TV Format Adaptation - Nordicom

TV Format Adaptation - Nordicom

TV Format Adaptation - Nordicom


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by<br />

Pia Majbritt Jensen<br />

A thesis submitted in fulfillment of<br />

the requirements for the degree of<br />

PhD<br />

Aarhus University, Denmark<br />




Chapter 1............................................................................................................................... 5<br />

Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 5<br />

Chapter 2............................................................................................................................. 12<br />

The Television <strong>Format</strong>, the Trans-national <strong>Format</strong> Trade & the Internationalisation<br />

of Television.................................................................................................................... 12<br />

What is a television format?....................................................................................... 14<br />

Global and local extent of the television format trade............................................... 16<br />

The structure of the international television format market ...................................... 19<br />

The increasing importance of formats in international television............................. 21<br />

The advantages of format adaptation......................................................................... 22<br />

<strong>Format</strong>s minimise cultural discount........................................................................... 25<br />

<strong>Format</strong>s are both transparent and opaque .................................................................. 26<br />

<strong>Format</strong>s amalgamate global and local........................................................................ 27<br />

Regional nuances to the internationalisation of television........................................ 30<br />

Americanisation and cross-cultural media influences............................................... 34<br />

Central academic positions and perspectives on television formats ......................... 38<br />

Main problems and research questions...................................................................... 45<br />

Chapter 3............................................................................................................................. 49<br />

Theoretical Perspectives on Media System & Genre ................................................... 49<br />

MEDIA SYSTEM THEORIES........................................................................................... 50<br />

Three media system models.................................................................................. 52<br />

The media system, media systemic agents and macro structures ........................ 55<br />

The television format as trans-national production ecology ................................ 61<br />

TELEVISION GENRE THEORIES..................................................................................... 65<br />

Why is the concept of genre useful?..................................................................... 66<br />

Genres as cultural categories................................................................................. 67<br />

Television’s texts................................................................................................... 69<br />

Genre divisions...................................................................................................... 71<br />

Media systemic context of lifestyle and reality television ................................... 73<br />

Lifestyle television ................................................................................................ 75<br />

Reality television................................................................................................... 78<br />

Lifestyle and reality compared: Small-talk television versus peak realism......... 82<br />

Media system – organisation and genre – schedules and programs..................... 85<br />

Chapter 4............................................................................................................................. 86<br />

Methodological Choices & Research Design ............................................................... 86<br />

MEDIA SYSTEM ANALYSIS OF DENMARK AND AUSTRALIA........................................ 88<br />

INTERVIEWS WITH INDUSTRY PROFESSIONALS........................................................... 92<br />

ANALYSES OF PRIMETIME TELEVISION SCHEDULES.................................................. 101<br />

Inspiration for schedule analyses ........................................................................ 101<br />

Main broadcasters, primetime, 1995-2000-2005................................................ 104<br />

Genre divisions.................................................................................................... 108<br />

Sample size and categorisation of programs....................................................... 109<br />



PROGRAM ANALYSES OF FOUR ADAPTATIONS.......................................................... 111<br />

TWO GENERAL METHODOLOGICAL PROBLEMS......................................................... 115<br />

Chapter 5........................................................................................................................... 117<br />

The Media Systems of Australia and Denmark.......................................................... 117<br />


Penetration........................................................................................................... 122<br />

Diversity .............................................................................................................. 123<br />

Concentration ...................................................................................................... 124<br />

Funding................................................................................................................ 125<br />

Ownership............................................................................................................ 126<br />

Responsibility and accountability ....................................................................... 126<br />

THE AUSTRALIAN TELEVISION SYSTEM.................................................................... 130<br />

Television market structure................................................................................. 133<br />

History of Australian television .......................................................................... 136<br />

Legislation ........................................................................................................... 140<br />

Content regulation and standards........................................................................ 143<br />

Conclusion: Continuity over change................................................................... 145<br />

THE DANISH TELEVISION SYSTEM ............................................................................ 147<br />

Television market structure................................................................................. 148<br />

History of Danish television................................................................................ 152<br />

Legislation ........................................................................................................... 157<br />

Content regulation and standards........................................................................ 159<br />

Conclusion: transition into a ‘bastard’, mixed multi-channel system................ 162<br />


DEMOCRATIC............................................................................................................. 165<br />

Chapter 6........................................................................................................................... 169<br />

Impacts of <strong>Format</strong> <strong>Adaptation</strong> on Danish and Australian Primetime ..................... 169<br />

DENMARK ................................................................................................................. 170<br />

DR1...................................................................................................................... 170<br />

<strong>TV</strong> 2..................................................................................................................... 172<br />

<strong>TV</strong>3...................................................................................................................... 175<br />

TvDanmark.......................................................................................................... 179<br />

Summary and perspectives on Denmark in general ........................................... 182<br />

AUSTRALIA ............................................................................................................... 186<br />

Channel Seven..................................................................................................... 186<br />

Channel Nine....................................................................................................... 190<br />

Channel Ten......................................................................................................... 194<br />

ABC ..................................................................................................................... 197<br />

SBS ...................................................................................................................... 199<br />

Summary and perspectives on Australia in general............................................ 201<br />

DENMARK AND AUSTRALIA COMPARED................................................................... 205<br />

MEDIA SYSTEMIC EXPLANATIONS ............................................................................ 210<br />

Chapter 7........................................................................................................................... 215<br />

“Ground Force” and “Hokus Krokus” ...................................................................... 215<br />

Narrative structure: Australian melodrama versus Danish coolness....................... 217<br />

Audiovisual aesthetics: Direct emotional appeal versus limited emotional appeal 219<br />

The presenters: Australian playfulness versus Danish working partnership .......... 221<br />

Summary: Danish public service and Australian commercial television?.............. 227<br />

Broadcaster and production perspectives................................................................. 229<br />



Chapter 8........................................................................................................................... 236<br />

“The Block” and “Huset”............................................................................................ 236<br />

Reality meets lifestyle .............................................................................................. 237<br />

Casting – Australian extraordinariness versus Danish ordinariness ....................... 239<br />

Location – Manly and Mejlborg .............................................................................. 240<br />

The first day on The Block and Huset – conflict versus team building................... 241<br />

Summary: Armani versus Kansas............................................................................ 248<br />

Broadcaster and production perspectives................................................................. 250<br />

Chapter 9........................................................................................................................... 255<br />

“FC Zulu” AND “Nerds FC”...................................................................................... 255<br />

Positive and humorous reality.................................................................................. 257<br />

Similarities between FC Zulu and Nerds FC........................................................... 258<br />

Subtle but important differences.............................................................................. 263<br />

Summary: elitist ironic comedy versus egalitarian serious fun............................... 267<br />

Broadcaster and production perspectives................................................................. 269<br />

Chapter 10......................................................................................................................... 273<br />

“Idols” and “Australian Idol”..................................................................................... 273<br />

Classic reality ........................................................................................................... 275<br />

Similarities................................................................................................................ 277<br />

Differences................................................................................................................ 281<br />

Summary: irreverent reality versus large-scale family entertainment .................... 289<br />

Broadcaster and production perspectives................................................................. 291<br />

Chapter 11......................................................................................................................... 296<br />

Conclusions................................................................................................................... 296<br />

A brief summary.................................................................................................. 297<br />

Media system holds significant explanatory power ........................................... 299<br />

Genre perspective gives important nuances........................................................ 301<br />

Cultural and social mores.................................................................................... 301<br />

Pervasive industry ideologies?............................................................................ 303<br />

Room for methodological improvement............................................................. 304<br />

English Summary......................................................................................................... 306<br />

Dansk resume ............................................................................................................... 313<br />

Bibliography.................................................................................................................. 319<br />



C h a p t e r 1<br />


Television format adaptation is an increasingly influential practice in television<br />

markets all over the world and the primary analytical object of this thesis.<br />

<strong>Format</strong> adaptation takes place when a local television market buys a foreign<br />

program concept – the format – and adapts it into a local version. In spite of<br />

the fact that this trans-national format exchange has experienced an<br />

exponential increase in recent years, and in spite of the phenomenon’s close<br />

links to the complex processes of globalisation, which currently are the<br />

subject of a great deal of academic interest, television format adaptation has<br />

until recently remained fairly unnoticed in international media research. In<br />

many cases the internationalisation of television has been perceived as the<br />

increasing trans-national import and export of original programs, and the<br />

adaptations have been either ignored or forgotten.<br />

Nevertheless, format adaptations are particularly interesting in a globalisation<br />

perspective, theoretically as well as methodologically. Theoretically, format<br />

adaptations are interesting because they are a product of globalisation on one<br />

hand but at the same time they often remain very localised on the other. As<br />

such, they are embodiments of the global-versus-local paradox.<br />

Methodologically, they are interesting because the actual format from which<br />

local adaptations are produced is the same no matter what national<br />

broadcaster adapts it. This gives an outstanding methodological opportunity<br />

to investigate television’s globalisation and localisation processes on analytical<br />

objects, whose basic idea is identical in the start-up phase of any national<br />

adaptation but often ends up being executed in very diverse ways during<br />

production.<br />



Hypothesis, key problems and methodology<br />

The governing hypothesis of the thesis is that specific national media systemic<br />

conditions have vital explanatory power when it comes to these differences –<br />

and similarities – in format adaptation processes between countries. That is,<br />

specific format adaptation processes are more dependent on the competitive<br />

conditions, funding, content regulation, media policies, audience<br />

demographics, history and ownership of the players on a national television<br />

market than on vaguer concepts such as for example national mentalities and<br />

cultural tastes. In this sense, the thesis looks for explanations in the specific<br />

part of a nation’s culture that constitutes the media system. As a consequence,<br />

the thesis pursues the hypothesis by investigating and comparing format<br />

adaptation processes in two different countries, namely Australia and<br />

Denmark, and hence is a comparative and trans-national study.<br />

Another important aspect of format adaptation is related to genre. The<br />

majority of formats sold for local adaptation can be placed within either the<br />

traditional entertainment genre of quiz & game or within the new factual<br />

entertainment genres of reality and lifestyle. Within for example drama and<br />

documentaries it is still primarily the original programs that are being traded<br />

on the international television markets. The genres of reality and lifestyle are<br />

particularly interesting in relation to format adaptation, as their introduction<br />

more or less coincides with the mid-1990s start of the ongoing international<br />

boom in television format adaptation. Moreover, the two genres are currently<br />

experiencing an exponential growth as opposed to quiz & game, whose<br />

growth seems to have stalled. Finally, the two genres are interesting in relation<br />

to the media system hypothesis because they – contrary to quiz & game– are<br />

less constricted and, hence, more manoeuvrable for local producers and more<br />

open for local interpretation according to media systemic as well as other<br />

socio-cultural conditions.<br />

The thesis thus explores the following two key problems and relating research<br />

questions:<br />



1. FORMATS AND MEDIA SYSTEM. What role does a national media<br />

system play in the extent of and concrete production of local<br />

adaptations of international formats in the two countries?<br />

2. FORMATS AND GENRE. What role does genre – in particular the<br />

factual entertainment genres of reality and lifestyle – play in a<br />

television format context, both when it comes to the extent of<br />

format adaptation in the two countries and when it comes to the<br />

actual Danish and Australian adaptations of reality and lifestyle<br />

formats?<br />

Thus, the thesis is not an attempt to theoretically conceptualise the<br />

phenomenon of format adaptation, nor is it to analyse general and<br />

overarching structures of the format trade. Other media scholars, of whom<br />

Moran is the most prominent (see for example Moran & Malbon 2006;<br />

Moran & Keane 2006; Moran & Keane 2004a; Moran 1998), have already<br />

done this well and in much detail.<br />

Instead the thesis explores the specific consequences and effects that format<br />

adaptation has in two different television systems. By combining a media<br />

system perspective with a genre perspective the thesis takes a middle-of-the-range<br />

theoretical as well as methodological approach to the object of analysis, which<br />

will hopefully achieve insights into format adaptation processes on a fairly<br />

tangible and concrete level. This is done through a combination of four<br />

analytical methods: media system analysis, schedule analysis, interviews with<br />

television professionals and textual analyses of specific local adaptations.<br />

• Firstly, the thesis analyses and compares the media systems of<br />

Australia and Denmark, after which it investigates how the results<br />

of this analysis relate to<br />

• The extent of format adaptations and format genres in the two<br />

countries as determined through historical schedule analyses, and<br />



• Actual local reality and lifestyle format adaptation productions in<br />

the two countries, which are investigated through textual analyses<br />

as well as interviews with involved producers and broadcasters.<br />

The thesis this way presents an in-depth case study where media systemic<br />

influences are explored all the way through the format adaptation processes –<br />

from generic and organisational aspects down to the specific local<br />

adaptations.<br />

Consequently, the middle-of-the-range approach also removes the thesis from<br />

the generalised level, on which many globalisation theories operate. Many<br />

globalisation theories tend to view the media in a rigid and undiscriminating<br />

fashion, which ignores the diversity of the different media types, genres,<br />

organisational structures, financial and legislative conditions and historical<br />

backgrounds. Contrary to this, the thesis takes its point of departure in<br />

precisely this diverse media culture and will hopefully cover one of the blind<br />

spots of current media and globalisation research by way of its specific<br />

theoretical, methodological and analytical positioning.<br />

Thesis structure<br />

The main emphasis of the thesis is empirical. That is, the actual empirical<br />

analyses and subsequent results take up the majority of chapters. In fact,<br />

Chapters 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 all present the different empirical analyses that<br />

have been undertaken in order to answer the research questions, whereas<br />

Chapters 2, 3 and 4 provide vital contextual, theoretical and methodological<br />

framings for the analyses. Chapter 11 contains a brief summary and general<br />

conclusions.<br />



aspects of international format adaptation processes, the format industry and<br />



format adaptation’s close links to the increasing internationalisation of<br />

television. Chapter 2 explains what a format is, introduces the mechanisms of<br />

the international format trade and accounts for the size, genres and<br />

dominating national net-exporters of the international as well as the<br />

Australian and Danish format markets. Chapter 2 also discusses television<br />

formats in a globalisation perspective, including homogenisation as well<br />

heterogenisation of world television and the specific glocal nature of television<br />

formats. Finally, Chapter 2 determines central media scholarly positions<br />

relevant to format adaptation, after which the main problems of the thesis are<br />

formulated and discussed in detail.<br />


presents, as indicated by the title, relevant theoretical perspectives on media<br />

system and genre. These perspectives dig deeper into the two main problems<br />

of the thesis identifying analytical parameters relevant to the investigation of<br />

the two problems. It also defines the thesis’ specific theoretical positions on<br />

both media system and genre and the consequences these positions have on<br />

the methodological design. Finally, the specific genre categorisations of the<br />

thesis are described, after which the two factual entertainment genres of<br />

reality and lifestyle are explained in detail.<br />

This way, Chapter 3 qualifies the specific methodological choices and<br />

research design of the thesis, all of which is explained comprehensively in<br />


constructs the specific research designs of the four methodological<br />

approaches – media system analysis, interviews with industry professionals,<br />

schedule analyses and program analyses – and discusses possible<br />

methodological problems of the designs and the precautions taken to ensure<br />

the largest possible validity and reliability of the results.<br />


comparative analysis of Australia and Denmark’s television systems. The<br />



chapter presents the most important players on the two national television<br />

markets, media policies, content regulation and the history of the two<br />

systems, identifying a number of important differences and similarities<br />

between the two systems. The analytical results of Chapter 5 thus represent<br />

the empirical backbone of the next chapters’ more specific and format<br />

adaptation-oriented analyses of primetime schedules and four local<br />

adaptations, whose results are all related to the findings of Chapter 5.<br />


PRIMETIME, presents a comparative and historical analysis of the main<br />

channels’ primetime schedules in the two countries over a 10-year period<br />

from 1995 to 2005. The analysis focuses on the historical trends concerning<br />

the distribution of genres, the use of format adaptation and how the genre<br />

distribution and use of format adaptation interrelate. The chapter again<br />

identifies various differences and similarities between the two countries as<br />

well as within each country, all of which are explained using the results of the<br />

comparative media system analysis of Chapter 5.<br />

Chapter 7, GROUND FORCE AND HOKUS KROKUS, compares the Australian<br />

and Danish adaptations of the British format Ground Force (with the Danish<br />

title Hokus Krokus). The Ground Force format has predominantly been adapted<br />

in Anglo-Saxon and Northern European countries and thus constitutes a<br />

regional rather than an international or global format.<br />

Chapter 8, THE BLOCK AND HUSET, compares the original Australian format<br />

The Block with its Danish adaptation Huset, whereas Chapter 9, FC ZULU AND<br />

NERDS FC, compares the original Danish format FC Zulu with its Australian<br />

adaptation Nerds FC. This way the thesis explores what is at play in the<br />

format exchange between the two countries in question and between an<br />

original format and its adapted version.<br />



Chapter 10, AUSTRALIAN IDOL AND IDOLS, looks at another British format,<br />

Idol, and its Australian and Danish adaptations, which are called Australian Idol<br />

and Idols respectively. The Idol format is, as opposed to Ground Force, a truly<br />

global format, as it has been adapted in over 30 countries located in most of<br />

the world’s continents.<br />

Lastly, Chapter 11, CONCLUSIONS, sums up and draws conclusions on both<br />

the analytical results and methodology of the thesis. Moreover, the chapter<br />

tentatively maps out possible future research areas, which could add to and<br />

further substantiate or reject the results of this thesis and consequently shed<br />

further light on television format adaptation in a trans-national perspective.<br />



C h a p t e r 2<br />




Local adaptation of international formats plays an increasingly important part<br />

in international television. Television formats such as Big Brother, Survivor, Idol,<br />

Dancing with the Stars and Who Wants to be a Millionaire can be found on<br />

television screens in large parts of the world. A report recently established<br />

that in 13 Western television markets, including Denmark and Australia, the<br />

format trade had risen by 33 per cent over a three-year period making it<br />

worth more than €2.4 billion in 2004 (Schmitt et al. 2005). This chapter<br />

investigates a number of important aspects of the international television<br />

formats and the adjacent television format trade and its close connections<br />

with the increasing internationalisation of television. This is done in order to<br />

qualify and formulate the main problems and research questions investigated<br />

in this thesis. Thus, the chapter has five purposes:<br />

• Firstly, the international television format and the adjacent format<br />

trade are introduced, including theoretical concepts such as<br />

cultural discount and textual transparency, which shed further<br />

light on the complex of problems surrounding format adaptation.<br />

What is a television format and why has it come to play an<br />

increasingly important part in international television? What are<br />

the advantages of format adaptation as opposed to the<br />

alternatives – fully localised development of programming content<br />

or the purchase of original (but foreign) programs?<br />



• Secondly, the chapter introduces the global format market as well<br />

as that of Australia and Denmark specifically. How big is the<br />

format business globally and in the two countries? And what are<br />

the general tendencies when it comes to national origin and<br />

genres of the formats sold for adaptation on a worldwide and<br />

national Australian and Danish scale?<br />

• Thirdly, the chapter discusses the ties that exist between format<br />

adaptation and the increasing internationalisation of television.<br />

This includes a discussion of both the homogenisation and<br />

heterogenisation of world television, in which format adaptation<br />

is put into a localisation-versus-globalisation perspective and local<br />

experiences with the internationalisation of television are<br />

scrutinised. It is argued that formats are neither global nor local<br />

and as such form part of a trans-national media culture. On one<br />

hand, formats are the result of financial, technological and cultural<br />

globalisation while; on the other hand, they are also very local, as<br />

they are produced locally in local languages and with local<br />

participants.<br />

• Fourthly, the chapter introduces relevant and central positions<br />

within the research undertaken in the field of format adaptation.<br />

Despite the fact that only few media researchers have undertaken<br />

direct research on the subject, a number of relevant academic<br />

contributions do exist, all of which directly or indirectly relate to<br />

problems concerning format adaptation.<br />

• Finally, all of the above provides the background for a<br />

formulation of the main problems and adjacent research<br />

questions, which will be investigated throughout this thesis.<br />



What is a television format?<br />

The international television industry defines a format as a programming<br />

concept that has been sold for adaptation in at least one country outside its<br />

country of origin (Schmitt et al. 2005). By this definition, 28 formats were<br />

broadcast in Denmark and 21 formats were broadcast in Australia in 2004<br />

(Ibid.). It is important to note that this definition includes formats developed<br />

in the local countries themselves but which have later been sold for<br />

adaptation elsewhere. 1<br />

However, if we go beyond this pragmatic and operative definition and look at<br />

the television format in a theoretical perspective it could be said that a<br />

television format is the set of program invariables from which the variables of<br />

a concrete program episode are produced. On the surface, formats are<br />

comparable to any other commodity. However, a television format is actually<br />

a relatively abstract phenomenon that is made concrete in a number of<br />

separate – but at the same time, overlapping – entities (Moran 2004a, Moran<br />

2004c). On the program level, the format appears as a number of different<br />

episodes of the same program. On the production level, the format can be the<br />

paper format (a short description of the format elements), the program bible<br />

(a comprehensive description of the format ranging from the set design of the<br />

studio and program graphics to various other guidelines), and descriptions of<br />

target groups, ratings and scheduling in other territories (Moran 2004a). Thus,<br />

the formats in a way systematise television’s intrinsic difference-withinrepetition.<br />

As the quote below illustrates, formats regulate the content of a<br />

program by organising the variation that every episode represents and at the<br />

same time, figuratively speaking, binds together the television medium as a<br />

whole.<br />

1 In Chapter 6’s comparative analyses of Australian and Danish primetime schedules, I choose a slightly<br />

different definition, which actually excludes locally developed formats and therefore only includes<br />

formats developed in a foreign market. This choice will be argued in more detail in Chapter 4’s<br />

discussion of the methodological choices and research design of the thesis.<br />



Fundamentally, formats constitute processes of systematization of<br />

difference within repetition, tying together the television as a whole,<br />

national television industries, program ideas, particular adaptations, and<br />

individual episodes of specific adaptations (Moran & Keane<br />

2004b:200).<br />

In these processes of systematisation, “a rule-bound element and an element<br />

of transgression are equally important” and formats in some ways resemble<br />

genres and how genres operate (Moran & Keane 2004b:201). Having said<br />

that, formats are also very different to genres insofar as they are commodities<br />

in line with other types of media content being traded internationally and thus<br />

form part of an economic system. Genres on the other hand are not<br />

commodities but abstract schemata existing in the minds of both television<br />

producers and audiences, all of which will be explained in more detail in<br />

Chapter 3.<br />

Nevertheless, Moran & Keane (2004b) describe the relationship between the<br />

multiple levels contained in the format as “incomplete equivalence”, a term<br />

invented by Lotman (1990) in his description of genres:<br />

Indeed, in stressing the multiple levels contained in an element such as<br />

genre (or, for that matter, format), Lotman […] has coined the useful<br />

term ‘incomplete equivalence’ as a means of designating the necessary<br />

relationship between particular instances of the phenomenon or that<br />

obtaining between the level of the instance and the general level of the<br />

phenomenon. No adaptation can ever constitute the only possible or<br />

correct rendering of a particular format and neither can any single<br />

adaptation ever constitute the range of possible renderings of any format<br />

(Moran & Keane 2004:201).<br />



In other words, formats can be placed within a continuum between the<br />

radically similar and the radically different, in which another important axis is<br />

difference-within-repetition. As such, every single adaptation retrospectively<br />

constitutes and confirms “the imaginary object that is the format” (Ibid.). A<br />

concrete example of these abstract trains of thought is the first Australian<br />

version of Big Brother, which found its inspiration primarily in the British<br />

adaptation – and not in the original Dutch version – and also added a few<br />

completely new elements, which could later be circulated for use in<br />

subsequent adaptations in other countries and territories. This is discussed in<br />

more detail later in this chapter.<br />

Global and local extent of the television format trade<br />

As hinted at above, the global trade of television formats has experienced an<br />

almost exponential increase in recent years. Schmitt et al. (2005) has<br />

undertaken the most comprehensive study so far of what they call the<br />

“global” trade in television formats, but which in effect only studies the<br />

format developments in 13 Western countries in the period 2002 to 2004.<br />

Besides the two countries studied in this thesis, Denmark and Australia, the<br />

countries include the USA, the UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, the<br />

Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Norway and Poland.<br />

The “global” format market<br />

Schmitt et al. (2005) finds that, in 2004, 259 formats were broadcast in the 13<br />

countries, of which the UK had the highest number of different formats,<br />

followed by France and Germany. During the three-year period surveyed<br />

from 2002 to 2004, there was a 25 per cent increase in the number of<br />

different formats and a 22 per cent increase in the number of format hours<br />

broadcast. Also, the production value of formats in the 13 countries has<br />

climbed by 33 per cent from €1.8 billion to €2.4 billion. The USA has the<br />

highest total spend on format production, whereas the UK is the single most<br />

important format originator. A staggering 28 per cent of all formats broadcast<br />

in the 13 markets have British origin. The Netherlands is the second most<br />



important originator with 19 per cent of the format hours – mainly because<br />

of format giant Endemol – and the USA comes in a close third with 18 per<br />

cent of the format hours (Schmitt et al. 2005:23). As far as both the UK and<br />

the USA are concerned, there is evidence that their roles are on a slight<br />

decrease, whereas the number of Dutch format hours have grown more<br />

strongly than the overall market.<br />

When it comes to genres, the quiz & game show format is by far the most<br />

important genre when it comes to number of hours broadcast, accounting for<br />

50 per cent of all format hours in the 13 countries. Nevertheless, quiz & game<br />

show formats have only grown by 5 per cent, which is a smaller growth than<br />

most other genres. Reality is the second most important genre, which<br />

accounts for 24 per cent of all format hours. Its growth rate has been 22 per<br />

cent, which is very much like the overall market. The relatively new genres of<br />

makeover and home improvement (or ‘lifestyle’, as is the shared genre label of<br />

the two genres used throughout this thesis and explained in more detail in<br />

Chapter 3) have experienced the highest growth rates: 1425 per cent and 213<br />

per cent respectively. Traditional entertainment is the only genre to<br />

experience a negative growth. 2<br />

Denmark’s format market<br />

The production value of the Danish format market was €60 million in 2004,<br />

up from €50 million in 2002 (Schmitt et al. 2005:209-216). The UK was the<br />

most important format exporter into Denmark, followed by the Netherlands.<br />

The USA, Sweden and Norway were also important format exporters in<br />

Denmark. Most of the formats broadcast on Danish television fell within the<br />

reality genre. Quiz & game show formats constituted the second most<br />

important genre although the genre has been on a decrease in the three-year<br />

2 It is important to note that Schmitt et al. (2005) does not give a definition of the different genres. We<br />

do therefore not know precisely what constitutes the different genres. Chapter 3 contains a discussion<br />

and description of the genre definitions used throughout this thesis.<br />



period. In 2004, makeover and home improvement – together with traditional<br />

entertainment – were also important format genres.<br />

Australia’s format market<br />

The production value of the Australian format market was €94 million in<br />

2004, up from €52m in 2002 (Schmitt et al. 2005:249-256). The UK, the USA<br />

and the Netherlands were the three most important exporters of formats into<br />

Australia both in terms of number of formats and format hours.<br />

Nevertheless, it seems American formats have experienced an increase in the<br />

period, whereas British formats have decreased over the three years. The<br />

Australian format market seems completely dominated by the ‘big three’<br />

format exporters, the UK, the Netherlands and the USA. In 2004, only three<br />

other countries, New Zealand, Denmark and Belgium, each exported one<br />

format into the Australian market. Quiz & game show is by far the most<br />

important Australian format genre. Contrary to Denmark, the reality genre<br />

trails far behind in second place, and home improvement and makeover is an<br />

even more distant third.<br />

Summing up, Australia’s format market is bigger than Denmark’s and<br />

primarily dominated by the three big format exporting countries, the UK, the<br />

USA and the Netherlands, whereas Denmark also imports formats from<br />

other countries, primarily the two other Scandinavian countries, Sweden and<br />

Norway. In other words, Australia’s Anglo-Saxon and Denmark’s<br />

Scandinavian heritage is evident in the broadcasters’ format choices. This fits<br />

well with the theory of geo-linguistic regions, which is investigated later in the<br />

chapter. When it comes to format genres, Denmark’s by far most important<br />

genre is reality, whereas Australia’s is the quiz & game show genre, which is<br />

also the most important genre on an international scale. In Denmark, quiz &<br />

game show only came in second and has even experienced a decrease over<br />

the three-year period. Chapter 6 offers a much more detailed and<br />

comprehensive study, which more or less confirms the above, of Australian<br />

and Danish television schedules in terms of the historical and contemporary<br />



use of format adaptations in the two countries, including the number of<br />

formats, format genres and format hours over a 10-year period.<br />

The structure of the international television format market<br />

This paragraph will briefly describe the structure of the television format<br />

market and the most important mechanisms and players involved in the trade<br />

of a television format. Firstly, figure 2.1 illustrates the structure of the various<br />

players on the television format market. The figure is sourced from Wedell-<br />

Wedellsborg (2005).<br />

Figure 2.1 > The structure of the television format market<br />

The figure shows how a format originates as an idea in the head of a format<br />

originator in one country, where it is sold as a paper format – that is, the idea<br />

written down on paper – to a local broadcaster and/or local production unit,<br />

which produces the original version. If this version is successful with local<br />

viewers, the format may enter the international market for format packages –<br />

that is, the format concepts sold for local adaptation – in which the format<br />

originator sells the format rights via an international distributor to one or<br />

more foreign broadcasters and production units. A format package typically<br />

contains the program bible, previous local adaptations including the original<br />

version, ratings history, production assistance, etc. In this respect it is<br />

important to note that the national broadcaster, which decides to produce and<br />



fund the paper format in the first place, constitutes an important gateway.<br />

The broadcaster decides exclusively which programs to fund and hence which<br />

formats get through to the international market. 3 Also, it is important that the<br />

use of the word ‘format’ throughout this thesis refers to what is termed<br />

‘format package’ in the above structure.<br />

Another point worth mentioning is that the large trans-national media<br />

conglomerates such as Endemol and Fremantle Media often benefit from<br />

both vertical and horizontal integration in the format exploitation chain due<br />

to international mergers and joint ventures. Vertically, and on a national level,<br />

they often control the origination, distribution and production of the format.<br />

Horizontally, and on a trans-national level, they own or cooperate with<br />

various local originators, various local distributors, and various local<br />

production outfits. Danish Blu Productions and Australian Grundy, for<br />

example, form part of Fremantle, and Danish Metronome and Australian<br />

Southern Star are part of Endemol.<br />

<strong>Format</strong> packages are mainly sold at a number of annual trade meetings such<br />

as MIPCOM and MIP-<strong>TV</strong> in Cannes, Natpe in New Orleans, the Monte<br />

Carlo Television Festival and the London Program Market. Moran & Keane<br />

(2006) has undertaken an interesting case study of the cultural power at play<br />

in these markets, in which they trace the cultural power in terms of “the<br />

operation of a lingua franca – in this case the English language – that helps<br />

both to serve and drive the international format business” (Ibid:84). 4<br />

3 For a detailed account of the various players in and the structure of the format market, see Wedell-<br />

Wedellsborg (2005).<br />

4 There are also a number of interesting legal problems related to the television format market. However,<br />

these will not be accounted for here, as this is not directly related to the problems of this thesis.<br />

Instead, I will refer to Wedell-Wedellsborg (2005), Doyle (2002), and Deichmann (2002) for further<br />

and more detailed information on the subject.<br />



The increasing importance of formats in international television<br />

A large part of the explanations behind the increasing use of adaptations can<br />

be found in the multi-channel television landscape, a term that covers the big<br />

and partly global-scale changes that the institution of television has<br />

experienced within the last two decades. These changes include new<br />

distribution technologies and media convergence, resulting in an explosion in<br />

the number of content suppliers and television channels. In this period<br />

television has gone from being an oligarchy of traditional broadcasters to<br />

being a fragmented and differentiated multi-channel landscape consisting of<br />

the traditional broadcasters as well as new and primarily commercial players.<br />

Various forms of satellite, cable and subscription television have been created<br />

and expanded, and so have a lot of new content suppliers from for example<br />

the IT industry and the telephone companies. This has lead to more<br />

specialised channels tailored to smaller audience groups. At the same time a<br />

program is no longer strictly confined to the television screen. Other<br />

distribution channels such as SMS, websites, DVD and pod-casts are also<br />

often used (Moran 2004c).<br />

An inevitable result of these changes is lower audience ratings for almost all<br />

types of programs – no matter how popular a program may be with the<br />

audience (ibid.). This is clearly the case on Danish television. Just a decade<br />

ago, ratings over a million viewers – or even 1.5 million – in a country of only<br />

just over five million inhabitants were not unusual. Today only the expensive<br />

drama productions of the public service broadcaster DR and important<br />

national sports events reach these numbers. This leads to stagnation or even a<br />

fall in the demand for expensive primetime genres such as drama. In the UK<br />

there has been a fall in both primetime drama and current affairs (Brunsdon<br />

et al. 2001), and the same has been the case in Australia (Moran 2004c).<br />

Instead cheaper genres – such as the factual entertainment genres of lifestyle<br />

and reality – are gaining access to primetime, at the same time as broadcasters<br />



are trying to keep the research and development (R&D) costs to a minimum.<br />

And this is exactly where adaptations can be useful. <strong>Format</strong> adaptation has a<br />

number of potential legal, political and ultimately financial advantages for the<br />

local producer and broadcaster as well as for the format developer.<br />

The advantages of format adaptation<br />

The format is a vital element in the industry’s attempts to regulate the<br />

increasingly trans-national recycling and exchange of content. As such, it<br />

constitutes an attempt by the industry to materialise and commercialise an<br />

idea, which by nature is immaterial. There are three reasons for this:<br />

• As a result of the multi-channel landscape, recycling and<br />

plagiarism have risen dramatically in recent years, as the demand<br />

for content is bigger than ever before (Moran 2004c).<br />

• This has created a much greater need in the television industry to<br />

control who will benefit from a specific content. This way the<br />

format gains as much “financial mileage” for the developer as<br />

possible (Ibid.). 5<br />

• Before the multi-channel landscape the format developer knew<br />

little – or nothing at all – of any foreign plagiarists, and he rarely<br />

had the international scope to take legal action against them. This<br />

is however not the case today because format developers often<br />

form part of a trans-national media enterprise of some kind such<br />

as Australian Southern Star and Danish Metronome, which are<br />

both joint-ventures with Endemol. In addition, in 2000, the<br />

international television industry formed the <strong>Format</strong> Recognition<br />

and Protection Association, FRAPA, whose purpose it is to<br />

combat international plagiarism and, hence, protect and ensure<br />

larger revenues for format developers.<br />

5 The payment method of these ‘loans’ of formats or format elements used to be undertaken as merely a<br />

few praising words of respect to the original format developer. However, quite often nobody even<br />

mentioned the source of inspiration (Moran 2004c).<br />



The local buyer of a format also gains a number of advantages. If one<br />

compares adapting a format with the alternatives – developing your own<br />

program or broadcasting the original foreign program – format adaptation<br />

represents the following advantages:<br />

• Compared to a locally developed program, adapting a foreign<br />

format means that the local broadcaster or production company<br />

save the costs for the research and development of the program.<br />

• <strong>Format</strong>s that are traded internationally also come with a track<br />

record and therefore with a built-in guarantee of success seeing as<br />

they have already survived at least two rounds of research and<br />

development (Moran 2004c). In the first place they have been<br />

approved by television executives and put into production, in the<br />

second place they have been approved by viewers in one or more<br />

countries. 6<br />

• An adaptation also has the advantage that it is produced in the<br />

local language, as opposed to an acquired original program, which<br />

in most places will be in a language incomprehensible to local<br />

viewers. 7<br />

• Also, the adaptation takes place in the local context. That is,<br />

program participants come from places that the local viewers<br />

know, they have similar jobs, and their houses, gardens and<br />

6 Of course, the fact that a program has been successful with one national audience does not necessarily<br />

guarantee success in another national market. For example, Australian developed format The Block,<br />

which has been a huge success in Australia as well as Denmark, flopped on British I<strong>TV</strong>, which may be<br />

related to the fact that I<strong>TV</strong> viewers are mainly used to drama and sports programming and not so<br />

much lifestyle and reality shows.<br />

7 Important exceptions to this are programs from the USA and the UK as well as from Spain and South<br />

and Central America. These programs would be understandable in large parts of the world where<br />

English and Spanish are main languages. These linguistic advantages will be discussed in more detail<br />

later in the chapter. Also, dubbing represents a way of avoiding linguistic alienation of viewers.<br />

However, dubbing is still not 100 per cent natural, especially because the lips of program participants<br />

are out of sync and the sound is often fairly unnatural as opposed to the original sound.<br />



problems probably look a lot like the houses, gardens and<br />

problems of the local viewers. This means that format adaptation<br />

potentially holds a much larger identification with local viewers,<br />

which again generates larger ratings and, thus, larger advertising<br />

revenues. In Denmark and Australia this is evident, as the large<br />

majority of adaptations are found in primetime, which is where<br />

the largest audiences and hence largest advertising revenues are.<br />

• Finally, there is often a good deal of political goodwill in adapting<br />

instead of broadcasting original foreign programming. Many<br />

countries, including Denmark and Australia, have politically<br />

approved content regulations demanding a certain amount of<br />

local content and in this respect adaptations count as locally<br />

produced content.<br />

As briefly mentioned, many of the formats being adapted belong to factual<br />

entertainment genres such as lifestyle (Ground Force, Queer Eye for the Straight<br />

Guy), reality shows (Idol, Big Brother, Wife Swap, Faking It) and various hybrid<br />

forms of these genres such as Under Construction, The Block and Extreme<br />

Makeover. However, it is also important to note that the large majority of<br />

format adaptations are still done within the more traditional genre of game<br />

shows. According to Schmitt et al. (2005) up to 50 per cent of all format<br />

hours in 2004 were quiz & game shows. As a matter of fact, quiz & game<br />

shows have been adapted – and plagiarised – since the beginning of television<br />

(Moran 1998) and can therefore be characterised as a sort of ‘primeval’<br />

format genre. Nevertheless, it is within the lifestyle and reality oriented factual<br />

entertainment genres that the format exchange has been booming recently<br />

(Schmitt et al. 2005).<br />



Within the fictional genres, programs are often either 100 per cent locally<br />

produced or the original foreign drama or sitcom. 8 This is most likely another<br />

result of the recent changes of primetime. The production of lifestyle, reality<br />

and quiz & game shows is fairly low cost and the programs are relatively<br />

popular with audiences (Brunsdon et al. 2001). An example of the costeffective<br />

nature of these productions is that the expenditure on professional<br />

actors and screenwriters is low compared to drama productions. In addition,<br />

the fiction subgenres such as drama series, soaps and sitcoms may also travel<br />

more easily in their original versions than various other traditional and factual<br />

entertainment programs. Drama is often more transparent and therefore<br />

more accessible to different local audiences, which will be discussed in more<br />

detail below and in Chapter 3.<br />

<strong>Format</strong>s minimise cultural discount<br />

With the above in mind, formats minimise what is known as cultural<br />

discount. Trading foreign television programming in local markets always<br />

involves a certain degree of cultural discount, which means that a foreign<br />

program loses some of its economic value due to the fact that it does not<br />

necessarily translate as well into the local culture in the new market, as it did<br />

in the local culture of its home market. The importing audience does not<br />

know or understand completely the settings, the institutions, the values, and,<br />

most importantly of all, the language portrayed in the foreign program – be it<br />

a series, documentary, or reality show. Consequently, the local audience does<br />

not identify with the foreign program to the same degree as if they were<br />

watching a locally produced program, and the foreign program at least in<br />

theory achieves smaller ratings than a nationally produced program (see for<br />

example McFadyen et al. 2000 and Hoskins et al. 1994). In this sense, formats<br />

represent a way of minimising cultural discount, as they are linguistically<br />

8 There are of course exceptions. These include Danish sitcom Pas på mor, which was based on the<br />

Australian format Mother and Son (which was partly based on the British Steptoe and Son), and the<br />

British sitcom Men Behaving Badly, which in the USA was adapted with the title It’s a Man’s World. Also,<br />

within industry circles, there has recently been much talk about an impending boom in the so-called<br />

scripted fiction formats.<br />



neutral and can be filled with local settings and agents, local institutions, and<br />

local social and cultural values.<br />

<strong>Format</strong>s are both transparent and opaque<br />

Olson (1999) introduces the concept of textual transparency to explain the<br />

global popularity of American pop culture, especially within film and<br />

television. According to him American media texts display polysemy, which<br />

makes American films and television programs translate easily into other<br />

markets and cultures. Simplistically, the polysemy is based on the use of<br />

universal mythologies that are easily recognisable and easily absorbed into<br />

local cultures around the world, and therefore makes American pop culture<br />

transparent. In relation to the concept of cultural discount, transparent texts<br />

would represent a way of minimising this discount.<br />

The opposite of transparent is opaque, and to Olson, examples of opaque<br />

television programs could be a local talk show starring a local celebrity or the<br />

transmission of a cricket match; that is, programs that only make sense to the<br />

local audience, to whom they are produced, making these programs have<br />

fairly closed narratives without the possibility for other local audiences to<br />

understand them. 9<br />

Textual transparency and opaqueness thus provide an interesting perspective<br />

on television formats, as on the one hand they have to contain a certain<br />

amount of textual transparency (at least to the local television professionals<br />

wanting to purchase the format rights). However, on the other hand,<br />

television formats – at least in theory – can also be filled with a lot of textual<br />

opaqueness in their local adaptations. To use a proverb, in this way formats<br />

represent a way for local television industries to have their cake and eat it, too.<br />

9 There are of course other important explanations for the success of American film and television –<br />

such as the diffusion of the American business model to large parts of the world and the economic<br />

hegemony of the USA – but Olson’s theory still provides an interesting and often overlooked<br />

perspective to the internationalisation and so-called Americanisation of television.<br />



As will be discussed in Chapter 3, Olson is very oriented towards drama and<br />

fiction and therefore tends to be genre blind by not taking into account that<br />

other genres such as entertainment and factual genres may demonstrate a lot<br />

less transparency, even in their American versions, and therefore travel a lot<br />

less easily across cultural borders. This important aspect of genre will be<br />

discussed more comprehensively in Chapter 3.<br />

<strong>Format</strong>s amalgamate global and local<br />

<strong>Adaptation</strong>s are extremely ambiguous when looked upon from a globalisation<br />

perspective. On one hand, they are the result of economical, technological<br />

and cultural globalisation. On the other, they are produced locally in local<br />

languages and with a local cast, and can therefore also be seen as evidence of<br />

localisation. They are globally local television. This amalgamation of the global<br />

and the local not only takes place on an abstract level, it is a characteristic of<br />

all levels of the format exchange, from the local reception and production of<br />

the adaptation, to the trans-national media enterprises that distribute and/or<br />

develop the format. Even the original format idea can be viewed as both local<br />

and global. This amalgamation of the global and the local makes it hard to<br />

point out the exact national origin of a format. The formats are neither global,<br />

nor local. They are somewhere in between in what can be called a trans-national<br />

media culture. Below is a description of how global and local amalgamate on the<br />

four levels of the format exchange:<br />

Audience reception level<br />

As far as the local reception of a format is concerned, the amalgamation<br />

becomes evident in the fact that local viewers often know about the original<br />

version or other adaptations of the format. In Denmark this was the case with<br />

formats such as Survivor and Big Brother, whose dubious reputation had created<br />

news headlines long before the Danish adaptations were broadcast. It was<br />

also the case with the pan-Scandinavian adaptation of Extreme Makeover –<br />

broadcast on TvDanmark – whose original American program series was<br />



broadcast the year previous to the pan-Scandinavian adaptation. 10 In this way,<br />

local viewers already have a set of expectations built on previous experiences<br />

acquired in a more international or global context. These experiences<br />

influence how local audiences respond to the local adaptations. 11<br />

Production level<br />

On the next level, the local production of the format, the amalgamation can<br />

be traced in two respects. First of all, the local production company often<br />

buys consultancy from the original developers, that is, non-local professionals<br />

aid the local production. Secondly, the local production company often looks<br />

to other local adaptations of the format for inspiration, which then entails<br />

program elements inspired by various local contexts. As already briefly<br />

mentioned above, the first Australian Big Brother in 2001 is an example of this<br />

(Moran 2004b). At the time, the format had been adapted in 11 countries, and<br />

the Australian producers were obviously more inspired by the British<br />

adaptation than the original Dutch program series, for example through the<br />

use of similar program graphics and consultancy from the British Big Brother<br />

producers. In addition to this, the Australian adaptation introduced a couple<br />

of new program elements, for instance the so-called beyond-the-grave<br />

recordings of the evictees, that had not been a part of the 11 previous<br />

adaptations and, thus, were circulated as sources of inspiration for future<br />

adaptations elsewhere in the world. This demonstrates the difference-withinrepetition<br />

referred to previously: How on one side the local Australian<br />

adaptation in many ways was a repetition of the British version – and not so<br />

much of the original Dutch version – while simultaneously contributing with<br />

a considerable degree of variation. That is, the adapting producers do not<br />

10 It must be added, however, that viewers do not always realise that a program is an adaptation of a<br />

foreign format. This is most often the case with non-controversial formats, whose original versions<br />

have not been broadcast in the respective country, such as Ground Force, Changing Rooms and Wife Swap.<br />

11 See Bruun (2004:95ff) who demonstrates how genre expectations obtained from watching American<br />

daytime talk shows such as Ricki Lake in various ways (negatively) influence Danish viewers’ reception<br />

of the locally produced talk show Det Ny Synnøve.<br />



necessarily look to the original version only but may also look at other local<br />

adaptations for inspiration. 12<br />

Distribution level<br />

The third level, the distribution level, is also very much an amalgamation of<br />

global and local. The trans-national distributors like Endemol, Fremantle or<br />

Nordic Zodiak Television World are cooperating or taking over local<br />

production companies and format developers, which gives them the rights to<br />

the international distribution of their formats. However, this not only benefits<br />

Endemol or Zodiak, it also increases the chances of the local developer,<br />

seeing as his formats are more likely to gain ground in other countries. A<br />

classic example of this is Pop Stars, which many believe to be Australian,<br />

although it was originally developed and produced for New Zealand <strong>TV</strong>2.<br />

The international distribution rights were however acquired by the Australian<br />

based production company Screentime, after which the format conquered<br />

television markets all around the world, resulting in great profits for<br />

Screentime and the equally successful British spin-off (Pop) Idol, which will<br />

later be the subject of further analysis in Chapter 10 (Lealand 2004). The<br />

belief (which is commonly used by cultural imperialist opponents of the<br />

perceived Western dominance within world media) of a number of large<br />

international media conglomerates completely wiping out local competition<br />

by acquiring local production companies is, in other words, a lot less black<br />

and white and much more nuanced than many globalisation theoreticians<br />

claim.<br />

Original idea<br />

On the fourth and last level, the development of the original idea behind the<br />

format sees the global and the local amalgamate in two areas. First of all, in<br />

the vast majority of cases the people behind the original idea get considerable<br />

12 The example also points to a possible Anglo-Saxon bias of Australian industry professionals, as the<br />

concept of Big Brother may have been easier for them to understand in its British adaptation than in<br />

its Dutch original version.<br />



inspiration from other formats. An example of this was the Danish plastic<br />

surgery format Mit nye jeg (The New Me) broadcast on <strong>TV</strong>3 in 2005. This was<br />

unquestionably inspired by both TvDanmark’s Extreme Makeover adaptation<br />

and <strong>TV</strong>3’s own American program series The Swan. 13 In addition to this there<br />

are spin-offs that build on existing formats such as Idol, inspired by Pop Stars,<br />

and The X Factor, inspired by Idol and developed by Simon Cowell, who has<br />

been the infamous and extremely malicious judge on both Britain’s Pop Idol<br />

and American Idol. 14 Secondly, broadcasters and production companies are<br />

increasingly developing programs not only for national television markets, but<br />

for the international format market as well. Evidence that this is also the case<br />

in Denmark is the fact that <strong>TV</strong> 2, one of two Danish public service<br />

broadcasters, recently established its own format development unit, <strong>TV</strong><br />

2/World. One of the goals of the unit is to ensure that <strong>TV</strong> 2 gets its share of<br />

the international format trade. In other words, the formats may be developed<br />

locally, but at the same time conceived as potential international formats.<br />

Regional nuances to the internationalisation of television<br />

Sinclair et al. (1996) and Cunningham et al. (1998) introduce the idea of “geolinguistic<br />

regions”, showing alternative regional media flows and even contraflows<br />

of media content going from the periphery like Australia and Denmark<br />

to the centre, in this case the USA or the UK. This means that the exchange<br />

of television programs, including formats, rarely takes place on an entirely<br />

global level. Instead the formats are often being traded within a number of<br />

geo-linguistic regions, each of which is characterised by a linguistic and, in<br />

most cases, geographic proximity. Examples of such areas are the Anglo-<br />

Saxon/European area, including of course countries such as the UK, USA<br />

and Australia, but also large parts of Europe where English is an important<br />

second language; the Hispanic area, including Central and South America,<br />

13 TvDanmark consequently boycotted the production company Strix, which developed The New Me for<br />

<strong>TV</strong>3 while producing the pan-Scandinavian adaptation of Extreme Makeover for TvDanmark.<br />

14 In this case, the creator of Idol tried to sue Simon Cowell and The X Factor, which in itself is ironic<br />

because the Idol format in itself was a spin-off on the Pop Stars format.<br />



Spain and Portugal; the Arab countries; and South East Asia with countries<br />

like Japan, China, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong (also see Sinclair<br />

et al. 1996: 11ff, Keane 2004). A sub-region of the Anglo-Saxon/European<br />

region is Scandinavia – that is, Denmark, Sweden and Norway – due to<br />

similar languages, shared history and equivalent social standards. Within these<br />

regions, media products and content are exchanged to a much larger degree<br />

than between different geo-linguistic regions. It is important to note that the<br />

different geo-linguistic areas all have a centre-periphery structure meaning<br />

that one country within the region is usually supplying more media imports to<br />

the other countries than vice versa, although, of course, contra-flows from<br />

the peripheral countries to the centre exist as well. In South East Asia, Japan<br />

is the net-exporter; in the Arab area it is Egypt; whereas in the Anglo-<br />

Saxon/European region, the USA and partly the UK are the net-exporters. 15<br />

If focus is put exclusively on the exchange of formats, the centre-periphery<br />

structure becomes even more blurred than if we look at the import and<br />

export of original programs. First of all, the linguistic advantage of countries<br />

such as the USA and the UK disappears because formats are adapted to local<br />

languages making them linguistically neutral. English is not necessarily “the<br />

language of advantage” (Collins 1989) any more. 16 The periphery gets a<br />

chance, and the most perfect example of this is probably the Dutch global<br />

format smash hit Big Brother, which has been adapted in large parts of the<br />

world and paved the way for the originator, Endemol, to become one of the<br />

world’s largest format distributors and originators. But there are also many<br />

less spectacular examples such as Australian The Block and Danish Nerds FC,<br />

15 The USA and the UK are also net-exporters on a worldwide basis and not only within the Anglo-<br />

Saxon/European region. Part of the reason for this is probably that the UK is a former empire with<br />

colonies all around the world, which have been ‘anglicised’ in the process and therefore are prone to<br />

anglicised media content as well. This also explains the fact that English has become a true world<br />

“language of advantage” (Collins 1989).<br />

16 Danish broadcasters for instance rarely purchase original programs from Germany, Spain or other<br />

European countries with a language other than English or Scandinavian despite the existence of many<br />

high quality programs in these countries. The linguistic alienation of the Danish viewers is simply too<br />

big and the programs never become successful with the audience. Even Australian and working-class<br />

English accents often alienate the Danes.<br />



both of which are among the four formats analysed in this thesis. It could be<br />

seen that in this way a geo-linguistic area compares to traffic infrastructure<br />

with motorways, main roads, and secondary roads, a couple of<br />

intercontinental freeways, and lots of one-way streets. However, when it<br />

comes to formats, the main and secondary roads are busier, and the one-way<br />

streets fewer!<br />

Moreover, it is probable that this is only the beginning of a trend. The twoway<br />

traffic on the secondary roads is likely to increase even more, as the<br />

development of formats for international sale is further professionalised and<br />

internationalised in the peripheral countries. Two examples of the increasing<br />

professionalisation and internationalisation of peripheral television industries<br />

are Denmark’s <strong>TV</strong> 2/World, which was mentioned above, and the Nordic<br />

Zodiak Television Group, whose international distribution unit Zodiak<br />

Television World is based in Denmark’s capital Copenhagen where it is<br />

quickly becoming one of the most important independent distributors of<br />

formats and other programming content in Europe (Schmitt et al.<br />

2005:209ff).<br />

In addition to the concept of geo-linguistic regions and a possible increased<br />

exchange of formats from the periphery to the centre of these regions, there<br />

is also evidence that there are significant variations across different world<br />

regions in programming content and audience reception of otherwise highly<br />

internationalised and globally formatted genres such as news and quiz & game<br />

shows. In a study of how television viewers around the world respond to<br />

news programs, Bruhn Jensen (1998) demonstrates how different national<br />

audiences have distinct “models of the world in the head” but also how<br />

viewers across nations respond to news in similar ways (Bruhn Jensen<br />

1998:164ff). The study identifies two types of what he terms “correlated<br />

cultures” – “cultures of stability” and “cultures of crisis” – within which<br />

viewers share similar responses to news (Ibid.). Bruhn Jensen (1998:180)<br />



explains the similarities with the fact that the countries within these two<br />

cultures share similar “cultural and national-political contexts”.<br />

When it comes to another highly internationalised genre, quiz & game shows,<br />

Cooper-Chen (2005, 1994) has identified four so-called “cultural continents”<br />

by examining game shows in 50 countries: the Western, the East Asian, the<br />

Latin and the Equatorial cultural continents. Within these four regions local<br />

television tastes seem to converge and only very few game show formats have<br />

crossed into another cultural continent or region. 17 Western game shows<br />

usually have a certain interactive element, one male host, emphasis on<br />

expensive prizes, five-days-a-week scheduling and low budgets. East Asian<br />

game shows have celebrity players, male and female co-hosts, de-emphasis on<br />

expensive prizes, once-a-week scheduling and high production values. Latin<br />

game shows tend to feature players who perform physical feats and usually<br />

have male and female co-hosts, emphasis on expensive prizes, once-a-week<br />

scheduling, long time frames and high production values. Finally, Equatorial<br />

game shows showcase talented players with an intelligence above average,<br />

which means that the average viewer cannot play along because of the<br />

difficult questions (Cooper-Chen 2005:243).<br />

Keeping the arguments of Sinclair et al. (1996), Cunningham et al. (1998),<br />

Bruhn Jensen (1998) and Cooper-Chen (2005, 1994) in mind, it becomes<br />

evident that Australia and Denmark are most likely to be found within the<br />

same “geo-linguistic region”, “correlated culture” or “cultural continent”<br />

depending on which theoretical proposition is used. Australia and Denmark<br />

are both cultures of stability within the Anglo-Saxon/European geo-linguistic<br />

region or cultural continent. Nevertheless, Denmark belongs to an important<br />

sub-region, Scandinavia, within this bigger region.<br />

17 Cooper-Chen points out that one of the only game shows to cross cultural continents is Who Wants to<br />

be a Millionaire, which in 2005 had been adapted in more than 100 countries across the world (Cooper-<br />

Chen 2005:243)<br />



Americanisation and cross-cultural media influences<br />

The concept of geo-linguistic regions with a centre-periphery structure, within<br />

which media products are exchanged to a much higher extent than between<br />

geo-linguistic regions (combined with Bruhn Jensen’s (1998) and Cooper-<br />

Chen’s (2005, 1994) identification of various cultural regions, within which<br />

national audience reception and programming content share similar traits)<br />

point to a certain heterogeneity of world television, despite its apparent<br />

internationalisation and globalisation. Thus, Sinclair et al. (1996), Cunningham<br />

et al. (1998), Bruhn Jensen (1998) and Cooper-Chen (2005, 1994) each in<br />

their own way point towards media diversity and heterogeneity, or various<br />

patterns of preferred media content, within different world regions.<br />

Nevertheless, as has already been highlighted several times in this chapter,<br />

various theories on homogenisation of worldwide media and television also exist.<br />

This paragraph presents some of the most important trains of thought within<br />

these homogenisation theories by looking at the cross-cultural influences of<br />

Western and American media as seen through the prism of a media or<br />

cultural imperialistic approach and the dominant metaphor of<br />

Americanisation.<br />

The social sciences and the humanities have a long tradition of research on<br />

cross-cultural influences of American and Western media on local audiences.<br />

The key words of this research have been national identity, cultural identity,<br />

Americanisation and media or cultural imperialism (Biltereyst 2003). When it<br />

comes to television, these key words indicate a fear that the culture and<br />

identity of local audiences will somehow succumb to the American and<br />

Western cultural impacts. Within this media imperialistic tradition,<br />

Americanisation of world-wide media is thought to have fatal consequences<br />

for local cultures such as a higher degree of trivialisation, standardisation and<br />

vulgarity; a “mass-mediated and commercialised mono-culture”; or too strong<br />

influences of “corporate capitalism and consumer modernity” (Ibid.).<br />



As such, Americanisation has been the centre of a highly normative and<br />

politicised scholarly debate in which the political left has seen Americanisation<br />

as a road leading straight to capitalism and the commodification of culture,<br />

and the political right has feared “industrial barbarism” and perceived it as a<br />

threat to authentic cultural forms (Biltereyst 2003). Although especially postmodern<br />

and globalisation theories – with their focus on the decentred-ness of<br />

subjects, texts, and spaces – have made the metaphor lose strength, the basic<br />

fears behind the metaphor are not gone (Ibid.).<br />

When it comes to Americanisation of the media, Americanisation is often<br />

used in terms of a centre and periphery discussion. In this tradition, global<br />

cultural exchanges have been studied in terms of who controls the global<br />

media flows and how American/Western cultural exports affect local<br />

audiences in the rest of the world. However, the media imperialism paradigm<br />

has been challenged within the past few decades, especially due to emerging<br />

globalisation debates and theories of cultural interconnectivity and<br />

interdependency that all go against ideas of subordination and purposeful<br />

power in the global media flows (Biltereyst 2003, also see Tomlinson 1999).<br />

As already discussed in detail above, Cunningham et al. (1998) and Sinclair et<br />

al. (1996), for instance, introduce the idea of geo-linguistic regions and media<br />

flows, showing alternative regional flows and contra-flows of media content.<br />

Nevertheless, the ambiguities of globalisation do still include the persistence<br />

of especially American power within international media, primarily because<br />

the American style business model seems to prevail, as the media are being<br />

liberalised, commercialised and privatised in large parts of the world<br />

(Cunningham et al. 1998; Sinclair et al. 1996). In other words, the USA has a<br />

dominant, but not uncontested, position in world media, which on one hand<br />

implies the continued hegemony of American trans-national media<br />

companies. However, on the other, it also means that previous notions of<br />

Americanisation has not proved sensitive enough in seeing more subtle<br />

tendencies of this so-called creolisation or glocalisation of the world’s media<br />



(Biltereyst 2003), as has been exemplified by the above account of the<br />

international exchange of format. One concrete illustration of this glocal or<br />

trans-national nature of the format trade in particular is the fact that the two<br />

most important international distributors have their origin outside the USA:<br />

Endemol is a publicly listed company on the Amsterdam stock exchange and<br />

Fremantle Media has its roots primarily in the UK but is owned by the<br />

European RTL Group and ultimately controlled by German media company<br />

Bertelsman. 18<br />

Local experiences with Americanisation in Denmark and India<br />

Søndergaard (2003) discusses the indirect impacts of globalisation on the<br />

Danish television system and reaches the following conclusion:<br />

[…] Distinctions between what is Danish and what is foreign are being<br />

dissolved from within rather than through the intrusion of foreign media<br />

organizations and programs onto the Danish market (Søndergaard<br />

2003).<br />

According to him, there are no indications that national identity and culture<br />

are on the decrease on Danish television. On the contrary, Danish language<br />

television programming has experienced a strengthening in recent years; in<br />

large parts due to structural changes that have led to the two public service<br />

broadcasters <strong>TV</strong> 2 and DR competing for Danish viewers with Danish<br />

language programming. In this respect, Denmark has won a symbolic “victory<br />

over Hollywood” (Ibid.). However, this victory is built on the fact that<br />

Danish producers and broadcasters have looked to “Hollywood” – that is, the<br />

American-style business model – for inspiration. Increased competition and<br />

18 As for actual audience studies on cross-cultural influences of American and Western media, no clear<br />

conclusions can be drawn. Some audience research points towards negative effects on audiences<br />

watching American programming, whereas other audience studies suggest minor effects, no effects, or<br />

even positive effects, thus leaving the question unresolved. What seemingly does exist, however, are<br />

linkages between methodological choices, research design, and resulting effect size of the studies,<br />

indicating ideological bias according to the beliefs of the researchers carrying out the studies<br />

(Biltereyst 2003).<br />



commercialisation have forced Danish television institutions to acquire<br />

production practices, policies, and aesthetics that are characteristic of the<br />

global media industry. He calls this “globalisation from within” and points to<br />

examples such as the use of foreign consultancy in the production of sitcoms;<br />

stripping and serialisation scheduling; and the introduction of a<br />

producer’s choice internal market in DR to illustrate the blurring of what is<br />

Danish and what is foreign.<br />

Thussu (1998) takes a different, less optimistic and certainly more media<br />

imperialistic view on the impacts of globalisation on Indian television. He<br />

discusses the particular influences of infotainment on Indian television.<br />

Infotainment is news that focuses on the entertaining and the popular<br />

featuring celebrities and grotesque events in a superficial journalistic form he<br />

calls “sound bite journalism” with no room for any complicated news stories.<br />

To Thussu, infotainment news may have fatal consequences such as the<br />

undermining of the burgeoning public sphere in a country like India due to a<br />

lot of what he terms “white” news – that is, Western and Americanised – and<br />

the lack of relevant issues to Indian people, and in the process may even act<br />

as ideological messengers of trans-national corporations and corporate<br />

capitalism. The critique may seem radical but it does raise relevant questions<br />

and put forward important problems concerning the introduction of highly<br />

internationalised genres and a Western or American business model into<br />

another cultural context. 19<br />

Are formats undermining national identities or enhancing shared trans-national values?<br />

When it comes to television formats, the cultural imperialism theories raise<br />

important questions, which can basically be summed up in the two questions<br />

contained in the heading of this paragraph. Are formats undermining national<br />

19 It is important to note that Thussu (1998) has his point of departure in an entirely different media<br />

systemic and cultural background than Søndergaard (2003), that is, a post-colonial India. This may be<br />

part of the explanation for his rather pessimistic view upon Western dominance of India’s news<br />

programming. Denmark on the other hand has always enjoyed a very large degree of national<br />

sovereignty.<br />



identities? Or are they the symptom of and maybe even enhancing values that<br />

transcend national cultural borders? Agger (2005) touches upon these<br />

questions in her discussion of how Danish television drama is influenced by<br />

international genre conventions, both in terms of proper format adaptations<br />

and what she terms “cross-cultural encounters”. As for fiction format<br />

adaptations, she concludes that formats in one way constitute a threat to<br />

national cultural identities:<br />

[T]rans-national formats tend to involve highly conventional modes of<br />

representation in highly conventional genres. […] <strong>Format</strong> trade causes a<br />

threat to traditional ways in which <strong>TV</strong> drama has performed the<br />

function of exhibiting, debating, and negotiating changes in daily life and<br />

the perception of history, national culture and global contexts (Agger<br />

2005).<br />

Nonetheless, and although she sees format trade as a threat to how television<br />

drama usually exhibits and debates daily life and national culture, her<br />

observation also pins down precisely the textual transparency of the formats,<br />

which was discussed above. Therefore, she consequently states that “the fact<br />

that so many programs can be equally popular in so many countries could<br />

contribute to a feeling of mutual understanding and the sharing of the same<br />

trans-national culture and values”, which again calls attention to the fact that<br />

audiences in different parts of the world may share some universal beliefs or<br />

myths represented in the transparent media texts and that formats may be a<br />

materialisation of this.<br />

Central academic positions and perspectives on television formats<br />

This chapter has so far described how more or less informal format<br />

adaptation has always existed but also how the phenomenon has come to be<br />

increasingly important in international television over the past two decades.<br />

For the television industry, format adaptation represents a way of controlling<br />



the progressively larger extent of recycling and direct plagiarism of<br />

programming content. The formats constitute a system, which regulates<br />

television’s inherent tendency of difference-within-repetition, and which<br />

ultimately provides format developers and adapters with financial gains.<br />

But what are the ramifications and adjacent media scholarly research<br />

problems arising from the latest explosive rise in the use of format<br />

adaptations? What are the consequences for local senders – that is, local<br />

broadcasters and television industries – adapting the formats? How do local<br />

viewers relate and respond to the formats? And how do we as media scholars<br />

view the actual texts, that is, the format adaptations, themselves? As already<br />

mentioned, the subject of format trade and format adaptation has not been<br />

the subject of a great deal of academic interest. Nevertheless, there are a few<br />

insightful and interesting media scholarly contributions, which each in their<br />

own way – directly or indirectly – points out a number of the problems<br />

related to the phenomenon of television formats. This paragraph sets out<br />

these problems and thus expounds the central positions existing within the<br />

research in format trade, format adaptation and related issues, which may<br />

shed further light on the subject. Some of the problems and positions have<br />

already been touched on above but are here divided according to which of the<br />

three main constituents of the communication model they pertain to: the<br />

sender, the receiver, or the text.<br />

The sender<br />

Are formats a liberation or a threat?<br />

Because formats in many respects pertain to increasing internationalisation, as<br />

has also been discussed above, the majority of the contributions do not<br />

surprisingly take their point of departure in problems related to globalisation.<br />

This often leads to a discussion of where on the global-local axis the formats<br />

are to be found and whether formats constitute a threat to local media<br />

systems, cultures and television industries. Thussu (1998) does not research<br />

‘pure’ format adaptation, as it has been described above. Instead he discusses<br />



the ramifications of the global formatting of the news genre, which<br />

increasingly moulds news casts all over the world – and in his case in India<br />

and other developing countries particularly – according to the American<br />

“infotainment” model. The infotainment model focuses largely on the<br />

entertainment values of the news – by for instance putting emphasis on the<br />

grotesque and on celebrities as opposed to more hard-hitting and ‘proper’<br />

news relating to the public sphere of a nation – and by doing this,<br />

infotainment ultimately, according to Thussu (1998), forces Western capitalist<br />

values and ideals on the viewers. At the end of the day, infotainment can<br />

therefore become a propaganda tool for “free-market capitalism (Thussu<br />

1998:75). Although Thussu’s argumentation may seem radical – especially<br />

when related to entertainment formats such as Who Wants to be a Millionaire<br />

and Idol – he does nevertheless present a number of problems, which are<br />

important to keep in mind. This may especially be the case when dealing with<br />

non-Western countries, which, as opposed to Western television and media<br />

systems, have only recently been subjected to capitalist-oriented market<br />

forces, and which may also have been used to other narrative structures in<br />

their programming content so far.<br />

Nonetheless, the reality – also in less developed television markets – may very<br />

well contain more nuances. Firstly, it is by now fairly well documented that<br />

the formats are adapted in sometimes quite different ways around the world.<br />

This thesis contains various examples of this in Chapters 7, 8, 9 and 10 where<br />

comparative analyses are made of the Danish and Australian adaptations of<br />

four different formats, Ground Force, The Block, Nerds FC and Idol. However,<br />

other analytical contributions also corroborate national differences in the<br />

adaptations of the same formats (see for example Skovmand 1992, Moran<br />

1998, Moran & Keane 2004, Waisbord 2004). It may well be that the format<br />

industry in itself is highly internationalised or even global but many of the<br />

adaptations are exceedingly localised.<br />



Secondly, format adaptation raises some interesting perspectives when it<br />

comes to production processes. On one hand, one may assume that the<br />

formats eventually could undermine the local research and development<br />

capacity in television industries, which, like Denmark and Australia, are netimporters<br />

of formats for local adaptation. Before the rise in formats local<br />

producers and broadcasters themselves developed most of the programming<br />

content, whereas now, with the ‘invasion’ of format adaptations on local<br />

schedules, programming content is increasingly developed for foreign markets<br />

and by foreign television industries. Hence, formats represent an imminent<br />

danger of stagnation and an undermining of creativity in the innovative<br />

environment of local television industries (Moran & Keane 2004:203).<br />

On the other hand, there is also evidence that an increasing use of format<br />

adaptation can actually support and even develop and mature local<br />

production environments both in a quantitative and qualitative manner. For<br />

example, format adaptation has in some Asian countries resulted in a<br />

renaissance of local programming content in the television schedules. Local<br />

and format-driven content has simply marginalised American and other<br />

Western content in especially primetime schedules (Moran & Keane<br />

2004:197ff). In China and Indonesia, this has had two advantageous effects.<br />

