Appendix 4E - First State Investments

Appendix 4E - First State Investments

Appendix 4E - First State Investments


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CPA<br />

CPA<br />


– Results for announcement<br />

<br />

– ASX announcement<br />

– Additional information<br />

– Financial Report<br />

<br />

ARSN 086 029 736<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Our approach

Commonwealth Property Office Fund (ABN 65 976 185 490)<br />

<strong>Appendix</strong> <strong>4E</strong> - Results for announcement to the market<br />

For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

12 months to<br />

30-Jun-13 30-Jun-12<br />

Variance<br />

$m $m $m %<br />

2.1 Revenue from ordinary activities (excluding investment property and associates revaluations) 354.6 335.9 18.7<br />

Investment property revaluations - 91.7 (91.7)<br />

Share of associates' revaluations (2.0) 21.4 (23.4)<br />

Total revenue from ordinary activities 352.6 449.0 (96.4) (21.5)<br />

Expenses from ordinary activities (excluding investment property and derivatives revaluations) 166.7 153.7 13.0<br />

Investment property revaluations 38.1 - 38.1<br />

Financial derivatives revaluations 2.4 38.9 (36.5)<br />

Total expenses from ordinary activities 207.2 192.6 14.6 7.6<br />

2.2 Profit from ordinary activities after tax 145.4 256.4 (111.0) (43.3)<br />

2.3 Net profit 145.4 256.4 (111.0) (43.3)<br />

Distribution per unit<br />

Cents 1 Record date<br />

Payment<br />

date<br />

2.4/2.5 Interim 3.20 31-Dec-12 28-Feb-13<br />

Final 3.35 28-Jun-13 28-Aug-13<br />

Total 6.55<br />

2.6<br />

For explanation of figures in 2.1 to 2.4 refer to the attached documents: ASX announcement, Additional information and Financial Report.<br />

Share of net profits 2<br />

Ownership Interest 12 months to 12 months to<br />

30-Jun-13 30-Jun-12 30-Jun-13 30-Jun-12<br />

Details of associates % % $m $m<br />

11 Associates<br />

Kent Street Trust 3 - 50.0 3.2 5.5<br />

Grosvenor Place Holdings Trust 50.0 50.0 11.8 31.1<br />

Site 6 Homebush Bay Trust 50.0 50.0 3.2 5.1<br />

Site 7 Homebush Bay Trust 50.0 50.0 3.9 6.6<br />

PIF Managed Property Pty Limited 50.0 50.0 - -<br />

Grosvenor Place Pty Limited 25.0 25.0 - -<br />

Other information required under ASX Listing Rule 4.3A<br />

Page<br />

<strong>State</strong>ment of comprehensive income (Rule 4.3A Item No. 3) 11<br />

<strong>State</strong>ment of financial position (Rule 4.3A Item No. 4) 12<br />

<strong>State</strong>ment of cashflows (Rule 4.3A Item No. 5) 13<br />

<strong>State</strong>ment of changes in equity (Rule 4.3A Item No. 6) 14<br />

Distributions (Rule 4.3A Item No. 7) Above, 30<br />

Distribution reinvestment plans (Rule 4.3A Item No. 8)<br />

N/A<br />

Net tangible assets per security (Rule 4.3A Item No. 9) 56<br />

Details of entities over which control has been gained or lost during the year<br />

(Rule 4.3A Item No. 10) Above, 34<br />

Details of associates (Rule 4.3A Item No. 11) Above, 34<br />

Other significant information (Rule 4.3A Item No. 12)<br />

Summary of significant accounting policies 15<br />

Events occurring after the reporting date 55<br />

Foreign entities (Rule 4.3A Item No. 13)<br />

N/A<br />

Commentary on results (Rule 4.3A Item No. 14)<br />

ASX Announcement - Annual Results<br />

The information presented above is based upon the audited Financial Report for 30 June 2013. Refer to page 58 - Independent auditor's report.<br />

Michelle Brady Date: 20 August 2013<br />

Company Secretary<br />

Notes<br />

1 The franked amount per unit for the year ended 30 June 2013 is 0.0072 cents. Details of the full-year tax components of distributions will be provided in the Annual Tax<br />

<strong>State</strong>ments which will be sent to unitholders on 28 August 2013.<br />

2 Includes investment property valuation gains/(losses).<br />

3 On 10 April 2013, the Fund purchased the remaining 50% of the units in the Kent Street Trust. The Fund's 100% interest in the Kent Street Trust represents control.<br />

As such the Fund gained control over the Kent Street Trust from 10 April 2013. The Kent Street Trust is consolidated from this date.

Responsible Entity:<br />

Commonwealth Managed <strong>Investments</strong> Limited<br />

ABN 33 084 098 180<br />

AFSL 235384<br />

Colonial <strong>First</strong> <strong>State</strong> Property Limited<br />

ABN 20 085 313 926<br />

Manager of Commonwealth Property Office Fund<br />

Registered Address:<br />

Ground Floor, Tower 1, 201 Sussex Street<br />

Sydney NSW 2000 Australia<br />

Principal Office of the Manager:<br />

Level 4, Tower 1, 201 Sussex Street<br />

Sydney NSW 2000 Australia<br />

Telephone: 02 9303 3500<br />

Facsimile: 02 9303 3622<br />

20 August 2013<br />


Annual results for the 12 months ended 30 June 2013<br />

Commonwealth Property Office Fund (CPA or the ‘Fund’) has met the challenges of a difficult office market<br />

environment to deliver investors a distribution of 6.55 cents per unit for the year ended 30 June 2013, a 7.6%<br />

increase on the prior year.<br />

Angus McNaughton, Managing Director, Property, Colonial <strong>First</strong> <strong>State</strong> Global Asset Management, said: “While<br />

the Australian office markets continued to face a number of obstacles, with weak business confidence and<br />

soft tenant demand contributing to higher vacancy, CPA has delivered another creditable full-year result.”<br />

Charles Moore, CPA Fund Manager, said: “Our commitment to optimising the performance of our portfolio of<br />

quality Australian office assets to deliver long-term sustainable returns to investors has resulted in another<br />

positive outcome for our unitholders. CPA ended the year with an improved portfolio quality, a strong and<br />

flexible balance sheet, and an increase in distributions being declared.”<br />

Key operating highlights for the year included:<br />

net profit of $145.4 million compared to $256.4 million in the prior year, decreasing 43.3%<br />

predominantly due to reduced valuation increases and some valuation losses<br />

Funds From Operations (FFO) 1 increasing 3.1% to $207.0 million, up from $200.8 million in the prior<br />

year 2<br />

distribution of 6.55 cents per unit for the full year, which was up 7.6% on the prior year and reflected a<br />

74.3% payout ratio of FFO<br />

net property income growth of 5.1% and like-for-like 3 property income growth of 2.0%<br />

net tangible asset backing (NTA) per unit declining slightly to $1.15, from $1.16 at 30 June 2012<br />

total assets of $3.8 billion increasing marginally from $3.7 billion in the prior year<br />

restructuring $665 million of debt including $210 million in medium term note issuances<br />

maintaining a conservative gearing position of 25.2% 4 , up from 24.0% at 30 June 2012<br />

preserving a low weighted average cost of debt at 5.6%<br />

securing a solid occupancy level of 96.2% 5 with the successful leasing or renewal of 69,860 sqm of<br />

space, resulting in a weighted average lease expiry profile (by income) of 4.3 years 6<br />

achieving an average 4.1% increase in rents following the completion of rent reviews over 652,355 sqm<br />

of space (82.6% of the portfolio)<br />

acquiring a further 25% interest in 201 Kent Street, Sydney for $77.3 million excluding transaction costs<br />

1<br />

From 1 July 2012, FFO replaced Distributable Income. FFO is a key earnings measure used by management to assess the operating<br />

performance of the Fund. FFO equals net profit excluding: fair value adjustments from investment properties, associates and<br />

derivatives; straight-lining revenue; the movement in fair value of unrealised performance fees; non-cash convertible notes interest<br />

expense; the amortisation of fit-out incentives, cash incentives and leasing commissions and adjustments for other items.<br />

2 30 June 2012 has been restated to reflect the adoption of FFO on 1 July 2012 which resulted in the Fund adding back amortisation of fitout<br />

incentives, cash incentives and leasing commissions totalling $18.5 million to the net profit for the year ended 30 June 2012, to<br />

enable a like-for-like comparison to be made.<br />

3 Net property income and like-for-like net property income are unaudited, non-IFRS financial information and are not key earnings<br />

measures of the Fund. They are used by management to monitor the performance of the property portfolio. Please refer to <strong>Appendix</strong> 3<br />

for the calculation of net property income and like-for-like net property income.<br />

4 Gearing equals borrowings as a proportion of total assets. For this calculation, total assets exclude the fair value of derivatives and<br />

borrowings is the amount drawn down as per Note 11 of the Financial Report, adjusted for the fair value of cross currency swaps.<br />

5 By income.<br />

6 Excluding 5 Martin Place, Sydney (withdrawn for development).

selling 45 Pirie Street, Adelaide for $87.0 million (excluding transaction costs), Site 4B at Sydney<br />

Olympic Park and an option over 8 Exhibition Street, Melbourne, in line with our asset recycling<br />

strategy<br />

commencing construction on the jointly-owned office development at 5 Martin Place, Sydney,<br />

following law firm Ashurst committing to lease 44% of the project (by office area)<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

completing the 145 Ann Street development project in Brisbane<br />

being ranked first globally in the 2012 Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark Survey and the<br />

Carbon Disclosure Project for Australia and New Zealand, in addition to being the overall winner of the<br />

2012 Best Practices Awards in the Mature Markets category from the Asia Pacific Real Estate<br />

Association (APREA), and<br />

achieving our long-term target of a portfolio weighted average NABERS Energy rating of 4.5-stars<br />

(excluding GreenPower).<br />

The Fund will pay an annual distribution of $153.7 million compared to $144.2 million for the prior year. The<br />

distribution, which equates to 6.55 cents per unit and a payout ratio of 74.3% of FFO, is in line with the Fund’s<br />

policy of distributing 70% to 80% of FFO, or the Fund’s taxable income, whichever is greater for any financial<br />

period. The distribution will be paid on 28 August 2013.<br />

For more information on CPA’s performance during the period, refer to the <strong>Appendix</strong> <strong>4E</strong> which was released<br />

today and can be found on CPA’s website, cfsgam.com.au/cpa<br />

Financial results<br />

CPA’s net profit for the financial year ended 30 June 2013 was $145.4 million, compared to $256.4 million for<br />

the previous year. The profit included a net loss on investment properties and associates valuations of<br />

$40.1 million 7 (compared to a $113.1 million net gain for the previous year), and a net loss on the fair value of<br />

derivatives of $2.4 million (compared to a net loss of $38.9 million for the previous year).<br />

FFO increased 3.1% to $207.0 million, up from $200.8 million in the prior year.<br />

Total net property income was up 5.1% to $255.9 million due to additional income received from the<br />

acquisitions of 10 Eagle Street, Brisbane and a further 25% of 201 Kent Street, Sydney, as well as the<br />

completion of 145 Ann Street, Brisbane, which was partially offset by sales in the prior year. On a like-for-like<br />

basis, net property income was up 2.0%.<br />

Investment performance<br />

The Fund delivered a strong total return 8 of 15.5% for the 2013 financial year, albeit below the S&P/ASX 200<br />

Property Accumulation Index (the ‘Index’).<br />

Over the five and 10-year periods, the Fund outperformed the Index by 4.1 and 3.3 percentage points per<br />

annum respectively, and underperformed over the one and three year periods.<br />

The performance fee entitlement is calculated every six months and is capped at 0.15% of the Fund’s gross<br />

asset value for each six-month period with any over/underperformance carried forward. In accordance with<br />

the Fund’s Constitution, the fee is paid only when there is a period of absolute positive performance; otherwise<br />

it is accrued until such a period occurs.<br />

The Fund changed its performance fee benchmark 9 at the beginning of the year to the S&P ASX 200 Property<br />

Accumulation Index, excluding CPA. This benchmark contains a larger number of entities with which to better<br />

compare CPA’s performance.<br />

The Fund underperformed the benchmark by 9.9 and 1.5 percentage points to 31 December 2012 and<br />

30 June 2013 respectively. Combined with prior period underperformance, the Manager was not entitled to a<br />

performance fee. Accrued underperformance of 22.6% will be carried over to the next reporting period in<br />

accordance with the performance fee formula.<br />

Further details of the performance fee are detailed in Note 14(d)(ii) of the Financial Report.<br />

7 Including net gains or losses on asset sales.<br />

8 Total return comprises unit price performance and distribution income yield.<br />

9 The performance fee benchmark (‘benchmark’) for the period was the S&P/ASX 200 Property Accumulation Index customised to<br />

remove the effect of CPA on the benchmark. A 20-day volume weighted average price (VWAP) is applied to both the CPA index and<br />

the benchmark. Prior to 1 July 2012, the benchmark was the S&P ASX 200 Commercial Accumulation Index.<br />


Transactions<br />

CPA has not wavered from its long-held strategy of actively managing a portfolio of quality Australian office<br />

assets to optimise performance. Recycling capital continues to be a key component of our strategy. In the<br />

period, we sold a non-core development site at Sydney Olympic Park and an option over 8 Exhibition Street,<br />

Melbourne, as well as a mature office building at 45 Pirie Street, Adelaide. Proceeds of $92.9 million from<br />

these transactions will be initially applied to pay down debt and provide balance sheet flexibility.<br />

In April 2013, we acquired a further 25% interest in the Sydney CBD office building at 201 Kent Street for<br />

$77.3 million, taking our ownership in this property to 50%. The transaction was accretive to earnings and<br />

provides CPA with greater exposure to an outstanding A-grade office building with high occupancy of 98.4% 10 .<br />

This transaction, along with better than anticipated leasing outcomes across the portfolio and a marginally<br />

higher payout ratio, were key contributors to the Fund’s stronger distribution outcome for the year.<br />

Capital management<br />

Despite lingering global economic concerns, credit market conditions improved throughout the year as interest<br />

rates reduced and demand from corporate bond investors put downward pressure on margins.<br />

Mr Moore said: “Over the past year we have seen further liquidity in capital markets and strengthening<br />

demand for quality borrowers, with margins continuing to compress.”<br />

During the year, the Manager:<br />

issued $185 million of 7-year MTNs at a 5.25% coupon<br />

issued $25 million of 10-year MTNs at a 5.75% coupon<br />

extended a $300 million bank debt facility for 26 months<br />

repaid $83 million of US Private Placement notes, and<br />

cancelled a $155 million short-term bank debt facility.<br />

At year end, CPA had $345.0 million 11 of undrawn debt facilities and the gearing level was 25.2%, up from<br />

24.0% at 30 June 2012, with borrowings of $948.9 million 12 . The weighted average debt maturity was<br />

3.9 years and the weighted average interest rate (including line fees and margins) remained competitive at<br />

5.6%. The Fund’s debt was 95.9% hedged. On hedged debt, the weighted average maturity was 4.0 years<br />

and the weighted average interest rate on hedged debt was 5.1% (including convertible notes and fixed-rate<br />

medium term notes and excluding line fees and margins).<br />

Portfolio update<br />

Total assets at 30 June 2013 were $3.8 billion, increasing marginally from $3.7 billion at 30 June 2012.<br />

At 30 June 2013, the Fund’s portfolio consisted of 25 properties, located in major office markets across<br />

Australia, with 46.3% of the portfolio (by value) in Sydney and 30.0% in Melbourne. The majority of assets are<br />

occupied by blue chip tenants with low risk profiles. The top 15 tenants contribute 51.7% of the Fund’s<br />

income.<br />

Leasing<br />

During the year, 69,860 sqm in new and renewed leases were successfully negotiated, maintaining a solid<br />

occupancy level of 96.2% (by income) across the portfolio. Leasing and renewal activity has contributed to the<br />

portfolio’s long weighted average lease expiry profile, or WALE (by income), of 4.3 years at 30 June 2013<br />

(4.9 years at 30 June 2012). See <strong>Appendix</strong> 1 for further details.<br />

Major lease deals for the year included:<br />

Ashurst underpinning the start of construction on 5 Martin Place, Sydney, with a 13,871 sqm precommitment,<br />

and<br />

AON Corporation renewing for a 10-year period at 201 Kent Street, Sydney, for 10,964 sqm of space.<br />

10 By income.<br />

11 This has been reduced by the $100 million of short term notes on issue.<br />

12<br />

Borrowings is the amount of debt drawn as per Note 11 of the Financial Report, equal to $931.9 million, adjusted for the $17 million<br />

liability value of cross currency swaps.<br />


In addition, we have agreed terms over an additional 44,477 sqm of space, including:<br />

Confidential terms being agreed for a new 12-year lease over 15,000 sqm of office space and CBA<br />

renewing 3,660 sqm of retail space for 10-years at 385 Bourke Street, Melbourne<br />

BNP Paribas agreeing to a new 10-year lease over 5,397 sqm of space at 60 Castlereagh Street,<br />

Sydney, and<br />

Two tenants agreeing to separate lease agreements at 108 North Terrace, Adelaide for seven and<br />

five-year terms respectively across 10,805 sqm of space.<br />

Rental reviews<br />

Rental reviews over 652,355 sqm of tenanted space (82.6% of the portfolio) were undertaken during the year<br />

(see <strong>Appendix</strong> 2 for further details), achieving an average rental increase of 4.1%. Of the space reviewed,<br />

93% was subject to fixed rental increases with the remainder reviewed to market.<br />

In the 2014 financial year, 606,546 sqm (76.7% of the portfolio) is subject to review, with 93% of the area<br />

subject to fixed reviews at an average increase of 4.5% 13 and the remainder to be reviewed to market.<br />

Asset valuations<br />

The Fund’s annual asset valuation program was this year reflective of the challenging conditions present in<br />

Australian office markets. While asset values remained largely static over the 12-month period, two significant<br />

upcoming lease expiries at 10 Shelley Street, Sydney, and 385 Bourke Street, Melbourne, along with the<br />

Finlay Crisp Centre in Canberra which was impacted by poor market fundamentals, were key drivers of a<br />

$40.1 million unrealised net loss on investment properties and associates valuations.<br />

The weighted average capitalisation rate of the portfolio softened marginally from 7.5% at 30 June 2012 to<br />

7.6% at 30 June 2013.<br />

Mr Moore said: “We are encouraged by solid transaction activity levels in the market. However we expect<br />

valuations to be predominantly driven by the strength of asset cash flows rather than any tightening in<br />

valuation metrics.”<br />

Development underway<br />

5 Martin Place, Sydney<br />

Construction of the jointly-owned 5 Martin Place development is well underway with completion expected in<br />

early 2015. Main contract works on the $215 million project (CPA share) commenced upon securing law firm<br />

Ashurst for over 44% of the office area.<br />

On completion in early 2015, the existing historic building will be transformed and integrated into a new<br />

structure to form a 31,280 sqm office building with floor plates ranging from 1,100 sqm to 2,400 sqm.<br />

The historic banking chamber will also be transformed into 2,580 sqm of retail space fronting Pitt Street.<br />

The project will target a 5-star Green Star rating, a 5-star NABERS Energy rating and a 5-star NABERS Water<br />

rating.<br />

Estimated cost (CPA share)^<br />

CPA cost to complete<br />

$215 million<br />

$153 million<br />

Target year-one yield ~7%*<br />

Target internal rate of return >10%<br />

Office NLA on completion<br />

Retail GLA on completion<br />

31,280 sqm<br />

2,580 sqm<br />

^This represents CPA’s 50% interest including land, construction costs, incentives, leasing fees and an allowance for finance costs.<br />

* On a fully-leased basis on completion.<br />

13 Average rental increase for the year to 30 June 2014 is based on all fixed rent reviews.<br />


Major refurbishment projects underway<br />

385 Bourke Street, Melbourne<br />

The centrally located Melbourne CBD property at 385 Bourke Street is to undergo a major refurbishment<br />

project to reposition this asset in the market. The $64 million project 14 will involve the complete refurbishment<br />

of 15 levels or 18,000 sqm of office space into modern A-grade office accommodation, the extension and<br />

refurbishment of the ground floor office foyer as well as the reconfiguration and refurbishment of the Galleria<br />

retail space. Upon completion, this asset will provide quality office space in the heart of Melbourne’s CBD at<br />

rentals comparable to Docklands.<br />

Works are expected to commence in September 2013, with completion in August 2014.<br />

180 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne<br />

This asset will be extensively refurbished with works to commence in August 2013 and completion targeted<br />

for April 2014. Works are estimated to cost $17 million 14 (representing CPA’s 50% interest) and will involve<br />

the refurbishment of 10 office levels over 18,000 sqm and will incorporate a foyer upgrade. Featuring large<br />

floor plates, abundant natural light, quality services and amenities, and competitive rents, this A-grade asset is<br />

well positioned to attract quality tenants.<br />

108 North Terrace, Adelaide<br />

In conjunction with the successful leasing up of 10,805 sqm of office space in this A-grade building, at least<br />

five floors of this building will be extensively refurbished. The $27 million program 14 will commence in<br />

December 2013 and is expected to be completed in June 2015.<br />

Responsible property investment<br />

Mr Moore said: “CPA continues to demonstrate leadership among office property owners and managers in the<br />

field of responsible property investment. Our efforts have again garnered the Fund outstanding global<br />

recognition.”<br />

During the period, CPA was ranked number one:<br />

globally in the Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB)<br />

in the Australian and New Zealand Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), and<br />

in the Asia Pacific Real Estate Association’s awards for best practice in the Mature Markets category.<br />

The Fund was also again included in the FTSE4Good, DJSI World, DJSI Asia Pacific and the Australian SAM<br />

Sustainability Index (AuSSI) indices, and has been a member of DJSI since 2003.<br />

At a portfolio level, we achieved our long-term target of reaching a 4.5-star weighted portfolio NABERS<br />

Energy rating, and our portfolio now carries a weighted average 3.7-star NABERS Water rating.<br />

Since July 2007, we have avoided $12.0 million in energy costs, $0.5 million in water costs and $0.5 million in<br />

waste costs 15 . Our office buildings:<br />

are 40.8% more energy efficient 16<br />

are 27.5% more water efficient 16<br />

have 41.1% lower emissions intensity 16 , and<br />

have achieved 67% waste diversion 17 from landfill.<br />

Mr Moore said: “This year we engaged with our stakeholders to identify environmental, social and governance<br />

(ESG) issues that are material to them. By identifying our stakeholders’ level of interest and engagement<br />

compared to CPA on a range of ESG matters, we have been able to prioritise these into our business model.”<br />

Comprehensive detail in relation to the Fund’s approach to responsible property investment can be found on<br />

CPA’s website cfsgam.com.au/cpa<br />

14<br />

Includes construction costs, incentives and leasing fees.<br />

15<br />

Since FY11.<br />

16 Since FY07.<br />

17 For FY13, includes those properties where CPA has operational control over the waste and recycling program.<br />


Internalisation proposal<br />

On 24 July 2013, the Commonwealth Managed <strong>Investments</strong> Limited (CMIL) Board announced it had received<br />

a highly conditional, indicative and incomplete proposal from Commonwealth Bank of Australia to internalise<br />

the management of CPA.<br />

The CMIL Board has established an Independent Board Committee (IBC) of independent Directors, being<br />

Chairman Richard Haddock AM, Nancy Milne OAM and James Kropp, to consider the proposal.<br />

Mr Haddock said: “The Board of CMIL can give no assurance that the proposal or any other proposal will<br />

proceed. It is also noted that the approval of CPA unitholders would be required.”<br />

“The IBC has engaged independent advisers to assist in its consideration of the proposal and will update the<br />

market when it is in a position to do so,” Mr Haddock said.<br />

Outlook<br />

Mr Moore said: “Notwithstanding a very solid 2013 financial year performance, we remain cautious about the<br />

year ahead. While signs are emerging that the global economic environment is improving, this is yet to<br />

translate into business confidence which, upon its return, will drive stronger office leasing demand in many of<br />

the major Australian office markets. We are, however, encouraged by some positive economic indicators such<br />

as rising global stock markets, a lower Australian dollar and stabilising business confidence.<br />

“In the short term, the CPA portfolio does have some leasing challenges, particularly in Melbourne. Within<br />

this context, we will target a distribution for the 2014 financial year at the mid-point of 70% to 80% of FFO and<br />

consequently provide full-year distribution guidance of 6.55 cents 18 per unit,” Mr Moore concluded.<br />

ENDS<br />

For further information please contact:<br />

Charles Moore<br />

Angus McNaughton<br />

Fund Manager<br />

Managing Director, Property<br />

Commonwealth Property Office Fund<br />

Colonial <strong>First</strong> <strong>State</strong> Global Asset Management<br />

Phone: +61 2 9303 3438 Phone: +61 2 9303 3765<br />

Email: chmoore@colonialfirststate.com.au<br />

Email: amcnaughton@colonialfirststate.com.au<br />

Investor and media contacts:<br />

Penny Berger<br />

Mathew Chandler<br />

Head of Investor Relations and Communications Investor Relations and Communications Manager<br />

Colonial <strong>First</strong> <strong>State</strong> Global Asset Management Colonial <strong>First</strong> <strong>State</strong> Global Asset Management<br />

Phone: +61 2 9303 3516 or +61 402 079 955 Phone: +61 2 9303 3484 or +61 407 009 687<br />

Email: pberger@colonialfirststate.com.au<br />

Email: mathewchandler@colonialfirststate.com.au<br />

About Commonwealth Property Office Fund<br />

CPA is an office sector-specific Australian Real Estate Investment Trust (A-REIT) which invests in prime<br />

quality office property located in central business districts and major suburban markets across Australia. The<br />

Fund is managed by entities within CFSGAM Property on behalf of more than 22,000 investors from<br />

20 countries. At 30 June 2013, the Fund comprised 25 assets with a total asset value of $3.8 billion.<br />

About CFSGAM Property<br />

CFSGAM Property is the specialist property division of Colonial <strong>First</strong> <strong>State</strong> Global Asset Management, and is<br />

one of the largest real estate fund managers in Australia with $17 billion in funds under management.<br />

CFSGAM Property offers a fully integrated real estate investment platform including investment management,<br />

asset management, development management, origination and execution. CFSGAM Property manages a<br />

suite of wholesale investment products, as well as three listed real estate investment trusts in Australia and<br />

New Zealand.<br />

18<br />

Assuming no performance fees are payable for the full 12-month period, the Fund’s taxable income is no more than 6.55 cents per unit<br />

and there is no unforeseen material deterioration in existing economic conditions. Guidance is based upon the current operating<br />

model. Refer to Note 20 of the Financial Report for details concerning potential changes to this operating model, which may impact<br />

upon future distributions.<br />


Commonwealth Property Office Fund<br />

<strong>Appendix</strong> 1 - Major leasing activity (over 500 sqm)<br />

For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

Property Tenant Level / suite<br />

Area<br />

sqm<br />

Lease<br />

commence<br />

-ment<br />

New South Wales<br />

201 Miller Street, North Sydney Nestle 21-22 1,099 1-Nov-12 6.0 530 Net Annual 4% increases<br />

201 Miller Street, North Sydney Nestle 9 669 1-Nov-12 6.0 471 Net Annual 4% increases<br />

201 Miller Street, North Sydney Nestle 4 668 1-Nov-12 6.0 430 Net Annual 4% increases<br />

201Kent Street, Sydney Aon Corporation Part level 5 & 26, 27-34 10,964 3-Jul-12 10.0 620 Net Annual 3.75% increases with market review at year 4<br />

201 Kent Street, Sydney Bacardi Lion Level 8 560 1-Oct-13 1.0 655 Net NA<br />

225 George Street, Sydney Barclays 42 1,672 1-Jul-13 3.0 1,225 Gross Annual 4% increases<br />

225 George Street, Sydney Itochu Part level 31 986 1-Mar-13 8.0 1,235 Gross Annual 4% increases<br />

225 George Street, Sydney Colliers Part level 21 838 1-Oct-12 3.1 750 Gross Annual 4% increases<br />

225 George Street, Sydney Sumitomo Part level 33 780 22-Aug-13 7.0 1,220 Gross Annual 4% increases<br />

5 Martin Place, Sydney Ashurst 5-11 13,871 1-Mar-15 10.1 NA Net NA<br />

56 Pitt Street, Sydney NEHTA Part level 21, 25 1,240 1-Sep-12 3.0 841 Gross Annual 4.25% increases<br />

56 Pitt Street, Sydney Infigen Energy 22 823 1-May-13 5.0 830 Gross Annual 4% increases<br />

56 Pitt Street, Sydney Lynas Services 701 780 1-Mar-13 5.0 750 Gross Annual 4% increases<br />

56 Pitt Street, Sydney Philip Services 901 779 15-Mar-13 5.0 700 Gross Annual 4% increases<br />

56 Pitt Street, Sydney Insurance Council of Australia 401 778 21-Nov-13 5.0 690 Gross Annual 4% increases<br />

60 Castlereagh Street, Sydney Centric Services Level 9-10 2,247 1-Jan-13 7.0 638 Net Annual 4% increases<br />

60 Castlereagh Street, Sydney Shaw Stockbroking Part level 15, 16 1,800 1-Nov-12 6.5 875 Gross Annual 4% increases<br />

Victoria<br />

2 Southbank Boulevard, Melbourne Vanguard <strong>Investments</strong> Part level 36, 33 - 34 3,439 30-Jun-13 7.0 500 Net Annual 3.0% increases in years 1-3, 4.0% increases thereafter<br />

2 Southbank Boulevard, Melbourne Acciona Energy 12 1,804 1-Sep-12 7.0 430 Net Annual 4% increases<br />

Queensland<br />

10 Eagle Street, Brisbane Adani Mining 25 954 25-Sep-12 7.0 686 Gross Annual 4% increases<br />

South Australia<br />

11 Waymouth Street, Adelaide SA Water 12, 15 3,192 1-Nov-12 10.0 515 Net Annual 3.5% increases with market review at year 6<br />

45 Pirie Street, Adelaide SA Government 16 1,115 1-Mar-12 5.4 465 Gross Annual 3.5% increases<br />

45 Pirie Street, Adelaide AAPT Part level 1 641 1-Jul-13 5.0 450 Net Annual 4% increases<br />

Term<br />

years<br />

New<br />

rent<br />

$/sqm<br />

Rent<br />

type<br />

net/gross<br />

Rent<br />

review<br />

structure<br />

*100% ownership basis

Commonwealth Property Office Fund<br />

<strong>Appendix</strong> 2 - Major rent reviews (over 500 sqm)<br />

For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

Property Tenant Level / suite<br />

Australian Capital Territory<br />

Finlay Crisp Centre - Nara House, Canberra ACT Government Whole building 7,506 1-Jul-12 Fixed 400 416 Gross 4.0%<br />

