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<strong>ROAD</strong> <strong>TO</strong> <strong>DISSERTATION</strong><br />

Elena Simona Lohan<br />

Senior Researcher, Docent (Adjunct Professor)<br />

Department of Communications Engineerings<br />

Tampere University of Technology<br />

elena‐simona.lohan@tut.fi<br />


Outline<br />

• Who am I? Why Finland?<br />

• My GETA experience<br />

• PhD research stages:<br />

‣ Research and publish<br />

‣ Make a plan for Dissertation (target research<br />

results, target number of publications,…)<br />

‣ Actual writing<br />

‣ Dissertation day<br />

‣ After Dissertation<br />

‣ My experience as a woman<br />

researcher in Finland

Who am I?<br />

• Born and raised in Bucharest,<br />

Romania<br />

• 1992-1997: Engineering degree (equivalent of MSc) in 1997 from<br />

«Politehnica» University of Bucharest (in electrical engineering)<br />

• 1997-1998: DEA (equivalent of MSc) from Ecole Polytechnique,<br />

Paris, France, in 1998, after 2-year study in Paris (in Optimization,<br />

game theory, and economical modelling)<br />

• 1998-2003: PhD from Tampere University of Technology (TUT) in<br />

2003 (in wireless communications)<br />

• Since 2003: Senior Researcher, lecturer and technical project<br />

leader at TUT, Department of Communications Engineering.<br />

Nominated in 2007 as a Docent (Adjunct Professor) for 5 years.<br />

Research field: signal processing for wireless positioning<br />

(especially satellite-based positioning)

Why Finland?<br />

The 3 ’S’s: Summer, Sauna, Simplicity

My GETA experience<br />

• GETA student between Aug<br />

2000- Jul 2003<br />

• Participant at 2 GETA courses during my PhD: a ‘core’ course in<br />

telecommunications at Ruka and a course on satellite positioning<br />

in Helsinki<br />

• Attending 3 GETA boat seminars during my PhD studies<br />

• Organizer of a GETA-funded course on ‘Wireless positioning’ at<br />

TUT (summer 2009)

Family in Finland<br />

Husband: Florin.<br />

• Also a former GETA student.<br />

• Now working at Nokia.<br />

• Also co-founder of a small company<br />

focusing on products for the distribution of<br />

digital TV: Ondems.<br />

• Also the author of the MLauncher, a music<br />

player for S60 phones (free download at<br />

http://www.mlauncher.org/)<br />

Daughter: Iris (b. 2007).<br />

• In (Finnish) kindergarten

PhD research stages:<br />

Research and publish (I)<br />

• Your research topic and directions of research are not the<br />

sole responsability of your supervisor -> keep track of<br />

state-of-art results in your field and look for innovative<br />

ideas:<br />

• On-line magazines, news articles<br />

• IEEE database: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org<br />

• The scientific literature digital library Citeseer<br />

http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/<br />

• Patent databases, e.g.,<br />

http://www.freepatentsonline.com/<br />

• Look actively for cooperation and/or exchange of ideas with<br />

other research units in Finland and abroad (e.g., web<br />

searches, during conference attendance, …) -> fresh<br />


PhD research stages:<br />

Research and publish (II)<br />

• Where to publish?<br />

• http://www.wikicfp.com/: Wiki Call for Papers in various areas; for<br />

both conferences and journals<br />

• http://edas.info/: after creating an account you can see many<br />

upcoming CFPs (conferences/journals), mostly in signal processing<br />

and telecommunications fields<br />

• http://www.ieee.org: links to various IEEE conferences and journals<br />

• http://www.eurasip.org/ : EURASIP journals, typically with specific<br />

CFPs (faster publication)<br />

• Discuss with your supervisor and colleagues about average<br />

review times in chosen journals<br />

• Chose a conference not only according to location, but mostly<br />

according to its significance (relevance to the research field,<br />

impact factor)<br />

-> this is important especially if you think about an Academic career; it’s<br />

also important to make contacts with people in your research field<br />

(opportunity for future common projects)

