Ekatherina S. - Galleri Pingvin

Ekatherina S. - Galleri Pingvin

Ekatherina S. - Galleri Pingvin


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<strong>Ekatherina</strong> S.<br />


November 2009<br />

“Fairy Tales“

”Fairy Tales”<br />

Salgsutstilling.<br />

21 malerier + grafikk.<br />

Åpning torsdag 19. november 2009.<br />

Kunstneren er tilstede fra kl 16 til 19.<br />

Frynsegoder: Vin og Farris.<br />

En oppfordring:<br />

Når du titter på katalogen - les tekstene til <strong>Ekatherina</strong> !<br />

<strong>Ekatherina</strong> S. er en meget spesiell person.<br />

Hun er kunstner, filosof, danser, matematiker, fysiker,<br />

dip.ing. innen computer science – og på alle felter en ener.<br />

Noen mener hun er rimelig intelligent.<br />

Utdannelsen (se side 27) er helt unik.<br />

Likeledes hennes kunstneriske aksept (se side 28) – det<br />

finnes sannsynligvis ingen annen levende kunstner som kan<br />

vise til 24 soloutstillinger i museer rundt om i verden.<br />

I sommer hadde hun separatutstilling i FN-bygningen i NY.<br />

<strong>Ekatherina</strong> S. er en slags moderne hippie, som gjennom sin<br />

kunst, ønsker ”å gjøre verden til et enda bedre sted å<br />

være”.<br />

Nøkkelen til lykke ligger i Kjærlighet og Unity – ifølge<br />

<strong>Ekatherina</strong>.<br />


Fairy Tales.<br />

I love fairy tales. For me they express the wisdom of the ages and<br />

convey to us an in-depth understanding of the human condition.<br />

These fairy tales and myths are very similar in countless cultures the<br />

world around, enlightening us on; the creation of the earth, the<br />

human being, the arrogance of man defying divine law, the fall of<br />

man, the battle between good and evil, and finally the victory of the<br />

good.<br />

My mother read fairy tales to me every night. That was my<br />

favorite time of the day, when I became connected to universal truth<br />

and wisdom. I imagined that I was always the hero who gave life and<br />

love for humanity.<br />

My first books were of Egyptian and Greek mythology, followed by<br />

Russian, Moldavian, African, Indian, American Indian, Australian,<br />

Polynesian, and Nordic fairy tales and myths. Later I discovered the<br />

philosophy of Jung and began to understand the concept of<br />

archetypes and the collective consciousness – the idea of the common<br />

relation of human DNA.<br />

I believe that today we all face battles between good and evil, love<br />

and hate, generosity and greed, and the desire between receiving for<br />

one’s self or for the sake of sharing.<br />

With this exhibition I want to inspire the visitors to be the heroes<br />

and save our civilization by spreading love and respect to the people<br />

around us, sharing knowledge and wisdom, and educating the<br />

children to live in peace and protect the earth.<br />

<strong>Ekatherina</strong> S.<br />


Seduction is something we face every day in life, and how we react<br />

to it is a matter of free will and freedom to choose. By balancing<br />

focus, responsibility, and restraint, in the process of choice, the right<br />

paths can be taken. The apple symbolizes new opportunity, while<br />

the color blue represents the spiritual world.<br />

4<br />

“Seduction” (01)<br />

Opl<br />

100cm x 120cm

The horse is always a symbol of freedom, power, and vitality.<br />

Neptune, Greek god of the ocean, symbolizes illusion and high<br />

knowledge. The three horses of the soul, the mind, and the body,<br />

are running together in harmony. Running in harmony allows them<br />

to reach the top of the waves – attaining high divine wisdom of life<br />

in the illusion of the Mayan ocean.<br />

“Horses of Neptune” (02)<br />

Opl<br />

100cm x 120cm<br />


Every one of us is a magician who creates our own world, our own<br />

purpose, and our own destiny. Using meditation we can focus on<br />

the subject of our desires and make them reality. Red symbolizes<br />

energy, blue – spirituality, and black – the unknown.<br />

6<br />

“Magician” (03)<br />

Opl<br />

120cm x 100cm

The young woman represents success. She is naked and pure in her<br />

intentions. She attains her goal, but is not seduced by the<br />

celebration of success. Her mind is already moving forward with<br />

new projects and ideas. The white horse symbolizes the innocence<br />

of her soul, and the archway is the opening to a higher level of<br />

development. Blue is the color of spirituality, and yellow – the light<br />

of divine wisdom.<br />

“Victory” (04)<br />

Opl<br />

100cm x 120cm<br />


The Greek goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite, was made from<br />

