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Phones: 08812-259532/259524<br />

Fax: 08812-259531<br />

Phones: 08812-259409(Director’s Office)<br />

E-mail: dopr2009@gmail.com<br />

<strong>DIRECTORATE</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OIL</strong> <strong>PALM</strong> <strong>RESEARCH</strong><br />

(Formerly National Research Centre for Oil Palm)<br />

(Indian Council of Agricultural Research)<br />

Pedavegi–534 450, West Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh<br />

Website: http://dopr.gov.in<br />

F.No.50/Outsourcing/2011-12 dated: 30 th May, 2011<br />


Engagement of agency for providing man-power on outsourcing basis for D.O.P.R.<br />

Sealed competitive bids are invited by the Director, D.O.P.R. from reputed and registered service<br />

providers/firms for providing manpower to the D.O.P.R. on outsourcing basis for a period of one<br />

year depending upon the requirements of D.O.P.R. from time to time as per the terms and<br />

conditions set forth in the following paragraphs. The services of manpower agency would be<br />

required initially for a period of one year, extendable further subject to satisfactory compliance<br />

of terms and conditions of the contract. The last date for submission of bids in the D.O.P.R. is<br />

21.06.2011 up to 1 p.m. The bids shall be opened on the same day at 2 p.m. in the Committee<br />

Room of D.O.P.R., Pedavegi-534450 in the presence of representatives of the firms who may<br />

also be present if they so wish at the time of opening of bids. The bid document can either be<br />

downloaded from the website “http://dopr.gov.in/Advertisements.htm " or the same can be<br />

collected personally from the office of D.O.P.R. on any working day on payment of Rs.1000/- in<br />

the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of the Director, D.O.P.R. payable at Eluru towards the<br />

cost of bid document. In case the document is downloaded from the D.O.P.R. website, the cost<br />

of document shall have to be deposited by the bidder in the form of Demand Draft in favour of<br />

the Director, D.O.P.R. payable at Eluru alongwith the bid. The bids are to be sealed in a cover<br />

superscribing on the envelope " Bid for providing manpower to D.O.P.R. on outsourcing basis"<br />

and dropped in the tender box kept for the purpose in the Administrative building latest by<br />

21.06.2011 upto 1.00 p.m.<br />

A) Qualifying Criteria :- The agency should meet the following criteria for evaluation of bids:-<br />

1. Only registered and bonafide Service Providers/Agencies having experience of at least two<br />

years of supplying manpower service to the Ministries/Departments/Govt. Organizations/Public<br />

Sector Undertakings/Corporate Sector/Autonomous Bodies etc. are eligible to apply. The<br />

documentary proof of registration must be attached. The Agency should also attach satisfactory<br />

performance certificates issued by Government Ministries/Departments etc. in support of it<br />

having rendered satisfactory services to such departments during the last two years.<br />

Contd. on page: 2:<br />

:: 2 ::

2. The Agency must be registered with the ESI, EPF, Service Tax authorities and must be in<br />

possession of Permanent Account Number (PAN ). The documentary proof of registration should<br />

be attached. The Agency should also produce Income Tax clearance certificate (ITCC) for the last<br />

two years and Sales Tax Certificate/VAT.<br />

3. The Agency must have recorded a minimum turnover of Rs.50.00 lakhs in each of the last<br />

two years through execution of contractual services of such manpower. The Agency should<br />

attach financial statements for the last two years to corroborate their claim of turnover.<br />

4. There should be no legal suit/criminal case pending or contemplated against the proprietor<br />

of the Agency or any of its Directors ( in the case of Pvt. Ltd. company ) on grounds of<br />

impropriety or for violation of any of the laws in force. The Agency must enclose declaration to<br />

this effect at the time of submission of bid.<br />

B) Quality and size of manpower:<br />

For details of requirement of contractual persons kindly see Annexure – III (enclosed<br />

separately)<br />

The requirement is only tentative and may vary depending upon the volume of work,<br />

functional requirements etc. Any variation in the requirement of manpower shall be<br />

communicated to the Agency at the sole discretion of D.O.P.R.<br />

c) Emoluments:-<br />

The monthly remuneration to be paid to the manpower to be engaged shall be as under:<br />

