Soils of the - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Soils of the - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Soils of the - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
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PEARDONVILLE SOILS . (PD) Location and Extent : Peardonville soils occur mainly in the vicinity of Peardonville and on the uplands wes t of Matsqui Valley where 600 ha of pure map units and 160 ha of soil complexes dominated by Peardonville soil s are mapped . The complexes are usually with Columbia and Calkins soils . Topography and Elevation : The topography of Peardonville soils is mostly gently to moderately rolling wit h slopes between 6 and 15 percent . A few areas range to very steeply sloping or hilly with gradients to 60 percent . Elevations range between 50 and 100 m above sea level . Parent Material and Texture : Peardonville soils have developed in 50 to 100 cm of medium-textured eolia n deposits that overlie moderately coarse to coarse-textured, heterogeneous ice-contact deposits . Surface an d subsurface textures are silt loam or loam and become moderately stony where the silty capping is shallow . Th e subsoils vary from loamy sand to gravel where glaciofluvial materials are dominant, to gravelly sandy loam o r loam where lenses and pockets of glacial till occur . Soil Moisture Characteristics : Peardonville soils are well drained . They are moderately pervious and have moderate to high waterholding capacity. Surface runoff is slow to moderate, depending on the steepness of th e slopes . General Soil Description : Peardonville soils, when under forest, have up to 10 cm of brownish to black , variably decomposed, organic litter on the mineral soil surface . This is underlain by about 60 cm of dark reddis h brown to dark yellowish brown, weakly structured, friable, silty material which contains scattered, hard, reddish , spherical concretions . Under this is about 15 cm of friable, yellowish-brown, sandy material which contain s some stones . Under this is loose, gravelly and sandy material containing pieces and lenses of compact loam y till . Soil reaction grades from very strongly acid in the surface organic layer through strongly or medium acid i n the upper 50 cm of the mineral soil to slightly acid in the subsoil (1 :1 H20) . Soil classification is Orthic Humo - Ferric Podzol. A shallow variant of Peardonville soils is mapped in a few areas . It is similar to the usua l Peardonville soils except that the silty surface capping is 20 to 50 cm thick rather than the usual 50 cm or mor e thick . Commonly Associated Soils : Columbia, Abbotsford, Marble Hill, Calkins, Ryder and Lonzo Creek soil s are closely associated with Peardonville soils . All except Columbia soils are similar to Peardonville soils in tha t they have silty, eolian surfaces . They vary, however, in subsoil materials or drainage . Ryder and Lonzo Creek soils differ by being respectively underlain with glacial till at depths greater than 50 cm and between 20 and 5 0 cm . Marble Hill and Abbotsford soils differ by being respectively underlain by gravelly glaciofluvial materials a t depths of greater than 50 cm and between 20 and 50 cm of the surface . Columbia soils are gravelly to the surface while Calkins soils are poorly drained . Vegetation : Most of the topographically suited areas of Peardonville soils are cleared and cultivated fo r agricultural crops . Uncleared areas support a mixed, second-growth forest, dominantly coast Douglas-fir, re d alder and vine maple with undergrowth that includes salmonberry, thimbleberry, bracken, and cascara . Rooting depth is usually unrestricted although in locations where glacial till is dominant in the subsoil, som e impediment occurs due to its compact nature . General Land Use Comments : (1) Where not topographically limited, Peardonville soils are suited fo r most crops if irrigation is available . Otherwise, and especially where the silty surface capping is thin, drought y conditions develop during the latter part of most growing seasons . (2) Peardonville soils are variably suited fo r urban and similar development . Steeply sloping areas are unsuited while the more level areas are well suited . The soils are well drained and high watertables are not a problem . Septic tank effluent disposal fields generall y work well although groundwater contamination is a possibility due to inefficient filtration by the coarse-texture d subsoil if numerous systems are installed . Surface erosion is probable during heavy, prolonged rain in steepl y sloping, vegetation-free areas . (3) Peardonville soils are moderately well suited for forest production . Potentia l annual wood production by coast Douglas-fir is estimated to be between 7 .5 and 9 m3/ha . 150