the water foam of the sea. The flow of water symbolizes the flow<br />

of universal energy. We can be a channel for this energy. When we<br />

do not hold this energy within us just for ourselves, but instead<br />

share it with everyone around us, it transforms our inner selves<br />

into the beauty that is Aphrodite.<br />

8<br />

“Aphrodite” (05)<br />

Opl<br />

120cm x 100cm

Pandora is opening the box of the treasure of fulfillment of all<br />

wishes. When we put enough energy and focus toward our desires<br />

we can reach everything we truly wish for. We should just be careful<br />

with our wishes, because everything is possible. The color red<br />

represents energy, white – a new beginning, and yellow – the light<br />

of wisdom.<br />

“Pandora” (06)<br />

Opl<br />

120cm x 100cm<br />


When we have a very clear idea in our mind about what we really want<br />

in life, this idea begins to live a life of its own, and with help from within<br />

ourselves the idea can be realized. We are able to create everything we<br />

want, but first need to reach a certain level of energy to do it. After we<br />

elevate our soul from the material world, and separate it from our ego,<br />

then we can be like a god. Green is the color of life, blue – spirituality,<br />

red – physical reality, and yellow – the light of wisdom. The steps represent<br />

the process of growth.<br />

10<br />

“Light of Wisdom” (07)<br />

Opl<br />

120cm x 90cm

In the German legend the man has to choose between the<br />

enormous treasure of material wealth, and love. I believe that<br />

without love, life can never bring fulfillment. Once unconditional<br />

love and beauty illuminate our lives anything is possible – we can<br />

be connected to the bigger divine reality and can have the<br />

abundance of everything that we really need. Green is the color of<br />

life and nature.<br />

“Rheingold” (08)<br />

Opl<br />

180cm x 180cm<br />


The Greek hero Odysseus is longing for adventure. He imagines<br />

traveling to far away places and discovering new lands. He has no<br />

fear and is ready to go to the end of the world in order to find<br />

himself. Without knowing our true nature and potential we can’t<br />

accomplish anything in life. Travel is the spiritual journey of our inner<br />

selves. The boat symbolizes the soul.<br />

12<br />

“Odysseus” (09)<br />

Opl<br />

70cm x 90cm

In Greek mythology Arachna was responsible for weaving the web<br />

of life. This cosmic net connected everything in the universe. Each<br />

one of us has our own net and, like the spider, are in the center<br />

of it. We have the choice of how we will make up our own nets –<br />

how we create our own lives. The color blue represents spirituality,<br />

and red – physical reality.<br />

“Arachna” (10)<br />

Opl<br />

90cm x 70cm<br />


The biggest treasure we can find is in our soul. By spending time<br />

in meditation and inner concentration, we can discover the light<br />

of our true nature. Water is the symbol of the soul. The mountains<br />

represent the body.<br />

Blue is the color of spirituality, red – the physical world,<br />

and yellow – the golden light of wisdom.<br />

14<br />

“Treasure” (11)<br />

Opl<br />

70cm x 90cm

Understanding of divine unity and connection can arise from<br />

physical experience. For example, the feeling of joy and happiness<br />

at the moment of dancing, playing sports, and making love. The<br />

divine soul lies within our physical body, and the body can be the<br />

gate to spiritual illumination. Red symbolizes the physical structure,<br />

blue – the spiritual experience, and the spiral is the symbol of eternal<br />

development<br />

“Gate of Unity” (12)<br />

Opl<br />

90cm x 70cm<br />


We all dream of eternal spring, eternal youth. Everybody wants to<br />

feel strong, playful, and energetic throughout life. I believe that is<br />

possible. The source for this energy is within us. When we discover<br />

our inner self and are in harmony with this self, energy will flow<br />

through our body making us vital and very alive. The young couple<br />

represents the male and female aspects of our soul. The plants<br />