New South Wales<br />

10 Shelley Street, Sydney KPMG Part ground, 2-15 26,261 1-Feb-13 Fixed 681 721 Net 5.9%<br />

10 Shelley Street, Sydney KPMG 1 1,461 1-Feb-13 Fixed 607 637 Net 5.0%<br />

101 George Street Paramatta Commonwealth Bank of Australia 3-11 17,625 9-Nov-12 Fixed 450 468 Gross 4.0%<br />

150 George Street, Paramatta Commonwealth Bank of Australia Whole building 21,964 23-Nov-12 Fixed 339 352 Net 3.8%<br />

175 Pitt Street, Sydney Federal Government 2-5 4,142 1-Jul-12 Fixed 520 541 Net 4.0%<br />

175 Pitt Street, Sydney Kemp Strang Part level 17, 14-16 3,854 1-Jul-12 Fixed 564 587 Net 4.0%<br />

175 Pitt Street, Sydney Federal Government 19-21 3,137 1-Apr-13 Fixed 646 672 Net 4.0%<br />

175 Pitt Street, Sydney Employers Mutual Management Part level 11, 12-13 2,576 1-Jan-13 Fixed 567 589 Net 4.0%<br />

175 Pitt Street, Sydney Bendigo & Adelaide Bank Mezzanine - 1 2,453 1-Jan-13 Fixed 536 557 Net 4.0%<br />

175 Pitt Street, Sydney Tax Institute of Australia 10 987 1-Apr-13 Fixed 570 593 Net 4.0%<br />

175 Pitt Street, Sydney <strong>State</strong> Super 9 946 1-Sep-12 Fixed 540 562 Net 4.0%<br />

175 Pitt Street, Sydney Cushman and Wakefield Part level 18 689 1-Dec-12 Fixed 620 645 Net 4.0%<br />

175 Pitt Street, Sydney (retail) Fitness <strong>First</strong> Basement 1,410 3-Sep-12 Fixed 633 659 Gross 4.0%<br />

2 Dawn Fraser Ave, Sydney Olympic Park Commonwealth Bank of Australia Part ground, 1-7 18,803 23-Dec-12 Fixed 322 332 Net 3.3%<br />

2 Dawn Fraser Ave, Sydney Olympic Park Commonwealth Bank of Australia Part ground 957 23-Dec-12 Fixed 539 557 Gross 3.3%<br />

201 Miller Street, North Sydney Gallagher Bassett 5-8, 12-13 3,998 1-May-13 Fixed 437 454 Net 4.0%<br />

201 Miller Street, North Sydney Wipro 17 665 1-Jan-13 Fixed 519 540 Net 4.0%<br />

201 Miller Street, North Sydney McAffee 20 665 1-Feb-13 Fixed 503 523 Net 4.0%<br />

201 Miller Street, North Sydney McAffee 19 665 1-Feb-13 Fixed 498 517 Net 4.0%<br />

201 Miller Street, North Sydney Jobpac 1 659 1-Aug-12 Fixed 420 437 Net 4.0%<br />

201 Kent Street, Sydney ARUP 9,10 3,482 1-Oct-12 Fixed 543 566 Net 4.3%<br />

201 Kent Street, Sydney KBR 12,13 3,482 1-Jun-13 Fixed 583 609 Net 4.5%<br />

201 Kent Street, Sydney Austrade 22,23 2,650 1-May-13 Fixed 573 593 Net 3.5%<br />

201 Kent Street, Sydney Soul Pattinson Telecommunications L14 1,741 1-Mar-13 Fixed 573 596 Net 4.0%<br />

201 Kent Street, Sydney Lend Lease 15 1,698 1-Nov-12 Fixed 602 631 Net 4.7%<br />

201 Kent Street, Sydney Bupa Care Services 19 1,325 1-Jul-12 Fixed 584 607 Net 4.0%<br />

201 Kent Street, Sydney I-Med Network 24 1,325 1-Jan-13 Market (with ratchet) 600 625 Net 4.2%<br />

201 Kent Street, Sydney NSW Electoral Commission 25 1,325 1-Dec-12 Market (without ratchet) 608 633 Net 4.1%<br />

201 Kent Street, Sydney Aberdeen Asset Management Part level 6 1,021 1-Apr-13 Fixed 530 551 Gross 4.0%<br />

201 Kent Street, Sydney White Energy Company Part level 20 828 1-Oct-12 Fixed 607 630 Net 3.7%<br />

201 Kent Street, Sydney Adconian Part level 11 692 1-Feb-13 Fixed 550 573 Net 4.3%<br />

201 Kent Street, Sydney Lachlan Partners Part level 18 619 15-May-13 Fixed 612 636 Net 4.0%<br />

201 Kent Street, Sydney 18201 Kent Street Part level 18 590 1-Mar-13 Fixed 615 641 Net 4.3%<br />

201 Kent Street, Sydney Plus Fitness Part level 2 588 1-Dec-12 Fixed 158 164 Gross 4.0%<br />

201 Kent Street, Sydney Barcardi Lion 8 560 1-Oct-12 Fixed 625 655 Net 4.7%<br />

201 Kent Street, Sydney NSW Government Part level 21 507 1-Dec-12 Market (without ratchet) 588 620 Net 5.5%<br />

225 George Street, Sydney Deloitte 1 - 11,14,15 22,120 1-Dec-12 Fixed 910 950 Gross 4.4%<br />

Area<br />

sqm<br />

Review<br />

date<br />

Review<br />

type<br />

Passing<br />

rent<br />

$/sqm<br />

New<br />

rent<br />

$/sqm<br />

Rent<br />

type<br />

net/gross<br />

Variance<br />

%<br />

* 100% ownership basis

Commonwealth Property Office Fund<br />

<strong>Appendix</strong> 2 - Major rent reviews (over 500 sqm)<br />

For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

Property Tenant Level / suite<br />

225 George Street, Sydney Ashurst 35-42 13,793 1-Jul-12 Fixed 990 1,032 Gross 4.3%<br />

225 George Street, Sydney Norton Rose 16-20 9,163 1-Jan-13 Fixed 1,034 1,076 Gross 4.0%<br />

225 George Street, Sydney Blackrock 43-44 3,992 1-Aug-12 Fixed 1,117 1,162 Gross 4.0%<br />

225 George Street, Sydney McCann RNH Grd - 6 3,959 1-Sep-12 Fixed 365 386 Gross 5.8%<br />

225 George Street, Sydney Ethereal 13 1,916 1-Jul-12 Fixed 884 920 Gross 4.1%<br />

225 George Street, Sydney RGA 23 1,878 1-Jul-12 Fixed 746 780 Gross 4.7%<br />

225 George Street, Sydney Barclays Bank Part level 42 1,672 1-Aug-12 Fixed 1,149 1,195 Gross 4.0%<br />

225 George Street, Sydney Man <strong>Investments</strong> Part level 21 753 1-Mar-13 Fixed 925 962 Gross 4.0%<br />

34-36 George Street Burwood Rail Corporation NSW Part ground, 2, 3 7,241 1-Nov-12 Fixed 300 311 Net 3.5%<br />

36 George Street Burwood Rail Corporation NSW Part ground, 1, 4 6,127 1-Nov-12 Fixed 315 328 Net 4.0%<br />

36 George Street Burwood Hewlett-Packard 4 3,092 10-Oct-12 Fixed 316 329 Net 4.0%<br />

4 Dawn Fraser Ave, Sydney Olympic Park Commonwealth Bank of Australia Part ground, 1-7 13,515 22-Aug-12 Fixed 322 332 Net 3.3%<br />

4 Dawn Fraser Ave, Sydney Olympic Park Commonwealth Bank of Australia Part ground 798 22-Aug-12 Fixed 539 557 Net 3.3%<br />

56 Pitt Street, Sydney The Donnington Group 15 824 1-Jul-12 Fixed 779 810 Gross 4.0%<br />

56 Pitt Street, Sydney Insurance Council of Australia 4 778 21-Nov-12 Fixed 685 716 Gross 4.5%<br />

56 Pitt Street, Sydney Transocean Part level 5 584 1-Sep-12 Fixed 660 686 Gross 4.0%<br />

56 Pitt Street, Sydney QIC Part Level 12 523 1-May-13 Fixed 738 768 Gross 4.0%<br />

60 Castlereagh Street, Sydney Banque Nationale De Paris 2, 4-8 8,675 1-Jul-12 Market (without ratchet) 375 398 Net 6.2%<br />

60 Castlereagh Street, Sydney Pitcher Partners 3 1,678 1-Mar-13 Fixed 677 705 Gross 4.0%<br />

60 Castlereagh Street, Sydney Balmain NB Commercial Managers 14 1,191 14-Feb-13 Fixed 815 848 Gross 4.0%<br />

60 Castlereagh Street, Sydney RMB Australia 13 1,190 1-Apr-13 Fixed 947 990 Gross 4.5%<br />

60 Castlereagh Street, Sydney Goodman International 18 1,189 1-Dec-12 Fixed 850 882 Gross 3.8%<br />

60 Castlereagh Street, Sydney Birdanco Nominees 12 1,171 1-Apr-13 Fixed 850 882 Gross 3.8%<br />

60 Castlereagh Street, Sydney Verandah Bar Ground level Elizabeth St 785 1-Oct-12 CPI 808 826 Gross 2.2%<br />

60 Castlereagh Street, Sydney Jones Lang LaSalle Part level 1 584 31-Oct-12 Fixed 720 749 Gross 4.0%<br />

60 Castlereagh Street, Sydney Birdanco Nominees Part level 19 571 1-Apr-13 Fixed 893 927 Gross 3.8%<br />

South Australia<br />

11 Waymouth Street, Adelaide SA Government 2-8 10,960 1-Feb-13 Fixed 456 474 Gross 4.0%<br />

11 Waymouth Street, Adelaide Australian Bureau of Statistics 9-11 4,581 1-Feb-13 Fixed 482 499 Gross 3.5%<br />

11 Waymouth Street, Adelaide ANZ 20, 21 2,928 1-Feb-13 Fixed 439 455 Net 3.5%<br />

11 Waymouth Street, Adelaide Deloitte 16,17 2,904 1-Feb-13 Fixed 421 437 Net 3.8%<br />

11 Waymouth Street, Adelaide SA Government 18 1,611 1-Feb-13 Fixed 433 449 Net 3.8%<br />

11 Waymouth Street, Adelaide Federal Government 13 1,391 1-Feb-13 Fixed 505 525 Gross 4.0%<br />

11 Waymouth Street, Adelaide ANZ Part level 19 716 1-Feb-13 Fixed 445 461 Net 3.5%<br />

11 Waymouth Street, Adelaide WSP Buildings 19 709 1-Feb-13 Fixed 427 444 Net 4.0%<br />

11 Waymouth Street, Adelaide Woods Bagot Part level 14 677 1-Feb-13 Fixed 438 456 Net 4.0%<br />

11 Waymouth Street, Adelaide Federal Government Part level 14 643 1-Feb-13 Fixed 535 557 Gross 4.0%<br />

45 Pirie Street, Adelaide SA Government Part ground, 2-11,14,17 13,957 1-Sep-12 Market (with ratchet) 419 465 Gross 11.0%<br />

45 Pirie Street, Adelaide AAPT Part level 1 641 1-Jul-12 Fixed 416 433 Gross 4.0%<br />

45 Pirie Street, Adelaide JBWere Part level 13 523 1-May-13 Fixed 520 541 Gross 4.0%<br />

Area<br />

sqm<br />

Review<br />

date<br />

Review<br />

type<br />

Passing<br />

rent<br />

$/sqm<br />

New<br />

rent<br />

$/sqm<br />

Rent<br />

type<br />

net/gross<br />

Variance<br />

%<br />

* 100% ownership basis

Commonwealth Property Office Fund<br />

<strong>Appendix</strong> 2 - Major rent reviews (over 500 sqm)<br />

For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

Property Tenant Level / suite<br />

Victoria<br />

180 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne Telstra 10-16 13,040 15-Jul-12 Fixed 388 403 Net 3.8%<br />

180 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne BHP Billiton 23-28 10,768 6-Oct-12 Fixed 372 387 Net 4.0%<br />

180 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne National Australia Bank 19-22 7,171 6-Oct-12 Fixed 372 387 Net 4.0%<br />

180 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne GHD 7-9 5,670 1-Apr-13 Fixed 362 375 Net 3.5%<br />

180 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne Accenture 17, 18 3,597 1-Nov-12 Fixed 399 417 Net 4.5%<br />

2 Southbank Boulevard, Melbourne PricewaterhouseCoopers 15-27 22,968 10-Jun-13 Fixed 428 443 Net 3.4%<br />

2 Southbank Boulevard, Melbourne SPI Powernet 30-32 5,800 1-Sep-12 Fixed 436 452 Net 3.5%<br />

2 Southbank Boulevard, Melbourne PMP Part level 10,11,12 3,881 4-Jul-12 Fixed 408 422 Net 3.3%<br />

2 Southbank Boulevard, Melbourne HJ Heinz 8,9, part level 10 3,509 1-Sep-12 Fixed 411 425 Net 3.5%<br />

2 Southbank Boulevard, Melbourne Microsoft 5-7 3,185 1-Nov-12 Fixed 327 338 Net 3.5%<br />

2 Southbank Boulevard, Melbourne Vanguard <strong>Investments</strong> 33, 34 2,928 30-Jun-13 Fixed 447 500 Net 11.9%<br />

2 Southbank Boulevard, Melbourne SPI Powernet 29 1,893 1-Oct-12 Fixed 440 456 Net 3.7%<br />

2 Southbank Boulevard, Melbourne Australand 14 1,806 10-Jun-13 Fixed 432 448 Net 3.5%<br />

2 Southbank Boulevard, Melbourne Antares Requisites Part level 28 1,401 1-Nov-12 Fixed 440 456 Net 3.4%<br />

2 Southbank Boulevard, Melbourne Kaplan Part level 4 1,045 1-Aug-12 Fixed 377 392 Net 4.0%<br />

2 Southbank Boulevard, Melbourne Morrows Part level 13 817 10-Jun-13 Fixed 435 449 Net 3.4%<br />

2 Southbank Boulevard, Melbourne Genesis Fitness Club 3 683 20-Jun-13 Fixed 375 388 Gross 3.5%<br />

2 Southbank Boulevard, Melbourne HJ Heinz Part level 10 639 1-Sep-12 Fixed 424 438 Net 3.5%<br />

2 Southbank Boulevard, Melbourne LEK Consulting Part level 35 547 8-Jun-13 Fixed 460 475 Net 3.4%<br />

2 Southbank Boulevard, Melbourne Vanguard <strong>Investments</strong> Part level 36 511 30-Jun-13 Fixed 460 500 Net 8.6%<br />

222 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne Telstra Whole building 18,429 2-Jul-12 Fixed 357 369 Net 3.5%<br />

385 Bourke Street, Melbourne TRUenergy 28-34 9,303 1-Dec-12 Fixed 395 411 Net 4.0%<br />

385 Bourke Street, Melbourne Commonwealth Bank of Australia 2, 6-11 8,160 19-Apr-13 Fixed 319 331 Net 3.8%<br />

385 Bourke Street, Melbourne Commonwealth Bank of Australia Part level 1, 12-16 7,627 19-Apr-13 Fixed 344 357 Net 3.8%<br />

385 Bourke Street, Melbourne Commonwealth Bank of Australia 4,5 2,407 19-Apr-13 Fixed 338 350 Net 3.8%<br />

385 Bourke Street, Melbourne Commonwealth Bank of Australia Lower ground 1,968 19-Apr-13 Fixed 74 76 Net 3.8%<br />

385 Bourke Street, Melbourne Halcrow Pacific 40 1,397 14-Mar-13 Fixed 442 460 Net 4.0%<br />

385 Bourke Street, Melbourne Herbert Geer 19-21, 23 4,065 1-Oct-12 Fixed 385 400 Net 3.7%<br />

385 Bourke Street, Melbourne IRESS 17-18 2,511 1-Jul-12 Fixed 390 404 Net 3.5%<br />

385 Bourke Street, Melbourne Hunt & Hunt Part level 26, 25 1,740 1-Jan-13 Fixed 402 418 Net 4.0%<br />

385 Bourke Street, Melbourne Robert Walters 41 1,389 1-Dec-12 Fixed 460 477 Net 3.8%<br />

385 Bourke Street, Melbourne FIS Australasia 27 1,287 1-Oct-12 Market 398 425 Net 6.9%<br />

385 Bourke Street, Melbourne Piper Alderman 24 1,284 1-Jul-12 Fixed 384 398 Net 3.8%<br />

385 Bourke Street, Melbourne Herbert Geer 22 1,283 1-Oct-12 Fixed 413 429 Net 3.7%<br />

385 Bourke Street, Melbourne Regus Part level 39 977 1-Dec-12 Fixed 465 484 Net 4.0%<br />

385 Bourke Street, Melbourne IRESS Part level 26 832 1-Sep-12 Fixed 397 413 Net 4.3%<br />

655 Collins Street, Melbourne Fairfax Whole building 16,620 9-Dec-12 CPI 377 384 Net 1.8%<br />

750 Collins Street, Melbourne AMP Part level 2, 4-10 37,029 1-Dec-12 Fixed 402 416 Net 3.5%<br />

750 Collins Street, Melbourne Penguin Child Care Part level 1 1,031 1-Dec-12 Fixed 445 461 Net 3.5%<br />

Area<br />

sqm<br />

Review<br />

date<br />

Review<br />

type<br />

Passing<br />

rent<br />

$/sqm<br />

New<br />

rent<br />

$/sqm<br />

Rent<br />

type<br />

net/gross<br />

Variance<br />

%<br />

* 100% ownership basis

Commonwealth Property Office Fund<br />

<strong>Appendix</strong> 2 - Major rent reviews (over 500 sqm)<br />

For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

Property Tenant Level / suite<br />

Western Australia<br />

58 Mounts Bay Road, Perth Clough Projects 6-15 15,692 3-Jun-13 Fixed 683 713 Net 4.5%<br />

58 Mounts Bay Road, Perth Cape Bouvard 19 1,571 3-Jun-13 Fixed 551 579 Net 5.0%<br />

58 Mounts Bay Road, Perth North West Shelf Shipping 16 1,571 3-Jun-13 Fixed 634 666 Net 5.0%<br />

58 Mounts Bay Road, Perth Euroz Securities 18 1,570 2-Jul-12 Fixed 549 573 Net 4.5%<br />

58 Mounts Bay Road, Perth Perdaman Part level 17 774 3-Jun-13 Fixed 696 721 Net 3.5%<br />

58 Mounts Bay Road, Perth CPA Australia Part level 17 772 3-Jun-13 Fixed 691 722 Net 4.5%<br />

Queensland<br />

10 Eagle Street, Brisbane Adani Mining 25, 30 1,908 1-Feb-13 Fixed 686 742 Gross 8.2%<br />

10 Eagle Street, Brisbane BDO Services 5-6 1,818 1-Oct-12 Market (with ratchet) 703 738 Gross 5.0%<br />

10 Eagle Street, Brisbane Talisman Australasia Part level 22, 21 1,470 1-Jun-13 Fixed 703 731 Gross 4.0%<br />

10 Eagle Street, Brisbane Bow Energy 26 954 29-Oct-12 Fixed 660 686 Gross 4.0%<br />

10 Eagle Street, Brisbane Ord Minnett Limited 31 954 1-Mar-13 Fixed 665 692 Gross 4.0%<br />

10 Eagle Street, Brisbane Knight Frank 11 911 1-Jun-13 Fixed 474 493 Gross 4.0%<br />

10 Eagle Street, Brisbane Moore Stephens Queensland 12 911 1-Mar-13 Fixed 666 692 Gross 4.0%<br />

10 Eagle Street, Brisbane Rider Levett Bucknall QLD 13 911 1-Oct-12 Fixed 640 666 Gross 4.0%<br />

10 Eagle Street, Brisbane Arrow Energy 3 909 1-Oct-12 Market (with ratchet) 899 944 Gross 5.0%<br />

10 Eagle Street, Brisbane BDO Services 4 909 1-Oct-12 Market (with ratchet) 899 944 Gross 5.0%<br />

10 Eagle Street, Brisbane QIC 2 909 1-Oct-12 Market (with ratchet) 899 944 Gross 5.0%<br />

10 Eagle Street, Brisbane Willis Australia Limited 1 819 15-Dec-12 Fixed 627 652 Gross 4.0%<br />

10 Eagle Street, Brisbane CPA Australia Part level 29 795 1-Sep-12 Market (without ratchet) 900 810 Gross (10.0%)<br />

10 Eagle Street, Brisbane McConaghy Property Services Part level 24 780 1-Apr-13 Fixed 670 697 Gross 4.0%<br />

10 Eagle Street, Brisbane Idemitsu Australia Resources Part level 28 688 1-Mar-13 Fixed 844 880 Gross 4.3%<br />

10 Eagle Street, Brisbane Adani Mining Part level 19 515 1-Jul-12 Fixed 676 703 Gross 4.0%<br />

Area<br />

sqm<br />

Review<br />

date<br />

Review<br />

type<br />

Passing<br />

rent<br />

$/sqm<br />

New<br />

rent<br />

$/sqm<br />

Rent<br />

type<br />

net/gross<br />

Variance<br />

%<br />

* 100% ownership basis

Commonwealth Property Office Fund<br />

<strong>Appendix</strong> 3 - Calculation of net property income and like-for-like net property income<br />

For the year ended<br />

30-Jun-13 30-Jun-12 Change<br />

$m $m %<br />

Extracted from Consolidated <strong>State</strong>ment of Comprehensive Income in the Financial Report<br />

Rental and other property income 327.8 306.1 7.1<br />

Share of net profits from associates before fair value adjustments 24.1 26.9 (10.4)<br />

Rates, taxes and other outgoings (77.7) (75.9)<br />

Repairs and maintenance (12.2) (8.1) 6.6<br />

Bad and doubtful debts expense (0.1) (0.4)<br />

261.9 248.6<br />

Adjustments:<br />

- straight-lining revenue 1 (6.0) (5.2)<br />

Net property income 255.9 243.4 5.1<br />

Like-for-like adjustments:<br />

Net property income from development-affected properties 2 (11.3) (0.9)<br />

Net property income adjustment for changes in ownership of properties 3 (25.8) (28.0)<br />

Like-for-like net property income 218.8 214.5 2.0<br />

1. Refer to Note 2 of the Financial Report for further detail.<br />

2. Properties have been excluded from the like-for-like calculation where income has been significantly affected by development in<br />

either year. Properties excluded are 145 Ann Street Brisbane and 5 Martin Place , Sydney.<br />

3. Properties have been excluded from the like-for-like calculation where there was a change in ownership in either year. Properties<br />

excluded are: 201 Kent Street, Sydney; 10 Eagle Street, Brisbane; 45 Pirie Street, Adelaide; 1 and 5 Mill Street; Perth; 197 St Georges<br />

Terrace, Perth and 259 George Street, Sydney.

Commonwealth Property Office Fund<br />

Key occupancy statistics by property<br />

As at 30 June 2013<br />

Weighted Average<br />

Leases expiring<br />

Over/<br />

Occupancy average passing rent<br />

by<br />

(Under)<br />

by income lease expiry (occupied<br />

30-Jun-14<br />

by income office) 1 renting<br />

by income 2<br />

Property<br />

% years $/sqm % %<br />

Australian Capital Territory<br />

Finlay Crisp Centre, Canberra 100.0 4.1 403 n.a 0.0<br />

New South Wales<br />

60 Castlereagh Street, Sydney 91.4 3.5 752 (5.3) 38.7<br />

2 and 4 Dawn Fraser Avenue, Sydney Olympic Park 100.0 4.7 332 (9.4) 8.2<br />

36 George Street, Burwood 100.0 4.1 434 (2.3) 22.3<br />

101 George Street, Parramatta 100.0 3.4 483 0.6 0.4<br />

150 George Street, Parramatta 100.0 2.3 460 2.1 0.0<br />

225 George Street, Sydney 84.3 5.2 1,022 (4.9) 16.1<br />

201 Kent Street, Sydney 96.9 4.0 712 1.2 18.4<br />

14 Lee Street, Sydney 100.0 2.2 487 (14.7) 0.0<br />

5 Martin Place, Sydney currently under development<br />

201 Miller Street, North Sydney 92.3 3.0 598 0.2 12.5<br />

56 Pitt Street, Sydney 84.2 2.3 806 3.8 31.1<br />

175 Pitt Street, Sydney (excl. retail) 98.6 5.8 739 2.9 1.4<br />

10 Shelley Street, Sydney 100.0 2.5 878 20.5 0.5<br />

Queensland<br />

145 Ann Street, Brisbane 3 100.0 8.3 649 (1.2) 0.0<br />

10 Eagle Street, Brisbane 85.4 3.1 741 5.4 17.1<br />

South Australia<br />

108 North Terrace, Adelaide 100.0 0.6 546 10.0 100.0<br />

11 Waymouth Street, Adelaide 97.7 3.7 520 2.6 2.7<br />

Victoria<br />

385 Bourke Street, Melbourne (excl. Galleria) 100.0 3.5 527 (4.2) 32.2<br />

655 Collins Street, Melbourne 100.0 16.3 493 (4.6) 0.0<br />

750 Collins Street, Melbourne 100.0 6.1 520 0.1 2.1<br />

180-222 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne 4 100.0 2.6 506 (6.9) 60.9<br />

2 Southbank Boulevard, Melbourne 99.1 3.3 585 (3.9) 3.9<br />

Western Australia<br />

46 Colin Street, West Perth 100.0 4.2 713 3.9 0.0<br />

58 Mounts Bay Road, Perth 100.0 8.2 856 (1.5) 0.0<br />

Total portfolio average 96.2 4.3 594 (0.7) 17.7<br />

Key<br />

1. Represents base rent plus recoveries, including increases over base years.<br />

2. Includes vacancies and holdovers and represents leases expiring in the 12 months to 30 June 2014.<br />

3. The development of 145 Ann Street, Brisbane completed in November 2012.<br />

4. Office component only.

Commonwealth Property Office Fund<br />

<strong>Appendix</strong> <strong>4E</strong> - Net property income (NPI)<br />

For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

NPI components for 12 months to 30 June 2013 ($m) NPI components for 12 months to 30 June 2012 ($m)<br />

Rent free<br />

incentives<br />

amortisation<br />

Fit-out<br />

amortisation<br />

Cash<br />

incentives<br />

amortisation<br />

Leasing<br />

commissions<br />

amortisation NPI (pre amortisation)<br />

Rent free incentives<br />

amortisation<br />

NPI (pre amortisation)<br />

Total NPI variance<br />

Property Total NPI Total NPI $m %<br />

Australian Capital Territory<br />

Finlay Crisp Centre, Canberra^ 10.0 0.7 0.2 - 0.3 8.8 9.8 0.7 0.3 - 0.2 8.6 0.2 2.5<br />

Fit-out<br />

amortisation<br />

Cash incentives<br />

amortisation<br />

Leasing<br />

commissions<br />

amortisation<br />

New South Wales<br />

60 Castlereagh Street, Sydney^ 14.6 0.5 1.0 - 0.2 12.9 14.2 0.3 1.0 - 0.2 12.6 0.3 2.3<br />

36 George Street, Burwood^ 5.1 0.6 0.3 - 0.2 4.1 6.7 2.3 0.4 - 0.1 3.9 0.1 2.9<br />

101 George Street, Parramatta^ 7.5 0.1 1.7 - 0.0 5.6 7.6 0.1 1.7 - 0.0 5.8 (0.2) (3.2)<br />

150 George Street, Parramatta^ 9.0 0.0 1.3 - 0.1 7.6 9.0 - 1.3 - 0.1 7.6 0.0 0.0<br />

259 George Street, Sydney 1 0.0 - - - - 0.0 9.2 (0.1) 1.5 - 0.1 7.7 (7.7) n.a.<br />

201 Kent Street, Sydney 2 2.5 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 2.1 - - 0.0 - - - 2.1 n.a.<br />

14 Lee Street, Sydney^ 5.9 - 0.1 - 0.0 5.7 5.2 - 0.1 - 0.0 5.1 0.6 12.4<br />

5 Martin Place, Sydney 3 0.1 - - - - 0.1 0.9 - 0.0 - - 0.9 (0.8) n.a.<br />

201 Miller Street, North Sydney^ 5.1 0.1 0.3 - 0.2 4.6 5.0 0.1 0.3 - 0.1 4.6 0.1 1.3<br />

56 Pitt Street, Sydney^ 9.9 0.2 0.7 0.0 0.2 8.7 11.7 0.2 0.9 - 0.3 10.4 (1.7) (16.2)<br />

175 Pitt Street, Sydney^ 16.4 0.7 3.4 0.0 0.4 12.0 13.0 0.5 2.9 - 0.4 9.2 2.8 30.5<br />

10 Shelley Street, Sydney^ 12.1 - 0.0 - 0.0 12.1 11.9 - 0.0 - 0.0 11.9 0.2 2.0<br />

Queensland<br />

145 Ann Street, Brisbane 4 11.4 0.0 0.2 - - 11.2 - - 0.0 - - - 11.2 n.a.<br />

10 Eagle Street, Brisbane 5 14.9 0.1 0.1 - 0.0 14.6 0.4 - 0.0 - - 0.4 14.3 n.a.<br />

South Australia<br />

108 North Terrace, Adelaide^ 8.4 - - - - 8.4 8.0 - 0.0 - - 8.0 0.5 5.9<br />

45 Pirie Street, Adelaide 6 6.8 0.3 0.6 - 0.1 5.8 7.0 0.1 0.6 - 0.1 6.1 (0.4) (5.8)<br />

11 Waymouth Street, Adelaide^ 11.8 0.0 (0.0) - 0.0 11.8 12.7 0.0 0.0 - 0.0 12.7 (0.9) (7.3)<br />

Victoria<br />

385 Bourke Street, Melbourne^ 26.1 0.1 2.4 - 0.5 23.0 26.0 0.1 2.3 - 0.4 23.2 (0.1) (0.6)<br />

655 Collins Street, Melbourne^ 6.9 - - - - 6.9 6.6 - 0.0 - - 6.6 0.4 5.5<br />

750 Collins Street, Melbourne^ 18.4 (0.0) 0.1 - (0.1) 18.4 17.5 0.0 0.0 - 0.0 17.5 0.9 5.3<br />

180-222 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne^ 22.3 - (0.0) - 0.1 22.2 21.7 - 0.0 - 0.1 21.7 0.5 2.3<br />

2 Southbank Boulevard, Melbourne^ 14.8 0.2 0.6 - 0.0 14.0 13.7 0.1 0.6 - 0.0 13.0 1.0 7.8<br />

Western Australia<br />

46 Colin Street, West Perth^ 3.4 - 0.1 - 0.1 3.2 2.6 - 0.0 - - 2.6 0.6 21.6<br />

1 Mill Street, Perth 7 - - - - - - 2.1 - 0.0 - - 2.1 (2.1) n.a.<br />

5 Mill Street, Perth 7 - - - - - - 1.7 0.0 0.0 - - 1.7 (1.7) n.a.<br />

58 Mounts Bay Road, Perth^ 8.0 0.1 0.1 - - 7.9 7.9 0.0 0.1 - - 7.8 0.1 1.4<br />

197 St Georges Terrace, Perth 7 0.1 - - - - 0.1 5.1 - 0.0 - 0.1 5.0 (4.9) n.a.<br />

Total 251.5 3.9 13.4 0.0 2.4 231.8 237.3 4.5 14.0 - 2.3 216.5 15.4 7.1<br />

Distribution income from investments in associates<br />

Grosvenor Place Holdings Trust ^ 16.9 0.3 1.7 - 0.3 14.5 17.6 0.3 1.6 - 0.1 15.7 (1.2) (7.4)<br />

