All about potatoes.pdf - Vegetableipmasia.org

All about potatoes.pdf - Vegetableipmasia.org

All about potatoes.pdf - Vegetableipmasia.org


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4.<br />


C. Prepare seed bed media<br />

Seed beds in screen houses use a media made of a mixture of soil, sand and<br />

manure in a ratio of 1:1:1. The mixture is sterilized (living <strong>org</strong>anisms are removed) by<br />

steaming it for approximately 7-10 hours. This can be done by using an old oil drum.<br />

A layer of water is put in the drum and a sieve is placed above the water to stop the<br />

soil from getting wet. The soil is placed on top of the sieve and bamboo sticks with<br />

holes down its sides are stuck into the middle of the soil mixture to regulate the<br />

temperature. After it has been steamed, the media is spread over the seedbed trays<br />

and allowed to cool.<br />

D. Planting materials and method<br />

Tools needed in this process are a penknife and buckets. Materials necessary are<br />

clean water (mineral drinking water can be used), 95% alcohol, root growth<br />

stimulating chemicals (available in farming supplies shops), tray with media and seed<br />

materials. <strong>All</strong> tools must be sterilized before use by wiping them with the 95%<br />

alcohol. Seed materials that can be used are mini tubers and plantlets produced from<br />

tissue culture.<br />

How to plant:<br />

• Mini tubers - Plant mini tubers with a spacing of 20 cm x 20 cm at a depth of 5 - 10<br />

cm into the media.<br />

• Tissue culture plantlets - Pull up tissue culture plantlets and clean their roots. You<br />

must do this carefully to prevent roots and stems from breaking. Then plant them<br />

with a spacing of 10 cm x 10 cm.<br />

E. Plant care<br />

Plants are tended while they are growing by removing those plant parts damaged by<br />

pests and disease, as well as loosening media, applying fertilizer and watering. Soil<br />

is loosened and hilled up at 14 DAP. Fertilizer is applied by spraying a solution of<br />

compound fertilizer made by dissolving 5 grams of compound fertilizer in 1 liter of<br />

water.<br />

F. Taking cuttings for propagation<br />

When seed material is growing well, take stem cuttings for propagation at <strong>about</strong> 8-15<br />

DAP. These stem cuttings, taken from parent stock plants, should be <strong>about</strong> 3-4 cm<br />

long (1-2 shoots), be dipped in a solution of a root growth stimulating chemical and<br />

planted in different trays with plant spacing of 20 cm x 20 cm. Cuttings should be<br />

taken in the afternoon taking care to use a sterile knife. After planting, shade parent<br />

stock plants and stem cuttings with banana leaves. You may take cuttings five times<br />

from each plant.<br />

G. Harvesting<br />

Harvesting takes place at 75 DAP, or when the plants start to die. Do this by<br />

dismantling the soil around the plants. One plant typically produces 2-4 tubers each<br />

weighting 10-20 grams. Select tubers based on their size and then store them. The<br />

tubers can be used for seed to plant in the fields or propagated in a screen house to<br />

produce the next generation of seed tubers.<br />

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