Kopparberg Mineral AB: - Redeye

Kopparberg Mineral AB: - Redeye

Kopparberg Mineral AB: - Redeye


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<strong>Kopparberg</strong> <strong>Mineral</strong> <strong>AB</strong>: <br />

Explora3on and project development <br />

in Bergslagen <br />

Management presenta,on <br />

March 20 2013 <br />

Per Storm, CEO

Disclaimer <br />

This document has been produced by <strong>Kopparberg</strong> <strong>Mineral</strong> <strong>AB</strong> (publ) (the “Company”) . This document does not cons,tute or form part of, and should not be construed as, <br />

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No representa,on or warranty, express or implied, is made as to the fairness, accuracy, or completeness of the informa,on and opinions contained in this document and no <br />

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This document may include forward-­‐looking statements, and words such as "intend", "may", "plan", "appreciate" and other statements that contains indica,ons and <br />

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Agenda <br />

• <strong>Kopparberg</strong> <strong>Mineral</strong> in brief <br />

• Our market <br />

• Project porcolio <br />

– Håkansboda/Bergslagen <br />

– Nordic Iron Ore <strong>AB</strong> <br />

– Norrliden Mining <strong>AB</strong> <br />

• Conclusion

<strong>Kopparberg</strong> <strong>Mineral</strong>: Projects & Business model <br />

Håkansboda <br />

Base and precious metals, <br />

(Bergslagen) <br />

Ownership: 100% <br />

Nordic Iron Ore <br />

Iron Ore (Bergslagen) <br />

Ownership: 20,6% <br />

Norrliden Mining <strong>AB</strong> <br />

Base and precious metals, <br />

(Skellege-­‐field) <br />

Ownership: 50% <br />

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5<br />

Conceptual <br />

studies <br />

PFS/PEA DFS Construc,o<br />

n & Invest. <br />

Mining <br />

opera,ons <br />

Divestment, increased external <br />

ownership or structural solu,on <br />

with financial/industrial party <br />


Metal markets – short-­‐term <br />

Cu 2008 to 2013 <br />

Global investments in infrastructure <br />

is expected to increase to 2 100 bn <br />

USD between 2011–2020, +15-­‐20% <br />

compared to 2001–2010 (Samsung Economic <br />

Research Ins,tute) <br />

Zn 2008 to 2013 <br />


Project porPolio

Håkansboda – update <br />

Håkansboda, mineral resource <br />

es,mate <br />

Håkansboda drilling program: 7000 m, <br />

30 holes <br />

Good results from ini,al drilling <br />

Applica,on for mining concession <br />

rejected <br />

Company has appealed <br />

Class Tonnage (Kt) Copper (%) Gold (g/ton) Silver (g/ton) <br />

Measured -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ <br />

Indicated 629 1,4 0,4 14,3 <br />

Inferred 1 485 1,5 0,3 11,3 <br />


Tvistbo: Mining concession <br />

• Mining concession <br />

in April, 2012 <br />

• More indica,ons on the <br />

explora,on concessions with <br />

percentage up to 5 % zinc <br />

and 5 % lead <br />

• <strong>Mineral</strong>iza,on open towards depth <br />

and to the north <br />

• Core drilling planned for spring/summer 2013 <br />

Class Kton Zinc, % Lead, % Silver, g/ton <br />

Indicated* 575 3,3 2,6 27 <br />

Inferred* 281 3,0 2,5 20 * Hans Torshag QP SweMin,<br />


Ludvika Mines – Sweden:s next iron ore producer <br />

Blötberget – infrastructure and <br />

ore bodies <br />


Nordic Iron Ore – iron ore project with large poten3al <br />

• Associated company (ownership: 20,6%) to restart Ludvika Mines <br />

– Granted mining concessions for Blötberget and Håksberg <br />

• Brown-­‐field, exis,ng railroad and LOI with Oxelösund <br />

• Environmental permit submiPed in July, 2012 <br />

• Almost triple mineral resource statement early 2013 <br />


Nordic Iron Ore – recent development <br />

• Completed first phase of core-­‐drilling campaign of Blötberget and parts of <br />

the Väsman field <br />

– It is the first phase of a more extensive program to be completed during summer 2013 <br />