Kent Street Trust 2 4.6 0.4 0.9 0.0 0.1 3.2 5.8 0.3 0.5 - 0.1 5.0 (1.8) n.a.<br />

Site 6 Homebush Bay Trust ^ 2.7 - - - - 2.7 2.6 - 0.0 - - 2.6 0.1 2.9<br />

Site 7 Homebush Bay Trust ^ 3.7 - - - - 3.7 3.7 - 0.0 - - 3.7 (0.0) (0.0)<br />

Total 27.8 0.7 2.6 0.0 0.4 24.1 29.7 0.6 2.0 - 0.2 26.9 (2.9) (10.6)<br />

GRAND TOTAL 279.3 4.6 16.0 0.0 2.8 255.9 267.0 5.1 16.0 - 2.5 243.4 12.5 5.1<br />

Like-for-like total 8 218.8 214.5 4.3 2.0<br />

^ Indicates properties held throughout the period 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2013 (excluding 5 Martin Place, Sydney, 145 Ann Street, Brisbane and 201 Kent Street, Sydney).<br />

1. In October 2011, the Fund sold its interest in 259 George Street, Sydney.<br />

2. On 10 April 2013, the Fund acquired the remaining 50% interest in the Kent Street Trust. It has been determined that the Fund’s 100% holding represents control. As such, the Kent Street Trust was fully consolidated from this date.<br />

3. In June 2012, the Fund sold a 50% interest in 5 Martin Place, Sydney.<br />

4. The development of 145 Ann Street, Brisbane completed in November 2012.<br />

5. In June 2012, the Fund acquired a 100% interest in 10 Eagle Street, Brisbane.<br />

6. In June 2013, the Fund sold its interest in 45 Pirie Street, Adelaide.<br />

7. In December 2011, the Fund sold its interest in 1 and 5 Mill Street, Perth and 197 St Georges Terrace, Perth.<br />

8. Only includes investments as indicated by ^ above.

Commonwealth Property Office Fund<br />

Valuation information by property<br />

As at 30 June 2013<br />

CPA<br />

share<br />

Valuation<br />

Discount<br />

rate 1<br />

Terminal<br />

yield<br />

Capitalisation<br />

rate<br />

Property % Company date $m % % %<br />

Australian Capital Territory<br />

Finlay Crisp Centre, Canberra<br />

- Allara House 100 JLL Jun-13 21.0 10.00 9.50 9.25<br />

- Customs House 100 JLL Jun 13 31.5 10.00 9.50 9.25<br />

- Nara Centre 100 JLL Jun 13 25.0 9.75 9.25 8.75<br />

New South Wales<br />

60 Castlereagh Street, Sydney 100 JLL Mar-13 247.5 9.00 7.25 7.00<br />

2 and 4 Dawn Fraser Avenue,<br />

Sydney Olympic Park 50 CBRE Dec-12 83.7 9.50 8.25 8.00<br />

36 George Street, Burwood 100 m3 Mar-13 52.0 9.25 8.75 8.75<br />

101 George Street, Parramatta 100 JLL Jun 13 93.0 9.25 8.25 8.00<br />

150 George Street, Parramatta 100 CBRE Sep 12 99.5 9.50 8.75 8.50<br />

225 George Street, Sydney 25 CI Dec-12 271.3 8.75 6.75 6.50<br />

201Kent Street, Sydney 50 KF Dec-12 156.0 9.00 7.50 7.38<br />

14 Lee Street, Sydney 100 Sav Sep 12 70.0 9.50 8.50 8.00<br />

5 Martin Place, Sydney 2 50 KF Jun-13 52.5<br />

201 Miller Street, North Sydney 100 Sav Sep 12 71.0 9.75 9.00 8.50<br />

56 Pitt Street, Sydney 100 KF Dec-12 166.0 9.00 7.25 7.25<br />

175 Pitt Street, Sydney<br />

- Tower 100 CI Jun-13 182.0 8.75 7.38 7.25<br />

- Retail 100 CI Jun-13 63.5 9.00 7.00 6.88<br />

10 Shelley Street, Sydney 50 Sav Jun-13 108.0 9.00 7.50 7.00<br />

Queensland<br />

145 Ann Street, Brisbane 100 KF Dec-12 218.0 9.25 7.68 7.53<br />

10 Eagle Street, Brisbane 100 CI Mar-13 204.0 9.00 7.50 7.50<br />

South Australia<br />

108 North Terrace, Adelaide 100 JLL Sep-12 73.8 10.00 8.75 8.50<br />

11 Waymouth Street, Adelaide 100 KF Sep-12 154.0 9.50 8.50 8.25<br />

Victoria<br />

385 Bourke Street, Melbourne<br />

- Tower 100 CBRE Dec-12 237.0 9.25 7.75 7.50<br />

- Galleria 100 CBRE Dec-12 61.5 9.50 7.75 7.50<br />

655 Collins Street, Melbourne 100 Sav Jun-13 100.0 9.25 7.25 7.00<br />

750 Collins Street, Docklands 100 m3 Jun-13 240.0 9.00 7.50 7.50<br />

180-222 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne<br />

- 180 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne 50 JLL Mar-13 101.0 9.00 7.75 7.50<br />

- 222 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne 50 JLL Mar-13 40.5 9.25 7.75 7.50<br />

- QV Retail Centre, Melbourne 50 JLL Mar-13 116.5 9.00 7.50 7.25<br />

- QV Centre car park, Melbourne 50 JLL Mar-13 33.8 10.25 8.00 7.75<br />

- QV Creche, Melbourne 100 JLL Mar-13 3.9 9.00<br />

2 Southbank Boulevard, Melbourne 50 CI Mar-13 183.0 9.00 7.25 7.25<br />

Western Australia<br />

46 Colin Street, West Perth 100 Sav Jun-13 44.0 10.50 10.00 9.75<br />

58 Mounts Bay Road, Perth 50 KF Dec-12 103.0 9.75 8.25 8.00<br />

Total portfolio weighted average rates 9.17 7.72 7.55<br />

Note<br />

1. Used to calculate discounted cash flow valuation over 10 years.<br />

Valuation company legend<br />

CBRE CB Richard Ellis<br />

CI<br />

Colliers International<br />

JLL<br />

Jones Lang LaSalle<br />

KF<br />

Knight Frank<br />

m3<br />

m3 Property<br />

SAV<br />


Commonwealth Property Office Fund<br />

<strong>Appendix</strong> <strong>4E</strong> - Reconciliation of book values by property ($m)<br />

For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

Book value<br />

as at<br />

30-Jun-12<br />

Acquisitions/<br />

(Divestments) Capex<br />

Leasing fees and<br />

incentives paid<br />

Amortisation of fitout<br />

incentives,<br />

cash incentives<br />

and leasing<br />

comissions<br />

Amortisation of rent<br />

free incentives<br />

Straight-lining<br />

revenue<br />

Independent<br />

revaluation<br />

changes<br />

Property<br />

Australian Capital Territory<br />

Finlay Crisp Centre, Canberra 90.7 - 1.2 - (0.5) (0.7) (0.1) (13.2) 0.1 77.5<br />

New South Wales<br />

60 Castlereagh Street, Sydney 243.8 - 1.2 4.5 (1.2) (0.5) 0.4 0.0 (0.4) 247.8<br />

36 George Street, Burwood 54.0 - 0.2 1.4 (0.5) (0.6) (0.0) (2.4) 0.0 52.1<br />

101 George Street, Parramatta 92.0 - 0.2 0.1 (1.7) (0.1) (0.1) 2.6 0.1 93.0<br />

150 George Street, Parramatta 98.8 - 0.5 - (1.4) (0.0) (0.4) 1.0 0.4 98.9<br />

201 Kent Street, Sydney 1 - 159.7 0.4 0.7 (0.2) (0.2) (0.0) 0.0 0.0 160.4<br />

14 Lee Street, Sydney 71.6 - 0.2 - (0.1) - 0.1 (1.6) (0.1) 70.1<br />

5 Martin Place, Sydney 40.0 - 19.4 - - - - (6.9) - 52.5<br />

201 Miller Street, North Sydney 69.5 - 2.4 1.7 (0.5) (0.1) 0.2 1.0 (0.2) 74.1<br />

56 Pitt Street, Sydney 159.5 - 2.7 2.2 (1.0) (0.2) 0.1 5.5 (0.1) 168.7<br />

175 Pitt Street, Sydney 240.0 - 0.5 3.8 (3.8) (0.7) 1.3 5.6 (1.3) 245.5<br />

10 Shelley Street, Sydney 137.9 - 0.2 0.0 (0.0) - (0.7) (30.1) 0.7 108.0<br />

Site 4B, Sydney Olympic Park 2 3.6 (4.6) 0.1 - - - - 0.9 - -<br />

Queensland<br />

145 Ann Street, Brisbane 165.1 - 52.3 3.1 (0.2) (0.0) 2.4 1.5 (2.4) 221.8<br />

10 Eagle Street, Brisbane 205.9 - 7.9 2.0 (0.1) (0.1) 1.3 (6.0) (1.3) 209.5<br />

South Australia<br />

108 North Terrace, Adelaide 76.5 - 0.1 - - - (1.0) (2.8) 1.0 73.8<br />

45 Pirie Street, Adelaide 3 85.7 (86.3) 1.4 2.6 (0.7) (0.3) 0.1 (2.4) (0.1) 0.0<br />

11 Waymouth Street, Adelaide 151.1 - 0.9 0.3 (0.0) (0.0) (0.1) 2.7 0.1 155.0<br />

Victoria<br />

385 Bourke Street, Melbourne 311.3 - 10.3 0.1 (2.9) (0.1) 0.0 (16.1) (0.0) 302.6<br />

655 Collins Street, Melbourne 96.8 - 0.2 - - - 0.0 3.0 (0.0) 100.0<br />

750 Collins Street, Melbourne 224.5 - 0.7 (0.2) - 0.0 1.5 15.0 (1.5) 240.0<br />

180-222 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne 285.8 - 2.2 0.2 (0.1) - 0.6 8.3 (0.6) 296.4<br />

2 Southbank Boulevard, Melbourne 182.2 - 0.0 0.8 (0.6) (0.2) (0.7) 0.6 0.7 182.9<br />

AIFRS<br />

revaluation<br />

changes<br />

Book value<br />

as at<br />


Commonwealth Property Office Fund<br />

<strong>Appendix</strong> <strong>4E</strong> - Reconciliation of book values by property ($m)<br />

For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

Book value<br />

as at<br />

30-Jun-12<br />

Acquisitions/<br />

(Divestments) Capex<br />

Leasing fees and<br />

incentives paid<br />

Amortisation of fitout<br />

incentives,<br />

cash incentives<br />

and leasing<br />

comissions<br />

Amortisation of rent<br />

free incentives<br />

Straight-lining<br />

revenue<br />

Independent<br />

revaluation<br />

changes<br />

Property<br />

Western Australia<br />

46 Colin Street, West Perth 43.5 - 0.6 1.5 (0.2) - (0.2) (1.4) 0.2 44.0<br />

58 Mounts Bay Road, Perth 100.0 - 0.0 - (0.1) (0.1) 1.3 3.1 (1.3) 102.9<br />

Total 3,229.8 68.8 105.8 24.9 (15.8) (3.9) 6.0 (32.1) (6.0) 3,377.5<br />

<strong>Investments</strong> in associates<br />

AIFRS<br />

revaluation<br />

changes<br />

Book value<br />

as at<br />

30-Jun-13<br />

Grosvenor Place Holdings Trust 4 273.1 4.7 - - - - - (2.8) - 275.1<br />

Kent Street Trust 1 85.3 (85.2) - - - - - (0.1) - 0.0<br />

Site 6 Homebush Bay Trust 5 35.0 0.1 - - - - - 0.6 - 35.6<br />

Site 7 Homebush Bay Trust 6 47.5 0.4 - - - - - 0.3 - 48.2<br />

Total 440.9 (80.0) - - - - - (2.0) - 358.9<br />

GRAND TOTAL 3,670.7 (11.2) 105.8 24.9 (15.8) (3.9) 6.0 (34.1) (6.0) 3,736.4<br />

1. On 10 April 2013, the Fund acquired the remaining 50% interest in the Kent Street Trust. It has been determined that the Fund’s 100% holding represents control. As such, the Kent Street Trust was fully consolidated from this date.<br />

2. On 21 December 2012, the Fund sold its interest in Site 4B, Sydney Olympic Park for $4.7 million excluding selling costs.<br />

3. On 12 June 2013, the Fund sold its interest in 45 Pirie Street, Adelaide for $87.0 million excluding selling costs.<br />

4. The Fund indirectly owns 25% of 225 George Street, Sydney via units in Grosvenor Place Holdings Trust. The Fund's equity accounted investment includes its share of the non-property assets and liabilities of the Grosvenor Place Holdings Trust.<br />

5. The Fund indirectly owns 50% of 4 Dawn Fraser Avenue, Sydney Olympic Park via units in Site 6 Homebush Bay Trust. The Fund's equity accounted investment includes its share of the non-property assets and liabilities of Site 6 Homebush Bay Trust.<br />

6. The Fund indirectly owns 50% of 2 Dawn Fraser Avenue, Sydney Olympic Park via units in Site 7 Homebush Bay Trust. The Fund's equity accounted investment includes its share of the non-property assets and liabilities of Site 7 Homebush Bay Trust.

Commonwealth Property Office Fund<br />

Debt summary<br />

As at 30 June 2013<br />

Key debt statistics Debt maturity profile $m 7<br />

Total borrowings 1 $948.9m<br />

Borrowings as a proportion of total assets 2 25.2%<br />

FY14<br />

Weighted average interest rate (including margins and line fees) 5.6%<br />

FY15 200<br />

Weighted average debt maturity 3.9 years<br />

Portion of debt hedged 3 95.9%<br />

Weighted average interest rate on hedged debt (excluding margins and fees) 3 5.1%<br />

Weighted average maturity of hedged debt 3 4.0 years<br />

Credit rating Short term Long term<br />

- Moody's P-2 A3<br />

- Standard & Poor's A-2 A- Sources of debt 7<br />

FY16<br />

FY17<br />

FY18<br />

FY19<br />

Beyond<br />

151<br />

200<br />

300<br />

210<br />

200<br />

33<br />

Debt position as at 30 June 2013<br />

Facility size Drawn Undrawn<br />

Type Maturity $m $m $m<br />

Bank debt facility Jun-15 200.0 - 200.0<br />

Bank debt facility Apr-18 300.0 55.0 245.0<br />

Short term notes Jul/Aug-13 100.0 100.0 -<br />

Medium term notes Mar-16 200.0 200.0 -<br />

Medium term notes Dec-19 185.0 185.0 -<br />

Medium term notes Dec-22 25.0 25.0 -<br />

Convertible notes 4 Dec-16 200.0 200.0 -<br />

US Private Placement 5 Dec-15 150.6 150.6 -<br />

US Private Placement 5 Dec 17 33.3 33.3 - Hedge maturity profile for the financial years ended 3<br />

32%<br />

14%<br />

15%<br />

39%<br />

1,393.9 948.9 445.0<br />

Less short term notes 6 1,000<br />

Jul/Aug-13 (100.0) - (100.0)<br />

Total 1,293.9 948.9 345.0 800<br />

Notes:<br />

600<br />

1. Borrowings is the amount of debt drawn as per Note 11 of the Financial Report equal to $931.9 million,<br />

adjusted for the value of cross currency swaps of $17.0 million liability.<br />

400<br />

2. Total assets exclude the fair value of derivative financial instruments of $2.2 million.<br />

3. Including all fixed-rate debt.<br />

200<br />

4. Convertible note investors have a put option on 11 December 2014.<br />

0<br />

5. Converted to AUD at AUD/USD 0.7505.<br />

6. As the Fund’s same day funding facility was in place to provide liquidity support to maturing<br />

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019<br />

short-term notes, the capacity of the facilities is reduced by the total amount of short-term notes issued.<br />

Key: Face v alue of hedges ($m) (LHS) Weighted average interest rate on hedge debt (RHS)<br />

7. Excludes short term notes maturing in FY14 which are backed by bank debt facilities.<br />

7.0%<br />

6.0%<br />

5.0%<br />

4.0%<br />

3.0%<br />


Asset summaries<br />

CPA<br />

Asset summaries<br />

24 <br />

5 Martin Place, Sydney



<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Date<br />

<br />

<br />

CPA<br />

ownership<br />

100%<br />

Grade<br />

A<br />

<br />

Date<br />

acquired<br />

<br />

CPA<br />

ownership<br />

100%<br />

Grade<br />

A<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

FY14 ><br />

<br />

FY14 ><br />

32.2%<br />

FY15<br />

0.0%<br />

FY15<br />

2.5%<br />

FY16<br />

0.0%<br />

FY16<br />

10.4%<br />

FY17<br />

0.0%<br />

FY17<br />

10.5%<br />

FY18<br />

12.4%<br />

FY18<br />

21.1%<br />

BEYOND<br />

87.6%<br />

BEYOND<br />

23.3%<br />

145 Ann Street Brisbane, QLD<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

^<br />

<br />

^<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

385 Bourke Street Melbourne, VIC

Asset summaries<br />



<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Date<br />

<br />

<br />

CPA<br />

Date<br />

CPA<br />

ownership Grade <br />

ownership Grade<br />

100% A 100% A<br />

Perth<br />

<br />

<br />

FY14 ><br />

38.7%<br />

FY14 ><br />

0.0%<br />

FY15<br />

5.6%<br />

FY15<br />

0.0%<br />

FY16<br />

0.0%<br />

FY16<br />

0.0%<br />

FY17<br />

10.2%<br />

FY17<br />

0.0%<br />

FY18<br />

6.2%<br />

FY18<br />

100%<br />

BEYOND<br />

39.3%<br />

BEYOND<br />

0.0%<br />

60 Castlereagh Street Sydney, NSW<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

46 Colin Street West Perth, WA



<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Date<br />

<br />

<br />

CPA<br />

ownership<br />

100%<br />

Grade<br />

A<br />

<br />

Date<br />

<br />

<br />

CPA<br />

ownership<br />

100%<br />

Grade<br />

A<br />

<br />

<br />

FY14 ><br />

0.0%<br />

FY14 ><br />

2.1%<br />

FY15<br />

0.0%<br />

FY15<br />

0.0%<br />

FY16<br />

0.0%<br />

FY16<br />

1.9%<br />

FY17<br />

0.0%<br />

FY17<br />

0.5%<br />

FY18<br />

0.0%<br />

FY18<br />

2.4%<br />

BEYOND<br />

100%<br />

BEYOND<br />

93.1%<br />

655 Collins Street Melbourne, VIC<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

750 Collins Street Melbourne, VIC

Asset summaries<br />



<br />

<br />

<br />

railway station.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Date<br />

<br />

<br />

CPA<br />

Date<br />

CPA<br />

ownership Grade <br />

ownership Grade<br />

<br />

A<br />

<br />

<br />

100%<br />

A<br />

<br />

<br />

FY14 ><br />

8.2%<br />

FY14 ><br />

17.1%<br />

FY15<br />

0.0%<br />

FY15<br />

21.7%<br />

FY16<br />

0.5%<br />

FY16<br />

18.1%<br />

FY17<br />

0.0%<br />

FY17<br />

16.3%<br />

FY18<br />

53.1%<br />

FY18<br />

5.1%<br />

BEYOND<br />

38.2%<br />

BEYOND<br />

21.6%<br />

2 and 4 Dawn Fraser Avenue Sydney Olympic Park, NSW<br />

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10 Eagle Street Brisbane, QLD



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Date<br />

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CPA<br />

ownership<br />

100%<br />

Grade<br />

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Date<br />

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CPA<br />

ownership<br />

100% A<br />

Grade<br />

<br />

<br />

FY14 ><br />

0%<br />

FY14 ><br />

22.3%<br />

FY15<br />

0%<br />

FY15<br />

0.0%<br />

FY16<br />

0%<br />

FY16<br />

0.0%<br />

FY17<br />

72.1%<br />

FY17<br />

0.0%<br />

FY18<br />

0%<br />

FY18<br />

0.0%<br />

BEYOND<br />

27.9%<br />

BEYOND<br />

77.7%<br />

Finlay Crisp Centre<br />

Canberra, ACT<br />

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36 George Street Burwood, NSW

Asset summaries<br />



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Parramatta<br />

Date<br />

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CPA<br />

Date<br />

CPA<br />

ownership Grade Parramatta <br />

ownership Grade<br />

100% A 100% A<br />

<br />

<br />

FY14 ><br />

0.4%<br />

FY14 ><br />

0.0%<br />

FY15<br />

45.3%<br />

FY15<br />

0.0%<br />

FY16<br />

0.0%<br />

FY16<br />

100%<br />

FY17<br />

0.0%<br />

FY17<br />

0.0%<br />

FY18<br />

0.0%<br />

FY18<br />

0.0%<br />

BEYOND<br />

54.3%<br />

BEYOND<br />

0.0%<br />

101 George Street Parramatta, NSW<br />

<br />

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150 George Street Parramatta, NSW



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Date<br />

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CPA<br />

ownership<br />

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Grade<br />

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Date<br />

#<br />

<br />

<br />

CPA<br />

ownership<br />

<br />

Grade<br />

A<br />

<br />

<br />

FY14 ><br />

16.1%<br />

FY14 ><br />

18.4%<br />

FY15<br />

17.5%<br />

FY15<br />

31.5%<br />

FY16<br />

10.1%<br />

FY16<br />

9.1%<br />

FY17<br />

3.2%<br />

FY17<br />

5.3%<br />

FY18<br />

4.8%<br />

FY18<br />

0.0%<br />

BEYOND<br />

48.3%<br />

BEYOND<br />

35.7%<br />

225 George Street Sydney, NSW<br />

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^<br />

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201 Kent Street Sydney, NSW<br />

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Asset summaries<br />



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Date<br />

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<br />

CPA<br />

Date<br />

CPA<br />

ownership Grade<br />

<br />

<br />

ownership Grade<br />

<br />

A<br />

<br />

<br />

A<br />

<br />

<br />

FY14 ><br />

0.0%<br />

FY14 ><br />

60.9%<br />

FY15<br />

94.8%<br />

FY15<br />

9.3%<br />

FY16<br />

0.0%<br />

FY16<br />

0.0%<br />

FY17<br />

0.0%<br />

FY17<br />

0.0%<br />

FY18<br />

0.0%<br />

FY18<br />

6.4%<br />

BEYOND<br />

5.2%<br />

BEYOND<br />

23.3%<br />

14 Lee Street Sydney, NSW<br />

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180–222 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, VIC



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Date<br />

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ownership<br />

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^<br />

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Date<br />

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CPA<br />

ownership<br />

<br />

<br />

A<br />

<br />

<br />

FY14 ><br />

60.8%<br />

FY14 ><br />

12.5%<br />

FY15<br />

0.0%<br />

FY15<br />

23.7%<br />

FY16<br />

0.2%<br />

FY16<br />

2.4%<br />

FY17<br />

0.0%<br />

FY17<br />

39.7%<br />

FY18<br />

0.0%<br />

FY18<br />

1.9%<br />

BEYOND<br />

39.0%<br />

BEYOND<br />

19.8%<br />

5 Martin Place Sydney, NSW<br />

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^<br />

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^<br />

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201 Miller Street North Sydney, NSW

Asset summaries<br />



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Perth<br />

Date<br />

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CPA<br />

Date<br />

CPA<br />

ownership Grade <br />

ownership Grade<br />

<br />

A<br />

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<br />

<br />

A<br />

<br />

<br />

FY14 ><br />

0.0%<br />

FY14 ><br />

100%<br />

FY15<br />

0.0%<br />

FY15<br />

0.0%<br />

FY16<br />

0.0%<br />

FY16<br />

0.0%<br />

FY17<br />

5.6%<br />

FY17<br />

0.0%<br />

FY18<br />

6.8%<br />

FY18<br />

0.0%<br />

BEYOND<br />

87.7%<br />

BEYOND<br />

0.0%<br />

58 Mounts Bay Road Perth, WA<br />

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108 North Terrace Adelaide, SA



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Date<br />

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CPA<br />

ownership<br />

100%<br />

Grade<br />

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Date<br />

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<br />

CPA<br />

ownership<br />

100%<br />

Grade<br />

A<br />

<br />

<br />

FY14 ><br />

31.1%<br />

FY14 ><br />

1.4%<br />

FY15<br />

12.4%<br />

FY15<br />

0.0%<br />

FY16<br />

18.5%<br />

FY16<br />

14.5%<br />

FY17<br />

14.3%<br />

FY17<br />

14.6%<br />

FY18<br />

21.7%<br />

FY18<br />

2.1%<br />

BEYOND<br />

2.0%<br />

BEYOND<br />

67.4%<br />

56 Pitt Street Sydney, NSW<br />

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<br />

175 Pitt Street Sydney, NSW

Asset summaries<br />



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Date<br />

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CPA<br />

Date<br />

CPA<br />

ownership Grade<br />

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ownership Grade<br />

<br />

A<br />

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<br />

A<br />

<br />

<br />

FY14 ><br />

0.5%<br />

FY14 ><br />

3.9%<br />

FY15<br />

0.0%<br />

FY15<br />

12.6%<br />

FY16<br />

99.5%<br />

FY16<br />

26.6%<br />

FY17<br />

0.0%<br />

FY17<br />

42.6%<br />

FY18<br />

0.0%<br />

FY18<br />

0.9%<br />

BEYOND<br />

0.0%<br />

BEYOND<br />

13.4%<br />

10 Shelley Street Sydney, NSW<br />

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2 Southbank Boulevard Melbourne, VIC


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Date<br />

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CPA<br />

ownership<br />

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Grade<br />

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FY14 ><br />

FY15<br />

FY16<br />

FY17<br />

FY18<br />

BEYOND<br />

2.7%<br />

0.7%<br />

0.0%<br />

86.2%<br />

5.4%<br />

5.0%<br />

11 Waymouth Street Adelaide, SA


(ARSN 086 029 736)<br />



Contents<br />

DIRECTORS’ REPORT ............................................................................................................ 2<br />

AUDITOR’S INDEPENDENCE DECLARATION ...................................................................... 10<br />

CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME ......................................... 11<br />

CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION .................................................. 12<br />

CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS ............................................................... 13<br />

CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY ................................................... 14<br />

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ......................................................................... 15<br />

DIRECTORS’ DECLARATION ................................................................................................ 57<br />

INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT ................................................................................... 58<br />




The Directors of Commonwealth Managed <strong>Investments</strong> Limited (CMIL), the Responsible Entity for<br />

Commonwealth Property Office Fund (CPA), present their report together with the financial<br />

statements of Commonwealth Property Office Fund for the financial year ended 30 June 2013.<br />

1.1 Directors<br />

The names of the Directors of the Responsible Entity at any time during the financial year and up to<br />

the date of this report are:<br />

(i)<br />

Chairman – Non-executive Director<br />

R M Haddock AM (independent)<br />

(ii)<br />

Non-executive Directors<br />

J F Kropp (independent)<br />

N J Milne OAM (independent)<br />

R E Griffiths<br />

(iii)<br />

M J Venter<br />

Executive Director<br />

1.2 Principal activities<br />

CPA is a registered managed investment scheme domiciled in Australia and has its principal place of<br />

business at Level 4, 201 Sussex Street, Sydney, New South Wales 2000.<br />

The Responsible Entity of CPA is incorporated and domiciled in Australia and has its registered office<br />

at Ground Floor, Tower 1, 201 Sussex Street, Sydney, New South Wales 2000.<br />

The principal activity of CPA and its controlled entities (the ‘Fund’) is investment in Australian office<br />

property in major markets. There were no significant changes in the nature of the Fund’s activity<br />

during the financial year.<br />

1.3 Distributions<br />

Total distributions paid/payable for the financial year ended 30 June 2013 amounted to $153.7<br />

million, representing 6.55 cents per unit (Jun 2012: $144.2 million, or 6.09 cents per unit).<br />

(i) Distributions for the six months ended 31 December 2012<br />

The distribution paid for the six months ended 31 December 2012 was $75.1 million (3.20 cents per<br />

unit).<br />

(ii) Distributions for the six months ended 30 June 2013<br />

The distribution declared but not paid for the six months ended 30 June 2013 is $78.6 million (3.35<br />

cents per unit).<br />

1.4 Operating and financial review<br />

The Fund is an externally managed office sector specific Australian Real Estate Investment Trust (A-<br />

REIT), with a mandate to invest in quality office buildings located in central business districts and<br />

major suburban markets in Australia. The Fund is focused on providing long-term sustainable returns<br />

for unitholders through actively managing assets, disciplined investment decisions, prudent capital<br />

management and investing responsibly, with a leading approach to corporate governance.<br />

The Fund seeks opportunities to enhance rental growth by developing or refurbishing its office<br />

buildings to take advantage of tenant demand. The Fund periodically acquires assets that improve the<br />

long-term earnings prospects of the portfolio and sells assets where it believes capital might best be<br />

deployed elsewhere. The Fund targets a modest gearing level of 25% to 35%. This allows the Fund to<br />

take on some leverage which can enhance income returns for unitholders. Keeping gearing modest<br />

allows the flexibility to fund development expansions and acquisitions.<br />




1.4 Operating and financial review (continued)<br />

(i)<br />

Financial results and operations<br />

Key financial and operational highlights over the financial year include:<br />

<br />

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The consolidated net profit for the financial year ended 30 June 2013 decreased by 43.3% to<br />

$145.4 million (Jun 2012: $256.4 million), primarily resulting from reduced valuation increases<br />

and some valuation losses in fair value adjustments of investment properties and net movement<br />

of derivatives between the two financial years.<br />

Rental and other property income increased by 7.1% compared to prior year mainly due to<br />

additional rental income received from the following properties:<br />

- 10 Eagle Street, Brisbane, acquired on 13 June 2012<br />

- development of 145 Ann Street, Brisbane, completed 22 November 2012<br />

- 201 Kent Street, Sydney, following the acquisition of an additional 50% interest in the Kent<br />

Street Trust on 10 April 2013.<br />

These increases were partly offset by the prior year sales of Perth properties and 259 George<br />

Street, Sydney which were income producing for part of the prior year.<br />

For the year ended 30 June 2013 the Fund’s average rental review increase was 4.1%, including<br />

fixed, market and CPI rent reviews (Jun 2012: 3.8%).<br />

Total property expenses being rates, taxes and other outgoings, repairs and maintenance and<br />

bad and doubtful debts increased by 6.6% primarily due to the above properties becoming<br />

income producing.<br />

Share of net profits from associates before fair value adjustments decreased by 10.4% mainly as<br />

a result of the reclassification of Kent Street Trust from being an associate to an investment<br />

property since the date of acquisition and the decline in income of Grosvenor Place Holdings Trust<br />

due to an increase in vacancies.<br />

Borrowing costs increased by 11.0% to $56.7 million (Jun 2012: $51.1 million). The increase in<br />

borrowing costs was mainly due to the completion of the 145 Ann Street, Brisbane development<br />

on 22 November 2012 which became income producing. The Fund’s weighted average interest<br />

rate increased slightly to 5.6% at 30 June 2013 from 5.5% at 30 June 2012.<br />

The Responsible Entity’s base fee has increased to $17.0 million (Jun 2012: $13.7 million). This<br />

increase was predominantly driven by the expiry of the waiver of the Responsible Entity’s base<br />

fee from 1 July 2012 on the following assets: 180-222 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne (50%), 655<br />