PELLY SOILS (Pl ) Location and Extent : Pelly soils occur only as small areas in Chilliwhack Municipality, south and west o f Chilliwack Mountain . About 30 ha of pure map units and 25 ha of soil complexes dominated by Pelly soils are mapped . The complexes are with Blackburn and Annis soils . Topography and Elevation : Pelly soils are nearly level to gently undulating . They have slopes up to 2 percent and usually are slightly depressional in relation to adjacent soils . Elevations vary between 5 and 10 m above sea level . Parent Material and Texture : The parent material of Pelly soils are moderately fine to medium-textured , stone-free, Fraser River floodplain deposits at least 50 cm thick which overlie sand . Surface textures are usuall y silty clay loam with some variation to silt loam or silty clay . Subsurface textures are similar while the subsoi l gradually changes to silt loam with depth and sometimes contains lenses of sand or loamy sand . Soil Moisture Characteristics : Pelly soils are poorly drained . They are slowly to moderately pervious an d have high water holding capacity and slow surface runoff . Groundwater tables are near the surface during mos t of the winter and during the freshet period on the Fraser River but recede gradually over the growing season . Surface ponding is common during heavy, prolonged rains due to slow permeability and runoff accumulatio n from adjacent, higher areas . General Soil Description : Pelly soils generally have a silty, cultivated surface layer about 20 cm thick whic h is friable and very dark grayish brown in colour. It is underlain by a gray to dark gray, firm, sticky, coarsel y structured, silty to clayey zone about 20 cm thick that contains few to common, yellowish-brown mottles . Thi s zone is underlain by 40 cm or more of gray to olive-gray, firm, sticky, massive, silty material containing commo n to few, yellowish-red mottles . At depth, the silty material often contains lenses of sand . Soil reaction ranges fro m strongly acid in the surface and subsurface to medium or slightly acid in the subsoil (1 :1 H 20). Soil classificatio n is Orthic Humic Gleysol . Commonly Associated Soils : Blackburn, Annis and Grigg soils are commonly closely associated wit h Pelly soils . Annis soils differ from Pelly by having between 15 and 40 cm of organic material at the soil surface . Blackburn soils differ by containing buried (dark coloured), old surface layers in the subsurface and subsoil . They usually also lie slightly higher than Pelly soils and are somewhat less poorly drained . Grigg soils differ b y being imperfectly drained and contain a well-defined clay accumulation layer in the subsurface . Vegetation : All areas of Pelly soils are cleared and cultivated . Natural vegetation along fences and in simila r locations includes black cottonwood, thimbleberry, salmonberry, blackberry, willow, sedges and grass . Rootin g is mainly restricted to the upper 60 cm by the high groundwater levels and massive subsoil . General Land Use Comments : (1) Poor drainage and high groundwater levels are the main agricultura l limitation of Pelly soils . Artificial drainage is required for good crop production, particularly for overwintering o f perennial crops and will also allow earlier cultivation in the spring . Pelly soils are usually closely intermingle d with other, usually somewhat better drained soils which makes them difficult to manage individually . (2) Urban and similar developments are poorly suited for Pelly soils . High watertables preclude basements or othe r excavations and variable bearing strengths may require special foundations . High watertables and relativel y slow permeability severely impede septic tank effluent disposal . Periodic flooding during heavy rains is a severe urban limitation . 151


(PD)<br />

Location <strong>and</strong> Extent : Peardonville soils occur mainly in <strong>the</strong> vicinity <strong>of</strong> Peardonville <strong>and</strong> on <strong>the</strong> upl<strong>and</strong>s wes t<br />

<strong>of</strong> Matsqui Valley where 600 ha <strong>of</strong> pure map units <strong>and</strong> 160 ha <strong>of</strong> soil complexes dominated by Peardonville soil s<br />

are mapped . The complexes are usually with Columbia <strong>and</strong> Calkins soils .<br />

Topography <strong>and</strong> Elevation : The topography <strong>of</strong> Peardonville soils is mostly gently to moderately rolling wit h<br />

slopes between 6 <strong>and</strong> 15 percent . A few areas range to very steeply sloping or hilly with gradients to 60 percent .<br />

Elevations range between 50 <strong>and</strong> 100 m above sea level .<br />

Parent Material <strong>and</strong> Texture : Peardonville soils have developed in 50 to 100 cm <strong>of</strong> medium-textured eolia n<br />

deposits that overlie moderately coarse to coarse-textured, heterogeneous ice-contact deposits . Surface an d<br />

subsurface textures are silt loam or loam <strong>and</strong> become moderately stony where <strong>the</strong> silty capping is shallow . Th e<br />

subsoils vary from loamy s<strong>and</strong> to gravel where glaci<strong>of</strong>luvial materials are dominant, to gravelly s<strong>and</strong>y loam o r<br />

loam where lenses <strong>and</strong> pockets <strong>of</strong> glacial till occur .<br />