Sl.No. Category of manpower Remuneration p.m.<br />

1 Post Graduate Rs.10,000/- + employer's share of EPF<br />

2 Graduate Rs.8,000/- + employer's share of EPF<br />

3 From 10 th to 12 th Class Rs.6,500/- + employer's share of EPF<br />

4 Upto 9 th Class Rs. 5,000/- + employer's share of EPF<br />

The Agency will make payment to the staff on a monthly basis as per the remuneration<br />

fixed by the D.O.P.R. by the 5th day of each month in the form of cheque at the premises of<br />

D.O.P.R., Pedavegi. The Agency will submit the invoice/claim to the D.O.P.R. on a monthly basis<br />

duly supported by proof of disbursement of salary to the staff, in triplicate, for payment. The<br />

payment to the Agency shall be released within 15 days from the date of receipt of invoice<br />

provided the claim of the Agency is found to be in order from all angles. The Income Tax<br />

deducted at source and such other taxes /levies, as are required by law to be deducted, shall be<br />

deducted from the charges payable to the Agency. The Agency shall furnish details of<br />

disbursement made to the staff indicating the amount of remuneration received from the<br />

D.O.P.R. against each individual, amount deducted on account of statutory deductions such as<br />

ESI (if applicable) / EPF etc., as employee's share and net amount paid to each individual duly<br />

supported by details of payments made to the contractual staff before presenting claim for the<br />

next month. The proof of payment of statutory obligations such as ESI, EPF etc. any other<br />

applicable taxes accompanied by Form 3A must be furnished by the Agency indicating the<br />

names of the employees and the amount deposited in respect of each, failing which subsequent<br />

payment to the Agency shall be withheld.<br />


:: 3 ::<br />

D) Terms & conditions:<br />

I. Based on the requirement of each job, the candidates recommended by the Agency for<br />

engagement/deployment will be decided by D.O.P.R. and decision of the D.O.P.R. will be final in<br />

this regard. In case, D.O.P.R. in its discretion, finds any deployed person as not desirable and<br />

not suitable for whatever reasons in the sole discretion of the D.O.P.R. and upon so being<br />

notified by D.O.P.R., the Agency shall be liable to withdraw such person (s) forthwith and<br />

substitute by a person(s) acceptable to D.O.P.R..<br />

II. The personnel shall be available for work on all office days (Monday to Saturday ) from 9.30<br />

a.m. to 4.30 p.m.. However, depending upon the exigencies of work, the personnel may be<br />

required to work late beyond office hours or on closed holidays for which they will be<br />

compensated;<br />

III. The Agency will be responsible for complying with the obligations under the Labour Laws in<br />

respect of minimum wages and various other provisions for all its employees deputed to work<br />

for the D.O.P.R..<br />

IV. The D.O.P.R. shall have no liability whatsoever towards any other personnel or equipment<br />

of the Agency. All statutory requirements for the workmen are to be borne by the Agency and<br />

shall be the sole responsibility of the Agency.<br />

V. The Agency shall not sub-contract the services of personnel sponsored by them.<br />

VI. The D.O.P.R reserves the rights to award the contract/work in full or in parts to any Agency<br />

and also terminate the contract/work at any stage, if the performance of the Agency is found to<br />


VII. The D.O.P.R is not bound to accept the lowest quotation and/or assign any reasons for<br />

rejecting any or all the bids.<br />

VIII. The bidder is required to deposit Rs.50,000/- either in the form of Bank Guarantee valid for<br />

135 days after the last date for submission of bids or in the form of Demand Draft drawn in<br />

favour of the Director, D.O.P.R payable at Eluru as bid security along with the bid. The bid<br />

security shall be returned to the unsuccessful bidders after the Notification of award of contract.<br />

The bids not accompanied by bid security shall be summarily rejected.<br />

IX. The Agency will be required to deposit Performance Guarantee (10% ) for an amount of<br />

Rs.50,000/- within one month from the date of Notification of award of contract. The<br />

Performance Guarantee will be valid up to 3 months beyond the date of expiry of the contract.<br />

X. In case of any loss, theft, sabotage etc. caused by or attributable to any of the personnel<br />

deployed by the Agency, the D.O.P.R shall have the right to claim the damages from the Agency.<br />


