Chapter 15 Urinary System

Chapter 15 Urinary System

Chapter 15 Urinary System


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<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>15</strong><br />

<strong>Urinary</strong> <strong>System</strong><br />

<strong>Chapter</strong> Objectives<br />

Upon completion of the chapter the participant will be able to:<br />

1. Name and label on a diagram the organs of the urinary system.<br />

2. Describe the functions of the urinary system.<br />

3. Describe the process of filtering, re-absorption and secretion as it pertains to the<br />

urinary system.<br />

4. Analyze, define and spell the terms related to the urinary system.<br />

5. Successfully complete the exercises provided at the end of the chapter.<br />

The urinary system consists of a number of structures, each of which has a specific<br />

function or functions.<br />

Renal Cortex<br />

Right Kidney<br />

Renal Medulla<br />

Left Kidney<br />

Vena Cava<br />

Aorta<br />

Right & Left Ureter<br />

<strong>Urinary</strong> Bladder<br />

Prostate gland<br />

(males)<br />

Urethra<br />

Urethral meatus<br />

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The components are:<br />

‣ Kidneys<br />

‣ Ureters<br />

‣ <strong>Urinary</strong> bladder<br />

‣ Urethra<br />

Kidneys (ren/o, nephr/o)<br />

‣ Bean shaped, fist sized organs that lie on either side of the lumbar spine.<br />

‣ Their position is retroperitoneal which means they lie behind the peritoneal<br />

membrane.<br />

‣ Each kidney is covered with tissue that is referred to as the renal capsule.<br />

‣ Under the capsule layer is the renal cortex (cortic/o) and below that is the renal<br />

medulla (medull/o)<br />

‣ Blood flows into each kidney through the renal artery and out of the kidney<br />

through renal vein.<br />

Cortex<br />

Pyramids of<br />

Medulla<br />

Renal Pelvis<br />

Ureter<br />

Capsule<br />

‣ While the blood is going through the kidney fluid and elements can be<br />

reabsorbed and the remaining product forms urine to be eliminated from the<br />

body.<br />

‣ The functioning unit of the kidney is the nephron and that is the area where all<br />

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the filtering occurs. An important part of the nephron is the glomerulus<br />

(glomerul/o). It is here that you find all the small capillaries that allows<br />

substances to move back and forth through the thin membrane.<br />

‣ Urine that is to be secreted by the kidneys is stored in the renal pelvis (pyel/o).<br />

Ureters (ureter/o)<br />

‣ Narrow tubes that connect the kidney with the bladder. Urine is moved along<br />

each tube by peristalsis. This is the same muscle activity that moves food<br />

through the digestive system.<br />

<strong>Urinary</strong> Bladder (cyst/o, vesic/o)<br />

‣ A hollow muscular organ that acts as a reservoir for urine until it is to be<br />

eliminated from the body.<br />

‣ When the bladder has a sufficient amount of urine present in it, the muscle fibers<br />

in the walls will contract giving you the urge to go to the bathroom. This process<br />

of passing urine is referred to as micturition.<br />

‣ The end of the bladder has a sphincter that holds the urine in the bladder until<br />

there is an adequate amount present for elimination.<br />

Urethra (urethr/o)<br />

‣ A tube which extends from the lower end of the bladder to the outside of the<br />

body.<br />

‣ The external end of the urethra is referred to as the urethral meatus (meat/o)<br />

‣ The male urethra is approximately 8 inches long while the female is 1.5 inches.<br />

‣ In males the neck of the urethra is surrounded by one of the reproductive glands,<br />

the prostate gland. This was discussed in the previous chapter.<br />

Urine Production in the Kidney<br />

In each kidney are about one million nephrons. These structures are responsible for<br />

producing urine. In general terms they do this by filtering out excess electrolytes and<br />

waste products from the blood. This is done by the network of capillaries contained in<br />

the glomerulus. The capillary walls allow water, electrolytes and waste products to<br />

leave the blood and enter Bowman’s Capsule which surrounds the glomerulus.<br />

The filtrate then moves through the long system of twisted tubes called the renal<br />

tubules. As the filtrate moves through the tubes there is a constant exchange of<br />

substances occurring. When the end of the tubules is reached the remaining solution is<br />

urine (ur/o).<br />

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Word Parts for the <strong>Urinary</strong> <strong>System</strong><br />

