.-<br />

Total 100.00%<br />

* ThIS Award Fee Plan was restructured dUring Award Fee PerIod 2.<br />

At the time of Award Fee Period 1 evaluation, all Award Fee was<br />

based on Performance Milestones; therefore, all Period 1 Award Fee<br />

IS ref/ected in Enclosure II, Table 8 of this Enclosure.<br />

** Denotes Period Complete<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

Attachment J-7<br />

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Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J -7<br />

Modification 65<br />

II. Milestone Award Fee (60%) (Enclosure II. Table B)<br />

Milestone Award Fee will be spread among the remaining milestones, proportionately based on the<br />

basic percentage for each milestone. As a milestone is completed, the aggregate percentages are<br />

recalculated, using a ratio based on the basic percentage values of the remaining milestones.<br />

Should a new milestone be added or deleted, based on a contract change or otherwise, the<br />

milestone percentages would be subject to change based on impact of the additional milestone.<br />

I-<br />

r<br />

I-<br />

-<br />

Milestone<br />

\p~<br />

Total<br />

**<br />

Denotes Milestone Complete<br />

Milestone Date<br />

8/31/2007<br />

4/21/2009<br />

4/18/2009<br />

8/21/2009<br />

6/112010<br />

1018/2010<br />

8111/2011<br />

9/712012<br />

6/3/2013<br />

1/18/2014<br />

12/2/2013<br />

61212014<br />

Allocation<br />

Percentages<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

laf -<br />

-<br />

.~ . -------- -... -..<br />

100%<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

.<br />

Attachment J-7<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-9<br />

Modification 65<br />



May 2009<br />

Attachment J-9<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle - (CEV)<br />



Attachment J-9<br />

Modification 65<br />

The Deliverable Items List (Attachment J-9) contains all deliverables described in the Statement of<br />

Work (SOW), excluding the DRDs listed in Attachment J-2, Data Procurement Document and the date<br />

each deliverable is scheduled. This list includes contractor deliverables, including the Ground Support<br />

Equipment to be delivered in support of spacecraft processing, launch and recovery.<br />

A deliverable item is defined as, an item which, upon delivery, accountability is transferred to <strong>NASA</strong>.<br />

Each deliverable shall be accompanied by the appropriate transmittal documentation (e.g., DD2S0 Form<br />

or DD149 form, Certificate ofCompletioniCompliance (COC), Letter of Transmittal).<br />

Unless otherwise marked in the list below, all deliverables shall be submitted via the DD250 Form.<br />

Note: Items marked with (1) are associated with Schedule B. These delivery dates and vehicle<br />

designations have not been updated to be consistent with Contract Attachment J-16, and will be revised<br />

under a separate contract action prior to the date that the Schedule B and C Options are authorized.<br />

Attachment J-9<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-10<br />

Modification 65<br />




Guidance for List of Installation-Accountable Property (NFS<br />

1852.245-71 Alt I Nov 2004) is included in Section G.g of Orion<br />

Contract<br />

The J-1 0 IS a listing of tangible property that the Government<br />

maintains records for and will be made available to LMSSC at a<br />

<strong>NASA</strong> facility (for use on the facility) for performance of the On on<br />

contract.<br />

Attachment J-1 0<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV)<br />

Attachment J-11<br />

Modification 65<br />



Guidance for List of Government -Furnished Property (NFS 1852.245-76 Oct 1988)<br />

is included in Section G.1 0 of Orion Contract<br />

The J-11 is a listing of tangible property that the Government transfers to the<br />

contractor for use off <strong>NASA</strong> facilities and the contractor maintains records. The list<br />

will be updated annually during the NF1 018 reporting process to reflect current<br />

Government assets accountable to the contract at that point in time.<br />

Attachment J-11<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV)<br />

Attachment J·12<br />

Modification 65<br />



Guidance for Intallation-Accountable Government Property and Services (NFS 1852245-<br />

77 Jul 1997) is included in Section G 11 of the Orion Contract.<br />

The J-12 is a listing of faCilities that the Government maintainS records for and will be<br />

made available to LMSSC for performance of the Orion contract.<br />

The "services" provided shall also be listed In this attachment<br />

Attachment J-12<br />

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<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV)<br />