:: 4 ::<br />

E. Evaluation of Bids:<br />

The bids must contain the information as required in the format (Annexure-I) .The bids which<br />

do not contain the information as desired or are not supported by necessary documents will be<br />

treated as non responsive and will not be evaluated. Only those bids will be evaluated which are<br />

determined to be substantially responsive and meet the requirements set forth herein.<br />

F. Validity of Bids:<br />

i) The rates are to be quoted in the prescribed format (Annexure-I)<br />

ii) Overwriting or erasing in the bid documents shall render the same invalid<br />

iii) The bids shall be valid for a period of not less 90 days after the deadline for<br />

submission of<br />

bids<br />

iv) The rates quoted will not be subject to any revision during the currency of the<br />

contract.<br />


:: 5 ::<br />

ANNEXURE - I<br />

1. Name of the Service Provider/Agency :<br />

2. Address with Telephone/Fax No. E-mail :<br />

3. Contact person's name :<br />

4. Essential details with copies of certificates for<br />

the following:<br />

i) Registration :<br />

ii) Sales Tax Clearance/VAT :<br />

iii) EPF registration :<br />

iv) ESI registration :<br />

v) Experience certificate for the last two :<br />

years to the effect that there is no<br />

litigation pending against the Agency<br />

5. Turnover details for the last three years :<br />

(supporting documents to be enclosed)<br />

6. Details of staff employed by the Agency for :<br />

its business operations (category wise )<br />

7. Whether the firm has any legal suit/criminal :<br />

suit/criminal case pending against it for violation<br />

of EPF/ESI/Minimum Wages Act or other<br />

laws (give details). The Agency must enclose a<br />

certificate indicating that there is no criminal/<br />

legal suit pending or contemplated against them<br />

8. Whether bid security of Rs.50,000/- is enclosed,<br />

if so provide details thereof.<br />

9. Declaration:<br />

We hereby certify that the information furnished above is correct & true to the best of our<br />

knowledge. We understand that in the event of information being found false at any stage, the<br />

Agency will be blacklisted and will not have any dealing with the IIHR in future.<br />

Signature of authorized signatory<br />


:: 6 ::<br />



Name of the Agency along with Address and Telephone No.<br />

Type of charges to be claimed by the Agency.<br />

Service charges :- It should be quoted as % of<br />

the total emoluments payable per month in<br />

respect of manpower supplied.<br />

Service Tax: It should be quoted as % of the<br />

service tax as per rates applicable.<br />

Any other charges * (details to be given )<br />

<br />

If no details are specified the amount will be treated as nil<br />



:: 7 ::<br />

Phones: 08812-259532/259524<br />

Fax: 08812-259531<br />

Phones: 08812-259409(Director’s Office)<br />

E-mail: dopr2009@gmail.com<br />

<strong>DIRECTORATE</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OIL</strong> <strong>PALM</strong> <strong>RESEARCH</strong><br />

(Formerly National Research Centre for Oil Palm)<br />

(Indian Council of Agricultural Research)<br />

Pedavegi–534 450, West Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh<br />

Website: http://dopr.gov.in<br />

TENDER NO. 1<br />

Sealed Tenders for providing man-power on outsourcing basis for D.O.P.R. is invited on<br />

behalf of the Director, D.O.P.R., Pedavegi - 534450. The Bid document may be obtained from<br />

the above office on any working day between 9.30 a.m. & 1.00 p.m. against payment of<br />

Rs.1000/- by cash or in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of the Director, D.O.P.R.. The<br />

document can also be downloaded from D.O.P.R. website http://www.dopr.gov.in.In case the<br />

document is downloaded from the D.O.P.R. website, the cost of document shall have to be<br />

deposited by the bidder in the form of Demand Draft while submitting their offer. Bid<br />

document will be issued up to 07.06.2011 (1.00 p.m.). The last date for submission of bids at<br />

D.O.P.R. is 21.06.2011 up to 1.00 p.m. The bids will be opened on the same day at 2.00 p.m.<br />