Roots<br />

‣ calic/o, calyc/o<br />

‣ catheter/o<br />

‣ corpor/o<br />

‣ cortic/o<br />

‣ cyst/o, vesic/o<br />

‣ glomerul/o<br />

‣ lith/o<br />

‣ meat/o<br />

‣ medull/o<br />

‣ nephr/o, ren/o<br />

‣ olig/o<br />

‣ py/o<br />

‣ pyel/o<br />

‣ spad/o<br />

‣ ureter/o<br />

‣ urethr/o<br />

‣ urin/o, ur/o<br />

calyx, calyx<br />

something inserted<br />

body<br />

cortex, outer layer<br />

bladder<br />

glomerulus<br />

stone<br />

opening, passageway<br />

middle or inner portion<br />

kidney<br />

scanty, few<br />

pus<br />

renal pelvis<br />

draw off<br />

ureter<br />

urethra<br />

urine, urinary organs<br />

Suffixes<br />

‣ -cele<br />

‣ -chrome<br />

‣ -ectasis<br />

‣ -emia<br />

‣ -lithasis<br />

‣ -osis, -pathy<br />

‣ -pexy<br />

‣ -ptosis<br />

‣ -lysis<br />

‣ -tripsy<br />

‣ -uria<br />

hernia<br />

color<br />

enlargement, stretching<br />

blood<br />

presence of stones<br />

abnormal condition, disease<br />

surgical fixation<br />

drooping, dropping down<br />

breakdown, destruction<br />

crush<br />

urine, urination<br />

Prefixes<br />

‣ an-<br />

‣ epi-<br />

‣ in-<br />

‣ para-<br />

‣ poly-<br />

‣ retro-<br />

without<br />

upper, above<br />

no, not<br />

beside<br />

many<br />

backward<br />

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Term Analysis and Definition<br />

Word Part Term Term Analysis Definition<br />

calic/o,<br />

calyc/o<br />

caliceal<br />

calic = calyx<br />

-eal = pertaining to<br />

Pertaining to the calices of the<br />

kidney<br />

catheter/o catheterization catheter =<br />

something inserted<br />

-ion = process<br />

corpor/o extracorporeal corpor = body<br />

extra = outside<br />

-eal = pertaining to<br />

Cortic/o cortical cortic = cortex, outer<br />

layer<br />

-al = pertaining to<br />

Process of inserting a tube into<br />

a body cavity, like the bladder,<br />

to remove fluid<br />

Pertaining to outside the body<br />

Pertaining to the outer layer of<br />

the kidney.<br />

cyst/o<br />

vesic/o<br />

cystitis<br />

cyst = bladder<br />

-itis = inflammation<br />

Inflammation of the bladder<br />

cystoscope<br />

-scope = instrument<br />

used to visually<br />

examine<br />

Instrument used to visually<br />

examine the bladder<br />

vesicoureteral<br />

vesic = bladder<br />

ureter = ureter<br />

-al = pertaining to<br />

Pertaining to the bladder and<br />

ureters.<br />

glomerul/o<br />

Glomerulonephritis<br />

glomerul =<br />

glomerulus<br />

nephr = kidney<br />

-itis = inflammation<br />

Inflammation of the glomerulus<br />

of the kidney<br />

glomerulosclerosis<br />

-sclerosis =<br />

hardening<br />

Hardening of the glomerulus<br />

lith/o lithotripsy lith = stone<br />

-tripsy = crushing<br />

meat/o meatotomy meat = meatus<br />

-tomy = process of<br />

cutting<br />

medull/o medullary medull = medulla<br />

-ary = pertaining to<br />

Crushing of kidney stones<br />

using sound waves<br />

Process of cutting into the<br />

urinary meatus<br />

Pertaining to the medulla<br />

nephr/o,<br />

ren/o<br />

nephrolithiasis<br />

nephr = kidney<br />

-iasis = condition<br />

lith = stones<br />

Kidney stones<br />

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Word Part Term Term Analysis Definition<br />