Soil Moisture Characteristics : Peardonville soils are well drained . They are moderately pervious <strong>and</strong> have<br />

moderate to high waterholding capacity. Surface run<strong>of</strong>f is slow to moderate, depending on <strong>the</strong> steepness <strong>of</strong> th e<br />

slopes .<br />

General Soil Description : Peardonville soils, when under forest, have up to 10 cm <strong>of</strong> brownish to black ,<br />

variably decomposed, organic litter on <strong>the</strong> mineral soil surface . This is underlain by about 60 cm <strong>of</strong> dark reddis h<br />

brown to dark yellowish brown, weakly structured, friable, silty material which contains scattered, hard, reddish ,<br />

spherical concretions . Under this is about 15 cm <strong>of</strong> friable, yellowish-brown, s<strong>and</strong>y material which contain s<br />

some stones . Under this is loose, gravelly <strong>and</strong> s<strong>and</strong>y material containing pieces <strong>and</strong> lenses <strong>of</strong> compact loam y<br />

till . Soil reaction grades from very strongly acid in <strong>the</strong> surface organic layer through strongly or medium acid i n<br />

<strong>the</strong> upper 50 cm <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> mineral soil to slightly acid in <strong>the</strong> subsoil (1 :1 H20) . Soil classification is Orthic Humo -<br />

Ferric Podzol. A shallow variant <strong>of</strong> Peardonville soils is mapped in a few areas . It is similar to <strong>the</strong> usua l<br />

Peardonville soils except that <strong>the</strong> silty surface capping is 20 to 50 cm thick ra<strong>the</strong>r than <strong>the</strong> usual 50 cm or mor e<br />

thick .<br />

Commonly Associated <strong>Soils</strong> : Columbia, Abbotsford, Marble Hill, Calkins, Ryder <strong>and</strong> Lonzo Creek soil s<br />

are closely associated with Peardonville soils . All except Columbia soils are similar to Peardonville soils in tha t<br />

<strong>the</strong>y have silty, eolian surfaces . They vary, however, in subsoil materials or drainage . Ryder <strong>and</strong> Lonzo Creek<br />

soils differ by being respectively underlain with glacial till at depths greater than 50 cm <strong>and</strong> between 20 <strong>and</strong> 5 0<br />

cm . Marble Hill <strong>and</strong> Abbotsford soils differ by being respectively underlain by gravelly glaci<strong>of</strong>luvial materials a t<br />

depths <strong>of</strong> greater than 50 cm <strong>and</strong> between 20 <strong>and</strong> 50 cm <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> surface . Columbia soils are gravelly to <strong>the</strong><br />

surface while Calkins soils are poorly drained .<br />

Vegetation : Most <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> topographically suited areas <strong>of</strong> Peardonville soils are cleared <strong>and</strong> cultivated fo r<br />

agricultural crops . Uncleared areas support a mixed, second-growth forest, dominantly coast Douglas-fir, re d<br />

alder <strong>and</strong> vine maple with undergrowth that includes salmonberry, thimbleberry, bracken, <strong>and</strong> cascara .<br />

Rooting depth is usually unrestricted although in locations where glacial till is dominant in <strong>the</strong> subsoil, som e<br />

impediment occurs due to its compact nature .<br />

General L<strong>and</strong> Use Comments : (1) Where not topographically limited, Peardonville soils are suited fo r<br />

most crops if irrigation is available . O<strong>the</strong>rwise, <strong>and</strong> especially where <strong>the</strong> silty surface capping is thin, drought y<br />

conditions develop during <strong>the</strong> latter part <strong>of</strong> most growing seasons . (2) Peardonville soils are variably suited fo r<br />

urban <strong>and</strong> similar development . Steeply sloping areas are unsuited while <strong>the</strong> more level areas are well suited .<br />

The soils are well drained <strong>and</strong> high watertables are not a problem . Septic tank effluent disposal fields generall y<br />

work well although groundwater contamination is a possibility due to inefficient filtration by <strong>the</strong> coarse-texture d<br />

subsoil if numerous systems are installed . Surface erosion is probable during heavy, prolonged rain in steepl y<br />

sloping, vegetation-free areas . (3) Peardonville soils are moderately well suited for forest production . Potentia l<br />

annual wood production by coast Douglas-fir is estimated to be between 7 .5 <strong>and</strong> 9 m3/ha .<br />


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