Sl.No.1: Helper to the cook in the Canteen (Canteen Staff):<br />

1. Whether the work can be quantified : -- No --<br />

2. If work can be quantified<br />

Item of work : Providing assistance to Cook<br />

Quantity of work (please specify) : In preparation of breakfast, lunch,<br />

Dinner, tea & refreshments to 18 – 20<br />

persons/day or 5000 persons in a year<br />

Washing the vessels. Serving food to<br />

the guests/inmates of the hostel.<br />

Cleaning the canteen premises etc.<br />

Duration for which the work is required:<br />

Assisting the cook every day in a<br />

month, through out the year<br />

Frequency of occurring the work : Every day in a year<br />

How the work quality can be evaluated :<br />

Feedback from participants of the<br />

training the visitors/guests<br />

Estimated amount per unit quantity of : Rs.4000/- per month<br />

work (cost)<br />

Contd.. on page 2

:: 2 ::<br />

Sl.No.2: Cook in the Canteen (Canteen Staff):<br />

1. Whether the work can be quantified : -- No --<br />

2. If work can be quantified<br />

Item of work : Cooking in the canteen – Cook<br />

Quantity of work (please specify) : Preparing breakfast, lunch, dinner<br />

Tea & refreshments to 18-20 persons<br />

per day or 5000 persons in a year<br />

Duration for which the work is required :<br />

Every day in a month, throughout the<br />

Year<br />

Frequency of occurring the work : Every day in a year<br />

How the work quality can be evaluated : Feed back from the participants of<br />

the training and visitors/guests<br />

Estimated amount per unit quantity of : Rs.6000/- per month<br />

Work (cost)<br />

Sl. No. 3: Accounts Assistant (AA-01): For Audit and Accounts Section (2Nos.)<br />

Qualification: Graduate with hands on experience computer, knowledge of MS word and<br />

Excel.<br />

Job Description: Maintenance of books of accounts, writing cash book, cheque register<br />

etc.; posting of expenditure entries, preparation of BRS, typing work using computer,<br />

maintenance of broad sheets, assisting in preparation of various monthly and annual<br />

accounts; Preparation of various reports; Assisting in auditing of bills and coordinating with<br />

external auditing and data entry works.<br />

Sl. No. 4: RA-01 – Pathology Field and lab (1 No.):<br />

Qualification: Working experience in research laboratory and field will be preferred<br />

Job Description: Cleaning and mopping of lab, work benches and equipment etc;<br />

Decontaminating, cleaning and drying glassware, Packing, sterilizing and maintaining the<br />

glassware, Watering to plants in net house, Weeding in net house, Spraying chemicals and<br />

applying fertilizer to plants, Assistance while doing surgeries in field, Cleaning of palm basins<br />

and application of chemicals Helping while sample collection, Assistance while inoculations<br />

and recording data.<br />

Contd.. on page 3

:: 3 ::<br />

Sl. No. 5: RA-02- Biochemistry/ Molecular Biology/Biotechnology Laboratory<br />

(2 No.):<br />

Qualification: Preferably 10 th Pass, experience in working in laboratory will be preferred.<br />

Job description: General cleaning and arrangement of Laboratory including all apparatus,<br />

equipments, chemicals and glassware. Cleaning, rinsing, drying arranging glass and plastic<br />

wares, Collection of samples from mature oil palm like leaf, fruit, bunch, other explants etc.,<br />

Operating general apparatus/ equipments like distillation unit, growth chamber, ice flaker<br />

incubator etc. Helping in activities in tissue culture, oil estimation, bunch analysis, DNA<br />

extraction and any other experiments conducted in the laboratory – the job would be like<br />

media preparation, pouring, arranging, autoclaving, cotton plug making, fumigating<br />

laboratory, separating spikelets, fruits, scraping and drying mesocarp, making<br />

pouch/thimble, operating autoclave, soxhlet, helping in sample preparation for GC and HPLC,<br />

recording some observations etc.<br />

Sl. No. 6: RA- 03 : Horticulture Field and Laboratory (1 No):<br />

Qualification: Preferably 10 th Pass, experience in laboratory working will be preferred.<br />

Job Description: General cleaning and arrangement of Laboratory including all apparatus,<br />

equipments, chemicals and glassware. Cleaning, rinsing, and drying arranging glass and<br />

plastic wares. To help in collection of samples from mature oil palm like leaf, fruit, bunch,<br />

soil samples etc. application of special dosages of fertilizer as and when require. Assistance<br />

in collection of data, treatment application, laboratory work etc.<br />

Sl. No. 7: RA-04 – Receptionist (1 No.):<br />

Qualification: Proficient in speaking in English, Hindi and Telugu. Working knowledge of<br />

