Remembering and Forgetting Ebbinghaus Nonsense Syllables ...

Remembering and Forgetting Ebbinghaus Nonsense Syllables ...

Remembering and Forgetting Ebbinghaus Nonsense Syllables ...


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<strong>Ebbinghaus</strong><br />

<strong>Remembering</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Forgetting</strong><br />

• First person to use experimental design to<br />

study memory<br />

• Methodological concerns:<br />

– If you want to study learning, it is best to find<br />

someone who has no prior experience<br />

• If you are studying how people learn psychology<br />

concepts, your subjects should not be psychologists<br />

–<br />

• <strong>Nonsense</strong> <strong>Syllables</strong><br />

• Defined:<br />

<strong>Nonsense</strong> <strong>Syllables</strong><br />

– More importantly, these syllables have no<br />

meaning, <strong>and</strong> the words have never been learned<br />

– VOX, TIL, JIV<br />

– Because words have no meaning, any memory of<br />

the words is due to experimental conditions, <strong>and</strong><br />

not to previous experience<br />

Number of <strong>Syllables</strong> <strong>and</strong><br />

Rehearsal<br />

• <strong>Ebbinghaus</strong> memorized lists of<br />

varying numbers of nonsense<br />

syllables<br />

– Wanted to examine whether<br />

– He found, of course, that is does<br />

– The longer the list, the more<br />

effort it takes to learn the list<br />

<strong>Ebbinghaus</strong>’ Contributions<br />

• Brought the study of memory into the realm<br />

of scientific study<br />

• Helped to establish learning <strong>and</strong> cognition<br />

as legitimate subject matters in psychology<br />

• Savings:<br />

– When people forget information, all is not lost<br />

Bartlett<br />

• Claimed that <strong>Ebbinghaus</strong>’ nonsense syllables were<br />

problematic<br />

– In the real world, people are more likely to be asked to<br />

remember familiar material<br />

–<br />

• Material is likely to be rehearsed by relating it to other similar<br />

information already in memory<br />

– Research on memory should focus on conventional<br />

functions in the real world, not learning of nonsense<br />

syllables in artificial laboratory setting<br />


Bartlett’s Experiment<br />

• Presented subjects with folk stories, short<br />

essays, <strong>and</strong> descriptions of human activity<br />

• Then would ask subjects to reproduce<br />

information<br />

–<br />

– Related to one of today’s hot topics in memory:<br />

Fuzzy Trace Theory<br />

Fuzzy Trace Theory<br />

• Gist vs. Verbatim Memory Traces (Reyna <strong>and</strong><br />

Brainerd, 1995)<br />

–<br />

–<br />

– Younger children rely on verbatim recall; Older<br />

children more dependent on gist<br />

– If memory is tested soon after the to-be-remembered<br />

event, individuals depend on verbatim recall<br />

• As delay increases, verbatim decays, <strong>and</strong> use of gist increases<br />