Collins Street, Melbourne and 750 Collins Street, Melbourne.<br />

The Fund’s performance fee benchmark prior to 1 July 2012 was the S&P ASX 200 Commercial<br />

Accumulation Index (excluding CPA). From 1 July 2012, the Fund’s performance fee benchmark<br />

was changed to the S&P ASX 200 Property Accumulation Index (excluding CPA). The new<br />

benchmark is comprised of 15 Australian Real Estate Investment Trusts (A-REITs), which<br />

compares to the previous benchmark, whose composition over time has reduced from seven A-<br />

REITs to one. The Board determined that the new benchmark was comparable to the previous<br />

benchmark, while providing a broader base for which to compare the Fund’s performance. An<br />

independent expert review by KPMG Corporate Finance has also concluded that the Directors<br />

have selected a comparable index and that the change is fair and reasonable. The<br />

underperformance as at 30 June 2012 was carried forward to the new index. Other than the<br />

change in the underlying benchmark, the overall fee mechanism remained unchanged.<br />

The performance fee is calculated each half-year at December and June. For the six months to<br />

December 2012, the Fund underperformed the S&P ASX 200 Property Accumulation Index (the<br />

‘Index’) by 9.9 percentage points. For the six months to 30 June 2013, the Fund underperformed<br />

by 1.5 percentage points. In accordance with the Fund’s Trust Deed, the performance fee is<br />

determined on the Fund’s relative performance since the last period in which a performance fee<br />

was accrued, being 31 December 2010. Since that period, the Fund has underperformed by<br />

19.4 percentage points and 22.6 percentage points at 31 December 2012 and 30 June 2013<br />

respectively. As such, the Fund has not recognised a performance fee in the financial year ended<br />

30 June 2013.<br />

Net profit was impacted by $40.1 million of net revaluation losses on properties and associates.<br />

The valuation decline was primarily driven by two significant lease expiries at 385 Bourke Street,<br />

Melbourne ($16.1 million loss) and 10 Shelley Street, Sydney ($29.3 million loss), and also by<br />

Finlay Crisp Centre, Canberra ($13.1 million loss) which was impacted by poor market<br />

fundamentals including elevated vacancy rates and subdued tenant demand in Canberra.<br />

Excluding the impact of 385 Bourke Street, Melbourne, 10 Shelley Street, Sydney and Finlay<br />

Crisp Centre, Canberra the remaining assets that were independently revalued during the period<br />

reported a net increase of $18.4 million. Key assets 750 Collins Street, Melbourne and 180-<br />

222 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne showed solid increases due to improved market outlook reflecting<br />

buyer transactions by both domestic and international parties.<br />




1.4 Operating and financial review (continued)<br />

(i)<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Financial results and operations (continued)<br />

Included within the net profit is a net loss on the fair value of interest rate swaps of $2.4 million<br />

(Jun 2012: $38.9 million loss). The current year result reflects the relatively minor reduction in<br />

interest rates during the year, whereas the drop in interest rates was far more significant in the<br />

comparative year. The swaps have been effective in meeting their objective of providing the Fund<br />

with greater certainty of financing costs.<br />

Prior to 1 July 2012, the performance of the Fund was based on the following measures: net<br />

profit, Distributable Income and distribution per unit. From 1 July 2012, Funds From Operations<br />

(FFO) replaced Distributable Income as a basis for measuring the earnings performance of the<br />

Fund in order to provide a more relevant basis for comparison with other REITs and given it is a<br />

more widely recognised measure than Distributable Income. From the same date, the Fund’s<br />

chief operating decision makers used FFO internally when evaluating the earnings of the Fund and<br />

in making strategic decisions.<br />

FFO is an earnings measure which is assessed on profit under Australian Accounting Standards<br />

adjusted for fair value adjustments, certain unrealised and non-cash items, and amounts that are<br />

non-recurring or capital in nature. It does not represent cash flow from operations as defined by<br />

Australian Accounting Standards, should not be considered as an alternative to consolidated net<br />

profit and is not an alternative to cash flows as a measure of liquidity.<br />

The consolidated net profit in the reported result has been adjusted for fair value adjustments,<br />

certain unrealised and non-cash items, amounts that are non-recurring or capital in nature and<br />

any other items in accordance with the Fund’s Constitution to arrive at FFO for the financial year<br />

ended 30 June 2013 of $207.0 million (Jun 2012: $200.8 million). A reconciliation of net profit to<br />

FFO and distributions paid and payable is provided below:<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2013<br />

$m<br />

Restated (1)<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2012<br />

$m<br />

Total revenue and other income 352.6 449.0<br />

Net profit for the financial year 145.4 256.4<br />

Adjustments:<br />

- straight-lining revenue (6.0) (5.2)<br />

- fair value adjustments from investment properties and associates 40.1 (113.1)<br />

- other fair value adjustments to derivatives 2.4 38.9<br />

- non-cash convertible notes interest expense 5.8 5.3<br />

- amortisation of fit-out incentives, cash incentives and<br />

18.8 18.5<br />

leasing commissions<br />

- other items 0.5 -<br />

Funds From Operations (FFO) (1) 207.0 200.8<br />

Other adjustments:<br />

- amount withheld in accordance with distribution policy restated (2) (53.3) (56.6)<br />

Distributions paid and payable 153.7 144.2<br />

4<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2013<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2012<br />

Value of Fund’s total assets ($m) (3) 3,773.2 3,713.8<br />

Net tangible asset backing per unit ($) (4) 1.15 1.16<br />

(1) On 1 July 2012, the Fund adopted FFO replacing Distributable Income. The adoption of FFO on 1 July 2012 has resulted in the<br />

Fund adding back amortisation of fit-out incentives, cash incentives and leasing commissions totalling $18.5 million to the net<br />

profit for the 12 months to 30 June 2012 in reaching FFO. This has resulted in an FFO of $200.8 million for the 12 months<br />

ended 30 June 2012. Refer to note 2 in the financial statements for further details of the retrospective application of FFO on<br />

the 30 June 2012 results.<br />

(2) From 1 July 2012, the Fund distributes 70% to 80% of FFO or the Fund’s taxable income, whichever is greater, for any<br />

financial period. Prior to 1 July 2012, the Fund distributed either 70% to 80% of Distributable Income, or the Fund’s taxable<br />

income, whichever was greater, for any financial period. Refer to note 2 in the financial statements for further details on the<br />

restated amounts.<br />

(3) Details of the valuation methods applied to derive the Fund’s assets and liabilities are set out in note 1 in the financial<br />

statements.<br />

(4) Net tangible asset backing per unit is calculated by dividing the total equity attributable to unitholders of the Fund by the<br />

number of ordinary units on issue.



1.4 Operating and financial review (continued)<br />

(i)<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

(ii)<br />

Financial results and operations (continued)<br />

FFO increased by 3.1% to $207.0 million (Jun 2012: $200.8 million). The improvement was<br />

primarily driven by increased rental income.<br />

In June 2013, the Property Council of Australia (PCA) issued the Voluntary Best Practice<br />

Guidelines for disclosing FFO and AFFO. There are two main differences between these guidelines<br />

and the Fund’s policy in determining FFO. The Fund adds back the amortisation of leasing<br />

commissions to the net profit in reaching FFO and does not adjust for amortisation of rent free<br />

incentives. The Fund did not adopt ‘Property Council FFO’ as it is monitoring the reaction of<br />

market participants to the new guidelines.<br />

The Fund’s total distribution for the financial year was $153.7 million (Jun 2012: $144.2 million),<br />

which represents a 7.6% increase in distribution per unit to 6.55 cents per unit (Jun 2012: 6.09<br />

cents per unit). The uplift was driven by increases in rental income and a marginally higher payout<br />

ratio.<br />

Financial position<br />

Key features of the Fund’s financial position at reporting date include:<br />

<br />

<br />

Total assets increased by 1.6% to $3,773.2 million (Jun 2012: $3,713.8 million), reflecting the<br />

following transactions:<br />

- In October 2012, the Fund secured a pre-commitment of 44% of the office area for the<br />

development at 5 Martin Place, Sydney. Total project cost is estimated to be $215.0 million<br />

(50%), and the development is due for completion in early 2015. With early works underway,<br />

construction began under the main building contract upon securing the Ashurst precommitment.<br />

This project will transform the former Commonwealth Bank ‘Money Box’ building<br />

into Sydney’s next Premium-grade office building. The development costs incurred this year<br />

amount to $19.4 million.<br />

- On 9 November 2012, the Fund exchanged a conditional contract to sell its interest in Site 4B,<br />

Sydney Olympic Park for $4.7 million excluding selling costs. The transaction was settled on<br />

21 December 2012.<br />

- On 22 November 2012, the development at 145 Ann Street, Brisbane reached practical<br />

completion. Total project cost was $209.8 million, and the property was independently valued<br />

in December 2012 at $218.0 million, reflecting a development profit of $8.2 million, $6.7<br />

million of which has been recognised in prior valuations. The development costs for the<br />

financial year ended 30 June 2013 amounted to $51.5 million.<br />

- On 10 April 2013, the Fund acquired the remaining 50% interest in the Kent Street Trust for<br />

$77.3 million (excluding transaction costs). The transaction settled on the same day.<br />

- On 22 May 2013, the Fund exchanged contracts to sell 45 Pirie Street, Adelaide for $87.0<br />

million excluding transaction costs. Settlement occurred on 12 June 2013.<br />

Net assets declined by 0.3% to $2,703.4 million (Jun 2012: $2,711.7 million), resulting in a net<br />

tangible asset backing per unit (NTA) at 30 June 2013 of $1.15 (Jun 2012: $1.16). The decrease in<br />

NTA was driven by net valuation losses in fair value adjustments of investment properties and<br />

associates of $40.1 million.<br />

The Fund’s gearing at 30 June 2013 is 25.2% (Jun 2012: 24.0%), within the target range of 25%<br />

to 35%. The increase in gearing reflects the increase of borrowings during the year which mainly<br />

relate to the funding for developments as described above.<br />

<br />

<br />

In June 2013, the Fund restructured its existing hedge portfolio following the sale of 45 Pirie<br />

Street, Adelaide. The Fund terminated $380 million of existing interest rate swaps, executed $300<br />

million of swaps at more favourable rates and increased hedged debt duration.<br />

As at 30 June 2013, the Fund’s borrowings were 95.9% hedged (Jun 2012: 87.5%) which is above<br />

the Fund’s target range of 65% to 85%. The increase in the hedging level is a result of debt repaid<br />

from funds received for the disposal of 45 Pirie Street, Adelaide. The Fund is expected to draw<br />

down on debt to fund distribution payments in August 2013 which will reduce the hedging level. It<br />

is the Fund’s policy that derivatives are used for hedging purposes only and not as speculative or<br />

trading instruments.<br />




1.4 Operating and financial review (continued)<br />

(ii)<br />

<br />

<br />

Financial position (continued)<br />

The Fund’s active capital management during the financial year resulted in the restructuring of<br />

$665.0 million of debt, improving the underlying fundamentals of the balance sheet. As a result<br />

of its continued active capital management, the weighted average duration of debt increased to<br />

3.9 years (Jun 2012: 3.3 years). The Fund also maintained a competitive weighted average<br />

interest rate of 5.6% at 30 June 2013 (Jun 2012: 5.5%).<br />

As at 30 June 2013, the Fund had $445.0 million undrawn cash advance facilities expiring beyond<br />

one year with which to fund its $100.0 million current debt obligations represented by short-term<br />

notes. Undrawn facilities in excess of current debt obligations will be used to fund the buy-back<br />

program (if required) and various working capital commitments including the development at 5<br />

Martin Place, Sydney and the refurbishment of 385 Bourke Street, Melbourne, 180 Lonsdale<br />

Street, Melbourne and 108 North Terrace, Adelaide.<br />

The Fund’s principal debt covenants and corresponding results at 30 June 2013 are as follows:<br />

Covenant<br />

Actual<br />

Loan to value ratio (LVR) (1) 45.0% or less 28.6%<br />

Interest cover ratio (ICR) (2) 2.0 times or greater 4.4 times<br />

(1) LVR is calculated as total liabilities divided by total assets excluding the effect of the option component of the convertible<br />

notes and the fair value of derivatives.<br />

(2) ICR is calculated as earnings before interest divided by net interest expense. For the purposes of this calculation, earnings<br />

represent net profit excluding all fair value adjustments, straight-lining revenue, borrowing costs and net interest expense on<br />

interest rate swaps. Interest expense is the sum of borrowing costs, net interest expense on interest rate swaps, and<br />

capitalised interest, less non-cash convertible notes interest expense.<br />

(iii)<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Business strategies and prospects for future financial years<br />

The Fund will continue to focus on the active management of assets, adopting prudent capital<br />

management and a leading corporate governance approach, so as to enhance investment returns<br />

to unitholders.<br />

The Fund will aim to maintain strong occupancy in its assets by forward solving upcoming lease<br />

expiries, focusing on current vacancies and maintaining a robust and attractive portfolio through<br />

world-class sustainability initiatives.<br />

The Fund will continue to enhance the performance of its properties through developments and<br />

refurbishments including the development of 5 Martin Place, Sydney with the target completion<br />

date of early 2015. Refurbishment projects in the planning stage include:<br />

- the $64.0 million refurbishment of 385 Bourke Street, Melbourne, which will involve the<br />

refurbishment of 15 floors, foyer upgrade and retail arcade refurbishment. The work is<br />

expected to commence in September 2013 and be completed by August 2014<br />

- the $17.0 million refurbishment of 180 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne upon the vacation of two<br />

main tenants in August 2013. The scope of work includes the refurbishment of the office<br />

foyer, new bathrooms, ceiling work and end of trip facilities and is expected to be completed<br />

by April 2014<br />

- the $27.0 refurbishment of 108 North Terrace, Adelaide, which will commence in December<br />

2013 and is expected to be completed by June 2015.<br />

The Fund will continue to investigate opportunities to further refine the quality of its portfolio,<br />

which may come from the sale of non-core or mature assets in favour of retaining or acquiring<br />

assets with higher sustainable upside returns.<br />

The Fund will continue to investigate opportunities to extend and diversify sources of debt and<br />

focus on maintaining a competitive cost of debt.<br />

For the 2014 financial year, the Fund will target a distribution at the mid-point of 70% to 80% of<br />

FFO equating to a distribution guidance of 6.55 cents per unit (assuming no performance fees are<br />

payable for the full 12-month period, the Fund’s taxable income is no more than 6.55 cents per<br />

unit and there is no unforeseen material deterioration in existing economic conditions). The<br />

distribution guidance is based upon the current operating model. Refer to section 1.6 of this<br />

report for details concerning potential changes to this operating model, which may impact upon<br />

future distributions.<br />




1.4 Operating and financial review (continued)<br />

(iii)<br />

<br />

Business strategies and prospects for future financial years (continued)<br />

The material risks that could affect the Fund’s achievement of the financial prospects noted above<br />

include a further deterioration of the office market environment impacting on the Fund’s ability to<br />

achieve leasing forecasts, potential increases in construction and interest costs, delays in project<br />

completions, and the inability to secure sufficient funding. Major leasing risks relate to the leasing<br />

of the following properties:<br />

- 10 Shelley Street, Sydney (27,722 sqm)<br />

- 108 North Terrace, Adelaide (20,112 sqm)<br />

- 385 Bourke Street, Melbourne (18,194 sqm)<br />

- 180 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne (17,939 sqm)<br />

- 5 Martin Place, Sydney (19,989 sqm).<br />

The Fund seeks to mitigate these risks via:<br />

- the ongoing appointment of an experienced property management team with appropriate<br />

specialisation in office leasing, development and refurbishment<br />

- active capital management ensuring all debt expiring in the short to medium term is<br />

refinanced well in advance of expiry date. This includes $200.0 million debt expiring in June<br />

2015<br />

- the maintenance of a strong balance sheet and credit rating. The Fund will continue to target<br />

gearing of 25% to 35%, enabling flexibility for acquisition opportunities and delivery of its<br />

development and refurbishments and<br />

- the targeting of 65% to 85% of borrowings at fixed rates of interest, thereby providing<br />

greater certainty of financing costs.<br />

1.5 Significant changes in the state of affairs<br />

In the opinion of the Directors, there were no significant changes in the state of the affairs of the Fund<br />

that occurred during the financial year other than those matters stated in this report.<br />

1.6 Matters subsequent to the end of the financial year<br />

On 24 July 2013, the CMIL Board announced it had received a highly conditional, indicative<br />

and incomplete proposal from Commonwealth Bank of Australia to internalise the management of the<br />

Fund.<br />

The CMIL Board has established a sub-committee of Independent Directors, being Richard Haddock AM,<br />

Nancy Milne OAM and James Kropp, to consider the proposal. The CMIL Board can give no assurance that<br />

the proposal or any other transaction will proceed. It is also noted that the approval of the Fund’s<br />

unitholders would be required for the proposal to proceed.<br />

Subsequent to the end of the financial year, the Fund did not buy back or cancel any of its units under<br />

the on-market buy-back offer.<br />

The Directors of the Responsible Entity are not aware of any other matter or circumstances occurring<br />

after reporting date which may affect either the Fund’s operations or the results of those operations or<br />

the state of affairs of the Fund, not otherwise disclosed in this report.<br />




1.7 Environmental regulation<br />

The Fund provides data to the Commonwealth Bank of Australia (the ‘Bank’), as the ultimate parent of<br />

CMIL, in order for the Bank to fulfil its reporting obligations under the National Greenhouse and Energy<br />

Reporting Act 2007 and the Energy Efficiency Opportunity Act 2005.<br />

Under the Building Energy Efficiency Disclosure Act 2010, there are mandatory obligations applicable to<br />

the Fund, where it leases or sells property consisting of contiguous office space equal to or greater than<br />

2,000 square metres. It is required to obtain and disclose a current Building Energy Efficiency Certificate<br />

(BEEC). A BEEC is comprised of:<br />

- a NABERS Energy star rating for the building<br />

- an assessment of tenancy lighting in the area of the building that is being sold or leased, and<br />

- general energy efficiency guidance.<br />

BEECs are valid for 12 months and must be publicly accessible on the online Building Energy Efficiency<br />

Register. The Fund monitors its legal obligations and ensures compliance for all applicable assets.<br />

1.8 Indemnification and insurance of officers<br />

No insurance premiums were paid out of the assets of the Fund for insurance cover provided to either the<br />

officers of the Responsible Entity or the auditor of the Fund. Where the officers of the Responsible Entity<br />

act in accordance with the Fund’s Constitution and the Corporations Act 2001, the officers remain<br />

indemnified out of the assets of the Fund against losses incurred while acting on behalf of the Fund. The<br />

auditor of the Fund is not indemnified out of the assets of the Fund.<br />

1.9 Responsible Entity interests and fees<br />

Fees paid and payable to the Responsible Entity during the financial year are disclosed in note 14(d) in<br />

the financial statements.<br />

The holdings in units in the Fund held by the Responsible Entity or its associates as at the end of the<br />

financial year are set out in note 14(e) in the financial statements.<br />

1.10 Interests in the Fund<br />

The interests in the Fund held by Directors of the Responsible Entity as at the end of the financial year<br />

are set out in note 14(e) in the financial statements.<br />

No Director of the Responsible Entity has received or become entitled to receive any benefit by reason of<br />

a contract made by the Fund or a related entity with a Director or with a firm of which a Director is a<br />

member, or with an entity in which a Director has a substantial interest.<br />

The movement in units on issue in the Fund during the financial year, along with the number of units on<br />

issue at the end of the financial year, is disclosed in note 12 in the financial statements.<br />

1.11 Non-audit services<br />

The Responsible Entity may employ the Fund’s auditor on assignments in addition to its statutory audit<br />

duties. Details of the amount paid or payable to the auditor for audit and non-audit services are set out in<br />

note 18 in the financial statements. The Directors, in accordance with advice received from the Audit<br />

Committee, are satisfied that the provision of the non-audit services is compatible with the general<br />

standard of independence for auditors imposed by the Corporations Act 2001 and did not compromise the<br />

auditor independence requirements of the Corporations Act 2001 for the following reasons:<br />

- all non-audit services have been reviewed by the Audit Committee to ensure that they do not<br />

impact the impartiality and objectivity of the auditor<br />

- none of the services undermine the general principles relating to auditor independence as set<br />

out in APES 110 Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants.<br />




1.12 Rounding of amounts<br />

The Fund is of a kind referred to in Class Order 98/100 issued by the Australian Securities and<br />

<strong>Investments</strong> Commission (ASIC) relating to the ‘rounding off’ of amounts in the Directors’ report.<br />

Accordingly, amounts in the Directors’ report have been rounded off to the nearest tenth of a million<br />

dollars ($m) in accordance with that Class Order, unless stated otherwise.<br />

1.13 Auditor<br />

PricewaterhouseCoopers continues in office as the auditor of the Fund.<br />

1.14 Auditor’s independence declaration<br />

A copy of the auditor’s independence declaration as required under section 307C of the Corporations Act<br />

2001 is attached to the Directors’ report on page 10.<br />

This report is signed in accordance with the resolution of the Directors of Commonwealth Managed<br />

<strong>Investments</strong> Limited.<br />

R M Haddock AM<br />

Director<br />

Sydney<br />

20 August 2013<br />


Auditor’s Independence Declaration<br />

As lead auditor for the audit of Commonwealth Property Office Fund for the year ended 30 June 2013, I declare that<br />

to the best of my knowledge and belief, there have been:<br />

a) no contraventions of the auditor independence requirements of the Corporations Act 2001 in relation to the<br />

audit; and<br />

b) no contraventions of any applicable code of professional conduct in relation to the audit.<br />

This declaration is in respect of Commonwealth Property Office Fund and the entities it controlled during the period.<br />

TJO Peel<br />

Partner<br />

PricewaterhouseCoopers<br />

20 August 2013<br />

Sydney<br />

PricewaterhouseCoopers, ABN 52 780 433 757<br />

Darling Park Tower 2, 201 Sussex Street, GPO BOX 2650, SYDNEY NSW 1171<br />

T: +61 2 8266 0000, F: +61 2 8266 9999, www.pwc.com.au<br />

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.



For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

Note<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2013<br />

$m<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2012<br />

$m<br />

Revenue<br />

Rental and other property income 3 327.8 306.1<br />

Interest income 0.6 1.4<br />

Alignment fee income 14(i) 0.2 0.9<br />

Other revenue 1.9 0.6<br />

330.5 309.0<br />

Other income<br />

Share of net profits from associates before fair value adjustments 24.1 26.9<br />

Share of associates’ (loss)/profit from fair value adjustments (2.0) 21.4<br />

Share of net profit accounted for using the equity method 8(a) 22.1 48.3<br />

Fair value adjustments to investment properties 7(b)(i)(ii) - 91.7<br />

Total revenue and other income 352.6 449.0<br />

Expenses<br />

Net interest expense on derivatives 0.2 2.0<br />

Other fair value adjustments to derivatives 2.4 38.9<br />

Net loss on derivatives 2.6 40.9<br />

Fair value adjustments to investment properties 7(b) 38.1 -<br />

Rates, taxes and other outgoings 77.7 75.9<br />

Repairs and maintenance 12.2 8.1<br />

Bad and doubtful debts expense 0.1 0.4<br />

Borrowing costs 56.7 51.1<br />

Responsible Entity’s base fee 14(d)(i) 17.0 13.7<br />

Auditor’s remuneration 18 0.5 0.5<br />

Other expenses 2.3 2.0<br />

Total expenses 207.2 192.6<br />

Net profit for the financial year 145.4 256.4<br />

Other comprehensive income - -<br />

Total comprehensive income for the financial year 145.4 256.4<br />

30 Jun 2013 30 Jun 2012<br />

Basic earnings per unit (cents) 17 6.19 10.66<br />

Diluted earnings per unit (cents) 17 6.40 10.54<br />

The above consolidated statement of comprehensive income should be read in conjunction with the<br />

accompanying notes.<br />




As at 30 June 2013<br />

Note<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2013<br />

$m<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2012<br />

$m<br />

Current assets<br />

Cash and cash equivalents 9.6 8.2<br />

Receivables 5 20.2 30.3<br />

Derivatives 19(h) 2.2 0.1<br />

Other assets 6 4.8 4.5<br />

Total current assets 36.8 43.1<br />

Non-current assets<br />

Investment properties 7 3,377.5 3,229.8<br />

<strong>Investments</strong> in associates 8 358.9 440.9<br />

Total non-current assets 3,736.4 3,670.7<br />

Total assets 3,773.2 3,713.8<br />

Current liabilities<br />

Payables 10 53.5 51.9<br />

Distribution payable 4 78.6 75.1<br />

Responsible Entity’s base fees payable 14(d)(i) 4.3 3.3<br />

Interest bearing liabilities 11 100.0 162.2<br />

Derivatives 19(h) 17.0 46.9<br />

Total current liabilities 253.4 339.4<br />

Non-current liabilities<br />

Interest bearing liabilities 11 816.4 662.7<br />

Total non-current liabilities 816.4 662.7<br />

Total liabilities 1,069.8 1,002.1<br />

Net assets 2,703.4 2,711.7<br />

Equity<br />

Contributed equity 12 2,383.3 2,383.3<br />

Reserves 13 320.1 328.4<br />

Total equity 2,703.4 2,711.7<br />

The above consolidated statement of financial position should be read in conjunction with the<br />

accompanying notes.<br />




For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

Note<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2013<br />

$m<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2012<br />

$m<br />

Cash flows from operating activities<br />

Rental and other property income received 379.1 348.3<br />

Dividends received 0.2 0.1<br />

Distributions received 24.0 17.6<br />

Interest income received 0.6 1.4<br />

Payments to suppliers (144.3) (134.7)<br />

Borrowing costs paid (55.0) (54.6)<br />

Net interest expense on interest rate swaps (0.1) (2.8)<br />

Net cash flows from operating activities 15 204.5 175.3<br />

Cash flows from investing activities<br />

Payments for investment properties - (205.9)<br />

Payments for property developments and improvements (127.6) (133.0)<br />

Acquisition of Kent Street Trust net of cash acquired (75.7) -<br />

Capital distributions from associates 7.0 -<br />

Proceeds from disposal of investment properties 90.9 587.1<br />

Net cash flows (used in)/from investing activities (105.4) 248.2<br />

Cash flows from financing activities<br />

Units bought back off-market and cancelled 12 - (66.5)<br />

Units bought back on-market and cancelled 12 - (41.1)<br />

Unit buy-back transaction costs 12 - (0.4)<br />

Proceeds from interest bearing liabilities 1,139.0 944.5<br />

Repayment of interest bearing liabilities (1,081.6) (1,071.5)<br />

Termination payments on interest rate swaps (4.9) (49.3)<br />

Distributions paid 4 (150.2) (136.5)<br />

Net cash flows used in financing activities (97.7) (420.8)<br />

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents held 1.4 2.7<br />

Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the financial<br />

year 8.2 5.5<br />

Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the financial year 9.6 8.2<br />

Non-cash financing and investing activities 16<br />

The above consolidated statement of cash flows should be read in conjunction with the<br />

accompanying notes.<br />




For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

Note<br />

Contributed<br />

equity<br />

$m<br />

Reserves<br />

$m<br />

Total<br />

$m<br />

Total equity as at 1 July 2011 2,481.8 225.7 2,707.5<br />

Net profit for the financial year<br />

Other comprehensive income<br />

-<br />

-<br />

256.4<br />

-<br />

256.4<br />

-<br />

Total comprehensive income for the 2012<br />

financial year - 256.4 256.4<br />

Transactions with unitholders in their capacity as<br />

unitholders:<br />

Issue of units in relation to accrued performance fees 12,13 9.5 (9.5) -<br />

Units bought back off-market and cancelled 12 (66.5) - (66.5)<br />

Units bought back on-market and cancelled 12 (41.1) - (41.1)<br />

Unit buy-back transaction costs 12 (0.4) - (0.4)<br />

Distributions paid and payable 4 - (144.2) (144.2)<br />

Total equity as at 30 June 2012 2,383.3 328.4 2,711.7<br />

Net profit for the financial year<br />

Other comprehensive income<br />

-<br />

-<br />

145.4<br />

-<br />

145.4<br />

-<br />

Total comprehensive income for the 2013<br />

financial year - 145.4 145.4<br />

Transactions with unitholders in their capacity as<br />

unitholders:<br />

Distributions paid and payable 4 - (153.7) (153.7)<br />

Total equity as at 30 June 2013 2,383.3 320.1 2,703.4<br />

The above consolidated statement of changes in equity should be read in conjunction with the<br />

accompanying notes.<br />




For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

1. Summary of significant accounting policies<br />

This consolidated financial report is for Commonwealth Property Office Fund (the ‘parent entity’ or<br />

CPA) and its controlled entities (together the ‘Fund’) for the financial year ended 30 June 2013. The<br />

principal accounting policies adopted in the preparation of the financial statements are set out below<br />

and have been consistently applied to all years presented.<br />

(a)<br />

Basis of preparation<br />

This general purpose financial report has been prepared in accordance with the Fund Constitution,<br />

Australian Accounting Standards and Interpretations issued by the Australian Accounting Standards<br />

Board, other mandatory professional reporting requirements and the Corporations Act 2001. CPA is a<br />

for-profit entity for the purpose of preparing this financial report.<br />

This financial report has also been prepared in accordance with the historical cost convention, except<br />

for financial assets and liabilities (including derivatives) at fair value through profit and loss and<br />

investment properties.<br />

The financial report is presented in Australian dollars ($) and was approved by the Board of Directors<br />

on 20 August 2013. The Directors have the power to amend and reissue the financial report.<br />

Although CPA has a net current deficiency (current liabilities exceed current assets) at reporting date,<br />

CPA has sufficient current undrawn borrowing facilities (refer to note 11) and operating cash flows to<br />

meet this deficit. The financial report is therefore prepared on a going concern basis.<br />

i. Compliance with IFRS<br />

The financial report complies with Australian Accounting Standards and International Financial<br />

Reporting Standards (IFRS) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board.<br />

ii.<br />

New accounting standards and interpretations<br />

The accounting policies adopted are consistent with those of the previous financial year, apart from<br />

the adoption of the following new standards, interpretations and amendments which became<br />

mandatory in the annual reporting period commencing 1 July 2012:<br />

<br />

AASB 2011-9 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards – Presentation of items in<br />

other comprehensive income.<br />

The adoption of this standard amendment did not result in any impact on the financial statements of<br />

the Fund.<br />

In addition to the above, certain accounting standards and interpretations relevant to the Fund have<br />

been issued or amended but are not yet mandatory and have not been adopted by the Fund for the<br />

annual reporting period commencing 1 July 2012. The impact of the new or amended standards, along<br />

with the effective date, is set out below:<br />

- AASB 9 Financial Instruments (effective 1 July 2015)<br />

- AASB 10 Consolidated Financial <strong>State</strong>ments (effective 1 July 2013)<br />

- AASB 11 Joint Arrangements (effective 1 July 2013)<br />

- AASB 12 Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities (effective 1 July 2013)<br />