Attachment J -16<br />

Modification 65<br />



May 2009<br />

Attachment J-16<br />

Page 1 of4

, OMS Approval" 2700-0042<br />

1 CONTRACT 10 CODE<br />

PAGE OF rCHiS<br />


I<br />

1 1<br />



3 AUOCTn~<br />

Modi.tication 76 N/A ' N,A<br />


7 AOMINISTEReD BY (If other lIran 1t.m'iJ) ,<br />

KASA I.yndon B. Johnson Space Center<br />

Attn: BT j5teve Fletcher<br />

2101 <strong>NASA</strong> Parkway<br />

Houston, TX 77058<br />

-<br />


<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Modffic::atioD 76<br />

Continuation ofblockl4 of the SF30:<br />

In order to implement the ARRA requirements, the following changes to the contract are made:<br />

1. Clause B.3, is revised as follows:<br />

(a) The following changes are made to the Contract value table:<br />

(b)<br />

DesCription DeUvery Estimated Muimum Total Cost and<br />

Order Cost Award Fee Award Fee<br />

Number<br />

Completion Not Applicable<br />

S6, 130,343, 133<br />

Fonn-non<br />

W~ b~<br />

Recovery<br />

Effort<br />

Completion Not Applicable<br />

Fonn-<br />

~ Iof<br />

SI65,900,000<br />

Recovery<br />

Effort<br />

2. Clause F.2, Completion of Work, subparagraph c) is added as follows:<br />

"c) All recovery related work must be completed no later than September I, 2010.<br />

3. Section I is amended to include the following FAR clauses and clause updates:<br />

a) New clauses are hereby included in the by reference clause list and a~ly to Recovery<br />

items only:<br />

1. 52.203-15 Whistleblower Protections Under the American Retovery &.<br />

Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Mar 2009)<br />

2. 52.204-11 American Recovery &. Reinvestment Act-Reporting Requirements<br />

(Mar 2009)<br />

b) Clauses already included in the by reference list are updated as follows:<br />

1. 52.215-2 Audit and Records-Negotiation (Mar 2009) Alt. I (Mar 2009) [Note<br />

that Alt I applies to recovery items only J<br />

2. 52.244-6 Subcontracts for Commercial Items (Mar 2009)[This updated clause<br />

applies to the entire contract, including both recovery and non-recovery items]<br />


<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Modification 76<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

4. Section 1. Attachment J-l Statement of Work is revised to add to following innex:<br />

\<br />

"Statemeut of Work Annex for Recovery Funded efforts I<br />

This statement of work (SOW) is a supplement to the SOW contained in the b8S3' contract in<br />

Attachment J-l. In as much as the work requirements in this Annex supplemen and do not<br />

replace the existing SOW, all of the requirements contained in Attachment J-I d elsewhere in<br />

the contract, remain in full force and effect<br />

Technical Tasks:<br />

The contractor shall deliver work in the three categories which are Ground Test ~cles,<br />

Engineering Design Units, and Technology Development Testing for Improved Crew Safety.<br />

Tasks are more specifically defined in the table below: !<br />

I<br />

I<br />

ORION PROJECT Priority Stimulus Tasks<br />

NAME<br />

IPT<br />

Task DeecrfDtlon<br />

GTA<br />

Ground Test ArtIcle (GTA) Titanium Heat Crew Complete the development of the<br />

Shield<br />

Module<br />

......."'", ............'''''... m h'"<br />

shields. Complete the proc rement of long<br />

lead titanium material for t e Ground Test<br />

Article (GTA) and engineeri g development<br />

unit (EDU) heat shields. Per orm<br />

fabrication of tooling In sup port ofthe GTA<br />

heat shield.<br />

Service Module (SM) Ground Test ArtIcle Service perform the developmen of the<br />

(GTA) Test Article Build & Tooling Module engineering drawings for GTA Service<br />

Module (SM) Structures roolilN.<br />

Service Module (SM) Ground Test Article Service Perform the engineering de elopment<br />