symbolize natural growth. The light is divine energy.<br />

16<br />

“Eternal Spring” (13)<br />

A/L<br />

90cm x 70cm

According to the ideal world of the Greek philosopher Plato, in the<br />

divine realm everything is already created and will stay eternally<br />

in perfect shape. There is no space, nor time, and nothing can be<br />

destroyed. All of our ideas, thoughts, and images come from there.<br />

In the process of creation we have access to this ideal realm and<br />

can use its potential to realize that which we are creating. Blue is<br />

the color of spirituality.<br />

“Eternity” (14)<br />

A/L<br />

70cm x 90cm<br />


This Medusa is in the process of self-discovery. When we start to<br />

pay attention to our fears and deepest hidden thoughts, we can<br />

start to release them and make free our spirit. Our ideas begin to<br />

live a life of their own and bring fulfillment to our inner desires.<br />

Here the color blue is the subconscious, yellow – the light of wisdom<br />

and mind, and orange – energy.<br />

18<br />

“Medusa“ (15)<br />

A/L<br />

90cm x 70cm

The way to happiness is the long road of mastering our inner self.<br />

We have to find the balance between our masculine and feminine<br />

aspects, have patience, focus on the goal at hand, and have the<br />

commitment and certainty that we are on the right path. The light<br />

of wisdom illuminates the way. The horse symbolizes freedom and<br />

energy, the mountains represent physical reality, and the castle is<br />

the kingdom of the mind.<br />

“On the way to happiness” (16)<br />

A/L<br />

90cm x 140cm<br />


In my opinion true wisdom is love. When we start to feel<br />

unconditional love and compassion for ourselves and the people<br />

around us, we eliminate the darkness of fear, ignorance, and<br />

judgment. Everything begins to fall into harmony and we open our<br />

hearts to the divine light of knowledge. Blue symbolizes the<br />

spiritual world.<br />

20<br />

“Light of Love” (17)<br />

A/L<br />

120cm x 100cm

In many religions the fish is the symbol of life. It moves like a<br />

stream of energy in the water. The dual figures represent the male<br />

and female forces of creation. Blue symbolizes the subconscious,<br />

green – nature, and yellow – the light of wisdom.<br />

“Fish of Life” (18)<br />

A/L<br />

100cm x 120cm<br />


As time is very slow, yet constant, it is symbolized by the turtle.<br />

The patterns on the shell represent the different Ages of Humanity.<br />

I believe that all earthly knowledge combines in the collective<br />

subconscious and will not decay with time. Red is the color of the<br />

material world.<br />

22<br />

“Time of Earth” (19)<br />

A/L<br />

100cm x 120cm

The foundation of harmonious and successful results in the creative<br />

process relies on the balance of the masculine and feminine aspects<br />

of the one who is creating. I believe the universe has been created<br />

by the conscious control of the mind, and the giving love of the<br />

soul. The hand is the symbol of creation.<br />

Blue is the color of spirituality.<br />

“Harmony of Creation” (20)<br />

A/L<br />

150cm x 200cm<br />


To reach the harmony of love we need to reach the balance between<br />

masculine and feminine energy, between giving and receiving,<br />

and between body and soul. Red symbolizes physical love and<br />

sexual energy in the material world.<br />

24<br />

“Balance of Love” (21)<br />

A/L<br />

120cm x 200cm

Grafikk<br />

Mystery of Dionysos Tower of knowledge Medusa<br />

Teknikk: Mixed Media Grafikk (2006)<br />

Format: 71cm x 53cm<br />

Opplag: 150<br />

Summer<br />

Autumn<br />

Spring<br />

Winter<br />

Teknikk: Serigrafi (2008)<br />

Format: 51cm x 74cm<br />

Opplag: 60<br />


Her Life is an Adventure.<br />

Her Philosophy is Unity.<br />

Her Art is pure Energy.<br />

She is a Citizien of the Universe.<br />

Her Name is <strong>Ekatherina</strong> S.<br />


<strong>Ekatherina</strong> S.<br />

Her education:<br />

1975 – 81 Art school for Children in St. Petersburg (Leningrad)<br />

Diploma for being the best pupil.<br />

1981 – 89 Studies of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science<br />