- AASB 13 Fair Value Measurement (effective 1 July 2013)<br />

- AASB 127 Separate Financial <strong>State</strong>ments (effective 1 July 2013)<br />

- AASB 128 <strong>Investments</strong> in Associates and Joint Ventures (effective 1 July 2013)<br />

- AASB 2010-7 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards arising from AASB 9 (December<br />

2010) (effective 1 July 2015)<br />

- AASB 2011-4 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards to Remove Individual Key<br />

Management Personnel Disclosure Requirements (effective 1 July 2013)<br />

- AASB 2011-7 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards arising from the Consolidation and<br />

Joint Arrangements Standards (effective 1 July 2013)<br />

- AASB 2011-8 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards arising from AASB 13 (effective 1<br />

July 2013)<br />




For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

1. Summary of significant accounting policies (continued)<br />

(a)<br />

ii.<br />

Basis of preparation (continued)<br />

New accounting standards and interpretations (continued)<br />

- AASB 2012-2 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards – Disclosures – Offsetting Financial<br />

Assets and Financial Liabilities (effective 1 July 2013)<br />

- AASB 2012-3 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards – Offsetting Financial Assets and<br />

Financial Liabilities (effective 1 July 2014)<br />

- AASB 2012-5 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards arising from Annual Improvements<br />

2009-2011 Cycle (effective 1 July 2013)<br />

- AASB 2012-6 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards – Mandatory Effective Date of AASB<br />

9 and Transition Disclosures (effective 1 July 2013)<br />

- Investment Entities (Amendments to IFRS 10, IFRS 12 and IAS 27)<br />

- Amendments to IAS 36: Recoverable Amount Disclosures for Non-Financial Assets.<br />

AASB 9 Financial Instruments, AASB 2010-7 Amendments to Australian Accounting<br />

Standards arising from AASB 9 (December 2010) (effective 1 July 2015) and AASB 2012-6<br />

Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards – Mandatory Effective Date of AASB 9 and<br />

Transition Disclosures (effective 1 July 2013)<br />

AASB 9 contains new requirements for classification, measurement and de-recognition of financial<br />

assets and liabilities, replacing the recognition and measurement requirements in AASB 139 Financial<br />

Instruments: Recognition and Measurement. AASB 9 only permits the recognition of fair value gains<br />

and losses in other comprehensive income if they relate to equity investments that are not held for<br />

trading. As the Fund currently classifies its financial assets either at amortised cost or fair value<br />

through the profit and loss, no impact is expected on the Fund’s financial performance or financial<br />

position on adoption of this standard. AASB 9 also changes the accounting for financial liabilities that<br />

an entity chooses to account for at fair value through profit or loss, using the fair value option. For<br />

such liabilities, changes in fair value related to changes in own credit risk are presented separately in<br />

other comprehensive income, and will not be recycled to profit or loss in future periods. All other fair<br />

value changes are presented in the income statement. The Fund continues to assess the impact of this<br />

standard. AASB 2012-6 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards – Mandatory Effective Date<br />

of AASB 9 and Transition Disclosures amended the application date of AASB 9 from 1 July 2013 to 1<br />

July 2015 and consequently makes minor amendments to other standards which impact, or are<br />

impacted by AASB 9.<br />

AASB 10 Consolidated Financial <strong>State</strong>ments, AASB 11 Joint Arrangements, AASB 12<br />

Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities, revised AASB 127 Separate Financial <strong>State</strong>ments,<br />

AASB 128 <strong>Investments</strong> in Associates and Joint Ventures, AASB 2011-7 Amendments to<br />

Australian Accounting Standards arising from the Consolidation and Joint Arrangement<br />

Standards (effective 1 July 2013)<br />

In August 2011, the AASB issued a suite of five new and amended standards which address the<br />

accounting for joint arrangements, consolidated financial statements and associated disclosures.<br />

AASB 10 replaces all of the guidance on control and consolidation in AASB 127 Consolidated and<br />

Separate Financial <strong>State</strong>ments, and Interpretation 12 Consolidation – Special Purpose Entities. The<br />

core principle that a consolidated entity presents a parent and its subsidiaries as if they are a single<br />

economic entity remains unchanged, as do the mechanics of consolidation. However, the standard<br />

introduces a single definition of control that applies to all entities. It focuses on the need to have both<br />

power and exposure to, or rights to, variable returns before control is present. Power is the current<br />

ability to direct the activities that significantly influence returns. Returns must vary and can be<br />

positive, negative or both. There is also new guidance on participating and protective rights and on<br />

agent/principal relationships. The Fund has undertaken an assessment of all its investments in entities<br />

and has not identified any additional investments that would need to be consolidated upon application<br />

of the new standard.<br />




For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

1. Summary of significant accounting policies (continued)<br />

(a) Basis of preparation (continued)<br />

ii.<br />

New accounting standards and interpretations (continued)<br />

AASB 11 introduces a principles based approach to accounting for joint arrangements. The focus is no<br />

longer on the legal structure of joint arrangements, but rather on how rights and obligations are<br />

shared by the parties to the joint arrangement. Based on the assessment of rights and obligations, a<br />

joint arrangement will be classified as either a joint operation or joint venture. Joint ventures are<br />

accounted for using the equity method, and the choice to proportionately consolidate will no longer be<br />

permitted. Parties to a joint operation will account for their share of revenues, expenses, assets and<br />

liabilities in much the same way as under the previous standard. AASB 11 also provides guidance for<br />

parties that participate in joint arrangements but do not share joint control. The Fund has undertaken<br />

an assessment of all of its joint arrangements in light of the new standards. The Fund’s investments<br />

currently classified as associates will qualify as joint ventures under AASB 11 and will continue to be<br />

accounted for using the equity method. The Fund’s interests in jointly controlled assets will qualify as<br />

joint operations under AASB 11, and the Fund will continue to account for its share of revenues,<br />

expenses, assets and liabilities.<br />

AASB 12 sets out the required disclosures for entities reporting under the two new standards, AASB<br />

10 and AASB 11, and replaces the disclosure requirements currently found in AASB 128. Application of<br />

this standard by the Fund will not affect any of the amounts recognised in the financial statements,<br />

but will impact the type of information disclosed in relation to the Fund’s investments.<br />

AASB 127 is renamed Separate Financial <strong>State</strong>ments and is now a standard dealing solely with<br />

separate financial statements. Application of this standard by the Fund will not affect any of the<br />

amounts recognised in the financial statements.<br />

Amendments to AASB 128 provide clarification that an entity continues to apply the equity method<br />

and does not remeasure its retained interest as part of ownership changes where a joint venture<br />

becomes an associate, and vice versa. The amendments also introduce a ‘partial disposal’ concept.<br />

The Fund has assessed the impact of this standard upon its accounting for investments in entities and<br />

no material impact is expected.<br />

AASB 13 Fair Value Measurement, AASB 2011-8 Amendments to Australian Accounting<br />

Standards arising from AASB 13 (effective 1 July 2013)<br />

AASB 13 establishes a single source of guidance under AASB for determining the fair value of assets<br />

and liabilities. AASB 13 does not change when the Fund is required to use fair value but, rather,<br />

provides guidance on how to determine fair value when fair value is required or permitted. AASB 13<br />

also expands the disclosure requirements for all assets or liabilities carried at fair value. The Fund has<br />

undertaken an impact assessment of this standard which involved comparing the valuation premise in<br />

AASB 13 to the Fund’s current valuation practice for all of its property investments. No material<br />

impact is expected on the Fund’s financial performance or financial position; however, additional<br />

disclosure particularly on the valuation of investment properties in the fair value hierarchy will be<br />

required in the Fund’s financial statements upon adoption of this standard.<br />

AASB 2011-4 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards to Remove Individual Key<br />

Management Personnel Disclosure Requirements (effective 1 July 2013)<br />

AASB 2011-4 removes the requirement for the Fund to include individual key management personnel<br />

disclosures. While this will reduce the disclosures that are currently required in the notes to the<br />

financial statements, it will not affect any of the amounts recognised in the financial statements.<br />

AASB 2012-2 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards – Disclosures – Offsetting<br />

Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities (effective 1 July 2013), AASB 2012-3 Amendments<br />

to Australian Accounting Standards – Offsetting Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities<br />

(effective 1 July 2014)<br />

AASB 2012-2 and AASB 2012-3 amend AASB 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures and AASB 132<br />

Financial Instruments: Presentation, respectively, by revising and clarifying the criteria where financial<br />

instruments can be offset in the financial statements. These standards are unlikely to affect the<br />

accounting of the Fund’s current offsetting arrangements but may require additional disclosures in<br />

relation to these arrangements.<br />




For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

1. Summary of significant accounting policies (continued)<br />

(a) Basis of preparation (continued)<br />

ii.<br />

New accounting standards and interpretations (continued)<br />

AASB 2012-5 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards arising from Annual<br />

Improvements 2009-2011 Cycle (effective 1 July 2013)<br />

AASB 2012-5 comprises a number of minor amendments to AASB 1, 101, 116, 132 and 134. Only the<br />

amendment to AASB 134 may apply to the Fund. The amendment clarifies the disclosure requirements<br />

for segment assets and liabilities in interim reports but will not affect any of the amounts recognised<br />

in the financial statements.<br />

The following pronouncements have been issued by the International Accounting Standards Board<br />

(IASB); however, an equivalent pronouncement has not been issued by the Australian Accounting<br />

Standards Board. Therefore these have not been adopted at 30 June 2013 and the Fund is currently<br />

assessing the impact of these pronouncements.<br />

- Investment Entities (Amendments to IFRS 10, IFRS 12 and IAS 27)<br />

- Amendments to IAS 36: Recoverable Amount Disclosures for Non-Financial Assets.<br />

(b)<br />

Parent entity financial information<br />

The financial information for the parent entity is disclosed in note 22 and has been prepared on the<br />

same basis as the consolidated financial statements, except for investments in controlled entities and<br />

associates which, in the parent entity, are classified as available-for-sale financial assets (refer to note<br />

1(p)) in the statement of financial position.<br />

(c)<br />

Principles of consolidation<br />

i. Controlled entities<br />

Controlled entities are all entities (including special purpose entities) over which the parent entity has<br />

the power to govern the financial and operating policies, generally accompanying a shareholding of<br />

more than one half of the voting rights. The existence and effect of potential voting rights that are<br />

currently exercisable or convertible are considered when assessing whether the Fund controls another<br />

entity.<br />

Controlled entities are fully consolidated from the date on which control is transferred to the Fund and,<br />

where applicable, deconsolidated from the date on which control ceases.<br />

The acquisition method of accounting is used to account for the acquisition of controlled entities, and<br />

the balances and effects of transactions between all controlled entities are eliminated in full.<br />

The financial statements of controlled entities are prepared for the same reporting period as the<br />

parent entity, using consistent accounting policies.<br />

ii.<br />

Associates<br />

Certain property investments are held via joint ownership arrangements. These joint ownership<br />

arrangements include the ownership of units in a single purpose unlisted trust over which the Fund<br />

exercises significant influence, but does not control (associate).<br />

The Fund has adopted the equity method of accounting for investments in associates. Under this<br />

method, the investment in associates in the statement of financial position is carried at cost plus postacquisition<br />

changes of the Fund’s share of the associate’s net assets, less any impairment in value.<br />

The Fund’s share of the associates’ net profit after income tax expense is recognised in the<br />

consolidated statement of comprehensive income. Distributions received from the associates are<br />

recognised in the consolidated financial report as a reduction of the carrying amount of the<br />

investment.<br />

The reporting dates of associates are the same as the Fund and where associates’ accounting policies<br />

differ from the Fund, adjustments are made so as to ensure consistency within the Fund.<br />




For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

1. Summary of significant accounting policies (continued)<br />

(d) Segment reporting<br />

An operating segment is a group of assets and operations engaged in providing products and services<br />

that are subject to risks and returns that are different to those of other segments.<br />

The Fund also determines and presents operating segments based on the information that is internally<br />

provided to the Fund’s chief operating decision makers and used in making strategic decisions. The<br />

chief operating decision makers have been determined as the Fund Manager, Mr Charles Moore, and<br />

the Managing Director Property, Mr Angus McNaughton.<br />

(e)<br />

Foreign currency translation<br />

The functional and presentation currency of the Fund is Australian dollars ($). The functional currency<br />

is the currency of the primary economic environment in which the Fund operates.<br />

Transactions in foreign currencies are initially recorded in the functional currency at the exchange<br />

rates prevailing at the dates of the transactions. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign<br />

currencies are translated to Australian dollars at the exchange rates ruling at reporting date.<br />

All foreign exchange differences in the consolidated financial report are recognised as a revenue or<br />

expense in the statement of comprehensive income in the period in which they arise, with the<br />

exception of differences on non-monetary assets measured at fair value. These are taken directly to<br />

the foreign currency translation reserve until the disposal of the net investment, at which time they<br />

are recognised in the statement of comprehensive income.<br />

The Fund has US dollar (USD) denominated debt and corresponding highly effective cross-currency<br />

swaps which hedge the changes in the fair value of the debt relating to changes in the USD/AUD<br />

exchange rate and the benchmark USD interest rate. These swaps qualify for hedge accounting. Refer<br />

to note 1(r) for further details.<br />

(f)<br />

Revenue recognition<br />

Revenue is recognised to the extent that it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the Fund<br />

and the amount can be reliably measured.<br />

Fixed rental increases in the Fund’s leases are recognised on a straight-line basis over the term of the<br />

lease. Rent not received at reporting date is reflected in the statement of financial position as a<br />

receivable, or if paid in advance, as rent in advance. Contingent rental income is recognised as income<br />

in the reporting period in which it is earned.<br />

When the Fund provides lease incentives to tenants (refer to note 1(o)), the costs of the incentives<br />

are recognised over the lease term, on a straight-line basis, as a reduction in rental income.<br />

Distribution and dividend revenue are recognised when the Fund has the right to receive payment,<br />

being the date when they are declared.<br />

Interest income is recognised on an accruals basis using the effective interest method.<br />

A gain or loss on disposal of assets is calculated as the difference between the carrying amount of the<br />

asset at the date of disposal and the net proceeds from disposal, and is included in the statement of<br />

comprehensive income in the year of disposal. Where revenue is obtained from the sale of properties<br />

or assets, it is recognised when the significant risks and rewards have transferred to the buyer. This<br />

will normally take place on exchange of unconditional contracts.<br />

If revenue is not received at reporting date, it is included in the statement of financial position as a<br />

receivable and carried at amortised cost.<br />

Government grants relating to the improvement or purchase of assets attaching to investment<br />

properties are recognised at their fair value and included in liabilities as deferred income and are<br />

credited to profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the expected lives of the related assets.<br />




For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

1. Summary of significant accounting policies (continued)<br />

(g)<br />

Expenditure<br />

All expenses are recognised in the statement of comprehensive income on an accruals basis.<br />

Property expenditure includes rates, taxes and other outgoings incurred in relation to investment<br />

properties, where such expenses are the responsibility of the Fund.<br />

Borrowing costs incurred on interest bearing liabilities are included in note 1(v). Responsible Entity’s<br />

base fees and performance fees are set out in notes 14(d)(i), 14(d)(ii) and 1(u) respectively.<br />

(h)<br />

Income tax<br />

Under current income tax legislation, the Fund is not subject to income tax, provided that unitholders<br />

are presently entitled to the income of the Fund as calculated for trust accounting purposes.<br />

(i)<br />

Goods and Services Tax (GST)<br />

Revenues, expenses and assets (with the exception of receivables) are recognised net of the amount<br />

of GST, unless the GST is not recoverable from the taxation authority. Where GST is not recoverable,<br />

it is recognised as part of the cost of acquisition, or as an expense.<br />

Receivables and payables are stated inclusive of GST. The net amount of GST recoverable from, or<br />

payable to, the taxation authority is included in the statement of financial position as receivable or<br />

payable.<br />

Cash flows are included in the statement of cash flows on a gross basis. The GST component of cash<br />

flows arising from investing or financing activities which are recoverable from, or payable to, the<br />

taxation authority are presented as operating cash flows.<br />

(j)<br />

Cash and cash equivalents<br />

Cash and cash equivalents includes cash at bank and short-term money market deposits with<br />

maturities of three months or less that are readily converted to cash.<br />

(k)<br />

Receivables<br />

Rental and sundry debtors are initially recognised at fair value and subsequently measured at<br />

amortised cost, which, in the case of the Fund, is the original invoice amount less a provision for any<br />

uncollected debts. Collectability of rental debtors is reviewed on an ongoing basis, and bad debts are<br />

written off when identified by reducing the amount of the receivable in the statement of financial<br />

position. A specific provision is made for any doubtful debts where objective evidence exists that the<br />

Fund will not be able to collect the amounts due according to the original terms of the receivables.<br />

Indicators that debts may be uncollectable include default in payment (more than 30 days overdue),<br />

significant financial difficulties of the debtor and the probability that the debtor will be placed in<br />

administration or bankruptcy. The debtor’s circumstances relating to the default in payment are<br />

considered, and in some cases alternative payment arrangements may apply. If the debtor defaults on<br />

the terms of these arrangements, the debt will be recognised as doubtful.<br />

The amount of the doubtful debt provision is calculated as the difference between the original debt<br />

amount and the present value of the estimated future cash flows. The amount of the provision is<br />

recognised in the statement of comprehensive income as a bad and doubtful debts expense.<br />

Where a rental debtor for which a provision for doubtful debt had been recognised becomes<br />

uncollectable in a subsequent period, it is written off against the doubtful debt provision. Subsequent<br />

recoveries of amounts previously written off are credited against the bad and doubtful debts expense<br />

in the statement of comprehensive income.<br />

Normal commercial terms and conditions apply to receivables.<br />

All receivables with maturities greater than 12 months after reporting date are classified as noncurrent<br />

assets.<br />




For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

1. Summary of significant accounting policies (continued)<br />

(l)<br />

Non-current assets classified as held for sale<br />

For a non-current asset to be classified as held for sale, its carrying value must be expected to be<br />

recovered principally through a sale transaction rather than through continuing use. It must also be<br />

available for immediate use in its present condition, and its sale must be highly probable.<br />

Non-current assets which are classified as held for sale are measured at the lower of their carrying<br />

amount or fair value less costs to sell, except for investment properties which are measured at fair<br />

value as set out in note 1(m). Non-current assets classified as held for sale are presented separately<br />

from the other assets in the statement of financial position.<br />

(m) Investment properties<br />

Investment properties are direct property investments held for long-term rental yields and comprise<br />

either freehold or leasehold land, buildings, leasehold improvements and property that is under<br />

development for future use as investment property.<br />

Investment properties are initially recognised at cost plus associated costs of acquisition, including<br />

stamp duty. Subsequent to initial recognition, investment properties are stated at fair value. Fair<br />

value is the amount for which the investment property could be exchanged between knowledgeable,<br />

willing parties in an arm’s length transaction. Gains and losses arising from changes in the fair value<br />

of investment properties are recognised in the statement of comprehensive income.<br />

Investment properties are independently valued at intervals of not more than one year and all<br />

valuations are performed by registered valuers.<br />

At each reporting date, the Responsible Entity of the Fund assesses the fair value of each investment<br />

property to ensure its carrying value, as determined by the independent valuation adjusted for<br />

subsequent capital expenditure, reflects fair value. In determining fair value, the valuation methods of<br />

capitalisation of net income and discounted cash flows have been used. These are based upon<br />

assumptions and judgement in relation to future rental income, anticipated maintenance costs and<br />

appropriate discount rates, and make reference to market evidence of transaction prices for similar<br />

properties. Refer to note 1(aa)(i) for the key assumptions used by the Fund in determining fair value<br />

of the Fund’s investment properties.<br />

The reported fair value of investment property reflects market conditions at the end of the reporting<br />

period. While this represents the best estimates as at the reporting date, actual sale prices achieved<br />

may be higher or lower than the most recent valuation. This is particularly relevant in periods of<br />

market illiquidity or uncertainty.<br />

Land and buildings (including integral plant and equipment) that comprise investment property are<br />

not depreciated. The carrying amount of investment properties may include the costs of acquisition,<br />

additions, refurbishments, redevelopments, improvements, lease incentives, assets relating to fixed<br />

increases in operating lease rental in future periods and borrowing costs incurred during the<br />

construction period of qualifying assets.<br />

Investment properties are derecognised when disposed of. The gain or loss on disposal is calculated as<br />

the difference between the carrying amount of the asset at the date of disposal and the net proceeds<br />

from disposal. It is included in the statement of comprehensive income in the same reporting period<br />

as the year in which disposal occurs.<br />

Where investment properties have been revalued, the potential effect of the Capital Gains Tax (CGT)<br />

on disposal has not been taken into account in the determination of the revalued carrying amount<br />

because the Fund does not expect to be ultimately liable for CGT in respect of the assets.<br />




For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

1. Summary of significant accounting policies (continued)<br />

(m) Investment properties (continued)<br />

i. Property under development<br />

Property under development is classified as investment property and stated at fair value. In<br />

determining fair value, the following factors, among others, are considered:<br />

- the stage of completion<br />

- whether the project/property is standard (typical for the market) or non-standard<br />

- the level of reliability of cash inflows after completion<br />

- the development risk specific to the property<br />

- past experience with similar developments<br />

- status of development/construction permits, and<br />

- the provisions of the construction contract.<br />

Refer to note 1(l) for investment properties that are classified as held for sale.<br />

(n)<br />

Leases<br />

Leases are classified at their inception as either operating or finance leases based on the economic<br />

substance of the agreement so as to reflect the risks and benefits incidental to ownership.<br />

Leases where the lessor retains substantially all the risks and benefits of ownership of the asset are<br />

classified as operating leases.<br />

The minimum lease payments of operating leases, which exclude contingent payments, are recognised<br />

as an expense in the statement of comprehensive income on a straight-line basis over the period of<br />

the lease.<br />

Lease income from operating leases where the Fund is the lessor is recognised in income on a<br />

straight-lining basis over the lease term (refer to note 1(f)).<br />

(o)<br />

Lease incentives<br />

Lease incentives may take the form of cash, rent-free periods, contributions to certain lessees’ costs,<br />

relocation costs and lessee or lessor owned fit-outs and improvements. These incentives are<br />

capitalised as part of the carrying value of the investment properties and amortised on a straight-line<br />

basis over the term of the lease as a reduction of rental income. The carrying amount of the lease<br />

incentives is reflected in the fair value of investment properties.<br />

(p)<br />

Available-for-sale financial assets<br />

Available-for-sale financial assets are non-derivatives that are either designated in this financial asset<br />

category or not classified in any other financial asset categories. <strong>Investments</strong> are designated as<br />

available-for-sale if they do not have fixed maturities, fixed or determinable payments and<br />

management intends to hold them for the medium to long term.<br />

These investments are initially recognised at cost including any costs relating to acquisition.<br />

Subsequent to initial recognition, the investments are recognised at fair value.<br />

The fair values of investments that have an active market are determined by reference to quoted<br />

market prices. For investments with no active market, fair values are determined using valuation<br />

techniques which keep judgemental inputs to a minimum, including the fair value of underlying assets,<br />

recent arm’s length transactions and reference to market value of similar investments.<br />

Gains and losses on available-for-sale investments are recognised in the investment revaluation<br />

reserve in the statement of financial position and included in other comprehensive income in the<br />

statement of comprehensive income until the investment is sold or impaired.<br />

When available-for-sale financial assets are sold or impaired, cumulative gains recognised in the<br />

investment revaluation reserve are recognised in the statement of comprehensive income. Cumulative<br />

losses are recognised in the investment revaluation reserve to the extent they reverse previously<br />

recorded gains, and when previously recorded gains have been reversed in full, any impairment loss<br />

below original cost (when significant and prolonged) is recognised in the statement of comprehensive<br />

income.<br />




For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

1. Summary of significant accounting policies (continued)<br />

(p)<br />

Available-for-sale financial assets (continued)<br />

Available-for-sale financial assets are classified as non-current assets unless management intends to<br />

dispose of the investments within 12 months of reporting date.<br />

(q)<br />

Financial assets and liabilities<br />

The Fund classifies its financial assets in the following categories: financial assets at fair value through<br />

profit or loss, loans and receivables, held-to-maturity investments and available-for-sale financial<br />

assets. Financial liabilities are classified as financial liabilities at amortised cost. Classification of<br />

financial assets and liabilities depends on the purpose for which the assets and liabilities were<br />

acquired.<br />

The Fund’s classifications are set out below:<br />

Financial asset/liability Classification Valuation basis<br />

Cash Fair value through profit and loss Fair value Refer to note 1(j)<br />

Receivables Loans and receivables Amortised cost Refer to note 1(k)<br />

Derivatives Fair value through profit and loss Fair value Refer to note 1(r)<br />

<strong>Investments</strong><br />

(parent entity only)<br />

Available-for-sale financial assets Fair value Refer to note 1(p)<br />

Payables Financial liability at amortised cost Amortised cost Refer to note 1(t)<br />

Foreign currency<br />

denominated notes<br />

Interest bearing<br />

liabilities (except for<br />

foreign currency<br />

denominated notes)<br />

Fair value through profit and loss Fair value Refer to notes 1(r)<br />

and 1(v)<br />

Financial liability at amortised cost Amortised cost Refer to note 1(v)<br />

i. Derecognition of financial instruments<br />

Financial assets and financial liabilities are derecognised when the Fund no longer controls the<br />

contractual rights that comprise the financial instrument which is normally the case when the<br />

instrument is sold or all the risks and rewards of ownership have transferred to an independent third<br />

party or the Fund’s obligations are extinguished.<br />

(r)<br />

Derivatives<br />

The Fund is exposed to changes in interest rates and foreign exchange rates, and uses derivatives<br />

including interest rate swaps and cross-currency swaps to hedge these risks.<br />

Derivatives are initially recognised at fair value on the date on which a derivative contract is entered<br />

into and are subsequently remeasured to fair value at each reporting date. The gain or loss on<br />

remeasurement to fair value is recognised in the statement of comprehensive income. Fair value at<br />

reporting date is calculated to be the present value of the estimated future cash flows of these<br />

instruments. The two key variables used in the valuation are the forward price curve and discount<br />

rates. Each instrument is discounted at the market interest rate appropriate to the instrument.<br />

There is a comprehensive hedging program implemented by the Fund that is used to manage interest<br />

and exchange rate risk. Derivatives are not entered into for speculative purposes, and the hedging<br />

policies are approved and monitored by the Capital Management Committee.<br />

Derivatives are carried as assets when their fair value is positive and as liabilities when their fair value<br />

is negative.<br />




For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

1. Summary of significant accounting policies (continued)<br />

(r)<br />

Derivatives (continued)<br />

i. Interest rate swaps<br />

The Fund enters into interest rate swap agreements that are used to convert certain variable interest<br />

rate borrowings to fixed interest rates or vice versa. The swaps are entered into with the objective of<br />

hedging the risk of adverse interest rate fluctuations. While the Responsible Entity has determined<br />

that these arrangements are economically effective, they have not satisfied the documentation,<br />

designation and effectiveness tests required by Australian Accounting Standards. As a result, they do<br />

not qualify for hedge accounting, and gains or losses arising from changes in fair value are recognised<br />

immediately in the statement of comprehensive income.<br />

ii.<br />

Cross-currency swaps<br />

Foreign currency denominated notes have been swapped back to Australian dollars via principal and<br />

interest cross-currency swaps. These swaps qualify for hedge accounting, as they have met the<br />

documentation, designation and effectiveness tests. Having satisfied these tests, these swaps are<br />

designated as fair value hedges of the underlying foreign currency exposures. Changes in the fair<br />

value of derivatives that qualify as fair value hedges are recorded in the statement of comprehensive<br />

income, together with any changes in the fair value of the hedged asset or liability that are<br />

attributable to the hedged risk.<br />

(s)<br />

Impairment of assets<br />

All assets, including non-financial assets, are reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in<br />

circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable. Where an indicator of<br />

impairment or objective evidence exists, an estimate of the asset’s recoverable amount is made. An<br />

impairment loss is recognised in the statement of comprehensive income for the amount by which the<br />

asset’s carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount. Recoverable amount is the higher of an<br />

asset’s fair value less costs to sell and value in use.<br />

(t)<br />

Payables<br />

Payables represent liabilities and accrued expenses owing by the Fund at year end which are unpaid.<br />

The amounts are unsecured and usually paid within 30 days of recognition. Payables are recognised at<br />

amortised cost, and normal commercial terms and conditions apply to payables.<br />

A distribution payable to unitholders of the Fund is recognised for the amount of any distribution<br />

approved on or before reporting date but not distributed at reporting date.<br />

All payables with maturities greater than 12 months after the reporting date are classified as noncurrent<br />

liabilities.<br />

(u)<br />

Performance fees<br />

The performance fee is calculated in accordance with the Fund Constitution. Refer to note 14(d)(ii) for<br />

further details on performance fees and to note 1(aa) for details of significant estimates and<br />

assumptions used in the determination of the fair value of the performance fee.<br />

The Fund’s performance fee is settled through the issue of units, therefore the movement in the fair<br />

value of the Responsible Entity’s entitlement to a performance fee is recognised in the statement of<br />

comprehensive income with a corresponding increase in contributed equity.<br />

(v)<br />

Interest bearing liabilities<br />

Interest bearing liabilities are recognised initially at cost, being the fair value of the consideration<br />

received, net of transaction costs associated with the borrowing. Subsequent to initial recognition,<br />

interest bearing liabilities, other than foreign currency denominated notes, are recognised at<br />

amortised cost using the effective interest method. Under the effective interest method, any<br />

transaction fees, costs, discounts and premiums directly related to the borrowings are recognised in<br />

the statement of comprehensive income over the expected life of the borrowings.<br />

Foreign currency denominated notes, which qualify for hedge accounting, are carried at fair value.<br />

Changes in fair value are recorded in the statement of comprehensive income.<br />




For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

1. Summary of significant accounting policies (continued)<br />

(v)<br />

Interest bearing liabilities (continued)<br />

The fair value of the liability portion of the Fund’s convertible notes is determined using a market<br />

interest rate for an equivalent non-convertible bond at the date of issue. This amount is recorded as a<br />

liability until extinguished on conversion or maturity of the notes. The remainder of the proceeds is<br />

allocated to the conversion option and recognised in contributed equity as units on issue.<br />

Interest bearing liabilities are classified as current liabilities where the liability has been drawn under a<br />

financing facility which expires within one year. Amounts drawn under financing facilities which expire<br />

after one year are classified as non-current.<br />

i. Borrowing costs<br />

Borrowing costs include interest, amortisation of discounts or premiums relating to borrowings, and<br />

amortisation of ancillary costs incurred in connection with the arrangement of borrowings. Borrowing<br />

costs are expensed as incurred, unless they relate to a qualifying asset, and recognised in interest<br />

bearing liabilities in the statement of financial position. A qualifying asset is an asset which generally<br />

takes more than 12 months to get ready for its intended purpose. In these circumstances, borrowing<br />

costs incurred for the construction of a qualifying asset are capitalised to the cost of the asset for the<br />

period of time that is required to complete and prepare the asset. The capitalisation rate used to<br />

determine the amount of borrowing costs capitalised is the weighted average interest rate applicable<br />

to the Fund’s outstanding borrowings during the financial year.<br />

(w) Contributed equity<br />

Units on issue are classified as equity and recognised at the value of the consideration received by the<br />