(GTA) Engineering Module activities of the Service Moe uleGround<br />

Test Article Engineering.<br />

I<br />

!<br />


<strong>NNJ06TA25C</strong><br />

Modification 76<br />

EDU<br />

ASIC for Time Triggered Gigabit Ethemet<br />

(TTGbe) and Vehicle Master Computer<br />

Avionics & Software Development &<br />

qualificstlon tools - Verification Test Boards<br />

(VTB)<br />

Communication & Tracking (C& T) early sub<br />

actlVslion<br />

Recover CEV Avionics Integration Lab<br />

(CAlL) Development Costs in FY09 and<br />

FY10<br />

Textron Avcoat EDU<br />

Forward Bay Cover (FBC) Retention &<br />

Release (R&R) Engineering Development<br />

Unit<br />

Avionics &<br />

Software<br />

Avionics &<br />

Software<br />

Avionics &<br />

Software<br />

Avionics &<br />

Software<br />

Crew<br />

Module<br />

Crew<br />

Module<br />

Perform FPGA/board proto f'/pe risk<br />

mitigation testing. Comple e the activities<br />

required to turn on the ASII foundry as well<br />

as perform the build and te t of a prototype<br />

SCP, NIC Switch, PDU contn lIer with FPGA.<br />

Integrate completed items ~to a test<br />

network in a realistic Orion onfiguratlon.<br />

Validate requirements for c mponents<br />

prior to ASIC lOR. i<br />

Develop design speclfic:atio+s, produce<br />

drawings and parts lists, inf-" and verify<br />

the Orion Vehicle master c puter Test<br />

Benches (VTBs) and the Ori n Support<br />

Software Development Lab (SSDL). Perform<br />

the procurement of hardw+,e and software<br />

for the SSDL and the rig har~ware for the<br />

Orion VTBs.<br />

I<br />

COmplete the engineering s ~eclfications,<br />

request for proposais and 51 urce selection<br />

of the subcontracts for spec fic<br />

COmmunication and Tracklrlg components.<br />

Perform long lead procuren ent for the<br />

transponder and baseband processor<br />

EDU's.<br />

Complete the detailed desii n of CEV<br />

Avionics Integration lab sof~are, rig<br />

subsystems and lab Infrast~cture. Perform<br />

the procurement of initial 'fll<br />

infrastructure and prototyPlng effort.<br />

Complete the closeout of th~ Preliminary<br />

Design Review action item~as well as the<br />

Design Analysis Cycle 4 dev lopment<br />

activities for ablative gunnl g and<br />

inspection and test panel faprlcatlon and<br />

heat shield EDU manufactu ng.<br />

Perform the eM Forward B~Y Cover<br />

retention and release EDU t ardware design<br />

development and englneerl g drawings for<br />

parts procurement and fabr cation and test<br />

fixture design.<br />


NNJ06TA2SC<br />

Modiftcadon 76<br />

Crew Module (CM)lService Module (SM)<br />

Retention & Release EDU<br />

Launch Abort System/Crew Module<br />

Retention & Release EDU<br />

Hatches (Docking & Side) Engineering<br />

Development Unit (EDU)<br />

Crew Impaet Attenuation System (CIAS)<br />

Engineering Development Unit (EOU)<br />

Lexan Windows EDU<br />

ECLSS (SM) requirement to meet<br />

qualifiCation deliveries - Included In CM<br />

ECLSS (CM) requirement to meet<br />

qualification deliveries· Includes SM<br />


'oJ(<br />

Crew<br />

Module<br />

Crew<br />

Module<br />

Crew<br />

Module<br />

Crew<br />

Module<br />

Crew<br />

Module<br />

Service<br />

Module<br />

Crew<br />

Module<br />

Crew<br />

Module<br />

Perform the CM/SM retention and release<br />

EDU hardware design development and<br />

engineering drawings for parts<br />

procurement and fabrication and test<br />

fixture des~n.<br />

Perform the LAS/CM retention and release<br />

eDU hardware design develqpment and<br />

engineering drawings for parts<br />

procurement and fabrication and test<br />

flxture design.<br />

Perform the CM hatch (docking and side)<br />

EDU hardware design development and<br />

engineering drawings for patts<br />

procurement and fabrlcatio~ and test<br />

fixture design.<br />

Perform the Crew Impact Attentuation<br />

System EDU hardware design , development<br />

and engineering drawings for parts<br />

procurement and fabrication and test<br />

flxture desJin.<br />

Perform the CM lexan window EDU<br />

hardware design development and<br />

engineering drawings for parts<br />

procurement and fabrication and test<br />

fixture design.<br />

See CM ECLSS below i<br />

Perform the CM/SM ECLSS Ebu hardware<br />

design development and en.lneering<br />

drawings for parts long lead procurement<br />

and fabrication for the specltic subsystems<br />

listed below: C02 and humi~itv control.<br />

Vent and Temp control. Subl,mator Assy.<br />

I<br />

Contingency Gas analvzer.<br />

perform the CM Umbilical QUick Disconnect<br />

deSign and analvsls of the mechanical<br />

devices required to produce engineering<br />

development unit hardware and<br />

component qualification hardware.<br />