On one hand, it creates more work places and generally breathes new life into<br />

local television industries and, on the other, local producers and broadcasters<br />

benefit from the foreign know-how, which often comes with the formats, and<br />

thus learn how to be innovative and eventually create their own local<br />

programming content (Keane 2004b; Kitley 2004; Moran & Keane 2004:198).<br />

The receiver<br />

Local reception, genre expectations and national identity<br />

It has only proved possible to find two publications that deal directly with<br />

comparative audience studies of format adaptations. Moran (1998) briefly<br />

analyses German and Dutch viewers’ reception of local adaptations of<br />

Australian drama formats, including Prisoner Cell Block H, Sons & Daughters and<br />



The Restless Years, with particular reference to how the German and Dutch<br />

viewers identify with the adaptations as specifically German or Dutch and not<br />

as something foreign. Bruun (2004) investigates how young Danish women<br />

respond to the Danish talk show Det Ny Synnøve and its American equivalent<br />

Ricki Lake.<br />

Moran (1998) concludes that local viewers to a large degree receive format<br />

adaptations just as they would local programming. At the same time there are<br />

many ways of culturally identifying with the adaptations making the audience<br />

reception ambiguous and multi-faceted (Moran 1998:145ff). Bruun<br />

(2004:95ff) demonstrates how Danish women’s genre expectations, obtained<br />

from watching the American Ricki Lake, influence their reception of the<br />

Danish talk show to a degree where they become disappointed because Det<br />

Ny Synnøve does not come up to the level of Ricki Lake and thus does not<br />

meet their expectations of the talk show genre. In this way, local reception is<br />

greatly impacted by the original and more professional American version.<br />

As has been discussed in more detail above, although Agger (2005) does not<br />

undertake concrete audience studies, she indirectly discusses the more general<br />

problems concerning national and cultural identity, which may result from the<br />

adaptation of scripted fiction formats. She points to the impact that format<br />

adaptations may have on the national feelings of identity of local audiences<br />

and thus in her own way repeats parts of Thussu’s (1998) critique. Agger<br />

(2005) doubts that a national television (fiction) culture in this way can be<br />

internationalised without losing its original national identity and audience. On<br />

the other hand, she also draws attention to a possible and rather interesting<br />

side effect of the increase in format adaptations: audiences across nations and<br />

cultures may already share or come to share a common understanding and<br />

certain trans-national values.<br />



The text<br />

Are the adaptations marked by local mentality or media system?<br />

If we cast a closer look at the actual texts – the format adaptations – the same<br />

format often portrays substantial differences among the various local<br />

adaptations. But how can we explain the local differences (or similarities, for<br />

that matter)? The most common solution has been to look for explanations in<br />

so-called cultural differences, be it national differences in areas such as social<br />

standards and national mentalities. Keane (2004a) alludes to this in the<br />

following quote:<br />

We discover a consanguinity of production inputs that are linked to social<br />

mores and cultural values [which] does suggest that format adaptations<br />

[…] are influenced by specific structures of feeling (Keane 2004a:14).<br />

Skovmand (1992:98-99) views the differences between the local Danish,<br />

American, German and pan-Scandinavian versions of Wheel of Fortune as<br />

representative of the four local cultures and Moran (1998:74ff) does the same<br />

in his comparative analyses of Dutch, German and Australian versions of the<br />

same scripted fiction formats. On a more general level, cultural differences<br />

can also be traced in the specific format preferences that a given national<br />

television system has. In Japan for instance the local broadcasters do not see<br />

the immediate appeal of ordinary people on television (Iwabuchi 2004),<br />

whereas Chinese producers and broadcasters seem to really cultivate<br />

commoners as television stars (Keane 2004b).<br />

Language is also an important factor in cultural explanations. Language is<br />

what binds nations together on a daily basis and a considerable part of the<br />

explanation for the international popularity of television formats must be<br />

found in “the resilience of language as a constitutive element of national<br />

identities” (Waisbord 2004:374), as has been discussed previously in this<br />

chapter.<br />



Finding explanations in concepts such as national mentalities and values and<br />

specific cultural structures of feeling is of course fairly obvious. Nonetheless,<br />

I believe – together with other media scholars like Moran & Keane (2004) –<br />

that a number of equally important explanatory parameters exist. If we look<br />

to technology transfer theory and regard television formats as any other<br />

‘technology’, which is transferred from one country to another, formats also<br />

become greatly influenced by the (media) systemic circumstances and<br />

conditions existing in a particular country or territory (see Todd 1995). These<br />

conditions include legislation, politics, economy, geography, etc.<br />

Because a technological system is shaped by a particular national<br />

environment, consisting of various social, political and economic factors,<br />

the process of technological transfer to a new national setting […] will<br />

involve adaptation to new political, legal, educational, cultural, social and<br />

economic institutions, as well as geography, and resource conditions<br />

(Moran & Keane 2004:202).<br />

This means that the adaptations’ similarities or differences, success or failure,<br />

maybe more often than not dependent on what specific channels broadcast<br />

the adaptations, the competitive situation in the television system, production<br />

values of the adaptations, funding, demographic target groups, content<br />

regulation and media policies than on cultural values and national mentalities.<br />



Main problems and research questions<br />

These media systemic explanatory parameters are precisely the point of<br />

departure for this thesis. One of its main problems and relating research<br />

questions explore precisely what role media systemic factors such as television<br />

history, media legislation and regulation, competitive conditions and market<br />

structure have on 1) the extent of television formats in the Australian and<br />

Danish schedules, and 2) how the actual format adaptations are produced in<br />

the two countries. This means that the thesis looks for explanations in the<br />

specific part of a nation’s culture that is made up by the media system and not<br />

in comparatively vague concepts such as specific cultural tastes or national<br />

mentalities.<br />

In addition, the concept of genre seems important in a format context, as the<br />

majority of formats sold for local adaptation are found within various<br />

traditional and factual entertainment genres, including quiz & game shows,<br />

reality and lifestyle. For instance, within the drama and documentaries genres<br />

it is still primarily the original, canned programs that are being traded<br />

internationally. Bruun (2004) has also stressed the importance of genre in<br />

media research into cultural globalisation. She emphasises the fact that<br />

television is made up of a great variety of genres, each with their own<br />

particular modes of expression and representation, dramaturgic elements and<br />

modes of addressing its audience. Thus, a closer attention to genre can add a<br />

“more precise and differentiated understanding of what cultural globalisation<br />

actually could imply” (ibid, my translation from Danish). Additionally, the two<br />

newer genres of lifestyle and reality are interesting because they – contrary to<br />

the most prevalent format genre, quiz & game shows – are less constricted<br />

and thus culturally more manoeuvrable for the local producers. In contrast to<br />

traditional quiz & game shows such as Wheel of Fortune and recently Who Wants<br />

to be a Millionaire, lifestyle and reality formats are usually not confined to<br />

studios and do not have a strict set of rules, which contestants have to play<br />

by. Hence, they are likely to display media systemic and other cultural<br />

differences better than game shows.<br />



I have therefore chosen to look more closely at the two factual entertainment<br />

genres of reality and lifestyle via 1) concrete, comparative textual analyses of<br />

the Australian and Danish adaptations of four formats, Ground Force, The<br />

Block, Nerds FC and Idol, and 2) a survey of the prevalent format genres on<br />

Australian and Danish primetime schedules. Summing up, the thesis explores<br />

the following two key problems and relating research questions:<br />

3. FORMATS AND MEDIA SYSTEM. What role does a national media<br />

system play in the extent of and concrete production of local<br />

adaptations of international formats?<br />

4. FORMATS AND GENRE. What role does genre – in particular the<br />

factual entertainment genres of reality and lifestyle – play in a<br />

television format context, both when it comes to the extent of<br />

format adaptations and format genres and the actual production<br />

of concrete adaptations within the reality and lifestyle genres?<br />

Methodologically this is done through firstly analytically comparing Australia’s<br />

and Denmark’s media systems and subsequently investigating how the results<br />

of this comparative media system analysis relate to:<br />

• The extent of format adaptations in the two countries,<br />

• The format genres in the two countries and<br />

• Actual local format adaptations in the two countries within the<br />

genres of lifestyle and reality.<br />

The extent and genres of local format adaptations are explored through<br />

quantitative analyses of Australian and Danish primetime schedules during a<br />

10-year period. The specific local adaptations are scrutinised through<br />

comparative textual analyses of the Australian and Danish adaptations of the<br />

four formats Ground Force, The Block, Nerds FC and Idol. The next chapter,<br />



Chapter 3, will further explore the concepts of media system, genre and text<br />

in order to find a methodologically appropriate way of investigating the two<br />

key problems outlined above. Subsequently, Chapter 4 will account for the<br />

specific methodological choices and for the actual research design of the<br />

various studies and analyses undertaken in the thesis.<br />

My approach is thus meant to differ from the media scholarly research, which<br />

thus far has been undertaken directly in the area of format adaptation. On the<br />

whole, format trade and format adaptation research has dealt with either<br />

general structural and theoretical aspects of television format adaptation, such<br />

as theoretically understanding the process of format adaptation, legal issues<br />

related to format trade and chartering the international format industry (see<br />

European Broadcasting Union 2007, Moran & Malbon 2006, Wedell-<br />

Wedellsborg 2005, Moran & Keane (eds.) 2004, Waisbord 2004, Deichman<br />

2002, Moran 1998, Van Manen 1994). Or it has dealt with general textual<br />

aspects of the phenomenon, such as why adaptations look different in<br />

different countries and how and why some formats succeed or fail in certain<br />

countries. In this case, explanations have most often been sought for in more<br />

or less diffuse national and cultural differences and similarities like for<br />

instance language and local mentality, taste or structures of feeling (see<br />

Waisbord 2004, Moran & Keane (eds.) 2004, Moran 1998, Skovmand 1992).<br />

By combining a media systemic perspective with a genre perspective this<br />

thesis takes what can be called a middle-of-the-range approach, which will<br />

endeavour to achieve insights into format adaptation and give explanations<br />

into local differences and similarities on a more tangible and concrete level. It<br />

does not deal with theoretically conceptualising the phenomenon of format<br />

adaptation, nor does it analyse general structures of the format trade. Instead<br />

it investigates the specific consequences and effects format adaptation has had<br />

in two different national television markets within the same region. These<br />

effects are explored, not by looking into general textual differences and<br />

similarities, but by investigating particular and systematic generic and textual<br />



differences and similarities. Consequently, the thesis is an attempt to cover<br />

one of the blind spots of current media research.<br />

Additionally, the aspects of both genre and media system are meant to<br />

remove my research project from the somewhat generalised level, on which<br />

many media sociologists concerned with globalisation theory operate. As we<br />

have seen throughout this chapter, many of these theoreticians tend to view<br />

the media in a relatively rigid and undiscriminating fashion. They primarily<br />

think within the dichotomy of system-versus-individual or structure-versusagent,<br />

thus conceptualising the media as no more than part of the system or<br />

structure. To these researchers the concept of the media is lumped together,<br />

and they consequently ignore the diversity of the media, such as the different<br />

types of media, the different genres of these media, and the various media’s<br />

different organisational structures, economic and legislative conditions,<br />

historical backgrounds etc.<br />

As a contrast to this, the backbone of my project will be just this diverse<br />

media culture, which should help my project stay clear of the usually<br />

undiscriminating fear of a media based American or Western cultural invasion<br />

that concerns some globalisation theoreticians and, in most cases, is rooted in<br />

a lack of understanding of the diversity of media culture (also see Bilteryest<br />

2003 and Tomlinson 1999:81-88). Hereby, my project will be able to achieve<br />

insights into the interplay between globalisation and the media on a more<br />

tangible and in-depth level.<br />



C h a p t e r 3<br />



This chapter presents relevant theoretical perspectives on national, and transnational,<br />

media systems and on television genre and text. These perspectives<br />

are a logical continuation of the two main problems of this thesis, namely the<br />

problems of format adaptation and media system, on one hand, and of<br />

format adaptation and genre, on the other. The theoretical aspects presented<br />

here will be used to identify specific analytical parameters concerning the<br />

investigation of the two problems and will subsequently be put to<br />

methodological use in Chapter 4’s description of methodological choices and<br />

actual set-up of a research design to cover the two problems.<br />




The following questions will be answered in this section of the chapter: What<br />

is a media system? And how do we analyse it structurally as well as<br />

normatively? 20 Also, how do we deal with media forms such as the television<br />

format, which transcends traditional national media systemic boundaries? The<br />

section presents two media scholarly attempts (Hallin & Mancini 2004 and<br />

Vestergaard 2007) at establishing a formal system of analytical parameters to<br />

classify a specific media system in relation to normative media paradigms.<br />

Normative media system theories often have as their objective to condense<br />

the actions of the media within a media system into a set of basic values<br />

characteristic of the media system in question. One of the most well-known<br />

and quoted examples of a normative media theory is Siebert et al. (1956), who<br />

set out to define four universalistic media systemic models to cover all the<br />

world’s media systems. Nevertheless, both Hallin & Mancini (2004) and<br />

Vestergaard (2007) criticise Siebert et al. (1956) precisely for not establishing a<br />

formal system of analytical parameters, which can be used to qualify any given<br />

media system.<br />

In this respect, Hallin & Mancini (2004) represent a macro approach to<br />

normative media systemic theory with a primary emphasis on the press and<br />

on journalism (and hence factual media genres) and the political system above<br />

the media system. This journalistic and political focus means that they –<br />

perhaps not surprisingly – identify substantial connections between media<br />

system (in this case primarily the aspects to do with journalism) and political<br />

system. Vestergaard (2007), on the other hand, takes his point of departure in<br />

the actual media system, as opposed to the political system, and thus<br />

20 “Normatively” in this respect means the values displayed by the general system structure. In this sense<br />

of the word, the values of one system are equal to the values of another system. It does not refer to<br />

normative research, which usually has the intention of identifying the structure with the best and most<br />

correct values, be it a media systemic or a societal structure.<br />



represents a more concrete and mid-range approach to media system analysis,<br />

in which the media system itself and the agents directly related to this system<br />

are the primary analytical objects in a closer understanding of any media<br />

system. Vestergaard’s (2007) approach thus points to the weakness of Hallin<br />

& Mancini (2004); namely the fact that they give little autonomy to the media<br />

system, which in their theory is essentially overridden by the more important<br />

political system.<br />

Hallin & Mancini (2004) clearly have a structuralist approach to media<br />

systems, which according to them are created by the overriding and more<br />

important political system. In turn, the media system creates the system of the<br />

press, which then creates the behaviour of the journalists and so forth. A<br />

structuralist approach like this of course has some explanatory power but it<br />

has difficulties in explaining change, and this is where Vestergaard’s (2007)<br />

hermeneutically oriented structuration approach is useful. This approach<br />

points to the relationship between structure and agent as one of interpretation<br />

and mutual influence and thus is able to explain change as something, which<br />

happens from within the human agents of the structure or system in a<br />

combination with, for example, macro structures such as in a political system.<br />

Finally, the paragraph introduces another interesting theoretical perspective<br />

on trans-national media forms and systems. Cottle (2004) analyses the transnational<br />

nature of the highly internationalised genre of natural history<br />

television, which represents a field of programming that, like television<br />

formats, extends beyond both national media systems and particular types of<br />

television organisations. Cottle (2004) this way identifies the important fact<br />

that some media genres or forms are trans-national rather than national and,<br />

at the same time, indicates that there is a lot more to a media system than the<br />

traditional journalistic genres of news, current affairs and documentaries.<br />



Three media system models<br />

Hallin and Mancini (2004) set out to identify various analytical parameters<br />

relevant to a normative media system analysis, and on the basis of a study of<br />

17 Western European and North American media systems identify three<br />

different media system models or paradigms. As mentioned, their main focus<br />

is journalism, which is a smaller but vital part of any media system, and they<br />

also have equal focus on both political system and media system (meaning<br />

journalism to a certain extent). As for the media system, they point to “four<br />

major dimensions according to which media systems in Western Europe and<br />

North America can usefully be compared” (Hallin & Mancini 2004: 21ff):<br />

• The development of media markets, with particular emphasis on<br />

the strong or weak development of the mass circulation press<br />

• Political parallelism; the degree and nature of the links between<br />

the media and political parties, or the extent to which the media<br />

system reflects the major political divisions in society<br />

• The development of journalistic professionalism<br />

• The degree and nature of state intervention in the media system<br />

According to these dimensions and on the basis of the analysis of the 17<br />

countries, they discover three media systemic models – or paradigms – each<br />

of which contains countries with similar media systemic characteristics. The<br />

models are explained in table 3.1 below.<br />



Table 3.1 > Characteristics of Hallin & Mancini’s three media system models<br />

MODEL /<br />







Countries<br />

Newspaper industry<br />

Political parallelism<br />

Professionalisation<br />

Role of State in media<br />

system<br />

France, Greece, Italy,<br />

Portugal, Spain<br />

Low newspaper<br />

circulation; elite<br />

politically-oriented<br />

press<br />

High political<br />

parallelism; external<br />

pluralism,<br />

commentary-oriented<br />

journalism;<br />

parliamentary or<br />

government model of<br />

broadcast governance<br />

– politics-overbroadcasting<br />

system<br />

Weaker<br />

professionalisation;<br />

instrumentalisation<br />

Strong State<br />

intervention; press<br />

subsidies in France and<br />

Italy; periods of<br />

censorship; “savage<br />

deregulation” (except<br />

France)<br />

Austria, Belgium,<br />

Denmark, Finland,<br />

Germany, Netherlands,<br />

Norway, Sweden,<br />

Switzerland<br />

High newspaper<br />

circulation; early<br />

development of mass<br />

circulation press<br />

External pluralism<br />

especially in national<br />

press; historically<br />

strong party press; shift<br />

toward neutral<br />

commercial press;<br />

politics-in-broadcasting<br />

system with substantial<br />

autonomy<br />

Strong<br />

professionalisation;<br />

institutionalised selfregulation<br />

Strong State<br />

intervention but with<br />

protection for press<br />

freedom; press<br />

subsidies, particularly<br />

strong in Scandinavia;<br />

strong public service<br />

broadcasting<br />

Britain, Canada,<br />

Ireland, United States<br />

Medium newspaper<br />

circulation; early<br />

development of masscirculation<br />

commercial<br />

press<br />

Neutral commercial<br />

press; informationoriented<br />

journalism;<br />

internal pluralism (but<br />

external in Britain);<br />

professional model of<br />

broadcast governance<br />

– formally autonomous<br />

system<br />

Strong<br />

professionalisation;<br />

non-institutionalised<br />

self-regulation<br />

Market dominated<br />

(except strong public<br />

broadcasting in Britain<br />

and Ireland)<br />

As for the political system, Hallin & Mancini identify five relevant political<br />

system variables that play a vital role in how the three media paradigms are<br />

different to each other (Hallin & Mancini 2004: 63-65):<br />

• The relation of State and society; particularly the distinction<br />

between liberal and welfare-state democracy<br />

• The distinction between consensus and majoritarian patterns of<br />

government<br />

• The distinction between organised pluralism or corporatism, and<br />

liberal pluralism<br />



• The development of rational-legal authority<br />

• The distinction between moderate and polarised pluralism<br />

The different political system characteristics offer a strong explanation as to<br />

how certain media systems evolve. Table 3.2 below shows this connection<br />

between the three media paradigms and political system characteristics.<br />

Table 3.2 > Political characteristics of Hallin & Mancini’s three media system models<br />

MODEL /<br />







Countries<br />

Political history;<br />

patterns of conflict<br />

and consensus<br />

Consensus or<br />

majoritarian<br />

government<br />

Individual versus<br />

organised pluralism<br />

Role of the State<br />

Rational legal<br />

authority<br />

France, Greece, Italy,<br />

Portugal, Spain<br />

Late democratisation;<br />

polarised pluralism<br />

Both<br />

Organised pluralism;<br />

strong role of political<br />

parties<br />

Dirigisme, strong<br />

involvement of State<br />

and parties in economy;<br />

periods of<br />

authoritarianism, strong<br />

welfare state in France,<br />

Italy<br />

Weaker development<br />

of rational legal<br />

authority (except<br />

France); clientelism<br />

Austria, Belgium,<br />

Denmark, Finland,<br />

Germany, Netherlands,<br />

Norway, Sweden,<br />

Switzerland<br />

Early democratisation;<br />

moderate pluralism<br />

Predominantly<br />

consensus<br />

Organised pluralism;<br />

history of segmented<br />

pluralism; democratic<br />

corporatism<br />

Strong welfare state;<br />

significant involvement<br />

of State in economy<br />

Strong development of<br />

rational legal authority<br />

Britain, Canada,<br />

Ireland, United States<br />

Early democratisation;<br />

moderate pluralism<br />

Predominantly<br />

majoritarian<br />

Individualised<br />

representation rather<br />

than organised<br />

pluralism (especially<br />

US)<br />

Liberalism; weaker<br />

welfare state<br />

particularly in US<br />

Strong development of<br />

rational legal authority<br />

It is important to note that the analysis only operates within a Western<br />

European and North American context (although the authors do claim that<br />

the three models most likely could also apply to Australia and New Zealand<br />



as well as to many of the new emerging Asian economies). This however<br />

means that the models would probably not fit into a non-democratic, and<br />

more authoritarian, context. On the other hand, what Hallin & Mancini<br />

(2004) do offer is a detailed analysis of Western media systems, two of which<br />

are under closer scrutiny in this thesis: the Danish and the Australian. Also,<br />

they make the connections between political system and media system clear,<br />

plausible, and systematic, emphasising history and national politics as<br />

important explanatory factors to how media systems are structured.<br />

As already mentioned, the weakness of Hallin & Mancini (2004) is the fact<br />

that they give no autonomy to the media system. According to them, the<br />

political system variables influence strongly on the media system, but perhaps<br />

not so much the other way round: ‘Look at your political system, and then<br />

you have your media system!’ is what they seem to be saying. This argument is<br />

sustainable to a certain degree, especially when it comes to traditional<br />

journalism and its adjacent genres, which traditionally pertain to the public<br />

sphere of politics. Nonetheless, a view like this sets aside the human agents<br />

acting within a media system and hence sets aside the need to look at actual<br />

production practices, interview agents within the media system, and analyse<br />

media texts, etc. As such, Hallin & Mancini (2004) are in opposition to<br />

Vestergaard (2007), whose point of departure is the media system itself and its<br />

symbiotic relationship with the media systemic agents, among which are political<br />

legislators, on one side, and macro structures, among which is political culture,<br />

on the other. This is in my opinion a more nuanced understanding of what<br />

makes a media system.<br />

The media system, media systemic agents and macro structures<br />

Inspired by Sepstrup (2004) and McQuail (2000), Vestergaard (2007) develops<br />

a model for the analysis of media systems. The model not only offers a<br />

number of analytical parameters for a systematic description of media<br />

systemic structures, but also represents a system to normatively classify a<br />

given media system; that is, to reveal what ‘values’ a specific structure reflects.<br />



As mentioned, a media system forms part of a symbiotic relationship with, on<br />

the one hand, social macro structures, and on the other, media systemic agents. All<br />

three levels influence each other mutually, which is illustrated in figure 3.1 by<br />

the double arrows:<br />

Figure 3.1 > The media system, media systemic agents and macro structures<br />

Influenced by Giddens’ structuration theory, Vestergaard defines the media<br />

system as a system of media (institutions), which act as social agents, and<br />

which can be described through their positions and relations to each other and<br />

the surrounding society. These positions and relations constitute a specific set<br />

of analytical parameters, from which to analyse and define a specific media<br />

system. Outside of the media system, four groups of media systemic agents<br />

exist – namely legislators, organisations, businesses, and citizens. They interact<br />

closely with the media system but do not form part of it. The media system is<br />

thus a dynamic system, in and outside which human agents work and act.<br />

This means that media systemic agents are actual people in various group<br />

formations and not abstract ‘forces’ with the power to somehow influence the<br />

system. However, media systemic agents often consist of heterogeneous<br />

groups of people with diverging attitudes and actions. The media form<br />



various relationships with the agents, and the agents influence the positions<br />

and the relations of the various media within the system (Vestergaard<br />

2007:67ff).<br />

• Legislators are formally organised groups with political power to<br />

formally or informally create the legislative conditions for the<br />

various relations and positions within the media system. They do<br />

not necessarily have to be democratically elected.<br />

• Organisations are formally organised groups whose objectives are<br />

based on certain value beliefs, as opposed to commercial interests.<br />

They would typically be non-governmental organisations<br />

(NGOs), foundations or trans-national organisations that<br />

somehow fund or own the media.<br />

• Businesses are formally organised groups whose objectives are<br />

commercial. They would typically be advertisers and media<br />

owners. They do not necessarily have to be privately owned, but<br />

can also be (semi) public institutions.<br />

• Citizens are informal and fluctuating groups of people that for<br />

instance act as users of certain media in certain periods of time.<br />

Thus, they influence the various positions and relations by using<br />

(or not using) the media<br />

Social macro structures act as background variables for the media system and its<br />

agents. To give an example, legislators may not only adapt certain media<br />

policies as a result of their interaction with the media or the other agents, but<br />

their policies may also very well be the result of prevailing cultural, religious,<br />

technological and macro economic structures (Ibid.). 21<br />

21 For a thorough discussion of and argumentation for the choice of these specific four macro<br />

structures, see Vestergaard (2007). Here he, to give one example, argues why religion has to<br />

be separated from culture.<br />



• Technology can influence citizens’ demand for certain media or the<br />

penetration of the media.<br />

• Culture can influence legislators’ willingness to regulate the media.<br />

• Religion, including the societal importance of religion, can<br />

influence the agents’ expectations to the media and, thus, affects<br />

the media’s ‘feeling’ of responsibility and accountability.<br />

• Macro economy can influence the purchasing power of the various<br />

agents and, hence, the funding of the media.<br />

Analytical parameters of the media system: positions and relations<br />

As mentioned above, the positions and relations of the media constitute the<br />

analytical parameters, from which to define and analyse a specific media<br />

system (Vestergaard 2007). Figure 3.2 is sourced from Vestergaard and<br />

introduces the parameters, after which they are discussed in more detail<br />

below.<br />

Figure 3.2 > analytical parameters of the media system<br />



The positions of the media system include:<br />

• Media penetration covers the size of the media and their power of<br />

penetration on the one hand, and audience ratings and shares on<br />

the other hand.<br />

• Media diversity measures the external as well as internal diversity of<br />

the media system.<br />

• Media concentration measures the degree of ‘centralisation’ that<br />

exists in a specific media system, be it vertically (the control over<br />

various links in the production chain, or various geographical<br />

locations), or horizontally (the control over a limited media sector<br />

or geographic location).<br />

The relations of the media system include:<br />

• Funding covers the formal or informal flows of economic<br />

resources between the media and the media systemic agents.<br />

• Ownership mainly includes public, private or State-controlled media<br />

ownership.<br />

• Responsibility and accountability are used to describe both the political<br />

influence and the public regulation and control of the media in a<br />

specific media system. In other words, what are the media<br />

responsible for and who are they accountable to?<br />

Because of the complexity of any empirical media system, a specific choice of<br />

analytical levels, analytical perspectives, and analytical objects has to be made<br />

according to the specific research topic (Ibid.). As far as the number of<br />

analytical objects is concerned, the analysis can take place at macro (the entire<br />



media system or all relevant media), meso (a specific media sector), and micro<br />

level (a single medium). In addition, the media system, the media systemic<br />

agents, and the macro structures vary according to time (historically versus<br />

simultaneously) and space (local, national, regional, versus global). As for the<br />

project at hand in this thesis, I have chosen a meso level approach to the<br />

comparative media system analysis of Denmark and Australia. Thus, the<br />

analysis covers one media sector, national television broadcasting, and it does<br />

so both historically and in the present. However, this is explained in more<br />

detail in Chapter 4.<br />

As mentioned above, the objective of Vestergaard’s model of the media<br />

system is to create a system to normatively classify a specific media system.<br />

With reference to Giddens’ structuration theory, Vestergaard (2007) is of the<br />

opinion that the structures of the media system express values because<br />

structures are produced and used by human agents. Consequently, a media<br />

system is a specific combination or pattern of positions and relations that<br />

describes the normative paradigm dominating the media system, and a<br />

normative media paradigm is a specific pattern that prescribes how the media<br />

systemic structure ‘ought’ to look like. At the same time, and in terms of the<br />

project at hand, Vestergaard directs attention to the organisational level of a<br />

media system. Insofar as human agents form the media system, it is<br />

insufficient to make a general description of characteristics of media systems<br />

such as the Australian or Danish. It is necessary to go a level down, so to<br />

speak, to the organisational level and the people acting here. How does the<br />

system look from within, from the people who actually construct and develop<br />

the system? In the case of television formats, it is therefore essential that, for<br />

example, the format originators, producers and broadcasters be interviewed<br />

about their part in the format adaptation process. What were the ideas behind<br />

the original version? Why does a local Australian or Danish broadcaster<br />

choose to adapt a specific format? And why do local producers choose a<br />

specific ‘look’ for the adaptation?<br />



The organisational level thus becomes as important on the general structural<br />

level of the media system, on the one hand, and on the level of the actual<br />

texts (adaptations) on the other. As a matter of fact, the organisational level<br />

makes an extremely important connection between media system and media<br />

texts. Genre makes another vital connection, which is the subject of the next<br />

section of this chapter. But first, let us turn to Cottle (2004) and the<br />

theoretical insight he offers on trans-national media forms such as television<br />

formats.<br />

The television format as trans-national production ecology<br />

Cottle (2004) analyses the trans-national nature of natural history television.<br />

Being a highly globalised genre, natural history programming represents a<br />

field of media production that extends beyond both national media systems<br />

and particular types of organisations. In this respect, natural history television<br />

shares some important traits with the international television format industry,<br />

and Cottle’s work consequently proves useful to the objectives of this thesis,<br />

as well.<br />

The two media production fields are similar in two ways: First of all, both are<br />

characterised by a differentiated organisational field made up of both the<br />

world’s leading media conglomerates, national public service, commercial and<br />

private broadcasters, and lots of medium- and small-sized production<br />

companies that all coexist and compete (Cottle 2004:90). Secondly, some<br />

content is considered too local or even too “contentious” and “audiencesplitting”,<br />

as both have to be somewhat transparent in order to be traded as a<br />

commodity internationally (Ibid:97). 22 Cottle introduces the concept of<br />

production ecology as the term to describe the complex structure of any media<br />

form, and of natural history television, in particular.<br />

22 There are of course also differences between formats and natural history programs; the most<br />

important being that natural history programming is traded as original, canned programming, whereas<br />

formats, as we know, are traded in their more immaterial form and as such differ from country to<br />

country.<br />



[The term] helps to signal the theoretical importance of attending to<br />

organizational relationships and dynamics that exist within a particular<br />

field of media production, as well as attending to individual media<br />

organizations or general marketplace dynamics. […] ‘Production<br />

ecologies’ encompass and extend beyond the immediate sphere of<br />

production of any one organization within a particular cultural field<br />

(Cottle 2004:82).<br />

Only by attending to this production ecology within a specific media form,<br />

“we can begin to better understand how the different organisations within it<br />

reproduce, adapt and differentiate their associated cultural forms through<br />

time” (Ibid: 82). To him, the concept of production ecology thus helps<br />

elucidate especially two of three important analytical dimensions when<br />

exploring particular fields of cultural production, namely the organisational<br />

structuration and the professional negotiation within it. The third analytical<br />

dimension is the general market dynamics. The three dimensions are<br />

underlined in the following quote:<br />

Critical economic theory is essential for understanding the general market<br />

dynamics of media organization and production, and it also needs to be<br />

deployed in respect of particular fields of cultural production. We also<br />

need to attend however, to the organizational structuration of a particular<br />

field as well as the professional negotiation within it of wider forces if we<br />

want to understand the production and evolution of cultural forms. The<br />

concept of ‘production ecology’ helps here and brings into view the dynamic<br />

relationships between different media organizations that coexist and<br />

compete within particular arenas of cultural production and how they<br />

respond – both organizationally and professionally – to wider forces of<br />

change, and adapt and differentiate their particular cultural form (Cottle<br />

2004:82-83).<br />



In this respect, Cottle makes clear alternative, and trans-national, systems –<br />

production ecologies – that transcend and go beyond traditional, national<br />

media systems like the ones under scrutiny by Vestergaard (2007) and Hallin<br />

& Mancini (2004). These production ecologies are likely to have logic of their<br />

own, or at least have logic whose explanation is not necessarily found<br />

exclusively in the context of national media systems. Consequently, Cottle<br />

adds an important perspective to traditional, normative media system<br />

theories, which is particularly useful when dealing with trans-national media<br />

industries like the format industry.<br />

Secondly, by emphasising precisely professional negotiation and organisational<br />

structuration as important analytical dimensions to complement the analysis of<br />

general market dynamics, he also points to the organisational level touched upon<br />

by Vestergaard (2007). Again, it is not sufficient to investigate general media<br />

systemic structures or market dynamics; we must also scrutinise the media<br />

system’s organisational structuration and how the human agents within it<br />

negotiate with each other and with the content produced. Thus, Cottle (2004)<br />

argues against making too strong of a connection between the general market<br />

dynamics and the specific texts without the intervention of the organisational<br />

level.<br />

Thirdly, Cottle (2004) points to the vital importance of genre – or “media<br />

form”, as he calls it – in the professional negotiation, which is taking place on<br />

the organisational level. To him, “questions of media form are intimately<br />

bound up with questions of mediation, of how media representations are<br />

constructed, conditioned and conveyed” (Ibid:81). By understanding the<br />

television program format as a media form within a specific production<br />

ecology, Cottle offers argumentation that steers clear of what would be the<br />

cultural imperialist way of thinking: that is, conceptualising the local<br />

adaptations as a powered play of discourses, in which the non-local and the<br />

foreign are somehow ‘combating’ the local. Instead, the objective is to<br />



investigate precisely the “organizational relationships and dynamics” within<br />

the television format industry to reach a better understanding of how the local<br />

adaptations are “constructed, conditioned and conveyed”. In this way, Cottle<br />

offers a coupling between genre, media system, and the internationalisation of<br />

television, which is helpful in reaching a further understanding of television<br />

formats.<br />

Concrete analytical parameters<br />

A set of analytical parameters useful in comparative and normative media<br />

system analyses has been put forward above. Hallin & Mancini (2004) pointed<br />

to history and political system as important analytical parameters, Vestergaard<br />

(2007) indicated the relations and positions of the media and the media<br />

systemic agents as important factors to analyse, and finally, Cottle (2004)<br />

directed attention at the organisational levels of a media system and at the fact<br />

that some media forms enter into systems, which to a certain degree contain<br />

an own logic transcending national media systems. All of these parameters<br />

will be put to methodological use in Chapter 4.<br />




Genre being the locus par excellence of repetition and difference, it is<br />

necessary to disengage both the constant and the variable elements. This<br />

operation requires a prior diachronic investigation, as variation manifests<br />

itself in the course of a historical development. By the same token, it is<br />

impossible to give a definition of a genre. All one can do is remain on<br />

level of observation and note some facts (Neale 1980, quoted in<br />

Nielsen 1992:57).<br />

The quote points to the paradoxical nature of genres. They defy<br />

categorisation and definition because they are constantly changing but, still, as<br />

a researcher one has to at least try to give a definition to be able to investigate<br />

and understand the impact of, for example, television genres in the format<br />

adaptation process.<br />

This section contains a discussion of relevant aspects to do with the<br />

paradoxical genre concept and it also contains an attempt at categorisation.<br />

Firstly, it is discussed why genre is a useful concept to work with in the first<br />

place when dealing with television formats. Secondly, the concept of genre is<br />

defined and an argument for looking at television genres as cultural<br />

categories, created by both the television industry and the viewers, is<br />

proposed. Thirdly, the role of television’s texts in relation to genre and media<br />

system is discussed and a definition of the various levels of television texts is<br />

given. Finally, the section defines the genre divisions used throughout the<br />

thesis, after which the two popular format genres of reality and lifestyle are<br />

described and discussed in a comprehensive manner. This is done in<br />

preparation for the qualitative comparative analyses of the Australian and<br />

Danish adaptations of four specific lifestyle and reality formats, which will be<br />

undertaken later in the thesis.<br />



Why is the concept of genre useful?<br />

As has been hinted at several times in the first chapters, the concept of genre<br />

is interesting in relation to television formats for a variety of reasons. Firstly,<br />

the formats being sold for adaptation seem to exist primarily within especially<br />

traditional and factual entertainment genres such as traditional quiz & game<br />

shows and the newer factual genres of reality and lifestyle, as we saw in<br />

Chapter 2. Within other factual and fictional genres such as documentaries,<br />

drama and soap, it is still mainly the original programs that are traded<br />

internationally. Later in this section, I will define the genre divisions used<br />

throughout the thesis, after which the genres of reality and lifestyle will be<br />

described more thoroughly, as the four specific format cases chosen for indepth<br />

analyses are all to be found within the reality and lifestyle genres.<br />

Secondly, investigating the role of genre in the international exchange of<br />

television programming content will help the thesis steer clear of the generic<br />

blindness of scholars such as Olson (1999). As has already been explained in<br />

more detail in Chapter 2, in his account of the textual transparency of<br />

American media texts – particularly within film and television – Olson<br />

indirectly talks of fictional genres, which in my opinion leads to a specific<br />

perspective guiding the development of his theories. Textual transparency –<br />

even within American media texts – is considerably harder to achieve in<br />

genres precisely such as entertainment, be it traditional or factual, which may<br />

in part explain why format adaptation takes place predominantly within these<br />

genres. Many factual genres such as current affairs and documentaries (except<br />

of course for natural history programming) would also be hard to make<br />

transparent because they deal with political and social issues specific to the<br />

national context in which they are produced, and consequently often contain<br />

journalistic angles relevant and understandable only by this nation’s audience.<br />

Hence, factual and entertainment genres are often rather opaque and,<br />

therefore, do not travel easily in their original versions. Fictional genres on the<br />

other hand travel more easily. They are fairly easily accessible to all kinds of<br />

national audiences precisely for the reason pointed out by Olson (1999). They<br />



have a higher degree of polysemy and different national audiences may<br />

therefore read the same text in different ways because of the use of universal<br />

mythologies that are easily recognisable and easily absorbed into local<br />

cultures. 23<br />

Finally, genre is useful in the project at hand because genres form an<br />

important link between the television system and television texts, which will<br />

be further elaborated below.<br />

Genres as cultural categories<br />

A television genre has three levels. Firstly, a television genre is a number of<br />

features shared by a group of television texts, most often television programs<br />

in the traditional sense of the word, but, for instance, it could also be<br />

advertisements of products or upcoming programs. However, secondly and<br />

just as importantly, a television genre constitutes a set of expectations and<br />

guidelines for the audience as well as for the industry. Thirdly, television<br />

genres are the marketing and sales categories used by the television industry.<br />

Since Aristotle, genres have been put under theoretical and analytical scrutiny<br />

as a means to categorise and order texts (see Nielsen 1992, Bruun Andersen<br />

1994, Mittell 2004). However, outside of academia another and more general<br />

genre discourse exists between the industry and the audience, in which genres<br />

are more than theoretical and static textual categories. This discourse shows<br />

us that genre is not intrinsic to the texts themselves but just as much the<br />

result of audience and industry discourses, expectations, and practices.<br />

This thesis approaches the concept of genre from what can be called a cultural<br />

studies perspective (Frandsen 2007:41), which combines social practices (in<br />

this case the production of television formats), significance/meaning and<br />

texts (the actual format adaptations). According to this perspective, and with<br />

23 A perfect example of these different national readings of the same program is Liebes & Katz’ (1993)<br />

renowned audience study of different national audiences’ reception of the American drama series<br />

Dallas.<br />



Mittell’s terminology, genres are cultural categories, meaning that they are<br />

culturally operative within different spheres of media practices undertaken by,<br />

for example, industry professionals and audiences (Mittel 2004:10). Thus,<br />

genres are not intrinsic to texts, and the process of genre categorisation to a<br />

very large extent happens outside the media texts themselves:<br />

Genres are not intrinsic to texts. They are constituted by the processes<br />

that some scholars have labelled “external” elements, such as industrial<br />

and audience practices. We need to look beyond the text as the locus for<br />

genre, locating genres within the complex interrelations between texts,<br />

industries, audiences, and historical contexts. Genres transect the<br />

boundaries between text and context, with production, distribution,<br />

promotion, exhibition, criticism, and reception practices all working<br />

together to categorize media texts into genres (Mittell 2004:9).<br />

The cultural studies approach – which Mittell actually calls discursive with<br />

reference to and inspiration in Foucault’s historical model of genealogy – on<br />

one hand makes it necessary to “de-center the text as the primary site of<br />

genre” (Mittel 2004:14). However, the approach does not at all ignore the<br />

texts. On the contrary, media texts still “function as important locales of<br />

generic discourses and must be examined on par with other sites, such as<br />

audience and industrial practices” (Ibid.). Television genres do not form out<br />

of macro-structures but out of specific cultural practices of industries and<br />

audiences (Ibid.). In this respect, Mittell and the cultural studies approach to<br />

media genres echoes Cottle’s (2004) and especially Vestergaard’s (2007)<br />

approach to media systems. Abstract macro forces do not form media systems.<br />

Media systems are formed by the people acting within the different media and<br />

by the media’s interaction with the media systemic agents, namely legislators,<br />

businesses, citizens and organisations. The same is the case with genres. They<br />

are not static and God-given categories. They are dynamic, ever changing and<br />



formed on a daily basis by media industries and media users, who therefore<br />

act as interpreters rather than merely reproducers of genres.<br />

Television’s texts<br />

Television’s texts are therefore the result of a specific social interaction<br />

among a group of individuals in culturally specific organisational and generic<br />

contexts (also see Frandsen 2007:42). As such, texts – in this case the format<br />

adaptations – are vital analytical objects in order to understand the role of<br />

both media system and media genre. Television has four levels of texts –<br />

segments, programs, series and schedules:<br />

• Segments are time and content unities within an actual television<br />

program characterised by a continuity of characters and place<br />

(Ellis 1982, referred to in Bruun Andersen 1994).<br />

• Programs are what most people would refer to as television’s<br />

traditional texts. Programs consist of a number of segments.<br />

Programs always form part of a schedule and often constitute an<br />

episode in a series.<br />

• Series are one of television’s most important structuring principles,<br />

which, precisely like genres, establish common expectations<br />

between sender, text/series and receiver (Nielsen 1992:66). When<br />

it comes to formats, they are practically always adapted in a series<br />

of program episodes, which is also the case with all four format<br />

cases chosen for further analysis later in the thesis: Ground Force,<br />

The Block, Nerds FC and Idol.<br />

• Schedules are television’s super texts consisting of a program of<br />

programs, so to speak. Television schedules are structured<br />

according to the daily life and general preferences of an audience<br />

(Bruun Andersen 1994:18).<br />



When it comes to format adaptation and the main research questions of this<br />

thesis, the program, the series and the schedule levels are important because<br />

as mentioned, formats are individual programs usually forming part of a<br />

program series. Additionally, the schedule is important because it can reveal<br />

the influences of the increase in format use in a historical perspective.<br />

Methodologically, programs and series as well as schedules are therefore<br />

chosen as analytical points of reference, which means that the comparative<br />

textual analyses undertaken later in the thesis consist of quantitative schedule<br />

analyses, on one hand, and qualitative program and series analyses, on the other:<br />

• The quantitative schedule analyses comprise an historical<br />

investigation of Australian and Danish primetime schedules over<br />

a 10-year period between 1995 and 2005 with a specific reference<br />

to the development of the use of format adaptations and genres.<br />

• The qualitative program and series analyses contain comparative<br />

analyses of the Australian and Danish adaptations of four specific<br />

format series, Ground Force, The Block, Nerds FC and Idol. Specific<br />

program episodes in the series are chosen for in-depth analysis<br />

while the other programs and the series generally are referred to<br />

when necessary.<br />

According to Todorov (1978, as referred to in Bruun Andersen 1994:5), genre<br />

becomes apparent within a text in four specific discursive areas, within which<br />

there are certain traits or analytical parameters to look for:<br />

• The semantic area linked to the themes or statements of for<br />

example a television text.<br />

• The syntactic area linked to the narrative composition and<br />

structure of the text.<br />



• The pragmatic area connected to the actual use of the text. Here,<br />

‘use’ is understood as the social use of television texts such as for<br />

example morning television or even reality and lifestyle television,<br />

which both enter into specific uses by the audience.<br />

• The verbal area connected to the enunciation or mode of address<br />

of the text. In this thesis, enunciation is understood as how the<br />

text talks to its viewers, which again has a lot to do with how it<br />

regards its viewers. How does the format adaptation<br />

communicate its themes to the viewers? Who is the implied<br />

viewer of the text?<br />

Genre divisions<br />

Table 3.3 shows the genre divisions and definitions employed throughout the<br />

thesis. There are eight genres altogether divided into four main modes of<br />

representation, factual, fiction, traditional entertainment and factual<br />

entertainment. The factual mode of representation includes the genres of<br />

documentaries, news & current affairs, sports and children’s & youth<br />

programming. The fictional mode of representation is its own genre and<br />

consists of subgenres such as cartoons, drama series, soaps, sit-coms, movies<br />

etc. The traditional entertainment mode is also its own genre, which is made<br />

up of subgenres such as satire, talk shows, variety, quiz & game, and clip<br />

shows. Finally, the factual entertainment mode of representation consists of<br />

two genres, namely reality and lifestyle, which are the two genres being<br />

investigated more thoroughly later in this thesis’ comparative analyses of<br />

Australian and Danish adaptations of the same four formats.<br />



Table 3.3 > Genre divisions<br />



Factual<br />

Fictional<br />

Traditional<br />

entertainment<br />

Factual entertainment<br />

GENRES<br />

Documentaries (including culture) (programs treating factual and<br />

cultural events with relevance to the public sphere of society; concrete<br />

examples are historic documentaries, investigative documentaries, nature<br />

documentaries, and literature programs)<br />

News & current affairs (programs about current events in the public<br />

sphere of society; the news & current affairs programs are often magazine<br />

style and studio-based programs, which treat issues relevant for current<br />

events only)<br />

Sports (programs about sports or telecasts of sports events)<br />

Children/young people (programs made especially for children or young<br />

people; cartoons and fiction for children are not included in this category)<br />

Fiction/drama (programs telling fictive stories such as cartoons, movies,<br />

drama series, sitcoms and soaps; children’s cartoons and fiction are included<br />

in this category)<br />

Entertainment (satire, talk, variety, clip shows, game & quiz, gossip, movie<br />

shows, concerts, etc.)<br />

Reality (programs taking on intimate issues of the private sphere and about<br />

ordinary people experiencing something out of the ordinary often in a<br />

somewhat staged reality; concrete programs are Big Brother, Survivor, Idol,<br />

World’s Wildest Police Videos, Wife Swap, The Apprentice, etc.; also see below)<br />

Lifestyle (programs on issues traditionally pertaining to the private sphere<br />

such as interior design, DIY, gardening, personal makeover, child-rearing,<br />

cleaning, cooking; also see below)<br />

Defining and dividing genres is always a dangerous, academic endeavour, as<br />

genre divisions such as the above can always be scrutinised, critiqued and<br />

argued against. In addition and as already indicated, categorising genre is<br />

paradoxical because it is pragmatically necessary on one hand but theoretically<br />

impossible in the other. In the divisions above, it is for example obvious that<br />

the fiction/drama and traditional entertainment genres are fairly rough and<br />

broad divisions, as they both contain a large variety of subgenres, whereas the<br />

factual entertainment genres of reality and lifestyle on the other hand are very<br />

detailed divisions. Nevertheless, the above divisions are undertaken with the<br />

specific problems of this thesis in mind and are therefore rather pragmatic.<br />

Emphasising reality and lifestyle reflects the fact that these are the genres<br />

under closer scrutiny in the thesis, whereas de-emphasising fiction/drama<br />

reflects that only a few format adaptations are undertaken within this genre.<br />



When it comes to traditional entertainment, this is not the case. Yet I have<br />

still chosen a broad division because the primary generic focus of the thesis is<br />

on the newer genres of reality and lifestyle, to which we now turn.<br />

Media systemic context of lifestyle and reality television<br />

First of all it is important to point out the greater media systemic context of<br />

the rise of the reality and lifestyle genres. The relative success of the two<br />

genres is of course related to the fact that they have been quite popular with<br />

international viewers. Nevertheless, it is also important to view the<br />

introduction of the two genres and their subsequent success in terms of the<br />

multi-channel system, which has evolved over the past decades, and which<br />

has caused a much higher demand for television content due to an<br />

exponential increase in television channels and content platforms. As<br />

discussed in Chapter 2, the multi-channel system has led to fewer viewers to<br />

all types of programming. As a consequence, the industry has seen stagnation<br />

in the demand for expensive genres such as drama, documentaries and fullscale<br />

entertainment and in turn increased demand for more cost-effective<br />

genres such as, for example, lifestyle and reality (see for example Brunsdon et<br />

al. 2001 and Carlsen & Frandsen 2005). In this respect, reality and lifestyle<br />

programs are relatively cheap to produce, especially compared to fictional<br />

genres such as primetime drama but also compared to for example<br />

investigative documentaries and some of the large-scale, traditional<br />

entertainment shows. In reality and lifestyle there are no costs for actors,<br />

directors and scriptwriters, or for the time-consuming and expensive process<br />

of investigative journalistic research. Moreover, the participants are ordinary<br />

people taking part voluntarily and therefore are not paid. 24<br />

With reference to lifestyle programs on Danish public service television,<br />

Carlsen & Frandsen (2005) call the shift towards the factual oriented<br />

entertainment genres “a marked historical shift in public service television,<br />

24 Here, it is important that reality in most cases most likely would be more expensive to produce than<br />

lifestyle, and probably also more expensive than traditional quiz & game shows.<br />



which reflects a ‘post-documentary’ television culture”. In my opinion, this<br />

‘post-documentary television culture’ not only describes the effect of lifestyle<br />

programming on public service television but also just as easily describes the<br />

general international tendency of more factual entertainment, including reality<br />

as well as lifestyle programs.<br />

Democratisation of television’s primetime<br />

Various dichotomies are at play in this tendency and especially in the criticism<br />

of factual entertainment compared to the traditional factual genres of news,<br />

current affairs and documentaries. Below are some of the most important<br />

dichotomies, from which it becomes evident that factual entertainment is<br />

considered to be worth less than the factual genres.<br />

• The everyday life versus politics<br />

• The emotional versus investigative journalism<br />

• Entertainment versus proper information<br />

• The popular versus the serious<br />

• Soft versus hard<br />

• Dumbing-down of the audience versus quality<br />

• Private versus public<br />

• The audience as consumers versus the audience as citizens<br />

Many critics view the tendency negatively as a downfall of the important<br />

public sphere. However, Bondebjerg (1996) has another and more complex<br />

view on this transformation and softening-up of television. He does not see<br />

the development as a shift from public to private sphere television or as a shift<br />

from viewers as citizens to viewers as consumer. He sees it as a blurring of<br />

the boundaries between public and private and between citizen and consumer<br />

and he terms the development:<br />



A democratization of an old public service discourse, dominated by<br />

experts and a very official kind of talk, and the creation of a new mixed<br />

public sphere where common knowledge and everyday experience play a<br />

much larger role (Bondebjerg 1996).<br />

Lifestyle television<br />

Lifestyle television deals with the surfaces of everyday life. The genre includes<br />

programs on interior design and home improvement (Changing Rooms),<br />

gardening (Ground Force), personal makeover (Queer Eye for the Straight Guy),<br />

food (The Naked Chef with Jamie Oliver) and, more recently, personal<br />

coaching on more psychologically related issues such as child-rearing and<br />

(lack of) cleaning (Nanny 911, How Clean is Your House). All of these programs<br />

in some way or another revolve around everyday life and the surfaces,<br />

routines and behaviour of our private sphere, in particular the physical<br />

organisation of the private sphere. The programs give us, the viewers,<br />

practical advice and inspiration on food, fashion, body, garden, house and<br />

children, all of which are surfaces through which we express and develop our<br />

identities.<br />

In addition, lifestyle television combines a didactical and partially public<br />

service-oriented broadcasting tradition with entertainment. The genre has its<br />

roots in traditional educational, didactical programming and, as such, has<br />

always existed at least on public service television, where it fits in perfectly<br />

with the tradition of educational and ‘enlightening’ consumer programming<br />

and has also historically been perceived as part of a public service remit (see<br />

Frandsen & Carlsen 2005 for an historical account of Danish educational,<br />

didactical programming). Nevertheless, a newer kind of more entertaining<br />

lifestyle television surfaced in Britain in the late 1990s (Brunsdon et al. 2001),<br />

from where it spread to other parts of the Northern European and Englishspeaking<br />

world. This wave included programs such as Changing Rooms and<br />

Ground Force, and the new ingredients comprised an increased emphasis on<br />



competition and an almost fairytale-like transformation. Recently, lifestyle<br />

programs such as The Block and Under Construction have added a relatively large<br />

reality touch to the genre, which basically involves turning up the competitive<br />

elements and inter-personal conflicts.<br />

According to Brunsdon et al. (2001), lifestyle television represents a<br />

feminisation or softening-up of primetime television. With its focus on<br />

interior design, fashion, and food, the genre is rooted in areas, which have<br />

traditionally been female domains such as daytime television and women’s<br />

magazines. The private, personal and everyday are discourses usually<br />

associated with female values, and as the genre has made its mark in<br />

primetime, these discourses have been opened to men. At the same time,<br />

lifestyle television primarily deals with ordinary people’s houses, gardens,<br />

bodies and children – and not with experts’, journalists’ or politicians’ houses,<br />

gardens, bodies and children. Consequently, lifestyle television is less elitist<br />

than, for example, factual programming such as current affairs and<br />

documentaries on political and social issues related to the public sphere, in<br />

which ordinary people have not traditionally been at the centre.<br />

Audience appeal of lifestyle television<br />

For the viewers, the appeal and attractions of lifestyle television are several.<br />

As such, the viewer has many potential ‘entrances’ to the programs:<br />

• Consumer information: How do I do it? How much does it cost?<br />

Where do I buy it?<br />

• Competitive elements: Will they make the makeover on time? Do<br />

they stay within budget?<br />

• Classical narrative build-up of suspense: In the transformation<br />

type shows the reveal is often the narrative climax. How do the<br />

participants react?<br />

• ‘Fairytale’ and transformation: Most lifestyle programming has a<br />

fairytale-like narrative structure centred on transformation such as<br />



the transformation from overgrown backyard to lush rose garden,<br />

in the case of Ground Force, and from outdated and uninspired<br />

bedroom to exotic Arabian Nights bedroom, in the case of<br />

Changing Rooms.<br />

• Melodrama and sentimentality: As the climax of the reveal is built<br />

up, focus is on the emotional reactions of the participants. Will<br />

they be touched by the transformations and maybe shed a tear?<br />

Will they like the transformation?<br />

• Voyeurism: Viewers get a look into other people’s private spheres.<br />

Like no other medium television creates a kind of documentary presence, and<br />

lifestyle programs are most often imitated live television, which adds a certain<br />

degree of uncertainty and unpredictability. Also, it gives the viewers the<br />

illusion that they are ‘participating’ in the transformation processes as they<br />

happen. The viewers see how the participants are having fun and enjoying<br />

each other’s company and real emotions cannot be withheld in the climax<br />

centred on the reveal and the verbal and physical reactions of the participants.<br />

The everyday-ness of lifestyle programs also has great potential. Lifestyle<br />

topics on television are closer to the real life of the viewers, both when it<br />

comes to the makeover solutions and budget, and the participants. Ordinary<br />

people can do it themselves and they may even be able to afford to do<br />

something similar themselves.<br />

Lifestyle programming seems to be very much a Northern European and<br />

Anglo-Saxon phenomenon. The genre seemingly does not exist in, for<br />

instance, Southern Europe or Asia. Unlike lifestyle, reality has a wider<br />

international appeal. Reality programs such as Big Brother, Survivor and Idol<br />

have also been adapted for broadcast in Asia, Africa, South America and<br />

Southern Europe, and it is to this genre we now turn.<br />



Reality television<br />

Compared to lifestyle, reality television moves substantially closer to the<br />

intimate and to the private sphere. As such, “the intimate constitutes both the<br />

starting point, the content, and the terminal point – as well as the theme, the<br />

mode of audience approach, and the emotional ‘glue’ keeping the program<br />

together” (Jerslev 2004:11ff, my translation from Danish). This also means<br />

that the level of melodrama is often turned up a notch from lifestyle<br />

television. According to Jerslev (2004:42ff), reality has three subgenres:<br />

• REALITY DOCUMENTARIES (Stripperkongens Piger, Bridezillas, Bladet,<br />

Livet er fedt, Airport), in which the viewers follow a group of<br />

people, often in the same location, for example Heathrow Airport<br />

in Airport, or the same theme, weddings in Bridezillas, in the course<br />

of the series. Reality documentaries portray stories from various<br />

interesting settings and events of ordinary people's real lives.<br />

Nevertheless, places and events often exhibit an unusual nature<br />

such as an airport, the neo-natal care unit in a hospital, a tabloid<br />

magazine, a group of strippers or a police station. Consequently,<br />

reality documentaries portray ordinary people, who are<br />

experiencing something extraordinary; that is, weddings, obesity,<br />

pregnancy, divorce, etc.<br />

• MAGAZINE/STUDIO-BASED REALITY (Crime Watch UK, America’s<br />

Most Wanted, Rescue 911, Station 2), which typically includes crimecentred<br />

magazine-style programs on unsolved crime cases or<br />

dramatic rescue operations. As such, studio-based reality<br />

programs often make use of investigative journalism and the<br />

different items are controlled and commented upon by presenters<br />

in line with traditional current affairs and news programs. Studiobased<br />

reality uses different strategies to enhance ‘documentaristic’<br />

effect, for example reconstructions, interviews with people<br />

involved, surveillance tapes and live broadcasts of journalists in<br />



the field. The programs are centred on the catastrophic moment,<br />

the miracle survival or the heroic deeds of ordinary people.<br />

• REALITY GAME SHOWS (Big Brother, Temptation Island, Survivor, Idol,<br />

Top Model, Pop Stars) are by far the most important genre when it<br />

comes to format adaptation. The large majority of reality formats<br />

traded for local adaptation are reality game shows like the abovementioned<br />

and the subgenre is further elaborated below.<br />

The reality game show<br />

Fetveit (2002) calls reality game shows “experimental television” (my<br />

translation from Norwegian) because contestants are placed in a ‘closed’ and<br />

staged environment like the Big Brother house or a deserted tropical island and<br />

are watched. The other two subgenres take place in a ‘real’ – or at least not<br />

overtly staged – reality. The shows happen in a staged reality. Television<br />

executives and producers set up the limits, conditions and framework within<br />

which ‘reality’ must unfold. There are ‘limits’ or boundaries within which a<br />

chosen few (ordinary people) have to act. Reality game shows mix<br />

entertainment, factual and fictional genres. As the name implies, they contain<br />

elements from the traditional game show but also comprise many elements<br />

from documentaries, to which is then added a substantial amount of the soap<br />

genre’s conflicts, melodrama and inter-personal complications (Fetveit 2002,<br />

Turner 2005).<br />

The contestants go through countless competitive and personal ordeals,<br />

which have large consequences for “the internal social relations […] and [the<br />

contestants’] continued participation in the program” (Hjarvard 2002, my<br />

translation from Danish). Still, contrary to the traditional game show genre, a<br />

large emphasis is placed on the contestants’ mutual relationships, their<br />

individual reactions and these ordinary contestants. Consequently, the<br />

contestants’ staged reality inside the Big Brother house, for example, becomes<br />

the pivotal point.<br />



There are two main types of reality game shows (Jerslev 2004:36-37). The first<br />

type contains shows such as Survivor, Big Brother and Temptation Island, in which<br />

a group of people must live together in a constructed space and, in most<br />

cases, compete with each other to win a monetary prize. The other type is<br />

made up of shows such as Pop Stars, Top Model and Idol, where mutual<br />

relationships, conflicting and socialising are a little less important and where<br />

contestants compete within respective realms of talent, be it singing or being<br />

beautiful. Experts and viewers are the judges – not the other contestants –<br />

and fame is the main prize to be won.<br />

Controversial television<br />

In the public discourse, reality television is often discredited and seen as either<br />

symptomatic of a society where everybody is being watched, symptomatic of<br />

an individualistic society where everybody’s idea of happiness is “15 minutes<br />

of fame” or as social ‘pornography’ and voyeurism – or all of the above. Of<br />

course, the ‘reality’ is a little more complex and in actual fact, reality audiences<br />

are most likely a little more sophisticated than this.<br />

Audience appeal of reality television<br />

First of all, reality game shows, especially those such as Big Brother and Idol, are<br />

often highly viewer-interactive and represent a kind of multi-media television,<br />

as the programs actually take place on a variety of platforms and hence<br />

demand that viewers be highly media-literate (see Roscoe 2001, 2004). Reality<br />

audiences are participating in a number of ways across different platforms<br />

such as the Internet, SMS, pod-cast etc. In this respect, a show’s website is a<br />

central component that helps audiences construct different relationships with<br />

both the programs and other viewers via live streams, updates, archives, chat<br />

rooms, open forums, background information, shopping, online voting etc.<br />

Consequently, traditional notions of authorship are challenged, as viewers<br />

both construct and consume the text. Being interactive multi-media events,<br />

the reality game shows also often give rise to a substantial amount of “water<br />

cooler talk” among the viewers.<br />



Secondly, Turner (2005) talks about the relationship between soap operas,<br />

reality game show formats and cultural identity. Soaps are embedded into a<br />

national discursive repertoire that draws upon a specific feeling of cultural<br />

identity and specific local media economy and production culture. Reality<br />

game show formats draw upon the narrative structures and strategies of the<br />

soap genre and are therefore also used very much like soaps by the<br />

broadcasters in countries with a daily television soap tradition, such as<br />

Australia, for instance. Thus, international reality formats are indigenised and<br />

made local in both their ‘look’ and their appeal to the audience according to<br />

local soap traditions. When it comes to the concrete project at hand in this<br />

thesis, it will be interesting how a media system such as the Danish, which has<br />

no tradition of soaps, will make use of the genre.<br />

The performance of contestants in reality television also gives viewers an<br />

opportunity for “thick judgmental and speculative discourse around<br />

participants’ motives, actions and likely future behaviour” (Hill 2005:67).<br />

Viewers speculate on whether the participants display a true or a false<br />

behaviour and hence question the authenticity of these ordinary people’s<br />

performances. Consequently, viewers also assess the truth claims of the<br />

program itself and are able to move back and forth between trust and<br />

suspicion (Hill 2005:57ff).<br />

In reality television, audiences are not staged as ‘spectators’ but as people, in<br />

which the participants on screen confide. By relating to these people, the<br />

audience will most likely have to relate to their own lives, which points to<br />

Giddens (1999, 1991) and his theories of post-modern people’s creation of a<br />

“narrative of the self”, which is further discussed below. Additionally, by<br />

listening to the confessions of the people on screen, the audience is not only<br />

taking part in the conversation; they are in a position to judge and console,<br />

which gives a sense of power (Hill 2005:57ff). Thus, reality television is a kind<br />

of mediated gossip. For example, the viewers can be compassionate with the<br />

people that are voted off Big Brother or Idol; they can condemn the infidelity<br />



that takes place in Temptation Island; and they can experience both indignation<br />

and fascination with participants. The functions of reality game shows this<br />

way equal those of daily soaps such as Neighbours, in which the characters’<br />

actions are also under daily viewer scrutiny.<br />

Lifestyle and reality compared: Small-talk television versus peak<br />

realism<br />

Although both genres share a lot of common traits, the most important of<br />

which is the fact that they have ordinary people as their dramaturgical pivotal<br />

point, lifestyle and reality also differ substantially in a number of important<br />

areas. Lifestyle can be classified as fairly harmless small-talk television with a<br />

focus on the ordinary and everyday experiences such as decorating a home or<br />

doing gardening, whereas reality focuses on the extraordinary events of<br />

ordinary people in a kind of peak realism.<br />

What reality does is certainly not small talk about the everyday. On the<br />

contrary, the genre deals with ordinary people experiencing an emotional breakup<br />

of the everyday. Reality is when the everyday breaks out of its routine and<br />

becomes dangerous, exciting and extraordinary, which is why Jerslev<br />

(2005:28, my translation from Danish) terms it “peak realism”. Reality as such<br />

has a built-in guarantee of crisis. In the reality documentaries, you see women<br />

giving birth and people getting married. In the studio-based reality, you<br />

experience dramatic rescues and catastrophic crimes committed. In the reality<br />

game shows, you watch how contestants are put under pressure when they<br />

have to live off a bowl of rice a day (on Survivor) or when they must use their<br />

singing talent to their fullest in the competition to win a recording deal (on<br />

Idol). This peak realism often involves loss of face; for example when<br />

contestants on Survivor and Big Brother betray other contestants or when an Idol<br />

contestant performs poorly and subsequently receives harsh criticism from<br />

the judges. Thus, reality nearly always involves the exposure of less flattering<br />

aspects of human behaviour and emotions.<br />



On the other hand lifestyle very rarely involves participants’ loss of face<br />

although participants do publicly expose private feelings (especially in the<br />

‘reveal’). However, we never get too close. Everybody has a good time and<br />

the façade is always kept intact.<br />

The differences between the two genres are also present in the elements of<br />

competition present in both reality and lifestyle. Lifestyle programs such as<br />

Changing Rooms and Ground Force are games of participation insofar as there are<br />

rules – most often a set time frame and budget within which the makeover<br />

must be done – but no sanctions exist and no real prize is to be won. The<br />

competitive elements are there only to create a narrative drive and there are<br />

no winners or losers. It is merely a question of participating. Contrary to this,<br />

the reality game shows are most often games of distinction where contestants<br />

compete for a prize. These programs have obvious winners and obvious<br />

losers and are not just about participating but about leaving the show<br />

victorious. As such, the lifestyle genre emphasises the collective interaction of<br />

participants, whereas the reality game show genre emphasises an excluding<br />

individuality of its contestants.<br />

Bruun (2006) argues that at least in the Danish television system, these<br />

differences between lifestyle and reality equal those of the public service<br />

sector and the private, commercial sector. As a matter of fact, in her account<br />

of the historical development of Danish television entertainment, Bruun sees<br />

lifestyle as a symptom of the egalitarian and inclusive type of entertainment<br />

characteristic of Danish public service broadcasters and reality as a symptom<br />

of the exclusive and elitist type of entertainment characteristic of the commercial<br />

broadcasters. It will be interesting to see whether similar differences are at<br />

play in other mixed television systems such as the Australian.<br />

A globalisation perspective on reality and lifestyle<br />

Both lifestyle and reality programs display concrete culture. As has already<br />

been touched upon, the lifestyle genre displays the external surfaces of a<br />



specific culture. How do we design our gardens and houses? How do we<br />

cook our food and raise our children? Reality programs on the other hand<br />

display the social codes, ethics and norms of culture – that is, internalised<br />

expressions of culture – to do with the behaviour of people. By showing us<br />

less flattering aspects of human behaviour, the genre makes the viewers ask<br />

questions such as: What is the ethically correct way of behaving? How would<br />