Fund. Incremental costs directly attributable to the issue of new units are recognised in equity as a<br />

deduction, net of tax, from the proceeds. Where the Fund purchases its own issued units under a<br />

buy-back, the consideration paid, including any directly attributable transaction costs, is deducted<br />

from contributed equity.<br />

(x)<br />

Distributions<br />

In accordance with the Fund Constitution, the Fund distributes income adjusted for unrealised and<br />

other amounts, as determined by the Directors, to unitholders on a semi-annual basis.<br />

Refer to note 1(t) for the accounting policy for the distribution payable to unitholders at reporting<br />

date.<br />

(y)<br />

Earnings per unit<br />

Basic earnings per unit is calculated as net profit/(loss) for the financial year divided by the weighted<br />

average number of units on issue. Alternative basic earnings per unit is calculated as net profit for the<br />

financial year before fair value adjustments to investment properties, associates, derivatives,<br />

performance fees, non-cash convertible notes interest expenses, straight-lining of rent increases,<br />

amortisation of fit-out incentives, cash incentives and leasing commissions and other items divided by<br />

the weighted average number of units.<br />

Diluted earnings per unit is calculated by adjusting the basic earnings per unit to take into account the<br />

effect of interest and other borrowing costs associated with dilutive potential ordinary units and the<br />

weighted average number of additional ordinary units that would have been outstanding assuming the<br />

conversion of all dilutive potential ordinary units, namely ordinary units issued to settle performance<br />

fees and convertible notes converted into units. The alternative diluted earnings per unit equals the<br />

diluted earnings per unit adjusted for fair value adjustments to investment properties, associates,<br />

derivatives, performance fees, straight-lining of rent increases, amortisation of fit-out incentives, cash<br />

incentives and leasing commissions and other items.<br />

(z)<br />

Rounding of amounts<br />

The Fund is of a kind referred to in Class Order 98/100, issued by the Australian Securities and<br />

<strong>Investments</strong> Commission (ASIC). Accordingly, amounts in the financial report have been rounded to<br />

the nearest tenth of a million dollars ($m), unless stated otherwise.<br />




For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

1. Summary of significant accounting policies (continued)<br />

(aa) Critical accounting estimates and judgements<br />

The preparation of the financial statements requires the Responsible Entity to make judgements,<br />

estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the financial statements. The<br />

Responsible Entity bases its judgements and estimates on historical experience and other various<br />

factors it believes to be reasonable under the circumstances, but which are inherently uncertain and<br />

unpredictable, the result of which form the basis of the carrying values of assets and liabilities. As<br />

such, actual results could differ from those estimates.<br />

The areas where a higher degree of judgement or complexity arises, or areas where assumptions and<br />

estimates are significant to the Fund’s financial statements, are detailed below:<br />

i. Valuation of investment properties and associates<br />

Critical judgements are made by the Responsible Entity in respect of the fair values of investment<br />

properties (including properties under development and properties classified as ‘held for sale’). As<br />

referred to in note 1(m), the fair values of these investments are reviewed regularly by the<br />

Responsible Entity with reference to external independent property valuations, recent offers and<br />

market conditions existing at reporting date.<br />

At reporting date, the key assumptions used by the Fund in determining fair value for the Fund’s<br />

investment properties, excluding properties under development, are outlined below:<br />

30 Jun 2013 30 Jun 2012<br />

Weighted average discount rate 9.17% 9.29%<br />

Weighted average terminal yield 7.72% 7.78%<br />

Weighted average capitalisation rate 7.55% 7.54%<br />

Expected vacancy period range 6 to 21 months 6 to 18 months<br />

Rental growth rate range 2.00% to 4.70% 2.95% to 4.35%<br />

All of the above key assumptions have been taken from the last independent valuation report for the<br />

assets in the portfolio.<br />

The Fund continues to obtain independent valuations of properties at least annually, with the latest<br />

valuation details set out in note 7. The critical assumptions underlying the Responsible Entity’s<br />

estimates of fair values relate to the receipt of contractual rents, expected future market rentals,<br />

maintenance requirements and discount rates that reflect current market uncertainties. If there is any<br />

change in these assumptions or regional or national economic conditions, the fair value of investment<br />

properties may differ.<br />

ii.<br />

Valuation of performance fees<br />

The Responsible Entity of the Fund is entitled to a performance fee when the Fund outperforms the<br />

S&P ASX 200 Property Accumulation Index customised to remove the effect of the Fund on the index.<br />

Although the amount of the performance fee to be paid each six-month period is capped, any<br />

outperformance in prior periods may be carried over and used in the calculation of the performance<br />

fee in future periods. The fair value of the ‘carry-over’ outperformance is determined as the present<br />

value of future cash flows, based upon assumptions relating to the probability of paying capped<br />

performance fees in future periods and an appropriate discount rate. Therefore, the actual future<br />

performance fee may differ from the fair value of the ‘carry-over’ outperformance included in these<br />

financial statements if any of these assumptions change. In a period where the ‘carry-over’ equates<br />

to nil or is negative the fair value of future performance fees is reduced. Refer to note 14(d)(ii).<br />




For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

1. Summary of significant accounting policies (continued)<br />

(aa) Critical accounting estimates and judgements (continued)<br />

iii.<br />

Valuation of derivatives and foreign currency denominated notes<br />

The Fund’s derivatives and USD denominated debt is carried at fair value. The fair values of these<br />

derivatives are calculated as the present value of the estimated future cash flows based on the<br />

forward price curve of interest rates. The fair value of USD denominated debt is calculated as the<br />

present value of the estimated future cash flows based on the observable yield curve.<br />

The fair value of derivatives and foreign currency denominated notes is based on certain assumptions<br />

about future events and involves significant estimates. The Fund determines the fair value of<br />

derivatives and foreign currency denominated notes using a generally accepted pricing model based<br />

on a discounted cash flow analysis which uses assumptions supported by observable market rates.<br />

Whilst certain derivatives are not quoted in an active market, the Fund’s valuation technique makes<br />

the maximum use of market inputs and relies as little as possible on entity specific inputs. It<br />

incorporates all factors that market participants would consider in setting a price and is consistent with<br />

accepted economic methodologies for pricing financial instruments. Data inputs that the Fund relies<br />

upon when valuing derivatives and foreign currency denominated notes relate to interest rates,<br />

volatility, counterparty credit risk and foreign exchange rates. Volatility in global financial markets<br />

makes it difficult to estimate with certainty the present value of the estimated future cash flows.<br />

Therefore the fair value of derivatives and foreign currency denominated notes reported at 30 June<br />

2013 may differ if there is volatility in interest rates or foreign exchange rates in the future.<br />

Periodically, the Fund calibrates the valuation technique and tests it for validity using prices from any<br />

observable current market transactions in the same instrument (ie without modification) or based on<br />

any available observable market data. The determination of fair value of derivatives and foreign<br />

currency denominated notes is described further in note 19(h).<br />

2. Segment information<br />

The Fund operates in one segment, being office property in Australia.<br />

This operating segment, as described in note 1(d), has been determined based on internal reports<br />

provided to the Fund Manager, Mr Charles Moore, and the Managing Director Property, Mr Angus<br />

McNaughton, being the Fund’s chief operating decision makers.<br />

Prior to 1 July 2012, the performance of the Fund was based on the following measures: net profit,<br />

Distributable Income and distribution per unit. From 1 July 2012, Funds From Operations (FFO)<br />

replaced Distributable Income as a basis for measuring the earnings performance of the Fund in order<br />

to provide a more relevant basis for comparison with other REITs and given it is a more widely<br />

recognised measure than Distributable Income. From the same date, the Fund’s chief operating<br />

decision makers used FFO internally when evaluating the earnings of the Fund and in making strategic<br />

decisions.<br />

FFO is an earnings measure which is assessed on profit under Australian Accounting Standards<br />

adjusted for fair value adjustments, certain unrealised and non-cash items and amounts that are nonrecurring<br />

or capital in nature. It does not represent cash flow from operations as defined by Australian<br />

Accounting Standards, should not be considered as an alternative to consolidated net profit and is not<br />

an alternative to cash flows as a measure of liquidity.<br />




For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

2. Segment information (continued)<br />

The consolidated net profit in the reported result has been adjusted for fair value adjustments, certain<br />

unrealised and non-cash items, amounts that are non-recurring or capital in nature and any other<br />

items in accordance with the Fund’s Constitution to arrive at FFO for the financial year ended 30 June<br />

2013 of $207.0 million (June 2012: $200.8 million). A reconciliation of net profit to FFO and<br />

distribution paid and payable (used in calculating the distribution per unit) is provided below:<br />

Restated<br />

Note<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2013<br />

$m<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2012<br />

$m<br />

Total revenue and other income 352.6 449.0<br />

Net profit for the financial year 145.4 256.4<br />

Adjustments:<br />

- straight-lining revenue (1) (6.0) (5.2)<br />

- fair value adjustments from investment properties and<br />

associates (2) 40.1 (113.1)<br />

- other fair value adjustments to derivatives (3) 2.4 38.9<br />

- non-cash convertible notes interest expense (4) 11(a) 5.8 5.3<br />

- amortisation of fit-out incentives, cash incentives and<br />

leasing commissions (5) 18.8 18.5<br />

- other items (6) 0.5 -<br />

Funds From Operations (7) 207.0 200.8<br />

Other adjustments<br />

- amount withheld in accordance with distribution policy (8) (53.3) (56.6)<br />

Distributions paid and payable 4 153.7 144.2<br />

The material adjustments to the net profit to arrive at FFO for the financial year shown in the financial<br />

report are described below.<br />

(1) Straight-lining rental revenue, which is required by Australian Accounting Standards, is an unrealised non-cash amount. As<br />

such, it has been excluded to better reflect FFO.<br />

(2) Movements in the fair value of investment properties are required by Australian Accounting Standards for valuation<br />

purposes and include realised and unrealised gains and losses. Movements in the value of the underlying assets of the<br />

Fund’s investments in associates are required by Australian Accounting Standards but do not reflect the cash distributions<br />

received from these investments. As such, these amounts have been excluded to better reflect FFO.<br />

(3) Fair value movements in derivatives comprise mark-to-market movements required by Australian Accounting Standards for<br />

valuation purposes, including realised and unrealised amounts. These movements have been excluded to better reflect FFO.<br />

(4) The difference between the actual coupon paid on the Fund’s convertible notes and the interest expense calculated at the<br />

market rate for an equivalent non-convertible bond is required to be recognised by Australian Accounting Standards. As it<br />

represents a non-cash amount, it has been excluded to better reflect FFO that has been realised during the financial year.<br />

(5) Amortisation of fit-out incentives, cash incentives and leasing commissions are non-cash amounts. The amounts have been<br />

excluded to better reflect FFO. This has had effect from 1 July 2012 with 30 June 2012 restated to reflect the change.<br />

(6) These items relate to the following:<br />

- In the financial year ended 30 June 2013, the one-off adjustment of $1.7 million relates to 145 Ann Street, Brisbane, which<br />

was anticipated to reach practical completion in July 2012 but achieved practical completion in November 2012. As a result<br />

of the delay in practical completion, the capitalised coupon income received and capitalised interest incurred from July 2012<br />

to November 2012 have been added back to net profit to reflect income earned from the building as of July 2012.<br />

- On 3 August 2011, the Fund exchanged contracts to sell a 50% interest in 5 Martin Place, Sydney. As part of the<br />

negotiation, the Fund was granted a call option to acquire a 50% interest in 8 Exhibition Street, Melbourne, exercisable<br />

between 1 July 2012 and 30 June 2013 at market value. On 26 June 2013, the Fund entered into an agreement to sell the<br />

option. The sale proceeds of $1.2 million are expected to be received by the Fund in August 2013. This amount has been<br />

excluded to better reflect FFO.<br />

(7) From 1 July 2012, the performance of the Fund is based on FFO which replaced Distributable Income. The adoption of FFO<br />

provides a more relevant basis for comparison with other REITs given it is a more widely recognised measure than<br />

Distributable Income.<br />

(8) From 1 July 2012, the Fund distributes 70% to 80% of FFO or the Fund’s taxable income, whichever is greater, for any<br />

financial period.<br />




For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

2. Segment information (continued)<br />

In June 2013, the Property Council of Australia (PCA) issued the Voluntary Best Practice Guidelines for<br />

disclosing FFO and AFFO. There are two main differences between these guidelines and the Fund’s<br />

policy in determining FFO. The Fund adds back the amortisation of leasing commissions to net profit in<br />

reaching FFO and does not adjust for amortisation of rent free incentives. The Fund did not adopt<br />

‘Property Council FFO’ as it is monitoring the reaction of market participants to the new guidelines.<br />

The information provided to the Fund Manager in respect of total assets and total liabilities is<br />

measured in a manner consistent with the accounting policies disclosed in note 1 of these financial<br />

statements and is presented in the same manner as the consolidated statement of financial position.<br />

The operating segment derives all its revenue in Australia primarily from the rental of office space<br />

from a large number of tenants. Only one tenant or group under common control, being<br />

Commonwealth Bank of Australia (the ‘Bank’), contributes more than 10% of the Fund’s revenues.<br />

The total revenue contributed by the Bank for the financial year ended 30 June 2013 is $45,682,415<br />

(Jun 2012: $47,171,359).<br />

i. Restatement of comparative information<br />

The comparative information for the 12 months ended 30 June 2012 in the reconciliation shown above<br />

has been restated to reflect the change to FFO. As a result, the comparatives for the 12 months to 30<br />

June 2012 add back amortisation of fit-out incentives, cash incentives and leasing commissions<br />

totalling $18.5 million to the net profit. This resulted in FFO comparative for the year ended 30 June<br />

2012 of $200.8 million as shown below:<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2012<br />

$m<br />

Net profit (as reported) 256.4<br />

Adjustments (74.1)<br />

Distributable Income (as reported) 182.3<br />

Additional adjustment required under FFO basis<br />

- amortisation of fit-out incentives, cash incentives and leasing commissions 18.5<br />

FFO for the financial year ended 30 June 2012 200.8<br />

In the reported result at 30 June 2012, $38.1 million was withheld from the Distributable Income of<br />

$182.3 million in accordance with the prior distribution policy. After taking this into account, the<br />

distributions paid and payable amount for the financial year ended 30 June 2012 was $144.2 million.<br />

In order to restate the June 2012 comparative information on an FFO basis, an additional amount of<br />

$18.5 million (in addition to the $38.1 million) has been shown as being withheld from FFO in<br />

accordance with the new distribution policy, which results in distributions paid and payable of $144.2<br />

million, being the same distribution as reported at 30 June 2012.<br />

3. Rental and other property income<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2013<br />

$m<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2012<br />

$m<br />

Rental and other property income (excluding straight-lining<br />

revenue) 321.8 300.9<br />

Rental income resulting from straight-lining adjustment 6.0 5.2<br />

Total rental and other property income 327.8 306.1<br />




For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

4. Unitholders’ distributions<br />

Distributions paid and payable by the Fund during the financial year are:<br />

30 Jun 2013 30 Jun 2012<br />

$m<br />

cents/<br />

unit $m<br />

cents/<br />

unit<br />

Distribution paid – February 75.1 3.20 69.1 2.89<br />

Distribution payable – August 78.6 3.35 75.1 3.20<br />

Total distributions paid and payable 153.7 6.55 144.2 6.09<br />

5. Receivables<br />

Note<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2013<br />

$m<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2012<br />

$m<br />

Current<br />

Rent debtors 19(c) 1.7 1.6<br />

Less: Provision for doubtful debts 19(c) (0.2) (0.3)<br />

1.5 1.3<br />

Distribution receivable from associates 1.4 6.6<br />

Receivables from managing agents 15.3 19.2<br />

Other 2.0 3.2<br />

Total receivables 20.2 30.3<br />

6. Other assets<br />

Current<br />

Prepayments 4.8 4.5<br />

Total other assets 4.8 4.5<br />




For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

7. Investment properties<br />

Properties<br />

Owner<br />

-ship<br />

%<br />

Original<br />

purchase<br />

date<br />

Original<br />

purchase<br />

price<br />

$m<br />

Latest<br />

independent<br />

valuation<br />

date<br />

Independent<br />

valuation (1)<br />

$m<br />

Additions/<br />

(Disposals)<br />

since<br />

valuation/<br />

acquisition (1)<br />

$m<br />

Book value<br />

30 Jun 13<br />

$m<br />

Book value<br />

30 Jun 12<br />

$m<br />

Non-current<br />

ACT<br />

Finlay Crisp Centre, Canberra (2) 100 Apr-99 55.0 Jun-13 77.5 - 77.5 90.7<br />

NSW<br />

60 Castlereagh Street, Sydney 100 Oct-02 191.2 Mar-13 247.5 0.3 247.8 243.8<br />

36 George Street, Burwood 100 Apr-99 40.0 Mar-13 52.0 0.1 52.1 54.0<br />

101 George Street, Parramatta 100 Jan-05 19.0 Jun-13 93.0 - 93.0 92.0<br />

150 George Street, Parramatta 100 Oct-02 81.0 Sep-12 99.5 (0.6) 98.9 98.8<br />

14 Lee Street, Sydney (2) 100 Oct-02 56.5 Sep-12 70.0 0.1 70.1 71.6<br />

201 Miller Street, North Sydney 100 Jun-03 72.3 Sep-12 71.0 3.1 74.1 69.5<br />

56 Pitt Street, Sydney 100 Oct-02 136.0 Dec-12 166.0 2.7 168.7 159.5<br />

5 Martin Place, Sydney (3) 50 Apr-99 56.0 Jun-13 52.5 - 52.5 40.0<br />

175 Pitt Street, Sydney 100 Apr-99 116.0 Jun-13 245.5 - 245.5 240.0<br />

10 Shelley Street, Sydney 50 Dec-03 110.4 Jun-13 108.0 - 108.0 137.9<br />

Site 4B, Sydney Olympic Park (2,4) 100 Jan-08 8.7 Dec-12 4.7 (4.7) - 3.6<br />

201 Kent Street, Sydney (2,5) 25 Dec-00 50.6 Dec-12 156.0 4.4 160.4 -<br />

25 Apr-13 81.5<br />

SA<br />

108 North Terrace, Adelaide 100 Oct-05 77.0 Sep-12 73.8 - 73.8 76.5<br />

45 Pirie Street, Adelaide (6) 100 Oct-02 55.2 Jun-12 85.7 (87.0) - 85.7<br />

11 Waymouth Street, Adelaide 100 Dec-04 146.6 Sep-12 154.0 1.0 155.0 151.1<br />

QLD<br />

145 Ann Street, Brisbane (2,7) 100 Nov-09 - Dec-12 218.0 3.8 221.8 165.1<br />

10 Eagle Street, Brisbane 100 Jun-12 205.9 Mar-13 204.0 5.5 209.5 205.9<br />

VIC<br />

385 Bourke Street, Melbourne 100 Apr-99 151.0 Dec-12 298.5 4.1 302.6 311.3<br />

2 Southbank Boulevard, Melbourne 50 Jul-03 136.8 Mar-13 183.0 (0.1) 182.9 182.2<br />

655 Collins Street, Melbourne 100 Nov-10 96.8 Jun-13 100.0 - 100.0 96.8<br />

180-222 Lonsdale Street,<br />

Melbourne 50 Nov-10 285.0 Mar-13 295.7 0.7 296.4 285.8<br />

750 Collins Street, Melbourne 100 Dec-10 232.3 Jun-13 240.0 - 240.0 224.5<br />

WA<br />

46 Colin Street, West Perth (2) 100 Apr-02 30.0 Jun-13 44.0 - 44.0 43.5<br />

58 Mounts Bay Road, Perth 50 Jun-10 100.2 Dec-12 103.0 (0.1) 102.9 100.0<br />

Investment properties 3,377.5 3,229.8<br />

(1) Valuation excludes additions and disposals subsequent to the last independent valuation. Additions/(Disposals) since<br />

valuation includes the cost of properties purchased and the carrying amount of properties sold. It also includes capital<br />

expenditure and payments for incentives and leasing fees, net of amortisation since valuation. For a summary of significant<br />

estimates and assumptions used in valuations, refer to note 1(aa)(i).<br />

(2) The titles to these properties are leasehold. The remaining lease terms range from 86 to 117 years. Only 46 Colin Street,<br />

West Perth has ongoing lease commitments.<br />

(3) Originally, 100% of 5 Martin Place, Sydney was purchased for $112.0 million. On 3 August 2011, the Fund exchanged<br />

contracts to sell a 50% interest in 5 Martin Place, Sydney. As part of the negotiation, the Fund was granted a call option to<br />

acquire a 50% interest in 8 Exhibition Street, Melbourne, exercisable between 1 July 2012 and 30 June 2013 at fair value.<br />

On 26 June 2013, the Fund entered into an agreement to sell the option. The sale proceeds of $1.2 million are expected to<br />

be received by the Fund in August 2013.<br />

(4) On 9 November 2012, the Fund exchanged a conditional contract to sell its 100% interest in Site 4B, Sydney Olympic Park,<br />

for $4.7 million excluding selling costs. The transaction was settled on 21 December 2012.<br />

(5) On 10 April 2013, the Fund acquired the remaining 50% interest in the Kent Street Trust for $77.3 million plus acquisition<br />

costs of $4.2 million. The transaction settled on the same day. The Fund previously equity accounted its investment in the<br />

Kent Street Trust which was classified as an associate. The Fund now owns 100% of the units in the Kent Street Trust,<br />

which in turn owns 50% of 201 Kent Street, Sydney. At 31 December 2012, 201 Kent Street was independently valued at<br />

$312 million (100%) (Jun 2012: $312 million). The Fund’s 100% holding represents control and as such the Fund<br />

consolidates the Kent Street Trust from 10 April 2013.<br />

(6) On 22 May 2013, the Fund exchanged contracts to sell its 100% interest in 45 Pirie Street, Adelaide for $87.0 million<br />

excluding selling costs. The transaction settled on 12 June 2013.<br />

(7) On 22 November 2012, the development at 145 Ann Street, Brisbane reached practical completion. The total cost of the<br />

development was $209.8 million, and the investment property was independently revalued at 31 December 2012 to $218.0<br />

million.<br />




For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

7. Investment properties (continued)<br />

(a)<br />

Details of valuers<br />

Property Valuer Qualifications Company<br />

Finlay Crisp Centre, Canberra ACT M Smallhorn FAPI Jones Lang LaSalle<br />

60 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW M Smallhorn FAPI Jones Lang LaSalle<br />

36 George Street, Burwood NSW A Duguid AAPI m3property<br />

101 George Street, Parramatta NSW P Rhodes AAPI Jones Lang LaSalle<br />

150 George Street, Parramatta NSW R Anderson AAPI CBRE<br />

14 Lee Street, Sydney NSW M Fidden AAPI Savills<br />

201 Miller Street, North Sydney NSW R Nicolson AAPI Savills<br />

56 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW T Miles AAPI Knight Frank<br />

5 Martin Place, Sydney NSW D Castles FAPI Knight Frank<br />

175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW C Mortimer AAPI Colliers International<br />

10 Shelley Street, Sydney NSW A Pannifex FAPI Savills<br />

Site 4B, Sydney Olympic Park NSW R Nicolson AAPI Savills<br />

201 Kent Street, Sydney NSW D Castles FAPI Knight Frank<br />

108 North Terrace, Adelaide SA T Gornall FAPI Jones Lang LaSalle<br />

45 Pirie Street, Adelaide SA S Hickin AAPI Jones Lang LaSalle<br />

11 Waymouth Street, Adelaide SA N Bell AAPI Knight Frank<br />

145 Ann Street, Brisbane QLD P Zischke AAPI Knight Frank<br />

10 Eagle Street, Brisbane QLD<br />

385 Bourke Street, Melbourne VIC<br />

C Clayworth<br />

A Lett<br />

AAPI<br />

AAPI<br />

Colliers International<br />

CBRE<br />

2 Southbank Boulevard, Melbourne VIC P Volakos AAPI Colliers International<br />

655 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC<br />

180-222 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC<br />

F Lynch<br />

M Reynolds<br />

AAPI<br />

AAPI<br />

Savills<br />

Jones Lang LaSalle<br />

750 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC<br />

46 Colin Street, West Perth WA<br />

G Longden<br />

M Foster-Key<br />

FAPI<br />

AAPI<br />

m3property<br />

Savills<br />

58 Mounts Bay Road, Perth WA M Crowe AAPI Knight Frank<br />




For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

7. Investment properties (continued)<br />

(b)<br />

Reconciliations<br />

i. Investment properties<br />

A reconciliation of the carrying amount of investment properties at the beginning and end of the<br />

financial year is as follows:<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2013<br />

$m<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2012<br />

$m<br />

Opening balance 3,229.8 3,249.4<br />

Additions – capital expenditure 102.6 101.5<br />

Additions – interest capitalised (1) 3.2 8.3<br />

Additions – asset acquisitions 81.5 205.9<br />

Disposals (90.9) (436.0)<br />

Investment property reclassified from investment in<br />

associate 78.2 -<br />

Revaluations (38.1) 92.1<br />

Leasing fees and incentives deferred 24.9 23.5<br />

Amortisation of leasing fees and incentives (19.7) (20.6)<br />

Movement in straight-lining rental income asset 6.0 5.7<br />

Closing balance 3,377.5 3,229.8<br />

(1) Borrowing costs incurred in the construction of qualifying assets have been capitalised at a weighted average rate ranging<br />

from 5.4% to 5.6% (Jun 2012: 5.5% to 6.8%).<br />

ii.<br />

Non-current assets held for sale – investment properties<br />

A reconciliation of the carrying amount of investment properties classified as non-current assets held<br />

for sale at the beginning and end of the financial year is as follows:<br />

Opening balance - 152.0<br />

Additions – capital expenditure - 0.1<br />

Net disposals (1) - (151.1)<br />

Devaluations - (0.4)<br />

Amortisation of leasing fees and incentives - (0.1)<br />

Movement in straight-lining rental income asset - (0.5)<br />

Closing balance - -<br />

(1) On 12 July 2011, a call option was exercised by a third party to purchase 1 and 5 Mill Street and 197 St Georges Terrace,<br />

Perth for $152.0 million. The settlement occurred on 9 December 2011. The above disposal amount represents the sale<br />

price adjusted for $0.9 million of selling costs.<br />

(c)<br />

Capital commitments<br />

Estimated capital expenditure contracted for at reporting date, but not provided for:<br />

Not later than one year 51.0 60.8<br />

Later than one year and not later than five years 61.0 1.3<br />

Total capital commitments (1) 112.0 62.1<br />

(1) As of 30 June 2013, the amount of capital commitments relating to jointly owned properties was $105.4 million (Jun 2012:<br />

$1.0 million).<br />




For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

7. Investment properties (continued)<br />

(d)<br />

Operating lease commitments<br />

Estimated operating lease expenditure in relation to the 99-year leasehold of 46 Colin Street, West<br />

Perth WA, contracted for at reporting date, but not provided for in the financial statements:<br />

34<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2013<br />

$m<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2012<br />

$m<br />

Not later than one year 1.4 1.4<br />

Later than one year and not later than five years 5.6 5.4<br />

Later than five years 5.4 7.0<br />

Total operating lease commitments 12.4 13.8<br />

(e)<br />

Operating lease receivables<br />

The investment properties are leased to tenants under operating leases with rentals payable monthly.<br />

Minimum rental revenue receivable under non-cancellable operating leases of investment properties<br />

are as follows:<br />

Not later than one year 256.7 245.3<br />

Later than one year and not later than five years 710.3 773.4<br />

Later than five years 413.3 439.7<br />

Total operating lease receivables 1,380.3 1,458.4<br />

8. <strong>Investments</strong> in associates<br />

Ownership Consolidated Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2013 30 Jun 2012 30 Jun 2013 30 Jun 2012<br />

% % $m $m<br />

Non-current<br />

Kent Street Trust (1),(A) - 50 - 85.3<br />

Grosvenor Place Holdings Trust (2),(A) 50 50 275.1 273.1<br />

Site 6 Homebush Bay Trust (3),(A) 50 50 35.6 35.0<br />

Site 7 Homebush Bay Trust (4),(A) 50 50 48.2 47.5<br />

PIF Managed Property Pty Limited (5) 50 50 - -<br />

Grosvenor Place Pty Limited (6) 25 25 - -<br />

Total investments in associates 358.9 440.9<br />

(A) The titles to these properties are leasehold and the remaining lease terms range from approximately 72 to 95 years.<br />

(1) On 10 April 2013, the Fund purchased the remaining 50% of the units in the Kent Street Trust. The Fund’s 100% interest in<br />

the Kent Street Trust represents control. As such the Kent Street Trust is consolidated from this date. Refer to note 7.<br />

(2) The Fund owns 50% of the units in the Grosvenor Place Holdings Trust, which in turn owns 50% of 225 George Street,<br />

Sydney. The Fund therefore indirectly owns 25% of the property. At 31 December 2012, the property was independently<br />

valued at $1.1 billion (100%) (Jun 2012: $1.1 billion). It has been determined that the Fund’s 50% interest in the Trust<br />

does not represent control. The Fund’s equity accounted investment includes its share of the non-property assets and<br />

liabilities of the Grosvenor Place Holdings Trust.<br />

(3) The Fund owns 50% of the units in the Site 6 Homebush Bay Trust, which in turn owns 100% of 4 Dawn Fraser Avenue,<br />

Sydney Olympic Park (formerly known as Site 6 Dawn Fraser Avenue). The Fund therefore indirectly owns 50% of the<br />

property. At 31 December 2012, the property was independently valued at $71.1 million (100%) (Jun 2012: $70.0 million).<br />

It has been determined that the Fund’s 50% interest in the Trust does not represent control. The Fund’s equity accounted<br />

investment includes its share of the non-property assets and liabilities of Site 6 Homebush Bay Trust.<br />

(4) The Fund owns 50% of the units in the Site 7 Homebush Bay Trust, which in turn owns 100% of 2 Dawn Fraser Avenue,<br />

Sydney Olympic Park (formerly known as Site 7 Dawn Fraser Avenue). The Fund therefore indirectly owns 50% of the<br />

property. At 31 December 2012, the property was independently valued at $96.3 million (100%) (Jun 2012: $95.8 million).<br />

It has been determined that the Fund’s 50% interest in the Trust does not represent control. The Fund’s equity accounted<br />

investment includes its share of the non-property assets and liabilities of Site 7 Homebush Bay Trust.<br />

(5) In February 2004, the Fund established an effective 50% interest in PIF Managed Property Pty Limited at a nominal cost of<br />

$10. The net assets at reporting date were $20. It has been determined that the Fund’s 50% interest in the company does<br />

not represent control.<br />

(6) On 21 November 2008, the Fund purchased a 25% interest in Grosvenor Place Pty Limited from Commonwealth Funds<br />

Management Pty Limited at a nominal cost of $25. Grosvenor Place Pty Limited is a dormant company with net assets of<br />

$100.<br />

All associates are domiciled in Australia, and their principal activity is investment in office property.