– More than doubled indicated and inferred tonnage ager drilling campaign <br />

• LePer of Intent signed with Oxelösunds Harbour for shipment of up to 5 <br />

million tonnes of iron ore annually <br />

• On track for produc,on late 2015 <br />

Indicated Fe grade Inferred Fe grade <br />

Mtonnes <br />

Mtonnes <br />

Blötberget (Mt) 29.8 44.5% 10.2 42.9% <br />

Väsman (south) 7.0 38.5% 85.9 38.4% <br />

Håksberg 25.4 36.4% 11.6 36.0% <br />

62.2 40.3% 107.7 38.6 <br />


Ludvika Mines – Compe33ve economics <br />

Global cost curve (2013 estimate, USD/Tonne)<br />

USD 73/Tonne<br />

48<br />

12<br />

Source: Credit Suisse

Nordic Iron Ore – Summary <br />

Very compe33ve OPEX <br />

and exis3ng logis3cs <br />

• Cash cost $ 48/t FOB Oxelösund <br />

• Investment cost less than $ 150/Mtpa <br />

• Exis,ng 280 km rail from site to deep water port <br />

High quality product <br />

• 67 % Fe – high grade iron ore concentrate <br />

• Sinter feed to Europe and/or <br />

• Pellet feed to Europe and/or Middle East <br />

Low development risk <br />

• Exis,ng mine infrastructure <br />

• Very low social and environmental impact <br />

• Solid local and regional backing from stakeholders <br />

Large mineraliza3on with <br />

expansion targets <br />

• 62,2 MT indicated and 107,7 MT inferred JORC compliant <br />

resource <br />

• High impact explora,on targets defined <br />

• Extensive geological knowledge <br />


”There is extensive copper-­‐silver-­‐gold mineraliza

Norrliden Mining in the Skellege-­‐field <br />

• Historic mines <br />

• Open mines <br />

• Norrliden Mining <strong>AB</strong> projects <br />

A 7+ Mt (M&I) base and precious metal company with <br />

advanced deposits and a true blue-­‐sky poten,al<br />


Copperstone/Eva – status <br />

• Advance stage VHMS polymetallici depost <br />

• Mining concession applica,on pending <br />

• Eva deposit is considered a <br />

na,onal interest for mining (2010) <br />

• Zinc-­‐gold-­‐silver massive sulphide bodies, <br />

some copper, lead <br />

• Composed of upper sulphide lenses and <br />

lower feeder system <br />

• Limited historic lab-­‐scale metallurgical <br />

tes,ng <br />

5.16mt historic resource <br />

es3mated in upper <br />

lenses only <br />

EVA Resource <br />

Ktonne Zn % Pb % Cu % Au g/t Ag g/t <br />

Indicated* 5 160 2.39 0.36 0.25 0.96 38 <br />

*Hans Torshag, QP, SweMin <br />

Non-­‐compliant, historic NANR internal es,ma,on <br />


Copperstone/North, <br />

historic explora3on <br />

Cu-Ag<br />

Cu-Ag<br />

Two disseminated Cu-­‐Ag-­‐Au mineraliza3on <br />

targets, including: <br />

• 82 m @ 0.77 % Cu and 4.5 g/t Ag <br />

• 26 m @ 1.12 % Cu and 7.0 g/t Ag <br />

• 33 m @ 0.82 % Cu and 6.3 g/t Ag <br />

• 31 m @ 0.74 % Cu and 11.3 g/t Ag <br />

Cu-Ag-Zn<br />

Zn-Ag-Au-Cu<br />


Norra Norrliden -­‐ status <br />

Norra Norrliden contains:<br />

• Polymetallic VHMS-deposit with a<br />

mining concession Norrliden K nr 1,<br />

19 ha<br />

• Updated JORC <strong>Mineral</strong> Resource<br />

(Adam Wheeler, QP United Kingdom<br />

2012)<br />

• Mine plan and valid test mining<br />

permission<br />

• Excellent, robust, economics: cash<br />

positive in two years<br />

18<br />

Norra Norrliden Ktonnes Zinc, % Lead % Copper % Gold g/t Silver, g/t<br />