I<br />

51 Page

NNJ06TA2SC<br />

Modification 76<br />


~<br />

Station Power Transfer Unit (SPTU)<br />

~ lead procurement for Hot<br />

Flow/Cold Flow Testing<br />

Crew Module Uprlghtlng System (CMUS)<br />

EDUs & Long Lead Procurement<br />

Service Module Fairing Separation Test<br />

Tooling and Panels<br />

Service Module Propulsion Recovery<br />

Teebnology Development Tlldag Cor<br />

Improved Crew SaCety<br />

Material Testing for Thermal Protection<br />

System<br />

Segmented Crew Module (deferred tooling)<br />

Materials & Processing (M&P) for Titanium<br />

Fasteners and 2050 Aluminum<br />

Service<br />

Module<br />

Crew<br />

Module<br />

Crew<br />

Module<br />

Crew<br />

Module<br />

Service<br />

Module<br />

Service<br />

Module<br />

Crew<br />

Module<br />

Crew<br />

Module<br />

Crew<br />

Module<br />

Perform the SM Umbilical Quick Disconnect<br />

design and analysis ofthe mechanical<br />

devices required to produc~ engineering<br />

development unit hardware and<br />

component qualification hardware.<br />

Perform service module radiator<br />

development testing, preliminary design<br />

and analysis, and engineering required for<br />

production of hardware reqi.llred for the<br />

Structure Test Article.<br />

Perform the CM Station Power transfer unit<br />

EDU hardware design development and<br />

engineering drawings for long lead parts<br />

procurement.<br />

I<br />

Complete the fabrication and delivery of<br />

the CM reaction control sys~m Cold flow<br />

development test article (C DTA) and Hot<br />

Fire Test Article (HFTA).<br />

Perform the CMUS EDU hardware design<br />

development and engineering drawings for<br />

long lead procurement of two Inflation<br />

tanks (mass emulators) and 1 CMUS EDU.<br />

Complete the design and d.velopment of<br />

the speCific tooling and pan~!ls for the<br />

service module fairing separ'atlon test.<br />

Perform the engineering an~ drawings for<br />

the service module pressurization system<br />

isolation valves and the assqclated<br />

procurement to support th~ cold gas and<br />

hot fire tests of the Orion Main ell"nes.<br />

,<br />

Perform material testing for, the crew<br />

module thermal protection $ystem.<br />

Complete the design and development of<br />

the specific tooling and hanc~lIng fixtures for<br />

the segmented crew modulI! design.<br />

Complete material testing ot titanium 2050<br />

fasteners for the crew module.<br />

61 P agc

NNJ06TA15C<br />

Modifieation 76<br />

Reporting:<br />

I<br />

In addition to the above tasks, there are reporting requirements that are in additio~ to tbose calIed<br />

for by FAR 52.204-11. The contractor sbalI provide both fmancial reporting as w'ell as technical<br />

progress reports. The above tasks are more broadly associated with satisfaction ~f established<br />

contract requiremeIits and deliverables, but are delineated above to provide appr~ate<br />

segregation for the expenditure of ARRA funding, as well as to facilitate repa' as required by<br />

the use of the funds. The above tasks are delineated to allow the Contractor to p vide<br />

information regarding measurable performance against the task schedules and req irements.<br />

The financial reporting sbalI be in the form of a supplemental report submitted in njunction<br />

with the NF533. LM sbalI provide the details by Stimulus Category (GTA, EDU, Crew Safety)<br />

in the 533 format which include labors hours and total cost, which includes subeo tractors and<br />

materials. The contractor is required to report the CostlHrs in 3 areas (Current a , Cum<br />

actuals, and Current estimate). Based on Recovery Requirements. dolIars shall tracked,<br />

reported, and invoiced separately and shall not be comingled with other funding. or<br />

transparency and traceability, the Stimulus Categories sbalI be identified by was Level 213 in<br />

order split CostIWYE between by Project CAM.<br />

The contractor shall also provide monthly Recovery Act progress reports. Thes~ reports must<br />

describe the cumulative progress made, plans forward and shall also describe any ilifticulties<br />

encountered. progress made shall be estimated and reported using milestone percent complete<br />

reporting. The progress reported must not be percent hours exhausted, percent co+t incurred, or<br />

earned value based. The final report provided shall describe not only work complFte but also<br />

shall document how this activity has reduced the overall risk to the project and sh+U also<br />

document the way in which lessons learned as the result of these activities have b4en incorporated<br />

into the design and manufacturing efforts.<br />

I<br />

I<br />

\<br />

I<br />


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