Bartlett’s Contributions<br />

Information Processing:<br />

The Stage Model<br />

• Recognition that memory is not veridical<br />

– In other words, memories are not exact<br />

reproductions of the remembered event<br />

– Memories are ____________, with knowledge,<br />

schemas, <strong>and</strong> scripts filling in the details<br />

– Any recall of an event is composed partly of<br />

actual memory, <strong>and</strong> reconstructions using<br />

memory from similar events<br />

• Defined:<br />

The Sensory Store<br />

– How much information is available to sensory<br />

store is limited by sensory receptors<br />

• This information is stored in sensory store for a brief<br />

period after stimulus is no longer acting upon<br />

sensory receptors<br />

Experiments on the Sensory Store<br />

• Sperling (1960): Participants shown<br />

matrix of letters for 1/20 of a second<br />

• A tone then indicates which row the<br />

subject should try <strong>and</strong> remember<br />

•<br />

– A good deal of the matrix is available in<br />

sensory store immediately after it is<br />

presented<br />

• If tone delayed even briefly, the<br />

number of items recalled drops<br />

drastically<br />

• Led to idea of Iconic Image<br />


Types of Images in Sensory Store<br />

• Iconic image:<br />

• There is also evidence of Echoic Images:<br />

Short-Term Store<br />

• People must attend to or rehearse<br />

information actively if it is to make its way<br />

from the sensory store to the next<br />

processing stage: the Short-Term Store<br />

• Defined:<br />

Characteristics of<br />

Short-Term Store<br />

• Contains words, images, numbers, etc. that<br />

are being attended to at a given moment<br />

• Miller’s Magical Number:<br />

–<br />

– Depends on how you define “item”<br />

• <strong>Remembering</strong> seven six letter words<br />

– Could either be seen as remembering 7 words, or 42 letters<br />

• Related to the idea of chunking<br />

• Defined:<br />

Chunking<br />

– Each item can contain considerable information<br />

– Acronyms:<br />

• SCUBA (Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus)<br />

• PTA (Parent-Teachers Association)<br />

• KFC (Kitchen-Fresh Chicken???)<br />

– Phone numbers: hyphen creates two chunks of numbers to<br />

remember<br />

Long-Term Store<br />

• If information is not kept active in shortterm<br />

store, it will be lost within 20-30<br />

seconds<br />

– Repeated rehearsal of information in the shortterm<br />

store leads to a transfer to long-term store<br />

• Defined:<br />

– Permanent in the sense that it is available for<br />

retrieval, given appropriate retrieval strategies<br />

Three types of long-term memory<br />

• Episodic memory<br />

–<br />

• e.g. birthday party<br />

• Procedural memory<br />

–<br />

• e.g. riding a bicycle<br />

• Declarative (semantic) memory<br />

–<br />

• e.g. Your instructor thinks Paul Walker is terrible<br />


Criticisms of Stage Model<br />

• Craik <strong>and</strong> Lockhart (1972)<br />

– Argue distinction between short- <strong>and</strong> long-term<br />

stores is unimportant<br />

• At what point has information moved between the two?<br />

– Stage model suggests that it is the number of<br />

repetitions that determines whether information<br />

will be recalled<br />

•<br />

Levels of Processing Theory<br />

• In response, Craik <strong>and</strong> Lockhart (1972)<br />

proposed the levels of processing theory<br />

• Defined:<br />

– Some possible levels of processing a word<br />

• Physical features (upper- vs. lowercase)<br />

• Sound (another word that rhymes)<br />

• Meaning (place word in category or sentence)<br />

– Best recall for this last level of processing<br />

Types of Rehearsal<br />

• The Stage Model refers to maintenance<br />

rehearsal<br />

– Defined:<br />

• Poor strategy: tends to work n the short-term, but not<br />

beyond<br />

• Elaborative rehearsal is a better strategy<br />

– Defined:<br />

<strong>Forgetting</strong>:<br />

Back to Information Processing<br />

• Encoding: information is placed into information<br />

processor<br />

• Storage: retention of information over time<br />

• Retrieval:<br />

– Failures can occur at any of these stages, leading to…<br />

• <strong>Forgetting</strong>:<br />

– Notice the difference here from usual definition of<br />

forgetting: inclusion of failure at encoding<br />

• Defined:<br />

Decay Theory<br />

• Problem with decay theory is that it is not<br />

really testable<br />

– Say you tested subjects after varying delays,<br />

<strong>and</strong> find that with increased delay, there is<br />

increased forgetting<br />

– Are differences are due to decaying, or to<br />

interference caused by subsequent processing?<br />

• Defined:<br />

Interference Theory<br />

• Two types:<br />

– Proactive Interference:<br />

• Material learned for Exam 1 hinders learning of Exam 2 material<br />

– Retroactive Interference:<br />

• Learning material for Exam 2 causes you to forget Exam 1 material<br />

• What makes interference more likely?<br />

– Similarity of the material to be recalled<br />


Defined:<br />

Amnesia<br />

Improving Memory<br />

Two types to discuss:<br />

Retrograde Amnesia:<br />

Anterograde Amnesia:<br />

• Because there are many possible sources of<br />

memory loss, a good deal of attention has<br />

been given to strategies that can improve<br />

memory functioning<br />

– Mnemonics<br />

– Distributed Practice<br />

– Encoding Specificity<br />

– State-Dependent Learning<br />

– Elaborative Rehearsal<br />

Mnemonics<br />

Distributed Practice<br />

• Defined:<br />

– Video<br />

• Cramming is a poor strategy for encoding<br />

information into long-term memory<br />

– Say you are going to study for a total of one<br />

hour<br />

•<br />

• Defined:<br />

Encoding Specificity<br />

State-Dependent Learning<br />

• Defined:<br />

– Studying in a similar environment to the testing<br />

environment will help increase recall<br />

• Likely to do worse on the exam if you study in a<br />