Measured 493 2,93 0,39 0,74 0,65 58,9<br />

Indicated 1 499 2,89 0,31 0,59 0,54 40,2<br />

Inferred 914 1,58 0,22 0,76 0,34 33,6


Conclusion <br />

• WE ARE: <br />

– A unique explora,on company with broad geological, mine engineering and <br />

financial competence and experienced management and Board of Directors <br />

– Efficient, flexible and cost-­‐conscious organiza,on <br />

• WE HAVE: <br />

– Three very exci,ng projects with large value-­‐genera,ng poten,al: <br />

Håkansboda, Nordic Iron Ore, Norrliden Mining <br />

– The right outer condi,ons: Areas that are under-­‐explored with modern <br />

techniques and forecasts of long-­‐term stability in the prices of raw materials <br />

• WE WILL: <br />

… pursue on-­‐going drilling program in Håkansboda <br />

… develop Norrliden Mining <strong>AB</strong> <br />

… con,nue to be an ac,ve and value-­‐crea,ng owner in Nordic Iron Ore <br />


Thank you! <br />

<strong>Kopparberg</strong> <strong>Mineral</strong> <strong>AB</strong> <br />

Verkstadsvägen 52, <strong>Kopparberg</strong> <br />

Kungsgatan 62, Uppsala <br />

Tel: +46 (0)705 – 94 90 24 <br />

Per.storm@kopparbergmineral.se <br />

www.kopparbergmineral.se <br />


<strong>Kopparberg</strong> <strong>Mineral</strong> <strong>AB</strong> <br />

22<br />

”We are an explora

<strong>Kopparberg</strong> <strong>Mineral</strong> in brief <br />

• About 2 700 shareholders. Listed on NASDAQ OMX First North since 2011 <br />

• 28 own explora,on permits of about 12 500 hectares <br />

• 13 explora,on permits of about 17 600 hectares in Norrliden Mining <strong>AB</strong> <br />

• 19 explora,on permits of about 7 440 hectares in Nordic Iron Ore <strong>AB</strong> <br />

• 2 own exploita,on concessions (one applied) for Tvistbo and Håkansboda of about <br />

20 hectares <br />

• 3 exploita,on concessions (one applied) of about 90 hectares in Norrliden Mining <br />

• 2 exploita,on concessions, Blötberget, Håksberg, of 263 hectares in Nordic Iron Ore <br />

• 1 204 kt indicated in wholly-­‐owned projects (base and precious metals) <br />

• 7 152 kt measured and indicated in Norrliden Mining <strong>AB</strong> (base and precious metals) <br />

• 62,2 MT indicated and 107,7 MT inferred in Nordic Iron Ore <strong>AB</strong> (iron ore) <br />


Price development, copper – 1900-­‐2011 <br />

10000 <br />

9000 <br />

8000 <br />

7000 <br />

6000 <br />

5000 <br />

4000 <br />

USD/t <br />

3000 <br />

2000 <br />

1000 <br />

33 yrs<br />

-3.5%pa<br />

40 yrs<br />

2.3%pa<br />

29 yrs<br />

-3.5%pa<br />

0 <br />

1900 <br />

1903 <br />

1906 <br />

1909 <br />

1912 <br />

1915 <br />

1918 <br />

1921 <br />

1924 <br />

1927 <br />

1930 <br />

1933 <br />

1936 <br />

1939 <br />

1942 <br />

1945 <br />

1948 <br />

1951 <br />

1954 <br />

1957 <br />

1960 <br />

1963 <br />

1966 <br />

1969 <br />

1972 <br />

1975 <br />

1978 <br />

1981 <br />

1984 <br />

1987 <br />

1990 <br />

1993 <br />

1996 <br />

1999 <br />

2002 <br />

2005 <br />

2008 <br />

2011 <br />

2014 <br />

2017 <br />

2020 <br />

• Long cycles driven by social changes over ,me <br />

• Progression of the developing countries, both in recent years and going <br />

forward, imparts new price-­‐levels for all metals – not only copper <br />


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