I have acted in that situation? This may be part of the explanation why a<br />

significant number of the formats being traded internationally belong to these<br />

two genres. The producers cannot help but fill them with concrete aspects of<br />

the specific culture, in which they are adapted.<br />

Nevertheless, the above is also interesting in a globalisation perspective<br />

because of the apparent and interesting connections between the two genres’<br />

super themes and globalisation’s influence on our daily lives. According to<br />

Giddens (1999) globalisation influences (post-modern) people’s lives in two<br />

important areas. The first of which is the changing of traditional family<br />

structures – such as larger influence to women and more equality between the<br />

sexes – and the second of which is less dependency on tradition in general. A<br />

consequence of this is that we have to more actively create and work on our<br />

self-identity because it is no longer given to us by tradition. In fact, Giddens<br />

sees the increased focus on psychological awareness as a symptom of this. In<br />

our post-modern society, we question everything: “What to do? How to act?<br />

Who to be? These are focal questions for everyone living in late modernity”<br />

(Giddens 1991:70). We are constantly re-inventing and constructing our selfidentities<br />

and thus creating a “narrative of the self” that changes according to<br />

our surroundings. In relation to reality and lifestyle television, it is therefore<br />

obvious to ask whether the two genres have a specific global character. Do<br />

the reality and lifestyle programs bring forward the problems of globalisation<br />

facing us in our daily lives? Do they help us create a “narrative of the self”?<br />

Do they help us gather information and ideas in the construction of our selfidentities?<br />



Media system – organisation and genre – schedules and programs<br />

This chapter has identified a number of important aspects of media system<br />

and media genre theory relevant to the project at hand and more specifically<br />

to the methodological design of the project’s various analytical levels, which is<br />

the subject of the next chapter. Nevertheless, with the above theories and<br />

discussions in mind, the methodological design consists of the following three<br />

layers and five analytical objects:<br />

Figure 3.3 > Layers and analytical objects of thesis<br />

The first level comprises the television systems of Denmark and Australia,<br />

which are also the objects of a comparative analysis according to the analytical<br />

parameters laid out in the first section of the chapter. The second level<br />

encompasses two analytical objects – genres and industry – and as we have<br />

seen in the course of the chapter, presents a very important, connecting level<br />

between system and text. The third level is made up of the television texts<br />

themselves, which in this case are divided into two types of texts, namely the<br />

primetime schedules of Australian and Danish primetime and four actual<br />

program formats in their Australian and Danish adaptations. All of this will<br />

be further elaborated in next chapter’s discussion of the methodological<br />

choices behind the research design set up to cover the five analytical objects<br />

of the project.<br />



C h a p t e r 4<br />


DESIGN<br />

Based on the contextual, theoretical and methodological insights of Chapter 2<br />

and Chapter 3, this chapter describes and argues for the specific<br />

methodological choices and research design of this thesis. As indicated in<br />

Chapter 3, the thesis has three analytical layers, the overarching media<br />

systemic level and specific textual level, the two of which are connected<br />

through the essential mid-range level of genre and industry. The three levels<br />

contain a total of five analytical objects, which together should address the<br />

main problems of the thesis in an appropriate manner: television systems (the<br />

Australian and Danish), genres (in particular lifestyle and reality), industry (the<br />

broadcasters and producers of formats), schedules and the actual programs<br />

(that is, the Australian and Danish adaptations of four specific formats). Thus,<br />

the thesis makes a thorough and comprehensive exploration of the role of<br />

media system and genre in the format adaptation process and, in the course,<br />

pursuing its two main problems all the way through the process.<br />

To investigate the analytical objects, I have constructed four analytical<br />

designs, which involve a methodological combination of normative and<br />

structural media system analysis, qualitative interviews, quantitative schedule<br />

analyses and qualitative program analyses:<br />



1. COMPARATIVE MEDIA SYSTEM ANALYSIS of the Danish and the<br />

Australian media systems.<br />

2. QUALITATIVE INTERVIEWS with relevant Danish and Australian<br />

television professionals involved in the development or<br />

production of the four formats being analysed in the comparative<br />

program analyses.<br />

3. COMPARATIVE SCHEDULE ANALYSES of the primetime schedules<br />

of the most important Danish and Australian national television<br />

channels over a 10-year period with special regards to the<br />

development of format adaptation and genre use.<br />

4. COMPARATIVE PROGRAM ANALYSES of the Danish and Australian<br />

adaptations of four specific reality and lifestyle formats, Ground<br />

Force, The Block, Nerds FC and Idol.<br />

Each of these designs is explained in methodological detail below, including a<br />

discussion of methodological problems pertaining to them. After this, two<br />

overarching methodological problems relating to the general process of data<br />

collection are reflected on, namely the order of data collection and my own<br />

possible cultural bias as a researcher.<br />




The initial choice of Denmark and Australia was not accidental and was made<br />

due to a number of reasons. First of all, Denmark and Australia each<br />

represent a fairly distinct sub-region within what has been termed the<br />

European geo-linguistic region, be it the Scandinavian and the Anglo-Saxon<br />

region respectively. Of course, as both countries are Western, they are also<br />

similar in many ways. Hence, one could argue that two radically different<br />

countries should have been chosen, such as Denmark and China for example.<br />

However, analysing a country like China would have posed too many practical<br />

and even methodological problems, as I do not speak Chinese or have any<br />

knowledge of Chinese media and Chinese culture whatsoever. Denmark and<br />

Australia on the other hand are countries whose languages, media and culture<br />

I am very familiar with.<br />

Secondly, Australia and Denmark are both situated on the periphery of the<br />

Western region and are therefore net-importers of television content,<br />

including formats. Hence, methodologically they would be comparable as<br />

they are more or less on par in the international exchange of television<br />

content. One country does not have more financial or cultural power than the<br />

other, which would have been the case, had I compared Denmark to, for<br />

example, the UK. In the case of both Denmark and Australia there is no<br />

major financial or cultural bias that may affect the analytical results.<br />

Thirdly, the language of Danish is a minority language on a global scale,<br />

whereas Australia’s official language English is a – if not, the – globalised<br />

lingua franca. This could add interesting perspectives in terms of the<br />

importance of language in the format adaptation process. As many of the<br />

adapted formats originate in the UK and the USA, one may presume that the<br />

motivation or need for adapting formats into local versions would be less<br />

urgent in English-speaking Australia than in Danish-speaking Denmark. One<br />



may assume that Australian broadcasters would tend to broadcast more of the<br />

original British or American versions of the formats, as these versions would<br />

be immediately understood by an Australian audience without dubbing or<br />

adding subtitles.<br />

Two different media systems<br />

However, finally and most importantly for the choice of Denmark and<br />

Australia were the apparent differences between the Danish and the<br />

Australian television and media systems. Danish television is characterised by<br />

an exceptionally strong public service tradition and, consequently, a dominant<br />

public service sector. Despite the presence of commercial broadcasters owned<br />

by international media companies Modern Times Group and SBS<br />

Broadcasting, the two public service broadcasters DR and <strong>TV</strong> 2 have a<br />

viewing share of just below 70 per cent. Australian television, on the contrary,<br />

is and has always been a highly commercialised dual system with three strong<br />

commercial networks – Seven, Nine and Ten – and two relatively weak public<br />

service broadcasters, the ABC and SBS, with fairly narrow remits compared<br />

to their Danish counterparts. The two combined only have about a 20 per<br />

cent share, whereas the three commercial networks have a share of about 65<br />

per cent, which is more or less the opposite distribution of audiences<br />

compared to Denmark.<br />

Historically, Danish television was comparatively nationalised in terms of<br />

locally produced content, whereas Australian television initially was<br />

Americanised with a large share of American imported content, which slowly<br />

was displaced by an increasing amount of locally produced content. Through<br />

the years Australia also developed a rather successful export of television<br />

programs in genres such as soaps, miniseries and television movies, whereas<br />

Danish broadcasters and producers still primarily produce for the domestic<br />

market. As for broadcasting policies in the two countries, Danish and<br />

Australian governments have chosen rather different regulating methods. The<br />

Australian broadcasting regulations rely heavily on market forces and are<br />



increasingly becoming the subject of political and economic liberalisation. The<br />

Danish broadcasting legislation has traditionally been much more centralised<br />

with a large emphasis on television as a public ‘servant’ enabling its viewers to<br />

take part in the democratic process. There are of course more nuances to<br />

these differences but this was what initially made me choose the two<br />

countries. These nuances are investigated comprehensively in Chapter 5’s<br />

comparative analysis.<br />

By analysing and comparing two apparently different media systems, I should<br />

be able to investigate how and to what extent the media system influences<br />

media content that has the same point of reference in both countries, namely<br />

the television format materialised as the format bible. The aim of the analysis<br />

therefore is to pinpoint aspects of the two systems that may be visible on the<br />

production level and/or the level of the texts themselves.<br />

Level of analysis<br />

The media system analysis is undertaken on a meso level as opposed to a<br />

macro or micro level (see Chapter 3). That is, the analysis does not cover the<br />

entire macro level of the Danish and Australian media systems; nor does it<br />

cover the micro level of, for instance, one particular medium. Instead the<br />

analysis focuses on a particular media sector: national television, defined as the<br />

five national free-to-air television channels of Australia (ABC, SBS, Channel<br />

Ten, Channel Nine, and Channel Seven), and the four most important Danish<br />

language television channels of Denmark including three free-to-air<br />

broadcasters (DR1, <strong>TV</strong> 2, TvDanmark) and one satellite- and cable-based<br />

broadcaster (<strong>TV</strong>3). For the purpose of this study, the meso level is seen as<br />

adequate because television formats are exclusive to television and do not<br />

exist in other media, but at the same time television formats are a<br />

phenomenon prevalent in the entire national television sector of Denmark<br />

and Australia, not restricting it to just one or two broadcasters. 25 As for the<br />

25 While television formats, for obvious reasons, do not exist outside of television; other types of media<br />

content are also formatted according to a franchise model similar to the one behind television<br />



space and time dimensions of the level of analysis, the analysis is done on a<br />

trans-national level, comparing Denmark and Australia; and is mainly focused<br />

on how the systems work presently and have worked in the recent history of<br />

the past two decades, as the object of research exists in what qualifies as an<br />

historical present. Despite this, historical aspects of the Danish and Australian<br />

systems are accounted for as a means to understand this recent history and<br />

not least the present.<br />

Analytical parameters<br />

The analysis of Australia and Denmark’s media systems will be done from the<br />

analytical parameters set forward in Chapter 3. Specifically, these parameters<br />

include the positions – penetration, diversity and concentration – and the<br />

relations – responsibility/accountability, ownership and funding – of the<br />

selected television broadcasters in the two countries. In addition, more<br />

general historical and national political aspects are drawn into the analysis<br />

where relevant.<br />

formats. One example of this franchise idea is the magazine business and fashion magazines such as<br />

Vogue, Marie Claire and Cosmopolitan, all of which are published in different local versions around<br />

the world.<br />




Qualitative interviews will be conducted with relevant Danish and Australian<br />

television professionals, acting as representatives of the senders of the<br />

adapted formats. The interviewees are acting merely as informants and the<br />

interviews are meant to provide the study with valuable inside information<br />

and data impossible to achieve otherwise. The information provided by the<br />

interviewees serves as a vital link between the differences and similarities<br />

exposed in the textual analyses of especially the four Australian and Danish<br />

adaptations and the general systemic differences and similarities exposed in<br />

the comparative media system analysis between the two countries. As such,<br />

interview statements are used to illustrate, qualify, nuance or contradict<br />

especially the program analyses. Consequently, the interviews are primarily<br />

used in Chapters 7, 8, 9 and 10, which contain the comparative analyses of the<br />

Australian and Danish adaptations of the same four formats.<br />

Broadcasters and production companies<br />

In the case of format adaptation as with most other forms of television<br />

production, the senders involve both the broadcasters who decide that they<br />

want to air the format in the first place and subsequently set out the<br />

guidelines for how they want the format adaptation to fit into their channel<br />

image and schedule, and the production company in charge of carrying out<br />

the guidelines and making the actual programs. Although the two work<br />

closely together in the process, and sometimes even belong to the same<br />

organisation (as is the case with both DR1’s adaptation of Ground Force and<br />

Channel Nine’s production and development of the original The Block), they<br />

have different roles. Because the broadcaster hires the production company<br />

to do the adaptation, the relationship between the two becomes a hierarchical<br />

employer-employee relationship. In my project, the idea therefore is to<br />

interview representatives of both broadcasters and production companies in<br />

order to cover as many aspects of the adaptation process as possible. Being in<br />



an employer-employee relationship also implies that they may have different<br />

vested interests that they want portrayed in the interview, which I have to<br />

keep in mind when analysing their statements. For example it may be likely<br />

that a producer would blame the broadcaster for scheduling the adaptation in<br />

a wrong slot in the event of a flopped format; whereas the broadcaster would<br />

probably blame the producer for not meeting the guidelines set out.<br />

Managers and middle managers<br />

Production of a format adaptation involves three levels of individuals within<br />

the organisational hierarchy (see Ytreberg 1999:24ff for a similar division<br />

within the production of Norwegian public service television): the<br />

management level, the middle-management level, and the hands-on<br />

production level. The hands-on production level consists of the ‘people on<br />

the floor’ who are given the practical task of casting, directing, shooting, and<br />

editing the format adaptation. The production company usually employs<br />

these people. The middle-management level includes executive producers and<br />

editors who are placed in-between the production level and the management<br />

level. They are the people communicating, negotiating, and following through<br />

management decisions onto the production level. Within the format<br />

adaptation process, this level would typically consist of executive producers or<br />

editors from both broadcaster and production company. The management<br />

level is made up of people on the very top-level of the organisational<br />

hierarchy and would typically include the head of programming and the heads<br />

of the different departments within the broadcaster commissioning the<br />

format for adaptation.<br />

For the purpose of this study, both management level and middlemanagement<br />

levels are represented. People on the management level can<br />

inform me about the particular reasons for selecting the format in question,<br />

but also about their policy on and experiences with format adaptation in<br />

general. People on the middle-management level can inform me about the<br />

general idea behind the concrete format design as well as the more practical<br />



hands-on aspects like the choice of editing, music, casting, etc., which is why I<br />

do not find it necessary to interview people ‘on the floor’ of the production<br />

level. In line with the differences between broadcasters and producers, it is<br />

also likely that there are different interests at play according to the<br />

organisational level of the interviewees, which I must be aware of when<br />

analysing the interviews.<br />

Recruitment<br />

Even though I had outlined the above prerequisites for my interviewees, the<br />

actual recruitment of them proved quite a challenge, especially in Australia.<br />

Recruitment in Australia was difficult due to two reasons: Firstly, I did not<br />

have any detailed knowledge of people working in Australian television, and<br />

most importantly, I did not have any network within the industry whatsoever.<br />

Secondly, I only had a vague idea about what format cases to use in my study<br />

before I went to Australia because it would depend on what formats I could<br />

attain from the Australian broadcasters when I was there. This meant that<br />

recruitment happened via a ‘snowball’ principle, where I basically used the one<br />

academic contact I had in Australia previous to my arrival to get me<br />

interviews with some of his industry contacts, who then recommended me on<br />

to more contacts within the industry, and so forth. This of course made the<br />

recruitment process extremely time consuming and also more random than I<br />

could have wished for. This was primarily because above all I did quite a few<br />

not-so-relevant interviews in order to get to the relevant ones. Nonetheless, in<br />

the end the hard work paid off and I got to interview an adequate number of<br />

relevant television executives within the Australian broadcasting and<br />

production industries. And in the process I even got valuable additional<br />

insights into the Australian media system that were not directly linked to<br />

format adaptation.<br />

Recruitment of interviewees in the Danish television industry was a lot less<br />

difficult because I did have detailed knowledge of who worked where, and I<br />

did have a widely branched professional network within the industry. Also, at<br />



the time of the recruitment I knew exactly what formats were to be used as<br />

cases, which made my recruitment even more focused and a lot less random.<br />

I did however use ‘snowball’ recruitment once or twice, but I did not at any<br />

time get refused access by any potential interviewee, nor did I interview<br />

broadcasters or producers who were not somehow relevant to the object of<br />

research.<br />

Interview guides<br />

The interview guides I used were all semi-structured, as it gave me the<br />

opportunity to easily compare the statements of the interviewees and at the<br />

same time enough flexibility for spontaneous changes during the interviews if<br />

something unexpected and interesting was to come up. Questions were for<br />

the most part ‘open’ – such as ‘tell me about the adaptation process from the<br />

beginning until the end’ – which allowed the interviewees to account for what<br />

were the most important aspects to them, which in turn could give me an idea<br />

of their priorities and ways of thinking as regards to the format. This meant<br />

that I did not ask specific questions concerning, for instance, casting, style,<br />

etc. to start off with. Instead I waited for the interviewee to touch upon the<br />

aspects himself and then followed his or her lead with more detailed and<br />

‘closed’ questions. I worked with three different interview guides for three<br />

different kinds of informants (see appendices number 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3):<br />

1. BROADCASTING EXECUTIVES. The first interview guide had more<br />

general type questions concerning station policy on format adaptation,<br />

previous experiences with format adaptation, and criteria for the general<br />

selection of formats for adaptation. However, questions about the<br />

selection of the particular formats were also included.<br />

2. EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS. The second interview guide was designed to<br />

ask specific questions concerning the actual production process. What<br />

were the production choices made and why? The questions typically<br />

revolve around audio-visual style, casting, adjustments to local audiences<br />

and channel image, changes made compared to original format, etc.<br />



3. DEVELOPERS OF ORIGINAL FORMATS. Finally, an interview guide was<br />

designed for the interviews with the original Australian and Danish<br />

developers of The Block and Nerds FC. These questions mainly revolved<br />

around the original idea and inspiration for the formats. In addition,<br />

slightly different interview guides were used for the two London<br />

interviews with the executive producers behind the two British formats<br />

Ground Force and Idol.<br />

People interviewed<br />

Below is a schematic outline of the names, job titles, organisations, and<br />

related formats of the informants whose interview statements are directly or<br />

indirectly referenced throughout this thesis.<br />

Table 4.1 > Interviewees’ names, job titles, organisations and formats<br />



Brad Lyons<br />

Head of production and Channel Seven<br />

Ground Force<br />

development<br />

David Barbour<br />

Executive producer and Channel Nine<br />

The Block<br />

developer<br />

Margaret Murphy Commissioning editor SBS<br />

Nerds FC/FC Zulu<br />

factual entertainment<br />

Paul Waterhouse Executive producer Grundy Productions Nerds FC/FC Zulu<br />

Tim Clucas<br />

Head of production and Channel Ten<br />

Australian Idol/Pop Idol<br />

development<br />

Stephen Tate Executive producer Channel Ten Australian Idol/Pop Idol<br />

Michael Ward<br />

Head of policy and ABC<br />

None<br />

administration<br />


Søren Therkelsen Commissioning editor<br />

entertainment<br />

DR<br />

Hokus Krokus/Ground<br />

Force<br />

Søren Bo Hansen Executive producer DR Lifestyle Hokus Krokus/Ground<br />

Force<br />

Anette Rømer<br />

Commissioning editor <strong>TV</strong> 2<br />

HUSET/The Block<br />

formats and lifestyle<br />

Kent Nikolajsen Executive producer Metronome Productions HUSET/The Block<br />

Keld Reinicke<br />

Channel manager and <strong>TV</strong> 2/Zulu<br />

FC Zulu/Nerds FC<br />

developer<br />

Karoline Spodsberg Program manager <strong>TV</strong>3 Idols/ Idol<br />

Pil Brandstrup Executive producer Blu Productions Idols/ Idol<br />


Linda Clifford Executive producer Endemol UK Productions Ground Force<br />

Stephen Flint Brand manager Fremantle Media Idol<br />



The problem of access<br />

Interviewing television professionals poses a number of methodological<br />

challenges all related to the problem of access. Because broadcasting and<br />

production organisations are located within a private – as opposed to public –<br />

space, researchers have to negotiate access. Access is not a given. On top of<br />

this, media organisations and the people working within them hold a high<br />

cultural status and power in society and often have moral obligations as well<br />

as economic interests to protect and cultivate, making it even more difficult to<br />

get access on the right level and to the right information (Frandsen 2007).<br />

The problem of access may have vital consequences for the nature, and<br />

eventually the results, of the research process, and the issue therefore requires<br />

special attention. Below is a discussion of six important aspects concerning<br />

problems of access that a researcher must take into consideration when doing<br />

production studies (based on Frandsen 2007:44ff), each of which is related to<br />

how I approached the specific problem in the interviews undertaken for the<br />

project at hand.<br />

1. EXTERNAL STATUS OF ORGANISATION. First of all, the access<br />

negotiated by the researcher will depend on the external status of the<br />

organisation in question. Does the organisation have any vested interests<br />

in letting the researcher ‘in’? In terms of the interviews undertaken for the<br />

project at hand, it is not likely that the organisations of the interviewees<br />

had any vested interests in letting me into their organisations other than<br />

the personal goodwill and curiosity of the interviewees, whom I<br />

approached directly and not via their organisations as such.<br />

2. INTERNAL STATUS OF INTERVIEWEE. Secondly, access can be motivated<br />

by internal power plays. Does anybody within the organisation have any<br />

vested interests in talking to the researcher? At what level of the<br />

organisational hierarchy is the person interviewed? Is he or she the head<br />

of the department, the executive producer, or the producer’s assistant? All<br />



of this will surely influence the kind of information given, and the<br />

researcher will have to assess it accordingly. In the case of my<br />

interviewees, this is certainly something I have been aware of and tried to<br />

address accordingly, as has already been discussed above. For example,<br />

the interviewees on the managing broadcaster level were a lot more<br />

apprehensive and ‘political’ in their answers to me, whereas generally<br />

people on the production level addressed my questions much more<br />

willingly and without any political or strategic apprehension.<br />

3. SOLIDARITY. There is also the danger of the researcher getting to feel<br />

(too much) solidarity with particular aspects or levels of production,<br />

according to where he or she gets access. In the case of my interviews,<br />

this problem has been counterbalanced by the detailed textual analyses<br />

undertaken. The textual analyses would reveal any cases where the<br />

interviewees did not address aspects a hundred per cent truthfully or were<br />

reluctant to discuss.<br />

4. FORMAL OR INFORMAL INFORMATION. The type of access achieved is<br />

central to the relevance of the knowledge generated in the research<br />

process. Is the access given formally by the managers and restricted to<br />

official interviews, or does the access have an informal nature, where the<br />

researcher is informed through, for example, casual conversations and<br />

invitations to confidential meetings? In the case of my interviews, I only<br />

received formal information and as such only have my interviewees’ word<br />

for the information given. I have not taken part in any of the processes<br />

concerning format adaptation myself and there may therefore be relevant<br />

aspects that have been overlooked. Consequently, there may be important<br />

questions that I have overlooked and not asked my interviewees.<br />

Nevertheless, the interview guides, which in turn were based on the<br />

various theoretical, contextual and methodological insights of Chapter 2<br />

and 3, were a means of trying to ask all relevant questions.<br />



5. ACCESS AS TRADE OR GIFT. Another crucial aspect is the explicit and/or<br />

implicit expectations to the researcher that may come with both formal<br />

and informal access. In this respect, access can be obtained through a<br />

trade between researcher and organisation, which means that the<br />

researcher has to give consultancy or other academic expertise in return;<br />

or access can be given merely as a present. If access is obtained in a trade,<br />

the relationship between researcher and organisation is of a professional<br />

nature, and the parties are equally dependent on each other; ‘I give you<br />

something you need because you give me something I need’. However, if<br />

access is a gift, the relationship becomes less equal and often rather<br />

ambiguous because a symbolic and interpersonal dimension is added, in<br />

which the receiver is naturally expected to show a minimum of gratitude –<br />

and is certainly not expected to criticise neither present nor giver. Hence,<br />

access given as a gift can potentially limit the professional role of the<br />

researcher and easily lead to self-censorship and the exclusion of critical,<br />

but significant, questions. This is indeed a relevant problem in terms of<br />

the interviews undertaken here, as all my interviews were given to me as a<br />

present, and hence potentially limiting my professional role as a<br />

researcher. Nevertheless, as none of my questions were really critical in<br />

the first place because of their informative nature, it did not pose too<br />

much of a problem. Still, I also tried to avoid the problem by only letting<br />

the interviewees read my interview transcripts in cases where they asked<br />

me directly. This way I avoided the interviewees trying to edit out any of<br />

the more controversial answers they may have given. As a matter of fact,<br />

only one of 16 interviewees demanded to read my transcripts.<br />

6. VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY PROBLEMS. Finally, and as a consequence<br />

of the above, the problem of access can potentially cause theoretical and<br />

methodological validity and reliability difficulties. If a researcher cannot<br />

get access to sufficient and satisfactory data to disclose his or her<br />



particular object of research, the research findings may not hold enough<br />

validity. Furthermore, it is difficult to control the reliability of research<br />

conducted within a media organisation precisely because the<br />

organisational processes are not accessible to anyone. In the project at<br />

hand, these potential validity and reliability problems have been addressed<br />

by not letting the interviews stand on their own but also include the<br />

media systemic as well as the textual perspective and hence attempting a<br />

methodological triangulation of the empirical data collected, in which the<br />

results of data collected through various methods and various modes of<br />

analysis are compared and assessed accordingly.<br />




The quantitative analyses of Danish and Australian primetime television<br />

schedules will explore the extent and frequency of format adaptation in the<br />

two countries in a historical perspective over a 10-year period from 1995 to<br />

2005. In this way it can provide insights into if and how the international<br />

boom in the use of format adaptations have affected television schedules in<br />

the two countries. Has the use of format adaptations increased? If so, what<br />

type of programming have the formats replaced? And are there important<br />

similarities or differences in the historical patterns of the two countries? In<br />

addition, it explores the development of genres both in general and in terms<br />

of the specific genres of the local format adaptations.<br />

It is important to note that in this study, the definition of a format is a little<br />

different to the industry definition accounted for in Chapter 2, which rear as:<br />

‘a program concept sold for adaptation in at least one territory outside its<br />

country of origin’. Here, a format is a foreign programming concept, which is<br />

sold for adaptation in at least one territory outside its country of origin’.<br />

Australian and Danish originated formats are therefore considered 100 per<br />

cent local production and not formats.<br />

Inspiration for schedule analyses<br />

Three main sources have served as inspiration for this quantitative study:<br />

Survey on format adaptations and imported programming in Australian primetime<br />

In this survey Moran (2004b) surveys one week of Australian primetime<br />

programming as a means of assessing Australia’s dependence on overseas<br />

formats and imported content. The survey accounts for both the percentage<br />

of locally produced versus imported programming content, and the<br />

percentage of format adaptations within the locally produced content for each<br />

of the five major free-to-air Australian broadcasters, the ABC, SBS, Channel<br />



Seven, Channel Nine, and Channel Ten. My survey design is more or less an<br />

elaborated replica of Moran’s design.<br />

Genre change in UK primetime<br />

Brunsdon et al. (2001) has shown how British primetime has been the ‘victim’<br />

of a true factual entertainment takeover. In the 1990s, British primetime<br />

changed dramatically, giving rise to various factual entertainment genres such as<br />

reality and lifestyle and, as a consequence, causing a decline in ‘real’ factual<br />

genres such as current affairs and documentaries, and in traditional<br />

entertainment and drama. A similar change has most likely taken place in<br />

many parts of at least the North-Western hemisphere (see for instance<br />

Frandsen & Carlsen 2005 for an historic account of Danish makeover and<br />

DIY shows), making it an important historical change in primetime<br />

scheduling and an indicator of a “post-documentary television culture” (ibid,<br />

my translation from Danish). Seeing as many of the formats that circulate<br />

internationally are precisely within the reality and lifestyle genres – and of<br />

British origin – one would suspect a correlation between the possible genre<br />

changes and the rise in format adaptation in countries like Denmark and<br />

Australia, whose broadcasters traditionally have looked to the UK for<br />

inspiration.<br />

More local content in Asian primetime on account of format adaptations<br />

Moran & Keane (2004) demonstrate how television schedules in various<br />

Asian countries have changed due to the advent of format adaptations. In<br />

some Asian countries the increased use of adaptations of overseas formats<br />

has caused a resurgence of locally produced content, marginalising especially<br />

American content in the primetime slots.<br />

Based on the above, I have formulated three basic assumptions to be<br />

investigated in the analysis of the television schedules of Denmark and<br />

Australia:<br />



1. <strong>Format</strong> adaptations have taken up an increasing part of Danish<br />

and Australian primetime over the past 10 years<br />

2. Locally produced programming in Danish and Australian<br />

primetime has also increased; this may especially be the case with<br />

broadcasters who have traditionally relied heavily on imported<br />

(American) content<br />

3. In the process, factual entertainment genres within reality and<br />

lifestyle have marginalised genres such as current<br />

affairs/documentary, drama, and entertainment in primetime.<br />

If the assumptions turn out to be at least partly accurate, the question remains<br />

whether there is a connection between the changes concerning format<br />

adaptation and the changes to do with local content and genres. Are there any<br />

connections between an increased use of format adaptation in Danish and<br />

Australian primetime and a possible rise in locally produced programming<br />

content? Are there any connections between an increased use of format<br />

adaptations in Danish and Australian primetime and a possible rise in certain<br />

genres at the expense of others? What are the similarities and differences<br />

between the two countries? And what can be the explanations behind the<br />

possible changes and connections, similarities and differences?<br />

As a consequence, the analysis is designed in a manner that examines:<br />

(1) Locally produced and imported content;<br />

(2) <strong>Format</strong> adaptations within the locally produced content;<br />

(3) Genre changes over time;<br />

(4) Changes in the volume of format adaptations over time; and finally,<br />

(5) Changes in the volume of locally produced content over time.<br />



Uncovering these five aspects of the assumptions is a necessary step towards<br />

discussing possible connections. The analysis is therefore based on the basic<br />

design of Moran’s survey, covering 1) and 2), with the additions of elements<br />

that cover the historical and generic aspects 3), 4) and 5). This is explained in<br />

detail below.<br />

Main broadcasters, primetime, 1995-2000-2005<br />

In Denmark the analysis covers the main channels of the four competing<br />

Danish broadcasters DR1, <strong>TV</strong> 2, <strong>TV</strong>3, and TvDanmark. In Australia it covers<br />

the five free-to-air channels and broadcasters: the ABC, SBS, Channel Seven,<br />

Channel Nine and Channel Ten. With a preference for popular programming<br />

in its widest sense, all of these broadcasters appeal to a wide audience, and<br />

catering for popular tastes makes them more prone to adapting the widely<br />

appealing foreign formats in primetime. The analysis only covers extended<br />

primetime in the two countries, as this is where broadcasters in both countries<br />

schedule the large part of their adaptations. Extended primetime in both<br />

countries is determined to be 18:30 to 22:30, which is the period of time<br />

when most viewers watch and consequently when the competition between<br />

the market players is at its fiercest. The analysis thus takes in the primetime<br />

scheduling of one week of late April and another week of late October in<br />

1995, 2000, and 2004/5, respectively; a total of six weeks to cover the<br />

development over a 10-year period. 26<br />

The three years and the specific weeks are chosen on the basis of various<br />

facts, historical developments and events concerning both the Danish and the<br />

Australian television systems. First of all, both April and October are part of<br />

Danish and Australian television’s peak seasons. This is where the new<br />

important locally produced programming ventures are broadcast, because people<br />

watch more television compared to the summer seasons, which in Australia’s<br />

26 2004/5 refers to the fact that the analysis is carried out on the basis of the October week in<br />

2004 and the April week in 2005, as the main body of the analysis was initialised and carried<br />

out in July 2005, i.e. before October 2005.<br />



case is December-February and in Denmark’s case is June-August. In<br />

addition, in both countries spring and autumn are characterised by a large<br />

degree of strip and serialisation scheduling; that is, scheduling primetime<br />

programs at the same time each day throughout the week and as programs in<br />

a series. The specific survey weeks – weeks 17 (late April) and 43 (late<br />

October) – all but avoid public holidays such as Easter (and, in Denmark’s<br />

case, autumn holidays) and big sports events that would otherwise interfere<br />

with ‘normal’ strip and serialisation scheduling.<br />

The year 1995 is when the analysis commences. This marks the year in which<br />

the British I<strong>TV</strong> smash hit format Don’t Forget Your Toothbrush is successfully<br />

adapted in many countries around the world, including Denmark and<br />

Australia. This is likely to have opened the international television industry’s<br />

eyes to the great opportunities of blockbuster formats that differ from the<br />

traditional game show formats like Wheel of Fortune that had until then<br />

represented the large majority of format adaptations. In Denmark the<br />

duopoly of public service television is a reality in 1995 and, with it, the<br />

competition for both viewers and market shares. Denmark’s second public<br />

service broadcaster <strong>TV</strong> 2 – which went on air in 1988, financed by both<br />

license fees and advertising – has captured a considerable market share from<br />

the former monopoly public service broadcaster DR, and the first commercial<br />

broadcaster <strong>TV</strong>3 has also made its way into many Danish homes via satellite<br />

and thus become an important player on the commercial market<br />

(Søndergaard 2000). 1995 is also just before the introduction of the first<br />

supplementary channels, DR2 and <strong>TV</strong>3+ in 1996. 27 It should be noted that<br />

the broadcasters’ primary and only channel therefore contains the entirety of<br />

programming content and hence caters for all audience groups and tastes,<br />

especially in the case of the public service broadcasters. I therefore suspect<br />

the Danish scheduling to be less popular in 1995 than after the advent of the<br />

27 Actually <strong>TV</strong>3 started two supplementary channels as early as 1995, Z<strong>TV</strong> and <strong>TV</strong>6, but they<br />

failed, and in 1996 they merged into <strong>TV</strong>3+. <strong>TV</strong> 2’s and TvDanmark’s supplementary<br />

channels were not introduced until 2000.<br />



supplementary channels. On the whole, 1995 represents the ‘good old days’<br />

of the Danish PSB one-channel duopoly. In Australia, 1995 in many ways also<br />

represents the good old days, not of PSB one-channel duopoly, but of freeto-air<br />

monopoly. Subscription television was not introduced in Australia until<br />

the late 1990s and up until then, both the commercial and the public free-toair<br />

broadcasters enjoyed an internal competition undisturbed from other<br />

market players, except for the insignificant community television sector. Also,<br />

free-to-air television – especially the commercial sector – is starting to recover<br />

from the crisis of the late 1980s and early 1990s, which saw an increase in<br />

precisely lower-cost formats such as lifestyle programs and a reduction in<br />

local production (see Chapter 5).<br />

The year 2000 is midway between 1995 and now (2005) 28 and hence an<br />

appropriate year to survey. In Denmark, three important developments<br />

happened in the late 1990s that are likely to have had an overall effect on the<br />

primetime scheduling of the four broadcasters. First of all, the second half of<br />

the 1990s saw an augmented competition for commercial market shares<br />

(Søndergaard 2000). The networked commercial channel TvDanmark has<br />

seen the light of day in 1997, and Denmark is experiencing an economic<br />

downturn, which makes companies spend less on advertising all together.<br />

Secondly, and as a result of this, <strong>TV</strong> 2, the by far largest commercial<br />

broadcaster, cuts budgets in 1999, looking for cheaper ways to fill the<br />

schedules in order meet the increased competition. Thirdly, just prior to the<br />

budget cuts, <strong>TV</strong> 2 has made significant adjustments to its schedule, localising<br />

primetime entirely. This is another measurement taken to meet the<br />

competition from <strong>TV</strong>3 and TvDanmark and a realisation that Danish<br />

programs in most cases achieve higher ratings and thus, larger advertising<br />

revenues than foreign programs (Ibid; Søndergaard 2003). Overall, 2000<br />

represents a year of fierce commercial competition within the Danish market;<br />

plus an increased focus on the benefits of locally produced programming. In<br />

28 The schedule analyses were commenced in July 2005.<br />



Australia, subscription television has been introduced and the competition is<br />

heating up between the new subscription television sector and the established<br />

free-to-air sector. As Chapter 5 shows, the introduction of subscription<br />

television in Australia also promoted a greater integration between national<br />

and international programming because the subscription television sector is<br />

predominantly foreign owned and thus acts as an instrument for foreign<br />

programming. This may influence the programming offered on the free-to-air<br />

stations.<br />

2004/5 constitutes the present, as the initial part of the study was carried out<br />

in the last half of 2005. The five years between 2000 and 2004/5 have seen a<br />

large growth in the international exchange of formats for adaptation (Schmitt<br />

et al. 2005). At the same time, the competition in both countries has increased<br />

even more with the advent of more commercial and – in Australia’s case –<br />

digital terrestrial television (DTT) channels, competing for both viewers,<br />

advertising revenue and, most importantly, the profitable subscription<br />

television market. In Denmark, this has mainly affected the smaller<br />

commercial broadcasters of <strong>TV</strong>3 (MTG Broadcasting) and TvDanmark (SBS<br />

Broadcasting). The two largest broadcasting companies DR and <strong>TV</strong> 2 have by<br />

and large kept their market share with the help of their supplementary<br />

channels. In Australia the increased competition has affected free-to-air<br />

television although the sector is still by far the largest. The subscription sector<br />

now has 19 per cent of the market (see Chapter 5). Because of the very<br />

restricted legislation on digital terrestrial television, the introduction of the<br />

DTT channels has not really had an impact on ratings.<br />



Genre divisions<br />

The genre divisions used in the schedule analyses are the divisions already<br />

accounted for in Chapter 3. The table below illustrates the divisions.<br />

Table 4.1 > Genre divisions<br />



Factual<br />

Fictional<br />

Traditional<br />

entertainment<br />

Factual entertainment<br />

GENRES<br />

Documentaries (including culture) (programs treating factual and<br />

cultural events with relevance to the public sphere of society; concrete<br />

examples are historic documentaries, investigative documentaries, nature<br />

documentaries, and literature programs)<br />

News & current affairs (programs about current events in the public<br />

sphere of society; the news & current affairs programs are often magazine<br />

style and studio-based programs, which treat issues relevant for current<br />

events only)<br />

Sports (programs about sports or telecasts of sports events)<br />

Children/young people (programs made especially for children or young<br />

people; cartoons and fiction for children are not included in this category)<br />

Fiction/drama (programs telling fictive stories such as cartoons, movies,<br />

drama series, sitcoms and soaps; children’s cartoons and fiction are included<br />

in this category)<br />

Entertainment (satire, talk, variety, clip shows, game & quiz, gossip, movie<br />

shows, concerts, etc.)<br />

Reality (programs on intimate issues and about ordinary people<br />

experiencing something out of the ordinary often in a somewhat staged<br />

reality; concrete programs are Big Brother, Survivor, Idol, World’s Wildest Police<br />

Videos, Wife Swap, The Apprentice, etc.)<br />

Lifestyle (programs on issues traditionally pertaining to the private sphere<br />

such as interior design, DIY, gardening, personal makeover, child-rearing,<br />

cleaning, cooking)<br />

The categories are made to be as unambiguous as possible, thus making them<br />

fairly general but at the same time useful for the purpose of the survey.<br />

However, there may still be programs overlapping two or more genres, in<br />

which case a basic assessment is done according to which of the overlapping<br />

genres is the most dominant. This problem is most prevalent within the<br />

various traditional and factual entertainment genres, as elements of reality<br />

seem to appear everywhere. For example: Is The Block lifestyle, as it has been<br />

categorised, or is it reality? Is Strictly Come Dancing entertainment, as it has been<br />



categorised, or is it reality? 29 The non-entertainment genres proved easier to<br />

categorise, mainly because the genres are more established, and therefore a<br />

more reputable consensus exists on their categorisation. However, a number<br />

of scholars do argue that some news & current affairs programs tend to be<br />

more entertaining than informative (see Thussu (1998) on the concept of<br />

‘infotainment’).<br />

Sample size and categorisation of programs<br />

One may argue whether the sample size of only six weeks to analyse the<br />

development over a 10-year period is enough. Consequently, one may ask<br />

whether the results of the study can be generalised to count for the<br />

scheduling developments of the entire 10-year period. In a perfect world, it<br />

may have created more valid results had the analysis covered a total of for<br />

instance four weeks in every year in the period between 1995 and 2005. Still,<br />

the way of qualifying the sampling is a means of creating more validity and<br />

hence making the results more representative. As has already been explained<br />

in much more detail, the sampling was qualified through picking a week in<br />

either of the surveyed years’ peak seasons, spring and autumn, which are<br />

characterised by a large degree of strip and serialisation scheduling and<br />

therefore serial programs such as many format adaptations. This means that<br />

one week in peak season looks very much like another week in peak season,<br />

making it fairly obsolete to analyse more than one week. Also, the five-year<br />

intervals are chosen carefully – and further qualified through the historical<br />

developments of the television systems of the two countries – and represent<br />

what could be called the pragmatically most reasonable interval size under the<br />

circumstances.<br />

The validity of the schedule analyses is primarily linked to the categorisation<br />

of formats and genres: Have I categorised the programs of the schedules<br />

29 Within fictional programs, elements of reality do also sometimes appear; for example in the<br />

American sit-com Curb Your Enthusiasm and its Danish equivalent Klovn, both of which star<br />

real life stand-up comedians and other real life celebrities acting as themselves, but in a<br />

semi-fictive universe.<br />



correctly according to genre and whether or not they are based on foreign<br />

formats. And, hence, have I investigated what I set out to investigate?<br />

Sometimes it did prove difficult to immediately categorise a program,<br />

especially in the years 1995 and 2000, as they were removed from me<br />

historically. Also a larger part of the Australian programs were difficult for me<br />

to immediately categorise, as I had not watched Australian television on a<br />

regular basis over the past decade as I had Danish television. Luckily, most of<br />

the Australian programs were listed on some of the many Internet television<br />

databases (such as www.imdb.com and www.tv.com), and generally, program<br />

information was often still accessible on the websites of the respective<br />

broadcasters. Finally, I asked the broadcasters in case I still had doubts. This<br />

method should have hopefully caught the majority of formats in the<br />

Australian and Danish schedules and also made sure that my genre<br />

categorisations are correct. Nevertheless, the possibility for programs that<br />

have incorrectly been categorised as formats (and vice-versa) or pertaining to<br />

certain genres of course still exists. This goes especially for the Australian<br />

schedules because of my lesser knowledge of Australian television. On the<br />

other hand, the Australian programs were often easier to find on the Internet<br />

as the many television program Internet sites certainly cater more substantially<br />

for programs from the English-speaking countries, including Australia, than<br />

from Scandinavia and Denmark. Finally, the program schedules, including my<br />

categorisations, are attached in the appendices in order to make the<br />

categorisation more transparent.<br />




The four formats chosen for analysis all belong to the lifestyle and/or reality<br />

genres. Ground Force is a British lifestyle format doing garden makeovers for<br />

ordinary people; Idol is a British reality show in which contestants compete for<br />

fame and a recording deal showing off their singing talent; The Block is an<br />

Australian lifestyle-meets-reality format where participants redecorate<br />

apartments and compete to do the best and most popular refurbishment; and<br />

Nerds FC is a Danish reality format that sets out to turn a group of nerds into<br />

men by teaching them how to play football.<br />

Lifestyle and reality<br />

The lifestyle and reality genres are two of the more recent television genres to<br />

emerge and, at the same time, they are two of the genres in which format<br />

trade is most common because of their relatively ‘fixed’ and easily formatted<br />

structure. On top of this both genres are light entertainment, as opposed to<br />

fiction or documentaries, and usually people taking part in the programs are<br />

ordinary people and not celebrities, experts or journalists.<br />

However, they also exhibit important differences, as has been discussed in<br />

Chapter 3. Within the lifestyle genre, ordinary people – and the viewers –<br />

learn how to change their surroundings or themselves to their own benefit,<br />

and the genre has its thematic roots in women’s magazines and daytime<br />

television (Brunsdon et al. 2001). The programs are interesting because they<br />

mix traditionally “female” themes like fashion and interior design with DIY<br />

skills that traditionally appeal to the male half of the population. In this way,<br />

spaces and discourses traditionally belonging to the female sex are made<br />

available for men, and the personal, the private and the every day are brought<br />

into the public space (ibid.). As a result, the programs display culture in its<br />

most concrete form; that is, the exterior expression of culture in the shape of<br />

garden and interior design and personal makeovers. The reality show genre<br />



contains elements from both the game show and the documentary genres,<br />

spiced up with a large portion of the soap genre’s conflicts and romantic<br />

complications (Fetveit 2002, Turner 2005). Reality shows are interesting, as<br />

ordinary people have to suffer through countless competitive and personal<br />

ordeals with large consequences for “the internal social relations […] and [the<br />

contestants’] continued participation in the program” (Hjarvard 2002, my<br />

translation from Danish). Contrary to the game show genre, a large emphasis<br />

is put on the contestants’ mutual relationships and their individual reactions,<br />

and these ordinary people and their reality thus becomes the pivotal point of<br />

the entire genre. Like lifestyle programs, reality shows display concrete culture<br />

– in this case the social codes and norms of culture.<br />

Although programs within the two genres have an easily formatted structure,<br />

their structure is by no means as fixed as is the case with the quiz & game<br />

show genre, which historically has been and still is the most popular format<br />

adaptation genre world-wide. The fact that they somehow put exterior and<br />

interior cultural expressions and codes on display and that they are usually not<br />

set in a studio, leaves a lot more manoeuvrability on the local producers’ part.<br />

I therefore assume that the various Danish and Australian adaptations of the<br />

four formats will exhibit more variations across the two countries in terms of<br />

both content and frequency and thus reflect media systemic differences more<br />

clearly.<br />

Ground Force, Pop Idol, The Block, and Nerds FC<br />

The four format cases are selected to cover four different aspects of crossborder<br />

format adaptation that are all of vital importance to my project. As<br />

already mentioned, both (1) the lifestyle genre and (2) the reality genre are<br />

covered. This will help answer questions like: what role do (trans-national)<br />

genres play in the trans-national similarities and differences in the adaptations<br />

of the same formats? On top of this, (3) two traditional format ‘journeys’<br />

from a net-exporter, the UK, to the two net-importers of Denmark and Australia<br />

are covered: what happens when British formats are adapted in the two<br />



countries? This is interesting because, on one hand, Australia – at least in<br />

theory – shares a larger cultural proximity to the UK, as both countries are<br />

have British culture in common. Denmark, on the other hand, shares a larger<br />

media systemic proximity to the UK, as both countries have a similar mixed<br />

multi-channel system, including a traditionally dominating public service<br />

sector (at least until recently). Finally, four format journeys between the two<br />

peripheral countries of Denmark and Australia are covered. These journeys<br />

represent the new trend within the international format trade that peripheral<br />

countries are increasingly exporting formats to other peripheral countries, in<br />

this sense meaning all countries within the European/Anglo-Saxon geolinguistic<br />

region except for the UK and the USA. What is at stake in this kind<br />

of format exchange, where national producers adapt a format from a less<br />

known and therefore, more ‘outlandish’, television culture?<br />

Textual points of analysis<br />

In accordance with what has already been proposed in Chapter 3, the analyses<br />

will take their departure in the semantic, syntactic, pragmatic and verbal areas<br />

of the texts, which again are linked to the themes, narrative composition, use<br />

and enunciation of the television texts. In the analyses of the four formats’<br />

local adaptations I therefore explore and compare:<br />

• The themes of the adaptations. What is the actual adaptation<br />

about? DIY, personal relations, scandal, etc.?<br />

• The narrative composition and structure of the text. How is the<br />

narrative drive created?<br />

• The pragmatic use of the text, which is understood as the social<br />

use of television texts such as for example morning television or<br />

even reality and lifestyle television, which both enter into specific<br />

uses by the audience.<br />

• The mode of address of the text or how the text talks to its<br />

viewers, which again has a lot to do with how it regards its<br />



viewers. How does the format adaptation communicate its<br />

themes to the viewers? Who is the implied viewer of the text?<br />

Here, the presenters will often be investigated more thoroughly,<br />

as they are often the viewers’ link to the program.<br />

No access to all episodes of all four formats<br />

It is important to note that one methodological problem in particular may<br />

have affected the results of the program analyses. For various reasons, I did<br />

not manage to obtain all episodes of the four Australian format series. With<br />

Nerds FC and Australian Idol I managed to get all of the relevant Australian<br />

program episodes, whereas the analyses of Ground Force and The Block are<br />

based on selected program episodes. This was primarily related to the fact<br />

that I had difficulty obtaining the Australian adaptations in the first place, as is<br />

accounted for in more detail below. Still, this constitutes a methodological<br />

bias insofar as I may have missed episodes that would have contradicted the<br />

analytical results obtained. Also, having access to the entire program series<br />

would have made it easier to make a more qualified pick of specific episodes<br />

for in-depth analysis.<br />




This leads us to consider two fundamental methodological problems of the<br />

way I have collected and analysed my empirical data. The first problem<br />

pertains to the order of my empirical data collection and the second concerns<br />

the fact that I am Danish and therefore may have a cultural bias as a<br />

researcher.<br />

Order of empirical data collection and analyses<br />

For obvious reasons, a large part of my empirical data collection had to<br />

happen in Australia, and this has come to play a central role for the order of<br />

the empirical data collection and subsequent analytical work. First of all, as it<br />

proved basically impossible for me to get hold of any Australian format<br />

adaptations from Denmark, I did not decide what specific format cases to<br />

analyse until I had finished interviewing and collecting hard copies of various<br />

format adaptations from the Australian television professionals. This had two<br />

logical consequences. Firstly, the interviews with the Danish television<br />

professionals had to be done after the Australian interviews, and secondly and<br />

most importantly, the actual format analyses could not be done prior to the<br />

interviews. In a perfect world, one could argue that doing the format analyses<br />

prior to the interviews would be the best choice because, on the one hand,<br />

the analyses could be done without any influence of what the informants had<br />

told me, and on the other hand, doing the analyses beforehand would help<br />

qualify and focus the interview questions. However, as this was not achievable<br />

in reality, I tried to make up for this by (1) doing the format analyses before<br />

thoroughly analysing the interviews, and (2) watching as many Australian and<br />

Danish format adaptations as possible before the interviews, in order for me<br />

to pin down as many relevant questions as possible. In addition, I had done<br />

the genre definitions prior to the interviews, as well, which also helped qualify<br />

the questions.<br />



Biased attachment to Danish culture<br />

Being born and bred in Denmark I am indeed embedded into Danish culture,<br />

whereas Australian culture is more alien to me despite having a<br />

comprehensive knowledge of Australian society, language and media through<br />

living there for about two years of my life. Still, there is a risk that there are<br />

important and cultural issues about Danish television that I take for granted –<br />

and hence do not notice – but which could have been highly relevant. On the<br />

other hand, by not being part of Australian culture there may be important<br />

and relevant issues about Australian television that I do not understand,<br />

especially within the programs themselves.<br />

Nevertheless, I have tried to avoid this kind of cultural blindness and takenfor-granted<br />

issue precisely by doing a thorough comparative analysis of the<br />

two countries’ media systems and by specifically investigating how the media<br />

systems influence format adaptation processes. In this sense the media system<br />

is seen as a significant and very specific part of Danish and Australian culture<br />

when it comes to format adaptation and I have intentionally not looked at the<br />

cultural influences of, for example, taste and national mentality.<br />



C h a p t e r 5<br />



This chapter contains a comparative analysis of the Australian and Danish<br />

television systems and thus constitutes the basis for the schedule analyses<br />

undertaken in Chapter 6 and the program analyses undertaken in Chapters 7,<br />

8, 9 and 10. The chapter investigates the two systems’ differences and<br />

similarities, which will be used to offer explanations to and perspectives on<br />

the analytical results of the next chapters.<br />

As discussed in detail in Chapter 3, the media system forms part of a<br />

symbiotic relationship with social macro structures, on the one hand, and<br />

media systemic agents, on the other. All three levels influence each other<br />

mutually. This is illustrated below in figure 6.1.<br />

Figure 6.1 > the media system, media systemic agents and macro structures<br />



As was also thoroughly outlined in Chapter 3, the media system is defined as<br />

a system of media institutions acting as social agents. We can describe and<br />

analyse any media system through the positions and relations of these social<br />

agents to each other and the surrounding society, in this case social macro<br />

structures and media systemic agents. The various analytical parameters of the<br />

positions and relations of the media are shown in figure 6.2. Positions include<br />

penetration, diversity, and concentration. Relations include funding,<br />

ownership, and responsibility and accountability.<br />

Figure 6.2 > analytical parameters of the media system<br />

Because of the complexity of any empirical media system, a choice must be<br />

made regarding analytical levels, analytical perspectives, and analytical objects<br />

(see Chapter 3). For the purpose of this comparative study, I have chosen to<br />

focus on the television system in the two countries and on what I call the<br />

most important channels, i.e. the five free-to-air 30 channels in Australia (the<br />

public service channels ABC and SBS, and the private, commercial networks<br />

30 “Free-to-air” means that the television signals are terrestrial and accessible for the viewers without any<br />

charges.<br />



Channel Seven, Channel Nine, and Channel Ten) and the four main channels<br />

in Denmark (the public service channels DR1 and <strong>TV</strong> 2, and the private,<br />

commercial channels TvDanmark 31 and <strong>TV</strong>3). There are three main reasons<br />

why these channels are the most important: First of all, they are the channels<br />

that potentially have the widest reach and, in most cases, they also have the<br />

highest audience ratings. Secondly, they all represent different broadcasting<br />

organisations or companies, that is, none of the channels is owned or<br />

controlled by the same company which makes them the main competitors in<br />

the two markets. Finally, the nine channels are also the nine channels<br />

surveyed in the comparative schedule analysis in chapter 6, and it therefore<br />

makes sense to put a specific focus on them in this chapter, in order to better<br />

understand and provide perspective on the results of the schedule analysis.<br />

Having said this, other channels and/or broadcasters will be included as well,<br />

in order to understand the two television systems in their entirety, but only<br />

the above-mentioned nine channels will be singled out and described in a<br />

more comprehensive manner according to their various positions and<br />

relations.<br />

To fully understand and compare the television systems – and the related<br />

agents and macro structures – of the two countries, an historical perspective<br />

must necessarily be applied, as was pointed out in Chapter 3. A brief history<br />

of Danish and Australian television is therefore included. Moreover, the<br />

political systems of the two countries are briefly explained. In this respect, the<br />

political culture is seen as an important macro structure with significant<br />

explanatory power, especially when it comes to media legislation. Other<br />

macro structures such as macro economy and technology will be mentioned<br />

insofar as they are different from one country to the other, and insofar as they<br />

directly influence the systemic agents.<br />

31 TvDanmark has, since January 2007, operated under the name of SBS Net.<br />



The chapter’s initial section commences by comparing the two television<br />

systems according to their various positions and relations, as outlined above<br />

in figure 6.2 and explained in detail in Chapter 3. This should begin to clarify<br />

in what areas the Danish and the Australian media systems are similar and,<br />

even more importantly, in what areas they differ. After this, the last two<br />

sections of the chapter are dedicated to thorough and detailed descriptions of<br />

the two television systems. First the Australian and then the Danish system<br />

are analysed to provide comprehensive background knowledge for the<br />

comparison made in the first part. These two parts are structured similarly:<br />

First, a brief introduction is given to the country and the country’s television<br />

system. Secondly, the history of television is outlined, and, thirdly, important<br />

media legislative features and trends are discussed, after which a conclusion<br />

sums up the most important aspects of the television system in question.<br />

Lastly, the two systems are plotted into the continuum between Hallin &<br />

Mancini’s (2004) three media systemic models in accordance with the<br />

similarities and differences pointed to in this chapter.<br />

Finally, it is important to note that this chapter does not contain a<br />

comprehensive account of the two television systems. This would be an entire<br />

PhD thesis in itself. The chapter instead comprises a broad outline containing<br />

a comparative systemic analysis of the two countries’ television systems and,<br />

as such, outlines, explains and analyses, in the most thorough manner<br />

possible, the most important overriding differences and similarities between the<br />

two systems. Its focus is consequently on the general picture and not so much<br />

the more detailed historical, political and legislative dynamics at play.<br />




The Australian and the Danish television systems are essentially quite<br />

different, although they also share important similarities. The Danish system<br />

still is and has always been dominated by the public service sector despite a<br />

recent and turbulent transition into a mixed public and private system. From<br />

the very beginning the Australian system has been, and still is, dominated by<br />

the private free-to-air sector with the public broadcasters being regarded as<br />

merely an alternative to the private broadcasters. The public sector<br />

domination in Denmark is reflected in the audience ratings – Danes spend<br />

almost 70 per cent of their television viewing watching channels with a public<br />

service remit – as well as in the media regulations, which have traditionally<br />

favoured the public sector.<br />

The complete opposite is the case in Australia. Australians generally prefer the<br />

private sector and spend 64 per cent of their television viewing watching the<br />

private broadcasters. In addition, the three free-to-air private broadcasters<br />

have enjoyed a fair amount of political and legislative goodwill, which until<br />

recently has protected them from competition from other sectors, including<br />

the public and the subscription sectors. Also, in the Australian system<br />

continuities in the institutional organisation have been stronger than forces<br />

for change. This in turn has led to conservatism in the system, whose<br />

structure remains largely as it was in the 1960s. Meanwhile, the last two<br />

decades have seen the Danish system undergo a turbulent transition from a<br />

public service monopoly with only one broadcaster (and only one channel) to<br />

a fully-fledged mixed multi-channel system with no less than 12 Danishlanguage<br />

channels in addition to many foreign and trans-national channels.<br />

Below is a comparison of the Australian and Danish television systems<br />

according to the analytical parameters of penetration, diversity, and<br />

concentration on the one hand, and funding, ownership, and responsibility<br />



and accountability on the other. This constitutes the basis for an in-depth<br />

understanding of the most important differences and similarities between the<br />

two countries. These can best be explained by applying the term ‘social liberal’<br />

to the Australian system and ‘social democratic’ to the Danish system. The<br />

differences and similarities are illustrated in table 6.1 and explained in detail<br />

below.<br />

Table 6.1 > Overview of positions and relations in the Australian and Danish<br />

television systems<br />



Commercial Public Commercial Public<br />

Positions<br />

Penetration High Medium Low High<br />

Diversity external High High<br />

Diversity internal Medium High Low High<br />

Concentration Medium High<br />

Relations<br />

Funding Businesses Legislators Businesses Citizens<br />

Businesses<br />

Ownership Private Public Private Public<br />

Responsibility &<br />

accountability<br />

Businesses<br />

Legislators<br />

Legislators Businesses Legislators<br />

Citizens<br />

Businesses<br />

Penetration<br />

Technical penetration – that is, how many people the actual broadcasting<br />

signals potentially reach – is high in both countries. In effect the public sector<br />

in both countries reaches almost 100 per cent of the Australian and Danish<br />

populations. The Australian commercial broadcasters have an equally high<br />

penetration of almost 100 per cent, whereas the two Danish commercial<br />

broadcasters only reach about 70-80 per cent of the population.<br />

As for audience reach, the remit of the Danish public broadcasters obliges<br />

them to have as wide a demographic reach as possible. Consequently they<br />

provide a wide variety of programming to suit all demographic groups and a<br />

very high percentage of all Danes therefore make use of both broadcasters:<br />

More than 80 per cent of the Danish population watch either of the DR<br />



channels (DR1 and DR2) and <strong>TV</strong> 2 every week (<strong>TV</strong> 2 Public Service Account<br />

2005, DR Public Service Account 2005). The equivalent percentages for the<br />

Danish commercial broadcasters are only just under 30 per cent, which is the<br />

result of a combination of lower technical penetration and a less versatile<br />

programming schedule catering mainly for the demographically ‘right’<br />

audiences that advertisers look for.<br />

The audience reach figures for free-to-air television in Australia have proven<br />

difficult to come by, and the ones that are available are not nearly as detailed<br />

as the equivalent Danish figures. Nevertheless, ABC has a weekly reach of<br />

between 60-70 per cent of Australians (ABC Annual Report 2005-06 2006),<br />

whereas SBS reaches 40-45 per cent of the population in a week (SBS Annual<br />

Report 2005-06 2006). This means that ABC and SBS actually reach quite a lot<br />

of different Australians in the course of a week, although their audience shares<br />

are only 12 and 4 per cent respectively. This is most likely a result of the<br />

public service remit to provide larger programming variety to cater for all<br />

demographic groups. Comparable figures unfortunately do not exist for the<br />

commercial broadcasters. However, judging from the fact that they have<br />

shares between 18 (Channel Ten) and 23 (Channel Seven and Channel Nine)<br />

per cent, it is likely that their reach would be quite substantial and probably<br />

bigger than ABC’s reach. According to Søndergaard (2006a:53), a 25 per cent<br />

audience share is likely to include a reach of about 80 per cent a week of any<br />

population, whereas only about 50 per cent are reached with a market share<br />

of 20 per cent or below. This means that the Australian private and<br />

commercial broadcasters, Channel Nine and Channel Seven, are likely to have<br />

a reach of just below 80 per cent in a given week, whereas Channel Ten may<br />

only have about 50 percent.<br />

Diversity<br />

Both countries have equally high external diversity. All major television<br />

sectors are present: public, commercial, subscription, and community. As for<br />

the internal diversity within the individual products of the media institutions,<br />



this is also quite varied in both countries. All genres are represented and most<br />

minority groups are catered for – at least in the public sectors. Nevertheless,<br />

one could argue that the internal diversity is slightly higher in Australia<br />

because of the existence of SBS, which specifically targets a variety of ethnic<br />

minorities. Despite slowly becoming a more multi-ethnic society, Denmark’s<br />

television system does not cater for ethnic minorities in the same systematic<br />

way.<br />

On the other hand, if we look exclusively at the commercial sectors in the two<br />

countries the picture is somewhat different. The diversity of programming is a<br />

lot more limited, especially within the Danish commercial sector, which has a<br />

low degree of diversity as far as genres and ‘narrower’ programming go.<br />

However, the Australian commercial sector is also less diverse; especially<br />

when it comes to narrower programming content, whereas the genre variety is<br />

fairly diverse. In other words, only the existence of a public sector in the two<br />

countries guarantees a high overall diversity. 32<br />

Concentration<br />

The degree of concentration is basically a measurement of how centralised or<br />

de-centralised the control of the media is. If a system has very few<br />

independent players controlling the majority of the market, the concentration<br />

of power will most likely be high. In this respect, both Australia’s and<br />

Denmark’s television markets have a fairly high concentration of power. In<br />

Australia the three commercial networks have 64 per cent of the audience<br />

shares. In Denmark the two public broadcasters have 69 per cent (see tables<br />

6.2 and 6.4 later in the chapter). Again the Danish system has a somewhat<br />

higher degree of concentration, as the two public broadcasters – despite being<br />

governed by independent boards and funded in two different ways – are both<br />

ultimately owned by the Danish state and controlled through legislation<br />

32 These differences between the public and commercial sectors will be displayed in much more detail in<br />

Chapter 6’s comparative analyses of the Australian and Danish primetime schedules.<br />



agreed upon in Parliament, whereas the three Australian networks are owned<br />

and controlled by three separate players.<br />

Funding<br />

Funding of the commercial sector is similar in both countries. Advertisers pay<br />

for advertising airtime and the commercial broadcasters use this money to<br />

produce and acquire programming for the schedules. Ultimately, the<br />

audiences pay by eventually buying the advertised products.<br />

However, within the public sectors of the two countries, there are important<br />

differences. Firstly, the Australian public sector is financed almost exclusively<br />

by government funds. This means that the Government uses taxpayers’<br />

money to fund the large majority of the sector, which therefore is part of the<br />

yearly Federal budget. In Denmark the public sector is financed in two equally<br />

important ways: 1) by licence fees paid by the Danish viewers directly to the<br />

public broadcasters (of which the large part goes to DR and a smaller part to<br />

<strong>TV</strong> 2’s regional stations), and 2) in the case of <strong>TV</strong> 2, by advertising revenues<br />

raised in the same manner as the privately owned commercial broadcasters.<br />

The Danish public sector is therefore quite different to the Australian public<br />

sector not only because a substantial part is funded commercially, but also<br />

because the funding goes directly from the viewers to the broadcasters and<br />

not via taxes and hence the political system. In theory, this makes Danish<br />

public broadcasters less susceptible to changes in the political system and less<br />

dependent on political goodwill, which ultimately should make them more<br />

independent from political interference. On the other hand, it also means that<br />

the public sector, in this case primarily DR, is more directly accountable to<br />

the Danish viewers, who fund DR, and is therefore often in a direct<br />

confrontation with them. As such, DR very much relies on the viewers’<br />

support, despite the fact that the size of the licence fee and the distribution of<br />

the licence fee income among the public broadcasters are decided by the<br />

Danish Parliament in four-year intervals. Looking at it like this, DR especially<br />



is in a sense stuck in the middle between the viewers (who directly provide<br />

the broadcaster’s funding) on one hand and the politicians, who decide how<br />

much the viewers have to pay to be able to watch public service television, on<br />

the other hand.<br />

This, combined with the fact that <strong>TV</strong> 2 is advertising-funded despite its public<br />

service remit, makes the Danish system less ‘pure’ than the Australian system,<br />

which has a clearer division between the private and commercially-funded<br />

sector on one hand, and the public and government-funded sector on the<br />

other.<br />

Ownership<br />

Private businesses own the private, commercial broadcasters in both<br />

countries, whereas the Australian and Danish states and thereby the<br />

Australian and Danish public owns the public broadcasters. Theoretically,<br />

public ownership provides more neutrality and diversity in, for instance, the<br />

coverage of political issues in news & current affairs programs or in the way<br />

certain products are either endorsed or critiqued in lifestyle programs. In<br />

other words, public ownership means no ties or obligations to commercially<br />

or politically vested interests. This is of course debatable especially in<br />

Denmark where one of the public broadcasters, <strong>TV</strong> 2, is largely dependent on<br />

advertising revenue and therefore accountable to businesses, as well.<br />

However, it is also debatable in Australia where politicians have a very large<br />

say in the public broadcasters’ budgets and programming content, making it<br />

easier for them to put (direct or indirect) pressure on, for example, the<br />

editorial line in news & current affairs programs. 33<br />

Responsibility and accountability<br />

In essence, the issue of responsibility lies in the question: ‘What is the<br />

responsibility of the media?’ Accountability covers the question ‘who are the<br />

33 This has actually happened in Australia lately. The current Howard Liberal Government introduced<br />

new regulation to prevent the ABC from demonstrating what the Government perceived as a leftist<br />

bias in the news coverage and political satire of the public broadcaster.<br />



media accountable to in the exercise of this responsibility?’ As has already<br />

been pointed to in the above, there are significant differences between the<br />

two systems and between the commercial and the public sectors.<br />

As for the commercial sector in the two countries, the responsibility of the<br />

three Australian networks is of course first and foremost to generate revenue<br />

for their owners. Nevertheless, the Australian networks also have to deliver<br />

certain content quotas and ethical standards as set forward in the various<br />

political regulations to help promote an Australian cultural citizenship. This<br />

means that they are accountable not only to the businesses that own them but<br />

also to the legislators, in this case mainly the Australian Communications and<br />

Media Authority (ACMA). The Danish commercial broadcasters on the other<br />

hand only have the responsibility of generating revenue and are therefore<br />

solely accountable to their owners, especially in the case of <strong>TV</strong>3, which<br />

broadcasts from the UK and therefore enjoys more lenient regulation, but<br />

also to a very large degree in the case of TvDanmark, whose community<br />

content obligations were considerably relaxed leading up to its re-launch as<br />

Kanal 4 in 2006 and its re-birth as SBS Net in 2007.<br />

As for the public sectors, Danish public service broadcasters have a very high<br />

degree of responsibility covering the promotion of a national cultural<br />

citizenship on one hand and a political citizenship on the other. This<br />

responsibility is set forward in detailed regulations concerning content quotas<br />

and standards, ethical standards and various overarching cultural and political<br />

goals. They are therefore accountable to the legislators – in this case the Radio<br />

& Television Board – but also to the Danish licence fee-paying citizens, as has<br />

already been discussed. However, as <strong>TV</strong> 2 is a commercial establishment<br />

despite its public service remit, <strong>TV</strong> 2 also has to provide advertisers with the<br />

right audiences and is therefore also accountable to the businesses that pay<br />

for the advertisements.<br />



The responsibility of the two Australian public broadcasters seems quite close<br />

to the responsibility of their Danish counterparts. However, there are minor<br />

but important differences. Firstly, content regulation is not as detailed and<br />

seems to focus mainly on the promotion of a national cultural citizenship by<br />

contributing to ‘a sense of national identity’ and reflecting ‘cultural diversity’.<br />

