9225Introduction to CHOCounting.pdf - NDR-UK

9225Introduction to CHOCounting.pdf - NDR-UK

9225Introduction to CHOCounting.pdf - NDR-UK


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Always carefully read labels that provide carbohydrate values for uncooked and cooked<br />

w e i g h t s. Make sure that you understand the label and are using the correct values in your<br />

c a l c u l a t i o n . For example:<br />

Pa s t a 75g dried pasta weighs approximately 170g when cooked<br />

Typical values Each serving 75g when cooked 100g<br />

E n e r g y 260 k c a l 345 k c a l<br />

C a r b o h y d ra t e 54 . 0 g 72 . 0 g<br />

of which sugars 1 . 5 g 2 . 0 g<br />

Fa t 0 . 8 g 1 . 0 g<br />

At the <strong>to</strong>p of the label it states ‘75g of dried pasta weighs approximately 170g when cooke d ’:<br />

• the column ‘ E a ch serving 75g when cooke d ’ refers <strong>to</strong> 170g of c o o k e d p a s t a<br />

• the column ‘100g’ refers <strong>to</strong> uncooked (dried) pasta.<br />

If you weigh your portion of pasta before cooking it, your calculation would follow the standard<br />

method using the details provided in the‘100g’ column.<br />

For example, David has 90g of d r i e d pasta with his dinner. His portion will have:<br />

(72 ÷ 100) x 90 = 64.8g of CHO<br />

H o w e v e r, if you prefer <strong>to</strong> measure your food once it is cooked, you need a few extra steps <strong>to</strong><br />

work out how much carbohydrate is in 1g of c o o k e d p a s t a .<br />

For example, your portion of c o o k e d pasta weighs130g.<br />

1 . Weigh your portion of c o o k e d p a s t a<br />

2 . Look at the label and check the<br />

amount of CHO in the c o o k e d p a s t a .<br />

3 . Divide the amount of CHO in 170g by<br />

170 <strong>to</strong> tell you how much is in 1g.<br />

4 . Multiply this amount by the weight of<br />

your portion <strong>to</strong> tell you how much<br />

CHO is in your portion.<br />

1 . Portion weighs1 3 0 g<br />

2 . Label says:<br />

75g makes approx 170g<br />

c o o k e d.<br />

75g dried provides 54g CHO<br />

t h e re f o re, 170g cooked<br />

p rovides about 54g CHO.<br />

3 . 54 ÷ 170 = 0.32g CHO/1g<br />

cooked pasta<br />

4 . 130 x 0.32 = 42g CHO<br />

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