Computers. Preferably a graduate.<br />

Job Description: Receiving of telephone calls and connecting to the respective officers /<br />

sections, providing connection to the required telephone numbers as required by the officers<br />

/ personnel of the institute, maintaining the list of call usage, personnel calls etc. Having<br />

knowledge of operating Telephone Exchange System.<br />

Sl. No. 8: RA-05-Post Harvest Technology (1 No.):<br />

Qualification: Essential: (1) 10 th class pass (2) ITI certificate OR certificate of vocational<br />

training/modular employable skills in any engineering stream (3) Tractor driving licence.<br />

Desirable: (1) 2 year experience in a similar job as described (2) Second class boiler<br />

attendant certificate.<br />

Job description: 1) To carry out minor engineering works like grinding, sawing, fitting, oiling<br />

and greasing the machines, generator operation, operation of equipments in mini palm oil<br />

mill and engineering workshop like fibre extraction unit, self propelled hydraulic lifting<br />

platform, centrifuge, mini boiler, stripe making machine, screw press, stripper etc. To assist<br />

the Scientist/RA in maintaining the mill, engineering workshop and in various experiments.<br />

Contd.. on page 4

:: 4 ::<br />

Sl. No.9: RA-06-Horticulture Field and Laboratory (1 No.):<br />

Qualification: Experience in field operations and oil palm nursery activities.<br />

Job description: Marking and layout preparation, Digging of pits and application of manure<br />

and fertilizers, Collection of planting material and planting of inter crops, Watering of inter<br />

crops, manuring of inter crops, Fertilizer application to inter crops, Weeding in oil palm<br />

basins, Weeding in intercrops, Spraying of pesticides, Pruning in cocoa, Chaffing of oil palm<br />

leaves and mulching in palm basins, Harvesting of produce in intercrops and handing over to<br />

Farm, Scything of weeds in and around research block, Basin formation for cocoa, banana,<br />

pepper etc., Staking or support for bush pepper and vine pepper, betel vine etc., Manual<br />

help at the time of observations and other miscellaneous works. (Oil palm based cropping<br />

system).<br />

Collection of media, Cleaning and leveling of experimental site, Preparation of medium and<br />

filling small and big polythene bags with medium, Transport of bags and placement of bags,<br />

Fixing of drip line over the bags, Planting of oil palm seed sprouts, Shifting of primary<br />

seedlings and planting of the same in big bags, Watering of seedlings, Application of<br />

fertilizers, Weeding in nursery, Spraying of pesticides, Collection of mulch and mulching in<br />

big bags, Culling of abnormal seedlings, Checking of drippers and rectification of problem,<br />

Maintenance of nursery tools, Manual help at the time of observations, Washing of glass<br />

ware and working tables, Collection of soil, manure and leaf samples and preparation of the<br />