Political citizenship is less important. Secondly, SBS’ primary responsibility is<br />

the provision of services to ethnic minorities in their ethnic languages, which<br />

puts an even bigger emphasis on the reflection of Australia’s cultural diversity.<br />

This direct multicultural responsibility is not found in the remits of Danish<br />

public broadcasters.<br />

Figures 6.3 and 6.4 below illustrate the positions and relations of the<br />

dominating sectors in the two countries: the private sector in Australia and<br />

the public service sector in Denmark.<br />

Figure 6.3 > The commercial television sector in Australia<br />



Figure 6.4 > The public television sector in Denmark<br />




Communications is seen like just any other market, and the market is<br />

the main solution for policy issues […]. [There is] no provision for “old”<br />

media values such as social accountability and obligations to serve agreed<br />

community needs (Armstrong et al. 1998).<br />

Australia is an egalitarian society with dispersed public powers. There are<br />

three layers of political power: the national (called Federal or Commonwealth)<br />

Parliament, the state governing bodies and the local municipalities. On the<br />

federal level there are two houses of Parliament, the House of<br />

Representatives, whose majority forms the national government, and the<br />

Senate (the upper chamber), which mainly operates as a check on the<br />

government. Both have virtually equal powers to make laws, and the system<br />

resembles that of the USA. 34 For various historical reasons, the Australians<br />

treat leadership and visionary ideas with suspicion, and national governments<br />

have in the last three decades rarely been able to command a Senate majority.<br />

As for federal media policy, it tends to be carried out very pragmatically, as<br />

different media services emerge, and not as part of a more holistic plan<br />

(Armstrong et al. 1998). Long distances also play an important role in<br />

Australian broadcasting – both within the vast country itself and in relation to<br />

the rest of the world – making cabling and terrestrial broadcasting difficult<br />

and costly. Australia is also one of the most urbanised countries in the world<br />

with a large majority of the population living in the five main metropolitan<br />

cities of Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, and Adelaide.<br />

If we turn our attention specifically to television, Australia’s television system<br />

displays what Moran calls “historical modernity” (Moran 1997). “Historical<br />

34 Source: Information and Services of Australian, State, Territory & Local Governments on www.gov.au.<br />



modernity” refers to the country’s mixed television system, consisting of both<br />

private, commercial broadcasting networks and public broadcasters; a heavy<br />

reliance on US-style programming practices as well as imported US programs;<br />

a popular commercial sector based on a mix of local and imported content;<br />

and a relatively weak public service sector caught in the dilemma of catering<br />

for minority audiences and attracting larger audiences with mainstream<br />

programs. Moran (1997) also argues that Australian television has followed<br />

the classic economic tendency of “import substitution”. That is, after an initial<br />

peak of imported American content, some of the imported programs were<br />

displaced by locally produced content with strong American style influences.<br />

All of these features are part of a more general international and historical<br />

pattern that has been repeated elsewhere in more recent times, for example in<br />

Western Europe (including Denmark) in the 1980s, and are the reason why<br />

the Australian system displays “historical modernity”. American television<br />

thereby played an important role in the development of a local production<br />

industry. Another important characteristic of Australian television is the<br />

creation of a rather successful export of particularly Australian-made<br />

miniseries and soaps (Moran 1997; 1998).<br />

The Australian media landscape has had a few significant recent<br />

developments. The first one has been the rollout of cable carried out in the<br />

1990s by the then two national telecommunications carriers, Telstra and<br />

Optus. The cable infrastructure delivers telephony services, various<br />

multimedia applications, and most importantly in this case subscription<br />

television via cable. Subscription television was banned until 1992 in order to<br />

preserve the size of the free-to-air market (Armstrong et al. 1998). In this<br />

respect, another thing worth mentioning is the fact that satellite television has<br />

been very limited in Australia. Due to the country’s openness to imported<br />

programs, viewers have had little incentive to look to the satellites, and unlike<br />

Europe, foreign satellite television was never seen as a threat to free-to-air<br />

television (ibid.).<br />



A second significant development in recent years has been the introduction of<br />

DTT, digital terrestrial television, in 2001. Due to a fairly restricted legislation<br />

that only allows a very limited extent of multi-channelling, DTT has not<br />

exactly revolutionised Australian television. For example, it only allows the<br />

two national public service broadcasters to multi-channel. The free-to-air<br />

broadcasters cannot multi-channel (yet). Consequently, Australians are very<br />

reluctant to take up digital television. In 2006, after five years with DTT, only<br />

29 per cent of the population had access to digital television (C21 News 24<br />

November 2006). This has prompted the current Howard Federal<br />

Government to propose new media reforms that will grant the three free-toair<br />

commercial broadcasters the right to each launch one new digital channel,<br />

and thus supposedly encourage the take-up of digital television services ahead<br />

of the proposed analogue switch-off in 2010-2012 (Ibid; World Screen News 13<br />

July 2007).<br />

Another significant, and ongoing, development – encompassing not only<br />

Australian media, but also the entire Australian society – is Australia’s<br />

increased economic and political focus on and engagement in the Asia-Pacific<br />

region. On a formal level this development has been accelerated through<br />

Australia’s engagement with APEC, the Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation<br />

forum. And assisting the engagement is the fact that an estimated 10-15 per<br />

cent of the Australian population is of Asian origin, a number, which keeps<br />

growing. Thus, Australia is increasingly turning to the Asia-Pacific region,<br />

instead of to Europe or America as the country has done in the past. For<br />

Australian media this means that both the commercial and the public service<br />

institutions have Asian outlets or participate in Asian joint ventures<br />

(Armstrong et al. 1998).<br />



Television market structure<br />

There are three main national sectors in Australian television, of which the<br />

first two formed part of the system from the beginning, whereas the last<br />

sector was not introduced until the 1990s: 35<br />

• The public free-to-air sector consisting of the ABC and SBS, both of<br />

which are predominantly funded by government subsidies,<br />

• The private free-to-air sector, which is exclusively funded by<br />

advertising, and<br />

• The subscription sector, which is funded in a combination of viewer<br />

subscription fees and advertising.<br />

Due to a relatively small population and limited advertising revenue,<br />

Australian television relies on a large degree of cross-ownership and foreign<br />

venture capital (Armstrong et al. 1998), which is reflected in a legislative<br />

emphasis on foreign and cross-media ownership regulation. In free-to-air<br />

television a large number of local, commercial stations have coalesced into the<br />

three national networks Seven, Nine, and Ten. Seven and Nine were the two<br />

original commercial networks, while Channel Ten did not enter the market<br />

until the introduction of a third commercial licence in metropolitan areas in<br />

the mid-1960s. Also, the national public service broadcasters, the ABC and<br />

SBS, are free-to-air.<br />

In Australian subscription television there are three major players, Foxtel and<br />

Optus Vision, both on cable, and Austar, a satellite service that mainly caters<br />

for Australians living in rural and regional areas, which in effect is owned by<br />

Foxtel although it is a publicly listed company. Foxtel has the largest<br />

subscriber base of 600,000 households and is a joint venture between News<br />

35 Australia also has a fourth sector, community television. However, just like the regional television<br />

sector of Denmark, this sector does not play a significant role on a national scale and certainly does<br />

not constitute any competition to the other sectors.<br />



Ltd (Australia’s largest newspaper group owned by Rupert Murdoch), Telstra<br />

(Australia’s main telecommunications provider), and publishing giant PBL,<br />

which is also the main shareholder in the Channel Nine Network (Flew 2002).<br />

Optus Vision is owned by Australia’s second major telecommunications<br />

provider Optus and has approximately 210,000 subscribers (Ibid.). Austar has<br />

400,000 subscribers (Ibid.).<br />

In addition, Australia started digital terrestrial television in 2001, and since<br />

then, all five free-to-air channels have been required to digitally simulcast their<br />

analogue signals. Moreover, the two public broadcasters are permitted to<br />

multi-channel: ABC produces one digital-only channel, ABC2, offering new<br />

and repeat programming including children’s, regional, documentary and arts<br />

programming, as well as international and regional news. SBS produces two<br />

digital-only channels, the World News Channel, with repeat newscasts from a<br />

number of different countries, and SBS Essential, an electronic program,<br />

news and information guide.<br />

Table 6.2 below shows the distribution of audience shares among the<br />

different broadcasting sectors in the Australian television market in two time<br />

periods, 6am to midnight and 6pm to midnight. 36<br />

Table 6.2 > Australian audience shares 2006<br />

Channel 6am-midnight 6pm-midnight<br />

ABC 12 % 13 %<br />

SBS 4 % 5 %<br />

SEVEN 23 % 23 %<br />

NINE 23 % 25 %<br />

TEN 18 % 19 %<br />

Subscription 19 % 13 %<br />

Total 99 % 98 %<br />

Source: OzTAM (Australian Television Audience Measurement) 37<br />

36 Audience ratings are only measured in the five big metropolitan areas of Australia – Sydney,<br />

Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, and Brisbane – and the table consequently does not cover the entire<br />

Australian population. However, as most Australians live in these areas, it still provides an adequate<br />

measurement.<br />

37 OzTAM, “Viewing Report D1 – 6pm-12am” and “Viewing Report D2 – 6am-12am”, 24 December<br />

2006 (www.oztam.com.au).<br />



As is evident from table 6.2, Australian television is characterised by having a<br />

strong commercial sector and a relatively weak public sector. As far as the<br />

public sector is concerned, ABC has a share of approximately 12 per cent in<br />

the five metropolitan markets of Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and<br />

Perth. SBS only has 4 per cent. Over the past years, Channel Seven and<br />

Channel Ten both have had just over 20 per cent while the most popular of<br />

the commercial networks, Channel Nine, has had an audience share of about<br />

24 per cent. However this has changed recently. Channel Seven has now<br />

caught up with Channel Nine (Daily Telegraph 4/12/2006), and in 2006 they<br />

both had a 23 per cent audience share. Channel Ten has an 18 per cent<br />

audience share.<br />

This means that Australians only spend 16 per cent of their television viewing<br />

time on either of the public broadcasters, whereas they spend no less than 64<br />

per cent on the three commercial networks. Table 6.2 also clearly displays the<br />

advantageous position of the free-to-air market in general. ABC, SBS,<br />

Channel Seven, Channel Nine and Channel Ten together account for no less<br />

than 80 per cent of Australian television viewing, which leaves the<br />

subscription channels with only about a 20 per cent audience share. In<br />

extended primetime these trends are even more marked and terrestrial freeto-air<br />

television has an 85 per cent audience share.<br />

Table 6.3 below shows the five main Australian broadcasters and their<br />

ownership, funding, legislation, distribution and sister channels. The<br />

ownership structures of the commercial networks are fairly complicated and it<br />

has proven difficult to uncover detailed information. Furthermore, the<br />

ownership structures seem to change quite frequently, which has been<br />

exacerbated now after the announcement by the Howard Government of a<br />

new media reform that will abolish regulations on foreign ownership.<br />

However, Australian Publishing and Broadcasting Ltd (PBL) predominantly<br />

owns the Nine Network. PBL has the majority share in the network and is<br />

ultimately owned by one of the richest men in Australia, Mr. James Packer,<br />



who apart from considerable interests in commercial television has substantial<br />

investments in subscription television and the publishing industries (and<br />

gambling). The Seven Network’s largest shareholders include Kerry Stokes,<br />

an Australian businessman who owns a private equity firm and other<br />

subsidiaries such as heavy equipment supplier WesTrac and Rupert<br />

Murdoch’s newspaper group; News Ltd. Mr Stokes is also among Australia’s<br />

richest people. Finally, Canadian media company CanWest Global<br />

Communications is the largest shareholder in the Ten Network.<br />

Table 6.3 > The five main Australian broadcasters<br />

ABC (on<br />

air from<br />

1956)<br />

SEVEN<br />

(1956)<br />

NINE<br />

(1956)<br />

TEN<br />

(1965)<br />

SBS<br />

(1981)<br />

Ownership Funding Legislation Distribution Digital<br />

channels<br />

Public Government Yes: ‘Australian Analogue and ABC2 (2005)<br />

/tax-payer Broadcasting digital terrestrial<br />

funded<br />

Act’<br />

‘ABC Code of<br />

Private:<br />

Kerry Stokes<br />

News Ltd<br />

Private:<br />

Publishing &<br />

Broadcasting Ltd<br />

(PBL)<br />

Private:<br />

CanWest Global<br />

Communications<br />

Public<br />

Advertising<br />

Advertising<br />

Advertising<br />

Government<br />

/tax-payer<br />

funded +<br />

Advertising<br />

Practice’<br />

Yes: ‘Australian<br />

Broadcasting<br />

Act’<br />

‘Commercial <strong>TV</strong><br />

Code of Practice’<br />

Yes: ‘Australian<br />

Broadcasting<br />

Act’<br />

‘Commercial <strong>TV</strong><br />

Code of Practice’<br />

Yes: ‘Australian<br />

Broadcasting<br />

Act’<br />

‘Commercial <strong>TV</strong><br />

Code of Practice’<br />

Yes: ‘Australian<br />

Broadcasting<br />

Act’<br />

‘SBS Codes of<br />

Practice’<br />

Analogue and<br />

digital terrestrial<br />

Analogue and<br />

digital terrestrial<br />

Analogue and<br />

digital terrestrial<br />

Analogue and<br />

digital terrestrial<br />

World News<br />

Channel<br />

(2002)<br />

SBS<br />

Essential<br />

(2002)<br />

History of Australian television<br />

Australian television broadcasting started in 1956 and was from the beginning<br />

a dual system, made up of a commercial, private sector and a governmentfunded<br />

public service sector, just like Australian radio. As a matter of fact, the<br />

dual structure of the system was established in 1950 when the then newly<br />

elected conservative government “reversed the decision of the post-war<br />



socialist government that television was to be a monopoly in the hands of a<br />

public service broadcaster” (Moran 1997). Consequently, it had a liberal and<br />

commercialised bias and was very much an industry project from its<br />

commencement, as opposed to Denmark, where television was regarded as a<br />

public service from which nobody should be allowed to make money. Two<br />

commercial licences were granted in the four biggest cities – Sydney,<br />

Melbourne, Brisbane and Adelaide – and one licence granted in smaller cities<br />

and towns. This paved the way for networking and resulted in the Seven<br />

Network and the Nine Network. The Australian Broadcasting Commission<br />

(later Corporation) – ABC – was to run public service television, just as it did<br />

public service radio (Moran 1997). The history of Australian television can be<br />

divided into five periods, each lasting approximately a decade:<br />

1956-1964<br />

This was a period marked by the technological limits of early broadcasting,<br />

and the various stations still displayed a distinct regional character because of<br />

the lack of cable facilities. Imported American programs dominated the<br />

schedule completely, leaving very little room for local content. In the period<br />

1956-63, a senate committee found that a staggering 97 per cent of the drama<br />

screened on Australian television was imported (Flew 2006). However, there<br />

were local programs, mainly in the genres of variety and quiz, and often under<br />

the heavy influence of American formats. The ABC did not care too much<br />

about their new television service and made television very much like an<br />

extension of radio. Thus, by 1964, the public service broadcaster only had a<br />

10 per cent share, while commercial ratings were soaring (Moran 1997).<br />

Ownership of commercial broadcasting licences was dominated by print<br />

media interests such as Consolidated Press (later Publishing and Broadcasting<br />

Ltd) and the John Fairfax Newspaper Group, and from the very start there<br />

was a political allegiance between the liberal/conservative government at the<br />

time and commercial licence owners who traditionally were supportive of<br />

conservative parties. This initial allegiance led to weak regulatory agencies that<br />

seem to persist until the present (Flew 2006).<br />



1964-1976<br />

In this period television became a part of everyday life, and programming<br />

content became increasingly Australian. In the mid-1960s, a limited degree of<br />

cabling was introduced, and Network Ten was created in 1964. This led to a<br />

scarcity in imported programs, which again sparked a rise in the production of<br />

local drama, and current affairs and documentary programs. 38 In this period<br />

the commercial stations’ Australian programming was the key factor in a rise<br />

or a fall in ratings. Seeing as the local or national programming quotas were<br />

slowly increased, federal legislation was a contributing factor to this.<br />

However, as it turned out, Australians clearly favoured local programs, and<br />

advertisers hence flocked to commercial television. The increase in local<br />

production also marked the beginning of Australia’s successful programming<br />

exports, as the television adventures of the bush kangaroo Skippy were sold<br />

overseas (Moran 1997).<br />

1976-1986<br />

This was a period of decline for the ABC, whose budget was constantly cut<br />

by the government, and the public service broadcaster gradually lost staff and<br />

ratings to the commercial players. On the other hand, the commercial<br />

networks had their heyday. The advent of colour television made advertisers<br />

even more eager, and finances rose significantly. In 1980 a second public<br />

service broadcaster, the Special Broadcasting Services (SBS), went to air. SBS’<br />

main task was to cater for ethnic Australians via multilingual programming<br />

such as foreign films, news, current affairs, and documentary. The period also<br />

saw generous tax concessions implemented by the government, which made<br />

it possible for packagers to make good deals for the sale of programs<br />

internationally, and by 1985, these international sales outrivaled domestic<br />

transactions. One of the main reasons for this was the international success of<br />

Australian miniseries such as Return to Eden and, to a lesser extent, Australian<br />

38 Current affairs and documentary were initially introduced by the ABC, and the advent of the genre<br />

remains one of the few instances where the ABC has influenced the commercial stations, and not the<br />

other way round.<br />



television movies, and it is no wonder that Moran dubs this period the<br />

“golden years of Australian drama” (Moran 1997, Flew 2006).<br />

1987-1995<br />

This was a period of recession. The advent of the remote control together<br />

with the introduction of people metres drove advertisers away from<br />

television, and commercial television was no longer a prosperous media<br />

sector. The crisis coincided with an economic recession reducing advertising<br />

expenditure and leading to severe cuts in program spending. Lower-cost local<br />

formats such as various lifestyle programming were sought after and highercost<br />

drama formats such as mini-series and television movies practically<br />

disappeared from the commercial schedules (Flew 2006). Also, the ABC<br />

suffered a great deal of turmoil, as it was politically decided to outsource<br />

much of its drama production to independent or overseas packagers, leaving<br />

the national broadcaster with very little in-house production. Instead the ABC<br />

turned to international co-productions for profit. A similar<br />

internationalisation was felt among the private players, as many of the large<br />

Australian production companies – for example Grundy – moved their head<br />

quarters overseas, and local production returned to its 1965 level! Finally, the<br />

period saw a great change in the bureaucratic and legislative environment with<br />

the passing of the Broadcasting Services Act 1992. The Act lessened ‘public<br />

interest’ as a principle in broadcasting policy, and instead recognised<br />

technological innovation and economic viability as the most important factors<br />

(Moran 1997, Flew 2006).<br />

1995 to the present<br />

As already discussed in detail the last decade has been dominated by the<br />

rollout of cable television and the introduction of digital terrestrial television.<br />

The rollout of cable has meant increased competition within the Australian<br />

television system and has in effect brought the private, commercial free-to-air<br />

television oligarchy to an end. The first subscription television services did<br />

not go to air until 1995 even though various government enquiries had<br />



recommended the introduction of subscription television since the early<br />

1980s (Flew 2006). Consequently, and despite the fact that Australians still<br />

seem to prefer free-to-air television, subscription television has challenged the<br />

“historical logic” of Australian television in two key respects (Flew 2006):<br />

• It has introduced real competition to the commercial free-to-air<br />

broadcasters when it comes to audiences as well as advertisers.<br />

• It has promoted a “greater integration” between national and<br />

international programming due to the fact that, firstly, the<br />

subscription sector is predominantly foreign owned and,<br />

secondly, the sector acts as an instrument for foreign<br />

programming through services such as CNN, BBC World,<br />

Cartoon Channel, and Discovery (Flew 2006).<br />

Nevertheless, the current Howard government has proposed impending<br />

legislative reforms that will relax cross-media and foreign ownership rules and<br />

will give the free-to-air commercial broadcasters the right to each launch a<br />

new digital terrestrial channel. This reform is likely to yet again favour the<br />

commercial broadcasters’ competitive abilities over and above the<br />

subscription sector.<br />

Legislation<br />

Electronic media issues are primarily the responsibility of the Federal<br />

Government. The Broadcasting Services Act 1992 sets out most of the rules<br />

concerning the control of Australian radio and television broadcasting. The<br />

Act can be seen as part of a broad trend in the Australian policy environment<br />

toward deregulation and increased competition. Hence, it reduced some<br />

aspects of broadcast regulation, and at the same time replaced the social<br />

values of earlier broadcasting acts with new economic values. The Broadcasting<br />

Services Act (1992) is administered by the Australian Communications and<br />

Media Authority (ACMA) and is mainly targeted at commercial free-to-air<br />



television that is considered a more influential medium than radio (Armstrong<br />

et al. 1998). With a few exceptions, the Act does not apply to the public<br />

service broadcasters, the ABC and SBS. They both have their own legislation.<br />

As far as the control and cross-media ownership of commercial television and<br />

radio are concerned, a person must not control:<br />

• Commercial television licences reaching more than 75 per cent of<br />

the population,<br />

• More than one commercial television licence in the same area,<br />

• More than two commercial radio licences in the same area, or<br />

• A commercial television licence and a commercial radio licence or<br />

a major newspaper in the same area (The Broadcasting Services Act<br />

1992). 39<br />

As for foreign ownership, a foreign person must not have company interests<br />

exceeding 15 per cent in a commercial television licence, and the aggregate of<br />

foreign interests must not exceed 20 per cent. 40 Other kinds of broadcasting<br />

such as community broadcasting and commercial radio broadcasting do not<br />

have any restrictions (The Broadcasting Services Act 1992).<br />

The cross-media and foreign ownership restrictions may very well be<br />

considerably deregulated and further liberalised within a very short period of<br />

time. The current Howard Liberal Government has committed to reform<br />

media ownership and has introduced The Broadcasting Services Amendment (Media<br />

Ownership) Bill 2002, which will eventually remove the regulatory barriers to<br />

investment in Australian media by foreign enterprises in order to “broaden<br />

the scope for increased competition and improve access to capital and<br />

technology in the media industry” (The Broadcasting Services Amendment (Media<br />

39 The cross-media restrictions do not apply for subscription television services.<br />

40 The foreign ownership limit for subscription television is 20 per cent individual and 35 per cent in<br />

aggregate.<br />



Ownership) Bill 2002 Explanatory Memorandum). The reforms are expected to be<br />

passed by the Australian Parliament sometime soon and include the relaxation<br />

of cross-media ownership rules, the complete removal of any foreign<br />

ownership restrictions, the lifting of programming restrictions on ABC’s and<br />

SBS’ digital channels, and granting commercial free-to-air broadcasters the<br />

right to each launch one new digital channel (World Screen News 13 July 2006).<br />

The ABC is financed exclusively by the Federal Government through<br />

triennial funding. In 2005-06, the total government funding for the ABC was<br />

$792AUD million for both ABC <strong>TV</strong> and ABC Radio. For the three years to<br />

2006, government funding to the ABC totalled nearly $2.3AUD billion. 41 SBS<br />

is for the main part financed by the Federal Government, also through<br />

triennial funding. SBS’ total government funding in 2005–06 was $182.8AUD<br />

million. For the three years to 2006, government funding to the SBS was in<br />

excess of $500AUD million. However, unlike the ABC, since 2004 SBS has<br />

been permitted to accept advertising on its domestic broadcasting services to<br />

create revenues to fund its television, radio and online activities. As already<br />

briefly mentioned, the ABC is the original and traditional public broadcaster,<br />

which was created as an equivalent to the BBC in Britain. SBS has a narrower<br />

remit, which constitutes catering for Australia’s multi-ethnic communities.<br />

This is explained in more detail below.<br />

On a more general note, the public broadcasters have often struggled for<br />

sufficient government funding and have never been funded to achieve the<br />

profile in the national broadcasting system that for instance Britain’s BBC and<br />

Denmark’s DR have enjoyed in their respective countries. Public<br />

broadcasting is seen as a complement to, rather than a direct competition<br />

with, commercial television (Flew 2006).<br />

41 Source: Australian Government Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts on<br />

www.dcita.gov.au.<br />



Content regulation and standards<br />

As for content obligations, commercial broadcasters are required to provide<br />

an “adequate and comprehensive service” (The Broadcasting Services Act 1992).<br />

But this has, not surprisingly, proved impossible to define in practice. Less<br />

vague obligations apply to the standards for Australian content and for<br />

children’s television set forth in The Broadcasting Services (Australian Content)<br />

Standard 1999 and The Children’s Television Standards 2002.<br />

Commercial broadcasters are obliged to:<br />

• Meet a total score of points for new drama,<br />

• Meet a total score of points for children’s drama,<br />

• Meet a total score of points for diversity of program types,<br />

• Make sure 55 per cent of programs transmitted between 6am and<br />

midnight are Australian,<br />

• Make sure 80 per cent of advertisements broadcast during the<br />

same period are made in Australia,<br />

• Produce a minimum of 10 hours of Australian documentaries a<br />

year,<br />

• And produce a minimum of 32 hours of Australian children’s<br />

drama a year.<br />

Arguments for local content regulation in the commercial sector include the<br />

promotion of diversity and innovation in the local production industry and<br />

the promotion of Australian national culture as an opposition to cultural<br />

domination from imported American content in particular (Flew 2006).<br />

The two public service broadcasters have their own legislations. The Australian<br />

Broadcasting Corporation Act 1983 governs the ABC, and The Special Broadcasting<br />

Services Act 1991 governs SBS. The ABC is a statutory authority with<br />



programming and operational independence from the Australian<br />

Government. The board of directors is guided by the ABC Charter, which<br />

sets out the functions of the organisation. Under the Charter, the principal<br />

function of the ABC is to provide “innovative and comprehensive […]<br />

services of a high standard that inform, educate and entertain all Australians”.<br />

Its programs must contribute to a sense of national identity and reflect the<br />

cultural diversity. The ABC must also provide educational programs, transmit<br />

“news, current affairs, entertainment and cultural enrichment” to countries<br />

outside Australia, and encourage and promote the performing arts (The<br />

Australian Broadcasting Corporation Act 1983).<br />

SBS is a corporation and like the ABC it also has programming and<br />

operational independence from the government and its board of directors is<br />

also guided by a charter. Under the SBS Charter, the principal function of the<br />

broadcaster is to provide “multilingual and multicultural […] services that<br />

inform educate and entertain all Australians […] and reflect Australia’s<br />

multicultural society”. This includes foreign-language newscasts from<br />

countries around the world, and foreign-language documentaries and films<br />

(Special Broadcasting Services Act 1991).<br />

In addition to federal legislation, the commercial sector and both of the<br />

national broadcasters have been required to develop their own codes of<br />

practice, containing detailed provisions for content, classification and<br />

scheduling. These codes are binding and enforceable by ACMA and include<br />

the Commercial Television Industry Code of Practice 2004, SBS Codes of Practice 2002,<br />

and ABC Code of Practice 2004 (also see Armstrong et al. 1998). These codes<br />

do not provide additional requirements within certain programming genres or<br />

categories. Instead, they set up ethical and qualitative standards for program<br />

content in, for instance, current affairs, documentaries and children’s<br />

programming and consequently act as a benchmarking for the respective<br />

broadcasters.<br />



As Flew points to in the following quote, Australian content regulation is very<br />

much an issue of promoting a “national and cultural citizenship” through<br />

quotas on local content and not so much the promotion of a “political<br />

citizenship” through enabling audiences to participate in the political<br />

processes.<br />

If moves in Australia to enshrine a principle of political citizenship<br />

through public participation in broadcast media policy have been largely<br />

unsuccessful, initiatives to promote principles of national and cultural<br />

citizenship through local content regulations have had a greater history of<br />

success (Flew 2006).<br />

Conclusion: Continuity over change<br />

Characteristics and important features of the Australian television system<br />

include:<br />

1. Continuities in the institutional organisation have been stronger<br />

than forces for change. This has in turn led to conservatism in the<br />

system, whose structure remains largely as it was in the 1960s,<br />

albeit with the competition of the newly introduced subscription<br />

television sector. Legislation has been rather hostile towards new<br />

market players, either via the prohibition of a new commercial<br />

free-to-air network or by putting very restrictive limits on<br />

subscription television (Flew 2006, 2002).<br />

2. The commercial sector is dominating the public sector. Australian<br />

television has been primarily shaped by the commercial sector,<br />

and the public broadcasters have only been funded so as to<br />

complement, rather than to compete directly with, a highly<br />

profitable commercial television sector (Flew 2006).<br />



3. As a consequence, commercial broadcaster interests are strong<br />

and regulatory agencies weak. Flew (2006) argues that the<br />

regulatory agencies have failed to act as “an effective conduit for<br />

public participation or an effective regulator of program<br />

standards” and have instead over-identified with the industry<br />

which they are supposed to regulate (Flew 2006, Flew 2003).<br />

4. Legislation and policies are conducted in a pragmatic way with a<br />

stated reliance on market forces and with a growing disregard to<br />

traditional media values such as the principle of political<br />

citizenship through public participation (Flew 2006, Armstrong et<br />

al. 1998).<br />

5. Legislators have instead put a relatively large emphasis on the<br />

production of local media content on the commercial<br />

broadcasters and in return protected the commercial free-to-air<br />

market from outside competition (Flew 2006, Flew 2002,<br />

Armstrong et al. 1998).<br />




Denmark is, like Australia, an egalitarian society with dispersed public powers.<br />

Denmark also has three layers of political power: local municipalities, regions,<br />

and the national Parliament. The political system of Denmark is a multi-party<br />

structure with one single national Parliament, where several parties are<br />

represented. Danish governments have most often been minority<br />

administrations, governing with the aid of one or more supporting parties.<br />

This means that Danish politics is characterised by inter-party compromising.<br />

Since 1909 no single party has had the majority of parliamentary seats. 42<br />

Denmark has been a member of NATO since 1949 and of the EU since<br />

1973, which means that the Danish media has to comply with EU regulations<br />

in addition to the regulations made by the Danish Parliament. Denmark also<br />

has a strong tradition of cultural and political affiliation with other Nordic and<br />

Scandinavian countries (Mortensen 2004).<br />

Denmark is a capitalist society with a large public sector and a strong social<br />

democratic legacy. It is also an equally strong welfare state with a high<br />

standard of living and relative homogeneity with regards to culture and values,<br />

which is also reflected in the public service dominance of the television<br />

system. Media are legislated by the national Parliament and it is often an issue<br />

of public debate. However, media policy has never been a main election issue.<br />

Geographically, Denmark is flat and is thus easy to cable and it is cheap to<br />

implement terrestrial broadcasting (Mortensen 2004). Danish urbanisation is<br />

uneven with approximately a third of the 5.3 million population living in the<br />

metropolitan area of the capital, Copenhagen, another third in larger<br />

provincial towns and the last third in rural areas.<br />

Denmark has for the past two decades had a mixed public and private<br />

television system. However until then, the public service broadcaster, DR,<br />

42 Source: Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ official website of Denmark on www.denmark.dk.<br />



had a monopoly, and public service television remains the dominating sector<br />

of Danish television. Danish television has traditionally had a relatively high<br />

share of locally produced content (Søndergaard 2006b; Bruun 2005; Bruhn<br />

Jensen 1997), and Danish content remains a strong factor – especially for the<br />

public service sector – in the competition for viewers (Søndergaard 2003; also<br />

see chapter 2).<br />

As for significant recent developments in the Danish television landscape, the<br />

most important have been 1) the 1988 introduction of a second public service<br />

broadcaster, <strong>TV</strong> 2, to end DR’s 37-year monopoly; and 2) the subsequent<br />

advent of commercial and private television broadcasters on the Danish<br />

market during the 1990s. Since then, there have been several waves of<br />

liberalisation and of media legislation allowing more private as well as public<br />

players on the market (Mortensen 2004). The past decade has seen a tripling<br />

of Danish-language channels and the number of satellite and cable<br />

households has also risen considerably.<br />

However, despite the turbulent transition of the past two decades, old<br />

audience habits persist in the multi-channel environment. Danish audiences<br />

still prefer public service television. Almost 70 per cent of the time Danes<br />

spend watching television is spent on either of the two public service<br />

broadcasters, which more or less equals the share the private free-to-air sector<br />

has in Australia. Thus, Denmark has the exact opposite distribution between<br />

the public and private sector as compared to Australia.<br />

Television market structure<br />

The Danish market consists of four main broadcasting organisations:<br />

• The traditional and 100 per cent licence fee-funded public service<br />

broadcasting organisation DR, which broadcasts national and<br />

regional radio in addition to its two national television channels,<br />

DR1 and DR2 (which are more or less the equivalent of Britain’s<br />

BBC1 and BBC2).<br />



• The second public service broadcaster <strong>TV</strong> 2/Danmark, which is a<br />

public limited company (plc.) fully financed by advertising and<br />

other commercial activities despite its public service remit. <strong>TV</strong><br />

2/Danmark now has six channels, <strong>TV</strong> 2, <strong>TV</strong> 2/Zulu, <strong>TV</strong><br />

2/Charlie, <strong>TV</strong> 2/Film, <strong>TV</strong> 2/News and <strong>TV</strong> 2/Sport, of which<br />

only <strong>TV</strong> 2 is run under the public service remit.<br />

• The private broadcasting organisation Modern Times Group<br />

(MTG), which broadcasts the two advertising and subscription<br />

fee-funded Danish-language channels, <strong>TV</strong>3 and <strong>TV</strong>3+, from the<br />

UK due to more lenient advertising regulations. MTG is a media<br />

company owned by the Swedish Kinnevik Group, which runs<br />

television and radio stations in the Nordic countries and Eastern<br />

Europe and the production company Strix (Søndergaard 2006b).<br />

• The private, Netherlands-based and ultimately American-owned<br />

broadcasting organisation SBS Broadcasting, which broadcasts<br />

the three Danish-language channels, SBS Net, Kanal 4 and Kanal<br />

5. SBS also runs several other European television services.<br />

DR1 and <strong>TV</strong> 2 have an almost 100 per cent reach of the Danish population,<br />

whereas <strong>TV</strong>3 and TvDanmark only have a reach of about 80 percent. Table<br />

6.4 shows the distribution of channel shares in the Danish market in two<br />

different time frames; all day and in extended primetime.<br />

Table 6.4 > Danish audience shares 2005 (Source: <strong>TV</strong> 2 Public Service Account 2005)<br />

Channel All day 5pm-midnight<br />

DR1 28 % 32 %<br />

DR2 5 % 6 %<br />

<strong>TV</strong> 2 36 % 36 %<br />

<strong>TV</strong> 2/Zulu 3 % 2 %<br />

<strong>TV</strong> 2/Charlie 1 % 1 %<br />

<strong>TV</strong>3 5 % 5 %<br />

<strong>TV</strong>3+ 4 % 3 %<br />

TvDanmark 4 % 3 %<br />

Kanal 5 2 % 2 %<br />

Others 12 % 10 %<br />

Total 100 % 100 %<br />



As is evident from the table, the public service broadcasters DR and <strong>TV</strong> 2<br />

enjoy a rather advantageous position compared to their competitors. In actual<br />

fact they dominate the market completely, which means that Danish public<br />

service television has approximately 70 per cent of all viewing, and even more<br />

so in extended primetime. The advantageous position originates in a number<br />

of factors, of which the most important are:<br />

• A larger penetration. Virtually all Danes can view DR and <strong>TV</strong> 2.<br />

TvDanmark and <strong>TV</strong>3 have penetration rates at about 80 per cent.<br />

• A financial head start. DR is funded exclusively by licence fees<br />

which every year equals DKK 3,085 million ($685AUD million),<br />

and <strong>TV</strong> 2 is the only commercial broadcaster with a 100 per cent<br />

reach of Danish households and is therefore popular with<br />

advertisers.<br />

• A historical head start. DR and <strong>TV</strong> 2’s public service duopoly was<br />

already well consolidated when the private, commercial<br />

broadcasters entered the market in the 1990s.<br />

• Legislation with a broad definition of ‘public service’ allowing for<br />

pluralistic programming that contains all the television genres,<br />

including entertainment. This has made Danish public service<br />

broadcasters competitive even in a mixed television system.<br />

• More Danish content in their schedules with which the Danish<br />

audience can better identify (Søndergaard 2003; see Chapter 2).<br />

Another striking feature of the Danish system is the fact that Denmark has 12<br />

Danish-language channels for a population of only 5.3 million: DR1, DR2,<br />

<strong>TV</strong> 2, <strong>TV</strong> 2/Zulu, <strong>TV</strong> 2/Charlie, <strong>TV</strong> 2/Film, <strong>TV</strong> 2/News, <strong>TV</strong> 2/Sport 43 ,<br />

<strong>TV</strong>3, <strong>TV</strong>3+, TvDanmark, and Kanal 5. Together they take up 88 per cent of<br />

43 <strong>TV</strong> 2/Film, <strong>TV</strong> 2/News and <strong>TV</strong> 2/Sport were established after 2005 and therefore do not figure in<br />

table 6.4.<br />



the viewing, leaving only 12 per cent to foreign channels such as Discovery<br />

and M<strong>TV</strong>. This is despite the fact that foreign television can be viewed by 80<br />

per cent of Danish households and despite the fact that three-quarters of all<br />

households have access to at least 24 channels either via satellite or cable<br />

(Mortensen 2004). However, only DR1 (and partly DR2), <strong>TV</strong> 2, and<br />

TvDanmark are free-to-air, terrestrial channels. The other channels can only<br />

be received via a cable or satellite dish connection, and in most cases viewers<br />

are charged a subscription fee per channel. Below is a table of the four main<br />

Danish-language channels showing their ownership, funding, legislation,<br />

distribution form, and respective sister channels.<br />

Table 6.5 > The four main Danish language channels<br />

DR1 (on air<br />

from 1951)<br />

Ownership Funding Legislation Distribution Sister<br />

channels<br />

DR: Publicly Licence fee Danish Terrestrial DR2 (1996)<br />

owned by the<br />

Broadcasting Act<br />

Danish State<br />

PSB Contract<br />

<strong>TV</strong> 2 (1988) <strong>TV</strong> 2/<br />

Danmark plc.<br />

(Public<br />

Limited<br />

Company)<br />

Advertising<br />

Danish<br />

Broadcasting Act<br />

PSB Contract<br />

Terrestrial<br />

<strong>TV</strong> 2/Zulu<br />

(2000)<br />

<strong>TV</strong> 2/Charlie<br />

(2003)<br />

<strong>TV</strong> 2/Film<br />

(2005)<br />

<strong>TV</strong> 2/News<br />

(2006)<br />

<strong>TV</strong>3 (1990)<br />

Modern<br />

Times Group<br />

(MTG)<br />

Advertising<br />

Subscription<br />

fee<br />

No Satellite <strong>TV</strong>3+ (1996)<br />

TvDanmark<br />

(1997-2006)<br />

(from 2007<br />

SBS Net)<br />

SBS<br />

Broadcasting<br />

Advertising Partly 44 Terrestrial Kanal 5<br />

(2000)<br />

Kanal 4<br />

(2006)<br />

As far as TvDanmark is concerned, it is important to note that the channel<br />

has undergone two significant changes recently. In 2006, TvDanmark was relaunched<br />

as Kanal 4, and from January 2007, TvDanmark was re-launched yet<br />

again and is now called SBS Net. Nevertheless, just like TvDanmark, SBS Net<br />



is a network of local stations, which is required to broadcast a small amount<br />

of local and community-oriented programming.<br />

History of Danish television<br />

Because of DR’s monopoly up until 1988, the history of Danish television in<br />

many ways equals that of DR. If we exclude the first three-year trial period<br />

from 1951-54, the history of Danish <strong>TV</strong> broadcasting can roughly be divided<br />

into four stages of 10-15 years (Bruhn Jensen 1997, 2003; for an alternative<br />

division see Søndergaard 2006b). During these stages DR’s initially<br />

uncontested public service ideology was modified and compromised before it<br />

finally collapsed as a monopoly culture during the 1980s and was substituted<br />

by the new, modified Western European mixed television system (Bruhn<br />

Jensen 2003, 1997; Søndergaard 2006b).<br />

1954-64<br />

After a three-year trial period, Danish television broadcasting started in 1954,<br />

and the next 10 years marked the establishment period of Danish television.<br />

The new medium experienced a remarkable expansion and by the end of this<br />

period, television was the dominant mass medium (Bruhn Jensen 1997,<br />

Søndergaard 2006b). In 1954 only a little more than 1,200 licences had been<br />

bought. In 1964 almost one million licences were registered. Content was<br />

paternalistic and greatly influenced by an educational and ‘enlightening’<br />

ideology. Information and current affairs took up the large majority of the<br />

schedule, often in very academic packaging, and drama broadcasts were<br />

mainly based on classical literature and theatre. However, a Danish tradition<br />

of television entertainment was slowly materialising from the end of the<br />

1950s, together with original television drama, marking the beginning of the<br />

more pluralistic programming policy of the following years (Bruhn Jensen<br />

1997; Søndergaard 2006b).<br />

44 TvDanmark is required to broadcast 30 minutes of locally produced programming per day, and the<br />

station is also subject to the Danish Broadcasting Act when it comes to advertising (Bruhn Jensen<br />

2003).<br />



1964-80<br />

The next period has been termed the “classical” period of Danish public<br />

service television (Bruhn Jensen 1997). A new broadcasting act determined<br />

that for the first time DR was obliged to broadcast entertainment alongside its<br />

news and information. Even though entertainment had been broadcast since<br />

the late 1950s, within the dominant public service ideology the genre was still<br />

seen as something that was ultimately a negative. Nevertheless, this changed<br />

with the new legislation, and DR grew into probably the most important<br />

institution within the Danish media system by way of a broad and diverse<br />

schedule containing a variety of national and international genres (Ibid.). DR<br />

became agenda-setting within news, entertainment and drama and in many<br />

ways also a threat to other news and entertainment media. Most importantly<br />

however, television became ‘something to talk about’, a common reference<br />

point for Danes, and a source of their understanding of Danish history and<br />

cultural identity (Ibid.). Although the schedule did contain foreign<br />

programming, local production was still the main content source.<br />

1980-1995<br />

This period is characterised by the slow introduction of a mixed television<br />

system and the resulting conclusion of the DR monopoly era and the advent<br />

of what can be called – if not in theory, then in practice – a public service<br />

‘duopoly’ consisting of DR and the new public service broadcaster <strong>TV</strong> 2.<br />

After a long political foreplay, <strong>TV</strong> 2 went to air in 1988 and within just five<br />

years it had overtaken DR in the audience ratings and was the most popular<br />

Danish broadcaster (Ibid.). <strong>TV</strong> 2 had five culture-political purposes<br />

(Mortensen 2004):<br />

• To protect Danes from foreign cultural influence coming from<br />

foreign cable and satellite television. 45<br />

45 Cable television was already introduced in the 1960s giving the Danish audience access to Swedish<br />

and West and East German <strong>TV</strong>, and by the early 1980s two-thirds of the population had access to<br />

foreign <strong>TV</strong>, either by cable or by terrestrial reception in the parts of Denmark bordering other<br />

countries (Mortensen 2004). However, the appearance of satellite television in the early 1980s came as<br />



• To create competition on news broadcasting. DR had often been<br />

accused of a left-wing bias in their news coverage.<br />

• To fight off DR’s perceived Copenhagen bias by moving <strong>TV</strong> 2’s<br />

headquarters outside the capital and setting up eight regional<br />

stations scattered around the country.<br />

• Most of the program production was placed with independent<br />

producers outside the institution of <strong>TV</strong> 2 (following the British<br />

Channel 4 model) to avoid the heavy bureaucracy of DR.<br />

• Advertising was allowed in between programs. In the beginning,<br />

<strong>TV</strong> 2 also drew on a licence fee income, which for the main part<br />

went to finance the eight regional television stations that formed<br />

part of <strong>TV</strong> 2’s remit. Nevertheless, today <strong>TV</strong> 2 is 100 per cent<br />

commercially financed following the regional stations’<br />

organisational and financial separation from <strong>TV</strong> 2/Danmark in<br />

2002 and <strong>TV</strong> 2/Danmark’s subsequent transition into a public<br />

limited company in 2003 (Søndergaard 2006b).<br />

Up until the advent of <strong>TV</strong> 2, advertising had not been allowed on Danish<br />

television. As already briefly mentioned, another important part of <strong>TV</strong> 2’s<br />

public service remit was the establishment of eight regional stations to cater<br />

for local communities and their need for news sourced from their particular<br />

region. During the 1980s, local and commercial community television stations<br />

had also been introduced, most notably in the Copenhagen area (see Bruhn<br />

Jensen 1997). These local stations were nowhere near as successful and<br />

professionalised as <strong>TV</strong> 2’s regional stations, but they did serve as important<br />

forerunners for more commercialised and entertainment skewed Danish<br />

television (Ibid.). However, these local stations did not play any significant<br />

role in the Danish television system until a 1997 change in the Danish<br />

somewhat of a shock also to Danish politicians, and as part of a national cultural self-defence, it was<br />

thus decided to break the monopoly of DR and introduce a second public service broadcaster.<br />



broadcasting legislation allowed networking, after which they coalesced into<br />

the national TvDanmark Network, now called SBS Net.<br />

In 1990 another important commercial player in the new mixed Danish<br />

television system, <strong>TV</strong>3, started Danish-language satellite broadcasts. 46 <strong>TV</strong>3 is<br />

owned by MTG and broadcasts out of the UK due to more lenient British<br />

advertising laws (Mortensen 2004). Despite the advent of this new mixed and<br />

internationalised <strong>TV</strong> system, the reality was that Danes preferred the public<br />

service broadcasters. By the mid-1990s, Danes still spent 75 per cent of their<br />

television time on either DR or <strong>TV</strong> 2. This figure has only dropped a little<br />

since then.<br />

1995 to the present<br />

As previously mentioned, the three Danish public service channels – DR1,<br />

DR2 and <strong>TV</strong> 2 – continue to enjoy widespread popularity with Danes, and<br />

today they still account for almost 70 per cent of Danish <strong>TV</strong> viewing.<br />

However, underneath the apparently calm surface as far as audience shares<br />

are concerned, this was a period of turbulent transition. Three main<br />

developments characterise the period: more channels, further<br />

commercialisation and liberalisation, and digitisation of cable and satellite<br />

television. Between 1995 and 2001, the share of Danish satellite and cable<br />

households grew from 50 to 69 per cent and the average number of channels<br />

per household went from 10 to 16 (Bruhn Jensen 2003). Moreover, since<br />

1995 the number of Danish-language channels available to the audience has<br />

tripled with the four main Danish-language broadcasters’ introduction of one<br />

or more supplementary satellite and cable channels: <strong>TV</strong>3+ in 1995/1996,<br />

DR2 in 1996, TvDanmark 1 in 2000 (now Kanal 5), Kanal 4 in 2006, <strong>TV</strong><br />

2/Zulu in 2000, <strong>TV</strong> 2/Charlie in 2003, <strong>TV</strong> 2/Film in 2005, and most recently<br />

<strong>TV</strong> 2/News in 2006 and <strong>TV</strong> 2/Sport in 2007 (also see Søndergaard 2006b).<br />

46MTG started pan-Scandinavian satellite broadcasts as early as 1987, in the form of <strong>TV</strong>3/Scansat, which<br />

did not significantly influence the Danish market until it was divided into three channels, one for each<br />

of the Scandinavian countries: Norway, Sweden and Denmark, in 1990 (Søndergaard 2006).<br />



The supplementary channels are part of an increased competition in the<br />

market and their main purposes are to:<br />

• Target narrower audience groups and hence win audience shares.<br />

• Create more platforms for the sale of advertisements.<br />

• Generate more revenue from satellite and cable subscription fees.<br />

In effect the introduction of the many supplementary channels means that<br />

Danes watch a very limited degree of foreign-language cable and satellite<br />

television, and still prefer Danish-language television, especially the three<br />

public service channels; DR1, DR2 and <strong>TV</strong> 2. In 2005 the Danish audience<br />

spent 88 per cent of their television time on a Danish or Danish-language<br />

channel, of which 69 per cent belonged to the three public service channels,<br />

DR1, DR2 and <strong>TV</strong> 2.<br />

The past decade has also seen a political liberalisation of the media legislation,<br />

which eventually has led to further commercialisation of the Danish market<br />

after the initial introduction of the mixed model around 1990 (Bruhn Jensen<br />

2003). First of all, legislative reform in 1997 meant that <strong>TV</strong> 2 could dispose<br />

freely of its advertising revenues. Up until then <strong>TV</strong> 2’s budgets were decided<br />

politically, to prevent unnecessary commercialisation, and the remaining<br />

revenues kept in the so-called <strong>TV</strong> 2 Fund. The most important consequence<br />

of the legislative change was that <strong>TV</strong> 2 was now able to make more ambitious<br />

and costly changes to its schedule to fight off commercial competition. These<br />

included broadcasting more hours and establishing supplementary channels.<br />

However, it also meant that <strong>TV</strong> 2 became more sensitive to general macroeconomic<br />

trends, as it no longer had the financial security of the <strong>TV</strong> 2 Fund<br />

(Søndergaard 2006b). In addition, and as mentioned previously, legislative<br />

changes were made in 2002 and 2003 by the current Liberal Fogh-Rasmussen<br />

Government to prepare for a complete privatisation of <strong>TV</strong> 2/Danmark.<br />



Firstly, the eight regional stations were separated organisationally as well as<br />

financially from <strong>TV</strong> 2/Danmark, which was subsequently transformed into a<br />

public limited company (Ibid).<br />

Secondly, and as already mentioned in the last paragraph, the 1997 legislation<br />

also allowed for local stations to come together in what in effect became a<br />

third national broadcaster – and the first commercial one – the TvDanmark<br />

Network, controlled by American SBS Broadcasting (Mortensen 2004, Bruhn<br />

Jensen 2003, Søndergaard 2006b). On top of this, but outside of the<br />

legislative realm of the Danish political system, <strong>TV</strong>3 also grew stronger due to<br />

the rise in the number of Danish satellite and cable equipped households.<br />

As far as the development towards digitisation is concerned, it seems a fairly<br />

slow process. Digitisation of cable and satellite began in 1998 and in 2001<br />

there were about 200,000 households on the two platforms Viasat, owned by<br />

MTG, and Canal Digital, owned by Norwegian Telenor (Mortensen 2004).<br />

However, when it comes to the digitisation of the terrestrial network, the<br />

political forces have been hesitant. Digital terrestrial television has been<br />

legislated for by Parliament many times. Yet, so far only DR and <strong>TV</strong> 2<br />

simulcasts are available on the DTT net, MUX1, although the current<br />

analogue switch-off date is set to 2009.<br />

Legislation<br />

The Danish broadcasting media has traditionally been – and still is – regulated<br />

carefully and in much detail (Mortensen 2004). As far as national television<br />

broadcasting is concerned, the broadcasting act includes legislation on the<br />

public service broadcasting organisations DR and <strong>TV</strong> 2 and the network,<br />

TvDanmark (Ibid.). The act also includes rules on sponsorship and<br />

advertising (Bekendtgørelse af lov om radio- og fjernsynsvirksomhed 2006, referred to<br />

as The Danish Broadcasting Act). Independent boards govern the public<br />

broadcasters (Mortensen 2004).<br />



DR is financed exclusively by licence fees. <strong>TV</strong> 2 has, since 2003, been a public<br />

limited company, <strong>TV</strong> 2/Danmark PLC, operating one commercial channel,<br />

<strong>TV</strong> 2, under a public service remit and five other commercial channels<br />

without public service obligations, which are financed by a combination of<br />

advertising revenue and subscription fees. Besides this, eight regional stations<br />

use <strong>TV</strong> 2’s schedules to transmit their programs three times a day. The<br />

regional stations are 100 per cent licence-fee funded.<br />

In 1997 networking was allowed for local commercial television, with one<br />

hour of local news and three hours of ‘windows’ for non-commercial<br />

community television required. The result was the TvDanmark Network, now<br />

SBS Net. However, this requirement was reduced by the current government<br />

as part of media reforms and the requirement is now half an hour of local<br />

news a day with the non-commercial community television ‘windows’<br />

restricted to the time frame of 9am-noon (The Danish Broadcasting Act 2006).<br />

In general, a higher degree of liberalisation and competition on the Danish<br />

television market has been on the agenda of especially parties to the right of<br />

the centre in the Danish parliament in recent years, and the current<br />

government is planning to privatise <strong>TV</strong> 2 completely within the next few<br />

years. However, due to pending EU million-euro court cases against <strong>TV</strong> 2<br />

and the Danish State for illegal state subsidies causing unfair competition, the<br />

privatisation has been put on hold. It is important to note that a full<br />

privatisation of <strong>TV</strong> 2 will not remove its public service remit.<br />

As for advertising, advertising breaks must be clearly marked, and are only<br />

allowed between programs; that is, advertisement breaks within a program are<br />

not allowed. Advertising must take up a maximum 15 per cent of the schedule.<br />

As DR is 100 per cent funded by licence fees, advertising is not allowed on<br />

DR1 and DR2.<br />

Until 2001 the Ministry of Culture controlled electronic media, but a new<br />

broadcasting act set up the independent Radio and Television Board<br />



(Mortensen 2004). The board’s major tasks include issuing permits to future<br />

digital television and radio channels, issuing satellite and cable permits,<br />

handling cases of illegal advertising and subsidies, supervision of advertising<br />

directed at children, and commenting and analysing the public service charters<br />

of DR and <strong>TV</strong> 2. Another important regulatory agency is the Danish<br />

Competition Board, which since 1998, and according to EU competition law,<br />

has examined the Danish system and made decisions on, for example, sports<br />

rights and the dominant position of <strong>TV</strong> 2 in the advertising market of<br />

electronic media (Mortensen 2004).<br />

Generally it is important to note that because of Denmark’s EU membership,<br />

the Danish media regulation is a subject to EU law and regulations such as<br />

Television Without Borders and regulation on State subsidies, taxes and<br />

competition. In this respect, the Danish Parliament does not have complete<br />

regulatory and legislative sovereignty in broadcasting matters and Denmark<br />

hence differs considerably from Australia, whose Parliament and media<br />

legislation are independent of any trans-national regulatory bodies.<br />

Content regulation and standards<br />

The two public service broadcasters must provide news, information,<br />

education, entertainment and arts to Danes, and they must do so with fairness<br />

and impartiality focusing on “quality, diversity, and plurality” (Danish<br />

Broadcasting Act 2003, Mortensen 2004). It is important to note that the<br />

principles of diversity and plurality throughout most of the history of Danish<br />

public service television each in their own way point to the diversity of genres<br />

as well as political opinion (Søndergaard 2006b):<br />

• A diverse, versatile and pluralistic programming schedule<br />

providing a full-scale public service, including genres such as drama,<br />

entertainment and sport as well as news, current affairs,<br />

documentaries and children’s programs.<br />



• A diverse, versatile and pluralistic comprehensive political and social<br />

coverage in the factual genres particularly, but also in drama and<br />

children’s programs, including opinions and views from all areas<br />

of the political and social arena.<br />

Furthermore, DR and <strong>TV</strong> 2 must give special consideration to Danish<br />

language and Danish culture. Public service television is thus seen as a means<br />

to promote a cultural citizenship through the provision of Danish<br />

programming, on one hand, and as a means to promote a political citizenship<br />

through the provision of a diverse and pluralistic political and social coverage,<br />

on the other.<br />

Online activities are also considered a part of the public service remit<br />

(Mortensen 2004). On top of this, every three to four years, DR and <strong>TV</strong> 2 are<br />

required to each produce a legally binding and detailed public service contract<br />

outlining specific content quotas regarding the amount of news & current<br />

affairs, Danish and Nordic and European content, children’s programs, and<br />

Danish drama production. Moreover, new Danish drama cannot be<br />

scheduled opposite each other on the two public service broadcasters. Every<br />

year, each public service broadcaster then has to present a detailed public service<br />

account that explains just how the different quotas and the general public<br />

service regulations have been met. Sanctions mainly consist in fines and are<br />

carried out by the Radio & Television Board. As the <strong>TV</strong> 2 public service remit<br />

has gradually been liberalised, DR’s public service contract is now more<br />

restrictive and detailed than that of <strong>TV</strong> 2. Below are the most important<br />

content regulations for the two public service broadcasters according to the<br />

2003-2006 public service contracts: 47<br />

47 DR has a new public service contract for the period 2007-2010. Nevertheless, I have chosen to<br />

disregard this, as the analyses carried out in this thesis are undertaken on schedules and programs<br />

from no later than 2005.<br />



Both DR and <strong>TV</strong> 2 must<br />

• Provide news, information, education, entertainment and arts to<br />

Danes, and they must do so with fairness and impartiality<br />

focusing on “quality, diversity, and plurality”,<br />

• Give special consideration to Danish language and Danish culture<br />

• Offer online activities,<br />

• Broadcast a certain amount of European and Nordic<br />

programming,<br />

• And coordinate the scheduling of new Danish drama to prevent it<br />

from being scheduled opposite each other on the two channels. 48<br />

DR must<br />

• Provide at least 520 hours of news between 5pm and midnight a<br />

year,<br />

• Provide at least 20 hours of new Danish primetime drama a year,<br />

• And provide at least 700 hours of children’s programming and<br />

275 hours of youth programming a year.<br />

<strong>TV</strong> 2 must<br />

• Provide at least 260 hours of news between 5pm and midnight a<br />

year,<br />

• And provide at least 600 hours of children’s programming a year.<br />

48 The same requirement used to apply for news programming. However, in 2004 this requirement was<br />

abandoned (<strong>TV</strong> 2 Public Service Account 2005).<br />



In other words, DR must provide approximately double the amount of news<br />

and children’s/youth programming a year. Besides, DR has a specified<br />

amount of new drama in primetime, whereas <strong>TV</strong> 2 is just required to provide<br />

an unspecified amount of Danish drama. However, to meet the requirements,<br />

DR gets a larger share of the licence fee and has a second channel at its<br />

disposal (DR2). 49<br />

As mentioned above, the local commercial stations in the TvDanmark<br />

network were required to provide one hour of local news and three hours of<br />

‘windows’ for non-commercial community television a day. However, the<br />

current Liberal Fogh-Rasmussen government reduced this requirement and<br />

the requirement is now half an hour of local news a day. Besides this there are<br />

no content requirements for TvDanmark. As to the last Danish-language<br />

broadcaster, there is no Danish legislation governing <strong>TV</strong>3, as it is broadcast<br />

from Britain. British media law is more lenient and allows <strong>TV</strong>3 to have<br />

advertising breaks within programs, broadcast a larger share of advertisements,<br />

and finally allows it to advertise for alcohol and non-prescriptive drugs, which<br />

is not allowed under Danish law.<br />

Conclusion: transition into a ‘bastard’, mixed multi-channel system<br />

Characteristics and important features of the Danish system include:<br />

1. Danish television has experienced a recent and quite turbulent<br />

transition into what can be termed a kind of ‘bastard’ multichannel<br />

system. In less than two decades, the Danish television<br />

landscape has gone from being a public service monopoly with<br />

only one national station to being a multi-channel system with<br />

several public, commercial, and subscription players of both local<br />

and foreign origin competing for a slice of the small market. The<br />

adjective ‘bastard’ refers to the fact that the public, commercial<br />

49 DR2 is part of DR’s public service remit. However, <strong>TV</strong> 2’s supplementary channels are not considered<br />

part of the public service remit. They are commercial channels in line with <strong>TV</strong>3 and TvDanmark and<br />

run accordingly.<br />



and subscription sectors are not entirely separated, as the by far<br />

largest commercial broadcaster with the most subscription<br />

channels is actually the second public service broadcaster, <strong>TV</strong><br />

2/Danmark. These developments are completely opposite to<br />

Australia, whose television system today in many ways resembles<br />

that of the 1960s, that is, a fairly pure mixed system with public<br />

and non-commercialised broadcasters on one side and private,<br />

commercial broadcasters on the other. 50<br />

2. The Danish public service sector dominates the private<br />

commercial sector. In contrast to Australian television, Danish<br />

television has predominantly been shaped by the public sector.<br />

The dominance covers the whole spectrum from history over<br />

legislation to audience preferences. Curiously, and as already<br />

implied, even the commercial market for television advertising is<br />

dominated by the public service channel <strong>TV</strong> 2.<br />

3. Public broadcaster interests have been favoured in media policies<br />

and legislation. DR and <strong>TV</strong> 2 have been allocated frequencies<br />

with what in effect is a 100 per cent reach of the Danish<br />

population and have been funded through fairly high public<br />

licence fees. Moreover, <strong>TV</strong> 2 has been awarded a very<br />

advantageous position in the Danish advertising market compared<br />

to its private competitors.<br />

4. Regulation and legislation within the public service sector have<br />

been quite detailed. The Danish television legislation has generally<br />

been used as a tool to promote both a national cultural citizenship<br />

and a political citizenship. That is, traditional media values like<br />

social, cultural and political accountability and obligations to serve<br />

certain needs within Danish democracy and within Danish society<br />

50 Australian public service broadcaster SBS also generates revenue from advertising. However, it has<br />

only done so since 2004 and apart from that is a minor player on the Australian market in general,<br />

which means that it does not as such represent a threat to the commercial players in the advertising<br />

market.<br />



in general have to a large extent shaped policies and legislation. In<br />

return for meeting these values and requirements, Denmark’s<br />

public sector has been somewhat protected against commercial<br />

competitors.<br />

5. The private, commercial broadcasters only have a very limited<br />

regulation. They do not have to meet particular obligations in<br />

respect of any significant content standards or ethics and as such<br />

Danish commercial broadcasters are markedly less regulated than<br />

their Australian counterparts.<br />

6. Despite the multi-channel system, old audience habits persist.<br />

Danes still prefer to watch public service television. In addition to<br />

this specific public service preference, Danish audiences also<br />

prefer Danish-language broadcasters in general. Very little time is<br />

therefore spent on foreign channels.<br />





As has become evident throughout this chapter, there are many important<br />

differences between the Australian and Danish television systems. The public<br />

service sector dominates the private sector in Denmark, whereas the private<br />

sector dominates the public service sector in Australia. Australian television<br />

was commercialised and Americanised from the beginning, whereas Danish<br />

television has always relied on large shares of locally-produced content and<br />

was run as a public service monopoly until its recent and turbulent transition<br />

into a fully-fledged mixed multi-channel system. On the other hand,<br />

Australian television has been stable and has not changed considerably since<br />

the 1960s.<br />

In spite of the many differences, there is one important feature that the<br />

systems share; that is, in both systems television has a certain degree of social<br />

responsibility. This social responsibility is of course larger and more carefully<br />

regulated in the Danish system with its public service dominance. However, it<br />

is also present in Australia, most obviously in the existence of the two public<br />

service broadcasters, the ABC and SBS, but also in the content obligations of<br />

the three private free-to-air broadcasters, Channel Seven, Channel Nine and<br />

Channel Ten. In return for the lucrative broadcasting permits and a legislative<br />

protection from other competitors, the three broadcasters must provide a<br />

minimum of locally produced content, primarily within drama. This<br />

Australian content regulation seems to focus mainly on the promotion of a<br />

cultural citizenship by contributing to a sense of national identity, as opposed<br />

to a political citizenship, which in the Danish system is promoted alongside<br />

the cultural citizenship via the public service principle of (political and<br />

generic) versatility.<br />



In this sense, Danish television was a social-democratic project from the<br />

beginning with its dominating view of television as a public service to educate,<br />

enlighten and inform Danes and thus promote a cultural citizenship as well as<br />

a political citizenship. Additionally, nobody was to make money out of this<br />

public service. In contrast, Australian television was established as an industry<br />

project from the beginning due to the initial political allegiance between the<br />

liberal/conservative government at the time and the private, commercial<br />

licence owners. To protect the local television and advertising production<br />

industries – and secondarily to promote a cultural citizenship – the private<br />

broadcasters in return had to provide a minimum of Australian produced<br />

television and advertising content.<br />

With Halllin & Mancini’s three archetypical television systems in mind (see<br />

Chapter 3), Australia thus has what is essentially a social liberal (as opposed to<br />

a purely liberal system) system, which is situated somewhere between the<br />

“liberal” and the “democratic corporatist” systems (Hallin & Mancini 2004),<br />

although with a marked skewing towards the liberal model. Denmark’s system<br />

is essentially social democratic at its core and as such is situated fairly close to<br />

the democratic corporatist model but with a slight bias towards the liberal<br />

one. This is illustrated in figure 6.5.<br />



Figure 6.5 > Relation of Denmark and Australia to Hallin & Mancini’s three media<br />

systemic models<br />

The social democratic approach to media has three main arguments, as<br />

summed up by Flew (2006):<br />

1. The media is [not just another business] since it has a broader<br />

social responsibility to its local and national community, and<br />

reforms to media policy need to be evaluated on the basis of<br />

social rather than exclusively economic criteria.<br />

2. Media pluralism and diversity are not necessarily best served by<br />

the expansion of commercial media, and there remains a strong<br />

role for national public broadcasters, either as the principal<br />

bearers of public sphere issues in the national media and<br />

communications system, or as an important countervailing<br />

influence to the commercial broadcasting sector.<br />



3. There is a need to defend national audiovisual spaces, and the<br />

cultural and institutional infrastructure that underpin them, in<br />

light of the pressures associated with globalisation and<br />

international trade agreements […].<br />

These are arguments that fit perfectly to the dominant political philosophy<br />

behind Danish television, and the national public service broadcasters have<br />

always been – and still are – the “principal bearers” of public sphere issues. In<br />

Australia the social democratic arguments are still recognisable, but seem<br />

twisted into a social liberal version, in which there is a much stronger belief in<br />

the commercial sector as an additional and equally important supplier of<br />

pluralism with an equally important responsibility to serve the national<br />

community. The social liberal system of Australia therefore only views the<br />

public sector as a supplement to the dominating commercial sector.<br />



C h a p t e r 6<br />



In addition to the qualitative format analyses, the quantitative analysis of the<br />

Danish and Australian television schedules explores the extent and frequency<br />

of format adaptation in the two countries in a historical perspective over the<br />

past 10 years. In this way it can provide insights into how and if the<br />

international boom in the use of format adaptations has affected television<br />

schedules in the two countries. Has the use of format adaptations increased?<br />

If so, what type of programming have the formats replaced? Are there<br />

important similarities or differences in the historical patterns in the two<br />

countries? In addition, it explores the development of genres both in general<br />

and in terms of the specific genres of the local format adaptations.<br />

The results of the study are discussed in detail below. Firstly, the results<br />

concerning each of the Danish channels are outlined and discussed – in an<br />

historical as well as a contemporary perspective – and important trends are<br />

identified. After this, the general findings and trends for Denmark on a more<br />

general level are outlined and discussed. Secondly, the same procedure is<br />

followed for the Australian channels and for Australia in general. Thirdly,<br />

comparisons will be made, parallels drawn, and noticeable trends, differences<br />

and similarities identified between Denmark and Australia, and finally the<br />

conclusion will investigate various explanations for these trends, differences<br />

and similarities. The design of the study is explained in detail in Chapter 4 but,<br />

briefly, it covers the primetime schedules of the five Australian free-to-air<br />

channels and the four most important Danish-language channels over a 10-<br />

year period. The schedules and the program categorisation of the six weeks of<br />