For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

8. <strong>Investments</strong> in associates (continued)<br />

(a) Equity accounting information<br />

The Fund’s share of its associates’ financial information is:<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2013<br />

$m<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2012<br />

$m<br />

Assets 362.1 449.5<br />

Liabilities 3.2 8.6<br />

Revenue 30.3 33.3<br />

Net profit 22.1 48.3<br />

(b) Share of associates’ commitments and contingencies<br />

The Fund’s share of its associates’ capital expenditure commitments which have been approved but<br />

not provided for at reporting date, operating lease commitments and contingencies are set out below:<br />

Capital commitments 1.0 -<br />

Lease commitments payable - 6.9<br />

Lease commitments receivable 175.9 210.7<br />

Other expenditure commitments 1.0 1.0<br />

Contingent liabilities - -<br />

9. <strong>Investments</strong><br />

The Fund holds an ordinary share and a redeemable property preference share in an unlisted<br />

company, CFSP Asset Management Pty Ltd.<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2013<br />

$<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2012<br />

$<br />

Unlisted company<br />

- ordinary share 1 1<br />

- redeemable property preference share 1 1<br />

Total investments 2 2<br />

10. Payables<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2013<br />

$m<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2012<br />

$m<br />

Accrued property expenses 14.3 16.2<br />

Rents received in advance 11.0 4.1<br />

Accrued interest expense 5.8 5.5<br />

Accrued capital expenditure 15.0 21.2<br />

Other 7.4 4.9<br />

Total payables 53.5 51.9<br />




For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

11. Interest bearing liabilities<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2013<br />

$m<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2012<br />

$m<br />

Current – unsecured<br />

US medium-term notes - 62.2<br />

Short-term notes 100.0 100.0<br />

Total current interest bearing liabilities 100.0 162.2<br />

Non-current - unsecured<br />

Cash advance facility 52.9 123.0<br />

US medium-term notes 166.9 157.8<br />

Convertible notes (1) 189.1 182.8<br />

Medium-term notes 407.5 199.1<br />

Total non-current interest bearing liabilities 816.4 662.7<br />

Total interest bearing liabilities 916.4 824.9<br />

(1) On 11 December 2009, the Fund executed a $200 million issuance of senior, unsecured convertible notes, redeemable at<br />

the option of the noteholder on 11 December 2014. Unless previously redeemed or converted to ordinary units, the notes<br />

will be redeemed on the final maturity date of 11 December 2016. At 30 June 2013, the conversion price is $1.1226 per<br />

unit. The price is subject to adjustments in accordance with the Offering Circular. The notes were issued to fund the<br />

acquisitions of 145 Ann Street, Brisbane and 58 Mounts Bay Road, Perth. The notes are listed on the Singapore Stock<br />

Exchange. The face value of the remaining notes on issue at 30 June 2013 is $200.0 million (Jun 2012: $200.0 million).<br />

(a)<br />

Reconciliation of convertible notes<br />

A reconciliation of the carrying amounts of the convertible notes at the beginning and end of the<br />

financial year is set out below:<br />

Opening balance 182.8 177.0<br />

Amortisation of issue costs 0.5 0.5<br />

183.3 177.5<br />

Interest expense at market rate (2) 16.3 15.8<br />

Less: Accumulated coupon paid and payable (10.5) (10.5)<br />

Closing balance of convertible notes 189.1 182.8<br />

(2) The difference of $5.8 million (Jun 2012: $5.3 million) between interest expense calculated at the market rate for an<br />

equivalent non-convertible bond and the coupon rate paid is included in borrowing costs expense in the statement of<br />

comprehensive income and added to the carrying amount of the convertible notes liability in the statement of financial<br />

position. As a result, on 11 December 2014, the carrying amount of the liability will be equal to the face value of the notes<br />

less any amounts converted to units.<br />




For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

11. Interest bearing liabilities (continued)<br />

(b)<br />

Financing facilities<br />

The Fund has the following facilities available:<br />

30 Jun 2013 30 Jun 2012<br />

Expiry Drawn (8) Facility<br />

Drawn (8) Facility<br />

limit<br />

limit<br />

$m<br />

$m<br />

Undrawn<br />

line of<br />

credit<br />

$m<br />

$m<br />

$m<br />

Undrawn<br />

line of<br />

credit<br />

$m<br />

Cash advance facility (1) 10 Feb 14 - - - 125.0 155.0 30.0<br />

Cash advance facility (2) 30 Apr 18 55.0 300.0 245.0 - 300.0 300.0<br />

Cash advance facility 12 Jun 15 - 200.0 200.0 - 200.0 200.0<br />

Short-term notes (3) to 27 Aug 13 100.0 100.0 - 100.0 100.0 -<br />

18 Jul 13<br />

Medium-term notes 11 Mar 16 200.0 200.0 - 200.0 200.0 -<br />

Medium-term notes (4) 13 Dec 19 185.0 185.0 - - - -<br />

Medium-term notes (5) 13 Dec 22 25.0 25.0 - - - -<br />

Convertible notes (6) 11 Dec 14 200.0 200.0 - 200.0 200.0 -<br />

US medium-term notes<br />

22 Dec 15<br />

to 22 Dec 17 166.9 166.9 - 220.0 220.0 -<br />

931.9 445.0 845.0 530.0<br />

Less: Short-term notes drawn (7) (100.0) (100.0)<br />

Total undrawn lines of credit 345.0 430.0<br />

(1) On 22 May 2013, the Fund terminated this bank debt facility.<br />

(2) On 29 April 2013, the term of this bank debt facility was extended from 28 February 2016 to 30 April 2018.<br />

(3) The Fund has a same day funding facility within the existing cash advance facility providing liquidity support for maturing<br />

short-term notes.<br />

(4) In November 2012, the Fund issued $125.0 million of 7 year medium-term notes which are due to expire in December 2019.<br />

On 16 April 2013, a further $60 million of the same notes were issued.<br />

(5) In November 2012, the Fund issued $25.0 million of 10 year medium-term notes which are due to expire in December 2022.<br />

(6) The convertible notes are redeemable at the option of the noteholder on 11 December 2014. Unless previously redeemed or<br />

converted to ordinary units, the notes will be redeemed on the final maturity date of 11 December 2016.<br />

(7) As the Fund’s same day funding facility was in place to provide liquidity support to maturing short-term notes, the capacity of<br />

the facilities is reduced by the total amount of short-term notes issued.<br />

(8) In accordance with AASB 139 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement, interest bearing liabilities are carried at<br />

amortised cost, net of deferred borrowing costs of $6.2 million (Jun 2012: $5.1 million) and other adjustments to convertible<br />

notes of $9.3 million (Jun 2012: $15.0 million). However, for the purpose of this reconciliation, the actual drawn amounts are<br />

used and not adjusted to amortised cost and other adjustments to convertible notes.<br />

The facilities are senior unsecured. The Fund has a long-term credit rating of A3/stable from Moody’s<br />

and A-/stable from Standard & Poor’s. Refer to note 19 for details of the Fund’s debt covenants and<br />

the fair value of the liabilities.<br />




For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

12. Contributed equity<br />

Note<br />

30 Jun 2013<br />

No. of units<br />

’000<br />

30 Jun 2012<br />

No. of units<br />

’000<br />

30 Jun 2013<br />

$m<br />

30 Jun 2012<br />

$m<br />

Opening balance 2,347,003 2,449,600 2,383.3 2,481.8<br />

Issue of units (b) - 8,523 - 9.5<br />

Units bought back offmarket<br />

and cancelled (c)(i) - (68,522) - (66.5)<br />

Units bought back onmarket<br />

and cancelled (c)(ii) - (42,598) - (41.1)<br />

Unit buy-back transaction<br />

costs - - - (0.4)<br />

Total contributed equity 2,347,003 2,347,003 2,383.3 2,383.3<br />

(a)<br />

Rights and restrictions over units<br />

Each unit ranks equally with all other units for the purpose of distributions and on termination of the<br />

Fund.<br />

(b)<br />

Placement of units<br />

As the Fund achieved absolute positive performance for the six months ended 30 June 2011,<br />

8,523,841 units were issued to the Manager, Colonial <strong>First</strong> <strong>State</strong> Property Limited (CFSPL), on<br />

29 August 2011 in satisfaction of the $9,496,685 cumulative accrued performance fee for the sixmonth<br />

periods ended 30 June 2010 and 31 December 2010. The number of units issued and the issue<br />

prices are as follows:<br />

- 4,015,321 units issued at $1.13 for the half-year ended 30 June 2010<br />

- 4,508,520 units issued at $1.10 for the half-year ended 31 December 2010.<br />

(c)<br />

(i)<br />

(ii)<br />

(iii)<br />

Unit buy-back<br />

On 14 December 2011, the Fund purchased and cancelled 68.5 million of its units off-market.<br />

The units were acquired at a price of $0.97 per unit. The total cost of $66.9 million, including<br />

$0.4 million of transaction costs, was deducted from equity.<br />

On 15 December 2011, the Fund initiated an on-market buy-back of its units. The Fund could<br />

purchase a maximum of 154.9 million units under that on-market buy-back offer over a 12-<br />

month period. The total number of units purchased under this offer in the financial year ended<br />

30 June 2012 was 42.6 million. The Fund did not buy back any units under this buy-back offer<br />

during the remaining period in this financial year.<br />

On 14 December 2012, the Fund announced a continuation of the on-market buy-back. The<br />

Fund may purchase a maximum of 213.4 million units under this on-market buy-back offer over<br />

a 12-month period. As at 30 June 2013, the Fund did not buy back or cancel any of its units<br />

under this on-market buy-back offer.<br />




For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

13. Reserves<br />

Note<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2013<br />

$m<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2012<br />

$m<br />

Undistributed reserve 320.1 328.4<br />

Total reserves 320.1 328.4<br />

Reconciliations of the movements in the reserve at the beginning and end of the current and previous<br />

financial years:<br />

Undistributed reserve<br />

Opening balance 328.4 225.7<br />

Net profit for the financial year 145.4 256.4<br />

Less: Movement in the Responsible Entity’s performance fee<br />

(settled in units) 14(d)(ii) - (9.5)<br />

Less: Distributions paid and payable 4 (153.7) (144.2)<br />

Closing balance of undistributed reserve 320.1 328.4<br />

The closing balance of the undistributed reserve comprises:<br />

Unrealised gain/(loss) on derivatives 2.2 (0.3)<br />

Unrealised straight-lining revenue 51.5 47.2<br />

Net gain on properties and associates and other retained<br />

earnings (1) 266.4 281.5<br />

320.1 328.4<br />

(1) The movement comprises the movements in fair values of investment properties and associates (less $40.1 million), the<br />

amount withheld from the revised distribution policy (add $53.3 million), the amortisation of fit-out incentives, cash<br />

incentives and leasing commissions (less $18.8 million), 145 Ann Street, Brisbane development adjustment (less $1.7<br />

million), 8 Exhibition Street option fee adjustment (add $1.2 million), the non-cash interest expense for convertible notes<br />

(less $5.8 million), the movement in the straight-lining reserve relating to 45 Pirie Street, Adelaide and 201 Kent Street,<br />

Sydney (add $1.7 million) and the realised loss on termination of interest rate swaps (less $4.9 million).<br />

14. Related parties<br />

(a)<br />

Responsible Entity and Manager<br />

Commonwealth Managed <strong>Investments</strong> Limited (CMIL), the Responsible Entity, has appointed Colonial<br />

<strong>First</strong> <strong>State</strong> Property Limited (CFSPL) as the Manager of the Fund. CMIL is a wholly owned subsidiary of<br />

Colonial <strong>First</strong> <strong>State</strong> Group Limited (CFSG). CFSG and CFSPL are wholly owned subsidiaries of the<br />

Bank, the ultimate parent of the Responsible Entity, and are considered to be related parties of the<br />

Fund.<br />

(b)<br />

Trustee of the Fund’s sub-trusts<br />

CFS Managed Property Limited (ABN 13 006 464 428), the Trustee of the Fund’s sub-trusts, is a<br />

wholly owned subsidiary of the Bank and is considered to be a related party of the Fund. CFS Managed<br />

Property Limited has not received a fee for acting as Trustee of the sub-trusts.<br />




For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

14. Related parties (continued)<br />

(c)<br />

Details of Key Management Personnel<br />

i. Directors<br />

The Directors of CMIL, the Responsible Entity of the Fund, are considered to be Key Management<br />

Personnel.<br />

Chairman – Non-executive Director<br />

R M Haddock AM (independent)<br />

Non-executive Directors<br />

J F Kropp (independent)<br />

N J Milne OAM (independent)<br />

R E Griffiths<br />

Executive Director<br />

M J Venter<br />

ii.<br />

Other Key Management Personnel<br />

In addition to the Directors noted above, the following persons are Key Management Personnel with<br />

the authority for the strategic direction and management of the Fund.<br />

Name Position Employer<br />

Angus McNaughton Managing Director Property Commonwealth Bank of Australia<br />

Charles Moore Fund Manager Commonwealth Bank of Australia<br />

iii. Remuneration of Key Management Personnel<br />

Compensation is paid to the Responsible Entity in the form of fees and is disclosed in note 14(d). No<br />

other amounts are paid by the Fund directly or indirectly to the Key Management Personnel for<br />

services provided to the Fund.<br />

The independent Non-executive Directors of the Responsible Entity receive remuneration in their<br />

capacity as Directors of the Responsible Entity. Remuneration of independent Non-executive Directors<br />

is paid directly by the Responsible Entity or related party. Mr Venter and Mr Griffiths are employed as<br />

executives of the Bank, and in that capacity, part of their role is to act as a Director of the Responsible<br />

Entity. Other Key Management Personnel are employed and paid by the Bank. Consequently, no<br />

compensation as defined in AASB 124 Related Parties is paid by the Fund to its Key Management<br />

Personnel, other than that to the Responsible Entity.<br />

(d)<br />

Responsible Entity fees<br />

i. Base fees<br />

In accordance with the Fund Constitution, CMIL is entitled to receive a base fee of 0.45% per annum<br />

of the gross asset value of the Fund less any derivative assets, calculated and accrued on a monthly<br />

basis and payable quarterly in arrears.<br />

The Responsible Entity’s base fee for the financial year ended 30 June 2013 is $16,953,636 (Jun<br />

2012: $13,694,248). As at 30 June 2013, the total amount owed to the Responsible Entity in relation<br />

to base fees is $4,308,189 (Jun 2012: $3,296,755).<br />

ii.<br />

Performance fees<br />

The Responsible Entity is entitled to a performance fee if the Fund’s total return (distributions and unit<br />

price performance) exceeds the benchmark provided by Standard & Poor’s. The Fund’s performance<br />

fee benchmark prior to 1 July 2012 was the S&P ASX 200 Commercial Accumulation Index (excluding<br />




For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

14. Related parties (continued)<br />

(d)<br />

ii.<br />

Responsible Entity fees (continued)<br />

Performance fees (continued)<br />

CPA). From 1 July 2012, the Fund’s performance fee benchmark was changed to the S&P ASX 200<br />

Property Accumulation Index (excluding CPA). The new benchmark is comprised of 15 Australian Real<br />

Estate Investment Trusts (A-REITs), which compares to the previous benchmark, whose composition<br />

over time has reduced from seven A-REITs to one. The Board determined that the new benchmark is<br />

comparable to the previous benchmark, while providing a broader base for which to compare the<br />

Fund’s performance. An independent expert review by KPMG Corporate Finance has also concluded<br />

that the Directors have selected a comparable index and that the change is fair and reasonable. The<br />

underperformance as at 30 June 2012 was carried forward to the new index. Other than the change in<br />

the underlying benchmark index for the determination of performance fees, the overall fee mechanism<br />

remained unchanged.<br />

The 20-day volume weighted average price (VWAP) is used in both the Fund’s price and in the<br />

customised index. The performance fee entitlement is determined on the Fund’s cumulative<br />

performance since the last period in which a performance fee was accrued (the date of last reset). If<br />

the maximum fee entitlement is earned for a six-month period any carry forward outperformance is<br />

reduced by 1.67%.<br />

Performance fees are satisfied via the issue of units to the Manager. The number of units to be issued<br />

upon settlement of the performance fee is based on the higher of the Fund’s net tangible assets (NTA)<br />

and the 10-day VWAP post the performance fee period. These units are accrued at the time of<br />

entitlement and issued when the Fund achieves positive, absolute performance.<br />

The measure of outperformance will be assessed on a cumulative basis, meaning any<br />

underperformance needs to be earned back before the Responsible Entity can earn performance units<br />

(refer to the Fund Constitution for the complete method of calculation of the performance fee).<br />

The performance fee is calculated and payable, if the Responsible Entity is entitled, each half-year at<br />

December and June. The performance fee rate is calculated as 5% of the first 1% of outperformance<br />

and 15% of outperformance in excess of 1%. This rate is multiplied by the Fund’s average gross asset<br />

value. The fee is capped at 0.15% per six-month period of the Fund’s average gross asset value.<br />

The performance fee for the financial year ended 30 June 2013 is nil (Jun 2012: nil). Furthermore, as<br />

there is a carry-over underperformance of 22.6% there is no fair value of the ‘carry-over’<br />

outperformance (Jun 2012: nil) recognised in the statement of financial position.<br />

During the six months to June 2011, the Fund underperformed its benchmark and did not recognise a<br />

performance fee for that period. As a result and in accordance with the Fund’s Constitution, the<br />

performance fee is determined on the Fund’s relative performance since the last period in which a<br />

performance fee was accrued, being 31 December 2010. Since that period, the Fund has<br />

underperformed the benchmark by 19.4 and 22.6 percentage points at 31 December 2012 and 30<br />

June 2013 respectively. As such, the Fund has not recognised a performance fee in the financial year<br />

ended 30 June 2013.<br />




For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

14. Related parties (continued)<br />

(d)<br />

ii.<br />

Responsible Entity fees (continued)<br />

Performance fees (continued)<br />

The relative performance of the Fund to the customised index is set out in the following table:<br />

2013<br />

financial year<br />

2012<br />

financial year<br />

Determination of performance fee for the six months<br />

to 31 December<br />

Performance since date of last reset (A) :<br />

Reconciliation – 24 months performance<br />

(Dec 2012: 12 months performance)<br />

Opening ‘carry-over’ outperformance (percentage points) - -<br />

Commonwealth Property Office Fund (A) (%) 28.64 18.74<br />

Commercial Property Trust Accumulation Index (%) (A) 48.04 23.14<br />

Current underperformance (percentage points) (19.40) (4.40)<br />

‘Carry-over’ outperformance (percentage points) - -<br />

‘Carry-over’ absorbed to fund maximum performance fee for the<br />

half-year (percentage points) - -<br />

Closing ‘carry-over' outperformance (percentage points) - -<br />

$’000 $’000<br />

Performance fee for the six months to 31 December - -<br />

Determination of performance fee for the six months<br />

to 30 June<br />

Performance since date of last reset (A) :<br />

Reconciliation – 30 months performance<br />

(Jun 2012: 18 months performance)<br />

Opening ‘carry-over’ outperformance (percentage points) - -<br />

Commonwealth Property Office Fund (A) (%) 34.85 24.90<br />

Commercial Property Trust Accumulation Index (%) (A) 57.46 31.07<br />

Current underperformance (percentage points) (22.61) (6.17)<br />

‘Carry-over’ outperformance (percentage points) - -<br />

‘Carry-over’ absorbed to fund maximum performance fee for the<br />

half-year (percentage points) - -<br />

Closing ‘carry-over' outperformance (percentage points) - -<br />

$’000 $’000<br />

Performance fee for the six months to 30 June - -<br />

(A)<br />

Calculated in accordance with the customised index provided by Standard & Poor’s. The 20-day volume weighted average<br />

price (VWAP) is used in both the Fund’s price and in the performance fee benchmark. The Fund’s performance fee benchmark<br />

prior to 1 July 2012 was the S&P ASX 200 Commercial Accumulation Index (excluding CPA). From 1 July 2012, the Fund’s<br />

performance fee benchmark was changed to the S&P ASX 200 Property Accumulation Index (excluding CPA). The carry-over<br />

underperformance as at 30 June 2012 was carried over to the new benchmark index. In accordance with the performance fee<br />

methodology, the performance fee is determined on the Fund’s performance since the last period in which a performance fee<br />

was accrued (the date of the last reset).<br />




For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

14. Related parties (continued)<br />

(e)<br />

Related party unitholdings<br />

Directors, employees and associates of CMIL and entities controlled by the Bank may hold investments<br />

in the Fund. Such investments were purchased on normal commercial terms and were at arm’s length.<br />

The number of units held by Directors of CMIL (including entities controlled, jointly controlled or<br />

significantly influenced by them), the Bank and other funds managed by Bank related entities are as<br />

follows:<br />

Parent entity<br />

No. of fully<br />

paid units<br />

30 Jun 2013<br />

Parent entity<br />

No. of fully<br />

paid units<br />

30 Jun 2012<br />

Commonwealth Bank of Australia and related entities 241,410,784 260,308,662<br />

Dunefort Pty Limited (1) 37,239 37,239<br />

(1) Dunefort Pty Limited is the trustee for the self-managed superannuation fund of N J Milne, who was appointed as a nonexecutive<br />

Director of CMIL from 1 January 2009.<br />

(f)<br />

Rental income<br />

The Bank occupies 13.6% (Jun 2012: 13.5%) of the Fund’s lettable area. Rents received during the<br />

financial year amounted to $45,682,415 (Jun 2012: $47,171,359). The amount outstanding at<br />

reporting date is $47,932 (Jun 2012: nil). All leases are based on normal commercial terms and<br />

conditions.<br />

(g)<br />

Bank accounts<br />

As at 30 June 2013, the Fund has $11,323,283 cash deposited in bank accounts operated by the Bank<br />

(Jun 2012: $22,051,592). This amount includes the Fund’s share of cash held within associate trusts<br />

which are equity accounted. Interest received during the financial year in relation to these accounts<br />

amounted to $781,612 (Jun 2012: $1,369,301). These accounts are provided on normal commercial<br />

terms and conditions.<br />

(h)<br />

Interest bearing liabilities<br />

The Fund has a borrowing facility with the Bank. This facility is provided on normal commercial terms<br />

and conditions. Borrowings outstanding at reporting date with the Bank are $55,000,000 (Jun 2012:<br />

nil). Interest paid and payable in respect of the borrowings for the financial year are $623,304 (Jun<br />

2012: $2,062,071). No amount was prepaid by the Fund to the Bank in respect of these borrowings as<br />

at 30 June 2013 (Jun 2012: nil).<br />

The Fund had no interest rate swaps with the Bank to fix interest payable on the Fund’s borrowings<br />

during the financial year (Jun 2012: nil). No interest was paid to the Bank during the financial year in<br />

relation to interest rate swaps (Jun 2012: $717,663).<br />

The Fund had no forward dated interest rate swaps with the Bank during the financial year. In the<br />

comparative year, the Fund terminated $350 million of forward dated interest rate swaps with the<br />

Bank at a cost of $7,533,000.<br />

All swaps are on normal commercial terms and conditions.<br />

(i) Alignment fee income<br />

Colonial <strong>First</strong> <strong>State</strong> Management Pty Ltd (CFSM), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Bank, derives<br />

revenue from the Fund assets which it manages. The Fund is entitled to an alignment fee, being a<br />

share of its assets’ contribution towards CFSM’s distributable income. Total alignment fee income of<br />

the Fund for the financial year ended 30 June 2013 was $247,823 (Jun 2012: $896,621) and the<br />

amount receivable at reporting date is $341,951 (Jun 2012: $482,363).<br />




For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

14. Related parties (continued)<br />

(j)<br />

Other related party transactions<br />

Identity of<br />

related party<br />

Colonial <strong>First</strong> <strong>State</strong><br />

Management Pty Ltd<br />

Colonial <strong>First</strong> <strong>State</strong><br />

Management Pty Ltd<br />

Nature of<br />

relationship<br />

Property manager<br />

of the Fund<br />

Development<br />

manager of the<br />

Fund<br />

Type of<br />

transaction<br />

Property<br />

management fees<br />

payable by the<br />

Fund to Colonial<br />

<strong>First</strong> <strong>State</strong><br />

Management Pty<br />

Ltd (1)<br />

Development fees<br />

payable by the<br />

Fund to Colonial<br />

<strong>First</strong> <strong>State</strong><br />

Management Pty<br />

Ltd (2)<br />

Terms and<br />

conditions<br />

Arm’s length in<br />

accordance with<br />

the property<br />

management<br />

agreement<br />

Arm’s length in<br />

accordance with<br />

the development<br />

management<br />

agreement<br />

(1) Of the above amount, $1,944,439 is outstanding as at June 2013 (Jun 2012: $1,814,599).<br />

(2) Of the above amount, $238,540 is outstanding as at June 2013 (Jun 2012: $449,319).<br />

12 months to 12 months to<br />

30 Jun 2013 30 Jun 2012<br />

$<br />

$<br />

11,605,107 11,190,457<br />

1,896,577 2,061,616<br />

(k)<br />

Property jointly owned by funds<br />

Up until 28 February 2013, Direct Property Investment Fund (DPIF), whose Responsible Entity is<br />

CMIL, had a 50% interest in the following trusts, of which the Fund had the remaining 50% interest:<br />

- Grosvenor Place Holding Trust, which holds a 50% interest in Grosvenor Place, Sydney.<br />

- Site 6 Homebush Bay Trust, which holds a 100% interest in 4 Dawn Fraser Avenue, Sydney<br />

Olympic Park.<br />

- Site 7 Homebush Bay Trust, which holds a 100% interest in 2 Dawn Fraser Avenue, Sydney<br />

Olympic Park.<br />

On 28 February 2013, DPIF sold its interest in these trusts to an unrelated party. As at reporting date,<br />

the Fund’s interest in these properties remained unchanged.<br />

Up until 10 April 2013, DPIF had a 50% interest in the Kent Street Trust, which holds a 50% interest<br />

in 201 Kent Street, Sydney, of which the Fund had the remaining 50% interest. On 10 April the Fund<br />

bought the remaining 50% of the Trust (refer to note 7).<br />

The Fund owns 100% of 150 George Street, Parramatta, 101 George Street, Parramatta and<br />

385 Bourke Street, Melbourne which are leased by the Bank. Arrangements are in place to the effect<br />

that if CMIL ceases to be the Responsible Entity or should the Fund wish to sell the properties, then<br />

the Bank has the right to reacquire the properties at market value.<br />

Colonial <strong>First</strong> <strong>State</strong> Property Limited, a related party of the Fund, owns an effective 50% interest in<br />

PIF Managed Property Pty Limited. In the event that the Fund’s Responsible Entity changes to a nonrelated<br />

party of the Bank, the income stream from PIF Managed Property Pty Limited reverts back to<br />

Colonial <strong>First</strong> <strong>State</strong> Property Limited.<br />

(l)<br />

Investment in unlisted company<br />

The Fund holds an ordinary share and redeemable property preference shares in an unlisted company,<br />

CFSP Asset Management Pty Ltd (CFSPAM), as disclosed in note 9. Other listed and unlisted property<br />

trusts, for whom CMIL is the Responsible Entity, also hold an investment in CFSPAM. Dividends<br />

received from CFSPAM for the financial year were $165,620 (Jun 2012: $105,389).<br />




For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

14. Related parties (continued)<br />

(m) CFSPM debtors<br />

As Property Manager of the Fund’s Retail investment properties, CFSPM retains an amount of<br />

net rental income from those properties in a trust account in order to meet the operating<br />

needs of the properties. The amount of these balances at 30 June 2013 was $1,311,990 (Jun<br />

2012: $926,127).<br />

15. Notes to the statement of cash flows<br />

Reconciliation of net profit for the financial year to net cash provided by operating activities:<br />

Note<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2013<br />

$m<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2012<br />

$m<br />

Net profit for the financial year 145.4 256.4<br />

Straight-lining revenue (6.0) (5.2)<br />

Increase/(decrease) in payables 4.7 (4.2)<br />

Decrease in receivables and other assets 11.2 0.5<br />

Distribution income reinvested (5.3) (7.0)<br />

Interest capitalised (3.2) (8.3)<br />

Fair value adjustments to investment properties and associates 40.1 (113.1)<br />

Other fair value adjustments to derivatives 2.4 38.9<br />

Amortisation of leasing fees and incentives including rent free<br />

adjustments 9.4 12.0<br />

Non-cash convertible notes interest expense 5.8 5.3<br />

Net cash provided by operating activities 204.5 175.3<br />

(a)<br />

Reconciliation of cash<br />

Cash and cash equivalents as at reporting date comprises cash at bank and money market securities.<br />

(b)<br />

Financing arrangements<br />

Refer to note 11(b) for details of the Fund’s financing facilities. The Fund has no other lines of credit.<br />

16. Non-cash financing and investing activities<br />

Distributions reinvested:<br />

Grosvenor Place Holding Trust 4.7 5.3<br />

Kent Street Trust - 1.7<br />

Site 6 Homebush Bay Trust 0.1 -<br />

Site 7 Homebush Bay Trust 0.5 -<br />

Total distributions reinvested 5.3 7.0<br />

Issue of units in consideration of performance fee 12(b) - 9.5<br />




For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

17. Earnings per unit<br />

Note<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2013<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2012<br />

Basic earnings per unit<br />

1(y)<br />

Basic earnings in cents per unit 6.19 10.66<br />

Alternative basic earnings in cents per unit 8.82 8.35 (1)<br />

Diluted earnings per unit<br />

1(y)<br />

Diluted earnings in cents per unit 6.40 10.54<br />

Alternative diluted earnings in cents per unit 8.62 8.18 (1)<br />

(1) Restated as a result of adoption of FFO in the current financial year. Refer to note 2 for further details of the retrospective<br />

application of FFO on the 30 June 2012 results. In the prior year alternate basic earnings was 7.58 cents per unit and<br />

alternate diluted earnings was 7.46 cents per unit.<br />

(a)<br />

Weighted average number of units used in calculating earnings per unit<br />

30 Jun 2013<br />

No. of units<br />

’000<br />

30 Jun 2012<br />

No. of units<br />

’000<br />

Weighted average number of units used as the<br />

denominator in calculating basic earnings per unit (epu) 2,347,003 2,405,177<br />

Adjustments for calculation of diluted earnings per unit:<br />

Convertible notes converted into units (1) 178,158 177,699<br />

Weighted average number of units and units used as the<br />

denominator in calculating the diluted earnings per unit (epu) 2,525,161 2,582,876<br />

(1) The number of units to be issued upon conversion is calculated on the assumption that $200.0 million of convertible notes<br />

will be converted into units at the price of $1.1226.<br />

(b)<br />

Reconciliations of earnings used in calculating earnings per unit<br />

The earnings used in the calculations of basic and alternative basic earnings per unit are as follows:<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2013<br />

$m<br />

Restated<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2012<br />

$m<br />

Net profit for the financial year 145.4 256.4<br />

Earnings used in calculating basic epu 145.4 256.4<br />

Adjusted for:<br />

Fair value adjustments from investment properties and<br />

associates 40.1 (113.1)<br />

Other fair value adjustments to derivatives 2.4 38.9<br />

Straight-lining revenue (6.0) (5.2)<br />

Non-cash convertible notes interest expense 5.8 5.3<br />

Amortisation of fit-out incentives, cash incentives and<br />

leasing commissions 18.8 18.5<br />

Other items 0.5 -<br />

Earnings used in calculating alternative basic epu 2 207.0 200.8<br />




For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

17. Earnings per unit (continued)<br />

(b) Reconciliations of earnings used in calculating earnings per unit (continued)<br />