same for analysis (Oil Palm nursery).<br />

Sl. No.10: RA-07-Mixed Farming System (2 No.):<br />

Qualification: Experience in farm operations (field and livestock)<br />

Job description:<br />

Oil palm<br />

Basin weeding/cleaning<br />

Chaffing of leaves and application of the same to palm basins<br />

Application of FYM, vermi compost to oil palm<br />

Application of chemical fertilizers<br />

Inter crops (fodders)<br />

Weeding<br />

Application of FYM, and vermi compost<br />

Application of chemical fertilizers<br />

Irrigation<br />

Harvesting of fodder<br />

Dairy<br />

Carrying of harvested fodder, chaffing and feeding cattle<br />

Giving water to cattle<br />

Feeding concentrate<br />

Sweeping and washing of cattle and cattle shed floor<br />

Removal of dung and litter

Outing of cattle<br />

Milking<br />

Washing of utensils<br />

Pisciculture<br />

Procurement of inputs like fish seed and release of fish seed into<br />

sump<br />

Procurement of fish feed and feeding<br />

Feeding<br />

Maintenance of water in the sump<br />

Sampling of fish to know the growth<br />

Catching of fish and handing over to Farm<br />

Poultry rearing<br />

Procurement of chicks<br />

Feeding of birds<br />

Mushroom culture<br />

Collection of substrate(EFB)<br />

Sterilization of substrate<br />

Cleaning/sweeping of mushroom shed<br />

Inoculation of substrate with mushroom culture and filling of bags<br />

with substrate<br />

Hanging of bags in the shed<br />

Spraying of water on the substrate<br />

Maintenance of weather conditions of the shed to the required<br />

levels.<br />

Harvesting of mushroom and packing<br />

Cutting of yielded portion and removal of waste<br />

Vermi composting<br />

Collection of oil palm leaves<br />

Chaffing of leaves<br />

Application of cow dung slurry and cattle urine to chaffed leaf<br />

material<br />

Filling of compost pits with half decomposed leaf material<br />

Release of earth worms<br />

Watering<br />

Removal of compost from the pits<br />

Other works<br />

Collection of POME, drying and mixing with feed for livestock<br />

Washing of glass ware, equipment and working tables in the<br />

laboratory<br />

Collection of soil, manure and leaf samples and preparation of the<br />

same for analysis<br />

Manual help at the time of observations and other miscellaneous<br />


:: 6 ::<br />

Sl. No. 11: RA-08 - Entomology Laboratory, Net House and Field (1 No.):<br />

Qualification:<br />

Job description: Cleaning and moping lab, culture room, inoculation room, work benches<br />

and equipment; Decontamination, cleaning, drying, sterilizing, packing and maintaining<br />

glassware; water, weeding net house plants, assistance during experimental trials, spraying<br />

chemicals, cleaning palm basins; helping in sample collection, inoculation etc.<br />

Sl. No. 12: RA-09- Seed Lab (01):<br />

Qualification<br />

Job Description:<br />

1. Chemical treatment<br />

2. Drying of seeds<br />

3. Counting of seeds<br />

4. keeping for germination<br />

5. Sprouts separation<br />

6. Culling of sprouts<br />

7. Sprouts Packing<br />

8. Heating & Germination Room maintainance<br />

Sl. No. 13: RA-10- Bunch Analysis Lab (01):<br />

Qualification<br />

Could be 9th Pass<br />

Job Description<br />

Management of the activity<br />

Preparations of bunch analysis formats etc<br />

Looking after arrangements for bunch analysis<br />

Recording data on bunch analysis<br />

Arranging for oil estimation unit, sample<br />

weighing, preparing thachets and monitoring of<br />

the oil estimation unit/ activity.<br />

Data loading in computer<br />

Contd.. on page 7

:: 7 ::<br />

Sl. No. 14: RA-11- Bunch Analysis Lab (01):<br />

Qualification:<br />

Could be 9th Pass<br />

Job Description:<br />

1. For Pest & Disease forecasting in Nursery and control of pests and<br />

diseases as and when noticed.<br />

2. Water Management in nursery. attending day to day activities like<br />

removal of excess water from bags, checking irrigation in each bag and<br />

rectifying the mistake to see that normal irrigation is there.<br />

3. Assisting in recording observations in nursery<br />

4. Primary nursery seedlings maintenance.<br />

5. Implementation of instructions of the scientists or technical assistant<br />

as and when given<br />

Sl. No. 15: RA-12- Breeding Field and Lab (01):<br />

Qualification: 5th class<br />

Job Description:<br />

1. Attending to disease and pest management activities as and when<br />

required<br />

2. Monitoring of experiment daily and attending to work for proper up<br />

keeping of the experiment<br />

3. Attending to Experimental studies as and when asked by the official<br />

4. Record maintenance<br />

Sl. No. 16: RA-13- Breeding Field and Lab (02):<br />

Qualification: 5th class, experience in working in research fled is<br />

preferable<br />

Job Description:<br />

Attending to irrigation problems and Monitoring of irrigation daily and<br />

attending to work for proper up keeping of the system, Attending to<br />

disease and pest management activities as and when required,<br />

Monitoring of experiment daily and attending to work for proper up<br />

keeping of the experiment, Attending to Experimental studies as and<br />

when asked by the official, Record maintenance etc.<br />

Contd.. on page 8

:: 8 ::<br />

Sl. No. 17: RA-14 – Entomlogy Field and lab (1 No.):<br />

Qualification: Working experience in research laboratory and field will be preferred<br />