1995, 2000 and 2004/5 are found in appendices 6.1-6.9.<br />




DR1 51<br />

Local content and the use of formats<br />

DR1 has seen a steady level of locally developed content over the ten year<br />

period. The share of locally produced content is very high at just over 80 per<br />

cent in 1995, 2000, and 2004/5. The adaptation of foreign formats has also<br />

been fairly steady over the years. <strong>Format</strong>s constitute 4 per cent of local<br />

content in 1995, and 5 per cent in both 2000 and 2004/5.<br />

Table 7.2 ▶ DR1/Denmark: the development within local and foreign content,<br />

format adaptation and genres in primetime 1995-2005<br />

YEAR 1995 2000 2004/5<br />

Local content<br />

Foreign<br />

content<br />

<strong>Format</strong>s (of<br />

local content)<br />

Local, foreign, and format content<br />

45.75 hrs<br />

46 hrs<br />

82%<br />

82%<br />

10.25 hrs<br />

10 hrs<br />

18 %<br />

18 %<br />

2hrs<br />

2.5hrs<br />

4%<br />

5%<br />

46.25 hrs<br />

83%<br />

9.75 hrs<br />

17 %<br />

2.5hrs<br />

5%<br />

Genre distribution<br />

Documentaries 6.75 hrs<br />

12 %<br />

4.75 hrs<br />

8 %<br />

News &<br />

15.75hrs<br />

19.25<br />

current affairs 28 %<br />

34 %<br />

Sport<br />

5.5 hrs<br />

3.5 hrs<br />

10 %<br />

6 %<br />

Children and 2.5hrs<br />

Nil<br />

youth<br />

4 %<br />

Fiction and<br />

9 hrs<br />

14.5hrs<br />

drama<br />

16 %<br />

26 %<br />

Traditional 12.75 hrs<br />

6.25 hrs<br />

entertainment 22 %<br />

11 %<br />

Reality Nil 2 hrs<br />

4 %<br />

Lifestyle<br />

3.75 hrs<br />

5.75 hrs<br />

7 %<br />

10 %<br />

Total<br />

56 hrs<br />

56 hrs<br />

99 %<br />

99 %<br />

6.5 hrs<br />

12 %<br />

20.5 hrs<br />

37 %<br />

4 hrs<br />

7 %<br />

Nil<br />

12.75 hrs<br />

23 %<br />

4.25 hr<br />

7 %<br />

Nil<br />

8 hrs<br />

14 %<br />

56 hrs<br />

100 %<br />

51 See appendix 6.1<br />



Genres<br />

As far as the development in genres is concerned, documentaries on DR1 are<br />

at a steady level of 12 per cent over the 10-year period between 1995 and<br />

2004/5. However, there was a decline to 8 per cent in 2000. News & current<br />

affairs have been on the rise: 28 per cent of the primetime viewing in 1995, 34<br />

per cent in 2000, and 37 per cent in 2004/5. Sport has experienced a slight<br />

decrease from 10 per cent in 1995, down to 6 per cent in 2000 and 7 per cent<br />

in 2004/5. However, evidently it has stabilised – and even gone up one<br />

percentage point – between 2000 and 2004/5. Children’s and youth<br />

programming only appears in the 1995 primetime, after which DR1’s<br />

supplementary niche channel DR2 was introduced and most of the youthskewed<br />

programming was subsequently moved to the new channel and/or to<br />

other time slots outside of primetime. Fiction has seen an increase from 16<br />

per cent in 1995 up to 26 per cent in 2000 and 23 per cent in 2004/5 although<br />

obviously the genre has decreased slightly between 2000 and 2004/5.<br />

Entertainment has plummeted from 22 per cent of the primetime schedule in<br />

1995 to 11 per cent in 2000 and just 7 per cent in 2004/5. Reality only<br />

appears in the 2000 primetime schedule in the form of various reality<br />

documentaries. Lifestyle has been very much on the increase. Its share of the<br />

DR1 schedule has doubled from 7 per cent in 1995 to 10 per cent in 2000 and<br />

then to 14 per cent in 2004/5.<br />

<strong>Format</strong>s and the genres of lifestyle and reality<br />

<strong>Format</strong>s in 1995 are Husk lige tandbørsten/Don’t Forget Your Toothbrush (UK) and<br />

Enten eller – du bestemmer/Voce Decide (Brasil). <strong>Format</strong>s in 2000 are Hit med<br />

sangen/The Lyrics Board (Ireland), Røg i køkkenet/Ready Steady Cook (UK),<br />

<strong>Format</strong>s in 2004/5 are SOS – jeg har gjort det selv/DIY SOS (UK), and again Hit<br />

med sangen/The Lyrics Board (Ireland). As already mentioned, reality only<br />

appears in the 2000 program schedule. It takes the form of the reality<br />

documentaries Bladet (DK), Livet på Godset and Fitness på Godset (both UK),<br />

and Drengebandet/The Band (US). The only Danish reality documentary is Bladet<br />

and is not an adaptation but a locally developed series that follows the daily<br />



tribulations of a big Danish tabloid newspaper. Lifestyle is very much on the<br />

increase, and here we find format adaptations as well: SOS – jeg har gjort det<br />

selv/DIY SOS (UK) and Røg i køkkenet/Ready Steady Cook (UK). However,<br />

there is no increase in the use of foreign lifestyle formats to coincide with the<br />

increase in the lifestyle genre and adaptations only make up a small part of the<br />

lifestyle genre, as is evident in table 7.2.1 below.<br />

Table 7.2.1 ▶ <strong>Format</strong> share of the lifestyle and reality genres on DR1<br />

YEAR 1995 2000 2004/5<br />

Lifestyle Nil 9 %<br />

0.5 hr<br />

6 %<br />

0.5 hr<br />

Reality --- Nil ---<br />

Conclusions<br />

<strong>Format</strong> adaptations do not play a large role in DR1’s primetime and they have<br />

been at a fairly steady level throughout the years. Hence, there is no apparent<br />

connection between the rise in lifestyle programs and a rise in format<br />

adaptations, as the large majority of the new DR1 lifestyle programs are<br />

locally developed and produced. Nor are any of the reality docu-dramas of<br />

2000 based on format adaptations, but are either British or American<br />

productions or, in the case of Bladet, developed locally in Denmark. The<br />

genres of news & current affairs, fiction, and lifestyle have apparently replaced<br />

children’s programming and entertainment, and to a certain degree sports. By<br />

far the most important genre in DR1’s primetime in 2004/5 is news &<br />

current affairs (37 per cent), followed by fiction in second place (23 per cent),<br />

and lifestyle and documentaries with 14 per cent and 12 per cent respectively.<br />

<strong>TV</strong> 2 52<br />

Local and foreign content and the use of formats<br />

Locally developed and originated content has experienced a slight increase –<br />

from 79 per cent in 1995 down to 77 per cent in 2000 then up to 82 per cent<br />

52 See appendix 6.2.<br />



in 2004/5 – which puts <strong>TV</strong> 2 on par with DR1 as far as the level of local<br />

content is concerned. An overall increase in the use of format adaptations has<br />

also occurred, from 20 per cent of local content to 28 per cent in 2004/5.<br />

However, there was a slump down to 14 per cent in 2000, which makes the<br />

increase from 2000 to 2004/5 especially dramatic where the adaptation share<br />

of local production doubles from 14 to 28 per cent. The share of formats in<br />

1995 is fairly high due to several-times-weekly adaptations of the American<br />

game shows Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy. The rise in format adaptations seems<br />

to – at least in part – have contributed to the rise in local content. However,<br />

whereas the rise in local content is modest, the rise in adaptations is relatively<br />

higher.<br />

Table 7.3 ▶ <strong>TV</strong> 2/Denmark: the development within local and foreign content,<br />

format adaptation and genres in primetime 1995-2005<br />

YEAR 1995 2000 2004/5<br />

Local content<br />

Foreign<br />

content<br />

<strong>Format</strong>s (of<br />

local content)<br />

Local, foreign, and format content<br />

44 hrs<br />

43 hrs<br />

79 %<br />

77 %<br />

12 hrs<br />

13 hrs<br />

21 %<br />

23 %<br />

9 hrs<br />

6.25 hrs<br />

20 %<br />

14 %<br />

46 hrs<br />

82 %<br />

10 hrs<br />

18 %<br />

13 hrs<br />

28 %<br />

Genre distribution<br />

Documentaries 4.5 hrs<br />

8%<br />

3.5 hrs<br />

6%<br />

4 hrs<br />

7 %<br />

News &<br />

current affairs<br />

19.75hrs<br />

35%<br />

21.75hrs<br />

39%<br />

24.25hrs<br />

43 %<br />

Sport<br />

4.75hrs<br />

8 %<br />

2.75hrs<br />

5%<br />

0.75hr<br />

1 %<br />

Children and<br />

Nil Nil Nil<br />

youth<br />

Fiction and<br />

drama<br />

11.5hrs<br />

21%<br />

13.5hrs<br />

24%<br />

10 hrs<br />

18 %<br />

Traditional<br />

entertainment<br />

14.25 hrs<br />

26%<br />

8.75 hrs<br />

16 %<br />

9 hrs<br />

16 %<br />

Reality Nil 1 hr<br />

2%<br />

2.75hrs<br />

5 %<br />

Lifestyle<br />

1.25 hr<br />

2%<br />

4.75hrs<br />

8 %<br />

5.25hrs<br />

9 %<br />

Total<br />

56 hrs<br />

100 %<br />

56 hrs<br />

99 %<br />

56 hrs<br />

99 %<br />



Genres<br />

Documentaries are at a fairly steady level in the surveyed period: 8 per cent, 6<br />

per cent and 7 per cent in 1995, 2000 and 2004/5 respectively. News &<br />

current affairs have been on the rise from 35 per cent in 1995 to 39 per cent<br />

in 2000 and 42 per cent in 2004/5, which for a large part is due to the<br />

introduction of a daily half-hour current affairs show in 2004/5. Sport has<br />

decreased considerably from 8 per cent in 1995 and 5 per cent in 2000 down<br />

to only 1 per cent in 2004/5. 53 Children’s and youth programming does not<br />

appear at all in the primetime schedule of <strong>TV</strong> 2. Fiction is on the decrease<br />

after an initial slight increase between 1995 and 2000: 21 per cent in 1995; 24<br />

per cent in 2000; and 18 per cent in 2004/5. Entertainment has been on the<br />

decrease from 26 per cent to 16 per cent from 1995 to 2004/5. However, the<br />

genre plunge happens between 1995 and 2000, after which it stabilises in<br />

2004/5. Reality appears only in the primetime schedules of 2000 and 2004/5<br />

and has experienced an increase from 2 per cent to 5 per cent. Lifestyle has<br />

dramatically increased between 1995 and 2000 – 2 per cent in 1995; 8 per cent<br />

in 2000 – after which it is fairly stable at 9 per cent in 2004/5.<br />

<strong>Format</strong>s and the genres of lifestyle and reality<br />

<strong>Format</strong>s in 1995 were Lykkehjulet/Wheel of Fortune (US), Ugen der gak/Have a<br />

Good News Week (UK), Kun for sjov (NL) and Jeopardy (US). <strong>Format</strong>s in 2000<br />

were Roomservice/Changing Rooms (UK), Hvem vil være millionær/Who Wants to be a<br />

Millionaire (UK), Surprise (NL) and Jeopardy (US). <strong>Format</strong>s in 2004/5 were<br />

Hvem vil være millionær/Who Wants to be a Millionaire (UK), Huset/The Block<br />

(AUS), Rent hjem/How Clean Is Your House (UK), Hold da helt ferie/Holiday<br />

Showdown (UK), Helt solgt/House Doctor (UK), Scenen er din/Star Search (US),<br />

Jeopardy (US), Min restaurant/My Restaurant Rules (AUS), and Vild med<br />

dans/Strictly Come Dancing (UK). A large part of the reality and lifestyle<br />

programs on <strong>TV</strong> 2 are format adaptations and the rise in these genres can be<br />

53 The comparatively high levels of sport in 1995 and 2000 were caused by the live broadcasts of an<br />

important European Cup qualifying soccer match in 1995 and an equally important World Cup<br />

handball match in 2000. There were no similar live sports telecasts in 2004/5.<br />



directly connected with an increased use of foreign formats. As far as reality is<br />

concerned, the dramatic rise in the genre between 2000 and 2004/5 is all but<br />

exclusively due to the adaptation of Australian format My Restaurant Rules in<br />

2004/5. In this period the hours of reality programming went up 1.75 hrs<br />

from 1 hr to 2.75 hrs, of which My Restaurant Rules took up 1.5 hrs, i.e. 55 per<br />

cent of the reality genre. As for the lifestyle genre, a staggering 86 per cent of<br />

the lifestyle programming scheduled in 2004/5 was based on foreign formats,<br />

as opposed to only 26 per cent in 2000 and none in 1995 (se table 7.3.1<br />

below).<br />

Table 7.3.1 ▶ <strong>Format</strong> share of the lifestyle and reality genres on <strong>TV</strong> 2<br />

YEAR 1995 2000 2004/5<br />

Lifestyle Nil 26 %<br />

1.25 hr<br />

86 %<br />

4.5 hrs<br />

Reality --- Nil 55 %<br />

1.5 hr<br />

Conclusions<br />

<strong>Format</strong> adaptations play a considerable role in <strong>TV</strong> 2’s primetime and they can<br />

be partly connected to both the rise in local content and the rise in the<br />

lifestyle and reality genres. As far as the general development in genres is<br />

concerned, news & current affairs, reality, and lifestyle have in part replaced<br />

sports and entertainment in the <strong>TV</strong> 2 primetime schedule. In 2004/5 the<br />

biggest genre is news & current affairs (43 per cent), followed by fiction (18<br />

per cent) and entertainment (12 per cent). Lifestyle comes fourth with a 9 per<br />

cent share.<br />

<strong>TV</strong>3 54<br />

Local and foreign content and the use of formats<br />

Locally developed and originated content has experienced a decrease from<br />

1995 to 2004/5 from 44 per cent in 1995 to 38 per cent in 2004/5. However,<br />

the decrease is even bigger in 2000, where local content falls to only 31 per<br />

54 See appendix 6.3.<br />



cent of the primetime schedule. This means that local content is actually on<br />

the rise between 2000 and 2004/5, from 31 to 38 per cent, making the share<br />

of local programming a lot smaller than the two PSBs: DR1 and <strong>TV</strong> 2. At the<br />

same time, a dramatic increase in the use of format adaptations has occurred<br />

over the 10-year period, from 16 per cent of the local content in 1995, to 33<br />

per cent in 2000, up to an enormous 72 per cent in 2004/5. In other words,<br />

almost two thirds of local content broadcast in <strong>TV</strong>3’s primetime in 2004/5 is<br />

based on adaptations of foreign formats. Furthermore, even though local<br />

content decreases considerably from 1995 to 2000, both the share and the<br />

amount of format adaptations increased in the same period. As for the rise in<br />

local content between 2000 and 2004/5, this is undoubtedly attributed to the<br />

explosive rise in format adaptations in the same period. <strong>Format</strong> adaptations<br />

have indeed come to play an unrivalled and crucial part in <strong>TV</strong>3’s primetime.<br />

Table 7.4 ▶ <strong>TV</strong>3/Denmark: the development within local and foreign content,<br />

format adaptation and genres in primetime 1995-2005<br />

YEAR 1995 2000 2004/5<br />

Local content<br />

Foreign<br />

content<br />

<strong>Format</strong>s (of<br />

local content)<br />

Local, foreign, and format content<br />

24.5 hrs<br />

17.5 hrs<br />

44 %<br />

31%<br />

31.5 hrs<br />

56 %<br />

4 hrs<br />

16 %<br />

38.5 hrs<br />

69 %<br />

5.75 hrs<br />

33%<br />

21.5 hrs<br />

38%<br />

34.5 hrs<br />

62 %<br />

15.5 hrs<br />

72%<br />

Documentaries<br />

News &<br />

current affairs<br />

Sport<br />

Children and<br />

youth<br />

Fiction and<br />

drama<br />

Traditional<br />

entertainment<br />

1.5 hrs<br />

3 %<br />

5 hrs<br />

9 %<br />

1.5 hrs<br />

3 %<br />

Genre distribution<br />

0.25 hr<br />

0 %<br />

Nil<br />

4.5 hrs<br />

8%<br />

Nil<br />

Nil<br />

Nil<br />

Nil Nil Nil<br />

32.25 hrs<br />

58 %<br />

15.75 hrs<br />

28 %<br />

41.25hrs<br />

74%<br />

6.75 hrs<br />

12%<br />

Reality Nil 3.25 hrs<br />

6%<br />

30.75hrs<br />

55%<br />

Nil<br />

11.5hrs<br />

21%<br />

Lifestyle Nil Nil 13.75hrs<br />

25%<br />

Total<br />

56 hrs<br />

101 %<br />

56 hrs<br />

100 %<br />

56 hrs<br />

101 %<br />



Genres<br />

Documentaries only appear in the 1995 primetime viewing schedule, as does<br />

news & current affairs. Sport increases from 3 per cent to 8 per cent from<br />

1995 to 2000, but is non-existent in the 2004/5 schedule. Most sports<br />

programming has been moved to <strong>TV</strong>3’s supplementary channel <strong>TV</strong>3+.<br />

Children’s & youth programming does not appear at all in the primetime<br />

schedule of <strong>TV</strong>3. Fiction increases dramatically from 1995 to 2000 – partly<br />

due to daily adaptations of the Swedish soap Vita løgna – but decreases back<br />

to the 1995 level in 2004/5; that is, from 58 per cent in 1995, over 74 per cent<br />

in 2000, and back to 55 per cent in 2004/5. Entertainment has seen a major<br />

decrease from 28 per cent in 1995 to only 12 per cent in 2000, after which it<br />

disappears completely from the 2004/5 schedule. Reality appears only in 2000<br />

and 2004/5 where it sees a dramatic increase from 6 to 21 per cent. Lifestyle<br />

only appears in 2004/5, where it takes up no less than 25 per cent of the<br />

prime time schedule. This means that documentaries, news & current affairs,<br />

sports, and entertainment have totally disappeared from the schedules in<br />

2004/5, where they have been replaced by reality and lifestyle that together<br />

make up a staggering 46 per cent of the primetime schedules, leaving room<br />

for only one other genre, fiction.<br />

<strong>Format</strong>s and the genres of lifestyle and reality<br />

<strong>TV</strong>3 had three format adaptations in 1995, Stjerneskud, Man O Man (G) and<br />

Blind Date (UK). In 2000, the <strong>TV</strong>3 format adaptations were Vita løgna/Hvide<br />

løgne (S) and Robinson Ekspeditionen/Survivor (UK/S). <strong>Format</strong>s in 2004/5 were<br />

Par på prøve/Wife Swap (UK), Robinson Ekspeditionen/Survivor (UK/S), Idols/Idol<br />

(UK), De Fantastiske Fem/Queer Eye for the Straight Guy (US), Fra Skrot til Slot<br />

(S), Farmen/The Farm (S), Top Model/Next Top Model (US), and Du er hvad du<br />

spiser/You Are What You Eat (UK). The large part of the lifestyle and especially<br />

the reality programming on <strong>TV</strong>3 is based on format adaptations, and the rise<br />

of these two genres is undoubtedly accredited to the increased use of format<br />

adaptations. Almost half – 49 per cent – of the lifestyle hours of the 2004/5<br />

schedule is based on foreign formats. As far as the reality genre is concerned,<br />



no less than 76 per cent of the reality hours in the 2004/5 schedule are<br />

adaptations, whereas in 2000, format adaptations make up 54 per cent of the<br />

reality genre (see table 7.4.1 below).<br />

Table 7.4.1 ▶ <strong>Format</strong> share of the lifestyle and reality genres on <strong>TV</strong> 3<br />

YEAR 1995 2000 2004/5<br />

Lifestyle --- --- 49 %<br />

6.75 hrs<br />

Reality --- 54 %<br />

1.75 hr<br />

76 %<br />

8.75 hrs<br />

Conclusions<br />

<strong>Format</strong> adaptations have come to play an absolutely vital role in <strong>TV</strong>3’s<br />

primetime and they are directly connected to both the increase of local<br />

content between 2000 and 2004/5 and the introduction and subsequent<br />

increase in the lifestyle and reality genres. Furthermore, the increase in fiction<br />

between 1995 and 2000 is to a certain extent caused by the adaptation of the<br />

Swedish soap Vita Løgna/White Lies. Documentaries, news & current affairs,<br />

sport, and entertainment have totally disappeared from the 2004/5 <strong>TV</strong>3<br />

primetime schedules, where they have instead been replaced by reality and<br />

lifestyle that together make up a staggering 46 per cent, leaving room for only<br />

one other genre – fiction. As a result, <strong>TV</strong>3’s primetime has completely<br />

changed and in 2004/5 consists of only three genres: fiction, reality and<br />

lifestyle, whereas its 1995 and 2000 schedules were generically more varied.<br />

Fiction, however, is still the most important genre making up approximately<br />

55 per cent. Lifestyle comes second with a 25 per cent share, and reality third<br />

with 21 per cent.<br />



TvDanmark 55<br />

Local and foreign content and the use of formats<br />

In the period between 2000 and 2004/5, locally produced content on<br />

TvDanmark has experienced a decrease from 28 per cent to only 19 per cent.<br />

As a consequence, and in spite of its name, TvDanmark has the lowest share<br />

of local content of all the Danish channels surveyed. Actually its share of local<br />

content is only half that of <strong>TV</strong>3 and less than a quarter of DR1’s and <strong>TV</strong> 2’s<br />

local content shares. In the same period, a very dramatic increase in the use of<br />

format adaptations has occurred from 25 per cent of local content in 2000 to<br />

71 per cent in 2004/5, which resembles the development of <strong>TV</strong>3 in the same<br />

period. In other words, the large majority of local content broadcast in<br />

TvDanmark’s primetime in 2004/5 is based on format adaptations. This also<br />

means that even though local content decreased from 2000 to 2004/5, the<br />

amount of format hours increased considerably in the same period. In fact it<br />

almost doubled from 4 hours in 2000 to 7.5 hours in 2004/5. Hence, format<br />

adaptations indeed play a crucial part in TvDanmark’s primetime. This is<br />

most notable in 2004/5, but the network relies heavily on foreign formats<br />

already in 2000, where adaptations made up a quarter of local production.<br />

55 See appendix 6.4. In TvDanmark’s case only 2000 and 2004/5 are surveyed. The TvDanmark<br />

Network was not set up until 1997 and for the first few years if its existence the local stations in the<br />

network only had limited networking. Even in primetime only some time slots contained the same<br />

programs, which would make it impossible to survey properly. Nevertheless by 2000 TvDanmark had<br />

become a fully operational network with comparable primetime schedules, quite similar to the<br />

Australian networks except for a few time slots dedicated to community television.<br />



Table 7.5 ▶ TvDanmark/Denmark: the development within local and foreign<br />

content, format adaptation and genres in primetime 2000-2005<br />

YEAR 1995 2000 2004/5<br />

Local, foreign, and format content<br />

Local content --- 15.75 hrs<br />

28 %<br />

Foreign<br />

content<br />

<strong>Format</strong>s (of<br />

local content)<br />

--- 40.25 hrs<br />

72 %<br />

--- 4 hrs<br />

25 %<br />

10.5 hrs<br />

19 %<br />

45.5 hrs<br />

81 %<br />

7.5 hrs<br />

71%<br />

Genre distribution<br />

Documentaries --- 4 hrs<br />

7 %<br />

3.25 hrs<br />

6%<br />

News &<br />

--- 0.75 hr<br />

Nil<br />

current affairs<br />

1 %<br />

Sport --- Nil Nil<br />

Children and<br />

youth<br />

Fiction and<br />

drama<br />

Traditional<br />

entertainment<br />

--- Nil Nil<br />

--- 34.25 hrs<br />

61 %<br />

--- 1.75 hrs<br />

3 %<br />

Reality --- 13.25 hrs<br />

24 %<br />

Lifestyle --- 2 hrs<br />

4 %<br />

Total --- 56 hrs<br />

100 %<br />

25.25 hrs<br />

45%<br />

3.5 hrs<br />

6%<br />

21.5 hrs<br />

38%<br />

2.5 hrs<br />

4%<br />

56 hrs<br />

99 %<br />

Genres<br />

As for TvDanmark’s genre development, documentaries have kept a fairly<br />

steady level at 6 to 7 per cent. However, news & current affairs only appear in<br />

2000 and then constitute merely 1 per cent of the schedule. Sports<br />

programming does not appear at all in the primetime schedule of<br />

TvDanmark, but is confined to TvDanmark’s supplementary channel; nor<br />

does children’s programs. Fiction has decreased considerably from a 61 per<br />

cent to a 45 per cent share of the schedule. Entertainment on the other hand<br />

has increased from 3 to 6 per cent, and reality has experienced a considerable<br />

increase from 24 per cent to 38 per cent. Lifestyle has kept a steady level at 4<br />

per cent in both years. To sum up the genre development of TvDanmark,<br />

reality – and partly entertainment – has replaced fiction and, with a 38 per<br />



cent share of the 2004/5 schedules, it has become almost as important as<br />

fiction with its 45 per cent share.<br />

<strong>Format</strong>s and the genres of lifestyle and reality<br />

<strong>Format</strong>s in 2000 are Helt til grin and Villa Medusa/The Villa. <strong>Format</strong>s in<br />

2004/5 are Strandvejsvillaen/Under Construction (UK) 56 , Stop Tyven (UK),<br />

Forunderlig forandring/Extreme Makeover (US) and Hyret eller fyret/The Apprentice<br />

(US). Lifestyle only appears in the 2004/5 schedules, and none of the lifestyle<br />

shows are based on foreign formats. On the other hand, a large part of the<br />

reality programs on TvDanmark is based on format adaptations, and the rise<br />

in the reality genre can be partly contributed to the increased use of<br />

adaptation. In 2004/5, all Danish produced reality programs on TvDanmark<br />

are adaptations, and they comprise 33 per cent of the total reality<br />

programming output (see table 7.5.1 below). In 2000 Danish-produced reality<br />

programs make up 70 per cent of the total reality output, and about 50 per<br />

cent of these are format adaptations. Of the total reality output 26 per cent<br />

are based on formats (see table 7.5.1 below). In other words, TvDanmark<br />

plays it very safe in 2004/5 when it comes to reality programs compared to<br />

five years earlier. Apparently only formats with the advantage of a proven<br />

track record – like for example The Apprentice and Extreme Makeover – or<br />

original American or British reality shows like My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiancée and<br />

Airline get a chance. Another important thing to note about the reality<br />

adaptations on TvDanmark is that, in both the case of The Apprentice and<br />

Extreme Makeover, the original American versions of the two formats are<br />

scheduled in the six months prior to the Danish adaptations, meaning that<br />

Danish viewers will already know of the original formats before watching the<br />

Danish adaptations.<br />

56 Under Construction is classified as reality although it does contain some lifestyle features. This is because<br />

of the strong competitive elements of the show where one couple is voted off every week and its large<br />

emphasis on conflicts amongst the couples.<br />



Table 7.5.1 ▶ <strong>Format</strong> share of the lifestyle and reality genres on TvDanmark<br />

YEAR 1995 2000 2004/5<br />

Lifestyle --- Nil Nil<br />

Reality --- 26 %<br />

3.5 hrs<br />

33 %<br />

7 hrs<br />

Conclusions<br />

<strong>Format</strong> adaptations have come to play an absolutely vital role in<br />

TvDanmark’s primetime and they seem to be partly connected to a<br />

considerable increase in reality programs. Reality, and to some degree<br />

entertainment, has partly replaced fiction and has become nearly as important<br />

as fiction in the primetime line-up. Thus, the two most important genres on<br />

TvDanmark, fiction (45 per cent) and reality (38 per cent), are almost on par.<br />

Documentaries, entertainment, and lifestyle are the remaining genres with<br />

between 4 to 6 per cent shares.<br />

Summary and perspectives on Denmark in general<br />

The use of format adaptations is on the rise, most notably on <strong>TV</strong> 2, <strong>TV</strong>3 and<br />

TvDanmark. As table 7.6 below indicates, the number of adaptations has<br />

been very much on the rise through the years: In 1995, nine foreign formats<br />

made it into the Danish schedules, taking up a total of 15 hours; in 2000 the<br />

number had risen slightly to 10 formats and 18.5 hours; while there were an<br />

amazing 23 formats taking up 38.5 hours of the primetime schedules of the<br />

four broadcasters in 2004/5. Here, it is important to note that TvDanmark<br />

did not figure in the 1995 survey, which means that the rise between 1995 and<br />

2000 is primarily caused by the advent of the TvDanmark Network. As a<br />

consequence, the real rise in adaptations does not happen until 2004/5.<br />

However, as the table below also shows, there is an important change in<br />

format genres in 2000 with the appearance of scripted fiction, lifestyle and<br />

reality formats in addition to the entertainment formats of 1995.<br />



Table 7.6 ▶ Distribution of Danish format adaptations according to year and genre<br />

1995 2000 2004/5<br />

The Lyrics Board, (DR1) The Lyrics Board (DR1)<br />

Entertainment Don’t Forget Your<br />

Toothbrush, Voce Decide<br />

(DR1)<br />

Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy,<br />

Have a Good Newsweek,<br />

Kun for sjov (<strong>TV</strong> 2)<br />

Blind Date, Man O Man,<br />

Stjerneskud (<strong>TV</strong>3)<br />

Who Wants to be a<br />

Millionaire, Jeopardy, Surprise<br />

(<strong>TV</strong> 2)<br />

Helt til grin (TvDanmark)<br />

Who wants to be a<br />

millionaire, Strictly Come<br />

Dancing, Star Search,<br />

Jeopardy (<strong>TV</strong> 2)<br />

Fiction<br />

Lifestyle<br />

Reality<br />

Vita Løgna (<strong>TV</strong>3)<br />

Ready Steady Cook (DR1)<br />

Changing Rooms (<strong>TV</strong> 2)<br />

Survivor (<strong>TV</strong>3)<br />

Villa Medusa (TvDanmark)<br />

D.I.Y. SOS (DR1)<br />

How Clean is Your House,<br />

House Doctor, The Block,<br />

Holiday Showdown (<strong>TV</strong> 2)<br />

Queer Eye for the Straight<br />

Guy, Fra skrot til slot, You<br />

Are What You Eat (<strong>TV</strong>3)<br />

Stop tyven (TvDanmark)<br />

My Restaurant Rules (<strong>TV</strong> 2)<br />

The Farm, Wife Swap, Next<br />

Top Model, Survivor, Pop<br />

Idol (<strong>TV</strong>3)<br />

The Apprentice, Under<br />

Construction, Extreme<br />

Makeover (TvDanmark)<br />

Total format hrs 15 hrs 18.5 hrs 38.5 hrs<br />

No. of formats 9 formats 11 formats 23 formats<br />

The genre change is even more unmistakable in 2004/5. As table 7.7 below<br />

shows, a majority of the adaptations in 2004/5 are found either within the<br />

reality or the lifestyle genres; both of which have not surprisingly experienced<br />

a general increase over the surveyed period. There are nine lifestyle and nine<br />

reality formats, while five formats fall within the traditional entertainment<br />

subgenres. Except for <strong>TV</strong>3, whose schedules have undergone a dramatic<br />

change due to the introduction of more reality and lifestyle formats, the rise<br />

of new genres and format adaptations seems to mainly affect traditional<br />

entertainment and in some cases fiction and sport. On DR1, <strong>TV</strong> 2, and<br />

TvDanmark adaptations have not replaced the factual genres of<br />

documentaries and news & current affairs. On the contrary news & current<br />



affairs have been on the rise on both DR1 and <strong>TV</strong> 2, whereas documentaries<br />

on all three channels have kept a fairly steady level in the surveyed period. 57<br />

On <strong>TV</strong>3 however, reality and lifestyle programs – which for a large part are<br />

adaptations – have indeed replaced all other genres but fiction.<br />

Table 7.7 ▶ 2004/5 distribution of Danish format adaptations according to genre and<br />

channel<br />


FORMAT<br />

HOURS<br />

DR1/<br />

2.5 hours<br />

<strong>TV</strong> 2/<br />

13 hours<br />

<strong>TV</strong>3/<br />

15.5 hours<br />


D.I.Y. SOS (UK)<br />

How Clean is Your House<br />

(UK)<br />

House Doctor (UK)<br />

The Block (AUS)<br />

Holiday Showdown (UK)<br />

Queer Eye for the Straight<br />

Guy (US)<br />

Fra skrot til slot (Sweden)<br />

You Are What You Eat<br />

(UK)<br />

My Restaurant Rules<br />

(AUS)<br />

The Farm (Sweden)<br />

Wife Swap (UK)<br />

Next Top Model (US)<br />

Survivor (Sweden/UK)<br />

Pop Idol (UK)<br />

The Lyrics Board (Ireland)<br />

Who wants to be a millionaire<br />

(UK)<br />

Strictly Come Dancing (UK)<br />

Star Search (US)<br />

Jeopardy (US)<br />

TvDanmark/<br />

7.5 hours<br />

Stop tyven (UK)<br />

The Apprentice (US)<br />

Under Construction<br />

(UK)<br />

Extreme Makeover<br />

(US)<br />

On <strong>TV</strong> 2 and especially on <strong>TV</strong>3 a direct link also exists between a rise in local<br />

content and an increased use of format adaptations. This is not the case with<br />

DR1, whose local content level has been the same throughout the period, and<br />

TvDanmark, whose share of local content has actually decreased in the<br />

surveyed period in spite of a considerable increase in format adaptations. <strong>TV</strong>3<br />

and <strong>TV</strong> 2 are without doubt the most important Danish users of formats in<br />

2004/5. <strong>TV</strong>3 has the most format hours of the four broadcasters – 15.5<br />

hours – whereas <strong>TV</strong> 2 has 13 hours. <strong>TV</strong> 2 on the other hand has the most<br />

formats – a total of nine formats – whereas <strong>TV</strong>3 has eight. TvDanmark<br />

57 As for the documentaries, one can speculate as to whether their nature might have changed and<br />

become more reality skewed in the sense that some of the recent documentary programs like 48<br />

timer/48 Hours on TvDanmark have a tendency to treat softer issues such as consequences of new<br />

legislation on ordinary people or the conditions of teenage mothers, instead of harder public sphere<br />

subjects such as for instance disclosure of political scandals and abuse of power (again see Thussu<br />

1998 on infotainment).<br />



comes third with a total 7.5 hours and four formats. DR1 has two formats<br />

that take up only 2.5 hours, which makes the station the least important<br />

format purchaser of the four.<br />

On a more general level, the findings of the study also uncover striking –<br />

although perhaps not surprising – differences between the Danish public<br />

service broadcasters and the commercial broadcasters as far as both the<br />

general distribution of genres and the specific use of foreign formats are<br />

concerned. These are differences that exist both historically over the 10 years<br />

and in the present pointing towards an exceptionally and maybe even<br />

increasingly biased television system. In this system the public service sector is<br />

one extreme – with high levels of local content and factual programming, and<br />

lower levels of format adaptations – and the commercial sector is another –<br />

with low levels of local content and factual programming, and high levels of<br />

format adaptations, in relative terms. Having said this, <strong>TV</strong> 2 is still a very<br />

important consumer of foreign formats given its generally high share of<br />

locally produced content.<br />




Channel Seven 58<br />

Local and foreign content and the use of formats<br />

The level of local content on Channel Seven has been unsteady: 51 per cent<br />

of primetime in 1995 was Australian-produced, which in 2000 decreased to 46<br />

per cent. Yet in 2004/5 the level increased to 60 per cent. Whilst the local<br />

content has seen a 9 per cent increase over the 10-year period of nine<br />

percentage points, the statistics also show that, when one looks exclusively at<br />

the development between 2000 and 2004/5, the increase is relatively more<br />

dramatic; that is, 14 percentage points, because of the initial decrease between<br />

1995 and 2000. The share of adaptations has been equally unsteady: 12 per<br />

cent of local content in 1995, up to 18 per cent in 2000, and down to only 7<br />

per cent in 2004/5. This means that the adaptation share of local content has<br />

actually gone down over the 10-year period, after an initial increase between<br />

1995 and 2000.<br />

In fact, the development of the adaptation share of local content is the exact<br />

opposite to the development of local content; that is, when the share of local<br />

content goes down, the share of adaptations goes up and vice versa.<br />

However, as the levels of local content have been quite unsteady, the actual<br />

amount of format hours has not varied as much as it may seem: 3.5 hrs (6 per<br />

cent share of the entire schedule), 4.5 hrs (8 per cent share), and 2.5 hrs (4 per<br />

cent) respectively.<br />

58 See appendix 6.5.<br />



Table 7.8 ▶ Channel Seven/Australia: the development within local and foreign<br />

content, format adaptation and genres in primetime 1995-2004/5<br />

YEAR 1995 2000 2004/5<br />

Local content<br />

Foreign<br />

content<br />

<strong>Format</strong>s (of<br />

local content)<br />

Local, foreign, and format content<br />

28.5 hrs<br />

25.5 hrs<br />

51 %<br />

46 %<br />

27.5 hrs<br />

49 %<br />

3.5 hrs<br />

12 %<br />

30.5 hrs<br />

54 %<br />

4.5 hrs<br />

18 %<br />

33.75 hrs<br />

60 %<br />

22.25 hrs<br />

40 %<br />

2.5 hrs<br />

7 %<br />

Documentaries<br />

News &<br />

current affairs<br />

Sport<br />

Children and<br />

youth<br />

Fiction and<br />

drama<br />

Traditional<br />

entertainment<br />

Reality<br />

Lifestyle<br />

1 hr<br />

2 %<br />

5 hrs<br />

9 %<br />

1 hr<br />

2 %<br />

Genre distribution<br />

2.5 hrs<br />

4 %<br />

5 hrs<br />

9 %<br />

Nil<br />

3 hrs<br />

5 %<br />

5 hrs<br />

9 %<br />

Nil<br />

Nil Nil Nil<br />

33.5 hrs<br />

60 %<br />

10.5 hrs<br />

19 %<br />

1 hr<br />

2 %<br />

4 hrs<br />

7 %<br />

38.75hrs<br />

69%<br />

2.25 hrs<br />

4 %<br />

2.5 hrs<br />

4 %<br />

5 hrs<br />

9 %<br />

35 hrs<br />

63 %<br />

2.5 hrs<br />

4 %<br />

6 hrs<br />

11 %<br />

4.5hrs<br />

8 %<br />

Total<br />

56 hrs<br />

101 %<br />

56 hrs<br />

99 %<br />

56 hrs<br />

100 %<br />

Genres<br />

As for the genre developments on Channel Seven, documentaries have seen a<br />

continuous but rather small rise with a 2 per cent share in 1995, 4 per cent<br />

share in 2000, and a 5 per cent share in 2004/5. News & current affairs are at<br />

a steady level of 9 per cent throughout the entire period. Sports programming<br />

only appears in 1995 in the shape of an entertainment type Rugby League<br />

show called The Hard Yards, which takes up just 2 per cent of primetime.<br />

Children’s and youth programming does not figure in any year. Fiction<br />

increases slightly from 1995’s 60 per cent to 2004/5’s 63 per cent. However<br />

the level of fiction is at its highest in 2000 when it occupies 69 per cent of<br />

primetime. Entertainment has plummeted from 19 per cent of the primetime<br />

schedule in 1995 to merely 4 per cent in both 2000 and 2004/5. Reality is very<br />



much on the rise from only 2 per cent of the schedule in 1995 and 4 per cent<br />

in 2000 to 11 per cent in 2004/5. Lifestyle has been fairly steady: 7 per cent in<br />

1995; 9 per cent in 2000; and 8 per cent in 2004/5. As a result it seems that<br />

documentaries, fiction and, most recently and importantly, reality<br />

programming has replaced traditional entertainment programs. Nevertheless,<br />

fiction has been and still is by far the most dominant genre in Channel<br />

Seven’s primetime. In 2004/5, fiction makes up 63 per cent of primetime,<br />

whereas reality (11 per cent), news & current affairs (9 per cent) and lifestyle<br />

(8 per cent) are at the distant second, third and fourth places.<br />

<strong>Format</strong>s and the genres of lifestyle and reality<br />

World’s Greatest Commercials (UK), Gladiators (US), and World’s Wackiest Videos<br />

(US) are the formats on Channel Seven in the surveyed weeks of 1995.<br />

<strong>Format</strong>s in 2000 include Pop Stars (NZ), Treasure Island, World’s funniest Bloopers<br />

(US), Ground Force (UK), and The Villa. In 2004/5, the only format in the<br />

surveyed weeks is Dancing with the Stars/Strictly Come Dancing (UK). As<br />

mentioned, reality is on the rise – particularly between 2000 and 2004/5 –<br />

which seems to be partly linked to the Australian originated My Restaurant<br />

Rules, which was subsequently adapted in several other countries including<br />

Denmark. My Restaurant Rules constitutes more than a third of the reality<br />

hours broadcast in 2004/5; that is. 2.25 hours out of 6 hours. Lifestyle is<br />

steady. Hence, there seems to be no direct connections between the use of<br />

format adaptations on one hand, and the development of certain genres<br />

and/or the level of local content on the other hand. As a matter of fact, the<br />

trend seems to be the opposite as far as local content is concerned – as<br />

mentioned above – which of course also has to do with the overall share of<br />

local content which dropped dramatically in 2000. The amount of format<br />

hours is actually fairly steady; the level of local content is not. As far as the<br />

adaptation share of the lifestyle and reality genres, Channel Seven only uses<br />

format adaptations within these genres in 2000. As is evident in table 7.8.1<br />

below, in 2000 a staggering 100 per cent of the broadcaster’s reality shows are<br />

based on foreign formats, including Treasure Island, Pop Stars, and The Villa.<br />



For the lifestyle genre 30 per cent are based on formats. In both 1995 and<br />

2004/5, Channel Seven’s format adaptations all fall within traditional<br />

entertainment, including primarily clip shows in 1995 and Dancing with the Stars<br />

in 2004/5. In other words there are no apparent connections between the<br />

development within these two genres and the use of format adaptation on<br />

Channel Seven.<br />

Table 7.8.1 ▶ <strong>Format</strong> share of the lifestyle and reality genres on Channel Seven<br />

YEAR 1995 2000 2004/5<br />

Lifestyle Nil 30 %<br />

Nil<br />

1.5 hr<br />

Reality Nil 100 %<br />

2.5 hrs<br />

Nil<br />

Conclusions<br />

Channel Seven has experienced quite an unsteady development both in terms<br />

of the levels of local content and format adaptations, which leaves no clear<br />

trends. Neither does there seem to be any connections whatsoever between<br />

the development within certain genres and local content on one hand and the<br />

use of format adaptations on the other. In actuality, when it comes to local<br />

content, the trends are almost the opposite of what could be expected<br />

because typically when the share of local content goes down, the use of<br />

adaptations goes up and vice versa. As far as genres are concerned,<br />

documentaries have seen a steady but minute increase. Reality has not<br />

surprisingly seen quite a dramatic increase, whereas traditional entertainment<br />

has plummeted. Consequently, documentaries, fiction and most recently and<br />

importantly, reality programming seem to have replaced entertainment.<br />

Fiction remains by far the most important genre on Channel Seven’s<br />

primetime, distantly followed by reality, news & current affairs, and lifestyle.<br />



Channel Nine 59<br />

Local and foreign content and the use of formats<br />

On Channel Nine, locally produced content went up to 68 per cent in 2000<br />

from 60 per cent in 1995. However, in 2004/5 it decreased dramatically with<br />

a 27 percentage points’ fall to only 41 per cent of the primetime schedule in<br />

2004/5. Similar to Channel Seven, the development in local content is<br />

unsteady and there are no clear trends over the three surveyed periods. What<br />

have been steady however, are the levels of format adaptation. Their share of<br />

local content has been stable over the entire period: 30 per cent of local<br />

content in 1995, 33 per cent of local content in 2000 and 32 per cent in<br />

2004/5. This also means that the actual amount of format hours went down<br />

dramatically from 12.5 hours to only 7.25 hours between 2000 and 2004/5 –<br />

together with the amount of locally produced content. As a result, formats<br />

play a very important role in Channel Nine’s primetime as a constant source<br />

of local content, and have it seems done so for the past ten years. The use of<br />

overseas formats has neither increased nor decreased over the years, and has<br />

therefore not affected the share of local content either.<br />

59 See appendix 6.6.<br />



Table 7.9 ▶ Channel Nine/Australia: the development within local and foreign<br />

content, format adaptation and genres in primetime 1995-2004/5<br />

YEAR 1995 2000 2004/5<br />

Local content<br />

Foreign<br />

content<br />

<strong>Format</strong>s (of<br />

local content)<br />

Local, foreign, and format content<br />

33.5 hrs<br />

38 hrs<br />

60 %<br />

68 %<br />

22.5<br />

40 %<br />

10 hrs<br />

30 %<br />

18 hrs<br />

32 %<br />

12.5 hrs<br />

33 %<br />

22.75 hrs<br />

41 %<br />

33.25 hrs<br />

59 %<br />

7.25 hrs<br />

32 %<br />

Documentaries<br />

News &<br />

current affairs<br />

Sport<br />

Children and<br />

youth<br />

Fiction and<br />

drama<br />

2 hrs<br />

4 %<br />

8 hrs<br />

14%<br />

4 hrs<br />

7 %<br />

Genre distribution<br />

1 hr<br />

2 %<br />

7 hrs<br />

13 %<br />

4.5 hrs<br />

8 %<br />

Nil<br />

7 hrs<br />

13 %<br />

3 hrs<br />

5 %<br />

Nil Nil Nil<br />

24.5 hrs<br />

44 %<br />

19 hrs<br />

34 %<br />

30.75hrs<br />

55 %<br />

Traditional<br />

entertainment<br />

Reality<br />

Lifestyle<br />

Total<br />

12.5 hrs<br />

22 %<br />

0.5 hr<br />

1 %<br />

4.5 hrs<br />

8 %<br />

56 hrs<br />

100 %<br />

10.5 hrs<br />

19 %<br />

6.5 hrs<br />

12 %<br />

7.5 hrs<br />

13 %<br />

56 hrs<br />

101 %<br />

5.25 hrs<br />

9 %<br />

3 hrs<br />

5 %<br />

7 hrs<br />

13 %<br />

56 hrs<br />

100 %<br />

Genres<br />

As for the genre development on Channel Nine, documentaries decreased<br />

from 2 per cent in 1995 to 4 per cent in 2000, after which they disappear<br />

from the 2004/5 schedules. News & current affairs have been kept at a fairly<br />

steady level of 13 to14 per cent over the three periods, whereas sport has<br />

decreased a little: from 7 to 8 per cent in 1995 and 2000 to 5 per cent in<br />

2004/5. Fiction went down from 44 per cent in 1995 to only 34 per cent in<br />

2000, after which it increased to 55 per cent in 2004/5. Entertainment has<br />

decreased from 22 per cent in 1995 and 19 per cent in 2000 to only 9 per cent<br />

in 2004/5. Reality is almost non-existent in 1995, after which it increases<br />

dramatically to 12 per cent in 2000. However, in 2004/5 it went back down to<br />

5 per cent. Lifestyle experienced an increase from 8 per cent in 1995 to 13 per<br />



cent in 2000, after which it has kept a steady level. Thus, only a few genres<br />

demonstrate consistent trends: News & current affairs have been kept at a<br />

steady level; entertainment has had a consistent decrease; and so has lifestyle.<br />

However, documentaries, sport, fiction, and lifestyle have all – to some<br />

degree or another – had inconsistent trends. Fiction is by far the most<br />

dominant genre with its 55 per cent share of Channel Nine’s primetime in<br />

2004/5. News & current affairs and lifestyle come in a shared second, each<br />

with a 13 per cent share.<br />

<strong>Format</strong>s and the genres of lifestyle and reality<br />

Channel Nine formats in 1995 are 60 Minutes (US), Sale of the Century (US),<br />

Australia’s Funniest Home Video Show (US), World’s Weirdest <strong>TV</strong> (UK), Don’t<br />

Forget Your Toothbrush (UK) and This Is Your Life (US). <strong>Format</strong>s in 2000 are<br />

World’s Worst Drivers Caught on Tape (US), 60 Minutes (US), Sale of the New<br />

Century (US), Australia’s Funniest Home Video Show (US), Changing Rooms (UK),<br />

Who Wants to be a Millionaire, Surprise (NL), and This Is Your Life (US). In<br />

2004/5, the formats are Australia’s Funniest Home Video Show, 60 Minutes, Who<br />

Wants to be a Millionaire, and This Is Your Life. Obviously, many of Channel<br />

Nine’s format adaptations have been with the channel for several years – like<br />

60 Minutes, This Is Your Life, Funniest Home Video Show, Sale of the (New) Century,<br />

and Who Wants to be a Millionaire, and the adapted genres are quite varied:<br />

entertainment (the various clip shows, the comedy game show Don’t Forget<br />

Your Toothbrush, the more traditional quiz shows Sale of the Century and<br />

Millionaire, and the talk show This Is Your Life), current affairs (60 Minutes), and<br />

lifestyle (Changing Rooms). Nevertheless there are no reality formats. Nor is<br />

there any evidence to suggest that format adaptation played a role in the<br />

development of certain genres. What the evidence does suggest is that<br />

Channel Nine’s use of format adaptation is fairly conservative and perhaps<br />

less likely to go with the current trends and much more prone to go with old<br />

and well-established formats like Australia’s Funniest Home Videos, This is Your<br />



Life, and not least 60 Minutes, which has been with Channel Nine since 1979,<br />

and Sale of the Century, broadcast for the first time in 1980. 60<br />

Consequently it is not surprising that there are very few lifestyle and reality<br />

format adaptations on Channel Nine. Just like it was the case with Channel<br />

Seven, Channel Nine only has adaptations within the two genres in 2000,<br />

where they make up 20 per cent of the lifestyle programming – Changing<br />

Rooms – and only 8 per cent of the reality programming (see table 7.9.1<br />

below).<br />

Table 7.9.1 ▶ <strong>Format</strong> share of the lifestyle and reality genres on Channel Nine<br />

YEAR 1995 2000 2004/5<br />

Lifestyle Nil 20 %<br />

Nil<br />

1.5 hr<br />

Reality Nil 8 %<br />

0.5 hr<br />

Nil<br />

Conclusions<br />

<strong>Format</strong> adaptation has played an important and steady part in Channel Nine’s<br />

primetime over the past ten years as a constant source of local content.<br />

<strong>Adaptation</strong>s of overseas formats have been fairly steady at just over 30 per<br />

cent of the local content in all of the three years surveyed. The format genres<br />

are varied – through various entertainment programming and lifestyle shows<br />

to current affairs – and many of the formats are the same throughout the<br />

years, pointing towards a certain stability and conservatism in Channel Nine’s<br />

primetime schedules and adaptation use. In addition, the genres in general<br />

also demonstrate a large degree of permanence with only small and<br />

inconsistent fluctuations and no clear trends, except for a small increase in<br />

documentaries, a big decrease in primetime entertainment, and an early<br />

increase in lifestyle.<br />

60 Although Sale of the Century does not figure in the 2004/5 primetime schedules, the format is still with<br />

Channel Nine. However it has been revamped under the name of Temptation and moved to an earlier<br />

time slot.<br />



Channel Ten 61<br />

Local and foreign content and the use of formats<br />

The volume of local content on Channel Ten has experienced quite a<br />

dramatic increase in the surveyed period, from 14 per cent in 1995 to 37 per<br />

cent in 2000 and up to 46 per cent in 2004/5, making Channel Ten’s local<br />

content share in 2004/5 bigger than Channel Nine’s at 41 per cent, but still<br />

trailing far behind Channel Seven’s 60 per cent. An increase in the use of<br />

format adaptations has also occurred between 1995 and 2004/5. It has gone<br />

from merely 13 per cent of local content (one hour) in 1995 to 27 per cent of<br />

local content (seven hours) in 2004/5. This means that about one in four<br />

locally produced hours is based on an overseas format in 2004/5. On the<br />

other hand it is important to note that the adaptation share of local content<br />

went down to only 7 per cent in 2000. It therefore appears that the rise in<br />

local content between 2000 and 2004/5 has somehow contributed to an<br />

increase in format adaptation, whereas formats play no part in the initial local<br />

content rise between 1995 and 2000. In other words, formats have played an<br />

inconsistent part in Channel Ten’s primetime especially in 1995 and 2000.<br />

However, there is evidence to suggest that recently their part is becoming<br />

progressively more important.<br />

61 See appendix 6.7.<br />



Table 7.10 ▶ Channel Ten/Australia: the development within local and foreign<br />

content, format adaptation and genres in primetime 1995-2005<br />

YEAR 1995 2000 2004/5<br />

Local content<br />

Foreign<br />

content<br />

<strong>Format</strong>s (of<br />

local content)<br />

Local, foreign, and format content<br />

8 hrs<br />

20.75 hrs<br />

14 %<br />

37 %<br />

48 hrs<br />

35.25 hrs<br />

86 %<br />

63 %<br />

1 hr<br />

1.5 hrs<br />

13 %<br />

7 %<br />

25.5 hrs<br />

46 %<br />

30.5 hrs<br />

56 %<br />

7 hrs<br />

27 %<br />

Genre distribution<br />

Documentaries 2 hrs<br />

4 %<br />

1 hr<br />

2 %<br />

1 hr<br />

2 %<br />

News &<br />

Nil<br />

05 hr<br />

Nil<br />

current affairs<br />

1 %<br />

Sport Nil Nil 3 hrs<br />

5 %<br />

Children and<br />

Nil<br />

0.5hr<br />

Nil<br />

youth<br />

1 %<br />

Fiction and<br />

drama<br />

48.5hrs<br />

87 %<br />

36 hrs<br />

64 %<br />

35 hrs<br />

63 %<br />

Traditional<br />

entertainment<br />

3.5 hrs<br />

6 %<br />

13 hrs<br />

23 %<br />

6 hrs<br />

11 %<br />

Reality Nil 2 hrs<br />

4 %<br />

8 hrs<br />

14 %<br />

Lifestyle<br />

2 hrs<br />

4 %<br />

3 hrs<br />

5 %<br />

3 hrs<br />

5 %<br />

Total<br />

56 hrs<br />

101 %<br />

56 hrs<br />

100 %<br />

56 hrs<br />

100 %<br />

Genres<br />

Documentaries decrease from 4 per cent in 1995 to 2 per cent in 2000, after<br />

which the genre stabilises. News & current affairs and children’s<br />

programming only appear in 2000 – each with only 1 per cent shares –<br />

making the genres basically non-existent in the Channel Ten primetime. Sport<br />

only appears in 2004/5 where one Australian Football League match was<br />

broadcast, constituting 5 per cent of the schedule. Fiction has decreased<br />

considerably, especially between 1995 (87 per cent) and 2000 (64 per cent),<br />

after which it seems to have stabilised. Entertainment on the other hand<br />

increased considerably between 1995 and 2000, from 6 per cent to 23 per<br />

cent, after which it decreased to 11 per cent in 2004/5. Reality appears for the<br />

first time in 2000 – with a 4 per cent share – after which it increases<br />

dramatically to 14 per cent in 2004/5. Lifestyle is kept at a fairly steady level<br />



of 4 to 5 per cent over the three years surveyed. The initial dominance of<br />

fiction has been replaced by entertainment and most notably reality. Fiction<br />

(63 per cent) however is still by far the biggest genre in Channel Ten’s<br />

primetime. Reality and entertainment are a distant second and a distant third<br />

with 14 and 11 per cent shares respectively.<br />

<strong>Format</strong>s and the genres of lifestyle and reality<br />

Channel Ten had only one format in 1995: Your Favourite Commercials. In 2000<br />

the Channel Ten formats were World’s Wildest Police Videos and The Band.<br />

<strong>Format</strong>s in 2004/5 were Pop Idol, The X Factor, and Queer Eye for the Straight<br />

Guy. The rise in the reality genre parallels the rise in the use of formats<br />

between 2000 and 2004/5, making format adaptations an important<br />

contributor to the genre’s rise. As only one of the formats above is within the<br />

lifestyle genre – Queer Eye for the Straight Guy – and the lifestyle genre has been<br />

at a fairly steady level throughout the period, there is no apparent parallels<br />

between a rise or fall in the lifestyle genre and a rise or fall in format<br />

adaptation. As is evident in table 7.10.1 below, this one lifestyle format<br />

comprises 33 per cent of the genre in 2004/5. On the other hand, within the<br />

reality genre format adaptations make up 75 per cent of the genre in both<br />

2000 and 2004/5 – in 2000 1.5 hour and in 2004/5 6 hours – and thus<br />

constitute a very important reality ‘backbone’ on Channel Ten.<br />

Table 7.10.1 ▶ <strong>Format</strong> share of the lifestyle and reality genres on Channel Ten<br />

YEAR 1995 2000 2004/5<br />

Lifestyle Nil Nil 33 %<br />

1 hr<br />

Reality --- 75 %<br />

1.5 hr<br />

75 %<br />

6 hrs<br />

Conclusions<br />

<strong>Format</strong> adaptations have come to play a crucial part in Channel Ten’s<br />

primetime in the period between 2000 and 2004/5, and seem to play a role in<br />

both the rise of local content and the increase of the reality genre in this<br />



period as well. The initial dominance of fiction has been replaced by other<br />

genres, especially entertainment and recently reality. The data suggests that<br />

import substitution, where an initial high share of imported content is gradually<br />

substituted by local content, has been taking place, in this case partly aided by<br />

adaptations of overseas formats between 2000 and 2004/5. Fiction – mainly<br />

of American origin – however, is still by far the biggest genre, distantly<br />

followed by reality and entertainment.<br />

ABC 62<br />

Local and foreign content and the use of formats<br />

Locally developed and originated content has experienced an increase in the<br />

surveyed period: from 67 per cent in 1995 and 71 per cent in 2000 to 75 per<br />

cent in 2004/5. There are no adaptations in any of the years and weeks<br />

surveyed, which mean that format adaptations have had no part in the local<br />

content increase.<br />

62 See appendix 6.8.<br />



Table 7.11 ▶ ABC/Australia: the development within local and foreign content,<br />

format adaptation and genres in primetime 1995-2005 63<br />

YEAR 1995 2000 2004/5<br />

Local content<br />

Foreign<br />

content<br />

<strong>Format</strong>s (of<br />

local content)<br />

Local, foreign, and format content<br />

37.25 hrs<br />

39.5 hrs<br />

67 %<br />

71 %<br />

41.75 hrs<br />

75 %<br />

18.75 hrs<br />

16.5 hrs<br />

14.25 hrs<br />

33 %<br />

29 %<br />

25 %<br />

Nil Nil Nil<br />

Documentaries<br />

News &<br />

current affairs<br />

Sport<br />

Children and<br />

youth<br />

Fiction and<br />

drama<br />

Traditional<br />

entertainment<br />

15.75 hrs<br />

28 %<br />

19 hrs<br />

34 %<br />

05 hr<br />

1 %<br />

Genre distribution<br />

9.75 hrs<br />

17 %<br />

16.25 hrs<br />

29 %<br />

5.5 hrs<br />

10 %<br />

11.25 hrs<br />

20 %<br />

16.25hrs<br />

29 %<br />

Nil<br />

Nil Nil Nil<br />

17.75hrs<br />

32 %<br />

2 hrs<br />

4 %<br />

18.75hrs<br />

33 %<br />

3.75 hrs<br />

7 %<br />

12.75hrs<br />

23 %<br />

8.75 hrs<br />

16 %<br />

Reality Nil Nil 5 hrs<br />

9 %<br />

Lifestyle<br />

Total<br />

1 hr<br />

2 %<br />

56 hrs<br />

%<br />

2hrs<br />

4 %<br />

56 hrs<br />

%<br />

2hrs<br />

4 %<br />

56 hrs<br />

%<br />

Genres<br />

Documentaries have experienced a decrease, especially between 1995 and<br />

2000 where the genre went from a 28 per cent share to a 17 per cent share. In<br />

2004/5 it has risen a little to a 20 per cent share of primetime. News &<br />

current affairs is slightly down between 1995 and 2000 – from 34 to 29 per<br />

cent – after which it has stabilised on 29 per cent. Sport went up considerably<br />

from 1 per cent in1995 to 10 per cent in 2000, after which it disappeared<br />

completely in 2004/5. Children’s & youth programming does not appear in<br />

any of the schedules surveyed. Fiction has decreased from 33 and 32 per cent<br />

63 Most of the ABC schedules contain one brief five minute news programs at the end of some shows<br />

every night. These programs are not caught by the analysis because it only works in 15 minute<br />

intervals; that is, the ABC’s share of news & current affairs is in effect a little higher. Also, the share of<br />

sport in 2000 is unusually high because the ABC broadcasts the Paralympics Games in Sydney in<br />

October 2000.<br />



in 1995 and 2000, respectively, down to 23 per cent in 2004/5. Instead<br />

entertainment has increased considerably from a mere 4 per cent share in<br />

1995 and a 7 per cent share in 2000 to a 16 per cent share in 2004/5. Reality<br />

only appears in 2004/5.mainly in the shape of various docu-dramas like the<br />

Australian Stories from a Children’s Hospital and the British Brat Camp.<br />

Nevertheless the ABC also runs the locally produced reality dancing game<br />

show Strictly Dancing. Lifestyle experienced an initial increase from 2 per cent<br />

in 1995 to 4 per cent in 2000, after which it has stabilised in 2004/5. News &<br />

current affairs, fiction, and documentaries are the three most important<br />

genres. Entertainment comes in a distant fourth.<br />

SBS 64<br />

Local and foreign content and the use of formats<br />

As it was the case with the other public service broadcaster ABC, there are no<br />

adaptations in any of the years and weeks surveyed. Nevertheless, locally<br />

developed and originated content has experienced quite a dramatic increase in<br />

the surveyed period without format adaptations playing any part in this<br />

increase whatsoever. The share of local primetime content is 50 per cent in<br />

1995 and this increases to 63 per cent in 2000 and again to 73 per cent in<br />

2004/5.<br />

64 See appendix 6.9.<br />



Table 7.12 ▶ SBS/Australia: the development within local and foreign content,<br />

format adaptation and genres in primetime 1995-2005 65<br />

YEAR 1995 2000 2004/5<br />

Local content<br />

Foreign<br />

content<br />

<strong>Format</strong>s (of<br />

local content)<br />

Local, foreign, and format content<br />

27.75 hrs<br />

35.5 hrs<br />

40.75 hrs<br />

50 %<br />

63 %<br />

73 %<br />

28.25<br />

20.5 hrs<br />

15.25 hrs<br />

50 %<br />

37 %<br />

27 %<br />

Nil Nil Nil<br />

Genre distribution<br />

Documentaries 14.75 hrs<br />

26 %<br />

16.5 hrs<br />

29 %<br />

16.5 hrs<br />

29 %<br />

News &<br />

current affairs<br />

12 hrs<br />

21 %<br />

15 hrs<br />

27 %<br />

15 hrs<br />

27 %<br />

Sport<br />

10 hrs<br />

18 %<br />

9 hrs<br />

16 %<br />

6.5 hrs<br />

12 %<br />

Children and<br />

Nil Nil Nil<br />

youth<br />

Fiction and<br />

drama<br />

15.5hrs<br />

28 %<br />

11.5hrs<br />

21 %<br />

10.75hrs<br />

19 %<br />

Traditional<br />

entertainment<br />

1.25 hr<br />

2 %<br />

2.5 hrs<br />

4 %<br />

2.5 hrs<br />

5 %<br />

Reality Nil Nil 3 hrs<br />

5 %<br />

Lifestyle<br />

2.5 hrs<br />

4 %<br />

1.5 hr<br />

3 %<br />

1.75hrs<br />

3 %<br />

Total<br />

56 hrs<br />

99 %<br />

56 hrs<br />

100 %<br />

56 hrs<br />

100 %<br />

Genres<br />

Documentaries have experienced an initial increase, from 26 to 29 per cent<br />

between 1995 and 2000, after which the genre has stabilised. The same goes<br />

for news & current affairs. Sport has decreased over the period from 18 per<br />

cent in 1995 and 16 per cent in 2000 to 12 per cent in 2004/5. Children’s &<br />

youth programming does not appear in any of the schedules surveyed. Fiction<br />

has also decreased: from 28 per cent in 1995 to 21 and 19 per cent in 2000<br />

and 2004/5, respectively. Entertainment increased a little from 1995 to 2000,<br />

after which it stabilised. Reality only appears in 2004/5, with 5 per cent, and<br />

65 Some of the factual programs primarily within the genres of documentaries and news & current affairs<br />

are hosted by Australians and thus figure as locally produced in the survey, despite very high levels of<br />

segments done by foreign reporters and broadcasters. However, because they show as Australian<br />

produced in the various <strong>TV</strong> guides, it has proven impossible to check whether these programs are<br />

actually more foreign than Australian.<br />



with shows like the Japanese Iron Chef and the locally produced National<br />

Karaoke Challenge. Lifestyle has kept a fairly steady level of 3-4 per cent. Fiction<br />

– and to a certain degree sports – have been partly replaced by documentaries<br />

and news & current affairs and – to a lesser degree – entertainment and<br />

reality. Documentaries and news & current affairs are the most important<br />

genres, followed by fiction. Although it has been on the decrease over the<br />

past 10 years, sport still comes fourth in 2004/5 due to the daily sports news<br />

show, World Sports.<br />

Summary and perspectives on Australia in general<br />

<strong>Format</strong>s were only present on the commercial networks. Neither ABC nor<br />

SBS had any format adaptations in the weeks surveyed, leading to the<br />

conclusion that formats play an insignificant role in Australian public service<br />

broadcasting.<br />

Table 7.13 ▶ Distribution of Australian format adaptations according to year and<br />

genre<br />

1995 2000 2004/5<br />

Current affairs 60 Minutes (Channel Nine) 60 Minutes (Channel Nine) 60 Minutes (Channel<br />

Nine)<br />

Entertainment Gladiators, World’s Greatest World’s Funniest Bloopers Dancing with the Stars<br />

Commercials, World’s (Channel Seven)<br />

(Channel Seven)<br />

Wackiest Videos (Channel<br />

Seven)<br />

Sale of the Century,<br />

Australia’s Funniest Home<br />

Videos, World’s Weirdest <strong>TV</strong>,<br />

Don’t Forget Your<br />

Toothbrush, This is Your Life<br />

(Channel Nine)<br />

Australia’s Funniest Home<br />

Videos, Sale of the New<br />

Century, Who Wants to be a<br />

Millionaire, Surprise - Surprise,<br />

This is Your Life (Channel<br />

Nine)<br />

Australia’s Funniest Home<br />

Videos, Who Wants to be<br />

a Millionaire, This is Your<br />

Life (Channel Nine)<br />

Lifestyle<br />

Your Favourite Commercials<br />

(Ten)<br />

Ground Force (Channel Seven)<br />

Changing Rooms (Channel<br />

Nine)<br />

Reality Treasure Island (NZ), The<br />

Villa (UK), Pop Stars (NZ)<br />

(Channel Seven)<br />

Queer Eye for the Straight<br />

Guy (Ten)<br />

The X Factor, Australian<br />

Idol (Ten)<br />

World’s Worst Drivers Caught<br />

on Tape (Channel Nine)<br />

The Band (US), World’s<br />

Wildest Police Videos (Ten)<br />

Total format hrs 14.5 hrs 18.5 hrs 16.75 hrs<br />

No. of formats 10 formats 15 formats 8 formats<br />



This is substantiated by the fact that SBS has only ever produced one<br />

adaptation, namely the 2006 version of the Danish reality format Nerds FC<br />

that will be the subject of a textual analysis later (also see Murphy 2005). 66<br />

ABC on the other hand has done more than one adaptation, but still has only<br />

used adaptations to a limited degree, for example Outback House from 2002<br />

based partly on the American PBS-channel format Frontier House and the<br />

British Channel Four format Edwardian Country House.<br />

As for the use of format adaptation on the commercial networks, the three<br />

networks display significant differences, historically as well as presently, and<br />

there are no consistent trends among them. The differences are displayed in<br />

table 7.13 above and table 7.14 below. In relation to Channel Nine, format<br />

adaptations have played a vital and consistent role in the entire period. The<br />

share of adaptations has been kept at around 30 per cent of the local content<br />

in both 1995, 2000 and 2004/5, making Channel Nine the most important<br />

adapter of overseas formats in Australia. In the two surveyed weeks of<br />

2004/5 the network had adapted four formats, which equalled a total of 7.25<br />

format hours. As for Channel Ten, format adaptations have also come to play<br />

quite a vital role, but mainly in the period between 2000 and 2004/5. About<br />

one in four locally produced hours was based on overseas formats in 2004/5,<br />

which equals three formats and 7 format hours, making Channel Ten the<br />

second most important format purchaser in Australia. <strong>Format</strong> adaptations,<br />

however, play a much less significant role on Channel Ten’s primetime in<br />

1995 and 2000, partly due to a much smaller share of local content. Whereas<br />