recliner, with music on, <strong>and</strong> in the company of<br />

friends<br />

• None of these stimuli will be present in the testing<br />

environment<br />

– Similar to encoding specificity, except these are<br />

internal, not external, cues<br />

– If you ingest a lot of caffeine to stay awake<br />

during testing session, it is a good idea to have<br />

a similar amount of caffeine before testing<br />

– Emotional states at encoding also important<br />


Elaborative Rehearsal<br />

• As discussed before, simple repetition of material<br />

is unlikely to produce long-term effects<br />

– Stop after every few paragraphs <strong>and</strong> think about what<br />

you have read<br />

– Go back to major concepts <strong>and</strong> paraphrase them<br />

– Relate new material to previous material in meaningful<br />

ways<br />

– Relate material to yourself or others you know<br />

• All of these strategies encourage a deeper<br />

processing that can help with mastery of material<br />

• Defined:<br />

Incidental Memory<br />

– A significant amount of information processing<br />

is unconscious<br />

– Memory is far from perfect though<br />

• Can lead people astray in ways that can produce<br />

serious consequences<br />

• Eyewitness Testimony<br />

Eyewitness Testimony<br />

• Witnesses to crimes are often asked to<br />

describe in detail what they witnessed<br />

– Ability to do so has huge implications<br />

• Decisions in legal cases usually a direct result of<br />

eyewitness testimony<br />

• Wrongly convicted people lose freedom<br />

What Influences<br />

Eyewitness Testimony?<br />

• How questions are asked during the trial (Loftus<br />

<strong>and</strong> Palmer, 1974)<br />

– Showed groups same video of car accident<br />

– Later given questionnaires, with slightly different<br />

phrasing<br />

• “How fast were the cars going when they ______ each other?<br />

– Contacted, hit, collided, or smashed<br />

– Later asked to give estimates of car’s speed<br />

•<br />

•<br />

–<br />

• Confidence<br />

–<br />

What Influences<br />

Eyewitness Testimony?<br />

– Problematic because jurors are more likely to trust<br />

witness who is confident in their testimony<br />

• Back to Fuzzy Trace Theory<br />

– People likely to rely on gist, especially at a trial that is<br />

long after crime<br />

–<br />

•<br />

– Makes eyewitness testimony especially prone to<br />

inaccuracies<br />

• Loftus (1997)<br />

–<br />

False Memories<br />

– In such studies, subjects often report high<br />

degrees of certainty<br />

• Confidence can not be used as index of accuracy<br />


Plausibility <strong>and</strong> False Memories<br />

• Pezdek et. al (1997)<br />

– Jewish <strong>and</strong> Catholic high school students read<br />

two true <strong>and</strong> two false events<br />

– One false event describes Shabbot; the other<br />

Communion<br />

–<br />

Knowledge <strong>and</strong> False Memories<br />

• Greenhoot (2000)<br />

– Kindergarteners’ recall of a story was impacted<br />

by prior information<br />

– Before stories are read, description of<br />

protagonist as either nice, mean, or neutral<br />

–<br />

Development <strong>and</strong> False Memory<br />

• Predictable relationship between age <strong>and</strong> false<br />

memory<br />

–<br />

• What really matters is the method of<br />

questioning<br />

– Even preschoolers, if questioned without the use of<br />

a suggestive interview, can be competent witnesses<br />

–<br />

• Defined:<br />

Implicit Memory<br />

– Related to the idea of source monitoring<br />

•<br />

• Poses a problem again for eyewitness testimony<br />

– You are shown a lineup of subjects, <strong>and</strong> you point to<br />

the one you recognize<br />

• What if you just recognize him from the mug shots?<br />

• Or what if he just shops at the same grocery as you?<br />

• Defined:<br />

Flashbulb Memory<br />

– May remember date, where you were, who you<br />

were with, what you were wearing, etc.<br />

Accuracy of Flashbulb Memories<br />

• In one study, subjects asked to report their<br />

recall of the Challenger explosion 3 days<br />

<strong>and</strong> 9 months afterwards<br />

– Despite high-rated vividness at both occasions,<br />

the details differed substantially<br />

– Possible explanation: perpetual reinstatement<br />

• The events surrounding a flashbulb memory are<br />

likely to be discussed frequently, <strong>and</strong> revisited in<br />

news broadcasts, etc.<br />

•<br />


Memory in Nonhumans<br />

• Continuity –<br />

• Like human infants, animals cannot tell you<br />

whether they remember something<br />

– Because of this, researchers must rely on the<br />

research methods of equipment of learning<br />

psychologists<br />

• Using these techniques, the researcher is able to<br />

make inferences about memory in animals<br />

Memory for Visual Stimuli<br />

• Delayed-matching-to-sample (DMTS) task<br />

– Pigeon pecks middle of three keys <strong>and</strong> it changes<br />

into sample stimulus (e.g. geometric shape)<br />

– Followed by retention period in which pigeon must<br />

remember sample stimulus<br />

–<br />

• Incorrect responses lead to time-out<br />

Performance on DMTS<br />

• Exposure to sample stimulus<br />

– Better performance on DTMS when sample<br />

stimulus is illuminated…<br />

• Retention interval<br />

– Better performance with ________ _________<br />

between sample stimulus <strong>and</strong> comparison phase<br />

• Time between trials (intertrial interval)<br />

– Shortening time between trials results in<br />

______________________________<br />

Adaptive Nature of Memory<br />

• People seldom think about their own memory until<br />

they experience a memory failure<br />

– Adaptive because most memory processes occur<br />

without conscious awareness<br />

– Memory allows for less effort when engaging in a wellmastered<br />

task<br />

• Ability to adapt to one’s environment would be<br />

impossible without memory<br />

–<br />


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