Job Description: Cleaning and mopping of lab, work benches and equipment etc;<br />

Decontaminating, cleaning and drying glassware, Packing, sterilizing and maintaining the<br />

glassware, Watering to plants in net house, Weeding in net house, Spraying chemicals and<br />

applying fertilizer to plants, Assistance while doing surgeries and other activities in field,<br />

Cleaning of palm basins and application of chemicals Helping while sample collection,<br />

Assistance while inoculations and recording data.<br />

Sl. No. 18: RA-15- Biochemistry/ Molecular biology/Biotechnology Laboratory ( 4<br />

Nos.):<br />

Qualification: M.Sc. in Biological Sciences (preferably in M.Sc. Biotechnology/ Molecular<br />

Biology/ Biochemistry/ Microbiology). Experience of working in laboratory (Tissue culture/<br />

Biotechnology Biochemistry/ Molecular Biology) and handling of equipments like<br />

PCR/GC/GCMS/HPLC/ will be preferred.<br />

Job description: Assisting in conducting any laboratory and filed experiments related to the<br />

field of Tissue culture/ Biochemistry/ Molecular Biology / Biotechnology as per the<br />

requirement. Recording observation; tabulating and analyzing data as and when required.<br />

Helping in Preparation of report. Helping in any other activities in the laboratory/ institute as<br />

and when required.<br />

Sl. No. 19: RA-16- Horticulture Field and Laboratory (1 No.):<br />

Qualification: M.Sc./B. Sc in Biological Sciences (preferably in horticulture / Biochemistry/<br />

Microbiology). Experience of working in laboratory.<br />

Job description: General cleaning and arrangement of Laboratory including all apparatus,<br />

equipments, chemicals and glassware. Cleaning, rinsing, drying arranging glass and plastic<br />

wares, Collection of samples from mature oil palm like leaf, fruit, bunch, other explants etc.,<br />

Operating general apparatus/ equipments like distillation unit. Laboratory analysis of sample<br />

sand application of treatment. Recording observation; tabulating and analyzing data as and<br />

when required. Helping in Preparation of report. Helping in any other activities in the<br />

laboratory/ institute as and when required.<br />

Sl. No. 20: RA-17 – Computer Applications (1 No.):<br />

Qualification: Graduate or higher qualification having working knowledge of programming,<br />

especially in Dot Net and SQL Server is required.<br />

Job Description: Programming, Data Entry, Data Validation and Updating of data<br />

pertaining the projects in Computer Applications. Need to be involved in all the tasks of<br />

software development, report writing etc.<br />

Contd.. on page 9

:: 9 ::<br />

Sl. No. 21: RA-18– Post Harvest Technology (1 No.):<br />

Qualification: Essential: B.Tech in Agricultural/Chemical/Mechanical Engineering. Desirable:<br />

(1) Experience in working in agro/food processing units. (2) Experience in research related<br />

works.<br />

Job description: 1) Managing the mini palm oil mill operations and facilitating the processing, data<br />

recording during the time of processing, proper upkeep of the machineries in the mill and getting<br />

the repairs/services done from time to time, keeping stock of the items. 2) Assisting the scientists in<br />

research works, field visits, observing and recording data and data analysis, design of new<br />

machineries, making necessary drawings and assisting in experiments in post harvest technology<br />

laboratory and maintaining engineering workshop.<br />

Sl. No. 22: RA-19- Horticulture Field and Laboratory (1No.):<br />

Qualification: Graduation or Post Graduation in Biological Sciences preferably in Botany.<br />

Persons having experience with oil palm crop and nursery, soil analysis and knowledge on<br />

computer applications may be preferred.<br />

Job description: Procurement of needed inputs, Marking and layout, Imposition of<br />

treatments, Recording of observations on morphological, yield, physiological and<br />

biochemical parameters, Measurement of light infiltration at monthly intervals in inter<br />

cropped area and MLT on cocoa, Soil, manure and leaf sampling and analysis of the same,<br />

Destructive analysis in nursery, Maintenance of inventory, stock registers, field note books,<br />

log books and equipment, Monitoring of experimental plots, Supervision and execution of<br />

various field and nursery activities as per the schedule, Assistance in settlement of<br />

contingent advances etc., Cost benefit analysis of the system, Literature collection and data<br />

analysis, Accompanying the scientist during field visits and surveys and other miscellaneous<br />

works.<br />

Sl. No. 23: RA-20- Mixed Farming System (1No.):<br />

Qualification: Graduation or Post Graduation in Biological Sciences preferably in<br />