nephrolithotomy<br />

-tomy = Surgical<br />

incision<br />

Process of removing stones<br />

through a surgical incision into<br />

the kidney<br />

nephropathy<br />

-pathy = disease<br />

Disease of the kidney<br />

nephropexy<br />

-pexy = surgical<br />

fixation<br />

Surgical fixation of the kidney<br />

nephroptosis<br />

-ptosis = drooping<br />

Drooping of the kidney<br />

hydronephrosis<br />

hydro = water<br />

-osis = condition<br />

Conition where there is<br />

accumulation of fluid in the<br />

kidney<br />

nephroblastoma<br />

-blast = immature<br />

-oma = tumor<br />

Tumor of the kidney made up<br />

of underdeveloped material<br />

renal<br />

ren = kidney<br />

-al = pertaining to<br />

Pertaining to the kidneys<br />

pyel/o<br />

pyelogram<br />

pyel = renal pelvis<br />

-gram = record<br />

Record of the ureter and<br />

kidney, particularly the renal<br />

pelvis<br />

pyelonephritis<br />

nephr = kidney<br />

-itis = inflammation<br />

Inflammation of the kidney and<br />

the renal pelvis<br />

ureter/o<br />

ureteral<br />

ureter = ureter<br />

-al = pertaining to<br />

Pertaining to the ureter<br />

ureterectasis<br />

-ectasis = stretching<br />

Stretching of the ureter<br />

ureterostenosis<br />

-stenosis =<br />

narrowing<br />

Narrowing of the ureter<br />

ureterostomy<br />

-stomy = permanent<br />

new opening<br />

Creation of a permanent new<br />

opening into the ureter<br />

urethr/o<br />

Cystourethrography<br />

cysto = bladder<br />

urethr = urethra<br />

-graphy = process<br />

of recording<br />

Process of recording an image<br />

of the bladder and urethra<br />

using X-Ray<br />

transurethral<br />

trans = across<br />

-al = pertaining to<br />

Performed across or through<br />

the urethra<br />

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Word Part Term Term Analysis Definition<br />

utethroplasty -plasty = surgical Surgical repair of the urethra<br />

repair<br />

urin/o urinary urin = urine<br />

-ary = pertaining to<br />

Pertaining to urine<br />

ur/o<br />

uremia<br />

ur = urinary tract,<br />

urine, urination<br />

-emia = blood<br />

Accumulation of urine in the<br />

blood because of kidney<br />

dysfunction<br />

urogram<br />

-gram = record<br />

Record of the urinary tract<br />

urologist<br />

-logist = one who<br />

specializes<br />

One who specializes in the<br />

urinary system<br />

-lysis<br />

dialysis<br />

dia = through<br />

-lysis = separate,<br />

breakdown<br />

Mechanical replacement of<br />

kidney function with a machine.<br />

Blood passes through the<br />

machine and the waste<br />

products are separated out and<br />

the blood returns to the patient.<br />

urinalysis<br />

urin = urine<br />

-lysis = apart<br />

Laboratory test analysis of<br />

urine<br />

-uria<br />

anuria<br />

an = no, lack of<br />

-uria = urine,<br />

urination<br />

No urine formation<br />

bacteriuria<br />

bacteri = bacteria<br />

Bacteria in the urine<br />

dysuria<br />

dys = painful,<br />

difficult<br />

Painful urination<br />

hematuria<br />

hemat = blood<br />

Blood in the urine<br />

nocturia<br />

noct = night<br />

Frequent urination at night<br />

oliguria<br />

pyuria<br />

oligo = deficient,<br />

scanty<br />

py = pus<br />

Decreased urination<br />

Pus in the urine<br />

in-<br />

incontinence<br />

in = no, not<br />

-continence = to<br />

stop<br />

No control of excretion<br />

functions such as urination<br />

poly- polyuria poly = many<br />

-uria = urine<br />

Excretion of large amounts of<br />

urine<br />

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Word Part Term Term Analysis Definition<br />

Abbreviations:<br />

polycystic<br />

kidneys<br />

cyst = sac<br />

-ic = pertaining to<br />

Pertaining to kidneys with<br />

many cysts.<br />

ADH:<br />

BUN:<br />

CRF:<br />

C and S:<br />

ECSL:<br />

ESWL:<br />

GU:<br />

H 2 O:<br />

I and O:<br />

IVP:<br />

KUB:<br />

UTI:<br />

antidiuretic hormone<br />

blood urea nitrogen<br />

chronic renal failure<br />

culture and sensitivity<br />

extracorporeal shockwave lithotriptor<br />

extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy<br />

genitourinary<br />

water<br />

intake and output<br />

intravenous pyelogram<br />

kidney, ureter, bladder<br />

urinary tract infection<br />

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