by the University of St. Petersburg.<br />

Best student in all three categories.<br />

1990 – 92 Studies by the Art Academy of St. Petersburg.<br />

She was one of the seven ”glasnost artists ”.<br />

1994 – 98 Studies by the Art Academy of Düsseldorf, Germany.<br />

Master student (Prof. A. R. Penck). Graduated.<br />

“Slik det var” (23)<br />

Opl<br />

89cm x 110cm<br />


Solo exhibitions in Museums (selection)<br />

2008<br />

“Sensuality and Spirituality”<br />

Museum Lalit Kala Akademi<br />

New Dehli, India<br />

“Unity”<br />

Duolun Museum of Contemporary Art<br />

Shanghai, China<br />

“Unity”<br />

State exhibition Hall A3<br />

Moscow, Russia<br />

2007<br />

“Unity”<br />

Museum Viehmarktthermen<br />

Treves, Germany<br />

“Mystery of Woman”<br />

Art Building<br />

New York, USA<br />

“Unity and Identity”<br />

Imperial City Art Museum<br />

Beijing, China<br />

2006<br />

“Unity”<br />

Artforum GAP 15<br />

Düsseldorf, Germany<br />

“Passport” (with Reng Rong)<br />

Imperial City Art Museum<br />

Beijing, China<br />

“Passport” (with Huang Yan)<br />

Contemporary Art Museum B.S.1<br />

Beijing, China<br />

“Unity”<br />

Niavaram Artistic Creations Foundation<br />

Teheran, Iran<br />

2005<br />

“Phoenix” (with M. Franke)<br />

Michael Gorbatschow-Foundation<br />

Bonn, Germany<br />

“Unity”<br />

United Nations Building<br />

New York, USA<br />

2004<br />

“Unity”<br />

State Russian Museum<br />

St. Petersburg, Russia<br />

“Unity”<br />

State Museum of Montenegro<br />

Tivat, Serbia-Montenegro<br />

2003<br />

“Energy” (with Olafur Eliasson)<br />

GTZ Building<br />

Berlin, Germany<br />

2001<br />

“Tra sogno e realta”<br />

Forum Artis Museum<br />

Modena, Italy<br />

1999<br />

“Fire”<br />

State Russian Museum<br />

St. Petersburg, Russia<br />

“Fire”<br />

Museum of Contemporary Art<br />

Washington D.C., USA<br />


Kommende utstillinger:<br />

Des 2009<br />

Jan/feb 2009<br />

Mars 2009<br />

Diverse kunstnere - Juleutstilling<br />

Silvia Papas<br />

Elling Reitan<br />

Har du husket å registrere deg ?<br />

Vi sender ut informasjon via e-post 2-3 ganger per måned.<br />

Tjenesten er selvsagt gratis.<br />

Registreringen kan gjøres på vår hjemmeside:<br />

www.galleripingvin.no<br />


Rammemaker Kim Larsen<br />

Innramming av alle type bilder.<br />

Henter og bringer.<br />

Stort utvalg av rammeprøver.<br />

9. plass NM i innramming 2009.<br />

God parkering.<br />

Kyrre Greppsgt. 32,<br />

Torshov.<br />

Tlf: 22227178<br />

www.kimlars.no<br />


<strong>Galleri</strong> <strong>Pingvin</strong> (etablert 1985) er et av Skandinaviens største<br />

og mest internasjonale gallerier innen samtidskunst.<br />

Vi holder til midt i Oslo i en gammel 3 etasjers bygning.<br />

Kunst skal først og fremst være en mental investering.<br />

Vårt mål er at kunstkjøp gjort i <strong>Galleri</strong> <strong>Pingvin</strong> også blir en<br />

økonomisk investering – altså en mental-økonomisk investering.<br />

I vårt arbeid vurderer vi eksisterende og potensiell BAPPI<br />

og korrelerer denne til prisen artisten forlanger for sine arbeider.<br />

Hva er BAPPI?<br />

B berømmelse (relevant berømmelse)<br />

A aksept (museer, offentlige og private kolleksjoner)<br />

P popularitet (liker ”vanlige” mennesker kunsten ?)<br />

P profesjonalitet (utdannelse, innstilling til kunsten, osv)<br />

I identitet (særpreg, kreativitet, gjenkjennelighet)<br />

Forutsetningen for å være en <strong>Pingvin</strong>-kunstner er<br />

en gunstig relasjon mellom BAPPI og pris.<br />

Hvorfor snakker vi ikke om kvalitet ?<br />

Tja.<br />

Hva er kvalitet ?<br />

Hvis kvalitet innen kunst var noe objektivt og absolutt –<br />

hvorfor verdsatte ingen Van Gogh’s arbeider mens han levde?<br />

Kvalitet er det bare du som kan vurdere.<br />

Vi vurderer BAPPI kontra pris.<br />


Besøk: Møllergata 13, Oslo<br />

Postadresse: Pb. 8837 Youngstorget, 0028 Oslo<br />

Tel.: 0047 2242 1222<br />

E-post: post@galleripingvin.no<br />

Nettside: www.galleripingvin.no<br />

Gratis invitasjoner til alle utstillingene?<br />

Registrer deg under “Send meg nyhetsbrev” på<br />

vår hjemmeside.<br />

Åpningstider:<br />

Tirs 11 - 17<br />

Ons 11 - 17<br />

Tors 11 - 17<br />

Fre 11 - 17<br />

Lør 11 - 16<br />

Søn 12 - 16<br />

Man Stengt<br />

- Kunst er bedre enn aksjer -

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