How many publications are<br />

needed for a PhD?<br />

• This depends on University, field &supervisor<br />

• Example, at Faculty of Computing&Electrical Engineering at<br />

TUT: at least 1 journal and at least 4-5 conference<br />

publications (average in our department: 2 journals+ 5<br />

international conferences)<br />

• Personal experiences:<br />

• My thesis: 2 published journals, 1 journal in ‘accepted’<br />

state and 6 conference papers<br />

• My first (and only, so far) graduated PhD student: 2<br />

published journals + 7 conference papers<br />

• Suggestion: submit journal publications as soon as possible;<br />

(they take long to be accepted); better to submit first your<br />

novel ideas to a journal, then additional results to<br />


On the impact factor<br />

• Impact factor measures the average number of citations to an<br />

article (or a collection of articles)<br />

• Typically, a higher impact factor can be achieved when publishing<br />

in journals&conferences with high impact factor. Of course, the<br />

main criterion remains the quality, timeliness and clarity of your<br />

published work<br />

• Some tools to count the impact factor:<br />

• http://www.harzing.com/pop.htm: ” Publish or Perish” free software<br />

that retrieves and analyzes academic citations (e.g., impact factor,<br />

citations per year, etc); based on Google engine (self-citations are<br />

also counted)<br />

• www.isiknowledge.com: ISI citation index<br />

• Why it’s important?<br />

• Own ‘pride’: feeling good when your work is cited by the others<br />

• Project fundings are more and more dependent on this (e.g., EU<br />

projects)<br />

• Reviewers may consider your impact factor in their evaluation

What conferences to<br />

avoid?<br />

• The so-called ’multiconferences’, covering for example<br />

everything from power electronics to software systems and<br />

wireless signal processing.<br />

• Examples: WSEAS and IASTED chains of conferences<br />

• Reasons:<br />

• Low quality of the presentations&papers; people are<br />

usually not attending the actual conference session but<br />

go only for sightseeing<br />

• Many Reviewers are aware of the (lack of) quality of<br />

such conferences and may be not satisfied with the list<br />

of publication

‘Enthusiasm’ graph<br />

“Keep on going, and the chances<br />

are that you will stumble on<br />

something, perhaps when you<br />

are least expecting it. I never<br />

heard of anyone ever stumbling<br />

on something sitting down”<br />

~Charles F. Kettering (American<br />

inventor, born end of 19th<br />


Make a plan<br />

• What to include in the thesis?<br />

‣ Unified ideas (if you worked in different areas, it’s<br />

important to find and justify the link between them;<br />

alternatively, you can focus only on related areas)<br />

• Discuss with your supervisor & senior colleagues<br />

‣ Gather suggestions<br />

‣ Take a decision<br />

‣ Discuss your decision/plan with supervisor again<br />

• Compendium or monograph?

Compendium or monograph?<br />

Compendium<br />

‣ Summary of 30-60 pages of<br />

research area +<br />

published/accepted papers.<br />

Results from the articles are not<br />

to be reproduced in the<br />

introductory part<br />

+ Easier to write<br />

+ Faster to review<br />

- Not well-recognized outside<br />

Finland (make sure that<br />

Reviewers understand the<br />

concept)<br />

Monograph<br />

‣ Own contributions are<br />

incorporated in the thesis body;<br />

your publications are only given<br />

as references (not added in the<br />

thesis)<br />

+ Unified notations/formulas<br />

+ Can copy&paste from your<br />

articles, but need to use same<br />

notations within the thesis<br />

+ May include articles still under<br />

review process<br />

+ Most countries have monographtype<br />

of theses<br />

- May take longer to write and<br />


Writing process ‐<br />

suggestions<br />

• Best motivation: when is the deadline?<br />

• Write down a document with references (+ few notes about<br />

each reference: why useful?, what you found in there?)<br />

already during the thesis -> much easier to put everything<br />

together<br />

• if you use Latex as Text Editor (personally, I would strongly<br />

recommend it) -> you can save a large bibliography file to<br />

be used for all articles & thesis. It also has a Windowsfriendly<br />

version: Lyx.

Writing and review process<br />

statistics<br />

•Based on own statistics among 14 friends with PhD (from TUT, HUT<br />

and Oulu Univ.)<br />

•On average: 7-8 months from starting the writing till Dissertation

Review process –things to<br />

consider<br />

• If you send your thesis before summer/winter holidays =><br />

reduced chances that Reviewers will read it during the<br />

holiday months =>some additional time is lost<br />

• Risks:<br />

‣ Reviewers not satisfied with the quality or quantity and asking for<br />

additional publications. Mitigation: have sufficient publications when<br />

submitting the thesis and check the requirements of a PhD thesis in<br />

the country where the Reviewer comes from (e.g., 'Compendium'<br />

concept is sometimes difficult to be understood outside Nordic<br />

countries)<br />

‣ Reviewers not exactly in your research field => comments hard to<br />

understand or comply with. Mitigation: chose people close to your<br />

research area.<br />

‣ Delays in the review process. Mitigation: it helps if the supervisor<br />

knows the Reviewers enough such that he can push them in<br />

completing the review within a certain period.