The following reflects the income denominator used in the diluted and alternative diluted earnings per<br />

unit calculations:<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2013<br />

$m<br />

Restated<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2012<br />

$m<br />

Net profit for the financial year 145.4 256.4<br />

Adjusted for:<br />

Borrowing costs attributable to convertible notes 16.3 15.8<br />

Earnings used in calculating diluted epu 161.7 272.2<br />

Adjustments for:<br />

Fair value adjustments from investment properties and<br />

associates 40.1 (113.1)<br />

Other fair value adjustments to derivatives 2.4 38.9<br />

Straight-lining revenue (6.0) (5.2)<br />

Amortisation of fit-out incentives, cash incentives and<br />

leasing commissions 18.8 18.5<br />

Other items 0.5 -<br />

Earnings used in calculating alternative diluted epu 217.5 211.3<br />

18. Auditor’s remuneration<br />

Amounts received or due and receivable by the auditor of the Fund, PricewaterhouseCoopers:<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2013<br />

$<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2012<br />

$<br />

Audit services<br />

Statutory audit and review of financial reports 406,600 391,025<br />

Regulatory required audits 10,000 18,478<br />

Other assurance services 102,201 97,931<br />

Auditor’s remuneration expensed 518,801 507,434<br />

Non-audit services<br />

Due diligence services - 25,000<br />

Other auditor’s remuneration (1) - 25,000<br />

Total auditor’s remuneration 518,801 532,434<br />

(1) For the financial year 30 June 2012, the capitalised auditor’s remuneration of $25,000 related to work completed on the<br />

off-market buy-back booklet and was recognised in contributed equity.<br />




For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

19. Capital and financial risk management<br />

The Fund’s overall risk management program focuses on ensuring compliance with the Fund’s<br />

Constitution.<br />

Capital and financial risk management is carried out by the Manager through the Capital Strategy and<br />

Risk Management team (CSRM). CSRM identifies, evaluates and hedges financial risks in consultation<br />

with the Fund Manager and reports directly to the Capital Management Committee (CMC). The CMC is<br />

charged with overseeing the capital and financial risk management function under policies approved<br />

by the Manager and Responsible Entity’s Board of Directors (Board) and in accordance with the Fund<br />

Constitution and compliance plan.<br />

The Fund’s capital management strategy is reviewed annually and adjusted where necessary, by<br />

CSRM in conjunction with the Fund Manager and presented to the CMC and the Board for approval.<br />

This includes the debt and hedging strategy overview for the Fund.<br />

The Fund’s objective when managing its capital requirements is to maintain an optimal capital<br />

structure to reduce the cost of capital, considering the balance between risks and returns to investors,<br />

while ensuring that the Fund:<br />

- complies with capital requirements of the Constitution, regulatory authorities and lenders<br />

- maintains a strong credit rating, and<br />

- continues to operate as a going concern.<br />

(a)<br />

Debt covenants<br />

Throughout the capital management process, the Fund considers any likely impact its actions may<br />

have on the financial strength ratings determined by independent ratings agencies. Any change to<br />

these ratings may have an impact on the Fund’s ability to access funding and the cost at which it can<br />

be secured. The Fund performed a review of debt covenants as at 30 June 2013 and no breaches were<br />

identified.<br />

As at reporting date, the Fund’s most restrictive debt covenants are:<br />

Covenant<br />

Actual<br />

30 June 2013<br />

Actual<br />

30 June 2012<br />

Loan to value ratio (LVR) (1) 45.0% or less 28.6% 27.4%<br />

Interest cover ratio (ICR) (2) 2.0 times or greater 4.4 times 4.1 times<br />

(1) LVR is calculated as total liabilities divided by total assets excluding the effect of the option component of the convertible<br />

notes and the fair value of derivatives.<br />

(2) ICR is calculated as earnings before interest divided by net interest expense. For the purposes of this calculation, earnings<br />

represent net profit excluding all fair value adjustments, straight-lining revenue, borrowing costs and net interest expense<br />

on interest rate swaps. Interest expense is the sum of borrowing costs, net interest expense on interest rate swaps, and<br />

capitalised interest, less non-cash convertible notes interest expense.<br />

The Fund may alter its capital mix by drawing upon existing credit facilities, issuing new securities,<br />

offering a distribution reinvestment plan, underwriting the distribution reinvestment plan, divesting<br />

assets to repay borrowings, or undertaking a security buy-back program.<br />




For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

19. Capital and financial risk management (continued)<br />

(b)<br />

Financial risk management<br />

The financial risks arising from the Fund’s activities are credit risk, liquidity risk, foreign exchange risk<br />

and interest rate risk. The Manager uses different risk management methods to measure exposure to<br />

these risks, including ageing analysis and selection of appropriately rated counterparties to manage<br />

credit risk, financial modelling of future rolling cash flow forecasts for liquidity risk, and sensitivity<br />

analysis in the case of interest rate risk (refer note 19(g)). The Fund uses derivatives such as foreign<br />

exchange contracts and interest rate swaps to hedge interest rate and foreign exchange risks.<br />

It is, and has been throughout the financial year under review, the Fund’s policy that derivatives are<br />

used for hedging purposes only and not as speculative or trading instruments.<br />

The Fund’s principal financial instruments, other than derivatives, comprise bank debt, short-term<br />

notes, medium-term notes, convertible notes and US dollar senior fixed rate notes. The main purpose<br />

of these financial instruments is to raise finance for the Fund’s operations.<br />

(c)<br />

Credit risk<br />

Credit risk represents the financial loss that would be recognised if counterparties failed to perform as<br />

contracted. Credit risk primarily arises from trade and other receivables and derivatives. The<br />

maximum exposure to credit risk at reporting date is the carrying amount of financial assets<br />

recognised in the statement of financial position.<br />

The Fund manages this risk by:<br />

- investing and transacting derivatives with:<br />

- multiple counterparties that have a Standard & Poor’s long-term corporate credit rating of A-<br />

or higher or Moody’s equivalent A3 rating (where ratings agencies assign different ratings to<br />

an entity, the lower rating will be applied to the counterparty), and<br />

- counterparties holding an Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL) and $10 million of tier<br />

one capital or are an Authorised Deposit-taking Institution (ADI)<br />

- an annual review by the CMC of the approved panel of counterparties with any addition to the<br />

panel receiving CMC endorsement<br />

- regularly reviewing the allocation of counterparty credit limits between counterparties by the CMC<br />

- analysing the creditworthiness of individual tenants when providing leases and transacting with<br />

high quality tenants with a stable credit history<br />

- obtaining security in the form of rent deposits or bank guarantees (where appropriate) which can<br />

be called upon in the event of default under the terms of the lease<br />

- regularly monitoring receivables on an ongoing basis.<br />

The Fund’s ageing analysis of trade receivables is as follows:<br />

Note<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2013<br />

$m<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2012<br />

$m<br />

0-30 days 0.7 0.4<br />

31-60 days 0.1 0.1<br />

61-90 days 0.1 0.1<br />

90+ days 0.8 1.0<br />

Total 5 1.7 1.6<br />

Impaired 5,1(k) 0.2 0.3<br />

There were no significant financial assets that were past due as at 30 June 2013 and 30 June 2012.<br />

Additionally, there are no other significant financial assets that would have otherwise been past due or<br />

impaired if terms had not been renegotiated.<br />

As at 30 June 2013, credit risk on trade receivables is considered low, as there is no concentration of<br />

material risk from any individual tenant.<br />




For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

19. Capital and financial risk management (continued)<br />

(d)<br />

Liquidity risk<br />

Liquidity risk refers to the risk that the Fund will not have sufficient funds to settle a transaction on<br />

the due date.<br />

The Fund manages liquidity risk by:<br />

- prudent monitoring of cash levels<br />

- the use of a detailed fund model which allows for continuous monitoring of forecast and actual cash<br />

flows and matching the maturity profiles of financial assets and liabilities<br />

- maintaining access to funding through committed credit facilities (refer to note 11)<br />

- raising funds by issuing new securities.<br />

The Fund had access to the following undrawn facilities at reporting date:<br />

50<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2013<br />

$m<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2012<br />

$m<br />

Note<br />

Floating rate<br />

Expiring beyond one year 345.0 430.0<br />

Total undrawn facilities 11(b) 345.0 430.0<br />

A key component of liquidity risk is refinancing risk, which arises when the Fund is required to<br />

refinance existing debt positions or undertake new debt. A change in the Fund’s credit rating or<br />

unfavourable credit market conditions, including increased interest rate and credit margins, may<br />

impact the availability and acceptable pricing of required finance for the Fund’s operations. The Fund<br />

manages financing risk by diversifying the sources of debt, spreading the maturities of borrowings and<br />

undertaking interest rate swap arrangements. The impact on the Fund’s credit rating is considered<br />

when analysing potential transactions.<br />

Although the Fund has a net current deficiency (current liabilities exceed current assets) at reporting<br />

date, the Fund has sufficient non-current undrawn borrowing facilities and operating cash flows to<br />

meet this deficit (refer to note 11(b)). The financial report is therefore prepared on a going concern<br />

basis.<br />

As part of the Fund’s risk monitoring process with regard to debt covenant requirements, six-monthly<br />

‘stress testing’ is carried out by the Fund Manager and CSRM. The basis of this testing is to determine<br />

the impact against the base case used in the fund model on the Fund’s gearing when subjected to<br />

certain market ‘shock’ scenarios, such as a 10%-30% decrease in asset values, or the impact on the<br />

Fund’s ICR as a result of reducing 30% of NPI by 10%-30%. The results of the ‘stress testing’ are<br />

used to evaluate and manage the risk profile of the Fund with regard to its debt covenant obligations.<br />

The tests have not resulted in any breaches of the Fund’s debt covenant obligations for the next<br />

financial year.<br />

i. Maturities of financial liabilities<br />

The table on the following page shows the Fund’s financial liabilities and net and gross settled<br />

derivative financial liabilities in relevant maturity groupings based on the remaining period at reporting<br />

date to the contractual maturity date. Derivatives that are held at fair value as financial assets at<br />

balance date are not included as an offset to the financial liabilities in this analysis. The amounts in<br />

the table are the contractual undiscounted cash flows including interest payments for the remaining<br />

period of the contract. Drawn debt amounts are assumed to be paid at the expiry date of the facility.<br />

Future cash flows on floating rate debt and interest rate swaps have been estimated assuming interest<br />

rates prevailing at reporting date remain constant for each instrument. Future payments on USD<br />

denominated debt and the offsetting receipts from cross-currency swaps are estimated assuming the<br />

exchange rate at reporting date remains constant for the remaining periods of the instruments.<br />

Convertible notes are assumed to be redeemed at face value of $200.0 million on 11 December 2014,<br />

rather than being converted to units.<br />

Funding obligations will be met either by drawing upon existing undrawn facilities or by establishing<br />

new lines of credit as required.<br />

The weighted average debt maturity is 3.9 years (Jun 2012: 3.3 years). The weighted average<br />

maturity on floating to fixed interest rate swaps is 4.0 years (Jun 2012: 3.6 years).



For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

19. Capital and financial risk management (continued)<br />

(d)<br />

Liquidity risk (continued)<br />

i. Maturities of financial liabilities (continued)<br />

As at 30 June 2013<br />

1 year<br />

or less<br />

1 to 2<br />

years<br />

2 to 5<br />

years<br />

Over 5<br />

years<br />

Total<br />

contractual<br />

cash flows<br />

Carrying<br />

amount (1)<br />

Financial liabilities Note $m $m $m $m $m $m<br />

Non-derivatives<br />

Non-interest bearing<br />

Payables (excluding<br />

accrued interest) 10 47.7 - - - 47.7 47.7<br />

Responsible Entity’s base<br />

fee payable 14(d)(i) 4.3 - - - 4.3 4.3<br />

Distribution payable 4 78.6 - - - 78.6 78.6<br />

Variable rate<br />

Cash advance facility 11 2.0 2.0 60.7 - 64.7 53.0<br />

Short-term notes 11 100.0 - - - 100.0 100.0<br />

Fixed rate<br />

Medium-term notes 11 25.7 25.7 248.0 231.1 530.5 412.5<br />

US medium-term notes 11 8.2 8.2 205.4 - 221.8 167.0<br />

Convertible notes 11 10.5 205.3 -` - 215.8 189.7<br />

Total non-derivatives 277.0 241.2 514.1 231.1 1,263.4 1,052.8<br />

Derivatives (2)<br />

Net settled<br />

(interest rate swaps) - - - - - -<br />

Gross settled<br />

- inflow (8.2) (8.2) (205.4) - (221.8) -<br />

- outflow 6.3 6.3 189.3 - 201.9 17.0<br />

Total derivatives (1.9) (1.9) (16.1) - (19.9) 17.0<br />

As at 30 June 2012<br />

1 year<br />

or less<br />

1 to 2<br />

years<br />

2 to 5<br />

years<br />

Over 5<br />

years<br />

Total<br />

contractual<br />

cash flows<br />

Carrying<br />

amount (1)<br />

Financial liabilities Note $m $m $m $m $m $m<br />

Non-derivatives<br />

Non-interest bearing<br />

Payables (excluding<br />

accrued interest) 10 46.4 - - - 46.4 46.4<br />

Responsible Entity’s base<br />

fee payable 14(d)(i) 3.3 - - - 3.3 3.3<br />

Distribution payable 4 75.1 - - - 75.1 75.1<br />

Variable rate<br />

Cash advance facility 11 4.6 127.9 - - 132.5 123.2<br />

Short-term notes 11 100.0 - - - 100.0 100.0<br />

Fixed rate<br />

Medium-term notes 11 14.5 14.5 229.1 - 258.1 203.5<br />

US medium-term notes 11 70.0 7.5 124.2 25.2 226.9 220.3<br />

Convertible notes 11 10.5 10.5 205.3 - 226.3 183.4<br />

Total non-derivatives 324.4 160.4 558.6 25.2 1,068.6 955.2<br />

Derivatives (2)<br />

Net settled<br />

(interest rate swaps) (0.2) (0.2) (0.3) - (0.7) 0.4<br />

Gross settled<br />

- inflow (70.0) (7.5) (124.2) (25.2) (226.9) -<br />

- outflow 87.4 3.9 157.5 33.7 282.5 46.5<br />

Total derivatives 17.2 (3.8) 33.0 8.5 54.9 46.9<br />

(1) The carrying amount of borrowings includes accrued interest.<br />

(2) This analysis includes cash flows from derivatives that are in a mark-to-market liability position on the statement of<br />

financial position. Additionally, net cash inflows will be generated from derivatives that are in a mark-to-market asset<br />

position on the statement of financial position.<br />




For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

19. Capital and financial risk management (continued)<br />

(e)<br />

Interest rate risk<br />

Interest rate risk is the risk that earnings will fluctuate due to changes in market interest rates. The<br />

Fund’s exposure to market risk for changes in interest rates relates primarily to long-term debt<br />

obligations.<br />

The Fund manages its interest cost using a mix of fixed and variable rate debt. To limit exposure to<br />

interest rate fluctuations in order to establish certainty over long-term cash flows, the Fund has<br />

adopted guidelines to keep between 65% and 85% of its borrowings at fixed rates of interest.<br />

Positions are monitored on a daily basis and hedging strategies are used to ensure positions are<br />

maintained within the established limits. To manage exposure to interest rate risk, the Fund enters<br />

into interest rate swaps, in which the Fund agrees to exchange, at specified intervals, the difference<br />

between fixed and variable interest amounts calculated by reference to an agreed-upon notional<br />

principal amount. Refer to note 19(g) for an interest rate sensitivity analysis.<br />

As at 30 June 2013, 95.9% (Jun 2012: 87.5%) of CPA’s exposure to floating interest rates on<br />

Australian dollar debt was hedged with fixed rate debt and interest rate swap agreements that are<br />

used to convert certain variable interest rate borrowings to fixed interest rates or vice versa. The<br />

increase in the hedging level is a result of debt repaid from funds received for the disposal of 45 Pirie<br />

Street, Adelaide. The Fund is expected to draw down on debt to fund distribution payments in August<br />

2013 which will reduce the hedging level. Whilst the Responsible Entity has determined that these<br />

arrangements are economically effective, they have not satisfied the documentation, designation and<br />

effectiveness tests required by accounting standards. As a result, they do not qualify for hedge<br />

accounting, and gains or losses arising from changes in fair value are recognised immediately in the<br />

statement of comprehensive income.<br />

As at reporting date, the Fund had the following variable rate borrowings and interest rate swap<br />

contracts outstanding:<br />

52<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2013<br />

$m<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2012<br />

$m<br />

Cash advance facility 55.0 125.0<br />

Short-term notes 100.0 100.0<br />

US medium-term notes (a) 183.9 266.5<br />

Interest rate swaps (300.0) (380.0)<br />

Net exposure to cash flow interest rate risk 38.9 111.5<br />

(a)<br />

Value based on hedged rate on debt notes entered into. Included in the table since associated cross currency swaps create<br />

floating rate exposure.<br />

An analysis of maturities is provided in note 19(d).<br />

(f)<br />

Foreign exchange risk<br />

Foreign exchange risk is the risk that the value and cash flows of a financial commitment, asset or<br />

liability will fluctuate due to changes in foreign exchange rates. As the Fund holds borrowings<br />

denominated in a foreign currency, namely USD, it is therefore exposed to this risk.<br />

This risk is managed through the use of cross-currency swaps which hedge the changes in the fair<br />

value of the USD denominated debt relating to changes in foreign currency exchange rates and the<br />

benchmark USD interest rate, in accordance with the hedging objectives set out by the Fund.<br />

The hedge relationship is highly effective, as all key terms of the hedge instruments, being the<br />

consolidated notional principal of the cross-currency swaps and the consolidated underlying cash<br />

flows, coincide with the hedged item. As a result, no portion of the change in fair value of the crosscurrency<br />

swap is ineffective. At 30 June 2013, the Fund has hedged 100% of the $US138.0 million<br />

senior unsecured fixed-rate notes with cross-currency swaps (Jun 2012: 100%). The Fund made a<br />

gain of $6.9 million through fair value adjustments to its cross-currency swaps, offset by a<br />

corresponding loss on the underlying USD denominated debt (Jun 2012: a gain of $11.9 million<br />

through fair value adjustments to its cross-currency swaps, offset by a corresponding loss on the<br />

underlying USD denominated debt). At 30 June 2013, the value of cross-currency swaps is $17.0<br />

million liability (Jun 2012: $46.5 million liability).



For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

19. Capital and financial risk management (continued)<br />

(g) Summarised sensitivity analysis<br />

The following table summarises the impact on Fund profit and equity of a reasonably possible upwards<br />

or downwards movement in interest rate risk, assuming that all other variables remain constant.<br />

These movements are based on management’s best estimate, having regard to historical levels of<br />

changes in interest rates. Due to unexpected market conditions, actual movements may be greater<br />

than anticipated, and therefore these ranges should not be used as a definitive indicator of future<br />

movements in the stated risk variable.<br />

Interest rate risk represents the effect of a change in interest rates applied to the interest rate risk<br />

exposures at reporting date, including the estimated change in the value of financial instruments that<br />

are carried at fair value. Cash and floating rate debt at reporting date are multiplied by the reasonably<br />

possible change in interest rates to determine the effect on profit for the financial year. The Fund’s<br />

financial instruments whose carrying values are affected by changes in interest rates are interest rate<br />

swaps. In calculating the change in value of interest rate swaps, a change in interest rates at<br />

reporting date is assumed to result in a parallel shift in the forward yield curve. A change in interest<br />

rates of up to 100 basis points (1%) is considered to be reasonably possible in the current economic<br />

environment.<br />

As the Fund’s borrowings held in foreign currency (USD) are 100% hedged there is no exchange rate<br />

risk that may affect the Fund’s profit or equity.<br />

The analysis assumes all other variables at balance date are unchanged.<br />

2013 Interest rate risk<br />

Impact on profit<br />

Increase/(decrease)<br />

Impact on equity<br />

Increase/(decrease)<br />

+100bps -100bps +100bps -100bps<br />

$m $m $m $m<br />

Cash and cash equivalents 0.1 (0.1) - -<br />

Borrowings (0.4) 0.4 - -<br />

Derivatives 11.3 (11.9) - -<br />

11.0 (11.6) - -<br />

2012 Interest rate risk<br />

Impact on profit<br />

Increase/(decrease)<br />

Impact on equity<br />

Increase/(decrease)<br />

+100bps -100bps +100bps -100bps<br />

$m $m $m $m<br />

Cash and cash equivalents 0.1 (0.1) - -<br />

Borrowings (1.1) 1.1 - -<br />

Derivatives 13.4 (14.1) - -<br />

12.4 (13.1) - -<br />

(h)<br />

Fair value of financial assets and liabilities<br />

The Fund has adopted the classification of fair value measurements for its financial assets and<br />

liabilities into the following hierarchy as required by AASB 7:<br />

Level 1: quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities<br />

Level 2: inputs other than quoted prices included within level 1 that are observable for the asset or<br />

liability, either directly (as prices) or indirectly (derived from prices)<br />

Level 3: inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data (unobservable<br />

prices).<br />




For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

19. Capital and financial risk management (continued)<br />

(h) Fair value of financial assets and liabilities (continued)<br />

The Fund’s financial assets and liabilities measured and recognised at fair value at reporting date are:<br />

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total<br />

30 Jun 30 Jun 30 Jun 30 Jun 30 Jun 30 Jun 30 Jun 30 Jun<br />

2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012<br />

$m $m $m $m $m $m $m $m<br />

Assets<br />

Derivative assets<br />

- interest rate swaps - - 2.2 0.1 - - 2.2 0.1<br />

Total assets - 2.2 0.1 - - 2.2 0.1<br />

Liabilities<br />

Derivative liabilities<br />

- interest rate swaps - - - (0.4) - - - (0.4)<br />

- cross-currency swaps - - (17.0) (46.5) - - (17.0) (46.5)<br />

US medium-term<br />

notes<br />

- - (166.9) (220.0) - - (166.9) (220.0)<br />

Total liabilities - - (183.9) (266.9) - - (183.9) (266.9)<br />

The level 2 derivatives that the Fund has at 30 June 2013 include interest rate swaps and crosscurrency<br />

swaps. The fair values of these derivatives are calculated as the present value of the<br />

estimated future cash flows based on the forward price curve of interest rates and compared to the<br />

counterparties’ valuation for the derivative. The fair values of all derivative contracts have also been<br />

confirmed with the counterparties. The fair value of the US medium-term notes is calculated as the<br />

present value of the estimated future cash flows based on the observable yield curve. Refer to note<br />

19(f) for details of hedge accounting.<br />

The fair value of financial assets and liabilities included on the statement of financial position<br />

approximates their carrying value except for interest bearing borrowings. The fair values of interest<br />

bearing borrowings have been calculated by discounting the expected future cash flows by market<br />

swap rates applicable to the relevant term of the borrowing (for floating rate borrowings), and<br />

appropriate margins for borrowings with similar risk profiles.<br />

The carrying amounts and fair values of interest bearing borrowings for the Fund are:<br />

Carrying<br />

amount<br />

30 Jun 2013<br />

$m<br />

Fair value<br />

Carrying<br />

amount<br />

30 Jun 2012<br />

$m<br />

Fair value<br />

30 Jun 2013<br />

$m<br />

30 Jun 2012<br />

$m<br />

Short-term notes 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0<br />

Medium-term notes 407.5 421.8 199.1 215.2<br />

Cash advance facility 52.9 55.0 123.0 125.4<br />

US medium-term notes 166.9 166.9 220.0 220.0<br />

Convertible notes 189.1 204.2 182.8 206.0<br />

Total interest bearing borrowings 916.4 947.9 824.9 866.6<br />

Refer to note 1(c)(ii) for valuation of investments in associates, note 1(r) for derivatives, note 1(u)<br />

and 14(d)(ii) for performance fee liabilities, note 1(k) for receivables, note 1(t) for payables and note<br />

1(v) for interest bearing liabilities.<br />




For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

20. Events occurring after the reporting date<br />

On 24 July 2013, the CMIL Board announced it had received a highly conditional, indicative<br />

and incomplete proposal from Commonwealth Bank of Australia to internalise the management of the<br />

Fund.<br />

The CMIL Board has established a sub-committee of Independent Directors, being Richard Haddock<br />

AM, Nancy Milne OAM and James Kropp, to consider the proposal. The CMIL Board can give no<br />

assurance that the proposal or any other transaction will proceed. It is also noted that the approval of<br />

the Fund’s unitholders would be required for the proposal to proceed.<br />

Subsequent to the end of the financial year, the Fund did not buy back or cancel any of its units under<br />

the on-market buy-back offer.<br />

Since the end of the financial year, the Directors are not aware of any other matter or circumstance<br />

not otherwise dealt with in this financial report that has significantly affected or may significantly<br />

affect the Fund’s operations, the results of those operations or the Fund’s state of affairs in future<br />

financial years.<br />

21. Contingencies<br />

The Fund has no contingent assets and liabilities as at 30 June 2013 (Jun 2012: nil).<br />




For the year ended 30 June 2013<br />

22. Parent entity financial information<br />

(a)<br />

Summary information<br />

The individual financial statements for the parent entity show the following aggregate amounts:<br />

<strong>State</strong>ment of financial position<br />

30 Jun 2013 30 Jun 2012<br />

$m $m<br />

Current assets 850.1 857.8<br />

Total assets 4,082.4 3,914.4<br />

Current liabilities 562.6 540.4<br />

Total liabilities 1,379.0 1,202.7<br />

Equity<br />

Contributed equity 2,383.4 2,383.4<br />

Undistributed reserves (25.3) (69.3)<br />

Available-for-sale investment revaluation reserve 345.3 397.6<br />

Total equity 2,703.4 2,711.7<br />

Net profit for the financial year 197.7 141.8<br />

Total comprehensive income for the financial year 145.4 256.4<br />

(b)<br />

Contingent liabilities of the parent entity<br />

The parent entity has no contingent liabilities at reporting date (Jun 2012: nil).<br />

(c)<br />

Commitments of the parent entity<br />

The parent entity is committed to financing the development of 5 Martin Place, Sydney of $153.4<br />

million via a loan to its controlled entity 120 Pitt Street Trust. Prior year commitment of $50.0 million<br />

related to the development of 145 Ann Street, Brisbane which is now complete. The interest charged<br />

is the weighted average interest rate for the Fund. Apart from this commitment, there are no other<br />

material commitments at reporting date.<br />

23. Net tangible asset backing per unit<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2013<br />

Consolidated<br />

30 Jun 2012<br />

Net tangible assets ($m) 2,703.4 2,711.7<br />

Net tangible asset backing per unit ($) 1.15 1.16<br />

Net tangible asset backing per unit is calculated by dividing the total equity attributable to unitholders<br />

of the Fund by the number of ordinary units on issue. The number of ordinary units used in the<br />

calculation can be found in note 12.<br />




In accordance with a resolution of the Directors of Commonwealth Managed <strong>Investments</strong> Limited, the<br />

Responsible Entity for the Commonwealth Property Office Fund, we declare that:<br />

(a) in the opinion of the Directors, the financial statements and notes set out on pages 11 to 56<br />

are in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001, including:<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

(i)<br />

(ii)<br />

giving a true and fair view of the Fund and its controlled entities’ financial position as at<br />

30 June 2013 and of the performance for the financial year ended on that date, and<br />

complying with Australian Accounting Standards, the Corporations Regulations 2001 and<br />

the Fund Constitution, and<br />

in the opinion of the Directors, there are reasonable grounds to believe that the Fund and its<br />

controlled entities will be able to pay their debts as and when they become due and payable,<br />

and<br />

the Directors have been given the Declarations required to be made to the Directors in<br />

accordance with section 295A of the Corporations Act 2001 for the financial year ended 30 June<br />

2013.<br />

Note 1(a) confirms that the financial statements also comply with International Financial Reporting<br />

Standards as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board.<br />

Signed in accordance with the resolution of the Directors of Commonwealth Managed <strong>Investments</strong><br />

Limited.<br />

R M Haddock AM<br />

Director<br />

Sydney<br />

20 August 2013<br />


Independent auditor’s report to the unitholders of<br />

Commonwealth Property Office Fund<br />

Report on the financial report<br />

We have audited the accompanying financial report of Commonwealth Property Office Fund (the<br />

registered scheme), which comprises the statement of financial position as at 30 June 2013, and the<br />

statement of comprehensive income, statement of changes in equity and statement of cash flows for the<br />

year ended on that date, a summary of significant accounting policies, other explanatory notes and the<br />

directors’ declaration for the Commonwealth Property Office Fund Group (the consolidated entity). The<br />

consolidated entity comprises the registered scheme and the entities it controlled at the year's end or<br />

from time to time during the financial year.<br />

Directors’ responsibility for the financial report<br />

The directors of Commonwealth Managed <strong>Investments</strong> Limited (the Responsible Entity) are responsible<br />

for the preparation of the financial report that gives a true and fair view in accordance with Australian<br />

Accounting Standards and the Corporations Act 2001 and for such internal control as the directors<br />

determine is necessary to enable the preparation of the financial report that is free from material<br />

misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. In note 1, the directors also state, in accordance with<br />

Accounting Standard AASB 101 Presentation of Financial <strong>State</strong>ments, that the financial statements<br />

comply with International Financial Reporting Standards.<br />

Auditor’s responsibility<br />

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the financial report based on our audit. We conducted our<br />

audit in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards. These Auditing Standards require that we<br />

comply with relevant ethical requirements relating to audit engagements and plan and perform the audit<br />

to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial report is free from material misstatement.<br />

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in<br />

the financial report. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgement, including the<br />

assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial report, whether due to fraud or error. In<br />

making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation<br />

and fair presentation of the financial report in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in<br />

the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s<br />

internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and<br />

the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by the directors, as well as evaluating the overall<br />

presentation of the financial report.<br />

Our procedures include reading the other information in the Annual Report to determine whether it<br />

contains any material inconsistencies with the financial report.<br />

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for<br />

our audit opinions.<br />

PricewaterhouseCoopers, ABN 52 780 433 757<br />

Darling Park Tower 2, 201 Sussex Street, GPO BOX 2650, SYDNEY NSW 1171<br />

T: +61 2 8266 0000, F: +61 2 8266 9999, www.pwc.com.au<br />

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

Independence<br />

In conducting our audit, we have complied with the independence requirements of the Corporations Act<br />

2001.<br />

Auditor’s opinion<br />

In our opinion:<br />

(a)<br />

the financial report of Commonwealth Property Office Fund is in accordance with the<br />

Corporations Act 2001, including:<br />

(i)<br />

(ii)<br />

giving a true and fair view of the consolidated entity’s financial position as at 30 June<br />

2013 and of its performance for the year ended on that date; and<br />

complying with Australian Accounting Standards (including the Australian Accounting<br />

Interpretations) and the Corporations Regulations 2001; and<br />

(b)<br />

the financial report and notes also comply with International Financial Reporting Standards as<br />

disclosed in note 1.<br />

PricewaterhouseCoopers<br />

TJO Peel<br />

Partner<br />

20 August 2013<br />


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