Channel Seven’s format adaptation seems significantly less important in the<br />

schedule compared to Channel Nine and Channel Ten. As a matter of fact in<br />

2004/5, Channel Seven only has one format, Dancing with the Stars, that took<br />

up 2.5 hours of the schedule, making Channel Seven the only one of the<br />

Australian – as well as the Danish – broadcasters to experience an actual<br />

adaptation decrease in 2004/5.<br />

66 SBS’ adaptation of Nerds FC was very successful and the network is making a second series for<br />



Table 7.14 ▶ 2004/5 distribution of Australian format adaptations according to genre<br />

and channel<br />


FORMAT<br />

HOURS<br />

Channel Seven/<br />

2.5 hrs<br />

Channel Nine/<br />

7.25 hrs<br />

Ten/<br />

4 hrs<br />



Queer Eye… (US) The X Factor<br />

(UK)<br />

Australian Idol<br />

(UK)<br />

Dancing with the Stars<br />

(UK)<br />

Funniest Home Videos<br />

(US)<br />

Millionaire (UK)<br />

This Is Your Life (US)<br />

60 Minutes (US)<br />

As far as possible, and where connections between format adaptation and<br />

local content share are concerned, only Channel Ten’s rise in local content<br />

seems somewhat aided by an increased use of format adaptations. On<br />

Channel Nine, the share of adaptations has paralleled the share of local<br />

content throughout all three years surveyed. This implies that format hours<br />

on Channel Nine have gone down when local content has gone down and<br />

vice versa. Finally, Channel Seven displays the exact opposite trend. When<br />

local content on Channel Seven has gone down, format hours have gone up.<br />

This essentially means that format adaptation has played no part whatsoever<br />

in the rise and fall of local content on Channel Seven, rather the opposite.<br />

When it comes to genre, Channel Ten is also the only one of the three<br />

networks to demonstrate parallel increases in the reality genre and the use of<br />

reality formats. This is not the case on either Channel Seven or Channel Nine.<br />

Nor is there any apparent connection between the lifestyle genre and format<br />

adaptations on any of the networks. When one looks at table 7.14 above, it is<br />

evident that the majority of Australian format adaptations are found within<br />

traditional entertainment subgenres, even in 2004/5. After the appearance of<br />

various lifestyle and especially reality formats in 2000, the number of both has<br />

actually decreased in 2004/5. In 2000 there were two lifestyle formats and six<br />

reality formats. In 2004/5 there were only one lifestyle format and two reality<br />

broadcast in 2007.<br />



formats. This is the exact opposite trend of Denmark where both lifestyle and<br />

reality formats have experienced a continuous increase over the surveyed<br />

period. As for the number of entertainment formats on the Australian<br />

networks, this has also reduced slightly. In actual fact, both the number of<br />

formats and the amount of format hours on the Australian broadcasters<br />

peaked in 2000 where there were a total of 15 formats and 18.5 format hours,<br />

compared to only 7 formats and 16.75 format hours in 2004/5 (see table<br />

7.13). Once again this contradicts the Danish trend, which saw more than a<br />

doubling of both formats and format hours in 2004/5.<br />

On a more general note, the Australian television system is also polarised<br />

between the commercial sector and the public service sector, as is the case<br />

with the Danish system. On one hand, ABC and SBS have comparatively<br />

high levels of local content and factual programming, and no format<br />

adaptations at all. On the other hand, Channel Seven, Channel Nine and<br />

Channel Ten have much lower levels of local content and factual<br />

programming, and format adaptations play a fairly important role in their<br />

program production. In addition, fiction (the large majority of which<br />

originates in the US) plays a much more dominant role on the commercial<br />

broadcasters than on ABC and SBS. On the three commercial broadcasters<br />

the primetime share of fiction is about 60 per cent; on ABC and SBS it is only<br />

about 20 per cent. However, having said this, the polarisation does not seem<br />

quite as strong as in Denmark. First of all, the Australian public service<br />

broadcasters have a little less local content than the Danish public service<br />

broadcasters; and the Australian commercial broadcasters have comparatively<br />

more local content than their Danish counterparts. Secondly, the Australian<br />

commercial networks have a relatively larger share of factual content, in this<br />

case documentaries and news & current affairs, than the Danish commercial<br />

broadcasters, of which only TvDanmark has a small share of documentaries.<br />

<strong>TV</strong>3 has no factual programming at all. These differences will be discussed in<br />

more detail below.<br />




This paragraph is dedicated a comparison of the two sets of results from the<br />

Danish and the Australian schedule analyses. The comparison focuses on<br />

both similarities and differences between the two countries when it comes to<br />

genres, broadcasters, sectors, and of course format adaptations. It takes its<br />

point of departure in the three basic assumptions made in the introduction of<br />

the research design in Chapter 4. The three basic assumptions were as<br />

follows:<br />

• <strong>Format</strong> adaptations have taken up an increasing part of Danish<br />

and Australian primetime over the past 10 years<br />

• Locally produced programming in Danish and Australian<br />

primetime has also increased; this may especially be the case with<br />

broadcasters who have traditionally relied heavily on imported<br />

(American) content<br />

• In the process, factual entertainment genres within reality and<br />

lifestyle have marginalized genres such as current<br />

affairs/documentary, fiction, and entertainment in primetime<br />

In other words, I shall try to answer whether there is a connection between<br />

changes in the use of format adaptation in the two countries and changes in<br />

genres and local content. One thing worth mentioning here is however that<br />

generally the results of the schedule analysis more or less substantiate and<br />

confirm the results of Schmitt et al.’s (2005) analysis of the Danish and<br />

Australian format markets, which were accounted for in Chapter 2. Finally,<br />

possible explanations for the similarities and differences are outlined and<br />

related to the comparative media system analysis undertaken in Chapter 5.<br />



More formats in Denmark than in Australia<br />

In 2004/5, Denmark had more adaptations than Australia; both as far as the<br />

number of different formats and the actual format hours. Moreover, all four<br />

Danish broadcasters use format adaptation. In Australia, only the three<br />

commercial networks have adaptations in their schedules. As table 7.15 below<br />

shows, the 2004/5 schedules of the four Danish broadcasters contain a total<br />

of 23 formats and 38.5 format hours, against only 8 formats and 16.75 format<br />

hours in the Australian schedules. Therefore, there are striking differences<br />

between the Danish and the Australian television systems in terms of format<br />

adaptation. But this is not the case in a historical perspective, as is also<br />

revealed by the below table 7.15. In 1995 and 2000 the differences are a lot<br />

less marked. In both years the two countries are essentially on par, and the<br />

differences are not really noteworthy. 67 This means that the first assumption<br />

fits perfectly with the situation in Denmark but not so well with the<br />

Australian television schedules. Australia has even experienced a decrease in<br />

the use of formats on primetime television from 2000 to 2004/5.<br />

Table 7.15 ▶ The development of format hours and number of formats in Denmark<br />

and Australia<br />

<strong>Format</strong><br />

hours<br />

No. of<br />

formats<br />

1995<br />

DK<br />

1995<br />

AUS<br />

2000<br />

DK<br />

2000<br />

AUS<br />

2004/5<br />

DK<br />

2004/5<br />

AUS<br />

15 hrs 14.5 hrs 18.5 hrs 18.5 hrs 38.5 hrs 16.75 hrs<br />

9 formats 10 formats 11 formats 15 formats 23 formats 8 formats<br />

Clearer Danish connections between formats and local content and genre development<br />

In Denmark there are also clearer connections between the rise of the reality<br />

and lifestyle genres and the increase in format adaptation. A rise in reality and<br />

lifestyle format adaptations seems to correspond with a rise in the two genres.<br />

In addition, there is a minor parallel between a rise in local content on <strong>TV</strong> 2<br />

67 Here, one of course has to take into consideration that one more broadcaster is surveyed in Australia<br />

in 2000 and two more in 1995, which means that Denmark still outranks Australia per broadcaster.<br />

However, the differences are still not as striking as in 2004/5.<br />



and <strong>TV</strong>3 and a higher share of format adaptation. In Australia the<br />

development of format adaptations cannot consistently be linked to<br />

developments in local content and/or in the lifestyle and reality genres. Only<br />

on Channel Ten are there some links between a rise in local content and in<br />

reality programming and an increased use of format adaptation. This also<br />

means that assumption number two is partly true. Channel Ten and <strong>TV</strong>3 have<br />

both traditionally relied heavily on imported content and they have both<br />

experienced a local content increase partly aided by format adaptations. On<br />

the other hand, TvDanmark, which has also relied significantly on imported<br />

content, has not experienced a local content increase despite a format<br />

increase. In fact TvDanmark’s share of local content has decreased<br />

significantly instead, making the assumption only partly accurate.<br />

No marginalisation of factual genres on account of lifestyle and reality formats<br />

Generally there has been no marginalisation of the factual genres of<br />

documentaries and news & current affairs due to an increase in lifestyle and<br />

reality formats. This makes assumption three inaccurate for all but one<br />

channel, <strong>TV</strong>3, where lifestyle and reality indeed have replaced all other genres<br />

but fiction. On the other channels – both the Danish and the Australian –<br />

lifestyle and reality shows seem to have replaced traditional entertainment,<br />

fiction and sport more than anything. Channel Seven, DR1, and <strong>TV</strong> 2 have<br />

even experienced an increase primarily in news & current affairs, whilst the<br />

level of documentaries and news & current affairs has been steady on<br />

TvDanmark, Channel Nine, and Channel Ten.<br />

Larger polarisation in Denmark<br />

As mentioned above, there is clearly a polarisation between the commercial<br />

and the public sector in Denmark as well as in Australia. Yet this polarisation<br />

seems stronger in Denmark. First of all, the Australian public service<br />

broadcasters have a little less local content than the Danish public service<br />

broadcasters; and the Australian commercial broadcasters have comparatively<br />

more local content than their Danish counterparts. Secondly, the Australian<br />



commercial networks have a relatively larger share of factual content, in this<br />

case documentaries and news & current affairs, than the Danish commercial<br />

broadcasters, of which only TvDanmark has a small share of documentaries.<br />

<strong>TV</strong>3 has no factual programming at all. Below is a table demonstrating the<br />

differences in the distribution of the documentary/news & current affairs<br />

genres versus the traditional and factual entertainment genres in the two<br />

countries, and the differences in local content shares.<br />

Table 7.16 ▶ share of factual, entertainment and local content on Danish and<br />

Australian public service and commercial broadcasters in 2004/5<br />

PSB Denmark:<br />

DR1/<strong>TV</strong> 2<br />

PSB Australia:<br />

ABC/SBS<br />

Commercial Denmark:<br />

<strong>TV</strong>3/TvDK<br />

Commercial Australia:<br />

7/9/10<br />


(DOCUMENT. &<br />


AFFAIRS)<br />




LOCAL<br />


49% / 50% 21% / 30% 83% / 82 %<br />

49% / 56% 29% / 13% 75% / 73%<br />

0% / 6% 46% / 48% 38% / 19%<br />

14% / 13% / 2% 23% / 27% / 30% 60% / 41% / 46%<br />

Another important difference between the Australian and Danish commercial<br />

broadcasters is that <strong>TV</strong>3 and TvDanmark have very high shares of traditional<br />

and factual entertainment compared to Channel Seven, Channel Nine, and<br />

Channel Ten, which in turn have higher shares of the factual genres and<br />

fiction. Having said this, an important exception is Australia’s Channel Ten,<br />

which actually has a very diminutive share of documentaries and news &<br />

current affairs and therefore in many ways bears closer resemblance to <strong>TV</strong>3<br />

and TvDanmark than to Channel Seven and Channel Nine. 68 The explanation<br />

of this may be found in historical similarities and in the fact that Channel Ten<br />

– like <strong>TV</strong>3 and TvDanmark – is a relatively new player in the Australian<br />

commercial free-to-air market. Channel Seven and Channel Nine were the<br />

two original commercial networks in Australia have benefited from a larger<br />

68 Contrary to <strong>TV</strong>3 and TvDanamrk, Channel ten does however have regular newscasts. The Channel<br />

Ten newscasts are broadcast just outside primetime and therefore do not figure in the above results.<br />



consolidation in the Australian market and a competitive head start to<br />

Channel Ten, very much as has been the case with Denmark’s DR1 and <strong>TV</strong><br />

2. Channel Ten has – much like <strong>TV</strong>3 and TvDanmark – had to distinguish<br />

itself, in this case by targeting a younger demographic than the more<br />

established commercial networks. TvDanmark and especially <strong>TV</strong>3 have also<br />

chosen to target the younger and commercially more interesting<br />

demographics as a means to generate advertising revenue and gain a stronger<br />

foothold in the market<br />

Concluding, Denmark’s commercial broadcasters in many ways seem more<br />

commercial and populist than their Australian counterparts, judging from<br />

genre composition and levels of local and foreign content. In addition,<br />

Denmark’s public service broadcasters appear to be a little more public<br />

service oriented because of slightly higher levels of local content, especially in<br />

a historical perspective. Still, when it comes to shares of documentaries, news<br />

& current affairs, and traditional/factual entertainment, the public service<br />

broadcasters in the two countries are more or less on par. In Australia, the<br />

commercial and the public sectors are statistically a little closer to each other<br />

than it is the case in Denmark. In the light of this it is interesting that format<br />

adaptation is a fairly well-established practice on the Danish public service<br />

broadcasters, whereas adaptations are virtually non-existent on the ABC and<br />

the SBS. This will be further questioned and discussed below.<br />




A number of systemic factors in the Danish and the Australian television<br />

systems will now be outlined as explanations for why the schedules in the two<br />

countries look like they do and why they portray the above differences and<br />

similarities.<br />

Different market sizes<br />

First of all, the two television markets are relatively different in size.<br />

Australian broadcasters have a market of about 20 million people; the Danish<br />

broadcasters only just over 5 million potential viewers. Although they are<br />

both fairly small markets when compared to markets like the UK, France,<br />

Germany, and the USA, we are still safe to assume that Australian<br />

(commercial) broadcasting generates more advertising revenue than the<br />

Danish market and therefore generally has more money to spend on<br />

production. Therefore the Danish players – like perhaps players in other small<br />

markets – may opt for the safer format adaptations more frequently than their<br />

Australian counterparts. In addition, <strong>TV</strong> 2’s dominant position on the Danish<br />

market for television advertising makes the two private, commercial<br />

broadcasters <strong>TV</strong>3 and TvDanmark even ‘poorer’ and therefore more prone<br />

to go for the safe program bets such as formats with a proven track record.<br />

Also, because <strong>TV</strong> 2 is commercially driven despite having public service<br />

obligations, it has an obligation towards the advertisers to provide as many<br />

viewers as possible and may therefore also be more prone to using formats<br />

with a track record than for instance DR. DR’s aspirations are purely public<br />

service oriented in the sense that DR primarily aims at attracting a large<br />

variety of Danish viewers by way of a large variety of programming. DR is<br />

therefore less dependent on international formats because formats are often<br />

highly standardised and targeted the broad, mainstream audience as opposed<br />

to niche audiences. Additionally, DR has for some years had an unwritten rule<br />



about only producing an absolute minimum of format adaptations and<br />

instead focus more on 100 per cent locally developed and research programs.<br />

Different ideas of public service<br />

As the analysis has shown, the Danish public service broadcasters have a<br />

much higher use of format adaptations than the Australian public service<br />

broadcasters, the ABC and the SBS. This may be explained in the fact that<br />

public service is viewed and treated differently in the two countries. As we<br />

have seen in Chapter 5, Danish public broadcasters have legislatively,<br />

financially, and historically been treated as more important than the<br />

commercial broadcasters and have additionally been obliged to appeal very<br />

broadly. A broad appeal includes entertainment, traditional as well as factual,<br />

which is where we find a great deal of the formats. The Australian public<br />

sector has historically, legislatively and financially been viewed and treated as<br />

merely an alternative to the commercial broadcasters. The public sector has to<br />

provide something the commercial sector does not, which may be part of the<br />

reason why the ABC and the SBS seem reluctant to use format adaptations.<br />

Australia: early Americanisation and English-speaking<br />

Australian television was a commercial and Americanised system from the<br />

beginning and Australians have therefore always been accustomed to foreign<br />

television content: that is mainly American or British or, less importantly,<br />

other English-language content (see Chapter 5). On top of that, and despite<br />

being a diverse multicultural society, Australia’s primary language is English,<br />

making American and British programs much easier accessible to the general<br />

television audience. Hence, the need for adaptations of overseas formats may<br />

not be as urgent and the advantages not as big for Australian as for Danish<br />

broadcasters, who have traditionally had to rely on a very high share of local<br />

content in order to fight off competition from other national competitors as<br />

well as foreign language competitors.<br />



Mature mixed system in Australia<br />

Additionally, Australia has a much more mature mixed television system.<br />

Australian television was from the beginning both public and private.<br />

Denmark has had commercial television for less than two decades and even<br />

had a monopolistic public service broadcaster up until 1988 (see Chapter 5).<br />

Perhaps Australia’s broadcasters are less susceptible to contemporary trends<br />

because all players are already quite consolidated in the system. In Denmark<br />

the players – especially the commercial ones – are still trying to find their<br />

place and they are, perhaps, more prone to turn to foreign formats and genre<br />

trends for help. Some examples of this higher degree of maturity could be the<br />

fact that the Australian levels of format adaptation are more consistent<br />

through the years; and the fluctuations in genre levels – for example within<br />

reality and lifestyle – are not as marked as in Denmark.<br />

Another explanation, related to the maturity of the Australian dual system,<br />

could simply be that the Australian television market is commercially ahead of<br />

the Danish market due to its longer history of commercial television. Hence,<br />

Australian broadcasters react quicker to industry trends such as format<br />

adaptation and genre trends. This could explain why lifestyle and reality<br />

programming seems on the decrease in Australia as opposed to Denmark,<br />

where the genres have increased considerably over the 10 year period. For the<br />

Australians, lifestyle and reality may already be a thing of the past and they<br />

have therefore moved on to the next trend. Also it could partly explain the<br />

more consistent use of formats. For the Australian commercial broadcasters<br />

format adaptation has been a practice employed for many decades (with longrunning<br />

formats such as 60 Minutes and Sale of the Century), whereas the<br />

advantages of format adaptation is just starting to dawn on the broadcasters<br />

of countries such as Denmark, which have only recently introduced a dual<br />

system. Danish broadcasters are therefore really wearing international formats<br />

thin for the time being but may later use formats at a more consistent level, as<br />

soon as the market matures. However, this is something only time will tell.<br />



Turbulent transition in Denmark<br />

Another reason why the use of formats is presently significantly higher in<br />

Denmark than in Australia could also be the fact that the Danish television<br />

system has undergone an extremely turbulent transition recently. This<br />

transition has led to a great variety of new channels and hence an increase in<br />

market competition. The Danish players may therefore again be more open to<br />

the safer adaptations of foreign formats. In relation to this, there is an<br />

increasingly growing demand for content and it is likely that the Danish<br />

producers struggle to keep up and therefore cannot supply enough<br />

(interesting) programs. In fact, this is also suggested by both executive<br />

producer from <strong>TV</strong> 2, Anette Rømer, and program manager from <strong>TV</strong>3,<br />

Karoline Spodsberg (Rømer 2006; Spodsberg 2006).<br />

More fiction on Australian schedules<br />

Both historically and at present, Australian schedules have a larger share of<br />

fiction compared to Danish schedules. The genre of fiction is in many ways<br />

different to other genres as it very often travels better than other types of<br />

content like entertainment. This is especially the case with American fiction,<br />

which is particularly abundant in the Australian schedules, because it is<br />

narratively very transparent and therefore easy to understand for people<br />

outside the USA (see Chapter 2 and Chapter 3). Fiction is maybe therefore a<br />

genre without a lot of format adaptations compared to the entertainment<br />

subgenres. As well, Australia has actually been a relatively successful exporter<br />

of television fiction to the rest of the world, mainly in the shape of original<br />

Australian drama series and soaps, or in a few instances even scripted drama<br />

formats (Moran 1997, 1998; also see Chapter 5).<br />

A pervasive Danish public service ideology<br />

As for the significant increase in the factual entertainment genres in Denmark<br />

– especially lifestyle but also partly reality – an explanation could be the<br />

historic importance of educational, informative programs in the Danish<br />

public service tradition. This is a tradition that may have had a certain affect<br />



on the commercial broadcasters too, whose employees for a large part have<br />

previously worked for the public broadcasters and are thus trained within the<br />

public service mentality and ideology (also see Reinicke 2006 and Spodsberg<br />

2006, who both suggest the same). The many international format successes<br />

in the factual entertainment genres are hence likely to have been beneficial for<br />

the Danish broadcasters. As for the lifestyle formats in particular, most of<br />

them originate in the UK, which has a similar tradition for educational and<br />

informative public service television, and the formats in this genre may<br />

therefore fit particularly well on Danish <strong>TV</strong>.<br />

In the next four chapters we turn to the qualitative and comparative analyses<br />

of the Australian and Danish adaptations of the formats Ground Force, The<br />

Block, Nerds FC and Idol. The program episodes chosen for in-depth analysis<br />

are found as appendices on the DVDs attached to the thesis.<br />



C h a p t e r 7<br />


The Ground Force format represents a typical format journey from the centre,<br />

which in this case is the UK, to the periphery, in this case Denmark and<br />

Australia, of the European/Anglo Saxon geo-linguistic region.<br />

Ground Force was originally developed for the BBC in 1997 by Bazal<br />

Productions, which later became Endemol’s British production unit,<br />

Endemol UK Productions. The format has been a big success in its home<br />

country where it first went on air on BBC2 but due to its success was quickly<br />

moved to BBC1. On BBC1 it achieved ratings of up to 12 million Britons,<br />

that is, approximately 20 per cent of the population (Western Mercury Online<br />

2004). The format is still going strong in the UK and has been adapted in at<br />

least six countries, among which are both Denmark and Australia. The other<br />

countries, USA, New Zealand, Sweden and Germany, are all within the same<br />

geo-linguistic region as Denmark and Australia, which indicates that the<br />

format is regional rather than global.<br />

In Denmark DR1 adapted the format under the title of Hokus Krokus. In<br />

Australia Channel Seven did the adaptation, retaining the original title Ground<br />

Force. Like the original format the two adaptations have also been relatively<br />

successful. DR1 made its first series of the format in 1999 and has since then<br />

made a new series every year, which means that it has been made in nine<br />

series to date. The shares have been between 40 and 50 per cent (Hansen<br />

2006; Gallup <strong>TV</strong>-Meter 2006), which gives an approximate average rating of<br />

15 per cent of the Danish population (Gallup <strong>TV</strong>-Meter 2006). These ratings<br />

have been fairly stable throughout the years and this indicates that the format<br />

is not losing its footing with the Danish audience just yet.<br />



As far as the Australian Ground Force is concerned, it has not been possible to<br />

obtain exact ratings. However, it ran for four seasons from 2000 until 2004,<br />

and according to head of production and development at Channel Seven,<br />

Brad Lyons, it did well although it faced fierce competition from other<br />

popular Australian lifestyle shows on gardening at the time such as Channel<br />

Nine’s Burke’s Backyard and, from 2000, its spin-off, Backyard Blitz. The latter<br />

was more or less a copycat of Ground Force and the two therefore cannibalised<br />

each other and, according to Lyons, created a certain fatigue in the garden<br />

show market (Lyons 2005).<br />

Hokus Krokus is a play on words regarding the expression “hokus pokus”,<br />

which is the Danish expression magicians make when they do their tricks. In<br />

the format’s title “pokus” is substituted by “krokus”, the Danish word for the<br />

crocus flower, and the title thus hints at gardening as well as magic. The<br />

original and Australian title Ground Force is military terminology and hence<br />

connotative of military troops, in this case the makeover team, being<br />

deployed to combat and remove evil and restore order in the battle zone, in<br />

this case the garden. As such, the two titles create fairly distinct associations<br />

even before the Danish and Australian viewers have turned on the television.<br />

As it turns out, these associations fit well with a number of other largely<br />

analytical differences, which make Hokus Krokus and Ground Force radically<br />

different.<br />

The differences occur in two areas that are both of fundamental importance<br />

for the viewer experience. First of all the two adaptations have two different<br />

ways of constructing the contact between the program and its audience.<br />

Secondly, the two adaptations differ considerably in their staging of the inbuilt<br />

emotional appeal of the format. As a matter of fact the two adaptations<br />

are so far apart that at first glance it is basically impossible to see that they<br />

originate in the same format.<br />



Below, I will account for the most important results of the comparative<br />

analysis of the two adaptations. This is done by investigating four program<br />

elements that all exemplify the differences:<br />

• Narrative structure,<br />

• Audiovisual aesthetics,<br />

• The presenters,<br />

• And product placement.<br />

Narrative structure: Australian melodrama versus Danish coolness<br />

The basic plot of the two adaptations is the same: A deserving person in need<br />

is surprised with a complete garden transformation or makeover at the<br />

request of a family member or a friend. The makeover team has a tight<br />

budget and an equally tight time schedule to do the transformation. The<br />

Ground Force team has $3,500AUD/DKK 16,000 and two days. The Hokus<br />

Krokus team has DKK 25,000 and three days. 69<br />

In the Danish episode chosen for the analysis the Hokus Krokus team<br />

transforms a bleak roof terrace into a ‘yin and yang’-inspired herb garden. The<br />

Australian episode sees the Ground Force team transform a run down backyard<br />

into a beautiful, lush rose garden. 70 Both adaptations are found on DVD 1 of<br />

the appendices. In makeover formats such as Ground Force, and a lot of other<br />

69 That is, the Danish team has more money and an extra day for the transformation. However this may<br />

be nullified as, generally, speaking, garden transformations can be achieved for less money in<br />

Australia. As well, the Australian team gets a lot more help from tradespeople than the Danish team,<br />

who appear to do most of the work themselves.<br />

70 The reason for choosing these two specific episodes is simple. I received a recording of the Australian<br />

episode from friends in Australia and because this episode takes place in sub-tropical Queensland,<br />

which gives a definite summer feel and influences the way the presenters dress, I subsequently chose a<br />

summer episode of the Danish adaptation. This was done to make them as ‘similar’ as possible and to<br />

avoid having to compare a sunny Queensland atmosphere to, for instance, a bleak Danish garden in<br />

autumn.<br />



lifestyle formats, the plot is most often centred on the ‘reveal’ of the<br />

transformation, be it a new garden, a new home, or a new look. The reveal<br />

and, even more importantly, the reactions of the ‘victim’ and his or her<br />

friends and family provide rich opportunity for melodrama and ‘how do you<br />

feel right now’ statements (Brunsdon et al 2001, also see Chapter 3).<br />

However, in the case of Ground Force an extra melodramatic layer exists<br />

because the makeover happens to somebody who really deserves or even<br />

needs to experience the happiness of a garden makeover. The Australian<br />

victim, a woman named Patricia, has personally fostered and taken care of no<br />

less than 200 children whose mothers were drug or alcohol dependent. The<br />

Danish victim Margaret has stood by her husband since he was paralysed as<br />

the result of a serious traffic accident. This extra melodramatic layer provides<br />

plenty of opportunities for the producers to turn up the sentimentality level<br />

of the show. The management of these melodramatic and sentimental<br />

opportunities happens in two very different ways in the two adaptations. The<br />

Australian version turns up the melodrama and sentimentality to a level where<br />

the tears flow freely on screen and, one imagines, off screen in the living<br />

rooms of its viewers. On the other hand the same elements are played down a<br />

lot more in the Danish version. One example of this is that Ground Force uses<br />

relatively more time on the reveal and the resulting reactions than Hokus<br />

Krokus. Seventeen per cent of the program length is used on the reveal in<br />

Ground Froce versus only 10 per cent in Hokus Krokus. The difference in how<br />

the two adaptations prioritise the melodramatic elements is also substantiated<br />

by the way the Danish and the Australian reveals are structured narratively<br />

(and also by the use of the audiovisual aesthetics, as will be the subject of the<br />

next subsection of this chapter).<br />

Firstly, Australian Patricia breaks down crying when she sees her new garden<br />

and the host Patrick puts his arm around her shoulder in a comforting<br />

manner. In addition Patricia’s friends and family enter the garden where they<br />

all kiss and hug her. The two female co-hosts also hug her and bring her a<br />



large bouquet of flowers. Danish Margaret also gets very surprised.<br />

Nevertheless, she behaves in a much more composed manner and she does<br />

not cry. Nor is she embraced by anybody, be it the hosts, her husband or her<br />

sister who are all present at the reveal. Margaret does not receive flowers,<br />

instead, she shakes hands with the two gardeners who in a polite and almost<br />

shy manner congratulate her on the makeover. Secondly, the Australian<br />

producers have chosen to give Patricia an extra and even more touching<br />

surprise: A considerable part of her, now adult, foster children – together with<br />

their children and spouses – flock into the garden. They have all assisted in<br />

the makeover and the viewer thus gets concrete evidence that Patricia really<br />

has made a difference in the lives of a lot of people. At the end of the show<br />

two of the foster children are even interviewed about the impact Patricia has<br />

had on their lives, after which Patricia talks about how wonderful it was for<br />

her to see her foster children again. She concludes with the following<br />

statement, which acts as a kind of melodramatic program morale:<br />

It made fostering worthwhile to see that they’d made such a wonderful job<br />

of their lives.<br />

Audiovisual aesthetics: Direct emotional appeal versus limited<br />

emotional appeal<br />

There are also considerable differences in the audiovisual aesthetics between<br />

Hokus Krokus and Ground Force. The two adaptations are very different when it<br />

comes to their employment of editing style, camera work and music. The<br />

differences fit in perfectly with the section above, in that the Australian<br />

adaptation employs its audiovisual aesthetics in a manner that creates a much<br />

more direct emotional appeal than is the case in the Danish version. This<br />

direct emotional appeal is present during the entire episode and not just<br />

during the reveal. Contrary to Ground Force, Hokus Krokus hardly utilises any<br />

audiovisual effects to add to the narrative.<br />



Editing<br />

The Australian editing seems significantly more ‘experimental’ and energetic<br />

than the Danish editing style, which on the other hand is marked by a much<br />

more traditional style featuring many crosscuts and a steady editing pace. The<br />

frequency of cuts is much higher in Ground Force. As an average Hokus Krokus<br />

has one cut for every eight seconds, while the average cut in Ground Force lasts<br />

only four seconds. That is, the Australian cutting rhythm is twice as fast as the<br />

Danish. Additionally, the editing of Ground Force is marked by an uneven pace<br />

and many little ‘breakers’ with an even higher editing pace (which are further<br />

underlined by quickly paced rock music). These breakers show the progress<br />

of the work in a fast-forward mode but at the same time constitute appetising<br />

little breaks for the viewers, and as such they can divide a content segment –<br />

such as the presentation of a DIY stained glass window – in two.<br />

In Hokus Krokus the editing pace is steadier and the editing style much more<br />

traditional. An example is the frequent use of the traditional crosscuts used on<br />

the news when the main presenter Puk Elgaard interviews gardeners, ‘victim’<br />

and relatives. Another example is that breakers never interrupt the same<br />

content segment, as is the case in the Australian adaptation. The pace in the<br />

Danish version thus becomes more static and certainly a lot slower than in<br />

Ground Force.<br />

Camera work<br />

The same stylistic differences are at play in the camera work of the two<br />

adaptations. The camera work in the Australian adaptation is again more<br />

energetic than the Danish adaptation’s camera work. Examples of this are the<br />

many shifts in perspective in Ground Force, where the camera moves from a<br />

bird’s eye view or worm’s eye view to a normal perspective – or the other way<br />

round. Besides this, the camera is very agile. It makes many pans and zooms<br />

and the Australian producers have obviously aimed at creating a handheld,<br />

and thus more diverse, camera-driven aesthetic. Hokus Krokus has a more<br />

stationary and inactive camera. It rarely zooms and only uses pans on a few<br />



occasions. Again this makes for a considerably slower and more static<br />

program compared to Ground Force.<br />

Music<br />

The two adaptations’ use of underlining music is basically diametrically<br />

opposed to one another. In Hokus Krokus the use of music is limited to<br />

different variations of the signature music. The signature music is used in the<br />

program intro, during the crawling titles, as an underscore during Puk<br />

Elgaard’s voice-over, and finally it is used to mark the beginning of a new<br />

narrative segment. Thus the music creates a certain degree of recognisability<br />

with the viewers.<br />

As a stark contrast to this, Ground Force constitutes a cornucopia of different<br />

music. The program primarily makes use of contemporary music in a variety<br />

of genres from hard rock, chilled lounge music, to a quiet Madonna ballad.<br />

The Primal Scream song Get Your Rocks Off is for instance used immediately<br />

after one of the three advertising breaks to underscore pictures from the busy<br />

construction site. This way it is used to recapture the attention of the viewers<br />

after the break and to underline the hard but efficient work that goes into the<br />

garden makeover. The Madonna ballad underscores the reveal, while harp<br />

music accompanies the concluding interviews with Patricia’s foster children.<br />

The music is thus used to underline the content and to trigger and enhance<br />

the ‘right feelings’ in the viewers.<br />

The presenters: Australian playfulness versus Danish working<br />

partnership<br />

The appeal of the presenters is also approached radically different in a<br />

number of important areas, which includes:<br />

• The professional background of the presenters,<br />

• The distribution of presenter ‘roles’ and presenter knowledge,<br />



• Plus the degree of sexualisation of the presenters.<br />

Professional background<br />

A simplified examination of the professional backgrounds of the Danish and<br />

the Australian presenters leaves one to conclude that the Danish version<br />

prioritises a professional, skilled trade background of the presenters, whereas<br />

the Australian version puts larger emphasis on the presenters’ previous<br />

experience with television and acting.<br />

The Danish main host, Puk Elgaard, has a professional background in<br />

primarily children’s television. She has a very sweet, childish and almost elflike<br />

appeal and is, as such, fairly ‘desexualised’. Her two co-presenters Torben<br />

and Bettina are both trained landscape gardeners, who off-screen are<br />

employed by the large and well-established Danish landscape architect firm<br />

Hedeselskabet. As such they are not used to working in and appearing on<br />

television.<br />

Contrary to this, all four Australian presenters are well-known actors and/or<br />

television personalities. The main presenter Patrick Thompson did train as a<br />

carpenter; however he is also a famous and professionally trained Australian<br />

actor with an even more famous actor father, Jack Thompson. The male cohost<br />

Daniel Widdowson is also a trained actor – and award-winning theatre<br />

scriptwriter – and has besides this been the presenter of a children’s television<br />

show. Melanie Symons, one of two female co-hosts, has a television career<br />

behind her; among other things as the female ‘letter turner’ on the Australian<br />

Wheel of Fortune and the host on various lifestyle and children’s programs. The<br />

other female co-host, Fiona Bruyn, actually runs a landscape design firm and<br />

thus only works part-time with television. Nevertheless she used to be the<br />

host of another lifestyle show and made a living as a fashion model.<br />



Roles and distribution of knowledge<br />

The two adaptations also differ fundamentally as to the different roles of the<br />

three Danish and the four Australian presenters and their mutual distribution<br />

of knowledge. Hokus Krokus has a clear division between the main presenter<br />

Puk Elgaard and her two ‘helpers’: the female landscape gardener Bettina and<br />

her male colleague, Torben. There is no doubt that Elgaard has the chief<br />

presenter role. She speaks directly to the camera, does the voice-over that<br />

accompanies the pictures, and generally guides the viewers through the<br />

program. She is also the one who interviews relatives and friends about the<br />

Margaret’s numerous virtues, and she also interviews the two gardeners, who<br />

as a consequence only speak when they are asked to by Elgaard. The two of<br />

them are clearly assistants, which is accentuated by the fact that they most<br />

often only speak to Elgaard and very rarely directly to the camera. In return<br />

they have the monopoly on the professional gardening expertise. That is, they<br />

have the expert knowledge, while Elgaard in this regard has the role to ask<br />

questions on behalf of an uninformed viewer.<br />

The four Australian hosts have a more equal distribution of roles and<br />

knowledge. Although Patrick is clearly the main presenter and the viewers’<br />

guide around the garden makeover site, and although he is also the only<br />

presenter who does the voice-overs, the four of them are still fairly equal. For<br />

instance they all speak to the camera – without the intervention or mediation<br />

of Patrick – and they all do interviews. Each of them represents his or her<br />

special professional knowledge, which they communicate to the viewers<br />

without any interference from other experts. Patrick dispenses useful<br />

handyman tips on the various construction works; Daniel is in charge of the<br />

hard labour such as brick laying; Fiona is the floral expert; and Melanie<br />

demonstrates cheap DIY solutions, often with a feminine touch, such as how<br />

the viewers can do their own glass mosaics.<br />

As a result, Hokus Krokus distinguishes clearly between the presenter and the<br />

expert; between being famous and having professional skills. The presenter is<br />



a pure television personality and as such a professional amateur, whilst the<br />

expert is part of the program on account only of his or her vocation and<br />

professionalism. Other than that the expert is just an ordinary person. If we<br />

assume that the majority of the viewers are also just ordinary people, it<br />

becomes plausible that the underlying premise of Hokus Krokus is to make the<br />

viewers into experts by watching the show. At the same time the emphasis is<br />

on ‘real’ experts’ communication of 100 per cent correct professional<br />

knowledge to the viewers.<br />

In Ground Force this approach to communication is very different and far more<br />

ambiguous than in Hokus Krokus. In the Australian adaptation the presenter<br />

and the expert is the same person. On one hand, the presenters are television<br />

personalities, and on the other, also the experts. The television personalities<br />

are hereby ‘lowered’ to the level of the ordinary viewers behind the screen. In<br />

other words, the television personalities are ordinary carpenters and gardeners<br />

just like the viewers. The role of the expert is thus devalued a little compared<br />

to the Danish adaptation because the presenters have not primarily earned<br />

their qualifications as skilled tradespeople or professional experts, but as<br />

celebrities. Hence, Ground Force does not emphasise or put as much<br />

importance on the expert role as Hokus Krokus does.<br />

Sexualisation of the presenters<br />

A third important difference between the Danish and the Australian<br />

presenters is that the Australians are remarkably sexualised. This sexualisation<br />

is primarily apparent in their clothing. The Australians wear clothes that are<br />

far more revealing than their ‘practically-oriented’ Danish colleagues. The<br />

provocative nature of Ground Force is particularly manifested in the style of<br />

clothing of the two female presenters. Fiona and Melanie – both of whom<br />

have beyond normal beauty and body shapes – wear tight and colourful strap<br />

tops and shorts that are equally tight and very, very short. However, the male<br />

presenters’ clothing also reveals a good deal of their physiques. Patrick’s T-<br />

shirt and Daniel’s tank top both have a tight fit that reveals their toned upper<br />



bodies and biceps. This visual sexualisation is also present in the program<br />

intro, which has a large number of camera zooms on particular parts of the<br />

presenters’ bodies. For instance, Patrick’s biceps and Fiona’s legs are featured.<br />

Hokus Krokus does not focus on the physicality of the presenters.<br />

Nevertheless, Elgaard’s clothes stand out from the two gardeners’, which<br />

again stresses her special presenter status. She wears summer tops that do<br />

reveal her arms but the tops are loosely fitted and in no way as provocative as<br />

the Australian women’s tops. Also her khaki shorts are baggier, finishing just<br />

above the knees. The two gardeners are dressed alike in practical and loose<br />

blue T-shirts and green gardener shorts. As such they are wearing a kind of<br />

uniform, which takes away their personalities and instead focuses on their<br />

‘expert gardener’ function. The uniformity of the gardeners combined with<br />

Puk’s desexualised appeal, as mentioned above, is a stark contrast to the<br />

Australian presenters’ strong sexualisation and personalised appeal.<br />

Another example of the Australian version’s increased sexualisation is found<br />

in the by-play among the presenters. It is humorous, with a fair amount of<br />

sexual connotations. One particular example is when the two women and<br />

Daniel are standing on the back of a big truck that resembles an enclosure for<br />

animals. Patrick is standing next to them and asks Daniel: “Hey, how much<br />

for the sheep in the back?” after which he goes to Fiona and gives her bottom<br />

a hard slap as if she were a sheep, making the two women squeal with delight.<br />

In the Danish presenters’ jargon there is no sexualisation. Their exchanges are<br />

nothing but friendly and professional. The presenters talk ‘shop’ and that is it.<br />

The humour is pleasant, cosy and maybe a little childish and simple. Two<br />

examples of the type of humour used in the Danish version are: 1) The main<br />

presenter’s mascara runs when she dips her head in water to cool off in the<br />

summer heat; 2) Torben, the gardener, forgets to bring his shorts despite the<br />

soaring heat, after which the shorts appear and are hoisted to him on a big<br />

crane.<br />



All of this goes well with the analytical points made in the section above<br />

about the presenters’ mutual roles and distribution of knowledge. The Danish<br />

presenters’ interaction and clothing again emphasise the professional aspects<br />

of the show. The presenters are obviously part of a working partnership. The<br />

Australian presenters’ appearance and interaction on the other hand<br />

emphasises the playful aspects of the garden work and the working<br />

partnership recedes to the background. In other words: the contact between<br />

the Danish viewer and the Danish program is framed through a largely<br />

professional working partnership, whereas the staging between the Australian<br />

viewer and the Australian version is done through sexualisation and play.<br />

Product placement<br />

Another area where the two adaptations differ considerably is in their use of<br />

product placement. Not surprisingly Ground Force has a much more excessive<br />

product placement as this adaptation is produced for the commercial<br />

network, Channel Seven. The episode in question is filled with indirect but in<br />

no way hidden advertisements for various flowers and plants and other<br />

garden products, and it also has plenty of references to the suppliers and<br />

tradespeople that are used in the program. It is also important to point out<br />

that the makeover team of the Australian adaptation receives assistance from<br />

a considerable number of suppliers and tradespeople throughout the entire<br />

episode. For instance, the host Patrick tells us that it is “the boys from Jim’s<br />

Fencing” that build the fences, after which there are a few close-ups of the<br />

boys’ T-shirts featuring prominent “Jim’s Fencing” logos. Also, co-host<br />

Daniel does an entire segment dedicated to how the viewers must make sure<br />

they get a certificate when they buy a certain brand of grass to avoid a copycat<br />

product. In this way the product placements are very much included in the<br />

program script, and similar product placements are found throughout the<br />

entire episode.<br />

Hokus Krokus also contains some product placement or indirect<br />

advertisement. However, it is done in a much more subtle and less extensive<br />



way than in Ground Force. Naturally Hokus Krokus also refers to the products<br />

that are used in the makeover but they do not form part of the script in the<br />

same way as in Ground Force, and certain product brands such as, for instance,<br />

the Australian grass and “Jim’s Fencing” – are never mentioned. The only<br />

two direct references to suppliers or tradespeople are made to “Ikast<br />

Nursery” where the main presenter, Puk Elgaard, goes to purchase plants,<br />

and to the landscaping firm “Hedeselskabet”, whose logo is printed on the<br />

two gardeners’ T-shirts and safety helmets.<br />

Summary: Danish public service and Australian commercial television?<br />

The results of the analysis reveal that the Danish and the Australian<br />

adaptations are radically different in two basic areas. Firstly, they construct the<br />

contact between the program and its audience in different ways. Secondly<br />

they stage the in-built emotional appeal of the format differently. As for<br />

narrative structure and audiovisual aesthetics, Ground Force represents a very<br />

direct emotional appeal, whereas the emotional appeal of Hokus Krokus is<br />

subtle and indirect. In addition, the Australian presenters’ contact to the<br />

audience is constructed through sexualisation and playfulness, while this<br />

contact in the Danish version is staged as a working partnership with<br />

emphasis on the knowledge of the experts, in this case the two gardeners.<br />

Finally, the degree of product placement differs considerably between the two<br />

adaptations. There is a lot more product placement in Ground Force and the<br />

Australian producers have obviously included large segments of product<br />

placement in the actual script. The product placement in Hokus Krokus is less<br />

extensive and as such not included in the script.<br />

What could be the explanations for these significant differences? Here one<br />

could easily fall into what I would term the cultural mentality trap where one<br />

merely speculates about cultural divisions in the Danish and Australian<br />

national mentalities as possible explanations for the differences. In this case,<br />

the differences would fit perfectly with national stereotypes such as ‘hardworking<br />

and stick-in-the-mud Danes’ versus ‘easygoing Australians with an<br />



inherent joie de vivre’. However, at best such explanations are oversimplified;<br />

at worst they are misleading. As already discussed in the first chapters,<br />

significant and influential issues related to genre and media system are likely<br />

to be at play.<br />

First of all, the analysis shows how the lifestyle genre – and hence the lifestyle<br />

formats – are extremely flexible and almost elastic. The most tangible proof<br />

of this is the different degrees of product placement that can be contained by<br />

the one format. The Ground Force format could in principle be stretched<br />

between two extremes: on the one, commercial hand, the format could<br />

become one program-long commercial; on the other, more public serviceoriented<br />

hand, it could become an exclusively didactic program with<br />

information aimed towards the viewers on how to make a garden. Neither the<br />

Danish nor the Australian version belongs to these extremes. However, they<br />

do represent two radically different approaches.<br />

Secondly, the analysis has shown that the format also contains a number of<br />

control knobs, which can be adjusted according to the desired level of various<br />

program elements. The analysis has shown how the two adaptations each<br />

apply a different focus on aspects of the program; the emotional appeal of the<br />

program on one hand and the actual DIY work on the other. Again, it is<br />

possible to imagine even more extreme adaptations that either become<br />

emotional ‘pornography’ or focus exclusively on the didactic DIY elements.<br />

The elasticity of the lifestyle genre and formats makes them easily adaptable<br />

to various media systemic conditions such as broadcaster type, funding,<br />

competitive situation, and target groups. Thus, they can be used on a transnational<br />

level as we have seen with the Australian and Danish versions.<br />

In Denmark the traditional public service broadcaster undertakes the<br />

adaptation whilst the Australian adaptation is done by a commercial network,<br />

which results in two radically different programs with hardly any common<br />

traits. The two programs are clearly targeting different age demographics.<br />



Unfortunately, and as already mentioned, it was impossible for me to obtain<br />

exact ratings let alone detailed demographics on the Ground Force audience;<br />

however if we turn to the age demographics of the Hokus Krokus viewers, the<br />

majority of the viewers are older than 30 and the teenagers and 20-<br />

somethings are under represented. With this in mind and bearing the<br />

analytical differences discussed above, it becomes plausible that with Ground<br />

Force Channel Seven was trying to catch the attention of precisely the young –<br />

and commercially – attractive viewers that Hokus Krokus does not reach,<br />

without chasing away the 30 to 40 year-olds. On the other hand, DR1 has, as<br />

part of its public service remit, to communicate to all Danes regardless of age,<br />

gender or other demographic characteristics and not just aim for the<br />

commercially attractive audiences that advertisers usually prefer.<br />

Broadcaster and production perspectives<br />

The head of leisure programming at Endemol UK Productions, which<br />

developed Ground Force and now distributes the format rights, Linda Clifford,<br />

verifies that local producers are allowed to make fairly loose adaptations:<br />

We’ve always been a bit more easygoing with our formats, like for<br />

instance [Who Wants to be a] Millionaire. They’re pretty strict. […]<br />

Every country has a different way of making the show because they have<br />

different budgets so they have to adapt the format as best they can. At the<br />

BBC they have rules but in other places they have sponsorships so they<br />

have to make sure the brands are seen. Sometimes they have to use<br />

established faces. [...] Sometimes the length of the program has to be<br />

longer. Sometimes it has to have more factual entertainment (Clifford<br />

2005).<br />

At the same time she points to the fact that one of the most important factors<br />

in how the format is adapted is what kind of channel broadcasts the<br />

adaptation. Another important factor is budgets. As for differences in<br />



budgets, Clifford also verifies that Australian producers usually have larger<br />

budgets than Scandinavian producers: 71<br />

There is a little bit less money to spend [in Scandinavia]. But<br />

[Australians] have all the English programs there so they want the<br />

adaptations to be of a very high standard in production values (Clifford<br />

2005).<br />

Hokus Krokus: non-elitist, feel-good and “responsible” public service television<br />

As already mentioned in the analysis summary above, Hokus Krokus carries an<br />

obvious public service impress. The public service impress is especially<br />

obvious in the mutual distribution of knowledge among the hosts and in the<br />

(non-existing) use of product placement. Nevertheless, the relatively slow<br />

pace and the less emotional narrative plot can also be argued to traditionally<br />

belong more to public service television than to commercial television.<br />

According to DR’s commissioning editor for entertainment, DR wants to be<br />

“responsible” when it comes to content in all genres, including (factual)<br />

entertainment (Therkelsen 2006, translated from Danish). DR wants to be a<br />

real alternative to commercial programming and as such create a more<br />

conscientious and, hence, public service-oriented content. This means that<br />

viewers preferably have to learn something as a result of watching a DR<br />

program. DR aims to make its viewers more “astute” (Ibid, translated from<br />

Danish), which is very much in line with the Danish public service ideology.<br />

DR has even developed ethical standards that are stricter than those required<br />

71 The Danish production team only has one cameraman. It is far too expensive to have another one on<br />

the set. British Ground Force, and most likely also the Australian version, has more than one. Most<br />

scenes in Hokus Krokus are therefore done more than once in order for the producers to have more<br />

angles to use in the cutting process (Hansen 2006). Price for format rights used to be DKK 15,000-<br />

20,000/$3,300-$4,500AUD but is now DKK 30,000/$6,600AUD per episode. For this price DR can<br />

run the program three times. Each episode costs approximately DKK 300,000/ $66,000AUD, which<br />

is a lot less than the British version but relatively expensive for a Danish 28’30” production on a week<br />

day (Hansen 2006). It has not been possible to obtain information on the exact budget price of<br />

Australian Ground Force but the higher production values combined with Clifford’s statements make it<br />

reasonable to assume that the Australian budget is higher than the Danish one.<br />



by the media regulation (Ibid). In addition, DR programs, even those<br />

classified as entertainment, must make viewers talk to each other and “take up<br />

a significant place in their minds” instead of making the viewers “look into<br />

the screen in a more or less brain-dead manner”, which apparently is what<br />

commercial television does according to Therkelsen (2006, translated from<br />

Danish). For instance, DR’s stricter ethical standards do not allow for any<br />

type of product placement whatsoever. According to Hokus Krokus executive<br />

producer Søren Bo Hansen, the production budget pays for all expenses,<br />

although people are usually quite happy to give plants and other materials to<br />

the production. Even the wages of the two gardeners are covered by the<br />

budget (Hansen 2006). This is an important reason why the budget is<br />

relatively high. The segment on “Ikast Nursery” is therefore a dramaturgical<br />

trick employed to get away from the garden makeover, to divert the viewers,<br />

and hence make it possible for the producers to make a considerable narrative<br />

jump in time (Ibid.). As such, Hansen’s argument is that it is not a form of<br />

product placement as was suggested in the analysis.<br />

As the analysis has shown, the Danish main presenter, Puk Elgaard, does not<br />

know anything about gardening and garden designing and as such acts as a<br />

representative of the viewer. This is not only different to the Australian<br />

adaptation but also to the original British version and something that was<br />

deliberately changed by the Danish producers to create closeness to the<br />

viewers:<br />

In [the British] Ground Force all the hosts are somehow experts on<br />

gardens. Our host is not an expert and this is important for the<br />

psychological side. Our host is on the side of the ignorant viewers. [The<br />

British version] is more [about] expert knowledge. This was important<br />

for us to change because we think that it creates a distance to the viewer<br />

when all [hosts] are more knowledgeable than [the viewers] (Hansen<br />

2006, translated from Danish).<br />



The introduction of a non-expert presenter is undertaken to make the<br />

adaptation less elitist and hence more appealing to all kinds of viewers, be<br />

they garden owners or not. In primetime DR1 aims for a share of at least 40<br />

per cent and therefore it is not enough to approach only garden owners<br />

(Hansen 2006). In the UK a smaller share and hence more elitist appeal may<br />

be satisfactory. The more populist appeal of Hokus Krokus also finds<br />

expression in various episode segments that are not necessarily related to the<br />

garden makeover, such as when, for example, the male gardener teases the<br />

two female hosts (Hansen 2006). Other examples from the analysis in this<br />

chapter include the humorous segments where the main presenter’s mascara<br />

runs and where the male gardener’s shorts are hoisted to him on a crane.<br />

To create this less elitist and more populist appeal it is also central to the<br />

Danish adaptation that the person who is receiving the garden makeover has<br />

deserved it in some way or another (Hansen 2006). This is far from always the<br />

case in the British version (Ibid.). If the makeover is done for somebody who<br />

is either rich, famous or somehow did not do anything to deserve it, Danish<br />

viewers complain. One example of this was when DR1 did a special Hokus<br />

Krokus edition, in which the makeover was done for a well-known Danish<br />

politician, Henrik Dam Christensen, after which a lot of viewers complained<br />

about the unfairness of giving the makeover to somebody famous and<br />

therefore, according to the viewers, also rich (Ibid). That the makeover is<br />

given to a deserving person adds a very important feel-good element to the<br />

format (Ibid.).<br />

In the Australian version the makeover also happens to a deserving person,<br />

but this is most likely primarily tied to the narrative structure and the<br />

increased melodramatic possibilities it creates, rather than to the viewers<br />

objecting if the person was not sufficiently deserving. As the analysis has<br />

shown, the fact that the garden owner in the episode reviewed, Patricia, really<br />

deserves the makeover because she has been extremely kind to others is<br />



exploited melodramatically in Ground Force as opposed to Hokus Krokus’<br />

downplaying of the exact same elements.<br />

Finally, the executive producer on Hokus Krokus also points to an important<br />

difference between the Danish version and the original British version, which<br />

has nothing to do with the media system but rather is tied to the traditional<br />

farming culture of Denmark. This farming culture plays a part in how the<br />

actual garden makeovers are done. The Danish focus is often on plants such<br />

as vegetables, fruit trees and herbs that provide a tangible – usually edible –<br />

produce. In Denmark, a garden is traditionally and historically something<br />

used to generate food. The British version is more about making the garden<br />

into a nice place to be because this is how the British view their garden<br />

(Hansen 2006). Without a wider survey it is difficult to note whether similar<br />

differences exist between the Danish and the Australian adaptations. This<br />

would require the study of a large number of episodes. Nevertheless, it is an<br />

interesting observation and a sign that there could be other and more<br />

culturally historic factors at play, which extend beyond the media systemic<br />

explanations. On the other hand, it could also be Hansen’s public service<br />

training talking in the sense that television programs within the public service<br />

tradition have to be of use; hence the garden makeover must provide a real<br />

produce and not just be ornamental. It may not necessarily be something<br />

required by the viewers. Having said that, the Australian climate and the<br />

traditional Australian notion of larger, traditionally quarter-acre suburban<br />

blocks, might also have underscored the show’s appeal with the Australian<br />

audience and, as such, offer a more culturally historic explanation in the<br />

Australian context.<br />

Ground Force: fast paced, commercialised and typical of its period<br />

For Channel Seven the adaptation of Ground Force was part of a lifestyle<br />

television trend in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Channel Seven’s head of<br />

production and development Brad Lyons sees it as a program typical of this<br />

period and as such regards it as a fashion fad closely related to societal trends.<br />



At the time, Australians were benefiting from an extraordinary boom in the<br />

property market and as a result, had become what Lyons calls “house proud”:<br />

At this time lifestyle was huge here. Lifestyle ruled [television]. We had<br />

Better Homes and Gardens, Great Outdoors, Ground Force, Room for<br />

Improvement, Hot Auction, Hot Property etcetera […]. These shows<br />

were all in the top ten. […]. We just thought gardening was huge, people<br />

were thinking about their own; they were sort of insulating themselves.<br />

All the research said they were very ‘house proud’. They spent a lot of<br />

their money on their house (Lyons 2005).<br />

For Lyons this fad has clearly passed already, which together with the<br />

Australian free-to-air broadcasters’ collective overkill on the lifestyle genre is<br />

why the adaptation was taken off the air in 2004 (Lyons 2005). Here it is<br />

interesting that the Hokus Krokus adaptation still thrives on DR1 where it fits<br />

in perfectly with the traditional public service ideology of informing and<br />

educating the viewers. Contrary to this, Channel Seven used the format for as<br />

long as it was in fashion. This may also indicate that Channel Seven has a<br />

greater need for innovation and a constant flow of programming formats<br />

than DR1 because the broadcaster is in a constant competition for viewers<br />

with the other Australian commercial broadcasters.<br />

It was important for Channel Seven to make its adaptation a lot faster than<br />

the British original – and certainly also the Danish adaptation – which the<br />

analysis has also indicated. The Australian audience is used to a much more<br />

rapid pace than the British, and apparently also the Danish audience<br />

according to the program analysis<br />



That the Australian version is quite different to the British comes down<br />

to the style of presenters you put together. Our team was much more…<br />

just faster at it and more […] dynamic… [but] the pace had to be<br />

picked up, even down to their music – tuba all the time. So we needed it<br />

to be tricked up a bit (Lyons 2005).<br />

Here Lyons clearly hints to the less dynamic and less energetic feel of the<br />

British original, which like the Danish adaptation is broadcast on the primary,<br />

and only fully license fee-funded, public service broadcaster, the BBC.<br />

Apparently the pace on the British and the Danish public service broadcasters<br />

is similar, which suggests that a higher pace is not necessarily connected to<br />

higher budgets and higher production values, as both budgets and production<br />

values are definitely higher on BBC1 than on DR1 (see Hansen 2006 and<br />

Clifford 2005).<br />

Instead, the much faster pace in the Australian adaptation specifically, and on<br />

Australian television in general, seems connected to the historic<br />

commercialisation and Americanisation of the Australian media system.<br />

Australian commercial free-to-air broadcasters have traditionally had a large<br />

share of American programming and the Australian audience is therefore<br />

used to the much quicker pace of American television, which in addition has<br />

served as the primary model for Australian-produced television in the past as<br />

well as in the present. Also the sexualisation of the hosts does not occur on<br />

the British original. For many years it had a rather jovial and slightly<br />

overweight main presenter, Alan Titchmarsh, whose colleagues were equally<br />

plain and certainly not as attractive and fit as the Australian presenters. Again,<br />

this suggests that the actual channel that has adapted the format is a more<br />

useful explanation than the production budgets when it comes to explaining<br />

the differences between local adaptations of formats.<br />



C h a p t e r 8<br />


The Block is a format originally developed in Australia for Channel Nine by<br />

executive producers David Barbour and Julian Cress in 2003. The format<br />

rights have been sold into a number of countries and territories such as<br />

Scandinavia, Finland, Germany, Netherlands and Great Britain.<br />

The first Australian series ran in 2003, the second series a year later in 2004.<br />

The Danish adaptation is called Huset (which translates as The House) and was<br />

undertaken by Danish independent production company Metronome for <strong>TV</strong><br />

2. There has also been two Danish series. Series one went to air in 2004 and<br />

series two the following year. In both countries the first series was extremely<br />

successful with record-breaking audience ratings, whereas the second series in<br />

both Australia and Denmark was a more moderate success. For the in-depth<br />

analysis carried out in this chapter I have chosen episode one of the second<br />

series in both countries. As was the case with the analysed episodes of Ground<br />

Force and Hokus Krokus, the reason for picking series two in both countries, as<br />

opposed to the more popular series one, was rather pragmatic. When I<br />

approached Channel Nine and David Barbour and asked for a copy of The<br />

Block, they gave me four episodes from the second series and, to avoid<br />

analytical bias and make my analytical points of departure as similar as<br />

possible, I therefore subsequently chose to analyse the second series of Huset,<br />

as well. After this I chose episode one for the in-depth analysis because in<br />

both adaptations this is where the narrative and competitive plot is struck and<br />

the competing couples are introduced. As such, episodes one are a lot easier<br />

to compare than later episodes, where the Danish and Australian narratives<br />

take different turns and do not necessarily follow the same narrative order.<br />

Nevertheless, I will also make references to other episodes where this will<br />



shed further light on the analysis. Episode one of Australia’s The Block was<br />

broadcast on 28 April 2004 and episode one of Denmark’s Huset on 23<br />

August 2005. The episodes are found on DVD 2 and DVD 3 in the<br />

appendices.<br />

Reality meets lifestyle<br />

In the format four couples are chosen to each renovate an apartment in the<br />

same building, or block, hence the show’s title: The Block. The couples have a<br />

limited period of time and a limited budget to do so. The Australians have 14<br />

weeks and $70,000AUD/DKK 315,000 for each competing couple’s budget.<br />

The Danes have 12 weeks and $55,000AUD/DKK 250,000. To put further<br />

pressure on the couples, everybody must maintain their normal job during the<br />

renovation. As well, the apartments are in a fairly bad condition, which means<br />

that the work also includes a number of expensive, difficult, and timeconsuming<br />

tasks such as full bathroom and kitchen renovations.<br />

The overriding competition through the series is to make the best, most<br />

popular renovation. In the Australian series the ‘best and most popular’<br />

means the apartment that in the last episode sells for the highest price at an<br />

auction. In the Danish series it means the apartment the viewers like the best.<br />

The Australian couples all get to keep any profits they may make at the final<br />

auction, but the couple that get the highest price will receive double their<br />

profit as a prize. This means that all four couples on one hand are potential<br />

winners of big cash prizes. On the other hand they also risk getting nothing at<br />

all if, for instance, they go over budget and/or subsequently cannot get a<br />

sufficiently high prize at the auction. The Danish couples compete for a cash<br />

prize of DKK 500,000/ $110,000AUD. That is, only one couple is rewarded<br />

with a fixed cash prize. Everybody else walks away empty-handed. 72 In<br />

72 In Denmark houses and apartments are not sold at auctions. Nevertheless, the first series of Huset<br />

tried the auction model but failed miserably. No bidders attended the auction, which was telecast live,<br />

and the company who had originally sold the apartments to <strong>TV</strong> 2 had to buy the apartments back<br />

without any competition from others. The result was a complete anti-climax and the auction model<br />

was subsequently abandoned in the second series (Nikolajsen 2006).<br />



addition to the main competition, the format contains a number of subcompetitions.<br />

Every one or two weeks the couples must complete a room<br />

and the winners of these ‘best room’ sub-competitions receive a smaller<br />

amount of cash to add to their budget. Altogether the format contains equal<br />

shares of reality and lifestyle elements and therefore abundant possibilities to<br />

combine and play with the two genres. For example, this is achieved by<br />

putting a stronger emphasis on lifestyle elements than reality elements – or<br />

vice versa.<br />

The Block and Huset are radically different and this has a lot to do with how<br />

the two versions choose to combine the two genres. The Australian version<br />

makes maximum use of the reality elements contained in the format, with<br />

large emphasis on conflicts, scandal, emotional drama, and competitiveness<br />

and relatively little emphasis on the lifestyle elements. The Danish version is<br />

less reality-skewed and seems to play down conflicts and the built-in<br />

competitive elements. As a consequence Huset puts its emphasis on the ‘fun’<br />

of renovating and on the creation of a communal feeling among the<br />

competing couples. Having said this, Huset still contains lots of reality<br />

elements and actually only a few lifestyle elements. It may therefore be<br />

classified as ‘reality light’ meets ‘lifestyle light’. Also, the two adaptations have<br />

very different narrative ‘guiding principles’ in the sense that Huset has an<br />

overriding narrative focus on egalitarian principles such as ‘ordinariness’,<br />

‘plainness’, and viewer recognition (‘I could achieve that look’), whereas The<br />

Block has its narrative focus on elitist principles such as ‘extraordinariness’,<br />

‘abnormality’, and ‘oddness’. All of this will be elaborated below by<br />

comparing a number of key constituents of the format including program<br />

introductions and finales, the state of the apartments, location, and casting.<br />

These are all vital areas in which the two adaptations differ considerably, and<br />

we look at how they differ with regards to viewer contact and appeal, the use<br />

of competitive elements, the use of DIY and other informative elements, and<br />

the use of the reality genre.<br />



Casting – Australian extraordinariness versus Danish ordinariness<br />

There are considerable differences between the Australian and the Danish<br />

couples in four areas: age, looks, sexual observation, and competitiveness.<br />

The couples on The Block are all gorgeous and glamorous people in their 20s<br />

and 30s; most of them with well-paid careers and big city lives lived in the fast<br />

lane. They are certainly not your average, slightly overweight Australians and<br />

would no doubt all look spectacular scantily clad on the cover of a magazine –<br />

which, of course, is where they wound up as the result of a publishing deal<br />

with an Australian weekly magazine. Besides, one of the couples is gay, which<br />

is just another example of what one might call the ‘casting of the<br />

extraordinary’ strategy that has clearly been employed by the producers. In<br />

addition, all four couples are very competitive and emphasise that they are in<br />

The Block to win. Contrary to the Australians the Danish contestants are fairly<br />

average in terms of jobs, looks, sexual observation and age. The youngest<br />

contestant is 26 years old, the oldest 62. In the first episode none of the<br />

couples as much as mentions the competition and the possibility of winning<br />

half a million DKK. Instead they talk about the challenges that lie ahead for<br />

them as couples. Another characteristic of this ‘casting of the ordinary’<br />

strategy is the large variety in ages contrary to the Australian version’s<br />

exclusive focus on the young.<br />

If we – quite reasonably – assume that the average Australian viewer is not<br />

nearly as gorgeous, glamorous and successful as the couples on The Block, but<br />

rather your typical heterosexual Australian with a normal and not very<br />

exciting job and a standard run of the mill partner, the casting is likely to have<br />

a high fascination potential with the viewers. The fascinating lifestyles,<br />

personalities, and looks of the couples are likely to provoke dreams and envy<br />

and perhaps even disgust and antipathy, as the viewers either wish they were<br />

like the contestants or dislike them for being so competitive, glamorous, and<br />

gorgeous and so different from the viewers. This becomes particularly evident<br />

in the decision to cast the gay couple, which is likely to cause some sort of<br />

controversy, scandal, amusement and/or offence with the average viewer, but<br />



it is also characteristic of the casting in general. The Danish couples are much<br />

closer to the average viewer than is the case with the Australian couples. It is<br />

likely that Danish viewers will find some sort of identification in one or more<br />

of the contestants, either when it comes to occupation, age, geographical<br />

origin, vernacular, relationship, and/or looks. So even though the couples are<br />

actually fairly different, they are different in an ordinary and average way, and<br />

each couple thus personifies at least one standard Danish lifestyle among<br />

other standard lifestyles.<br />

In this sense both the Australian and Danish couples are very alike and very<br />

different at the same time. The Australians are all competitive, glamorous, and<br />

gorgeous but they are so in different ways and also differ from the average<br />

viewer. For example, one couple, Steven and Richard, is gay and made up of<br />

an artistic designer and successful sales and marketing manager. Another<br />

couple, Jane and Matt, own their own trendy seaside restaurant and a PR<br />

agency. The Danes are a lot closer to the average viewer but still embody four<br />

different standard lifestyles. For example, Ulla and Christian are a bit naïve,<br />

middle-aged and clearly ‘old hippies’ who both work as social workers;<br />

another couple, Kathja and Jannik, is made up of a secondary school teacher<br />

and an electrician, both in their 20s. Both adaptations in this sense portray<br />

different values, tastes, lifestyles, and social status and thus play on the<br />

viewer’s self-image and self-perception.<br />

Location – Manly and Mejlborg<br />

The Block is located in Manly, a young, ‘surfy’, and trendy beachside suburb of<br />

Sydney with a million dollar location. Huset is an old historic house called<br />

‘Mejlborg’. It has an equally expensive location in the thriving and trendy<br />

heart of Denmark’s second largest city Aarhus. However, the two locations<br />

are presented very differently. In the Australian program introduction Manly<br />

is filmed from the air to reinforce the impression of an ideal location by the<br />

sea. In addition, the introduction shows the bustling lifestyle on offer in<br />

