9225Introduction to CHOCounting.pdf - NDR-UK

9225Introduction to CHOCounting.pdf - NDR-UK

9225Introduction to CHOCounting.pdf - NDR-UK


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How do I use my ICR <strong>to</strong> work out my bolus?<br />

1 . Work out how much carbohydrate is in your meal or snack.<br />

2 . Divide the weight of carbohydrate in your meal or snack by the weight of carbohydrate in your<br />

ICR and multiply this by the units of insulin in your ICR.<br />

If your meal has 40g of carbohydrate and your ICR is 1:10, you should have 4 units of bolus<br />

insulin.<br />

(40 ÷ 10) x 1= 4 units of insulin<br />

If your meal has 60g of carbohydrate and your ICR is 1:7.5 (or 2:15), you should have 8 units of<br />

bolus insulin.<br />

(60 ÷ 7.5) x 1 = 8 units of insulin<br />

((60 ÷ 15) x 2 = 8 units of insulin)<br />

Look at the example below.<br />

M e a l C a r b o h y d r a t e I C R C a l c u l a t i o n B o l u s<br />

B r e a k f a s t 5 0 g 1 : 1 0 (50 ÷ 10) x 1 = 5 5<br />

L u n c h 6 0 g 1 : 1 5 (60 ÷ 15) x 1 = 4 4<br />

D i n n e r 9 0 g 1 : 1 5 (90 ÷ 15) x 1 = 6 6<br />

Now try and work it out for some of your own meals in the table below:<br />

M e a l C a r b o h y d r a t e I C R C a l c u l a t i o n B o l u s<br />

B r e a k f a s t<br />

L u n c h<br />

D i n n e r<br />

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