9225Introduction to CHOCounting.pdf - NDR-UK

9225Introduction to CHOCounting.pdf - NDR-UK

9225Introduction to CHOCounting.pdf - NDR-UK


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What is Carbohydrate?<br />

C a r b o h y d rate is a nutrient and source of energy found in foods such as pota<strong>to</strong>es, r i c e, p a s t a ,<br />

c e r e a l s, m i l k , f r u i t , sweets and sugary drinks.<br />

Types of carbohydrate<br />

Different foods contain different types of carbohydra t e.<br />

• Starchy carbohydrate – pota<strong>to</strong>es, r i c e, p a s t a , n o o d l e s, b r e a d , c e r e a l s, c o u s c o u s, l e n t i l s,<br />

beans and products made from flour.<br />

• F r u c t o s e – fruit and fruit juice.<br />

• L a c t o s e – milk, y o g h u r t , ice cream, c u s t a r d .<br />

• S u c r o s e – table sugar, s y r u p, sweets and sugary drinks.<br />

During digestion your body breaks down the carbohydrate from the food you eat in<strong>to</strong> glucose.<br />

This glucose enters your bloodstream and causes your blood glucose <strong>to</strong> rise. Your body needs<br />

insulin <strong>to</strong> use this glucose for energy. The more carbohydrate you eat, the more insulin you will<br />

need <strong>to</strong> keep your blood glucose within your target ra n g e. T h e r e f o r e, knowing how much<br />

c a r b o h y d rate is in the food and drink you take will help you estimate how much insulin you<br />

n e e d .<br />

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