Manly, with roller skaters, surfers and beachgoers having ‘fun in the sun’. This<br />



again adds to the general glamour and extraordinariness of The Block. In<br />

contrast to this, the Danish program’s introduction is a lot more modest. It<br />

simply presents Mejlborg by using night and day and historic footage of the<br />

building. No footage of the lively, young and trendy café life of Aarhus is<br />

included. Although most Danes would be aware of its brilliant and expensive<br />

location, no real emphasis is put on this fact. Instead emphasis is put on the<br />

history of the building. These differences may also originate in the fact that<br />

the Australian apartments are to be sold for the highest possible price as part<br />

of the program’s competition and the location therefore has to ooze<br />

exclusivity and a vibrant atmosphere to attract the right bidders. In Huset the<br />

winners are chosen by the viewers and merely given a prize.<br />

The first day on The Block and Huset – conflict versus team building<br />

Both the Australian and Danish episode ones takes the viewers through the<br />

first day on The Block and Huset. That is, the plot and the four couples are<br />

introduced, the couples see the apartments and meet each other for the first<br />

time, get their first assignment, and start work on the renovation. Nonetheless<br />

the first day progresses very differently in the two versions. The first day on<br />

The Block is filled with drama, scandal, emotion and interpersonal conflict<br />

whereas the first day on Huset focuses on the fun of renovating, team building<br />

and interpersonal bonding. Again, the differences between the two<br />

adaptations centre very much on the Australian extraordinariness versus the<br />

Danish ordinariness, both when it comes to the state of the apartments, the<br />

competitive elements, and the different use of reality and lifestyle elements in<br />

the two adaptations.<br />

State of the apartments<br />

There are obvious differences in the state of the apartments of the two<br />

versions. The Australian apartments are in very bad shape. They are extremely<br />

dirty and have no intact floors or walls. There are too many room dividers<br />

and no plaster on the walls or ceiling. In addition, the floors have big holes to<br />

the downstairs neighbour and some of the toilets do not flush and the sewer<br />



pipes are exposed. This means that Dani and Monique can hear Steven and<br />

Richard going to the toilet and Kerstin and Jason can hear Matt and Jane<br />

talking privately. This naturally enhances the potential for conflict. For<br />

example, dust is falling from the ceiling in Dani and Monique’s apartment<br />

when Richard and Steven are cleaning, and Kirsten and Jason can hear when<br />

Matt and Jane talk about the other couples – including Kirsten and Jason –<br />

behind their backs. The glamorous and sophisticated girls and boys are<br />

literally trapped in the dirt! Kirsten is cleaning the toilet trying to stay cheerful.<br />

However a little later she loses it over a running showerhead. Monique is<br />

having a breakdown. This is not what she expected. She does not want the<br />

camera to film her cleaning the toilet. Richard has chosen to wear his Armani<br />

jeans whilst cleaning. That the apartments are in such a bad state exposes the<br />

high social status and glamour of the Australian couples even more and their<br />

extraordinariness becomes even more obvious. In this sense, the viewers are<br />

given an opportunity to laugh at the contestants and perhaps gloat a little over<br />

the fact that these chic, classy, and sophisticated people are caught in a very<br />

unsophisticated situation.<br />

The Danish apartments are in bad shape as well, although they are nowhere<br />

near the poor condition of the Australian apartments. Cords are hanging from<br />

the ceiling, taps are dripping, and everywhere is filthy. However, the walls,<br />

ceiling and floors are fairly intact and the rooms are already laid out, contrary<br />

to the Australian apartments that have too many rooms. Even though the<br />

Danish couples are initially a bit horrified by the state of the apartments, they<br />

all manage to stay quite hopeful and positive throughout the episode and<br />

nobody breaks down. Contrary to The Block in the first episode of Huset there<br />

is no emphasis put on the conflict that may arise from the bad state of the<br />

apartments. Instead the similarities of the apartments – and therefore fairness<br />

of the competition – are emphasised. The host makes sure to inform the<br />

viewers that even though the apartments differ a little, the four apartments<br />

have the same size and are in “an equally bad shape”. Hence, the ordinariness<br />

can also be found in the apartments. Their state is actually not too bad; they<br />



just need to be redecorated with some tender loving care. Additionally, and<br />

contrary to the Australian version, the Danish couples do not have to clean<br />

the apartments on the first day. Instead their first assignment is to build a<br />

communal workshop in collaboration with the other couples.<br />

Competitive elements<br />

This brings us to the competitive elements of the two adaptations. The above<br />

mentioned communal workshop assignment is a good example of how the<br />

Danish adaptation focuses on ‘lighter’ or ‘softer’ competitive elements that do<br />

not necessarily augment conflict between and within the couples but rather<br />

enhance the interpersonal bonding among the contestants: The couples have<br />

six hours to build a communal workshop. Everybody has changed into similar<br />

work clothes; grey pants and white T-shirts. The women have a little<br />

disagreement over the wall colour, and Christian cannot work out how to<br />

assemble one of the big power tools. However, the women quickly reach a<br />

civilised agreement, and Jørn helps Christian. As such, the workshop is<br />

generally built in a feel-good atmosphere. After the conclusion of this first<br />

assignment, the couples are even treated to a communal barbecue as a reward<br />

after a hard day’s work. Additionally, another feel-good surprise awaits the<br />

couples when they go to bed: The producers have had the couples’ private<br />

beds transported to Aarhus complete with doonas, pillows, bed spreads, etc.<br />

This makes everybody really happy and a couple of the women even show<br />

their emotions.<br />

In stark contrast to the downplaying of the competitive elements on Huset,<br />

from the very beginning The Block places a large emphasis on the competition<br />

between the couples. Before even entering the apartments, the four Australian<br />

couples have to compete against each other to decide which couple gets<br />

which apartment. The host tells them to rush to four differently coloured<br />

Toyota four-wheel drives. Inside each car is a key with number 1, 2, 3 or 4<br />

and this number decides who gets the first, second, third and fourth pick of<br />

the apartments. The four apartments differ considerably from one another.<br />



Two of them have gardens, and another has an extra room. In the Danish<br />

version the distribution of the apartments takes place by way of the couples<br />

simply drawing lots. Furthermore, the Australian audience can enter a<br />

“people’s choice awards” competition where they have to vote for the most<br />

popular couple. At the end of the series, the most popular couple will be<br />

announced and among the people who voted for that couple there is a draw<br />

to win a car similar to the one the couples have just received. There is also<br />

another audience competition in which the viewers can enter to guess the<br />

right price at the auction. The winners receive furniture to fill a whole house.<br />

These audience competitions clearly draw the viewers into the program, as<br />

the prizes are quite substantial. Furthermore, the first competition especially<br />

adds to the general feeling of conflict in the Australian series. It is basically a<br />

popularity contest that asks the viewers to take an active stand in the conflicts<br />

brewing on The Block!<br />

The Danish viewers of Huset are also asked to vote for their favourites.<br />

Actually it is the Danish viewers who, by SMS or telephone, almost<br />

exclusively decide which couple wins both the main competition and the subcompetitions.<br />

However, contrary to the Australian audience, the Danish<br />

audience is asked to pick their favourite renovations and not their favourite<br />

couples. Even though one’s favourite renovation may very well belong to<br />

one’s favourite couple, it still focuses on the actual renovation and not on the<br />

personalities of the contestants. The Danish viewers are not asked to judge<br />

the personalities of the contestants, rather they are asked to judge the<br />

contestants’ DIY skills and creativity.<br />

Use of the reality genre – melodramatic versus docu-dramatic<br />

The two adaptations also differ when it comes to the use of elements from<br />

the reality subgenres. The Block has a melodramatic narrative resembling that<br />

of the soap genre and hence of the reality subgenres, whereas Huset’s narrative<br />

is much more docu-dramatic, realistic and, hence, ordinary. Reality focuses<br />

precisely on the extraordinary situations and events in ‘ordinary’ people’s lives<br />



and often employs a melodramatic narrative (see Chapter 3), which again fits<br />

well with the analytical findings until now. This means that The Block creates<br />

its narrative progress using elements from fiction, whereas Huset plays on<br />

elements from the documentary genre and plays down the potential<br />

melodrama. This is best exemplified in the two episode finales.<br />

The Australian version’s episode finale consists of a teaser of what will<br />

happen within the next two weeks on The Block. The teaser hints that there<br />

will be lots of future conflicts in the form of contestants clashing with each<br />

other and creates a fantastic cliff-hanger that is sure to make the audience<br />

curious and titillated. The teaser hints at a growing conflict between Jason and<br />

Kirsten and the other couples, especially Richard and Steven and Matt and<br />

Jane. Apparently Jason and Kirsten have stayed in their private home for one<br />

night and the others do not like that. Richard thinks they should receive some<br />

sort of a punishment, and Steven is interviewed saying: “Jason you’re nothing<br />

but a liar”. After this Kirsten and Jason are filmed having a ‘private’<br />

conversation from afar – with their backs to the camera – but through the<br />

microphone that all contestants carry we can hear Kirsten saying to Jason: “I<br />

will leave if you don’t do this”. At the end of the teaser a completely different<br />

and even more scandalous conflict is hinted at. The press has got wind of<br />

Dani’s criminal past. Dani has been in jail and one of the headlines reads<br />

“From Cell Block to The Block”. Dani is being interviewed saying that he has<br />

served his punishment already and that he only took the blame for somebody<br />

else. To make things worse, Monique’s grandfather dies the day after the<br />

reveal and they are filmed as they go to the funeral. There are lots of tears and<br />

emotion. You see Monique packing a suitcase and wonder if they will be<br />

leaving the show. 73 At the very end of the episode finale a black screen<br />

appears with big white letters saying: “That’s just the first 14 days on the<br />

Block. There’s another 88 days to go”. This last segment centred on Dani’s<br />

criminal past that was revealed in the press shows how The Block explicitly<br />

73 Dani and Monique actually end up leaving the show and another couple replaces them and takes over<br />

their apartment.<br />



involves the contestants’ personal lives in creating a melodramatic narrative<br />

very similar to that of a real soap. His past catches up with him. His loving<br />

family façade cracks. And we the viewers are there to watch as it happens. It<br />

does not get more ‘soapie’ than that. Another example is Jane and Matt’s<br />

wedding. The wedding is a recurring narrative theme in the course of the<br />

series. In one episode we follow the bridesmaid’s party for Jane and in<br />

another we see Matt shopping for an expensive suit to match Jane’s equally<br />

expensive wedding dress. Finally, everything culminates in episode 14 when<br />

we see them being married in a fairytale ceremony – worthy of any soap –<br />

followed by an extravagant reception in their Melbourne restaurant.<br />

The episode finale of Huset employs a very different tactic, focusing instead<br />

on the creation of a feel-good atmosphere among the contestants. All four<br />

couples have had a great, fun-filled day, and everybody likes everybody.<br />

Everybody also seems quite hopeful about the renovation task ahead. After<br />

this the host gives them their first renovation assignment. The bedroom<br />

must be finished within a week. The couples subsequently go to their<br />

apartments where their own beds await them and lights are turned off in the<br />

apartments. However, at 3am Christian and Ulla still cannot sleep and decide<br />

to do something about the cooker hood above the stove instead. This results<br />

in Christian short-circuiting the electricity of the entire apartment. That is,<br />

there is not a trace of conflict in sight, only plenty of feel-good vibes through<br />

and through with a funny and silly ‘gag’ at the very end. Contrary to the<br />

Australian episode one there are no melodramatic cliff-hangers hinting at<br />

conflicts galore and revealing what will happen next. 74 Narratively the finale –<br />

like the rest of the episode – uses traditional journalistic methods similar to<br />

the news and documentary genres. An example of this more journalistic<br />

approach is when each couple is interviewed about the first day standing in<br />

74 In actual fact there is a pragmatic explanation for the Danish absence of cliff-hangers on what will<br />

happen next. Huset was broadcast ‘quasi live’ meaning that production is done very close to broadcast<br />

and consequently the renovation is happening as the series is broadcast. Obviously the producers<br />

therefore have no idea what will happen next week or the week after for that matter, and hence<br />

cannot make a cliff-hanger similar to the Australian version (Nikolajsen 2006).<br />



front of the camera and obviously answering questions from an interviewer<br />

that has been cut out in the editing process. In the background we see<br />

Mejlborg and we can hear the other couples laughing and talking over the<br />

barbecue. Another example is the host who – similar to a journalist making an<br />

on-the-spot news report – ties together the different segments talking directly<br />

into the camera. 75<br />

DIY and other informative elements<br />

Neither the Danish nor the Australian first episode contains a lot of DIY or<br />

other informative elements. As already mentioned, the focus in both episodes<br />

is on the plot, the contestants and their initial reactions. Nevertheless, whilst<br />

the informative elements on The Block are practically absent, they play a<br />

slightly larger role on Huset. This becomes most evident in the Danish<br />

couples’ first communal assignment – the building of the workshop, and in<br />

the fact that the four apartment outlines or drawings are shown to the<br />

viewers. All of this focuses on the renovation aspect of the show.<br />

Also, the informative elements’ relative absence in episode one of Huset is<br />

clearly made up for in its sister program Huset Direkte (translates The House<br />

Live) that follows directly after the main program. As is evident from the title,<br />

Huset Direkte is a studio-based program broadcast live from within Mejlborg.<br />

It is filmed immediately after the conclusion of episode one and contains<br />

various informative segments on renovating in general and on episode one<br />

specifically: The show starts off with a story on shoddy construction work<br />

and gives advice to the viewers on what precautions to take to avoid shoddy<br />

tradespeople. There is also a story on the Danes’ relationship with the<br />

‘workshop’ seen from a historical and sociological perspective. A sociologist<br />

talks about what the workshop means to Danes. At the end, an historian is in<br />

the studio explaining the history of Mejlborg, and finally an interior designer<br />

75 Journalistic approaches like the ones explained here are also used in the Australian version. However,<br />

it is not done to the same extent as in the Danish adaptation and the Australian producers have clearly<br />

foregrounded the melodramatic narrative style, which seems absent from the Danish adaptation.<br />



gives advice on how to decorate a bedroom. As the lifestyle genre is generally<br />

acknowledged as acceptable within public service circles and the reality genre<br />

refuted and condemned, Huset Direkte obviously serves a dual purpose. By<br />

giving the viewers lots of journalistic information it also serves as a political<br />

‘public service justification’. Because Huset has very little DIY and other<br />

informative elements, Huset Direkte is more or less the only reason why the<br />

executive producer (Rømer 2006) of Huset can justify calling it lifestyle rather<br />

than reality. Also, it is a way of ‘normalising’ what happens in Huset and<br />

making it relevant for the ordinary viewer.<br />

Summary: Armani versus Kansas 76<br />

There are a number of important differences between The Block and Huset,<br />

marking the two adaptations as radically dissimilar. The Block focuses on the<br />

extraordinary; on drama, scandal, and conflict and by doing this The Block<br />

bears closer resemblance to harder reality shows such as Big Brother than to the<br />

lifestyle genre. Additionally, it employs a melodramatic narrative similar to the<br />

soap genre. The contestants are glamorous and gorgeous and over the top in<br />

every way, which is likely to create a certain fascination with the average<br />

Australian viewer. Huset on the other hand downplays the competitive<br />

elements and the potential conflict among the couples. Instead, it focuses on<br />

the ordinary; on the fun of renovating, team building and on the creation of a<br />

general feel-good atmosphere, and it does so by using a much more<br />

documentary-like narrative style. The Danish contestants are as average and<br />

normal as the typical viewer and are therefore likely to spark viewer<br />

identification rather than fascination. It is also worth noting that via its sister<br />

program, Huset Direkte, the Danish adaptation also has a larger emphasis on<br />

information and DIY. It can therefore be characterised as reality-light meets<br />

lifestyle-light. In essence, to use a single comparison: the Australians renovate<br />

in Armani jeans and high heels and every couple gets their own tools. The<br />

Danes renovate wearing similar and practical work clothes and they have to<br />

76 Kansas is a popular Danish brand of work clothes similar to the Australian brand King Gee.<br />



share the tools provided in the communal workshop. As such, the Australian<br />

adaptation has an elitist bias, which focuses on the narrative principles of<br />

extraordinariness, abnormality and oddness, whereas Huset has an egalitarian<br />

bias with narrative principles such as ordinariness, plainness and viewer<br />

recognisability at its core.<br />

Here, there is clear parallel to Bruun (2006) and her theories on egalitarian<br />

versus elitist television, and as explained in Chapter 3. The Australian version<br />

is exclusive and elitist at its core, exemplified best in the casting, whereas the<br />

Danish version – including its casting – is much more inclusive and<br />

egalitarian. These are also characteristic general differences at play in the local<br />

adaptations of Nerds FC and Idol, as will be pointed out in the next chapters.<br />

These radical points of difference also serve to leave the impression of two<br />

qualitatively different adaptations that go beyond the immediate narrative,<br />

generic and stylistic variation explained above. Whilst The Block has a clear<br />

narrative plot in its focus on melodrama, conflict, glamour and general<br />

extraordinariness to capture and retain the audience, Huset leaves behind a<br />

somewhat more confusing impression. It simply seems to lack a clear plot or<br />

premise. It is somehow stuck in the middle between reality and lifestyle and<br />

the result is a blander version with less narrative drive. A concrete example of<br />

this is the presentation of the couples. On The Block we see the couples with<br />

their families, at their jobs, in their homes, doing sports etc. We even see old<br />

private photos of some of the contestants and their families. On Huset we see<br />

very little of the contestants’ private lives. Instead, the contestants tell the<br />

viewers about themselves sitting in their lounge and the viewers must just take<br />

their word for it. This “tell it, don’t show it” approach leaves a blander<br />

impression and certainly does not create the same narrative drive as the<br />

Australian producers’ “show it, don’t tell it” approach. Also, Huset seems<br />

stuck in the dilemma of putting constant emphasis on the ordinariness of<br />

what is actually in many ways an extraordinary situation for the contestants.<br />

Had the adaptation focused a lot more in DIY and lifestyle, this ordinariness<br />



approach may very well have succeeded (which it also did in series one, which<br />

had more actual DIY included in the main program). Instead it leaves a rather<br />

bland impression.<br />

The reasons for the almost exclusive focus on the normal and the ordinary in<br />

the Danish <strong>TV</strong> 2 version – as opposed to the original Channel Nine version’s<br />

extraordinariness – are likely to be found in explanations similar to the ones<br />

investigated in the last chapter on Hokus Krokus and Ground Force. Many of the<br />

same overriding differences seem to be at play between Huset and The Block: a<br />

more spectacular and in many ways extraordinary Australian version versus a<br />

more down-to-earth and plain Danish version. It is therefore likely that even<br />

though The Block almost certainly had a larger budget than Huset – and<br />

therefore better financial opportunities to create a more spectacular and<br />

extraordinary narrative – the main part of the explanation must be down to<br />

the fact that Huset is adapted by a broadcaster with a public service remit.<br />

Despite <strong>TV</strong> 2 being primarily funded by advertising, the network’s public<br />

service remit remains a strong factor, while a commercial broadcaster,<br />

Channel Nine, did the original version.<br />

Broadcaster and production perspectives<br />

Although it was about renovation, it was a soap opera. It was about the<br />

human drama. It was about watching those people having the struggle to<br />

get to a certain point […]. In fact, we never really focused on the type of<br />

styles they were doing or ‘I chose this colour because of this’ […]. That<br />

was what shows like that were about till that point. The difference being<br />

that if we were going to do [a] table on a lifestyle show, you’d learn how<br />

to make the table. But for ‘The Block’ we don’t care how to make the<br />

table; it’s how you react to having to build the table (Barbour 2006).<br />



As is pointed to in the above quote from format developer David Barbour,<br />

The Block was originally thought of as a soap opera on the human drama that<br />

inevitably arises during renovation work. Barbour and co-developer Cress<br />

wanted to take the focus away from the DIY aspect of the lifestyle shows and<br />

instead focus exclusively on the hardship in, for instance, getting tradesmen to<br />

turn up on time, to organise a DIY renovation around one’s work schedule<br />

etc. This notion corresponds perfectly with the prior analysis of The Block.<br />

The above quote also illustrates my point about public versus commercial<br />

broadcasters. A Danish public service broadcaster could never say that they<br />

wanted to take the DIY – hence the informative level – out of a lifestyle<br />

program and make it into reality soap! This would in most ways go against<br />

everything that is considered acceptable in the Danish public service tradition<br />

for lifestyle programming, whose primary justification is that it contains<br />

information relevant to the viewers (see Carlsen & Frandsen 2005 for a<br />

detailed account of this tradition). On the other hand, the quote is perfectly<br />

legitimate for a commercial broadcaster, whose primary responsibility is to<br />

attract (the right kind and number of) viewers.<br />

Huset – “inspirational and aspirational everyday documentary”<br />

Commissioning editor for <strong>TV</strong> 2 Anette Rømer points precisely to <strong>TV</strong> 2’s<br />

more public service-oriented programming policy and basic programming<br />

values as to why the Danish adaptation looks different than its Australian<br />

predecessor. Rømer characterises <strong>TV</strong> 2’s core values as “inspirational” and<br />

“aspirational” and she prefers to call Huset “lifestyle or everyday<br />

documentary” rather than reality (Rømer 2006, my translation from Danish).<br />

The reason why she is opposed to the term reality is that the producers do<br />

not actively plant or cultivate conflict. Instead, they often play down conflicts<br />

just like the analysis has shown (Ibid.). Rømer knows from audience studies<br />

that <strong>TV</strong> 2 viewers would be opposed to this harder, conflict-ridden approach.<br />

This reflects <strong>TV</strong> 2’s competition with its closest commercial competitor, <strong>TV</strong>3,<br />

in which <strong>TV</strong> 2 endeavours to ensure it does not to look like <strong>TV</strong>3. Hence,<br />

internal conflicts regarding renovation issues are acceptable, whereas conflicts<br />



between neighbours are not because these would bear too much similarity to<br />

the many reality game shows on <strong>TV</strong>3 (such as Survivor): “If our viewers feel<br />

our programs look like <strong>TV</strong>3 programs we have a problem. If the opposite is<br />

the case, <strong>TV</strong>3 are happy” (Rømer 2006).<br />

Rømer also briefly touches upon what she calls “Danish culture” as an<br />

explanation as to why the Danish adaptation is less competitive, conflictridden<br />

and sensationalistic. She believes that Danes are less competitive than<br />

the Australians, whom she sees as “highly competitive”. She sees the Danes<br />

and thus Danish media as having less taste for sensation and scandal.<br />

According to her, these cultural differences come to the fore in what Rømer<br />

(2006, my translation from Danish) terms the “specifically Danish casting” in<br />

shows like Huset and the Danish version of How Clean is Your House:<br />

Everybody with the slightest hint of mental imbalance is avoided […]. The<br />

[negative] feelings [that this would awaken] in the viewers stand in the way<br />

of the televisual experience [and] the positive journey [the contestants go<br />

through]. Instead the viewers would feel sorry for them (Rømer 2006, my<br />

translation from Danish).<br />

Contrary to what she suggests, this less extraordinary and more normal way<br />

of casting could however also be related to the Danish tradition for public<br />

service television rather than to inherent traits in the Danish national<br />

character and mentality. Public service television cannot offend the viewers; it<br />

must gather the nation – not divide it, as may have been the case if <strong>TV</strong> 2 had<br />

cast people with even the “slightest hint of mental imbalance” or<br />

extraordinarily gorgeous, glamorous, and competitive people, for that matter.<br />

The executive producer of Huset, Kent Nikolajsen from Metronome<br />

Productions, indirectly points to this as well, when he talks about why the<br />

second series of Huset was different to and, in his eyes, less successful than<br />

the Australian original or the first Danish series. While Nikolajsen and his<br />

team deliberately chose ‘relations over renovations’ and therefore had to<br />



employ “a few reality tricks along the way”, the reality elements had to be<br />

“cosy and positive” and in line with <strong>TV</strong> 2’s programming policy and values as<br />

opposed to “nasty” and conflict-ridden (Ibid, my translation from Danish).<br />

An example of a “positive reality trick” is making the contestants believe they<br />

have to sleep in uncomfortable lounge beds, after which the producers have<br />

their private beds brought to Huset as a positive and pleasant surprise (Ibid,<br />

my translation from Danish).<br />

Viewer decider, documentary-like stylistic and a smaller budget<br />

On a more pragmatic and production specific level, Nikolajsen and his staff<br />

also had to change the format quite drastically due to the anticlimax of the<br />

first series finale; in which nobody turned up to the auction and the original<br />

owner of the apartments had to buy them back just to create a minimum level<br />

of credibility. The solution chosen was to let the viewers decide the main and<br />

sub-competitions via SMS and telephone voting, which logically required the<br />

episodes be produced very close to broadcast. However, this also meant that<br />

a comparatively large part of each episode was dedicated to the SMS<br />

competition and therefore left less time to develop the main storylines around<br />

the relations of the couples. In addition, the producers intentionally went for<br />

a grittier and documentary-like reporting stylistic “in the manner of The<br />

Osbournes” (Ibid, my translation from Danish) where a situation is filmed live<br />

as it occurs. This is also pointed to in the program analysis. This was opposed<br />

to the high production value of the first series where the contestants would sit<br />

down and talk about the situation afterwards in front of a beautifully staged<br />

background. This was again an attempt to prioritise human relations over<br />

DIY renovations (Ibid).<br />

However, Nikolajsen also points to a smaller budget as an important<br />

explanation for the differences between Huset and The Block and for why the<br />

‘relations over renovations’ approach may not have succeeded one hundred<br />

per cent. Even though the budget of Huset was relatively large for Denmark –<br />

especially for a week-day production – Nikolajsen did not have the possibility<br />



to hire as much staff as would have been required to obtain a level of detail<br />

similar to the Australian original (Nikolajsen 2006). He points specifically to<br />

the fact that he only had one story-liner to keep track of and organise the<br />

many simultaneous storylines developing in the course of the series, whereas<br />

the Australians allegedly had several story-liners. The budget only allowed for<br />

the employment of staff with all-round skills to work on more functions, and<br />

Nikolajsen did not have the opportunity to hire specialised staff with high<br />

expertise in certain areas such as story-lining (Ibid.). However, as none of the<br />

executive producers involved in either adaptation wanted to disclose exact<br />

budgets, Nikolajsen’s statements cannot be verified.<br />



C h a p t e r 9<br />


Nerds FC is called FC Zulu in its original Danish version. The first series of<br />

FC Zulu was broadcast in 2004 on <strong>TV</strong> 2’s youth-skewed supplementary<br />

channel <strong>TV</strong> 2/Zulu (hence the title), where it quickly became a cult hit with<br />

an audience following above average for the small channel. <strong>TV</strong> 2/Zulu<br />

channel directors, Keld Reinicke and Palle Strøm, developed the format. It is<br />

therefore important to note that <strong>TV</strong> 2/Zulu is a 100 per cent commercially<br />

funded channel under <strong>TV</strong> 2 and also does not operate under any public<br />

service charter.<br />

The format’s basic idea and humour-laden plot is to turn a group of ‘nerds’<br />

into (sports) men by teaching them how to play football and then ultimately<br />

have them play against a team of A-league professionals. Series two and series<br />

three followed in 2005 and 2006, and both featured further elaborations on<br />

the original format. In series two the ultimate challenge for the nerds was to<br />

play a match against the Nerds FC team from Denmark’s archrival nation, its<br />

neighbour, Sweden. Series three saw the nerds head off to Brazil to learn<br />

some additional ‘samba football’ skills and to ultimately take on a selected<br />

Spanish team to avenge Denmark’s humiliating 1-5 defeat at the hands of<br />

Spain in the 1986 Mexico World Cup quarter final. 77 All three series have<br />

been successful with the viewers and have subsequently been broadcast on<br />

<strong>TV</strong> 2/Zulu’s parent station, <strong>TV</strong> 2. The first series had an average rating of<br />

approximately 100,000, which equals a 5.4 per cent share, on <strong>TV</strong> 2/Zulu and<br />

an average rating of 500,000 and share of 22.5 per cent when it was re-run on<br />

<strong>TV</strong> 2 (Gallup <strong>TV</strong>-meter 2006).<br />



The Australian adaptation of series one was produced by independent<br />

production company Grundy Productions and broadcast on SBS, Australia’s<br />

multi-cultural public service broadcaster, in the Southern winter of 2006,<br />

leading up to SBS’ coverage of the 2006 World Cup in Germany (Murphy<br />

2005). Series two is currently (as of May 2007) in production and set for<br />

broadcast later in the year. Series one was extremely successful for SBS. It had<br />

a share of 8-9 per cent in its Friday night slot and this is very high for SBS,<br />

which usually sits between 2-3 per cent in the same slot (Waterhouse 2006).<br />

Additionally, it is the only adaptation of an overseas format that SBS has ever<br />

undertaken (Murphy 2005). Nerds FC is also among the most expensive<br />

shows SBS has commissioned, although the budget is not big compared to<br />

budgets on the commercial Australian broadcasters (Waterhouse 2006;<br />

Murphy 2005).<br />

For the analysis carried out in this chapter I have chosen episode four of both<br />

adaptations, which sees the nerds take on a team of hardened prisoners.<br />

However, as was the case with the analysis of The Block, other episodes will be<br />

referred to when they shed further light on or elaborate on the argument. The<br />

specific choice of episode four relates to the fact that this is the episode,<br />

which most visibly illustrates the many similarities as well as the more subtle<br />

but important differences between the two versions. The two episodes are<br />

found on DVD 4 and DVD 5.<br />

77 This defeat is an extremely gloomy memory in the minds of most Danish football fans and is regarded<br />

as a significant stain on Denmark’s international footballing honour.<br />



Positive and humorous reality<br />

What will happen when you take 14 nerds, who have never touched a<br />

football in their lives; coach them for three months with football<br />

professionals […] and then let them play a professional team in front of<br />

25,000 people? We’ll find out when we turn boys into men, mice into<br />

lions, nerds into athletes and proudly present the football team, Nerds<br />

FC.<br />

The above quote is the Australian program introduction that starts every<br />

episode of the series. It is an almost exact translation of the Danish program’s<br />

introduction and the words accurately describe the main plot of the format.<br />

Within the three months the nerds must endure hard physical and mental<br />

training in order to become capable of playing football to a tolerable standard.<br />

Additionally, each episode has its own mini-storyline or storylines with a<br />

smaller challenge such as recording a theme song or, as it is the case with the<br />

episode being analysed in this chapter, playing a match against a team of<br />

prison inmates. Thus the format clearly falls within the reality game show subgenre:<br />

A group of contestants are put in a staged and unfamiliar reality in<br />

which they must face a number of physical, social and mental challenges (see<br />

Chapter 3). However, it is important to note that it also differs from other<br />

reality game shows such as Big Brother, Survivor, and Idol in three important<br />

ways.<br />

First of all it is a light-hearted, irony-packed and actually very funny format<br />

that stands ready to poke fun at not only the participants but also the<br />

‘constructed reality’ of the format itself. It is not a serious reality show due to<br />

the fact that the main challenge in itself is essentially impossible. It is possible<br />

to get the nerds to play football in front of 25,000 people – just not well – and<br />

the nerds, and the viewers with them, realise that they will never become<br />

highly skilled football players that can match professional athletes. Most of<br />



them simply do not have the basic motor skills required of a top athlete, and<br />

this makes the series funny to watch. In other reality formats the contestants<br />

usually have certain skills – like singing talent on Idol and mental and physical<br />

endurance skills on Survivor – that make themselves and the viewers believe<br />

they can rise to the challenge and win the competition. Secondly it is a<br />

positive reality format in the sense that we the viewers laugh with the nerds<br />

when they try the impossible. We do not laugh at them. The format does not<br />

humiliate the nerds by putting them in compromising situations. This is<br />

something that other reality formats thrive on by encouraging different types<br />

of less flattering human behaviour such as backstabbing, elbowing and slyness<br />

among the contestants. However this is not the case with Nerds FC. It seems<br />

that the nerds enjoy the challenge and laugh at themselves as much as the<br />

viewers do. Thirdly, there is no prize to win, which means that the nerds are<br />

there for the ‘fun’ of going through a different experience and therefore are<br />

probably not willing to humiliate themselves too much. This air of positivism,<br />

humour and light-heartedness recurs in both FC Zulu and Nerds FC and the<br />

two versions are generally ‘radically similar’, especially when it comes to<br />

dramaturgy, editing, production value, casting, and narrative ‘feel-goodness’.<br />

However there are also subtle but important differences between the two,<br />

which make Nerds FC slightly more serious, competitive, and melodramatic<br />

than FC Zulu, which in turn is more comical, satirical and ironic.<br />

Similarities between FC Zulu and Nerds FC<br />

The similarities between the Australian adaptation and its Danish original<br />

cover most areas from the program introductions, to editing style and<br />

production value, to the overall progression and general humoristic feel-good<br />

nature of the series. As such, the two adaptations both evolve around rather<br />

universal themes such as personal development and manhood (or what it<br />

means to be a ‘real’ man). Below are some examples of these similarities and<br />

themes divided into three main categories:<br />



• Dramaturgy<br />

• Editing style and production value<br />

• Casting and conflicts<br />

Dramaturgy<br />

The eight episodes of the series progress in exactly the same way in the two<br />

adaptations:<br />

1. Episode one sees the nerds being introduced, their physical<br />

fitness levels measured, and at the end of the episode the nerds<br />

are severely defeated by a team of young girls.<br />

2. Episode two sees the nerds doing team building exercises and<br />

electing the team captain.<br />

3. In episode three the nerds record their own team song – just as<br />

real and ‘serious’ teams have a call to arms – and they learn how<br />

to dance for the accompanying music video.<br />

4. Episode four sees the nerds face fear in the match against the<br />

prisoners, which is the episode under close scrutiny in this<br />

chapter.<br />

5. In episode five the nerds must subject themselves to all sorts of<br />

male-bonding challenges in order to become real men instead of<br />

boys.<br />

6. In episode six everybody gets a personal makeover by two female<br />

stylists in order to look like other ‘real’ football professionals.<br />

7. Episode seven sees the nerds play a re-match to test their<br />

progress against the same team of teenage girls that beat them so<br />

badly in the first episode.<br />



8. Finally, the last episode sees both FC Zulu and Nerds FC take on<br />

an A-league professional team – FC Copenhagen and Melbourne<br />

Victory respectively – in a big stadium in front of 25,000<br />

spectators.<br />

That the two adaptations have similar storyline structures both in the overall<br />

course of the series and within each episode makes the overarching narrative<br />

plot exactly the same in the two versions. Each episode, as well as the entire<br />

series, demonstrates a classical, fairytale ‘home-away-home’ dramaturgy, in<br />

which the nerds conquer a challenge they did not think they were able to<br />

overcome. In the process they are enriched and end up better and stronger<br />

people than when they took off on their journey to – in the case of episode<br />

four – the match against the prisoners. In prison the nerds’ challenge is to<br />

face their worst fear as they battle it out against a team of hardened criminals.<br />

In other episodes there are different challenges – such as singing and dancing<br />

for their theme song – but the dramaturgy stays the same. The ‘home-awayhome’<br />

dramaturgy – with a valuable lesson learnt – adds to both narrative<br />

progress and the general positive feeling of both adaptations and very much<br />

thematises positive personal development.<br />

Editing style and production value<br />

The two adaptations have chosen very similar editing styles, which in turn<br />

have an effect on the production value. Two examples will be mentioned<br />

here: the program introductions, as we have already touched upon briefly, and<br />

the presentation of the prisoners. Nevertheless, there are a lot of similar<br />

examples throughout this specific episode as well as throughout the other<br />

seven episodes. As for the program introductions, the wording of the<br />

Australian introduction is, as mentioned, an almost word-by-word translation<br />

of the Danish introduction. However, this is not the only similarity in the<br />

introductions. Generally, the two introductions have almost identical editing<br />

styles. During the introduction we see funny clips of the nerds trying in vain<br />



to control the football – one shot shows a nerd getting hit in the groin by the<br />

ball, another nerd gets the ball straight in the face, etc. – while there are crosscuts<br />

to funny and ironic statements from coaches and nerds. For instance,<br />

one of the Australian nerds, who is slightly overweight, says that his “exercise<br />

regime usually consists in walking to and from the car”, after which we see<br />

him fumble with the football. And the coach says that he has never before<br />

come across people with “such a basic lack of general motor skills” while we<br />

see some of the ‘motor skills challenged’ nerds trying in vain to kick and<br />

intercept the ball. 78 Both introductions also show clips from the various<br />

episodes that came before and which will follow, such as the nerds being<br />

taught how to dance, the nerds singing their theme song with headsets on, the<br />

nerds rappelling off a tree, etc. In this way, the introductions create an ironic<br />

and humorous narrative tone from the very beginning.<br />

Another example of the radical similarity in editing styles is the way the prison<br />

inmates are presented before the match against the nerds in order to make<br />

them as scary and as different from the nerds as possible. We see the<br />

prisoners working out in the gym – with the visual focus on their big muscles<br />

– and some of the prisoners are later presented by first name, criminal<br />

offence and how many years they are serving as part of their imprisonment<br />

such as “Matt – murder – 20 years” (in Nerds FC) and “Lars – 9 years –<br />

“bicycle theft”’ (in FC Zulu). Again, this creates a strong ironic and humorous<br />

contrast to the more ‘delicate’, less muscular, and certainly less physical nerds,<br />

with a particular emphasis on their nervous reactions of having to play the<br />

criminals. These similarities in the editing process seem to make the<br />

production value – that is, the overall quality and look of the two versions –<br />

appear similar as well. Also, both versions employ a documentary-like, semiprofessional<br />

and on-the-spot reporting style, and neither adaptation looks<br />

more expensive or well-produced than the other, as was the case with the<br />

78 In the Danish version the coach is slightly less diplomatic, and certainly less politically correct. He calls<br />

the nerds “football mongoloids”, but the meaning is the same.<br />



more visually appealing and expensive looking Australian versions of Ground<br />

Force and The Block. 79<br />

On a more thematic level, the program focuses on the concept of manhood<br />

or what it means to be a man. By contrasting the nerds to the prisoners, as is<br />

done in this episode, or making the nerds sing and dance and dressing them<br />

up as super stars, as is the case in other episodes, the program discusses<br />

masculinity: What does it mean to be a man? Do real men play sports – or is<br />

intelligence enough? Do they have muscles or must they necessarily be able to<br />

sing, dance and look good? These are all rather universal questions that men,<br />

at least in the Western world, ask themselves. It may also explain part of the<br />

format’s success and why the Australian producers have chosen to make an<br />

adaptation, which is narratively very close to the original.<br />

Casting and conflicts<br />

The Danish and Australian nerds are also similar. 80 They are not nerdy in the<br />

sense that you feel sorry for them or laugh at them because they, for instance,<br />

do not have any social skills, are unsophisticated, or say embarrassing things.<br />

They are funny, self-ironic young men with an above average intelligence and<br />

weird interests such as stargazing or inventing a new language. In this sense all<br />

of them are academic achievers and very passionate and knowledgeable about<br />

their particular fields of interest. Because they are intelligent young men they<br />

also do not kid themselves that they can actually become top athletes in three<br />

months, and they therefore stay at a self-ironic arm’s length to the main<br />

challenge during the entire ordeal. One example of this is when one of the<br />

Australian nerds comments on the fact that he is inside a prison: “I’m in a<br />

79 This probably also has something to do with the size of the budgets. <strong>TV</strong> 2/Zulu spent between two<br />

and three million DKK ($450,000-$650,000AUD) (Reinicke 2006). Neither the Australian broadcaster<br />

nor the producer wanted to disclose the exact budget of Nerds FC, which unfortunately means we<br />

cannot compare. However, it is most likely safe to say that as a small public broadcaster SBS’s budget<br />

would be considerably smaller than, for instance, a similar budget on one of the commercial<br />

broadcasters, and therefore closer to the Danish budget.<br />

80 Except for the fact that the Australian nerds – like Australian society in general – are ethnically more<br />

diverse than the Danish nerds of whom only one seems to be of another ethnic origin than Danish.<br />



hostile environment with a bunch of people who want to kick my arse – it’s<br />

just like being back in primary school.” Another example is the Danish nerd<br />

who says that because he was practically blind without his glasses on, and<br />

therefore could not see how mean the prisoners looked, he was not really<br />

scared during the prison game.<br />

The nerds may not win even one game but at least they try, and they enjoy<br />

themselves doing it. In addition, we never see any negative and malicious<br />

sides to the nerds and conflicts are always of a positive nature. For example,<br />

the nerds may feel extremely frightened and threatened by the prison<br />

environment but they rise to the occasion and play a decent match and in the<br />

end impress their coaches and even the prisoners. Another reality show may<br />

have had a completely different set-up, in which the nerds were<br />

psychologically traumatised unnecessarily and the prisoners played even<br />

rougher. In reality shows such as Big Brother and Survivor, and even The Biggest<br />

Loser, the plot thrives on negative conflicts and the contestants submitting to<br />

the pressure and showing less flattering personality traits. This is not the case<br />

with either FC Zulu or Nerds FC. The casting and positive conflicts combined<br />

make the viewers laugh with the nerds and not at them, which again adds to<br />

the strong feel-good quality of the two adaptations. 81<br />

Subtle but important differences<br />

As mentioned above, despite the many similarities between the two<br />

adaptations there are also a number of more subtle but rather important<br />

differences. Together these differences make Nerds FC slightly more serious<br />

and competitive than FC Zulu, which in turn is more comical, satirical and<br />

‘meta-ironic’. In addition and as a consequence of this, Nerds FC has a<br />

broader, more melodramatic and universalistic appeal than FC Zulu, which<br />

81 The German adaptation of the format flopped, and co-developer Reinicke actually attributes its failure<br />

to the fact that the Germans misunderstood the format’s basic plot. The German producers did not<br />

emphasise the good feelings in the casting and in the conflicts and instead focused on laughing at the<br />

nerds and hence humiliating them (Reinicke 2006).<br />



seems to target a narrower and culturally ‘initiated’ audience with its use of<br />

irony and inter-cultural references.<br />

Danish inter-cultural references and ironic comedy<br />

The Danish episode four has two inter-cultural references that are both of<br />

significant importance for an understanding of the humour and irony of FC<br />

Zulu. First, there is an inter-textual and inter-cultural reference to the Danish<br />

Olsen Banden comedy movies when the nerds leave the prison and their coach<br />

is outside to greet them waving Danish paper flags. This is an inter-textual<br />

and highly ironic take on a famous and recurring scene in the Olsen Banden<br />

(translates The Olsen Gang) movies and on the fact that the Danish national<br />

team is actually called Olsen Banden by the press because their coach’s surname<br />

is Olsen. Even the music played during the scene is the famous soundtrack<br />

from the movies. However, this is only funny in the local Danish context<br />

where these movies are part of most Danes’ cultural heritage. For outsiders<br />

the scene does not make any sense and therefore is not particularly funny.<br />

Secondly and even more importantly, a large part of the humour and irony of<br />

not only episode four but also the entire Danish series is derived from the fact<br />

that the Danish nerds have absolutely no knowledge of the game of football.<br />

One example is the nerds’ look of bewilderment when they are introduced to<br />

their famous assistant coach, Erik Rasmussen, from one of the Danish A-<br />

league clubs, FCM (FC Midtjylland). They obviously have no idea who he is<br />

and let alone what “FCM” means. Another example is when two of the nerds<br />

use a completely wrong terminology to describe the ‘wing’ and ‘centreforward’<br />

positions, leaving the assistant coach in a state of shock and<br />

bafflement. Having no knowledge of basic rules, field positions, and famous<br />

Danish players and coaches is highly unusual in Denmark where football is<br />

the national sport and especially among the male part of the population. For a<br />

Danish (male) audience it is therefore funny and a true sign of ‘nerdy-ness’,<br />

whereas a lack of football knowledge is rather normal in Australia, where<br />

Australian Rules football, rugby league and rugby union are the primary<br />



winter sports, and football, or soccer, is a developing code. Despite a recent<br />

popularity surge following the Australian participation in the 2006 World<br />

Cup, football remains a minor sport compared to the national sports listed<br />

above. As is hinted above, and because especially the male part of the Danish<br />

population is generally very interested in football, the inter-textual humour<br />

contrived from the nerds’ lack of football knowledge is particularly targeted<br />

towards Danish boys and men. Danish women would most likely be a little<br />

less football savvy and as such miss part of the humour and irony, making the<br />

Danish version more narrow and exclusive – also within the Danish cultural<br />

context.<br />

Another subtle yet important difference between the two adaptations is that<br />

FC Zulu seems slightly more comical, silly and ironic than Nerds FC. One<br />

example from episode four is the bouncing sounds that accompany one of<br />

the nerds as he jumps up and down to warm up before entering the field. The<br />

bouncing sounds put even more focus on his lack of basic motor skills and<br />

add a rather silly and cartoon-like touch to the humour. The same is the case<br />

when the assistant coach’s bewildered facial expression to the nerd’s<br />

unfamiliarity with basic field positions is replayed in slow motion. This<br />

comical silliness serves to ramp up the ironic volume of FC Zulu by saying ‘do<br />

not take this serious – we are taking the mickey out of other reality shows’<br />

and thereby emphasises what could be considered the ‘meta-ironic’ layer of<br />

FC Zulu, which is practically non-existent in Nerds FC. This layer represents<br />

an ironic comment and perhaps even a criticism of the reality genre as such.<br />

In this respect Nerds FC seems to take the reality genre more seriously, which<br />

will be elaborated below.<br />

Australian melodrama and ‘serious’ fun<br />

Another noteworthy difference between the two adaptations is the Australian<br />

ending of episode four, which adds a melodramatic and rather serious layer to<br />

the episode. Contrary to the Danish ending, in which the nerds leave the<br />

prison immediately after the game, the Australian nerds stay for lunch and a<br />



chat with the inmates. The nerds and the prisoners obviously enjoy each<br />

other’s company and the experience leaves the nerds contemplative. As one<br />

nerd, Philip, says after the meeting (accompanied by a melodramatic music<br />

score):<br />

After the match and after we sat down and started to have lunch together,<br />

I got more contemplative. Because here were these really young men –<br />

probably some of them our age – they’re animated, they can talk, and<br />

some of them were well-informed. I just began to reconsider the whole<br />

concept of ‘bad guy’-‘good guy’. So it was a really amazing and mindbending<br />

experience.<br />

The episode clearly has a moral. The meeting with the prisoners has taught<br />

the nerds an ethical and politically correct lesson about the many grey areas<br />

between good and bad, and together with a rather histrionic soundtrack this<br />

sequence contributes in part to the more serious and melodramatic appeal of<br />

Nerds FC. This ending is completely absent in the Danish version. The<br />

Danish nerds do not even speak about the prisoners but only talk about the<br />

lessons they have learnt as a team. Another contributing factor to the<br />

melodrama and seriousness of the Australian ending is the speech made by<br />

the Australian coach after the match, again accompanied by an (over-)<br />

emotional soundtrack:<br />

Congratulations to you all. You’ve made it inside the jail and happily<br />

you’ve made it outside the jail. You’ve mixed it with guys that have really<br />

pushed life’s envelope to the very edge, and you stood your ground. You<br />

conducted yourself with real aplomb and with real grace and in a number<br />

of cases with real athleticism. I cannot believe I’ve said it but there you go.<br />

Congratulations!<br />



The Danish coach also says he is “proud” of his players but he does not give<br />

an emotional speech directly to the players like the Australian coach does.<br />

Instead he says it to the camera in an interview, in which he also mentions the<br />

many things that still need to be corrected. His statement is therefore<br />

nowhere near as overwrought, serious and melodramatic as the Australian<br />

coach’s speech cited above. Generally, the Australian adaptation seems to take<br />

the challenge more seriously and thus is slightly more focused on the<br />

competitive elements than its Danish counterpart. This is for instance<br />

reflected in the Australian coach’s more serious attitude and in the fact that<br />

Nerds FC does not have the same comical appeal, as is the case with FC Zulu.<br />

It seems that there is a much larger focus on getting the nerds to actually<br />

achieve something athletically. The Australian adaptation thereby treats the<br />

reality genre more seriously. Although Nerds FC is indeed very funny and<br />

humorous, it is ‘serious’ fun as opposed to the ironic comedy of FC Zulu.<br />

Summary: elitist ironic comedy versus egalitarian serious fun<br />

FC Zulu and Nerds FC are in many ways radically similar. The basic<br />

dramaturgy and episode storylines are the same, the editing style and<br />

production value are similar, and the casting and handling of conflict have<br />

been approached in the same way. All of this combines to make a positive,<br />

humorous, and ‘feel-good’ narrative plot about personal development. The<br />

adaptations are examples of an inclusive, warm, humorous and optimistic<br />

reality that does not thrive on negative conflicts and off-putting human<br />

behaviour and therefore differs from other nastier reality formats.<br />

Nevertheless, there are also a few subtle but important differences. First of all,<br />

the Danish original has more inter-cultural and inter-textual references. 82 This<br />

basically means that only people initiated in Danish culture will fully<br />

understand the humour in FC Zulu. Also, the Danish version is sillier, more<br />

comical and ironic in its humour, which ads a meta-ironic layer that<br />

82 Here, I may be opening up myself to the charge that because I am Danish I did not notice any similar<br />

references in the Australian version. Nevertheless, as has already been discussed in Chapter 4, I<br />

believe I have taken the necessary precautions to avoid being affected by my own cultural bias.<br />



comments on – and partly makes fun of – the reality genre as such. On the<br />

other hand, the Australian adaptation is more melodramatic and moralising –<br />

especially towards the end of episode four – and seems to take the<br />

competitive elements and thereby the reality genre more seriously than its<br />

Danish equivalent. In this respect Nerds FC is serious fun. FC Zulu is ironic<br />

comedy.<br />

These differences combined with the fact that a large part of the ironic<br />

humour of FC Zulu is rather masculine and derived from the fact that the<br />

Danish nerds have absolutely no knowledge of the game of football (as<br />

opposed to ‘real’ Danish men), make the Danish original not only youthskewed<br />

but also targeted towards young males specifically. FC Zulu may<br />

therefore be characterised as a rather elitist program in the sense that it<br />

excludes a fair amount of the Danish population, including the older<br />

demographic and maybe even a large part of the Danish women, as well. This<br />

fits well with the fact that the format was originally developed for <strong>TV</strong><br />

2/Zulu’s much narrower, and perhaps more male-oriented, and indeed<br />

younger audience segment. 83 In contrast to this, Nerds FC seems more<br />

egalitarian in the sense that the humour, together with a larger emphasis on<br />

the nerds’ personal development, is more widely appealing and most likely<br />

reflects the broadcaster’s demographically more dispersed target audience.<br />

Again, the same differences between elitist and egalitarian values are in play,<br />

as it was the case in the Australian and Danish adaptations of The Block.<br />

Nevertheless, in contrast to The Block, it is the Danish adaptation that is more<br />

elitist and the Australian that is more egalitarian. This fits well with Bruun’s<br />

(2006) main thesis that elitist values are more predominant in public service<br />

programming (in this case on SBS) than commercial programming (in this<br />

case on <strong>TV</strong> 2/Zulu, which does not operate under a public service remit).<br />

83 Reinicke partly confirms that FC Zulu was male-skewed. During series two’s live final football match<br />

between the Danish and the Swedish nerds, the spectators were for a large part fathers and sons<br />

(Reinicke 2006).<br />



However, it also shows that reality is not necessarily elitist entertainment, as<br />

Bruun suggests. Reality can be produced with a fairly egalitarian mode of<br />

address as well, which is pointed out in this chapter’s analysis of Nerds FC.<br />

That this is the case will also be confirmed in the next chapter’s analysis of the<br />

reality format Idol, which demonstrates similar differences in its Australian<br />

and Danish adaptations.<br />

Broadcaster and production perspectives<br />

It is important that the participation in the series is a positive experience<br />

for the players. […] The viewer must be pro the nerds – laugh with them<br />

and not at them – in respect of the young men throwing themselves into<br />

something completely unknown. It is feel-good television with a humorous<br />

and optimistic tone. Conflicts are only shown if they are of a positive<br />

nature (Zodiak Television World 2005).<br />

The above quote is from the Nerds FC ‘format bible’ and very much<br />

confirms what the analysis has already shown. This is feel-good television<br />

with a humorous and optimistic tone and conflicts are of a positive nature.<br />

From the very beginning developers Reinicke and Strøm did not want to<br />

make a program on “social losers” and always meant for the format to be<br />

“inclusive” in the sense that nobody is voted out (Reinicke 2006, my<br />

translation from Danish). The feel-good effect and positive inclusiveness were<br />

also the main qualities that the Australians saw in the format and therefore<br />

what they wanted to include in their adaptation. Grundy Productions<br />

executive producer Paul Waterhouse and SBS commissioning editor Margaret<br />

Murphy put it like this:<br />



It’s a unique format because it’s a “reality” format – using double<br />

handed signals there – but most reality television has had a nasty side in<br />

it, where […] the contestants are competing against each other in<br />

sometimes quite nasty and degrading ways. […] It’s [one of] very few<br />

programs that give you a mixture of humour and comedy plus warmth<br />

and feel good towards the public (Waterhouse 2006).<br />

We do very much think about our audience and that’s why [Nerds FC]<br />

in particular – rather than being a sporting program – it’s a much more<br />

human relationship program. It’s a show about young kids having a go.<br />

We’re not laughing at them (Murphy 2005).<br />

As the analysis has shown the Australian producers have indeed succeeded in<br />

capturing the “basic humoristic and optimistic tone” that is manifest in the<br />

original program and described in the format bible.<br />

Multicultural universalism versus national and demographic parochialism<br />

Nonetheless, there are also a number of important differences between the<br />

Danish and the Australian versions, whose end result is that Nerds FC has a<br />

somewhat wider, more universal audience appeal than FC Zulu. Everybody<br />

regardless of age, gender, nationality or ethnic origin would most likely<br />

understand the humour and the plot of Nerds FC. Melodrama and big<br />

emotions are more universal and therefore translate easier than FC Zulu’s<br />

cliquish intercultural references and irony. The Australian adaptation in this<br />

sense is more transparent than the Danish original (Olson 1999; see Chapter<br />

2 and 3). This is very likely to be a reflection of the Australian broadcaster’s<br />

multicultural charter on the one hand and to Australia’s multi-cultural reality<br />

(and general national football ignorance) on the other. SBS specifically and<br />

Australian broadcasters generally must appeal to a heterogenous audience and<br />

therefore probably often choose a universalistic and less constricted audience<br />

approach.<br />



That SBS’ multicultural charter affected the production of the format is partly<br />

confirmed in the interview with Grundy executive producer Paul Waterhouse,<br />

who talked loosely about the impact that the charter had on the casting of the<br />

nerds and their ethnic origin:<br />

We had to learn to understand the thinking of SBS […] and what their<br />

requirements were about the charter. Because SBS is a government owned<br />

station they work via government charters so they have lots of regulations.<br />

SBS is established as a multicultural channel so a part of their charter is<br />

that a certain percentage of their programming has to be from other<br />

cultures. So we had to make sure we had a good multicultural mix of the<br />

nerds and everything (Waterhouse 2006).<br />

Waterhouse also confirms that it was a deliberate strategy to tone down the<br />

irony of the Danish original and instead opt for melodramatic ingredients or<br />

what he calls “the emotional roller-coaster” in order for the audience to<br />

“bond to the nerds and the program better”:<br />

Probably the other big change we made was that we not only followed the<br />

boys through the experience, but we also tended to summarise each episode<br />

with the emotional roller coaster. And the boys got quite emotional about<br />

what they’d achieved in an episode and we used music to enhance and<br />

enforce it. […] I think we actually have got more of that emotion in the<br />

program than the Danes do […] I think that the emotional thing makes<br />

people bond to the nerds and the program better. That’s what we’re<br />

aiming at: to get the public to feel they know these boys (Waterhouse<br />

2006).<br />

As for the increased focus on the format’s competitive elements,<br />

commissioning editor from the SBS, Margaret Murphy, states that part of the<br />

attraction of the show was to see how high achievers in the field of academia<br />



will do in another discipline, that of sports. Hereby she indirectly pointed to<br />

the importance of the competition:<br />

We want to see a difference in their fitness levels from the beginning to the<br />

end. And the kids that we’re choosing are all really bright university<br />

students; they’ve all got really good qualities but they’re just not related to<br />

sport. So we’re taking people who are keen to achieve – they are high<br />

achievers – and just putting them into a foreign situation to see how they<br />

go. And I think some of them will rise to the challenge (Murphy 2005).<br />

Danish broadcasters on the other hand communicate to a homogenous<br />

audience and can therefore make more frequent use of inter-cultural<br />

references and a cliquish kind of humour. In addition, FC Zulu was first made<br />

for and broadcast on <strong>TV</strong> 2’s supplementary channel <strong>TV</strong> 2/Zulu, which is not<br />

operated under a public service charter, and whose programs are targeted<br />

towards young people and often exhibit a great deal of youthful and cliquish<br />

irony. This means that the differences between FC Zulu and Nerds FC are<br />

actually best explained using a combination of media systemic explanations to<br />

do with target groups and channel charters on one hand and less tangible<br />

cultural explanations to do with Australia’s multi-culture as opposed to<br />

Denmark’s mono-culture on the other.<br />



C h a p t e r 1 0<br />


The Idol format, of which Idols and Australian Idol are adaptations, is indeed a<br />

truly global format. It was originally broadcast as Pop Idol in 2001 on British<br />

I<strong>TV</strong>1, which later did a second series, and has since been sold into more than<br />

30 national markets including countries as diverse as Denmark and Australia,<br />

of course, and Bulgaria, Singapore, Malaysia, India, USA, Kazakhstan, Brazil,<br />

Turkey and Vietnam (Flint 2005). 84 In addition, there has also been a number<br />

of trans-national adaptations including pan-Arabic, Latin American, and West<br />

African versions – and the one-off World Idol that was held in 2003 and which<br />

saw 11 of the national idols battle it out against each other. The various<br />

adaptations have resulted in a number of international and national super<br />

stars including American Kelly Clarkson and Australian Guy Sebastian.<br />

Developer Simon Fuller and his production company 19<strong>TV</strong> own the format<br />

rights together with international production and distributing giant Fremantle<br />

Media. An important part of the attraction of the format is the SMS viewer<br />

voting. The SMS voting not only decides the competition and makes the<br />

format highly interactive but also generates a great deal of revenue for the<br />

broadcaster because the viewers pay an extra fee on top of the normal SMS<br />

rate. 85 Another important feature of the format is the fact that it is very much<br />

a joint venture between the broadcaster and the recording industry (Flint<br />

84 Here is the complete list of Idol adaptations: United Kingdom (original), Armenia, Australia, Belgium,<br />

Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,<br />

Iceland, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines,<br />

Poland, Portugal, Russia, Serbia Montenegro & Macedonia, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa,<br />

Sweden, Turkey, USA, and Vietnam (Flint 2005).<br />

85 In Australia the viewers are free to vote as many times as they want; in Denmark the viewers are only<br />

allowed three votes. The Australian adaptation is therefore likely to have generated considerably<br />

higher revenue from the SMS voting than its Danish counterpart, which also had a significantly<br />

smaller audience.<br />



2005). The format sets out to find a superstar that will sell lots of records and<br />

thus generate revenue for the record company signing the idol. Thus, the<br />

format needs a maximum degree of exposure to the (right) television audience<br />

– that is, the potential record buyers – for it to be worthwhile for the<br />

participating record label. 86<br />

In Denmark <strong>TV</strong>3 has made two series of Idols; the first series in 2003 and the<br />

second in 2004. In Australia Channel Ten has so far produced four Australian<br />

Idol series in the last four consecutive years – 2003, 2004, 2005, and 2006 -<br />

and currently (May 2007) has the production of series five well under way.<br />

The analysis in this chapter is based on series two in both countries, both of<br />

which were broadcast in 2004. The reason for choosing series two is both<br />

pragmatic and coincidental. I conducted my interview with the Australian<br />

producers of the format in the southern spring of 2005 during the broadcast<br />

of the third series, and the executive producer provided me with their latest<br />

series, series two. I therefore subsequently asked for series two of the Danish<br />

adaptation in order to obtain a certain degree of similarity in the analytical<br />

objects. The ratings for the two adaptations are very different. The first two<br />

years Australian Idol was the number one show on Australian television. Series<br />

three slipped considerably – partly due to the broadcast of three other talent<br />

shows on Australian <strong>TV</strong> in that same year (Tate 2005) – but series four picked<br />

up again after a revamping of the format to attract more interesting talent.<br />

Thus, all Australian Idol series have had a considerable audience, which in<br />

most weeks has put the show in the top 20 program ratings of Australian<br />

free-to-air television. 87 Often the show can also be found at the very top of<br />

86 Another point worth noting is that the format is a spin-off on the Pop Stars format and that the<br />

producers of Pop Stars actually sued Simon Fuller and 19<strong>TV</strong> for plagiarism, which resulted in the<br />

removal of “pop” from the original British title Pop Idol in the international launch of the format. This<br />

may explain why the format is relatively rigid and made to be easily recognisable from one country to<br />

the other, as will be demonstrated in the comparative analysis. 19<strong>TV</strong> must make sure that the Idol<br />

format is distinguishable from other similar formats in order to avoid plagiarism accusations on one<br />

hand and being plagiarised on the other.<br />

87 OzTAM (Australian Television Audience Measurement) viewing reports 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006;<br />

www.oztam.com.au.<br />



these ratings (especially during the audition episodes and the Grand Finale),<br />

which equals around 2 million viewers in the five metropolitan markets of<br />

Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Perth. Idols certainly has more<br />

modest ratings in comparison. Idols series two had an average share of 6 per<br />

cent, which equals audience sizes between 80,000 and 240,000. 88<br />

Nevertheless, this is just above average for <strong>TV</strong>3 and as such constitutes a<br />

moderately successful program in the <strong>TV</strong>3 universe. Series one however was<br />

a much larger success with an average share of 9 per cent and ratings that<br />

often passed 200,000 viewers.<br />

Classic reality<br />

The basic plot of the format is simple: Idol sets out to find the most talented<br />

popular music singer in the country or territory. He or she will be rewarded<br />

with a recording deal with a leading record label and we follow this person’s<br />

and the other contestants’ often troublesome and always emotional journey<br />

from unknown talents to fully-fledged artists and celebrities. The Idol format<br />

can therefore quite easily be classified as a classic reality game show, as it was<br />

described in Chapter 3, and in which a group of contestants compete for a<br />

prize in a reality that has been staged by the producers.<br />

Contrary to the other comparative analyses, this analysis takes its point of<br />

departure in the entire series structure of the two adaptations, as this structure<br />

on one hand differs considerably from one adaptation to the other. Having<br />

acknowledged that, it is also important to note that the structure also displays<br />

important similarities pointing to a fairly strict and confined format. Still,<br />

specific episodes are also singled out and analysed more closely. These<br />

episodes are episodes one of both adaptations, which in both the Australian<br />

and Danish adaptation takes the viewers through the first day of the initial<br />

auditions, in which the judges select the 100 most promising contestants.<br />

Furthermore I have chosen episode 10 of Idols and episodes 19 and 19a of<br />

88 Gallup <strong>TV</strong> Meter database 2006.<br />



Australian Idol for closer analysis. The Danish episodes are found on DVD 6<br />

and DVD 7 and the Australian episodes on DVD 8, DVD 9 and DVD 10. In<br />

both adaptations these episodes are the live performances of the top four<br />

contestants and subsequent live elimination of one contestant. In Idols the<br />

elimination happens immediately after the live performance and is therefore<br />

part of the same program episode. In Australian Idol the elimination (in this<br />

case episode 19a) is separated from the live performance and broadcast the<br />

day after the live performance (episode 19). The reason for splitting the live<br />

performances and the following live eliminations up into two episodes – the<br />

live show on Sundays and the live elimination on Mondays – is rather<br />

pragmatic. Due to major time zone differences within Australia this is simply<br />

necessary in order for all Australians, regardless of locality, to get the chance<br />

to vote for their favourite contestants.<br />

The initial auditions and the live performances (and subsequent eliminations)<br />

are the two most important pillars of the Idol format. The initial auditions are<br />

important because this is what differentiates the Idol format from other talent<br />

shows like Star Search and Star for a Night that mainly focus on the talented<br />

contestants. In the auditions Idol actually focuses more on the untalented<br />

singers than on the true talent, which adds a funny but also humiliating and<br />

often nasty touch, when untalented contestants are being dismissed by<br />

sarcastic judges. They are the ‘funny’ episodes, in which young people from<br />

all over the country try their luck and test their singing talent in often very<br />

embarrassing ways, and in which the three judges are free to speak the awful<br />

truth about the auditionees’ (lack of) talent. As well, the most memorable of<br />

these ‘awful auditions’ are later featured as small segments in the subsequent<br />

episodes. In Australian Idol the four most memorable of the audition rejects<br />

even get to do a live performance in a program special with the rather<br />

sarcastic title Live & Forgettable (episode 12b). Thus the auditions also<br />

contribute to making Idol more reality-skewed than the before-mentioned<br />

talent shows. The fact that they have a ‘nasty’ side to them makes them<br />

similar to Big Brother and Survivor and dissimilar to Star Search and Star for a<br />



Night (see Chapter 3). As for the live performances and subsequent<br />

eliminations they are of course also absolutely vital to the format, as this is<br />

where the final twelve Australians and nine Danes battle it out against each<br />

other to win the record deal, and the viewers get to vote for their favourites.<br />

Besides, the live performances and eliminations take up the majority of the<br />

series episodes, which is another indication of their importance and another<br />

reason why they should be included in an in-depth analysis.<br />

Similarities<br />

The Danish and Australian adaptations are radically different in some ways,<br />

and radically similar in others. Initially, we will explore the program’s<br />

similarities, which all centre on the recognisability, branding and, thus, the<br />

rigidity of the Idol format.<br />

Similar looks and sounds<br />

It is obvious that the British format holders, Fremantle Media, are fairly strict<br />

about protecting the Idol brand. Both the Australian and the Danish<br />

adaptation use the same logo, music and setting. This becomes particularly<br />

evident in the episode ‘intros’ and ‘outros’ that are exactly the same in the two<br />

versions; both when it comes to the signature music and audiovisual design:<br />

An Oscar-like statuette of a man with a microphone in his hand is on a stage<br />

where he stands bathed in spotlights and eventually transforms into a woman.<br />