Microbiology and Botany. Persons having experience/knowledge on oil palm crop, animal<br />

husbandry, vermi composting, soil analysis, enumeration of microbial populations, biofertilizers,<br />

experience of working in laboratory and knowledge on computer applications may<br />

be preferred.<br />

Job description: Procurement of needed inputs like POME, feed, medicines etc., Marking<br />

and layout, Imposition of treatments, Recording of observations on morphological, yield and<br />

physiological parameters of oil palm, Recording of observations on biometric parameters of<br />

various fodder crops/different varieties of particular fodder crop, Recording of observations<br />

on performance of dairy, poultry, fish culture, vermi composting etc., Measurement of light<br />

infiltration at monthly intervals in oil palm block, Soil, manure and leaf sampling and<br />

analysis of the same, Enumeration of microbial population, Analysis of cattle urine,<br />

Quantification of biomass of the system, Maintenance of inventory, stock registers, field note<br />

books etc., Monitoring of the farming system, Supervision and execution of farm activities,<br />

Arrangement for treatment of livestock whenever they fall sick, Assistance in settlement of<br />

contingent advances etc., Cost benefit analysis of the system, Literature collection and data<br />

analysis and other miscellaneous works.<br />

Contd.. on page 10

:: 10 ::<br />

Sl. No. 24: RA 21- Entomology lab (1 No.):<br />

QUALIFICATION: Any Bachelor degree in life science<br />

JOB DETAILS: to assist in collection of samples for pollinating weevil population in oil<br />

palm gardens located in various places The field collected samples should be analysed for<br />

various parameters in the laboratory. Assisting in research conducted in laboratory as per<br />

requirement. Recording observation in field and laboratory, tabulating analyzing and<br />

preparation of report. Assisting in entomological field trials.<br />

Sl. No. 25: RA-22- Horticulture field and lab (1 No.):<br />

Qualification: Preferably Science Graduate<br />

Job description: Fertilizer application after diluting suitable fertilizers as per the<br />

requirement and treatment of fertigation experiment, leaf and sample collection,<br />

processing and analysis in the lab, recording observation, monitoring fertigation<br />

and irrigation equipment, monitoring harvesting, general fertilizer application<br />

and irrigation, weeding and other experimental activities, data feeding etc.<br />

Sl. No. 26: RA-23 - Horticulture Lab and Field ( 01):<br />

Qualification: M.Sc. in Biological Sciences (preferably in M.Sc. Biotechnology/ Molecular<br />

Biology/ Biochemistry/ Microbiology). Experience of working in laboratory (Tissue culture/<br />

Biotechnology Biochemistry/ Molecular Biology) and handling of equipments AND computer<br />

knowledge will be preferred.<br />

Job Description: Collection of sample and fruit typing, Collection of biometric data, Seed<br />

sample collection and processing, Nursery raising and field planting, Recording observations<br />

existing as well as newly collected germplasm accessions, Surveillance of palms for<br />

inflorescence emergence, Tagging, cleaning and bagging of inflorescence, Pollen collection,<br />

Pollen drying, Cleaning of glass wares, Media preparation, Inoculation of pollen,<br />

Microscopic observation for germination, Pollen storage studies, Histology of pollen<br />

samples, Surveillance of palms for inflorescence emergence, Tagging, cleaning and bagging<br />

of inflorescence in female parent, Collection and preparation of pollen from male parent,<br />

Pollination, Harvest of bunches, Seed extraction, germination, Nursery raising and field<br />

planting, Harvesting of bunches and transportation to lab, Cleaning, weighing and handling<br />

of bunch for observation, Collection of fruit sample, Scraping of mesocarp, Weighing,<br />

drying and grinding of mesocarp, Cleaning of glassware including operation of distillation<br />

unit, Preparation of Reagent stocks, Preparation of samples, Recording of color values (RGB<br />

& Lab), Oil estimation, Moisture estimation, Estimation of FFA, carotene, peroxide value,<br />

iodine value etc

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