Some recommendations<br />

for PhD students<br />

• Based on a query made to my friends& colleagues who completed their<br />

PhDs during past 10 years (in Tampere, Helsinki or Oulu). Question:<br />

• With your experience of today, what would you recommend to a PhD<br />

student?<br />

Answers:<br />

Be dedicated to the work<br />

Have an open mind for different views of the research problem<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

You should like what you're doing (choice of the research area is also<br />

important to your future)<br />

Keep on going and trust yourself<br />

Write your thesis in a group where some senior researchers are actively<br />

involved in you research.<br />

Make a plan. Then break the long term goals into smaller plans of 3-5<br />

months. Make sure that at the end of each period of 3-5 months you are<br />

where you estimated you will be.<br />

Process "PhD work" in small steps, if you go forward only a small step<br />

everyday, eventually you will find yourself defending your work in<br />


Reviewers & Opponents<br />

• Choice belongs to the Supervisor but it is good to discuss<br />

your preferences with her/him<br />

• 3 different persons need to be involved in the process:<br />

minimum 2 Reviewers + 1 Opponent. If 2 Opponents, it is<br />

customary to choose one of the Reviewers also as<br />

Opponent.<br />

• At TUT, there is a strong recommendation that at least 1<br />

Finnish person should be involved in the process (or, at<br />

least, someone who got the PhD degree in Finland) -><br />

easier to explain the requirements<br />

• When chosing the Reviewers/Opponents, check<br />

beforehand the PhD requirements in their countries -> very<br />

different requirements might hinder a smooth process.

Dissertation day –Lectio<br />

Precursoriae<br />

• In English or<br />

Finnish<br />

• General<br />

introduction in<br />

the research field<br />

targeting a nonexpert<br />

audience<br />

• 15’-20’<br />

• Keep it simple<br />

• Avoid complicated<br />

formulas and block<br />

diagrams;<br />

• Focus on<br />

applications &<br />

motivation: why is<br />

your research work<br />

important? what are<br />

the possible uses of<br />

the results?

Dissertation day –actual<br />

‘defense’<br />

• Starts with the Opponent’s speech on the significance of the<br />

studied topics<br />

• Continues with questions regarding your thesis, your research<br />

area and related issues to the research topic (typically about 2-3 h;<br />

in my case 3h30’ all together)<br />

• Ends with the Opponent(s)’ statement regarding your thesis (at<br />

TUT, 3 recommendations are possible: ‘passed’, ‘passed with<br />

honors’ or ‘failed’). The Faculty Council decides the final ‘grade’,<br />

based on the Opponents’ recommendation.

Dissertation evening:<br />

karonkka<br />

• Karonkka dinner is a custom in Finland to honor the<br />

Opponents (and people who contributed/help in your<br />

research work: opponents, supervisor, reviewers, coauthors,<br />

secretaries of the department, close family,<br />

friends,…).<br />

• Number of invited people is up to your budget (at<br />

minimum: Opponent(s)+Supervisor(s)).<br />

• Code dress and certain customs regarding the<br />

placement at dinner table (depends on you how strictly<br />

you want to follow the protocol)<br />

• A ‘thanks’ speech to be held during Dinner (for me -><br />

the second most stressful event of the day, after the<br />

actual defense); better to prepare it beforehand if you<br />

are not good at speeches

After Dissertation<br />

• Thesis approval by the faculty Council<br />

• Graduation ceremony<br />

• Time to move on:<br />

Academic career<br />

Industry career<br />

Plan for the future is wiser to be done already when starting the thesis<br />

writing (e.g., discuss the academic possibilities, apply for jobs, buy<br />

’around the world’ flight ticket, etc.)

My work after Dissertation<br />

• Current group: 3 PhD students (1 currently in maternity leave) and 2 MSc<br />

students<br />

• Number of graduated students under my supervision: 9 MSc and 1 PhD<br />

• Research interests: baseband GNSS receiver processing, fading channel<br />

models, CDMA signal processing with applications in positioning, Binary<br />

Offset Carrier modulation studies<br />

• Group page: http://www.cs.tut.fi/tlt/pos/<br />

• Participation in the following projects since 2003:<br />

• 2 EU-funded projects in the field of Galileo mass-market receivers<br />

(2006-2008 and 2009-2011)<br />

• 2 Academy projects: Academy postdoctoral researcher (2004-2007);<br />

principal investigator in an Academy research project (2008-2012)<br />

• 3 Tekes-funded projects in the field of satellite-based positioning (2003-<br />

2006, 2006-2007, and 2007-2009)<br />

• Teaching activities: Communication Theory, Basics of Wireless<br />

Communications & Spread Spectrum Techniques-focus on positioning, plus<br />

various invited speeches at TUT.

My experience as a woman<br />

researcher in Finland<br />

• Easy to combine research & family life due to good<br />

public day-care system, husband’s support and<br />

understanding boss<br />

• Flexible hours possible or working from home when<br />

child is sick<br />

• Typically, some work during weekends and holidays<br />

also needed.<br />

• Maternity leaves introduce significant delays in the<br />

research work -> need to consider this aspect in your<br />

family planning<br />

=>Positive personal experience with Finnish system

Conclusions<br />

“Consider the postage stamp: its<br />

usefulness consists in the<br />

ability to stick to one thing till it<br />

gets there” ~Josh Billings<br />

(humorist, 19th century)

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