The colours are blue and the stage is the famous round and blue Idol logo.<br />

However, it is also evident in the setting of the two studios. Both stages have<br />

the same gigantic Idol logos in the background and both studios are kept in<br />

the same blue colours of this logo. Even the couch, in which the contestants<br />

wait for the elimination results, is very similar in both adaptations. The<br />

background music during the reading of the elimination results is also the<br />

same. This means that both adaptations, despite other substantial differences,<br />

are easily recognised as adaptations of the Idol format. Both have the same<br />

look, much the same as game show formats like Who Wants to Be a Millionaire<br />

that also look the same all over the world.<br />



Similar series dramaturgy<br />

The overall dramaturgy of the two series is similar, although there are some<br />

minor differences that are mainly related to the fact that the Australian<br />

adaptation holds many more episodes than its Danish counterpart. These<br />

differences will be explained in more detail below. Nevertheless, both<br />

adaptations are made up of the six main, and consecutive, format elements<br />

below:<br />

1. AUDITIONS – hopeful singers from around the country are given<br />

the chance to perform in front of a jury of music professionals in<br />

a number of regional auditions; if they do well, the jury lets them<br />

advance to the next round.<br />

2. THEATRE ROUND – the selected auditionees from the regional<br />

auditions converge to perform in three stages, each of which sees<br />

the elimination of a number of contestants by the jury.<br />

3. SEMI-FINAL – the remaining contestants from the theatre round<br />

perform either live or pre-recorded, after which the viewers<br />

decide who remains in the competition.<br />

4. WILD CARDS – after the semi-final a number of wild cards are<br />

given to some of the eliminated contestants; the jury usually gives<br />

the wild cards.<br />


are elaborate versions of the semi-finals in which the final<br />

contestants battle it out in live studio performances against each<br />

other week after week; each week viewers vote for their favourites<br />

and the contestant with the least votes is eliminated.<br />

6. GRAND FINALE – the two most popular contestants perform live<br />

and the winner walks away with a recording deal.<br />



Anecdotal evidence suggests these six elements are also the main components<br />

of most other local adaptations of Idol. Together with the use of the same<br />

logo, sounds and setting, these six components make the Australian and<br />

Danish adaptations – and most likely most other local adaptations – easily<br />

recognisable as part of the Idol brand.<br />

Similar episode dramaturgy<br />

As for the basic dramaturgy of the individual episodes, it is also similar in the<br />

two adaptations. In both Australian Idol and Idols, the auditions are made up of<br />

a combination of the segment types below. These segment types are not<br />

necessarily chronological. Instead, both the Danish and the Australian<br />

producers alternate between the different segment types throughout the<br />

episode:<br />

• CONTESTANTS IN AUDITIONING QUEUE: These segments show<br />

the many contestants as they wait in line for the audition. Some of<br />

the contestants are interviewed by the hosts about their<br />

expectations.<br />

• PRESENTATION OF JUDGES: These segments introduce the three<br />

judges. In both versions the judges are asked what kind of talent<br />

they are looking for. In addition, the Danish version also<br />

introduces their professional backgrounds as musicians and music<br />

industry professionals because two of the judges are new. All<br />

three Australian judges are the same as in the first series.<br />

• CONTESTANTS AUDITIONING: Here we see some of the<br />

contestants during their auditions. Focus in both adaptations is<br />

centred on the less talented of the potential idols.<br />

• JUDGES’ COMMENTS AND REACTIONS: Here we see and hear the<br />

judges’ comments on the auditions. The judges are often callous<br />

and rather brutal towards the less talented contestants.<br />

Nevertheless many of the comments and reactions are also very<br />



funny in an embarrassing and nasty way: You laugh with the<br />

judges but very much at the auditionees.<br />

• CONTESTANTS ‘LIVE’ INTERVIEWS: In these segments contestants<br />

are being interviewed just before and/or immediately after their<br />

auditions. Focus is on their nervousness and expectations before<br />

the audition and on their anger or joy after they have received the<br />

judges’ verdict.<br />

Although the Australian live performance, and subsequent elimination,<br />

consists of two episodes, as has already been explained, both Australian Idol<br />

and Idols structure the live performance and elimination in similar ways.<br />

Contrary to the segment types of the audition episodes, the segments below<br />

are more or less chronological and they are therefore marked by numbers:<br />

1. PRESENTATION BY THE HOSTS: The hosts present the theme of<br />

the live performance – big band music, rock, rhythm and blues,<br />

1980s, etc. – and the final contestants take to the stage where they<br />

are interviewed briefly.<br />

2. CONTESTANTS PERFORM THEIR SONGS: Each contestant performs<br />

his or her song(s).<br />

3. JUDGES COMMENT ON PERFORMANCES: After each performance<br />

the judges give their comments.<br />

4. VIEWERS VOTE: The viewers give their votes via SMS or<br />

telephone. In the Danish version the voting is done during an<br />

advertising break; in the Australian version the voting is done in<br />

the course of a day.<br />

5. ELIMINATION OF ONE CONTESTANT: The voting results decide<br />

which contestant must leave the show. However, of course the<br />

elimination process is deliberately dragged out to increase the<br />



jeopardy, prolong the suspense and consequently make it more<br />

exhilarating for the audience.<br />

Again the dramaturgic similarities on the episode level clearly make the two<br />

adaptations recognisable as part of the Idol brand. At the same time they<br />

create a very similar narrative progress and drive.<br />

Differences<br />

There are also radical differences between the two adaptations and it is to<br />

these we now turn. The major differences centre on the quantity of episodes,<br />

production value, and external program hype. However, there are also more<br />

subtle, but important differences between the Australian and Danish hosts<br />

and judges that together make Idols more youth-skewed, ironic, slightly nastier<br />

and hence more reality-like. Australian Idol on the other hand is large-scale<br />

entertainment and no less than a national event and, probably as a<br />

consequence, the main program episodes have a somewhat more familyoriented<br />

and clinical and mainstream appeal.<br />

Different program quantity<br />

Below is a table showing the distribution of episodes in the Australian and<br />

Danish adaptations. As is evident, Australian Idol consists of no less than triple<br />

the amount of programs compared to Idols. It has a total of 39 episodes<br />

showing the main competition (plus an additional circa 15 episodes of its<br />

complementary sister show Inside Idol).<br />



Table 11.1 > Distribution of episodes in Australian Idol and Idols<br />


Episode 1: audition day one<br />

Episode 2: audition day two<br />

Episode 3: audition day three<br />

Episode 4: audition day four<br />

Episode 5: theatre round I<br />

Episode 6: theatre round II<br />

Episode 7: semi-final I<br />

Episode 7a: live verdict<br />

Episode 8: semi-final II<br />

Episode 8a: live verdict<br />

Episode 9: semi-final III<br />

Episode 9a: live verdict<br />

Episode 10: wild cards live performance<br />

Episode 10a: wild cards live verdict<br />

Episode 10b: final 12 house party + recap<br />

Episode 11: live performance I<br />

Episode 11a: live verdict – Angie out<br />

Episode 12: live performance II<br />

Episode 12a: live verdict – Dan out<br />

Episode 12b: live & forgettable, rejects perform<br />

Episode 13: live performance III<br />

Episode 13a: live verdict – Amali out<br />

Episode 14: live performance IV<br />

Episode 14a: live verdict – Emelia out<br />

Episode 15: live performance V<br />

Episode 15a: live verdict – Daniel out<br />

Episode 16: live performance VI<br />

Episode 16a: live verdict – Ricki Lee out<br />

Episode 17: live performance VII<br />

Episode 17a: live verdict – Marty out<br />

Episode 17b: up close & personal<br />

Episode 18: live performance VIII<br />

Episode 18a: live verdict – Chanel out<br />

Episode 19: live performance IX<br />

Episode 19a: live verdict – Hayley out<br />

Episode 20: live performance X<br />

Episode 20a: live verdict – Courtney out<br />

Episode 21: Grand Finale live performance<br />

Episode 22: Grand Finale live verdict –<br />

Casey wins<br />

Episode 23: winner’s special<br />

IDOLS<br />

Episode 1: audition day one<br />

Episode 2: audition day two<br />

Episode 3: theatre round<br />

Episode 4: semi-final I (girls)<br />

Episode 5: semi-final II (boys)<br />

Episode 6: wild cards chosen by judges + recap<br />

Episode 7: live performance & verdict I<br />

Nadia and Jacob out<br />

Episode 8: live performance & verdict II<br />

Theis out<br />

Episode 9: live performance & verdict III<br />

Julia out<br />

Episode 10: live performance & verdict IV<br />

Louise out<br />

Episode 11: live performance & verdict V<br />

Søren out<br />

Episode 12: Grand Finale – Rikke wins<br />

Episode 13: winner’s special<br />

This means that the program takes up a massive part of Network Ten’s<br />

primetime during the months it is broadcast: In some weeks it is on Sunday,<br />

Monday and Tuesday, and then again on Thursday as Inside Idol. It is<br />

practically unavoidable for the viewers. On the other hand Danish Idols has a<br />

total of only 13 episodes and no sister show, meaning that the adaptation<br />

takes up a lot less of <strong>TV</strong>3’s primetime. Combined with the fact that the<br />



Danish adaptation is broadcast on a smaller channel, this means that the<br />

program is a lot less notable and therefore easier to avoid for the Danish<br />

audience.<br />

The difference in quantity means that Australian Idol has between one and<br />

three shows a week and runs for approximately five months as opposed to<br />

Idols’ one show a week and three months’ duration. Australian Idol has four<br />

audition episodes; Idols only two. Australian Idol has two theatre rounds, Idols<br />

only one. Australian Idol has three semi-finals; Idols only two. Finally, Australian<br />

Idol has 11 live performances and subsequent eliminations; Idols has six. In<br />

addition, the Australian adaptation has its own sister show called Inside Idol,<br />

which does not figure in the above table. Inside Idol is on for half an hour<br />

every Thursday from week 10 and onwards, following the main shows on<br />

Sunday and Monday (and sometimes Tuesday). Inside Idol pursues the<br />

contestants’ day-to-day lives during the competition and is as such a Big<br />

Brother-style reality docu-soap, in which the viewers get all the gossip on the<br />

contestants. Nonetheless, it is not directly related to the main competition and<br />

most of the events happening in Inside Idol are recapped in either the live<br />

performances or the live verdicts on Sunday and Monday. As such the sister<br />

show is clearly an attempt from the broadcaster and producers to extract even<br />

more audience mileage out of the massively popular format. On top of this,<br />

Australian Idol has a second sister show on pay television’s youth-skewed<br />

music channel, Channel [V]. This show is called Idol Extra and, in an<br />

irreverent and humorous way, portrays the two hosts’ experiences as they<br />

move into Australian primetime free-to-air television. Both Australian hosts,<br />

Andrew G and James Mathison, are former presenters on Channel [V] and<br />

free-to-air television therefore represents a different experience for them.<br />

The quantity of Australian Idol also makes it possible for the Australian<br />

producers to include three extra episodes – 10b, 12b and 17b – that are<br />

independent from the six main format elements. Episode 10b is the Final 12<br />

House Party after the semi-finals. Episode 12b is called Live & Forgettable and<br />



sees four of the most spectacular, funny and untalented of the audition rejects<br />

take the stage to perform in front of a live studio audience. Episode 17b is<br />

entitled Up Close & Personal and sees the remaining six contestants being<br />

interviewed on stage whilst a studio audience is given the opportunity to ask<br />

them questions. The interviews are garnished with segments on the<br />

contestants’ personal lives and interviews with family and friends. On the<br />

individual episode level, Australian Idol of course also has more time during<br />

the live performance and subsequent elimination because this has been split<br />

up into two episodes. This means that these episodes contain more ‘filling’.<br />

During the elimination episodes this filling mainly consists in prolonging the<br />

suspense before the elimination. During the live performance episodes, it<br />

consists in allocating more time to external events that have happened to the<br />

contestants during the week and is something that will be explored more<br />

thoroughly below.<br />

Different production values<br />

The production value of Australian Idol is considerably higher than the<br />

production value of Idols. Australian Idol has a more expensive ‘feel’ compared<br />

to Idols, and obviously the two adaptations must have had very different<br />

budgets. One example of the differences in production values is the setting of<br />

the auditions. During the Australian auditions the judges are put in front of a<br />

background that tells the viewers where they are: In Darwin the background<br />

is the beautiful turquoise tropical sea, in Melbourne the background is the<br />

gigantic Telstra Dome stadium, in rural Tamworth it is a field with farming<br />

machines, and so on. This adds a nicer and more expensive feel to the<br />

Australian auditions and, one may argue, makes it more enjoyable, interesting<br />

and satisfying for the viewers to watch. In Denmark the judges are seen in<br />

front of the Idols logo and that is it. Generally, the Australian adaptation is<br />

also more visually appealing – primarily due to a camera filter, which ads an<br />

expensive and more glamorous visual feel to the programs. Finally, the<br />

Australian production seems technically a little superior to the Danish<br />



production, which has a few technical problems during the first live<br />

performance.<br />

Another example of the higher production value of Australian Idol is the fact<br />

that the Australian contestants perform a song together at the beginning of<br />

every live performance. In the Danish version this only happens once. Also,<br />

as the theme song choice of episode 19 of Australian Idol is big band music,<br />

the beginning of the episode employs a 1920s stylistic by keeping the pictures<br />

black and white and rather grainy and the hosts start off the show by speaking<br />

in an old-fashioned manner reminiscent of the jargon of the 1920s. Again<br />

these are examples of the Australian version’s more sophisticated attention to<br />

detail. This level of sophistication is not present in the Danish version. The<br />

Danish episode 10 also has a theme – rock songs – but this is not followed<br />

through with the same level of detail. The only reminder – except for the<br />

music – is the contestants’ ‘trashy’, rock-like outfits and the hosts wearing<br />

rock and roll T-shirts under their casual jackets. A further example of the<br />

difference in production value between the two adaptations is the Grand<br />

Finales. The Australian finale takes place in the most iconic of all Australian<br />

buildings, the Sydney Opera House. It is staged as a gigantic event with a<br />

massive audience inside and screaming fans outside, red carpet arrivals and<br />

the participation of a number of other Australian celebrities and live<br />

performances by international superstars. 89 The Danish finale takes place in<br />

the same studio as the other live performances, the only difference being that<br />

the hosts and the contestants are dressed in more festive and gala-like clothes.<br />

External program hype in Australian Idol<br />

Another important difference between the two adaptations is the external<br />

hype apparently surrounding Australian Idol, which to a large extent is included<br />

in the various episodes. It is obvious from the beginning that the format is<br />

immensely popular with the Australians. No less than 50,000 hopeful<br />

89 During the series three Grand Finale I was outside the Opera House to see the spectacle for myself.<br />



Australians audition and the viewers are presented with one massive queue<br />

after the other during the auditions in Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne,<br />

Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Darwin, Hobart and Tamworth. In Idols the hosts<br />

tell us that “hundreds” of young hopefuls have turned up for the Danish<br />

auditions, which is certainly a much less impressive number (also when we<br />

take into account Denmark’s smaller population) and the queues outside the<br />

Copenhagen and Aarhus auditions are certainly a lot smaller. During the<br />

Australian live performance and elimination episodes, ordinary Australians on<br />

the streets are asked who their favourite contestants are, and everybody –<br />

from pre-school kids and businessmen in suits to elderly ladies in shopping<br />

centres – seems to have an opinion and know the contestants. The Danish<br />

producers do not employ these ‘vox populi’ segments, which most likely is<br />

because the Danish adaptation has a more limited audience and therefore<br />

does not enjoy the same wide popularity and hype amongst the Danish<br />

population. Also, the Australian final contestants are treated and behave like<br />

celebrities. They are invited to the ARIA awards, the Australian equivalent of<br />

the Grammy Awards, and we see them walk up the red carpet with other<br />

Australian celebrities who actually seem to know who they are. They do<br />

various fundraising events and visit hospitalised children with leukaemia.<br />

They also appear on one of Australia’s legendary morning television shows<br />

(on Channel Ten of course), Good Morning Australia, and we see them being<br />

photographed for the cover of a magazine. Finally, we follow them as they<br />

sign autographs in shopping centres surrounded by hundreds of screaming<br />

fans. All of these events that take place outside the program itself are virtually<br />

non-existent in Idols.<br />

Hosts – youthful in different ways<br />

Both the Australian and the Danish hosts are men and rather youthful in the<br />

way they address the audience. They also have similar backgrounds in<br />

youthful areas such as music television, stand-up comedy and cult movies.<br />

The two Australian hosts, Andrew G and James Mathison, have been the<br />

hosts on all four Australian Idol series and have consequently become<br />



household names in Australian television. Nevertheless, before Australian Idol<br />

they were hosts on the minor subscription television music station Channel<br />

[V] and therefore mainly known within certain circles of Australian teenagers<br />

(Tate 2005). The two Danish hosts, Uffe Holm and Thomas Villum Jensen,<br />

have also been hosts on both Idols series one and two. Holm is especially<br />

primarily known among a younger Danish audience as a stand-up comedian<br />

known for his boyishness and childish humour. Villum Jensen is a movie<br />

director and actor and has played a number of comic roles in ironic and<br />

youthful movie successes such as They Eat Dogs in China Don’t They and Old<br />

Men in New Cars.<br />

However there are differences in the youthfulness of the Danish and<br />

Australian hosts. The Australian hosts appear slightly more serious and play a<br />

more low-key and discreet role in the programs than the Danish hosts, who in<br />

turn seem sillier, more dominant and at times even obtrusive. An example of<br />

this is that the Danish hosts do a sketch in every episode. These sketches<br />

mainly consist in the hosts dressing up in costumes and wigs while<br />

performing the sketch and as such act similarly to the British original’s<br />

presenter couple Ant & Dec in some episodes. In episode 10 we see them<br />

dressing up as various rock stars because the theme is rock. In episode one<br />

Holm dresses up in women’s clothes and a wig and pretends he wants to<br />

cheat his way through to the auditions but is found out by Villum Jensen who<br />

wants the producers to find a more serious replacement for Holm. In general,<br />

Holm and Villum Jensen do a fairly meta-ironic and irreverent take on their<br />

host roles, in which they make fun of the traditional television host. The best<br />

example of this is the so-called Idols News segments during the Wild Card<br />

episode (episode 6). Here they dress up as ‘serious’ news anchormen – in suits<br />

and with heavy glasses – that report on the progress of the judges’ wild card<br />

nominations as if they were serious political negotiations. Their meta-ironic<br />

take on the host role is also evident in their dialogue, which in the quote<br />

below clearly makes fun of how traditional hosts sometimes have a habit of<br />

stating the obvious:<br />



Villum Jensen (whispers in a very serious manner): “Once the<br />

contestants leave the queue they are led into the so-called ‘waiting room’.<br />

And what do they do here, Uffe [Holm]?”<br />

Holm (whispers back in an equally serious manner): “They<br />

wait…”<br />

The Australian hosts do not do sketches and theirs is more the classic, less<br />

dominant host role of cracking a few jokes whilst leading the audience<br />

through the program. Although they do often make fun of themselves in a<br />

fairly ironic way, they do not take the Mickey out of their host roles in the<br />

same way as their Danish colleagues and, as a result, the television medium as<br />

such. Andrew G and James Mathison instead keep their irreverence to<br />

Channel [V] where they do a program about their experience with moving<br />

into mainstream television (Tate 2005). Nevertheless, focusing on the main<br />

shows, Australian Idol and Idols, the hosts appear to represent two different<br />

ways of addressing the audience: The Danish hosts are youthfully ‘silly’, ironic<br />

and irreverent towards their host roles and, as a consequence, towards the<br />

television medium as such. The Australian hosts only make fun of<br />

themselves, and they are generally less dominant and more serious and<br />

mainstream.<br />

Nastier Danish jury<br />

Both the Australian and the Danish juries are made up of one woman and<br />

two men from the local music industry, of which one of the men is<br />

particularly nasty, sarcastic and disparaging. In the Australian adaptation this<br />

judge is Ian Dickinson. His Danish equivalent is Thomas Blachman. Below<br />

are examples of their comments during episode one; comments which should<br />

be more or less self-explanatory:<br />



It was ridiculous. If I had to sit through more than three songs with that<br />

voice I would slit my wrist. It was horrible (Ian Dickinson).<br />

It’s an insanely difficult song to sing, especially because you can’t sing. So<br />

I believe it’s best that you quit singing altogether. I don’t think it’s good<br />

for you (Thomas Blachman, translated from Danish).<br />

The other male judge – Danish Anders Hansen and Australian Mark Holden,<br />

respectively – is also similar in the two adaptations. They are both a little less<br />

nasty than Blachman and Dickinson but still fairly blunt about the<br />

contestants’ (lack of) musical skills. However the female judges – Susanne<br />

Kier of Idols and Marcia Hines of Australian Idol – differ considerably in<br />

‘nastiness’. Hines is always kind, supportive and even motherly towards the<br />

contestants, even when she is critical about their performances. In addition,<br />

she always opposes the male judges if either has been too malevolent in their<br />

critique. Kier on the other hand is not particularly supportive or kind in her<br />

critique and her style very much resembles that of Anders Hansen<br />

particularly. In this regard she is certainly neither motherly, nor is she<br />

supportive towards the contestants. Generally the non-existence of a good<br />

judge makes the Danish jury slightly nastier than the Australian, in which<br />

Hines acts as the good judge and hence counterbalances the nastiness of the<br />

bad male judges.<br />

Summary: irreverent reality versus large-scale family entertainment<br />

It is obvious that the two adaptations are from the same format. They look<br />

and sound the same and the basic dramaturgic elements and narrative drive<br />

are also more or less the same. Nevertheless, within this rigidity of the Idol<br />

format the two adaptations represent two fairly different approaches. Danish<br />

Idols has what can be termed a middle range production value and an audience<br />

appeal that is clearly skewed towards the younger audiences. Australian Idol on<br />

the other hand has a higher production value and is obviously of a much<br />

broader audience appeal. Australian Idol is a gigantic national event with a<br />



significant audience following. As a consequence, Australian Idol is the subject<br />

of a lot of water cooler talk among Australians. I know from my stay in<br />

Australia during Australian Idol series 3 that most Australians know about the<br />

show and have an opinion about the contestants, and this is used in the<br />

adaptation, most evidently in the vox populi segments but also in the many<br />

segments showing the contestants doing fundraising, signing autographs and<br />

participating in celebrity events.<br />

Idols is much less of a national event due to a much smaller and narrower<br />

audience as a result of its broadcast on <strong>TV</strong>3 and its narrower audience appeal,<br />

which in return makes irony and nastiness deliberate programming strategies.<br />

Australian Idol is a full-scale, and basically fairly traditional and old-fashioned,<br />

family entertainment show with a youthful reality twist, mainly due to the bad<br />

judges, the youthful hosts, and the emotional rollercoaster we see the<br />

contestants go through. The Australian idol, and even a few of the runners-up<br />

as well, are likely to become an instant celebrity and, after a period of time, a<br />

multi-millionaire, top-selling recording artist due to the large degree of public<br />

exposure obtained on the popular show. Idols is less traditional and can better<br />

be characterised as youth-skewed reality entertainment due to its lack of a<br />

good judge and the ironic and silly appeal of the hosts who engage in a rather<br />

meta-ironic play with the traditional role of the television presenter. At the<br />

same time, the Danish winner does not reach the same instant celebrity status<br />

and his or her chances of becoming a successful artist are more limited,<br />

primarily due to less public exposure. This is underlined by the fact that none<br />

of the two Danish idols has had any commercial success, whereas, the first<br />

Australian idol especially, Guy Sebastian, and the series two runner-up,<br />

Anthony Callea, have both been commercially very successful.<br />



Broadcaster and production perspectives<br />

Fremantle Media’s UK-based Brand Manager, Stephen Flint, confirms the<br />

rigidity of the Idol format (Flint 2005). Fremantle Media has to approve every<br />

significant aspect of the adaptation and the appearance must be the same<br />

around the world. Both the Danish and the Australian executive producers<br />

also talk about Fremantle Media’s zealousness and how everything – from<br />

flyers and website to minor changes in the format itself – has to go through<br />

Fremantle (Tate 2005; Brandstrup 2006). The set has to look the same; and so<br />

have the branding, the colouring and the shapes of the set. The stages are also<br />

the same in all countries and territories (Flint 2005). When it comes to<br />

choosing the hosts, Fremantle Media even “encourage people to go down the<br />

same road as Ant and Dec [the original British hosts] [who were] two men<br />

that could be boys together” (Ibid.). This is obviously what both the Danish<br />

and the Australian producers have done, albeit in slightly different ways.<br />

In addition, and as touched upon briefly in the chapter introduction,<br />

Fremantle Media aims to sell the adaptation licence to the biggest commercial<br />

broadcaster in any territory, that is, a broadcaster that can “really launch the<br />

winning idol” (Flint 2005). According to Flint, the integrity of the Idol format<br />

is very much based around the winner becoming a commercial success<br />

afterwards (Ibid). The logical question is therefore to ask why in Denmark the<br />

format was bought and adapted by <strong>TV</strong>3 and not the by far biggest<br />

commercial broadcaster <strong>TV</strong> 2. The explanation for this is to be found in two<br />

media systemic factors:<br />

• Firstly, <strong>TV</strong> 2 (and DR as well) had already had a few talent shows<br />

at the time – Pop Stars and Star for a Night on DR1 – and therefore<br />

did not want to buy the Idol format in fear of talent show overkill<br />

(Rømer 2006).<br />



• Secondly, the nasty side of the format is likely to have gone<br />

against <strong>TV</strong> 2’s values – and DR’s for that matter – of ‘nonconflict’<br />

and ‘feel-goodness’ (Rømer 2006; Hansen 2006).<br />

Idols: “the cheeky boy in class”<br />

Thus, the Idol format fell into the lap of <strong>TV</strong>3. For <strong>TV</strong>3 Idols was part of a<br />

branding strategy meant to distinguish the channel from the other Danish<br />

channels, especially the main competitor <strong>TV</strong> 2 (Spodsberg 2006). Because of<br />

a majority of foreign (especially American) programs, format adaptations<br />

together with the few locally produced programs must have a certain <strong>TV</strong>3<br />

touch (Spodsberg 2006). As such a format like Idol is not necessarily acquired<br />

only to create high ratings. According to program manager and<br />

commissioning editor Karoline Spodsberg, this <strong>TV</strong>3 profile equals values<br />

such as “female”, “young”, “on the edge” and “askew” (Spodsberg 2006,<br />

translated from Danish). Also, <strong>TV</strong>3 must be “more daring than <strong>TV</strong>2”, “think<br />

out of the box” and make sure to be the first mover on new genres to be able<br />

to stand out in the competition for viewers (Ibid.). Producer Pil Brandstrup<br />

describes Idols as “the cheeky boy in class” compared to the many other talent<br />

competitions that had been broadcast on the competing channels at the time<br />

(Brandstrup 2006): Pop Stars (<strong>TV</strong> 2) and Star for a Night (DR1). Two important<br />

pillars in this “cheeky” <strong>TV</strong>3 branding of the Idol format were the hosts on the<br />

one hand and the judging – especially in the audition episodes – on the other<br />

(Brandstrup 2006). Consequently, the producers intentionally strived for Idols<br />

to have more edge than the <strong>TV</strong> 2 and DR1 talent shows:<br />

You should think that it could have been difficult for Danish producers<br />

to create the somewhat nastier tone of the original format but we did that<br />

anyway and it worked. The young people liked it (Brandstrup 2006,<br />

translated from Danish).<br />



To create this nastier tone the producers primarily used the judges, and the<br />

very bad judge, Thomas Blachman, was from the beginning meant as a<br />

Danish equivalent to the infamous and extremely malicious Pop Idol judge<br />

Simon Cowell (Ibid.), who was later successfully imported to the jury of the<br />

American adaptation, American Idol. The other pillar in the branding of Idols<br />

was the presenter team, Holm and Villum Jensen, who were chosen because<br />

of their appeal to <strong>TV</strong>3’s younger target audience (Ibid.). The pair was new to<br />

television and as such inexperienced television presenters. Their experience<br />

within other areas such as comedy, acting and stand-up was utilised to create a<br />

younger and, as the analysis shows, more irreverent appeal to suit <strong>TV</strong>3<br />

(Brandstrup 2006). Had the adaptation been produced for <strong>TV</strong> 2 or DR1, it is<br />

likely that the presenters had taken on a more traditional role similar to the<br />

Australian presenters.<br />

Australian Idol: broad appeal and Americanised production values<br />

As the analysis has already indicated, Australian Idol holds a much broader<br />

appeal than Idols. In fact, it is one of the broadest formats on Channel Ten<br />

and as such must appeal to the majority of Australians (Tate 2005). To reach<br />

as many viewers as possible they chose to “embellish the format much more<br />

than other markets”, which led to the development of the two sister shows<br />

Inside Idol and Idol Extra (Tate 2005).<br />

The analysis also identifies the high production value of Australian Idol, and as<br />

it turns out, the Grand Finale of the first series was voted the best at a<br />

convention of Idol executive producers from around the world (Tate 2005).<br />

This would most likely indicate a comparatively large budget and certainly a<br />

budget that is larger than the equivalent budget of Idols. As both Channel<br />

Ten’s executive producer, Stephen Tate, and head of production and<br />

development at Channel Ten, Tim Clucas, point to in the quotes below, the<br />

high production value is partially faked and certainly a result of the many<br />

British and American programs on Australian <strong>TV</strong>. That is, because<br />

Australians watch a lot of American and British shows with high budgets,<br />



they expect the same of the Australian productions. 90 As such it is not enough<br />

that a television production is Australian-made. The quality must be similar to<br />

that of the many British and American shows.<br />

Our situation here in Australia – by comparison to Europe and<br />

America – audiences are very small and therefore so are our budgets, but<br />

everybody expects the same production values of us. So we have to use a<br />

lot of ingenuity and hard work to achieve the same results (Tate 2005).<br />

When we set out to make a program, we have to be very sure that we can<br />

make the program as well as it can be made – for less money. We don’t<br />

have the budgets of Britain or America or Germany or Italy or France.<br />

We do our shows for significantly less money. But […] because those<br />

other shows from other countries are seen in Australia, our quality has to<br />

match those […] We are good at faking that expensive feel (Clucas<br />

2005).<br />

As both the Australian and Danish producers and broadcasters have been<br />

unwilling to disclose their budgets, it is difficult to know whether the high<br />

production value of the Australian version is faked or not. However, it is<br />

obvious that the cultural and, perhaps more importantly, linguistic proximity<br />

of Australia to the UK and the USA plays a significant part in how television<br />

is produced and what demands Australians producers have to meet. As we<br />

have seen in Chapter 5, Australian television was from the very beginning<br />

quite Americanised and the history of Australian television has thus made<br />

Australians accustomed to the comparatively high production values of<br />

90 Linda Clifford from Endemol UK Productions also points to the fact that Australian productions<br />

have to meet very high standards, similar to the American and British standards. In her capacity as the<br />

head of leisure programming she has overseen various local adaptations of particularly lifestyle<br />

formats such as Ready Steady Cook and Changing Rooms. She does, however, also point out that<br />

Australian producers have more money to spend than for instance Scandinavian producers, albeit<br />

Australian budgets are of course nowhere near the budgets of British and American productions<br />

(Clifford 2005).<br />



British and American television. Danish viewers have historically been<br />

accustomed to a large degree of Danish television. This, combined with a<br />

larger cultural and especially linguistic distance from the UK and USA, would<br />

in most cases make a Danish television program achieve higher ratings than a<br />

foreign one just for the fact that it is Danish, although it most likely has lower<br />

production values due to lower budgets. 91<br />

91 <strong>TV</strong>3’s program manager points out that this preference for Danish productions may be changing<br />

amongst especially the younger Danish viewers as they watch more American programming<br />

(Spodsberg 2006). On <strong>TV</strong>3 the Danish adaptation of Top Model rated similar to the American original,<br />

which Spodsberg explains by the higher production values of the American original. The American<br />

originals are in many cases simply so much better, both narratively and production-wise, that the<br />

Danish viewers may not care about the linguistic and cultural distance.<br />



C h a p t e r 1 1<br />


The results of the various analyses of the thesis have in different ways<br />

demonstrated how a country’s television system has substantial explanatory<br />

power when it comes to understanding the processes of television format<br />

adaptation. The television system – defined as the various positions and<br />

relations of the main national broadcasters and their interplay with media<br />

systemic agents such as citizens, businesses and politicians in a historical as<br />

well as contemporary perspective – puts forward a number of convincing<br />

reasons as to why formats are dealt with, produced and maybe even regarded<br />

differently in Australia and Denmark.<br />

Nevertheless, the analyses have also indicated a number of social and cultural<br />

‘mores’, which cannot be explained solely by way of the media system, and<br />

which will be discussed in more detail below.<br />

Investigating the different genres and their impact on the format adaptation<br />

process has also given important nuances to the results. For example, it has<br />

pointed to substantial genre variations across broadcasters and sectors both<br />

between the two countries and within each country, which in turn offer<br />

significant explanations to the differences in format adaptation processes. The<br />

genre perspective has also pointed to the appeal of the new format genres,<br />

reality and lifestyle, as far as their media systemic and cultural elasticity and<br />

overarching post-modern super themes are concerned.<br />



A brief summary<br />

The comparative media system analysis of Australia and Denmark in Chapter<br />

5 revealed two fairly distinct television systems despite the fact that both<br />

belong to the same geo-linguistic region. The public service sector dominates<br />

the private sector in Denmark, whereas the private sector dominates the<br />

public service sector in Australia. Australian television was commercialised<br />

and Americanised from the beginning, whereas Danish television has always<br />

relied on large shares of locally-produced content and was run as a public<br />

service monopoly until its recent and turbulent transition into a fully-fledged<br />

mixed multi-channel system. Australian television, on the other hand, has<br />

been remarkably stable and has not changed considerably since the 1960s.<br />

Nevertheless, in both systems, television has some degree of social<br />

responsibility. Australian content regulation in both the public and private<br />

sectors is aimed primarily at promoting a cultural citizenship among viewers,<br />

whereas Danish public service television is regulated more carefully and seen<br />

as a tool to promote a cultural as well as a political citizenship.<br />

Chapter 6’s analysis of Australian and Danish primetime schedules pointed to<br />

important differences in the use of formats and format genres between the<br />

two countries. Presently, Danish broadcasters have a much more frequent use<br />

of formats than Australian broadcasters; and in Denmark there are also<br />

clearer connections between a rise in formats and a rise in local content and<br />

the reality and lifestyle genres. Generally, Denmark has a larger polarisation<br />

between the public service sector and the private sector than Australia,<br />

making the Danish private channels much more commercial and populist<br />

than their Australian counterparts and the Danish public service channels<br />

slightly more public service-oriented than the Australian equivalents. These<br />

differences are a result of various media systemic factors to do with different<br />

market sizes, different notions of public service and a more mature mixed<br />

television system, early commercialisation and Americanisation and a<br />

traditional reliance on (foreign) fictional content in Australia as opposed to<br />

Denmark’s recent and turbulent transition into a mixed multi-channel system<br />



with a traditional reliance on locally-produced content and a pervasive public<br />

service ideology.<br />

Chapters 7, 8, 9 and 10 demonstrated how differently the same four formats<br />

have been adapted in Australia and Denmark. The lifestyle format Ground<br />

Force and the lifestyle-meets-reality format The Block were both radically<br />

different in the two countries. The Australian adaptations had larger emphasis<br />

on melodramatic elements and – particularly in the case of The Block – on<br />

scandal, conflict and the extraordinary and hence displayed much more reality<br />

skewing than the Danish adaptations. The Danish adaptations on the other<br />

hand tended to emphasise DIY elements, downplay conflict and melodrama<br />

and focus on the ordinary, making them more purely lifestyle-skewed and<br />

more in line with public service television’s tradition of informing and<br />

bringing together its viewers in a feel-good atmosphere. All of this fits in well<br />

with the fact that the Australian adaptations were broadcast on commercial<br />

channels, Channel Seven and Channel Nine respectively, and the Danish<br />

adaptations were broadcast on the public service channels DR1 and <strong>TV</strong> 2.<br />

The Australian and Danish adaptations of the reality format Idol were also<br />

radically different. This is despite the fact that the original format was clearly<br />

very rigid, which made the two adaptations’ appearance, sound and narrative<br />

composition more or less the same. Generally, the Australian version had<br />

higher production values and a much more quantitatively prominent position<br />

in Channel Ten’s schedules leading to a greater extent of external program<br />

hype and, as a consequence, was a perfect example of family-oriented event<br />

television with a youthful reality twist. As such, the Australian version was<br />

fairly egalitarian compared to the Danish version. The Danish version on the<br />

other hand was much more low-key and with its meta-ironic hosts and<br />

slightly nastier jury was tailored to a narrower and younger audience segment<br />

and was, as such, less egalitarian and more elitist in its mode of address.<br />



These differences between an egalitarian and elitist mode of address were also<br />

at play in the Australian and Danish versions of the reality format Nerds FC;<br />

and this was the case despite the fact that the two adaptations displayed<br />

radical similarities on the surface. The narrative structure, casting and even the<br />

editing were almost identical. Nonetheless, beneath the surface were a<br />

number of subtle but important differences, which primarily had to do with<br />

different modes of address. The Danish version had a meta-ironical layer,<br />

which caricatured and made fun of the reality genre. This layer was not<br />

present in the Australian adaptation, which compared to the Danish version’s<br />

ironic comedy was ‘serious’ fun with a larger emphasis on competitive<br />

elements, melodrama and morals. In addition, the Danish version had more<br />

inter-textual and inter-cultural references, making it a lot less transparent and<br />

more parochial, opaque and elitist than the Australian adaptation, which had a<br />

universal and egalitarian appeal. These differences also fit in well with the fact<br />

that the Danish original was produced for the youth-skewed and commercial<br />

supplementary channel <strong>TV</strong> 2/Zulu, whereas the Australian adaptation was<br />

broadcast on the multi-culturally oriented public service channel SBS.<br />

Media system holds significant explanatory power<br />

The above results indicate that differences are not necessarily explained in the<br />

national origin of the adaptations. The four Danish adaptations, for example,<br />

display mutual and fairly large differences. Danish FC Zulu and Idols were<br />

quite elitist in their modes of address, whereas Hokus Krokus and Huset were<br />

egalitarian. As such, they seem to reflect the Danish media system’s<br />

substantial polarisation between the private and the public service sector on<br />

one hand and the differences between broad and narrow target audiences on<br />

the other.<br />

The Australian versions of the four formats did not differ to the same extent,<br />

which may very likely reflect the fact that the polarisation between public and<br />

private is less extensive in the Australian system and that all four formats were<br />

produced for large, mainstream audiences. This was most clearly<br />



demonstrated in the two reality formats, Australian Idol and Nerds FC, which<br />

were produced for a commercial and a public service channel, respectively,<br />

but which both had a fairly broad and egalitarian mode of address compared<br />

to their Danish counterparts Idols and FC Zulu.<br />

One therefore has to dig deeper into the positions and relations of the<br />

national media systems and look at the specific channel adapting the format,<br />

its competing channels, target audiences, budgets, responsibilities, legislation<br />

and historical developments to fully understand the differences between the<br />

adaptations. In addition, a number of more pragmatic explanations exist, such<br />

as the fact that Danish property is not sold at auctions, which in turn made it<br />

necessary for the Danish producers of The Block to make considerable<br />

changes to the format. Another example is the fact that football is not a wellknown<br />

sport in Australia, which in the Australian adaptation of Nerds FC<br />

results in a less inter-textual and more universal kind of humour not directly<br />

derived from the nerds’ lack of football knowledge. In this sense, it was of<br />

crucial importance that the producers and broadcasters be interviewed. Many<br />

of these deeper layers and more pragmatic explanations would not have<br />

surfaced otherwise.<br />

Consequently, explaining differences is not so much a question of whether an<br />

adaptation is Australian or Danish; it is a question of understanding the<br />

particular adapting channel’s particular situation and role within the particular<br />

television system. Thus, media system in many ways holds a larger<br />

explanatory power than national origin. 92<br />

92 In relation to this, it is interesting that it seems like a historical coincidence that the Australian<br />

conservative government at the time introduced a mixed television system in the first place instead of<br />

a system modelled on the British BBC, as the previous socialist government had decided (see Chapter<br />

5). Consequently, the mixed television system was not a reflection of any particular Australian national<br />

mentality but merely a more or less coincidental reflection of who was in political power at the time.<br />



Genre perspective gives important nuances<br />

Throughout the thesis, looking more thoroughly at differing genres has given<br />

important nuances to the results. In the program analyses of Chapters 7, 8, 9<br />

and 10 we saw exactly how flexible and almost elastic the lifestyle and reality<br />

genres actually are and how they can be made to fit into different media<br />

systemic conditions. This makes them perfect format genres. In the schedule<br />

analyses we also learnt how different the general genre composition was in<br />

Australia and in Denmark, both when it came to the composition between<br />

the two countries and between the public service and private sectors within<br />

the two countries. Subsequently, this composition had a lot of explanatory<br />

power as to the differences in the use of format adaptations of the various<br />

Australian and Danish channels and sectors. For example, the comparatively<br />

and historically larger share of factual genres in Denmark – as opposed to<br />

Australia’s larger share of fictional genres – was likely to provide an important<br />

part of the explanation why Danish broadcasters seem more prone to using<br />

(especially lifestyle but also reality) format adaptations than their Australian<br />

counterparts. Another example was the limited and narrow use of genres by<br />

the Danish private, commercial broadcasters, which partially explains why the<br />

format adaptation share of their locally produced content was very high, as<br />

opposed to the Danish public service broadcasters’ much more varied genre<br />

composition.<br />

Cultural and social mores<br />

The different analyses have also pointed to various social and cultural ‘mores’,<br />

which cannot be explained solely by way of the media system and which may<br />

have more to do with particular national tastes, mentalities and social norms.<br />

For example, the Australian adaptations seem to generally contain a larger<br />

degree of melodrama than the Danish adaptations, whereas at least two of the<br />

Danish adaptations, FC Zulu and Idols, contain a substantial amount of metairony,<br />

which does not seem to be present to the same extent in the Australian<br />

adaptations.<br />



A significant part of the explanation for the Australian melodramatic<br />

tendencies is most likely found in Australian television’s long-running<br />

tradition of soaps, a genre characterised by melodrama and emotional overdramatisation.<br />

Australian television has for several decades had daily episodes<br />

of soaps such as Neighbours and Home & Away and has even made these soaps<br />

into profitable programming exports. Danish broadcasters have also tried<br />

their luck producing soaps – such as Landsbyen (The Village) and TAXA<br />

during the 1990s (Agger 2006) – but soaps have never become an intrinsic<br />

part of Danish viewers’ daily lives. In Australia, on the other hand, soaps<br />

constitute an important part of the content cycles of both television and the<br />

popular press. Consequently, and as pointed to by Turner (2005), series such<br />

as The Block and Australian Idol (and to a lesser degree also Ground Force and<br />

Nerds FC) easily fit into the same melodramatic content cycles and the<br />

contestants, the narrative composition and modes of address are treated –<br />

both in the programs themselves and in the popular press – similarly to the<br />

characters, narrative composition and modes of address of the daily soaps.<br />

However, this still does not explain precisely why the Australian television<br />

industry and audience have developed a preference for soaps and why the<br />

same preference is not present in Denmark. Here, there may be less tangible<br />

cultural and social values at play, which may not be directly related to the<br />

media system.<br />

The same may very well be the case with the presence of meta-irony in the<br />

Danish versions of FC Zulu and Idols. In both adaptations, meta-irony is<br />

clearly a strategy employed by the producers to catch the attention of the<br />

younger audiences. In my opinion, this could very well be traced back to a<br />

particular Danish tradition of media-critical and ironic children’s and youth<br />

television originating in the 1980s (Christensen 2006). Danish television has a<br />

long tradition of children’s and youth programs made at eye-level with the<br />

young viewers without any educational purposes and in opposition to the<br />

world of the adults. During the 1980s this tradition took a meta-ironic turn<br />

and started to challenge young viewers’ ability to undertake “media-critical<br />



reflection” (Christensen 2006:85, my translation from Danish). This mediacritical<br />

and ironic approach set a fashion for the decades to come and this<br />

may very well be what is reflected in the adaptations of FC Zulu and Idol.<br />

However, as it was the case with the Australian preference for melodrama,<br />

this still does not explain why the media-critical and meta-ironic form of<br />

children’s and youth programs appeared precisely in Danish television and<br />

why it does not seem to be present to the same extent in the Australian<br />

adaptations. Again, a significant part of the explanation may be found in less<br />

tangible and maybe specifically Danish socio-cultural perceptions of children<br />

and young people, which is also pointed to by Christensen (2006).<br />

Pervasive industry ideologies?<br />

Nevertheless, having pointed to possible socio-cultural explanations outside the<br />

media system, the relative absence of melodrama and the presence of metaironic<br />

media reflection in the Danish adaptations may also very well have a lot<br />

to do with a pervasive public service ideology within the Danish television<br />

industry rather than be merely a reflection of Danish viewers’ cultural taste<br />

and national mentality.<br />

With the history of Danish public service television in mind, it makes sense<br />

that Danish youth television has contained media-critical reflections, as<br />

television according to this ideology is considered essentially ‘bad’ and of no<br />

use if it is not controlled by the public service system. As a result, young<br />

people must learn to be media critically astute.<br />

Also, the reason why the soap genre does not appear to have enjoyed<br />

widespread popularity within Danish public service television may be related<br />

to the genre’s emotional over-dramatisation and roots in lowbrow cultural<br />

phenomena such as medical romance novels, serials in women’s weekly<br />

magazines and the like. Contrary to soaps, Danish television’s drama<br />

production has its roots in highbrow classical theatre and literature and this<br />

may still partially be felt in today’s schedules. This is despite the fact that in<br />



Denmark the lowbrow medical romance novels and serials discussed above<br />

enjoy widespread popularity within large segments of the population and<br />

therefore would probably also be popular on television. Again, there may be<br />

no reason why Danes should not like melodrama, as they seem to like it when<br />

it is produced in other media types and genres.<br />

In a traditionally commercialised mixed system such as the Australian model,<br />

television is not essentially ‘bad’ and does not need to be controlled to the<br />

same degree as in Denmark. It is therefore acceptable to give viewers<br />

melodrama and soaps, which may be regarded as lowbrow within the Danish<br />

system. As for media-critical reflection, this of course also exists on Australian<br />

television. Nonetheless, and according to my experience, on national free-toair<br />

television it is usually limited to special satirical programs and for the most<br />

part does not form part of normal entertainment programs.<br />

Room for methodological improvement<br />

In most ways, the methodological approach employed in the research design<br />

of the thesis has proved successful in analysing both media system and genre<br />

impacts on the format adaptation processes in the two countries.<br />

Nevertheless, the approach also has limitations and still leaves unanswered<br />

questions about local format adaptation processes in the air. For example, the<br />

approach has pointed to possible pervasive ideologies – public service in<br />

Denmark and, for lack of a better description, commercialisation in Australia<br />

– which may somehow affect the mentality of industry professionals in both<br />

sectors, and hence production processes in the two countries. But the<br />

approach has not proved sensitive enough to fully establish whether or even<br />

if this ideological colouring takes place in the organisational levels of the<br />

production processes.<br />

In this case, an ethnographic and participatory production studies approach,<br />

in which the researcher follows the adaptation process of the same formats in<br />

the two countries, may provide more satisfying answers. Via a participatory<br />



methodological approach, the researcher would be better equipped to<br />

determine possible pervasive ideologies within national television production,<br />

as well as other less tangible cultural factors with explanatory power. In this<br />

case, it may be worth studying production practices in a third country with a<br />

different television system to Denmark and Australia’s systems. Additionally,<br />

the approach would also take the structuration theories a step further and<br />

investigate the actual media systemic practices instead of just talking to the<br />

system’s agents about these practices. This is likely to bring even more<br />

credibility to the results.<br />




Television format adaptation is the primary analytical object of the PhD thesis<br />


AN AUSTRALIAN & DANISH CASE STUDY. <strong>Format</strong> adaptation takes place<br />

when a broadcaster in one local television market buys a television program<br />

concept – the format – developed in another market and adapts it into a local<br />

version. Local adaptation of international formats plays an increasingly<br />

important part in international television and television formats such as Big<br />

Brother, Survivor, Idol, Dancing with the Stars and Who Wants to be a Millionaire can<br />

be found on television screens in large parts of the world. Despite the fact<br />

that trans-national format exchange has experienced an exponential increase<br />

in recent years, and despite the phenomenon’s close links to the complex<br />

processes of globalisation, television formats have remained fairly unnoticed<br />

in international media research.<br />

Nevertheless, format adaptation is particularly interesting in a globalisation<br />

perspective. Theoretically format adaptations are interesting because they<br />

embodiments of the global-versus-local paradox: on one hand they are<br />

products of globalisation but, on the other, they remain very localised<br />

Methodologically, they are equally interesting because the actual format from<br />

which local adaptations are produced is the same no matter what national<br />

broadcaster adapts it. This presents an outstanding opportunity to investigate<br />

television’s globalisation and localisation processes on analytical objects,<br />

whose basic idea is identical in the start-up phase of any national production<br />

process but often ends up being adapted in nationally very diverse ways.<br />

Hypothesis, key problems and methodology<br />

The governing hypothesis of the thesis is that specific national media systemic<br />

conditions have vital explanatory power when it comes to these differences –<br />



and similarities – in format adaptation processes between countries. That is,<br />

specific format adaptation processes are more dependent on the competitive<br />

conditions, funding, content regulation, media policies, audience<br />

demographics, history and ownership of the players on a national television<br />

market than on vaguer cultural concepts such as for example national<br />

mentalities and cultural tastes. In this sense, the thesis looks for explanations<br />

in the specific part of a nation’s culture that constitutes the media system. As<br />

a consequence, the thesis pursues the hypothesis by investigating and<br />

comparing format adaptation processes in two different countries, namely<br />

Australia and Denmark, and hence is a comparative, trans-national study.<br />

Anther important aspect of format adaptation is related to genre. The<br />

majority of formats sold for local adaptation can be placed within either the<br />

traditional entertainment genre of quiz & game shows or within the new<br />

factual entertainment genres of reality and lifestyle. The two genres are<br />

interesting, particularly in relation to the media system hypothesis, because<br />

they – contrary to quiz & game shows – are less constricted and, hence, more<br />

manoeuvrable for local producers and more open for local interpretation<br />

according to media systemic as well as other cultural conditions.<br />

The thesis explores the following two key problems:<br />

5. FORMATS AND MEDIA SYSTEM. What role does a national media<br />

system play in the extent of and concrete production of local<br />

adaptations of international formats in the two countries?<br />

6. FORMATS AND GENRE. What role does genre – in particular the<br />

factual entertainment genres of reality and lifestyle – play in a<br />

television format context, both when it comes to the extent of<br />

format adaptation in the two countries and when it comes to the<br />

actual Danish and Australian adaptations of four specific reality<br />

and lifestyle formats?<br />



The thesis is an in-depth comparative, trans-national case study where media<br />

systemic influences are explored all the way through the format adaptation<br />

processes. This is done through a combination of four analytical methods:<br />

• A comparative analysis of Australia’s and Denmark’s media<br />

systems,<br />

• Comparative schedule analyses of Australian and Danish<br />

primetime over a 10-year period,<br />

• Interviews with relevant television professionals in the two<br />

countries, and<br />

• Comparative textual analyses of the Australian and Danish<br />

adaptations of the four formats: Ground Force, The Block, Nerds FC<br />

and Idol.<br />

This approach is meant to remove the thesis from the generalised level, on<br />

which many globalisation theories operate. They tend to view the media in a<br />

rigid and undiscriminating fashion, ignoring the diversity of the different<br />

media types, genres, organisational structures, financial and legislative<br />

conditions and historical backgrounds. Contrary to this, the thesis takes its<br />

point of departure in precisely this diverse media culture and hence attempts<br />

to cover one of the blind spots of current media and globalisation research by<br />

way of its specific theoretical, methodological and analytical positioning. By<br />

combining a media system perspective with a genre perspective the thesis<br />

takes a middle-of-the-range theoretical as well as methodological approach, which<br />

will hopefully achieve insights into format adaptation and globalisation on a<br />

fairly concrete level.<br />

Main findings<br />

Australia and Denmark represent two distinct television systems despite the<br />

fact that both pertain to the Anglo-Saxon-dominated Western geo-linguistic<br />

region. The public service sector dominates the private sector in Denmark,<br />



whereas the private sector dominates the public service sector in Australia.<br />

Australian television was commercialised and Americanised from the<br />

beginning, whereas Danish television has always relied on large shares of<br />

locally-produced content and was run as a public service monopoly until its<br />

recent and turbulent transition into a fully-fledged mixed multi-channel<br />

system. Australian television, on the other hand, has been remarkably stable<br />

and not changed considerably since the 1960s. Nevertheless, in both systems,<br />

television has a certain degree of social responsibility. Australian content<br />

regulation in both the public and private sectors is aimed primarily at<br />

promoting a cultural citizenship, whereas Danish public service television is<br />

regulated more carefully and seen as a tool to promote a cultural as well as a<br />

political citizenship.<br />

Australian and Danish primetime schedules display important differences<br />

when it comes to the use of format adaptations and format genres. Danish<br />

broadcasters have a more frequent use of format adaptations than Australian<br />

broadcasters; and in Denmark there are also clearer connections between a<br />

rise in formats and a rise in local content and the reality and lifestyle genres.<br />

Generally, Denmark has a larger polarisation between the public service<br />

sector and the private sector than Australia, making Denmark’s private<br />

channels more commercial and populist than their Australian counterparts<br />

and the public service channels slightly more public service-oriented than the<br />

Australian equivalents. These differences are the result of different market<br />

sizes, different notions of public service and a more mature mixed television<br />

system, early commercialisation and Americanisation and a traditional reliance<br />

on (foreign) fictional content in Australia as opposed to Denmark’s recent<br />

transition into a mixed multi-channel system with a traditional reliance on<br />

locally-produced content and a pervasive public service ideology.<br />

The local Australian and Danish adaptations of the four formats Ground Force,<br />

The Block, Nerds FC and Idol also demonstrate considerable differences.<br />



The lifestyle format Ground Force and the lifestyle-meets-reality format The<br />

Block are both radically different in the two countries. The Australian<br />

adaptations have larger emphasis on melodramatic elements and – particularly<br />

in the case of The Block – on scandal, conflict and the extraordinary and hence<br />

display much more reality skewing than the Danish adaptations. The Danish<br />

adaptations on the other hand tends to emphasise DIY elements, downplay<br />

conflict and melodrama and focus on the ordinary, making them more<br />

lifestyle-skewed and more in line with public service television’s tradition of<br />

informing and bringing together its viewers in a feel-good atmosphere. All of<br />

this fits in well with the fact that the Australian adaptations were broadcast on<br />

commercial channels, Channel Seven and Channel Nine respectively, and the<br />

Danish adaptations were broadcast on the public service channels DR1 and<br />

<strong>TV</strong> 2.<br />

The Australian and Danish adaptations of the reality format Idol are also<br />

radically different. This is despite the fact that the two adaptations’ look,<br />

sound and narrative composition are very similar because the original format<br />

is fairly rigid. Generally, the Australian version has much higher production<br />

values and a quantitatively much more prominent position in Channel Ten’s<br />

schedules leading to a greater extent of external program hype. As such, it is a<br />

perfect example of family-oriented event television with a youthful reality<br />

twist and has a fairly egalitarian mode of address compared to the Danish<br />

version. The Danish version on the other hand is much more low-key and<br />

with its meta-ironic hosts and slightly nastier jury clearly tailored a narrower<br />

and younger audience segment and as such less egalitarian and more elitist in<br />

its mode of address.<br />

These differences between an egalitarian and elitist mode of address are also<br />

at play in the Australian and Danish versions of the reality format Nerds FC<br />

despite the fact that they display radical similarities on the surface. The<br />

narrative structure, casting and even the editing are almost identical.<br />

Nonetheless, beneath the surface are a number of subtle but important<br />



differences, which primarily have to do with different modes of address. The<br />

Danish version has a meta-ironical layer, which caricatures and makes fun of<br />

the reality genre. This layer is not present in the Australian adaptation, which<br />

compared to the Danish version’s ironic comedy is ‘serious’ fun with a larger<br />

emphasis on competitive elements, melodrama and morals. In addition, the<br />

Danish version has more inter-textual and inter-cultural references, making it<br />

a lot less transparent and more parochial and elitist than the Australian<br />

adaptation’s more universal and egalitarian appeal. These differences also fit<br />

in well with the fact that the Danish original was produced for the youthskewed<br />

and commercial supplementary channel <strong>TV</strong> 2/Zulu, whereas the<br />

Australian adaptation was broadcast on the multi-culturally oriented public<br />

service channel SBS.<br />

Media system holds significant explanatory power<br />

The above results indicate that differences cannot automatically be explained<br />

in the national origin of the adaptations. The four Danish adaptations for<br />

example display mutual and fairly large differences. Danish FC Zulu and Idols<br />

are quite elitist in their modes of address, whereas Hokus Krokus and Huset are<br />

egalitarian. As such, they seem to reflect the Danish media system’s large<br />

polarisation between the private and the public service sector on one hand<br />

and the differences between broad and narrow target audiences at the other<br />

hand. The Australian versions of the four formats do not differ to the same<br />

extent, which may very likely reflect the fact that the polarisation between the<br />

public and private sectors is less extensive in the Australian system and that all<br />

four formats are produced for large, mainstream audiences.<br />

One therefore has to dig deeper in the positions and relations of the national<br />

media systems and look at the specific channel adapting the format, its<br />

competing channels, target audiences, budgets, responsibilities, legislation and<br />

historical developments to fully understand the differences between the<br />

adaptations. Explaining differences is not so much a question of whether an<br />

adaptation is Australian or Danish; it is a question of understanding the<br />



particular channel’s particular situation and role in the particular television<br />

system. Thus, media system in many ways holds a larger explanatory power<br />

than national origin.<br />




Tv-formatversionering er det primære analyseobjekt i ph.d.-afhandlingen <strong>TV</strong>-<br />


OG DANSK CASE STUDIE. <strong>Format</strong>versionering finder sted, når en broadcaster i<br />

et nationalt tv-marked køber et programkoncept – formatet – på et andet<br />

marked og versionerer det til en lokal udgave. Lokal versionering af<br />

internationale formater spiller en stadig større rolle, og tv-formater som<br />

eksempelvis Big Brother, Robinson Ekspeditionen, Vild med dans og Hvem vil være<br />

millionær findes i dag på tv-skærme over hele verden. På trods af at den<br />

transnationale udveksling af formater for nylig har oplevet en eksponentiel<br />

vækst, og på trods af fænomenets tætte sammenhæng med den komplekse<br />

globalisering, har tv-formater indtil for nylig været forholdsvist ubemærkede i<br />

dansk såvel som international medieforskning.<br />

<strong>Format</strong>-versioneringerne er dog særdeles interessante i et globaliserings<br />

perspektiv. Teoretisk er de interessante, fordi så at sige personificerer globalversus-lokal<br />

paradokset: På en side er de produkter af globaliseringen. På den<br />

anden side er de lokale. Metodisk er de lige så interessante, idet det konkrete<br />

format, som de lokale versioneringer er baseret på, er det samme uanset<br />

hvilken national broadcaster, der versionerer det. Det repræsenterer en<br />

enestående metodisk mulighed for at undersøge tv-mediets globaliserings- og<br />

lokaliseringsprocesser på analyseobjekter, hvis idé i udgangspunktet af den<br />

nationale produktion er den samme, men som ofte bliver eksekveret og<br />

versioneret på endda meget forskellige måder i de forskellige lande.<br />

Hypotese, problemformuleringer og metode<br />

Den overordnede hypotese er, at konkrete nationale mediesystemiske forhold<br />

har en vigtig forklaringskraft, når det kommer til disse forskelle og ligheder<br />

imellem de lokale versioneringer. Det vil sige, at specifikke lokale<br />



formatversioneringsprocesser er mere afhængige af tv-markedets<br />

konkurrenceforhold, finansiering, indholdsregulering, mediepolitik,<br />

publikumsdemografi, historie og ejerskab end af vagere kulturelle koncepter<br />

som kulturel smag og national mentalitet. Således leder afhandlingen efter<br />

forklaringer i den konkrete del af en national kultur, der består af<br />

mediesystemet, og afhandlingen forfølger hypotesen ved at undersøge og<br />

sammenligne formatversionering i to forskellige lande, Danmark og<br />

Australien.<br />

Et andet vigtigt aspekt, når vi taler formatversionering, er genre. Størstedelen<br />

af de formater, der bliver solgt til versionering, falder inden for enten den<br />

traditionelle underholdningsgenre quiz & game shows eller de nye faktuelle<br />

underholdningsgenrer livsstil og reality. Disse to genrer er specielt interessante<br />

i relation til mediesystemhypotesen, idet de er mere manøvrerbare for lokale<br />

producerer og derfor mere åbne for lokale fortolkninger end de mere<br />

rammesatte quiz & game shows.<br />

Afhandlingen udforsker de følgende to problemstillinger:<br />

7. FORMATER OG MEDIESYSTEM. Hvilken rolle spiller det nationale<br />

mediesystem i formatversioneringernes udbredelse og i den<br />

konkrete produktion af lokale versioneringer i de to lande?<br />

8. FORMATER OG GENRE. Hvilken rolle spiller genre (specielt livsstil<br />

og reality) i en formatversioneringssammenhæng; både hvad angår<br />

udbredelsen af formatversionering og de konkrete australske og<br />

danske versioneringer af fire tv-formater?<br />

Afhandlingen er således et sammenlignende, transnationalt case studie, i<br />

hvilket mediesystemets indflydelse udforskes hele vejen igennem<br />

formatversioneringsprocessen. Dette gøres gennem fire analytiske metoder:<br />



• En sammenlignende analyse af Australiens og Danmarks<br />

mediesystemer,<br />

• Sammenlignende sendefladeanalyser af australsk og dansk<br />

primetime over en 10-årig periode,<br />

• Interview med relevante branchefolk i de to lande og<br />

• Sammenlignende tekstanalyser af de australske og danske<br />

versioneringer af de fire formater: Ground Force, The Block, FC Zulu<br />

og Idol.<br />

Denne metodiske tilgang skulle gerne fjerne afhandlingen fra det generelle<br />

niveau, hvorpå meget globaliseringsteori findes. Globaliseringsteori har en<br />

tendens til at anskue medierne på en firkantet og unuanceret måde, hvor<br />

mediernes diversitet i form af forskellige medietyper, genrer, organisatoriske<br />

strukturer samt økonomiske og lovgivningsmæssige forhold ignoreres. I<br />

modsætning hertil tager denne afhandling sit udgangspunkt i netop denne<br />

diverse mediekultur og forsøger på denne måde at dække et blindt punkt på<br />

medievidenskabens kort igennem dens specifikke teoretiske, metodiske og<br />

analytiske positionering. Ved at kombinere et mediesystemperspektiv med et<br />

genreperspektiv har afhandlingen en middle-of-the-range tilgang både metodisk<br />

og teoretisk, som forhåbentlig kan opnå mere konkrete og håndgribelige<br />

indsigter i tv, formatversionering og globalisering.<br />

Hovedresultater<br />

Australien og Danmark udgør to distinkte tv-systemer, på trods af at de begge<br />

tilhører den angelsaksisk dominerede vestlige geo-lingvistiske region. Public<br />

service sektoren dominerer den private sektor i Danmark, og den private<br />

sektor dominerer public service sektoren i Australien. Australsk tv var<br />

kommercialiseret og amerikaniseret fra begyndelsen, mens dansk tv altid har<br />

været afhængig af store dele lokalt produceret indhold og var i mange år et<br />

public service monopol indtil dets nylige og turbulente overgang til et blandet<br />

multikanal-system. Australsk tv har derimod haft en bemærkelsesværdig stabil<br />



historie og har ikke ændret sig nævneværdigt siden 1960erne. Ikke desto<br />

mindre har begge systemer en eller anden form for socialt ansvar. Australiens<br />

inholdsregulering af både den private og public service sektor har som formål<br />

at fremme et kulturelt borgerskab hos seeren, mens dansk public service tv<br />

reguleres meget mere detaljeret og ses som et værktøj til at fremme et<br />

kulturelt såvel som et politisk borgerskab hos seerne.<br />

Australske og danske primetime sendeflader er forskellige på en række vigtige<br />

områder, både når det kommer til brugen af formatversionering og til<br />

formatgenrer. Danske broadcastere bruger formatversionering mere end<br />

australske broadcastere, og i Danmark er der også klarere forbindelser mellem<br />

en vækst i formatversioneringer og lokalt indhold samt reality og<br />

livsstilsgenrerne. Generelt har Danmark en større polarisering mellem public<br />

service sektoren og den private sektor end Australien. Det bevirker, at<br />

Danmarks private kanaler er mere kommercielle og populistiske end deres<br />

australske modstykker, og at public service kanalerne er en anelse mere public<br />

service orienterede end Australiens public service kanaler. Disse forskelle<br />

bunder i forskellige markedsstørrelser, forskellige opfattelser af public service<br />

samt i Australiens mere modne blandede tv-system, tidlige kommercialisering<br />

og amerikanisering samt landets historiske afhængighed af (udenlandsk) tvfiktion,<br />

hvilket står i modsætning til Danmarks nylige overgang til et blandet<br />

multikanal-system med en historisk afhængighed af lokalt produceret indhold<br />

og en dominerende public service ideologi.<br />

De lokale australske og danske versioneringer af de fire formater Ground Force,<br />

The Block, FC Zulu og Idol er også meget forskellige.<br />

Livsstilsformatet Ground Force og livsstil/reality formatet The Block er begge<br />

radikalt anderledes i de to lande. De australske versioneringer har en større<br />

vægt på melodrama og specielt i The Block på skandale, konflikt og det<br />

ekstraordinære, og de er således mere reality orienterede end de danske. På<br />

den anden side har de danske versioneringer en tendens til at lægge større<br />



vægt på gør-det-selv elementer, underspille konflikt og melodrama samt<br />

fokusere på det ordinære. Det gør dem mere livsstilsorienterede og mere i<br />

tråd med public service tv’s tradition for at informere og bringe seerne<br />

sammen i en feel-good atmosfære. At dette passer godt med, at de australske<br />

versioneringer blev sendt på de private netværk Channel Seven og Channel<br />

Nine, mens de danske versioneringer blev sendt på henholdsvis DR1 og <strong>TV</strong>2.<br />

Den australske og den danske versionering af reality formatet Idol er også<br />

radikalt anderledes, til trods for at de to versioneringer umiddelbart ligner<br />

hinanden, både hvad angår udseende, lyd og narrativ opbygning pga. det<br />

britiske formats stramme rammer. Den australske version har imidlertid en<br />

meget højere produktionsværdi og en meget mere prominent plads i<br />

sendefladen, og dermed er der tilknyttet meget mere ekstern hype end til den<br />

danske versionering. Hermed er den et godt eksempel på familieorienteret<br />

event tv med et ungdommeligt reality twist og har en forholdsvis egalitær<br />

henvendelsesform sammenlignet med den danske. Den danske version har<br />

derimod – i kraft af sine metaironiske værter og lidt mere modbydelige jury –<br />

en mere elitær henvendelsesform, der klart er henvendt et smallere og yngre<br />

publikum.<br />

Forskellene mellem egalitære og elitære henvendelsesformer er også på spil i<br />

den australske og den danske version af reality formatet FC Zulu, på trods af<br />

at de på overfladen er meget ens. Den narrative struktur, castingen og selv<br />

redigeringen er næsten ens, men under overfladen er der en række små men<br />

betydelige forskelle, der hovedsageligt knytter sig til henvendelsesform. Den<br />

danske version har et metaironisk lag, der karikerer og gør nar ad reality<br />

genren. Dette lag er ikke tilstede i den australske versionering, som i<br />

sammenligning med den danske versions ironiske komedie er ’alvorligt’ sjov<br />

med et større fokus på konkurrence, melodrama og moral. Hertil kommer, at<br />

den danske version har flere intertekstuelle referencer, hvilket gør den mere<br />

provinsiel og elitær end den australske versions mere universelle og egalitære<br />

appel. Forskellene passer godt med, at den danske original blev produceret til<br />



den unge, kommercielle kanal <strong>TV</strong> 2/Zulu, mens den australske versionering<br />

blev sendt på den multikulturelle public service kanal SBS.<br />

Mediesystemet har stor forklaringsværdi<br />

Resultaterne tyder på, at forskelle i nationale verisoneringsprocesser ikke<br />

automatisk kan forklares med national herkomst. De fire danske<br />

versioneringer er for eksempel gensides meget forskellige: FC Zulu og Idols har<br />

en elitær henvendelsesform, hvorimod Hokus Krokus og Huset er ganske<br />

egalitære. Hermed reflekterer de det danske mediesystems polarisering mellem<br />

public service og private broadcastere på den ene side samt forskellen mellem<br />

smalle og brede publikumssegmenter på den anden. De australske<br />

versioneringer er ikke så forskellige, hvilket meget vel kan være et udtryk for,<br />

at polariseringen i det australske system er mindre, og at alle fire<br />

versioneringer er produceret til et stort mainstream publikum.<br />

Man må derfor grave et spadestik dybere og dykke ned i det nationale<br />

mediesystems positioner og relationer og se nærmere på den kanal, der<br />

versionerer formatet, samt på konkurrencesituationen, målgrupper, budgetter,<br />

ansvar, lovgivning, mediepolitik og historiske udviklinger for fuldt ud at forstå<br />

forskellene. At forklare forskellene er altså ikke så meget et spørgsmål, om en<br />

versionering er dansk eller australsk. Det er mere et spørgsmål om at forstå<br />

den specifikke kanals konkrete situation og rolle i tv-systemet. På den måde<br />

har mediesystemet en større forklaringsværdi end national herkomst.<br />




ABC Code of Practice (2004), Australian Broadcasting Corporation,<br />

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Agger, Gunhild (2006), “Tv-drama”, in (ed.) S. Hjarvard, Dansk tv’s historie,<br />

Samfundslitteratur, Copenhagen.<br />

Agger, Gunhild (2005), “Monopoly Forever? Danish <strong>TV</strong> Drama in an<br />

International Context”, paper presented at the 17 th Nordiske<br />

Medieforskerkonference, Aalborg, Denmark.<br />

Armstrong, Mark et al., “Australia”, in (eds.) D.Goldberg et al., Regulating the<br />

Changing Media – a Comparative Study, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998.<br />

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